#also there was like 1 person who said mayo????
elles-writes · 2 years
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(bbq is based on the number of people who said bbq in the tags, and the percentage was subtracted from other)
ketchup was the highest voted sauce, bbq was the lowest.
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lmskitty · 2 months
Here's have some Satosugu family stupidity. This is mostly just humour/crack fic because I needed a little break today. Hope you enjoy!
5 conversations Megumi Fushiguro overheard that he wished he hadn't.
Megumi Fushiguro loves his family, friends and boyfriend. He also hates all of them and thinks they should be the ones to pay for his therapy. Here are the things he has been made to hear with his own two ears over the course of one week.
1. The Todo Incident.
Todo mimed rudely with his right hand, his left hand holding his soft drink.
“Bro seriously if you sit on your hand it totally feels like it's a different person. Granted you should do both hands if you want the full package involved though.”
Yuji sighed “Number 1 no it doesn't, 2 stop telling me these things and 3 I don't even need this information!!” He hissed, pulling Todo’s arm down to stop him making the gesture.
Todo stared at him and then at Megumi and then erupted into applause wiping his eyes and hugging his friend, telling him how proud of him he was. He put his hand on Megumi's shoulder and congratulated him on his willpower and relationship, remarking that he had seen what his brother was working with and Megumi was truly strong in spirit for taking on that challenge. Megumi bent his finger back nearly breaking it and told him to never speak to him nor touch him again if he wanted to keep the other fingers.
2. The downfalls of understanding Riceball language.
Toge sat beside Yuta and leant his head on his shoulder before looking up at him, a gentle smile on his face.
Yuta smiled back. “I missed this. It's nice getting to hang out together in person again isn't it?”
Toge: Salmon, salmon, tuna mayo. (It was nicer getting to spend the morning in bed together with your dick in my throat)
Yuta coughed turning red. Megumi stared off to the side pretending he hadn't understood that.
Yuji stared at all of them. “Aw man did Toge say something funny again? I gotta get my head around that speech of his, it's so cool.
Megumi shook his head.
3. Not even safe at home.
Gojo walked into the kitchen and took his shirt off sitting next to his husband.
“Baby you are not gonna BELIEVE the size of the spot on my back”
Geto put his book down looking interested “bigger than the one on your thigh the other day?”
Gojo nodded "for sure!” He sat facing away from his partner. “Go slow though please it's gonna sting like a bitch I just know it”
Geto sighed and squeezed at his back and popped it. He showed Gojo how much was on his finger.
“Woah there was so much!” Geto said.
“Told you!” Gojo said. “Ooooh you know I'm kind of in a mood to be pampered, think you can do my eyebrows later, like tweezing them?” Gojo said, leaning his head back onto his partner's lap.
Geto smiled “Ok baby, and wanna do face masks like last time?”
Gojo nodded and clapped his hands together happily.
Megumi shut the fridge door behind them.
“Sometimes I think it would be less gay if I walked in on you two actually fucking” he said and took his coke upstairs.
“Oh go kiss your boyfriend you homophobe!” Gojo yelled after him, Geto laughed.
4. Girl talk
“No lube, no protection, all night all day, from the kitchen floor to the toilet seat, from the dining table to the church, from the front porch to the balcony, vertically, horizontally, quadratic, while i gasp for air and scream the lord’s prayer, he can have me!!!!” Nanako wailed at the TV lying on the floor pretending to claw at the screen watching the new Jungkook video again for the 15th time.
“He is pretty cute,” Tsumiki smiled.
“He could spit on my face and I'd thank him,” Mimiko sighed.
Megumi looked down at his salad and threw it in the bin deciding to only visit the kitchen when he was sure no one else was there.
5. Couples counselling
“Look I get it, I know you have an image to maintain but can we please just talk about it” Nobara said following Maki who sighed and stood up ahead.
“No, can we please just drop it”
“It's ok to be embarrassed but honestly I think it's really cute you're always the little spoon! I'm sorry I called myself your jetpack!”
“Panda is never gonna let me live this down,” Maki said. “And you can stop smirking too!” She yelled pointing her staff at Megumi who raised his hands and backed away going down the other way through the corridor.
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anamericangirl · 1 year
Hello, just discovered your blog and have gone through it I hope to not be an illiterate anon, apologies if i am, I'm very tired all the time. Your post appeared on my recommended and I'd like to respond.
If a doctor put a perfectly healthy person on chemotherapy because they walked into their office and said “I think I have cancer” that would be malpractice and the doctor would lose their license.
Let's check this. Quote from transcare https://transcare.ucsf.edu/transition-roadmap: "Requirements for a behavioral health evaluation and preparation in advance of chest and genital surgery, and the use of hormone therapy and presenting full time in one's chosen gender identity for 1 year before genital procedures, unless there is a medical or other reason that prevents meeting these requirements." What that means is kids do not just walk in at the first sight of dysphoria and ask. They've got to be committed to it for a year. What about dysphoria? How does one get diagnosed with it? Quote from mayo clinic https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/gender-dysphoria/symptoms-causes/syc-20475255#(sry if the link doesn't work) :
"Gender dysphoria might cause adolescents and adults to experience a marked difference between inner gender identity and assigned gender that lasts for at least six months."(bold mine) Six months. That's not just walking in and asking, that's again, a long time.
What if they regret it? There's an incredibly high regret rate. They're only kids, we know better than them. Well, those figures might have been exaggerated a little. Quote from transeqality "This study ( https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanchi/article/PIIS2352-4642(22)00254-1/fulltext ) found that 98% of youths prescribed puberty blockers went on to be prescribed hormone replacement therapy after turning 18." That means that 98 percent of kids knew they were trans and correct about it.
Quote from the same site "One Dutch study ( https://genderanalysis.net/2018/11/large-study-of-trans-people-in-the-netherlands-shows-growing-numbers-seeking-treatment-low-regret-rates/ ) of nearly 7,000 transgender people found that the rate of regret was less than 1% among those who received treatment as adults – and there were no cases of regret among those who received care before the age of 18."
To put that in perspective, 30 percent of people regret getting knee surgery https://www.aarp.org/health/conditions-treatments/info-2018/knee-replacement-surgery-regret.html
You claim to care about children? Check this out. https://www.thetrevorproject.org/survey-2022/ 45 percent of trans youth seriously considered suicide, and that number more than halved when they got support. Half.
Referral letters are required for a surgery. If a surgeon had a person who looked perfectly healthy come into their office and say "I have cancer, here's my proof of living in pain for 6 months, here's my proof of taking medicine, telling people I have cancer, my proof of going to support groups for my cancer, my cancer screenings, a signed letter from a specialist saying I have cancer, and one more for good measure." then the surgeon would get them surgery immediately because they do not specialise in cancer diagnosis. Yet this same thing happens for trans people all over the world where they're denied surgery by transphobic doctors.
Hi thanks for your thoughtful response. I have to disagree, though.
I have a couple of issues with your first point about surgeries and hormone therapy. First, one year is not that long to wait, especially if the person is a minor (and frankly this not should not even be an option for minors at all). If a perfectly healthy person walks into a doctor's office and says they have cancer and the doctor, instead of testing them for cancer, says "come back in a year and if you still feel that way we'll start chemotherapy" that's still malpractice.
Also, I would encourage you to listen to the testimonies of detransitioners because these "requirements" aren't always adhered to. One woman I was listening to who underwent transition as a minor said the first medical intervention she ever received was a double mastectomy.
And I wasn't just referring to surgeries and hormone replacement therapy with that post; I was also talking about puberty blockers. And if you consider Mayo Clinic a reliable source, this is what they list as the requirements for getting on puberty blockers.
In most cases, to begin using puberty blockers, an individual needs to:
Show a lasting pattern of gender nonconformity or gender dysphoria.
Have gender dysphoria that began or worsened at the start of puberty.
Address any psychological, medical or social problems that could interfere with the treatment.
Be able to understand the treatment and agree to have it. This is called informed consent.
This could all be accomplished in a single visit and just requires the doctor to ask a few questions.
"Gender dysphoria might cause adolescents and adults to experience a marked difference between inner gender identity and assigned gender that lasts for at least six months."(bold mine) Six months. That's not just walking in and asking, that's again, a long time.
No, six months is not a long time before diagnosing a severe mental illness where the next steps are essentially permanently altering your body.
And, mind you, this does not mean they have to be observed by a doctor for at least six months. It means it has to have been established that they have felt that way for at least six months. Meaning, a little boy can walk in and essentially the following exchange can take place:
Boy: I'm a girl
Doctor: How long have you felt that way?
Boy: About six months.
Doctor: Ok. I am diagnosing you with gender dysphoria.
Again, it can be diagnosed in a single visit. And btw, people can go through phases that last much longer than six months. That is nowhere near enough time to diagnose someone, especially a child, who is living in an environment where there gender confusion is being affirmed by the people around them, with gender dysphoria.
"What if they regret it? There's an incredibly high regret rate. They're only kids, we know better than them. Well, those figures might have been exaggerated a little. from transeqality "This study ( https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanchi/article/PIIS2352-4642(22)00254-1/fulltext ) found that 98% of youths prescribed puberty blockers went on to be prescribed hormone replacement therapy after turning 18." That means that 98 percent of kids knew they were trans and correct about it."
Ok so there's some important information being left out here and it's information that shows this study can't be really be a credible source of information for the rate of regret and it doesn't show that 98% of kids "knew they were trans and were correct about it."
First of all, the sample size of this study was only 720. Not that big. Most importantly, at the start of the treatment they were following the median age for boys was 14 and the median age for girls was 16. When they concluded the study the median age of boys was 20 and the median age of girls was 19 so this was only measured for about four or five years and can't be taken seriously as evidence of anything. Certainly not evidence that "98% of kids don't regret transitioning and know they are trans and are correct about it." That study is hardly long enough to show that children still consider themselves trans once they are adults.
This study, published in 2022, looked at a sample of about 1,000 individuals and found that the 4 year continuation rate of gender affirming hormone treatment is around 70%, which means the detransition rate is 30%. Not 1-2% like you suggest.
This study, while not a study on how many people detransition, looks at a number of people who have detransitioned (237, so not a lot) and reasons why they detransitioned. Here is a chart from the study showing that the main reason for detransitioning (70%) was realizing their gender dysphoria was related to other issues.
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It's also worth noting that 45% of the people didn't feel "properly informed about the health implications of the accessed treatments and interventions before undergoing them."
This study also indicates that, at least for the detransitioners sampled, their detransitions happened approximately five years after they started their transition, which, interestingly, is right about the point of time the study you linked stops.
"Quote from the same site "One Dutch study ( https://genderanalysis.net/2018/11/large-study-of-trans-people-in-the-netherlands-shows-growing-numbers-seeking-treatment-low-regret-rates/ ) of nearly 7,000 transgender people found that the rate of regret was less than 1% among those who received treatment as adults – and there were no cases of regret among those who received care before the age of 18.""
