#also the implied Posie would not have happened
handonshipper · 13 hours
I genuinely think season 5 of Legacies would have been really good, especially for Handon. Despite how season 4 went. I might end up starting a fic. And seeing if it can get me out of my insanely long writers block
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yutadori · 4 years
#v mixed feelings today aaaa aghhhhh#ive been really stressed like extreme stressed since sunday bc i found out that my moms coworker tested posi for cvid#and it wasn't until today that my mom got the results ans she tested negative thankfully#but like . ah .#yesterdsy i was talking about it w my brother and what to do if she tests posi#and we talked abt it and he said if she tests neg > goes back to work > her/someone close to her gets tested posi then she shouldnt come#back and stay at her place over there. so i told her that todsy ehen she came in to mh room and she got so offended and turned it on ME#she said 'id never do that to you' (implying that shed never leave us alome if sick) and she was like 'if you were sick would you want me#to not be close to you??' and i was like???? yes????? hello????#and it's so frustrating bc then she made me seem like a bad person like !! how ... how are you absolutely missing the point .#and its funnie that she says all that bc i do remember the times where i was sick or injured and shed complain abt having to take care of me#and said I was wasting her time when she could be doing other stuff .#and like i understand how what i said could have come off as offensive bc no one wants to be alone when theyre sick but i clarified that i#wasnt saying it to be an asshole but bc thats the safest thing to do bc then it puts US in danger and WE could die . but then she was just#like 'i know i wont get sick ✌️' like . shes so painfully ignorant it really stresses me out and makes me want to cry at how shes just like#brushing this all off like how can you ignore the reality of this all . how#and now im a bit stressed thinking if this happens again where someone or even worse if she gets tested posi then she'll end up coming#back home without telling us before hand to idk spite us/me or bc she doesnt care ughhhhh ughhhh im so . stressed stressed#i think in thst case ill csll her boss... since shes my moms friend aaaa fuck#also sorry abt the rambling posts lately im just so . stressed#when will i get a break#sun texts
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minyoonsgirl · 4 years
Nabi - The Girl without a Name
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Summary:You have no memories of your past, all you know is fear as you push your battered body to run faster as you try to escape those who pursue you. Who would have thought that room 205 would hold the key  to seven men who would become your protectors. Who knew that it would lead you to uncovering your past and finding that your savior had already come to your rescue so many times before.
Genre: eventual Fluff, eventual Smut, eventual OT7 x reader
Warnings: Amnesia, themes of fear, implied kidnapping and adult themes. Things will probably be a lot more intense as this story goes on.
Word Count: 2,965
a/n: Hello lovelies  ♡ This is chapter is a little longer than the previous, but there was a lot of information that I felt needed to be addressed and wanted to make sure our reader was introduced to our favorite boys early on. I hope you enjoy ♡
Chapter One   >  <Chapter 3
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
Chapter Two - The Quiet Girl with Sad Eyes
You clung to Yoongi as the security team had walked in, and though he assured you that he wouldn’t let anyone hurt you, you knew, that there wasn’t much this boy could really do for you. After all, he didn’t even know you. Two other boys quickly filed in after the security team. While both were tall, one of the boys had much broader shoulders and dark, kind eyes. His hair fell into his face as he smiled softly at you where you lay, curled into Yoongi’s arms. 
The other boy looked to be in charge of everything going on, quickly taking on the leader role, it was as though he was made for it. He had shorter hair that was haphazard, as though he had been running his fingers through it. The fading purple and silver made the bronze of his skin stand out beautifully. Though unsure of the validity of your own thoughts, you were quite sure you had never seen three men so equally beautiful in their own ways. 
The boy with the kind eyes and pretty lips spoke to you first, leaving the leader to discuss the events with their security. 
“Hi there, uh -” He paused, looking at Yoongi for help. 
“Nabi. I’ve been calling her Nabi, Jin hyung. Also she speaks korean.” Yoongi supplied and the boy - Jin - nodded. Jin smiled softly at you and you pushed yourself further into Yoongi’s side. Though he clearly trusted all these people it was still a lot for you to process. You still knew nothing that could help yourself should these people prove to be as bad as the others and while you didn’t know Yoongi, he had been the only person to show you any amount of kindness so far. 
“Hey Nabi, it looks like you’ve been through a lot. I know right now you are probably terrified but I promise that we are going to take care of you. There is a doctor here -” Jin paused, pointing to a man dressed in grey slacks and a maroon shirt. You look back up at Jin with wide eyes as he continues speaking,
“I know that it’s going to be hard to let him examine you but unfortunately we don’t have a female doctor on staff. It’s really important that he take a look at you… we need to know how bad your injuries are. Can you do that for us, Nabi?” Jin finishes, his head tilted as he stares at you, waiting for an answer. You feel as though your lips are glued shut. He reaches a hand out and your eyes snap to it, your whole body trembling as you push yourself further against Yoongi, who rubs a hand up and down your back soothingly. Jin stops, a sympathetic frown twisting onto his face. You look up at Yoongi, his brown eyes peer down into yours, and he nods,
“It really is okay, Nabi. You can trust him. I wouldn’t have called these people if I didn’t think they’d take care of you. I have to talk to our team to let them know what happened,” Yoongi said, nudging you toward Jin, being careful of your side. You look back up at Jin, and slowly reach out and take his hand. You look back at Yoongi again and he’s smiling softly at you, urging you to continue. Jin speaks softly as he helps pull you up, his hand slowly wraps around your back,
“Can you walk, gongjunim?” Jin asks before allowing you to stand, the term setting your cheeks aflame. Princess. You push past the flutter in your chest and test your ankles, putting weight on them. You quickly realise this is a mistake, a sharp pain in your left ankle causing you to let out a sharp yelp as you fall back. Jin is quick to catch you and pick you up as though you weigh nothing, you feel the man tense as you cling to him.
“Gongjunim, when is the last time you ate something?” He asks. You peer up at his face. Jin’s jaw is tense, and he’s looking at you like he wants to fight someone. You hope you haven’t already done something to make this kind man hate you. You struggle to think back to your last meal, your stomach choosing that moment to make an audible announcement that it’s been hours at least. You realise you’re shaking again, the tears falling from your eyes faster than you can process it.
“I wish I knew,” You responded, but the words were hoarse and raw as they ripped themselves from your throat. Why couldn’t you remember anything? Jin nodded his head,
“As soon as you’re done with the doctor I’m going to order up some food for you and the boys. We could all use something to eat after this,” Jin responded and carried you out of the room to one across the hall, leaving you to wonder how long you’d be staying with them.
Jin sat you down softly in the bed and moved to leave, the doctor having stepped forward, smiling at you softly. You made a choked noise in the back of your throat, scrambling away from the man and towards Jin. You had miscalculated how injured you were, as pain lanced across your ribs and ankle, your entire body seeming to protest every movement. You cry out and clutch your side, feeling bile rising in your throat from the pain and the fear flooding your body. Jin rushes back to your side, grasping your hand in his.
“Nabiya, what’s wrong?” Jin says as he helps you to sit back up on the bed. You grasp his hand tighter, 
“Please don’t leave me,” You whimper, you’re starting to feel pretty pathetic, clinging so harshly to these boys that you don’t know. Still, you can’t help but feel as though, with them, you will be safe. You know it’s too good to be true but you won’t give up this momentary respite from the haze of fear that surrounds you. 
