#also stop disrespecting Carli ????????
Me: Wow! Everything Now is so good with all of its nuance, healing, eating disorder recovery, self-hatred, plantonic and familial dynamics as well as its wonderful cast full of people of colour! I can’t wait to go on Tumblr and see what everyone else thinks!
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toomuchracket · 10 months
omgg girlband gf definitely joins in on gab and charlis antics at the dinner like on gabs story! just three tipsy girls making jokes about oysters and caviar and posting silly photos of each other and having an overall lovely silly time! and the boys watch on in absolute adoration of course
oh absolutely!!! matty says his thing about oysters and cigs and coffee and you take a sip of your drink and audibly say "you wanna be french soooooooo bad don't you. pretentious little bitch" (giggling obv, like that's your brother you love him), and charli and george just CACKLE while matty's like "the level of disrespect... anyway. did you know oysters are an aphrodisiac? mental, isn't it". you're like "i did actually know that. mansplaining unnecessary" (you're all tipsy btw like you're not that mean to him usually. it's just funny), and before matty can react you kick ross under the table like "baby. babe. look" and just neck like 2 oysters in quick succession, before winking at him and being like "they're aphrodisiacs, mind you" - he blushes and shakes his head while charli and gabb and alex all laugh, and alex in the way that only she can is like "yes bitch!! get it!!" (also, you absolutely recruit her to be in your band's next video. you're obsessed with her. and she agrees!). ross is so tipsy he gets into pda and feeds you half his dessert, which gabb watches with heart eyes and says "you guys are like my mom and dad for real", and the three of you collapse into giggles; like ten mins later, though, she and you take a selfie vid for her story and she's like "hi hello this is my wife look how beautiful she is". matty hears that and side-eyes you like "oi stop stealing my girlfriend"; you look him dead in the eye and say "malaysia", and he's like "ok fair yes carry on", and gabb gets all of this on vid and proceeds to post it, to the entertainment of literally everyone on planet earth. she, you, and charli take a bathroom mirror pic and post it to insta stories, tagging carly like "missing our girl. might fuck around and start a supergroup when she gets here" (she reposts it like "gladly, gorgeous girls!!"), then when you get back gabb takes the vid of charli doing the impression of her; you're on her other side, snuggled into ross and giggling at everyone's antics. actually, i think the girls and matty (stan freak that he is) post a pic of you and ross being all cute to their stories too, with loads of heart and 🥹🥺 emojis and - in matty's case - "when will they do us all a favour and create something together. either a kid or a song idc" lmao. it's just fun!! <3
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dreamt that I had spent the weekend with my brother and his friends in a cabin on some very tall mountain peak surrounded by roiling dark gray storm clouds. Then I biked on a small white fixed gear bike from there to New York City, where my friend ilya was having a small diy show on his porch-like balcony which overlooked a narrow pedestrianized street from the second floor. I was pleased to see that his apartment was messy and way less intimidating than I had imagined. The sky of New York was gray and roiling like in the mountaintops, but it never rained. We got to the show just as it was ending, and everyone was deciding what to do. I ended up in an asphyxiating group hug and my head was pressed up against my friend Carly’s boobs. Then everyone left to go get burritos and I said I would meet them there, on my bike. I saw that my friend Quim from Barcelona was also in New York at the same time. he had invited me to a blues cover night at a bar but I hadn’t responded at all. It seemed like the kind of thing que a Quim le haría gracia porque es algo que le parece quintessentially American pero a mi me daba palo y pereza. I sent him my location and said “we’re getting burritos” and he caught up with me on my bike.
the bike lanes in New York were narrow, unprotected, and treacherous. cars constantly swerved into them at high velocity. At one point, we reached a chick fil-a built right into the middle of the bike lane, with no option to go around it (that would lead to instant death via the merciless and constant traffic). There was a sign in the chick fil-a signature red font that said for bikers to use the tunnel under the restaurant. I stopped at the entrance and Quim went in first. The tunnel was extremely small (you had to crouch on your bike) and extremely steep (I saw quim ride down at about a 70 degree angle). I decided to get off my bike and slide down on my butt. Underground was a small parking garage. The bike lane continued up a path of stairs??? We scoffed with indignance- such disrespect for cyclists. Look at the tribulations we must endure to get to our destination. I went first this time, but the tunnel was so narrow and steep that I couldn’t even bend my knees in front of me- I didn’t fit. I had to crawl up the stairs with one hand in front of me and my other hand behind me dragging my now child-sized bicycle. Spelunking and suffocating. the tunnel was so narrow that it graced my back, my rib cage, and one mistake would leave me trapped, suffocating in this urine-scented parking garage tunnel forever.
I finally reached the exit and waited for Quim to come out. He was exhausted and bewildered. I told him: unfortunately that’s how it is en los Estados Unidos.
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abiiors · 1 year
oh forgot to include it (prev anon finding it through a YouTuber) but that long ago I was an Adam girly and he still holds a place in my heart but I cannot go after a married man like that so I’ve been convert into a ross/matty girl
it's hilarious and adorable how everybody on here looks at adam in a purely platonic way because we all love carly so much. has never stopped me from obsessing over a married celebrity before but i would never disrespect carly like that <3
ross is absolutely the top tier choice but i am biased and matty is matty that's all i will say (i love him but also wanna flick him on the forehead sometimes)
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thestarmaker · 2 years
I've always been on the aro spectrum even before I was fully aromantic and thinking back to so many TV shows/movies I would always think that "unnecessary" relationship plots/drama made the media actively worse and was very rarely into them. Now I realize that the few pairings I did like on my own (and not bc everyone else did so I just fell for it too) was because the writers were able to convince me that the characters respected each other on a personal level. If I couldn't see or even imagine the respect I didn't like them as a couple (not that I realized it until I was older). That still holds SO true for me, and let me tell you the numbers haven't gone up much.
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mehidktbh · 3 years
The one thing I hate about having such a big chest is well... everything...
I could rant on how much I absolutely hate being big chested and how much more confident I would be without them 😭
Every shirt I try on is always too tight around the chest area!! And I constantly have to cover up, and don't even get me started on when I'm running or when I literally do any movement and they just have to like...move!!
I need a Bo hc and maybe a little bit of a fic if you don't mind writing that much!
I don't mind some NSFW 😏
A/N: *Sigh* Your rant is everything I can relate to, it's so hard being big-chested and even harder when everyone is looking at you. I almost died relating to the one about you running or doing any movements, I feel your pain and I can absolutely painfully relate. I get so insecure too 😭 (I also loved this, never been more excited to put all my pain and experience into one fic, thanks to Anon 😔 Also very proud of this one.)
Warning 18+: Contains NSFW/Smut, sexual mentions and swearing?
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- Oh god...
- I know a lot of people think that Bo is 100% an ass man or some think he's 100% a boob man, but to me, I feel as if he's ehhh... 50/50. Maybe I'm wrong idk
- Bo is also 100% on board with going into town every once and a while just for you to get some new bras, maybe he even will want a run show of them
- Bo has tons of big shirts he will gladly lend to you, he loves when you wear his shirts it makes him happy and he feels as if everyone will now know who you belong to.
- This man will also not stop trying to get a peck every once and a while, I mean come on the way you run up those stairs and down them just... make him go crazy
- He also 'accidentally' drops multiple of his tools so you can pick them up. "Hey, can cha' grab ma' tools I dropped," He says as he watches you bend over to grab them, definitely not getting a little side peak at you. "Thanks, doll" He is totally going to do that again.
- Bo is also more protective over you, meaning anyone who looks instantly dies, or well maybe not instantly but Bo will definitely ends them sooner than he planned. He also always has to have some arm around your waist or body, and always kissing you and giving you extra affection. If your into that, your in luck
- Maybe even some days when no one is around and Bo knows its just gonna be you and him for the rest of the day, he'll definitely maybe give you a smaller shirt for you to wear. I can see him also picking your clothes from time to time, depending on what kind of day it is.
- He probably also hates you being around his brothers too much, like Lester for example. I'm sorry but I bet you Lester has looked more than once, I mean he couldn't resist with Carly, so...
- But that doesn't mean Lester isn't disrespectful or anything, he treats you the same. Mostly because Bo is always watching or listening and if Bo ever found out he would go ballistic on him.
- But back to Bo, I can see him always hanging close or around the corner when you hang out or talk with his brothers. He'll be there watching or doing something else while eavesdropping onto the conversation, and if anything gets to heated he'll always call out for you. And you'll come running hehe get it 😏
- Okay now I'm going to say this now, okay?
- Sex with this man is amazing, I'm sorry but it's true. He always has to grab, pinch and always move around with your breasts, he just can't resist.
- Even if your into clothed sex, sometimes he'll want to at least see your chest. And if your lucky, he'll even beg... OMG, WHY CAN I SEE THAT!?
- But never mention anything or he'll totally never do that again.
- Bo will most likely mark you a lot, and I mean A LOT! He'll leave you feeling messy and more bruises and more hickeys from before. He probably has a high score. And don't even get me started on how half of them are on your breasts, you will probably be too knocked up to remember the night it happened and why you don't remember, Bo surely does...the whole thing.
- Back to Bo dressing you up some days, if it's a day where no one is probably going to come around, his brothers are all doing their own thing, the day is peaceful and the temperature is nice. He'll have you dressed up in some tight clothes and probably easily accessible if you know what I mean 😏
- On days when it's busy, and he knows Lester is about to bring in some more people, he'll either have you locked up in the house or you just in the background, out of harm's way. And very loose and thick clothes, maybe like his sweater or something. And after the hard, ruff day you better prepare for some sweet, sweet loving time.
- He also probably likes the look of you pressed up to any wall, counter, or surface. I mean the way they kinda poke out makes him go mentally crazy.
- But hey I forgot to mention the totally worth it ✨Aftercare✨ This man will absolutely smother you in kisses and cuddles. Even if you guys haven't had any sex he still always live to give you cuddles as he whispers things into your ear. Always having a hand on your breasts (If you're naked) or under your shirt (If you're clothed), even when you are sleeping or taking a nap with him.
- He also probably uses your chest as a pillow multiple times a day, sneakily at day and openly at night.
♡ ♡ ♡
You were finally drifting asleep, you just slowly coming down from your orgasm. Bo's head was lightly pressed against your breasts, his hair tickling your naked chest as he had one hand on them, stroking one with his thumb in light circular motions.
The curtains were opened, the cold night air replacing the hot, sweaty air that stunk of sex before. The curtains were closed only letting in a little light to dim across the room, hitting the wall and lighting one area up.
Bo mumbled something, "What did you say?" He lifts his head up that was previously tucked between your breasts. "Ther' like pillows" He muttered, you smiled before laughing. Bo smiled back, "You sher' go to bed now, darlin'" He knew tomorrow would be another long day of probably teasing you, but he knew that you didn't mind his antics.
He leaned up, kissing your forehead and bringing your head down to the pillow. He watched you for a second as you slowly drifted to sleep, before laying his head back down between your breasts, bringing one hand up to slowly rub it with his thumb.
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vannybarber · 4 years
The Prenup: Final Chapter
Summary: After four years of being together and finally being engaged, Chris wants you to sign a prenup.
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Chris Evans x Reader
Warnings: angst, swearing, chris getting his ass handed to him, a lot of pain.
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four
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You lied.
You didn't come back the day after. Or the next day. In fact, you stayed at the hotel for almost a week. You didn't stay in the same clothes of course. You went out to buy everything you needed. Clothes, hygiene products, prenatal vitamins. You were the saddest and most ridiculous thing to walk this earth.
Lisa and Scott eventually came over with your permission of course. You couldn't say no to them. You weren't upset with them.
"How've you been, sweetie?" They both look for your answer, trying to read your face.
"To tell you the truth, I actually feel like an asshole. I honestly realize how immature I was. Chris definitely was, but I was stooping to that level myself. But I won't admit to him just yet. I want him to recognize how immature he was too."
It was crazy to even hear it from your own mouth. But you had time to think it over. You recognized how stupid you looked living in a hotel because you couldn't put your immaturity aside.
"Well this might be a shock to you, but I had a talk with him also and it might've did something." You make eye contact with her and your eyebrows jump. Indeed, you were surprised. She continues.
"I know you guys will be able to resolve this. But you need to try. You've have been together too long to let this get in between you two. I think he finally understands." She sets her hand on yours, which was placed in your lap.
He finally understood? You had to see this for yourself. You hoped to everything that she was right. You actually wanted to fix this and he needed to be on board and feel the same way.
