#also thank you so much for the compliment
daydreamerwoah · 1 day
Family Tree (Chapter 12)
tw: slight drinking
Simon x Y/n <3
Steamin Jesus... 
That was something Johnny had said a few times you had been around him, and you were definitely saying that while waiting for Simon to pick you up. That morning, you got a little nervous and told him you wanted to take the bus to work because you needed to go somewhere before clocking in. While he tried to convince you, he'd take you wherever you eventually got him to wait and pick you up when you'd go to his place. You had nothing you needed to do... you were just nervous as hell. Facing him after confessing that you liked him the previous night. So nervous that you didn't even want to face him until that evening. 
But now that you were dressed and waiting for him to arrive, you were saying what Johnny always said. It was quite comedic; you pacing around the living room, biting your nails and hyping yourself up. 
Simon: Outside 
You were cursing yourself out as you grabbed your wallet and headed to the door. Taking a deep breath, you opened it and walked outside into the cold night air. There the man was, standing at the passenger door, waiting for you to walk up so he could open it for you. There was no way he would always do that, right? 
"Hey," he said, a hidden smirk under his balaclava. 
A sheepish smile on your lips, "Hey," you responded as he opened the door and you hopped in. 
The 10-minute ride to his place was comfortable, although your heart was thumping in your chest. But so was Simon's. Even though he wanted to see you earlier in the day as usual, he was almost grateful he had to wait until the evening. He was stressing about the food he chose to get for the two of you all morning... even asking Kyle what would he get if it was his first date with Ella.
Was this even a date?
He wanted it to be... but also, he knew pasta on his couch with the TV on was not what he wanted your first date with him to be like. He should have suggested taking you somewhere like a nice restaurant.. not the small loft of his apartment. 
Too late.
He pulled up to the building, and the both of you got out as he led you through the small complex. When he stuck his key in the lock, he felt the need to apologize, "Sorry. M'place is uh.. a bit of a mess. Didn't have time to clean up after work."
"No it's okay," you smiled as he opened the door and let you walk in first. 
It was funny. After taking your shoes and coat off and making your way to the living room, you weren't expecting it to look so... minimal. He said the place was a bit of a mess, but you couldn't find anything where it showed it. The furniture might have been the reason for it. A lone couch sat against the wall, and a TV was mounted on the opposite wall. The coffee table and one side table weren't modern by any means, but it wasn't ancient either. However, that wasn't what caught your attention. The two plates filled with dinner, two candles that were lit, and a bottle of wine placed on the coffee table stood out. 
"Not a five-star restaurant but-" he said as he rubbed the back of his neck as he walked over to the couch.
"It's perfect," you cut him off. His eyes met yours, and you softly smiled, "Thank you for dinner," you complimented as you walked over and took a seat on the couch. 
Thank Kyle, Simon thought to himself. He would buy the sergeant a bottle of his favorite liquor for coming over and setting up everything while he went and picked you up. He even swore to keep it a secret because he knew Ella couldn't hold water to save her life, and it was a special - although small - moment for the both of you to enjoy the surprise. 
The food wasn't homemade by any means, but Simon did buy it from a really good restaurant that made food from scratch. But you didn't care about that. He could have picked up McDonald's for dinner, and you would have been just as happy. It wasn't about how much he spent to impress you, but about wanting to even spend time with you. It was cozy and intimate. 
Simon sat down next to you and opened the bottle, pouring both of you a glass while you started eating. The chicken alfredo was amazing as you took the first bite, humming in appreciation before putting another helping in your mouth. You had been so focused on how good the food was you hadn't even noticed that Simon hadn't taken a single bite yet. You glanced at him, suddenly embarrassed with the food in your mouth. In an attempt to hide the redness on your cheeks, you took a few sips of the wine before glancing at him again.
"Sorry," you nervously giggled. 
A deep - but very low - chuckle rumbled in his chest, "Don't be, sweetheart. Glad you're enjoying it."
You peered down at his plate, "Not hungry?" a curious look in your eyes. 
He was. In fact, he was starving. But eating in front of you felt different this time. It wasn't like he hadn't before, but usually, when he did, he had the comfort of the rest of 141 there. You also tried not to stare at him as he ate. Each time, he'd have to lift his balaclava or mask just to take a bite before lowering it again. Sure, you'd seen it happen a few times before, but you never wanted to make him feel uncomfortable being around someone new. So you kept your eyes to yourself. 
To be honest, you'd never really seen his face except for those dark brown eyes.
You somewhat frowned a little as he glanced at the food and then back to you. An uneasy look formed in his eyes. He seemed... worried. 
"I can turn my back," you offered, changing positions so your back was facing him. 
"Don't have to do that," he said, a tone in his voice you couldn't figure out. 
Not turning around, "It's okay. I want you to eat comfortably," you smiled even though he couldn't see it. 
It was silent for a moment, and you almost peeked around to see if he was staring at the back of your head still until you heard the rustling sound of him picking up the plate and possibly lifting up his balaclava. To help him not feel too awkward with the way you both were eating, you tried to make conversation with him; asking about his day, where did he get the pasta from, and the wine tasting good as well. Even if it was unusual, he seemed to open up a bit, and that's all you wanted; for him to be comfortable around you. 
After you finished eating, you found yourself finally focusing on the living room. Of course, there wasn't anything on the walls, but somehow, the place just seemed like his style; plain. Yet, you liked it nonetheless. 
A soft hand touched your shoulder, and your muscles tensed just slightly, "Can turn around now," he said. 
You did, seeing the balaclava back over his face. Glancing down at the plate in his hand briefly, you smiled, "Knew you were hungry," you teased, making a soft huff leave his lips as he laughed - sort of.
"Enjoy the food?" he asked, making you nod.
"And then wine?" 
You playfully shrugged, "It was good. You know I'm more of a Bourbon girl."
While you would have left the joke there. Simon's eyes lit up as you said that, "Think I have some if you want.
"Yes!" came your immediate response with a huge grin on your face. 
Things seemed to settle more in the small apartment as he poured you and himself a glass of Bourbon. You tried helping him clean off the coffee table, but he made you stay seated as he picked up everything. Once he was done, he sat back down next to you and asked you about the pipes again. 
"Sure y'don't need me to come take a look?" 
You took a sip as you thought over his question, "I don't think you can replace all the pipes," you joked, "But I appreciate it."
"Why...." he paused before continuing, "You said y'needed a second job. Is it the pipes?"
Nodding your head with a small frown on your face, "Yeah. But also my dad-" you took another sip (more like a gulp), "-my dad took out a loan. And because he still had the debt, I now have to pay it. Used all my savings to help get the amount down a little.... so yeah, between that and the pipes, which is probably gonna cost over six grand, I have to get a second job," you sighed.
It was silent for a few seconds before he responded to your explanation, "Sorry you're goin through that sweetheart," he placed his hand on your arm, "Let me at least be there when the plumbers arrive. Can make sure everythin goes smoothly."
You warmly smiled. It was a small gesture from him, but he knew it was going to take more than that to open up and let him in; to let him be there for you.
When he took you home, you didn't think he'd get out of the truck and walk you to the front door, but there he was doing it. He promised he'd come by in the morning when you texted so he would be there before the plumbers.
And then you two just stood there... silently. God, it felt like you were a teenager again coming home after your very first date....
Was this a date?
Simon looked at you, debating on if he wanted to act on what his mind was telling him before he stepped closer to you, "Close your eyes."
For a second, you just looked back at him, eyes wide, before you closed them. Your heart was pounding inside your chest so loud you just knew he would hear it. But all of that became quiet the moment he slowly leaned down and kissed you tenderly on the lips. It was soft; delicate. But fuck did it have the heat rushing down to the pit of your stomach.
Had to be the Bourbon and wine.
When he pulled away, your eyes remained closed. Afraid he might quickly leave if you opened them too fast. His hand reached up and cupped your cheek, running his thumb over the soft skin. 
"You're beautiful," he quietly said. That got your eyes to open, and you found him gazing into yours; the balaclava back on. He looked lost. Utterly lost in your world, and he never wanted to come back down to Earth, "I'm... It's been a while since.. I've been in a relationship," he confessed all too quickly. 
