#also sorry for all the LY/MOTS mentions but i am truly going through it with them these days they are The Eras to me
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mdverse · 1 year ago
teehee you told me to drop by so i'm asking the most important question of them all.... of the main new directions who do they bias in bts and how much do they like bts 🤭
hi u are so real for this sorry this has taken me a while to get to!! been trying to organise my thoughts but i'm still not fully set on things. i guess ill do this from like. most to least likely to enjoy bts? (also i will say i have thoughts on the vb au squad specifically! i don't remember them in detail and they're probably similar to what i've written here but i def remember talking about it with mist)
tina: 100% most likely to be an army also def a once and a sone but that's not relelvant here! girlie has taste and i love that for her <3 she has jimin stan energy to me, i think she'd see the similarities between him and mike and she'd have a major soft spot for that
sugar: not technically one of the main new directions but i wanted to include her anyway bc i bet she loves bts. she has that vibe. she'd have all the merch and could very easily spend hundreds of dollars on concert tickets for herself and tina and anyone else who wanted to come. idk how she'd feel about the older eras but she'd def be a fan of the more poppy songs (maybe hyyh-onwards? def enjoys the LY/MOTS eras). probably a big vocal line fan, specifically jin and possibly jungkook as a bias wrecker
brittany: i think she'd enjoy bts a lot tbh! idk if she'd dive deep into fan theories or keep up with stuff like run bts but she'd def vibe with their music and i would kill to see her do the dance challenges or even full dance covers. i'd say she's hobi-biased but also just a big fan of 3J/sunshine line
blaine: i think he'd enjoy their more recent eras! mainly LY/MOTS-onwards i think? he has boy with luv/dynamite vibes. major jungkook stan in my head but i think he would really enjoy joon's lyrics/writing style
mike: def introduced to bts through tina dkfjgh but i think he'd get sucked in by the dance practices and the live performances even if the music itself isn't necessarily stuff he'd listen to! probably a 3J stan, if i had to pick one i'd very hesitantly say jimin
santana: idk if she'd listen to them regularly but. i do think she'd vibe a lot with agust d's albums? and i also think she'd find mono and indigo really soothing. epiphany would alter her brain chemistry and no one can tell me otherwise! i know for a fact that she would cry at that song. namgi fan
quinn: casual bts listener i think? def a joon stan tho i don't make the rules here!! i do also think she'd enjoy jin's voice a lot
artie: i feel like bts would be a guilty pleasure for him? idk if he'd be super invested but he would enjoy some of their music and he would def have an appreciation for the mvs! musically i'd say he enjoys tae the most but he def thinks jimin is ridiculously pretty
sam: hmmm sam is one i feel much less familiar with. mist said u guys have talked about blamtina being armys together and i can kinda see that? he does also kinda seem like he'd consider them a guilty pleasure to me tho. jin or jungkook stan energy
mercedes: secondhand fan through tina! idk if she'd listen to them on her own but if tina is around she doesn't mind listening to them. there's bound to be at least one song that hits hard for her but idk what it is rn. i think she'd appreciate tae's voice the most?
kurt: also introduced to them through tina! idk if i see him being much of a kpop fan but i do think he'd appreciate the aesthetics and the artistry of it all. i think he'd like jungkook bc he gets blaine vibes from kookie? alternatively there's sth about him that makes me think jimin stan
puck: bts doesn't really have much rock music so i guess puck wouldn't be super interested in most of it but i feel like there are probably a few songs he might enjoy just vibe-wise? maybe stuff like stigma, house of cards? i also inexplicably get a hip hop fan vibe from him despite that not being a thing in canon so i could potentially see him vibing with their earlier eras and stuff like the cyphers and being biased towards the rap line? but i'm not very set on that
finn: doesn't strike me as much of a kpop fan tbh but i think there are a couple of songs here and there he might like (fake love rocking mix!). idk if he'd actually ever remember any of their names tho kdfjgh he'd probably pick a different bias every time he's asked bc he never pays enough attention to recognise any of them
rachel: does not have kpop fan vibes to me at all but i find it hard to read her so i could be wrong there? idk i don't think she'd really listen to their music since she is so showtunes to me. that being said i think if she had to pick a fav it would be jungkook if only bc of the gold star/golden maknae association
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readbeneaththelines · 5 years ago
I Accidently Overheard Pt. 6
This is the continuation of a text started by the beautiful @seoulsunshineandstories, my Little Dragon. She will be doing the next part.
