fudgie00 · 3 years
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7K notes · View notes
fudgie00 · 3 years
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314 notes · View notes
fudgie00 · 3 years
you are already complete, everything else is simply a bonus
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fudgie00 · 3 years
Everything is working out in my favor...everything.
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fudgie00 · 3 years
I am aligned to the energy of abundance.
I am aligned to the energy of abundance.
I’m aligned to the energy of abundance.
I am aligned to the energy of abundance.
I am aligned to the energy of abundance.
I am aligned to the energy of abundance.
I am aligned to the energy of abundance.
I am aligned to the energy of abundance.
I am aligned to the energy of abundance.
I am aligned to the energy of abundance.
I am aligned to the energy of abundance.
I am aligned to the energy of abundance.
I am aligned to the energy of abundance.
I am aligned to the energy of abundance.
I am aligned to the energy of abundance.
I am aligned to the energy of abundance.
I am aligned to the energy of abundance.
I am aligned to the energy of abundance.
I am aligned to the energy of abundance.
I am aligned to the energy of abundance.
I am aligned to the energy of abundance.
I am aligned to the energy of abundance.
I am aligned to the energy of abundance.
I am aligned to the energy of abundance.
I am aligned.
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fudgie00 · 3 years
“You’re like a pair of jazz musicians, forever improvising. Or perhaps you are not musicians but your love manifests in the music. Sometimes, your head tucked into her neck, you can feel her heartbeat thudding like a kick drum. Your smile a grand piano, the glint in her eye like the twinkle of hands caressing ivory keys. The rhythmic strum of a double bass the inert grace she has been blessed with, moving her body in ways which astound. A pair of soloists in conversations so harmonious, one struggles to separate.”
— Caleb Azumah Nelson, Open Water
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fudgie00 · 3 years
I have infinite access to divine wisdom and knowledge at all times.
I am perfectly designed by the Universe.
I am a part of all things – eternal and infinite.
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fudgie00 · 3 years
Ancestor Veneration
In the occult discords I frequent I periodically see questions from new practitioners who want to start spirit work and have been directed to start with their ancestors, but they’re in a bind because like many young folk today they don’t have such a great relationship with their family. For their own reasons they don’t know their family history and either feel disconnected from previous generations or don’t want to connect to their bloodline. Over the years my personal ancestor veneration has taken shape in a way that I think might be helpful or of interest to people who want to strike up a relationship with their ancestors, but don’t have a great one with their living or recently deceased family.
Types of ancestors:
Beloved Dead: These are my known/recently deceased spirits, people I have known in life who have passed on. Not always technically ancestors, because these spirits aren’t aren’t necessarily related to me, or in my direct line of descent. The only requirement is that I knew them in life, as well as in death.
Ancestors: My actual forebearers, the people I’m directly descended from. I know many of their names because my family tree is very well researched, but I never met them in life. This also includes the ancestors whose names I don’t know but are still in that familial line, those spirits I refer to as “unnamed ancestors” or “unnamed forbearers”.
Cultural Ancestors: This by far the largest category, because there is no upper limit to the number of sub categories I can squeeze in there, none of which rely on actual blood ties. It has my ethno-cultural ancestors, the Irish people who came before me, the Italian people who came before me, the Norwegian people who came before me… etc. But it also has the ancestors of the things I choose to identify my self as: The disabled people who have come before me, the witches who have come before me, the Sailors, the Dancers, the Musicians, the Storytellers, etc. Everyone in this category connects me to some kind of cultural history that exists outside of my bloodline.
Who To Call On and When?
For me calling on my ancestors is a lot like calling on a deity. I petion them/ dedicate my actions to them, when I’m doing something that’s in their realm of influence. For instance: Say I’m cooking a traditional Italian meal, I would call on my Italian cultural ancestors, and they would get some of the meal as an offering in repayment. I would also probably call on the individual spirit of my grandmother, one of my beloved dead, since she was the one who taught me Italian cooking, and it’s quite likely her recipe I’m using.