You didn't know what a while meant, but you were grateful for the honesty. The way he said it made you melt as you raised your own hand up and placed it over his, "We can take things slow okay?" He nodded, making you lean more into his touch, "Night Simon."
He leaned in again, this time kissing your forehead through the cloth, making you blush like a crazy person, "Night love."
You unlocked the door and stepped inside, saying bye to him before he walked back to his truck and got in. The both of you were definitely on cloud nine that night. 
Work been kicking my ass this week, but finally got finished with this cute chapter :) What do we think about them finally kissing? lol
Like, comment, give allllll the feedback :)
Taglist: @simp-4-masked-men @dayrin085 @jessicab1991 @kylies-love-letter @kalypsoox @brownlee-22 @firefoxkairan @whatyouseeyoumightnotget @romanceloverrrr @strawberrygato
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bibuckkinard · 1 day
(and by 🪓 I meant lumberjack lol)
Okay, Cia, I kinda twisted it a little bit, but I hope it's still okay. ❤️
Buck always thinks Tommy's hot, but right now? He's out back of their cabin in Vermont, chopping wood to throw onto a fire. He's so glad that they chose to do this in the spring, where it's beautiful but still cool enough outside, because he did not expect Tommy to be in a ratty hoodie, worn jeans, lugging an axe around.
Buck frequently wants the man, but he also acknowledges that he also finds Tommy hot when he's waking up next to him, drooling into his pillow.
He loves Tommy, so sue him.
He wraps himself in his own hoodie, grabs both mugs of steaming hot coffee, and makes his way outside.
Tommy chops another piece of wood with another thwack! before standing up straight and turning to Buck as though he senses him coming. Tommy's smile is soft and affectionate, and God, Buck loves him so much.
"You've really got his whole hot lumberjack thing down," Buck says, handing him the coffee.
Tommy laughs, takes a tentative sip before leaning forward for a kiss. "Thanks?"
"It's a compliment," Buck assures him. "Can you believe this, though?"
Tommy smiles. "What? That I'm chopping wood or that we're on our honeymoon?"
"Mmm," Buck hums. "Both. You married me, Tommy. Like, really, you hitched yourself to me for the rest of your life."
Tommy sets the axe down and moves to wrap the arm not holding the coffee around Buck's waist. "I can say the same about you, you know."
Buck kisses him again, can't help it. "Well. You're hot, so..."
Tommy laughs again. "Back at you, sweetheart."
"Thank you, husband," Buck mutters, holding him close.
Tommy gives him a squeeze. "My pleasure."
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ropes3amthoughts · 2 days
To my homies who encouraged me to get Twitter, thank you so much. There are so many gorgeous Kabrus there and the overall Kabru content is plentiful. Also I just saw this absolutely divine jawdropping enchanting gorgeous stunning beautiful Kabru art and I am in a state of shock. Like look at this holy shit?????? Like click on the link and click on the image and zoom in on the details and stuff this is so incredible. I mean you don’t have to but this is so good and I’m losing my mind and there are so many little details you won’t see unless you zoom in so I recommend it.
For anyone looking quickly this is not my art it belongs to the Twitter user in the link and it’s so good I would recommend looking at it
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I get insane under the cut
It’s been like 4 hours and I cannot stop thinking about it. Every time I stand up I start shaking. I feel nauseous and am coughing constantly. I feel like I am choking. That image will be burned into my brain for a very long time. Why doesn’t Twitter let you reblog with really long comments I need to say a million compliments. My voice is cracking. My heart is hammering. I’m warm and sweaty. Holy shit I am fagging it up bro. It’s beautiful as an art piece because the composition and colors and stuff are absolutely amazing and it’s beautiful if you’re queer (or straight and like Kabru too) because Kabru looks so good. His shoulders are showing and something about Kabru’s shoulders showing makes me insane. Like I thought the whole “you can’t show your shoulders” dress code thing in school was a bunch of dumb bullshit but oh boy I understand now. Every time I see Kabru’s shoulders I think “I want to bite that man” and then I’m all like “WOW who just thought that” but it’s me I’m thinking that I’m going insane over him I want to bite his shoulders he makes me crazy he’s so pretty oh goodness wow oh wow oh wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww IM GOING INSANE a lot more people have seen it now but I need to show this to everyone you guys don’t understand how this makes me feel I’m going to pass away and fall over and cry you guys look pretty Kabru art guys guys it’s Kabru being gorgeous oh my fucking god guys guys I am going to be sick guys oh god guys do you see him he’s so pretty guys guys guys holy shit dude guys. I am an enjoyer of the arts. I enjoy this art. For sure. Wow. Awesome. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh you guys. Guys. Guys. Guys. I am going to lose my mind. Ough. Guys. Guys guys guys. Do you????:!: seee????? The Kabru??????? Oh my god. Compliments to the artist. Beautiful. Beautiful lovely fantastic work. Awesome. This is great. I’m losing it. I showed my discord friends and I reblogged on Twitter and stuff but I wanted to show you guys too because I am a big fan of this beautiful Kabru art. I love this insanely much. Kabru fish…I love this creature the Kabru fish. Great 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍 chat I am gonna die this is too beautiful Ough beautiful Kabru
I’m being so dramatic you guys but do you understand the power this art has do you understand my feelings I love this art so much 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 Kabru 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 Kabru fish 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 gorgeous 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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toasttt11 · 2 days
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June 21, 2019
Hayden stared at herself in the mirror and took a deep breath. Within a few hours she was going to be drafted and there was a chance she could be drafted to the same team that her father played on, the same city she lived in for the beginning of her life.
She’s been working extremely hard the last season trying to get as high as can in the draft to make her parents proud.
Hayden wanted to wear something to represent her parents on her big day. She took one of her father’s older suits and got it altered to fit her, which was pretty simple as she is not much shorter than he was.
The suit was an all black blazer and dress pants and she put on a plain black long sleeve underneath.
The suit was the piece of her dad so for her mom she picked out her favorite heels her mom use to wear, they are blue with a thick heel because she can barely walk in heels and some pearls around her ankles.
She also picked out a pair of dangly blue flower earrings from her mom as well and one of her father’s rings to also wear.
Hayden decided to leave her hair down and lightly curled it even if she wished her mom was there to do her hair for her and knew it would’ve looked better if her mom did it.
She took a deep breath as she walked out of the bathroom and saw Luke was now sitting on the couch in the hotel room and he had changed into a blue suit.
“Lu?” Hayden asked confused because Luke had left when she was getting dressed to go get dressed too and she didn’t hear him come back.
“Hay!” Luke looked and beamed at his sister as he looked at her, “You look very pretty.” Luke complimented his favorite person.
“Thank you Lu.” She flashed him a soft smile, “Why did you come back?” Hayden had thought she would meet them in the other room that Jack was getting ready in.
“Didn’t want you to be alone.” Luke told her honestly making her smile.
“Thank you.” Hayden softly told him pressing a kiss to the top of his head and she closed her eyes savoring the fact he is still so little and she didn’t want to see the day when he is taller than her.
“Of course.” Luke replied wrapping an arm around her and happily melting into her side.
“Alright let’s go see what chaos Jack is causing.” Hayden teased making Luke giggled and he stayed clinging to her side as they walked out of the room and into the room next store and they immediately heard Jack whining making them share a look and snicker.
Ellen was trying to fix Jack’s hair and make sure the little pieces in the back stay down, “That’s as good as it’s going to get.” Ellen said resigned shaking her head at her son who has stubborn hair. Jack just shrugged glad she will not stop drenching his head with water.
Hayden’s heart squeezing a little painful wishing she could have her parents here today. But because she can’t there is no one she would rather than the rest of her family, the Hughes.
“Oh Hayden.” Ellen gasped as she looked at her goddaughter she looked so much like her parents today, it was like déjà seeing Harrison’s suit again and seeing one Madison’s favorite shoes that she bought with Ellen, “You look so gorgeous.” Ellen smiled tearfully as she cupped her face gently.
Hayden smiled her cheeks burning from the compliment.
