#also the different shades of blue squad lmao
tenrispoplar · 6 months
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Just to show that I’m still alive, here are some still very wips troll concepts I’ve been working on. All the details may end me later tho.
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brainrotgobrr · 9 months
my opinions on the project sekai redesigns
our kids are growing up and entering a new year in high school, which means that they now have completely new designs because thats how idol gacha rhythm games work!!! woo!! and i have Thoughts
im gonna talk about my opinions on all the redesigns from least to most favorite. note that these are not my rankings of the groups themselves lol, thatd be
vbs -> n25 -> mmj & l/n (they’re tied for second) -> wxs
(from least to most favorite)
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ohhh my sweet girls, my precious girls, what did they Do to you.
the blue looks So bad on them. it clashes with minori and airi and feels too samey with shizu and haru. i like their shoes, tho, and i like how airi keeps her trend of her outfit straying just a little bit from the norm.
these outfits just feel so boring and lifeless, compared to their og ones that had a lot more personality and a lot more charm. i dont think the dresses themselves are ugly, in fact i find them quite pretty, but i dont think they suit the girls very well.
also what the fuck is miku wearing lmao (i like her hairstyle tho)
i like all the girls hair accessories tho they’re cute
i hate ranking them last because i love mmj so much but yeah im very disappointed and i honestly prefer their canon outfits that they wear while performing not in the sekai (the ones that their fans helped design in the metamo re:born event that i forgot the name of)
#4 - Leo/need
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firstly i wanna say im so happy that honami gets to be pictured with her instrument like the others, and i really like how they positioned saki’s keyboard
i dont hate these designs!! i quite like them actually. they seem more unified and professional, which fits because leo/need is SIGNED with an AGENCY now oh yeah im so proud of them
im sad that ichikas wearing her tie now rip ichikas tie around her wrist you will be missed by me and me only
i really like their new outfits!! the girls look and feel older. im not really vibing with the shade of gray used tho, i wish their uniforms were black or white or a different shade of gray. i also love the pins and buttons on mikus jacket (i actually prefer the shade of gray on the jacket why couldnt the leoneeders be dressed in that shade)
#3 - Wonderlands x Showtime
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mizuki POPPED OFF with these designs (assuming they made them again)
i really love wondershos new look, i just like the other two groups better. nene’s in particular is my favorite (but im biased). i love how professional they look, these new outfits really display this new step that the kids are taking into the world of theatre
so proud for rui for comjng out as nb can he turn around now my artist friends are crying
i adore all of these designs they’re so cute and fun and i really love the new vibe for wondersho as of recently. it seems like colorpale and the fandom are taking them so much more seriously
#2 - Nightcord at 25:00
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KANADE HAS BEEN FREED FROM THE CHAIR (but now miku has it. lol.)
guys. guys the - the symbolism. their dresses progress from pure black to gray showing how they’re slowly healing and bettering themselves and miku’s hair is begining to regain its green and the kids have different flowers that have symbolism that other people know way bettee then mine but MAFUYU’S IVY MOTIF AND ENAS NARCISSUS MOTIF ARE BACK BABY real missed chance to give kanade carnations tho. i dont have much to say but WOW i love the new look for the nightcords and i think they’re stunning. will accept zero hate for these guys they look great
also miku has shoes!!!! yes!!!!
#1 - Vivid BAD SQUAD
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yeah, i was surprised too at how much i like the vbs designs
i like vbs, sure, but they’ve always been the group that has piqued my interest the least. and ive never been super keen on the designs of the characters
but these designs??? i really like them. a lot. it feels like the kids are really coming into their own, with kohane and toya finding their personal styles, akito refining his, and an paying homage to nagi in hers. they’re becoming the young adult creators and musicians that they’re striving to be. i can really see vbs’s growth in their new designs, and i hope that i can grow to really love them and their story : D
(also mikus design is kind of. all over the place. lmao but i kinda love it)
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transboykirito · 1 year
i'm so so obsessed with all of ur cosplays. the work u put into them... the meaning you give to each detail.. suguha's jewelry especially.... it all looks fantastic. i'm really excited to see where your creative work goes next; i know i don't interact w your blog a lot, but your creative works & your passion for them (when you're not feeling godawful about creating) are amazing to see. re most people wanting baby fics: those are actually not my thing at all/not what i follow you for!! ik one voice doesn't make much of a difference, but that kind of content and your pain around it is not what makes your work special to me. i really love your writing about how the kirigaya family interacts & would love to see more of that. or a fun little quest oneshot/minific about the main squad just having fun!!! that might cheer you up (if you're in a place to be cheered up) and get your mind in the "YIPPEE I'M WRITING ABOUT MY FAVOURITES" mode without being in immense pain for little profit. you feel me??? idk i hope this isn't too personal/weird and i hope u have a wonderful evening + ur blog has a very special place in my heart