It occurred to you after some time that his points were actually valid. It was just the way he came across is all. You were in your own feelings and took it really personal, which was understandable, but you got stubborn. Even though he got a prenup for his own reasons, you felt as if he didn't love you as much as you love him.
This could all be fixed, but he needed to set some boundaries with Megan. He had no choice. Wait till she finds out about the baby. Evidently none of the other Evans' knew about the baby because it was never brought up. You secretly thank Chris for keeping that between you guys, even though he was most likely still upset that you weren't gonna tell him about the baby right away.
You both are grown ass adults and you're having a child together. This bullshit needed to end.
"Oh my gosh this is great !! All my shit talking did some good." Lisa clears her throat at him. "Along with Ma's great advice of course." You just laugh. You loved your family.
"I think I'm ready to see him. Scratch that. I am ready to see him. I want my fianceé back." You smile and grasp your hands together. You don't think you've ever seen them smile so hard.
"Oh yeah we know you're pregnant." You stop smiling and stare at Scott like you've been caught in the cookie jar. "You know Chris can't keep his big mouth shut." Well that's a Gemini for you.
"Now its really important that you solve this. You're bringing another life into the world!" Lisa exclaims. "Plus I'm gonna have another grandbaby!!"
You giggle and shake your head. "Well we need to head over there right now then!"
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Little did you know Chris was on the exact same page as you. Down to every line and every word.
He has always been indecisive and this situation really forced him to take some responsibility and rethink his behavior. You had all the reason to feel the way you did, his intentions clearly being missed by you. Whatever they even were.
He also decided that he was going to set Megan straight about his personal life and respecting you. You were his future wife. And now that you're bringing a baby into the world, she definitely needed to be put in check. He can't even believe how he allowed her to disrespect you like this.
Now he only hoped that you'd want to sort this out and forgive him. He needed you no matter what he said. He did make up excuses because your relationship was too good to be true. He's never had a connection like this before. He never allowed it, but clearly it was for a reason because it give you a chance to come in his life and completely change it for the better.
When he had gotten home from visiting you, his feelings were all over the place. Upset that you didn't come back with him and guilty for making you feel the way you did. He just felt like he was doing the right thing because Megan told him to. Deep down inside, he really didn't even want to get the stupid prenup anyway.
"So where's Y/N? Is she okay?" Shanna asked for everyone. They all expected you to come back too. They didn't know you were this stubborn.
"She's alright. She said she wasn't ready to come back just yet. Which I completely understand. But I feel like a failed once again." He slumps on the couch and lies back. "I don't deserve her at all."
"Now Chris, you know what you have. And what you have is good. Better than anything you had before. You two were made for each other. You're a hard head and I know you're not giving up this easily" Lisa says to him, taking a seat to his right.
"You know she's pregnant." He really shouldn't have said that and he knows it, but he can't keep a secret to save his own life. Everyone in the room gasps. "I found the tests in the bathroom. If I didn't go in there and discover them myself, she wasn't planning on telling me yet."
"Well she probably wanted to fix this before adding more on top of it." Scott adds. And he was absolutely correct.
"Well I'm happy for you! But I you still have this going on." Lisa's voice goes from excited to monotone. She's super happy, but she wished this could have been evented at a much better time.
"Well this could've made things better...or worse." Chris throws his NASA cap on the couch angrily.
Carly speaks up.
"You and Scott should go visit her. I doubt she'll turn it down."
"Yeah Ma. We should see where her heads at. Maybe her mind will change with our advice" Scott agrees. He loves you as a sister. Anything threatening that would have to be put to death immediately.
"Guys, I don't know about that. She seemed pretty definite on how she felt." Chris didn't want to make it worse than what it was, but he always found a way to do that anyway.
"Chris come on" Scott drags out. "We have to try."
"Y/N is a smart girl. She knows what she needs to do and it will come to her. I know it'll work out. And when it does, you'll realize your love is inevitable." Lisa smiles knowing she is absolutely right.
Now she just waits for it all to fall in place.
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You were currently outside in the driveway of your house. You drove back there in your car with Lisa and Scott behind you. When you arrived, you hopped in her car to discuss how this was going to go.
Looking at the property, you admit missed your place, but you allowed your infantilism to get in the way.
"Okay he's in there, but he doesn't know you're coming back." Scott speaks lowly from the back seat.
"Wait you didn't tell him?" You snap around mystified. Why did they not tell him?
"Because we wanted it to be a surprise. Well I wanted it to be a surprise." He corrects himself when Lisa throws him a look through the rear view mirror.
"Well um okay. Then this just has to play out itself. Hopefully he's happy to see me..?" You were unsure yourself. The little intimate moment you had before he left couldn't dictate how he'd feel now.
"I'm positive he is, but you won't know unless you get up in there. Go ahead! We'll get your stuff," Lisa encourages. You think she's more excited than anyone. You thank her with a kiss on the cheek and high five Scott then head out of the car. You walk up the driveway to the front door. You didn't get the key out your bag so you rang the doorbell.
A few moments, the door is jerked open. You automatically know he didn't even look through the peephole before he opened the door. He needs to stop doing that.
You appear in his vision and he pauses.
"Y/N? Baby?" Incredulity is all in his voice.
"Yes, that is my name." You giggle. "Can I come in?"
"Uh of course! You live here, ya know." He steps back so you can walk inside. Walking through the threshold, you look around the house as if it was foreign to you. For whatever reason, you expected some dramatic changes. One thing that didn't change is his shoes in the middle of the floor. His bad habit.
"Chris what did I say about your shoes in the walkway?" You scold him and move them to the corner with his others. You can't count how many times you've almost fell face first because of his shoes in the way and truthfully, you not watching where you're going.
"Sorry I forget a lot" he says sheepishly with a tiny smile on his face stopping behind you. This makes your corners turn up as well.
You stand facing him and him facing you. Neither of you say anything. You can't tell if it is because you don't know what to say or that you just really missed each other's faces. Before you do speak, Lisa and Scott are inside with your things.
"Oh guys just put that stuff on the couch. Thank you again!" You point to the sofa, absentmindedly moving closer to Chris.
"We need to talk." Turning back to him, you nod. You remember why you're here in the first place. You needed to put an end to this.
"Right. Patio?" You always go out there to have conversations or just to chill with each other. He nods his head and turns to his family.
"We're gonna go outside and talk for a bit. Okay?"
"Oh yes take all the time you need," Lisa exclaims, shooing you both off. Scott is grinning himself. You just smile and walk to the back door onto the patio. Chris follows quickly behind.
Once you both get outside, you sit down. You wouldn't say it was awkward, but there was definitely some tension. You decide to break it.
"I'm really sorry, Chris."
"Baby I'm so sorry."
Guess he wanted to as well. You were about to talk, but he spoke up first.
"I want to apologize first. I was completely wrong here. I was being an asshole and I deserved everything you said to me. And everything Scott said to me as well." He rolls his eyes at that part. You could only imagine the dragging Scott was giving him. "I allowed Megan to disrespect you and that was a dick move. No one should allow their partner to be treated like that. You're were going to my wife and I stooped that low. I'm truly sorry." He searches in your eyes for something to let him know that you forgave him, knew that he was really sorry at least.
You look away about to let the flood come like Noah and the Arc. You've been waiting to hear that for a while and you knew he meant every word. But now it was your turn. Clearing your throat and wiping your eyes, you speak up.
"This isn't completely your fault, baby." You take his hands in yours. "I am also guilty as well. I acted so immature and didn't even truly try to resolve this because I wanted to victimize myself the whole time. Although you were acting like a huge dick, I still played a part. I am so sorry for not planning on telling you about the baby. That was unfair of me. I know that you love me and that I am important to you, so if you still want me to sign the prenup, I'll do it."
Hearing the words come from your mouth surprised you both. He didn't think you'd ever give in and you sure as hell were making sure you wouldn't. But here you are agreeing to it because you love him that much and wanted to make him happy. Your relationship would work so it would never come to be used. You had strong faith in that.
"That's another thing." He shakes his head and you're now confused. "I don't want you to sign a prenup. We're not doing that. I already plan on talking to Megan about it. And I'm going to address her on knowing her place working for me. Since you know that I love you, so fucking much, I don't need to worry about money. Nor a divorce. Like Ma said, we were made for each other and I'll be damned if I let you get away from me."
"So no prenup?" You needed to hear it again.
"No prenup, love." He grins at you, squeezing your hands. You pull from his grip and jump up busting out random dance moves. His mouth is ajar.
"No prenup! Ain't signing no prenup! Lalalalalaaaaa! No prenup!" After your little dance number, you sit back down with no shame. You needed that.
"I'm glad that you finally came to your senses, Christopher. Your mother taught you well" you say in a pompous manner. He just can't help but laugh. You truly were something else.
"We have a little one coming soon and we have to be out best selves for them. Pinky promise each other that we never ever argue and not fix it in a matter of 25 minutes ever again?" He holds out his pinky finger waiting for yours.
"I promise." You wrap yours around his and grin. "So we're good?"
"Well there is one more thing." He stands up and reaches in his pocket. He pulls out your engagement ring and gets on one knee. Just when you had no tears left to cry.
"Y/N, baby, will you be my fianceé again?" You laugh breathlessly and nod your head.
"Yes, you meatball!" He slips the ring back on your finger and you jump in his arms. Almost knocking him over, he grabs your face and kisses you. You wasted zero time kissing him back because you needed it. It had been so long.
Finally pulling away and balancing your breaths like you just ran a 5k, you both make eye contact and burst out into laughter.
"Come on. Let's go tell them." He grabs your hands and you rush inside the house. Heading into the living room you see them both watching with anticipation.
"So?" Scott speaks and they both stand up.
"Guess who's getting married ?!"
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HELP-😌 im so proud of myself. i decided to end this with a nice fluff. it was well deserved. i read you guy's comments and it influenced how i wrote it. some of you mentioned immaturity in y/n and that was really valid. and the point about the prenup making sense.
thank you so much for reading. i am honestly so grateful that you guys liked it. i didn't expect it to blow up like it did. im crying now so bye ✌🏽🤧❤
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@mayafatimakhan @attitude-times @shawn-youth @traceyaudette @kyraroseficreblogs33 @radi0active-thoughts @youthought-iwasa-nicegirl @ohbarracuda @katelyneannxo @jennamarieee623 @craycraycraic @ilikeurdad @captainson-of-coul @joanne-stan @ilovetheeagles @cristinagronk16 @kelbabyblue @onyourgoddamnleft @jessycatth @misz-adrii @geminievans1 @saltyflowermakertaco @a-moment-captured @harrysthiccthighss @dauntless2022 @allboutdatmarvel @ineedpineapple @illyrianprincess @ladycumberbatchofcamelot @thesecretlifeofdaydreamss @marianas-studyblr @obliviatevamps @thevelvetseries @coffeebooksandfandom @shamelessfangirl-3 @quietmyfearswith @kissme-hs @lvgllre @arabescapr @careless-intuition @lady-x-red @donutloverxo @princess-evans-addict
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yusei-clownington · 3 years
*puts aluminum foil hat on* Let’s talk Kingcrabshipping.
(This is obviously just my take on it. You’re welcome to disagree or share YOUR views as well!)
I personally think Jack has an unrequited crush on Yusei. Nothing he would act upon. But it’s there, at least I believe it to be there, and I think it’s really cute.
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"Look at them. They're probably shipping us as we speak."
Elaboration under the cut.
So the first time Jack and Yusei interact in the series, it’s evident that jack, the guy who wouldn’t stop reminding us he was king every waking moment of his life until he wasn’t that anymore, seemed to think of Yusei as somewhat of an equal. Sure, he seemed to be certain he was going to win, but he never failed to show his acknowledgement of Yusei’s skills.
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At the time, that was all there was to it. Jack was obviously the rival character, and that’s about it. Maybe he wasn’t as gay for the main character as Kaiba and Manjoume were.
Oh but he was.
And he is.
And he will be.
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Hear me out on this one.
The first time I thought Jack’s crush was showing was during the helicopter scene, in which Carly deliberately disrespected Yusei to lure Jack into speaking.
It basically went
Carly: *says something bad about Yusei*
Jack: UM NO *goes on an exposition monologue about yusei’s backstory and how there’s more to him than meets the eye*
Wasn’t it a bit weird that the first time we hear of Yusei’s backstory, was through Jack?
Unlike with crow…which I’m gonna make a whole post about later, I can’t see Jack having purely platonic feelings for Yusei. There’s a bit of a crush mixed in too.