“So so so pretty!” Jack piped in flashing his best friend a grin.
Jim walked over and squeezed her shoulder giving a soft look making her nod back.
“Very beautiful Haydes.” Quinn complimented her.
“Thank you.” Hayden spoke softly as she looked around at all of them, the thank you was for more than the compliments and they knew it.
Ellen smiled and nodded, “Okay one photo before we head out.” Ellen told her four kids. They all shared a fond look but stood together in the middle of the room and smiled at the camera.
“Okay let’s get going now.” Ellen clapped looking happy as they all started walking out of the hotel room.
They all walked through the hotel and to the lobby where they got into a bus that was waiting to take them to Roger’s arena for the draft.
Jack claimed the spot next to Hayden before Luke or Quinn could and he teasingly stuck his tongue at his brothers making Luke and Quinn sit together.
Hayden took a deep breath and grabbed a small bag out of her pocket and handed it to Jack.
Jack furrowed his brows confused and looked at Hayden, “What is this?” He asked but she gestured for him to open the small bag and he pulled out a small pair of cuff links with the initials HB. Jack froze as he knew who these use to belong to.
“Dad would’ve of liked to see you wear them.” Hayden softly told Jack trying to not cry.
She remembered the last time they were all together before her parents passed, it was Quinn’s draft and she remembered how proud they were of Quinn and it makes her sad that they won’t see Her, Jack or Luke get drafted. So she wanted Jack to have something of them today.
Jack smiled emotionally and pulled Hayden into a hug, “Thank you.” His voice trembled he wished they were here today. Hayden nodded and they pulled away and Jack very gently put the cuff links in and felt a bit calmer having a piece of his uncle with him.
Hayden smiled softly and looked out the window for the rest of the drive.
Hayden and Jack shared a look as the bus stopped and nodded getting up. Hayden got out first with Jack following her and the crowd was crazy loud as they walked down the carpet and signed many things and took many pictures.
Hayden let a quiet sigh once they stepped inside of the arena. She looked sound the arena and saw how filled it was already and the large screen with the first teams who are picking.
Hayden and the Hughes walked to their seats and saw Trevor and his family sitting already in the row behind them and Cole and Alex’s family sitting in front of them and Matt with his family right across the aisle from them.
“Look at you two.” Trevor cooed playfully and he shook both of their shoulders making Jack laugh and Hayden smile.
Alex nudged his elbow to Hayden giving her a grin and Cole immediately started chatting to Jack and Hayden about something he wanted to talk to them.
And Matt just thought Hayden looked beautiful.
Hayden and Jack chatted with their friends for a good while before the draft started and they all went back to their seats.
Hayden and Jack sat next to each other and Luke sat on the other side of Hayden and Quinn on the other side of Jack and Ellen and Jim sat next to each other next to Luke.
Jack grabbed Hayden’s hand and shared a long look with her as Edmonton was on the clock.
For the last few months mostly everyone was talking about the fact it was either Hayden Blake or Jack Hughes going first and the fact they are best friends.
Jack and Hayden did not care that they were “going up against each other” they thought all of the rumors about them was hilarious and they didn’t care who went first. Well Jack did want Hayden to be able to go to Oilers because he knows she wants to.
“With the first overall selection in the 2019 NHL draft, The Edmonton Oilers are very proud to select from the Us National Development Program, Hayden Blake.”
Hayden blinked in shock and she was immediately getting pulled up by Jack and pulled into a tight hug, “You did it.” Jack whispered proudly.
Hayden let out a breathy chuckle as she squeezed Jack once more and was immediately jumped on by Luke.
“Congrats Haydes!” Luke told her excitedly as he hugged her and looked up at her, he hoped on his draft day he could go to the oilers and be able to be with Hayden.
“Thank you Lu.” Hayden softly told her favorite little shadow and pressed a kiss to his forehead before letting him go and getting pulled into a tight hug from Ellen.
“They are so proud of you my darling.” Ellen gently whispered to her, she wished her best friends could be here to see their daughter accomplish this. Ellen gently rubbed Hayden’s back before letting her go.
Jim squeezed her tightly and kissed her cheek not needing to say any words.
Hayden accepted the quick hugs from Cole and Alex as she walked back down her isle and she bumped fists with Trevor before she reached Quinn.
Quinn softly smiled at her as he waited patiently for her to hug all of their family, “I’m so proud of you.” Quinn softly told her before letting her go.
Hayden smiled at him beside walking out of the aisle and saw Matt waiting for her and he pulled her into a quick and gentle hug, “Well done Lee.” Matt softly mumbled to her enjoying the smile on her face.
Hayden smiled at him and walked down the rest of the steps and took off her blazer as she walked down the rest of the steps and handed it to someone before walking across the carpet and up the stairs onto the stage.
She shook hands with everyone and she was handed a jersey and she realized they had her number and name on the back of the jersey already but it is also her father’s name and number. It was the same jersey she use to wear for her father growing up.
She smiled and pulled the jersey on and smiled at the camera and looked at her family seeing them all watching her with smiled and Ellen holding her phone up.
She smiled wider than she has in the last year since her parents passed. It was one of the best days of her life only missing part was her parents.
Hayden walked over the stage and saw a member of the Oilers waiting for her, which she knew she had a lot of media to do but she wanted to see Jack get drafted, “Could i by chance watch this draft pick?” Hayden asked kindly to the women.
The woman nodded and easily let Hayden watch Jack.
It was not surprise when Jack got picked to the New Jersey Devils and she smiled watching him celebrate with their family and walk to the stage.
But it was a harsh realization she was not going to be far away from Jack. No more living only a room apart and being on the same line and scoring goals together.
Jack came off the stairs quickly seeing Hayden waiting for him and he lunged at her quickly and hugged her tightly, he thought of the same thing as her, they would now be hundreds of miles apart and for most of the year they are going to apart, they have never been part that long.
“I know.” Hayden mumbled feeling the way Jack gripped onto her that he realized the same thing as her, “We will think about it later okay?” Hayden softly whispered feeling him nod, “Congrats Jacky.” Hayden proudly told him as they pulled away making him beam again.
A media worker walked over to them and asked for a picture. Hayden and Jack nodded and Jack threw an arm over her shoulder even if he is shorter than her and she wrapped her arm around his back and Hayden held up a one and Jack held up a two. They leaned their heads against each other as they beamed at the camera together.
The photo they took then became one of their favorites and Ellen has it on her wall in Michigan and Jack and Hayden both have a copy of it in picture frames in their own houses.
Hayden and Jack made sure to throughly enjoy their draft night as they knew they didn’t have many nights left before they are apart, apart from their family and apart from their friends.
Hayden and Jack both felt they owed it to Harrison and Madison to enjoy their night.
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willowrites · 3 days
𝐬𝐮𝐠𝐚𝐫 𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐡 ✮ 𝐝𝐲𝐥𝐚𝐧 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞
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𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬. at one of your mutual friends halloween party, you and an attractive man get to know each other … really well.
𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭. could u write dylan minnette and reader meeting eachother at a halloween party and fucking afterwards 🙏🙏🙏 — anon
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬. SMUT ! unprotected sex (don’t do this chat), slight oral f!recieving.
𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬. again, sorry this took so long like i need to get back on my writing shit. i quite enjoyed writing this tho since halloween is coming up so thank you very much anon
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭. 2k
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wear something sexy, she said. talking about your best friend of course.
out of all the costumes you could’ve chosen, you had you opted with the not that basic formula 1 driver. the costume showed off your figure extremely well, flattering you.
the process of getting ready wasn’t that long this time considering the costume didn’t need any fixing up. once you were ready you headed to the party and now you found yourself leaning against the counter of the house where the party was taking place.
a red solo cup in one hand and your phone in the other. your friend was somewhere among the crowd partying and having fun. you stood beside the counter scrolling through instagram until you felt another presence beside you.
you turned and met a pair of blue eyes. “i like your costume.” he complimented. the first thing you notice about this man is not only his bright eyes but also his bright pink hair.
it’s not every day you talk to someone with pink hair. “thank you.. i like your hair.” you smiled, sipping your drink.
the man squinted his eyes in suspicion. “do you mean that or are you just saying that because that’s the first thing you noticed about me.” he pressed his lips together to suppress his smile.
you rolled your eyes. oh this guy thinks he’s funny.. “no! i’m serious, i like your hair. it’s very unique.” you laughed, pulling out a big grin from him as well. he squinted his eyes as he laughed.
his mouth moved once again but this time you couldn’t hear him over the music. you let him know but he couldn’t hear you either. he then looked around and waved you over to follow him.
you both found yourself outside in the backyard under a gazebo that was decorated with colorful lights. “i said unique isn’t always a good thing.” he shrugged, getting closer toward you.
you tilted your head. “seems like someone’s said something about your hair in the past, huh? you’re very skeptical.” you raised a brow. he frowned and put his hands up in defense.
you both continued for what seemed like 30 minutes but when you checked the time on your phone it was nearly 1 and there were many more drunk people present than there were before.
“so i meant to ask, how did you find yourself here at this amazing party?” he spoke. you both were sat on a swinging bench.
“my friend invited me here.” you fiddled with the cup that once held your drink.
he hummed. “where are they now?” the way he was sitting back against the bench looking straight into your soul had you thinking.. things.
you shrugged your shoulders. “don’t know.. think she found some guy. i just let her do her thing. i’m not afraid to be alone.”
dylan admired you for that, for not being afraid of being alone. it was attractive to him. “well you’re not alone. you got me.” he grinned, his eyes low. you both looked at each other for a few seconds, your gaze talking amongst themselves. you looked down and blushed. dylan noticed and poked his cheek with his tongue. “you wanna go somewhere else?”
somewhere else? you knew where this was coming from but at this point, you didn’t care, you knew he found you as attractive as you found him — why not act on it?
you nodded before you both stood up and headed inside. “wanna go to mine?” he mentioned.
you thought about it before nodding once more. “yeah sure.” you smiled and he licked his bottom lip with a laugh. he made sure you walked in front of him through the crowd of people before you both walked to the front yard and toward his car.
he opened the door for you to climb in before closing it and crossing over to the driver's side. you pulled out your phone to text your friend.
to mya 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩:
don’t wait up, i met a guy and he is super chill super nice, and yes im sober, love u!!
you drove for 10 minutes max before he pulled up to a condo complex. he parked in his garage and climbed out opening the door for you once more. “welcome to my humble home.” he chuckled offering you his hand. you took it happily and climbed out of the car.
he closed the door and placed his hand on your back guiding you to his door. you both stepped inside and you were met with his room.
hie bedroom had a door toward his own bathroom and then to the garage. he was clean and organized, with nothing on the floor and nothing that seemed dirty. a big turn-off for you was usually if someone was dirty and unorganized.
you set your bag down on the floor beside his bed. “very organized. i love.” you stated still looking around the room. he had a lot of posters and a few guitars strung up in the walls “do you play?” i pointed.
he looked toward his instruments. “yeah kinda, i’m part of a band, wallows. don’t know if you’ve ever heard of us.”
you tried to remember and realized you’d heard a song of theirs a while ago. are you bored yet?
“wait yeah i have heard you guys. never knew. so wait what’s your name, never got it.” you say on his bed.
he followed closely sitting closer than he was at the party. “dylan.” he offered his hand. you looked at him then at his hand and grinned. “and yours?”
you went ahead and shook his hand. “y/n..” he kept your hand in his grasp, refusing to let it go.
“you’re very beautiful y/n.” his voice sounded confident and sultry. the way he looked in his bedroom lighting had you clenching your thighs together.
“are you going to kiss me or what?” you shot at him. he smiled at your comment. it was like an eternity before his grasp on your hand tightened and pulled yours toward him to connect your lips with his. it was strong and coming as he placed hands on your face, one settled on the back of your head. your hands immediately went around his neck and your legs straddled his waist.
he gripped your hips with force opening his mouth into the kiss. you did the same feeling his tongue enter your mouth fighting for dominance. you easily gave it up moaning into his mouth.
you felt his hardness growing beneath you the more you both were locked in the heated kiss. he groaned when you over ever so slightly on top of him. “so beautiful.” he gasped as he pulled away. “can i make you feel good pretty girl?” he kissed your lips a few times.
you nodded, feeling entranced by the way he looked. his hair disheveled and lips an irritated red. he stood up with you as you clung to his waist and laid you down on the bed. he stood up and removed his shirt before hovering over you. he started off by kissing your lips then your cheek then trailed them to your neck. he licked and sucked love bites bringing up your blood to your skin.
he hummed against your skin. “gonna let me take this off you?” his hands smoothed up your body over the leather of your costume.
you bit your lip and laughed. “been thinking about it all night.” you said breathlessly. he chuckled before reaching in the back and unclasping what held the top part together. he then moved down to the zipper and pulled it down. you then helped him by removing it off the top of your body and he did the rest pulling it down and tossing it to the ground.
beneath your costume you wore a black lacy but dainty lingerie set, always wanting to feel sexy regardless if anyone was going to have the privilege of seeing it.
dylan knelt down and swiftly brought his fingers toward your panties. he pressed down in your clothes clit. “can feel how wet you are... need to taste you so bad.” he whispered through the dark, barely getting to see his face because of the small lamp that lit up the room.
he brought himself closer to your center pushing your panties to the side. you swear you heard a tiny whimper escape him as he took a kitten lick. you tried your best to keep your legs open for him as he began to take another lick.
he ended up pulling back and removing your underwear fully before settling down in between your thighs. you bit your lip when you felt his breath blow into your sex. he looked up at you through his lashes before latching his lips onto your pussy. your mouth opened up at the sensation letting out a sigh.
he sucked and made the most pornographic sounds. “god… taste so fuckin’ sweet. gonna give me a sugar high.” he groaned against your pussy, the vibrations sending a jolt through you. “didn’t even need to do all that trick or treating shit, got my sweet thing right in front of me.” he smirked, scanning your face for a reaction.
your hand connected with his hair tugging on it gently. the stimulation from dylan’s tongue was so anticipated it had brought you closer and closer to release faster than you thought.
the more dylan spent time eating you out the more your legs started to shake. “fuck — right there dylan, gonna make me come so fucking good.” you moaned throwing your head back against the duvet.
dylan didn’t want you to cum yet, he desperately needed you to cum around him so he sucked on your folds one last time before climbing up your body. he kissed you while your brain still had been fuzzy from the pleasure of his mouth.
you felt his body heat leave from on top of you then you proceeded to hear the clinks of his belt buckle. you heard him toss it to the ground before speaking up. “want me to wear a condom?” his voice was low and hoarse. you looked up and saw how hard this man was.
you shook your head. “no jus… just fuck me please.” you pleaded, needing him buried deep inside you.
he nodded grateful for your answer not thinking about any consequences that could come up in the future. he dropped his pants and boxers down before stepping out of them. he then removed his top and returned to his spot above you once again. he pumped himself a few times before nudging your entrance. “ready baby?” he questioned earning an eager nod. “c’mon, wanna hear your pretty voice say it.” he whispered kissing your neck.
your chest moved up and down as you muttered the words dylan was looking for. “mhm... i’m ready. please just need you inside me.”
that’s all he needed before he obliged and inched inside you. you felt yourself become full. he stretched you out so good. your hands gripped the bed sheets before holding onto his back. your nails dug into his skin as he pulled out then pushed back into you with slight force.
his tip nudged your g spot over and over causing your stomach to swirl and tighten with each push. his head fell into the crook of your neck, loving the way you wrapped around him so good. “fucking made for me.” he stated groaning in your ear.
the sounds he made just pushed you further and further toward your orgasm. your eyes squinted shut. “shit! so so good dylan. gonna cum soon.” you moaned threading your right hand in his hair. your legs wrapped around his own waist allowing dylan to hit deep inside you. the new angle bringing a new feel and sensation.
his thrusts began to move faster and harsher. “go ‘head, gonna cum too — fuck — cum all over my dick, yeah?” he rasped, his words were just what you needed to spasm and scream his name as you reached your release. your legs shook and your hands scraped up his back.
dylan followed, letting go fully wants he knew you had reached your high. his cum filled you up so good and dylan didn’t stop fucking it back into you. his hips faltered feeling the overstimulation and became sloppier but he pushed through regardless. as he slowed he saw his cum practically leaking out of your tight pussy with a smile plastered on his face.
you lay there as he surveyed the way you had been fucked dumb. he looked so good with the fucked-out look he had on and his disheveled pink hair. “nice to meet you dylan.” you wore a lazy smile.
he licked his top lip. “wanna get to know you more if that’s okay.” he smiled, laying beside you falling onto his back.
you pretended to think before looking toward him. “hmm, sure i guess.” you shrugged followed by a giggle.