thank you so much for this this is so sweet. i definitely want to write more with the whole group and DEFINITELY want to write more kirigaya family stuff (i think you’re in the kitchen humming is one of my favourite things i’ve ever written) and i have lots of drafts for them that i might try to finish soon!! i do like using writing for catharsis (other shades of blue, for example), but my happy fics with pregnancy have felt very suffocating lately and i don’t want to turn those into angsty miserable things lol
i’d actually really love to write some stuff with spicy micheal tbh, he makes me super happy and i think he’d be fun to include in some fluff stuff
as for my cosplays thank you so so much, i feel like they’re very personal (it’s literally my body, and i’ve got a lot of insecurities still lmao) so i do get very self conscious posting about them. the details are honestly my favourite parts to do, i think they can add a lot
random details in my cosplays i like: for leafa, my nails have little leaves on them, and i’m going to eventually order a replica of the ring, not only because it’s gold but also because she loves lord of the rings. for oberon, the stitching along the bottom is actually little leaves and vines, and i’m working on making his wings light novel accurate. for my hr kirito, i’m sewing the sleeves specifically so you’ll be able to see my elucidator tattoo. for quinella, i have little purple rose earrings (eugeo symbolism) and silver heart earrings (because vibes) even though her wig covers them lmao. lisbeth’s hair clip is actually a gift from my niece because she loves lisbeth, and i want to get the hammer necklace she has in the web novels. and i’m making two dresses for titania asuna (one to match the anime, one to match the light novel) and i made the decision i’m going to wear my actual engagement ring for it, because… catharsis lmao.
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I got tagged by @isitstraightvodka and @hannafuckingsucks
1. do you make your bed? Usually, yes. But it’s just some pillow floofing and that's about it 
2. what’s your favourite number? 2
3. what is your job? Making sure I don’t fail my study.  I do the dishes in a restaurant lol. I should look for something else but I’m antisocial  
4. if you could go back to school, would you? As in high school? Because then yes. I miss being with my squad and like using my voice lmao. This bitch barely talks haha (actually saw them yesterday and it was lovely uwu) to be honest I quite liked my high school. It was fun and I had a rhythm. We dunno her anymore.
5. can you parallel park? No, I don’t have a driving license. I don’t trust myself.
6. a job you had that would surprise people? No fucking idea
7. do you think aliens are real? I dunno, ask Mulder
8. can you drive a manual car? I DON’T FUCKING DRIVE. I’m already a danger on my bike
9. what’s your guilty pleasure? Good food
10. tattoos? nope
11. favourite colour? blue (different shades), yellow
12. favourite type of music? rock (but also classical music because it’s soothing and helps me focus)
13. things that people do that drive you crazy? biting nails, coughing continuously, arrogance, lying to others, people being very closed off and private???
14. do you like doing puzzles? I don’t hate them, I just never do it because I have better things to do not
15. any phobias? not really I think, at least nothing out of the ordinary
16. favourite childhood sport? Sports suck, but if I have to choose maybe horse riding or gymnastics (or a variant of that)
17. do you talk to yourself? Yes, all the time. Helps me think more clearly
18. what movie do you adore? Call me by your name. The vibe, the way it’s shot, the actors, the music. Beautiful *chefs kiss*
19. coffee or tea? Tea
20. first thing you wanted to be growing up? I don’t know which sounds very pathetic.
i’m tagging: @formylife-stillahead-pityme @walking-in-a-daze @mrfahrenhcit @theborhapboysawakenedmywhatever @drivenbybri
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aj-draws · 6 years
Our Heartstrings
July 18th was the day Sly made the sacred post. I suppose you could consider this a one month anniversary for The Heart Squad! 
So this is a short story that explains how it feels like being on Tumblr, and how lucky I am to have such amazing friends. Because I like mixing fantasy and magic with my writing to make it more exciting, there’s a bit of a...twist that you’ll see :)
If you wanna scroll past this, feel free to, I don’t mind! This is personal writing of mine that I wanted to share, and if you’re curious about me (since this reflects me as a person as well), then you can go ahead and read this.
(Note! Some things I write about not might be necessarily true. The way I describe things might not be accurate, but behind the screen, that is what I see and interpret. It’s just my way of seeing things, my perspective, so uhh don’t get mad if I’m wrong lol??) 
(Another side note! This is completely related to the story involving The Heart Squad that we’re working on. Just wanted to make that clear)
Either way, have a lovely day, everyone! :D
@danyulsdimple @sly-is-my-name-loving-is-my-game @bubblseri @phlying-squirrel
(I’m gonna put a cut because this actually became really long? Whoops I still don’t regret a thing lmao-)
But first, an explanation. 
