#also should i do christmas prompts? i saw the 12 christmas prompt list and some of them look fun
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punkrockmlchael · 3 months ago
12 Days of Gareth Emerson 2024- Day 11
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Day 11: Christmas Eve [Gareth Emerson x GN!Reader]
Check out all the prompts and read all the other days here!
Warnings: Pure Fluff, Pre-Established Relationship, Gareth has younger twin sisters, leaving out cookies for Santa, playing Santa, mentions of starting a family, gn!reader, no use of pronouns
Synopsis: Staying at the Emerson's on Christmas Eve means not only helping Gareth's younger sisters put out the decorated cookies and milk for Santa and carrots for his reindeer, but also helping Gareth make it look like Santa came this year for Christmas.
Word Count: 1.1k
“Gareth! Gareth! Gareth!” 
The sound of your boyfriend’s name was all that was said the entire night after dinner on Christmas Eve.
“Yes, princesses, what’s up?” Gareth finally asked, looking at his younger twin sisters, Gracie and Gabby. The two six year olds looked at each other before looking back up at their brother, a matching classic Emerson grin on both of their faces. 
“Mommy said you’d help us decorate cookies for Santa!” Gracie said, hugging one of Gareth’s legs.
“She said you’d help us too!” Gabby added, hugging one of your legs as she looked up at you with her big blue eyes. You looked down at her and smiled, your heart melting as you saw the two mini Emersons begging both you and Gareth to help them decorate cookies for Santa.
“I would absolutely love to help you both decorate cookies for Santa!” You replied in excitement. “Oh, I think there’s some carrots in the fridge too, maybe we should leave some of those out for his reindeer.” You suggested, smiling as Gracie and Gabby nodded, running towards the kitchen.
“Carrots for Rudolph!” Gracie squealed. 
“Cookies for Santa!” Gabby squealed right after, both of the girls giggling like crazy as they grabbed their little stools so they could decorate the cookies at the counter.
Gareth looked at you and raised an eyebrow, a smile on his face. “Cookies and carrots?” He teased, wrapping an arm around you as he left a quick peck on the lips.
“Yes,” you smiled, stepping away from him as you walked towards the kitchen. Gracie and Gabby had already started spreading red and green colored frosting on the sugar cookies, throwing rainbow sprinkles on them for good measure. You giggled, shaking your head as you walked up behind the girls. “Alright, princesses, I’m here,” you said, grabbing down their special Christmas plate.
You placed the plate on the counter, looking at it with a smile. It was a round, white plate that said Treats for Santa on it with three different red circles on it. One circle was labeled milk, another one labeled cookies and the last one was labeled reindeer snacks.
Gracie and Gabby smiled at each other, both of them placing a cookie they had decorated on the plate. Gracie’s cookie had red and green frosting mixed together, making it look more like brown frosting with some snowflake sprinkles on the top of it. Gabby’s cookie had green frosting on it with small multi-colored round sprinkles on it.
“Oh my goodness,” you said, rearranging the cookies on the plate. “Those are so pretty! Gareth, aren’t these cookies so pretty?” You asked, watching as Gareth grabbed some carrot sticks and the jug of milk from the fridge. He walked towards the counter, looking at the cookies from over your shoulder.
“No way,” he smiled, looking down at the plate. “Those are so cool! I wish I had some,” he added, setting the carrots and milk on the counter.
“Do you think Santa will like them?” Gracie giggled, looking up at Gareth.
“Yeah, do you think he’ll leave us presents?” Gabby asked, looking at Gareth as well.
“Well, I know for a fact that Santa will be stopping by our house.” Gareth replied, looking at his sisters. “He specifically told us that you two were on the nice list this year,” he added, looking up at you with a smile.
“That’s right!” You nodded, grabbing a small glass down from the cabinet for the milk. “But, Santa only comes to the house if everyone is asleep, remember?” You reminded them, grabbing out a couple of carrot sticks. You handed one to both girls, “can you put these right here for Rudolph?” You asked, pointing to the circle in the middle of the plate. Both girls nodded, placing their carrot sticks right next to each other on the plate.
Gareth poured a small glass of milk and held it in his hand, helping Gracie and Gabby down from their stools. “Alright, princesses, off to the fireplace!” Gabby and Gracie ran back to the living room, giggling like crazy. Gareth smiled and looked at you before walking after the girls, you grabbed the Christmas plate and followed after all the Emersons, setting the plate down on the fireplace. 
Gareth added the glass of milk on the plate and smiled at his sisters, who were leaving some pictures they had drawn earlier for Santa with his cookies.
“Everything ready for Santa?” Gareth’s dad asked from the couch, where he sat with their mom. The girls nodded and looked back at him.
“All done!”
“Perfect, girls,” his mom smiled. “Then tell everyone else goodnight and let's go brush our teeth!” Gracie and Gabby whined before they gave everyone goodnight hugs and headed off to the bathroom to brush their teeth.
You and Gareth smiled at each other, taking a seat together on the couch before curling up together, watching the Christmas movie that was playing on the television. 
A few hours later, Gareth’s parents were getting ready to go to bed. His mom grabbed out the presents from Santa and set them on the floor in front of the fireplace, she looked up at you and Gareth and smiled. “You two staying up for a bit?” She asked, to which you and Gareth both nodded in response. “Perfect, snack on the cookies for Santa before bed, please,” she smiled, walking out of the living room with his dad.
You smiled softly, looking up at the television as A Christmas Story played for the tenth time that day. Gareth stood up and walked towards the plate of cookies and carrots, smiling back at you. “You want to take a bite of the cookies or the carrots?” He asked.
You stood up and followed him, taking a seat on the floor next to him. “The cookies, is that even a question?” You asked as you picked up one of the cookies, taking a bite out of it before you did the same to the other cookie. He frowned slightly and picked up the carrots before he took a bite out of all of them.
“You know,” you said, moving closer to him. “You’re amazing with your sisters,” you smiled, looking at him. “I can't wait to see you as a dad.” You added, kissing his lips softly.
“Yeah?” He asked, blushing as he smiled at you. 
“Yeah.” You nodded, snuggling up next to him. Gareth wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you closer to him. As you sat together in front of the fireplace, the clock struck midnight and you swore you heard sleigh bells outside. You looked up at Gareth and smiled, “Merry Christmas, honey.” 
“Merry Christmas, baby,” he replied, leaving a soft kiss on your lips.
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mystradepromptsandscenarios · 6 months ago
Mystrade Monday Prompt List 4.0
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It’s time for a new prompt list. Each Friday a new prompt will be posted, in a separate post, on this blog. Eventually, it’ll be added to this master list.
Anyone who writes a Mystrade fic using a prompt please tag @mystradepromptsandscenarios so we can reblog your work (or a link to your work). There is a Mystrade Monday Collection on AO3, you may add your work to. You can also use the tag Mystrade Monday Prompt on AO3.
1. Character A has been coveting an item for some time. Character B buys it for them as a gift. (9/2/24)
2. “It’s just for one night.” (9/9/24)
3. “I just want to get to know you.” (9/16/24)
4. “You said you’d be here.” (9/23/24)
5. “Tell me that it’s not my fault.” (9/30/24)
6. Character A believes they are unloveable. Character B tries to convince them otherwise. (10/7/24)
7. “I can’t believe it’s October already.” (10/14/24)
8. “No one knows how much I miss you.” (10/21/24)
9. “You look like you just saw a ghost.” (10/28/24)
10. Character A grows a beard/moustache. Character B either loves it or hates it. (11/4/24)
11. “You owe me dinner.” (11/11/24)
12. “You should take it as a compliment.” (11/18/24)
13. “I didn’t think I was good enough.” (11/25/24)
14. It’s that time of the year when Character A starts wearing their favorite sweater and Character B absolutely loves (or hates) it. (12/2/24)
15. “Did you save me any?” (12/9/24)
16. “‘Tis the damn season.” (12/16/24)
17. “We can leave the Christmas lights up.” (12/23/24)
18. “Where were you New Years Eve?” (12/30/24)
19. Character A and Character B are planning a vacation but are having difficulty agreeing on where to go and what to do. ( 1/6/25)
20. “Sorry I missed your call.” (1/13/25)
21. “I wish you would.” (1/20/25)
22. “It’s an art.” (1/27/25)
23. Character A wants to borrow an object from Character B, something that’s precious to Character B. (2/3/35)
24. “So what if you’re strange? You’re still fun to have around.” (2/10/25)
25. “Come and kiss me.” (2/17/25)
26. “As it happens, I love you. Do what you will with that information.” (2/24/25)
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fallingforel · 1 year ago
just a small christmas imagine for sam: from @abiiors christmas prompt list. I will be posting the 12 from Now until 25th so you get a little christmas pressie from me- El xx
words: 1,965
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Sam, Dean ,Both Tom’s , Heidi, Joe, Johnny, Drew and I were all in Lowlights after Sam’s Last performance in Newcastle before christmas. And we were organising our annual Secret Santa, we had done it every year, adding in everyone else when they had joined our friendship group.
“Okay heids, go and get a glass sam you get some paper, I’ve got a pen, we’ll draw them from a glass in true Geordie fashion” I said after we all agreed and we set a budget and when we were exchanging.
We were set to go into London in 2 weeks for the OD management christmas party and we were all travelling down together so we agreed that we’d do them in a hotel room, before we went out.
“Why the fuck do you Y/N L/N, of all the people have a pen” Sam said with a chuckle. “because in case I need to write things down, Samuel Fender” I replied back.
I had got Sam. He was easy to buy for, I could get him a jokey present but that would just seem like I didn’t care about him I decided I would go all out because sam deserved that especially after everything he had done for me through the pandemic and throughout the many years of us being friends since year 7. Also because I had fancied him, for many years. But no one knew apart from my diary and my mum. As soon as I pulled out his name I knew of the perfect gift that would make his cheeks split.
1 week before Secret Santa- Sam
“who did you get for secret santa?” “heids I’m not telling you, you’ll only want to swap” “I promise I won’t.” “no Because I know you, I have finally got the person I want after waiting years.” “thanks for telling me you’ve got Y/N.” “HOW HEIDS? HOW?” “oh please, you two are so smitten with each other, have been for years. She’s got you too by the way.” “and how the fuck do you know that?”
“I saw it on her face, the same look she gives you when you buy her a drink, the same look she gives you when you lend her your jacket when she forgets hers, the same look she gives you when you insist that she should take the tenner she spent on your food at the shop. the same look she gives you when you both spot her ex out in public and you send them a nasty look. It’s LOVE sam. She’s in love with you, Your in love with her. it’s easy to see. Just grow a pair of balls and get her that 1975 vinyl she’s been nonstop going on about, you know she won’t buy it for herself.”
“THANK YOU HEIDI, you have just given me the perfect gift idea. See you in a week?” I said before placing a kiss on her head.
“see you in a week sam.”
now to plan the perfect gift.
3 Days before Secret Santa
“and your sure it’s in perfect condition, mum”
“certain, your dad never took it out of the packet, it’s brand new, it’s not been anywhere damp, he kept it in the house. he was saving it for the perfect day, no clue when that would’ve been though. It’s only collecting dust here darling. Take it, use it” “I won’t be using it, Sam will though. I knew when I picked his name out this would be the perfect gift.” I said with a smile to my mum “Oh darling, he’ll love it, who knows maybe you’ll gain the courage to tell him this christmas period.” “maybe. depends.” “I think you should just gain the courage and do it. you’re both not getting any younger” she says with a chuckle walking off.
2 days before Secret Santa- Sam
“and your certain you’ve got a copy mate?” “certain, we get a copy of all the variations in perfect condition so we can announce them” “good this needs to be perfect.” “why? so you can impress your lady friend?” the older boy teases over the phone. “howay man. it’s just….nah yerd be right about that mate. she is my lady friend. And yer sure you’re gonna make it over tomorrow?” “yes mate, wouldn’t miss it for the world, she’s a class girl. you’ve chosen yourself a gooden there sam mate” “reet… best be off, you’ve got a train to catch a thing to find and I have a card to write” “yes, you’re getting us from the train station tonight at 10 right?” “reet. youse are geena have to find yer hiding spots tonight like” “don’t worry we will”
Sammy🕺- guys I know we agreed on 2 days time for secret santa, but would you mind doing it tommorow, it’s just cos mines too big to bring with me to London on the train without being noticed. deaaanooo🎸- sam mate, could you not have said this earlier I haven’t even bought mine yet drew🥁-yeah i agree with dean mate, I haven’t bought mine either. heids 💕- fine with me i’ve already bought mine. Dean and Drew, love you both, but you’ve had 2 weeks now get it together, but if you’ve got me just get me a gift card, you know those ones you can get anywhere. Y/n🪩- I agree with heids, you have had two weeks to get a gift for yours, everyone has. but if you have got me, i’d love some penis pasta would go great with my girls nights xx y/n🪩- that was a joke, please just get me a gift card x Joe🎹- what the hell why is Y/n talking about penis pasta? y/n🪩- sam wants to do secret santa tommorrow instead of two days time. please tell me you haven’t been idiots like dean and drew and have already got a gift for your secret santa. the penis pasta was a joke xx. Joe🎹- yeah i’ve got mine, tomorrows fine with me. look lads if you’ve got me get one of those crosswords puzzles, be great to do on the bus or studio during quiet time. Tom U🎸- Just read through the messages, aha I’ll make sure to get you some penis pasta for your birthday y/n. but yeah tomorrow’s great, mines tiny so… Tom C 🎓- yeah tomorrow’s okay, nobody better have gotten me penis pasta, cos that shit will be going straight back. Johnny 🎷- tomorrows good, I love that penis pasta has become the topic of conversation now ahahahah🤣🤣 y/n🪩- you know what I’m just going to assume that Dean and Drew have gone out to the shops now, so their going to come tomorrow, if not two people are going to be left without presents tomorrow…I apologise on behalf of the two idiots xx. Y/n🪩- sam what time are we all to arrive at yours tomorrow? Sam🕺- is 9pm good? we could all go out on the toon after? we haven’t got to get that train until 6 in the afternoon anyway? y/n🪩- Sounds good! i’ll go knocking on everyone’s doors on the way to yours anyway, funny how everyone lives on the way to yours from mine🤣🤣 sam🕺- yeah, the organisers of everything live on opposite sides of the town and then the people they drag along live on the way, funny how life works out huh? 🤣🤣 y/n🪩- absolutely hilarious, see ya at 9 tomorrow xx
“You were expecting sam right?” I ask, i’ve seen them all over y/ns instagram, so I know just what they look like and who I was expecting at the north sheilds train station.
“yeah kinda, who are you?” “look, it’s on a need to know basis, it’s just sam had to drag me along to come get you, because he can’t be seen in the papers, because of y/n Yadda yadda. He’s in the car waiting.”
“won’t they take pictures of us though?” the tallest one asks. “no. I’m not famous enough and you boys are wearing caps and sunglasses so I think you’ll be just fine.” I say hurrying them through the barriers.
“now hurry along before Drew and Dean catch us.” “Who?” the long haired one asks while walking down the stairs. “you’ll know tomorrow when you meet the rest of them.” “wait I thought it was just the one person. sam said he only had one person to give the gift to.” the married one says. “yeah well it’s a secret santa and we’re not really meant to know… so it’d be a bit weird if sam gave Y/n her present tomorrow and the rest of us had to wait 2 days…Just get in Sam will explain the whole thing.” I reply opening Sam’s car door for them. “I don’t think we’re all going to fit.” the curly haired one says.
“duh, I was only here for the ride, I need to go find out what drew and dean have bought. I need to make sure it’s not penis pasta. see ya all tomorrow.” I reply shutting them all in sam’s car and walking off into town to find drew and dean.
I was getting ready to leave for sam’s. his present all wrapped up. I was just curling my hair before i had to leave and go and get the rest of the gang. and my phone rang out so i popped my curlers down.
his name appeared on my screen so i answered it
“hey sammy, You okay?”
“yeah i’m good y/n. erm can you look out your window?”
“yeah of course, 2 seconds”
my heels clicked across my lino floor for a few seconds until I reached my bedroom window which I looked out of and found Sam standing outside.
wait... is that?
no... it can't be.
they don't even know each other. I examined them further, it was them. How they knew each other I had no idea. I rushed downstairs and out the door and flew into sam's arms. "do you like your secret Santa, darling?" He says before I break the hug to "like it? I love it. Thank you." I say placing a kiss on Sam's cheek before Matty clears his throat next to sam and then saying "shall we get on with it mate, times ticking?" "yeah we should. Yer got the music?" "course otherwise this would be a fail." Matty guffaws at sam "alreet." and all of a sudden the backing track of Mine plays. and matty starts singing "there comes a time in a young mans life" while sam runs round his car and joins george on the end and then by the time matty reaches the second verse the rest of the 1975 boys and sam hold big a2 posterboard cards up that read "will you be my girlfriend?" I nod and run around to where sam was stood and he pulls me in for a kiss dipping me down, while the rest of the boys whoop and cheer. When he brings me back up I say "I'm guessing you got me for secret santa then?" he nods "good cause I got you too"
"ahh tonnight was well fun" I say reminiscing on that night
"I love that i finally got yer, I remember yer face when Matty gave yer the rare australian vinyl signed" sam says "please my face? what about yours when I gave yer that rare springsteen vinyl? yer were streaming tears like." "yeah, well I'm just gonna get yer penis pasta next year" "yer wouldn't dare" I say gasping while narrowing my eyes at him "Oh I would."
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floralseokjin · 4 years ago
⊶ final sleigh (m). ⊷
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You took an (almost) immediate dislike to Seokjin during his first week at the office and six months later that distaste is not only still going strong, but also mutual. Working in sales, you view one another as competition, so what happens when you’re forced to organise the Christmas office party together? It’s a recipe for disaster, but one thing’s for sure, it doesn’t end the way you imagined it...
(Spoiler alert: you don’t wind up murdering him.)  
pairing; kim seokjin x reader  au/genre/warnings; workplace/office au, enemies/rivals to lovers, starts off as a holiday au but drabbles further develop the story, rom-com, hoseok, namjoon, jungkook and yoongi make appearances, smut; drunk grinding, drunk kissing, workplace (oral) sex, storeroom (oral) sex, oral sex (male & female receiving), fingering, dirty talk, jin has a big dick (obv) words; 23,363 
continuing drabbles found here
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Every year without fail you organised the office Christmas party at Jung&Co. As part of the office party committee it was of course a given. There were only two of you but as a workplace of just 12 that was ample enough. This year however, things were a little different, no matter how marginally. Joy was on maternity leave so you were now on your own this time around. Not that you minded. You could hold the fort no problem until she came back in January and you had to plan Creed, the quality assurance director’s birthday party. 
Only Hoseok, your manager didn’t see it that simple. Insisted you needed an extra set of helping hands. Who? Was your first thought. No one had ever offered to help in the past three years and why would they start now? However, you were forgetting something… or should you say, someone. A new someone who you were sure had been transferred here to make your life a total misery. It was like someone up there had it in for you, and you couldn’t think of one explanation why. You were a good person; you donated to a cat shelter every month, you paid your taxes, you were always helpful and friendly, amazing at your job… The list went on. In fact, you were the best damn sales rep at this branch, high above the rest – Well… That was until he showed up. 
“I’ll do it.” You heard Seokjin offer indifferently, as if he didn’t care a damn about the Christmas party. You knew he didn’t. 
You swung around immediately, your chair squeaking against the wooden flooring with the force. You scoffed patronisingly. “Pfft. You?” You had never heard anything so unbelievable in your whole life. 
Seokjin regarded you from where he sat in the back row. Hoseok had called a meeting this morning, needing to find a replacement for Joy as time was creeping up. it was a month until Christmas closure. The day the party was held, and he knew how much you liked to keep on top of things. You weren’t to be rushed. 
“Yes. Me.” Of course he was smirking. “Why? Got a problem?”
Beside him, Jungkook the intern, looked between you both unsurely. No doubt the rest of your co-workers were too. This had become the norm now. They stayed silent every time you and he started squabbling. The past few months had been one big whirlwind of bickering and rivalry. Seokjin was your biggest competition. He was also the thorn in your side. Ever since he’d transferred branches from his hometown six months ago life in the office hadn’t been the same for you. It didn’t help that your desks were also situated next to one another. You had to sit opposite his annoying face 8 hours a day, five days a week. It was a living hell. And now you’d be forced to spend even more time with him? Over your dead body. 
“No.” You folded your arms, still looking over at him from where you sat in the front. He wouldn’t win. You wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of knowing he was successfully getting to you. “You want to organise the office Christmas party?”
Of course you were calling his bluff. He was 100% doing this to piss you off. You were certain. 
He chuckled. “I don’t know why it’s so unbelievable.”
You scoffed, growing frustrated. “You’re a guy!”
He raised one of his eyebrows. “Excuse me? Is that sexism I detect?” One corner of his mouth twitched. “Do I have to report you to Tim?”
Tim, the HR rep went to speak up, no doubt trying to pacify the situation, but already out of hand, you spoke over him, voice shrill. “Oh shut up, Seokjin.” Damn it, you’d bitten, hadn’t you? He was holding back his laughter. He knew what you meant. Your wording came out wrong, so you needed to correct yourself. 
“I’m just saying, you don’t seem like a guy who loves to party plan in his spare time.”
He grinned widely, as smug as ever. “Well, I’m full of surprises, baby.” 
Unimpressed you stared him down. “Do I need to report you to Tim for harassment?” 
You weren’t paying attention to Tim this time around but no doubt he looked lost. He was an older, quiet man who seemed unsure what he was doing here most of the time. Seokjin didn’t help matters. 
“For what?” He exclaimed. “Calling you baby? It’s a term of endearment.” 
“Not from you it isn’t.” 
Jungkook sniggered at that and you felt a little smug. Seokjin went to open his mouth, no doubt a clever comeback hot on his tongue, but Hoseok interrupted. 
“Guys. Stop bickering or neither of you will be planning this party.” 
You immediately spun around, facing the front. Seokjin wasn’t fucking this up for you. Although you didn’t think Hoseok would ever take that role away from you. He might have been your manager – and the CEO’s son – but you saw him as a friend. He never threw his authority around. 
You crossed your arms as his attention fell to Seokjin, silently huffing. “Jin, please tell us why you nominated yourself.” 
“Well,” he started his spiel, laying it on thick. You refused to look his way, even as everyone else in the conference room gave him their attention. “I love Christmas and I love organising things.” He made it sound so simple. Infuriating bastard. “I was always the person they counted on back home. I know how to throw a paaar-tayyyy!” 
At his holler, he and Jungkook gave one another a high five, whooping at each other like a pair of idiots. It was impossible to think that Seokjin was the same age as you, a whole five years older than Jungkook. They obviously shared the same mental age. 
“Well you’re not back home now.” You couldn’t help yourself, whipping around to tell him what was what. “I’m the one in charge here. I have the final say.” Sneering, you added, “You’d just be the help.”
Seokjin’s jaw twitched. You were irritating him now. You took great joy in that. “Hoseok said it was 50/50.” 
“More like 75/25 where you’re concerned.” 
“In my favour, yes.”
You felt your anger flare. “Hoseokkk,” you whined, turning your back to Seokjerk. “You can’t be serious letting him join the party planning committee?” 
You knew he was doing it on purpose. He had no interest in helping you – he just wanted to annoy you, to take over. 
Hoseok looked at you sympathetically. “Do you see anyone else offering to help, Y/N? Besides, it’s just for Christmas.” When you didn’t relent, he sighed. “You can’t do it all on your own.” 
You held your arms tight across your chest, pouting like a big kid. “Watch me.” 
“Impossible,” he chuckled softly. “You should be thanking Seokjin for being so helpful.” 
Men. They were all traitors. Of course Hoseok would be in Seokjin’s favour, they once worked together back at the other branch just before Hoseok became manager here. 
“Yeah, Y/N,” Seokjin called. You just knew he had that shit eating grin spread across his face, the one that plagued your nightmares – You could hear it in his tone. “You should be thanking me. But take your time, I know admitting defeat is hard for you.” 
You breathed deeply through your nose, reminding yourself to stay calm, else he’d end up throttled by the time this party rolled around… 
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“Chop, chop!” 
From your peripheral you could see Seokjin stood over you, clapping his hands, his crotch obscenely eye level. You pursed your mouth and continued typing up your report that needed to be in by today. You couldn’t bear to look at him, still mad from yesterday, and no doubt he just wanted to annoy you some more – his sole purpose it seemed. What a sad little life he lived. 
“Y/N,” he prompted. You bit the inside of your cheek, exhaling through your nose. He wasn’t relenting, but lucky for you, lunch was in just over an hour. You could grin and bear him until then, surely? 
“What?” You snapped, beginning to turn your head. 
“We have our first meeting in five.” 
You mouth grew dry as you made eye contact, but it wasn’t because of what he said, actually you barely had time to register it, his pearly whites pretty much dazzling you as he grinned. 
You might have forgotten to mention a tiny detail about Seokjin, one you tried your best to forget, and tiny it was because it barely had an effect on you… Begrudgingly, you had to admit he was objectively handsome. Before you had taken that almost instantaneous dislike to him six months ago, you will confess that the first sighting of him had turned you a little weak at the knees. You were only human after all and you could appreciate a good looking face when you saw one. He even made Beryl and Michelle, who well into their sixties, giddy with a simple Good Morning – and he knew it. He knew how hot he was, which for you, just added to his overall lack of appeal. 
However, sometimes he caught you off guard. 
Like now. 
You swallowed with some difficulty, willing saliva to coat the inside of your mouth, and ignoring the way the crisp white dress shirt hugged his waist, tucked into those very well fitting black pants of his (maybe too well fitting…), you let his words piece together. 
You furrowed your eyebrows slightly, what was he talking about? Hoseok hadn’t announced anything this morning. Was he just messing with you? You weren’t Jungkook. Those two might love playing pranks on one another, but you were actually mature in the workplace.
At the thought of Jungkook, you could hear him giggling up at the front of the office with the receptionist, Mina. How Hoseok hadn’t gathered they were sleeping together yet was beyond you. Actually, you were sure the rest of the office were slow to catch on too, but you maybe you had a clear (dis)advantage. You had to hear him and Seokjin discussing it more or less every single day – because men were dense and didn’t realise that no matter how low they spoke, a metre distance would not stop you from overhearing. 
“Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten about the Christmas party already?” Seokjin continued to grin – and that’s when you realised it wasn’t of the friendly kind. It was of the provoking kind, because he wanted to piss you off. “I thought this was your area of expertise.” 
You could feel your blood beginning to boil, your work forgotten on the screen. “You called a meeting without telling me?” 
He shrugged. “What am I doing right now?” What, mere seconds before it started? You really were going to end up killing him one of these days. “I booked the conference room this morning.” 
You grit your teeth together. “I organise the meetings.” 
“Get a life.” He scoffed, judging you hard. “Besides, you’re a bit slow on the ball, aren’t you?” 
“The party isn’t for another month.” 
“Three weeks and 6 days actually,” he corrected. Then with a wink, he added, “I like being on top of things.” 
You ignored his shitty (and inappropriate) innuendo with a roll of your eyes. “I was going to wait until Monday.” How dare he suggest you were unorganised. 
With another lazy roll of his shoulders, he started to walk off, towards the small conference room situated in the office. “You snooze you lose.” Turning back casually, he pointed a finger to your desk. “Bring a notebook.” 
Trying to laser through him with your best death glare you grabbed your notebook and stood up. He was treading on thin ice. 
“This thing sounds dry as the Sahara,” Seokjin wailed loudly, hanging his head towards his (blank) notebook on the desk. 
“Well you know where the door is,” you smiled. “I’m perfectly capable of organising this party on my own.” 
Actually, if he didn’t like how you celebrated Christmas here, he could leave entirely. You wouldn’t miss him, and the others would surely get over it. You didn’t understand why they thought he was so amazing anyway. His sense of humour was grating to say the least – as well as his overall personality. He was nothing but a glorified salesman who walked the walk and talked the talk. You actually cared about your clients. All he cared about was numbers to help him boast, even if that meant stealing –
Never mind. That was in the past. You were the bigger person, you reminded yourself. 
“I’m not going anywhere,” Seokjin scoffed, turning to look at you. He’d insisted you sat next to him even though you had been quite happy to sit at the furthest end of the table. “This place needs some Seokjin zest. Add a little flavour – a little spice.” 
You dropped your head, muttering arrogant bastard under your breath as you picked up your pen to start brainstorming some ideas. 
“What was that?” He asked, obviously hearing you. 
You played dumb. “What was what?”
Thankfully, for the next ten minutes a very much welcomed silence fell over you as you both jotted down some ideas, although you were pretty sure Seokjin was just doodling at this point. Probably stickmen like the five year old he was. In between planning you threw a few texts your best friend’s way. 
(12:14pm) You: Remind me why we tolerate men again?  (12:15pm) Ana: For their dicks  (12:15pm) Ana: But only if they’re pretty and they know how to use it  (12:15pm) Ana: What’s up? (12:17pm) You: Guess who organised the first Christmas party meeting without telling me first 🙂 (12:18pm) Ana: Oh (12:19pm) You: Exactly  (12:19pm) Ana: Dick cheese   (12:20pm) Ana: Definitely not tolerable
You snorted at the mention of Seokjin’s nickname. Ana knew all about your very vocal disdain for the guy – in fact, she’d had to hear it all over again last night when you’d called her to complain about the very unfortunate turn in Christmas party planning events. 
“Is that work or party related?”
Frustratingly, your obvious amusement had caught Dick cheese’s attention. “Shut up,” you muttered, but you did hide your phone from view, placing it screen down on the table. Hopefully he hadn’t caught a glimpse at anything dick and cheese related. He was definitely the type to report you to Tim for workplace bullying. 
You turned to look at him, childishly taking great pleasure in the way a piece of his brown hair had bunched up on top of his head – probably from where’d he’d been itching, racking his pea-sized brain for ideas. He hadn’t noticed, and you weren’t going to point it out. He’d realise soon enough when he had to use the restroom – unless he didn’t wash his hands afterwards, which wouldn’t surprise you. 
“We’re in a meeting, save texting your boyfriend for lunch.” 
“I’m not texting – never mind.” You stopped yourself. There was no point biting. He wanted you to do that, knowing the insinuating tone he’d used would surely get you mad. As if you’d ever have a boyfriend, ha ha, very funny and original – NOT. He needed better jokes. 
“If you were actually bringing something to the table I wouldn’t be bored enough to get distracted,” you shot instead. 
He looked wholeheartedly offended. “I’m not the only one involved in this. You think of some ideas.” 
“I have been.” You replied loudly. “It’s the same process every year, okay? Theme, food and Secret Santa. That’s all we need to organise.” You’d already been through this. 
“So fucking boring,” he groaned slowly. 
“You’re wrong.” 
He snorted, visibly amused by your insistence. “And that Y/N, is why you are a square.” 
“You don’t even know me!” You exclaimed. 
“I know enough. I’ve sat opposite you for the past six months.” 
“Yeah, and don’t I know it,” you muttered. You had not known peace since. 
He laughed then, surprising you enough to make you jump a little. “Babe, are you ever going to forgive me for Rosal & Steinar?”
You glared at him. How dare he bring that up. It was a very sensitive topic, one you wanted to forget about because each time it popped up inside your brain you wanted to kick him – aggressively and relentlessly. 
Seokjin’s first week here had not been good for you. First, he had made you weak at the knees by just casually existing, then, Hoseok had introduced him as Jung&Co.’s best salesperson, and lastly, after being struck down with a terrible cold, you’d been sent home from work on the morning of your biggest client’s renewal day. Hoseok had insisted that you couldn’t sell stationary without a voice. You had claimed you could, but it wasn’t good enough. You were sick and needed to go before you infected anyone else. 
The following Monday, still snorting sinus spray like it was cocaine, you’d arrived at work to find out that Rosal & Steinar had renewed their contract… with Seokjin. Life couldn’t have been going anymore wrong. In the past month you’d had to deal with the guilt of breaking off a two year relationship, acquiring a new competition in your place of work that had ultimately already lost you your best client, and you’d gotten sick for the first time in four years. 
You blamed Seokjin. He’d been sent to curse you. (Although, admittedly the breakup had happened before you’d known of his existence… Not that it mattered.) 
That’s why it was now your life’s goal to become Jung&Co.’s best salesperson, because Hoseok’s opinion didn’t mean shit, and one way or another you were going to take down Seokjin. 
So yeah, no matter how much you insisted that the past was in the past, it obviously wasn’t. 
You raised an eyebrow, choosing to ignore his question. “What did I say about reporting you?” You weren’t his babe. Or baby. Or whatever else he liked to use. 
“Sorry,” he apologised, rather genuinely at that, which was surprising. “It was a slip of the tongue.”
You let out a short sigh. “Let’s just get on with this. There’s half an hour until lunch and I need to leave on time to meet my friend.” Neither of you had thought of anything solid yet. 
“Is that who you were messaging?” 
Seokjin seemed curious – interested? You couldn’t think of the correct word. Either way he was getting too friendly and pushing boundaries you’d rather not have him cross. “Is that any of your business?”
