#also shes a chilled out cinnamon roll
procyo9 · 2 years
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another one of my old characters revamped - Black Becca (BB) !!
i love her ;u; she's Tetsu's best friend and would prolly work at the in-game shop or something like that - i'd like her to appear quite often
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ennabear · 7 months
i saw you do an abby on vday could you do ellie ?🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 thank you‼️ (if not that’s fine) ALSO HAPPY VDAY KIND STRANGER
ellie on valentine’s day
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sorry this is late i hope you’ll still love me 😞 happy late valentines bae and thx for the ask 🤗
links on donation and info on palestine
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❥ you’d wake up to ellie sleeping completely on top of you, shaggy auburn hair overspread your face. her sleeping head was still tucked into your neck as your eyes adjusted to the bright morning light.
❥ the clock read 11:14 am. ellie and you weren’t too big on making plans, but you knew that if you wanted a chance to get out of bed, it had to be soon. no matter how many soft kisses you pressed to her freckled cheeks, or soft fingers that smoothed the hair on her head, she wasn’t budging.
❥ in fact, she didn’t wake up until you rolled her over and stripped the blankets from her. a soft whine came from her lips as she stuffed her face into the pillow. poor ellie, it was valentine’s day and her cruel girlfriend wouldn’t even let her sleep in!! :(
❥ after a bit of back and forth, you agreed to getting breakfast at a small downtown diner if she promised to get out of bed and get dressed. her outfit consisted of your jeans, your belt, your shirt, and one of her own hoodies.
❥ the diner was practically empty, the only other people there were an old couple and a few waitresses. ellie insisted on sharing a milkshake with two straws, just like they do in the movies. chocolate, of course, because ellie has the diet of a five year old.
❥ walking back home was nice, ellie kept one sturdy arm around your shoulders and you wrapped one around her waist. the february chill turned ellie’s spotted nose a rosy shade of pink, and you couldn’t stop yourself from giving it a soft kiss.
❥ you agreed to cook dinner that night. one of ellie’s love languages was food, and the greatest gift you could ever give her was a warm, home cooked meal. as you cooked, she set the table and lit a cinnamon scented candle.
❥ dinner was romantic. ellie brought out the joke book and gave you a show of corny valentines themed jokes and gross pick up lines. you giggled anyways, because she had such a way of charming you.
❥ the night ended with sloppy, half asleep grinding. your clothes were on the floor, her bare hips crashed onto your thigh as she chased yet another high. soft, warm kisses placed on cheeks and necks, along with pleads of “i love you” before falling asleep with her in your arms.
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la-bruja · 1 year
when you dont know if u wanna kiss him or fight him
GHOSTBAR shines brightly in the late hours of the light, its luminous green neon colors discerningly familiar for unknown reasons. The lights sit heavy on the smog of Gotham, casting a soft green glow upon the people standing in line outside the bar. As the people chatter and move the green swirls in the air around them.
Jason shook off the chill of the night and walked ahead of the line. Ignoring the shouts behind him, he tossed a smug smile to the bouncer and flipped off the line of patrons as he entered the bar. With Bruce's platinum credit card, he's surely able to afford any of the high priced alcohol at this bougie ass high end bar. Of course, none of the colorful drinks will be for him. He's only here for information.
Jason sidles up the bar, squeezing his broad self in-between two others and flags down the bartender. He flashes the silver card at the man, ”Whiskey on the Rocks. And make it quick, will you?“ The bartender rolls his green eyes, and snatches the card out of Jason's hand. ”Starting a tab?“
Jason smiles, all teeth. ”Sure thing, sweetheart. And bring something sweet and fruity for these lovely ladies next to me.“
The bartender huffs and moves away, to make the over-priced drinks and possibly over-charge Jason even more on the tab for his attitude.
His working girls giggles at him, and one of them gives him a kiss for his attitude before dropping back onto the bar-stool next to him. He feels the lipstick linger and has to make an active choice to not wipe it away.
Jason feels one of the others drape herself over his shoulders, her acrylic nails raking up his bare arms, leaving tiny raised red lines. Her warm breath ghosts over his ear, sending a shiver down his spine.
”Rumor says The Penguin tried to bluster his way in and the owner kicked him straight out. Threatened to take a bat to his knees, even.“
Jason gives a surprised chuckle that gets lost in the harsh EDM music that thumps around them. ”A man after my own heart.”