And another thing that stood out was the fact that it was Jack who snapped Yusei put of his misery as he briefly wallowed over kiryu. I mean he did it by punching him, but it seemed to work. After all, Jack knows Yusei well.
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When Yusei is occupied with his and Bruno’s program, we get to see a more jealous side of Jack. It’s honestly what confirmed the crush thing to me.
Crow didn’t seem to mind it as much, although he’s supposedly the more hot-headed one. Rua was pretty chill with it, even pointing out that they were “like lovebirds”. And Ruka was cool as well.
But Jack and Aki? Oh they were N O T very fine. They were pretty pissed at this new pretty blue-haired boy Yusei’s been ignoring them for.
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Rua seemed to only point out Aki’s jealousy, but I think that just goes back to his sister’s earlier comment, which kinda pissed me off, “You only say that about a man and a woman”
Had she not said that, I think Rua may have been able to conclude that Jack was jealous as well. But that’s besides the point.
What also seemed to stand out to me was Jack’s constant violence and aggression towards Bruno, more so than with the rest of the gang.
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We’ve already established that Bruno is…far from platonic with Yusei. At least far enough not be labelled a “just a friend”.
Did that have anything to do with Jack’s behavior Towards him?
I choose to believe so!
What about yusei? Do I think he has a crush on Jack as well?
I would have to say no. I doubt he does. Yes, he cares for him a lot, but I can’t help but think he views him as a friend. A really close one, but that’s about it.
When comparing the way Yusei acted with Kiryuu, or even bruno, with the way he acts towards Jack, It seemed very platonic in comparison, no? Though I am way too biased towards Treasonshipping, so maybe that's that side of me speaking.
But the other way around, Comparing Jack’s interactions with everyone, including Carly may I add, to his with Yusei, a very loud part of my head screams UNREQUITED CRUSH UNREQUITED CRUSH.
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13uswntimagines · 4 years
Our Troublemaker (USWNT x Baby!reader)
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Request: uswnt x reader where reader gets into some trouble at a pride event they all go to, when they get back to hotel reader is punished and then fluff and cuddles to end
Author’s Note: Special thanks to @literaryhedgehog​ for her addition of fluff and mediation of my crazy thoughts. So this universe can be taken several different ways, as i didn’t explicitly define it. Feel free to interpret it in your favorite context. Also, I would totally be down for continuing this universe... Hit me up with Questions, comments or if you just wanna say hi!
You hadn’t meant to start a fight. Well, that was a half-truth. You had totally meant to tell that ignorant ass that he was being a homophobic dishrag. What you hadn’t meant was for him to punch you in the face, and the team to get involved in defending you from his drunk ass. So here you were, being carried over Lindsey’s shoulder back towards your hotel. 
You wiggled again in a vain attempt to get her to put you down. “Come on Linds, I can walk,”
“Yeah, you couldn’t be trusted to stand with Mal for 5 seconds on your own, and you might have a concussion,” Alex answered for the blond, and sent you a glare that oozed “try me,”
 “I don’t have a concussion, and I couldn’t let him talk to Mal like that,” You pouted up at her raised eyebrow. It was tough considering you were over someone’s shoulder, but you managed. 
“Next time you wanna show off for your girlfriend, try not to pick a fight with a guy four times your size,” Kelley laughed, patting your lower back. You frowned. Mal wasn’t your girlfriend. Yet. 
“I didn’t think he would hit me,” You grumbled, flopping down, Lindsey gripped your legs harder so she didn’t drop you on your head. That was all you guys needed right now. 
“Well he did, so let’s get you back to the hotel trouble,” Alex said, pointing towards the building down the street. Lindsey nodded, swinging you around as she turned and began to walk that way again. 
“I’m not trouble,” you complained
“No it just follows you everywhere, and has earned you no ice cream tonight,” Kelley rolled her eyes. 
“I’m not Sonnett, ice cream isn’t the love of my life,” you said, trying to act like you weren't pouting. So maybe the team treated some of the youngins like they were a little younger than their age. You all loved it, and you craved the structure it brought to your life. 
“Wanna make it for the rest of the week?” Alex asked, with her signature eyebrow arch. You grumbled back a no, along with several inaudible complaints. You knew how creative the woman could be with her punishments and you really didn’t want to test her. Your face hurt and you really just wanted to bury your head under a pillow and scream. You had protected Mal, you shouldn’t be in trouble. 
Your pout was strong all the way to the hotel and up the elevator, not wavering at all until Lindsey set you down in the corner of Alex’s room. You tilted your head at the woman in confusion. 
“This isn’t my room.”
“No, it’s not. You get 10 minutes in the corner for putting yourself in danger,” Alex said, her arms crossed across her chest. 
“I didn’t put myself in danger. I just told that dude to lay off. We were in an outdoor bar, there were plenty of people around. I thought societal convention would trap that dude into not making a scene.”
“No, you got punched in the face and almost had a beer bottle smashed over your head to impress a girl who already has a massive crush on you,” Alex exclaimed. 
“She does?” You asked, eyes wide. 
“Not the point Y/n,” Kelley shook her head. 
“The fact is, you engaged with a drunk homophobe on your own. There are times to engage, and that was not one of them. Now sit!” Alex said, dragging a chair to the corner and pointing at it, “your time out starts now.”
You sat down wordlessly, staring down at your hands. You knew that there was no getting out of this one. One of them had a scrape on the palm from where you had landed on the gravel. 
The minutes seemed to drag by, and you fidgeted more and more with every passing second, picking at the cuts on your hands. 
There was a knock on the door. “Stay,” Alex commanded, looking at her watch, “you still have two minutes left.” Behind you, you heard someone go to the door and open it. 
“I got your text,” Becky’s voice came from the doorway. You slouched in your chair, partially from embarrassment, partially from relief. They hadn’t called the medics. And at least they hadn’t called Carli, she duct-taped an ice pack to you the last time you got a bruise. But still, you hated that more people would know that you had gotten yourself into trouble again. “I brought a first aid kit and an ice pack. Also some duct tape, in case she tries to escape.”
 You shook your head, not finding the comment funny. You weren’t going to try and escape, your face was throbbing by this point, and you would rather they took care of you then leave you to fend off Jill and Dawn by yourself.
Alex’s watch beeped three times, signaling the end to your time out. You sighed in relief. Sitting still was never your strongest suit. 
“Come sit on the bed, Y/N,” Becky said, pulling Lindsey’s comforter straight and opening up the first aid kit on one side of it. You blinked twice, staring at the spot. You never liked getting fixed by the medics, and Lindsey’s bed looked lonely. 
“Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven.” You looked at Lindsey in confusion, as she started counting. “Three. Two One. That’s it.” Lindsey picked you up and sat down with you on the bed, situating you in her lap. 
You started to move and realized she had grabbed your hands and pulled them across your chest, essentially putting you in a human straightjacket. 
“Sit still and let Broon make sure you are alright you absolute badger of a human being. You are a great defender, on and off the field Y/n. But it won’t kill you to let someone else take care of you for once.”
You huffed and sunk down in Lindsey’s lap, finally stopping your struggle to get free. It was going to happen whether you wanted it to or not. 
Becky shined a flashlight in your eyes and wiped down a cut on your lip with an antiseptic wipe. You winced slightly. 
Lindsey let go of one of your arms so you could put your scraped palm into Becky’s outstretched hand. She wiped it down with gentle strokes, checking to make sure there wasn’t any gravel pieces still in it. 
She nodded at Lindsey who released you and pushed you lightly next to her on the bed. Becky stood up from her crouch, slapping her hands on her jeans as she did. She went over to the dresser where she had set a small bag of ice and brought it over to you as Kelley sat down on the other side of you. 
Alex picked up the chair you had spent your time out in and placed it in front of you, straddling the back of the chair and leaning on it’s back as she looked at you. “Do you understand why we’re upset with you Y/n?” While she spoke, Becky perched on the bed and folded her hands in her lap. 
“Yes, but I wasn’t going to let him hurt Mal,” You mumbled, playing with your fingers. Yes you had been reckless, and probably could have ended up in way worse shape, but you weren’t going to let him disrespect the two of you like that. Her like that. 
“Love, we are so proud of you for standing up like that. You shouldn’t have to deal with hatred from strangers for being who you are,” Becky started softly. 
 “But you are going to have to deal with a lot of it in your life. And we need you to promise you won’t confront someone like that alone.” Alex finished seriously. They would never be able to get the image of little you standing toe to toe with a 6-foot tall man out of their heads. 
“There’s a reason we’re called a team. We work together, back each other up. And strength in numbers is usually more convincing to the average asshole bully than a lone ranger. Let us defend you sometimes.” Kelley chimed in, nudging you with her elbow.
“And if you’re alone, walk away. It sucks, but it’s better to live another day than die on your sword. You can't win every battle, and the world is a much better place with you in it,” Lindsey said, squeezing you in a sideways hug.  
“Fine, I won’t provoke any more dishrags,” you said, in mock exasperation. 
Kelley snorted, and you saw Alex’s lips twitch slightly as she nodded, “Good.” You would always be their troublemaker, but at least they knew you would try. Even if it was only for a little while. 
You snuggled deeper into Lindsey and Kelley, smiling as Alex joined Kelley’s side. The room was quiet for a few minutes before you blurt out a sleepy “Do you think Mal will think I’m more badass now that I have a scar?” 
Becky laughed, standing to pack away her first aid things. “Oh yes, the most badass. Now if you’ll excuse me cuddle bug, I should get back to my room. I have my own troublemaker to attend to.” She walked to the doorway and paused turning back to you. “One more thing. Y/n? You have to spend the night in here for observation. Doctor’s orders.”
“Those are agreeable terms I guess,” You shrugged. That had been your plan anyway. 
“My cuddles are better than just agreeable,” Kelley huffed, bumping your cheek with her nose. 
“Of course they are squirrel,” Alex laughed, kissing her temple. 
Yes, you were a troublemaker, but you were their troublemaker. 
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mhento · 4 years
Jaehyun - Distortion
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Genre : college!au || angst, fluff, smut
Paring: Jaehyun x female!reader
Word count: 8,6k
Warning: swearing, graphic smut/ sexual themes, mentioning of alcohol
Summary: Your life drastically changed after you met the boyfriend of your friend Carly and his friends.
A/N: I post this after one or two years in my drafts. So hope you like it and remember I did not re-read this, so there may be some grammar mistakes.
Lmao I suck at descriptions. So please don’t mind my nonsense I wrote there. Hope you have fun reading this. 😊💕 @bunniglow
It was a usual day in college. You were seated in the front row of the lecture hall. There wasn't much to say about you. You were just an ordinary girl. Well you heard other people say you were a nerd but that wasn't really you. They said those things because you always sat in the front row, hadn't a lot of friends and sat in the library when you weren't at your apartment or at your workplace.
You were a barista in a cafe near your college. Most of the people who came to get a drink were students. At first you found it good because they weren't much people who had a huge age gap. But after some time it got really annoying. Most of the people who ordered were rude. They had an attitude that made you ponder how they were treated at home to be this disrespectful. Customers that weren't students were nice, sometimes too nice. You hadn't anything against talking with a customer when you had time but you definitely were against their flirting attempts. The only thing they created was uncomfortableness. So you rushed to get them out of your view which was kind of hard sometimes. Overall you didn't like your job much but it was your only source of money and they paid well, so you didn't want to complain.
The things students were thinking about you were false prejudices. You sat in the front row because you didn't want to see other students in front of you. You wanted to have the least contact with them. The front row could secure you this. You weren't afraid of others but you just simply hadn't any motivation to talk to any person about things you considered as indifferent. This was also the reason why you had barely friends. The only friend you had was a girl you met on your first day in your first semester who introduced herself as Charlotte or Charly as she wants to be called like this.You actually didn't want to talk to her at first but she was so persistent that in the end you gave in. After your first talk with her you learned that she was also your roommate. You couldn't have been happier. You had guessed you would get the worst roommate.
She definitely wasn't the best roomate. She was the reason why you spent so little time in the apartment. She had a boyfriend and whenever he came over you were out of view after you learned it the hard way. The first time you thought it would be okay to sit in your room and learn for the upcoming exams but you were proven wrong. You didn't know they both would be this loud. So you had to take your earphones in. Even with the music in full volume, you couldn't veneer their voices. So you gave up and walked out of the door. Since then you avoided being in the apartment when he was present. But he was there most of the time so you just had the library as an escape.