He shrugged, unaffected, and got back down to business. “Why can’t we just rent out a venue? Nothing is fun without any booze.” 
“We don’t do that anymore,” you answered. 
“How come?” 
You inwardly groaned. You didn’t really want to get into it, this meeting had already been a complete and utter flop, but you guessed if you told him why you no longer celebrated outside of office hours he’d understand and shut up about the damn office party. 
“It was a while ago. Before Hoseok was manager.” You began. “We used to all have Christmas lunch and then go out for drinks… and it was fun, don’t get me wrong,” you emphasised, knowing that he was just itching to call you boring. “But the last time we did it, our manager at the time ended up sleeping with the married receptionist and –”
“Mina?!” Seokjin exclaimed, interrupting story time. 
“No, not Mina,” you cried. As if Jungkook would be oblivious to the fact she was married, but then again, he was pretty dumb. He’d been here eight months already and still didn’t know how to photocopy properly. 
“Before her.” You stressed, noticing the shock on Seokjin’s face disappear. “They were both wasted but it was still no excuse. Her husband found out, charged into the office Monday morning.” 
“Oh, fuck.” Seokjin chuckled, obviously enjoying the drama. 
“He was ready to fight but it didn’t end well, because… our manager was a black belt.” 
You winced at the memory, remembering that morning very well. The initial shock, the screams, your manager morphing into the Hulk… the punches… the blood… It was crazy to say the least, and after Christmas you never saw the man again. Devin, the CFO, informed you he’d “moved on” by his own willing but you didn’t really believe that. Hoseok was his replacement. Mina was hired shortly after when Kevin couldn’t handle the stress of being an accountant and a receptionist on the side. 
“Brilliant,” Seokjin laughed, clapping his hands together. “So, the guy who’d gotten cheated on had the shit kicked out of him in front of the whole office?”
“Pretty much,” you nodded, still feeling a little sad for the man even though it was three years ago now – and you didn’t even know his name. “Ever since then it’s been a buffet in the conference room kind of thing.” 
Looking over at Seokjin then, you suddenly had the urge to add, “It’s safer. No one ends up fucking that way.” 
His eyes bulged and he broke into a little cough at the shock of the word falling from your mouth so easily, choking on his own laugh. “Fuck…” He went to repeat, only petering off last minute, shaking his head in disbelief.
You tried not to feel smug about it but you couldn’t help it. Lame, yes you were. 
“Fine,” Seokjin sighed, resignation in his tone. “Stupid fricking office party it is.” 
“I’m glad that we finally agree on something.” 
He just rolled his eyes at you. 
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The next couple of weeks went by quite fast and slowly, in between work, you and Seokjin actually got somewhere with the party planning – surprisingly. At first he’d been adamant to separate each job between you, but that was only because he wanted to be in charge of the theme. You’d point-blank refused. As much as you hated it, you needed to work together as a team, so that meant making decisions together. Star Wars at Christmas wasn’t exactly something you agreed on, but neither was Christmas cats. (“You need to get laid ASAP”, had been his words when you’d suggested such an idea… but he didn’t really have a leg to stand on as a Star Wars fan, so…). 
Finally, after just over a week of brainstorming (and bickering), you decided on something: Family Christmas. It wasn’t the most original idea, but it was something, and you’d already thought of a bunch of things to do ready for it, which involved Jungkook getting his camera out and everyone dressing up in their holiday pyjamas. 
It was a Monday afternoon right now, an hour until you went home for the day, and you and he were making use of some spare time you had – making a list of all the decorations you needed to purchase. He’d dragged his chair over to your desk which you weren’t very happy about but what could you do? Sometimes sacrifices had to be made, especially when it came down to Christmas. 
“It was my birthday over the weekend,” Seokjin told you casually. 
“Oh, was it?” 
You could feel his gaze on your face as you scribbled down in your notebook. “Didn’t you see on Facebook? Everyone was wishing me happy birthday.” 
“Were they?” You said impassively, now aware he was itching for some attention. “I don’t go on there that much.” Why you’d accepted his friend request still baffled you, but you were always the bigger, better person in life. Plus, you’d stopped logging in months ago. 
There was a pause. Ahh, lovely, silence. What bliss –
“I mentioned it Friday too.” 
You sighed, turning to look at him. “Happy belated birthday, Seokjin. I hope you had a good day.” 
He grinned. There it was, what he’d been after. He was such a kid. “Thanks. I did actually, I went –”
“Is Hoseok around?” 
Your attention was stolen by the sound of someone’s voice – Namjoon’s voice, and you looked to the reception desk to see him stood beside it. You swooned a little at the sight of him; legs long enough to climb, a butt hard enough to crack walnuts with – chest too. Namjoon was the foreman of the warehouse on the ground floor. He was handsome, charming, and genuinely a nice person. You hadn’t seen him for a while, so you were definitely caught by surprise.  
“Yeah, he’s in his office,” Mina replied with a smile, watching his ass as he turned and started walking away. You didn’t blame her. 
“Hi, Y/N.” He gave you a dazzling smile as he noticed you, bypassing your boss’ office to make his way over. 
“Hi, Joon.” You greeted, unable to stop smiling like an idiot. “How are you?”
“Busy, he shrugged. Leaning in, you felt your pulse begin to quicken. “You don’t go clubbing anymore? I haven’t seen you around.” 
“Ana got pretty bored of it.” 
That was a lie actually. One you’d thought of on the spot. It wasn’t that you disliked going out, although you did feel too old for it now – the hangovers just kept getting worse – but when you’d started meeting up with Namjoon and his friends in the summer you’d been on a little Quest for Fun. You blamed it on the breakup. Now that you were over it, and had been for quite some time, clubbing wasn’t near as appealing as it used to be. You much preferred staying in and sitting in front of the television. 
“That shouldn’t stop you. I can always be your company if you’re lonely,” he smirked, that pesky dimple sending your heart a flutter. He always did this. Flirting came so natural to him, he was great at it. 
You heard someone clearing their throat to the side of you. Namjoon and you both looked over at the same time. Oh, right… Seokjin was here. You’d actually forgotten about him. 
“Hey, man,” Namjoon smiled politely. They didn’t know each other too well, but that didn’t stop Namjoon from being friendly. He looked down at your notebook. “What are you guys up to?” 
The question was definitely directed to you but Seokjin answered anyway. “Organising the office Christmas party.” 
“Ahhh.” Namjoon nodded, smirking your way, Seokjin once again forgotten. “Do I get an invite?” 
You smiled, raising an eyebrow. “Don’t you always?” He and the guys downstairs always popped up and joined in on the celebrations, but yes, okay, maybe you were flirting too… You couldn’t help it, not after what happened last –
Hoseok’s voice interrupted your thoughts and you looked over Namjoon’s shoulder, seeing him stood in his doorway. 
Namjoon sighed, taking a step backwards. “I gotta go, business calls, beautiful. See you around.” Turning his back to you he started to walk off, only to glance over his shoulder last minute, shooting you a wink. “Remember, if you’re ever feeling lonely…” 
You giggled, giving him a wave and watched him follow Hoseok into his office. 
“What was that?” Seokjin asked, sounding absolutely baffled. 
“What was what?” You shot, now realising you’d turned to mush right in front of him. 
“That,” he exclaimed. “You and Namjoon all over one another.” He paused to pull a face. “I’ve come all over all queasy.”
“Shut up,” you brushed off. “We weren’t.” 
He looked at you as if you’d gone mad. “The looks! The winking. The way your voice went all high-pitched… Do you like him?”
“As a friend,” you stressed. Although, what was it to him?! 
He stared at you. “So nothing’s going on between the two of you?”
“You expect me to believe that?”
“I don’t expect you to do anything,” you shook your head, laughing in confusion. “I don’t care if you believe me or not.” 
Seokjin dropped it thankfully and you got back to your list, jotting down a few more things you needed. It was until Namjoon reappeared from Hoseok’s office and waved goodbye to you that Seokjin couldn’t contain himself any longer. 
“What?” You demanded when you heard him scoff to himself. 
“He definitely wants to fuck you.” He shook his head. “Trust me. I have a males sixth sense when it comes to that.” 
You could feel yourself growing mad. That’s why you ultimately ended up spilling. As stupid as it was. “Maybe he already has…”
It took a moment for Seokjin to make sense of your words. “W-what?” You could physically see when the penny dropped, it was actually quite amusing. You liked making him speechless. “You and Namjoon already… When?!”
You shrugged, feeling mildly embarrassed. “It was during the summer.” You tried to think of more things you’d need for this party but your mind was now a blur and Seokjin wouldn’t let you anyway.  
“You can’t just drop that and not give me details,” he cried. 
“Keep your voice down,” you hissed. Nobody knew bar Ana. Who had been the with you the night you and Namjoon had hooked up. It wasn’t exactly a secret, but you didn’t want the whole office knowing your business. 
Seokjin looked at you wide-eyed, patiently – or not so – waiting for you to explain yourself. You grumbled, not quite believing you were about to tell him, you didn’t want him knowing your business, but then again, it was a great feeling knowing that you’d shocked him. “I’d just… I’d just broken up with my boyfriend and I wanted to… let loose a little. It was just a one time thing.” 
But it had been good – amazing, actually. A repeat had never shown itself, but you were happy enough for it to be a onetime thing. 
“You have one night stands?” Seokjin asked, although you were sure it was rhetorical. 
“It happened once.” 
He wasn’t listening. “And here I was thinking you were a prude.” 
“Like I said before, you don’t know me.” 
Seokjin chuckled, amused by your attitude. It sent your insides a little jittery – but only for a split second – and it could’ve very well been annoyance. “So… How was it?”
“Excuse me?”
“How was the sex?”
“I’m not answering that,” you refused. 
“Why not?” He looked puzzled. “What’s a bit of hook up talk amongst friends?”
“Friends?” You repeated with a chortle. “Good one.” 
He ignored you. “Come on. I’ll tell you about the sex I had over the weekend. Birthday sex is always the best. One hook up story for another.” 
You pulled a face, unsure why the idea of Seokjin getting in on was so unpleasant, but then he laughed. It was loud, and partly squeaky. Contagious too. You couldn’t help but join in. “Go away.” You whined, pushing at his shoulder. You were not going into detail, palming him off. “I can’t even remember it.”
“Ouch.” Seokjin sniggered. “Don’t tell him that. It seems like he thinks about it every goddamn night.”
Pfftt. You doubted that. “I mean, it was ages ago.” 
“That shouldn’t matter, babe,” Seokjin tutted. “You never forget a good time.” 
“Are you purposely trying to be an asshole?” If he called you babe one more time, you swore to God…
“I’m not trying.” He smirked, face falling as he realised that hadn’t been worded correctly. “…Wait.” 
Okay then, he was just a natural asshole. Good to know. 
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Begrudgingly, you had to admit you and Seokjin made a pretty good team once you put aside your issues with one another. With the theme decided, it was easy enough to get everything in place. Jungkook took the “family” photos you needed of the staff and you went to get them professionally printed, shoving them in frames ready to place around the office in preparation. Seokjin found a lot of the decorations needed, which was actually very helpful of him. You were so impressed you even agreed to let him decorate the conference room all by himself when the time came. The office was already overflowing with tinsel, the Christmas tree up, but the conference room was always left for the day of the party, the last Friday before the company closed for Christmas. 
Secret Santa had been organised too. Quite unfortunately you’d pulled out Seokjin’s name (see, you were cursed,) but you’d bought the first pair of cufflinks you’d found in the department store last week, so you didn’t have to worry about that for long. All that was left now was the buffet. And that’s how you found yourself sat in Seokjin’s kitchen on a Friday night, a week to go until D-Day… 
There hadn’t been time to look over the restaurant’s menu in work hours, and you’d given up trying to organise things over Skype with him. The first and last time you’d tried that, Seokjin had added Jungkook into the call, both of them getting ready to game. It had been a mess to say the least, so the only other option was to meet up after work. Seokjin had been the first to invite you over, so here you were. It wasn’t as if you purposely didn’t want him to step foot inside your home. He wasn’t that bad. 
His apartment wasn’t either… He lived with his best friend, an interior architect, which made a lot of sense once Seokjin told you. Unless you were confusing it for an interior designer, which you probably were – either way, this place was cool. And spotless. It smelt nice too. Always a plus. 
You were halfway done picking through the menu when his phone started ringing. You noticed him hesitate, as if he wondering if he should pick up but ultimately decided to after a few rings. 
“Hey mom,” he greeted, glancing over at you to mouth sorry. 
You shook your head to tell him it was okay and pulled out your phone from your hoody pocket, taking the break to scroll through social media. A text pinged through from Ana, wondering what dress she should wear tomorrow night when you went out for drinks. Every year you went out just before Christmas, despite how much you complained. It was mandatory now, but undeniably Ana took it a lot more serious than you. You had no idea what you’d be wearing tomorrow and wouldn’t until an hour before the Uber came to get you. 
“I know that, but I just can’t leave him,” Seokjin sighed beside you. You paused, having never heard him sound quite like that before. He sounded… serious for one. And frustrated. You replied to Ana quickly, trying your best not to overhear anymore – which was difficult. You were practically brushing shoulders at the kitchen table. 
“I don’t think he wants to come. He said he doesn’t even want to celebrate this year.” 
Again, you were doing a terrible job at this. Whatever this was about, you were beginning to feel rude listening in. But then again, if Seokjin didn’t want you to hear then surely he would’ve stepped into the living room. You were being a goddamn worrier. 
“Okay, I’ll speak to you soon, bye. Love you.”
Love you? Seokjin told his mom he loved her? The revelation caught you off guard, forgetting that he was off the phone now and as you heard him clear his throat, shoving the device into his sweatpants pocket, you jumped, copying and slipping yours back inside your hoody. 
“Sorry about that,” he apologised. “It was my mom.” 
“It’s fine.” You reassured. He sounded a little dejected all of a sudden, a far cry from ten minutes ago when he’d been laughing over the word vol-au-vent. You hesitated, wondering if you should ask if everything was okay? You felt a little awkward, as if you were pushing boundaries, but surprisingly he told you himself without any prompting. 
“She really wants me to come home for Christmas but I can’t leave Yoongi.” He definitely sounded exasperated now. 
“Yoongi?” You repeated, a little lost. 
Seokjin glanced at you, narrowing his eyes as if he was trying to guess if you were messing around or not. “My best friend…” He said slowly. “Y’know, the one I live with…” 
You fool. Now it looked like you hadn’t been listening to him. You had been, you really had, the name just slipped your mind momentarily. After only an hour… “Sorry,” you murmured. 
He shrugged, carrying on. “I kinda owe him one.” 
“How come?” The menu now laid forgotten. 
Seokjin sighed. “It’s kind of a long story.” You waited to see if he’d care to explain, although of course he didn’t have to if he didn’t want to. “His girlfriend broke up with him about a month ago and he’s been pretty cut up ever since.” 
He wanted to. You listened politely, aware this was the first time either of you’d had a conversation very much deemed as serious.   
“I’m going to stay here with him because well,” he hesitated, glancing at you briefly. He seemed a little embarrassed but decided to continue. “He let me move in with him after my ex and I split up. He was there for me so it’s only fair that I’m there for him.” He finished with a rushed smile, reaching to rub the back of his neck bashfully.
The action was pretty endearing. 
“Is that why you transferred?” You asked, aware the conversation was straying but you couldn’t help it. The surprise of finding out he’d moved here after the breakdown of his relationship was distracting to say the least. You’d always pegged Seokjin as a guy who’d never been in a serious relationship – judgemental, yes, but they were the type of vibes he gave out. Maybe you just couldn’t imagine him settled down and in love. He was such a free spirit, never serious enough – although, right now he was... 
Possibly, you didn’t know him at all…
Seokjin nodded. “Yeah, I wanted a fresh start. Yoongi said this city was nice, so.” 
There was a beat of silence and afraid it would become awkward you rushed to say something of worth. “Break ups are tough.” 
God, that sounded a lot cheesier than you intended. 
“They are,” he agreed. “Although... I don’t know how yours went – mine was okay, sad but mutual. We just didn’t love each other anymore. Yoongi’s on the other had… He got cheated on.” 
“That sucks.” You empathised, before shrugging softly. “Mine was okay too. As break ups go.” 
Were you bonding? Bonding with Seokjin? Ludicrous. However, what was even more unbelievable was how normal and comfortable it felt… 
“How are you spending Christmas this year?” He asked, continuing to make conversation. 
“Well, I usually visit my parents too but they’re going to be abroad this year so I’ll just spend it with my friend Ana’s family.” It was all planned, they lived super close by so at least this year would be easy. 
He sniggered, eyes twinkling as opened his mouth to tease you. “Ditched by your own parents, embarrassing.” 
“Hey,” you exclaimed, whacking his arm just before you burst into laughter. 
He laughed along for a moment before growing semi-serious again. But just for a moment. “It’s actually going to be my first Christmas away from my family. It feels kind of weird but I can’t bring Yoongi along, he’ll bum out the atmosphere.”
You scoffed, voice filled with sarcasm. “You’re such a great friend, Seokjin.” 
He chuckled, opening his mouth to reply, but just as he did you both heard the door in the entry way opening, footsteps sounding. You guessed Yoongi was back home. Not long after, a black haired man came into view and Seokjin moved, cool air filling the gap. You realised just how close you’d been sat together. When had that happened? 
“Hey Yoongi,” Seokjin smiled. Yoongi raised a hand. “This is Y/N, my co-worker. You’ve heard me talk about her before, right?” 
Huh? Whining about you, no doubt… 
“Oh... yeah.” Yoongi’s eyes travelled to yours, a small smile upturning one corner of his mouth. “Hey, how’s it going?” 
“Hey,” you returned his smile. “Nice to meet you.” 
“How was work?” Seokjin asked. He sounded… concerned? That was sweet. 
Yoongi shrugged. “Fine. Had an appointment with a client.” Silence. He was a man of very few words. You liked it. “I’m going to my room, have fun planning that Christmas party.” 
Of course. That’s why Yoongi knew about you, Seokjin had told him about the party planning… 
You waved him bye, and then, once you’d heard him make his way upstairs, Seokjin turned to you. “See? Bums out the atmosphere.” 
“What atmosphere?” You joked. “No, but he seemed okay, considering…” Yes, his shoulders were a little slumped, as if he was carrying the whole world on them, but who knows, that could’ve been a thing before the breakup… He had sort of smiled at you… 
“Yeah…” Seokjin agreed, before pausing and raising an eyebrow. “Maybe he liked what he saw. You could always do me a solid and try to cheer him up for me.” 
You puzzled, unsure what he was getting at. 
“You know, like Namjoon did for you…” 
“SEOKJIN,” you yelled, jaw dropping in shock. “What the hell is wrong with you?” It wasn’t funny. 
He squeaked a laugh. “I’m just messing around, don’t worry. I don’t want you to sleep with Yoongi. That would just be weird. Besides,” he added as an afterthought, smirking mischievously. “You’re too boring.” 
He was trying to tease you again, wanting you to bite. Well, it wasn’t going to happen. 
“I wouldn’t touch any of your friends,” you shot instead. “They’re tainted by default.” 
Seokjin chuckled softly, shaking his head from side to side as he began to study the menu again. 
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“You ladies have a couple of admirers,” the waiter grinned as he placed two white wine spritzers on your table. 
Ana squealed, taking one of the glasses immediately. “Where?” 
You’d only been out barely an hour, already in your second bar, but even you had to admit the thought of someone buying you a drink was a little exciting. You followed the waiter’s hand to a booth across the floor, anticipation pumping through your veins only to be thoroughly disappointed when you recognised one of the faces – well, both faces actually, but you’d only been acquainted with the second yesterday…
“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” you groaned. 
“What?” Ana asked mildly confused, waving off the waiter with a thanks. “What’s wrong? They are so hot!”
“That’s dick cheese and his friend!”
“Wha–The guy you work with?” Your best friend sounded flabbergasted. “Which one is dick cheese? Although I wouldn’t kick either out of bed…” 
“Ana!” You hissed, taking another glance at the booth. Seokjin waved at you wildly, an obnoxious grin on his face. You grumbled. “He’s the one on the left.” 
“Oh, fuck.” She waved back, much to your annoyance. “No wonder he gets you so angry.” 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You were confused. Enough to not realise when she stood up, making a beeline for their booth. “Wait–Ana! Where are you going?!”
She didn’t bother to look back as she replied. “I’m going to say thanks, duh.” 
And that’s how you found yourself well on the way to Drunksville. You were only supposed to get tipsy tonight, knowing you’d pay for anything more in the morning, but well, you’d moved onto a club down the road and the drinks kept coming, and as much as you hated to admit it, hanging out with Seokjin and Yoongi was actually pretty enjoyable. Although, no matter how much fun you were having, it wasn’t enough to stay on the dancefloor for too long. 
“Hey,” you greeted Yoongi, slipping inside and around the booth to slump down next to him. Dancing couldn’t have been his cup of tea either because he’d given up way before you had. Seokjin and Ana were still going strong out there. 
You downed what was left of your drink, willing yourself to cool down as you huffed and puffed. God, you were drunk. 
“Are you okay?” He chuckled. 
You smiled. You liked Yoongi. He was nice, quiet – you liked quiet. “So, tell me,” you wondered, eager to understand something.  “How’s a guy like you friends with Seokjin?”
Yoongi’s forehead creased. “What do you mean?” 
Shrugging, you bit back a hiccup. “You seem normal, he’s…” What was Seokjin again? You could usually come up with a million and one (not so nice) words to describe him but the room was slightly spinning and your brain came up blank. 
Yoongi understood you anyway, laughing as he replied.   “He can just seem that way at first, it’s the nerves. They make him act up.” 
You narrowed your eyes. “Nerves?” What did that mean? You could never imagine a nervous Seokjin. He was always so sure of himself. 
Yoongi didn’t clarify. “Me and him are actually very similar. Annoying little shits when we want to be,” he laughed, before hesitating, “I’m…I’m a little injured right now, that’s why I seem a lot more subdued.”
“Oh,” you murmured, hoping you didn’t come off as condescending. “Yeah, Seokjin told me about your breakup. I’m sorry.” 
“It’s fine.”
“You seem a lot happier tonight though,” you offered. Happier than yesterday evening.  
“It’s called alcohol,” he grinned, bringing his glass up to his lips. He paused. “Y’know, he’s pretty cool once you get to know him.” It took you a second to realise he was talking about Seokjin. “He’s a great person.”
You shrugged slightly. “He’s okay.” What did it matter what you thought anyway? Seokjin definitely didn’t care. 
“He likes to joke around, I admit, but it seems to make you laugh, so.” Yoongi smirked slightly and tilted his head, taking a took a sip of his beer. 
Taken aback, you tried to think. Had you been laughing with Seokjin all night? Maybe laughing at him was a better way to describe it… 
“What are you guys talking about?”
You jumped when you heard a familiar loud voice and looked up to see Seokjin leaning over the table, four shots balanced between the fingers of both hands – two in each. His face was flushed, redder than you’d ever seen it – he’d obviously had enough of dancing too.  
“Nothing,” Yoongi replied smoothly. He stood up, finishing his drink. “I’m uh, I’m going outside for some fresh air.” 
“But I got us shots,” Seokjin complained. 
Yoongi looked over at you and smiled before tapping Seokjin on the shoulder. “I’m sure you and Y/N will make good use of them.” 
Hm… Everyone was drunk and acting weird. Not that you had time to contemplate it because immediately Yoongi had gone and Seokjin was taking his seat next to you. His cologne hit you. It was different to usual, you’d realised instantly earlier in the night. 
“Where’s Ana?” You asked. They’d both been dancing together when you’d left them. 
He shrugged as he handed you a shot. “I don’t know, lost her on the dancefloor.”
You hesitated. Should you have more to drink? The shots might push you over the edge. But… you were having fun. It was one night out, you might as well do it properly. So quickly you downed the shot, smirking Seokjin’s way as you picked up another. “I’ll have hers then.” 
He grinned slowly before scoffing as you choked. That shit burned, and you might have been able to handle the first shot no problem but this time your eyes watered and your throat screamed. 
“Seems like you’re trying to prove a point,” he laughed.
“What do you mean?” You demanded, already feeling more lightheaded. 
He didn’t care to explain, instead doing his two shots straight after the other, able to handle them with just a wince. “What do you think of Yoongi?” He asked, barely giving the liquid time to slip down his throat. 
“Do you like him?”
You shrugged, confused as to why he was asking you. “He seems nice, yeah.”
“So, you like him?”
You froze. “Are you still trying to hook us up? I don’t like him like that.” You didn’t even know him. 
“No, no,” Seokjin rushed. “I wasn’t trying to… never mind.” He shook his head, changing the subject. “So who did you get for Secret Santa?”
“I’m not telling you,” you huffed, pushing his shoulder. 
“That means it’s me.” 
“Seokjiiin,” you whined, leaning into him as you nudged him once more. 
He laughed, looking a little surprised by your sudden affection – however unintentional. “I think you’re drunk.” 
…Maybe those shots were a bad idea, you’d only get worse… 
“Should we go and look for Yoongi and Ana?” Seokjin asked, checking his watch. 
You’d been sat together for a while now, conversation coming surprisingly easy. It was nonsense mostly – you might or might not have helped Seokjin with some festive ideas to prank Jungkook with – but Ana hadn’t come back from the dancing yet, and Yoongi was still outside – unless he’d done a runner, which was highly probable according to Seokjin. So it was probably best you both went to look for your friends. 
You followed closely behind Seokjin as you searched through the club and at one point he reached for your hand, helping you through a large group of people. His grip was warm and oddly gentle, but you didn’t have time to think about it too much as he’d already let go. He waited for you as you checked the restroom, but your best friend was nowhere to be found. It was probably the alcohol in your system but you started to get a little worried, especially when your text went ignored. Seokjin seemed to notice. 
“Stay here, okay? I’m going to check outside. I don’t want you to freeze to death.” He told you, having to practically shout in your ear the music was so loud in this area. 
You found yourself a little touched by his concern, no matter how small it was and listened, clutching your purse to your middle. You were in a black mini dress after all, your arms barely covered. You still had the perfect view of him though, able to watch him step out the building and look down the road. You noticed the concern on his features slowly turn into shock, his mouth dropping open, and you frowned. What the hell had he seen?
“Seokjin!” You called, which was pretty useless. He couldn’t hear a damn thing. You could barely hear yourself. You rushed forward. “Seokjin?” You pushed your way past some people who had clogged up the entry way and dashed down the stone steps. “What is it?”
The winter air hit you instantly. It was fucking freezing. Seokjin still looked in shock, glued to the spot and you grew frustrated, stopping right beside him. “What?” You demanded. “What’s going on?!” 
You followed his line of vision, and immediately you were positive your expression matched his. A little down the road, up against the wall, Yoongi and Ana were wrapped around one another, attached at the mouth. You were speechless, the cold no longer a problem. 
“Let’s not interrupt them,” Seokjin said suddenly, taking you by the hand once again to drag you back inside. (Your feet honestly wouldn’t work.) 
The instant heat got your blood pumping again, although the music did nothing for your whirring head. “What did we just witness?” You turned to him and asked (shouted). 
Seokjin still looked just as shocked, but he managed a joke, wrinkling his nose up. “Ew, what if our friends start dating? I’ll be stuck with you forever.” 
“Grow up,” you rolled your eyes, before randomly taking in the sight of him. How wasn’t he melting to death? The guy was in a fuzzy Christmas sweater. Actually, an even more important question; how hadn’t he electrocuted himself? The reindeer on his chest lit up. If one drop of sweat got into that hidden battery pack he was done for, surely?
“I thought you’d be saving that jumper for Friday,” you commented (yelled), quite honestly in a daze. You were drunk, in absolute shock, toes frozen, and somehow you were stood with Seokjin making conversation about Christmas jumpers. 
“Who says I don’t have a whole drawer full of the festive fuckers. I did say I loved Christmas, no?” He laughed.
You joined in. “I thought you were bullshitting.” 
“Of course you did.” He said with a small smile, shaking his head a little. 
“I can’t believe we caught them kissing.” You couldn’t stop thinking about it. 
Seokjin wiggled his eyebrows playfully. “They’re probably doing more than that by now.”
“Shut up.” You whined. “Wait. Do you think he told her about the breakup?”
“What?” Seokjin asked you to repeat, leaning in slightly, unable to hear you properly above the music. 
“Do you think she knows he’s on the rebound?”
Seokjin shrugged. “Maybe. Who cares.” 
“I care!” You exclaimed causing him to wince because you’d accidentally shouted in his ear. “Ana’s my best friend!”
Seokjin rolled his eyes slightly. “I thought you of all people would know people can just fuck with no strings attached.” 
“Will you ever drop that,” you deadpanned. Your hook up with Namjoon happened so long ago now, you barely even thought about it unless you saw him at work, which was pretty rare anyway. 
“Nope.” The way the sound of the p popped off his lips annoyed you. 
“What about you?” You asked, changing the subject from you. “No getting lucky tonight? Is Christmas sex not on par with birthday sex?” 
He burst out laughing. “I’d say it is, yeah, but I still have a couple of weeks to make it happen, so ask me then.” 
His answer almost annoyed you more and you couldn’t place why. He was just being stupid, classic old Seokjin. You should be used to it by now. 
“Come on,” he winked, stepping forward, towards the middle of the club and his hand cupped your elbow. “Let’s dance!” 
“No, no, no,” you immediately refused, grabbing his hand to stop him. 
“Pleaseee,” he pleaded, eyes wide. “I want to dance with you. You’ve hardly been on the floor all night.” 
Oh. Your heart did a little flip inside your chest. Maybe it was the tequila making its way back up your body… 
“Come on,” he chuckled, not giving up. “It’ll warm you up.” On cue both of his hands lifted and he started rubbing your shoulders. “I told you not to come outside. Now we both have the mental image of Yoongi sucking face stuck behind our eyelids and you’ve got frost bite.” 
You giggled, but still wouldn’t relent. He could stay here warming you up for the rest of the night if he wanted… Dancing made you sweaty. 
He tilted his head, giving you a look. “Y/N, do you want me to call you boring again?”
And just like that you wanted to prove him wrong… You were a sucker. He knew what he was doing. 
Only, the second round of shots for some Dutch courage were probably a bad idea. Your idea, but a very bad one, nevertheless. The dancefloor seemed to be stickier than it was an hour ago – and busier. It was packed and loud, which worked to distract you from how drunk you were. 
Seokjin could move. You hadn’t realised earlier, not really paying attention as you’d danced with Ana instead, but with just the two of you left you let him embarrass the hell out of you on the floor. At first it was definitely on purpose; he pulled the largest, wackiest moves that you begged him to stop, but soon enough he had you dying of laughter, so he continued, your amusement spurring him on. And then drunk you had to join in… 
“You know what? You’re actually pretty fun once you loosen up,” Seokjin yelled above the music, his hands somehow having found their way to your hips as you both snaked them to the beat. 
“I’m always fun,” you informed him, your breath fanning across his face as you lifted your arms in the air. “You just only know work me.” 
He smiled. “Well, I don’t know, I think I’m getting to know normal you lately…” 
You snorted some type of noise. “That’s what you think!” 
He went to open his mouth to argue but you spun around, your back pressed to him as you continued to sway. Your skin was hot to the touch, too many bodies cramped in this small space, but you loved the feeling of Seokjin’s hands on your hips, even more so when they slowly inched up your waist. You flung your arms back, looping them around his neck to pull him closer. It had been a long time since you’d danced with a guy like this. Not even Namjoon. Not even your ex. 
You could feel how boiling he was too, a thin layer of sweat coating the back of his neck, and as you ran your fingers through his slightly wavy hair he let out a little groan. It was extremely quiet, would’ve gone unnoticed if his mouth wasn’t hovering by your ear, but now you’d heard it and it changed everything. Something exploded inside your chest, fresh heat prickling your skin and you found yourself pushing into him further, grinding in a small circle. 
The dancefloor was full of couples like this so no one took any notice. But Seokjin did. He froze, as if he was sure he’d imagined it, so ever so carefully you did it again. This time he knew his drunk mind wasn’t playing tricks on him and after a slight hesitation his hands slid to your hips again, gripping them tighter. He let you grind against him, but didn’t reciprocate, he just kept dancing to the music, which seemed to turn you even braver. 
With the bass of the music pumping through your body you moved back and forth against his crotch, hearing his breath get shallower and shallower. It was addictive and you were chasing the feeling before you knew it, bold and finding yourself getting more turned on by the second. It wasn’t long before you began to feel him grow hard against your ass, and even though surprised, you still carried on, loving it. 
“Y/N,” he murmured against your ear, sounding out of breath. You circled your hips again. This time he couldn’t help but push back. “It’s getting late.” His voice faltered. “You’re drunk. I’m drunk.” 
You frowned to yourself. What was he trying to say? You felt his hands leave your hips, reaching for your arms around his neck to slide them away. He was trying to get you to face him. He was still half hard in his pants but he ignored it. 
“You’re drunk,” he repeated, as if it was some sort of answer, some sort of reason. He started to twist you his way but you tripped, falling into him. “Definitely drunk,” he chuckled, tugging his hands off your waist from where he’d caught you. “It’s time to go home.” 