This study was mostly following people who started transitioning when they were already adults and remember we're talking about kids here. And I don't know where you got the idea that "there were no cases of regret among those who received care before the age of 18" because I don't see that mentioned anywhere in the link you provided or the study itself. What I did see them mention was about 40% of the adolescents they evaluated started puberty blockers and then several stopped taking them without getting any further treatment.
"You claim to care about children? Check this out. https://www.thetrevorproject.org/survey-2022/ 45 percent of trans youth seriously considered suicide, and that number more than halved when they got support. Half."
I do care about children, but I don't trust the Trevor project. They are an activist organization and are only going to publish things that affirm their narrative, whether it's true or false. I suggest you look at data from both sides before taking the Trevor project at their word.
For example, I came across a paper that found an interesting phenomenon in the youth suicide rate.
In the past several years, the suicide rate among those ages 12 to 23 has become significantly higher in states that have a provision that allows minors to receive routine health care without parental consent than in states without such a provision. Before 2010, these two groups of states did not differ in their youth suicide rates. Starting in 2010, when puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones became widely available, elevated suicide rates in states where minors can more easily access those medical interventions became observable.
Rather than being protective against suicide, this pattern indicates that easier access by minors to cross-sex medical interventions without parental consent is associated with higher risk of suicide. 
This suggests that the Trevor project is not entirely accurate and the suicide rate among youth tragically rose after having access to "gender affirming care."
"Referral letters are required for a surgery. If a surgeon had a person who looked perfectly healthy come into their office and say "I have cancer, here's my proof of living in pain for 6 months, here's my proof of taking medicine, telling people I have cancer, my proof of going to support groups for my cancer, my cancer screenings, a signed letter from a specialist saying I have cancer, and one more for good measure." then the surgeon would get them surgery immediately because they do not specialise in cancer diagnosis. Yet this same thing happens for trans people all over the world where they're denied surgery by transphobic doctors."
So you mean the doctor has to have substantial evidence that someone has cancer before treating them? Like a screening? As opposed to simply confirming that they've felt that way for a long time?
And I'm sorry but using the phrase "transphobic doctors" takes credibility away from your entire message. This is why transphobic doesn't mean anything anymore. You just use it to refer to anyone who thinks gender dysphoria needs to be determined by more than someone simply saying they feel like the opposite sex and have for a long time. It's not "transphobic" for a doctor to determine a person doesn't need a sex change surgery. Doctors are there to observe and treat people's physical and mental health, not affirm their feelings. And it's incredibly petty and disingenuous to refer to a doctor who denies someone a surgery after they have supposedly gone through all the requirements you said had to be met that they are transphobic.
So let me ask you, if all those requirements for surgery aren't met and the person is denied the surgery how is the doctor transphobic? You assure me that all these strict requirements must be met before people surgically transition so it's not just happening to anyone who walks in but at the same time if anyone who wants the surgery doesn't qualify then the doctor is transphobic. You're not being consistent.
There are two sides to every story. Make sure you're not just looking at one.
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lexosaurus · 1 year
Amnesia Chapter 2
Decided to continue this for the Dannymay prompt: Fractals
Title: Amnesia WC: 3849 Summary: Phantom didn't remember who he was before. One day, he just woke up here, and this is where he's been ever since.
[ao3] [chapter 1]
It was called Earth.
That, Phantom—no, Danny learned, was where the Human Realm existed. It was in a doorway between Skulker’s island and Ember’s house. When Danny closed his eyes, he could picture the door, having burned in his memory the feeling of raw energy emitting from the gap between its hinges.
He also learned a lot of other things. Like, that he had parents. Two of them, in fact. One was named Maddie, and one was named Jack. Apparently, Sam and Tucker weren’t allowed to use their spaceship—no, the Spectre Speeder—but they hardly seemed angry about this.
Maddie was gentle when she touched him as if she couldn’t believe he was real. She cupped his face, her fingers stroking his cheeks before tears welled in her eyes. She pulled him in close, and her suit smelled like burnt lime.
His father, Jack, was much different. He was a huge man with a personality to match. He slapped Danny’s shoulder, nearly sending him flying, and barked a loud, “Danno! Atta boy! Knew those ghosts couldn’t keep you down!”
Danny couldn’t help but notice that his hazmat suit was the same style as theirs. But when he showed them, his aura twinkling with excitement as he changed forms, instead of returning his glee, their eyes tightened and their smiles seemed strained.
His sister—he had a sister—told him to give them time. They had been through a lot. They weren’t used to seeing their son this way (what way?). They never expected him to…
Her voice trailed off after that. Phantom tried to peer past her thin face and set jaw, past her teal eyes to figure out what? They never expected their son to what? 
But she just looked away, her thin brows tight, before her expression melted into something far more gentle. She patted his shoulder and said, “Glad to have you back, little brother.”
Phantom switched back to Danny and he noticed the tension in the room release. Maybe they just weren’t used to seeing him as a ghost, like he hadn’t been used to seeing humans in the Infinite Realms. Yes, that must have been it!
When he saw his bedroom for the first time, it was hard to not jump with glee. The NASA posters! Model rockets! Star constellations on the ceiling!
He wasn’t sure if he remembered this room—he thought he might have—but even so, he knew it couldn’t be anyone else’s except his. It was perfect. Exactly what he could have dreamed.
“You know what NASA is?” Tucker had asked after Danny pointed out the decor.
“Of course!” Danny responded, walking up to the poster. “This was Apollo 11! It was the first rocket to bring astronauts to the moon. And this one—” he jabbed his finger at the one next to it “—is Explorer 1! It’s a satellite NASA launched that started the space race.”
His friends exchanged a glance. 
“Do you know what Doomed is?” Tucker asked after a beat of silence.
Danny tilted his head. He tried to think…
“No, I don’t think so,” he said.
“Ah. Got it.”
Sam showed him all sorts of things on Earth. And Danny was surprised at all the similarities to the Ghost Zone—that’s what Sam and Tucker called the Infinite Realms. The plants were nearly identical, albeit a bit less green and glowy on Earth. Earth had liquids like water. It was clear, and it ran out of taps and faucets. Earth also had its own form of energy. While the Ghost Zone used ectoplasm as energy, Earth had electricity.
Danny vaguely remembered electricity. But, he couldn’t exactly place where.
“The portal,” Tucker answered, taking a bite of his sandwich. Apparently, this was an important food item that Danny needed to learn how to make. 
“Portal…” Danny stared down at the mess of mayo on his bread. He hadn’t shaken the bottle enough before he squeezed, apparently.
The mood of the room turned awkward. Danny looked up, confused, to see everyone’s eyes avoiding him.
“What portal?” Danny asked.
“It’s how you were separated from us, son,” Jack answered. He walked around the counter, putting a heavy hand on Danny’s back. “The one in the basement. But don’t worry. We have you back here now.”
Danny closed his eyes, trying to remember. Some ghosts remembered their deaths, he was told. But he didn’t. Just like how he didn’t remember what a sandwich was, or a computer, or how he was supposed to shake the bottle of mayo before squeezing it onto his bread.
He remembered…a flash of green?
Fire in his bones?
His head hurt. He put the knife down on the counter and rubbed his chest with his palm. He had never been in his human form for so long before, and the warmth must have been throwing him off. His core was still there. He could feel the faint chill whispering to his hand. But it was dormant, under the tutelage of his human heart right now.
“It’s okay, Danny,” Jack said. “Take your time.”
He looked around for Maddie, but she was nowhere to be seen. He wasn’t sure why that filled him with a sense of unease.
“Where’s my—um, where’s Mom?” Danny asked. It felt strange to call her that after so long of not having a family.
“In the basement working on something.” There was that strained smile again from Jack. “I’m gonna go check on her, actually. You kids have fun!”
Danny watched him exit the kitchen and cross the barrier to the basement. Just beyond that staircase was the portal back to the Infinite Realms. It was so close now. He wondered how he’d gotten so lost there, unable to find this door home.
Home. The word gave him a nice tingling under his skin.
“Here, let me finish this,” Sam said, pulling his mess of a sandwich over to her. “I don’t normally condone someone eating meat, but I know you like it. Do you want one or two slices of turkey on yours, Danny?”
Danny wasn’t sure. He wasn’t sure about a lot of things anymore.
“Put two on,” Jazz said. “He could use it.”
“You’ll probably be able to go to school with us,” Sam said. 
Tucker grinned at him. “It’s been lame without you, dude.” 
“Lame?” Danny couldn’t imagine a building with other human teenagers as ever being lame. Sam and Tucker seemed great! He was sure the other humans were just as fun.
“Ever since Sam moved up to honors English, I’ve been stuck in the lower level by myself. So rude of you to abandon me there, by the way.”
“Sorry,” Danny said, unsure if he was supposed to be sorry or not. He didn’t even know what honors English was.
“It’s okay, now you’ll be back with me.” Tucker froze, sharp eyes flickering over to Danny for a moment. “I mean, hopefully, you will be. You’ve been missing for a little while…”
“How long?” Danny finally asked the question he’d been burning to say since he got here. 
The room was silent. Jazz ducked down, her hair shading her eyes from view.
“How long was I away for?”
“Nine months. Give or take.”
His stomach felt weirdly hollow at that. “Oh.”
He wasn’t sure exactly what answer he was expecting. For some reason, it had felt like years he was drifting around the Infinite Realms, yet it was just a handful of months?
Maybe time worked differently in the Human World than it did in the Ghost Zone.
Sam and Tucker eventually had to leave. They said that humans lived with their own families in their own homes. This made sense to Danny, who remarked that it worked the same for ghosts too.
His parents had seemed surprised at this. They didn’t know that ghosts had families. And they mostly don’t—at least, not in the same way that humans seemed to have them—but communities living on the same islands or behind the same doors were common.
“Islands?” Jack asked. “Ghosts live on those things?”
“Remember, hun? The probe we sent into the Ghost Zone got some photos of a castle on one of the islands.”
Jack snapped his fingers. “Of course!”
They sat down for dinner, and despite Danny initially explaining how he’d eaten a few hours ago, his stomach growled at the smell of the food. 
Danny put his hand on his stomach, surprised. “I must need more food on Earth than I do in the Infinite Realms.”
Jack gave his back a hearty slap again. “Don’t worry, Danno! We’ll get your body all regulated in no time!”
Jazz handed him a plate with human food on it. It looked familiar, as most things he’d seen so far had, but when he tried to dig deep into the holes of his brain and pick out what this was, he drew a blank.
But whatever it was, it was delicious. He munched on his slice as Jazz had called it, his mouth letting out a happy hum. The food was warm, a rarity for food in the Infinite Realms, and both sweet and savory. 