The bartender returns, with enough drinks for all the ladies around him, and with a basket of fries. The fries are covered in cheesy nacho sauce and ground meat. There's also a disconcertingly vibrant green sauce swirled on top, its sheen disturbing under the artificial lights of the club. The bartender slides Jason a take-away tin of ranch and a bottle of ketchup to go with the fries.
The lights finally flicker to shine utop the bartender and Jason can see that his name tag reads DANNY and that he is wearing a he/him pin on his vest. The black text is stark against the white ghost shape pin. Jason's flicks his eyes up, and they catch on the man's matching skunk stripe. The white is bright, almost glowing against Danny's dark almost raven black hair. Suddenly his vibrant green eyes feels like a threat and Jason has to swallow down the urge to take a swing.
Danny grins at him, canines peeking out from under black lips, his lipstick slightly smudged. His eyeliner is also smudged in the exact manner that Danny's eyes crinkle and Jason feels the urge to fight simply whoosh out of him. Unsettling, but necessary.
”No worries big guy, seems like you need it.“ Danny blows him a kiss and moves onto other patrons.
Jezzabelle laughs and gives Jason a matching kiss on his other cheek. Her hand lingers on his shoulder and Jason lets himself be pulled further into her personal space. Her nose buries into his hair and Jason gets a strong whiff of her perfume. It smells like cheap vanilla, with cinnamon? Out of season for this time of the year. He'll have to up the budget for them.
”Not everyone gets that specialty but it seems that only metas or the meta-adjacent gets it.“ She murmurs.
Jezzabelle pulls away only to lean back in and press a kiss to his hairline. Jason rolls his eyes and valiantly does not wipe it away. Jezzabelle laughs, her hand coming up to hide her smile while the other one swipes at his fries, taking a few that don't have the mysterious green sauce.
Well. At least Jason finally knows why there's been an upsurgence in meta powers happening in the alley. He pretends to nurse his whiskey, occasionally spilling some when he's sure no one will notice. Making up his mind, Jason sets down the glass, the ice cubes barely clinking under the pounding music, and reaches for the basket of fries, dragging it closer to him.
Uncertainly, Jason decides to pour the ranch over the fries, making sure to smother the green sauce. He musters his lackluster appetite and takes a bite of the loaded fries. It tastes like the best greasy junk food he's ever had. Jason apologizes to the chili dogs of his childhood and begins to devour the fries. The bartender drifts by and slides him another whiskey.
Danny gestures to the empty glasses of the working girls that were sitting near him and Jason nods his ascent. Danny winks, blows Jason another kiss and whisks off. Jason feels his shoulders relax, and grabs his new whiskey, and just fucking downs it in one go.
Jason. Doesn't know why he just did that. He feels suddenly anxious and stands up. His body tips, hips bumping into the bar. It jostles him. The pounding of the music matches the beat of his heart. And all of a sudden, Jason feels relaxed and he leisurely swings his glass in the air, catching Danny's attention. He's in the middle of shaking some drinks for the women at the other side of the bar.
“Another round for any lovely lady! On the house!” Jason yells, he's certain he's drowned out by whatever music is playing and he doesn't find it in himself to care.
Danny smiles, eyes crinkling and eyeliner smudging. He tells the women he's serving the good news and they cheer. Danny hands them their drinks and then blows another kiss to Jason. The gathered ladies laugh and also drunkenly blow him another kiss.
Jason throws his head and laughs. He sits drunkenly back onto the bar-stool. He shouldn't be this out of it over a glass of whiskey. The loaded fries shimmer in front of him, and Jason simply can't resist the temptation.
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Hi there! First, I wanna say I absolutely love your works; they are all great, and I enjoy reading every one of their reactions!
Can I request to see HLC (including professors) react to MC sniffing them (out for many reasons, but mainly they want to remember their smell)? Just genuinely curious about what they would usually smell like :) Thank you! And wish to see more works of yours!
A/N: laughing so hard the whole time writing this 🤣
SEBASTIAN SALLOW: Old books and smoke. He smells like a stack of forgotten tomes that were set on fire. He raises an eyebrow and laughs. "You're not going to lick me next, are you?"
OMINIS GAUNT: Clean linens and a touch of mint. "...did you just sniff me?" One would think he'd be used to MC's weird behavior by now. Alas, he is not.
