#also some slight xingqiu angst but its cool
xenia-cenia · 4 years
Chongyun x Fem!Reader - Strength
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A/N - I forget how many days since I finished the Mondstadt part of this series... I had to start Liyue with my boi. My beloved. He <3
Also fan fact: Chongy means gum in Britain so it double works for Chongyun cuz he’s so dang good :) 
Trigger/Content Warnings: ghost mention, bad parents, food mention, we hurting Xingqiu today lads, fear, light swearing, kidnapping (kinda?)
Word Count: 2,937
Request: No
Summary: You’ve been plagued by demons your whole life. He’s never seen one. What will happen when you meet?
Ghosts, spirits, and demons.
You were no stranger to the unknown. They often whispered secrets of their lives into your ears as you slept. Many exorcists had come and went. They all charged thousands of Mora, only for their promises to fall short. 
Your family was desperate. These whispering strangers grew stronger with each passing day, they began to claw and destroy your family. In one last-ditch effort to keep the (L/N) legacy alive, you were thrown to the streets. 
Many weeks passed, your survival depended on the kindness and naivety of strangers. They invited you into their homes, promising happier times and brighter futures. 
But just like before, they lied.
The whispers turned into yells, the yells into shrieks. It was positively unbearable. Madness constantly danced at the edge of your vision, you wanted nothing more than to give in.
It all changed, however, when a boy with light blue hair and cat slit pupils paused at your trembling form.
“...are you okay?”
Your head snapped up and you looked the boy up and down. He looked nothing special, light clothes and a melting popsicle in his hand. Your eyes focused on the popsicle and you unconsciously licked your lips as you imagined how good it’d feel to have real food in your mouth after... 4 days? 5? You’ve lost count.
He looked between you and the popsicle for a few seconds, sighed heavily, and handed it to you. As you nibbled on the popsicle, he uncomfortably shifted his weight between his feet and waited for you to finish. 
When you were done with it, he cleared his throat and began to rifle through a small bag that was slung over his shoulder. A few moments later, he pulled out a trinket that was engraved in gold.
“You’re (Y/N) (L/N), right?” His voice was soft as he handed you the item. “Take these. It’s a talisman, it should keep the demons at bay.”
Taking the talisman in hand, you flipped it over a few times and considered the boy carefully. Hundreds- no, thousands- of exorcists have tried their hand to free you from the demons who chose you to haunt. What would make this boy any different?
“It’s not like they’ll ever leave.” You mumbled to yourself.
For a moment he looked almost excited, but quickly hid it with a stoic expression, “Can you still hear them?”
You paused. What an odd question. Of course, you could still hear them, why, they were...
“...silent.” You looked up at him, partially horrified, partially euphoric. “They’re silent.”
He sighed to himself, “I see.” The boy stretched and began to walk away, believing his job to be done.
But the moment he left your eyesight, the voices came back louder than ever. 
“Why did you try to get rid of us? Don’t you love us? We love you! Stay with us. Stay with us. Stay with us.”
A scream fell from your lips, you gripped and pulled at your hair, trying to regain the peaceful silence you had mere moments ago.
Cold hands on your shoulders, heavy breathing, and the scent of various herbs and old paper. You opened your eyes and saw the somewhat panicked cat slit eyes staring at you.
“They came back.” You breathed.
He sat next to you and went deep into his thoughts. For half an hour, the two of you sat there in silence. You relished it, taking in and memorizing every hint of life you hadn’t been able to hear before. He hated it, remembering each time his pure positive energy stopped him from performing his job. 
“Can I...” you finally spoke, breaking the silence, “come with you?”
The out of the blue comment surprised him, but not a hint of that surprise showed on his face, “Why?”
“They’re quiet when you’re here. I never realized how good the quiet was.”
He considered it for a moment, looked at you, “Fine.”
You sighed in relief, “Oh, thank the Archons...”
“Oh no.”
“You have to help me get my friend Xingqiu back.”
You blinked at him. ‘Get him back’? Was he in danger? Was he kidnapped somehow? You knew a bit of fighting but not enough to go raid a camp full of stronger, more trained adults.
“He keeps pranking me. I need to get him back.” The boy shook his head solemnly, “Every day he tells me that I’ll finally see a demon. Every day he makes fun of me when I get back.”
“Oh!” You tried to fight the smile that was building on your lips, “Okay. Yeah, I can do that. I, uh, sure. Okay.”
He stood and shook the dirt off his clothes, “We aren’t too far from Liyue Harbor. That’s usually where he stays. It’ll be about uh... a 12-hour walk.” 
“12... hours...” you squeaked. You shook the nervousness away and managed a shaky smile, “You never told me your name.”
The boy paused a moment, “Chongyun.”
You and Chongyun walked in synchrony after hour 3. He kept his distance but always made sure to be close enough so the voices wouldn’t return. Chongyun found you to be eerily calm considering your situation.
Xingqiu told him that you’d been abandoned by your family after years of the spirits gaining strength and losing patience. For the first time, Xingqiu seemed panicked. He begged Chongyun to set out to find you. 
Who was Chongyun to say no? 