“What’s this called again?” Danny asked. “We don’t have it in the Infinite Realms.”
There was Maddie’s tight smile again. “It’s pizza, sweetie.”
“Pizza’s awesome!” Danny said with a bright tone that was perhaps exaggerating how grateful he was for the delicious meal because he didn’t understand why Maddie and Jack were giving each other side glances right now and wasn’t he mirroring them correctly? Wasn’t he doing this human thing right?
His parents told him the police would want to talk to him, and he got nervous thinking of all the times Walker wanted to “talk” to him for being a “worldly being.” His parents looked concerned at this and reminded him that things were different here, that ghosts weren’t allowed here.
And so he scrunched his eyebrows as he’d done for the dozenth time that day and frowned into his plate because wasn’t he a ghost too? 
That night was cloudy.
“I thought we were supposed to be able to see the stars, Jazz,” Danny said, looking out his bedroom window. His family had brought him up here after dinner to change into what they called pajamas, which Jazz explained were softer clothes they wore to bed.
Danny remembered pajamas. There was a ghost that wore them too.
The one ghost that tried to talk to Phantom, that ironically Phantom couldn’t stand.
Jazz patted his shoulder. “Tomorrow night, maybe.”
“Ugh. I can’t wait till tomorrow! Maybe I can just go fly up there. How high up do the clouds go, do you think?”
“Too high,” Jazz said. “You’ll get hurt if you try. Please, stay here with me. We can watch some TV for a while, okay?”
Jazz looked at him like she was terrified he might disappear, and Danny froze, his eyes flickering between his sister and the sky.
He really wanted to see the stars…
“Please, Danny?” Her voice was small, and she gripped his arm. “Can we just hang out again?”
Danny didn’t know what she meant, he couldn’t remember hanging out with her before, but he still gave her his best smile and a, “Sure!”
He followed her to the living room despite the fact that the trees in the living room blocked his view of the sky and damn he wanted to go outside. But perhaps Jazz could see how he was squirming on the worn sofa because she put on a movie about NASA and suddenly, the outside didn’t seem so important after all.
“Are you tired?” she asked when the movie ended.
Yeah. He was tired, actually. And it felt heavy and weird in his human body. 
And so, for the first time since he could remember, Danny Fenton (he was a Fenton now!) slept on a bed.
A real bed.
Like the other humans.
The next day, Danny’s parents brought him outside the house to go to the police station. The first thing he noticed was the smell of the air. Ectoplasmic atmosphere smelled acidic, while this one smelled fresh.
Jazz told him it was from the grass. The green grass.
Apparently, there was no ectoplasm in that grass.
“That’s sort of strange, isn’t it?” Danny asked.
“What’s strange?” Jack asked. “You mean, ghosts?”
Maddie elbowed him, and then Jack’s eyes went wide and he gave a nervous glance down at Danny, whose eyebrows were furrowed again because were ghosts really that strange?
Was he strange?
Was he allowed to be here?
Would the other humans accept him for having a ghost half?
It turned out that the Infinite Realms and Earth had more in common than they had differences in that regard.
The investigator’s mustache twitched as he stared at Danny, who squirmed under his gaze. He fell through a portal—not his parents’ portal, just a portal—and was lost in the Ghost Zone. His parents, not Sam and Tucker, found him and brought him back home. His parents suspected a ghost had meddled with his mind, resulting in amnesia, but no one could say for certain.
And most importantly, he was human. All human. He was so human, in fact, that he was told to not even bring this topic up. Because it would only look suspicious. A real human wouldn’t need to point this out, Danny, so don’t say a word.
How was Danny able to survive in the Ghost Zone?
He got lucky, landing on an island with its own atmosphere. It had oxygen.
Danny glanced outside. The sky was blue here, not like the Infinite Realms where the backdrop of the horizon was black. That was, unless the area was rich with ectoplasm, in which case it was green.
Did Danny interact with any ghosts while in the Ghost Zone?
He tried. They ignored him.
He liked that he didn’t have to lie about this one.
Did he remember anything that happened before?
He wished he could remember. Maybe then he would understand why he wasn’t allowed to tell anyone about his ghost side. How he fell through the portal. Why the only thing he remembered was space.
The thought made Danny shiver in excitement, and he looked up at the detective, grinning. “I remember a lot of things, actually! Like how Sputnik 1 was the first satellite placed in orbit! Or…about exoplanets! Like, oh! Like Kepler 16b! It’s an exoplanet that orbits two different stars.”
He sat back, pleased with himself for recalling this. The whispers of space, space, space kissed his skin where his aura would have been.
The detective’s eyebrows shot up, and his twitchy mustache fell suddenly still. He ran a hand over his wrinkled forehead before checking his notes again.
Danny frowned. The detective didn’t seem nearly as impressed with this information as Danny thought he would have been.
You don’t remember your parents? Your friends?
No, he did not.
But you remember all these random facts?
Not random facts. They were all about space. 
Danny made sure to stress this information. Space was important, he was certain of it. If it weren’t so very important, then why was that the only thing he remembered? Even over his parents? Sam and Tucker? Jazz?
The investigator stood up, apologized, and swiftly left the room.
Danny drew on the table with invisible ink and his finger as a pen. Stars, planets. He traced Capricorn, and then Scorpius. It was nice, the familiarity. He didn’t like the blinding lights overhead—why was this world so bright—and he didn’t understand this world’s obsession with computers and secrets and hiding things. He kept looking out expecting green and instead getting blue sky or white ceilings. He didn’t understand why the investigator didn’t like his answer about space.
Humans were so confusing. Why were they so confusing? He came here to get answers, and now he was only left with more questions.
The door opened again, and the detective was back. He brought Danny out to his parents, who engulfed him immediately with their arms. He went in the car and they said he did a “great job” and said not to worry about the “slip up” because he had been through a lot, he was confused, they would take care of it.
Danny felt his brows furrow as he stared at the passing cars. Slip up?
He didn’t remember turning into his ghost form.
He wondered what they meant by that. But, just like he’d always done in the Infinite Realms, he kept his mouth shut. Stared out the window. Mhm-ed and uhu-ed at their rambling.
That night, he stared up at the stars. He had changed back into his ghost form—his family had gone to sleep already, so there was no need to worry about making them tense again. He cupped his hands, eyeing through his palms like they were a telescope. Through his fingers, he could see the tiny pinpricks of stars spreading like fractals across the night sky.
He dropped his hand—his aura was getting in the way—and the fractals grew bigger, broader. They stretched into the horizon, glowing pinpricks of hot white, red, blue, green. The Milky Way airbrushed the sky, adding contrast to the twinkling background.
His own aura responded in kind, letting its own stars and planets out.
This. This. 
This was stunning.
This was everything. 
No matter how confusing the day had been, this made up for it. Being here, in the human world, finally able to see the one thing he’d always dreamt of.
And the world was perfect for it. Dark. Like the Infinite Realms, actually. But a bit less green.
He was lost in the view, soaking in every inch of the sky before him. He felt something wet drip on his cheek, and he ignored it, swallowing the lump that threatened his throat.
“Danny?” a voice sounded from behind him.
The lump vanished, and he hurriedly wiped the tears off his cheek. It was bad to be emotional in front of other ghosts, and he assumed it was the same for humans, judging by his innate reflex.
He turned around and nearly dropped through the ceiling. Poking her head out the window was Jazz, dressed in her blue pajamas, wiping her own fatigue out of her eyes.
And then Danny realized, perhaps too late, that he was not Danny, he was Phantom. And he remembered how his family felt uncomfortable around Phantom.
He hardly had to think before the reflex was triggered, transforming him back into Danny. Jazz frowned, but didn’t comment on his appearance otherwise.
Why had she frowned, though? Was she upset that he had been Phantom when she saw him? He just wouldn’t do that anymore. Well, he said he wasn’t going to do that before, and yet he had been Phantom in front of her anyway. Only for a brief moment, but still. He just got to the human world. He didn’t want everyone to drive him off into his own isolation here like in the Infinite Realms.
To now-Danny’s dismay, she hoisted herself over through the window with clumsy motions and began half-walking-half-crawling over to him. 
He squirmed. Space was right there and he was suppressing his core. He didn’t like this feeling. He didn’t like having to hold back his ghost form when the object of all his desire was all around him for the first time in—as far as he remembered—ever.
She sat down next to him, and he scootched to the side. Humans were much more contact-heavy than ghosts were. And they were warm. It was so alien to Danny, so confusing.
“Stargazing?” she finally said after too long of a silence.
Danny wasn’t sure whether he was supposed to answer yes or no. All the other humans today seemed to get awkward when he talked about space.
So he shrugged.
The fractals in the stars were sort of like the fractals in humans. Confusing pattern after confusing pattern. Limitless, neverending. Unsaid questions repeating over and over.
“You can talk to me, you know,” Jazz said. 
Danny had never had anyone to talk to. No one except the blob ghosts that floated around the ectoplasmic ponds in the Infinite Realms.
He wondered if he could ask Jack and Maddie if he could bring some over here. But then he dispelled that idea immediately because, according to them, ghosts weren’t even allowed on Earth.
So instead, he asked her, “Did I talk to you a lot before?”
She took a moment before she opened her mouth again. “When we were kids, you used to talk to me about everything. Even space.”
That piqued Danny’s interest. “I liked space when I was a kid?”
Jazz laughed, her voice soft like the puttering of rockets. “Oh, you loved space. Mom and Dad used to send you to a space explorer summer camp every year. That’s where you made that model rocket, you know.”
Danny smiled, turning his attention up to the flickering lights. “I wanted to be an astronaut when I grew up.”
He wasn’t sure where that came from.
Judging by Jazz’s little ‘o’ shaped mouth, she was just as surprised that he remembered this as she was. 
“I think…I think I’d still like to try to be one now if you guys will let me stay here?”
He held his breath. That question just spilled out, and now his chest was tight, and anxiety was creeping up his spine. 
Danny was Danny, but he was also Phantom. And Phantom wasn’t welcome on Earth, according to everything he’d learned over the past two days. Just like how Danny wasn’t welcome in the Infinite Realms.
But he really wanted to be welcome somewhere.
“Oh, Danny.” Jazz looked heartbroken, and guilt clawed at Danny’s stomach.
Because here it was going to come. She was going to tell him that he wasn’t welcome here. He was a ghost, and ghosts shouldn’t be here. They should stay in the Ghost Zone with the other ghosts.
Because that’s what everyone always said.
But instead, what spilled out of her was different.
“Danny, of course you should stay. You’re family. It doesn’t matter if you don’t remember us, or if you’re different now. I don’t care. You’re my brother, okay?”
She held out her arms, and despite the strange feeling that contact still gave him, he closed the gap between them, wrapping his arms around her.
“Thanks, Jazz.”
She squeezed him gently, still treating him like something that would disappear at a moment’s notice.