ANNE SALLOW: Wild flowers. She smells like she's been laying out in a meadow in spring. She smells her own robes. "What? Do I smell bad?"
IMELDA REYES: Broom polish and various wood scents. She gives MC a strong side-eye glare. "What are you doing?"
NATSAI ONAI: Incense and fresh cut grass. She gives MC an unsure look but smiles anyway. "You're acting strange. Even by your standards."
GARRETH WEASLEY: He smells like an apothecary shop threw up on him, that also exploded. "What? Do I still smell like burnt rat hair? I thought I got that out."
LEANDER PREWETT: Cheap cologne that screams "try hard", but at the same time isn't overly offensive. He side steps away from MC. "Please, stop that."
AMIT THAKKAR: Parchment and spilled ink. He startles when MC sniffs him and he jumps away like a startled cat. "What was that about?"
EVERETT CLOPTON: Depends on the day. There is no consistency with him. Some days he smells like a pack of dung bombs, others he smells like a summer breeze. He sweats nervously, hoping that MC doesn't smell dung bombs.
POPPY SWEETING: Ever smelled a horse with feathers? That's her. She watches MC curiously. "What are you sniffing around like a niffler for?"
ELEAZAR FIG: A well kept library. Old leather and parchment. He sniffs MC back. "I'd say we're both due for a wash after all the running around we've been doing."
MATILDA WEASLEY: Orchids, her favorite floral scent. She gives MC an unsure glance. "You could just ask what perfume I use."
CHIYO KOGAWA: Leather and sweat. Even with quidditch canceled, she's always out and about the grounds. "Don't sniff. That's rather rude."
AESOP SHARP: The wizard equivalent of Old Spice and a hint of fire whiskey. He just rolls his eyes. He doesn't get paid enough for this.
ABRAHAM RONEN: Sugar and cinnamon. Always smells like he just came back from Honeydukes. "Oh my, do I smell bad?" He's genuinely concerned and smells his own robes.
MIRABEL GARLICK: A garden. Flowers, soil, pottery; the whole shabang. "I was repotting mandrakes with the third years today. Sorry if I smell a bit ripe." She laughs.
MUDIWA ONAI: Incense and palm oil. She offers MC some incense. "Would you like to burn some for your dorm? You smell like you could use it."
BAI HOWIN: She works in beast pens all day. Enough said. MC doesn't even need to get close to smell her on some days.
DINAH HECAT: Amazingly. Nothing. Her time as an unspeakable has taught her to be undetectable, even by smell. Old habits die hard.
CUTHBERT BINNS: He doesn't so much give off a scent, as he does a cold chill if MC gets too close.
SATYAVATI SHAH: VERY faint smell of cherry blossom. She's very guarded of her personal space, so MC will have a hard time catching it.
PHINEAS NIGELLUS BLACK: Expensive cologne and hair tonic. He steps away from MC. Ew. Students.
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sweetpinkchampagne · 2 months
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synopsis: you and stephen wake up on halloween, interrupted by wong - who explains peter and america are already dressed up in their halloween costumes. a sweet little unconventional family moment.
rating: lots of fluff, not actual smut but like a lead up to it before it’s interrupted - yeah get blueballed guys xoxo stephen is a grump but a cutie pie!! not proofread.
authors note: hello sweetie pies!!!!! i love you! okay that’s all, this isn’t perfect but we need more stephen content, it’s a dying art.
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new york was always freezing, it was a given that you would freeze to death three quarters of the year when you moved here. fall on the other hand was beautiful, magical even. the prettiest leaves cascading down into the street, fluttering down from their bare tree branches and pattering down to the cold, wet streets of greenwich village. the warm smell of cinnamon in peoples coffees, thick flannel scarves and fuzzy gloves. you loved fall.
stirring awake to the cool chill of the sanctum sanctorum you made a mental note to ask wong about the central heating system, which is suspiciously clearly not working. your body instinctively moves closer to your husband, clinging to the warmth of stephen as light pools through the large windows, sounds of busy new york feeling so comforting. he groans sleepily, a deep baritone voice making your lips upturn, smiling with closed eyes.
“good morning baby..” stephen smiled looking down at you positioned with your head on his chest, holding his toned torso with your arms. he drew lazy circles on the side of your arm as you looked up at him smiling lazily.
