#also that blog is just one fandom only so it's kind of restricting
tartagliove · 2 months
little update!
hello!! I hope everyone has been well c: in my time away from this tumblr account, I've graduated from college, gone on vacation, and found a job! but I've also gotten back into writing a bit, and I've really missed interacting with my friends' fics and creations on here.
sooooo... I'll be coming back to tumblr! I'm taking some time to rebrand and set up a little return/birthday event, but if everything goes according to plan, I'll be back officially on the 17th of August!
I hope to see you then! ^u^
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fullhalalalchemist · 1 year
URGENT: Congress about to pass a mass censorship and surveillance bill under the guise of "protecting children"
May 13 2023
The Senate has been in a "do something!" mode regarding children's online safety. They're using this as an excuse to push for widespread internet censorship and surveillance. The EARN IT Act, has a slimmer chance of passing with widespread opposition and some senators saying they won't vote for it. TLDR;The real threat is actually KOSA (s.1409), the Kid's Online Safety Act, which will mass censor and surveill the entire internet by giving all 50 state attorney generals the power to remove content that is "harmful" for kids, and force you to upload your govt ID online to access the internet. I'll explain how it works below the action items but it's absolutely urgent that anyone who likes having a free and open internet fights back. It's all hands on deck, because this has so much public support it's insane:
This is a link to the Senate Commerce Committee phone numbers and a call script to read off of. (202) 224-3121 connects you to the congressional hotline
Opposition is getting drowned, and these upcoming weeks will be heavy for lobbying and they're using young people to do it. We NEED to show these senators that young people are actually opposed to this and don't want it.
2. Sign these petitions
Open Letter Against KOSA
Petition 1
Petition 2
Petition 3
Petition 4
Resistbot: Text PHJDYH to 50409
3. Spread the word.
The opposition is getting absolutely drowned online. Dove has nearly 100k signatures to push for KOSA. Influencers on tiktok are pushing for this without ever having read the bill. Fucking Lizzo is sponsoring it. If you have twitter, reddit, tiktok, are in any community, SPREAD THE WORD, PLEASE.
Here is a linktree with all the above petitions for easy shargin: Link to linktree
First, KOSA pressures platforms to install filters that would wipe the net of anything deemed “inappropriate” for minors. This means instructing platforms to censor. We saw how these filters impacted websites firsthand with tumblr in 2018, with not only blocking all adult content but also sfw queer content such as suicide hotlines, art archives, wiping out entire blogs because they had queer fandom related posts, etc. Places that already use content filters have restricted important information about suicide prevention and LGBTQ+ support groups. KOSA would spread this kind of censorship to every corner of the internet. And who gets to decide what is and isn't harmful for minors? Oh don't worry, just every single state attorney general and the FTC, which is appointed by the president. You know, the same attorney generals that just banned gender-affirming healthcare under the guise that it "ruins mental health" of minors. This is why the Heritage Foundation was one of the first to sponsor the bill because they can use it to censor trans content, and Senator Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee is it's co-author.
Second, KOSA would ramp up the online surveillance of all internet users by forcing websites to use age verification and parental monitoring tools. Yup, that's right. Now every single person who wants to access the internet has to upload their govt ID online to third party apps that get hacked all the time. You queer in a red state? You undocumented? You an activist? Have fun getting all your online activity and metadata attached to your govt ID.  
Over 90+ human and LGBT rights groups agree that KOSA is dangerous and updates to the 2023 version won’t and can’t address the big problems with the bill. This bill has MASSIVE bipartisan support, and the authors Blumenthal and Blackburn (yes, that Blumenthal that's pushing the EARN IT Act, and who also sponsored the RESTRICT Act and SOPA/PIPA if you remember) are using the tragedy of mothers who lost their kids to online harassment and young adults who've been traumatized online to lobby for it, and got Dove the company to use a bunch of influencers to push for this under the guise it prevents eating disorders...I wish I was lying. There are already 30 co-sponsors.
It is all hands on deck. I'm dead serious when I say if this bill is passed it is the beginning if not end of the open and free internet.
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domaystic · 7 months
It's Domaystic 2024!
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Hello, hello! This is the third year of DOMAYSTIC, a domestic trope based prompt event running in May :D
This is the main post for the event and in the picture above there are the prompts.
They're 31 prompts (no alts this time), but they are also divided in three main categories, which I loosely labelled as "people from everyday life" from 1 to 10; "things from everyday life" from A to J; and "general-container-stuff that can be bent to one's own desires" from roman number I to X. Plus, at the very end, a free choice option (we never had one and the days are not even ahahah).
List of prompts
Category: people from everyday life 01. driver 02. shop assistant 03. plumber 04. public servant 05. teacher 06. receptionist 07. mechanic 08. health professional 09. baker 10. landlord
Category: things from everyday life A. konmari B. me/us time C. shopping points D. odd appliances E. building renovations F. frozen G. memento H. wild animal I. ritual J. dreadful weather
Category: general-container-stuff I. proverb II. tutorial III. poll IV. numbers V. emergency VI. quiz VII. cliché VIII. art IX. official document X. song
* free choice
Guidelines, tags example, AO3 link under the cut!
General rules and guidelines
Domaystic is open to any fandom or original content.
Any kind of media is welcome. You choose your way of expression.
There are no limits/restrictions on how your fill should be.
There’s a total of 31 prompts for 31 days.
To join the event one can do a prompt a day following the list as it is; or following the sequence they prefer; or only the ones of their liking, even just one.
Or, and this is my challenge proposition for anyone who wants to take it: try to combine one prompt from each one of the three categories + the free choice. Which in total would produce 10 fills + 1 if all are done.
Share your work anywhere you want or keep it to yourself, that's fine. If you share it on tumblr and tag this blog, I’ll reblog it.
If you also want to combine these prompts with another fandom event, that's okay.
Domaystic runs actively throughout May; if you join or tag the blog on a later date, that's fine too, I just reblog on a lower pace after May is over.
In case of lengthy posts on tumblr, use the "read more" option: ctrl-shift-k on rich text; [[*MORE*]] on html (remove asterisks)
AO3 collection
The domaystic2024 collection is open from May, 1st: click here - info and prompts are also on the profile page.
Tagging your tumblr post:
Mention the blog in your post @domaystic - tracked tag: #domaystic2024
State the fandom name or if it is original content
State if it is sfw or nsfw
Please, always TAG PROPERLY for any trigger warning. I will base my own reblog on your tags so, please, take even a moment longer to carefully tag it. I hope all participants to stay safe in this event.