“Ahh Nabi… the doctor is going to have to ask you to undress…” Jin said sheepishly, his cheeks dusted a slight pink. Your eyes widen, your breath coming in shallow spurts. You shake your head and squeeze Jin’s hand. 
“I don’t want to be alone. Please,” You whimper, Jin nods. He motions for the doctor to continue.
“Eh.. miss. If I could get you to step out of your dress…” The man asks, clearing his throat as he and Jin make eye contact. Jin looks away, staring at the wall away from you. You sit there for a moment, reaching behind you to feel for the dress’s clasp. You chew on your lower lip as you realise that it’s a zipper and you can’t reach to pull it down. 
“Jin-ssi.. Could you help?” You whisper the words, the heat coming to your cheeks immediately. You wish you didn’t have to look up at him, you wish you didn’t have to see the way his eyes widen in shock, his mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water. You turn away, your arms locked around your knees, your teeth digging into your lower lip so it stings as you feel your eyes begin to water. You inhale through your nose, and jolt a little as you feel a cold hand lightly settle on your back.
“It’s okay gongjunim, it’s just me,” Jin whispers, tucking your hair softly over your shoulder, before tugging the zipper down gently. Jin holds your hand the entire time the doctor examines you, and while you’re wearing a bra and underwear you still feel so exposed. You have to resist the urge to push the doctors hands away as he touches your side and ankle. He tuts at the extent of your injuries. 
“Broken ribs, sprained ankle. Thankfully it’s all stuff that can be bandaged but she’s very malnourished. I wouldn’t be surprised if they were starving her. Even at her height she shouldn’t be anywhere near this thin,” You could hear the doctor speaking to Jin, but you were more preoccupied with covering yourself with the blanket as the chill from the room soaked into your skin. You looked up when you heard another person enter the room. Yoongi and the purple haired boy from earlier were coming in. You immediately reached for Yoongi’s hand as he came to sit behind you on the bed. He pulled you close to his chest, tucking the cover over your shoulders as the doctor began to address the three of them. The boys nodded and explained to the doctor that they could be trusted to handle your care. 
You shivered and Yoongi began to draw soft circles on your back, the boy wouldn’t admit it but he had worried the entire time you had been out of his sight. He trusted Jin with his life, but it was good to see you still safe, if slightly more alarmed than the last time he had seen you.
“Nabiya, this is Namjoon-ssi,” Jin said as he introduced the boy with purple hair. You nodded in Namjoon’s direction and he smiled tightly at you.
“You’re going to be staying with us until we can figure out where you came from. Our security team and the police seem to think this may be your best option considering people are still searching for you,” Namjoon explained, his voice soft and melodic. You could feel yourself nodding along but confused as to why they would think it was in their best interest or yours. 
“We’re an idol group, but we have an extremely good team, and we’re going to pose you as an English teacher for the rest of the guys. So no one is going to ask questions, and you’ll be safe while the police do their job,” Namjoon continued, seeming to understand your confusion. You nod, a yawn cutting you short. Yoongi smiles and ruffles your hair.
“Time for a shower, Nabiya, then food. After that you can sleep.” Jin said softly, pulling the cover from you gently. You release it and allow him and Namjoon to help you from your position on Yoongi’s lap. You already miss his warmth. You have to admit, however, that the idea of a shower is more than appealing. You can feel the grime caking your skin, and you can only imagine how you must look,or worse, smell. The boys leave you alone in the bathroom, Yoongi promising he’ll be right outside the door if you need him, while Jin offers to find you some clothes. It’s barely ten minutes later and you find yourself calling for Yoongi. He cracks the door, peeking around, his hand over his eyes.
“Did you need something?” He asks, and you nod, forgetting for a moment that he can’t see you. You clear your throat, sinking further into the deep tub, making sure you’re covered by the water.
“I can- can’t wash my hair. It- It’s painful... Holding my arms up,” You explain. Yoongi moves his hand to look over at you, he leaves the door open as he walks further into the bathroom. Picking up the shampoo he pours a decent amount in his hand before turning to look at you, careful to keep his eyes trained on your face,
“Is it okay for me to touch you?” he asks, and you nod, turning slightly to face away from him.  You nearly moan at the feeling of his fingers massaging your scalp, you swallow it back down, biting your lower lip, and sinking further into the water. Once Yoongi has your hair washed and conditioned, you drain the water, immediately feeling so much better than you had before. He closes his eyes as he holds a towel out to you, helping steady you as you pull yourself out of the tub. You wrap the towel tightly around yourself. Jin walks in, at that moment, followed closely behind by Namjoon. He hands you a shirt and a pair of boxers. 
“This is the best we can do right, now. Sorry, Yoongi-ssi, hope you don’t mind but we raided your luggage,” Jin explained, Yoongi shrugged. They handed you the clothes, and walked back out the room, shutting the door behind them. You dried yourself and your hair as much as you could, the cold air quickly seeping into your skin, your body shaking as you slipped on the clothes that belonged to Yoongi. You called for Jin to help you with your bandages, and even though he was as gentle as possible it still stung unbearably when he wrapped your ribs and ankle. Your breathing was harsh and labored, Jin left to give you a moment to compose yourself, for which, you were grateful, beyond tired of trying not to break down in front of people you didn’t know. 
You walked back into the room to find it filled with seven boys and more food than you’d seen in your life… though you couldn’t be sure that was true either, you figured it might be though. You noticed four pairs of curious eyes on you, and you leaned further against the wall behind you. How was it possible that each of these men were all so incredibly good looking? Though they were as different as night and day, they all seemed to be carved from the same immaculate stone. Yoongi noticed the boys staring and caught sight of you, he motioned for you to come to him and you walked over hesitantly. Yoongi pulled you into his lap, Jin was to your right with Namjoon on his other side and another boy you hadn’t met yet was to your left. He smiled at you brightly, and you snuggled further into Yoongi.
Jin placed a wrap in front of your face, you looked at him cautiously before leaning forward and taking the leaf filled with meat into your mouth. Ssam. Lettuce and pork. You can remember having this before. The flavors burst on your tongue and suddenly you feel like you haven’t eaten in years. You want to snatch up everything you see and eat forever but you know that if you do that your body will protest, violently. So you continue to let Jin and Yoongi slip you bits of food, chewing slowly and savoring each piece presented to you. 
“Nabi, this is Hoseok,” Yoongi says quietly, pointing to the red head with the giant smile, sitting beside him. Sunshine. The man was like the personification of sunshine, his eyes and smile brilliant.
“Nabiya, it’s so good to meet you, you can call me Hobi.” Hobi says. You nod sheepishly in his direction, glancing quickly back down at your fingers.
“I’m Jimin,” says the smaller boy sitting across from you, his pink hair framing his cute cheeks, his smile angelic and light. You feel your cheeks stinging as you duck your head into a quick nod of acknowledgment. You turn to Jin quickly, looking for more food so that you might avoid the embarrassment of having to make eye contact with anyone else. 
“I’m Taehyung, you can call me Tae!” Comes a deep baritone register, from the most unlikely of faces. The black haired boy smiles a big boxy smile, tucking a strand of his wavy hair behind his ear. You feel your heart flutter. You’re not sure you’ll be able to handle being around boys that are this effortlessly charming constantly. 
“I’m Jungkook.” The last boy says his name, his eyes cast down as he introduces himself, his cheeks a soft pink. He looks up and makes eye contact with you, you nod and smile tentatively. You look back over to Jin and he shakes his head,
“Sorry, gongjunim, as much as I want to keep feeding you I know you’ve had enough. We have to take it easy on the food, you can have more at breakfast in the morning,” Jin promises, but you poke your lip out, 
“Can’t I just have one more… please?” You ask softly, you know he’s right but you really can’t resist the thought of having one more, your mind and tongue craving it even if your stomach is feeling quite full.