© willowrites
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shimmershy · 13 hours
I want to put your Frisk, Chara, and Asriel in a snowglobe and shake them around /pos
They're so cute and canon it's insane
Also.... I see that lyric from the crane wives, I love them too (it's always Chara fans who like the crane wives for some reason)
Any songs you'd say suit Chara specifically?
Thank you very much!! That's a huge compliment! :]
The Crane Wives are one of my absolute favorite music groups. I got to go to one of their concerts with a friend this year and it was probably the best day of my life to be honest.
Hard question for me to answer because any song can be Characore if I think about it enough, especially The Crane Wives songs because their vibe is already pretty Characore tbh. BUT Canary in a Coal Mine and Strangler Fig in particular fit them really well. The actual meanings of the songs don't fit probably but taking the line "You built your kingdom around me", "I gave you everything I had and now I want it back" from Strangler Fig and deriving the rest of the meaning of the song from that makes me think it's very fitting for them. Plus vibes.
Canary in a Coal Mine is just my favorite song by them, I love it so so much. It always makes me think of Chara. "You and I are friends of empty graves, black air, and black black lungs" HELLO. "And when you break the surface without me, please don't return me to the dark of all the memories". It's just Their Song in my mind.
Back to the Ground. "Our hearts lay still and cold, under ice and frozen soil. I can't stay here anymore, so remember when I go. To give me back, give me back to the ground." Vibes.
Never Love an Anchor. NEVER LOVE AN ANCHOR. This one's so them it's painful. Obviously not related to any kind of romantic love for them. But like. "A ship could never love an anchor, so I did the only thing I could, cut the rope that set you sailing from my harbor". UAGH. " You'll never see the reasons I had for keeping my claws away when they were close enough to hurt you.." Them feeling so out of place with how much the Dreemurrs cared about them, feeling like they're not deserving of so much love because it's so different from what they're used to. They'll mess it up because they're a demon. Etc! I cannot explain this coherently but surely you understand.
The Garden. Less fitting probably but the vibes are there.
I could probably talk about this all day to be honest, I love making connections with song lyrics, but. I will stop here. Maybe some day I'll be able to make all the animatics to songs I want to make because it would be much easier to show it visually.
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sylusdoll · 3 hours
one bed
summary: you and sylus share a bed for the first time at a beach resort hotel
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last night sylus thought it was a good idea to go to a beach resort, and you agreed. it was now morning and youre packing your things to go on a long road trip. since its a few hours away.
you finish getting ready and just as you finish sylus is at the door. opening the door, you ready sweetie? you laugh lightly yes! sylus now smiling at your excitement he takes the bag from your hand, following behind him to the rented car for the trip.
you look every excited sweetie sylus chuckles, he loves it when your eyes light up and when you’re excited, at that moment you genuinely look like a kitten. yes of course i am! this vacation is just what i need!
indeed. both of you hoping in the car, taking off.
after 3 hours in the car, laughing, talking and eating, you finally made it to the beach resort. getting out of the vehicle, sylus carrying his and your things, you enter the resort hotel.
he checks in, after a few minutes sylus leads you to one room. giving him the benefit of the doubt, hoping theres two beds, sylus lets you walk in to your shared room first.
just to be met with one king sized bed.
you stand there, taking this in, ears red, conscious of your heartbeat, sylus casually walks behind you,, how do you like it?
sylus theres only one bed? you say slightly flushed and pink
and what about it? sylus says smug
after some time, both of you ate, went to the beach and had a great time, lots of tension and teasing, which made your heart race all day. sylus complimented you multiple times and you felt him admiring your figure all day, you’re proud of yourself for bringing cute beach attire.
i had a lot of fun, you say walking side by side with sylus, looking up at him.
i did too kitten, he says grabbing a hold of your hand, interlocking fingers.
you look down feeling shy, hes being very sweet today, when you look at him once more to break your silence you catch him looking at you smiling.
you slightly pout, why are you looking at me like that!
you look cute when you have a slight sun burn
you blush even more
wow… kitten cant even tell if youre blushing or sun burned. sylus laughs
you lightly shove him.
sylus continues to laugh, his heart also fluttering all day from your beauty, resulting him to tease you, masking his true feelings.
you take a hold of his arm, with one hand and holding your things with the other. both of your hearts fluttering, walking to your hotel room.
after some time, both of you take a hot shower and do your nightly routine, getting ready to call it a day. now you’re at the edge of the bed, contemplating how youre going to sleep next to sylus tonight.
disturbing your train of thought you’re interrupted by sylus.
hah, those pjs are cute, kitten
your face slightly pink again, you wonder how much times sylus is going to make you blush today. you slide your hair back, acting casual. thank you.
he sits on the edge of the bed beside you, hugging you from the side tightly, before you could even react, he pulls both of you down, backs hitting the bed.
now facing each other, sylus looks at your lips and back into your eyes, he slides your hair behind your ear and his warm hand holding one side of your face.
my beloved… youre so breathtakingly beautiful
your face heats up, placing your hand on top of his. his thumb now lightly rubbing your cheeks.
the moon was full tonight shining through the big windows, on you and sylus, it felt like a dream.
sylus leans closer and kisses your forehead, his hand now on your neck, he travels down to the corner of your eyes and to your cheeks.
hovering over you, his arms between your shoulders, he leans in, cupping one side of your face, giving your jaw and neck light kisses, down to your collarbones, your arms on his shoulder, sylus..
he feels your hands on his shoulders slightly shaking. he gets a hold of one of your hand and starts sloppily kissing your wrist, then leans in, giving you a gentle peck, then pinches one cheek, between his index and middle finger.
laying next to you once more, he pulls you in for a tight hug, legs slightly intertwined.
good night sweetheart, kissing your head.
good night, you softly say, kissing his jaw, snuggling your face in his chest.
ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝
authors note: this was inspired by the mystic adventure event, i also hope this wasn’t too suggestive (⸝⸝⸝-﹏-⸝⸝⸝)
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©sylusdoll 2024
taglist @sanemistar
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in1-nutshell · 15 hours
Hello! I’m new to asking for requests but I’ve been a fan of your stories for quite a while. I know this request probably won’t get noticed but I am still gonna try!
Can you so some more TFA Skyline (Starscreams SG Twin) getting harmed/Injured somehow? Either it can be by the Bots or Cons (Maybe accidentally for Cons) and Starscream just isn’t having it and is about to blast whoever hurt his twin to oblivion until Skyline assures him for the 60th time that he’s ok?
(I need Starscream getting anxiety over his dear twin)
P.S Your platonic/familial stories are absolutely incredible and I love them so much! You are so amazing and talented!! Remember to take care of yourself!
Thanks for the compliment!
Hope you enjoy!
Skyline gets injured
SFW, Platonic, Familial, Cybertronian reader
Skyline didn’t get injured too often.
Most of his injuries had come from the war and minor accidents from run ins with the small crew of Autobots.
Everything was minor dents and scratches, nothing to worry about.
Starscream didn’t worry about his twin.
If anything, HE was the danger magnet out of the two.
Starscream flying around. PING! Starscream sighs and answers his com line. Starscream: “What is it? I’m busy!” Blitzwing: “Its Skyline.” Starscream: “What about him?” Blitzwing: “He is in the medbay.” Starscream: “…” CLICK! Blitzwing looks at his com line. Blitzwing: “Did he just hang up?” Lugnut: “Maybe he was busy?” CRASH! Starscream: “WHERE IS HE!?”