I...have this weird habit. I guess it stems from me being a detail oriented writer, but whenever I meet someone new and get to know them after an extended period of time, I have specific ways to describe that person. Similarly, this also happens for characters from new shows that I watch. For Sanders Sides, well, there’s that ‘Describing Sanders Sides Ships’ that I wrote. For Analogical, I think of an evening sunset, or for Logicality, the sun and the moon comes to mind-things like that.
Writing has always been very personal to me. Most of my art comes without thought, you see, there usually isn’t some secret message hidden in it. But whenever I write, it’s always to tell a story. Writing has posed a difficult and unpredictable, but rewarding challenge for me. I haven’t been able to write something so passionately for quite a long time, so thank you for that. <3
You all are awesome. Creating this little group has been so much fun, and having you guys be there means a lot to me. Sometimes it’s hard to express that, so I hope I can make that a little more clear with this little story. 
This is for my dear friends.
To Lea, whose openness and humor lets me smile and laugh with ease. 
To Piper, whose positive impact on others has caused me to admire her from afar.
To Sly, whose fascinating, patient personality provides comfort and stability. 
To Sienna, whose bright and kind nature has warmed my heart. 
This one is for you. I love you guys 💜💜💜
The red string of fate. 
It is said to be an unbreakable string of scarlet that binds soulmates. Just like how fate is more than what people make it out to be, so are the strings. 
I’d know. 
Because love comes in so many different forms, I’ve already had several strings when I was little. 
On my left hand was the comforting kind of love. The kind that gave me a small, soft smile when my mother kissed my head. Or when I couldn’t stop laughing over something my father joked about. Not just that, but even how proud I get when my sister compliments my art. Two strings tied to my parents wraps around my index finger, to lead me in the right direction. On the other hand, a string from my sister is looped around my thumb, which assured me that I could do anything. 
I’m glad the strings are weightless, because my right hand would feel as heavy as a dumbbell if they weren’t. My right hand symbolizes platonic love. A string instantly becomes attached the moment I interact with someone. It first starts around the wrist, and as you get to know the person, the string moves. The middle finger is where hatred for that person resides, the thumb for those that are simply acquaintances that cheer me on from afar, and the index finger is reserved for good-natured, honest best friends that bring out the best in me. 
My ring and pinkie fingers remain untouched. 
Now, the ring finger, I understand. If I were to feel affection toward a friend, perhaps a string might find a home around my ring finger. But my pinkie? What does such a tiny, trivial finger represent? 
Now back to the myth. As you can see, there is truth behind what is only known as a legend. 
But there is one thing that they got wrong.
Tapping the power button on my laptop, I lean back in my chair. I sigh, long and quiet, all the while tugging and massaging my fingers. Faint aching at my joints causes me slight discomfort, but it’s nothing unusual. After finishing seven drawings in a hour or two, what do you expect?
I rest both hands atop my keyboard and let all of my fingers stretch in front of me, admiring the strings. I smile, I really do...I can’t help but flinch when I feel my grin dissipate. 
The strings are a fading white, completely empty of color. 
All the rich, vibrant shades of red that they talked of was untrue. Seeing the strings makes my heart soar, but their colorless, bleak nature is bound to bring a bit of gloom from time to time. 
I constantly wonder why. Was I supposed to see color? Do I see colors when I reach a certain age? Am I broken? Why-
The screen comes alive, and the light that radiates from the letters on the keyboard bring me back to reality. Clicking on the blue logo that I know all too well, I find myself smiling right away. 
Online friends are an interesting case. Since I’ve never physically met them, they don’t have strings. I can leave asks on as many people’s blogs as I want, but not a single string appears. 
...There were four exceptions. Let me tell you about them. 
She is the countryside. 
She is the short walk to a nearby town, where the buildings huddle together and lights reflects off each other’s windows. There are quiet voices, the occasional booming cackle and the clinking of glasses. The streets and roads are mostly empty, but it is inside the stores and shops where laughter and chatter belong. 
There is a homely feeling to this small town. You could always find her wandering around, going from building to building leaving smiles and bright faces. Whether it’s complimenting others or joining a protection squad, she is there with the town, reveling in the closeness of their companionship.
And then you are home. You are where the houses become scattered and the concrete roads become gravel or sand. Gazing out over the horizon, there is only the gentle swaying of tall crops and a setting sun. 
You remain outside, sitting down and watching the sun fade away. Light falls and darkness rises, covering you with a blanket of constellations and glittering stars. With no factories or skyscrapers close by, the sky can breathe. 
When your back drops against the ground and the grass meets your hair, she grins beside you. She laughs along when you point out the constellations, remarking that they look like things they definitely aren’t supposed to look life. She is the lift of your lips, the sparkle in your eyes.
Lying down with the smell of fresh grass and cool air lingering upon my nose, I feel calm. Her presence, though it is not entirely familiar, is peaceful.  