“Aish, just one and then bed for all of us,” Jin responds, quickly feeding you once more, a smile on his lips despite his scolding. Everyone is quick to clean up, ready for bed considering it’s nearly one in the morning. Yoongi helps you to your feet, everyone filing out until it’s just you and him as he helps you into the bed. He pulls the covers up over you, tucking you into the bed before turning to switch the light off. You hear him pad over to the door, sitting up and reaching for him, your fingers catch on his sleeve.
“Please stay…” You ask, your voice so quiet you’re not sure he hears. Yoongi pauses, contemplating if it was a good idea before you speak again.
“I don’t wanna be alone… I’m scared they're going to come back. Please jus- just tonight.” You ask. Yoongi nods, 
“Of course, Nabiya, I’ll stay,” Yoongi whispers, crawling into bed with you. You turn to face the wall away from the door as he eases into the bed, moving under the covers until his chest is pressed into your back. His fingers ease up the shirt you’re wearing and begin to trace patterns onto your skin. Your eyes flutter shut, as he starts to hum softly. For the first time, in what you think must be a really long time, you feel yourself fading into a peaceful sleep. For the first time, in what you think must be a really long time, you might finally be safe.
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harlivies · 6 years
While I sort of understand everyone’s frustrations towards Posie in the latest episode, I feel like I’m under the obligation to share my two cents on the matter because I’ve been seeing a lot of things that honestly... Ain’t it.
Before I even get into anything else, I have to say that even though the Posie content we got from the latest Legacies episode might not have been what everyone was expecting, it was absolutely fitting in the context of the episode. Let’s be objective about it. We have to keep in mind this was Lizzie Saltzman’s Legacies, as the show put it. The things that were addressed needed to be addressed. And yes, Josie technically wasn’t alive in this alternate reality, but we got to know Penelope and Josie still found their way to each other, and that Penelope did love her deeply and was suffering due to her death. Lulu’s acting was absolutely stellar, and we got to see a side of her character we probably wouldn’t otherwise. That’s a win, in my book.
I hope everyone’s aware it’ll take us some time to actually get Posie, and that the sooner we do, the sooner problems will arise either between the two or in ways that’ll influence their relationship. Having to wait is frustrating, no doubt, but so far the show has indicated Posie will be a slow burn type of ship and we kind of have to get on board with that. Their situation is complicated and any quick fix will only lead to something temporary. There’s a lot that needs to happen before they can actually be together.
Now, the thing that really left a bitter taste in my mouth was the hatred I’ve seen towards Hosie and, most importantly, the comments made against Danielle and (mostly) Kaylee for supporting Hosie. Let’s get one thing out of the way already: contrary to popular opinion, the Hosie scenes in 1.10 were not queerbait. 
As everyone apparently loves to forget, “Queerbaiting is the practice of hinting at, but then not actually depicting, a same-sex romantic relationship between characters in a work of fiction. [Queerbaiting] is meant to imply that this is done for the purpose of attracting ("baiting") a queer audience with the ultimately unrealized suggestion of relationships that appeal to them.” 
In this context, Legacies would’ve queerbaited its viewers if it had included any hints of Hosie in the promo, synopsis, stills, or episode without actually depicting them as a same-sex romantic relationship afterwards, much like Riverdale did by placing a Beronica kiss in the promo for the series when neither character is actually depicted as a member of the LGBT+ community. That is not the case with Legacies: Josie is a canonically queer character, despite Hosie, itself, not being canon, and the show didn’t promise anything it didn’t deliver because it didn’t make any promises to begin with. The Hosie tidbits inserted into this episode were there for comic relief and, most importantly, because they wouldn’t sit well with Lizzie (which was the point and tone of this entire episode). 
Now that we got that out of the way, I have to say I am thoroughly disappointed to have seen so many people rain down on Kaylee for supporting Hosie more than she supports Posie. Having been in many fandoms, I’ve learned sometimes actors don’t get to be very vocal about who they support because they’re not allowed to. For example, despite everyone and their mother knowing Emison was going to happen, there was a time the actresses couldn’t be as supportive as they once were of the ship because, technically, the characters were not together yet and they couldn’t “pick sides” on who they’d end up with. We have to remember that, whether we like like it or not, as of now Josie and Penelope are not together. The show is a (hopefully) a long way from ending, and who Josie will end up with is unclear. So, to me at least, it’s not all that surprising that Kaylee isn’t too vocal about them just yet (and, with that being said, Kaylee has actually been quite supportive of the ship and has given us as many hints as she can regarding what’s to come for this relationship).
I believe we also have to keep in mind that Kaylee and Danielle seem to be closer than Kaylee and Lulu, so it’s only natural that they’d like to have more scenes together and find the thought of Hosie amusing. We all found it cute when Vanessa and Madelaine rooted for Choni to happen because they were best friends, don’t we owe Kaylee and Danielle the same amount of respect? Especially since we know for a fact Hosie isn’t going to happen. The actresses had fun with this episode; let them have that.
Finally, even if these things weren’t true, we have to accept that actors are human beings and are allowed to have their preferences, same way we, the viewers, do. It’s a hard to swallow pill when you ship something and wish the actors would support it more (believe me, I know), but it’s the truth: actors are under no moral obligation to support something just because they’re a part of it — which hasn’t even been the case, if we’re being honest.
Honestly, the show is just starting and it pains me to see that problems are already arising within the fandom when there’s no need for that to happen. Time and time again, I’ve seen shows and ships be ruined by the fandoms behind them, and I really don’t want to see that happen to something I love as much as Legacies. So please, be mindful before you post. If we keep alienating people who actually do support us over shallow things, we’ll end up with the opposite of what we want. By all means, fight the fight, but only when it’s worth it.
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hearts-hunger · 6 years
Garden Afternoon {dad!Roger}
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Summary: Roger and his daughter Posy spend the afternoon making flower crowns in the garden. Inspired by the song “Peggy-O” by Simon and Garfunkel.
Pairings: Implied Roger x wife
Word Count: 1.2k
Warnings: None!
A/N: I got really soft thinking about 70′s Roger having a little girl named Posy Meddows, and this fic is the result. It’s cute and sad and really soft. Enjoy! ♡
Everyone always said she looked like him, with that long blonde hair that turned golden in the afternoon sun and those baby blue eyes that looked at everything with wonder. He thought she had her mum’s features, with dimples that showed every time she giggled and freckles across her cheeks. She was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen apart from her mum, and he didn’t go a day without wondering how he’d gotten so lucky.
She liked to play in the garden, he’d found, wrapping her little hand around one of his fingers and asking him to come with her. How could he do anything but follow? He sat in the grass warmed by the summer sun and watched her play, her lovely face flushed and her her sweet voice telling him everything she could think of. He would never tire of listening to her little stories.
“Do you have to go away soon, daddy?” she’d asked, sitting in his lap and watching the hummingbirds on the honeysuckle bush. He combed his fingers through her hair.
“A few days,” he said.
“Where are you going?”
He tried to remember. The locations all seemed to blur together after a while.
“France,” he said finally. “You know, with the Eiffel Tower?”
She hopped up from his lap, her face alight with excitement. “Ooh, daddy, it’s gigantic, isn’t it? Do you think you could get to the top and see the whole world?”