Turns out Skyline and Blackarachnia were on their way to supervise the Constructicons on their latest construction.
The machine had exploded after a faulty wire cross causing a massive cave in.
Skyline had used his larger frame to protect Blackarachnia much softer frame.
The techno organic had dragged him back to the med bay.
The most serious damage Skyline had received was a bended wing and fractured pede.
Starscream really wants to fight the Constructicon’s but right now he has to double check that everything was done right.
Starscream stays by Skyline’s side for most of his recovery.
Even after his recovery, Starscream literally ‘hovers’ around his twin for a couple more days before going back to the usual routine.
Skyline is laying on the berth while Starscream leans on the wall. Starscream: “I should be out patrolling by now. I should be out in the skies and shooting those blasted Autobots. But here I am watching over you like some sparkling.” Skyline: “No one is making you stay. You can leave.” Starscream huffs. Starscream: “Maybe I will!” Starscream goes to leave but sees Skyline start to get out of the berth. Starscream: “That does not mean you can leave!” Starscream goes over and readjusts his twin’s pedes and makes sure he is comfortable. Skyline smirks a bit. Skyline: “Aww, you do care.” Starscream: “Sh-shut it!”
He complains to his twin about how grateful he should be to keep him here.
And he also the second bot how makes sure that he stays in the med bay.
The first bot is Blackarachnia.
It was a bit strange having her around, but he got used to it.
She was probably just here as repayment for the save.
Skyline testing his injured pede. Blackarachnia: “And what do you think you’re doing?” Skyline jumps a bit but smiles at the techno organic. Skyline: “And how’s the servo doing?” Blackarachnia scowls. Blackarachnia: “Doesn’t matter. What are you doing putting pressure on your pede. You know you still need to put it to rest.” Skyline: “A little exercising never hurt no—Ow!—okay maybe it does hurt…” Blackarachnia shakes her helm and helps him back on the berth. Skyline: “…But seriously are you okay?” Blackarachnia: “… I’m fine… and… thank you.” Skyline smiles and pats her servo. Blackarachnia pulls back and leaves the room. Blackarachnia: “Dumb Seeker… always thinking with your spark than your processor.”
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adilynnyuri · 1 day
Hi baby. How do I manifest to be the standard of beauty? And how do I manifest to be the crush of everyone in my university? There are approximately 7600 students, I know it's a lot and to my mind it sounds a bit illogical or complicated, because of the circumstances.
Like ( I'm not everyone's type, what I explained in the first question, some of them don't know me. They have partners, blah blah blah blah) how do I manifest? I am not good at visualizing. Thanks honey for the help
Hii love,
Everything is possible love☝🏻💋
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Let me motivate you by giving an example!
I got bored one day and started affirming that i am the popular girl in my native place and more than 20,000 people knew about me and I was the "hawt topic"
My native place is kind of a place where they are obsessed with money and so they will only respect people who have lots of money. My dad wasn't that rich at that time.
I wanted to manifest being a popular girl by having this "lack of not having much money state" But still BE THE HOT TOPIC.
Guess what? More than 20k people came and talked with me and many people complimented me for my beauty (didn't even affirm for this but got it because that's natural shit)
So, if you ask me what to do.... Affirm, visualize do whatever you have to do and make it a consistent process. Affirm/visualize so much till it reflects your 3d drastically! 🪄💕
So just affirm or visualize
If you are not good at visualizing affirm that you are good at visualizing and you will be!
This is THE TRUTH 🗣️☝🏻
With lots of love,
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darkfantasysworld · 2 days
Love your work! Could you please do m reader(elf or human, your choice) x m human with feminization(reader receiving)?
Thanks for the compliment Anon! I finally have an excuse to make reader something other than a human. I have no clue if this is what you wanted exactly or not.
Elf M!reader x M!human
You, as an elf, were smaller than the humans in the village you grew up in. You were left in this human village as a child and grew up as a bit of an outcast because of your appearance, it wasn't just because your ears were pointy or your height but you had a more feminine physique. As a teen other guys would jokingly grab you hips and make comments about you needing to be fucked by a man since you were too feminine for straight girls, while girls would sit on your lap during gatherings and tease you about not having a boner, although you didn't find any of them attractive. Everything got worse when you became an adult since older men in the village would ask for 'a go' or say they wanted to test out a guy, they'd even offer you money which you turned down. The only human that didn't make perverted comments was your friend, Ryan, he was the largest male in the village, he was 6'10 and built like a beast, his eyes were a pretty hazel color, he had a low-fade haircut, his hair was dyed a deep red although his roots were a dark brown. He was like your bodyguard even though you told him he didn't need to. He was quiet but spoke up for you. You were walking in the forest outside of the village to get away from everyone when you heard someone call out from behind you, it was one of the guys who insisted on testing out their theory about you being gay. You immediately started running, you were alone in the forest so it's not like anyone would be there to help you, especially Ryan, you didn't even tell him you were going into the forest since he'd insist on following you. You heard the other male chasing you, calling out, trying to convince you to stop and talk with him. You ended up tripping over a rock but you didn't fall, instead someone grabbed you and picked you up. You looked up and saw Ryan, of course you were confused as to why he was there but he just helped you stand up properly then turned to the other male who was chasing you. "I thought I told you to leave him alone." Ryan said as he stepped closer to the male. "Come on, he's either a girl or he's made to be gay." The other male responded, looking at you. "He's an elf. What makes you think he even likes men?" Ryan asked, he looked down at the other male, you always saw him look down at people but just based on his body language you could tell he was pissed. "Well, Ryan, the little elf has the perfect body to take cock… even if it's forceful." The male said, a sadistic smirk on his face. Ryan clearly didn't like that answer and pushed the other male against a tree, you couldn't hear what he whispered in the male's ear but he turned pale and looked panicked before Ryan let go and the guy ran off. "I told you not to come out here alone." Ryan said to you as he began walking away. "Wait! Ryan! How'd you know I came out here-!? How'd you find me so fast-!?" You asked, quickly following the tall male. "I followed you, dumbass.." Ryan admitted, trying to put on a tough guy act. You continued to walk with him, a little creeped out that he followed you but also grateful since he saved you… again.
You and Ryan were sitting, talking and drinking with a few other people when they brought up sexuality. Ryan seemed to get quieter, he just quickly said he was straight and that was pretty much the end of his additions to the conversation. A few of the guys asked him questions like if he was more into ass or tits, if he found various girls in the village hot, and various other questions about his type. Ryan just nodded or shook his head at yes or no questions and gave short, vague answers to other questions. The girls asked if he found any of them hot and he just shrugged. Suddenly one of the girls asked if he saw you as hot and you looked at him for his answer. Ryan's expression changed from basically uninterested to the slightest bit of panic. "Wh-what-? No-! Of course not-! I-I'm not gay." Ryan replied a little too quickly but the others didn't seem to notice, they just teased him a bit, asking if he was sure he wouldn't 'hit that' among other things. Ryan looked like he wanted to disappear and just took a sip of his drink which made the others focus on you, they asked things like 'would you let Ryan hit' and a bunch of other questions involving Ryan, one girl even commented about how Ryan had to be large in more ways than one, insinuating he must have a large cock and that you should practice so you'll be able to take him. Ryan grabbed your wrist and got up, dragging you out with him. "I hate when they make those comments about you." He said, walking you to your house. You decided to question why he answered the question about finding you attractive so fast. "I-I didn't answer that fast." Ryan responded, his cheeks seemed to flush. You decided to invite him inside of your place to keep drinking, you didn't want to stop hanging out with him just yet.