But she is not always peaceful. In a place where there are nothing but fields and flatlands, you are bound to find something to liven things up. 
When the colorful leaves drop from trees and a chilling breeze settles in, you could be chatting with friends in that bustling coffee shop in town, or be in a library, immersing yourself in an interesting book. Even indoors, you are sitting by the fireplace or watching movies. You could be smelling the blooming flowers and morning dew, visiting gardens and climbing trees. Then all of a sudden, you’re dancing, barefoot, with the stars hanging over your head, a popping firecracker in your hand as you take in the warmth of July.
Whatever it is, it is new and exciting. Taking something so simple and making it worthwhile is an admirable feat. 
You do not know this place well, that is for sure. But you wish you do. You wish you could. The countryside is filled with wonders that you hope to explore and learn about in the future.
As you sit upright, you glance down. That faint swish on your wrist was indeed not the grass, but a string. 
All you can do is hope she feels the same. 
We are connected, the countryside and I. 
She is a city. 
Sometimes she feels distant, just like how New York City is to me, but I don’t mind. She isn’t constantly a part of my life, and yet every time I drive down that bridge, look into the river and see those shining buildings, I’m filled with excitement. 
The city is an acquired taste, something that you maybe wouldn’t enjoy unless you’ve visited it on multiple occasions. Even for me, a person who was born and raised in such a place for most of her life, the city takes some getting used to. 
In some parts, the buildings glitter like gold. With its polished glass windows, allowing sunlight to grace its surface all too perfectly, and elegant architecture, you are almost fooled by its facade. 
Then you could turn your head and see tired, drooping eyes, voices yelling into phones and people crossing streets with a red traffic light hanging over their heads. 
Insecurity disguises itself within beauty. 
And she is always there. 
The sun begins to set, bringing upon the shadows, the people and the lights. I’m stuck within a crowd of people, and I’m still alone.
After not being in the city for several months, things don’t seem all that beautiful anymore. 
Suddenly the echoing footsteps of the people around me doesn’t sound so soothing. The buses roar, lions that snarl and growl intensely. Cars screech to abrupt stops, paying no attention to the rapid honking or the blinking stoplights. Above me, the trains let out bellowing cries as they bang against the rickety steel tracks.
She is there, pulling me to safety. Away from the dreadful noises, from the crowd, until there is tranquil silence. In order to ease the tension, she cracks a small joke.
Now, just for a moment, I can laugh in peace.
There is a tug at the corner of her lips as she sets off into the city. I follow alongside her. For a little while, things don’t feel overwhelming anymore. There are no due dates, no drawing requests to get done, no stories that are begging to be written. I can see the city for what it truly is.
Just like her, the city is real. Its raw, imperfect magnificence is bound to stun anyone, as long as they take the time to get to know its delighting qualities. 
She is the embodiment of stupid, but brilliantly amusing conversations in the middle of the night. She speaks in the language of references, using words in a way that will make you giggle. Her words come quickly, in a rush that ends as soon as it appeared, but that refreshing feeling of a car speeding past you will never stop being exhilarating. 
She tends to change a lot. One moment she’ll be bubblegum pink, a rose dripping in paint. Then the warm tones of golden sunflowers, or even a cat stalking through the night. All the colors and scents shift from one theme to another-her love for aesthetics never ceases to impress me. 
She moves quickly and easily, but she will never completely abandon you. If she disappears for a couple of minutes, you can rest assured that she’ll come running back bearing a smile and a funny story. As fast as a subway train, she will jump from one topic to another, whether it’s about crazy school stories or cantaloupes. 
Her relatable humor will lift a chuckle from one’s throat, lightening up someone’s mood like how the lamp posts along the sidewalks come alive at night. Light pours in through the windows of buildings, illuminating the jet black sky. In the same way, she, with her exciting personality, is able to brighten one’s day. 
Only when you’re sitting on the roof of a building will you be able to appreciate her. When you sit still, taking in the view, just listen. She will be there. Not everyone enjoys the city the first time around, but I promise you, there’s always something there that’ll make you smile. 
She doesn’t even live in a city, so for all I know, she could have no idea what I’m talking about.
But as a person who has lived in one and loved it with all her heart-that’s saying a lot. 
She smiles softly, saying goodbye before turning her head to the city. She stares, almost in a daze, at the skyscrapers and flashing lights. She rises, jumping off the ledge, hitting a metal staircase attached to the side of the building. Rushing down the steps, she doesn’t look back once.
You aren’t worried. She will return, one way or another.
The wind picks up, a light breeze that mirrored her swift movements. I stand up and tuck a strand of hair behind my ear, noticing the tingling sensation that momentarily crossed my wrist. I look down and grin. 
We are connected, the city and I. 
They are a forest.