“Please don’t run off. I mean it,” she whispered.
“Okay,” he said.
And he meant it. Despite the stress and confusion of the day, this was the first time that Danny could remember where anyone wanted him. Liked him. Wanted to be around him and hug him and talk to him.
Now that he’d had a taste for it, he never wanted to let it go.
Maybe…maybe he was finally there.
[read more of my fics here]
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remusremorse · 1 year
A marauders type of love
C̺͆H̺͆A̺͆P̺͆T̺͆E̺͆R̺͆ O̺͆N̺͆E̺͆:
1st person
September 1st 11:15am 
I spent the first 15 minutes of the train journey doing my prefect duties, making sure the first and second years got on bord safely and happily. I have been spending the last 5 minutes looking for my best friend Regulus Black. We are currently in our 7th year at Hogwarts, so we have NEWTs this year.
'Petal over here' I hear my name being called as I turn around, I realise its pandora rosier. As I followed her to our compartment, I finally saw Regulus. I tackled him as he didn't realise I was there. 'You sure you can catch a snitch if you can't even sense me about to tackle you. Captain Black' I bit back a cackle, but the others didn't, they just laughed with no regrets. 'I will have you know Captain Grindelwald that I am an amazing seeker you on the other hand are a one-of-a-kind seeker' Regulus snarked back in an incredibly posh sarcastic voice
'Don't talk like that you sound like Dumbledore or my father' came the voice of Dorcas Meadows. We all burst into a fit of laughter. 'Oi, come on don't compare me to my father he's an asshole' my voice rang through the compartment. Followed by murmurs of agreement by my closest friends. Soon we all defused into our own convocations. Me and Regulus reading whatever book we bought each other last Christmas, Dorcas and Pandora catching up with each other and fawning over there crushes on Marlene McKinnon and Lily Evans, Evan and Barty keep showering each other in compliments and kisses or are making out in the corner (them having been together since 5th year).   
The lunch lady mrs Parkason I believe her name is came past and offered us food. I bought a chicken sandwich with mayo in as well as some cheese and onion crisps but there was also a lot of different sweets and chocolate. So being the expensive bitch I am I bought the honey dukes chocolate infused with fire whiskey. We all continued to chat while we ate and after descended into a comfortable silence despite the smack of lips from Evan and Barry.
It was peaceful and quiet most of us reading either a book or the daily prophet. When suddenly a loud crash and James potter, Sirius black, Remus lupin and Peter pettegrew came bounding in. 'What the fuck' me and regulus screamed simultaneously. 'Sorry to barge in but where hiding from the prefects' was potters response. Then he turned around and realised that had just walked into a compartment with 3 prefects one being head girl as well. 'Shit,fuck,shit,fuck' we heard potter, black and pettegrew repeat. The look on lupins face was just 'I told you so'. 'I will refrain from giving you all detention because I can do that know as head girl if you tell me who you where pranking and why and also you find out who the head boy is and tell me' is how I responded. The look of pure shock on there faces as to why I wasn't giving them detention was hilarious. That's when Black pipped up and said 'well we where pranking snape as he called Lily Evans a mudblood again also James here is head boy.'  'By the ancients, Merlin help me' I whispered under my breathe as they left.
I checked my watch for it to read 7:43pm. 'It's quater to 8:00 we should probably start getting into are robes' I said with tone of hurry. There is a ruffling noise and the all proceed to change( her uniform is the second slide) the only difference between mine and Dorcas was the tie,robe and jumper colours. Mine and pandoras are the same as we are in the same house and share a dorm.
Once we arrived as head girl I had to make sure all the first years got to Hagrid safely. The only problem was the head boy is potter so that sucks. You see for some reason he hates me, it could be because he's Gryffindor quidditch captain as well as chaser so naturally we would be rivals but he's hated me since first year for some reason unknown to me.
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toujokaname · 4 months
Card shuffle / Episode 8
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Author: Akira
Characters: AkanP, HiMERU, Kohaku, Niki, Mayoi, Tatsumi, Aira, Rinne, Hiiro
"Um. Shiina-san. I know you're hungry, but please don't eat my haaair."
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[ Read on my site for a better viewing experience using Ois~su ♪ ]
Season: Winter
Location: MDM Stage
AkanP: Hmmm~...? Everyone, it looks like you don't understand this project as much as I thought you would? What should I do?
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HiMERU: It's more accurate to say we "haven't been told" rather than implying we "don't understand." Please don't insinuate that the fault lies with us.
AkanP: Sure. But, um, since it's almost time for the show, you'll have to understand quickly, okay? I know you might not get the difficult stuff, but I'll explain it properly ♪
HiMERU: .........
Kohaku: I can practically hear HiMERU-han's stress gauge shootin' through the roof...
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HiMERU: It's okay. Thanks to Shiina, HiMERU is used to his goodwill going to waste.
Niki: And so I'm the one who takes the brunt of it...!
HiMERU: If you can't do anything else, won't you at least be an outlet for stress relief?
Niki: Uwaaah! Mayo-chaaan, HiMERU-kun's bullying me~!
Mayoi: Hwehh?! Wh, wh-why are you coming to me for comfort? It's not like we're supposed to be particularly close or anything, right?!
Tatsumi: ...Actually, an explanation is in order. At the risk of repeating the same question over and over, how exactly will the Matrix matches function?
Our precious friends, including Mayoi-san, are also feeling anxious about it.
Mayoi: Ah, y-yes, unusually aggressive speech from Tatsumi-san... Even though he usually has the aura of a holy, loving figure, being neglected like this must be stressful.
Niki: *Munch munch munch ♪*
Mayoi: Um. Shiina-san. I know you're hungry, but please don't eat my haaair.
HiMERU: Apologies, our dog misbehaved.
Aira: I could run and grab something to munch on?
Rinne: Akan-san's gonna explain anyway, so just shut it and listen, okay?
AkanP: Right. It'll be quick, so bear with me a moment. Here, umm, Sheena-san[1]? Sheena-san, here's some candy for you ♪
HiMERU: You're in the middle of work, why do you carry such a thing with you?
AkanP: When you have little kids around, it's inevitable...
I basically only produce girls in ES, but surprisingly, sometimes blunders can be smoothed over with a sweet treat.
HiMERU: Female idols, you say. They don't get recognized at all in ES, which is why useless producers are pushed on to them.
AkanP: Please don't call me useless~... It hurts my feelings.
So, um, it's been a while since I've produced boys, so please forgive me if I make any mistakes.
HiMERU: (Been a while? Does that mean it's not the first time?)
(Well, despite seeming young, only an experienced producer could accumulate so many negative rumors...?)
AkanP: At any rate... I didn't have enough time to work out the details of Matrix, but as I was struggling with that, a very talented girl helped me out.
Her name's Anzu-chan, do you know her?
Hiiro: Of course. It'd be rarer to find someone in ES who doesn't know her.
Aira: ES takes pride in her being a super talented producer, after all!
AkanP: Right, it's amazing for such a young girl... Well, she said she'd help me, so I asked her to think about the details of the competition.
So, I think we're pretty much on track there, right?
HiMERU: Anzu-san must be very busy with her change in position starting in the new fiscal year, and yet she has been burdened with all this unnecessary work...
Niki: Change in position? Really? Where does HiMERU-kun always get that kinda information?
HiMERU: Primarily from the well-informed Deputy Director, but also from HiMERU's own personal research. He's rather adept at that sort of thing and enjoys it.
Rinne: Yup, the Great Detective Crazy:B's proud of ♪
AkanP: Hehe. So, um, what was I saying...? Right, this Matrix is set up as a fateful showdown between Crazy:B and ALKALOID
These two rookie units will compete to see which are the superior idols.
Tatsumi: Although there's nothing fateful about it. Well, I understand the point.
HiMERU: There is a lot of personal history involved, however.
AkanP: Yup. So, um, what did Anzu-chan say again...
Oh, right. Maybe the challenge in this Matrix contest should center on proving one's prowess as an idol.
By pitting idols against each other like this, we'll find out who truly excels at it, right? Um, do you understand what I'm saying?
Tatsumi: Prowess as an idol? Yet another vague statement...?
AkanP: To be specific, see, this time it's supposed to be ten matches. Well, I mean, I made the call on that.
So, in Matrix, I'd like to ask you to compete with the ten elements necessary to be an idol.
Aira: The ten elements necessary to be an idol?
AkanP: Yeah. Um, for example, in the first match, you'll compete in "singing ability." There's also, uh, what else, "acting ability" and "attractiveness"—
Basically, each match will test those ten crucial elements for idols.
After ten matches, the unit with the most wins will be considered the superior idols.
Aira: It's kinda rude to call it surprising, but it does sound surprisingly interesting. Feels like some sort of variety show.
AkanP: Right? Sounds fun, doesn't it? It's amazing, really, how the plan started getting interesting after Anzu-chan chimed in—
She's been a big help! I'll have to buy her dinner or something later.
HiMERU: At this stage, are you really making her help you free of charge...
AkanP: She's the type of girl to decline compensation... She's not assertive at all. Hehehe, she reminds me of my younger days.
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HiMERU: Isn't it a rather disturbing future prospect for a talented producer to end up as a landmine producer...?
[ ☆ ]
AkanP says "Shiina" in hiragana instead of kanji, indicating some stiltedness in the way it's said.
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lxdymoon0357 · 1 year
I was such a big fan of Navier in season 1. Then I started to read the novel and I can't believe I'm saying this but Navier is very unlikable in later arc. So is Heinry. I thought they were good people but clearly I was wrong.
yeah! Even I liked Navier, like worshiped her type of liking her, but then I started reading cause I wanted to know everything as to hate on Rashta better, but since the first meeting of Rashta with Navier, where Rashta refers to Navier as informal and Navier is like "You?! You referred to me as you?" it was the moment I realized that a real monarch who loves their subjects won't care how they're referred to as long as it's not negative or degrading....also people are dumb, the later arcs is what made her worse, since the beginning of my writing journey I didn't like writing for her, only Sovieshu and Rashta cause other characters aren't good either..
I liked Heinrey but he was just very simple/basic looking, as a bird he's pretty and his looks are not quite what a male lead represent with his mayo coloured blonde hair, it's what Sovieshu looks like with black hair... But his behavior of going round Navier, visiting her at night, letting Navier kiss him and do anything else WHILE KNOWING HE'S COMPLETELY NAKED..... Also how Ergi treated Rashta, and Kosair literally using VIOLENCE AGAINST A PREGNANT LADY WHO IS THE EMPEROR'S MISTRESS, WHILE KNOWING THAT MEN HAD A LITTLE OVER 1 WIVES BACK THEN...