His original plan was just to give you the talisman and leave but... this might work out better. The way Xingqiu had described you, it was obvious you were someone close to his heart. Maybe he’d be happy to see you relatively safe and sound. Chongyun liked the idea of that. 
Chongyun turned to face you, barely feeling your hand grip onto his sleeve. 
“What is it?” He internally winced at how cold he sounded.
“Thank you.” You let go of his sleeve and ran your hands up your arms, “It’s been... ah. Just, thank you. Could you tell me more about your friend?”
“Xingqiu? He’s... hm. He’s really smart. He helps me think of ideas to finally see a demon-”
“You’ve never seen one?” You interrupted him. “Why would you want to see one?”
He slightly puffed out his chest, “It’s my duty as an exorcist to continue the family lega-”
“Screw that! You’ve been blessed! I wish I had that.” You kicked a small rock that lied in your path.
Chongyun sighed heavily. He’s seen this reaction many times over the years, “It makes my job harder.”
“How? Just sit still and bam! Demons gone!”
“I have to draw and describe them in The Field Guide to Demons and Beasts. Not being able to see them makes it... hard.”
You exhaled, “I still wish I had that power.”
“It’s...” he shook his head. “Nevermind. We can talk about it later.”
The two of you walked the rest of the way, with some snack breaks, in silence. 
As you arrived in Liyue, you caught sight of a navy blue haired boy anxiously pacing in front of the entrance. You paused, narrowed your eyes, thought for a moment and when the realization set in, you cried out in glee.
“Xingqiu!” You yelled. The boy looked towards you and quickly dashed in your direction. As he came to a stop, he gripped your hands and smiled happily at you, “Oh, Archons, how long has it been?”
“4 years? When I heard how your family sent you out, I knew I had to do something!” He tightened his grip on your hands as his smile fell. “Are you alright? Are you injured anywhere? Are they...?”
You sighed and let your grip loosen, “I’ve been better. They’re a lot quieter when I’m with him.” You nodded towards Chongyun who was awkwardly standing while chewing on a popsicle.
“Did you get to see them?” Xingqiu asked Chongyun.
“No,” he spoke dejectedly. “There’s has to be at least one demon who isn’t as strong as it, right?”
“It?” You looked between the two boys.
“My ‘power’.” Chongyun specified.
“Ahhh,” you nodded, “well. I’m utterly exhausted. Xingqiu, can I stay at your place tonight?”
“You can stay at mine.” 
You and Xingqiu both looked at Chongyun, surprised by his sudden offer. 
“It’s only to make sure the demons don’t come back during the night.” He spoke, digging his toe into the dirt and suddenly very interested in a nearby bush.
“Can Xingqiu stay with us? I just... well, I don’t really know you.” You nervously laughed, “I’d just feel more comfortable if he were there.”
“In that case, let’s just skip the walk and stay at my place. I’m sure Father wouldn’t mind.” Xingqiu looked between the two of you. You looked at Chongyun, who was still entranced with a nearby bush and waited for his response. After a few moments of silence, he nodded his head.
The three of you walked the streets of Liyue, the further you got the more familiar it felt. Dogs who always licked at your heels, tourists surprised at the food, children laughing and chasing each other. 
You stopped walking and looked around in awe. The boys, caught up in conversation, hadn’t noticed. 
Is this how it feels like? To not be afraid? You almost didn’t believe it. No, you definitely didn’t believe it. They were gone, it was quiet. You couldn’t feel their warm claws digging into your shoulders, nor their cold breaths on your cheek. Anything you wanted to do you could. The voices and demons would never bother you again as long as-
“Why do you keep trying to leave us?” 
You gulped, sweat beading at your brow as you spun around. No, this isn’t right. 
You got rid of them. They’re gone. It’s been half a day and you hadn’t heard them, you’re free. So why...
“Listen to us. We just want to keep you safe. Don’t you want that too?”
...why were they back?
Why did you feel their nails beginning to pierce your skin as rose petals slipped down your shoulder? Why could you hear their melodic hums in your ears as their tongues tied and twisted around you? 
Your eyes were unfocused, your legs were shaking, you swallowed every bit of spit that lingered in your mouth but your throat still ran dry. You could almost hear pounding footsteps; could almost feel a boy with navy blue hair pushing through the crowd until his hand wrapped around your wrist and yanked you forward. 
Your feet were moving. That much you knew. Where you were going and why they were moving were two separate matters entirely. Slowly, the voices were replaced by panting and their burning claws melted into cool metal.
“...huh?” you spoke as you gathered your senses. Why were you sitting on the streets of Liyue? You looked around and felt your shoulders immediately relax as you saw Xingqiu. “Xing... Xingqiu?” 
He was holding your left hand tightly, trying to manage a reassuring smile despite his panicked eyes. You looked to the boy pressing the cold circular object against your shoulder.
“What’s...” you yawned, “What’s happening?”
“I, uh, we got wrapped up in the conversation. We thought you were right behind us.” Xingqiu looked at the ground guiltily, “You just about passed out.”
You looked up at Chongyun, taking note of the determination in his eyes. “I guess I’m kinda stuck to you for a while, huh?” You laughed sadly.