Characters: Namjoon x Reader, Yoongi x Reader
Warnings: Angst, some fluff, character does not take care of herself, reader being in hospital. 
Please, remember, take care of yourself. Eat properly, and drink plenty of water. If you ever need to talk, my ask box and my DM is always open. No one is ever worth risking your health over.
Word Count: 1793
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Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6
When you came to again, you were surrounded by bright lights and whites walls. Yoongi was by your side, your hand held tightly in his.
"Where? Where am I?" You look to Yoongi for the answers.
"I found you on your floor. I have talked to you in a few days, and I wanted to see you. I used my spare key. I found you between your bedroom and the bathroom. I don't know how long you had been out. When I couldn't wake you, I called the ambulance."  He had a look of fear in his eyes as he looked over at you. 
“Thank you for finding me.” you whispered, ashamed.
“What happened, Y/N?” he gave your hand a squeeze, telling you it was okay to tell him. The thing was that you didn’t want to tell him how awful you acted with Namjoon the other night. How long had it been anyway?
“What day is?” you asked in a low voice, scared that you didn’t even remember what day it was.
“It’s Tuesday. You missed work yesterday and today. When you did call work and I hadn’t heard from you, that when I came over. What do you remember last?” 
Four days. Four days of not eating or really drinking anything. Four days without a word from either of them. How had you screwed up so royally in four days. “The last thing I remember was after hanging out with Namjoon on Friday night. I got a bit too drunk and maybe I tried to make a move on him.” Hearing yourself confess those words made your stomach churn and your head swim. 
“Ahh, I see now. THat is why he has been indifferent the past few days. Everytime I mention you, he shuts down and shuts up.” Yoongi hated seeing you in this position. He felt some guilt for putting you here. IF he hadn’t of broken your heart, then maybe you wouldn’t have gotten drunk and made a move on Namjoon. 
“Is he still mad at me? I think I really upset him that night. He sent me home in a taxi. I feel awful Yoongs! I have messed up so much the past few weeks.” You could help the tears that fell down your face when the reality of it all hit you. Now, here you were in the hospital, because you were stupid on all accounts. 
“I really don’t know, Y/N. I haven’t really talked to him much these past few days. All he does is practice, record, and go back to the dorms. He doesn’t really talk to any of us. 
Just as you were about to say something, the door to your hospital room flung open. THere in the threshold was Namjoon, panting and face red. He made his way in, looking between you and Yoongi. 
“Y/N. Are you okay? I just heard from Hoseok that Yoongi found you unconscious. What happened?” he was looking you over for and other problems, Yoongi sliding back in the chair as Namjoon walked around the bed.
“Friday night happened, in case you don’t remember, Namjoon.” You weren’t really planning on sounding so cold, but you were still confused, angry and hurt. He looked back at you, shock and recognition flashing across his face in rapid succession. You looked back to Yoongi, who just sat there looking between you and Namjoon. Yoongie, could you do me a favor? Could yu go to my place and pack a few things for me?” You wrote down what you wanted and handed him the list.
“Do you want anything to eat or drink? Maybe your favorite slushie from the corner store?” Namjoon’s head snapped to Yooongi. How dare Yoongi know what your favorite slushie was. That was his thing to know.
“Yes, that sounds great.” Yoongi left and you turned to face Namjoon. You gathered your willpower, or what you had left of it, and began speaking.
“About Friday night, Namjoon. I am sorry. SOrry that I made you uncomfortable and I really an sorry that I put you in a awkward place. When I get out of here, I am going to gather my few things from the dorms. I think it would be best of I completely separate myself from you and Yoongi. It would be best for everyone I think.” You looked at your fingers that were playing with the blanket.
“Separate? From both of us? Yoongi seems to care about you, I mean, he did find you after all. And to that point, Y/N. What did you let happen? Why didn’t you take care of yourself?”
Youreally want to know the truth Namjoon? I hated myself for what I did. I blamed myself for letting happen what happened. I have been so torn up over it. It really isn’t your concern anyway. You didn’t call or text, or even try to check up on me. So, honestly Namjoon, why are you even here?” You forced yourself to look at him, truly look at him, and not avoid eye contact.