“I don’t want to go home,” you pouted, wrapping your arms around his neck. You went to push your body into him but he angled away from you, creating distance. 
“You need to go home,” he laughed. It sounded awkward. “Think of that hangover tomorrow.” 
“I will,” you shrugged, “tomorrow.” 
Seokjin stared at you, his brown eyes wavering slightly. They were darker than usual, swimming with something that made your belly flip, but he steeled himself, holding strong. “Come on,” he pressed. “We can share an Uber.” 
“It’s fine.” You muttered, disappointed for some reason. You were unsure how he could hear you above the music, but he did. “I’ll find Ana.” 
He chuckled. “Ana’s definitely gone by now. Don’t you remember what we caught her doing?”
He was right. 
Damn your best friend. 
You didn’t remember much of the Uber ride home, the sudden departure from the club had brought deafening silence and you were now very aware of how much your head was spinning. Your bed was calling you – your warm, cosy, king sized bed… However, you took one look at Seokjin as he helped you out of the car and all that became forgotten. 
You clung to his jumper, voice still loud despite there being no music now. “Do you want to come in?” 
“Uh, I don’t think that’s a good idea,” He replied carefully, chuckling. “Sober you definitely doesn’t want me in your apartment.”  
You reached forward, brushing a strand of hair out of his eyes and giving him what you hoped was your best smile. “Drunk me does.” 
He held your stare for a moment, searching long enough to see something that made him make up his mind. “Fine,” he sighed lightly, bending down into the car to talk to the driver. You were barely listening, looking up at the stars, but Seokjin held your hand tightly, keeping your heels rooted to the ground. 
“Keep this thing running, I’ll be back in five.”
“That’s gonna cost you, my friend.” 
“It’s fine.” Another sigh. “Just– stay? I won’t be long.” 
It took you a couple of minutes to get through your door, Seokjin had to open it in the end, and he followed you in, a respectable distance behind you. He closed the door quietly, smiling when you turned back to look at him as you kicked off your shoes. 
“Okay, you’re home safe now. I’m just going to go, see you Monday, okay?” 
“No, don’t go,” you bemoaned, closing the distance to cling to him once again. In your drunken state you couldn’t place why you wanted him to stay so bad. All you knew was that you did. 
He sighed again, lifting his hands to clasp over your wrists in an attempt to move you away. He looked and sounded torn. “Y/N, the Uber’s running. I’m going to end up paying double to get home.” 
You shrugged. “Tell him to leave then.” 
He closed his eyes and exhaled, it sounded like a whimper. “What are you doing to me?” He murmured, but you were barely paying attention, swaying where you stood. He noticed and groaned. “You’re so drunk!” 
“Am not.” 
He laughed, genuinely amused, and if your drunk mind didn’t know any better it sounded as if he was endeared by you. He shook your shoulders lightly. “Look at me.” You couldn’t quite focus. He cupped your face instead, laughing louder as he angled you to stare straight into his eyes. “Look at me. You are so out of it.”
You just grumbled, but warmth fluttered through your body. It felt good to be touched by him. You thought back to the dancefloor, the way you’d been pressed up against his body. Your mouth parted, suddenly thirsty. Really thirsty. But for what? 
“Can you even make out my face?” Seokjin asked, continuing to be amused. 
“Of course,” you snapped, fingers reaching for him. “There’s your hair,” – You ran your fingers through the dark brown locks – “your eyes... nose…” He let you poke his eyelids gently and then you bopped his nose.
“Get offf.” He snorted softly. 
And then your attention fell to his mouth. Those plump, deep pink lips that were opened and slightly wet from where he’d been swiping his tongue across them. You swallowed, hands cupping his jaw. “Your lips –” 
You dove before you knew what you were really doing, pressing your mouth to his, taking him by surprise. Not a second later he was pulling back, holding you at arm’s length. “Woah, woah.” He chuckled in surprise, but his voice wavered. “Not the time, Y/N. Trust me.” 
You frowned, annoyance spiking and you shook him off. “What? So you’ve suddenly turned chivalrous now?” Scoffing, you felt like an idiot – upset and embarrassed, you spoke without thinking. “Or do you just not want me?”
Something flashed across Seokjin’s face. He looked irritated. Sounded it too when he replied. “Of course I fucking want you.” You froze. Huh? However, you didn’t have time to think about what he’d said before he was striding towards you, backing you up against the wall.  You gripped the tops of his arms on instinct, looking up at him as he loomed over you, hair falling into his dark eyes. They were the same colour as they had been back at the club – when you’d been grinding all over him. Your breath caught. 
“Ever wondered why you frustrate me so much?” He rasped. 
Something inside you screamed. Not that you had time to realise because immediately his mouth was on yours. Each press of his lips was rushed, as if he was acting on instinct and all you could do was cling to him and try to keep up. You let out a moan when you felt his tongue attempt to push past the seam of your lips and you let him in, moaning louder when the wet muscles clashed together, the dam now broken. 
It was contagious. Seokjin grunted against you, throatier than you were expecting, noises so unlike him your whole body burned in desire. Actually, it was on fire. It started to crave him, the feeling so strong all you could do was let it take you. You yelped when his hands curled around your ass, giving you one strong push and you promptly jumped into his arms. He caught you effortlessly and you wrapped your legs around him. 
By God, he was strong. He crashed you into the wall, mouth still hungry as he ground his crotch into yours. The skirt of your dress had ridden up to your waist, your underwear the only thing protecting you as he rubbed you against his dick. Which was hard again – very hard. Maybe he’d had a semi the whole car ride home, which was a thought that got you moaning louder inside his mouth, your tongues getting messy, your teeth clashing. 
“Seok-jin,” you whimpered. Your core tingled, hot to the touch and you could feel your arousal beginning to pool against the lace of your thong. You wanted him – no, you needed him. “Pleaseee. Please.”
He grunted, your begging fucking with his head and you felt his arms give way. He stumbled forward, no other option but to ease you down to the floor, but his mouth didn’t relent; he kissed you just as needy as before, sliding down your chin to make his way to your throat. 
You gasped at the new sensation, his tongue licking strips up your skin, his teeth nipping. Your legs shook under you, nothing to do with the alcohol you’d consumed, it was all him. He was driving you wild, and you needed him to fuck you. You knew that much. 
Your hand reached between your bodies, loving the sound of Seokjin heavy breathing against your ear as he now sucked on your lobe, and you wrapped your palm around his clothed cock. He was solid. Rock hard.. It had to be painful, surely? You got to work, rubbing him back and forth in an attempt to relieve some of his discomfort. 
“Fuck,” he muttered, and you jutted your hips into him too, mistaking the cursing for his enjoyment. “Y/N, wait,” he said, pulling back and stopping the movements of your hand, his long fingers circling your wrist. You tried reaching for his mouth again, still oblivious to his sudden change in demeaner.  
“Not like this,” he murmured, trying his best not to kiss you back, no matter how hard you pecked his mouth. 
“Why?” You asked, giving up. Your lips were wet and swollen. They prickled. God, you were so turned on your voice shook. His too. 
“Do you even know what you’re doing right now?” He sounded uncertain, looking you in the eyes as he chuckled bitterly. “You hate my guts. You don’t want my dick.” 
You frowned. What was he talking about? You’d been practically dry humping him. Of course you wanted his dick. “I do,” you insisted, leaning into him to tug at his belt. He didn’t give in. “Seokjin, just give me your dick.” 
He stared down at you, his hand still clutching your wrist, breathing still ragged, his eyes still black… but despite how much he obviously wanted this, he composed himself, his expression softening. You felt him reach behind you and gently pull your dress down over your ass. 
“We’ll talk about it tomorrow, okay?” He hummed softly, voice still visibly affected by you. “When you’re sober. When we’re both sober…”
You awoke suddenly, peaceful and serene for all of two seconds before you groaned, burrowing your face into your pillow. It felt as if someone was stomping on top of your head. What the hell happened last night? Wait… How had you even gotten home? Why couldn’t you remember anything?!
You blindly reached for your nightstand, praying your cell phone was there, fingers stretched as far as they would allow until you felt the familiar belonging. You grabbed it and burrowed further under the covers. You needed to call Ana. She’d fill you in – make you remember. 
Wait –
At the thought of your best friend you suddenly remembered a few things. Seokjin and Yoongi had been at the club too. They’d bought you drinks, you’d sat at their table, drunk more. Tequila must have been involved for you to be this clueless. Enough of it and you could forget your own name come morning. You’d always been the same since college. Squinting at the brightness of the screen, your head throbbing even harder if that was possible, you started to call Ana. It rang and rang… Frustrated you gave up. She could sleep through the end of the world so why were you surprised. You hoped she woke up with the world’s largest and longest hangover, serves her right for not – Oh. OH. 
You shot up, in immediate regret when the entirety of your head spasmed. Groaning you tried to fight through the pain, wishing you had some calm so you could actually piece together your memories. Ana and Yoongi. Outside. All over one another. Making out against the wall. 
What. The. Fuck. 
No wonder why she wasn’t picking up. 
The memories were hazy, but it was something. You continued to wrack your brain… You and Seokjin had found them, but they hadn’t been aware and then you’d gone back inside. He asked you to dance and that’s when you’d suggested more shot… Shots. Tequila shots. You were an idiot. Try as you might you couldn’t remember anything after that. It was all one big blur. How had you gotten from the club to your apartment? 
You moved to sit on the side of your bed, soles of your feet pressing into the carpet. Your stomach churned a little. No, you couldn’t be sick. You hated being sick. Rubbing your stomach in an attempt to soothe it you looked down and realised you were still wearing your dress. Gross. You’d gotten into bed with your clothes on? You groaned weakly. You better have washed your hands before knocking out… although, you highly doubted it. 
Looking at your phone again, you knew there was only one thing you could do. If you wanted answers you needed to ask the right person… 
(10:34am) You: How the hell did I get home last night?
No more than a minute later three dots appeared on the screen, signalling Seokjin’s reply. But he was taking his time with it. Jesus. They kept disappearing for a few moments just to pop up again. Why was it such a hard question?! 
(10:37am) Seokjin: You can’t remember? 
Really? Three minutes to type three words? 
(10:37am) You: Obviously not I wouldn’t be asking you otherwise  (10:38am) You: We saw Ana and Yoongi kissing... We had shots... We danced
You talked him through what you did recall, and once again, he played that irritating game with those three dots. You knew he wasn’t typing up an essay. 
(10:41am) Seokjin: And then I took you home
You raised both your eyebrows. He took you home? Why did that surprise you so much? 
(10:41am) You: Thanks (10:42am) Seokjin: How’s your head?  (10:43am) You: Hurts  (10:43am) You: Everything hurts  (10:43am) Seokjin: 🤣 
Rolling your eyes, you threw your phone on the bed and managed to stand up. You were done talking to him of he was just going to laugh at your misery. Besides, he’d told you all you needed to know. The mystery was solved. Next, you needed to shower. 
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You were still feeling extremely fragile the next morning but managed to get into the office at 9am sharp with the help of coffee. You’d spent the night on the phone to Ana, getting all the nitty gritty details about her hook up with Yoongi. Apparently, they’d bumped into each other outside after she’d slipped out for some fresh air and had gotten talking. He’d told her about his recent breakup, and having been cheated on before, naturally Ana and he had bonded, and said bonding had led to kissing. Lots of it. Which had then led to lots of sex back at her apartment. (Yes, he did know how to use his dick if anyone was curious, and yes, it was very pretty.)
You’d expected to hear about it from Seokjin this morning but he was actually uncharacteristically quiet. Although, it might have been because he was partially blindsided when he got into the office. First, he was late, which had never happened before. No matter what you thought of Seokjin, he was always punctual and professional (when it was called for). And second, there was a surprise waiting for him. 
Jungkook had draped his entire desk and chair in strings of fairy lights. Everything was lit up. It was a lot, but even you had to admit it was funny, and you hated their pranking war with a burning passion. Mainly because you were always caught in the middle. Seokjin however, seemed a little out of it. You mean, he still laughed, tried to wrestle Jungkook in the middle of Hoseok’s good morning greeting, but something about him seemed off. You couldn’t put a finger on it, it was almost like he was forcing it. 
He hardly looked at you when you asked him what he had planned for payback. Shrugging his shoulders as he rolled his chair out and slumped in it – lights still twinkling. “Who knows.” 
“I thought you had a bunch of ideas up your sleeve?” You’d spent a good half an hour discussing them Saturday night. 
That got his attention. He raised an eyebrow as he stared at you. “You remember that? I thought everything was a blur?” 
“Yeah, anything after we caught our best friends getting freaky on the streets.” You chuckled, feeling a little uneasy by the way he was still looking at you, as if he was suspicious of something. 
After a moment he gave up…Possibly? Upturning his shoulder he gave you a small smile. “Lightweight.” He didn’t meet your eyes though and leaned over to start pulling at a string of lights that laid between your desks. 
You reached over on instinct, placing your hand over his to stop him. He recoiled a little and you pulled back. What was that reaction for? “Keep them up,” you told him, choosing to ignore whatever had just happened. “It’s Christmas after all.” 
You dropped your hand under the desk, it tingled a little. Seokjin’s hand had felt warm, familiar? The inklings of something floated around the sides of your brain but you couldn’t place your finger on it. 
“Just don’t blow us up,” you joked. 
Wait. Seokjin’s stupid Christmas jumper from Saturday night. You remembered now. It had lit up and you’d wondered how he hadn’t set himself on fire yet. That was it. What was trying to seep into your brain just now. Hopefully things were coming back to you slowly… You’d remember everything in no time, you were sure of it. 
Meanwhile Seokjin nodded slowly, retreating his hand as he smiled at you slightly. 
Was he feeling okay? You thought about asking him. Maybe his mom was still taking it bad that he wouldn’t make Christmas this year? You opened your mouth, full intentions to check in on him, but stopped yourself. It wasn’t really your place. You didn’t know his personal life all too well. You mean, yeah, he’d told you some things lately, but you didn’t want to overstep the mark. He was probably just having a bad day. Everyone had them. 
However, you had to admit there was something quite unnerving about seeing him so downcast. It didn’t suit him. 
What on earth could have happened? 
The last week of work flew by. It was always the same, the office in a rush to finish up all loose ends before the two week holiday. You and Seokjin had one last meeting on Wednesday morning, just to check in and make sure everything was ready for Friday. The buffet was getting delivered the morning of and that’s when Seokjin was going to decorate the conference room. You’d been in charge of the Christmas playlist but he didn’t seem to have much interest when you’d shown him your choices. In fact, he was still acting a little strange. 
He was quiet, not his usual self, as in, he wasn’t constantly finding ways to annoy you. In fact, you barely spoke unless you had to, which before this Christmas party would’ve been great – the norm actually. However now, things were different. Had you done something to upset him? You couldn’t think what. Maybe you’d offended him when you were drunk and couldn’t remember? You thought about asking him but couldn’t find the nerve. Besides, Seokjin didn’t seem the type to get offended by trivial things. You and he tended to be at one another’s throats most (all) of the time, but it was all done in jest. You didn’t despise him, he just got on your nerves – like you got on his. You couldn’t imagine yourself saying anything terrible to him, especially because from what you could remember of that night, you’d both had fun… Hanging out with Seokjin wasn’t too bad, drunk or sober. 
So, things continued to remain a mystery, until that was, the next day… 
“Here, I got you something.”
You looked away from your computer at the sound of Seokjin’s voice, finding him stood above you, his winter coat nearly buttoned all the way up. It was just after lunch on Thursday but Seokjin and Hoseok had to head off for an emergency meeting with a client who wanted to discuss something before Christmas. 
Your forehead furrowed when you saw he was holding out a small glittery gift bag and when you took too long to take it he shook it. You reacted, taking it from him but still questioning him with your eyes. “Seokjin, Secret Santa is tomorrow.” 
“No, it’s not for that,” he informed you, his voice oddly quiet. Now you were even more confused. Why had he gotten you a gift? You felt oddly embarrassed as you played with the ribbon handles nervously. 
“I got Beryl,” he grumbled, easily making you ease up and chuckle. You couldn’t even begin to imagine what he’d purchased a sixty year old grandma… A bar of soap probably. 
As if you couldn’t stop it, your fingers were opening up the gift. Seokjin noticed and started babbling immediately. “I saw it when I was out shopping for decorations and it made me think of you… I hope you like it. Sorry if you don’t.” 
You awed as you pulled out a small Christmas bauble, green and gold in colour with the painting of a black cat in the centre, complete with a Christmas hat between its ears. It was beautiful and quirky – and totally unexpected. You’d gotten him a damn pair of lame ass cufflinks. 
“You can hang it on your tree at home or something,” you heard him suggest. 
You looked up at him, still a little speechless but you managed to get something out. “Thank you, Seokjin. I love it.” 
His face lit up at that. The first time you’d seen him genuinely smile all week. “You do?” 
You nodded, finding yourself unable to otherwise reply. Your heart felt a little funny. It was good to see him a cheerful, you’d missed it. He always looked good when he smiled… 
He was looking at you, and you didn’t know whether you’d been staring first, but he was watching you carefully now, gaze slightly intense, as if he was trying to work something out, to find something. You dropped your chin, feeling embarrassed, cheeks hot. Why did you feel so strange? You were making it obvious. 
“You really don’t remember Saturday night?” He spoke suddenly, tone soft, careful. 
You froze. Straitening to look at him again you shook your head. “Nope.” You forced out a laugh. “It’s still a total blank. Can you believe it? Tequila is my mortal enemy.” 
One side of Seokjin’s mouth raised into a half smile, but he didn’t look too amused. You felt something trickle down your spine – a bad feeling. “Seokjin?” You questioned, finding courage. “Why? What happened?” You needed to know. 
“Hm?” He hummed, lost in thought. His face was serious once again. 
“What happened Saturday night?” 
He shook his head, squeezing out a small chuckle. It had fake written all over it. “Nothing.” 
“Something must’ve happened,” you insisted, growing a little frustrated. Whatever it was  had something to do with his odd behaviour. 
He shrugged, hands in his pockets. His cheeks were growing flushed but that just annoyed you. “It’s nothing. You were just wasted.” 
“Tell me now!” You hissed, careful to keep your voice down. The office was pretty empty at the moment, some still in the staffroom, others busy around the building, but you still didn’t want anyone overhearing something personal. 
“No.” He refused. He looked stressed out. 
“Seokjin!” He was stressing you out now. What the hell had you done that night?! 
“I don’t want to.” 
“Why?” You practically wailed. 
“It’s embarrassing.” 
“What happened?” You were losing it now, thinking the worst. “What did I do?” 
He sighed loudly, finally giving in. “You kissed me.”
The colour drained from your face at his revelation, dread instantly filling you. What? You hadn’t been expecting that. Whatever your mind had thought up, it definitely wasn’t that.
“We kissed, okay?” He continued. “I took you home, you practically begged me to come inside and we kissed.” 
“Oh, my god,” you replied weakly, head now in your hands. You took a deep breath, trying to wrack your brains for any memories. How could you have forgotten such a major thing?! You invited Seokjin into your apartment? You kissed him? No wonder he’d been acting so strange this past week. You’d put him in such an awkward position. He was embarrassed and now so were you… 
“I’m sorry,” Seokjin apologised, down to a whisper. “I should’ve told you but I just didn’t know how. I wasn’t expecting you to forget everything and I didn’t know how to –” He stopped himself with a groan, going around in circles. 
Meanwhile, things were coming back to you. Not memories as such, more like hazy images and the faintest of sensations. His words had dislodged something. Dancing together, his hands on your body, his breath on your neck. The uber ride home. Stood in your entry way. Your hands on his arms. The feeling of his body pressed into yours. Your mouths attached and hungry. You felt yourself burn, unclear recollections stirring something hidden inside of you. 
“…Y/N?” Seokjin prompted. You managed to look at him but that was it. You mouth wouldn’t work, and what could you say anyway? How could you explain yourself when you couldn’t remember all the details? 
“It’s fine.” He told you suddenly, thinking he was reassuring you. “Don’t worry about it, okay?” 
“Seokjin, you ready?” 
You both startled at the sound of Hoseok’s voice and looked up to see him stood in his office doorway, buttoning up his coat. 
Seokjin nodded, a little dazed. “Uh, yeah, coming. Won’t be a minute.” 
“Last minute party planning, huh?” Hoseok grinned. “I’ll meet you in the car.” 
“Look, I gotta go,” Seokjin told you once Hoseok had strolled off. “You’ll probably be gone by the time I get back, so I’ll see you tomorrow.” He spoke in a rush, not giving you time to respond. Your mouth opened, but he cut in. “It’s fine, Y/N. Trust me.” 
And then he was gone. 
You looked down at the Christmas bauble on your desk, so mortified you felt like crying.  
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Crying might have been a tad dramatic, you admit. So you didn’t. You were a mixture of embarrassed and confused, unable to concentrate properly the rest of the afternoon. How had you kissed Seokjin and just forgotten about it? It was scary to think something like that could happen, a blind spot in your memory. His revelation had helped you remember some bits but there was nothing concrete. You spent your evening forcing yourself to recall more details, talking things over with Ana on the phone. You couldn’t not tell her. Not when you were in the middle of having a mini breakdown. 
She was interested in a lot more than just remembering the kiss though… 
“So if you remember him kissing you back what does that mean?” She demanded. 
You groaned. “I don’t even know if I’m remembering it correctly.” But why would your mind play tricks on you? Although, false memories were a thing… 
“Of course you are! Dick cheese likes you. It’s obvious! Classic high school bullshit.” 
“Ana, please,” you sighed. Now wasn’t the time for her theories. “He was drunk too,” you reasoned. “Just because we kissed doesn’t mean he likes me. I don’t like him, do I?” Yet, you’d grinded all over him on the dancefloor. (The memories of that were now clearer, and they made your cheeks burn…)
“Hmm.” She didn’t sound too convinced. 
“Ana, come on!” You cried. “It was a stupid mistake, and now I’ve just made things super awkward between us.” 
No wonder Seokjin had been acting weird all week, and there you’d been completely oblivious! The thought was enough to make you groan out loud. How could you go to work tomorrow? Host a party with him when things were so awkward?!
“I mean… You two need to talk about it properly. Make sure there’s no crossed wires. If you’re both on the same page then there’s no need for things to be awkward between you.” 
You rolled your eyes. She made it seem so easy. She wasn’t the one who’d made out with her co-worker. She never had to see her hook up ever again. While you had to look yours in the eye five days a week for the rest of your life quite possibly.
“You guys didn’t even hook up,” Ana screeched when you told her just that. “A slight fumble in your hallway isn’t exactly something you need to relocate for. Just talk to him.” 
Simple, right?  
But nothing ever was... 
“Let’s just forget about it,” Seokjin smiled your way as you both helped carry in the buffet food the next morning. He was holding the building’s door open for you with his back, letting you slip in first as you cradled the cardboard box filled with things you couldn’t even remember ordering. Too preoccupied with trying to bring up yesterday. 
You paused, not expecting him to shrug it off like that. In fact, it got you pretty speechless. Were you hurt? As much as Ana’s idea had made you want the earth to open up and swallow you, it made sense to talk things out with him. 
This morning you’d remembered even more while you’d brushed your teeth… Seokjin helping you slip the skirt of your dress down, finding your kitchen to get you some water… You were slowly piecing things together and it was confusing the hell out of you… You wished more than anything you could remember the whole thing. To know what was going on inside your head at the time, because right now you were a mess. 
But hearing Seokjin sound so flippant, so unfazed made you a little deflated… What if you didn’t want to forget about it? 
“I mean, you did already, so,” he gave a shrug and you followed him into the elevator in a daze. 
“Oh, yeah, okay,” you forced yourself to say, hitting the third floor button. You turned to look at him and plastered a smile onto your face. It hurt. “Good idea.” 
“Where is he?” Jungkook whined like a big kid. (The Christmas jumper he was wearing with a giant teddy bear in the centre didn’t help things…) “He knows I’m starving. Been saving myself all day for this.”
You raised a judgemental eyebrow. “You didn’t even have breakfast?” 
He looked at you, shooting you a quick wink. “I’m treating this buffet like it deserves to be treated. Like it’s my one and only.” At his side, Mina giggled. 
“Let’s just open up,” Hoseok suggested, reaching for the handle of the conference door. 
“No!” You exclaimed, standing in front of it. 
You were all waiting around like a bunch of lemons, Seokjin having done a disappearing act just before the party was due to start. Jungkook had already tried to call him three times but his phone was engaged. Everyone was getting impatient, but he needed to be here to see everyone’s reactions to his decorating. He’d been in there all morning, blinds closed, not even you knew what it looked like in there. 
“Y/N, come on,” Jungkook cried dramatically. “He won’t mind, let’s just get in there!”
“Fine,” you gave in, turning around to open up. You didn’t really have a choice, everyone was gearing up to trample you… 
One look inside had you a little speechless. It was beautiful, the room decorated like Santa’s Grotto. Seokjin had done an amazing job, and you felt bad for ever doubting his skill. For ever doubting his sincerity when it came to planning this entire party… 
“Oh, whoa,” Jungkook gasped behind you, sounding wholly surprised. “Jin did so well on the decorations.” You turned back to agree but saw him smirking. “You must be pissed.” 
“Shut up,” you scoffed and immediately swatted his hand away from a tray of sandwiches. “No! You have to wait!” 
Jungkook made a noise of agony, practically flaking out in one of the chairs. “I’m this close to passing out!”
You sighed at his dramatics. “I’ll go and look for him.” He can’t have gone far, surely? You pointed at everyone as you stepped out, expression stern. “No starting this party until I find him – and no eating food.” 
Jungkook whimpered. 
As you walked out of the office and down one flight of stairs you started to grow worried. What if something was wrong? Maybe there’d been an emergency and he’d had to leave…? Only, those thoughts didn’t have a chance to go too far as you spotted him almost immediately a little down the hallway. The second floor was unoccupied, most of the rooms either used for storage or ominously locked. He was stood with a shoulder against the wall, his back to you. The Santa’s hat he’d been wearing earlier was shoved into his back pocket. You’d caught him just in time, he was finishing up a phone call before staring at the screen, deep in thought it seemed. 
You suddenly felt nervous… You hadn’t been alone together at all since this morning and you’d been slightly miserable ever since then. Ever since he’d shut down the conversation you so badly wanted. You caught him staring your way a few times, when he was coming in and out of the conference room mid decorating – or maybe he was catching you staring. Who knew anymore. Your head was a mess, confused and unexplainably disappointed. 
But you needed to suck it up. There was a Christmas party to pull off, and it needed both its hosts…
“Seokjin?” You called, walking closer. 
He turned around with a start, shoving his phone into his jeans pocket. “Oh, hey.”
You took a moment to admire his Christmas jumper – a dabbing Santa Claus, which was pretty 2016 now, but whatever. You were wearing one similar to the bauble he’d gifted you yesterday, a cat wearing a Christmas hat, but you’d paired it with a Mrs. Claus skirt you wore every year without fail. Oh. You suddenly remembered something. Seokjin telling you he had a whole drawer full of Christmas sweaters. The thought should’ve made you laugh but you were still so nervous. You heart felt a little funny as you stared up at him. 
One thing was for certain, you didn’t think you could forget about the kiss. 
Could you excuse yourself to run away and call Ana? But then there’d be zero hosts at the party and Jungkook would disintegrate from hunger… You needed to power on. 
“Everyone’s wondering where you went,” you said, voice sounding strange as you spoke into the unsettling silence. 
You really didn’t want things to be awkward. You would hate it so much. You understood you didn’t have the best of relationships, but it worked for you both. Now it could all be ruined, and you didn’t want that. You didn’t know what you wanted…
Seokjin hesitated before tapping his pocket. “Sorry, phone call. Some type of insurance sales shit.” 
You nodded, unsure why you didn’t quite believe him, but chose to ignore it, giving him a short smile. “We should hurry up. Jungkook is salivating in there. He’s two seconds away from devouring the whole buffet.” 
Seokjin chuckled lightly at that. “Expected. He’s been fasting since 7pm last night.” 
Why didn’t that surprise you? 
“He’s already forced his way inside. Sorry. I tried to hold them off for as long as possible.”
“That’s my own fault.” He shrugged, then gave you a gentle smile. “Thanks for trying.” 
Your heart did a little flip. You tried to ignore it. “You did a great job on decorating by the way.” 
“You sound surprised,” he teased. “How many times do I have to say I lo– 
“You love Christmas, yes, okay, I believe you now.” You interrupted with a laugh. You remembered that from Saturday night, but you wanted to remember all of it. 
You opened your mouth, you needed to tell him. You needed to tell him you didn’t want to forget. “Seokjin,” you began, unsure how to continue. You didn’t want to make a fool of yourself. However it seemed he had things to say himself…
“I lied.”
His admission caught you off guard. He could probably tell by your face. He lifted a hand and rubbed the back of his neck, looking awkward. “I lied about the phone call. It was Yoongi. He was giving me a pep talk.” 
“A pep talk?” You repeated, now aware you could hear your own heartbeat. 
He took a step forward and let out a deep breath, gearing himself up. “I can’t stop thinking about last weekend, Y/N.” Your heart was thudding now. “I know I said we should forget about it but I can’t. You don’t remember it and I know you regret it and I’m sorry for,” he stopped to sigh in frustration. “I don’t know, I just feel really guilty. Because I really enjoyed kissing you.” 
He was staring straight into your eyes, no more than a foot between you. He looked nervous and remorseful. You didn’t like it. 
Firm, you held his gaze. “I don’t regret it.” That thought had never crossed your mind. Even through all the shock and mortification. Yes, your memories were extremely vague, but you didn’t regret the kiss. If anything you were curious. Even more curious now. 
Seokjin paused, not expecting your reply, but he sounded hopeful. “You don’t?” 
You shook your head. “I was embarrassed when you told me, yes, but that was because I thought I’d made a fool of myself – I mean, I still did, but if you enjoyed kissing me I guess it was worth it.” 
Seokjin had enjoyed kissing you, and from your foggy memories, you’d enjoyed kissing him too. You smiled. It was contagious as he grinned your way too. 
“You didn’t make a fool of yourself. At all.” He stressed. “Do you remember anything now?” He sounded concerned, still unsure how to go about this. 
“Bits and pieces, yeah.” You admitted. “You got me a glass of water and then left…” 
He looked guilty. “I lost myself a little, I admit, but I couldn’t let it happen. I couldn’t go through with it because you were so drunk and I was pretty sure you hated me and I could never take advantage of you like that.” 
Your heart fluttered. Genuine Seokjin was dangerous for you. “I don’t hate you,” you told him pointedly, crossing your arms across your chest, the beginnings of a smirk itching to appear. “You annoy me to no end but that’s sort of your charm, I guess.” 
He cocked an eyebrow, sensing the change in atmosphere as he asked smugly, “My charm?”
“Don’t ruin it,” you snipped, feeling brave as you stepped closer to him to tilt your head and run a hand down his chest – down the dabbing Santa… “So, you liked kissing me?” 
He nodded enthusiastically, curiously watching your movements. “It felt good. And not just in my dick but like, everywhere.” 
“Seokjin!” You exclaimed, rendered speechless. 
“What?” He asked, eyes wide. He grabbed your hips pulling you closer and you couldn’t help but squeal, reaching for his shoulders. He felt good. Big and warm and familiar. “I’m trying to talk about my feelings here.” 
He was teasing you, sure, but he was also telling the truth. You knew that. Feelings was a scary word, an uncertain word, but you thought you liked the way it made you feel. Maybe Ana was correct… Maybe a part of you did like Seokjin. It sure felt like it right now…
“Kiss me,” you whispered, gaze on his mouth before it flickered to his eyes. “I’m sober now and I want to see if I like it too.” 
You already knew the answer. He did too by the smirk on his face, but he listened anyway, closing the distance between your mouths. His lips felt instantly familiar, making you feel at ease as they pressed into yours. Fluttering his eyes closed you followed suit and he moved gently, tentatively, as if he couldn’t believe it – as if he didn’t want to ruin anything. From the back of your mind vague memories started to wind their way forward, his kiss drawing them out. 
You wrapped your arms around his neck, pressing your body into his ever so slightly with a soft sigh. The tip of his tongue found yours, hints of it joining each drag of his mouth and something lit up inside of you. So you were inevitably disappointed when he pulled back, giving your hips a soft squeeze.
“So?” He grinned. 
You hummed out loud, running your fingers through the hair against the nape of his neck. He liked that. You remembered running them through his hair on the dancefloor, his hands on your body. Stomach doing somersaults, you wanted more – needed more. “Maybe a bit more tongue and I’ll give you an answer…” 
He breathed out a shaky laugh and you thought he might hit back with something but there was no time for talking, not when he couldn’t bear to be away from your lips. Listening, he licked into your mouth, moving with a lot more confidence now. He held you tight before one of his hands came up to softly cup your cheek, the quietest of noises escaping his throat – showing just how much he was enjoying himself. You joined him, moaning gently into the kiss, your tongues untiring as the air around you shifted. 