As you sat in the front row and draw on the cover of your block, gasped could be heard. So you lifted your head to see what made people so shocked. A male student stood in the door frame and he looked like a rich kid who gets spoiled from his parents frequently. He had a ripped blue jeans and a grey polo shirt with a denim jacket over on. His shoes were from an expensive sport label. They were black with a dark blue hashtag on the sides. He had a watch on that was way more expensive than anything that belonged to you. His hair which was dark brown was styled back. He looked through the rows and halted when he saw you. He locked eyes with you and a small smile appeared on his handsome face before he started to walk to the back row.
Charly suddenly came from behind you and sat down next to you. You didn't question her why she was sitting behind you but you were definitely confused.
"Oh my gosh Y/N. He looked at you and he even smiled. You're soooo lucky." Your friend said with excitement and a huge smile on her face.
"What? Whom are you referring to?"
"Girl are you serious?" She deadpanned. "Jung Jaehyun just looked at you. Fucking Jung Jaehyun."
"Jung who? Who is this?"
Her smile dropped and she seemed to get a little annoyed.
"Jung Jaehyun. The hot guy that smiled at you like a minute ago." When she saw that you were still a little confused she added. "You know, the guy with the expensive clothes on."
"Ohh you mean the rich kid. Ahh yeah uhm what's with him? He can look at anybody he wants to. Maybe he saw something on my face or so."
She gave you a disapproving look but before she could speak again the professor came and the lecture began.
Not even five minutes into the lecture and you were getting bored. You just wanted to sleep. But this didn't seem like a good idea when you were in front of the prof. You didn't want him to think his lecture was uninteresting so you came to the conclusion to just continue your drawing.
When it finally ended you were the first out of the hall and went straight to the cafeteria. You were starving so much because you couldn't get to eat in the morning. You set an alarm on your phone and went to sleep but you forgot to charge your phone over the night. So the battery of your phone died and with that your alarm wasn't going to give any tone. You were woken up by Charly in the morning. She was already dressed and ate something. She thought you were already gone but heard you mumbling something so she came to wake you. You were truly thankful to her. If she wasn't there, you would have been in trouble.
You were the first to arrive in the cafeteria. The lady behind the counter already knew what you were going to buy. In the time you were walking to the counter, the old lady already had your order finished.
"Y/N nice to see you again. You weren't here for quiet a time." The old lady kinda made a pouting face and that brought both of you to laugh.
"I'm sorry. I was just kinda busy. But I promise I'll be here more often in the future. And thank you for finishing it up before I even arrived." You gave her a thumbs up and as you saw the people gathering in the cafeteria you quickly said your leave and made your way to the exit.
But before you left you saw Jaehyun shortly looking at you. You didn't gave it much of a thought but it stil didn't go unnoticed.
You sat on the rooftop and waited for Charly. For the first time she said she would bring her boyfriend with her. You didn't know what to say and you were kind of nervous.
You bit in your salami sandwich and enjoyed the view. You liked the rooftop a lot. You found yourself always interested in your surrounding. You wanted to take pictures of old houses or just a street full of people in the shopping area. The look down from the roof was facinating everytime you went there. The people going to their different lectures. You could already tell who was in his first semester and who wasn't. The people in their first semesters were kind of confused where they had to go. When you thought back to the time when you were in your first semester it was the same for you. Even after half a year you didn't knew what building you had to enter. A good thing was that Charly was there for you. And it was kind of strange that she always knew where they had to go. But you didn't complain.
Loud voices brought you back to reality. Even if Charly was coming with her boyfriend, they were too many voices...too many male voices. You turned around and saw your friend with 5 guys around her.
When she saw you looking at her she greeted you. The guys stopped talking and the attention was now on you. They were all really good looking and also had expensive things on. You recognized Jaehyun among them.
The first person that talked was a really tall guy. He had black hair and his arm was around Charly's waist. So he had to be her boyfriend or other ways it would have been odd. "Hey, I'm Johnny. I'm Charly's boyfriend. Nice to finally meet you. I've heard a lot about you." He said smiling.
Charly prickled him in the side. She rolled her eyes at him and then turned back to you. "He says it like it was something bad we talked about. But dont worry, we just talked about good things." She winked at you and you couldn't contain a laugh.
"It's fine. I don't even know what you could say about me. I mean, I'm not that interesting." You said with a shrug but still with a smile plastered on your face. If Jaehyun wouldn't stand next to Johnny, you would've missed the frown on his face. It didn't last long and that made unsure. Maybe you just imagined it?
The next to speak was a guy with red hair. He wasn't as tall as Johnny but taller than you. You didn't know why but he gave you the feeling as if he was the leader of the clique. Could you say leader? But like the person that arranged most of the meetings outside the college. "I'm Taeyong. Nice to meet you." He was really polite as he gave you his hand to shake. "I mean I don't know if you already know my name but I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you too." You said with a slighty timid attitude.
You didn't know why you were shy all of a sudden. But this was your first time to speak to so many people. It made you nervous as hell. You just didn't know why this feeling came only now.
A guy with dark hair spoke next. He kind of reminded you of a bunny. A really cute bunny to that. "I'm Doyoung." He came and gave you a hug. It took you off guard and you seemed to look as surprised as you felt because Doyoung apologized as soon as he saw your face. "I'm always like this. Sorry if I made you uncomfortable." "What? No you didn't made me feel uncomfortable. I was just surprised. That's all. No need to apologize for your kindness." You briskly responded. This time you saw Jaehyun lifting an eyebrow at you. You quickly looked away from him and at ten only person you dodmt know the name of yet.
He didn't look like the other guys but still handsome. Your gut feeling was right and he introduced himself as Yuta. He came from Japan.
"Oh really you're from Japan? That's cool. I've always wanted to go there but I didn't had enough time or money to do that." You exclaimed happily.
"Hey if you ever go there just message me on Instagram and I'll give you a tour around." You nodded and smiled at this.
This caused an unhappy look on Jaehyun's face and you weren't sure anymore if you even wanted to be introduced to him. In this short time you saw him. He looked more pissed than happy. Didn't he smile at you hours ago? Why would he be like this then?
Even after a moment of silence and all eyes on Jaehyun, he hadn't said anything. Just looked at you. Which pissed you more off. As everyone could see the tension between you two, Taeyong decided to speak up. "So uhm this is Jaehyun. Well normally he isn't like this and actually the most hyper of us but today he seems off." Jaehyun shot a glare at Taeyong but still remained silent.
After uncomfortable silence you all decided to talk about useless stuff. You actually got really good along with Yuta and Doyoung. Between your conversations with them you felt your eyes always looking at Jaehyun. Even if he didn't say a word to you till now, he did seem to wake your interests. But you just shrugged it off as he didn't show any signs.
You learned a whole lot about them. They are called RSB which means 'Rich Since Birth'. Out of their pronunciation you knew they didn't like that name. A lot of people think they got to this university just because of money and that their grades are bought. They were also known as the prettiest group of friends on campus. Despite the number of people that hated them, they were a lot more that liked them. Liked them way too much. They got a lot of love confessions. Heck how old were the people who confessed? They weren't in high school anymore. They should know better. You never really understood people who confessed their love to someone who they barely knew.
You exchanged numbers with almost everyone there. Jaehyun was the only person you didn't feel to get quite along with and this wasn't how you wished it would be. He didn't even say bye to you and just disappeared from your view.
You said your goodbye to everyone else and went to your lecture. It was the first time you weren't one of the first people to arrive but one of the last. Thus there wasn't a seat available in the front row. You had to go to the middle. At first you felt uncomfortable but it got better with time. You looked around and saw Jaehyun in the front row. You probably scoffed too loud and also glared too obviously at Jaehyun as everyone was now looking at you two. He seemed to notice the unwanted attention on him and turned around to see you glaring at him. He still had this annoying look and this made you seemingly insecure as you took your back and exit the room right before the prof came.
For the rest of the day you just sat on your bed and read a book. You didn't really care about what you read and you also didn't concentrate while you read but you needed something to bring you on other thoughts. Tomorrow would be more miserable than today because you knew most of the people were going to talk about you and Jaehyun and what ifs could be between you two.
When Carly arrived she also asked you holes in your stomach. You said that you never saw him in the front row before and just on the day you couldn't sit in the front he sits there. Like he was provoking you. She responded, you thought too much into it and it probably wasn't on purpose. Moreover it was just a seat so what was the problem? And she was right. What was your problem to even begin with?
After almost a week the rumors about you didn't stop. You thought that people would have been bored after not being fed with more stuff but you were wrong. It was Jaehyun everyone was talking about. So this couldn't last just one week. It had to be longer and it annoyed you a lot. Not to your surprise Jaehyun ignored you. When he didn't ignore you he sent you glares over the room. You knew it was your fault but what could you do? The damage was wrought. The rumors were from Y/N just wanted attention from him to Y/N is pregnant with Jaehyun's child. Sometimes you laughed about their silliness but you were also shocked to what extent people thought of you. How you just were after his money or other stuff. Did people even thought before they talked?
You still held your contact with the other boys. They weren't about what you did but they found it hilarious. When you sat on the rooftop to tell them what happened they all laughed their asses off telling you, you did great. You didn't even wanted to understand what they meant with you doing great.
After like another month the rumors kind of shut down. They weren't completely eradicated but less than weeks ago.
You were on your way to the rooftop when Jaehyun wrote in the group chat you all decided to open a few weeks ago. You didn't even need to look to say what he wrote. The only thing he always wrote was that he didn't come to the rooftop.
You already heard a lot of people talking on the rooftop. You squinted your eyes as soon as you walked out of the door. The sun beamed in your face so you had to take a hand to cover your eyes. To your surprise Jaehyun was sitting there and chatting with the others.
You took out your phone and read the message he wrote in the group chat.
Today I'm coming to the roof - boy who always glares👀 (11:56am)
You felt your phone being taken away from Doyoung. Even with trying, you couldn't hold a grasp on your phone. "Ohhhh guys, do you know how Y/N saved Jaehyun in her contact list?" Everyone shoke their head and Doyoung jumped around like a hyper pony. "Doyoung, I warn you. Shut the fuck up and give me my phone back." You glared at him and the angry voice was audible. But Doyoung just shoke his head. "She saved him as boy who always glares. She even has two eyes emojis behind this."
Everyone laughed expect you and Jaehyun. You looked panicked at him and he seemed happy. He had a huge smile on his face.
You went to Doyoung and ripped your phone out of his hands. You glared at him one last time before you walked to the others and sat down.
Everyone seemed to have calmed down. So Jaehyun took the opportunity to speak first. "You all know Sicheng right? He's holding a party on Friday and he ask me if I could bring some of my friends."
"Uhhh Sicheng is holding a party? I'm definitely in." Said Yuta with a grin. He looked happier than you've seen him before. Did he had a thing for Sicheng?
You leaned in to Carly and hold a hand in front of your mouth before you whispered to her. "Who is Sicheng?"
"He's also in the clique. You just don't see him often."
"Ah Jaehyun I assume your also in for it." After Jaehyun nodded Doyoung added "So why do we all not just meet up at the party. A little fun can't damage, right?" Jaehyun looked at you and for the first time in weeks you didn't saw him glare at you or anything. He actually had a small smile on his lips which had you smiling unconscious. You weren't sure of what to say to the offer but Charly already agreed for you.
It was Friday evening and you were getting ready for the party. Charly put make up on for you.
When you were in high school you actually wanted to do stuff like this. But you gave up after months of trying. Whenever you made yourself pretty in your eyes and went to your parents they said you looked like a clown or something.
"Ok, I'm finished. You look amazing Y/N." Carly praised herself. You stood in front of a mirror. You put on a short black dress. You didn't have a lot of dresses in your wardrobe and this was the best and expensive looking, so you decided fot this one.
On the way to Sicheng's home ,where the party was on going, you kinda felt nervous again. You weren't much of a party type. Your bed was much more comfortable than a drunk people who collided with you. But Charly pleaded you the whole week to come with her. It wouldn't be fun without you. So you gave in.
When Sicheng's house was in sight you already saw a lot of drunk people in his dooryard. It wasn't even past 9pm and here you were struggling to even come to his front door because a dude had to fall in front of you and nearly spelled all of his drink on you. Thanks to Carly this didn't happen. She pulled you back a little and the red cup landed in front of your shoes. Due to smell the cup had to have vodka in it.
Finally inside it wasn't better. More drunk people could be seen. The only difference was that they also danced awfully to the music. They hadn't any rhythm to the beat but what do you expect from intoxicated students.