He smiled. “I’ll take one one day and we’ll find out.”
“Could I go with you this time?”
He brushed his fingers over her cheek. “Not this time, my love.”
Her shoulders fell. “Oh. Okay, daddy. Next time.”
He hated disappointing her more than anything in the world, but he felt that he had become nothing but a disappointment to her. He was gone for months at a time, missing her grow, missing the little things like hand-drawn pictures and bedtime stories and sweet little kisses. He tried to make the most of his time with her when he was home, but every time he left he found it harder to say goodbye.
“Let me show you something Uncle Brian taught me,” he said, wanting to cheer her up. “Go and pick as many daisies as you can, and make sure they have long stems.”
She did as he said and took her time collecting a fistful of flowers, bringing them over to him when she was done. “Is this good, daddy?”
He smiled at her. “Perfect, my lovely,” he said. She beamed and sat next to him on the grass, the skirt of her blue dress laying out around her.
“You can weave them together like this,” he said, showing her how. “And when you have enough, it makes a crown.”
“Like a fairy crown,” she said in a hushed voice.
He chuckled. “Yes, like a fairy crown.” He handed the one he’d started to her, helping her weave them together while making one of his own.
“Can you sing our song?”
He looked up at her, struck as he often was by just how deeply he loved her. This beautiful thing that had come from him, the little girl who shared his hair and his eyes but had so much sweetness and loveliness that he knew couldn't have come from him. It came from her mum, and it came from her own charm and intelligence and beauty that would only grow as she did.
“Of course I can, sweetheart,” he said. As if he could have denied her anything in his power to give. He sang softly as they worked on their flower crowns, only for her to hear.
“Come a runnin' down the stairs, pretty Posy-o, come a runnin' down the stairs, combing back your yellow hair, you’re the prettiest little girl I've ever seen-o.”
He’d sung it to her since she was a baby, changing the name “Peggy” in the song for her name, Posy. Posy Meddows Taylor, the light of his life, the best thing that had ever happened to him. The best of him and her mum. The prettiest little girl in all of England, he was sure.
“I’m finished!” she said excitedly after a while. “Here, daddy, try it on.”
He leaned closer to let her put the crown on his head; she beamed at him.
“You look very pretty,” she said with a giggle.
He laughed, setting his finished crown on her golden curls. “Not nearly as pretty as you, Posy-o.”
She looked up at him from under her long lashes. “We’re the king and queen of the fairy kingdom, aren’t we, daddy?”
“Yes we are,” he said gently, his chest tightening. What he wouldn’t give for a lifetime of afternoons like this one, his only care in the world making flower crowns for his daughter. “You’re going to mind the kingdom while I’m gone, right?”
She gave a solemn nod. “Don’t worry, daddy.”
A sad smile crossed his face. “I’m not worried, sweetheart. I know you’ll do perfectly.”
“But you’ll come back soon, though, won’t you?” she asked, suddenly worried.
He gathered her in his arms, kissing her cheek. “Before you know it, my love. I’ll be missing you every day, though. I miss you so much when I’m gone.”
She played with his wedding band, turning it round on his finger. “I miss you too, daddy. Why do you have to go away so much?”
He sighed. “You uncles would have my head if I didn’t go with them.” Though he knew it’d cause a fight to ask for more time between tours, he also knew that they understood how he felt. It was just as hard for them to be away from their families, no matter how much they all loved being with each other. It was like they were leading dual lives, being a part of two families at once.
“They need you to play, don’t they?” she asked, interrupting his thoughts. “They can’t play without you, can they, daddy?”
He gave a soft laugh. “No, they can’t.” He should tell them she’d said that; they’d get a kick out of it.
“It’s very important work, isn’t it?” she asked. He could tell she was repeating what her mum had told her.
“I think so,” he said. “We make a lot of people really happy, I think.”
She turned to face him, putting her little hand to his face. “You make me really happy, daddy.”
He took a breath, feeling tears come. He closed his eyes and drew her hand to his lips to kiss her tiny fingers.
“You make me really happy too,” he said softly, his voice hoarse. “Happier than anything else in the world.”
She leaned against his chest and he held her closer, rocking her gently. He sang her song to her, his voice mixing with the birdsong and the rustling sway of the wildflowers. He memorized the feel of her weight against him, the sweetness of her voice as she sang along with the chorus, the way her fingers went to play with his necklace. He let it wash over him, this perfect afternoon, so he would have it to remember when he was halfway across the world from his little girl.
“I love you, little Posy,” he told her.
Her smile was more beautiful to him than anything else in the world. “I love you too, daddy.”
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prostitution isn’t work
in response to this article:
so the claim here is that prostitution is transactionary. no disagreements there. the question is, what is being bought and sold in this transaction? is it a service? or a product?
Sex work – not that radfems would ever use the phrase – isn’t viewed simply as a commercial transaction but rather, as blood money exchanged for abuse that can only ever happen in a world where women are unequal. That selling sex somehow reduces every woman to a commodity, valued exclusively for the extent to which we’re found fuckable.
is letting a man you dont desire have sex with you “doing work”? if that is the case, then why to prostituted women become less desirable “service providers” as they get older? wouldn’t their experience make them highly sought after, as is seen in other service industries? and if it’s apparently a skill (rather than a surrender of bodily autonomy), then why isn’t it taught in schools? why don’t we teach children about butchers and bakers and prostitutes?
why can’t you get a diploma in prostitution? why doesn’t it need to be taught at all? the job is compared to miners and minimum wage earners but those people need training to learn how to complete the task, prostituted women require no such training because sex is not a skill nor a service, it’s an act of intimacy.
if a man goes to his accountants office and finds his accountant passed out on the floor, he can’t get his taxes done. if a man goes to a prostitute and finds her passed out, he can still do what he came to do, because he doesn’t want a service fulfilled, he wants a body to control and exploit. this transaction isn’t about doing something for your client, it’s about letting him do something to you, which is not the same as providing a service
Radfems love to present testimony of industry “survivors” who were abused as children, have substance abuse problems, mental health calamities, or have experienced bad industry treatment and are now abolitionists. Heavy reliance on such testimony is severely problematic.
As revolting as it is, every industry is full of women who were abused as children. Why? Because the numbers of abused women the world over is deplorable.
Welcome to neoliberalism where presenting evidence and statistics to support an argument is “severely problematic.” Every industry is going to have some proportion of women who were abused as children, but none are as high as they are in prostitution:
Associations between childhood maltreatment and sex work in a cohort of drug-using youth
The prevalence rates for abuse in the sample were 73% for physical abuse; 32.4% for sexual abuse; 86.8% for emotional abuse; 84.5% for physical neglect; and 93% for emotional neglect.
Juvenile Prostitution and Child Sexual Abuse: A Controlled Study
The present study indicates 73% of prostitutes were sexually abused in childhood, compared to 29% of a control group obtained in a random population survey.
Prostitution in Vancouver: violence and the colonization of First Nations women.
Seventy-two percent reported childhood physical abuse, 90% had been physically assaulted in prostitution, 78% had been raped in prostitution. Seventy-two percent met DSM-IV criteria for PTSD. Ninety-five percent said that they wanted to leave prostitution. Eighty-six percent reported current or past homelessness with housing as one of their most urgent needs. Eighty-two percent expressed a need for treatment for drug or alcohol addictions.
Early Developmental Experiences of Female Sex Workers: A Comparative Study                                              
Sex workers described both parents as less caring than did the OWCSA women. They were significantly more likely than the OWCSA women to report childhood sexual abuse. The sex workers were more likely to have left home early, to have become pregnant before the age of 19 years and to not have completed tertiary study.