“it’s so coldddd… i don’t wanna get up.” you whined looking up at him, cursing fall mornings.
he chuckled softly.
“mm?? oh my poor, poor baby…” he cooed softly, almost mockingly, smirking like a bastard. you scoffed, giggling softly.
“you can’t be egotistical AND an ass, honey. doesn’t work like that” you smiled up at him, rolling over on top of him, sitting on his lower torso, straddling his hips as he smiled drowsily up at you through half lidded eyes. his hands snaked their way around your hips, shuffling you closer.
“my pretty little baby… all for me, hm?” he propped himself up on his forearms, looking up at you. she looked down at him, at his chest.. sculpted by gods. the pretty silver chain around his neck with his wedding ring around it, since his ring finger couldn’t cope with the pressure a wedding band ensued - although it took a month of you trying to convince him to slip his ring off even just for a second, so he could put it around his neck. your hands held his jaw lovingly stroking his jawline, his goatee giving you goosebumps as always.
“always all for you, stephen.” he studied your face smirking confidently before humming in approval.
“happy halloween gorgeous” he said, cutting the tension with a knife. you laughed softly as he stroked his hands up and down your hips, clutching the plump of your ass and squeezing it softly as you sat on top of him.
“you know we can’t do this right now…” you tilted her head down at him. he shrugged, feigning innocence.
“course we can, you’re not exactly quiet though, are you sweet girl?” he stretched his arms out before placing them back on your tiredly.
you playfully swatted his chest, scoffing.
“i’ve never had any complaints” you shrugged confidently.. “and i’m pretty sure those noises get you goin’ don’t they, honey?” she leaned down before kissing him passionately. he smirked against your lips, deepening the kiss before you broke away, leaving him with ragged breaths.
“mmm.. do you remember last valentine’s day, when you were on a mission and we couldn’t be together?.. when i called you while straddling your pillow, making those little noises for you?” she moved her hips against his half hard cock, her hands resting on the mattress to steady herself. he inhaled sharply, scoffing as he laid his head back.
“i remember it. i also remember being in the middle of a meeting and having to excuse myself, thinking it was an emergency, and then i heard those breathy little moans coming from the phone. you were practically whimpering for my help baby, had to talk you through, huh?”
“mhmmmm…” she sighed, rolling her hips against his pelvis. “couldn’t help it, needed you” she pictured him in the compound, walking confidently into the bathroom just to unbuckle his belt and palm his pretty cock, making a sticky mess of himself.
“stephen…” you whined out pathetically, humping his now hardened cock. he groaned softly, throwing his head back.
“fuck baby, im not going anywhere- you can.. slow down..” he inhaled sharply, letting out a ragged moan.
a knock at the door, of course. she told him they couldn’t, she was right. wong opened the door slowly and you dove under the covers, smoothing your hair down, and smiling - flustered.
“good morning wong! happy halloween” you smiled, chirping.
stephen groaned at wong, pissed.
“it was a good morning…” he sighed, sitting up and running his hand through his hair, annoyed.
“again with the whole noise thing.. you’re like rabbits, this is disgusting. seek help!” your face flushed, turning over and pushing it into the pillow giggling softly, before mumbling out a muffled apology under the sheets.
“peter is downstairs, by the way.” wong informed and you smiled softly nodding.
“parker is here? why is-“ stephen groaned, not expecting to be practically an adoptive father of two at his age.
“stephen.. i told youuuu! he and america are doing the whole halloween costume thing at school. everyone does it apparently.” she informed, laughing softly at his frown.
“great.” he sighed. “that’s great.”
wong mumbled to himself walking away at stephens response, an insult you could only hear half of, but it made you laugh. you jumped out of bed, rubbing your eyes, and stephen flicked his wrist, his clock entering the room and wrapping itself around your shoulders. you laughed softly, smiling at him, walking over to his side of the bed and kissing him softly.
“rain check?”
you smiled, satisfied.
“what are they dressing up as?”
“that’s a surprise, you’ll have to see.”
he scoffed, getting out of bed, his grey sweatpants hanging low on his torso, exposing his v line and his entire chest and you had to stifle a sigh. he chuckled, smacking your ass before walking into your shared ensuite to brush his teeth.