Suddenly a guy came to your side. He was tall and looked like someone who would spent his time with the " RSB " kids since his clothing looked just as expensive as from Jaehyun. But you couldn't deny that he still looked pretty handsome. The only thing didn't matching was that he was here. He looked too cute to even come to this party. So what was he doing here?
"Hey I'm Sicheng. I assume you're Y/N." Your eyes almost fell out from your staring. He was the person who throw the party. He looked like an introverted person and not someone with so many connections. Your prejudice was again wrong.
You felt Carly pinching your waist. Sicheng looked amused by you and you finally realized you just stared at him and not even said a single word. It would be too awkward to say anything now and to your relief Sicheng spoke again. "Well since Carly already told me about you, you don't have to introduce yourself, I guess. Do you two want to come with me to the basement? The others are already there. We play billiards. I'm not that good so I came up to look if anything is damaged." He smiled at the both of you and Carly dragged you with her to the basement.
Sicheng disappeared briefly in the kitchen and came back with three red cups. You rather didn't plan on drinking anything because you knew you hadn't the best alcohol tolerance. Nonetheless you accepted the cup amd followed both downstairs. The landing was small and it wasn't really illuminated.
The room was large. The walls were black which let the room seem smaller than he actually was. Paintings were on two walls. One was yellow with white and black mixed in it and the other showed a boy with his back looking. He sat on a stone and around him was water. It seemed like the stone was his only lifeboat. Further away in the background you could see a forest. It definitely didn't look appealing. The forest was dark green mixed with black.
Although it was the basement it had a big window. You could see the garden through the window. The garden was also large. The trees were organized after their length. There was a path between the trees that led to a shed. Other than this there was also a big pool were a lot of people were crowded around.
Back in the room was a billiard table and Yuta played against Taeyong. Taeyong was in lead. There was also a couch were Doyoung, Johnny, Carly and Sicheng sat. You didn't notice the two left your side. A table was in front of the couch and chaird were placed around the table. Even though most of the people were here, Jaehyun was missing. This made you a little disappointed. You were looking kinda forward to see him.
Your best option was to go to the others on the couch. Once you settled down Johnny suggested to play truth or dare. You weren't really in the mood for it but what exactly could go wrong. Yuta and Taeyong also gathered around the table and Doyoung placed an empty bottle in the middle of the table. The chair to your left wasn't occupied. You took the opportunity and ask where Jaehyun was. "We actually don't know. He was here a while ago and suddenly he was gone. He probably is upstairs kissing with some chick." This earned Johnny a lot of glares from the other boys and Carly kicked him. Johnny just looked questionable at the others. Sicheng whispered something into Johnny's ear and he looked apologetic at you. Now it was your turn to look confused. Taeyong opened his mouth to say something when the door opened and revealed Jaehyun. He sat down on the only chair that was left and drunk his alcohol mix. Nobody asked him where he was and instead Taeyong spun the bottle.
It stopped at Yuta and he chose dare. Doyoung dared him to call Mark and confess to him his love for Sicheng. Taeyong who sat on your right told you who Mark was. He was also part of the clique but a semester under them. They knew him since middle school. The phone ringing stopped Taeyong from speaking more. After the fifth ring Mark accepted the call. The whole thing was really funny because Mark had to be sleeping already as his answers made no sense. He wished the new couple congratulations although Yuta only talked about his love for Sicheng and not returned love.
Yuta spun the bottle and this time it stopped at Jaehyun. He chose truth. "Do you have someone who you like?" Doyoung briskly asked. Jaehyun stiffened for a moment before his eyes met yours and he seemed to get more nervous. He eventually looked back at Doyoung. "Yeah I do have someone." A lot of oohhhs could be heard and Johnny asked who it was but Jaehyun didn't spell any tea.
You felt Jaehyun's glimpse on you again but you decided to ignore it. You began to get nervous. Jaehyun spun the bottle and oh how predictably. It stopped at you. If you chose truth, you would have become a question like Jaehyun. You decided for dare which was the worse decision.
As the rounds before Doyoung talked. "I dare you to kiss the person to your left." You couldn't believe this. Why did it had to be Jaehyun? You didn't dare to look at him. Instead you looked around and nobody was really shocked about the statement expect you and Jaehyun. You slowly turned your head to your left and locked eyes with him. He seemed as nervous as you. You hesitated but you moved forward to him. You halted in front of his face. Your noses were touching, never breaking eye contact. Your heart beat a lot faster than you wanted and you were sure he could hear it from his position. As you appeared to not move forward anymore, he took the chance and placed his lips in yours. You closed your eyes. He moved slowly and you took up with his pace. He leaned back and you opened your eyes to see shocked faces of the others. You looked back at him and saw him trying to conceal a smile which brought a small smile to creep up on your face.
"Wow. I never thought you would really do this." Doyoung said as shaken as he looked. You took the first sip of your drink and it soured your throat.
You all didn't speak about this and just moved on to continue your game. After some time you excused yourself to get you a new drink. You weren't drunk but definitely a little tipsy.
You made your way out of the door and proceeded your way up the stairs. As you almost arrived upstairs a hand touched your shoulder. You turned around and saw Jaehyun behold you. His eyes were dark and it made him even more handsome. His eyes flickered between your eyes and your lips as he came closer and briefly kissed you on the lips, just to examine your expression. When you didn't move away or anything, he kissed you again. This time deeper than in the game. His lips were soft as they moved against your own. He pushed you against the wall and your hands moved upwards his torso and around his neck. The feeling of his hands on your side sending chills through your body. One of his hands moved to your back and then squeezed lightly your butt. A moan escaped your lips before you could stop it. Jaehyun grunted at this.
"Do you know how long I've waited for this? I couldn't hold it in anymore. Why do you have to wear this short dress? It looks so fucking good on you." He said pressing you more against the wall. He kissed your jaw down to your neck and sucked till purple bruises began to form. He moved to your ear and nibbled at it. This let another moan escape as you moved your head back which gave him more access to your neck. Your leg moved around his and you felt a bulge touch the space between your legs. You felt yourself getting more wet.
"Hey what do you think about getting in one of the rooms upstairs?" He said in between kisses. You stopped and looked at him. "Isn't this Sicheng's house? Can we really do it?" You asked a little nervous because the bulge was driving you crazy and you actually couldn't really wait anymore. "It's no problem. We actually kind of a share the house."
So you two went upstairs in a room that also had his walls painted in a dark color. You couldn't really make your surrounding out since you were to busy undressing and then exploring Jaehyun's body.
He led you to the bed and laid you down, so he could hover over you. He undressed you whilst you slid your fingers along his abs. When he was done he kissed you from your lips down to your stomach. Every now and then he left hickeys on your skin. You whimpered everytime he touched your inner thighs with his fingers. He stroke your inner thighs slowly upwards till he was on your core. His mouth came in contact with your ear as he whispered. "You're so wet for me babe. I love how you react to every touch I make." His voice was deep as he pinched your left breast. You whimpered again and goosebumps were making its way down your arms. You arched your back when he suddenly inserted a finger. He nibbled on your right breast and massaged the other with his hand that wasn't occupied with your lower body. After little time he inserted the next finger. You couldn't handle all of this anymore and you felt a bunch forming in your stomach. "Jaehyun...I-" you couldn't finish your sentence. Jaehyun quickened his pace with his fingers and his tongue. It didn't need much and you road of your orgasm. He maintained eye contact while he went down and licked all your juice up.
When you came down from your high, Jaehyun opened a drawer next to the bed and fetched a condom. "You okay babe? You can take more?" He asked while he looked back at you. His dark eyes showed sincerity. Instead of just answering you kissed him passionately and one hand wandered down his stomach to his cock. You wrapped your hands around it and pumped a few times. He groaned and let his head roll back. His eyes closed as he whispered sweet nothings in the air. He stopped your hand movements and slipped the condom over his cock. He positioned himself in front of your entrance and slid without a warning inside. You cried out and felt a single tear roll down your cheek. He swiped it away and kissed your cheeks. He waited till you were ready to take more of him. He began with a slow pace and from time to time he quickened it. You kissed his jaw down to his neck. You started to suck at his neck and he moaned at the feeling of your lips on his skin. "Jaehyun baby...I think I'm-" "No wait just a little bit more okay?" You nodded along. His movements became loppier and you knew he was also close. He kissed you sloppily and you moaned against his lips when you road off your next climax. Jaehyun still pumped a few times into you before he also reached his high.
He collapsed on you and you two breathed heavily. You could feel his breath on your neck. He slipped off his condom and you laid your head on his chest. He swung his arm around your middle and you two fall asleep.
You woke up from the feeling of a body that pulled you closer. The person hid his face in the crock of your neck. You heard a knock on the door. "Jaehyun I know you're in there. Wake up. The others already made breakfast." Sicheng's voice appeared behind the door. "And don't try to hide the fact that Y/N is also in there. We know what you two did last night. So hurry up and come down." Doyoung added. You were red as a tomato thanks to Doyoung's remark.
When you two arrived at the table in the kitchen, 12 eyes looked at you. You just sheepishly smiled and sat down without saying any word that could lead to a conversation you weren't willing to have. Jaehyun sst down next to you and this made you even more nervous.
"So you two lovebirds. Aren't gonna say anything important to us that might as well should be shared by now?" Johnny interrogated with a goofish smile.
"Well..uhmm..Y/N and I are together, I guess?" Jaehyun stated or more like questioned. You knew he wasn't sure if you saw it the same way he saw it. You two could just had a one night stand and there wasn't feelings on your side. But you quickly vanished his thoughts when you took his hand in yours and said proudly but also embarrassed. "Yeah. Today is our first day as a couple."
The others laughed at your awkwardness and you released a breath you didn't even know you were holding. "Finally. Ohh I thought you two wouldn't check it. I mean how dumb are you two that- oww. That hurt." Johnny pouted at his girlfriend whereas Carly glared at him. "Wait do you mean finally?" you asked confused. "Did you really never saw Jaehyun staring at you. He did it like everytime you were near us. I thought his eyeballs would fall out." Taeyong laughed as Jaehyun's ears reddened and he looked down in embarrassment.
The first day you two went to school and hold hands on the way to your class, other students gasped and it was quickly gossiped all over the campus that Jung Jaehyun was dating Y/N Y/L/N. Even now you couldn't believe how fast information were spread around the campus. It all felt surreal. Jaehyun the hot topic ever since you knew about him and you the nerd who anyone never really cared about. Now you were the center from all. Some students said negative things like you were after his money or you just wanted popularity others said you two looked really cute or simply envied you. You weren't familiar with all this attention and it definitely wasn't something you ever wanted but you had to deal with it, so it had to work somehow.
Your first date was the cutest shit ever. He took you to a romance movie and hold hands the entire time the film played. Once the movie was over you two went to the Hangang Park. You sat on a bench and talked for hours. He was such a nice gentlemen the whole day you couldn’t belive it. Sadness was visible on both of your faces when you had to say goodbye. He gave you kiss and left.
After a month Jaehyun convinced you to come with him to a party one of his friends was hosting. If you remembered right his name was Ten. He was holding a party in the top floor of his parents' hotel. You didn't knew how you should dress yourself as you didn't have such expensive clothes that all of the people on the party would have. You couldn't tell Jaehyun about your problem because you knew he would buy you a dress and that was te least you wanted him to do. You didn't knew how to pay him back.
A knock on your apartment door made you jump off the couch and walking towards it. You opened the door a gap and looked at the guest. It was a old man in a black suit. He had a white shirt under the suit and a black bowtie on. He also had thick glasses on. You looked at him expecting. What was an old man doing in front of your door? And why did he look like a chauffeur? "Hello my is Bervald. I'm here to give you this present from Mr. Jung. He is waiting in the car outside. Please dress quickly." He bowed and left the gift on the doorway. You quickly took the box and opened it. It was a salmon ruched side jumper dress and next to the dress were matching ankle boots. You quickly changed and put some makeup on. Just so much that it wouldn't look too bad. You stumbled out of your door and saw Jaehyun waiving through the window. He was sitting in a limousine and you honestly were overwhelmed by the view of your boyfriend sitting in it. Bervald opened the door for you and you gladly thanked him before entering the car.
"Hey babe." He greeted with a brief kiss on the lips. "Hey. Did you buy this dress for me? I don't know when I'll be able to pay you back." You said with an uncomfortable look. "I knew you would say this. It's okay. I bought this because I love you and I refuse to get money from you for this." He took your hand and placed his soft lips on top it. Then he smiled at you and you saw those dimples you loved so much on him. You couldn't be angry or anything with him when he was like this. So you smiled at him and nodded along.