Here’s an example:
It took me 2 nights to write this @domaystic, look at my stuff! #domaystic2024 #[fandom name or original content] #[sfw or nsfw] #[trigger warnings that I get from your post] tw
And this is it! For any question, doubt, etc. the askbox is always open :)
Hi @thebigbangblogproject, can you reblog this? Thanks :D
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sicktember · 4 months
2024 FAQs
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(Since tumblr mobile isn't exactly known for its reliability regarding links at the top of the blog...) We made an updated text post of the event's FAQs. There have been no major changes. We just wanted a text post that reflected the Sicktember 2024 event information.
Sicktember 2023-2021 Past Prompts Text Post [Link]
* What is Sicktember?
-Sicktember is a fan-run,  September-long hurt/comfort prompt event focused on sick characters and their caregivers.
* What fandoms can participate?
- Every fandom is welcome to participate, including Original Characters and Original Works!
* When does Sicktember begin?
-The idea is to have a prompt a day for the entire month of September, but that’s more of a guideline than an actual rule.
* Do I have to write all 30 prompts in order to participate?
- Not at all! Don’t feel pressured into writing all 30 prompts. You can write as few or as many as you want. This list is meant to spark inspiration, not cause any undue stress.
* Do I have to write all of the prompts separately or can I combine them?
- You can write all of the prompts in one continuous fic, write them all separately or combine a handful at a time. Do what works for you!  Just, please, specify which prompts inspired your work.
* Do I have to write the prompts in order?
-No. You can write them in whatever order you’d like, but again, please identify which prompts your work is based on.
* Can I combine with prompts from other events?
-As long as the other events you’re participating in are okay with it, so are we! Combine all you’d like!
* I don’t write but I can draw. Can I participate?
-Yes! All types of content creators are welcome to join in the fun.
* What if I don’t finish the prompts by the end of September?
- No problem! Take your time and create at your own pace!  There’s no rush. But also keep in mind that you are not obligated to fill each and every prompt.
* Are there any restrictions?
- There are only two major restrictions. No sexually explicit material and no illegal or non-consensual relationships.
    - No explicit descriptions of sexual encounters (smut/erotica/pornography)
           - Innuendo and passing mentions of sexual encounters are okay. 
    -No romantic relationships between adults and minors, relationships that are incestuous, and/or relationships that are stockholm syndrome based.
            - As a hurt/comfort-focused event, we would like to keep the main focus of this particular event on the sick character and their caregiver/caretaker
 -This also allows us to leave this event open to a broader range of participants.
*What if I want to use one of the prompts to write something that doesn’t fit within the event rules?
 - We understand that inspiration comes from many places and we certainly aren’t here to tell you what you should and shouldn’t write.
 - If your prompt-inspired content is outside of the event’s restrictions, then it is no longer for the event, and it should not be associated with it. At that point, your content is for you, and all of the people who would enjoy it!
     - In this situation, we ask that you please do not use the event tags, submit the content to the blog, or enter the content into the AO3 collection.
*Can dark themes, character death and/or swearing be included in my content?
- there are no rules against the use of heavy subjects or character death or swearing
-All we ask is that you tag your content appropriately so that readers can decide whether or not that’s the kind of content they want to read.
*There aren’t enough alternate prompts for me. Can you add more? Can I add my own?
- If you need additional alternate prompts let us know! We would be happy to discuss the potentiality of adding one or two more if the need to do so becomes apparent.
-You are also welcome to suggest an additional alternate prompt if you have an idea of what you would like to use. However, there is no guarantee that it will be added to the official list.
-But also, please keep in mind that you are not obligated to write thirty prompts. If you find that there are only a few or perhaps only a single prompt on the list that you’re comfortable working with, then that is absolutely fine! No pressure!
* Once the event begins, will projects be collected anywhere?
- Authors who post their work on the Archive of Our Own (AO3) website are welcome and encouraged to add their work to the collection, ‘Sicktember 2024’ 
- Content Creators who post or cross-post on Tumblr are encouraged to use the tag #sicktember 2024 so that others can find and enjoy their work.
*How do I post my work to the collection on Archive of Our Own (AO3)?
-When you create a draft or edit your work, there is a section titled [Associations]
-In the section, you will find a text box labeled [Post to Collections/Challenges]  
-That is where you will type,  Sicktember_2024  (It should auto-fill for you to make a selection. However if it doesn’t, you can type the name of the collection into the bar- exactly as you see it here- and it will still post appropriately.) 
- You can also post to the collection by using the ‘post collection’ button on the top right corner of the Sicktember_2024 collection’s page. 
*Keep in mind that (a) the collection will not be open until September and (b) your work will not be added to the collection until you hit [Post]
* Will you be promoting/featuring completed projects on Tumblr?
You are welcome and encouraged to submit your work for posting on the @sicktember blog.
Your submission should be formatted as follows
- A link to your content (tumblr, ao3, ff.net, wattpad, etc…)
 - The fandom or alternative fandom tag you wish to be included on your submission. (No fandom tag, original work, owl house, m/arvel, c*bra k*i, etc…) ** please limit your fandom tags to 5 or less **
- The prompt you used (the number and the prompt itself)
 - A Summary, description or snippet of your content (not a full fic)
The above-mentioned Information does not have to be in that order, but it does have to be clearly included.
** Important things to keep in mind when submitting:
- We will be posting no more than 10 submissions a day.
- Submissions will close one week after the event (Oct. 7)
- To be posted, your submission must be correctly formatted.
- We will queue submissions until the inbox is empty
⭐⭐ Please keep in mind that this is one fan-run event among many. If you don’t agree with the above-mentioned parameters, that’s okay! We want you to feel comfortable with the events you choose to participate in. And if that means not participating in this one, that’s okay too! Find one you love. If you can’t, consider creating one of your own!⭐⭐ 
 **If you have any further questions, send an ask to the @sicktember blog or reach out to  @yes-i-am-happyaspie or @obsessionoftheday.
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fthostevts · 3 months
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Welcome to Fairy Tail Hosted Events!!
This blog is dedicated to rekindling the spark of the Fairy Tail fandom by reviving classic events and bringing brand-new ones to life, whether they’re neutral or couples/ships’ events!
We want this blog to be the ultimate hub for classic (and currently inactive) events. This includes cherished events we miss and entirely unique concepts!
We need your help to build this blog and the events! Please take a moment to fill out this form and tell us what kind of events you’d love to see hosted. We’re open to ANY suggestion!
You can access the rules and FAQ through “read more” or by visiting our page. You can also see all the interest check forms there. Feel free to ask questions or leave comments anytime.
Click here to fill out the general interest check form!
And follow us for more information!
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We welcome art, fanfiction, edits, headcanons, manga colorings, playlists, and more! Be creative!
To ensure your work appears on the blog, make sure it includes both the general event tag #fthostevts (without spaces) and the specific tag for this event within the first five tags of your post.
All work must be original and created specifically for this event. Everything you submit should be your own creation or content with the explicit permission of the owner. Do not plagiarize or alter someone else’s work!