It was when your back hit the wall did you truly let yourself leave go, hands exploring the expanse of his back as he crowded you, humming greedily against your lips, his hands holding your face as if he couldn’t bear to leave you and come up for air. More memories fluttered their way past your eyelids, a lot more vivid now, Seokjin’s tongue beckoning them  to the forefront of your mind. 
You remembered your kiss was hot and heavy, up against your entry way wall. You had wanted him so bad in that moment and here wasn’t much different. It was like you had been thrown right back there – that eagerness, that want. The only reason you pulled away eventually was because you literally needed to breath. You didn’t fancy passing out, enjoying yourself way too much… 
“I can’t believe you said to forget about this,” you managed to speak, breathless, lips wet and flush as you ran your hands across the broadness of his shoulders. God. You couldn’t stop touching him. 
“I can’t believe you did forget about this,” he exclaimed. He was breathing heavy, just like at the club when you’d grinded all over him. Your memory was on your side now. All it had needed was a prod.   
He did have you there. Your bad. But – “In my defence you supplied the tequila shots.” Although, you had suggested a second round… 
He chuckled, leaning down to nip at your bottom lip. “Stop giving me attitude. It’s turning me on.” 
You stomach flipped, your fingernails digging into the wool blend of his jumper as you held him to you. You wanted to kiss him for hours, because now that you’d started you didn’t want to stop. 
“Should we head back now?” Seokjin asked against a curl of your tongue, one hand against the wall, the other stroking your jaw line. “They’re probably wondering where we both are.” 
“In a moment,” you murmured, a hand of yours bravely dragging down his side. You hit the waistband of his jeans and curled a finger through a belt loop, nudging his crotch flush to yours. Your mouth did the rest of the talking. Sober you wanted what drunk you had missed out on. 
“Fuck,” you heard him mutter, immediately understanding where you wanted this to lead. “Or we can just ditch those losers and go to my place?” He drew back to catch your reaction. “Your place?”
“We can’t do that.” As tempting as that sounded, you couldn’t not attend your own Christmas party you’d spent weeks organising. Seokjin was hot, but he wasn’t that hot. Plus, it would way too suspicious if you both just disappeared… 
Seokjin agreed with a little sigh. “Yeah, you’re right.” 
That didn’t mean you couldn’t think of other ideas though…
“What are you doing?” Seokjin asked, moving back slightly as you wrestled for your phone in your skirt pocket. He watched you search for Jungkook’s name in your phonebook – you were sure you still had his number from when you’d had to “mentor” him the first week he’d arrived. Success! You did! You hurriedly text him. 
(13:31pm) You: I can’t find him. Start without us but LEAVE me some food
He replied immediately. He was probably withering away by now, the poor boy. 
(13:32pm) Jungkook: Oh man Jin is so fucking dead  (13:32pm) Jungkook: Tell him I love him before you stick the knife in 🤪 (13:32pm) You: Sure thing 
You looked up at Seokjin and grinned. “Just bought us half an hour.”
He looked impressed, an eyebrow cocked as he regarded you. “What are we going to do in half hour? – and please don’t say kill me.” 
You giggled – actually giggled. Damn him. You reached for his belt loop again, tugging it gently. “Whatever it is, we can’t do it out in the hallway.” 
You were playing a very dangerous game here. Out in the open, at your place of work. The storeroom was probably an even sillier idea – but that’s where you ended up dragging him into, flipping on the light to save being surrounded in darkness. You were 99% sure the surveillance cameras didn’t work on this floor anyway, so…
“You’re crazy,” he laughed weakly in disbelief, stumbling over an (empty) mop bucket as he went to reach for you. 
“And you love it,” you smirked against his mouth, your arms wrapping around his neck. 
The urge took over again, now in the privacy of the storage cupboard you were free to do whatever you liked. Seokjin grew hard against you quickly, your mouths locked together in haste as his palms felt up your ass. It wasn’t long before he picked you up, your legs wrapping around his middle as he continued to kiss you greedily against the wall. His hands slipped  under your skirt, cupping your ass and you tried to circle your hips as best you could, feeling his erection through the layers of your tights and underwear, both of you straining out moans and grunts. 
“I’m having déjà vu,” he grinned, lowering his mouth to nip at your neck. You gasped, pushing into him and he took the opportunity to begin to kiss your throat. Just like last time… Déjà vu, indeed. 
Breaking away he looked between your bodies, the band of white wool along your skirt protecting your modesty, but only just. “You weren’t dressed as Mrs. Claus though.” He sunk his teeth into your neck once more, a little harder this time and you jerked, yelping as you squeezed the tops of his arms. He liked that reaction, licking a broad strip up the column of your throat, getting you all kinds of wet and sticky. 
No doubt between your legs matched. You were hot, and impatient, and Seokjin’s mouth was evil. Especially when he lifted his head, dark fringe in his eyes, and smirked at you. Fuck, you really wanted him. Your heart was doing somersaults. 
“A fucking sexy Mrs. Claus.” 
You immediately rolled your eyes. Why was he ruining it? You were not about to partake in some sordid Christmas roleplay fantasy of his… “Just shut up and kiss me.” 
He didn’t really feel like answering back. 
A few minutes later you were placed back on the floor, your legs a little shaky as you clung to him, mouths still unrelenting. You were both heavy breathed and burning with desire. He pinned you to the wall with his thigh, separating your legs and giving you something else to grind against as his lips trailed the expanse of your throat, his fingers digging into the meat of your ass so hard you wouldn’t be surprised if he teared your hosiery. 
You were weak, slick against your underwear and desperate for some sort of release. Seokjin panted against your ear. “Do you remember what you said that night?” Moaning was all you could give in reply. “You wanted my dick. You were begging for it.” 
Hearing him speak like that drove you wild. “Mmhm. Remind me.” You could vaguely remember, too pent up to get embarrassed. 
He moved his thigh, pressing his crotch flush to yours and hooked a finger under your chin, lifting your face so he could kiss you again. You could feel his erection and unable to hold off any longer you reached between you and wrapped your hand around him. You could recall doing this before, Seokjin stopping you, but this time he did no such thing. Instead, he pushed into your touch, his voice thick with something that made you shiver as he spoke. 
“You drive me crazy… Every god damn day…” 
Your mind was a little too preoccupied to truly concentrate on his words but they seemed to stir something inside of you. Nudge something that had been forgotten. You couldn’t place it, but it had to do with last weekend. Something he’d said to you… before he’d kissed you… You couldn’t remember but the faintest of memories made you glow. 
“W-we should really just head to my place,” Seokjin stammered slightly, keening into your touch. You were sure his thighs were trembling, all the blood in his dick turning him weak. 
“There’s no need,” you breezed, and before you could take a moment to reconsider you were dropping to your knees. 
“Fuck, what are you doing?” He was practically beside himself, fingers digging into your shoulders as he watched you reach for the buttons on his jeans. 
“What do you think?” 
He sighed exhaustedly, a red flush beginning to travel its way up his neck, peeking above the collar of his sweater. “You’re trying to kill me.” 
Whatever he’d been expecting to happen in here hadn’t been you sucking his dick, you could tell. You took great pleasure in that. It was fun getting this kind of reaction from him. Truth was, when the mood struck, the mood struck, and you wanted him – badly. 
He watched you unbutton him, his black underwear coming into view – Calvin Klein, the band told you, and above that, where his jumper had ridden up, you could see a sliver of smooth tan skin – You just knew he was hiding a great body under there, but now wasn’t the time for stripping. You needed to be quick. 
You tugged his jeans down a little past his hips, enough for easy access. “You really want to kill–ughgh –!” 
He broke off with a surprised moan, your hand reaching inside his boxers to pull out his dick. Wrapping your palm around the base you gripped automatically, staring at what you could only describe as his third leg, with a slack jaw. “Of course you have a fucking massive dick,” you muttered, feeling a little unnerved. 
Surprise immediately dissipating, Seokjin gave you a smirk. “That obvious, huh?”
You breathed heavily through your nose, beginning to run your fist along his length on instinct. It was a good looking dick, you’d give him that. Tense at your sudden movements, Seokjin soon eased up, watching you carefully. You looked up at him, giving him a tiny, slightly shy smile… There really was no going back now. Not that you wanted to. Things had changed and they were going to change even more after this… 
“Come on,” he murmured, a hand reaching out to stroke your cheek. His voice sounded dangerous, low and honeyed as he gazed at you on your knees for him. “Suck it like I know you want to…” 
You scoffed, although surely he could see the effect he had on you. You weren’t bluffing anybody, not even yourself. “Don’t rush me.” 
Seokjin looked amused, but that soon changed when you swiped your tongue across the head of his cock in one fluid and determined motion. His knees pretty much buckled, a hand reaching for the side of your head, his fingers weaving into your hair. You chuckled a little mischievously, your lips wrapped around him, knowing the vibrations would fuck with his head some more. Seokjin laughed stiffly along, knowing what you were up to – knowing you loved having this sort of effect on him – but it sounded strained, wavering in the middle as his eyes locked with yours, the veins in his neck beginning to bulge with the strain. 
You moved, wrapping your lips around him further, your tongue washing against the hot skin and he stumbled forward a little, a grunt slipping from his mouth. That fuelled you, slipping him deeper, your tongue tracing patterns along the underside before you pulled back and repeated. You weren’t kidding when you said he had a massive dick, it was almost daunting, but you found a way around it, massaging your fist along the base of him in time with your mouth until you found a confident rhythm. 
“Oh, fuck.” 
That boosted your ego too, taking great pleasure in the way you seemed to have stunned Seokjin into more or less complete silence. He wasn’t very cocky right now, was he? If you had known sucking his dick would shut him up, you’d have done it long ago – or maybe that was your own horniness talking… Who knew right now. 
You popped off him, running your palm wider, further along to circle over the head, your saliva acting as lubrication, quiet squelching noises slipping from between your fingers. You smirked up at him, “Am I still boring?”
It took him a moment to process your question, his body hunched, surrendering to the pleasure, and you admired the way his lips parted, each breath audible as he stared down at you, dark eyes glazed over. God, he was hot. How had you been so unbothered by him for so long? 
Shaking his head, he halfway came to. “Sucking my dick in a storeroom, can’t get any wilder than this. Well done, you proved me wrong.” 
That was nice to hear. You liked it when he was wrong, mainly because you loved being right. You wrapped your free hand around the top of his thigh, needing the support as you took his dick in your mouth again. Feeling ambitious you willed yourself to relax as you eased along him, taking him deeper, beginning to bob back and forth, the faintest of noises escaping the back of your throat. 
It drove him crazy, his head falling back as he whined. “If this is all just to prove a point and you stop before I cum, I’m going to cry like a motherfucking baby.” 
You tried to laugh but ended up choking, gagging on his cock – unflattering surely, but he seemed to love it, his eyes flashing as he cupped your hand that gripped his girth, gently pulling it away to place on his other thigh. He didn’t want his view obstructed he watched. Besides, you didn’t need your hand as a safety net anymore anyway…
“Fu-ck, you look so good sucking my dick,” he awed, his voice hoarse. He tightened the hold he had on your hair, the fingers of his other hand brushing rouge strands out of your face. You looked up at him, mouth stuffed and he smirked. It made your core pulse. “On your knees. You couldn’t get down there quick enough.” 
A moan slipped from your throat, pulsating against his cock. Of course the guy had a filthy mouth, it should’ve been obvious. What was shocking though, was the effect it had on you. Dirty talk was cringeworthy in your eyes, not many men could pull it off – not even Namjoon – but words like that coming from Seokjin?! You were sure you’d just freshly drenched your underwear. It would surely be a slip ‘n’ slide down there when he finally got his hands on you – If he got his hands on you. Fuck, he better. 
A nudge of his hips cut short your momentary distraction, realising that Seokjin was beginning to thrust ever so slightly into your mouth. He noticed your attention on him and asked hesitantly, “This okay?” 
“Mhmmhmm,” you hummed, gurgling a little which seemed to drive him a little crazy. You let him take control, concentrating on breathing through your nose and pleasuring him with your tongue as he gently fucked your mouth. 
You were losing your mind, hazy pleasure blurring your vision and clouding your thoughts.  Rationality was out the window long ago, all that you knew was the red, hot want you had for him. The Christmas party and the fact you were risking your job right now didn’t come into play, all you cared about was chasing that desire. 
Looking up at Seokjin you noticed his eyes were closed now, his chin tilted towards the ceiling, expression contorted with pleasure as the quietest of moans escaped his throat with each rugged breath he took. You pulsed down below, only this time the urge burned its way up your body, getting hotter as he quickened his motions, seemingly losing himself, seemingly pursuing his end. 
He pulled back abruptly during one withdraw, breath shaky as he kept the tip of his cock inside your mouth, as if he couldn’t bear to be apart from the warm wetness. You sucked firmly, catching his gaze and he just about lost it, eyes rolling into the back of his skull. 
“Shit,” he cursed, ever so slightly nudging further into you, edging himself almost. You darted the tip of your tongue along his slit, earning yourself a soft hiss. His thighs were trembling, you could feel the vibrations under your palm and his neck was thick and tense with strain, patched red, as he tried his might to gain some control over the pleasure you were giving him. “J-Just checking, there’s no chance we’ll have sex in here, right?” 
His voice trembled too, all light and airy and so unlike his voice that you were familiar with. His eyes were blow wide as he gaped down at you, his lips plumper than you’d ever seen them before. He was beautiful. Damn, you really wanted to kiss him again… 
You slid away, cupping your hand around his dick to jerk him off ever so slowly, a couple of inches along the base. He was more than slick now, coated in your spit, flesh veiny and angry red. Shifting on your knees, ignoring the cricks to power on through, you shrugged. “Not unless you carry condoms with you at work.” 
He pondered for a moment. “I can’t say I do.” That caused you to chuckle, leaning in to curl your tongue against the side of his cock. He startled, a loud moan escaping that was surely unnecessary, but it did wonders for your ego. 
He tightened his hold on your head, angling you to the tip of his dick, desperate to get back into your warmth. “So you won’t be disappointed when I inevitably bust a nut?” 
You raised an eyebrow, his cock drawing translucent patterns against your lips as you replied. “That’s why I’m down here.” 
He whimpered, the sheer thought of coming exciting him further. You slipped him back inside, feeling him grip his fingers into your hair, anchoring himself – and you, in preparation. 
“Oh, ffuck,” he muttered, watching you begin to meet every thrust his hips gave you. You were determined, eager for him to cum. You hadn’t sucked dick in so long but now you were in your element, each reaction from Seokjin, no matter how small, encouraging you. The fact he was hiding a foot long in his pants was now no issue at all. You were a pro, just like in all aspects of life. 
A strange sound left the back of Seokjin’s throat, almost as if he was getting strangled and his shoulders slumped, the rest of him growing stiff. “Where am I doing this?” He asked weakly. “Y/N?” He demanded pretty shrilly when you didn’t reply. 
You weren’t relenting, somehow pushing him deeper into your mouth and down your throat and he groaned loudly, blunt nails digging into your scalp. “You want me to cum down your throat?” 
Ding Ding. Clever Seokjin. 
You nodded widely around his girth, gagging a little a process, but this time you owned it. He loved it. 
“Fuck.” He grunted, spreading his feet a little, planting himself to the tiles. “You really want my fucking cum.” 
You moaned, sending a fire of vibrations up his dick and you knew you had him. His hips stilled almost instantly, his cock rammed inside your mouth and you readjusted, using your tongue to coax his release. He came with a deep exhale like moan, stumbling forward with a surprised grunt as one of his hands reached out to slam into the wall behind you. You held him steady with your hands flat against his thighs, swallowing his cum down quickly because you definitely had a love hate relationship with the stuff. Dealt with swiftly, you more than welcomed it. 
Seokjin softly chuckled down at you as he fell from your mouth, now well on his way to growing flaccid and eased off as you straightened your back and made motions to stand (on shaky legs). He tucked himself back inside his underwear, the snap of the waistband making you flutter. Flutter where you wanted him to touch the most. 
You felt warmth as he hooked a hand around your hip, pulling you to him with a bashful grin. “That was worth getting fired for.” 
You giggled, wiping the sides of your mouth with the back of your hand before cupping the back of his neck, dragging him closer as you backed up against the wall. You liked when he crowded around you, liked feeling him against your body. Your body that was screaming for him right now… 
“No one’s getting fired,” you reassured, voice a murmur and then either you or he connected your mouths again. Couldn’t tell who – it was probably both of you. It was amusing that you were the one assuring him, Miss. Uptight who worried about every single little thing. He was the one was supposed to be carefree, yet this had all been your idea. 
Your hand dragged down his chest, feeling the hardness of his pecs, and for a split second you thought about taking him up on the offer of ditching the party and driving to his place. You wanted to get him naked, wanted to see what you could feel, and you really wanted to fuck him. Yet, you knew it was a bad idea. Even worse than sucking dick on the second floor of the office building. Possibly. 
“How long do you think we have before they throw a search party?” Seokjin asked, cupping your face with one hand as the other snaked down to your ass. 
“We still have time.” 
You and Seokjin were always at one another’s throats, no one would guess you were actually getting it on directly underneath them… You were positive. 
“Hm. Enough for me to return the favour?” He contemplated. 
You made a noise of agreement, nodding eagerly as you stretched for his mouth, unable to just. Stop. Kissing. Him. 
It turned hot and heavy immediately, decision now made, and you grasped at one another, kissing wildly. “I love touching you,” he grunted against your tongue, hands gripping anything he could. You had to agree, especially his shoulders. You’d never felt anything like them in your entire life, no wonder he had the upper body strength to hold you up. He was big. Big big, and it was driving you crazy. 
“This ass,” he growled, pulling away from your lips as both hands cupped the rounds of flesh, giving them a very keen and firm squeeze. Skirt bunched up at your hips he had the perfect access. You moaned, the heat between your bodies becoming unbearable and you nearly collapsed into him when one of his hands found its way to your core, cupping the sensitive flesh hesitantly. That was until he felt how soaked you were. It had seeped through your underwear, dampening your tights. It felt heavy and uncomfortable but you guessed that was soon to change now that he’d gotten his hands on you… 
“So fucking wet,” he purred, dropping his height a little to meet your eyes. His fingers slipped inside your panties, his index and middle finger running along your folds before a knuckle found your clit, your hips bucking. He rubbed the bundle of nerves rather lightly, but it was enough. You were beside yourself, any pleasure, however slight, blowing your mind. You moaned sweetly, hot air puffing against Seokjin’s lips. He smirked. “Someone’s very responsive.”
“Please,” you moaned, however you weren’t too sure what you needed to beg for. 
He loved it though, smirking wider. “There she is.” 
“Please, Seokjin,” you repeated, clutching to the neck of his sweater. Hazy memories of last weekend drifted into the forefront of your mind. Begging him for his dick. Sadly, you couldn’t have that right now, but there was always second best. 
Leaning in as if to kiss you he pulled back last minute, a teasing lilt to his tone as he asked you a question. “What do you want, baby?” 
You moaned again, the pet name not so bad after all and pressed into his touch, the headiness in his voice making you tremble with need. Your answer was simple. “Your fingers.”  
Seokjin wasted no time, yanking his hand away to tug at your hosiery. They didn’t budge, so he moved his other hand from your ass to help. Maybe the light sheen of sweat that painted your skin had stuck tight the nylon – or maybe he was just useless… 
“What the hell are these?” He huffed, clearly impatient. 
“Stop, you’re going to rip them,” you told him off. All you needed was to walk back inside the office with laddered tights… How very unsuspicious… 
“They’re dumb.” 
“I’m sorry,” you exclaimed, “wasn’t expecting us to be getting it on today.”
Seokjin paused what he was doing to shoot you a look of sheer judgement. “Getting it on?”
“Shut up,” you grumbled. Yes, maybe your choice of words were lame, but it still stood. You were getting it on right now!
He laughed and tugged at the waistband one last time, finally succeeding but also yanking down your underwear in the process. 
“Let me see you,” he strained out, gripping your hips and you had no time to feel embarrassed by your sudden waist-down nakedness. His eyes drunk up your soaked core, before he looked up at your face again, his right hand reaching for you, each brush of his fingertips turning you boneless. “Fuck. You have the best pussy I’ve ever seen.” 
He was kissing you again, pushing you further into the wall. Pussy. Under all circumstances that word was just yuck, but once again, coming from Seokjin it didn’t seem so bad anymore. It made your core leap, but that might have been something to do with the way he was nestling a deft, long finger inside of you. Your walls clenched around the intrusion as you moaned into his mouth and you gripped at his shoulders, rolling your hips as he started to curl the digit against your warmth. 
Ever so carefully he added a second finger, the burn easing quickly as pleasure took over. His thumb rubbed messy circles against your clit, your arousal beginning to squelch audibly inside the small room. You hooked your arms around his neck instead, pulling him closer and he grunted into your mouth, sounding unlike himself. 
“Seokjin–!” You mewled, falling from his mouth to catch your breath.
“Yeah, me,” he smirked, his free had rubbing small circles into your hip as he continued to give you what you wanted. “I love it when you say my name.” His lips landed on your throat and you pushed your head to the side, pretty sure you were moaning too loudly now but the stimulation was too good to ignore. You grew wetter. His fingers easily sliding in and out of you as he started to finger you quicker, the lewd squelching sticking inside your ears. 
“You’re soaked, Y/N. Did I do this?” He murmured against your ear before nibbling your lobe. You shuddered. “Sucking my dick made you so horny.” The hand on your hip slid to your ass, and he squeezed the meat hard, using it as leverage to go even faster. You squeezed around his fingers tightly, crying out. 
But then there was nothing but emptiness as he pulled them out, making you gasp out in shock. He looked playfully smug. “What’s up? Lost your voice?”
This fucker. Jungkook was right, you were going to murder him. Only not for going AWOL but for not giving you the orgasm you craved. Seokjin’s wet hand massaged the inside of your thigh, and you squeezed your legs together trying your best to ease the tension that was building up. 
“Seokjin, don’t fuck around.” You told him sternly, although your voice was anything but calm. 
“Am I fucking around?” He asked, grinning from ear to ear as he lowered his shoulders and stole another look at your needy heat. Something inside him changed then, as he let out a curse. “Shit. I wanna taste you.” His eyes pleaded with you. “Can taste you?” 
You were nodding before you realised, although you weren’t about to say please again – 
you didn’t want to give him the satisfaction. Instead you exhaled out a shaky yes. 
Squatting immediately he pulled the nylon passed your knees, lifting a foot to slip off one of your heels, the leg of your hosiery following soon after. You wobbled as he raised your foot higher and you reached out for his shoulders to steady yourself. 
“I got you,” he reassured. “I just need to spread you a little.” Hooking your foot on the bottom shelf of the cabinet next to you, your legs widened, giving him perfect access to where you needed him the most. “There,” he said, looking pleased with himself. 
His gaze soon darkened when he got a look at you and you braced yourself against the wall as he stalked nearer, a palm cupping your thigh before he followed the curve with his mouth, kissing his way closer and closer to your core. You groaned softly when his lips parted around your clit, warmth flooding you, slowly inking its way through your veins and darting his tongue out he brushed it against you slowly, repeating with the same rhythm until you were squirming, a hand reaching for his hair just for something to grip. 
He sped up, learning what your body liked quickly, dropping to one knee to sink further into you. You moaned pretty loudly when you felt his fingers press against your entrance, slipping inside, and you took him greedily and nosily, pushing into his tongue that had now curled around your clit as he sucked softly. 
You fell to pieces. Fingernails dragging along his scalp as you tugged at his hair. Which he seemed to love, by the way. If his grunting was anything to go by, his movements more determined, firmer. Each time he sucked, point of his tongue flicking against you, you lost it a bit more, gasping out in pleasure. Boy knew how to use his mouth, you were pleasantly surprised. 
He pulled back, his breath a little ragged and replaced his tongue with the pad of his thumb, rubbing tight, firm circles against your sticky clit. “You like getting your clit sucked. Noted.” He grinned, sending your stomach flipping. His mouth and chin were covered in your arousal, which he made no attempt to clean off. In fact, he went immediately back for seconds, licking a wide strip up your whole core, noises of satisfaction leaving him. 
“God, Seokjin,” you murmured weakly, dizzy and trembling. If he kept this up you were going to cum very soon. Especially with the way his fingers caressed your insides, pressing deep until he hit something that had you yelping. 
He looked triumphant as he dropped to both knees now, looking up at you, watching your reaction as he repeatedly curled against your g-spot. You squirmed around, pleasure becoming a little unbearable but oh, so addictive. 
“So, no one ends up fucking at the office Christmas party, huh?” He asked nonchalantly. This fucker was really having a casual conversation with you as he tried to bring you to your knees. By his smug grin, he knew what he was doing. 
Well, not on your watch. 
You bit back a moan, and shrugged, trying your best to sound normal. “We’re not going all the way so technically, that still stands.” 
He laughed loudly, genuinely amused, but his fingers had other ideas. He pulled out halfway, straightening his digits to fuck into you – hard. You choked out, feeling him slowly withdraw, letting you catch your breath before he repeated. And repeated. And repeated…
You were close to seeing stars, the moans rolling freely from your mouth as you clung to his hair. He was evil. “Seok–oh, shit,” you cursed, feeling him deep inside you yet again. “Seokjinnn.” 
“What is it, babe?” He asked, acting oblivious. At the name you clenched around his soaked fingers. “I knew you loved it when I called you that.” You didn’t have time to chew him out because his tongue was washing against your clit again, curling around it, prodding it, sucking it… Your eyes rolled back, a thin sheen of sweat coating your neck and chest, and you knew you weren’t long for this world. You were ten seconds away from becoming a puddle on the floor. 
“Gonna cum, baby?” You squeezed around his fingers again, clit pulsing against his tongue. “You love that too.” You could feel his shit eating grin against you but didn’t care.  
“Don’t stop,” you demanded, out of breath. 
“Not planning on it,” he affronted, licking up your folds once again. You gasped loudly, clenching your eyes tightly closed. You were hanging over the pinnacle, just a little more and you’d fall. You were this close to coming and you might explode in the process. 
“I’m going to make this pussy cum so good. So fucking good,” Seokjin almost goaded, which was in fact, what pushed you over the edge. You came with a loud, strained cry, white hot pleasure that exploded behind your eyelids. 
He made sure to rinse you for all you were worth, until you were writhing out of his grip, your grasp on his hair easing and then he was jumping to his feet, his mouth suddenly on yours with a grunt, kissing you like crazy. You couldn’t tell who was out of breath more.
“Tonight.” He announced ferociously. “Tonight. Please come over and let me fuck you.” 
You moaned at the thought, your tongues turning messy as you tried to concentrate and form words. “My place. I live alone. We can be as loud as we like.” 
Five minutes later you were back in your tights, knees wobbling together as you tried to slip into your shoe. There wasn’t time for more chitchat – or kissing, you needed to get back to the office before someone came looking for you both. 
“So does that mean you forgive me over Rosal & Steinar?” Seokjin asked curiously, still fairly out of breath. He’d wiped his mouth now, in attempt to clean himself up, but his bangs were slightly kinked, forehead shiny and his cheeks were very much still red. 
You turned to him and smirked. “Another orgasm and maybe.” 
He chuckled. “I’m positive that can be arranged.” You didn’t doubt it. “No, but really,” he carried on, taking you by surprise when he clasped your hand, rooting you to the spot. “You know I had to do it, right? I felt terrible but there weren’t many options.” 
His eyes pooled with sincerity and you found yourself softening, growing touched. It was nice to know he hadn’t done it out of spite – although why he would have seemed pretty ludicrous to believe now… No, you’d just been bitter. 
“I know, Seokjin,” you smiled, giving his hand a squeeze. “I’ve forgotten about it.” He looked a little sceptical. “I forgive you,” you insisted with a laugh. It was either he closed the deal or they found another company… They were legitimately the only two options. You got it. 
He returned your smile, finally accepting your reassurance, and you tugged at his hand, opening the storeroom door. You needed to leave. Now. 
But –
Turning back at him over your shoulder, you shot him a playful grin. “Doesn’t mean I won’t steal them back next year though.” 
His eyes widened in surprise before they lit up, his laughter loud down the empty hallway.
“Game on, baby.”
“Do I look acceptable?” 
You and Seokjin were mere inches from the door leading into the office, your whispers nervous as you hesitated about going inside. You needed to get your best lying face on. ASAP.
“Hang on,” you said, reaching up to adjust his Santa’s hat. The flush on his face had paled, thankfully. “There we go. What about me?”
“Hm.” He pondered, cupping your face to stare down at you, worrying you actually. “I still think we look like we were giving mad head in the storeroom.” 
“Stop,” you groaned, pulling away from him as you realised he was only teasing. You were still pretty sticky downstairs, but you were sure you looked visibly presentable. “You’re going to make it obvious.” 
Finally plucking up the courage, you pushed the door open and stepped inside, Seokjin following. Your Christmas playlist grew louder instantly and of course, the first person you saw was Jungkook, ass perched on your desk for some reason, snacking on a bowl of olives. He popped them like they were grapes. He better not have dripped olive oil over your keyboard, you’d kill him. 
“Ah, look who turned up to their own party,” he exclaimed, standing up. He dropped the bowl right next to your desktop and wiped his fingers into his jeans, striding towards you both. 
You took a deep breath and went for that Oscar. “Blame Seokjin,” you fumed. 
“Where the hell did you disappear to?” He laughed, directing his question to Seokjin who stood behind you still. 
“I, uh... I...” 
You rolled your eyes inwardly. If he fucked this up, well then, he wasn’t fucking you tonight…
“I went to grab a cake.” 
A fucking cake. He’d walked in empty handed. Great white lie there, Seokjin… 
Jungkook looked back and forth between you, his face contorting in confusion. “So... Where is the cake?” 
You needed to save this idiot. “Dummy forgot to order it,” you sneered, walking past Jungkook to grab the bowl of olives. 
“Hey,” Seokjin exclaimed, sounding way too offended for it to be acting, just as Jungkook burst into laughter. You didn’t know what Seokjin expected, he’d walked straight into that one. 
“I really thought she’d killed you,” Jungkook told his friend, whacking his shoulder. Seokjin’s eyes widened in warning, a hand coming out to karate slice the younger guy’s neck. 
“I went easy on him,” you grinned, stopping them before they started wrestling for real. “– Y’know, Christmas spirit and all that.” 
That caught Seokjin’s attention. You looked at one another properly for the first time since you’d stepped inside. Eyebrows raised he looked entertained. “You went easy on me?” 
“Yup,” you nodded, unable to hide your smirk.
His expression changed for a split second, a glimmer in his eyes that made you mildly feverish at the thought of him getting his hands on you later on. 
“Duly noted,” was all he replied, and you shared a smile before Jungkook interrupted. 
“I saved you both some food. Come on,” he motioned with his hand. 
“Thanks, JK,” Seokjin bellowed, clapping his back. 
You followed behind them, nerves easing up. “Yeah, thanks, Jungkook.” 
If anything, Seokjin was the one who got grilled the most during the rest of the party, he had been the one to disappear after all, so it was fun watching him squirm as Hoseok demanded answers. He looked a right fool for “forgetting” to order a cake, but he’d brought it all on himself so you couldn’t feel too sorry for him… 
He was also risking a lot when he felt up your ass as you were finding his stupid Secret Santa gift in your desk drawer, ready to exchange with everyone. You straightened up immediately, pushing his hand away just in case anyone noticed – Mina was literally a desk away from you, although she was too busy giggling at Jungkook who was acting up on the karaoke machine to notice anything. 
Seokjin winked as you glared at him. “Can’t wait for tonight.” 
You pointed your index finger between his eyes. “Behave or I’ll cancel.” 
But, you both knew you were just talking shit… 
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Written 2020 - 2021.  Please refrain from posting my work elsewhere. No translations allowed. © floralseokjin 2021
2K notes · View notes
shutupanddance · 4 years ago
Master Post
If you’re looking for my Master List, check out this link:
Okay cool cats and kittens, I’m creating this master post to help you navigate my page and stay updated :) It will be pinned to my blog, and it will have my fandom list, my prompt list, my to-do list, any current events, and a few frequently asked questions. So, looking for information about requesting? Suggestions for requests? Or wondering what I’m currently working on? Don’t know if I’ve received your request? This is the place to look! Just keep on reading <3
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Current Events 
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Here are the fandoms I write for!!
+ Marvel (MCU)
+ DC (DCU)
+ Sherlock
+ Star Wars (trilogies, Clone Wars, Rebels, Mandalorian)
+ Star Trek (reboots, original series)*
+ Pacific Rim
+ Knives Out
+ Night at the Museum
+ LOTR / The Hobbit
+ Jurassic Park/World
+ The West Wing*
*fandoms that you will see the most of on my blog.
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Prompt List
(Does not include prompts from any current events) Here are some prompts that you can use for your request, or for your own writing! As a reminder, not all of these prompts are properly credited. Please let me know if you have the original creator’s @!
#1: “I’d agree with you, but then we’d both be wrong.”
#2: “Should I ask why you have a knife in your purse?”