When you arrived at the hotel you felt kinda nervous. You only knew Jaehyun at the party as he said that the others couldn't come. He took your hand in his and led you to the elevator. The elevator drove all the up to the top floor and when the doors opened you already saw what felt lika a thousand people partying. Most of them were already drunk. Jaehyun guided you through the mass of people and you were going stairs upwards to a room.
A security guard stood in front of the door. He had broad shoulders and looked serious. Jaehyun said his name and the name looked through what you assumed was a name list. After he found the name he stepped aside and you and Jaehyun could go in. The room was quieter. It played a different music than in the entrance.
A man approached you who was shorter than Jaehyun. He looked like a instance of a rich kid. Neatly, and well the look on his face that proverbial said I'm rich. But nonethelessly he looked like a really nice guy. He hugged Jaehyun. "Jaehyun, Hey. Is this your girlfriend everybody's talking about?" He then looked at you with a wide grin. "Nice to meet you. I'm Ten. With whom do I have the honor?" He stretched his hand for you to take out. You took his hand and shoke it. "I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you too."
He led you to a table with 3 other guys and 1 woman. You three sat down and Ten introduced them all to you. A man that looked as short as Ten was Taeil and he somehow sent the same vibes as Yuta. Right beside Taeil sat Mark. He was the same guy Yuta called on the party month ago. And Jungwoo was beside Mark. Mark seemed like a little boy and Jungwoo was really cute. The only other woman in the round was named Si Jin. She looked pissed off for no reason. Her attitude was rude toward you but to the others she was the nicest person altogether.
Jaehyun bend his head to you and said he would leave for a short time as Ten wants to show him something he just purchased. He kissed you on the cheek and then disappeared in another room. You were left with Si Jin.
"So you love Jaehyun?" She eyed you up and down. You couldn't feel more uncomfortable under her sight. "Yes, I do." You said more to yourself than to her. You never said those words to Jaehyun but he said it permanently to you. You disappointed yourself. Why was it like this?
“You seem more like the type of girl that is just after his money. Stay away from him.“ She said with arrogance. “I’m not after his money. And you’re not someone I obey. So don’t interfere in the relationship with Jaehyun because I don’t think you’re winning anything out of it.“ You snapped at her. She just laughed and spilled the drink she had in her hand over her dress. The others were coming back and Si Jin looked angry and sad at the same time. Ten was the first to arrive. “Si Jin what happened to you?“ “Y/N spilled the drink over me and insulted me because she thinks I’ve a thing for Jaehyun.“
Your mouth opened but nothing came out. You were shocked that she played such dirty tricks. You glanced at Jaehyun and he looked angry at you. Was he really believing her? “Y/N see what you did. Her dress is entirely transparent. How could you humiliate her like this?“ Ten yelled at you. “I wasn’t even the one who did this to begin with. Why would I do something like this. I now my limits.“ You said while feeling yourself getting angry. Your eyebrows furrowed and the displeasure of his words were truly visible on your face. “So are you blaming her? Why would she do this to herself hmm? She’s a good friend of mine and she wouldn’t do anything like this.“ Jaehyun rose his voice at you. It was the first time that he was so angry at you. Even the looks of his ignorance were better than this situation. Everyone in the room was now looking at the scenario that took place in front of them. Your heart shattered at the sight of your boyfriend. How could he have so little trust in you? You wanted to fight back at him but what would happen? He didn’t believe you indifferent of what you said. Tears showered your face but he didn’t care. “I would never do such a thing to a person and I thought you know me. But I guess I was wrong. You never trusted me in the first place. So bye Jaehyun. Have a good life.“ You mockingly said the last words before exiting the room and the hotel.
You walked all the way home. You couldn’t care less about the people that looked wary at you. You couldn’t stop thinking about the look you saw on Si Jin’s face before you left. She smiled mischievously at you. How come he didn’t notice this?
Back in your apartment Carly already waited at you. She expected you to come home smiling like an idiot or calling you and tell her you weren’t coming home. But she definitely never expected to see you crying like baby. She ran to you and gave you a heartwarming hug. “Hey, hey everything’s fine. Calm down.“ She ran his hand over your back in an attempt to soothe you. It just achieved the opposite and you were crying more and more. You missed Jaehyun and her hand on your back let you feel more miserable than you already were.
After you calmed down you told Carly the whole story. She couldn’t believe what she just heard. “You mean this bitch tricked everyone on the party? And Jaehyun didn’t took your side but instead hers? Is he this much of a dumbass?“ She was upset at Jaehyun. She suggested to wach a movie and she also brought ice cream. The two of you chatted the rest of the night away. You couldn’t stop thinking about Jaehyun but you didn’t want Carly to feel pity because she couldn’t help you.
The next day you weren’t in the condition to go to any lecture. You were heartbroken that’s for sure but you also had one of the worst headaches in your life. Thanks to your headache you throw frequently up. Besides you had to convince Carly to go to the lecture because she thought it would be better if she helped you. But you actually didn’t want to see anybody, so she gave in.
You slept most of the day away and when you woke up in the evening your headache thankfully mitigated. Carly left you a note on the kitchen counter. She went out with Johnny but she made you a soup. You just had to warm it up in the microwave. You looked at your phone for any notifications but the only persons that messaged you were Carly and Taeyong. Jaehyun didn’t wrote you nor called you. You ate the soup and answered Carly and Taeyong. After that you crawled under your blanket again and doze off to dreamland.
A slight touch on your shoulder woke you again. A part of you hoped it would be Jaehyun but it were Johnny and Carly. You looked disappointed at them and they took care of you for the rest of the day. They wanted to drag you out but you denied. So you just sat in the living room and they called the others over. Expect Jaehyun everyone was there. You played cards and you weren’t so good at it. You lost like every round but it felt not as frustated as you felt about Jaehyun. Your sadness kinds turned into frustration.
The next week you went to school like how you used to before you knew Jaehyun. Of course they had to be rumors about you. A girl came to you and said. “He finally realized what a hoe you are.“ Then she left. What the hell was wrong with those people? It wasn’t their relationship, so why did everyone want to be a part of it? When you met Jaehyun in class you ignored him. It wasn’t that hard because he did the same with you. But sometimes you would feel him glance at you. You didn’t thought much into it and just continued to listen to the prof.
Even if you were mentally exhausted, you still had to go to work. Every hour you spent there felt like torture. The customers were more rude than before since they knew about the break up. You snapped at a student one day because he said you were too bad in bed to be togehter with. Also you explained yourself to your boss she was beyond pissed. You couldn’t allow you another mistake like this. You smiled at everyone despite their nasty remarks. Your nights were spent crying in your bed. You didn’t care if Carly heard you. You just didn’t wanted this life anymore. Everybody turned their backs to her expect from her few friends she had. Although she was thankful for the friends she gained, she couldn’t help but feel sad. They were still Jaehyun’s friend and you still missed him to death.
Taeyong took you to a new opened cafe one day. He said he felt miserable for yu so he wanted to make you at least a litlle happy. You didn’t commented on this as both of you knew nothing would change your feelings right now. The cafe was rather full but it was nice decorated. There stood fresh flowers on every table and the walls were in a bright orange. It looked new but fancy. The atmosphere felt like the total opposite of the cafe your were working at. but before you could deepen your thoughts Taeyong spoke. “I ordered an Iced Americano for you. I hope you still like it.“ “Ah...yes I still like it.“ You said hesitant. You never talked with him about your favorite drink so why did he knew it? You sat with him for quiet a while before the order was finally ready.
When Taeyong wasn’t coming back with the orders you looked the cafe up for him. He was nowhere to be found. “Y/N, it’s nice to meet you again. I really missed you.“ You heard a very familiar voice saying. There he stood with the two orders in his hand. The person you missed the most out of all. Jaehyun. He had a black jeans and a loosely light blue t-shirt on. For once in the time you saw him he didn’t look like a someone who is rich. he looked like a decent human being. You couldn’t see his face because he managed to also hold a big bouquet of flowers. He hesitantly put the drinks on the table and sat the opposite from you down. The flowers were neatly placed in the middle of the table. “You know..“ he bagan “I was really dumb. I mean I knew you would never do this but I wasn’t thinking in that moment. I don’t know why I said those things to you and ...I’m really sorry. I know this isn’t enough but I couldn’t think of anything else. I just wanted to be honest to you.“ He took your hands in his “Y/N I miss you like crazy. There isn’t a night I don’t think about you and feel like crap. I know this is chliché but what I did was wrong and again I’m truly sorry.“ You could see the sincerity in his eyes but you still weren’t convinced. “If you were so sorry why didn’t you come a week ago?“ Jaehyun couldn’t look you in the eyes as he said his next words. “I was embarrassed. I thought you would hate me to death and...and I didn’t know how to approach you. You never looked at me and you were always the first out of the lecture hall. I was being cowardly and I’m sorry for this.“ A smile creeped its way to your face and you started to laugh. He looked confused at you before you answered his question that was visibly on his face written. “You’re just too cute Jaehyun. I know you’re sorry and I already forgave you but it was too funny to see your ears getting redder.“ You said inbetween laughs. He smiled at your silliness and you died internally when you saw his dimples you missed so much.
“I love you Y/N.“ He spoke up after a short pause. “I love you too, you idiot.“
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harristops · 3 years
Yanno it’s really shitty for Ashlyn to always have so much hate in her mentions but also imagine how it is for ali to always see ash being torn down and overlooked… like ali sees first hand the blood, sweat and tears that ash puts in and alis been there for so many moments of disappointment and injury. Like ali has to see the person she loves fight through so much adversity and never get the credit she deserves. Ashlyn can’t even win save of the week or save a freaking PK without someone coming at her and saying she’s overrated or trash or some shit…. Im just tired of it and ali and ash deserve so much better. I wouldn’t blame them if they took a step back from SM because the ‘fans’ and trolls have just gotten out of hand, it’s so awful and it needs to stop
Honestly, I never even thought about how much it would affect AK. Like, Ash has learned to brush it off/block out the noise, etc., but I can't imagine how much anger and hurt AK feels watching her wife get torn apart over every little thing she does (and even things she doesn't do). Like to be the woman who stands beside Ash, day in and day out, watching as she throws everything she has into the game, from her body to her mind, and never get the recognition or appreciation from anyone, regardless of whether they're the federation or "fans". She's given the national teams (youth and senior combined) more than half her life, given everything to the Pride even when other players fail to show up or do the same, keeps her head down and doesn't complain or get mad (unless at herself), and she is grateful and humble in every opportunity she does get on the field.
I especially think back to 2016, when distance came into it and Ash was becoming lowkey concerning with how many depressing tweets and IG posts she would make, and I remember that one post AK retweeted which was like "you matter to me" or something after Ash posted that long post about her self-worth and mental health. She's always worn her heart on her sleeve and it's taken advantage of by so many people (again, the "give an inch, take a mile" phrase Ash mentioned really sticks with me here). She is so selfless and has a massive heart under her hard exterior, and people love to paint her to be this self-indulgent, vain, supervillain that is shit at soccer. Not to mention, Ash could barely celebrate her best season because those were the years AK was kicked off the roster and she put herself aside to help AK train, supported her coaching career, and picked her up (literally at times) to get her through every day. She wasn't the nicest person to Ash back then either, and I doubt Ash minded, because at the end of the day Ash cares so deeply about her family, about her relationships, that soccer takes a back seat for so much of it. She's said it so many times that this is her career, but it doesn't bleed into her family life. I feel gutted for her in every interview when she beats herself up with the "I've failed miserably" or the "I haven't been the best daughter/sister/friend" or even "I've disappointed a lot of people". She is so hard on herself and yet is still so kind to others. This is the same woman who's faced countless criticism, countless struggles from poverty to addiction to injuries to mental health challenges, and she still treats every day like a gift, not a burden.
I think the thing that gets me the most about this Ash slander is how no one has ever stood up for her. She's gotten all this hate, all of this criticism, but when AK was dropped from the team, she got support. When Hope said what she said, Carli spoke up for her. Whenever a teammate gets down in the dirt, Ash defends them. She spoke out against H*nkle and the homophobia. She defended AK when she was left off the roster (though more subtle and more professionally). Like she's always standing up for others, being the big guy for the little guy, and yet no one really extends the same thing back to her (except now AK, and again in a very professional way). Should Ash be #1? No, things happened and she got injured at the wrong time and it was all a mix of different things, but she made her peace with it. She doesn't tell the media that it's disrespectful she got snubbed - she instead supports the crap out of Alyssa/AD/Jane and wants them to succeed because she's a team player, not an individual player. She cares about them as humans and would do anything for them in that supporting role. You could genuinely not ask for a better teammate than Ash.