Adolescent prostitution in Canada and the Philippines
45% of the EX group and 23% of controls had been abused by different assailants on at least two different occasions; assailants were a biological father for 21% of the EX and 4% of the controls. Of the EX, 73%, and 46% of the control group were abused before age 10; 45% of the EX and 2% of the control group had been abused continuously for more than a year; 43% of the EX and 6% of controls had been abused on at least 20 separate occasions. Of the EX, 80%, and 12% of the sexually abused controls had experienced intercourse during the abuse.
Sexual Abuse as a Precursor to Prostitution and Victimization Among Adolescent and Adult Homeless Women
The results suggest that early sexual abuse increases the probability of involvement in prostitution irrespective of any influence exerted through factors such as running away from home, substance abuse, and other deviant activities.
If the sisterhood can support my decision to swallow contraceptive pills or terminate an unwanted pregnancy, then there is a duty for them to support my choice to have as much or as little sex as I like and, if I so choose, put a price tag on that sex.
Decriminalized prostitution, where both purchasing and profiteering off of prostituted women was legalized as well as the act of prostitution itself, has been shown to increase sex trafficking in countries who have implemented it (x x). Many sex-posi feminists argue that this is because of a safer reporting atmosphere that artificially inflates the recorded instances of sex trafficking, however that theory fails to explain why countries who implement the Nordic model, where only the act of prostitution is decriminalized, don’t see a rise in sex trafficking.
We live in a society where every right a citizen has imposes responsibilities on the rest of the citizens in that society; you don’t have the right to exercise your bodily autonomy by punching another woman in the face. You also don’t have the right to exercise your bodily autonomy by helping to perpetuate a cycle of misogynistic abuse that harms literally millions of women and girls all over the planet. You can’t claim that sex work is work and then also claim that selling your body is an individual choice with no externalities; morals aside, that’s not how an economy or an industry works.
Coerced participation, trafficking and lacklustre working conditions are used to pad out the claim that no sex worker has truly chosen their toil. Not only is such an argument predicated on the false-consciousness argument so intoxicating for radfems, but it pretends that sex work is some kind of special case; that sex work shouldn’t exist because there’s certain labour that simply shouldn’t be sold.
Prostitution is not “labour” and purchased sex cannot philosophically be consented to; it is compliant sex, at best.
Point to any industry and there will be examples of bad practices, abused workers, and unsafe conditions.
This is simply not comparable, no other industry has the same risk profile as prostitution in terms of type of harm suffered nor prevalence.
Welcome, my friends, to capitalism. This doesn’t make trafficking or coercion unimportant issues, but equally, it doesn’t make their presence in the sex industry a special case. There are no shortages of industries that need better oversight. But equally, in no other industry where bad practices exist do we ever talk of abolition.
No kind of oversight is ever going to make the sex trade an acceptably   harmless enterprise to women. Bad practices don’t just “exist” in the sex trade, the sex trade is a bad practice. There’s literally no way to make it good. The vast majority of prostituted women are trafficked and coerced, and guess what? If they didn’t exist, the sex trade would collapse because of lack of supply. If only privileged Western camgirls and high class off-street prostitutes existed, which is what non-coerced non-trafficked “sex work” would look like (in theory, statistically even those fully consenting women will experience rape and sexual assault while “working” at some point), there would be a ~90% undersupply. And then what do you think would happen? Would the millionaire profiteers of the sex trade throw up their hands in defeat and walk away from a cheap (or free), easily sourced product that can be sold hundreds of times over? Of course not! The sex trade literally could not survive without rape and exploitation, the same cannot be said for any other industry.
Criminalising an entire industry because of isolated bad examples takes away choice from free-will participants and justifies doing so on the behaviour of abusers. Doing so is victim-blaming and paternalistic.
Under the Nordic model, only buying sex or selling someone elses’ body for sex would be illegal, prostituted women themselves wouldn’t be criminals. Those “isolated bad examples” are the status quo, they’re not rare or exceptional in the slightest. The free will participants of this industry are a minority; implying that the rest of these women are just going to have to suffer so that the privileged minority can do what they want is paternalistic, and saying that women are treated badly in the sex trade because of “isolated examples” and not the underlying dynamics of the industry is victim blaming.
Prostitution and Trafficking in 9 Countries: Update on Violence and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder.
We interviewed 854 people currently or recently in prostitution in 9 countries (Canada, Colombia, Germany, Mexico, South Africa, Thailand, Turkey, United States, and Zambia), inquiring about current and lifetime history of sexual and physical violence. We found that prostitution was multitraumatic: 71% were physically assaulted in prostitution; 63% were raped; 89% of these respondents wanted to escape prostitution, but did not have other options for survival. 75% had been homeless at some point in their lives; 68% met criteria for PTSD. Severity of PTSD symptoms was strongly associated with the number of different types of lifetime sexual and physical violence. Our findings contradict common myths about prostitution: the assumption that street prostitution is the worst type of prostitution, that prostitution of men and boys is different from prostitution of women and girls, that most of those in prostitution freely consent to it, that most people are in prostitution because of drug addiction, that prostitution is qualitatively different from trafficking, and that legalizing or decriminalizing prostitution would decrease its harm.
In the radfem imagination, for the selling of sex to be understood as so very horrible sex is understood as having special properties; that it can never just be labour like any other, seemingly because no other job necessitates so much cock.
First of all, the aggressive cock talk doesn’t do much to combat the perception that critiques of radical feminism are often underpinned by lesbophobia. Doctors look at cocks all the time as a part of their professional occupation, and radfems don’t object to that, because a service is being performed in that context and neither party is harmed, nor do they receive sexual gratification.
Radfems apparently find it inconceivable that women could actually chose to have contact with a penis they’re not in love with. That having random-cock-contact could actually be found fun or lucrative or even a preferable use of one’s workday than toil in a factory, a lecture theatre or a coal mine.
Casual sex is a pretty common thing and it’s not exclusive to the sex trade. The choice to enter the sex trade (a choice made be very few participants) frankly is often underpinned by a history of sexual abuse (as evidenced earlier) and associated with certain psychiatric disorders (x x, the pattern of causation is tricky but either direction supports radical feminist theory) even in wealthy “developed” countries like the United States.
Aside from that, purchased sex cannot be consented to because it’s sex you wouldn’t be having if you weren’t getting paid (you might be having sex with someone but not with that specific individual), not to mention that the whole “selling a service” argument kind of falls apart if you also claim that the sex you’re selling is consensual. If you’re selling a service, the receiver of the service decides on the circumstances of that service fulfillment.
Such views aren’t grounded in women’s lived experiences. They fail to recognise that quite a few of us not only really like the cock, but that having contact with it doesn’t necessitate “giving ourselves away”. Instead, they rely on a moralistic opposition to any sex that’s had in quantities greater than every second Tuesday.
The quantity of sex is not the objection, and the implication that sex always involves cocks is interesting. In any case, you can enjoy as much cock as you want without prostituting yourself, this seams like a false equivalency.
And they use terms like “sell herself” as though, at the end of the transaction, a woman has sold off a body part. Cue Catholic school metaphors about virginity loss.
I suppose “rent herself” makes more sense but it doesn’t have quite the same ring to it.