I also have specific days set aside for my most frequently called upon groups Christmas Eve was always big with the Italian side of the family, and I still celebrate it the traditional way, so that’s become a day for my Italian cultural ancestors. St Patricks Day is for my Irish cultural ancestors. St. Lucia Day is for my Norwegian ancestors. I’ve set aside Talk Like a Pirate Day to venerate all of the sailors, fishermen, and wayfinders who have gone before me, and
Why Approach Ancestor Work/Worship/Veneration like this?
I feel like this approach gives me, and perhaps others, the most flexibility and the most options to approach ancestor work on terms that work for me. Have a great relationship with the family you’ve interacted with, but uncomfortable with the actions of your ancestors a few generations back? Interact only with your Beloved Dead and your Cultural Ancestors. Want nothing to do with your biological family, but still want to do ancestor work? Create a spiritual found family by working only with Cultural Ancestors. This way of thinking about those who loved what we love before us could be applied to any interest or personal identity that a person holds dear. However you choose to define yourself you can can use to draw a connection to people who also defined themselves that way in the past.
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fudgie00 · 3 years
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She must be protected!
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fudgie00 · 3 years
Prayer for the Unknown Dead on Samhain
We pray for those who die Unknown:
The old ones who die alone in their bed,
we see you
The neglected and abused,
we see you
The outcast who are pushed out through no fault of their own,
we see you
The ones who are mentally ill and the neurodivergent,
we see you
The poor, the hungry, the refugee,
we see you
The ones who are killed because of race, religion, or identity,
we see you
The ones who suffered in silence, without a voice,
we see you.
We see you all. The ones who died without a name, without family, without acknowledgement. We light these candles for you because we see you. We see you and honor you as our own Beloved Dead.
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fudgie00 · 3 years
You are the most powerful magnet in the Universe. You contain a magnetic power within you that is more powerful than anything in this world, and this unfathomable magnetic power is emitted through your thoughts.
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fudgie00 · 3 years
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fudgie00 · 3 years
Let’s talk about •••
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••• Spirit Work
• Spirit Work 101
Spirit Work is a term that was coined very recently, mostly having an upsurge with the new age witchcraft in social medias - that is not to say that the practice of communicating with spirits is new, rather, that such a term can be used in an overgeneralized manner. That in turn leads to misinformation about the topic.
•• So, what is Spirit Work?
Broadly, it is seen as a witchcraft practice where a person uses their abilities to communicate with spirits - people who have passed, guides, ancestors and such. What the term doesn’t clarify is that there are a multitude of ways in doing that, from religious practices to self developed methods as well as the target audience of that spirit work.
Taking a look at the word spirit we find the first divergence of intent: those stated before all fall in the category of deceased human spirits; then we have those who through their animistic or similar beliefs include the spirits of animals and all beings (and “things”) who once lived. Then, we have another category, those that communicate with the otherworldly and nature centred beings that have passed (though most commonly those are still alive), such as the Fae. Others include communication with deities in this practice, and lastly, we have another modality of those that work with the essence of spirits, be they dead or alive - they are included for they too have soul. • This is the first break, and as such themes and different styles of practitioners can already be found, most commonly used are Mediums, Healers, Channelers, Communicators.
Outside of that, we have believers and followers of certain religions that also have this designated space for that type of communication, though I won’t go into detail for this, Norse Paganism, Spiritism and African Traditional and Descending Religions, are some of them.
••• So, no, it is not a bad thing that this practice has been disseminated and made accessible to all practitioners, witches, pagans and heathens out there - but one must always take a step back and analyze the information they have as well as the intent they will follow in this path.
Spirit Work is no game, it can have serious consequences and that should not discourage you to try - rather, encourage you to be attentive and take it seriously.
• What not to do
This here, at least for me (but feel free to add on or disagree, the beauty of the community are the different methods after all) - are some of the absolute don’ts when practicing Spirit Work, divided in two topics as there is a theoretical and a practical side to it.
• Theoretical
Don’t immediately go following any instructions, no matter if they explicitly are for summoning, inviting or channeling or just imply that it’ll make your communication with spirits easier.