”It’s a dagger, actually, and no you shouldn’t.”
#3: “Close your eyes and listen. And trust me.”
#4: Rosemary, broken glass, and an old gun.
#5: “Do you remember when I loved you?”
”Good, because I never did.”
#6: “He saw the notice in the paper.”
”Why would you let him see the paper?”
”What was I supposed to do, eat it?”
#7: “I didn’t catch your name!”
”I didn’t throw it.”
#8: “I’m not better than you, but at least I’m not you. And right now, that’s worth a whole lot.”
#9: Romantic dinner, but something is wrong.
#10: Forehead kisses during an apocalypse
#11: “This isn’t BBC Sherlock! You can’t just run around administering justice as you see fit!
#12: Trying to get a smoke detector to shut up
#13: Falling out of a closet during Hide N Seek
#14: Revealing a dark secret, but it turns out that they already know
#15: Once upon a midnight dreary
#16: The odds were never in our favor
#17: If I should die, think only this of me
#18: Attack hugs
#19: Afraid of ladybugs
#20: The dumb*ss God couldn’t stop
#21: “There’s a rumor going around that you’re the one to ask if someone needs to acquire rare and dangerous objects.”
”There’s a rumor going around that you’re an undercover cop.”
#22: A parking lot, a coroner, and snails
#23: “You’re the only person I know who calls me that.”
#24: This is not a drill.
#25: It’s the price we pay to feel
#26: A character is cleaning/sweeping the floor when someone walks by with dirty shoes (via @writingprompts365 )
#27: “I’m back from my mission!”
““You failed it.”
““How’d you know?”
They point at the TV.
#28: A character is pushed into some bushes/plants/flowers (via @writingprompts365 )
#29: A character picks up a very shiny rock (same @)
#30: A character combs another character’s hair (same)
#31: A character is forced to have a conversation with someone they don’t like (same)
#32: Laughing hysterically at their own joke
#33: Stuck under the same umbrella
#34: ““Well, this is a nice change of scenery!”
““It’s a jail cell.”
““I was being sarcastic.”
#35: ““Let me just be perfectly clear that this was not my fault.”
#36: ““Can I buy you coffee? For old times sake?”
#37: Fake dating
#38: Huddling for warmth
#39: Being high on painkillers and confessing undying love to everyone
#40: “That’s starting to get annoying.”
#41: “I fell asleep on the bus and woke up here.”
#42: “It’s freaking cold.”
#43: “You’re not exactly known for your great ideas.”
#44: ““Can you keep a secret?”
#45: Character A lives above character B, and always drives B insane with how much stomping they do. One day, A’s foot goes right through the floor, into B’s apartment.
#45: Character A and Character B, sworn enemies, are chosen to prepare the company Christmas Party.
#46: you’re a security guard at an art gallery and you held the door for me so I left you a note in the door where we met I hope you read it
#47: Person A and Person B both trying to break into the same place on the same night by accident, only to be chased by the police upon meeting and having to hide in a closet/cupboard/safe together until they leave.
#48: the first and the last word they said to each other
#49: your kid hates my kid
#50: ‘picking them up’ hugs
#51: an incredibly loud and painful high-five
#52: "Let me fix that for you."
#53: “Can’t we listen to something else? We’ve been listening to this CD for three hours now.”
“You know, I would but the CD slot is broken so it’s either this or talk to each other.”
“I wouldn’t mind talking.”
“[turns up the music louder]”
#54: "My kiss quota for the day hasn't been filled. I need a thousand more."
#55: Person A making fun of Person B's bed head
#56: Squeeze three times for “I love you”
#57: writing a love letter but keeping it to themselves
#58: Messing around in IKEA
#59: “Hey - what’re you hiding behind your back?”
#60: going to a bookshop and selecting books for each other
#61: smiling at each other from across the room
#62: arms wrapping around your waist from behind while you’re on a phone call
#63: “ rich coming from the guy who tried to kill me three days ago. “
#64: message in a bottle
#65: becoming the parents of the friend group as soon as they start dating
#66: “I love you.”
#67: “We...we did it. We did it! Oh my God, I could kiss you.”
“Well, don’t be shy.”
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My To-Do List
Here is everything that I’m currently working on! If you’ve sent a request in, and I see it, it should pop up here!
+ Sherlock / Reader (not requested) undetermined topic
+ Rusty Ryan / Reader (not requested) #4
+ Sam Seaborn / Reader (requested) slow dancing
*anything with an asterisks has already been started.
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Tag List
@girloncorneliastreet​ for The West Wing
@wolviesbabes​ for Gibbs / Reader
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Frequently Asked Questions
How do I submit a request? When you look at my blog, there is a link titled “Asks/Requests”. Click that, and submit something!
How specific does my request have to be? More detail is always better if you’re looking for something specific, but if you’re not picky, it’s no big deal! Even if you just say “could I have some more Spock content please?” I’ll answer it!
Do you write smut? Nope! Not for me.
Are your requests open? Not at the moment! They will be soon, though.
What do I do if your requests are closed? Send it later, when they’re open again!
Do you have a master list? I do! I also have a tag called #masterlist, which all of my work is under. You can access the master list itself by navigating to the page on my blog, or just clicking the link at the top of this post!
What’s your name? You can call me C :)
Why didn’t you reblog my post about social justice? In order to avoid burnout for myself and my followers, I am doing my best to keep this blog free of anything other than fan content. This does not mean that I disagree or agree with you, it just means that I’m not commenting. I do not need to participate in internet social justice activity when I am already an activist on other platforms, including real life.
What can I send asks or messages about? Anything!! Life updates, random questions, whatever! I love to hear from you <3
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That’s all, folks!
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wicked-hg · 4 years ago
Love, The Weasleys || g.w.
Day 12 of @jamilelucato and @whack-ed Very Harry Potter Christmas.
George Weasley x muggleborn!reader
Prompt: Writing Christmas cards
Summary: George never knew about Christmas cards until you.
A/N: This ended up being more about Christmas cards in general than writing them. Hope you all enjoy! I’m thinking about maybe writing more.
WC: 2.3k
Y/H/C- your hair color ; Y/L/N- your last name ; Y/H- your house (except Gryffindor. Sorry. I didn’t realize my mistake when writing this. You’ll understand at the end. Forgive me.)
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First year George wasn’t expecting anything from you during Christmas break. You were a muggle-born he had met one day running away from Filch after getting separated from Fred. You two became friends as you became a silent partner and helped with their escape plans. George didn’t realize you had an owl. 
George opened the envelope and stared at the strange letter that had a picture on the front with reindeer pulling a fat man in red robes in a red cart. The front read “May all your wishes be granted”. George curiously opened the strange letter. A still photo of your family stared up at him. He moved it to the side. Printed inside was “Happy Christmas with lots of joy!” Signed underneath was The Y/L/N Family. On the opposite side was a note from you. 
I hope you have a Happy Christmas with your family! I’m sorry I didn’t get you anything in time. I promise to have something for you on the train. Miss you lots dear friend!
“Mum, Dad,” George asked. “Do you know what this strange letter is? My muggle-born friend sent it to me.”
“That’s a Christmas card,” Charlie piped up. “We learned about muggle Christmas traditions before break. Muggles send cards out to family and friends during the holidays. Sometimes they send pictures and longer notes to catch up with people. It’s just a way to celebrate the holidays. Professor Quirrell didn’t really understand them.”
George nodded and stared at the card. He looked over at the picture of your family. You were in the middle with a giant grin and a red sweater. Peeping up from the bottom of the photo, he swore it was the beginning of a gold G. “I like these strange letters. Christmas cards you say, Charlie?”
George stared out of the window in hope. Fred watched his twin while he sat on his bed and worked on pranks for their shop. “She doesn’t even know we’re here, Georgie. How can you expect Y/N to send you a Christmas card when she doesn’t know where you’re staying?”
“She will!” George argued. “She always does.”
“You didn’t tell her, did you George? It doesn’t matter that she is finally your girlfriend after you both finally got it through your thick heads.”
George shook his head. “I didn’t tell her. She knows we are not at the Burrow. She thinks we’re staying with Aunt Muriel. I told her to send the letter to the Burrow. Errol is there waiting for the trade off. Told her it was too far for Sova to fly the whole way.”
Fred shook his head. “You’re letting Errol deliver your happiness? Oh Georgie. You’re doomed.”
George stuck his tongue out at his twin before turning back to the window. Soon, he thought, Errol should be here soon. As if by magic, the shadow of Errol appeared in the distance. George scrambled to grab the owl treats he had waiting on the window sill. 
“Cmon, you stupid old owl. Come get the treat and give me that letter,” George almost shouted. Fred shushed him. The last thing either of them needed was for someone to wake up and discover what they are both up to. “Incoming, Freddie! He’s coming in hot!”
Fred quickly stumbled out of bed and grabbed a pillow as George made the window wider and grabbed another pillow to go under Fred’s. Errol blasted through the window and hit the pillow at Fred’s chest before falling onto the pillow George held underneath. George laid the treats next to the owl and snatched the letter. This year glittery snowflakes adorned the front with “May your life be full of flurries of happiness”. The inside read similar like every year with something about having a happy Christmas, the family signature, and the family picture. Just like always too, there was a note from Y/N. 
Darling George,
Give my love to your family. I do hope your father is okay and recovering well. I also hope that the hag of an aunt you call Muriel is treating you all well too. It was a bummer to end term without you, but alas I know I’ll be doing it once more. One of us has to have a diploma, even if I will end up working with you. Don’t throw a fit, my darling George. I know I can do more with my life, but this is what I want. I already made that clear to my parents. They’ve accepted my choice. Back to end of term. It was okay. It would have been better if Umbitch wasn’t there. She did leave me alone though...unwillingly. Somehow she kept getting fed your nosebleed nougats and lost quite a bit of blood. Hmmmm. Who knows how that happened. I certainly don’t, and neither do Peeves or that elf Dobby your brother knows. Mum and Dad and those idiot brothers of mine say hello. They’re all glad I finally officially have you as mine. Apparently they’ve always known too. Perhaps I should tell them the truth about our Yule Ball last Christmas and we went as much much more than best friends. I’ll give you your present on the train back. Take care, darling. Do enjoy your break. Miss you tons, but I love you more. 
Love always,
George grinned at the card. “She’s brilliant, Freddie. Absolutely brilliant.”
George was nervous as he handed Fred the card. It was still early in the morning. The Hogwarts express had gotten back the day before, which meant the holiday rush will be hitting soon. Y/N was managing the store with Verity while George and Fred were going over some inventory in the back. Fred stared at the envelope before gingerly opening it. He smiled at the card with a fireplace wishing him a warm and festive holiday. “Well finally, Georgie boy,” Fred grinned. “I was wondering how long it would take for you to tell the Y/L/N to include me in their list of Christmas card receivers.”
George didn’t say a word and just motioned for his brother to open it. Fred opened the card. Staring back at him was a muggle photo of Y/N and George. Both were grinning in the midst of pine trees. George’s arms were wrapped around Y/N and she was leaning into his chest. Fred moved the picture to be greeted with the typical Y/L/N family picture, but he very quickly noticed his twin was a part of the family photo. Moving the photos he saw the card was signed by The Weasleys, but it was in Y/N’s handwriting. On the left side of the card, Fred was greeted with the familiar sight of George’s writing. 
Y/N told me I didn’t have to write you a note updating you on my life because we live and work together and see each other every day. But where is the fun in that? I want you to have a true Christmas card experience! We’ve been through so much this year, Freddie. I’m just glad I got to experience it with you along the way. As you can see, I’m a part of the Y/L/N Christmas cards now. Y/N is my everything. I have to thank you. Thank you for giving me the pushes to make her mine. It’s no lie written in the card, Forge. She’s gonna be a Weasley. Will you be my side as I celebrate my new life? There’s no one else I’d want. Let’s celebrate Christmas with a bang. 
Fred immediately looked up. “You serious, Gred?”
“Absolutely, Forge. There’s no one else for me, and with the war and her being a muggle-born. It’s just going to be a quick muggle ceremony. Once the war is over, we’ll do the real thing.”
“Why muggle?”
“She’s read about wizard tradition. She wants to experience that and have her family see it too. Besides, if we did a quick magic ceremony, her family wouldn’t be allowed to come. With a muggle ceremony too, if anything happens she can easily blend right in and be taken care of.”
“You sure about this, George? I’m not talking you out of it. I know she’s perfect for you, but I want you to be happy.”
George smiled and hugged his brother. “I am, Fred. I have everything I want right now. Her. You. The store. I just want to make her as permanent in my life as you are.”
Fred chuckled. “Well I am amazing. It’s only a given. But George, have you told mum and dad yet?”
“They’re getting a Christmas card from Y/N and I. All the family is. They also got one specifically from her family.”
“I meant do mum and dad know you and Y/N are getting married?” George stayed quiet. “Oh Gred. What have you gotten yourself into?
George found you at the kitchen table writing a list. “Making a list and checking it twice, darling?” George joked. 
You smiled and kissed him. It was good to hear those little quips from him. When the war hit hard and Fred was killed, you worried he wouldn’t laugh again or joke. You feared the store would stay closed and layers of dust would settle over the products. It took George a few months, but they got the store up and going again. You knew he wouldn’t be the same without Fred, but it was good to see him somewhat the same again. “It’s what he’d want, Y/N,” he told you when working on cleaning up the store. “He wouldn’t want me to give up everything we’d ever hope for.”
“Very funny, George darling. I’m making a list of who we need to send Christmas cards too. My mum called and said the prints were in. Which reminds me, you need to make a list of which friends and extended relatives you want cards to go to and get their addresses.”
“We’re still doing this?”
You gave him a funny look. “Of course, darling. Why else would we have taken pictures with my family and gone to Selfridges to buy cards and some decorations?”
“Well I knew your family would still send cards out and that’s why they needed us there,” he answered. “They haven’t gone through a war.”
“But isn’t that why we should do this?” You asked. “So many people have gone through pain and sorrow this year. Let’s give them something to smile about, George darling.”
George gave another weak smile. “Fred loved the cards,” he whispered. “He always got excited when I got them and started bugging me 3rd year that he wanted to be in on it. He was so excited when I gave him his first card. I don’t know what I’ll do this year.”
You brought George closer to you. “You can still write him a Christmas card, George. The box is down stairs that you guys started your business out of. You can keep all the Christmas cards you write to him in there. It might sound weird, but I think it’ll be good for you. Include the pictures too. What do you think, darling?”
George kissed your cheek. “You’re an angel. You know that? You don’t think it’s weird?”
You shook your head. “I wouldn’t have suggested it if I thought it was. I think it’ll be good for you, George. It’ll be therapeutic in a way.” You pushed a card and envelope towards George. “This can be his. Why don’t you go grab your coat. We can go pick up the photos and then grab some lunch at the fish and chip shop down the road.”
“Maybe on the way back we can stop at that bakery by Flourish and Blotts,” he suggested. “I saw you looking at those cauldron cakes and strawberry trifles the other day.”
You grinned and kissed him. “Of course, Georgie darling.”
“Y/N!” George shouted. “Where is the box? I have Fred’s card done.”
“Check the office, darling!” You answered. “I put it there so we didn’t lose it. I’m off to the station now. I’ll be back in a half hour.”
George entered his office and found the orange box he stored Fred’s Christmas cards in. A mouse wearing Christmas tree sunglasses and a Santa hat. He stuck the picture inside the card before putting it in the box. No longer was the photo of Y/N’s family included when sending out cards. Instead the photo was of George and Y/N wearing their Weasley sweaters. In front of them were two smaller red heads and a light haired Y/H/C also wearing their Weasley sweaters. 
George smiled as he put the box back on the book shelf. “Until next Christmas, Forge.”
Dear Forge,
It’s been a crazy year. The last of this Weasley clan has joined Hogwarts. It’ll be interesting to see if the twins follow in our footsteps. Anya is in Gryffindor and Fred is in Y/H. Part of me is glad Fred isn’t in Gryffindor. It would’ve been cool, but this way I hope he will be able to forge his own path. Forge. Hah! Get it? Clara is studying for her OWLS this year. I found some of our old charms, defense, herbology, transfiguration, and potions notes. I let her into our little secret that we are quite smart but just never turned our assignments in. She was thankful. She’s definitely my daughter. She acts like me so much, but she’s definitely loud like you with that Gryffindor bravery. I miss you, brother. Y/N was right though; this has definitely helped me. Hopefully you get these wherever you are. Happy Christmas, Freddie!
Love, Gred and his Weasleys
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songsformonkeys · 4 years ago
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12 days of Christmas Pedros. Short little ficlets based on prompts that can be found here. One ficlet every other day. Thank you @yespolkadotkitty for the beautiful banner!
Day 11 - “Oh my God, I didn’t get you a present!” - Dave York from the Sturdy Home verse
This was going to be the first Christmas without Dave. Even though it really shouldn't have come as a surprise, the holiday had still managed to sneak up on you. You'd had so many other things to think about while attempting to glue together the shards of your broken life this past year, and subconsciously you had hoped that if you just ignored thinking about Christmas then maybe it just wouldn't show up this year. Of course, that plan hadn't worked. The girls had started putting together lists for Santa already at the beginning of November.
Christmas had always been Dave's favorite holiday and you had been wholly unprepared for how to handle it without your husband being there to guide you through it. You couldn't do this on your own! Not without Dave and especially not with the man who looked like Dave but was different from him in a million little ways.
December had rapidly approached and with it, your anxiety grew. Dave asked a few times if you needed help or if there was anything he could do to assist. You shot him down every time and in the end, he stopped asking. You knew you were being ungrateful but the thought of watching Dave decorate a tree or help wrap Christmas gifts would have shattered you completely, and no one wanted a broken mom for Christmas.
The girls somehow handled their dad's amnesia better than you did. You hadn't talked to them much about it but their eyes didn't fill with sadness every time they looked at him and, instead of crying, they only reacted with rolled eyes and slight frustration when Dave did something unexpected or forgot something they thought he ought to have remembered. Your youngest had started referring to him as David, and when you had carefully reminded her that David was still her dad – trying to convince yourself as much as her – she'd looked at you with an amount of patience that no six-year-old should be able to possess.
”I know, mom. But not all the time. Sometimes he's just David.”
You hadn't known how to respond to that.
The month of December flew by faster than it had any right to. Decorations and preparations weren't nearly as lavish as they had been in previous years but, all things considered, you thought you had done a pretty okay job and both the girls and Dave seemed pleased. For everyone's sake, you had opted out of going to the family dinner at your parents' house. Dave was still a little wary about meeting people he was supposed to know and your own constant state of exhaustion didn't make for the most entertaining dinner guest either.
Instead, you'd put together a small dinner with just Dave and the girls. Dave had gotten up early and made bread. It tasted just like the bread Dave had made every other year and he had apologized when he'd watched your eyes tear up after he'd offered you a slice on Christmas morning. The girls had brought home decorated gingerbread cookies from school. The frosting tasted of sugary chalk but Dave still complimented them.
Gifts were exchanged and the girls tore into the colorful paper and squealed with delight at their new toys and clothes. For just a few moments, as you watched your daughters and listened to their happy laughter, you forgot to be sad and smiled with them.
The smile only slipped when you looked over at Dave and found him already watching you, with a curious expression on his face. You looked away again.
”Don't forget those,” Dave said, pointing at two remaining gifts, hidden deep underneath the tree behind where the other gifts had been. You frowned, not immediately recognizing the paper, but it clicked why when you watched Dave swallow nervously as the girls tore off the paper from the gifts that were clearly his doing.
You jumped when Alice screamed in delight. Dave's shoulders dropped and relief washed over his face as he laughed. You couldn't tear your eyes away from his smile. Both girls got up and more or less flung their arms around his neck, the new plush cat and rabbit squeezed into the middle of the group hug.
”Thank you, Daddy!” Alice squeaked against his shoulder and the house of cards, which you spent all your waking hours carefully assembling crumbled once again as your hands began to shake and you found it difficult to breathe.
Dave looked over at you and now it was his smile that slipped and disappeared, replaced by a look of worry. You stood up and with a flimsy excuse of getting water, you fled to the kitchen.
You didn't hear Dave follow you until he spoke up.
”Should I not have done that?” he asked carefully, keeping a respectful distance to where you were leaning against the kitchen counter with your back to him. You took a deep breath and turned around, forcing a fake smile onto your face.
”No, Dave, it was very sweet... You got their favorite animals right too. I'm sorry. I'm just...”
”Thinking of him,” Dave finished sadly. You bit your lip to keep it from trembling.
”You...are here,” you replied in a shaky voice. Dave held your gaze and you forced yourself not to look away.
”I'm trying to be,” he said softly, but with a stubborn resolve that was all too familiar.
”I know.” You pushed away from the counter and his hands twitched at his sides, almost reaching for you before he stopped himself as he realized you were just heading towards the doorway to the living room. He cleared his throat.
”Let's get back to the girls.”
You let the girls stay up a little too late and when you decided to finally call it a night, they were both so tired that their eyes were only half-open as they staggered up the stairs. The silver lining was that they were also both too tired to protest when you ordered toothbrushing.
While they brushed their teeth and slipped into their pajamas, you helped put their opened gifts on their respective nightstands so they would be the first things they saw when they woke up the next morning. Everything was neatly arranged, except for the cat and the rabbit. The plush toys were held tight in the girls' arms as you read them their bedtime story. Irrationally, you wished that you would have gotten a plush toy to hug at night as well.
When you came back downstairs, Dave was relaxing in front of the TV, his feet propped up on the coffee table. You made a beeline for the kitchen, pouring two glasses of wine before you joined him.
”They're sleeping like logs,” you told him as you handed him his glass. He thanked you and took a small sip before returning his focus to the TV, which was showing some sort of Christmas concert.
”I'm surprised they even made it up the stairs. Especially Alice in those unicorn boots,” he said with a soft chuckle.
”If only they had inherited your fondness for practical footwear,” you teased with a small smile. Dave turned his head away from the TV to look at you. You watched him back.
”Hey...” he said slowly and set the glass of wine down on the table. Your pulse sped up and you gripped your own glass of wine a little tighter. But Dave turned away from you and started feeling for something between the couch cushions. ”I uh... I got you a gift too,” he said and when he turned back towards you he held a flat, square box, the size of your palm in his hand. It was wrapped in navy blue paper with gold stars.
”Dave...” you said, surprised and then a little ashamed. ”Oh Dave, I haven't gotten you a present.”
Dave shook his head before you could attempt any apologies.
”You have given more than enough already,” he assured you before looking around the living room with a soft smile. ”My first Christmas for example.”
You watched him quietly until he nodded his head towards the gift in your hands.
”I was nervous with the girls but this is even worse so please...”
”Yes, sorry,” you apologized and picked at the edge of a piece of tape. You were less aggressive in your unwrapping than the girls had been and less vocal when you finally got the box open, revealing a delicate necklace with a small golden heart hanging from a thin gold chain. In fact, you were completely silent as you stared at the gift. The symbolism of it didn't escape you and suddenly you found it harder to breathe around the growing lump in your throat.
You looked up at Dave and, as always when he did something unexpected, your paper-thin defenses crumbled into nothing and you started crying.
”Hey...” Dave said softly again and reached out to swipe the pad of his thumb across your cheek to gather up the first tear that escaped your eyes and rolled down your cheek.
You still couldn't speak, so with the box clasped tightly in your hand, you leaned forward to wrap your arms around him. You could count on one hand how many times you had hugged Dave since he came back, but he immediately responded by curling his arms around you, like it was the most natural thing in the world. And maybe it was.
He wasn't your husband, but he was sweet and caring, and for the first time you weren't hugging him as a substitute for someone else.
You held each other, perhaps for longer than what was necessary but you didn't want to let him go just yet and neither did Dave, it seemed. You still stained his shirt with your tears but it wasn't the heartwrenching sobs from the other times.
When you pulled back, you held out the box for him.
”Will you help me put it on?”
Dave nodded and you turned your back to him. When his knuckles brushed the back of your neck as he fastened the tiny clasp of the necklace, you closed your eyes for a moment and let out a slow breath before you turned back to face him.
”Beautiful,” Dave said and the intensity of his gaze made your cheeks burn warm. As you held his gaze, you brushed your fingers over the little heart. It was still a bit cold to the touch but slowly, it was beginning to warm up.
Taglist: @yespolkadotkitty​ @agirllovespancakes​ @pedropascalito​ @pedropascallion​ @ohpedromypedro​ @knittingqueen13​ @synystersilenceinblacknwhite​ @mourningbirds1​ @alwaysbethewest​ (Merry Christmas. Here’s your Keep Reading) @heatherbel​ @larakasser​ @fromthedeskoftheraven​ @seawhisperer​ @ahopelessromanticwritersworld​ @mrschiltoncat​ @pajamasecrets​ @phoenixhalliwell​ @ilikechocolatemilkh​ @dornish-queen​ @holographic-carmen​ @thirstworldproblemss​
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quickspinner · 4 years ago
Month of Miracles Day 5 - Decoration
Find the prompt list here!
I have meddled with powers I did not fully understand and now the Hallmark AU has gripped me. I think you can expect to see more of this sprinkled throughout the month. Oh, well. Multiparters in prompt months are like a tradition for me now, right? 
Hallmark Movie AU
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9  | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 (end) | Read Month of Miracles on AO3
Imagine, Marinette thought as she helped Rose unpack the decorations and ornaments to go on the tree, Luke Stone in a town like this. 
Now that she thought about it, she hadn’t heard of him releasing anything new recently. So he was from this town, then? He must be on vacation, visiting his family and helping out at the farm. Taking a break, maybe writing some new songs. Funny, to think of the glammed up, heavily bedazzled rock star wearing flannel and working on a Christmas tree farm.
Marinette had winced the day before, watching him tear up his palms hauling the tree she’d picked out yesterday and tie it down deftly with fingers that had to be worth millions of dollars. It pained her to think of the hands that had created such beautiful music being abused in such a way. Surely he should have been wearing gloves, at least. He’d been so cold to her, though, that Marinette hadn’t dared suggest it or question him.
She’d been skeptical when Jagged Stone’s son had made his debut on tour alongside his father. She’d been a longtime fan of the older Stone and didn’t think even his own flesh and blood would be able to match him—but the younger Stone hadn’t tried. Luke’s music was clearly influenced by his father, but was also entirely his own, but so evocative, so emotional, she had been pulled in despite her reservations. She owned every one of Luke Stone’s albums, including the special edition greatest hits album, which she had bought even as she complained to Alya that he was too young in his career to be releasing a greatest hits album.
Marinette hadn’t said much to Rose about the encounter, not sure whether it was common knowledge amongst the town that he was here, and not wanting to infringe on his privacy if it wasn’t. Rose had given her a funny (disappointed?) look when she mentioned the grumpy young man that had helped her, but hadn’t said anything about it, just asked Marinette to come back today and give her a hand decorating the tree after the maintenance staff got it set up.
It wasn’t as if Marinette had much else to do, and Gina’s house felt huge and empty with just her in it, so she’d agreed, and here she was unpacking dusty boxes that had been hauled out of storage. She sighed as she surveyed the contents. The boxes looked like they’d been packed up by unsupervised five-year-olds last year. 
She was sorting the decorations into piles, still absently pondering the mystery of Luke Stone, when the library doors slid open, and the man himself walked in. He was dressed much the same as he had been yesterday, in layers that hid the muscular shoulders and arms he displayed on stage. Before Marinette could react, Rose flitted past her. 
“Luka!” Rose squealed, throwing herself at him. “You’re here!” Luka staggered slightly but wrapped one arm around her waist to catch her, holding her with her feet dangling off the ground as she kissed both his cheeks, her arms wrapped around his neck. Marinette stared, mouth hanging open slightly.
“That was enthusiastic,” Luka laughed, looking down at the petite blond hanging off of his tall frame. 
“I’m happy to see you!” Rose smiled brightly. 
“You just saw me at dinner last night.” Luka bent his knees and set her on the ground. Rose took the hint and let him go, but bounced on the balls of her feet. “And I told you I’d come, he added.”
“And now you’re here!” Rose threw out her arms. “I’m so glad! I have so much to do to get the childrens’ program ready and the decorations are so much for poor Marinette to manage by herself! Have you met Marinette?” she inquired, turning and holding out her arms to present her friend. Marinette closed her mouth and tried to smile as she gave a little wave. “I think you did,” Rose continued, turning to give him a warning look. “I think she said she ran into you at the farm.” 
Luka felt embarrassment creeping up his neck at Rose’s clearly scolding look. He nodded at Marinette. “Briefly, yeah. Nice to see you, Marinette.” He pronounced her name carefully, feeling bad about teasing her yesterday. She smiled a little more, and then looked down, her hands fluttering around the decorations she’d been separating. 
“You can get the lights on the tree while Marinette finishes working out that stuff,” Rose suggested, pointing to a pile of lights sitting near Marinette. “You’re nice and tall, so that should make things easy. There’s step stools in the kids’ area if you need them. Come here and I’ll show you what I want.” She hooked his arm and pulled him around to the far side of the tree. “The plug’s over here, so you’ll need to start on this side.” 
As soon as they were out of sight, Rose slapped his arm. “Dummy!” she scolded in a whisper. “I didn’t send her to the farm so you could be mean.”
“I wasn’t mean,” Luka protested weakly, and then frowned. “What do you mean, you sent her?” He gave his not-quite-sister a suspicious look, and then leaned slightly to look around the tree and make sure they were out of earshot. 
He paused. Marinette had been cute yesterday in her puffy pink coat and earmuffs, but he hadn’t really had time to notice her. Now she looked trendy but comfortable in pigtails and a soft pink sweater over skinny jeans, her profile turned to him. She was an authentic kind of pretty, he reflected, but then Luka had found himself thinking that about a lot of people since he’d left the rock star world, where everybody wore layers of stage makeup, styled and coiffed and dressed so that every detail about them enhanced the image they wanted to project. 
Still, her full lips made a pretty bow, especially when she pouted them slightly in concentration, and her hair had a shine that came from health rather than product, and her eyes were—
Rose’s elbow in his ribs jolted him out of what must have been a pretty intense stare, and he flushed, leaning back slightly so he couldn’t see Marinette on the other side of the tree.
“She already thinks you’re mean,” Rose hissed. “Don’t be a creep on top of it.”
Luka winced. He didn’t need Rose’s reminder to feel guilty for behaving so abruptly yesterday. Already prickly from a morning of needling by his mother, he hadn’t been prepared for anyone to recognize him. No one had up until this point, and he’d thought he was safe. It was an unpleasant shock to have a stranger recognize him, especially someone from the city who might carry word of his presence here back to the press. His mother’s call had sounded like his guardian angel’s trumpet in that moment. When Juleka had called him to help tie her chosen tree on top of her car, he’d done the work quickly and silently, and avoided her gaze as much as possible. 
He’d felt bad about it later, when he’d had time to relax and reflect, but he hadn’t expected to see her again—certainly hadn’t expected to have Rose practically throwing her at him. He gave her a warning look. 
Rose opened her mouth but before she could say anything, Marinette popped around the side of the tree. “Rose, do you have some scissors anywhere?”
“Yes, in the cabinet behind the desk,” Rose said, pointing. “Probably on the top three shelves, there’s a box of craft supplies there. You might as well bring over the whole thing in case you need anything else. Let me know if it’s too high up and I’ll send Luka to grab them instead.”
“Got it,” Marinette smiled, and turned to follow Rose’s directions. 
Luka shot Rose a glare. “Quit it,” he warned. 
“Quit what?” Rose inquired, with a blink and head tilt that made her look like she didn’t have two brain cells to rub together. 
Luka knew better. 
“I don’t need any help, Rose,” Luka muttered, folding his arms. “I could find a relationship on my own if I wanted to.” 
“Mmhm,” Rose hummed in a disbelieving tone. “Because there’s so many to choose from here in this little town.” 
Luka rolled his eyes and didn’t reply. 
“I do like Marinette though,” Rose said, and smiled innocently when Luka gave her a look. “She’s really sweet. We only met a couple of days ago and here she is, bending over backward to get me a real tree and spending her time decorating it.”
“You set her up,” Luka accused, peeking around the tree briefly to make sure she wasn’t coming back yet.  “You’re trying to set me up.”
“She’s so creative,” Rose sighed. “She showed me some of her portfolio the other day, and it’s fantastic. She’s a fashion designer, you see.” 
Luka snorted. “Oh, yeah, she’ll totally fall for me. Without my stylist I’m a fashion disaster and you know it Rose.” 
“That just makes you a challenge,” Rose chirped, and then softened a little as she looked at him. “Look, I know you’re not looking right now, but that’s a stupid attitude to have when an amazing person just drops into your lap.” She tossed her head in a move he was sure she’d picked up from Juleka, though it was less effective without Juleka’s mane to accent it. “I should know. Anyway, do what you want, I just think she’s neat and I wanted you to meet her. I’ve got a good feeling about her. If I’d met her two years ago I’d totally steal her from you. If you’re smart, you’ll keep an open mind.” 