I mean if you want to go the historical route, emperor in India themselves had 100S OF WIVES! One of our most famous emperor, Akbar had 365 wives....I think Sovieshu having someone else he liked is normal,he also allowed Navier to choose a lover, but he knew Ergi, Kaufman and Heinrey bring some type of bad news and so he said not to choose them, but she ignored it like a DUMB FUCKING CHILD SHE IS!....And in the end, Sovieshu and Rashta paid the price of being a normal fucking person during a medieval time...
@imbouttasue @remarriedempressempire @honestlyyoungtyphoon
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demivampirew · 2 years
My thoughts on The Witcher/ The Witcher: Blood Origins situation
Disclaimer: This is going to be a long post. I've been meaning to write this for a while. I might do a 2 parts post because it's going to be really long.
Let's start with that stupid, stupid rumour started by Deuxmoi. First, I think it's idiotic to pay attention to what a sh*tty gossip blog says about Henry, especially when they've talked badly about him in the past - they had shared negative blind items with any legitime source, on the style of "someone told me this alleged thing about him"
So let me post first the stupid rumour and then I'll comment point by point:
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"I recently got this message and somebody was like, "do you want to know what really went down?" She doesn't say who the source is and if she verified that the rumour at least came from someone who could actually have access to what happened on set; for the way that the rumour is disclosed, it could've been a random person who hated Henry and Deuxmoi took it as legit.
(...)"A lot of unusual demands" which demands? If they're unusual, they should be specific so people can examine if they're actually unusual and he's behaving like a diva. "that made people feel like he wasn't really a team player" this person is talking about Henry in season 1, the same Henry that dehydrated himself to look ripped for shirtless scenes but, sure, he's not really a team player 🙄.
"But in seasons 2 and 3, something shifted" could it be that right after episode 1 of season 2 there was a global pandemic and he had months of solitude to think about his life goals; also he injured himself while filming (such a bad team player, I know) and he might have re-think if it's worth it to keep pushing himself for a show that doesn't respect the IP as he does and that put him on the background except when it's time to promote the show and they use his likeness to sell the final product he's not happy with? "it became really impossible for women to work with, which is always a big problem" even if this rumour is true, I don't see how this could be his fault; as we're going to see next, he's going to be accused of being "toxic" for being a gamer and use gamer language, well guess what? The Witcher became famous through video games, meaning, the targeted audience and the ones who made the IP well-known are gamers. If women feel uncomfortable working with gamers and people who want to stay loyal to the source material, maybe don't work in a show where the targeted audience is gamers and they tend to be opinionated about the adaptations of the lores they love. "But even worse, because the showrunner is a woman" again, how is this Henry's fault? Lauren is the one who agreed to be the person with most power in a show adaptation of a story who became famous worldwide thanks to video games, it's not like she didn't know they were the ones who would watch the show and the ones who she'd have to please. Also, she worked in comic book adaptations before so she can have an idea how passionate (and sometimes toxic) that kind of fanbase could be yet, she accepted the job and all that comes with it. "He would try to overrule her and try to get changes made last minute across the board without her knowledge" so far, I think the only change he made was the lines after Roach's death and, it was because he felt it was an insult to make a joke. Also, it wasn't completely without her knowledge because they had an argument about it before this and she told him to see if he could find something better to say, according to Lauren herself. "(...) The showrunner has to sign off on every minuscule detail down to the bottoms of a costume" this, this is where I want to put stress on. Lauren a few weeks ago tried to deviate the blame from Eskel's death to the writer, Beau de Mayo, because he was the one who wrote the episode -it's worth mentioning that she tried to throw him under the bus because he's the one who said there were writers who hated the IP. She's the showrunner; she's the maximum authority there; she has to greenlight everything for it to happen and, she could've easily said no if she didn't want Eskel to be killed. Also, yes, Beau was the one who wrote the episode but he might have been told to kill an important character in that episode; again, the showrunner is the one who has to supervise everything and if a writer does something that could hurt the story, like killing a character that survives in every other media, she has to say no or change the writer if this doesn't want to. There's no excuse here for her incompetence. This is on her.
"Female writers and directors were suddenly ignored on set, unable to do their jobs" sorry, what?! 🤣 Writers are never on set, their job has to be done before filming the season starts. The showrunner is the only one who's usually on set. As for the female directors, there are only two listed for S2 and one of them said and I quote "Had the pleasure of directing episodes 6 and 7" (source https://www.instagram.com/p/CW8z6KurW2f/?hl=en ) As for s3, the only director attached it's Stephen Surjik -who in the past said how polite Henry was on the set and that he could become a politician because he was so polite to anyone and took the time to greet everyone (https://youtu.be/kcUgoyQSQ1k?t=84 I marked it on the exact time he speaks about Henry)
"He started making comments. It wasn't a sexual thing: he wasn't grabbing anyone or being lewd, but it was disrespectful and toxic all the same." again being too vague and don't give specifics; how was he being toxic? What kind of comments would he make that would make people, especially women uncomfortable? Could those comments be about the script and how unhappy he's with it? He's a famous actor and his reputation is on the line so, yeah, he has the right to speak when he's not happy about it. His indie movies proved his range as an actor but, he prefers to do comic books and video game adaptations, that's his chosen career path so he wants to keep the reputation as someone who cares for the source material and he's going to be outspoken about it. If anyone behind the scenes cannot take a gamer critiquing the work of an adaptation of an IP they love, maybe those people should be looking for a different job.
Then they talk sh*t about him being an addict because he likes to play video games. "He was distracted, he was late, he was obsessive" funny because Stephen Surjik in the interview that I link above said how he was always on time, prepared and knew all his lines and stunts. Also make-up and hair takes him about 2h so maybe sometimes he could've been a bit late because of that. Also, in case this person forgot, he was injured while filming s2, so maybe he could've been late sometimes because he was in pain? I don't know, I assume it must hurt; I hurt my ankle years ago and I was in pain for months. And, again, this could also be a lie because Stephen said he was always ready. Then again with the bullsh*t about gamer language, what language, Karen, what language did he allegedly use that was so disrespectful?
Then back again with the re-writing scenes, I assume it's the Roach scene and only Freya was there and she had no lines at that moment, so it doesn't affect her.
"He decided he didn't want any romantic scenes at all. No kissing, no shirtless scenes, etc" oh Karen, I'm going to fight you so hard on this. I'm actually pissed. As for romantic scenes, he didn't say no romance, he said no romance with Triss; he felt the real love story was between Geralt and Yennefer and he felt Geralt would be loyal to Yen, the fact that there was no romance was a writers/Lauren issue because they went against what the IP says and made Yennefer a b*tch who tried to sacrifice Ciri for power so of course Geralt wouldn't ignore that and just be romantic with her despite what she did. As for kissing scenes, I call it bullsh*t because Henry himself said in interviews that he had no problem with kissing scenes even when covid was (and is) still a thing; he said he'd only be uncomfortable if there was a kissing scene involved and he saw Anya coughing and sneezing, meaning with clear symptoms of covid (https://youtu.be/JldJ9cDzZ1o?t=1081 source). As for shirtless scenes, is it a crime that he didn't want to have shirtless scenes? Correct me if I'm wrong but, Anya didn't have naked scenes this season either. Why is it a problem only if he doesn't want to do shirtless scenes unless they're necessary? Also, S2 was filmed in the middle of a pandemic; there was a hiatus of filming that lasted months where he couldn't go out to the gym and only had a few weeks to properly train in a gym before they resume filming, it's possible he didn't feel comfortable shirtless after a long period without training.
"He wanted complete control over storylines," I think he wanted Geralt to be more than a grumpy dude that says "hmm" and "fuck" all the time. If he's used as the lead actor for promotion, his character should have more screen time and focus on the show. The part about him not knowing about tv structure and budget is bullsh*t. The problem he had was with the script and characters motivations and stuff, things that didn't require the budget to fix; maybe if they didn't go for the stupid Voleith Meir thing they could have afforded other stuff, just saying.
About the "weird alliance" with the witcher writer who was allegedly fired, who I assume was Beau, the one who exposed them for not liking the source material. Could you, Karen, explain more? So far, the only connection I saw was a text message that Beau send Henry after Nightmare of the Wolf (the movie he wrote) was released to see if Henry saw it. That doesn't seem like two people with a weird alliance. Also, if Beau was so toxic, why was he allowed to write the animated movie?
Here's the receipt to the message; the photo was taken by a paparazzi and posted to DailyMail.
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"Henry did anything he could to hold up production and cause problems" How? What did he do to hold up production and cause problems? Was it maybe that he challenged a few script points to better the end result? Maybe he pointed out how uncharacteristic was that Yennefer tried to kidnap Ciri and sacrifice her for her powers because Yennefer loves Ciri as if she was her own daughter. Or maybe he thought it was unrealistic that Vesemir would use Ciri to try to create more Witchers, including Ciri herself. There are lots of plot points that could've worried him that it wasn't going to work out and, guess what, it didn't work. Fans hated it.
Ok, assuming it was right about the HR complaints; then, why would Netflix allow him to be in Enola Holmes 2? That was filmed after S2 wrapped. Why would they allow a person who had lots of complaints to go to work on another movie and do a third season of the show he was an assh*le. If this is true, and the part about him sending an email to the entire writing staff (I doubt, even if this is true, that he'd send an email himself, given that even posting on his social media nowadays is a task of his team) if, and it's a very big if, he sent an email to writers, I assume must have been to apologize because he didn't realize he was being perceived as rude or hard to work with.
For me, this is just bullsh*t. Even if this person actually worked there, it's clearly someone, possibly a writer, that's pissed about the Witcher campaign to fire them and re-hire Henry. And, even if this is true, it's definitely an exaggeration as I proved. It wouldn't prove that Henry is toxic but, actually, if women and people there can't take gaming lingo and people are passionate about the IP they love, maybe they shouldn't seek to work in video game-related adaptations -I know The Witcher is supposed to be an adaptation to the books but it was the game who put the IP in the map, worldwide, so gamers and the targeted audience for this.
Ok, part 1 of my rant/thoughts ends here and continues on a new post (I'll edit the post with the link to the second part once I post it)
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oozmium · 10 months
Ranking the smt ivf collab Cafe as someone who will never have the chance to taste it ft. probably inaccurate translations of their names
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Part 1 featuring the actual meals because I forgot tumblr has an image limit
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1. "Godslayer" Meat Platter
We got steamed chicken and duck meat with some salsa and salad... that sounds yummy but man idk why but this just looks so unappetizing. I mean at least I can stomach duck though so I'd totally be open to eating this. But also it doesn't look like a sizable portion so hm.
6/10: presentation kills this meal sorry Nanashi
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2. Dagda's Large Fried Rice
Good god this is a lot of rice... I'd imagine this would pair well with Nanashi's meal. Looks like a nice batch of fried rice but I have to take points off for the overkill on the sesame seeds... I want my rice not seeds... though apparently the seeds are inspired by Dagda's color scheme so huh.