My worth isn’t determined by how much sex I’ve had. Equally, having sex for money doesn’t change me as a person any more than teaching for money or writing for money does: we each sell our time – our labour – to the market
And yet somehow people who teach for money don’t experience far higher rates of PTSD than the general population
Sex work isn’t an industry you have to love, nor is it an industry you have to find empowering. But love and empowerment aren’t things we ever expect of any other industry either. The sex industry doesn’t need your admiration, but nor does it deserve your condemnation.
Any industry that relies on the suffering of women and girls to servive deserves the condemnation of feminists. This is not a difficult concept to understand.
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just-a-dumb-gay · 5 years
Imagine this as a Penelope/Posie comeback. (Warning: Long Post)
And as much as I love Hizzie, im gonna think realistically here and not have them be a thing. Because I honestly doubt Hizzie will actually happen (not that that'll stop me shipping them.)
So say Legacies continues on for many more seasons. Penelope doesn't come back but is mentioned. Like im sticking to the theory she's helping Caroline. So perhaps Ric is on the phone to Caroline and says something like "How is she handling everything?" but we never find out who 'she' is. And there's a couple phone calls like that.
So that and Josie has a couple more love interests, but none stick. She's clearly still stuck on Penelope.
So season 4 ends on sorta a cliffhanger, but nothing too major.
Season 5 then picks up after a time jump and starts a couple weeks before the twins 22nd birthday.
Now im thinking of this as what could be the very first scene of the season.
It starts with a shot of a phone with the alarm going off. Then we hear someone groaning (because nobody likes alarms lol).
We then see it's Josie, so she picks the phone up and turn the alarm off before burying her face back in her pillow mumbling something like "Too early.".
Then there's someone laughing from off screen and Josie turns over and glares at this unknown girl we cant see.
This girl laughs more because grumpy morning Josie is adorable.
Josie then just mumbles a "shut up" before pulling the covers over her head in a hope to go back to sleep.
Unknown girl then comes over and pulls the covers off of Josie who just dramatically covers her face with a pillow to block the sunlight.
Then, we see this unknown girl sit on the bed beside Josie and also attempt to pull the pillow away.
After managing to get the pillow she just puts it back where it was.
Josie then says something like "I hate morning people." or "One long lie, is that too much to ask for.".
Unknown girl just laughs and offers a hand to help Josie out of bed.
Josie takes this girls hand, and then pulls her down on top of her. We then see it's Penelope.
So Josie is still kinda grumpy, but cant help but smile at having Penelope laughing above her.
We get a really cute kiss. Then Penelope, not moving from her place on top of Josie, says something like "Now are you going to move, or do I have take the covers and pillows again?". Which is cute because it implies this has happened more than once.
Josie just groans again before wrapping her arms around Penelope, pulling her down so she's lying on her chest.
Penelope fights a little before giving up and getting comfy, shifting so her head is on Josie's shoulder.
Josie says something like "10 more minutes." or "We can blame traffic for us being late.". Penelope then laughs and pulls the covers back over them.
It looks like they're about to go back to sleep then theres an unusual noise off screen.
Penelope perks up and a few seconds pass before Penelope is about to get out of bed and go see what made the noise.
And then Lizzie burts into the room and just is her usual self and says "Come on. Get up. Places to be!"
Penelope just sighs and flomps back down, hiding her face against Josie's neck. And now its her turn to pull the covers over their heads.
Only for Lizzie to magically pull the covers off the bed. And Penelope says "Why did we give your sister keys to our apartment?". To which Lizzie would give some snarky reply, although her and Penelope are now actually somewhat getting along.
And then that all continues into the rest of the episode.
Throughout the season we find out ALOT: -
- Penelope did leave to help Caroline find a cure for the merge.
- Once Josie graduated she moved to Europe to help them find a cure, while Lizzie stayed behind to help Ric and see what they can find out together.
- Eventually they think they found a cure, so Lizzie moved to wherever in Europe Posie and Caroline are.
- Posie were going strong so they bought an apartment together (or more like Caroline bought it for them. Josie's 21st birthday present.)
Turns out, Lizzie moved because the witch they need to do the spell to stop the merge refused to leave her home for some reason.
The show picks up a few weeks before their birthday because they still have things they need to prepare for stopping the merge. And that's why Lizzie comes to wake Posie up.
But, in typical TVD/TO/Legacies fashion, something goes wrong. At the end of the first episode, we find out the witch they needed to do the spell was killed.
And there we have the main plot of the season unfold. They have they're cure/loopehole thing, but they need to find a certain type of witch to do it. Maybe from a certain bloodline, or from a certain coven. Just something like that.
So that's Posie, Lizzie and Carolines storyline.
Back at the Salvatore school we find out that after graduation, Ric offered Hope a job there. She's a teacher, so like Dorian 2.0 because she can actually do magic and stuff and her and Ric are still close so he trusts her with big things going on.
They find out about the problem with the merge loophole witch and start seeing if they can find anything to help. Along with another storyline.
To sum up what im thinking for the whole season plotline. Another coven of witches dead set on destroying the Gemini coven. Said coven of witches will do everything they can to have the merge happen. (for a reason I cant think of rn lol)
So the last episode of the season, they've defeated evil coven of witches and finding someone who can help stop the merge.
But to stop the merge, the twins actually have to start the merge spell. They both siphon the same thing (maybe Penelope or Caroline) so they are as close to equal strength as possible.
And the end of season cliffhanger we get is them both passing out and then Penelope asking "Did it work?" while rushing to Josie's side. To which the witch helping them replies "All we can do is wait and see now."
Then in the next season they're both fine. Posie get engaged, maybe we even get to see them get married. Other happy stuff happens to other characters. And everything wraps up to a happy ending.
And then we all cry for a week after saying goodbye to TVD universe one last time.
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heytothe · 6 years
When in Doubt Just Send Flowers
Flowers are the ideal way to enjoy life. They welcome new babies, honor birthday parties and other important objectives, add romantic endeavors to relationships, and are the ideal expression of concern. For all of these events, and so many more, exclusive plant arrangements are always in style.
Flowers have long been well-known for their meaning too. Certain flowers show really like or interest while others take a position for relationship. In Victorian times entire discussions are said to have happened through the use of flowers and flowers. It was a way for very proper people to communicate their interest in each other or show well-developed interest for example.
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The use of flowers for interaction still applies nowadays and especially when you are unsure as to what kind www.flowerdeliveryuk.org.uk of present to provide. Are you embarrassed to say the words, "I really like you" out loud? Do you want to let someone know they are unique but are unsure of how to prove it? Are you uncertain as to the best present to provide someone going, enjoying mothering sunday celebration, finishing from the university, or grieving the loss of a family member?
Messages, Descriptions, and Communication
Today the meaning of flowers is creating a huge return. You can still order conventional flowers for interaction, but there are also box preparations, effects, exclusive preparations, and unique event flowers to be able to customize the plant concept. You can mix a selection of flowers and colours to deliver a clear statement of feelings.
It is commonly assumed that flowers take a position for really like. But, the true meaning depends on the color of the increased. A red increased conveys really like and need but other shades are less intense. Yellow-colored flowers are for relationship, apple for truthfulness, and dark light red for thanks and appreciation. A plant delivery of flowers or increased preparations always brings up happy reactions because the content is clearly stated.
Roses are not the only flowers with representational definitions. Many periodic flowers also have interesting associations that create for excellent presents. For example, the lily stands for majesty and is best suited for grandmas or others you hold in high esteem.
Queen Anne's Lace implies trust and is an exclusive addition to a bouquet sent to shut a business cope. And, if you know someone who is feeling red - send red or violet flowers to show concern. Blue or violet hydrangea flowers carry good encourage to the receiver.