If you’ve submitted your work, and it hasn’t been reblogged yet, don’t hesitate to send us a message to let us know.
Every contribution is valued. If you’re participating by commenting, liking, or sharing content, it means a lot to creators and inspires them to keep creating!
Please specify the prompt you’re using in your post.
Check out all event prompts and dates on the Events page (choose the event you want to see).
Only post content for a theme on the assigned day. Let’s keep things organized!
Late submissions for themes are still accepted, even after the event. We understand things happen, so it’s perfectly fine.
Remember that Tumblr has a policy where they no longer allow NSFW posts, including text/fanfics. Implied sex or light smut are acceptable, as long as they are not too explicit. You also can post the link that will redirect to a website that can host it.
Any mature content, it must be hidden “under a cut” and tagged appropriately.
Any content that might be triggering for viewers (blood, gore, injury, tragedy, death, or physical/mental trauma) needs to be hidden “under a cut” and tagged accordingly. When in doubt, err on the side of caution and tag it as mature/NSFW. Viewers who find certain content triggering can blacklist specific tags to avoid it.
Respect everyone! Content promoting homophobia, transphobia, racism, sexism, ableism, ship/character bashing, or any other offensive content will not be tolerated.
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QUESTION #1 — What are these events like?
These are typically week- or weekend-long event dedicated to the theme. Themes/events can be neutral/general or focus on couples/ships from Fairy Tail. Each day, we'll provide a prompt which you can create whatever you want.
QUESTION #2 — How can I participate?
Put #fthostevts (without spaces) and the specific tag for this event within the first five tags of your post. We'll be sure to reblog your creations! If you don't have a Tumblr account, you can submit your work through our summit box.
QUESTION #3 — Do I need to follow the daily prompts?
No! The prompts are just starting points to spark your creativity. Feel free to create your own prompts. But just let that clear on the post.
QUESTION #4 — What if I miss the post day for a prompt?
No worries! We encourage participation throughout the event, so you can still post your creation at your own pace. However, we can't accept submissions before the designated days for the prompt.
QUESTION #5 — Is this a place to host events or to keep track of events?
This is a place to host events!
Thank you so much!
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thefairywithboots · 6 months
Welcome To My Blog
Hi there! ;)
Welcome to my fanfic blog. My primary places to post are AO3, Wattpad, and Dreamwidth, but I have moved a lot of my stuff over here to Tumblr because I love the community and friends I've made over here!
All of my NSFW work fics will be labelled as such. I am not responsible for any minors who ignore the warnings and read such fics anyway.
Requests are closed
About Me
Hi there! ;) You have managed to somehow stumble upon my little corner of the internet. So welcome!
My name is Rita, and I have written fanfiction ever since I was 11 years old - by hand in spare spiral notebooks that I had - back before I even knew what fanfiction was. I’d just sit scribbling alternative endings to video games whose canonical endings had left me emotionally traumatized (Twilight Princess, Valkyrie Profile, etc.) But I didn’t start writing fanfic to post for the public to read until a full decade later.
I have always used writing as a form of escapism, to create worlds when I felt like the one I am in was too restrictive. This blog will be my safe space from the world, and I want it be just as much as an escape for others as it is for me. I want this to be a positive vibes only blog. 🌻
I am a hopeless romantic at heart, and spend a lot time trying to spread positivity, peace and love. ❤️ 🌻
My other interests include crochet (I often post pictures of clothes that I make,) painting/drawing, video games, fantasy/mythology, and most importantly music. Music is my catharsis. The reason I am alive.
I usually keep to myself in fandoms to avoid drama and fights, but am a really nice person as long as you are not an asshole, so please don’t be afraid to slide into my DMs if you want to chat.
Fic Requests
Stuff that I write:
• Fluff
• And most importantly, angst because I love torturing my characters/muses as well as myself.
•X Reader inserts
•x OC
•FxM (fluff and smut)
• FxF (fluff and smut)
• MxM (fluff)
Stuff that I will not write:
•Obviously icky stuff (pedo/necro/rapey shit)
• Jimbert - nothing against people who write or enjoy these kinds of fics - there's actually a few fics of this ship I enjoy myself - and people can write whatever fictional scenario they want. It's just that a very small handful of people on here take things way too far insisting that this is not fantasy, and these two had very real feelings for each other. So... yeah. That shit ain't for me. So I won't be writing this ship. I'll read others' fics though, and any other MxM ship is open for requesting. :)
So... yeah. Other than that, I'm willing to write anything. So feel free to send in requests.
My Fanfic Library
Iron Maiden
Dave Murray x Janick Gers
Fates Warning (Book 1 of Into Darkness) a Dave x Janick fic that follows their relationship throughout the 1990s.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Led Zeppelin
Robert Plant x Reader
Your Most Sacred Place (Smut)
Submissive Robert (Smut)
Aftercare (Smut)
Fire At Midnight
A Little Deal (Smut)
Way Down Inside (Smut)
Who’s In Charge (Smut)
Daddy, I Just Can’t Wait (Smut)
Far Too Long (Smut)
If You Wake Up With The Sunrise
Just Pretend
Robert and Evanna (OC ship)
Depollute Me, Gentle Angel
Steal Away Now (Smut)
I'm Gonna Put You Down For A While (Smut)
I'm Gonna Crawl (Smut)
Song Fics
Tea For One
Crack Fics
What Is And What Should Never Be
Legend of Zelda
Link x Malon
Welcome Home (Smut)
Recommended Blogs
@bijouxcarys writes incredible Robert Plant fics, is such a prolific writer, and is also the sweetest person ever. So check her out. ⚔️🌈
@firethatgrewsolow @brownskinsugarplum76 and @nature-and-music have also written some of my favourite Robert fics, and just overall extremely talented writers who inspire me to get better at my own. So please check them out. 🌻
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woahpinkhorsegirl · 2 months
Hi mlp tumblr and bluey tumblr! Im Pink! Im hoping to share my stuff on here and discover other stuff!
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This is my sona! She's a changeling but stays in her pony form almost all the time, just her preference :)
Im gonna start posting OCs and whatnot for both fandoms soon, but i wanna put here the list of Deviantart basemakers i used from at various points, mostly early on when i forgot to credit them. Hopefully I'll make new refs eventually and they'll have proper credits.
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I have a huge MLP and Bluey next gen thing to post too so either look forward to that or check it out if its out by the time you read this!
Other information about me, if you'd like to know:
I am 19 years old, white, American, and ace bi. I'm a ciswoman but I go by all pronouns, she/he/they/it and neopronouns are all acceptable, whatever you see fit or comfortable to call me!
Trans people of all kinds are welcome on my profile, alongside queer people in general! I am pr0-choice and pr0-p4lestine, I don't talk about my p0litical stances much but those are the two most important i can think to mention.