Personally, I haven’t spent much time in forests, so I think of them are rare. Unique. Where I live, there’s always been random patches of trees here and there, but never forests. 
I think forests have plenty of hidden beauty. There’s just something captivating about entering a forest in the midday, seeing the light filtering in through the trees. Every tree’s branches spreads out far and wide, their long arms stretching out to embrace the glorious, radiant sun, but also weaving together to create a blanket of protection over the forest floor. 
Forests means freedom. You could run, run, run: fast, far and even a little careless, but the support of the forest is always apparent. As you dash through the woods, you notice everything you could ever love about being able to express yourself. There’s the scent of pine cones and dirt, the gust of air that blows your hair into a tornado, and the babbling brook that you easily soar across.
But when the night fell-everything all of a sudden became more terrifying. 
It isn’t the forest itself that frightens you-it’s what surrounds it. There are howls of stalking predators, jaws snapping wildly. Voices come from the swaying trees and whistling wind, rapidly increasing whispers that made your legs tremble. Their vile words yank and snatch at the remnants of my sanity, draining all of the energy and hope out of me. The sounds are not there to hurt you necessarily, but sickening feeling persistently tugging at your stomach isn’t the most comforting thing either. 
They tell you that you’re not supposed to be there. Maybe you don’t deserve to discover any of the forest’s intriguing mysteries, or experience the gorgeous lights of a city, or even the simple excitement of the countryside. What if you’re being bothersome, or overbearing? What if-
The forest does not like ‘what ifs’. The forest does not mean to scare you, or make you feel out of place. 
The wind begins to ease up, the steady breeze soothing your shaking hands. As you look down, you close your eyes and listen once more. To the faint chirping of the cicadas, the rustling leaves and swishing branches. 
They appear at your side in your moments of unexpected, excessive doubt and panic. When your eyelids flutter open and you see them beside you, you are grounded. Safe. You start to talk to them, their tone hushed and quiet, as if they’re afraid of scaring you. You could never be scared of them. Perhaps worried that these conversations might be too time consuming for them, yes, but never scared. 
They show you the forest as it is: fascinating, patient, understanding and even showing a bit of fear from time to time. The forest is as welcoming as it is calming, and you enjoy that.
You never expected that you would ever experience happiness from a night as horrible as that one, but you did. The thoughts never destroyed you because the forest was there to protect you. 
Within the pitch black, there was light. Fireflies danced throughout the forest, their luminosity making me smile that night. 
When your eyelids felt heavy and your yawns grew longer, they told you to sleep. It was late, they spoke, and you need rest. You reluctantly gave in to this request.
Just before you were pulled into a deep slumber, something brushes against your wrist. The ghost of a smile graces your lips as you lose consciousness.
We are connected, the forest and I.
She is a meadow. 
I wish with all my heart that I could travel more often. I’ve only seen meadows through videos and pictures, but as an introvert that appreciates nature, I’d love to see one someday. 
All I can imagine is light and beauty. The ground dips into smooth, elegant valleys and rises in the form of rolling hills. The sky mirrors the sun’s movements, changing its colors as it dances across the heavens. If you only you were there to see it-the dazzling, radiant meadow at work, stunning you with its abundance of warmth.
After wandering around momentarily, you shiver, turning around and stiffening. The wispy, cotton-like clouds that were just drifting through the sky had transformed into something worse. You tremble in sync with the ground beneath your feet, feeling your breathing become choppy and unsteady. The loud, booming, angry noises sink into your mind, not giving you a chance to recover. All you can hear is the regret, all you can feel is the doubt and all you can see is the fear. 
You see her. Never once had she not been there for me. 
Hearing her footsteps, the noises disappear. The grey clouds linger for a second, before giving in to the blue skies and sunshine. The storm does not come for the meadow, whose genuine joy is something that cannot be easily purged. 
She comes with words-happy, lovely words woven together in the dandelions that surrounded her. She sits down, a smile on her face as she invites you to pick the flowers with her. The flowers’ colors are grounding and gentle to the touch. 
For every flower that you take, her kind words flood your eyes. One tells you that you are amazing, the second that you are talented, and another that you deserve all the happiness in the world. Each one carries laughter, brings excitement and makes you grin. One after another, as the dandelions fill your lap, her compassion fills your heart. 
There is one more dandelion. Once your fingers brush against its petals, you can hear it right away.
It reminds you that you are loved. 
Pressing that one to your chest, you can feel your smile grow, which was almost impossible considering how wide it was beforehand. You like that specific flower a lot, you admit. Sometimes you forget.
Her arm rests along your shoulders, her smile comforting you. She knows, and that is precisely why she says it.
The meadow, in all of its glory, embraces you. She whispers, telling you how sorry she is, and how much you are loved. You can smell it in the dandelions, and you can feel it in your heart. You do not deserve her. 