Are you proud to be an Australia or enjoying the achievements of a fellow Aussie's? A present that includes native Australia flowers such as the Leucadendron, Royal Bluebell, or the Waratah makes an unusual and loyal agreement.
Removing the Doubt
Junky wedding presents in abundance can be found at retail shops, but it's a junky concept you signal too. You might as well tell someone, "I had no idea what to provide you with, so I bought the first thing that came to mind. I wonder if you will like it!"
Fresh cut flowers, on the other hand, are ideal for birthday parties. Lavish plants and exclusive flowers will delight the wedding gal or guy and be a reminder of the unique time for days to come. Ordering flowers from a Victoria flower shop can remove all doubt about the right present to five.
Many plant arrangements do dual purpose by arriving in bins that can be recycled. Lovely 'Welcome Baby' preparations can be ordered in white, red, yellow, or light red boxes or in holders that can be used again in the baby's room for holding things. Some contemporary plant arrangements arrive in tin bins that create ideal ice carafes or can be recycled for other plants.
Flowers Work When Nothing Else Does
Numerous plant customers are looking for something exclusive and have already spent hours ineffectively shopping for an ideal present at various shops. What you want to this dilemma is the slow down. Floral effects include flowers and treats that can be customized for the receiver. For example, for the fabulous you might choose a slow down with lavish flowers, fabulous offerings, and a container of great regional wine.
Floral effects are the best present for any special event. A regional property broker can near each cope with a slow down of real flowers and fruits. A well known romantic evening slow down contains a container of Bailey's, fabulous sweets, and a wonderful posy. And, don't forget a slow down for the new mom and dad. These are very in demand and contain light flowers and toiletry items for the newborn child.
Sometimes flowers are the best present option because you may not know what would be appropriate otherwise. For example, you get invited to an office retirement party and don't know the individual very well but still want to take a present. Instead of buying something the individual won't enjoy, you will carry a bouquet or slow down. Arrangements or fabulous present holders create innovative and sophisticated presents that can be as personal or as general as you want.
When you visit an online flower shop in Victoria, there you will contemporary plant arrangements, conventional plant choices, exclusive or conventional preparations, and of course, flowers.
Arrangements can also be sent for fun or 'just because'. Would a large stuffed stuffed bear sitting in a basket full of flowers put a grin on your friend's face? Well, this agreement and many other light-hearted options including tropical pleasures and balloons can be delivered with just a click or a short telephone call.
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kissmytommo-blog · 7 years
Learn to install a car stereo - Best Aftermarket Car Stereos
Hello everyone, this is JR. I work at Best Aftermarket Car Stereos and today we will do an auto stereo establishment. We'll simply go over the fundamentals of how to introduce an auto stereo into an auto, well a truck really.
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Step #1: Disconnect the auto's negative battery terminal
So we've set the crisis brake, and now we need to disengage the negative battery link. We disengage the negative battery link in light of the fact that if our torque accidently touches any metal in here, it's as of now grounded, it doesn't cause any sparkles or blazes or flames or anything like that. What's more, we're disengaged, and we'll sort of tuck this off the beaten path so it can't accidently reconnect itself.
Step #2: Disassemble the dash
Okay, so we will pry out the dash to uncover the radio, to get down to the radio, and in this truck, we need to take out the piece that goes the distance from here to ideal here. It's one major piece around the radio. In a considerable measure of autos, it's only one little bit of dash trim that can be pried out, however in this truck, again we must expel this board here along these lines, got a trim board device, and I will begin prying and getting this board out.
It's a mix of utilizing the instrument and your fingers. The device helps spare your fingertips so you don't, you don't wind up pulling your fingernails off - that is unpleasant by any means.
OK, resembles the board's free. We'll kind of warily get it out of the dash here. There's likely going to be some wiring connectors we'll need to disengage. Crush that in that spot; got that one. Furthermore, another here. OK get the last wiring connector unplugged and I imagine that ought to be every one of them. Presently we ought to have the capacity to remove this whole board from the dash. There we go. Good, we have our dash out.
So we have our dash trim board off, and now we've quite recently got the opportunity to get the radio out and this procedure is genuinely comparable in many vehicles. There are normally a few fastens holding it. It could be a Philips head or a level head or an attachment or the like - that is the thing that we have today is a 9/32nds attachment to evacuate these four screws.
Also, our four screws are out. So now we can haul the radio out of the dash and disengage it. Okay this is our reception apparatus association ideal here, this enormous tackle here, and disengage this last outfit. We have our processing plant radio out of the dash and our dash is presently kind of prepared for the new radio. So now we'll go into the shop, we'll get our wiring tackle all associated and prepared to go. We'll put the radio in the establishment unit and we'll return around here so we can begin to assemble this thing back.
Step #3: Connect the wiring bridle
So we have here the bridle that accompanied the radio and the tackle that attachments into the vehicle, the vehicle particular fitting. We will interface these wires to these wires so I will simply ahead and start associating these wires. I'll begin with the ground wires where I'll simply turn the copper together here, at that point I will take my posi-connectors, we're doing these as opposed to fastening since they are so straightforward, so natural to introduce, and it makes a pleasant tight association. It's that simple, truly. So now our ground wires are as one and tight and we can move onto our next one. So what's pleasant so far is the wires on both the vehicle particular outfit and the radio's saddle have been coordinated shading for work so our yellow is our steady wire, our dark is our ground wire, our red is our exchanged power wire.
You may have seen a couple of additional wires on this saddle we're not tending to or attaching at the present time - we'll manage those later. This green wire's our stopping brake wire; we require that on the grounds that the radio has a screen on it and we will need to interface it to our stopping brake. What's more, in case you're connecting quite recently even more a customary beneficiary that doesn't have a video screen on it, you won't have the stopping brake wire, or the switch wire on there. So these are additional wires that are for this beneficiary particularly.
So we've completed the saddle. We have the vehicle particular saddle associated with the radio tackle. We will move onto gathering the establishment pack which is the thing that holds the radio in the dash and influences it to look great. So we will put the side sections into the unit; they just fit one way so you can't put the side on the wrong side. I will put this on the radio and now we are very brave to hold the unit to the radio itself.
We have the pack on the radio and it is prepared to go. We have our wiring bridle totally set up together so we're prepared to go out to the truck to put the radio and the tackle and stuff in the truck. One thing I might want to specify is this is a twofold noise radio significance the radio's around four inches tall. It takes up this whole opening in this establishment pack. Only one out of every odd radio is that size; a few radios are a solitary noise or two inches or a large portion of that tallness, for example, this radio here. So I conveyed this out just to kind of get a visual on the single clamor with a pocket versus a twofold clamor radio.
Step #4: Run embellishment links
So we have our radio in the truck essentially prepared to go in, yet we have a couple different things to do first. For instance, this radio has a USB contribution on the back of it and it accompanies this decent USB link that we will connect to the back of the radio and course it out to where we can achieve it. Furthermore, we've additionally got a Bluetooth amplifier to introduce. The receiver, we'll most likely put it up here on the visor so it gets the guest's or the driver's voice truly well, and we'll course the link down and into the dash and into the back of the radio where it connects to appropriate here.