Because: You need to be 100% aware of what exactly you are doing, though there are some good sources, it is always good to double and even triple check ingredients, intents and procedures before starting anything.
Don’t begin anything if you don’t have contingency plans and a way to clear a possible mess up.
Because: When doing this type of work, you are the only thing you have control of - spirits can be volatile, especially if you’re starting communication with ones you never had contact with before. Plan ahead and certify yourself that even if something goes out of what was expected you'll be able to deal with it.
• Practical
Don’t call forth anything that you have no idea what and who exactly it is.
Because: There are opportunistic spirits that excel in impersonating. If your intentions are unclear when channeling or inviting someone or something they can and will take the chance. Be clear about who you are working with.
Don’t be rude or insistent towards spirits.
Because: Spirits deserve respect, and as such, you won’t want to anger an immaterial being just because of impatience. Treat them as you would like to be treated. Being firm doesn’t mean being rude.
Don’t keep your sensitivity channel open, if you can.
Because: The Spirit World is everywhere, and it exists alongside our material World. When working with spirits you’ll see that there are moments you need to distance yourself otherwise the input will be constant. Learn how to control and lock your sensitivity as it is being developed to minimize bothersome encounters or overload of inputs.
Don’t do your Spirit Work in any place - reserve a specific place for it.
Because: Not only is this a sign of respect towards the spirits you’ll be communicating with, but it also makes it easier for you to control, cleanse and protect that environment.
•• How to
Preparation and Protection
After that many Dont´s, we finally go towards the Do´s. Let me get this right, I by nature am extremely paranoid, and due to that I find preparation and protection essential to control variables, be confident and to keep calm - like this, I don’t fear the unknown nor the uncontrollable because one way or another I'm ready for it.
Now, once again, these preparatory and protective steps will depend a lot on what method of Spirit Work you’re practicing, but some of them are pretty universal and these are the one’s I’ll be passing on to you.
• To Prepare
A spirit worker's body and spirit must always be clear, attentive and sensible. To prepare you must do whatever rituals pertain to your practice, that prepare you emotionally, psychologically and spiritually to deal and work with spirits.
This might include meditation, trance work, cleansing rituals and so on - this takes off the layer of mundane impressions that could marr your interpretation and leave you like a clean slate through which the Spirit’s voice can be clearly understood.
Your working space should also be clean on any influencing energies, organized and quiet enough (or loud enough depending on your vertent) for you to focus solely on the presence you’ll be working with.
I particularly find that asking for permission and guidance from my guides always makes this preparation process easier, as that is their realm and their ponctuations, advice and warnings are always welcome.
• Being Protected
There are three points of protection: Your Body (which is the conductor of your energy), Your Mind (which contains your Spirit - though not all beliefs follow this) and Your House (or de place you do your Spirit work).
These three should be duly protected and warded as you see fit before you start your spirit work. Methods for those vary as they can be easily found around the internet, in books and such. I wouldn’t be able to tell you which method of protection and warding you’ll prefer, which you’ll absolutely trust to work and which will be ideal to your specific target audience with spirit work but, one advice: Never share all ingredients nor steps of your protection and warding spells.
You may realize that I rarely, if ever, post spells. The answer is simple: any spell can be counteracted, especially if people know everything you used.
And trust me when I say that these protection and warding spells of your for Spirit Working are ones you wouldn’t like to be tampered with.
•••• 👁 ••••
For now that’s it, this post was very broad as I talked about general warnings and things of importance that precede the practice of Spirit Working. It’ll be a short series of posts, with only two.
The second one will be more action centered, most likely bigger with explanations of what to do in each case of spirit working. Till then, yeah?
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fudgie00 · 3 years
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fudgie00 · 3 years
Why haven’t you Subscribed yet? 😈☺️
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fudgie00 · 3 years
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fudgie00 · 3 years
Hey my lovelies please do ur girl a solid click the link below my girlfriend just got a OF account so if you down….show a hoe some love and support cos she be bringing the boners….lol and that s on God #footfetish
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