I don't know how AK does it, watching the woman she loves get bullied on social media and be cast aside from opportunities with no valid reason. Every achievement Ash has is overshadowed by rabid fans either "defending her" and making things worse by making her look out to be an untouchable God of some sort, or the anti-Ashlyn "fans" who are just out to replay that same clip of her conceded goal from that Romania game, or outright saying disgusting and nasty things to her (and tagging her?? Like why the fuck are you tagging them in it, what bullshit). Both ways it's terrible; the people defending her so violently only make her look worse and it only encourages people's hatred of her or disrespect of her actual ability.
It's so funny people weave all these storylines and narratives for her but Ash remains unbothered (at least publicly) and I think this irritates those morons into posting more frequently with the intent to grab her attention or get her to talk back (which she is far too professional and compassionate to do). It's a shitty situation all around, but it's truly depressing to watch her get taken apart when she's done absolutely nothing wrong to any of those people.
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kexing · 4 years
Venji has always been endgame: Benji’s attraction to Victor
the first thing I really need people to understand is that Benji is not watching the show, he’s not seeing things through Victor’s point of view, and for the most part of the season he has no idea Victor is struggling with his sexuality. from Benji’s point of view, Victor is straight and into Mia. that’s how I’m going to be analyzing his thoughts and actions (well, guessing mostly because he does lack screen time and insight moments. hopefully we’ll get more of him in season two!!)
btw I’m gonna break it down episode by episode because I’m insane (and I also feel strangely connected to Benji so don’t @ me)
Episode 1 - Welcome to Creekwood
as I’ve mentioned before, you can interpret Benji’s “nice shoes!” line as interest. but even if you’re not willing to do that, I still think it’s valid to consider that he might’ve felt some kind of immediate connection to Victor (if episodes 2 and 3 are any indication of that. and the Call Me Maybe lyrics).
Episode 2 - Stoplight Party
the “Benji attempts to teach Victor how to make a espresso” scene is very much about Victor’s attraction to Benji so I don’t wanna look too much into it. also Benji comes off as (at least for me!) a very attentive and loving person, so his dedication to teaching Victor felt very genuine. but still like...... he did get lost in Victor’s eyes for a moment before the milk spilled akdjksdjjs
then at the end of the episode Benji calls Victor late at night (he even apologizes for that) when he could’ve called Victor at any other time or could’ve just told him at school. and well, (I may be reaching here but headcanons are always good!!) I like to believe Benji couldn’t stop thinking about Victor, which is why he decided to call. for some unknown reason he already feels connected to Victor and wanted to hear his voice and—
let me stop here before I write a whole fanfic because that’s not the purpose of this post.
Episode 3 - Battle of the Bands
oh boy, I’m gonna try to unpack this episode, hopefully I’ll make some sense. I’m very sorry if I fail!
so, Victor and Benji have the Call Me Maybe (cutest) moment, in which Victor tells Benji that he’s going on a date with Mia the next day.
Now. I need you to remember that Victor explicitly told Benji that he and Mia wouldn’t go to the Battle of the Bands and that Benji had already performed when Victor got there and only performed again because his band won the battle (so I’m pretty sure Victor wasn’t supposed to hear the Call Me Maybe cover). therefore this wasn’t Benji confessing his feelings to Victor. if anything, I believe it was his way of dealing with the intense and ever-growing feelings that he has for Victor through his biggest passion (music), pretty much like making a reference to something that you know no one else will understand (since for everyone else it’s just a Carly Rae Jepsen bop).
but then Victor eventually shows up and hears Benji singing Call Me Maybe and for him it’s definitely not just a Carly Rae Jepsen bop anymore. it’s their song
after the performance, it looks like Benji is going to talk to him about it, maybe to try and make it seem like it’s no big deal (since he thinks Victor is into Mia, and he himself is in a long term relationship) but Derek appears and we’re all left heartbroken (Simon & his friends included).
what I’m trying to say is: they are two halves of the same idiot. while Victor is in denial of his sexuality and attraction to Benji, Benji is in denial of his growing feelings for Victor. we love this denial duo
Episode 4 - The Truth Hurts
not much to say about this one BUT. at the beginning of the episode you can see how Victor and Benji are working totally in sync, to the point where they barely need words like the freaking soulmates that they are. honestly, I’m done pretending they aren’t soulmates because this show just kept shoving that into our faces over and over and if you failed to see it then it’s not my problem (or maybe it is since I’m literally spending my time trying to explain exactly that. but I just care too much about these two and I want people to understand why).
then Derek calls and Benji picks up lovingly because he’s a loving person and a caring boyfriend and even though he might be struggling with his feelings for Victor, he’s not about to neglect his boyfriend (shame we can’t say the same thing about Derek) (no I will not stop throwing shade at him).
Episode 5 - Sweet Sixteen
I could try and say several things about this one but for real, BENJI DREW VICTOR AND GAVE HIM THE DRAWING AS A BIRTHDAY GIFT. like! this stupidly artistic boy!!!!!!!!! this stupidly caring boy!!!!!!!!! he could’ve bought Victor literally anything or not even bothered to think of a gift At All, but he took the time to DRAW VICTOR LIKE ONE OF HIS FRENCH BOYS!!!!! what am I supposed to do with this knowledge!!!!
now I’m imagining Benji observing Victor. the way the light hits his face, how his shoulders move, the shape of his hands....... all the while telling himself it’s just to draw Victor!!!!! but that’s still beautiful and frankly thirsty nonetheless.
p.s I was robbed of a scene like that.
Episode 6 - Creekwood Nights
not much to say about this one except the show blatantly telling us that Derek can be real shitty sometimes. also, I wanna talk about Venji’s dynamics throughout the show so bad but it deserves a post of its own so I’m gonna hold my tongue.
Episode 7 - What Happens In Willacoochee
(stays in Willacoochee or maybe it will haunt your gay ass all the way to New York).
oh boy, this is where shit starts going down for real.
so Victor kisses Benji. I’m not going to defend Victor because what he did was reckless and dumb and frankly disrespectful. but I need to say that it was going to happen sooner or later because when you repress something too hard and for too long, it’s bound to come back with full force and explode in your face. I really wish it was in a different circumstance, of course, but also life isn’t always made of perfect situations and shit happens. (and nope, that does not excuse Victor’s actions).
now think about Benji. he’s been struggling with his feelings for Victor, who as far as he knows is straight and in a relationship, and then suddenly Victor kisses him. my best guess (due to his reaction to Victor’s speech in episode 10) is that he thinks Victor isn’t being serious about it, that in no moment that kiss meant anything but curiosity and recklessness, when they both have people to lose (again, he doesn’t know that Victor struggles with his sexuality, much less that Victor has feelings for him).
so yeah, I believe Benji was upset, not only with Victor though, but with himself.
(I’ll come back to this in a second)
no Benji in episode 8 so.......
Episode 9 - Who The Hell Is B
Benji decides to leave the coffee shop. Victor tells him that the kiss wasn’t his fault and Benji says that being around Victor makes him feel guilty, now why is that?
firstly because he’s not a psychopath and the fact that he cheated on Derek makes him feel guilty. but I do believe that that’s not the only thing that makes him feel guilty. deep down he liked kissing Victor. he likes Victor, he’s been doing his best to keep that buried but Victor had to go and complicate things, so now the only way to avoid making a bigger mess is staying as far away as possible from each other. so he runs back to the safety of his relationship with Derek.
(listen, I know the show makes it seem like Benji is super angry and wants nothing to do with Victor but I don’t believe that’s the case. he’s upset and feeling guilty for liking someone else, denial does make you act very hostile sometimes).
Episode 10 - Spring Fling
Benji’s denial continues but (thankfully) it won’t last much longer.
he goes to the bathroom and tells Victor that he’s read his letter and that he does forgive him for kissing him but that that doesn’t change anything, that it’s best for them to stay away from each other.
that’s until he hears Victor’s speech to Derek (which was more to Benji than Derek so). that’s the moment he realizes that Victor actually likes him, that the kiss as cursed as it was had meant something, that they both feel exactly the same thing. that’s what gives him courage to finally accept that he can’t be with Derek anymore because his heart belongs to someone else. (has belonged to Victor from the moment they met) akdjskdjsj someone please tell me to shut up
which leads us to the bench kiss(es) scene. now, these boys are a whole mess because Victor was still technically dating Mia (he did try to come out to her before, couldn’t do it so he decided to come out after the Spring Fling) (good intention, poor execution).
But I also believe this was just lazy writing and they wanted to have a scene where Mia catches Victor and Benji together. it could’ve been done better, they could’ve been just touching foreheads or something but they wanted the full drama so the kiss(es) happened. I’m taking 50 points away from the writers for this. (also does not excuse Victor or Benji since they literally met halfway. these idiots are so in love wtf!)
(I still love them though, and hope they do better in the future, for themselves and for each other).
anyway, I think that’s it! if you read up until this point: thank you so much!!!! I tried my best to understand and explain Benji since the show said fuck Benji stans. hope this helps!
— love, MJ
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hardtchill · 4 years
tf was carlos doing reading a random week old roster projection LMAO also the article is not critical of her at all? it literally says she is showing “precious few signs of aging” but isn’t needed in this lineup with AM doing well and CP being able to slot into the 9...like also most roster projections I have seen have had lloyd not making it or just making it on being legend lloyd.
also lowkey disrespectful to lynn to basically publicly come out and be like “i should be there over her...” but honestly that’s the least surprising thing. uplifting her (especially black) teammates has never really been her thing soooo
this is just so weird and gross and cocky and pure carli tbh. like if i were vlatko i would be cringing so hard rn. also it’s literally the perspective of one journalist doing his job...if she doesn’t think the lynn v carli discourse is something that has been going on for months and will be going on until the roster drops then she is just being naive and ignorant
Carli has always been a very fragile person who can not handle criticism. I feel like it has increased since she isn’t the best anymore and people stopped pretending she is (took a long time for that to happen and some people still do).
I’m not surprised in the slightest that she goes around looking for these articles because she is probably looking for praise. When she doesn’t get it ‘enough’ in her opinion she gets annoyed and lashes out. Maybe we should have her experience the amount of trash articles Christen gets written about her. She will probably explode because she can’t handle people not worshiping her.
In the end the guy was respectful, this wasn’t even trashing her, he just gave an opinion that was backed up with solid reasoning. You would think that someone as ancient as Carli would have learned how to at least pretend to play nice, but no. It’s unprofessional and childish to lash out like this and yes it shows that she has very little respect for especially Lynn.
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gurlie plsssss you know for sure johann was the kind of guy who'd say he doesnt want affection, but would die as soon as sumone would pet his head
Carli rested her heel against her cheek, staring at the book on the table while flanked with three just like it. Johann kept his eye on his book and one eye on her.
It had been a frustrating day for both of them.
Carli had studied hard for the end of semester test on dragon genetics. She was new at this and struggling to catch up after a six month absence. Johann committed to helping her, even cajoling a reluctant Susie into tutoring her.
He watched her progress from knowing nothing, to asking questions, to applying what she learned to other topics. But the test was trickier and more specific than she could handle. At 120 questions, it quizzed her not only on the details of current knowledge but also past knowledge.
Overwhelmed, Carli had failed. But worst of all, she had failed by one point.
Carli had struggled on assignments before, but he'd never seen her actually argue with a professor. The man sat back, watching her with cold disrespect and then asked if she was done.
Johann could only imagine her inner pain but she didn't talk to him when she left the room in a silent fury. He assumed she would want a day off. She seemed close to tears..
She just demanded more tutoring time, which Susie was unwilling to give. So it was up to him to make it up.
His phone lit up. It was a message from Lancelot who had just gotten out of a Lionheart meeting without him. He pocketed the phone after a brief message to thank him. Carli had been staring at the same page with no enthusiasm while the nearby grandfather clock ticked away the minutes.
They weren't going to get anywhere at this rate.
Johann closed his book. "You're doing fantastic, Carli. You were so close to passing. Full time students fail that class."
"Then maybe he shouldn't make it so difficult."
Johann made no excuses for the professor, instead he changed tack. "Let's go out for coffee. I'll get you whatever you want."
When he said whatever she wanted, he meant it. He'd never seen her so sad. He wanted her to go back to being her cheerful self.
"No thanks. I should... study."
"Are you punishing yourself for failing?" Johann asked.