Disabled people, with both invisible and visible disabilities, are also welcome (these feel obvious but I've seen people who make it feel necessary)
Non-white people are also welcome (again, unfortunate that I feel the need to clarify that, but I use twitter so :/)
I also saw a random post about this but just in case, anyone with coping mechanisms (like age regression) are also welcome. I won't judge you for doing what you need to do.
If i look like im censoring some words by using numbers or symbols, that's a force of habit. I don't like appearing in search terms unless I actively want to, it usually invites the wrong people, so i "censor" terms that I think might draw the attention of bad apples.
Uh just some boundary stuff I guess? I love OC interaction and I also enjoy RP. I don't like giving my discord to people so any of that is gonna have to happen here. If that's inconvenient or not gonna cut it, then my apologies :(
Uh my rules for RP are a tiny bit strict but not in the way your probably thinking.
Im one of those "planning ahead" type of roleplayers who like to map out a scenario and key events before we begin and occasionally take pauses between major scenes to plot elements of the future. If you can handle that, then I'd say your golden! Im not picky with the length or detail in responses, as long as theres something to work with, I can usually move things along. The only other restriction i can think of is: when it comes to the sexualities of my characters, please respect them. Thats really it :)
I do platonic roleplays, adventure, romantic, and slice of life. I'm not much for action stuff unless its the spice thrown into the other types occasionally. I'm pretty flexible though, so we can talk about it individually if need be.
Oh, and no nsfw RP. I dont do s3x, and im not much for depicting "elicit substances" to put it lightly. Alc0hol might be the only exception, if its kept in small doses. If for some strange reason our characters end up in a s3xual scenario, we're skipping to the aftermath.
Edit: Some of my OCs have romantic interests made/owned by my boyfriend. This element can be removed for romance roleplays if need be (although they will still be with his OCs outside of the roleplay)
So yeah uhm I think thats it! Im not sure if you can edit things on Tumblr but if you can then I guess I'll update this as needed! Thanks for checking out my blog!!
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How I'm thinking it's going to work (for now, subject to change):
I am doing my best to collect every single canon character in this entire series. I will release the full list soon. Having said that, I am only human. It's possible I'll miss someone. If you have an attachment to a very minor character that I happen to miss, send me an ask, either to here, or to my main @dark-night-star-light. Anon asks are always on!
You can only submit canon characters. No OCs allowed, sorry. But you can submit a canon character regardless of how irrelevant or minor they are.
Voter fraud* and bribery** are not allowed. I know, I know, other fandoms allow them. I'm not, because the small-scale size of this fandom means that could actually make a dent in our results. I won't actually know if you do it, but if I find out you did, your vote will be eliminated.
This is meant to be fun! Try not to get too butthurt if your fav gets eliminated in the first round. I know a few of mine will, since they're such minor characters.
The unique tag is #best spirit animals character 2024. So if you want to participate, but don’t follow this blog, you need to be checking that a lot. Everything will be also tagged #spirit animals, #spirit animals books, and #spirit animals series. If you want to campaign, I recommend using the unique tag.
If you have any questions, or disagree with a rule and want to take it up with me, both my asks and DMs are open, both here and on my main.
I am allowing propaganda. I am going to put it to a vote whether to allow anti-propaganda or not. Stay tuned for that.
I have still not created the full list of characters yet. That may take a while. In the mean time, you may start to submit propaganda to me. Ask box is open!
I will accept your propaganda if you make it about a ship (ex: Vote Shane, he’s so in love with Abeke!!!), but I don’t recommend it. In fact, I discourage it. But it’s allowed.
You can submit headcanons about a character as propaganda. Propaganda doesn't have to have any basis in canon (giving the more minor characters a fighting chance).
You are not allowed to submit links to analysis posts (or any kind of post) as propaganda, even if it's yours. Everything submitted needs to be something you wrote specifically for the bracket. If you send me a link to a post, it's an automatic delete.
Other than the above, there are no restrictions on what can be submitted as propaganda. It can be as short or as long as you want and as serious or ridiculous as you want (you could literally submit, like, "Vote for Rollan, he's so funny and he needs a hug" as propaganda and I would accept it, or you can go deep and start talking about his parallels and arc and motifs and backstory and personality and hardcore analysis stuff, and that would also be fine).
If you're unsure what to write, I'm going to release a piece of Shane propaganda I'm writing soon. Hopefully it inspires you. But again, there are no restrictions! Your propaganda doesn't have to resemble mine.
If I allow anti-propaganda, there will definitely be restrictions. More on that later.
If multiple people submit propaganda for the same character, I'm keeping them all. My goal is to have most characters have at least one piece of propaganda, so in the interest of that, as we approach the beginning of the tournament, I'll make a list of every character with how many pieces of propaganda each currently has. This is so that if a character has no propaganda, it would be a warning to everyone that it's your last chance to submit for them.
Propaganda is submitted through asks or DMs! You can submit for as many characters as you want. You will be allowed to be anonymous or not. If you choose not to be anonymous, you're signing up to be tagged in the poll that features the character you submitted for. So be aware of that. I may decide to open up a Google Form if I'm not getting any submissions. But we'll take it as it comes.
You will be allowed to submit propaganda throughout the tournament! If you decide to submit propaganda during the tournament, it will be added in the next round. Unless the character gets eliminated, in which case it won't be added at all.
This isn't really a propaganda thing, but it's propaganda-adjacent: campaigning. Campaigning is 100% allowed. There are no restrictions on campaigning except "Don't be rude". You will be allowed to campaign, and light-heartedly bash your vote's opponent (just make sure it doesn't get out of hand). You're allowed to spam the main tag or the poll with "Vote for [character]!" posts and reblogs. You're allowed to send people asks begging them to vote for [character]. In the end, it's their choice, but you can campaign as hard as you want. In fact, if you go into a poll and don't immediately know who to choose, because you like or dislike both characters equally, I recommend not voting for a while. The campaigners may be able to sway you to one side or the other.
I will submit propaganda for multiple characters. I may or may not choose to credit myself, it all depends! I will definitely be campaigning for some characters. Hopefully, this will encourage other people to campaign, too. That's half the fun of best character brackets.
Format stuff:
There may or may not be comeback rounds. It all just depends on where we're at and if I need characters to come back to create an even number. Don't count on them, but don't count them out, either.
It seems some people here haven't read the entire series, but I would still like them to be allowed to participate fully. So, I'm going to put an official description for every character, maybe a sentence or so long. This is meant to be objective, canon, and not propaganda (ex: Rollan is the Amayan Hero of Erdas that summoned Essix the Falcon).
Every poll will last one day, then we'll move onto the next for the next day and so on.
There will be preliminaries, because or else we are just going to have too many polls. The preliminaries will cut out the majority of the characters, probably including mostly minor characters.