Luka sighed, but he saw a flicker of pink and when he glanced around the tree again, Marinette was back, the box of supplies at her side. She was lifting a large tinsel garland from the box she’d just opened, only to find it was all a tangled mass. There was a sort of mournful look on her face, a little droop of sadness, maybe even loneliness, to her shoulders. He remembered the tightness in her eyes and around her mouth yesterday, and the way she’d spilled out her reason for being here at the slightest nudge. A fashion designer—that was a cutthroat business, especially in the city. Poor thing was probably as tired and strung out as he’d been when he came home.  
He wasn’t even aware he’d sighed until Rose giggled at his elbow. “I think you can figure the lights out on your own,” she said with a little pat to his arm. “I’m going to get back to getting ready for the children’s program. You two just...have fun, okay? Make it festive!” She fluttered her hands at the tree, then waved at Marinette and abandoned him to the awkwardness. 
It didn’t take long to get the lights on the tree—Luka had plenty of practice after getting the farm set up for the season. He stood there for a moment, hesitating. He glanced at Marinette. She had finished the sorting and was back to struggling with the tangled garland, and the look of utter defeat on her face...hurt, somehow.  
“Can I give you a hand?” Luka found himself offering. 
Marinette started slightly, and in an instant her shoulders went back and her smile flashed back into being. Luka was surprised to realize that it didn’t feel fake, despite the fact that he had seen her feelings on her face just a moment before. She was hiding those feelings now, but the smile she offered him was as sincere as the sadness. 
“Um, sure, if you want to,” she said, holding up the garland in two hands. “It’s pretty twisted up. We could just leave it, but...might as well give it a shot, right?” 
Luka took a handful of garland, and Marinette took another one farther down. They moved apart, spreading it out as far as it could go between them to try and see where it twisted back on itself. 
“This looks like the end,” Marinette muttered, plucking at a piece. “Can you just hold it up for a minute?”
Luka did, watching Marinette as she looped the end she’d found back over and under and through the glittering mass. The silence was awkward, and the more Luka tried to think of something to say, the more he felt like there was only one thing he could say. 
“Listen, I wanted to apologize—” he began as Marinette said, “Luka, I’m really sorry—” 
They both stopped, and laughed, and Luka gestured for her to go ahead. 
“I just,” Marinette pushed her hair back and glanced at him, then looked away. “I wanted to apologize for blurting that out about—you know—I should have thought, I should have realized you wouldn’t want to be approached like that, while you’re clearly not working—well, you were working, but not, not like that and I should have—well. I’m really sorry. You’re at home and you probably don’t want people gushing all over you while you’re trying to spend time with your family.”
Luka took a breath, looking at the floor for a moment. “I wanted to apologize too, for being so abrupt with you. I...hadn’t had the best morning, and you did startle me. I’m...well, I guess you could maybe say I’m retired, and I’d rather not be...known, here. I guess I kind of panicked.”
“Retired?” Marinette looked up at him in surprise. “But your music was so good! I mean—” She flushed, and grabbed the garland, moving to start draping it around the tree. “I really liked it, anyway. Sorry, I know it’s not my business...Anyway, I understand, and I won’t tell anyone I met you here.” The garland she was trying to place slipped off, and she sighed in frustration. “I swear Christmas hates me,” she muttered to herself.
Luka picked up the trailing end and held it so that the weight was no longer dragging. “Thank you. I really appreciate that.” 
“Of course,” Marinette smiled, and then she said, “How long have you and Rose been together?” This time the garland stayed where she placed it, with Luka feeding her more as she circled around the tree. 
“Together?” Luka repeated, startled. “We’re not together. She’s dating my sister, actually. In fact if they’re not engaged by New Years I’ll be shocked.” 
Marinette’s head whipped around to look at him. “O-oh. Oh! Oh, I understand now.” She flushed. “Just, before—”
“Yeah, I get it,” Luka grinned. “I can see how that would look if you didn’t know.”  
“Wow, how off base was I, though,” Marinette giggled. “So your family’s from around here? I—oh, that sounded nosy didn’t it, I’m sorry, I swear I’m just trying to make small talk.”
“I’m not offended,” Luka chuckled. “Actually my family just moved here a few years ago. When my mom bought the tree farm I thought it was just another one of her crazy whims and she’d move on to something else before long, but she seems really happy here. What about your grandma? Gina doesn’t seem like the small town type, either.”
The conversation flowed comfortably from there, as they finished the garland and moved on to the other decorations. Marinette didn’t ask him any more questions about his music, and he carefully steered clear of asking her any questions about why she’d come—or been sent—down to their little town, and faster than Luka could have expected, they were closing up the empty boxes and stacking them to the side to be returned to storage. Marinette had a good eye, Luka had to admit as he looked at the tree. Not surprising, he supposed, but it did look a lot nicer than the previous year’s tree. Not only that, Marinette had arranged the extra decorations on the library desk in a pretty little display, and with his help, had even trimmed the windows with some icicle lights they found at the bottom of one of the boxes. Luka knelt to plug in the last set of lights, and when they were on, the whole library screamed holiday cheer to an almost obnoxious degree.
As if his thoughts had summoned her, Rose appeared behind him. 
“Wow, look at this place, it’s awesome! Everything looks great! You two make a fantastic team!” She grinned at Luka, and he raised his eyebrows at her in warning. “Everything is so festive,” Rose went on, clearly ignoring him, as she laid a thoughtful finger to her lips and examined them, “except for you two. You’re ruining the mood.” 
Faster than Luka could track she whipped something out and stuck it to his forehead, then turned and did the same to Marinette. Only when he saw the bright blue gift bow stuck to Marinette’s forehead did he realize what Rose had just done to them, and he rolled his eyes as he reached up to touch the bow on his own forehead. Rose swatted his hand away and then grabbed his arm, hauling at him until he had no choice but to stand up or fall over.
“There, now you’re properly decorated too,” Rose beamed. “All right, you two have spent all morning helping me, so get out of here and go do something fun! It’s such a pretty day!”
“Rose, it’s freezing,” Luka tried to say, but Rose was already pushing them towards the door, and he gave into the inevitability of it all with a sigh. 
“Go down to the café, have lunch on my tab, both of you,” she ordered, dumping their coats in Luka’s arms before shoving them out of the door. “Thanks for all your help!” she called, waving at them as the doors slid closed.
“Real subtle,” Luka grumbled, reaching up to peel the bow off his forehead as he turned to face Marinette. That was a mistake, because the way her mouth was pursed in a little moue as she worked to remove her own bow was kind of adorable.
Damnit, Rose.
Fiction Master Post | Month of Miracles
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monsoonblooms12 · 4 years ago
Christmas with the Waverleys ❄️: Part I
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A/N: Hi, how is everyone doing💫💛? So I really wanted to do something for the Holidays and this is what I came up with. Writing this was a really joyful process, so I really hope that this brings a smile on your face💛 
If you enjoyed the story, please like, leave a comment or reblog. Your feedback keeps me going 💕
Thank you so very much @caseyvalentineramsey for prereading and @jamespotterthefirst for prereading and helping me up with the editing. You guys are life-savers and I love you💛💛
Characters: For this part, the characters are my OH MC(Dr. Pooja Sharma) and OH F!OC (Dr. Alexandra Walton)
Word Count: 1467
Rating: General
Prompts :-
CFWC(@choicesficwriterscreations) Winter Season Prompt #6: Character A doesn’t like the holidays. B loves it. Will B try to find out why or convince A to celebrate it?
@wackydrabbles #74 (Will appear in bold): What do you want me to say?
@choicesdecemberchallenge​ Day 23: Friendship
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December 23rd
The riffling of sheets, concomitant typing on the keyboard and the gentle tapping of a blue ballpoint pen.
Aha! Here it is!
The dainty curling up of her lips purported that her quest had been prosperous.
The young girl let down her brunette hair as the muffled voices of Boston's December traffic infiltrating the quiet beige Living room subserved as a token of the celebratory season.
With balmy footfalls, she went to the bay windows of her residence, moving the white satin draperies and looked down to the provocative streets.
Festivals. Gaieties. They were not her thing.
For her, they were needless gatherings, wastage of capital and time.
Christmas, New Year, never held much of a significance in her life.
No matter how much she relished seeing all the people fortified with holiday disposition, she never aspired to be one of them.
Engrossed in thoughts, she nearly plummeted at the unforeseen chime of the doorbell.
A deep breath.
Another one.
And another.
And the abrupt adrenaline rush faded past as she reacquired her equanimity.
An agile glance at the wooden digital timekeeper on the davenport told her that it was 10:30 in the morning.
An unlikely time for someone to visit.
Must be some parcel posts.
Moving to the door, she clemently swivelled the knob and-
Alex was comprehensively purblind as to why Pooja would have come here at 10:30 am, groomed as if she was the anthropomorphism of celebratory spirit.
Not acknowledging her interrogating glimpses, Pooja went inside. Alex accompanied.
And then, Pooja's eyes fell on the vademecum and jotter sitting on the settee.
Hmmm, so they are my rivals.
"Poo? What's the matter? Has something goofed?"
Alex still had no ounce of idea about all that was transpiring.
Pooja roared as she denoted towards the current occupants of the couch.
"What is wrong with my manual?"
"Lex, ITS CHRISTMASTIDE! You, sitting here and swotting is Inequity!"
Pooja held up a hand to prevent her from proceeding further. She knew unequivocally what Lex was going to utter. That she shunned celebrations. All this was a waste and the record of criticisms moving on & on.
She had endured her overtures the prevenient time.
But this time? This time, circumstances would change. Alexandra Walton would be carousing Christmas, no matter how absurd it appeared.
"Lex. I understand, okay. I know you loathe fiestas. But-"
"Now don't begin convincing me and convert to a walking, talking book of 101 reasons to savour festivities."
This wasn't going to work. Even if she convinced her, she knew better that she would not heed in.
So, what to do now? Hmmm…
Pooja's mind went back to the discussion she had the previous night.
"Are you kidding me?"
"Of course not! Look!"
The Portrayal of Numerous ocular evidence of the case were placed in front of her.
"So, you're stating that she is here, in Boston and that all this is gonna work?"
"Exactly! Believe me, Poo, you will not regret it. Just give it a try!"
This was the only alternative. She ought to do it. It seems implausible, but the stuff she saw with her optics, felt versus her skin, couldn't be a deceit, could it?
"I need a promise."
"Promise? Wow! What a marvellous way of pressuring me into all this."
Alex substantially scoffed. Pooja lightly smacked her forehead.
"Why did you do it?"
Alex produced a perfect faux crybaby face as she tended to her point of the hit.
"You killed my Lil Lil forehead cells!"
Pooja scarcely restrained her chuckle as she set up the stern big-sister facade,
"Just shut up and listen first. I demand you to promise me that you will go with me somewhere on Christmas Eve."
"On a voyage?"
"No, bimbo! To meet someone."
A pouty face followed. But Pooja's glare was enough to make her regress and concede.
"Fine, Promise. But don't you dare pull me to a holiday funfair. Remember, I can bite."
Alex responded as she unveiled her teeth.
"You won't have to stoop that low" Pooja affirmed while stifling a hearty guffaw.
December 24th
"Are you going to tell me where you are taking me?" Vexation grazed Alex's features.
But her irritation was Pooja's gold. It was one of her reactions which made her laugh hysterically.
"If I die, I will spook you until I am served with 12 boxes of extravagant Walter's White and Pink Chocolate because you are making me do THIS." Alex pointed at the two of them.
"Which, I should make it clear, you won't get. 'Cause you won't die. Also, If means?"
"No, like I mean, subsequently we all will die, but before that, we will become top tier doctors, make millions, eat chocolates."
"We will get husbands" Pooja added to the list.
"They will die"
This earned Alex a scowl from her best friend.
"Then we would be sitting in our opulent houses and would be promoting golden dentures on our Pictogram."
"Yes! Yes! Yes!"
"And then we will die. We will be in heaven and do the Hippity-Hop dance with our already-in-heaven husbands", And the two of them laughed like crazy. Passers-by gave them side glances, most of them presuming they both had gone mad, but the two couldn't bother less.
After a little while, they reached in front of a modest house. Entering through the small copper-coloured gate, they peered around.
It posed an explicit opposition to the modern peculiarities of Boston. The place was serene. The garden surrounding the humble stone-exterior dwelling was immaculate and well-kept. The two of them went towards the white gate and pressed the doorbell.
Seconds later, an elderly lady opened the door.
"Hi, I am Pooja. And this is Alexandra" She introduced the two of them.
"Of course, please get in sweetheart. I have been expecting you." The lady gave a friendly smile and motioned the two of them to come in.
While entering, Alex tugged at Pooja's sleeve, dragging her back.
Keeping her voice as faint as plausible, she spoke, "Why did you bring me here? To discover how to make gingerbread?"
Pooja almost let out a tee-hee and gave her a warning look.
"What do you want me to say? You dragged me out of my cozy blanket and summery dreams to learn how to make gingerbread!"
Lightly hitting Alex's forehead, she jokingly admonished "Shut up Lex! Just wait and watch."
And then they followed the lady to a dim room.
In the core of the room, stood a circle table, encompassing which, three obsolescent chairs were orderly arranged.
Several aromatic candles blazed the shadowy nooks. Various shelves positioned on the walls with articles they couldn't recognize due to the gloom.
They were motioned to take a seat on the chairs.
"So, Miss Pooja! I am so overwhelmed to have you and your friend with me! I am very certain, that the forthcoming journey will be a once in a lifetime venture." The lady's grin revealed two blank spaces in her teeth.
"You have planned everything for us?" Even though they had talked beforehand, Pooja still felt a bit dubious. What is something went awry?
She halted the train of thought. What ifs are endless. Trust yourself, everything that happens will be for the best.
"Yes, dear. Your request was the loveliest. And I have planned to make everything accurate, just the way you want."
At her words, the tension heaving down on Pooja dissipated.
"Now, both of you lay your hands on the table and relax. Don't ask any questions, Don't have any concerns. Just follow my statements and repeat the words I chant after me."
They both followed. Relaxing, for Alex, was hard, but for her twisted sister, she tried her best and finally calmed down.
The lady began. "Relax. All the arrangements are made. I am sending both of you to the Braidwood Manor, where the Waverleys live. You both are getting a chance to experience Christmas as it was celebrated nearly a century and a half ago. You both will reach London in the 1880s. Take a deep breath"
It felt like someone had cast a spell on them. They both followed all the words, all the instructions wordlessly. As said, they took a deep breath.
"Very Good! Now repeat the words after me. Try to remember them. I am sending you both in the past for a day but in case you wanna come back earlier, you will need them"
Then the lady tapped her purple-painted fingernail four times on the table and began, "Zahiri Washiki Ra, Zahiri Washiki Ma, MaRa LaYa Ma."
Both of them repeated. The gloomy room echoed with the words.
PS: That's all for Christmas with the Waverleys Part 1🧡! Part 2 will be up tomorrow.
If you reached till here, please know that I am truly grateful for you🌟 I wish you nothing but happiness and smiles for the Holidays and the coming year❤
Thank you so much for reading and I hope you have a great day ahead🧡🧡
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pastelsandpining · 4 years ago
I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus (Disguise)
The ninth prompt in 12 Days of Christmas by @zelink-prompts​
Prompt List
Words: 1404
Summary: Link takes a small but much needed break, and Sheik takes Hylia’s Day as an opportunity to deliver a gift.
Ocarina of Time, in game
Zelink-mas 2020  l  Masterlist
The title of Hero of Time was a heavy one, but he was doing the best he could as fast as he could, because thousands of lives were depending on him—and most didn’t even know it. He didn’t take any of this lightly and swore over and over again that he would do whatever it took to pull Hyrule from the clutches of darkness.
But he was still only Hylian, whether he bore the Triforce of Courage or not. Sometimes, it was a little much. Sometimes, he wanted to return to his seven year slumber just so he didn’t have to think about the things he’d seen. Yet even as a child, he never turned away.
He still didn’t plan to. 
He just needed a little break, a little air, after his admittedly narrow victory in the Shadow Temple. He was told that the inhabitant of the well that burned through Kakariko and took up residence in the temple was a great evil, but Link didn’t know if he believed that. A place such as that had such a violent history, and whether Bongo Bongo was a manifestation of that darkness or not, he hadn’t felt right slaying it. He’d only done it because he had to. 
But he knew whatever answers he might’ve wanted, he would never hope to find. 
He’d taken up residence in one of the windmill’s large windows, where he could see the well but not the graveyard, and where he could watch the quiet town from above. For being the Hero of Time, he wasn’t aware of how long it’d been. A chill in the air told him it was winter, but he had no further indication. 
Link wouldn’t try to figure it out.
The Spirit Temple is all that remains, he thought as he twisted the Lens of Truth in his hand. Only one temple stood between him and Ganondorf’s grotesque castle. All of this could be over in a few days time, but he couldn’t bring himself to move on. Not yet.
Before, he’d never questioned a thing. Now, he was beginning to wonder what landed Hyrule in this situation to begin with. Most people weren’t evil without reason to be. 
A presence loomed from behind, and Link didn’t have to look to know who it was. There was only one person he knew who could appear and disappear at will.
“Do you remember much about the Celebration of the White Goddess?” Sheik asked. Link shrugged.
“Most just call it Hylia’s Day,” he replied. “Why?”
“Today marks the beginning of the celebration.”
“Not many are in the spirit, then,” Link said with a gesture to the motionless village below them.
“Seven years is a long time. Some no longer believe. Others think it safer to pray in the safety of their homes and speak her name as little as possible. They fear Ganon will overhear.”
“Let him overhear,” Link muttered bitterly. “Then he can face me himself.”
“Your courage, although admirable, is also foolish.”
He opted to shrug again in reply. Any lecture from Sheik was far better than the alternative—loneliness. It made him consider asking the Sheikah about the bloody temple tucked into the graveyard, or the amalgamation at the bottom of the well, or the hollow remains in the tomb of the royal family. 
Thinking of Princess Zelda being lowered into that vat of terror one day made him shudder, so he said nothing instead.
“Do you know the story behind Hylia’s Day?” Sheik asked as they lowered themselves to sit next to him.
“I suppose I should,” replied Link, considering those goddesses they all once believed in were playing puppet with his fate.
“It marks the day that Hylia descended to our world with the purpose of protecting the Triforce—so it’s said. But even a goddess couldn’t keep the power at bay. The Demon King Demise brought forth an army to try and pry it from her hands. Hylia was forced to send her people up to a civilization in the sky, then was tasked with fighting Demise with the aid of the very first of the heroes. Yet instead of her victory, we celebrate the very idea of her.”
“It’s easier to celebrate the idea of something,” Link said, turning his head to look at Sheik. “It feels further away, less real, when it’s just an idea.”
“Except there are those of us who know better.”
“I can’t say I’m in the mood to celebrate,” he admitted simply as he turned to face Sheik entirely, with his back leaning against the wall. 
“And for that I can’t blame you.”
Link studied the Sheikah for a moment, but there was nothing more he could see than what met the eye. He knew so little about this person, yet they’d traversed through all of Hyrule under the guise of helping the Hero of Time only to disappear as soon as they served their purpose. 
“Why now?” he asked, tilting his head. “You’ve never just… appeared to have a conversation.”
There was a twinkle in Sheik’s eye that suggested they were smiling, but he couldn’t see anything beneath the wrap, so he didn’t try. 
“I didn’t think the Hero of Time would oppose having a friend, but should he wish to be a lone wolf, I can go.”
Link almost cracked a smile. Something about the comfortable atmosphere, how familiar they were acting, unnerved him. But he trusted Sheik with his life, because they’d been the one consistent thing. He could trust them to be at every dungeon, ready to encourage him and teach him something new. 
“And I didn’t think the Sheikah did friends,” he replied simply. 
“I have a delivery,” Sheik clarified as they pulled a box out of thin air. After seeing the Sheikah do the same with themselves so many times, Link had stopped questioning it. “It’s from Princess Zelda.” 
Those words alone made him straighten, and so many emotions hit him at once that he wasn’t quite sure how to react. There were so many questions, too, but he could only ask one at a time.
“She’s alive?” His voice was quiet enough to be carried away on the winds, full of disbelief and perhaps even hope. “Is she safe?”
“She’s alive,” Sheik replied with a nod. They studied him for a moment, then spoke again: “And she’s as safe as she could possibly be. She’s in good hands.”
“Where is she? Can I see her?”
“No.” Their reply was a little too quick, and it made Link recoil. Their expression softened and they held the box towards him with a nod of encouragement. As he took it, they continued. “Not yet. If she came out of hiding too early and Ganondorf found her… but I promise you, she is closer than you think.”
For a moment, Link was torn between answering with a bitter, sarcastic laugh, and saying that the princess lied in his heart. Instead of speaking however, he settled on pulling the top of the box open. The crystal inside was not a new sight, glistening in the setting sun with a thousand colors, but for a moment, some stupid part of him believed there was a deeper meaning to this. Or maybe he just hoped that the heart container, which was really nothing more than a crystal full of protective magic, meant something instead of the very simple truth that it was another tool to help him in his quest to free Hyrule. 
But it gave him a sense of hope, a sense of happiness to know that Princess Zelda was safe. Regardless of what the heart container was supposed to be, it would forever serve as a piece of her--a reminder that there was reason to keep fighting. Maybe it was selfish to consider it a reason, instead of doing it to save all of Hyrule. But no hero was incapable of being selfish, and after such an adventure, if it could even be called one, all he wanted was to find comfort in the one person that could give it to him.
Link turned his head to thank the Sheikah, but they were gone. The only evidence of the conversation was the container in his hand. He was grateful, because far above the eyes of Kakariko village, during the hours of dusk, there was no one to see him bring the crystal to his lips.
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fangirlinsweden · 5 years ago
Noticing ~ Part 12
Part 12 ~  Wish list, Hot Chocolate and Snow (December)
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader
Warnings: Swearing, frustrating Steve, kind of angsty sometimes.
Word count: about 7000 words (I know this is long, hope you don’t mind)
Summary:  Y/N is in love with Steve, but she is afraid to tell him. So she tries to show him by using Cheesy Pickup lines. Will he ever notice her?
A/N: This is written for @buckysmischief​  Gab’ s 1k writing challenge.  And in this part the prompt I got I marked in Bold. 
This takes place after Endgame, But Steve did not leave the future. Nat and Tony are still alive.
Almost all pickup-lines are lines I have found on the internet. Some I have adjusted a bit to fit the storyline more.
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It was the first of December and a month you had not been looking forward to. This was the last month you had given yourself to flirt with Steve. This was the last month you had given yourself to be in love with him. You needed to up your pick-up lines and make them more obvious. Maybe then he would finally understand what you were trying to do. You decide to take a walk to clear your mind. After getting dressed in warm clothes you leave the compound. “Y/N, wait up,” Steve was yelling. You stop and turn around. Steve is running towards you. “Hey,” You smile at him. “Are you going for a walk?” You nod. “Can I go with you?” Steve smiles at you and you nod again. The two of you walk in silence and it feels like the cold air is clearing out your lungs.  Steve starts talking to you about the Harry Potter books, a topic you have nothing against talking about. Steve had just finished reading Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix. You walk into the woods and you stumble on a stone. Steve grabs a hold of you so that you don’t fall. “Thank you,” you smile at him. “And thank God I'm wearing gloves.” “Why?” Steve tilts his head. “Are you cold?” No, because you're too hot to handle,” you wink at him. He laughs and you continue talking about the Harry Potter books and his theories. 
Almost all of the team was away on a mission and you find yourself trapped in a small room. Outside the room were twenty hydra agents. That would not have been a problem, but somehow you had no more ammo. “I need some back-up,” you say into the coms. “I am outnumbered, without any ammo, but I got the flash-drive with the information we needed”. You hear Steve swear. “Language, Captain,” Tony says. You tell them where you are. There is a swish in the air a couple of minutes later and then you hear fighting. You open the door carefully and see that Steve had thrown his shield and was now fighting some Hydra agent. After joining the fight and no more Hydra agents standing you turn to Steve. "You're the cat's meow" you wink at him. Together you continue to leave the Hydra base together meeting up with the rest of the team outside. But later on the Quinjet, when the whole team was safe and the mission was finished, Sam wonders what that had meant. You had told him to google it and then you had fallen asleep on Steve’s shoulder. 
It is the fourteenth of December and Morgan had insisted that Steve and you would come with her, Pepper and Tony to meet Santa. You were ready to go, but waiting on The Stark family. Steve was sitting in the kitchen ready as well. Morgan's request had given you an idea, but you had yet to go through with it. Now seemed to be the perfect idea. “Hey Steve, can I take a photo of you?” You ask as you pull out your phone. “Why? You already have some,” Steve tilts his head.  “I want to show Santa what I want for Christmas,” you wink at him. He throws his head back laughing. “If you want to,” he says after a while. “Smile,” you say and take a photo with your phone. The picture was better then you had thought it would be. The sun from the window behind Steve was giving him a kind of glow and you immediately changed the picture to your background.  “What are you doing?” Steve asked and stood up. You were going to show him how you had made him your background when Morgan ran up to you. “We are seeing Santa today,” She jumped up and down in front of you. “I know Sweetie,” you smile at her enthusiasm. “Do you have your wish list ready?” “Yes,” She holds up her list. “Do you?” You hold up your phone and show her your picture of Steve. Morgan starts to giggle and look at Steve.  “Uncle Steve, do you have a wish list for Santa?” She asks and Steve shakes his head. Tony and Pepper come around the corner.  “Mom, Uncle Steve does not have a wish list,” Morgan looks sad.  “Honey, not everyone makes wish lists for Christmas,” Pepper tries to explain. Morgan nods and Tony ushers you all out to the car. 
You arrive at Santa's village and Morgan is jumping up and down with excitement. She pointed out the big gingerbread house, the elves and the line to meet Santa. You were more happy that you would meet a real reindeer. Since you were a little girl you had always wanted to pet one and according to Tony they had all of Santa's reindeer's here. Morgan dragged you over to the cue to meet Santa and you stood there waiting patiently for an hour. Steve, Pepper and Tony were walking around looking at things. When it was Morgan's turn to sit at Santa's lap they came over and took a bunch of pictures of it. Then Morgan told Santa that you also had a wish list. You could see that Santa thought it was funny so he patted his lap. You walked over and sat down. What you failed to see was Tony filming the whole thing and Pepper taking pictures. “Hey, Santa,” you smiled. “I am..” Santa raised his hand. “I know who you are and I know for a fact that you are on the nice-list,” Santa winked at you. Morgan jumped up and down when she heard this.  “Then you must know what I wish for Christmas as well,” you blushed and Santa chuckled.  “I have my guesses, but please tell me anyhow,” Santa said and Morgan looked on curiously. You take out your phone and open to the picture of Steve. Santa starts to chuckle and you see Steve looking on with big eyes. “Just as I thought,” Santa nods. “But I don’t think I can give you what you wished. All I can do is give you some advice.” You nod. “Tell him how you feel,” Santa whispers and you bit your lip. “Thank you, Santa,” you said and gave him a kiss on the check before you jumped off his lap and took Morgan by the hand and started to walk to where the reindeer's were kept. “Wait a minute,” you hear Steve come after you. “Did you really show Santa my picture?” “Of course I did,” You giggled. “You are what I want for Christmas.” Steve stopped and stared at you. Morgan pulled in your hand so you left him standing there. Meeting the reindeer's was better than you had thought. You felt like a child on Christmas when you got to pet not only Dasher and Dancer. But Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen and Rudolph. Tony and Pepper took a lot of pictures of you and Morgan petting them. Steve kept his distance from you and it hurt a lot. Maybe this was a rejection. Maybe he understood how you were feeling for him now and this was his way of showing that he did not have the same feelings. Morgan pulled in your hand and pointed at Steve. He stood a couple of meters away looking at headbands with different Christmas themes. There was Santa Hats, reindeer horns and mistletoe. He paid for a couple and walked over to Morgan and you. You smiled at him and he smiled his bright happy smile back. The ache in your chest disappeared and Steve handed Morgan a headband with brown reindeer horns and a headband with a bit bigger and golden reindeer horns for you. Morgan threw herself on Steve and thanked him. You gave him a kiss on the cheek and did the same. Steve helped Morgan on with her headband and you put yours on. Tony and Pepper took a picture of Morgan, you and Steve standing in front of the reindeer's, Steve had his arm around your shoulder and Morgan stood in front of you. Morgan hoped out of one picture so it was just you and Steve standing together. To anyone that saw you it would look like you were taking a couples picture for like your Christmas card. What you missed was Steve looking down at you with a big smile. Then you took a picture of Morgan with her parents. When you were finished with the photos it was decided that you should explore Santa's Village and all the shops. Steve put his arm over your shoulder and off the five of you went. You found a couple of Christmas Stockings present for the team. Then Steve and you found a shop that did Custom Christmas ornaments and you needed to buy one for everyone of your family members. Steve stood laughing when you explained how you wanted each of them to look. It would take the shops a couple of days to make all the ornaments, so you decided that you would pick them up later. Steve and you meet Morgan, Pepper and Tony a couple of shops over carrying a lot of bags, and that was when you saw it. A shop you wanted to go to, but without Steve. You made a gesture for Morgan to distract and occupied Steve, which she gladly did and you left the group to buy something for Steve. 
After a few hours at Santa's Village and all loaded with a lot of bags, it was time to get back to the Compound. Morgan and you were still wearing your headbands. Steve helped you to your room with all your bags and you thanked him for it.  “Do you want a cup of hot chocolate?” you ask Steve and he nods. Together you walk to the kitchen. Wanda had teached you how to make hot chocolate a couple days ago, and this was the first time you would do it without her supervision. Steve and you were talking about Christmas and Steve was telling you what he and Bucky used to do before the war. When the hot chocolate was finished you turned around with the mugs, but Steve was closer than you had though. That made you pour all the hot chocolate over his chest and stomach. “Oh, Steve I am so sorry,” you cry out. You turn around and place the mugs on the counter and to grab a towel. When you turn around Steve stood there without a shirt on. “Call me Rudolph, because you just sleighed me,” you get out and Steve blushes.  “I will just go and change,” Steve mumbles and he leaves the room. You swear under our breath. That man would be the death of you, there was no doubt about it. You cleaned the floor before you started to make more chocolate. All the time you saw Steve’s chest in front of you. How could anyone even look like that? It was as he was sculpted by marbor and turned into a man. Blessed by the gods, that was what he was.   Steve came back and the two of you enjoyed the hot chocolate and laughed at some of the gifts you had bought for the team. Deep inside you knew that this would be the best Christmas in your entire life. 
The couple of days later Morgan had decided that the whole team should watch a Christmas movie to get into the holiday spirit. According to here there were a couple of Grinches in the bunch. She never said any names but everyone knew who she meant. Steve and Bucky did not know what she meant when Grinches meant and that was the reason that she had decided that the movie “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” was what you should watch. Personally you loved all Christmas Movies and would have been fine watching whatever she had chosen, but the Grinch was one of your all time favorite movies.  “You are going to love this movie,” you told Steve. With that you left to get some hot chocolate that Wanda had done. You heard Tony tell everyone to find a seat. When you walked into the room there was only one spot left, next to Steve. You walked over to him and sat down. Then Tony started the movie. Even though you had watched the movie at least hundred times it still got your full attention. About a third through the movie your hot chocolate was gone and when you put your mug on the table, Steve put his arm around your shoulder and pulled you close. It was nice to watch movies cuddled up with Steve and you relaxed against his body. This was home to you. In his arms. Not the compound, but in his arms. Feeling safe and relaxed. Oh, how you wished he loved you back.   “If I was the Grinch, I wouldn't steal Christmas, I'd steal you,” you whisper in Steve’s ear when the Grinch steals Christmas from the Who’s. Steve chuckled and pressed a kiss to your forehead. You cuddle closer to Steve and when the movie ended Morgan demanded that you watch Elf as well. Nobody had any objections, but during Buddy and Jovies date you fell asleep with your head on Steve's chest. 
Steve noticed when Y/N fell asleep on him, but he did not care. It was nice having her close like this and she always looked so peaceful when she slept. The Elf movie was good, but Steve had a hard time concentration on it when Y/N moved a bit in her sleep. When the movie ended Steve lifted her up in his arms to take her to her room. “You are under the mistletoe,” Morgan yells out and everyone  went “shh” not wanting to wake Y/N.  Steve looks up and sees the mistletoe.  “You need to kiss her,” Morgan crosses her arms. “Sweetie, she is asleep,” Pepper tells Morgan. “But if she wakes up, then it's a true love's kiss,” Morgan argues.  “Morgan, it is creepy kissing someone that is asleep,” Tony tells his daughter. “But it is tradition,” Morgan stomps on the floor. Steve looks at Morgan to Y/N in his arms. He presses a kiss to her forehead and Morgan gives him a small smile. Steve then leaves the room and goes to tuck Y/N into her bed, then he presses another kiss to her forehead before he leaves the room.