Are you okay, she asks with worry still lacing her voice. Upon spotting a string twirling around your wrist, you giggle and let yourself breathe. Without a doubt, you are alright, you answer.
We are connected, the meadow and I.
You might be asking, what about me? If one’s the countryside, the second’s a city, another is a forest, and the other is a meadow, then what am I?
The thing is: I had no idea.
I never saw myself as anything extravagant, or special. I don’t have the brightness of a city, the homely feel of the countryside, the soothing nature of a forest, or even the warmth of a meadow. What do I have? 
A tug on my wrist. Faint, but urgent. I glance up at the screen. 
I am...wanted...? Hm. I wonder. 
I’m walking, blind. My eyes are closed and I cannot will them open. But the four are by my side, so I know all is fine. 
The darkness clears, bringing in light. 
Dunes of soft sand spreads out in a blanket of golden as far as I can see. The sunlight casts its rays over the shoreline, causing glittering, hidden shells to reveal themselves. I stare in utter awe at the waves-at how, with every passing second, the colors seem to change. First, it’s turquoise, then azure, and suddenly cerulean. The shades of blue shift and churn peacefully, emitting the scent of salt. 
A beach. 
Maybe...Maybe I do belong. I don’t doubt it as much anymore. 
I stretch my hand out to the sea. I long for it, after all. Then, instead of focusing on the ocean, my gaze travels to my wrist. 
Four strings lift from their place and begin to move, following the movements of the gentle breeze. Once unfurled from my wrist, they leap-
And find a comfortable spot around my pinkie. 
Each string is filled with a color. 
Green for the city.
Pink with flecks of gold for the countryside. 
Red for the forest.
Yellow for the meadow. 
Purple for the beach.
Once upon a time, five colors met. They have never been the same since. 
They made a promise. It wasn’t too real or serious, just a dream that they hope with all their might would come true. They wish to one day meet each other. 
When this dream was made apparent that all five of them shared, purple smiled. Purple’s heart sung with joy, for she was once again reminded that she belonged. She sits, in front of her screen, closing her eyes and extending her pinkie. Purple wishes to meet the four vibrant, wonderful colors. 
One day, purple hopes. For now, she will remain at her screen: pencil to paper, fingers to keyboard. She is content with sharing herself this way, but...perhaps, with time...she will not be afraid of posting that picture. 
They all have their differences, yet they are still friends. 
They are The Heart Squad. ❤️💚💖💛💜
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dizzybunnies · 5 years
s3 theory (spoilers ig)
ok so this is concerning the pickup from the s2 finale so like if u havent seen that then scroll on down
ok so i was thinking. ykno that popular theory that cass is gothel’s kid? well lets do some quick maths babey!!
cass says shes 4 years older than rapunzel in keeper of the spire. rapunzel, as we know, is 18, as stated in the original 2010 movie.
that means that within 4 years, gothel and cass split up. gothel had to get her hands on raps, so she must have put cass up for adoption, because according to the fandom wiki (i cannot for the life of me remember when this happened, but i am assuming its true to help this theory out) the crownguard isnt her biological dad.
that being said, i doubt they had her around at the castle for 18 years until raps came home, and im sure there were no other ladies-in-waiting, considering there was no princess. its possible they had one on stand-by for a few years, but i doubt a literal newborn would need a lady-in-waiting.
ladies in waiting are also typically high-rank/noble, and are meant to servants AND companions to royals, so its highly likely that cass was hired within a few days of rapunzel’s return. like the king was probs like “yo crownguard. u got a daughter we can use as rapunzel’s lady-in-waiting lmao” and he was like “yea shore”
so cass is of course like, fuck yeah, i can finally start proving how kickass i am. point being she was hired with no connection to rapunzel at all, and by the end of s2, it had only been about a year since they had met, and while a lot can happen in a year, the opposite is true in terms of trust.
so s1 happens, and so does the majority of s2. then the house of yesterday’s tomorrow happens, and we see her coming out of the door at the end. if you look at the door, it looks like a beautiful forest--suspiciously so, considering it looks strikingly similar to the forest gothel’s tower was in.
so she walks out looking all somber and depressed. could she have seen something about her past? did she see gothel giving birth to her, raising her with love for 4 years, and then suddenly abandon her at some orphanage (and she thinks that hey, maybe her and eugene arent so different after all) to go and kidnap the lost princess that she herself later attended to?
wow. so she went through an awful childhood because of raps? the girl who hasnt been trusting her lately, the girl she serves to, the girl that didnt correct her/dismiss her when she addressed her as “your highness” instead of her loving nickname “raps”? (cue fuck this shit im out)
she finally though being a lady-in-waiting could be her big moment. she could prove she was awesome, that she could lead a squad, that she could protect royalty, but what has she been doing? following orders. being betrayed of trust. being hurt at the hands of the woman shes supposed to devote her life to. and for what? 