I'm going to do my best to save the polls I feel will divide the fandom for last. So we won't see any Rollan vs. Meilin polls right off the bat. This might make the first few polls boring, but it'll get more interesting later on. Trust.
*Voter fraud is enlisting non-fandom mutuals or friends to vote for your fav, or voting from two different accounts. (Like I accidentally did in the interest poll. Whoopsie. I promise it won't happen in the real polls!) If you happen to do this by accident like I did, tell me and I will remove the extra vote(s) and you will not be penalized.
**Bribery is where you go to someone, either within the fandom or not, and offer to draw or write something for them (or do some other favor) if they vote for the character you want.
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sporkdoesclasspect · 7 months
it's your old pal spork back from the void!! this blog is still dead probably. i just wanted to ramble lol
sooo i think about classpect a lot still because Special Interest and here's a summary of my general thoughts on it.
things a classpect can be:
a role you are Destined to play in the game
a role you are Destined to play In General
a role you are Forced to play
a role that is simultaneously determined For you and By you, due to the nature of paradox space, branching timelines, and the restrictions of a linear perception of time
a completely arbitrary title based on ultimately random factors
a Description of a narrative arc
an Assignment of a narrative arc
a description of your cool powers
the result of a literal/metaphorical/metaphysical personality quiz
a title a real life person gives themselves for funsies ;)
all of the above
none of the above
i feel like a lot of people either 1) generally agree with the popular fandom consensus and don't look beyond that or 2) overcompensate by trying to have The True And Correct Take. however, there is a crucial thing being overlooked with both of those viewpoints which is that you can do whatever you want! forever!! :3
i (mainly) use classpect-as-narrative-arc. this is neither Correct nor Incorrect! the same is true of literally any other theory, by nature of it being a Theory. that is ok! i think everyone should generally do what they find most fun/most interesting/most helpful for their story/creation.
i do also think that it's worth keeping an open mind and taking the time to consider different viewponts, but that doesn't mean your own has to change. it just means you should look out for new ideas so that you don't miss any that you think are cool! sometimes there's ideas that you could totally have fun with and incorporate into your system if you just considered it for a second, and realized that it is kind of an awesome concept.
but the most important thing will always be HAVING FUN, like in a general sense ^-^ for example, i use classpect-as-arc in most of my homestuck-adjacent stories, but i have some other ones where i go for classpect-as-forced-role instead because of the themes i want to explore there. and there are a couple of settings i've created where classpects are nothing but powersets, and are irrelevant to the plot outside of that. i think this kind of mixing and matching is a good approach that keeps you from getting locked into one way of thinking! plus it means you get to play around a lot more.
if your goal is only to analyze the canon text, you might not be so interested in the less canon-compliant takes. that's ok too! but until we get actual confirmation on Any of these theories (which might never happen -n-) it's going to be really up in the air, which i'm... honestly kind of glad for at this point? part of me isn't entirely convinced that hussie even had a single definitive answer in mind, which wouldn't be that surprising really, though one may have been decided on after the fact. or maybe there's some Super Secret Truth that existed all along and just hasn't been revealed to us!
either way, use the concept of classpects however you want, because no one can stop you!!!! >:3 you are the artist, it is you! write and draw what inspires you! and support other people who do the same!! maybe even COLLABORATE so you can make BIGGER COOLER THINGS >:D
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cksecretsanta23 · 10 months
secret santa general info /faqs
the process- a timeline is here
in short: there will be sign ups until end of nov 24, after which we'll pair you with a gift recipient, who you have all the way until mid-jan to make something creative for. make sure you tag your gift with #cksecretsanta23 (and @ this blog too so we get a notification and can reblog your gift)
there will be an ao3 collection set up again, but more on that later
your mods- are claire (@dull-c) and lauren (@crimsonblackrose). if you have any questions feel free to contact us direct, or even better - use the ask button here so we can answer your question publicly, so that anyone else who might also have the same question can see it here too
the gifts- generally these sort of gifts exchanges tend to include things like fanart, fanfic, or fanvids. you don’t have to limit yourself to those mediums though, necessarily. and you don't have to limit yourself to one if you'd like to do a couple different mediums
minimum word count for fanfic is approx. 500 words and there’s no maximum. there’s also no min or max for fanart or fanvids
content restrictions- content that contains or suggests incest, pedophilia, nonconsensual sexual acts and any adult with minors pairings are not allowed for this gift exchange. we’re keeping things festive here fam. your kink is okay and is probably available on ao3 if you need it.
NSFW content is permitted as long as it is within tumblr’s guidelines, and only for those that are 18+. if your gift is NSFW please tag your work as such and ensure that your recipient has indicated they are 18+ (this info will be provided)
please also respect your recipient’s DNWs
contact- please turn on anonymous asks so that your secret santa may contact you to say hi and ask any questions.
secret santas - if you're not able to anonymously contact your giftee for any reason, we can likely contact your recipient for you, so get in touch
extensions- unlikely to be a problem! but please contact us so we can let your recipient know their pressie is still on its way!  
dropping out- these things happen - don’t despair, but please do contact us ASAP so we can reassign to a pinch hitter
finally- please be kind when receiving your gift. this is intended to be a fun community event, and everyone is putting their time and hard work into making these gifts for you for free 💕 just- have fun! spread the holiday cheer, get to know some new people in your fandom, and go creatively ham!
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narftasticficrequests · 10 months
A Little Introduction For You/DA RULES!!
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Have you ever had an Animaniacs/Pinky and The Brain fic you've always wanted to read? Do you have that one nagging idea that just sticks in your mind and invades your every waking thought? Hi guys!!!! I'm Pinky and you probably know me from my blog @theonethatyaks93. You've probably seen my random Pinky and The Brain and Animaniacs posts floating around here for some time (January of 2023 was when I joined but I've been in the Animaniacs fandom since 2020). But I also write fanfiction for funsies and since the Animaniacs/Pinky and The Brain fandom has slowly been waning, I decided to make a sideblog to accept requests for fanfics!!! This is so the fandom can stay alive and other people can find it too!! I'm a tad bit late to the party, but I hope that you guys enjoy what I have in store! Now below: I've listed some of the rules, restrictions, and information about how-to submit a request here!!