You and Ryan ended up over doing it and somehow ended up naked, making out, drunk, and very horny. You were underneath Ryan, you just wanted to test the waters, see if you were into him, but as his cock pressed into you, you moaned and tensed up a bit but his tip made it in. "Hey hey hey.. shh.. calm down.. relax.. I'm not trying to hurt you.. I know it's your first time and I'm a little large but I promise that I'll be careful.." Ryan reassured you, he let you adjust to his tip before carefully pushing in deeper, you felt like he was slowly splitting you in two but you trusted him. "Good girl.." Ryan said, slowly moving his hips. "Girl..?" You repeated, confused, Ryan didn't see you as a girl… right? "I-I meant good boy.." Ryan responded, clearly embarrassed. He began thrusting faster, keeping a gentle pace, he let something else slip out, calling you a girl once again. You moaned, enjoying the feeling, you hardly noticed him calling you a girl again. Ryan grabbed your hips and held them as he thrusted, clearly making a mental note of the curve. You questioned him through moans but he came up with an excuse that you just accepted, especially since he hit just the right spot. You came on your bedding as Ryan continued thrusting, his thrusts were a little rougher but felt like heaven, you practically saw stars as kept thrusting. It didn't take long for him to cum inside of you. Ryan laid you on the couch with a towel under you while he changed your bedding. When he was done he carried you to bed and laid down with you, whispering about what a good girl you were and how beautiful you looked. You didn't notice the feminine words he called you as you fell asleep. You slept soundly, blissfully unaware of Ryan whispering about how feminine you were, talking about how all the things he'd do if you were a girl.
You woke up and rubbed your eyes, realizing Ryan was gone, you wondered where he was until you smelled food. You got up and slightly limped to the kitchen, your ass sore from Ryan's size. "Morning sleepyhead, I made your favorite." He set two plates on the table along with something to drink. You sat down and ate with him, you knew he could cook but you were still impressed by how good it tasted. Ryan took a drink of his coffee and glanced at you, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. You finished your food and drank your drink then went to wash the dishes but Ryan got up and stood behind you, placing his dishes in the sink and guiding you away. "Go put some clothes on." He said and began doing the dishes, you realized you were still naked then realized Ryan had different clothes on, you didn't think much about it and went to your room to change only to find more… feminine clothes. You were confused but put a crop top and shorts on, the shorts barely covered you but they were oddly comfortable. You walked back to the kitchen where Ryan was drying dishes and putting them away, when he noticed you he complimented your new outfit. "You'd make a hot girl." He added after complimenting you. You suddenly liked the thought of dressing in feminine clothes, especially if you'd get more compliments from Ryan.
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the-togepi-man · 2 days
Have you ever gotten any compliments during sex?
Haha well, a few actually- I'm sure everyone does "youre hot/cute" "wow youre tight," and other stuff heard in porn, but here are a few unique ones -- > "I really wish I came as hard as you do. You seem to really enjoy it." (kinda sad but hey- You'll know when I do that's for sure) > Not so much a verbal compliment, but he and and I were both verse, and he's one of the best tops I've bottomed for (Relevant because he knew what he was doing thats for sure)- but one time I was hitting it from the back and had my hand under this throat pulled up by my face so I could kiss him and stuff, and he came hands free all over his sheets- usually he's big on towel placement but he couldn't even talk or warn me cause *brushes shoulder off* I was doin' a such a good job. I take take a hands free going nonverbal because of my dick game as a compliment - His roommates were like "you're washing the sheets.. at... 6pm?" hehehe >"I'm sorry, I'm usually pretty quiet but... damn." (Again, subtle little compliments) And last but not least, one of the reasons I got my old (mean!!) nickname from my friends- Timid Top. I told them a story once of a guy who said... > "You're really sweet... most tops just ram it in, you made sure I was ok before going wild." Lmao. What can I say! I match energy - I can sub or take charge so I'm pretty fun --- The last one isn't really sex related but I get a lot of compliments on my making out- prowess (first guy i ever made out with said "you've really never done this before??? You're REALLY good"). I am also a great cuddle buddy. Anyways, that was a fun raunchy ask, thank you
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mocha1662 · 2 days
🎃 Movie night 🎃
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(Fluff,drive in movie,making out,goofy Rodrick/also nice Rodrick ) 𓉸ྀི
Rodrick and I sat in the back of the car as we sat in at a drive in movie,ever since October rolled around Rodrick seemed very admin ent on doing something spooky/halloween theme ever Friday as our usual date night to get into the Halloween spirits. I was wearing Rodrick sweater as I sat on his lap sorta laying in his chest. We had been watching a series of old reruns when we heard a knock on the window,it was Greg who was with Riley and two other of their friends dressed in their costumes, Rodrick grumbled, “What.”, “Can we have five bucks for snacks? Holley’s sister said no.”, Rodrick grumbled as he reached for his wallet,he had learned to be a better brother especially when I was around,I sat up a bit as he handed Greg the money and the kids ran off,Rodrick grabbed my sides and kissed my cheek, “Your so cute in my sweater.”
ִֶָ. ..𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ🦇་༘࿐ ִֶָ. ..𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ🦇་༘࿐ ִֶָ. ..𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ🦇་༘࿐ ִֶָ. ..𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ🦇་༘࿐
I smiled as I turned back to the movie,laying back in my original spot,when Greg came back this time by himself with food in hand, “What do you want no-“, “Here,for your sweet girlfriend.”,Greg handed me a icee and a small popcorn with a candy bar taped to it. Rodrick looked a bit shocked as he looked at his brother, “T-thanks man.”, Greg looked confused at the appreciation from his older brother,Greg nodded as he walked away still very much confused. I offered some of my snacks, a bit later when the movie ended and people began heading out of the lot,Rodrick got out of the car to gather the kids as I sat in the passenger seat. Once all the children got in the car and after dropping off all Greg’s friends and Greg at their house,Rodrick turned to me and smiled, “What?”, I looked confused, “Now that we’re alone.”, Rodrick wiggled his eyes, I rolled my eyes giggling Rodrick leaned closer to me kissing me as he wrapped an arm around me, “Your so pretty.”,
ִֶָ. ..𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ🦇་༘࿐ ִֶָ. ..𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ🦇་༘࿐ ִֶָ. ..𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ🦇་༘࿐ ִֶָ. ..𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ🦇་༘࿐
I smiled widely as I kissed him more,resting my hands on his chest occasionally looking into his eyes,his black hair messily sprawled across his forehead, after few minutes of sweet kisses and compliments, Rodrick drove me home. Rodrick being the sweet gentleman he is,took me to my front door,kissing my forehead I was about to take off his sweater and hand it to him but he shook his head, “No, keep it I like it more on you.”, I smiled,kissing his cheek as I went inside. Rodrick went back to his car and drove home with a smile on his face.
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resident-gay-bitch · 9 hours
🦇 Stranger Saturdays 🦇
Chef Eddie x Overworked Steve (Steddie) cw: gets a little steamy at the end, nothing explicit but heavily implied
Steve who’s endlessly busy in his corperate big boy job and doesn’t have time or energy to cook, starts becoming really unhealthy, skipping meals, eating vending machine snacks and McDonald’s when he finally leaves the office at 2 am, and Robin snaps at him about it one day when he’s green, throwing up in his paper bin at work and refusing to go home. She demands he eat better!
So, he hires a private chef. Out the back of his big house he has a pool house that he ads to the advertisement. Basically, he’s offering free accommodation, plus a paycheck for someone to cook him three meals a day.
Enter Eddie Munson, who’s always loved cooking and is slowly losing his sanity as a line cook, wasting away in his grimy apartment one afternoon, thinking about the window he has to get sealed before winter and the new lock he needs on the door and is wondering if he can afford to buy a steak if he omits a few things on his next grocery run because his birthdays coming up, when he sees the add. Obviously, he jumps on it.
Steve, desperate, and a big fan of greasy burgers and diner breakfasts, hires Eddie immediately, doesn’t even meet the guy since he’s so busy at work, and lets Robin handle the rest since she was so adamant on it.
Steve wakes up at 5 every morning and is out the door before 6, and doesn’t get home till after 10 pm most nights, so Eddie keeps missing him.
He’s always sure to have dinner made and ready for Steve before he heads home, then knocks off for the night and either crashes or goes out.
He prepares lunch the day prior and leaves it in a lunch box in the fridge for Steve with a friendly sticky note to have a nice day, along with the ingredients.
He also wakes up at 4 every morning, or just stays up long enough, to have breakfast cooked and plated by the time Steve’s alarm goes off in the morning, then heads back to the pool house to sleep in before he can catch Steve.