So we require a place to put the USB link where the driver can achieve it effectively when he gets in and we found the ideal place in this truck. There's a decent little stockpiling pocket appropriate here and it additionally happens to give us quite simple access to steering it up to inspire it to connect to the back of the radio. We will take the attachment and we're going to simply course it directly down through here. Haul it up ideal out of the radio depression, and we will haul sufficiently out just to have some slack to connect it to the back of the radio and whatever remains of this link. We can simply kind of overlay it up, abandon it appropriate in here with the goal that driver can convey it out when he needs to connect his telephone to.
Okay, so we will put the Bluetooth receiver up here on the visor, fits pleasant and cozy. What's more, we can point the Bluetooth receiver comfortable driver's face - truly gets the voice anticipated out of there truly well so you get a decent direct voice pickup on the amplifier. This pleasant, thin link can be steered up behind the main event here. Simply tuck it in there so it doesn't drop out and it remains decent and covered up. We have receiver link directed straight up in here staying away from all the vital stuff like the guiding linkage, and our last tiny bit, we're recently going to run it through this little opening and into the radio cavity.
We ran the USB link, we ran the Bluetooth mouthpiece, and we have the radio's saddle great to go in the dash there. With most beneficiaries, that would be all we would need to do, however this is a video recipient, which implies it needs an association with the stopping brake so the video beneficiary knows when not to play video. That stopping brake association is down here, only a little switch, and we took advantage of it. Practically, we're prepared to begin connecting this thing to.
Step #5: Connect and introduce the new stereo
We're prepared to interface the radio, and slide it into the dash, and ensure everything works. So we'll begin with the directing wheel control interface in that spot - that was truly simple. Next, we will do our Bluetooth receiver which connects to appropriate beside that. We should go the USB link that we ran before, we can connect that to the USB link contribution here. Got our radio saddle, the radio side of that association goes directly into the back of the radio. What's more, to wrap things up, we have our reception apparatus association, which is our most limited wire. What's more, the recieving wire connector is ideal here on this side of the radio which, is great in light of the fact that again that link is somewhat short.
We can simply ahead and secure the radio into the dash - resembles a really solid match with our establishment pack. The manufacturing plant botch gaps line pleasantly, and we can simply ahead and utilize the production line fastens to hold it put.
Step #6: Reassemble the dash
So we have our radio in, we have everything associated and now it's an ideal opportunity to put our dash board back on. Also, oh goodness, this is the reason we did the crisis brake, coincidentally, on the grounds that occasionally you must place it in apparatus to clear space to put your dash board back on. Furthermore, you must curve it without flaw to get it in there. There we go. What's more, now we can simply ahead and make every one of these associations and attach it and test it out.
Okay, this is our last connector thus now we can proceed and reconnect the battery and test it to ensure it's all working.
Got out battery associated and we can simply ahead and test it out. Put the key in the extra position. OK how about we check whether it sets with my telephone. Sounds quite great, however that could be on account of it's the band, it's Ice House Road. On the off chance that you haven't known about them, it's on Spotify. You can't hear it at this piece of the melody, yet they have an extraordinary drummer. Here, how about we attempt another melody – correct, there's the drummer.
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beastgal · 8 years
when i started this blog i never intended it to be a feminist blog and i know i post a lot of radical feminist content but to be honest, i don’t know how much i feel aligned with ‘feminism’ as a movement in general, including radical feminism. I want to be honest so i’m going to say i don’t really feel any solidarity with women as a group. I suppose I feel more solidarity with them than for men, but I don’t feel like with the experiences I’ve had in my life so far that I really can relate to most of the issues/content. I guess in a sense you could call that a privilege from my perspective but I don’t feel very privileged. I post a lot of feminist content because I feel bad. I feel I ought to and that these are important issues that I and other people need to be educated about. I do find it interesting and I do want to help... but I keep feeling like I’ve suppressed the actual reason I started my blog which was more related to my objective ugliness and how I’ve been feeling about it. I guess next to all these other topics it probably does seem indulgent to talk about ugliness as if it is a valid societal experience... but I still feel that it is. I honestly do feel alienated from other women and I don’t particularly feel the need to defend the same women that frequently ridicule/abuse/exclude/pity me just for existing. I want to make the disclaimer that I hate men in general but that I still dislike most women unless they have otherwise shown themselves to be decent. This is very sad and I am very isolated. It’s just that I don’t really feel like I personally relate to anyone other than ugly women and also some older women. I definitely like and respect and even get along with many women that aren’t ugly but I don’t think they truly understand what it is like on a deep level and I don’t think the feminist analyses about appearance (that I have read at least) have really done justice to the experience of being an ugly woman. I never felt satisfied with the blithely ‘body posi’ approach of liberal feminism or the patriarchal/capitalistic beauty standards thing people tend to talk about in radical feminism. I mean I agree that everyone should try and do what they need to do to feel confident in their body and I agree there are a whole lot of coercive forces on women that are pretty much designed to give them low self esteem about their appearance but like... there comes a point where like as a woman you are walking down the street or whatever and like the perception of your appearance by most people crosses a certain threshold where they can’t help but think damn...like that’s an ugly woman. I mean I’m tired of pretending I feel things that other women feel when I don’t. I don’t get catcalled, I get told I’m disgusting. I don’t get unwanted flirtation, I get reeled away from as if my presence is inherently sexual. If men are trying to get into my pants it’s not because they think I’m so beautiful but because they think I am a dog and I should be grateful for their attention. I mean, yes it’s essentially the same thing as attractive women experience and nobody enjoys it but I do feel I have missed out on an aspect of ‘womanhood’ that is supposedly universal.. that you have some kind of immense power of sexuality and implied fertility that men are trying to steal from you or something. I mean I feel like I missed out on whatever the fuck that’s supposed to be. Every time I read things about this kind of stuff I feel like I have to translate it from the normal girl experience to the ugly girl one, which is tiring and just...disappointing. I still haven’t really found very many stories or resources about girls like me. Like I’m not even trying to claim this is an ‘oppression’ or anything and I’m not necessarily asking for feminist literature on it but like... even a novel or a movie or something. I barely see anything like myself. Maybe I’m not looking hard enough but if it’s out there it doesn’t seem to be very accessible. I just feel so alone. It’s heartbreaking because I know for a fact there are many women that do feel similarly to me but maybe they have had to silence themselves and internalise everything because no one is going to validate being ugly as an actual experience. It sounds trivial. It sounds like I just have some sort of problem with my love life or something but fundamentally is less about that and more about the fact that in my daily life, trying to get my education, trying to work etc. everything is compromised because I generally believe I am perceived to be a lesser human. Not even just that I’m a ‘failure’ as a woman because I’m not attractive and sexual enough but also that I’m dirty and diseased looking which no matter how much I groom myself I can’t get rid of. Maybe I am actually inherently dirty and bad. I mean I have tried to look presentable but I can’t. Maybe I actually do have less value and it is correct to be treated as such. I don’t know. I want to have a fulfilling relationship but I don’t see how it will happen. I think I’m bisexual but I can’t tell if it’s because I’m naturally inclined this way or if it’s because I’m just ugly and desperate. I mean I know there are ‘real’ bisexuals but you can’t deny that sometimes people are just confused about their sexuality. I don’t think I would ever enter a lesbian relationship because of the way I look. I don’t think I could deal with being both ugly and some other kind of minority. I always feel like the more attractive bisexuals/lesbians would think I am tainting their movement. I also like men but as far as I can tell the closest I’m going to get is being some kind of warm hole cumdump. Longer term, perhaps I might get into an abusive relationship. Maybe I’ll get married and have children. Maybe I’ll leave my first husband and meet another man who seems nice but he won’t really be attracted to me and then he will molest my children the end.   
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