To make a request, all you have to do is drop it into the ask box here on this blog! I do not want fic requests on my main blog!! Thank you!! :) <3
I tried not to set too many rules but here are the main ones(Most of this is taken from my announcement post on my main blog):
There will be absolutely NO 18+ content allowed. There are a ton of fics out there with mature labels that you can find; you don't have to look hard. I do not feel comfortable writing that stuff yet. Don't ask for smut of any kind because you will not get it, I guarantee that. The farthest I want to go is deep kissing (i.e. tongue) but I'm only willing to do that for Pinky and Brain exclusively, since it doesn't seem to bother the fandom that much. I WILL NOT do that stuff for Yakko and Max because it doesn't sit well with me since they are so young. If deeper, more aggressive kissing is involved in Brinky fics, the tag: mildly spicy mice, will be used to indicate this. It won't be in every fic, I promise. :)
NO WARNERCEST REQESTS!!! That will get you promptly banned off of both my blogs for the foreseeable future. I HATE THIS SHIP SO MUCH AND IT'S DISGUSTING!!!! This also ties into the no 18+ content label mentioned earlier. Do not ask for this.
Fic requests may take up to a week or more to complete. It will depend on the ask itself and the story ideas I compile together. I'm very busy with other life things and stresses that it will be difficult to find the time to work on these. I will optimize weekends for fic writing to my best ability, but I will let you guys know if I'm taking a break. When I'm taking a short break, the ask box will be closed temporarily, but it will be re-opened.
Other ships such as Billie x Julia, Wakko x Louie Duck, and Dark Pinky x Future Brain will be accepted if you request them. If these take longer to make, it's going to be because I haven't written for these ideas before and I will need time to make sure everything is done decently. I'm also accepting AU ideas such as gender-swaps (I have a really good idea if y'all want to see a gender-swapped Pinky and Brain) . However, parody ideas will be extremely risky to request since if I haven't seen the material, I can't make the parody and if I have seen it, I might make a whole fic based on it rather than just a simple one-shot. I am also not accepting Wakko's Wish requests until further notice; I have a few pending and I will get to those eventually, thanks for being patient.
If your request takes longer to complete and it's not a parody or a ship I haven't worked with before, it's likely because I am working on a fic for AO3, most likely my one-shots, or a tedious multi-chapter. Don't think I've abandoned your request; I will get to you ASAP after I'm done with whatever project I'm on.
Certain things that are banned from the askbox: mean comments, smut requests, Warnercest, non-Animaniacs/PaTB requests, harassment of other individuals. Certain ships, such as Warnercest and Brain x Julia will not be allowed either due to personal or emotionally scarring reasons.
Last thing: Enjoy it!!! Make requests that are angsty, silly, fluffy, sad, or happy! Think about what you've always wanted to see in a fanfic, or an idea that you would enjoy seeing my take on. Just make sure to follow my rules and boundaries so we can all enjoy this as a fandom.
I'm really excited to see what I can do!!! And I'm also really excited to see all the fun ideas you guys can come up with!!! I'm hoping I can make this fandom proud and maybe inspire others to dive into the realm of writing!! Gather your requests and let's all have some fun!! Narf!!!
-Pinky (theonethatyaks93)
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sotwk · 1 year
Hi! I'm kinda new to the Tolkien side of tumblr, I wanted to ask if you had any recommendations of who to follow?
Hello my dear Anon friend! Welcome to our wonderful fandom--we are so happy to have you! <3
And oh my goodness, I am indeed flattered that you've come to me with this question. There are so many spectacular writers and artists in our Tolkien community and I am fortunate enough to be mutuals/friends with many of them, even though I've been on Tumblr less than a year myself.
"Who to Follow" really depends on which characters you are most interested in, what kind of content you want on your dash (fanfics? headcanons? artwork? gifs?), and other personal preferences or restrictions (sfw only? triggers to avoid? okay with RoP?).
I will recommend just a few to start; these active, Tolkien-centered bloggers are good ones to start with because they either 1) post terrific original Tolkien works; 2) interact with/are friends with a lot of other fans; or 3) regularly reblog a lot of varied Tolkien content (or even all of the above).
Below are some Mutuals of mine who are wonderful people to interact directly with! Check them out and see whose content answers your interests! I varied them as much as a could:
@fellowshipofthefics (a community to support Tolkien fanfic writers)
These are just a FEW of the Mutuals I love. I could name more or all but I don't want to overwhelm you. ;) There are also a TON of other terrific blogs that I don't follow, but I am choosing to introduce folks I personally know and interact with. If you follow these guys, they will lead you to the many, many, other great Tolkien blogs out there, guaranteed.
I feel I must explain how I am weird in my method of choosing whom I follow; I follow people to make friends, and not just to access their content. (Because most Tolkien content gets reblogged by my friends anyhow and gets to my dash either way.) I usually wait for someone to follow me first, and if based on their engagement with my posts, if they seem like they want to connect with me, I follow back and we are Mutuals! I treasure each and every one of my Mutuals very much and really try to engage with them.
Again, thank you for trusting me with your question, and I hope you have a wonderful time enjoying the Tolkien fandom!
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domaystic · 2 years
Domaystic 2023 is back!
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link to bigger image: click here
[Image description: a blue clothes hanger with clips where socks are drying under the sun; among the socks the word domyastic is separated in three parts and hanged as well. On the right side: the list of 31 prompts and 5 alternatives.]
Hello! This is THE post for DOMAYSTIC 2023 :D
Domaystic is the combination of “domestic” and “May” and it's a prompt event run on May based on the domestic trope: anything inside, outside, beside the house or that has that normalcy flavor of everyday life.
If any of these prompts inspire your muse, please, don’t hesitate and join!
Text prompts
01 Housewarming   02 A stash of...   03 List   04 Packed lunch    05 Learning something new   06 Under the same umbrella    07 Stained clothes   08 The things in that drawer    09 Mistaken identity   10 Bath   11 Volunteering   12 Crisis    13 Taking turns   14 Parade   15 Junkmail    16 Sleeping habits   17 Marked date on calendar    18 Discount at favourite store   19 Police at the door    20 In the nearby park   21 Handmade gift   22 S/o on the local news    23 Small couch   24 Secret language   25 Misdialed calls    26 Sounds from above   27 Passage through a fence 28 Recycling   29 Lottery   30 Feeling of doing nothing    31 Midnight snack
A. No, no, don't lift it!   B. There's a ... in the room! C. Stop the car, now!   D. Look, I made it work! E. Oh, I can't wait to do it!
Text prompts in German: click here Text prompts in Spanish: click here Text prompts in Italian: click here Text prompts in French: click here
Lots of text under the cut!
General rules and guidelines
All fandoms or original content are welcome.
Any kind of media is welcome: fanfiction, fanart, fanmixes, puzzles, diy art, quizzes, podfics, edits, fic recs or whatever it is you feel like doing. That’s all good.
No restrictions in ships, size, min/max word count or the language you want to write into.
As last year, feel free to mix the domestic prompt with anything you like: more drama and lots of crying? YES! The thrill of an investigation for the disappearance of your characters’ fave socks? YES!
There's one prompt for each day for a total of 31 prompts + 5 alternatives with an exclamation point at the end (predictable!).
You can share your work on any platform you like. If you share it on tumblr and tag the blog, I’ll reblog it.