He froze and looked down at you, his eyebrows knitting together as his lips turned into a tight frown, “I don’t think that makes me stuck to you.”
“True, you could always drop me off at... well, anywhere.” You rested your head against the wall you were propped up against, “It’s not really you who's stuck.”
Chongyun shook his head, “That’s not what I meant.”
A soft blush covered your cheeks, “Oh.” 
Xingqiu looked between the two of you and quickly bit his tongue. 
“Don’t interfere, Xingqiu.” He chided himself. “Your childhood crush is nothing. It’s been 4 years! They just met anyway.”
He shook the anxiety away and tried to ignore the sinking feeling in his stomach. All old crushes die out eventually, he’ll be fine. 
He was not fine.
It’s been 2 months since your arrival and he’s found himself as head-over-heels for you as he was 4 years ago. He took every opportunity he could to spend time with you. He was jealous of Chongyun, and he hated it. 
Chongyun got to spend all day with you. Chongyun spent hours training with you and planning ways to beat your demons. 
Chongyun was his best friend! It’s fine! Your just his friend, it’s okay! He’s okay with that!
“Mmm, okay I think I get it.” You spoke, pointing at a book that was spread between you and Chongyun, “This is for healing and that’s why we need it.”
“We also should bless it in pure rainwater.”
“Chongy, do we need to wait for it to rain here? Who knows how long that’ll be...” 
A nickname. You gave Chongyun a nickname. Why didn’t you give him a nickname? Xingqiu found he could no longer ignore the feelings building in his chest. He tore through every book in his collection, nearly memorized every declaration of love. 
For 20 minutes a day, you were alone. You and Chongyun were testing your tolerance and slowly but surely, it was growing. That was good news all around. Xingqiu took these measly 20 minutes as an opportunity. He knocked on the door to your room and waited for a response. A few minutes passed and he grew anxious. He announced his presence and let himself into your room. 
It was eerily clean. Xingqiu called your name a few more times and grew more and more confused as he couldn’t find a trace that you had ever been there. He sat on your bed and jumped when he heard something crunch beneath him. 
Right where he sat, a note was lied out.
Chongyun and Xingqiu -
I’ve decided I’m going to try to go back home.
I know you’d try to stop me... so I figured it’d be best to just run for it. I think I’m enough now. Enough for them.
 I’ll use the skills we went over and I’ll control the demons! They’ll be so happy. 
Thank you for helping me.I’ll write again when I arrive so you know I’m safe. Feel free to visit!
Meanwhile, you knocked on the door of your family's home. The entire trip over you’d been practicing what to say to them. Your mother opened the door and gasped when she saw you.
“(Y/N)?” She whispered, her eyes wide. “How are you...?”
“I’m back.” You sheepishly smiled. “I, ummm, I spent a lot of time getting control of them. I think I’m better now. See? They’re not even here!”
“S-Stay here...” she half-jogged deeper into your house and didn’t return. You awkwardly stood around, twiddling your thumbs, not even noticing the shovel about to hit the back of your head and knock you unconscious. 
When you woke up, your hands were tied behind your back and you were surrounded by the damp scent of rotting wood. It was dark and your head hurt.
Where were you? This isn’t right. You had been going home. No, you were home. You saw your mother. Why are you here? Are they afraid? No. No, that doesn’t make sense. 
You did your best. You thought it was enough... wasn’t it enough? The voices had stopped. You made friends. You...Tears bloomed in your eyes as you harshly bit into your lip. 
You thought they’d love you if you came home the way they wanted. Why didn’t they love you? Where was Chongyun? Where was Xingqiu?
You missed them. You wanted Chongyun to sit next to you like he always does. You wanted to hear him enthuse about exorcism. You wanted to lie your head in his lap and tease him. Just like you always do.
“Chongy...” you muttered to yourself. “I lo...”
A loud crash upstairs forced a gasp from your lips. In horror, you sat silently and hoped the house wasn’t getting robbed. The yelling, banging, and screaming wasn’t easing your nerves.
You sat as still as you could, hoping that whoever was up there wouldn’t hurt you. Praying even. Light flooded the room which made you wince and turn away. “(Y/N)?” A familiar voice called.
You looked in the direction of the voice and let the tears fall loose. There, at the top of a staircase, stood Chongyun. The light behind him made him look like an angel.
“Ch... Chongy!” You yelled. He raced down the stairs and looked at you. “Chongyun, Archons, I’m so happy to see you.”
He worked quickly, untying your hands and letting you collapse into his arms. “Xingqiu and I came as fast as we could...”
You gripped onto his shirt and held him closer, “I’m so sorry.”
“For what?”
“I thought... I thought they loved me.”
“I know.” He drew loose circles on your back with his finger, “I know.”
You rested your head in the crook of his neck and let the scent of various herbs and old paper engulf you.
Xingqiu, who had just finished fighting your parents, stopped at the top of the stairs and smiled at you two. It was the first time he’d seen Chongyun able to touch someone without his congenital positivity overflowing... 
Maybe you were helping him just as much as he was helping you. 
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