7/10: it's rice. Too much seeds. I'd complain it's a big portion but the famitsu article notes this is meant for 2-3 people so that's fair.
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3. 阿修羅会御用達 悪ピザ (tls to smth along the lines of Ashura-Kai Purveyor Pizza?? I didn't trust the machine tl so I'm putting the kanji)
Now this is something I'd definitely eat. A nice piece of pizza bread will always make me happy. The famitsu article notes that this was the meal most recommended by reporters.
There is one other thing to note about this one: it's meant to be split between two or three people! ... like Hallelujah and his "Bro".... 😦
10/10: I'm not immune to pizza bread and reporters really liked it so I'm sure it was delicious
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4. Asahi's Energetic and Healthy Coriander Salad
This one is really cute, although I have to admit I've never tried coriander but there's a first for everything! The flower is a very cute touch too, but I'm a picky guy so the peppers are a bit of an ick for me... I can't eat them in salad it needs to be put in stuff like a sandwich for me to eat it.
7/10: unsure on if this would be tasty but the presentation really sells it!
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5. Flynn a la Mode (aka Furin a la Mode)
Ooo now this is a yummy looking dessert! Would absolutely demolish it (sorry Flynn).
They said the pun was unintentional; instead the idea was everyone's beloved Flynn wanted to make a dessert everyone loves (I hope I'm reading that correctly 🥺)
9/10: I'd give it a 10/10 (and it really deserves one) but I'm very picky on those extra gummies surrounding the pudding...
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6. Jonathan's Grilled Beef Tongue
Er. Apparently chosen for Jonathan for its elegant and luxurious taste ... anyway this looks very yummy and it gets extra points for the kewpie mayo 🤤. The onions are a nice touch too... guess I have to concede and agree this is really elegant!
9/10: I've never tried tongue personally but the kewpie mayo would be enough to get me on board with eating it.
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7. Father's Fisherman's Meal
They want you to think Walter's dad caught the fish that went into this meal... I laughed a bit ngl. Anyway I'm always down for poke-esque meals I guess it'd come down to the quality of the meat 🤔 though the amount of fish in there might leave me wanting more...
6/10: unsure if I want to give this higher bc I don't personally know how the fish tasted... also could use more fish.
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8. Fairy Forest Mushrooms
Maybe they're not appetizing to you but I absolutely LOVE mushrooms. They're so yummy to me and especially when you add some nice butter for extra flavor... mmm very yummy 🤤.
8/10: I'm biased I like eating mushrooms I'd devour this in a heartbeat
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9. Gaston's Long Skewer Platter
This was the 2nd funniest item on the menu (you'll see the funniest one soon). Other than that, skewers are always tasty with some soy sauce and lemon for extra flavoring... although apparently it was a guessing game to discover what was inside the skewer?
7/10: unsure if i wanna play skewer roulette with Gaston 😦
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quincyhorst · 3 months
Some Concering Things About (Manga) Samuel Mayo: The Post
Some add-on to the previous Samuel post. This draft was originally meant to combine his profile analysis too, yet that ended up being dispersed in previous posts. So this will be focusing only on manga!Samuel and few stuff I originally wanted to say on his backstory.
Overall... Samuel in the overall Yabuten manga is weird. He just randomly goes to bully some keeper children just because of their nationality (🤨), shoots twice to flex on them, and gets humilliated in BOTH occassions. And worst part is that we just don't see him again...
But while I was reading his chapter, there's some particular things that stood out with me.
First off the initial context; Samuel comes to Endou during his quest of catching 100 shoots. When he appears, he seems to inspire fear on the crowd, to the point one of the passerbies straight up introduces him the following way:
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アイツは激しいプレイでたくさんのケガ人を出しているあぶないFWだ! He is a dangerous forward who has injured many people through his intense play!
DeePL translates this phrase quite differently, but I do believe that Google Translate's the more accurate one, mainly because the word "ケガ人" means wounded person. Either way, I feel like you know what's going on: Samuel has injured many, many people on the field, enough for even some random to know about it. Worrying.
(He also very rude towards footballs >:( )
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Also, said previous passerby also tries to warn Endou when he accepts to catch Samuel's shoot.
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あいつのシュートは危険だ! That guy's shot is dangerous!
For a non-player to be THAT worried of Samuel and his aggresive play, it makes one wonder 1- How did RM pass to Liocott on this specific scenario, BUT ALSO 2- Why Samuel does keep his position on a national selection. Seriously (Unless he got a red card and this is his way of coping. LMAO)
One last line that honestly concerns me a lot comes from Samuel himself after he uses his hissatsu Dragon Ground/Land Dragon/whatever.
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荒ぶる牛をも倒すこのシュート。 "This shot can knock down even a raging cow."
...I genuinely don't want to know HOW he came to that conclusion. I really don't want to.
I'm aware this is Inazuma, the franchise where 13 year old bear killers exist, plus some instances where animals are fought on by other characters. And to add, we're ALSO at the Tenya Yabuno manga, where things are more hashtag hardcore. So it wouldn't be too surprising (Although horrifying) that in that Ina11's Spain there might have happened the situation of literal soccer bullfighting.
I mean, in the same manga Endou brings a bull to train... Who knows, maybe Red Matador did the same too, but it went south (?
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Either way, I think that's all what we gotta say about Samu for now. If his manga profile truly shows the personality he's meant to have, then that's... Something to say the least. Specially when removing the backstory I did for him. I actually don't know to say if I like him or not.
But hey... Remember that every medium of Ina11 tends to play by its own rules at times, so... You don't have to worry much if you want to go a different route than what's shown here.
Personally, in my setting Samuel is a bit too rough when attacking, yes, but not enough to cause actual injuries. </3
...Okay, bye for now. Here's a random happy Samuel for ya >:D
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We in Spain are called 'red matadors'.
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lisutarid-a · 1 year
[Gakuen K] Yatogami Kuroh Route Translation
The treasure’s true identity
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[Translation under the cut]
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Saya: (I couldn't find any treasure at all…)
Saya: (Meanwhile, I have something I can give away, but it's definitely not it…)
Saya: (It's time to go back to the clubroom. I wonder, if Shiro-kun is still there…)
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Shiro: Hey, welcome back. You're quite late.
Saya: Shiro-kun, you are still here.
Shiro: Uhm. I said I'd be waiting for you.
Kuroh: It seems like it took you a while. Did you get any results?
Saya: That is…
Neko: Gohan got nothing too? You couldn't find it?
Saya: So, Neko-chan too?
Neko: Uhm. Wagahai also gave up.
Kuroh: …Reluctantly, so did I.
Shiro: Kuro's so funny. I don't know where he got it from, but he brought a big Daruma doll.
Saya: Daruma doll?
Kuroh: I already returned it. …I borrowed a personal belonging of Ichigen-sama.
Shiro: I knew it was a personal belonging, why'd you pick that one?
Kuroh: To commemorate her joining the club, you said.
Kuroh: When I looked for something auspicious, I found Daruma doll.
Shiro: Kuro…you really are funny.
Neko: Kurosuke is funny~ !
Kuroh: Agh…N-Neko isn't any better! You've brought something meaningless!
Neko: Kyaaaah! It's not meaningless!
Saya: Is this a… furikake (rice seasoning)?
Neko: That's right! Shiro said this rice seasoning is delicious! Right, Shiro?
Shiro: Ahhh. Did I say something like this? That doesn't mean it's the right answer though.
Neko: But you said it! Rice seasoning is more correct than Daruma doll! Wagahai is better than Kurosuke!
Kuroh: Ugh…Oh, right, you're…
Saya: Eh? Me?
Kuroh: What did you brought?
Saya: I…
Kuroh: You didn't bring anything?
Saya: Not really, but I don't think that's the right thing.
Shiro: Haha, don't be so tense. I won't get angry or blame you.
Saya: …I got it. This is what I choose.
Shiro: Is this a discount coupon?
Saya: Uhm. If you show it at the school store, you'll get a discount on bread.
Shiro: …I think I can count that as a treasure.
Kuroh: I can't ignore what you say. You haven't decided yet, have you?
Shiro: It's not true, but the discount coupon is very tempting.
Kuroh: Shiro…
Shiro: I mean, that's a 1 free discount, right? Buy 10 get 1 free, right?
Kuroh: …
Shiro: I'm just kidding. So don't stare at me, okay?
Neko: Shiro, is Gohan's coupon also not the right answer? What is a treasure? Tell me, Shiro!~
Shiro: The treasure is…my friends here!
Saya: Eh.
Kuroh: …
Shiro: …Emm. What's with the lack of response?
Kuroh: I'm gonna slice you up right now.
Shiro: Eeeh. That's a scene that should have made you cry with emotion!
Kuroh: Who's supposed to cry? It was all for nothing…(Loss of breaking a bone and profit of getting tired… (An idiom which means "To end up being tired and exhausted without any benefit from the hard work you have done")
Shiro: Wah, that's a terrible impression. Did it make you feel exhausted, too?
Saya: Un-uh, it's not.
Saya: What did you mean when said, "Nothing is gonna happen if you stay here"?
Shiro: That? That doesn't have any meaning.
Saya: …
Kuroh: Should I still chop him up?
Shiro: That's a lie, sorry! It makes a little sense!
Shiro: Let's see, here. The treasure is my friends, and if my friends are gone, it's pointless to stay in the clubroom…
Saya: So that's what it meant.
Shiro: …Do you still want to slice and chop me up?
Saya: U-Un-uh. Of course not!
Saya: I just thought Shiro-kun is a little strange guy.
Kuroh: It's not "a little". He's totally strange.
Shiro: I don't want Kuro to tell me that. …Oh, hey. Neko?
Saya: She's not here…I wonder where she went.
Neko: Wagahai is back!
Saya: So much bread…! What's this all about?
Neko: I bought it with Gohan's discount coupon!
Shiro: Bought you say…Hah, my wallet is gone!
Neko: Shiro said, friends are treasure! Wagahai bought bread for her friends!
Neko: Bread party begins! Tuna Mayo Bread is for Wagahai!
Kuroh: Started eating without permission…but yes. Let's start the welcome party, shall we?
Shiro: It's not very tasty to eat only bread, though.
Shiro: Konohana-san, we are like this, but we are looking forward to working with you from now on.
Saya: Uhm, my pleasure!
Kuroh: It's not easy to babysit Shiro and others. I'm counting on you to help with that.
Saya: Baby sitting…fufu. Uhm, I'll look after them from now on.
Shiro: Wah-ah, that's mean to call it babysitting. I've been a student longer than Kuro.
Saya: What do you mean "longer"?
Shiro: Eh? That's…Ahaha, it's a secret. Come on, let's eat too. Before Neko eats everything!
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[Prev MAP 2 Munakata Reisi] [Next chapter]
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gintama-polls · 8 months
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The nomination form was left active a little longer than was planned, but it is now closed and the episode tourney will soon start.