Combine more prompts together? That’s fine but I will reblog the entry only once here on tumblr.
Combine these prompts with another event? Fine too.
You don’t have to do all the prompts to join the event. Do the ones you enjoy.
The event is consistently checked upon during the month of May, but in case you want to share your creation at a later date, you can. I just reblog on a lower pace after May is over.
As for the reblogs, last year I gave myself a bit of an headache, so this time I’d like to try it this way: once the day of the corresponding prompt comes, people will post their work and then I’ll reblog it when that day comes for me too. Does it make sense? I hope so. I’ll miss the world clocks but let’s just trust each other.
AO3 collection
The domaystic2023 collection is open from May, 1st: click here - all the info and prompts are also on the profile page of the collection.
In your tumblr post I ask you to:
Mention the blog in your post @domaystic - tracked tag: #domaystic2023
State clearly the fandom name or if it is original content
State clearly if it is sfw or nsfw
State clearly which prompt you used
In case of lengthy posts, use the “read more option”: ctrl-shift-k on rich text; [[*MORE*]] on html (remove asterisks)
Please, TAG PROPERLY. If there are any trigger warnings, I will base my own reblog on your tags so, please, take even a moment longer to carefully tag it. I hope all participants to stay safe in this event.
Here’s an example:
blablabla my story is beautiful, look @domaystic ! 
#domaystic2023 #day1 #[extraA - E if alternative prompt is used] #[fandom name or oc] #[sfw or nsfw] #[trigger warnings that I get from your post] tw
If you have any question feel free to send an ask, inbox is always open. :D
Hi, @thebigbangblogproject​ can you reblog this?
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sicktember · 1 year
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With so many new friends and with the changes we've made to the content promotion model, we thought it might be a good idea to create a text post of the event's FAQs. Especially since tumblr mobile isn't exactly known for its reliability when it comes to links at the top of the blog. Below you will find the FAQs as they are written as of September 2023. A link to the Sicktember FAQ page can be found [Here]
Frequently Asked Questions/Rules
* What is Sicktember?
-Sicktember is a fan-run,  September-long hurt/comfort prompt event focused on sick characters and their caregivers.
* What fandoms can participate?
- Every fandom is welcome to participate, including Original Characters and Original Works!
* When does Sicktember begin?
-The idea is to have a prompt a day for the entire month of September, but that’s more of a guideline than an actual rule.
* Do I have to write all 30 prompts in order to participate?
- Not at all! Don’t feel pressured into writing all 30 prompts. You can write as few or as many as you want. This list is meant to spark inspiration, not cause any undue stress.
* Do I have to write all of the prompts separately or can I combine them?
- You can write all of the prompts in one continuous fic, write them all separately or combine a handful at a time. Do what works for you!  Just, please, specify which prompts inspired your work.
* Can I combine with prompts from other events?
-As long as the other events you’re participating in are okay with it, so are we! Combine all you’d like!
* Do I have to write the prompts in order?
-No. You can write them in whatever order you’d like, but again, please identify which prompts your work is based on.
* I don’t write but I can draw. Can I participate?
-Yes! All types of content creators are welcome to join in the fun.
* What if I don’t finish the prompts by the end of September?
- No problem! Take your time and create at your own pace!  There’s no rush. But also keep in mind that you are not obligated to fill each and every prompt.
* Are there any restrictions?
- There are only two major restrictions. No sexually explicit material and no illegal or non-consensual relationships.
    - No explicit descriptions of sexual encounters (smut/erotica/pornography)
           - Innuendo and tame mentions of sexual encounters are okay. 
    -No romantic relationships between adults and minors, relationships that are incestuous, and/or relationships that are stockholm syndrome based.
    - As a hurt/comfort-focused event, we would like to keep the main focus of this particular event on the sick character and their caregiver/caretaker
-This also allows us to leave this event open to a broader range of participants, including minors.
*What if I want to use one of the prompts to write something that doesn’t fit within the event rules?
 - We understand that inspiration comes from many places and we certainly aren’t here to tell you what you should and shouldn’t write.
 - If your prompt-inspired content is outside of the event’s restrictions, then it is no longer for the event, and it should not be associated with it. At that point, your content is for you, and all of the people who would enjoy it!
     - In this situation, we ask that you please do not use the event tags, submit the content to the blog, or enter the content into the AO3 collection.
*Can dark themes, character death and/or swearing be included in my content?
- there are no rules against the use of heavy subjects or character death or swearing
-All we ask is that you tag your content appropriately so that readers can decide whether or not that’s the kind of content they want to read.
*There aren’t enough alternate prompts for me. Can you add more? Can I add my own?
- If you need additional alternate prompts let us know! We would be happy to discuss the potentiality of adding one or two more if the need to do so becomes apparent.
-You are also welcome to suggest an additional alternate prompt if you have an idea of what you would like to use. However, there is no guarantee that it will be added to the official list.
-But also, please keep in mind that you are not obligated to write thirty prompts. If you find that there are only a few or perhaps only a single prompt on the list that you’re comfortable working with, then that is absolutely fine! No pressure!
* Once the event begins, will projects be collected anywhere?
- Authors who post their work on the Archive of Our Own (AO3) website are welcome and encouraged to add their work to the collection, ‘Sicktember 2023’ 
- Content Creators who post or cross-post on Tumblr are encouraged to use the tag #sicktember 2023 so that others can find and enjoy their work.
*How do I post my work to the collection on Archive of Our Own (AO3)?
-When you create a draft or edit your work, there is a section titled [Associations]  -In the section, you will find a text box labeled [Post to Collections/Challenges]  
-That is where you will type,  Sicktember_2023  (It should auto-fill for you to make a selection. However if it doesn’t, you can type the name of the collection into the bar- exactly as you see it here- and it will still post appropriately.) 
- You can also post to the collection by using the ‘post collection’ button on the top right corner of the Sicktember_2023 collection’s page. 
*Keep in mind that (a) the collection will not be open until September and (b) your work will not be added to the collection until you hit [Post]
* Will you be promoting/featuring completed projects on Tumblr?
You are welcome and encouraged to submit your work for posting on the @sicktember blog.
Your submission should be formatted as follows
- A link to your content (tumblr, ao3, ff.net, wattpad, etc…)
 - The fandom or alternative fandom tag you wish to be included on your submission. (No fandom tags, original work, owl house, m/arvel, c*bra k*i, etc…) ** Please limit fandom tags to five or less **
- The prompt you used (the number and the prompt itself)
 - A Summary, description or snippet of your content (not a full fic)
The above-mentioned Information does not have to be in that order, but it does have to be clearly included.
** Important things to keep in mind when submitting:
- We will be posting no more than 10 submissions a day.
- To be posted, your submission must be correctly formatted.