so no. fuck that shit.
aaaand the finale happens. her destiny? obviously she was put in this position to take the stone for herself to prove how great she can really be. all this time, she was being tested. her courage, her strength, her patience all led her to this very moment.
so the rocks were guiding HER there, but in order to play things off smoothly, the rocks also appeared to be there for raps; it would have been suspicious otherwise. likely, they also hid the fact that there were equally there for eugene, who was meant to take the stone himself as nobody was sure what would happen to rapunzel if he didnt. again, made sense, played smoothly, not suspicious at all. but the deep, dark, motive? eugene and raps were just pawns in the game of CASS’ destiny. they had to be there to 1) help her get there and 2) arouse no suspicion.
well fuck that, raps thinks except more politely because she would never say fuck, because rapunzel’s been betrayed for the third time within a year and honestly she literally she would rather watch paint dry at this point.
luckily, however, eugene still has fight in him, and is like well shit i need to get that damn stone back so we can reunite it with the sundrop, and because rapunzel cant touch it or at least not touch it until its safely in our posession because we dont know what could happen to her, i guess its up to me to save the day, and he yeets to cassandra and the two get in an epic fistfight except its only epic for cassandra because shes as strong as thanos now
so the two fight, raps is probably having a simultaneous heart and panic attack as she watches her boyfriend and best friend killing each other, and wow thats pretty tramautic but we dont need to get into that.
at one point, because this is disney and if raps is the sun then eugene is the moon, eugene is able to call upon the power of the moonstone to defeat cass. it probably somehow merges with him as well as she, but because hes the dark prince and has dark blood, it resonates with him better. maybe it breaks into to pieces; his is about 2/3 of the stone while cass’ is 1/3. eventually, the thirds reuinte and cass is drained of all power, probably unconcious on the ground, and raps, not knowing how to feel, shouts for her. no answer. she whispers eugenes name, and he turns around and his eyes are the brightest shade of blue shes ever seen, and maybe he has a sickass blue streak of hair, but he says nothing, and hes standing over cass’ unconcious form and raps is still scared fucking shitless in the corner. she repeats his name, and he shouts, and hes covered in evil magic, and rocks are spreading everywhere, and maybe some cool ice stuff too idk, and pause. 
you know pokemon? ok and you know that Cool Ash Pokemon moment when one of ashs pokemon evolves or learns a new move, and it loses its shit? think pikachu, think infernape, think greninja, think lycanroc. they lose their shit and ash being ash just dashes to them and gives em a big ol hug. 
unpause, rapunzel is ash and eugene is ash’s pokemon. hes hurting her but has no control and hes screaming, and shes saying she loves him and shes holding him tight and shes crying and damn its really angsty.
eventually his magic calms down and he slumps to the ground, and hes like half awake and he asks what happened, and rapunzel explains everything, and cass wakes up, and the angst is over because this is disney so we need a happy ending damnit (even though we know cass isnt at their wedding in the future but hey. hey you. shut up. shush.)
so yeah the angst is over and raps explains what happened with cass and the three become friends again and eugene and raps kiss so the moonstone and sundrop are finally united, all three of their destinies have been fulfilled, and the rest of the season is the three of them living life happily and eugene eventually asking rapunzel to marry him!
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deadlyanddelicate · 7 years
92 TRUTHS TAG GAME rules: once you have been tagged you are supposed to write 92 truths about yourself. at the end, choose 25 people to tag!