Out of 367 episodes, three movies, and several specials and OVAs, 89 of them are a part of this tourney. You can see the full list of entries under the cut.
Which is your favorite? The polling will begin on Thursday.
1: You bastards!! Do you even have a silver soul?
3: Nobody with Naturally Wavy Hair Can Be That Bad
9: Fighting should be done properly
13:If you are going to cosplay, put your heart into it! 
20: Beware of conveyor belts
25: The hot-pot is a microcosm of life
32: Life Moves on like a Conveyor Belt
34: Love Doesn’t Require a Manual
35: You Can't Judge a Person by His Appearance, Either
38: Only Children Play in the Snow
48: The More You're Alike, the More You Fight61: On a Moonless Night, Insects Are Drawn to the Light
65: Youngsters learn the value of life from rhinoceros beetles
77: Yesterday's Enemy, After All Is Said And Done, Is Still The Enemy
79: Four Heads Are Better Than One
81: A Woman's Best Make Up Is Her Smile
83: Rank Has Nothing To Do With Luck
87: Perform A German Suplex On A Woman Who Asks If She Or The Job Is More Important
96: If You're A Man, Don't Give Up
99: Life And Video Games Are Full Of Bugs
103: There's A Thin Line Between Strengths And Weaknesses
105: It's All About The Beat And Timing
111: There's Almost A 100% Chance You'll Forget Your Umbrella And Hate Yourself For It
119: Within Each Box Of Cigarettes, Are One Or Two Cigarettes That Smell Like Horse Dung
142: Life Is A Series Of Choices
153: Sleep Helps A Child Grow
156: It Takes A Bit Of Courage To Enter A Street Vendor's Stand
166: Two Is Better Than One. Two People Are Better Than One
175: People Of All Ages Hate The Dentist!
180: The More Precious The Burden, The Heavier And More Difficult It Is To Shoulder It
184: Popularity Polls Can…
187: It's Goodbye Once A Flag Is Set
201: Everybody's A Santa
203: Everyone Looks Pretty Grown up after Summer Break
204: Use a Calligraphy Pen for New Year's Cards
205: Meals Should Be Balanced
206: It's Too Confusing When Talking about the Poster Girl for a Poster Store, So Call Her a Sandwich Board
211: Ghosts Aren't the Only Ones Who Run Wild around Graveyards
214: Tis an Honor!
215: Odds or Even
216: I Can't Remember a Damn Thing about the Factory Tour
217: What Happens Twice Can Happen Thrice
220: The Bathhouse, Where You're Naked in Body and Soul"
230: It Would Take Too Much Effort to Make This Title Sound like a Text Message Subject
231: When You Go to a Funeral for the First Time, You're Surprised by How Happy the People Are
237: Please Take Me Skiing
239: Even at year-end parties, there are some things you shouldn't forget.
240: People Can Only Live by Forgetting the Bad
241: We Are All Hosts, in Capital Letters
246: Festival of Thornies
247: Letter from Thorny
256: The Meaning of a Main Character
260: Pinky Swear
261: Unsetting Moon
264: Liquor and Gasoline, Smiles and Tears
265: Dog Food Doesn't Have As Much Flavor As You'd Think
268: An Inspector's Love Begins with an Inspection
272: A Reunion Also Brings to the Surface Things You Don't Want to Remember
273: When Compared to Time in Heaven, Fifty Years of Human Life Resembles Nothing but Dreams and Lottery Tickets
275: 9 + 1 = Yagyuu Jyuubei
282: A Phoenix Rises from the Ashes Over and Over
287: He's the Sweet Tooth, and I'm the Mayo Guy
296: Take the Initial Premise Lightly, and It'll Cost You
297: Keep Your Farewells Short
301: Ninja Village
304: Those Who Protect Against All Odds
305: Sworn Enemy
311: Jailbreak
315: Nobume
316: Farewell, Shinsengumi
320: Zura
322: Ten Years
323: Paths
326: Siblings
330: My Bald Dad, My Light-Haired Dad and My Dad`s Glasses
333: All the Answers Can Be Found in the Field
335: The Super Sadist and the Super Sadist
341: Guardian Spirits Are Also a Part of the Soul
342: Try As You Might to Make a Natural Perm Go Away, It Will Always Return
346: Geezers Carve the Things They Shouldn't Forget into Their Wrinkles
355: Rabbits Leap Higher on Moonlit Nights
356: Making a Dull World Interesting
361: The Creatures Known as Humanity
364: Two in Girl Years Is Equal to Ten in Man Years
366: Dun Dun
367: Gintama Final Ending Scamming Trial
Gintama: A New Retelling Benizakura Arc
Gintama: The Movie: The Final Chapter: Be Forever Yorozuya
Gintama The Final
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keithal · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favourite five fics that you've written :)
oh hello! beloved enterprisery this is my fave game to do of all time, so thank u for this :D three things before we get into it: (1) out of respect for u, the first two will be iwtv fics, (2) most of these are my least popular works LMAO and (3) this got pretty long. sorry abt that.
hell and you: modern day devils minion w old man daniel and armand. sometimes i forget how much i like this fic and then i'll remember "i wrote a fic abt armand being daniel's sugar daddy, LOL." it's very funny to me personally. i especially love this bit i threw in:
He fills the apartment with the smell of his cologne and something underneath that it can’t quite mask. A smell like water left to stand too long or flowers left too long in a vase.
i like the idea of vampires smelling like death. i can forgive this tho bc i think in the later installments of the vc anne rice said vampires smell like mayo? which is ... well. at least much more attention-grabbing than what i did.
damn these vampires: an armandaniel fic that takes place immediately after the season finale. this fic was majorly inspired by a thought that woke me up from deep sleep. armand and daniel have history. armand (i'm guessing) blocked daniel's memories. but didn't wipe them. daniel can't access them, but they're still there. so how funny would it be if daniel was jealous of louis being w armand but has no fucking idea why.
He smokes one on his walk back to the penthouse, thinking of how he had stood there in the aftermath, staring at Rashid—Armand—hovering over them like fucking Mary Poppins, his hand interlocked with Louis’s, and—instead of doing what a Pulitzer-winning, seasoned journalist of his caliber should’ve been doing in the face of being this royally fucked over—absurdly, inexplicably, Daniel noted the position of Armand’s thumb: on top.
i make myself laugh.
keep on keeping on, dean winchester: deancas s13 au where jack is a baby. i can't actually think of a part of it that stands out without any context (which, in my opinion, is a good sign), but i can say that i enjoy this part quite a bit:
Friday morning, as they’re making their way through the sticks toward the interstate, Sam says, “Hey, guess what I bought,” and holds up a dusty Sing-A-Long CD. “Fuck no,” Dean says. “We are not listening to Metallica all the way to Sioux Falls with a baby in the back.” “He likes it! Right, Jack?” he calls over his shoulder. Jack makes an incandescent gurgling sound. “See? Kid knows any music made after 1979 sucks ass.” “Singing in early childhood is important, Dean. It helps kids with language development, memory, and emotional regulation, and it entrains their social visual behavior.” “Thanks, Spock. You’re the pride of the Federation.” “Dean.” “Dude, I’m just saying, we can entrain his social visual behavior with the classics. We don’t need that baby crap. It’s the 21st century. All we need is Zep, Cash, some AC/DC—”
i worked really hard to capture dean's voice--like, harder than i've ever worked to scrub my own voice from a piece of writing. the amount of references and sayings in this bitch? sheesh.
i'm also very happy with how the relationship btwn jack and dean developed. one person who commented made a very intelligent observation that even i hadn't realized: i made dean see himself in jack. and it makes sense, doesn't it? jack's mom died bc of the supernatural; he wasn't allowed to process this loss at all; and he was left in the care of a father who'd lost a spouse. a father whose grief made him mean and treated his son like an object (hence the "it" pronouns used in the beginning).
anyway! very happy w how it turned out :)
long live the kingslayer: an elriel mission fic. i've spoken abt it like. a million times by now. and i still love it <3 there's just so much real estate to work w when it comes to elain. she's so underdeveloped that anything u say abt her is almost always pure conjecture. it was so much fun to take a character i loved so dearly and write a story where she was never punished for being who she is.
i'm still very fond of this part in particular:
“Wait,” he said before she could leave. His voice was nearly as hesitant as his expression, flickering between uncertainty and a strange, boyish shyness that was captivating on him. He reached into his leathers—where, she couldn’t know—and pulled out a small container. “Here,” he said, placing it in her hands. She opened it. Inside was a smelly, yellow ointment. “A salve,” he explained, “for your hands.” An unnameable feeling seized her. She hadn’t thought he noticed, never dared mention it out of fear of what he’d think, and this whole time he’d been carrying this salve with him. A salve for her hands. It was a terrible idea. She knew it as soon as it came to her, but she grabbed Azriel by the ears anyway, drew him down to her height, and kissed his cheek. She felt his skin go warm, and she imagined how surprised he must look, how shy. When she pulled back, she saw that his face was indeed dark with color, avoiding her gaze. Simultaneously pleased at her reaction and embarrassed by it. He was magical, she thought, and she loved him dearly. Loved him so much that it broke her heart. “Thank you,” she said. “This will be invaluable.” Finally, a smile from him. Unable to resist it, she brushed the back of her hand over his cheek, fond, and said, “I’ll leave you to rest.”
a lot of acotar fans hate it when ppl write azriel to be soft and shy and not particularly dark at all. me, personally? i think that’s boring. azriel was born into an abusive and violent home and suffered unimaginable torture at a very young age. he developed powers meant to protect him from the horror of his daily life, and those powers made him a great spymaster/torturerer. but it's so obvious that azriel hates his position within the court. he's starved of intimacy and tenderness. he has an extremely reserved and kind nature. it's a much more meaningful to have a character like that find someone who recognizes his gentleness and desire for gentleness in him and offers it to him. those characteristics don't make him any less of a man.
god never wrote a good play in his life: a god/chuck character study written in second person. i genuinely don't know how the toxic sibling relationship btwn amara and chuck doesn't make more people absolutely fucking insane. this story is chuck-centered, obviously, but i don't think anyone realizes WHY i did that. i don't like chuck! i didn't like writing from his perspective! i did it bc all of supernatural is chuck-centered. even when it isn't quote-unquote "his" story, it's still his. the point of the whole thing is for the reader to do what chuck/the show doesn't: break out of what's being told to u! look at the other characters! namely, look at amara.
chuck tries to scrub her from the story completely. the fic is 3k long, yet chuck doesn't mention amara at ALL unless she's onscreen. and even when she is onscreen, we can't trust a fucking thing he says! as exemplified here:
Maybe that wasn’t how it happened. Maybe you and your Sister were perfectly capable of creation. It would be absurd if you weren’t. Surely it wasn’t possible that you couldn’t create anything together. If you were in harmony, that should have implied you, together, would excel at it. She was an eccentric mind, designing balls of gas and entire solar systems that resembled you, right where all your rings met. (The most terrifying thing She came up with was the collapse of a star, where it became a gaping black mouth that swallowed everything in sight. You and I, She explained, perfectly in balance.) You were far less excitable, putting all your focus into the one planet you’d claimed as your own, but as you watched Her in those moments, you privately invented jealousy. Maybe you were lying about the lying. Perhaps They did give you counsel in a lapse of generosity, and your essence catapulted as you realized you would have to choose. Or possibly that day went like every other. Maybe She never met Them, and you only met Them much later, once you had shoehorned Them into part of your story. So instead of revelations and sacrifices, your Sister told you about centripetal force as you floated, listening, your rings spinning in slow, lazy circles, and you told Her about how little you cared for all this science and math She liked so much. Where is the pathos? you asked, and She sighed much as an exasperated older Sister should, and you realized that you loved Her very much. Or maybe you didn’t.