There were just five days left until Christmas and you stood looking out the window. The snow less view was making you sad. Standing in a room that was decorated for Christmas with all that you could imagine and then look out and there was no snow. That was not right. You had hoped there would be a white Christmas, but so far no snow. Someone walked into the room, but you did not care. You did not want to show anyone the pout that you were sure was on your face right now. A pair of arms wrapped behind you and you knew that it was Steve.  “What are you thinking about?” he asks and you could not keep it in.  “It is your fault,” You say and you feel Steve get tense.  “What is?” Steve asks with a bit of an edge to his voice. “That we won’t get a white Christmas,” you mumble. Steve starts laughing.  “Sweetie, I can’t control the weather;” Steve presses a kiss to hair. “No, but you're so hot,” you turn your head upwards so you can see his face. “And that is disturbing with the weather.” Steve threw his head back laughing. You huff and break out of his arms. Steve grabs a hold of you and pulls you into his arms. “Thank you, sweetheart,” Steve mumbled against your forehead. “For always making me laugh.” You melted against him and wished you had the guts to kiss him.  “Want to read something?” Steve asks and you nod against his chest. You walk to the library together. Steve pulls out one of his sketchbooks he had there and you took out the book “A Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens. A book you always wanted to read, but never gotten around to. You sit there in silence together, you reading and Steve sketching you reading, but that he is sketching you is nothing you knew about. 
It is Christmas Eve and you did not want to get up- Your bed is warm and you had no training for a couple of days, a Christmas gift from your Captain. That almost sounded dirty, like Steve was your Captain. You stretch in your bed about to fall back asleep, but then you hear Morgan yelling.  “Snow, it is snowing.” You jumped out of bed and ran to the window. When you got your curtains out of the way, you saw that she was right. Outside was a thick layer of snow and it was still coming down. You do a happy dance and then you throw on some warm clothes before you grab your jacket, gloves and hat. Morgan meets you in the hallway. She is still just in her pyjamas.  “Go get dressed,” you tell her and she runs away. You go to Steve’s room and pound on the door. Steve opens the door with only a pair of pyjamas pants. It made you take a double take before you look up in his amused blue eyes. “Steve, it is snowing,” you are almost jumping up and down on the spot. “Get dressed and come out with us.” Steve crosses his arms over his chest and it makes you bit down on your lip. Fuck, he was good looking, no there was no words for how he looked. Out of this world, was the best you could come up with. “I thought you said it was my fault, well, my hotness,” Steve is smirking at you. “Well, obviously I got it wrong,” you throw your hands up in the air. “Now get dressed and go out with us.” you smiled at him and he shook his head.  “Pretty please, Steve,” you plead with him. “Right, pretty please, Steve,” you hear Bucky mock you behind your back. Steve looked at you before he bowed down and pressed a kiss to your check.  “Fine,” he whispered in your ear. Then he closed his door. You turn around to Bucky who was smirking at you. “He will not come out,” Bucky said and you shrug your shoulders. “I think he will,” you said as Morgan came running down the hallway. “Auntie Y/N, Lets go,” Morgan grabbed your free hand and started to drag you to the door. You laughed and followed her. By the door you put on your jacket and hat, then you checked that Morgan was dressed properly before you put on your gloves. Then you run out hand in hand in the snow. You both dance around in the snow with your heads tilted up to get the snow in your face. You twirl Morgan around and she is laughing. The door opens and Pepper, Tony, Bruce, Wanda and Bucky come out. All bundled up. Morgan jumps to her father's arms and giggles. You lay down in the snow and do a snow angel. Wanda lays down next to you and does the same. 
Friday starts playing Christmas music through the outdoor speakers and you pull Wanda up. She twirls you around and then when Wanda lets you go with a wink. It made you twirl right into a hard chest and you look up and meet Steve blue eyes, then you fall on your ass in the snow.  “I must be a snowflake, because I've fallen for you,” you wink at Steve and start laughing. Steve shakes his head before he lifts you up. When you stand up again, you slip on some ice under the snow and Steve grabs a hold of you. It makes you stand pressed against his chest and he is looking down on you. And you could have sworn Steve was looking at your lips. Just as Steve is about to say something, he gets a snowball in his back. He turns around and you see Bucky's apologetic face. Instead of letting it destroy your mood, you quickly make a snowball and toss it at  Bucky. That was how a snowball fight erupted by the team, Morgan and Pepper kept out of it, but even Bruce joined in. You were laughing and having a great time, that was when Steve tackled you right into the snow. It did not hurt, but it surprised you. “What,” was all you could get out.  “Bucky was about to throw a snowball in your face,” Steve explain still laying on top of you.  “Aww..” you smile up at him. “I didn't think I was a snowman but you just made my heart melt.” Steve started to laugh and he had still not gotten off you. Morgan comes over looking down at you. “Do you want some privacy?” She smiles and then turns to her father who is giving her both his thumbs up. Steve blushes and gets off you, when he stood up he offered his hand to help you up.  “It is time for breakfast,” Morgan says take one of your hands and one of Steve’s and together you walk into the compound again. You smile at Steve, but he is still blushing. When you got inside and smelled the good breakfast that Wanda had made you forgot about Steve's behaviour. After all it was Christmas Eve and you had a lot of Christmas gifts that needed to be wrapped before the day was over. 
It was Christmas Day and you wake up sitting right up in your bed. You were awake late the night before, making sure you were the last one to place the gifts you had gotten under the tree and doing the last fixes on your gift to Steve. You got dressed and went to the common room where the tree and stockings were. Nobody was awake yet, but you knew that it was just a matter of a time. So you went into the kitchen and started making breakfast. But Wanda was already in there making breakfast with Sam. “Merry Christmas,” they laughed and smiled at you. You greeted them back and took a cup of coffee and sat down at the counter looking at them. Soon the kitchen was filled with your family. You look at them and smile, even if Steve did not love you, this was still your family and they made you happy. Morgan was arguing with Tony that she wanted to open the gifts Santa had left before breakfast, but Pepper stood her ground. Breakfast first, then gifts. You sat down together and at the fantastic breakfast Wanda and Sam had done. 
Then when everyone had finished Morgan screamed out.  “Gift, Santa left us all gifts,” She runs from the table and out to the common room. Everyone is laughing and follows her at a more normal pace into the room. She is standing looking at the small mountain of gifts under the tree. Everyone but Tony takes a seat. Morgan sat down on the floor. Tony puts on a Santa hat and starts handing out gifts to everyone. Then when every gift under the tree was gone, the unwrapping began. You went one gift at the time so that everyone can see peoples reaction to the gifts. Everyone loved the custom Christmas ornaments you had ordered and everyone put theirs on the tree directly. May blushed that you had bought one for her as well and you told her that she was family. She went over and gave you a big hug. You saw Happy standing a bit from everyone looking at his Christmas ball. He had tears in his eyes, but you did not want to disturb him. You figured that you would talk to him later. 
There was one gift that you had not placed under the tree. You wanted it to be the last gift of the day, and Tony had agreed. So when everyone had finished Tony said that there was one gift left. You stood up and walked over to Steve and gave it to him. You had problems looking when he unwrapped it. With the help of Tony you had built a small studio at the back of the compound for him to do his art in, and try other mediums. Steve held up the key and looked at you so you handed him your hand. He took it and hand in hand you walked out to the back of the compound. The rest followed you. Morgan asked where you were going but Tony just shook his head. Almost to the woods. You pointed on the door and Steve put his key into it. He unlocked the door and stepped inside.  “Merry Christmas, Steve,” You smiled and you saw him look around. You had filled the studio with all kinds of artist material so that he could try whatever he wanted. For example Tony had bought marble and clay so Steve could try sculpting. You had bought aquarelle and oil so he could try that.  “This is amazing,” Steve looked around. “This is for me?” He asked and you nodded.  “If it's from Morgan, Pepper, Steve and me,” you said and He wrapped you in his arms and span you around. He realised you and looked around the room again. “A thousand thank you,” He looked over at Tony and Pepper. Morgan ran over to him and he pulled her into his arms.  “You deserve it, Uncle Steve,” Morgan pressed a kiss to his cheek. “Now you can paint Auntie Y/N in many different ways.” She smirked and Steve blushed. “Come on,” you said and started toward the door. “Let’s leave Steve alone to explore his new place.”
When you left the studio your phone plinged and it was a text from Jemma and Leo, thanking you for their Christmas gifts. You sent thanks for their gifts and walked to the compound.  During the day you got text from Fury, Maria, Coulson and the rest of your shield family. They all thanked you for their Christmas presents and their custom ornaments. It made you smile that they liked them.  “You really did go all out on gifts this year,” you hear Bucky say behind you. He had sneaked up on you and read your messages. “I just showing the people I love that I care about them,” you assure Bucky. He smiles at you. “Is that why you've been spending all your free time getting Steve’s studio ready?” You swallow.  “You know you should just a pick-up line at him like: ‘You know, I'd love to show you the toys my elves make for adults’. I bet that would get his attention,” Bucky winked at you and you blushed. “I want him to see I love him, not give him a heart attack,” you look down at the floor. “And that might give him the idea that I am just interested in his body. I am interested in the whole man, not just his body.” You leave Bucky standing there. You did not want to talk more about the subject. 
A lot later after dinner you were all sitting in the comonroom talking, eating candy and enjoying each other's company. There is a lot of laughing and you look over at Steve. He was already looking at you so you took the opportunity to flirt with him. “Even Santa can't make candy as sweet as you,” you wink at Steve and he blushes before he presses a kiss to your cheek. You wanted to take a hold of him and say you missed and then kiss him, but it seemed to be wrong. Inside you are groaning. Just a couple days left of the year and then.. Yeah, what then. You did not know, but push all thoughts aside. Right now you would enjoy being with your family. Steve laughs at something Sam says and then he places his arm around your shoulder. He pulls you closer to him, and you are more than happy to move closer. The smile he gives you when he looks down on you makes butterflies fly in your stomach, and you see the knowing smiles that Wanda, Nat and Bucky are giving you. It makes you blush, but it also gives you hope that maybe, just maybe, Steve liked you too. 
Christmas Day is over way too quick, but it has been a fantastic day. Steve walks you to your door and you start thinking that maybe he will finally kiss you, but now. You part with him pressing a kiss to your forehead and walking away. You close the door and slump against the door. What did a woman need to do to get the man she loved to notice her? That is what you are thinking about when you fall asleep alone in your bed. 
Tony was throwing a party again. It was New Years Eve after all. Pepper had bought everyone new clothes for the occasion, seeing as you had been away on a mission and haven't gotten the time. When you had come back the day before, there had been a garment bag, a shoe box and some other boxes in your room, but you had been too tired to even look at it. You trusted Peppers fashion sense and her knowledge of what you were comfortable in wearing. And you were not disappointed when you opened the garment bag just an hour before the party was starting. It was a sparkly floor length midnight blue dress. It had a V neckline that showed off the rounding of your breast, but it was still not too revealing. The dress followed your curves, but the skirt was a bit more loose. You knew that you would feel like a princess in that dress. The black high heel shoes were also something you would buy for yourself. With a big smile you sit down in front of your mirror, trying to come up with how you would do your hair and make-up. This was the last day you had given yourself to flirt with Steve. Even if you tried to get the thought out of your head, it was there gnawing at you. There was a knock on your door and Wanda and Nat walked in, already dressed and ready for the party.  “We are here to get you ready,” Wanda says and you feel tears building up in your eyes.  “Thank you,” you get out and then they take charge. Wanda was doing your hair and Nat was doing your make-up. They decided to keep it simple and elegant. The make-up for your eyes was a subtle golden eye shadow with a slight smoky eye effect and then Nat painted your lips red. Wanda decided to keep your hair down and curled it. When you got to see yourself in the mirror, you almost started to cry. You looked beautiful.  “Thank you,” You hugged your friends.  “Don’t mention it,” Wanda smiled at you.  “Just do us a favor,” Nat smiled at you and you nodded. “Come to the party at least ten minutes too late.” That went against your principles, but you nodded again. They left you alone to get the dress on. There was a knock on the door again and Pepper walked in. She was also ready. In her hands she held a box.  “Can you please wear these?” Pepper asked and opened the box. Inside was a necklace with a dark blue stone surrounded by diamonds and a bracelet in the same style. “Are you sure?” You asked and Pepper noded.  “Yes, I will wear it,” you agreed and Pepper gave you a hug. “I need to go,” Pepper placed the box on your counter. “Please show up a bit late.” And with that she was out of the door. You shook your head, but if your friends told you to show up late, that was what you were going to do.  After getting dressed and putting on the jewelry you were ten minutes late to the party. You put your feet in your shoes and walked out of your room. The hallway was empty, but you could hear the music from the party. 
When you stepped into the party, you could feel eyes on you but you were looking for someone special. You were looking for Steve. Nat and Wanda held up their glasses of Champagne and you took that as a cheer that you followed their request. Then you saw Steve and he almost took your breath away, dressed in a black tux with a dark blue bow tie. He was talking to Bucky and Sam. You saw Bucky nod in your direction on Steve turn around and look at you. When your eyes met and you saw his slacking jaw you wanted to giggle. The feeling in your body was happiness with butterflies. You hoped it meant that he liked how you looked. You walked further into the party and a man you never saw before walked over to you.  “Do you want to dance?” He asked and looked a little too long at your chest. Before you could say no. Steve walked over to you. “There you are Sweetheart,” Steve said and dragged you away from the man.  “That was rude,” you laughed at Steve’s expression. Could it be that Steve was jealous? You wondered.  “I just don’t want a repeat of other parties,” Steve mumble and you knew he meant when you were felt up by the man a couple months away. You dragged your hand out from his grip.  “I can take care of myself,” you turn around and start to walk to the bar.  “I am sorry,” Steve took your hand again and stopped you. “I should not have dragged that up,” Steve scratched his neck. “Can we start over?” You nodded, because you did not want to spend the evening fighting with Steve. “You look breathtaking,” Steve said and lifted your hand to his lips. He pressed a kiss to your hand.  “And you look handsome,” You smiled at him.  “Join me talking to Bucky and Sam?” He asked and you nodded. He kept holding on to your hand. Bucky looked a lot on your hands, but when you said nothing about it he did not bring it up. After a while you notice a window for you to flirt with Steve. You turn to him and he looks at you. “Hershey factories make millions of kisses a day, but I'm asking for only one at midnight,” you wink at Steve. He laughs and you look down at the floor. Not wanting to show him how sad you felt right now you leave the group and go over to the bar. Some whiskey would help you feel better. This mood was not for champagne. 
Steve looked after Y/N. He did not understand why she just left them standing there without another word.  “You know she is flirting with you, right?” Bucky smirked at Steve.  “What? Who? Y/N?” Steve looked after her. “No, she is not. That is just how she is.” Bucky shakes his head.  “She looks at you like you are the best thing since sliced bread and she only flirts with you,” Sam argued.  “So you're telling me, that the woman I am head over heels over, the woman I am sure is the love of my life, likes me?” Steve is looking around the room for Y/N. He sees her standing by Dr Strange talking with him and his date. In her hand she is holding a glass of Whiskey, something she only drank when she was sad or cold.  “What are you waiting for, Punk?” Bucky pushes Steve towards her. Steve looks at his friend.  “Go dance with her,” Sam groans.  “There is the right partner for you,” Bucky pushes him again and Steve walks over to Y/N.  “Can I have this dance?” Steve holds out his hand and Y/N takes it. When they walk out on the dance floor the song ends and Y/n looks up at him as the next song starts playing.  “I love this song,” She smiles at him. “It always reminds me of you.” Steve smiles down at her and pulls her in closer to him.  “What is it’s name?” Steve asks.  “Diamonds and Twine,” She answers and the lyrics start. He can hear her sing along with the words and he concentrates on the words. 
‘You know when you know. You hear that all your life. Well whoever they are Turns out they were right.  Sunshine, the good times. Yeah we got a few behind us  When the bad times come I ain't gonna run.’
Steve smiles and agrees in his mind that the words seemed to suit the two of them. He thought back to last year. Y/N flirting with him, the mystery Valentine's gift that he was pretty sure was Y/N doing. His surprise birthday party. Her taking care of him after the bad mission. His studio, that Tony informed him the day before was Y/N idea and that he only gave her some of the money and some contacts. He knew he missed a whole lot of things she did for him. But the most important thing, she always made him laugh. All these seemed to be signs of Y/N love for him. 
You were dancing close with Steve to one of your favorites songs and you were singing along to it quietly. Part of you wanted Steve to listen to the lyrics closely, but the other part of you was scared that if he did he would reject you. You force those thoughts away and just enjoy dancing close to the man that you loved. Being here in his arms, made you realize that he really was the love of your life. There was no other place you wanted to be and it was scary. You also knew what you would break your own promise. If he still had not realised when the night was over, then you would tell him. Then you would know what he was feeling. You deserved to give yourself that much, even if his answer would hurt you. At least there would not be any ‘What if’s’ in your life. The song ended and you took a step back. You had the last pick-up line ready and when you saw his blue eyes full of sparkle look down on you. Then you knew it was time. “I'll be yours forever. Just tell me when to start,” you winked at him, but instead of laughing Steve is looking at you. Really looking at you.  “What did you just say?” Steve asked and tilted his head to the side. You sigh and look down at the floor. You repeated the line, but not daring to look at him. He placed a hand under your chin and lifted your face up so you were looking at each other.  “Are you flirting with me?” Steve's face was expressionless. “I have been for over a year, thanks for noticing,” You smirked at him.  “Does this mean you like me?” Steve smiles at you, finally showing some emotion. “No, it means I love you,” You blush and you have a problem with breathing. Steve's smile get’s brighter and you feel your legs shake, before he closes the distance between the two of you and kisses you. A hungry kiss filled with love.  “You have no idea how long I have wanted to do that,” Steve whispered against your lips when he had pulled back. “And for the record, I love you too.” After some more kissing, Steve started to dance around with her again. Their eyes were on each other and everyone else in the room seemed to disappear.  “What took you so long?” You asked him after a few minutes.  “I thought that was how you were with your friends.” Steve scratched the back of his neck. “Have you seen me flirt with anyone else here?” you bit your bottom lip.  Steve tilts his head. “No…” Steve admits.  “You are a moron.” you laugh. “I am your moron” Steve says and winks at you. Then he kisses you again. When the kiss breaks up you giggle. “Well, this year at least I got someone to kiss at midnight,” you smile at him. “Sweetheart, for every year that will come, you will have someone to kiss at midnight,” he kissed you again. “Forever starts now. You are mine and I am yours.” You smirk and blushed some. Steve lifted you to your toes and kissed you again.  
Nat, Wanda, Pepper, Tony, Bucky, Sam and Clint looked on Steve and Y/N dancing, kissing and laughing on the dance floor. It seemed as if they did not notice anymore that they were not alone in the room. “Finally,” Nat sighs. “One year,” Wanda nods and smiles at her friends.  “I know,” Sam huffs. “Who won the bet?” Clint asks and looks around on his friends. “Nobody had guessed on this month,” Bucky shrugged. “I had,” Sam smirks. “I did too,” Morgan says and smiles big. “What did we win?” Tony chuckles.  “You get to decide what we are going to watch next movie night and a lot of candy,” Pepper smiles at her daughter. Sam looks at Morgan and shrugs. “And maybe I can name their firstborn child,” Morgan smirks and looks at Steve and Y/N.  “We can decide together,” Sam smiles at Morgan who nods. “This is a happy start to the new year,” Morgan cheers as Tony starts the countdown.
Noticing Taglist: @jessyballet
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sushiandstarlight · 4 years ago
Cookies: Chapter 16
This chapter includes yesterday’s prompt “evergreen” and today’s prompt “lights.”
Previous Story: Of All The Beds In All The Hotels In All The World
Chapter 1-3 / Chapter 4 / Chapters 5 & 6 / Chapter 7 / Chapter 8 / Chapter 9 / Chapter 10 / Chapter 11 / Chapter 12 / Chapter 13 / Chapter 14 / Chapter 15 
Read this chapter on AO3
Rated: G, light teen for suggestion, nothing explicit
It took some amount of time to get downstairs, what with the way Crowley pinned his angel to the bed. And then Aziraphale's wandering hands in the shower. And the way they wound up snogging each other senseless at the top of the stairs, almost winding up at the bottom by way of running afoul of gravity. By the time they made their entrance into the kitchen, hands linked, they were pink in the face and couldn't stop smiling at one another.
That was, until Aziraphale saw the pies lined up on the kitchen island: apple crumble, cherry lattice with sparkling sugar on top, and mince were all present but also accompanied by blackberry and peach. Aziraphale drew close and hovered over the pies, cooing about how beautiful they were. He reached out to touch one, but Edie smacked his hand with a spatula.
“Ow!” he yelped, yanking back his hand.
“They are for dinner tomorrow night,” Edie sounded deathly serious.
“Oh, alright, but they are beautiful,” Aziraphale sat on one of the barstools, continuing to admire them. Crowley recognized the rapt attention, remembering how Aziraphale had looked at him in the shower. He took a quick mental turn from that image before he was overwhelmed with the urge to grab the angel's wrist and drag him back to their bedroom.
“What have we got here, then?” Crowley sauntered to the counter, also admiring the pies. They were a thing of beauty. Gladys and Edie clearly had talent. Edie pointed out each type with the spatula and Crowley crowed, “you missed a couple, Angel. Off your game.”
“I was a bit distracted,” Aziraphale hmphed. Crowley approached his stool and spun it around to face him.
“You can only smell some pies over my mouth-watering aroma, then?”
“Or maybe you still smell like butter and sugar. It's distracting.”
“I've bathed!”
“I know, I helped!”
Crowley felt his face go crimson. He looked over at the ladies only to find them looking suddenly very busy facing the opposite counter.
“Maybe I'll be rubbing down with butter and sugar every day for you when we get home,” Crowley pressed his forehead to Aziraphale's and smirked at him.
“Oh, that would be a terrible mess on my sheets.”
“Tell me, in this vision are they tartan?”
“No loss there.”
“That's okay, Angel,” Crowley wagged his eyebrows at him, “they're tartan in my vision, too.”
Aziraphale smiled and wiggled happily on the stool.
“Alright, that's enough mushiness near the pies, you're going to melt the pastry,” Edie swatted Crowley with a tea towel.
“Fine, fine. We'll move it along,” Crowley made a motion towards the sun room and set off for it. Aziraphale lingered, smiling bashfully at Edie and Gladys.
“You don't really mind, do you?” Aziraphale stood to leave.
“Nah,” Gladys winked at him and handed him a tiny mince pie, “Run along, now.”
Aziraphale smiled broadly and left, catching up with Crowley.
“Pssh, really?” Crowley had spotted the pie.
“Told you she likes me,” Aziraphale's smile was smug now.
“I think you're the favorite.”
“Do you want a piece.”
“Nah, I would rather watch you eat it.”
“I still don't understand what you get out of watching me eat,” Aziraphale sat on the loveseat, peering up at him. Crowley hadn't actually meant to say that out loud.
“Well,” he shrugged, going for casual, “I like to watch you take pleasure in things. I like knowing you're enjoying yourself.” He sprawled on the other side of the loveseat, managing to take up most of the room while Aziraphale sat up properly. He rested his head on the back of the sofa and waited, watching Aziraphale with a lazy smile on his face.
“Could you...” Aziraphale trailed off, looking away.
“Naw, now don't do that,” Crowley nudged the angel's knee with his own, “Whatever you want.”
“Oh, that's a list,” he looked back at Crowley, “I wondered if you might tip your glasses down while you watch me. I like watching you, too. Your eyes... they're so expressive.”
“Didn't know you liked 'em,” Crowley pulled his shades down his nose part way and peered at Aziraphale.
“I do. I like that you take them off when we're alone.”
“I've got nothing to hide from you,” Crowley watched as he took a small bit of the pie and hummed happily, “Except for Christmas.”
“Yes, I suppose that makes two of us.”
“Tomorrow, no secrets then.”
“Yes, I will feel better not keeping it from you.”
Crowley grunted, watching him take another bite and let out another hum, wiggling on the part of the cushion that Crowley wasn't currently sprawled over. Crowley kept watching him even as he finished, patting the sides of his lips with a napkin and brushing invisible crumbs off his trousers.
“It was one thing,” Crowley cleared his throat, but it did nothing to get rid of the gravelly sound his voice had dipped into, “before I knew what you sounded like when you... you know. Those little sounds you make, Angel, they would keep me up at night after our dinner dates. But, now I know...” He shifted in his seat, glancing at the door and pushing up his glasses.
“Maybe a little dessert is in order.”
“Dessert,” Crowley blinked, confused, “But you just had pie.”
“It really does devil with your brains, doesn't it?”
Aziraphale stood and made for the door, leaving the confused demon still on the sofa as he turned and went up the stairs.
“You dummy,” Edie poked her head around the door frame, from out of nowhere, “he wants you for dessert! You best get up there.”
He should have been mortified, but instead he just smiled at her and hoped he'd willed down the color that wanted to rush to his cheeks.
She high-fived him as he ran past her.
After supper it was decided that they would all go out and have a look at the lights that Aziraphale had been diligently hanging outside the inn. Crowley was happy enough to look at them, but still reluctant on account of the weather. The snow had continued to fall and it was ankle-deep now. He shivered as he peered out the the front door.
“You're not going out like that!” Gladys was behind him, shoving a long black coat into his hands, “You'll catch your death. I insist.” She watched him as he put it on and buttoned it and then wrapped a red and green scarf around his neck enough times that his chin was nearly lost inside it. And then she handed him mittens.
“Really? Where on this planet did you find men's sized mittens?”
“I made them.”
“What? Why?”
“For you! You always look cold. You make me cold just looking at you sometimes.”
He put on the green mittens, even though they made him feel silly. Pretty much instantly his hands felt warmer, but he wasn't about to tell her that. One look from her, told him she already knew, though.
“See, I thought you might take better care of yourself if doing so meant using a meaningful gift.”
Crowley clutched his hands to his chest and leaned in to her, whispering, “I'll treasure them, really.”
“Don't much care for treasuring, I'll be happy knowing you're using them.”
Aziraphale bustled by them in a cream-colored overcoat. He also had knitted mittens, but they were white with faux fur around the wrists. He pulled on a matching hat and stood by the door.
“Are we ready to go have a look?” Aziraphale craned to look past Gladys, “Where's Edie.”
“I'm coming, I'm coming!” Edie appeared from the kitchen with a tray of hot chocolates and passed them out. “No need to stand around out there freezing our buns off without something to keep us properly warm.”
“Finally, someone's speaking sense.”
“Oh, you poor dear,” she handed him his cocoa and patted his cheek- her hand was still warm from holding the cup- “if I'm the one speaking sense, we're in loads of trouble.”
Aziraphale opened the door and led them out into the parking lot. There wasn't a strong wind, but enough that it nipped sharply at Crowley's ears as he followed behind the others. He burrowed his face down into the scarf.
“Alright, turn back... now,” Aziraphale walked around and stood behind them as they turned back to the inn. They gasped and smiled and turned one at a time to congratulate him: The whole front of the inn was outlined in white lights, gently fading off and on at random. The walls were outlined in red and draped with net lights the same color. All the bushes were strewn with red and green lights.
Crowley was staring hard at the white lights, trying to discern a pattern to their tranquil flashing when he felt something warm and fuzzy slide over his ears. He jumped, reaching up to find earmuffs.
“Consider it an early Christmas present,” Aziraphale hugged him from behind. There were too many layers to feel the angel's warmth and Crowley felt the pity of it. Still, his ears had stopped stinging.
“Thanks,” he leaned back and kissed the angel's chilly cheek and shivered dramatically, “The lights are beautiful.”
Gladys appeared in front of them and clutched both of their chins.
“You boys have made this Christmas so special, you know that right? We couldn't have done all of this without you.” She was looking at them very earnestly from beneath the low brim of her knit cap. It had a giant pompom on top that was wiggling with the light breeze.
“I think we're thoroughly enjoying our stay,” Aziraphale's voice sounded a little pinched.
“I think we'll all enjoy our stay more inside,” Crowley burrowed up to his sunglasses into the scarf around his neck, “Not that the lights aren't pretty.”
They went back inside, still sipping their cocoa.
“By the way,” Gladys said as she unbuttoned her coat and hung it on one of the hooks by the door, “I got a call from the group holding the bake sale. All the baskets sold.”
“Oh, what marvelous news!” Aziraphale clapped his hands together happily.
“Someone, one person, bought all of them.”
“Wow, that's a lot of cookies for one person...” Crowley grumbled.
“And then donated the cookies to the orphans...” Gladys was eyeing them suspiciously.
“Don't look at me! I've been here the whole time,” Crowley squawked.
“I do wish I had thought of it, but I confess that I didn't,” Aziraphale looked honestly contrite.
“Whoever did it, it was an unexpected kindness,” Edie was still eyeing Crowley who shrugged at her.
“Anyway,” Gladys threw up her hands, giving up on having an answer tonight, “We all better get to bed. Santa's coming tonight! But he won't visit until we're all in our beds. Goodnight, boys.”
“Goodnight, Gladys. Edie.” Aziraphale nodded to them and they watched the two wander off down the hall.
“You,” Aziraphale turned to Crowley, “You bought all the cookies, didn't you?”
“That was a wonderful thing to do.”
“Nah, it was alright.”
“The children will love them.”
“Come on now.”
“I think,” Crowley found himself being pressed against the nearest flat surface- the wall, thankfully next to the coat hooks,- and kissed sweetly, “You should be rewarded for your good deed.”
“Is it a good deed if there's a reward?”
“Sure, if the reward was unexpected,” Aziraphale practically dragged him up the stairs. As if he was going to protest.
Chapter 17 is now up!
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shutupanddance · 4 years ago
shutupanddance’s 50 followers challenge: CONDENSED
Hi babes!
I realized that navigating my prompt* and fandoms list is really hard with the way I’ve been reblogging the original post, so I’m gonna put everything in one place: here.
 I will continue to reblog the originals as updates happen, but I will also be editing this post to contain all of the prompts. There will be a link for it in each update.
I hope this helps! I didn’t want y’all to have to dig to find stuff.  Anyway, carry on being your amazing selves! I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: I have the best followers. Period.
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- Marvel (MCU)
- DC (DCU)
- Harry Potter
- Sherlock
- Star Wars (trilogies, Clone Wars, Rebels, Mandalorian)
- Star Trek (reboots, original series)
- Pacific Rim
- Knives Out
- Night at the Museum
- LOTR + The Hobbit
- Jurassic Park/World
- The West Wing
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#1: “I’d agree with you, but then we’d both be wrong.”
#2: “Should I ask why you have a knife in your purse?”
”It’s a dagger, actually, and no you shouldn’t.”
#3: “Close your eyes and listen. And trust me.” 
#4: Rosemary, broken glass, and an old gun.
#5: “Do you remember when I loved you?”
”Good, because I never did.”
#6: “He saw the notice in the paper.”
”Why would you let him see the paper?”
”What was I supposed to do, eat it?”
#7: “I didn’t catch your name!”
”I didn’t throw it.”
#8: “I’m not better than you, but at least I’m not you. And right now, that’s worth a whole lot.”
#9: Romantic dinner, but something is wrong.
#10: Forehead kisses during an apocalypse
#11: “This isn’t BBC Sherlock! You can’t just run around administering justice as you see fit! 
#12: Trying to get a smoke detector to shut up
#13: Falling out of a closet during Hide N Seek
#14: Revealing a dark secret, but it turns out that they already know
#15: Once upon a midnight dreary
#16: The odds were never in our favor
#17: If I should die, think only this of me
#18: Attack hugs
#19: Afraid of ladybugs
#20: The dumb*ss God couldn’t stop 
#21: “There’s a rumor going around that you’re the one to ask if someone needs to acquire rare and dangerous objects.”
”There’s a rumor going around that you’re an undercover cop.”
#22: A parking lot, a coroner, and snails
#23: “You’re the only person I know who calls me that.”
#24: This is not a drill.
#25: It’s the price we pay to feel
#26: A character is cleaning/sweeping the floor when someone walks by with dirty shoes (via @writingprompts365 ) 
#27: “I’m back from my mission!”
““You failed it.”
““How’d you know?”
They point at the TV.
#28: A character is pushed into some bushes/plants/flowers (via @writingprompts365 )
#29: A character picks up a very shiny rock (same @)
#30: A character combs another character’s hair (same)
#31: A character is forced to have a conversation with someone they don’t like (same)
#32: Laughing hysterically at their own joke
#33: Stuck under the same umbrella
#34: ““Well, this is a nice change of scenery!”
““It’s a jail cell.”
““I was being sarcastic.”
#35: ““Let me just be perfectly clear that this was not my fault.”
#36: ““Can I buy you coffee? For old times sake?”
#37: Fake dating
#38: Huddling for warmth
#39: Being high on painkillers and confessing undying love to everyone
#40: “That’s starting to get annoying.”
#41: “I fell asleep on the bus and woke up here.”
#42: “It’s freaking cold.”
#43: “You’re not exactly known for your great ideas.”
#44: ““Can you keep a secret?”
#45: Character A lives above character B, and always drives B insane with how much stomping they do. One day, A’s foot goes right through the floor, into B’s apartment.
#45: Character A and Character B, sworn enemies, are chosen to prepare the company Christmas Party.
