#also the music itches my brain
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authenticcadence18 · 5 months ago
One thing I really love about Steven Universe is how unapologetically, casually queer it is
no character has to “come out.” Ruby and Sapphire are a power couple, Pearl clearly has deep, long standing, romantic feelings for Rose and crushes on a pink haired cool lady. These feelings and relationships are treated just as normally as Greg’s relationship with Rose (of course, as normally as they could be portrayed in the 2010s). They just ARE. They just exist. It’s just so refreshing and nice to watch.
I also love having such a variety of interesting fem-presenting characters. I want to draw all of them, haha!
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box953 · 1 month ago
raising the skate by speedy ortiz is. The Song on lovelace’s playlist. To me. It’s got good authoritative but kind of distressed energy to it. Entirely assured of your role because that’s what you have to do right now. I like it.
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peggyrose19 · 2 months ago
big news guys my hearing has finally started to fix itself a bit so i can hear sound clearly again and also my hearing aid finally figured itself out and reconnected to my phone's bluetooth which means i can stream directly to it and anyway this was a really dangerous thing to happen while i'm fixating on one specific song again cause i may or may not have put it on repeat for like 2 hours then went about my day and no one at my internship noticed 😃
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orcelito · 1 year ago
Ok so I was wondering like
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Top 0.005% of listeners. That's Pretty Damn Small. But I was wondering Just how small...
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357.1k monthly listeners
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0.005% of 357.1k is... just under 18...
Guys. I'm within the top 20 listeners for IAMX. Period. 🫣
#speculation nation#16K MINUTES OF MY 59K TOTAL MINUTES FOR THE YEAR...#A LITERAL 27% OF ***ALL*** MUSIC I LISTENED TO THIS YEAR........#cant help gettin emo i guess#like i knew he'd be indisputably my top artist but. holy fuck.#THIS ALSO ISNT INCLUDING THE SNEAKER PIMPS ALBUM... which ive listened to obsessively too#as an extension of the obsession with his music. bc he sings in it.#SOMETIMES AN ARTIST HITS U LIKE A FREIGHT TRAIN and ur left like. yeah. yeah .#helps that hes got so many albums so i spent Months slowly making my way through them all.#but then i just kept listening to him bc his music just... scratches an itch in my brain idk.#in part it's the grief. Metanoia was a crutch of an album after my uncle died.#and also with my cat... it was just. nonstop IAMX. for Months.#ive been branching out more again recently bc i do like some variety in the music i listen to#but if i want music but dont know what to play it just always ends up going back to IAMX#because it's dependable. it's enjoyable. it's Comfortable.#his music feels like a reset button for me. like returning to a dark room to sleep at night.#it's not dark for the sake of darkness. but for the comfort of it. existing honestly. existing without fear of judgement.#and bringing the analogy together i really have listened to his music to help me sleep a few times#not often just bc i usually dont listen to music as i sleep. im a light sleeper so i need white noise.#but there were a few times i found myself without a working fan. so i turned to his music to act as white noise instead.#not actual white noise of course. but the function of it. the Comfort. the familiarity.#pick one of his lowkey albums and just let it keep going. and it works. it does.#so like. it makes sense. it does. i understand entirely why i rank so high in his monthly listeners.#it's just a bit mind boggling to actually see the tangible numerical value hfkshdjd bc. man. man...
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itsbrucey · 11 months ago
Listening to the Devil Went Down to Georgia episode of Storybreak and I relistened to the song for fun bc it whips ass and I need y'all to hear me out. It's a little S1 Glenn and Willy coded !!
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synthetic-sonata · 3 months ago
made a strawpage ... i have way too many abouts but strawpage is ez and fun i get why ppl use it over carrd nowadays . might add to it bc none of my art or stuff is there but i think its better simple
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waitineedaname · 5 months ago
hi lily!! i am here to ask if you have discovered any good music lately
I have!! I'll collect some of my recent discoveries
I've fallen down a bit of a Mal Blum rabbit hole because spotify keeps tossing them into playlists alongside The Mountain Goats and AJJ, and I'm not mad about it. I really like their music, and I especially like Better Go!
my roommate and I made a playlist together and her music taste tends to be really funky in a way I enjoy, and one of the songs she introduced me to was Mixer by Amber Mark and I can't help but wiggle in my seat while listening to it
earlier this month I went to a concert with a bunch of local bands, and I recommend all of them: Teenage Art Scene, Rashdale, Corduroy Aspect, and The Sylvia Platters! Corduroy Aspect unfortunately does not seem to have their music posted anywhere, but the others have a couple songs on spotify. I recommend Trouble With the Art Scene by Teenage Art Scene, Glass Floor by Rashdale, and Creased Sneaker by The Sylvia Platters! they were all so fun to see live, and none of them have many listeners on spotify so you should check them out!!
and finally for one more, Things Are Getting Better by N.E.R.D! my stepsister queued this song up when we were all at the beach and I immediately had to add it to my spotify lol I've been discovering my preferred niche in hip-hop is like. kinda funk-flavored east coast hip-hop from the 90s (this song is from 2002 but y'know) and I really need to listen to the rest of this album tbh
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happi-tree · 8 months ago
Skrimp!!! Hihihi hello, lovebird!!! 💗💗💗 Thanks for the ask!