I was tagged by @hestlias, thanks bb! <3 putting this under a cut for length, here we go:
LAST… [1] drink: fennel herbal tea [2] phone call: facetime with my parents [3] text message: claire @mishcollin on text, ambra @silkspectred on whatsapp <3 [4] song you listened to: omg i had like... a super cheesy 80s playlist on streaming, so i think it was ‘total eclipse of the heart’ [5] time you cried: lol probably when i watched the merlin finale for the second time
HAVE YOU EVER… [6] dated someone twice: listen i barely get to date people once [7] been cheated on: not that i know of [8] kissed someone and regretted it: no [9] lost someone special: yes [10] been depressed: YEP [11] gotten drunk and thrown up: nope (i do get tipsy/drunk, but never to the point of sickness)
LIST 3 FAVOURITE COLOURS: [12] blue [13] violet [14] pale pink
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU… [15] made new friends: yes [16] fallen out of love: amazingly, i think i finally have [17] laughed until you cried: no [18] found out someone was talking about you: i don’t think so? [19] met someone who changed you: not in any drastic way, i don’t think [20] found out who your true friends are: yes...ish, or to be more precise -- i was lucky enough to have it confirmed again i have amazing friends to count on, but i’ve also fallen out of touch with people whom i still consider friends, so... who knows, man, who knows [21] kissed someone on your facebook list: lol nope
GENERAL… [22] how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: i don't know half of them half as well as i should like, and i like less than half of them half as well as they deserve (ok but on the real, i think i know most of them irl, i’m kind of a picky fb adder) [23] do you have any pets: no but i really want a cat :( [24] do you want to change your name: no [25] what did you do for your last birthday: went out to dinner with my closest friends, then out for drinks with them and some university buddies [26] what time did you wake up: around 11am, but in my defence i was up till 4am working on a thesis chapter [27] what were you doing at midnight last night: working on my dissertation sob :))))) [28] name something you cannot wait for: i don’t have any big events coming up, but it would be super nice to meet some internet friends irl :’) [29] when was the last time you saw your mother: yesterday morning, she was visiting for the weekend ♥️ [30] what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: i would like to actually have the willpower and focus to work on things when and how much i want to/need to [31] what are you listening to right now: nothing [32] have you ever talked to a person named tom: ...i actually don’t think i have [33] something that is getting on your nerves: mansplaining, racism, bigotry, ~men’s rights activists, american politics, uk politics, rape culture, heteronormATIVITY, BI ERASURE, THE PATRIARCHY--- [34] most visited website: either my university webmail, or some combo of twitter/facebook [35] elementary: sorta lonely [36] high school: once i was asked if i was a devil worshipper bc i was wearing fishnet gloves [37] college: interesting, challenging, but also fREE ME :))) [38] hair colour: naturally v dark brown, shaded auburn [39] long or short hair: short, trying to grow it out (we’ll see how long i last) [40] do you have a crush on someone: not really, though this one professor at my uni is fine as hell [41] what do you like about yourself? i try to be kind, i’ve got nice eyes, some people find my dry/nerdy sense of humour funny. sometimes i make words happen in a not-too-bad way
[42] piercings: ears (2 left, 1 right)
[43]blood type: A-
[44] nickname: none [45] relationship status: single and often not in the mood to mingle [46] zodiac sign: aquarius [47] pronouns: she/her [48] fav tv show: currently i’m slightly obsessed with merlin >> i also greatly enjoy brooklyn nine nine, new girl, parks and recreation, and jane the virgin [49] tattoos: none but i’m considering getting one shhh it’s a secret [50] right or left handed: right-handed
FIRST… [51] surgery: never had one (fingers crossed) [52] piercing: oh boy, i think i was like 11? [53] best friend: i don’t think i really have one best friend, currently, but i do have an irl #squad of 3 amazing ladies and we’d probably help each other bury bodies (ok maybe not quite but u get me) [54] sport: LMAO (ok no i actually really want to start yoga but....... i’m so lazy.........) [55] vacation: yes please [56] pair of trainers: uhh currently just a really comfy pair of trainers from an italian brand?
RIGHT NOW… [57] eating: nothing [58] drinking: still fennel tea [59] i’m about to: probably queue some posts on tumblr, watch a few youtube videos, and then sleep [60] listening to: ~the sound of silence~ (literally, not the song) [61] waiting for: me to finally get my life together and stop being a disorganised trainwreck [62] want: to be happy, or at least content with where i’m at. also, to write. [63] get married: would be nice, but not a priority/necessity [64] career: as long as it pays the bills and is not mind-numbingly boring, i’m up for anything
[65] hugs or kisses: hugs [66] lips or eyes: eyes [67] shorter or taller: taller [68] older or younger: irrelevant as long as the age difference isn’t extreme [69] romantic or spontaneous: spontaneous [70] nice arms or nice stomach: arms [71] sensitive or loud: sensitive [72] hook up or relationship: relationships [73] troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant
HAVE YOU EVER… [74] kissed a stranger? no [75] drank hard liquor? yes [76] lost glasses/contact lenses? i would probably be dead if i had [77] turned someone down: yes [78] sex on first date? no [79] broken someone’s heart? one person, probably [80] had your own heart broken? yes [81] been arrested? no [82] cried when someone died? yes [83] fallen for a friend: yes
DO YOU BELIEVE IN… [84] yourself? sometimes (rarely) [85] miracles? yes [86] love at first sight? i believe in infatuation at first sight; love takes time to build [87] santa claus? no [88] kiss on the first date? depends on how it goes! [89] angels? yes, though not necessarily ones with fluffy wings and halos
OTHER… [90] current best friend’s name: don’t have just one best friend, but the group chat of my main girls is labeled ‘boss ass bitches’, which is hilarious because we are in fact 4 gigantic nerds [91] eye colour: hazel [92] favourite movie: stardust for feel-good movie, the lotr trilogy for epicness
i’m super sorry i’m literally exhaUSTED but this was fun!!! so please go ahead and steal it ♥️
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