“I’m here because I heard that you were hurt. Look I’m sorry I didn’t call. I figured you would call when you were ready. I did debate texting, but after how I treated you that night, I guess I figured you were mad at me too.” Namjoon sat in the chair by your bed, wanting to reach out for your hand, but thinking better of it.
“Well you made it very clear where we stand. So when Yoongi gets back, you can leave. Don’t feel obligated to stay here.” You laid back on your pillow, burying your head from the light, and his piercing eyes. Namjoon sat in silence, wondering if he should explain himself about that night.
He wanted to tell you that he didn’t want to be your second choice, because he wanted to be your first choice. He waned you to want to be with him because your heart wanted it, not just the physical part. But seeing how you were now,  still hurt and now laid up in the hospital with an IV of fluids going, he wasn’t sure what to think. And now, Yoongi was acting like the boyfriend of the year, rescuing you when he wouldn’t. 
He debated over the years telling you how he truly felt about you. That he was in love with you, but he didn’t want to risk losing his best friend, his girl. He was jealous of the closeness you and Yoongi had formed, but remained silent through it all.  What he didn’t know also, was that Yoongi was was across town questioning his own true feelings for you.
When Yoongi had found you lying motionless and lifeless on the floor, he nearly lost it. When you wouldn’t wake up initially, he was so scared that he was going to lose you forever. Even in the few short months that you two had spent together, he had become close to you. When you first opened your eyes, he was so happy just to see their brightness, even if it was a bit faded. He couldn’t imagine his life without you in it, somehow, some way. Maybe he did care for you after all, but he was sure how to process it. 
Yoongi knew something bad had happened on Friday night between you and Namjoon for two reasons. One, you never, ever, called Namjoon by his full name. Never in all the time Yoongi had know you. Two, you never talked to Namjoon with the tone you had or looked at him the way you did when he walked in. It went beyond the little bit of information you had shared with him earlier. He grabbed your food, and your favorite slushie, and arrived back at your room, only to hear you and Namjoon arguing through the door.
“Y/N, please. I don’t feel obligated to stay, I want to stay. You’re my best friend. No matter what has happened between us, I don’t want that to change. Please, just look at me. Y/N.” Yoongi could hear Namjoon exasperated sigh, and chose that moment to enter your room.
“Hey. I have your drink and a little something to eat.” Yoongi entered, a fake smile plastered on his face and his attempt at sounding cheery almost pleased himself. “Let’s get something in you Y/N. We want to get you home and feeling better, right?” He turned to Namjoon, who just shrugged his shoulders. Yoongi set the goodies down, and grabbed your shoulders. Gently he turned you over, only to feel crestfallen at your damp eyes and puffy cheeks. 
Aish. Y/N, don’t cry. Why are you crying?” He put the bed railing down and sat on the side of your bed. Tugging you gently, he sat you up and wrapped his arm around your shoulder. He nestled you into his hug, and wiped away your tears. “Whatever it is, we will fix it, okay. Just get to feeling better for me. I need my smiling, always happy ball of energy back to her regular self.” He reached over and grabbed your slushie, handing it to you. You gave a weak smile, then put the straw to your lips. It was delicious and the flavor brought a faint smile to your lips. 
It upset Namjoon beyond what he could ever imagine. To see Yoongi acting like this after he broke your heart, and you were letting him. He never felt this, whatever it was, boiling up inside his chest. He wanted to laugh at you both and tell you that Yoongi didn’t deserve your attention. He wanted to tell you that, he was, in fact, the only one that was aloud to take care of you like this. But how could he tellyoonjoon you after the events of Friday night? And now, to see you snuggled up to Yoongi made him physically sick. He rose from his chair, making a bit more noise than necessary, and headed for the door.
“Where are you going?” Yoongi asked, looking over to Namjoon.
“She said I was dismissed after you got back, so I’m taking leave and going home.” Namjoon didn’t even look up at you as he made a move for the door. “Hey Yoongi, could you walk me down?” He didn’t even turn to look at Yoongi as he spoke, just walked out fo the room, wether Yoongi walked him down or not.
Yoongi, got up, telling you to eat while he walked Namjoon downstairs. As soon as he opened your door to leave, he found Namjoon standing there, a mot serious look on his face.
“We need to talk, Yoongi. About Y/N, and us.”
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