- The correctly formatted submissions we post will be chosen at random.
- We will be queueing submissions until the inbox is empty
* I don’t want my work reblogged/I don’t want my work reblogged with fandom tags. How can I avoid that?
- We will not be reblogging any content. All content promotion will be handled through submission where the content creator has the option to label their fandom as they wish.
* Is there a way to prevent so many sicktember reblogs from flooding my feed?
Ideally, this will not be a problem during the 2023 event, as we have switched to submissions only and will be monitoring the number of submissions we post per day.
However, you should be able to collapse these posts (making them easier to scroll past) by going to your tumblr settings and filtering the tag #💚💚💚 
⭐⭐ Please keep in mind that this is one fan-run event among many. If you don’t agree with the above-mentioned parameters, that’s okay! We want you to feel comfortable with the events you choose to participate in. And if that means not participating in this one, that’s okay too! Find one you love. If you can’t, consider creating one of your own! (It’s fun, and we highly recommend it ) ⭐⭐ 
 **If you have any further questions, send an ask to the @sicktember blog or reach out to  @yes-i-am-happyaspie or @obsessionoftheday.
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sunnylands-world · 2 years
≪ Sunny's navigation ⪼
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✍ as the writer of everything on this page you do not have my permission to take my ideas, repost them on other sites, translation them or copy them. [Read the rules for more]
Hello readers and mutuals, if you don't know already I go by sunny and welcome to my blog!
My account for questions and prompts is: sunnylandsworldwithwords
And feel free to ask me anything writing related there
Feedback: tell me what you think of my writing! I love to improve in certain areas.[be nice though]
⪻ About me ⪼
Hobbies for sunny: I like to write, read and make edits. Some of my other hobbies include dancing, singing, drawing, and sometimes painting or hanging out with family.
I’m in college majoring in psychology
Age: 18
My favorite colors are: blue, Green, peach orange, white, sunset yellow, lavender, beige, and other pastel colors
My pronouns are: she/her
Words to Writers 1
Writers motivation 2
Writer buddies
Little bird - sunny's poem
Sunny's writing tips
Sunny's writing tips 2
Sunny answers writing struggles [writing tip 3]
Appreciate to those that I love
Trending !!!
⪻ Me at Hogwarts ⪼
First house: Ravenclaw
Second: Hufflepuff
Patronus: dog
Wand: Yew with a Core of Dragon Heartstring
⪻ Readers ⪼
[I recommend reading this if you read my fics or would like to request]
First off thank you for coming to my page. I appreciate your reads, comments, reblogs and requests and any support for that matter.
If your okay with it tell me your thoughts I ask that you do it kindly, I'm an easy cry baby. ♡
My fandoms include: Harry Potter, Stranger Things, Marvel, The walking dead, and others. I also write for celebrities too! So basically multi-fandom but I am know best for my Draco content.
My writing style can be more poetry like so that's a warning!
I do not write relationships between underage readers or characters! No one will be in a relationship with a character under 18
I write Draco in different universes or whatever it's called 😂
I occasionally do stepcest fics the reader is always 18 and up, so don't be sick and say she's younger or I'll block you. if this bothers you, you can block me, don't bother interacting with me about it.
The only time the reader, character or both are underage in my fanfiction is to describe highschool [17,16 but this more for Hogwarts] other than that they are ALWAYS 18!
Feel free to interact with me through my inbox, we should definitely fangirl together!!
You can message me as well.
i'm a very kind person, no ask or request will receive negative feedback so don't be shy, speak your mind.
If you say anything negative expect to be blocked from my page.
I love good criticism so if you see areas I can improve by all means tell me. [kindly] I'm always trying to be better at what I do!
I write fluff, angst, and smut
I don't have an age restriction since I know people underage are reading "certain" content with that being said what you consume is your choice! I will not be held responsible for any of it
Tips for you guys 🫂💫
Things I haven't tried writing yet and may or may not be comfortable with include: writing about sleeping with people on their period [the thought of it just doesn't feel right but I may write it], harm to my favs mental health or suicide unless it's for the plot. I may add to this over time
You can leave as many requests as you like however, I cannot promise I'll write them right away as some requests are more complex and may take longer to write.
[this doesn't mean I won't get to it!]
⪻ Ship's ⪼
Ships I think are okay but am too jealous of or don't like include: Eddie Munson + Steve Harrington, Hermione + Draco, Harry + Draco, and other Harry Potter ships that give me the icks, Eddie + Chrissy, and more [either they bother me or the possessiveness in me to have them all to myself is making me hate it and I can admit that 😌]
I do not hate others or comment my opinion on said ships. what you like is your choice, I will not try and change your mind.
However, I may write polyamorous relationships with said ship's but I won't have it be like them being together more so they are both with the reader.
⪻ links 🔗 ⪼
Draco's masterlist
⪻ Sunny supports ⪼
sunny accepts all types of religions, castes, and creeds, and gend all igbtq+ communities. I do not like hate towards anyone! I am more than happy to talk with people about anything including mental health! I don't want people to feel unwanted, unsupported, or anything so I will help in any way I can.
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alo-piss-trancy · 17 days
This is a really weird question but do you have like, favored piss/omo-centric spaces? Like, a discord server or a forum or whatever?
Tumblr is so sanitized 😭
Not a weird question at all lmao! I feel you anon, it's rough out here sometimes on tumblr 😭
Aside from here and AO3 tho, I don't have much for fiction rn 😔 I DO have something in the works on Dreamwidth that I could invite you to when it's ready... 👀 If you don't know, Dreamwidth is a more 'old-school' site for blogging/forum-type discussions and posting, media hosting, etc. and you can lock/moderate communities and grant/ban access to them with a few varying levels of restriction! They're also much like AO3 in their lack of censorship and are very adult-content friendly! So if you're interested in that, feel free to send an ask/message me with your tumblr user (or Dreamwidth account if you make one) so I can send you the link when I get it all set up! I'm going to be running it and hope to make it a very welcoming, bustling hub for all varieties of piss-themed interests (so omo, omutsu, watersports, basically the whole umbrella. If piss is involved it'll be allowed) to be posted and discussed!
If you're asking for IRL content like videos and stuff, I sadly can't help you 😭 I only really have like, 1 blog left here I watch vids from and idk if they'd be comfortable with a name drop lol. Most of my old fave vids got lost in the Great Tumblr Purge or lost on other sites ☠️💔 Aside from P/ornH/ub and Omorashi.Org (they have a whole section of their foruns for sharing videos, both for watch and some downloads) idk where you would really look.
As for discord I'm not in any servers themed for that actually. I know there are a couple around, but idk what kinds of things are allowed/banned. I pretty much just have this account's discord as an option for when I'm joining fandom fests, or 1-on-1 messaging with interested mutuals if they don't like tumblr dms lol.
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