#46: you’re a security guard at an art gallery and you held the door for me so I left you a note in the door where we met I hope you read it
#47: Person A and Person B both trying to break into the same place on the same night by accident, only to be chased by the police upon meeting and having to hide in a closet/cupboard/safe together until they leave.
#48: the first and the last word they said to each other
#49: your kid hates my kid
#50: ‘picking them up’ hugs
#51: an incredibly loud and painful high-five
#52: "Let me fix that for you."
#53: “Can’t we listen to something else? We’ve been listening to this CD for three hours now.”
“You know, I would but the CD slot is broken so it’s either this or talk to each other.”
“I wouldn’t mind talking.”
“[turns up the music louder]”
#54: "My kiss quota for the day hasn't been filled. I need a thousand more."
#55: Person A making fun of Person B's bed head
#56: Squeeze three times for “I love you”
#57: writing a love letter but keeping it to themselves
#58: Messing around in IKEA
#59: “Hey - what’re you hiding behind your back?”
#60: going to a bookshop and selecting books for each other
#61: smiling at each other from across the room
#62: arms wrapping around your waist from behind while you’re on a phone call
#63: “ rich coming from the guy who tried to kill me three days ago. “
#64: message in a bottle
#65: becoming the parents of the friend group as soon as they start dating
#66: “I love you.”
#67: “We...we did it. We did it! Oh my God, I could kiss you.”
“Well, don’t be shy.”
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1. I do not. Write. Smut. No exceptions. Sorry!
2. A lot of these prompts are from tumblr or Pinterest, but I’ve lost most of their original authors. Please let me know if you have their urls!
3. If your fandom is not listed, feel free to ask if I can write for it! I have the memory of a fruit fly, so there’s a decent chance I forgot that I knew about it.
4. No, I don’t write series or long one shots, and I’m sorry about that! Trying to keep from overworking myself.
5. If you send an ask or a message and don’t hear from me within a couple days, send another! There’s a decent chance I either forgot, or am working on it.
Anyway, thanks so much! Love ya!
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a-walkingoxymoron · 5 years ago
Word count: 3.8k
Pairing: Jackson X Reader
Genre: Fluff
A/N: This is late, I know. I also didn’t expect it to go on this long, I swear - but hey, it’s still December so. I saw the prompt when I happened upon a prompt list by @/drink-it-write-it and happened to think of this. I’d like to apologize in advance as the story’s all over the place, I think. Anyway, enjoy!
The prompt is “Alright, mister. I know you’re the one who keeps hanging mistletoe everywhere”
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It was Christmas Eve and, as usual, Bambam was hosting a party to celebrate the occasion. After all any occasion he gets a whiff of is an excuse to party to him. Hell, if he puts his mind to it, you were pretty sure that he could host a celebration for everything that he can think of. That's what happens if you mix an extrovert, raw adoration of anything alcoholic, and a young person in college who had money to burn into one individual - you'd get Bambam. And while he does sound like a perfect recipe to be someone who's conceited and a brat, Bambam was actually not like that at all. He was naive in some practices of the middle class but nothing too major.
Another thing to note is Bambam and you were very close to the point that you couldn't deny your presence in his party completely lest you want to be at the receiving end of his sulking and accusations of not loving him anymore, that you were ready to end the friendship you two had worked hard together to form. You learned soon enough that it was far better to attend than to deal with that kind of guilt trip. You won't even begin how he was hungover while doing all that - how he forgets everything he does when drinking and shitfaced but god forbid he forgets if you were there or not.
That's why you were here at this very moment, being nothing short of a wallflower, observing the other goers. Bambam's other friends that you got to know over the years from hanging around him were polite enough to strike conversation when they spot you, even offering to get you a drink when they see your cup almost empty. Jinyoung and Mark, bless their souls, even took the time to drive away people who tried to hit on you once you look visibly uncomfortable - they were also the least troublesome.
Besides the fact that Bambam practically mandates you to attend, you were, as you dub yourself, a one man casualty control unit. Instead of socializing heavily, you spend most of your time going around, especially once everyone had more than a couple of drinks, seeing if there was trouble brewing somewhere and to prevent it before it gets worse.
It was a tiring task. Cleaning major spills in order so no one would slip, stopping Bambam from doing something highly idiotic and dangerous every five to ten minutes; saving Youngjae from being the center of a Bambam-Yugyeom tandem prank that would result in something undoubtedly painful; making sure Yugyeom doesn't slip and break his spine while dancing on top of whatever his long legs can climb then making sure his feet were on even ground before you leave him to check on others; coming to a poor, clueless party go-er's aid once Jackson prey's on them to be the one he mercilessly shoves into the pool unceremoniously; even Jaebeom didn't made your life easier when the alcohol gets hold of his temper and begins to aggressively pick fights with people who disagree with any of his opinion including what potato chips he thinks is the best. 
Right now, however, Jackson was at the top of your naughty list and the party has barely even started. Before the event began, there was a count of one mistletoe inside the whole house. You know this as you were the one who suggested where to put it up when you were helping Bambam set up, relenting to his whines in regards of how a Christmas Eve party isn't a Christmas Eve party without a mistletoe. And you made sure to ingrain the location of that mistletoe - singular - in your mind to avoid it as much as possible.
Now, two hours into the party and there were, at the very least, seven fucking mistletoe around the whole house excluding the five you already gotten rid off moments ago. As expected, no one but you was on the hunt for the mistletoe hanging culprit. You know it wasn't Bambam, that much you were sure of despite the fact that he told you to let it go.
How could you, though? It was hard enough to avoid being underneath one mistletoe with someone in a full house, harrowing when faced with several. Every direction you face, you somehow spot another victim of the mistletoe that materialize from who knows where and they ended up either having a full blown make out, a chaste kiss or being painfully awkward with each other.
Yet you just couldn't figure out who was the asshole who kept repeatedly hanging the dreaded plant. It was only when Mark spotted you with another 3 in your hands with a burnt out expression that no one should ever bear in a party as fun as Bamabam threw. His eyes softened, lips pulling into a pitiful smile as he approached you apprehensively in case a mistletoe was waiting to be discovered overhead. Once close enough, he nudged you gently before mouthing the word 'Jackson' without so much of an explanation.
But you didn't need an explanation. It all made sense. You haven't seen him, hadn't heard his booming laughter - you didn't even spot him by the pool where he usually stays to pick on an unsuspecting fool. Not even a shriek of excitement about a pair falling victim to the mistletoe tradition. You felt stupid. How could you not realize it by yourself.
Thanking Mark, you set off to hunt the bastard. You immediate went upstairs, knowing that the second floor was off limits to everyone that wasn't you, Bambam, Jaebeom, Mark, Jinyoung, Youngjae, Yugyeom and fucking Jackson.
True enough, you saw the source of your distress in the form of Jackson squatting down on another dozen batch of mistletoe - where did he eve get all of that - with his back behind you. He was inside Bambam's spare room where he kept clutter of unused objects he refused to throw away which is why you didn't see him two hours ago despite repeatedly going up and down the stairs.
"Alright mister. I know you're the one who keeps hanging mistletoe everywhere." You said aloud as a way to announce your presence. He turned around, wide eyed at first before standing up straight to his full height and flashing you his million dollar smile.
Ah, Jackson. Bambam's friend from high school. You didn't notice him back then unless you were the center of his jokes or pranks but he did age like fine wine. Jackson who had the face and body of a God yet the mind of a 12 year old.
"Oops," He chuckled nervously.
"Oops is right. What do you think you keep doing? Why do you keep hanging those?!" You gestured to his ammo of plants to hang, glaring at them with distaste having dealt with one too many of them already. It was a miracle you haven't fell victim to it yet.
"For holiday spirit?"
"Try again."
He walked over to you, laughing as he swung an arm to rest around your shoulder and pulled you closer to him until he was basically squeezing you to his side while his free hand gestured to the air slowly as if making you see the bigger picture of whatever weird scheme he came up with. 
"Imagine being in a party then you get stuck with someone under the mistletoe. You two kiss. Fireworks fly, they feel the spark and BAM you're in love!" Jackson pulled away after the ridiculous speech he dared call an explanation before grinning at you like a puppy.
"A Christmas Miracle!" He finished excitedly, matching it with loud hand movement. "Don't you want to be a part of the reason why that miracle happened?!"
You stared at him incredulously, taking a step closer and sniffing near his mouth. Not drunk - apparently he was too busy with his plan to even drink. "Are you high? Just how many Hallmark movies did you even watch to concoct something like this?"
But this is Jackson. You have to face the fact that it would only take one movie like that to make him elicit this kind of response. This was one of the times you thanked his personality, not that it wasn't loveable. It is. He was thoughtful and loyal to those he cared about but he was childish - too childish. If only he had an ounce of maturity in his bones then you were sure to catch feelings with a face like that. 
For a moment you remembered when you first saw Jackson in college. It was only months since you last saw him then but he apparently went to a crash course with puberty and came back looking manly, all trace of his boyish features gone. He had been working out too, being more fit since the last time. And then he opened his mouth only to reveal he was still the same old high school Jackson you had a puppy crush on in a mature body. And a puppy crush was all it would be. Like you, Jackson is one of Bambam's best friends and having any sort of feelings for him - or any one of them - would be a mess that was just waiting to blow.
You snapped from your thoughts at the sound of Jackson whining your name in an attempt to get your attention.
"Can I please hang more? Please, please, please." He stopped under the scrutiny of your weary gaze. He knew that look. That was the look of yours when you were ready to offer a compromise that should satisfy you both. A trick that was essential for you to learn from dealing with Bambam so much.
"You will not be hanging anymore mistletoe."
"But -"
"Shush! I'm not done speaking yet." Jackson shut his mouth immediately. How you were like this with them but required the aid of Jinyoung and Mark when chasing away unwanted advances was always a mystery to him.
"Again. No more mistletoe. But there are four more downstairs and I will not take anymore of them down for the sake of your Christmas Miracle." His face brightened, obviously pleased with the proposition. He let out that little giddy squeal he did whenever he was excited and pulled you to his chest to wrap his arms around you in a grateful hug.
When he pulled you away in arms length, you looked up only for you breath to hitch when your eyes met his. You weren't sure if it was because of the distance, or lack thereof, between you two but his eyes that you always did recognize as pretty were, in fact, beautiful and breathtaking if you let it blindside you - the twinkle of excitement only made it more entrancing as well.
You will yourself to look away and let out a laugh that hopefully doesn't sound so forced than it felt. "Alright, alright. Now let's go down, see how your genius plan unfolds and get you some alcohol in your system."
Pulling away completely from his grasp, you gestured to the party still on going downstairs which sounded much wilder than you previously remember when you were still on a haunt for Jackson. God, you can just imagine what kind of mess you need to look out for.
Still, you managed to flash an encouraging grin to Jackson. "You're too sober for a party that's hosted by Bambam anyway."
It was such a basic mistake. 
There you were, underneath a fucking mistletoe, finally falling victim to its grasps. To rub salt to the rather fresh wound, it was the very one that you and Bambam hanged - by the open doorway that separates the kitchen from the lounge. 
You should have known better.
Known better not to walk underneath it with the troublemakers around. Known better to even think for one moment you would leave unscathed from pranks. What's worse was that you can't even blame Jackson as this wasn't even one that he hung.
You looked at your fellow victim that was equally, if not more, annoyed as you. Jinyoung glowered at Yugyeom's direction who was hiding behind Jaebeom while chortling his lungs out. He had shoved Jinyoung in your direction when you were crossing underneath the mistletoe. 
Jinyoung of all people. Yugyeom was either brave or stupid to do so. Either way, it was evident that he was dead to Jinyoung thanks to his little stunt.
"Come here you shit -" Jinyoung almost lunged at Yugyeom if not for Mark that stopped him with a shit eating grin before tutting in a disapproving manner,  "No exceptions, Jinyoung."
Mark was one of the least troublemakers but that doesn't mean he doesn't join in them. Curse him, however, to choose this moment to jump in.
There were cat calls and hoots of encouragement from people witnessing around, chanting 'kiss' repeatedly like it was a mantra.
Jackson, who was now actively participating in the festivities as compared to earlier, rushed to see who the (un)lucky pair this time, only to deflate when he sees you. There was suddenly a sensation in his stomach. It always made itself felt when he saw you but this time it was unpleasant. 
A part of him didn't want to watch the inevitable scene unfold yet he couldn't take his eyes away from you two with bated breath. 
"Come on, Jinyoung. You know the rules." It was Jaebeom who was tossing tinder into the fire this time, an amused smirk on his lips. You could hear the man beside you hissing in annoyance while you were still trying to register what rule Jaebeom was pertaining to.
Ah. A kiss needs to last 7 seconds at the very least. 
Defeated, Jinyoung could only turn to you with an apologetic look in his eyes. You were suddenly all too aware how he was so much taller than you as he hovered over you only to lean down and press his lips on yours gently while both of his hands found its way to either side of your waist to still you.
You let him and, acting on pure instinct, your hands went to the hem of his sweater to tug on it yet you didn't find yourself returning the kiss.
His lips was soft against yours but that was it, there was no malicious feelings behind them. The two of you held your stance until the count was over before pulling away. 
"Was I really such a bad kisser that you didn't even attempt to return it?" He teased, chuckling. You sputtered, his words making you feel more flustered than the kiss did.
"No hard feelings?" Jinyoung asked once he failed to elicit a response from you. He was scared that he offended you. He hoped not, he did like you after all being the only sane one in his group of friends and the only one who he hasn't thought about murdering yet. You nodded as words failed you - what can you even say? But it seemed you needn't say anything as Jinyoung appeared to be satisfied with just that, patting your head affectionately before he left.
There was a little over ten minutes left before Christmas. Which also means that it has been an hour since Jackson retreated upstairs once more but, unlike earlier, his mind was full with the thoughts of you.
Admittedly, he always had a crush on you. He finds you cute. How your eyes brightened when your excited, how your cheeks puff in annoyance like a chipmunk, how adorable you looked when your face was painted with the hues of red when embarrassed, and the next thing he knew, he was smitten with you.
He kept those kind of feelings buried, however. Because, much like you, he didn't want to complicate things. He enjoyed having you around him and the guys, he knows the other felt the same, too. And to be the one who possibly fuck that up, well, he'd rather not risk it. Bambam would never forgive him, as well.
Watching Jinyoung kiss you, despite it being an obligatory gesture to satiate a culture - a culture that he supported wholeheartedly and fixated on the whole night - made him realize how deep his feelings for you truly went.
He just wanted to pry you out of Jinyoung's arms and take you in his instead. But he couldn't - shouldn't. So instead of watching, he opted to go upstairs to sulk. The only consolation to his sullen is the mere fact that you didn't return the kiss.
Would you return it if it was him?
Jackson shook his head in a futile attempt to clear it. Those kind of intrusive thoughts is exactly the reason why he shouldn't be anywhere near you. Who knows what he could do? He wasn't really known for impulse control.
Five minutes before Christmas left.
Everyone downstairs was either counting down or passed out somewhere due to intoxication. You were counting, too, in a way. And you were missing one. The boys were complete by the kitchen except for Jackson. And, oblivious to his dilemma, you decided to look for him so all 8 of you would be together when the clock strikes 12.
Before you can even think about where he could be, your feet lead you upstairs and back to where you had found him earlier. Lo and behold, Jackson was there, seemingly lost in thought as he stared out the window from across the room, his fingers playing with a mistletoe he held absentmindedly. Quietly, you entered the room, calling out his name after closing the door behind you.
He turned to face you, blinking owlishly as if trying to process your presence, then a smile graced his lips. Not the bright smile that you have come to adore, not the boyish smile he flashed at everyone, no, this smile was different. There was a pensive sadness behind it that you rarely saw in the human sunshine you knew as Jackson. A smile that made your blood run cold and worry pump to your veins as your brows furrowed in concern.
"Hey," You tried again, your voice soft this time, afraid that anything louder would break him. "It's almost Christmas. We're waiting for you downstairs."
He offered a smile once more and there it was again ; a smile that offered no mirth. It was like a whole other personality possessed Jackson's body altogether. You pressed your lips into a thin line in thought. Never have you expected to become this unnerved just from his silence alone. 
"Are you okay, Jackson?" 
He wasn't. He wanted to say he wasn't.
Why did you have to go and search for him? Why now when his thoughts were a ball of mess he can't seem to untangle - doesn't even know where to start untangling - and feelings raw. There couldn't have been a worse time for you to barge in him tonight. Yet here you were, eyes large with curiosity and concern drawing him in. Concern for him of all people. Concern that he wanted to kiss away.
Jackson was not an expert in impulse control and Jackson could only take so much for a day. He thought the obligatory kiss you received from Jinyoung was the last straw. No, the last straw was you coming to him when he had tried hard to put distance between the two of you for the remainder of the night. Originally, the plan was to hide from you and sleep his feelings, promising to himself to act normal once the sun's up. But you were here now….
That had to be a sign, right?
He turned to you fully, finally speaking. "I need to tell you something."
If you thought you were already perturbed earlier then that was nothing compared to the apprehension you felt the moment you heard his words with a tone so serious. His voice was a new kind of deep, too, that you have only heard now. It was smooth and soothing and you probably wouldn't believe that it came from Jackson if you didn't see his lips move.
He took a step closer, hesitant at first, before he took another with a surer stride, stopping only when the distance between you two was a step away. Jackson's mouth opened, as if to say something, but nothing came out. Who was he kidding? He wasn't a word person. He was Wang Jackson and when wants to convey something, he does it best with actions; actions speak louder than words, after all, right? So act he did.
Internally, Jackson thanked you for convincing him to get some alcohol in his system, knowing he could have never dreamt of doing this sober. 
Liquid courage coursing through his veins, Jackson cupped your cheek, angled your face ever so slightly before leaning down and crashing his lips down on yours rather roughly in fear he might chicken out at the last minute.
It was awkward at first, with you standing there in silent stupor with a pair of lips on yours that you haven't quite registered yet. You do know that this was was entirely different than how it felt with Jinyoung. That was obligatory and made you feel… well, nothing.
But Jackson's was clumsy and still somehow hesitant yet making you feel warm all the same. He was about to pull away, most likely discouraged from your lack of response. Your arms were faster, though, hooking them around his neck and tugging him back. You could feel him stiffen against your hold for a moment before he resumed the kiss.
Feeling his lips move against yours, you matched his pace as the kiss that started out rather clumsily is now slowly yet steadily growing into something much more passionate and sincere. His other arm snaked its way around your waist as he pulled you closer until your body was flushed against his. And as Jackson got his confidence back, his kisses that were once exploring were growing heated. You can spend hours kissing Jackson, you realized, seemingly unable to get enough. So when he pulled away without warning, you huffed softly in protest, pouting your now swollen lower lip.
Now that you weren't engage in a liplock, your sense of hearing ,that you didn't know had left, returned just in time to hear the voice of people downstairs simultaneously counting down aloud.
"Merry Christmas." Jackson whispered, locking gazes with you as he smiled that million dollar smile of his before resting his forehead on yours. You grinned back.
"Merry Christmas." 
And just like that, his lips were back on yours. Turns out, you two were the Christmas Miracle Jackson was so intent on happening.
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nolongerironicteenwrites · 5 years ago
1 of 10
happy ficmas my kiddos. sometimes i feel like a mother goose to all of you. anyway, i wanted to start this with something i have been waiting to do which it write my ocs so here we go i wanna write for yumi with this prompt. also, i realize that maybe i should have done this yesterday considering it should be 12 days but i am going through a lot currently so? 
reader prompt:  “Secret Santa? Really?”
Tokoyami Fumikage and Yumi Aki 
Years since their days at UA Yumi and Tokoyami went on their separate ways, nothing of hard feelings but grew apart and went to work on their separate ways. Until three or so months ago when Yumi was transferred to another hero agency. She walked into the new agency and there she saw him. 
  “Oh, Yumi! How are you?” he asked. 
  “I’m great, I’m great. You?” 
  “Oh, same actually.” 
The two friends took time to catch up before Yumi needed to be pulled away to do actual work. Tokoyami watched her leave with a small smile on his face. He didn’t realize until now that he missed her as much as he does. It's been a few years. 
Every day he could he tried to get close to her but to no avail. That was hard for him to have to deal with. His coworkers picked up on what was going on with him. 
A coworker stops him one morning while he’s looking at Yumi from his spot in the office. 
  “So what’s your story?” 
  “We dated in high school, she was the love- is the love of my life but we grew apart and I regret that. I wish, I wish we could- you know?” Tokoyami sighed. 
  “I get how you feel, but it's never too late for this you know?” 
Tokoyami looked on at Yumi who was looking up at someone who was bringing her some paperwork. She smiled broadly at the intern and began the new set of paperwork. Tokoyami just shook his head and looked away. She wasn’t going to give him the time of day. 
Yumi felt that she was being watched. She figured who it was but she wasn’t going to call him out. She smiled to herself, it was her little secret.  
Months pass and the two have casual conversations with one another almost dancing around each other but neither one really said anything to the other. Tokoyami and Yumi work well together and they seem to be put together often enough that their coworkers picked up on it. 
Once Christmas rolled around the group of heroes decided to play a game of Secret Santa among themselves. 
  “Yo, Tokoyami pull an envelope.” 
  “Secret Santa, really?” he asked, unamused. 
  “Come on, she’s playing.” they winked. 
He waved it off but pulled one anyway. Once alone he pulled open the envelope and his heart sank, in a mix of dear and excitement. The wishlist, written in very distinctive handwriting, read Yumi. 
  “Goodness.” he breathed out, uncertain. 
He had Yumi for Secret Santa. He wanted to be swallowed by the floor. 
Yumi was sitting on her desk when the coworker walked up to her with the last envelope. She smiled at him and pulled her knees to her chest and waved goodbye. She pulled open the envelope to reveal the Tokoyami’s wish list. Yumi's heart skipped a beat, and her excitement was too much to try and keep down. Her cheeks were aflame, but she was happy none the less. 
  “Come on Yumi, let’s get going,” Tokoyami called clasping his cape. 
  “I’m coming,” she replied, hopping down and grabbing her gloves. 
Weeks passed from this moment and it’s the holiday party night. Yumi was getting ready for the night at her Uncle’s. 
  “Where are you going?” Shouta asked. 
  “Company party how’s this dress?” 
  “It’s pretty the tights are a nice touch and the boots are cute shouldn’t you wear a little nicer?” he asked. 
  “But it wouldn’t be me, you know?” she asked. 
Shouta shrugged and watched her leave. Yumi felt nervous all of a sudden, she rubbed her hands on the green velvet dress. She held the present in one hand and her keys in the other as she walked down to the building. She walked through the doors and swiped her ID card simultaneously as Tokoyami was walking up. 
  “Good evening, how are you?” he asked, eyes falling on her necklace.  
 The necklace was a silver half-moon with small stones in it. He could feel his breath catch. He gave that necklace to her their first Christmas together. 
  “You kept that?” he asked, motioning to her necklace. 
  “Of course.” Yumi’s hand found her necklace, “It’s a fitting necklace wouldn't you think?” 
Fumikage nodded and they walked together. The secretary took their gifts with their names on it and walked away. The two mingled and walked around talking with their coworkers but found themselves together by the punch bowl. 
Yumi fixed both of them drinks and they leaned on the table. Both making jokes every now and again. It was odd to see their coworkers in such a relaxed manner. Two of their coworkers were dancing around with the Christmas music playing in the background. 
  “Do you find it off in the slightest that we work with these people and they’re just like this?” Yumi asked. 
  “Meaning?” Tokoyami asked.
  “Well, Haru there we work with him but who knew he was so talkative, and Kei she’s so sweet?” 
Tokoyami nodded to himself and looked Yumi over. She looked absolutely beautiful. Her hair isn’t black like it was at UA but it isn’t it’s natural blonde either. It’s a beautiful red-brown. Her eyes were still as bright and purple as ever. What she wears is still the same, she may be in a beautiful dress but her boots are indistinguishable and he knows them by heart. Though the shimmer tights were a nice touch. She had a small smile dancing on her features. 
  “You’re staring.” 
  “You look great.” 
Yumi snorted and looked at Tokoyami and she finally took him in. He was wearing an all-black suit. But the shirt underneath was open and had no tie. The dress shirt was color a deep, deep red color. And his nails were done black as well. 
  “Since when do you paint your nails?”  Yumi asked, a teasing tone on her voice. 
  “Since I started working as a pro.” He responded, looking Yumi down. 
The two moved closer to one another, no works, just movements. As they were inches apart the secretary calls out Secret Santa and they jump apart and move into a circle. 
The coworkers all were exchanging gifts. How it worked was everyone needed to speak a quick little nice thing about whoever they have. It came to Yumi first, she got up and received her gift for Tokoyami. She took a breath to try and calm her nerves but her hands were shaking. 
  “The person I have is such a beautiful soul, whom I love. We’ve known one another for years now. A kind, gentle soul who had gentle hands to match their personality. They have not a bad bone in their body and are kinder than they lead on, but they do have an even sweeter shadow.” 
Tokoyami then instantly knew. Yumi walked up to him and dropped the present in his lap before returning to her spot. Tokoyami carefully opened the bag. He gingerly pulled out a CD, it was of the first band the pair shared together. A scarf that is woven with greys and red plaid and a dozen tiny apple pies. 
  “Thank you, Yumi. I suppose then it’s my turn? The person I have has a heart just as big as her personality. They have grown more in years than they realize, and they care so much for everyone around them. Fondly enough, they had me as well.” 
Yumi’s eyes shot open and Tokoyami gave her a gift. She opened the wrapping delicately and in front of her was a new set of gel eyeliner pens, a beanie and a stationary set. She looked at the other who was looking away. Yumi walked right up to him and pulled him up. 
  “Thank you, so much, for everything. I-” 
Tokoyami hugged her close and she hugged him back, Their coworkers all awed at the pair. The two pulled away and Tokoyami nuzzled Yumi’s face. Yumi giggled. 
  “Let’s get out of here?” Yumi asked. 
Tokoyami nodded and they joined hands and left into the cold night air. Their coworkers burst into laughter watching the two leave. 
  “Finally right?” 
  “They apparently dated in high school.” 
Everyone looked at the guy who said that as he was stuffing his face with grapes from the fruit tray. 
  “What was that not common knowledge?” 
Everyone responded by throwing paper balls at him. 
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legion1993 · 6 years ago
December 23rd
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A/N: this is for the 12 days of christmas challenge brought to us by @thing-you-do-with-that-thing & @like-a-bag-of-potatoes... this also happens to be for JulesTheQuirky’s Winter Holiday Song Challenge brought to us by @julesthequirky.. hope you ladies enjoy them all. 
pairing: Jensen x Reader
day 10: Christmas ball
prompt: last christmas by cascada
summery: its a surprise!!!!
12 days Masterlist 
this is the story about how you were invited to a christmas ball but you just got your heart broken. but the hosts wanted you to sing a song, a christmas song but up until recently (2 weeks ago to be exact).
you had happily been dating Jensen Ackles one of the actors on the hit tv show Supernatural, but the littlest things would just bug you basically you made a list and sat down one day to discuss what the future looked like for the 2 of you. 
but Jensen had the same idea, your ideas didnt match so he ended things. but it was apparent that you were heartbroken. considering you hadnt left your apartment in the last week. 
by the time you received the invite for the ball you had found enough courage to face the music as it were. to come back into the world and face your fans, face your broken rhythm.
so you RSVP’d to the invite and started deciding what to wear as the ball was tomorrow, but you knew that this party was all the hottest and exclusive guests only. and every single year you were asked ever so nicely to perform but someone AKA Jensen was also always asked to perform. 
you hoped this year that you would have a chance to express your true feelings. for it was 2 years ago tomorrow that you confessed your love for Jensen as a tradition. so you definitely knew what song you would sing. 
you had picked a long flowy dress that brought out your natural curves and your nature about the season. but it also reminded you of Jensen, and this was okay cause for this event it worked.
tomorrow arrived quickly. the event wasnt due to start till 7pm but you had to be there an hour early to do a sound check and a couple other things.  so you got ready and my oh my did you enjoy spining around in that dress for a few moments before throwing on your heels, packing your clutch and walking out to meet your car.
upon arriving at the party, you told your driver to be on the waiting list for your text of when your ready to be gotten as usual.
looking up at the building you had yet to breathe but you knew it would be ok for soon it would be time to get up on stage and address the people.
you went inside got fit for your personal mic and heard a voice from yonder speak.
Jensen: "dude i broke up with her why the hell would i want to sing with her.?."
Jared: "she is miserable plus i kinda have been messaging her."
jensen: "why the hell are you talking with her.. what happened to the bro code."
jared: "cause she needed someone to talk her through her 2 weeks of solitude.... i was there for her. just listen to her rehearsal dude."
Jared nods for jensen to turn his head they both watch and listen as you do your warm ups.
stage hand: "when your ready... sing something so we can calculate your vocal patterns."
you stood still not knowing if this would be heard by many people... but you sang straight from the heart, channeling all your hurt, all your pain into this one song...
Y/N: "well baby ive been here before, ive seen this room and ive walked this floor, i used to live alone before i knew ya. and ive seen your flag on the marble arch and love is not a victr'y march its a cold and its a broken hallelujah..."
but at that moment another voice joined in your breaking tones  against the protests of his best friend. but the voice made you stop singing it made you tense up.
Jensen: "hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah..."
but you were so scared of what may come out of your mouth that in your dress withiut your shoes you ran off the stage, and into your dressing room.
~meanwhile jensen is getting talked to by jared who is just looking out for your well being.~
Jared: “Jay you shouldnt have done that, this is the first time in weeks that you guys have seen eachother and the first idea you have is to scare her by joining her in singing that song. do you have any idea how much emotion she expelled when she sang that part of the song.?.” 
Jensen: “what the hell is going on so badly that she would confide in you and not me? why would she confide in you and not me? what arent you telling me?”
Jared: “ever wonder why she was acting a little different, why she always took her time getting ready. why she started having to go to the doctor so much. why she got so emotional the day you guys split."
Jensen had to think about this for he had not noticed anything like that, well he had he just didnt say anything.
Jensen: "well what is her reasoning... and it better explain everything."
Jared couldnt believe how clueless his best friend was being... he couldnt believe how stupid he was acting...
Jared: "shes pregnant dude."
Jensen: "what? what are you talking about?"
Jared couldnt take it anymore his best friend was gonna drive him nuts if he didnt tell him.
Jared: "she called me the day you guys broke up, she had a doctors appointment and didnt want to go alone so i went with her... i saw it myself its true... doc said she is about a month along. baby is definately yours jay."
Jensen was so shocked at this point... he couldnt believe it you were a month pregnant, with his baby...
Jensen: "well i guess that explains a few things but why wouldnt you tell me.."
Jared: "cause it wasnt my tale to tell... but seriously dude if you want her back dont scare her please."
~Jensen knew he had to get you back but it wasnt going to be easy... thats when the party started~
announcer: “welcome one and all.. tonight will be full of love, laughter, dancing and song. tonight is gonna be the night of all nights. lets kick it off with some cocktails and a song... so every one grab your cocktails and i will introduce our first singer in a moment.”
the announcer came up to you and smiled.
Announcer: “thank you for coming i heard what happened through the grapevine. are you sure you want to go up there and sing.”
Y/N: “i cant sit and be afraid of the world and their opinions anymore.”
Announcer: “ok would you mind going first?”
Y/N: “k but if it looks like im gonna freeze cut the music...”
Announcer: “ok i’ll go introduce you..”
the announcer walks out on the stage as the crowd comes back to the center of the room...
Announcer: “ok so she just had a horrible break up but she still came out tonight here to sing something that describes what she is feeling here is Y/N...”
you turned on your mic pack as you walked out on stage to the beat of the music. you knew that anything else would have made you scared but you gave your best smile...
Y/N: “Last christmas i gave you my heart but the very next day you gave it away... this year to save me from tears i’ll give it to someone special. Last Christmas i gave you my heart but the very next day you gave it away. this year to save me from tears i’ll give it to someone special...”
you were not sure if you would be able to do the rest of the song but you had to try.
Y/n: "once bitten and twice shy i keep my distance but you still catch my eye tell me baby do you recognize me well it's been a year and it doesn't surprise me. i wrapped it up and sent it with a note saying "I love you" i meant it now i know what a fool ive been but if you kissed me now i know you'd fool me again."
thats when Jensen came up on the stage view slowly. it startled you knowing how close he was but it didnt make you stop singing instead you turned to face him.
y/N: "last Christmas i gave you my heart but the very next day you gave it away this year to save me from tears ill give it to someone special."
you froze before continuing but Jensen instead pipped in..
Jensen: "a face on a lover with fire in your heart but im undercover but ive torn you apart... i mever meant to hurt you, now i know what a fool i was but if i kissed you now would you marry me.?."
you were shocked and just stood there in a shocked state then the music cut... the crowd just as shocked as you but anxiously awaiting your answer..
you instead of answering broke down into tears falling on your knees in front of Jensen you sobbed, for you knew that he knew about the baby...
Y/N: "im sorry Jay i should have told you as soon as i found out but i was scared, i love you Jensen Ackles. i would be honored to become your wife."
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