It’s not for ages that they actually meet, and Steve feels guilty for never saying hello to the guy slaving over a stove for him three times a day, who’s literally living in his house, but he’s a busy man. Plus, the guy has a great gig, free housing, Nice housing, and all he has to do is cook a couple of meals a day, and can eat as much of the food as he likes?!
Steve does always send him thank you messages with compliments after each meal.
One evening, Steve comes home early. It’s been a very slow, terrible week and Steve just needed a break. Robin sent him home with strict demands to do some self care and SLEEP since he basically hasn’t slept all week.
Cue him walking in as Eddie’s cooking dinner.
He's got metal music blasting, hair tied back into a low bun, ripped jeans on and a tight top, all under an apron. He’s at the stove, stirring something up and banging his head, so Steve can’t see his face.
He turns around, heading to the island, lost in his business so he doesn’t even notice Steve standing in the doorway, and starts chopping up a pumpkin.
And not only is his face fucking cute, all big brown eyes and pink plush lips; he’s fucking hot. Tattoos down the length of his arms, big hands gripping the knife, muscles flexing, veins popping out as he pushes down on the blade to cut through the tough vegetable.
And Steve’s brain melts.
Eddie catches sight of him and actually screams.
They get acquainted quickly, Eddie’s adorably rambling about how grateful he is for the gig, telling Steve he was worried about his next grocery run and the coming winter, and how he’s a struggling musician; and with these paychecks and stability he’s afforded to use recording studios and a decent fucking amp for his guitar, all whilst he chops and stirs and cooks Steve his new favorite soup.
Steve goes on to thank Eddie for all these amazing fucking meals, how he actually feels really healthy again, and is able to do more in his day and sleep better at night, and how he always gets excited to come home to a good meal every night, maybe desert if he’s lucky, how he always loves Eddie’s little sticky notes.
Once the meal’s cooked and plated, Eddie goes to put his own in a take out container and give Steve his space, but Steve insists Eddie stay and eat with him. It’s the least he could do, right?
So they stay and chat over dinner, and then maybe Eddie just really likes Steve’s company, and maybe he thinks he’s really hot, and maybe he doesn’t want Steve to disappear to bed right now because god knows when the next time they’ll see each other is, so he suggests they have dessert.
And Eddie totally doesn’t suggest a fresh, homemade apple pie because he knows it will take ages on purpose, he just knows Steve likes Eddie’s apple pie.
And Steve helps him make it. He lets Eddie boss him around the kitchen and make fun of his atrocious pastry rolling technique, and tries not to blush because Eddie’s putting his big hands over Steve’s and teaching him how to do it properly. And Steve’s never liked people bossing him around before, he’s always been the big man in charge, but something about the way Eddie does it makes his insides tingle.
Once’s the pie is done and ready to eat (hours later), they sit together on the kitchen isle, and Steve’s wondering if it would be unethical to maybe ask this guy on a date because he’s really cute and fucking hot and he thinks maybe they’ve been flirting a bit, and he’s also not getting hard at the sight of Eddie pushing the icecream off his spoon with his finger and then licking it off-
But before Steve can even think any further on that, Eddie’s all up in his space, holding a spoon full of pie and ice cream to Steve’s lips, telling him to open, and Steve’s brain short circuits.
He tries to eat it nicely, he really does, but some melted ice cream dribbles down his chin, and Eddie picks Steve’s chin up and wipes it away with his thumb.
And then, the icing on the fucking cake, he presses his icecream coated thumb to Steve’s lips, and tells him to lick it clean.
Their pie is abandoned until morning, Eddie learns what it looks like upstairs, and Steve definitely gets the self care he needed that night.
When he rocks up at work the next day he’s a whole other person, and Robin is baffled. When he opens his lunchbox, he finds a slice of pie and a little note saying, “Hope you like it, princess, but I gotta say it’s not quite as sweet as your ass.” And then Robin suddenly gets it.
When Steve knocks off at 12 am that night, he flicks Eddie a text “Hope my dinner is microwaveable, I’ll be home in 10, wait for me upstairs?”
And once again, Steve shows up to work positively glowing. Oh and it’s nothing compared to the “self care” he gets on days off.
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Steddie in EVERY universe
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 3 months
I hope you take this as the compliment it is intended to be, but you strike the same chord of irreverence-as-love, jokes-to-showcase-sencerity that I get from Chuck Tingle, and I adore both of you.
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You have bestowed the greatest honour upon me.
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xitsensunmoon · 4 months
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My first ever comic con! And first cosplay too. Of course it's gonna be my boy :] Ramblings about the process are under the cut(Let me know if?? You would want me to elaborate with process images for any of the steps?)
The costume took me forever to make, as I've never done any machine sewing, sculpting, fabric dying or spray painting before but learning all of these was so fucking fun!! I never realised just how many different skills go into making a cosplay but it was so worth it!!!
Almost all of the clothes(except the hat) were purchased first as bases, but all of the detailing was added by me. All of the fabric used was originally just scraps that I was given for free so I needed to learn how to dye and dye all of the stars, they were originally white.
The sewing machine was its own beast that brought me tons of frustration from the lack of skill and knowledge (it was devastating to find out that 95% of fuck ups were my fault and not the machine's lmao). But as a result, a hat sewn from scratch, all of the fur trims, embroidery on the corset, stars and the collar(which is very hard to see on the pictures unfortunately) was all added manually. The stars and the stripes(on the back of the cape) were attached using heat-and-bond adhesive (I WISH I knew about such thing just when I started working on this. It would save me so much time and nerves.)
Then I found out about polymorph(mouldable plastic) and it has become the next thing I wanted to learn, to sculpt the claws and the fangs(yes, they're handmade jfksjs). The claws I then primed and painted in trillion coats because I wasn't satisfied with the colour of the spray paint. The fangs I moulded to my own teeth and then stained with tea to match the colour of my teeth :)c
As for makeup, I used Mehron Paradise water activated paints. At first I wanted to try to save money and bought myself Snazaroo instead, which unfortunately turned out to be a waste. Snazaroo didn't hold on my face for longer than 2 hours, cracking and peeling awfully. Mehron on the other hand survived 11 hours of me smiling, talking, emoting and such and didn't even crease at the smile lines(I'm actually shocked about that). It obviously works like any other makeup which means your skin texture and wrinkles won't go anywhere but Mehron's elasticity pleasantly surprised me. It did obviously smear from sweat and saliva(if you're eating and licking your lips) but if you don't touch the skin it just dries again, self setting. But if it's dry it's fully smear-proof. Highly recommend!
And last but not least, I've decided against painting my hands as it was very risky that I will stain everything I touch at the smallest hint of sweat. So instead I got myself gloves-tights(? Not sure how they're called but it's made from the same fabric as tights) and painted them with normal acrylic paint(did you know you could dye fabric with acrylic paint? I personally didn't), then heat set with an iron and voilà, they're reusable, my hands are not stained after an exhausting day and I don't stain everything I touch. It worked wonderfully which honestly was a surprise as I was really sceptical that acrylic paint will somehow stay in place.
I think this whole thing took me minimum of 6 months with big-big breaks for my school and life in general. But I'm really proud! This project taught me so many new skills and I couldn't have been happier about learning new knowledge, even if it sucked to fail in the meantime.
Everyone at the con was really nice and gave me a large confidence boost even tho it was my first time and I had no idea what I was doing. Taking photos with other people was really awkward/new for me as I hate cameras so I really had no idea how to pose/behave in front of one. But that's okay I think. This whole experience definitely made me want to do this again, so I think that will come with experience. Thank you for reading this far, hope you enjoyed this little summary :)
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factual-fantasy · 9 months
I wanted to pop in and say that I just came across your Super Mario Bros art after I just got done watching the movie on Netflix and it’s just soooo gorgeous!!! I love how you draw them, I love their expressions, I love their brotherly love and how close they are, I know it’s been a hit since thought of them but your art for them will be something I treasure always
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It has been a hot minute since I've drawn the lads, yeah.. But I haven't forgotten about them 💖🔥✨🧊💖
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