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Very predictably. Big fan of the knight imagery bit in I Was an Island lmao
I was a fighter and I was so brave But I lowered my sword when you held me and swore You'd stay, stay, stay
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bumbling-jester · 1 year ago
robert hilburn is such a funny song they just went "hey fuck this guy specifically"
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fl3eting · 1 year ago
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metal-mouse · 1 year ago
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sad--tree · 1 year ago
my spotify search history atm is so funny lol its like, renowned canadian singer-songwriter leonard cohen! danish death/doom band konvent! whatever the fuck u would describe heilung as (wikipedia says "experimental folk" which, like, sure. but also its like some kinda ancient germanic/viking type of thing) ! classical chinese opera & folk songs ! cannibal corpse! harvest dawn from tes oblivion ost! celtic frost's A Dying God Coming Into Human Flesh! moist ! carmina burana! and so on & so forth ......
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toxicrevolver · 2 years ago
Tagged by @icychoerim thanks for the tag!!!!
rules: you can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to. Put your playlist on shuffle and list the first ten songs, and then tag ten people. no skipping!
I’m using the only playlist I ever use lately which is labeled stim songs and it’s basically anything I’ve listened to that really itches my brain or makes me happy. It’s not done yet but are playlists ever really finished.
Miss Missing You - Fall Out Boy
If You’re Thinking of Leaving, You Should. - Social Repose
If We Ever Broke Up - Mae Stephens
i hope ur miserable until ur dead - Nessa Barrett
ZONE (Bang Chan, Changbin, HAN) - Stray Kids
ROCKSTAR - xikers
Drive (Bang Chan, Lee Know) - Stray Kids
ice.cream (Hyunjin) - Stray Kids
We’re Just Kids - Call Me Karizma
Tagging (no pressure I just think y’all are neat): @here4theheartbreak @onlyoneofsideblogtrashheep @staticmonster999 @atinystraykid @accal1a
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thingscanalwaysgetworse · 2 years ago
me, listening to the Inception soundtrack and loving it: fuck Hans Zimmer actually. Making me lose my mind over four notes. Asshole (affectionate)
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aflamboyanceofflamingos · 2 years ago
In a previous post I had mention how I had to write an original story that could fit into the Odyssey for school (like a backstory for side charater, or a new monster Oydysseus would face), and instead I choose to describe the deaths of characters whos names aren't even mentioned, so here you go:
There had been no warning- Everyone had their eyes fixed on the dreaded Charybdis, the giant whirlpool who sucked in the ocean and spewed it out. The scene before them was blood curling. A piece of driftwood had managed to reach the edge of the vast chasm created by the sea monster, and then, faster than the blink of an eye, it had disappeared, sucked into the swirling mass of water. The daunting picture that was unfolding in front of them had taken their attention away from the other monster that lurked in this sea. All but Odysseus remained unaware of the hidden horror, up until six of them had their ankles and wrist bound with lines that felt like snakes, and were lifted up off the boat. “Odysseus!” they shrieked in agony, being hoisted higher and higher, “Odysseus!” they screamed as they writhed and gasped, “Odysseus!” they yelled as they struggled to reach their arms out, Odysseus, who turned away. Odysseus, who never told them of their faith. Odysseus, a cunning man too smart for his own good, and a betrayer to his best men. The men that were loyal to him, and followed his leadership. The men that would never see him, or anyone else, again.
They were pulled over the open choppy sea, time slowing down as they were pulled to their deaths. A view in front that only two of the six witnessed, the others were binded as such so they could not turn their heads The other four would not view the horror before them, the terrifying monster that would be that would be their demise.
The cave was bathed in the dark, a ghastly state, and the rocks stood like teeth, befitting of its owner. Scylla herself was a wicked being, a creature that was too frightening to be used as a caution tale to keep children in line, If they were to recount the meeting of the beast that was thought to be a myth, it would leave grown men quivering in their shoes, and a chill running down their spine. These six men however would not live to tell another story again. The two that could see the terror before them would note that she had six faces, all straight from nightmares, and the warped grin on each revealed six sets of shark-like teeth. Her eyes were somehow soulless, but also filled with glee upon seeing her meal. Scylla unhinged her six jaws, one mouth for each crewman, And then they were gone. Swallowed whole, and not a hair left behind. Nothing was left of them, and seeing how little it appeared Oydsseus cared, it brought the question if they would be remembered at all In the moments before their light was extinguish, There would have been only one for them to blame. One person that was truly at fault for their horrifying ending. If they could by chance have one last conversation with the exploiter that put them here, they would tell him, ‘You rely on wit and people die because of it.’
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leapdayowo · 6 months ago
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I love this shot ^^^ 💕💕
ITS DONE!!!!!!!! 5 months of work and the longest pmv I've ever made!! IM SO PROUD OF IT!!!!!! AND ALSO RELEIVED CAUSE OMG I DID NOT WANT TO WORK ON IT ANYMORE Also the youtube version, as a treat v
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