WHY? why is that? it's because the longer she's in the story, the worse chuck looks.
amara loved chuck from beginning to fucking end. she was born loving him. she chose him, always, over and over again. and chuck knew this! he used it! he would dangle the possibility of him finally loving her back to get her to do what he wanted. and what does chuck do abt this? abt his story, the first to ever exist? he recreates it. michael & lucifer; cain & abel; dean and sam (all men, curiously). to ... what? prove that he isn't the only brother to have not loved his sibling back? that in his position, u would've done the same?
i could talk abt that fic all day. best thing i've ever written.
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bruvebanner · 2 years
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I posted 27,598 times in 2022
That's 7,169 more posts than 2021!
5 posts created (0%)
27,593 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,804 of my posts in 2022
#ashercore - 331 posts
#me - 66 posts
#mood - 30 posts
#art - 27 posts
#unreality - 22 posts
#goncharov - 19 posts
#critical role - 19 posts
#yes - 18 posts
#the batman - 15 posts
#fuck - 14 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#‘confused girl’ i’ll turn you into dust with my mind. i’ll crush ur bones with my big fucking boots that i bought just to be bigger than u
My Top Posts in 2022:
Bro I reblog so much cool shit from you, just dropping by to say dope blog and I hope you have something tasty to drink today
EYYYYYY THANKS BRO I appreciate that!!! I just reblog whatever makes me laugh, so I’m glad you enjoy coming along for the ride lmfao.
1 note - Posted September 16, 2022
There are definitely greedy stoners. The only reason I've never tried weed is that when I was sitting outside with some friends who were passing a joint around, I asked for a puff and they all said no.
I think you just had bad friends 😔🙏 every Stoner I’ve known, including myself, is more then happy to share in the rotation. Weed is meant to be communal 🤌
2 notes - Posted September 5, 2022
favorite poems?
Oh man, hard to say. I like Poetry, but it’s hard to pick specific poems. Deeply enjoy The Raven, and I like the really disjointed poems…hmm. I just love a good poem when it crosses my path 😭
2 notes - Posted July 7, 2022
You TOAST the bread first!!! You don't put it on soft bread at all! Plus the beans are in just light tomato sauce, how is that wetter or weirder than ketchup or mayo on a sandwich? It's also delicious, and you shouldn't knock it till you try it. Plus it's a Working Class meal designed to be incredibly cheap, healthy, AND filling! Don't let the Tory Posh Twat Propergander Machine into your mind.
Oh my friend you misunderstand. Bean’s disgust me on a deep, fundamental level. I’m sure it’s very yummy for those who enjoy it, but I see a wet slop of beans on toast and it makes me ill. That would be my personal hell of a meal. No real disrespect tho, I was just kidding lmfao.
Tho I will say it just. It looks far too wet. Mayo and ketchup are thick usually. It’s also why I hate tomatoes on my sandwiches. So WET you sogging up my bread 😭
2 notes - Posted May 21, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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The Riddler, who kills people with a box of lives rats—
3 notes - Posted May 6, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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lafseanchai · 2 years
I do try to be a kind person. I try to be understanding. I am not perfect, however. And being in a retail setting does tend to shut down a lot of my compassion, because it is hard to escape the general violence of capitalism.
I have a customer who I have been at loggerheads with for a year now. She first refused to understand that she was not special with her small business, and no, we could not deliver to her address, she needed a PO Box because of how the routes are set up, and we have no city carriers who walk the streets to deliver to businesses. Got the PO box and then raised a stink about how she had no time to get her packages, could we bring them just the block down to her. Then she threw a stink when we had to return said parcels to sender after they sat at our office for over 2 weeks. (We don't have much space, postal policy does not allow us to keep things forever, and a lot of times retailers who send stuff see it hasn't been delivered, so will send out a return to sender request.)
Then she could never open her PO Box - which was not broken, she just could never 1) remember the combo, which I gave to her on multiple occasions or 2) tried to pull on the knob to open it, when it has to be turned to actually unlock. (This usually led to her pulling and shaking the little door, and she'd bump the dial and knock the combo out of place.)
Most of her issues were user error, like using the wrong address when mailing things after the forwarding ran out, doing the forwards incorrectly, not opening the PO Box correctly. Sometimes it was Postal error - her old PO not forwarding the mail but holding it for pick up when the change of address came through.
So she has been hit with Murphy's Law of postal stuff, along with user error.
Today she came in, and it turned into something, yet again. The timing always seems to be when other customers are standing there to see me be straight faced and cold while she yells and wails about how unkind I am.
Her box had been closed cuz she didn't renew it in the month and 10 days she had to do so. They get notices at the beginning, middle, and end of the month reminding them, and then have 10 days to renew before we return the mail, close the box, and change the combo. Someone has been picking up the mail, and would have gotten the notices.
So she fell apart when I told her this. She started crying, telling me she'd been down at the Mayo with a grandkid she is raising, who had to have brain surgery.
And I feel for her. I do. My life falls apart when I am stressed, and have never had that sorta stress to deal with.
At the same time, business person to business person, if she wants to keep things running smoothly, she needs to delegate tasks and have someone to keep her informed of things like paying their box rent on time.
This is just a lot, cuz I have always been the person who has to deal with her. My postmaster was out on medical leave the first time, and every time after that, I was just the one who happened to be working the shift she came in.
So I have a bit of a personal grievance against her, since she always makes such a scene. I am sure she has a personal grievance against me, as the face of all her postal bad news.
I am sitting here trying not to be mad at this person, trying to send some compassion out into the universe for her. But also taking some perverse pleasure in staying so calm and collected, and not bursting into frustrated tears after she left cuz I took it too personally, nor for flying off the handle and snarling at her to get her shit together.
And I did get a bit of twisted pleasure when I saw her cuz I knew I was about to ruin her day when she came in.
As stated, I try to be a kind person. But sometimes I am a bit of a bitch.
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annieintheaair · 5 months
Go pretend you hate me, treat me like the crazy one. Yeah, you keep doing you and I'll do better.
Cinco de Mayo was pretty exceptional. I made it to yoga and then decided to head over to MiCocina. I had every intention of sitting at the bar but it was full so I ended up at a table for two by myself. I looked around the restaurant and there were couples everywhere, most of them not even paying attention to each other but sitting at the tables together and on their phones. I realized that maybe I wasn't as alone as I thought I was by sitting by myself.
I didn't need a menu-- I knew I wanted a Skinny Smash Margarita and brisket tacos. The waiter laughed a little when I told him I didn't need the menu. I wish I could be as confident about other decisions in my life as I am about ordering brisket tacos and a margarita. There was no doubt in my mind that I wanted those things. I wish love was like that, too. I wish, instead of needing to swipe on a huge selection of people on a dating app, we could just know, without a doubt, that there was one person we wanted to be with.
I enjoyed my two margaritas and tacos and was going to go to Trader Joe's but instead decided that it was getting late and I actually wanted to go home and crawl into bed.
As my only night off from work, I took advantage and slept late. I've been extra tired lately and although my job wears me down, I think it's also the issues I've been having with my ears lately. I've had multiple sinus infections in the last year and my primary care doctor explained that it was most likely caused by whatever allergies I'm experiencing due to where I'm currently living.
I think it's a combination of ongoing sinusitis and eustachian tube dysfunction. If I turn my head upside down, I get this horrible feeling in my throat and nose. It feels like I went underwater and breathed in the water. I'll drink lots of water to try to clear it but it's incredibly painful. My ears keep getting stuck popped, too, and work has just made it worse with the pressurization. I've had bad headaches and constantly feel a weird congestion in the back of my nose. I called my ENT yesterday and they can't even get me in for an appointment until the 22nd. I wish there was a better solution.
Despite being tired, I was super productive in many ways yesterday. I got up early to take my dogs for their annual shots, which was something on my to-do list that I had really been dreading. I treated myself to a horchata chai latte from the local coffee shop and then headed home to get work done. I finished three whole projects for my second job and felt so accomplished that I rewarded myself with a poké bowl for lunch/dinner.
I was supposed to fly last night to Tulsa but of course, our flight first got delayed and eventually, our pilots went illegal so the flight was delayed until 5am. I had an awkward argument on the jetbridge with an agent supervisor who wanted to board the plane before the pilots even arrived and could brief us about the weather. When the captain finally arrived, he agreed that we could not board and had the passengers go back to the terminal.
There was a commuting pilot who tried to back me up when arguing with the agent and later he told my pilots how proud he was of me for standing up to the agent the way that I did. My whole crew was so supportive and I felt like I did something right for once, even though it was hard. A passenger said something mean to me as we walked off the plane and I just ignored him. I can't control the weather, especially not the tornados in Oklahoma.
I was home by 1:30am and got into bed with my dogs and allowed myself to sleep until about 9am. It was a struggle to get myself out of bed but somehow I managed. I had to cancel my Volvo service appointment today, which was super annoying and a pain to reschedule.
I don't know why but May always seems to be a crazy month for me. Of course, both cars are due for service, my dogs needed their annual shots, and I'm due for multiple appointments like my ENT appointment, audiologist appointment, and even a hair appointment. Y'all, it's going to be a busy month!
Despite being crazy busy and working extra, I decided, while at dinner on Sunday night, that I'd like to do weekly date nights. I have a list of restaurants that I've wanted to try in Fort Worth and since I'm sticking around for a little longer, I have time to explore the places I've wanted to go that I never got to go with Todd. I've never had issues with going to restaurants alone while on layovers for work and honestly, going alone in Fort Worth is no different. Since this place isn't permanent, I feel so much more accepting and brave of going to restaurants alone.
I'm flying to Houston tonight and hopefully, that goes smoothly because I really can't handle another messed-up trip right now. I know I'm supposed to be a palm tree but sometimes, I just feel like I can't keep swaying without breaking.
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