Her shoulders lowered and her gaze turned distant and sad.
It wasn't just that she was a perfectionist. She had motivation born out of grief.
Her foster father had raised her, brought her up human, but still got her to the point where she caught Anjou's eye. She wanted to make her father proud of her, but when she came back after going missing, he was gone, dead in a house fire.
This wasn't just a college for her to pass and graduate. This was her new home and her success here would honor his memory.
He reached over and closed the book. She didn't try to stop him. "Let's go for a walk."
There were trails all around the marshy Chicago landscape. The trees helped hide the campus, but the woods were was dotted with low spots that filled to become ponds. So these woods were always loud with frogs and cicadas in early summer. It was a good place to have a private chat.
"Robbie would be proud of you." He said, pausing on the walking trail.
She tilted her head at his words then turned to look at him. "Robbie?"
"You wanted to pass for his sake... right?"
She didn't say anything to him, but he could see the questions behind her eyes. Was he on the wrong track?
"What you did back there was extraordinary. Don't get too upset." He continued.
"Thanks..." She said, but her voice reluctantly drew out the word. "Was your dad hard on you for your grades?"
Johann's mind flashed back to the night of the rain, when he was left at school alone. He'd never thought his father cared at all about him. But the moment he'd called for a ride, Tianjiao Chu had responded immediately. Had he cared about his grades? Probably. He'd cared about a lot of things. But he couldn't express it until that night, because he was determined to keep his dangerous world away from his son.
Johann had spotted that care only in his last memory of him. He kicked himself for every angry word he said to his father every night ever since.
He shook his head, pushing away the rising regret. "He wasn't really around much."
She mouthed the word 'wasn't' and lowered her eyes from his face.
Despite his acknowledgement of her intelligence before, he admired how she'd turned his efforts to comfort her into an opportunity pick his brain.
"He'd be proud of you, Johann." She said.
Johann's breath escaped him, and his mouth opened in a reflexive protest. Her eyes rose to him, again and he saw her watching his reaction with an unexpected intensity. Did her EX involve mind reading?
He didn't want to deny her words. Just saying 'no he wouldn't be proud' was too painful. But he couldn't lie accept such a compliment either. "You're good."
"It comes with growing up in a foster home. You see a lot."
"Got it."
"It's unseasonably hot out. Is it going to be like this all week?"
Johann pulled out his phone to check the weather. "Seems like it." His heart was racing faster. She had him pinned. She could have insisted on continuing her questioning, to twist the knife further. Even as he was relieved that she'd dropped the subject, he realized that even this was deliberate. It was a chance for him to compose himself while scrolling through the forecast.
His jaw clenched and he despaired how she'd undone him in a single sentence. A warmth spread in his mind in the wake of the pain, a warmth he'd seen in his father's eyes when he looked at him. It felt good, but it was completely undeserved.
He didn't deserve that look from his Dad. He ran away. He didn't deserve to even live.
He tucked his phone in his pocket. "Would you like some ice cream?"
"Ice cream sounds great!" She smiled brightly at him, but he couldn't even meet her eyes.
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pollylynn · 4 years
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Title: Crimes and Misdemeanors WC: 900
“So all this mess, this ridiculous display, and you have nothing to show for it?”  — Victoria Gates, That 70s Show (6 x 20)
The seventies were kinder to women than to men, she thinks as she stands at the edge of the dance floor and scans the scene—kinder in terms of fashion at least. Lanie and Tory, Gates and Alexis, even Martha in an outfit that either looks like she’s just escaped a cult or she’s singing backup for Bobbie Gentry on the Smothers Brothers, has a certain something. And Kate herself . . . well, the way the dress skims her body, the way her hair hangs loose and wild, she doesn’t need the wolfish looks Castle keeps shooting her to tell her how she looks.
But the men, in general, don’t fare well in this era. Harold looks fine. He looks good, in fact, probably because he has belonged here for so long. But the rest of the boys look ridiculous. Esposito’s pseudo-Afro keeps threatening to consume his ridiculous mustache whole—or maybe it’s the other way around. Ryan’s stringy blonde hair and equally dire cop-stache make him look simultaneously twelve and eighty years old. 
And then there’s Castle, who—even without benefit of the mustache it seems every male-bodied individual sprouted as the sun set on the sixties—manages to look the most over-the-top, the most ridiculous. White polyester, really? And a three-piece suit no less, with pitch black shirt underneath, its collar wide enough that it has to pay rent in every borough. Down to his black, Cuban-heeled shoes, he has gone full John Travolta, and he looks utterly ridiculous. 
She kind of wants to make out with him. 
It’s the whisky talking, not the white polyester or the side-part and swoop of hair falling across his forehead. It’s Harold and the two-handed kiss he presses to the sky in memory of Vince, in mourning for Vince. It’s the heartbreaking romance of it all, definitely not the way his hips twitch in the high-waisted, close fitting trousers. It has nothing to do with that. It’s definitely the whisky, and she is not listening to whisky, because everyone they know is there and she’s not fifteen years old and he looks absolutely ridiculous, because seventies fashion was a hate crime perpetrated on the male of the species. 
She’s not listening to whisky because on top of the fact that he looks ridiculous and not at all attractive, because no man could look attractive in that get up—but on top of that, it would actually be disrespectful to Harold and the memory of Vince to yank him by that enormous collar off into some corner of the club that is not lit up from below and try to set a new personal best for getting to second base. 
Harold and Vince never had the luxury of dancing close in public like she and he are right now. Harold and Vince had to sneak off, if they even gave into their feelings that far. Given their world, with its swagger and machismo, they might well still have to sneak off, even here and now. 
So it would be disrespectful, and furthermore, he looks really dumb, and she is not fifteen years old, and listening to whisky is as close to universally bad as an idea gets. Except she kind of wants to listen to whisky. And it doesn’t—it really doesn’t—have anything to do with the sudden onset of a fetish for utterly artificial fabrics. It has to do with the wedding. 
She wants it to happen. She wants the wedding to be here already, because she’s excited about the main event itself. Despite the guest list woes, the venue woes, and their frequent run-ins with Martha’s deeply theatrical aesthetic, she is looking forward to the ceremony and celebration they have planned. 
She’s excited about the silliest things like their wedding bands, the vows she’s agonizing over, but getting written day by day. She’s genuinely enjoying hunting for a gift for him, a gift for Lanie in thanks for her being Kate’s maid-of-honor. She wants to be married to him already. She wants to have a husband and she wants to be a wife, and it’s as staid and corny as hell. It’s all so conventional that she knows her mother would have teased her mercilessly. She knows Rebel Bex would roll her eyes and mime puking, but she is excited for all those things. 
But she also kind of wants to sneak off and make out with him. She wants to transgress and feel that breathless concern about getting caught that isn’t really concern, it’s a high. She wants Rebel Bex to stop rolling her eyes and come out to play, because she’s over the Carly thing—she is absolutely certain that they are not going to fall into some boring routine—but she does feel like the clock is running out on this kind of naughty, and okay, fine, she is into the stupid white polyester and the hair and the shoes. She misses his gold chain from earlier. It’s working for her. It’s all working for her and she is officially listening to whisky. 
She sidles up behind him. She hooks a finger through one high-waisted belt loop and lets her breath wash over his ear. She rises up on tiptoe for the effect of it all, and whispers, “Hey, Castle. You wanna make out?” 
A/N: Beckett’s self-control in the face of Castle’s dumb outfits is very definitely not a thing. 
images via homeofthenutty
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mehidktbh · 3 years
Lester with a big boobied S/O? Stinky roadkill man deserves some big booby lovings too 😈
A/N: I'm sorry I didn't mean to leave Lester behind. I've been waiting forever for someone to request Lester tbh 😫
Warning 18+: NSFW/Smut, sexual activities and themes included and needy Lester
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- The first time Lester meets you he truly didn't mean to be disrespectful though he can’t help but look. 👀
- He’s the definition of this meme;
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- Through we all know Lester and he can’t help but get a slight peek every now and then. He probably stars at them way more than he should, to the point where you even have to get him to stop.
- Lester is definitely like Bo in a way. He wants you to pick something up or bend over to help him. He would really like for you to go get him that thing on the higher shelf, only to quickly observe you from the corner.
- He’ll always deny looking at you sometimes only out of pure embarrassment and only because you caught him. Through some times he’ll come out and say it how he was definitely looking at you, always adding in an extra compliment.
- Lester isn’t the type of guy to tell you what you can and cannot do, very much what you can and cannot wear. He knows that he likes to have some boundaries and a say in what he does, so he respects you the same way. If you want to wear thick, long clothes then so be it. If you like feeling a little cute and wearing nice revealing clothes, then that’s your choice! Even though he’ll never admit how jealous he can get sometimes, he’s happy if you're happy.
- That being said Lester knows how men think because well we all know he couldn’t stop looking at Carly I’m the movie. He knows that some men have the tendency to look at others when there not supposed to. So of course Lester sometimes doesn’t agree with what you wearing, if it’s something like a… small shirt for example Lester will definitely convince you to wear something else or maybe his jacket. If you don’t want to, that’s fine. Just expect Lester to be a little bit clingy and touchy with you, you know trying to remind everyone that you are his.
- Lester would also love cuddling and to be snuggled by you, I mean come on! It’s obvious why, he’s obviously going to use your chest as a pillow. He’ll open his arms wide for you to fall into as he lays his head on your chest. He would definitely start thinking about you at the end of the day when he's driving home back to you, he can't wait to walk through that door and be greeted with you.
- We all know this guy is a boob guy. Of course, he loves every part of you, your legs, hair, face. Anything about you is just so heavenly to him, though he doesn't mind some boobs every now and then.
- He wouldn't mind giving you a massage or help relieve some of that back pain you've been feeling. He knows how much it must hurt to do so much heavy lifting with your chest BAHAHA And how much your back must sting because he swears every time he sees you you always slumped over. He lectures you a lot about keeping up with a good back posture.
- Lester may not be the best at giving massages but he'll try his best, you are his lady and you deserve only the best. He'll lather his hands up with lotion, essential oil, or really anything he or you know will help. He'll sit there as he slowly moves his hands all down your back and takes in your soft moans and whimpers. After your done and you praise him for how much of a good job he did, he'll want something to. If you know what I mean...
- Same goes for sunscreen, he's more than happy to help you get those hard to reach places. He is more than happy to do your boobs too! :D
- Lester is a man of worshipping your beautiful body, your stomach, thighs, legs, anything. He loves giving all his attention to your boobs whenever you guys are having sex. He'll tug and pull on your nipples, licking them and kissing the bruises he had left behind, which in conclusion he does leave a lot behind. He loves you to shreds and I bet by the end of the night you're not going to bed without your nipples all coved in bruises.
- Lester would love missionary positions, who wouldn't when he has you. Such a beautiful woman sitting/standing showing off all of her amazing features, her boobs. He loves to see your chest bounce and wiggle, either that be by him being in a sub position or dom, he's loving it either way.
♡ ♡ ♡
"Hmm, just like that, Lester" You moan out, Lester's hand continuing to rub down and up your back. His hands are coved in lotion and essential oils, Lester rubs and kneads your body using his hands. He applies gentle to your muscles and joints quickly easing the pain and tension.
Lester chuckles and stops "How do ya' feel now hun?" You smile and lift your head up, locking eyes with Lester who is hoping for positive praise. "Wow, it was amazing, Les!" You roll over on your back, the soft blankets feel so nice against your smooth back. Like that feeling of you going to bed with freshly shaved legs, the blankets feeling so nice against them.
Lester smiles, his tooth-rotting smile takes your breath away and you giggle before opening your arms for Lester to fall right onto your chest. He quickly takes the opportunity to slowly fall onto you, head first. He grins, his arms immediately go to your chest and slowly start poking at your boobs. "Wan't me ta' message them too?" He pervertedly chuckles, looking up at you.
"No it's okay, you've done more than enough hun" He sighs in disappointment, and looks down back to the bed. You quickly catch his change of mood and instead come up with an idea to help ease the nice moment. "How about I do something for you, Les?" He quickly looks up again "Really?" He said, so many ideas flashing in his head. "Yeah, anything" You hum out "Hmm...OH!" He bursts out before flashing you a mischievous grin, he sits up quickly.
You laugh and quickly hide your face into the covers, Lester smirks looking down at your flustered form. "Please?" He begs, changing his voice to an almost begging kind. You look up to see Lester sitting down on your legs, his arms still latched onto your boobs, but his attention is on you and is patiently waiting for that one word to come out of your mouth.
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