“happy halloweeen!!!!!” amercia cheered as you walked downstairs into the kitchen, spotting peter inhaling a stack of pancakes, laughing at his costume. “happy halloween!” you smiled softly, walking over and kissing her atop of her head before walking over and pouring yourself and stephen a coffee.
“that is a very cool puffer vest, mer.” you smiled at her, “surely you’re gonna win best costume guys.” she smiled proudly, posing at your comments.
“that’s what i said” wong entered the kitchen, agreeing.
“oh god…” stephen chuckled looking at peter and america, or should he say doc brown and marty mcfly.
“parker you aged about 60 years overnight. a modern day miracle.” stephen couldn’t help but laugh. they looked so dorky, but they picked a great movie.
“1986?” stephen asked confidently and america, the family cinephile rolled her eyes.
“85, actually. and aren’t you supposed to be a genius?” the 15 year old hummed confidently. you chuckled to yourself. it was days like this that made your sweet unconventional family so perfect.
“oh well pardon me! i studied science, not film. and kid?” he laughed, throwing his hands up in surrender.
“yesssss??” america laughed
“it is a cute vest, you guys are going to win the
costume competition for sure.” he smiled, walking past america and ruffling her hair. she whined, fixing it but smiling. peter finished his stack of pancakes before standing up and burping.
you grimaced slightly but laughed, stephen shook his head.
“manners parker.”
“sorry strange sir, excuse me”
“it’s stephen, kid.” he smiled warmly at peter. walking over to you and resting his head on your shoulder, enveloping you in his arms from behind, hands on your waist. both of you admiring your little family.
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
Cinnamon Cream
Yan Couple [F+M] + G.N Reader
A.N: The winning pair from a poll I ran to satisfy my craving for edible partners. The duo are heavily implied to made out of the foods they represent as a heads up
"Care for another roll, Hun? Can't send you home on an empty stomach."
This woman was trying to kill you. The tinge of cinnamon fresh on your tongue, you couldn't fathom the consequence of taking on another pastry when you've only sampled the first. Your stomach being empty was the last of your concerns with how big it was. Your free hand lie flat on the table and even it was off by a few inches. She claimed to have made this batch smaller so you could finish the full dozen before you left which you found quite impossible. Prying the fork from your teeth, you let the woman down as best you could - praying to be let off with the rest to take home.
"No thank you, Mrs. Cinnabar - I haven't finished the first."
Her jovial demeanor is not lost as she takes the utensil off your hands. "You can drop the formalities, Love. We're all friends here. You'll have to forgive me for everything else. Izzy worked so hard on his part and I would hate for it to melt before you become addicted to us both."
The smell hits you before you take the bite she offers. No matter the date in time, she always smelled like a bakery. Mrs. Cinnabar has been your neighbor for about a year now following the disappearance of the last tenant not even a week before she and her partner moved in. A friendly face to all, she had taken a special liking to you when your paths finally crossed. Being next door neighbors was one reason, but she also told you she took an immediate interest to you similar to the instant attraction she felt towards her husband. He wasn't in the picture often, and so your company patched up the hole his absence left. With the combination of her loneliness and the rewards of free meals - who were you to say no when she asked for you to visit? Today's dessert was meant to be special and now you knew why.
Cheeks stuffed with pastry, the sweet bread takes up a new texture as you manage to scarf it all down. Rich, velvety cream with just a hint of vanilla; the cold, ceremonious blend to an otherwise warm and sticky treat. As the taste settles on your tongue, you could piece together traces of the ice cream mixed directly into the icing of the cinnamon roll - the delicate flavor you had trouble putting your finger on before. It certainly lived up to the hype set for it by the woman at your side. The scent of cinnamon is almost overpowering as Cinnabar sweeps her thumb up the corner of your sugar crusted lips; smile as sweet as the roll on your plate.
"Well, don't keep me waiting. You like it - don't you, Hun?"
"I-it's great... Wish I could give my compliments to your spouse."
Cinnabar peaks up in her seat; a chill running down your spine at the extend of her grin. For a brief moment she looks behind you. "Who said you couldn't?"
Leaning back in your seat, you come to find that the source of your chattering teeth is not her smile, but the hands of the man gripping the back of your chair. His glare is as icy as the frost radiating off him, your breath visible as you exhale in surprise. Stoic as a brick wall, his eyes show signs of satisfaction drifting over the missing forkful of the now frozen dessert. Ever so slow, he cleans the remaining crumbs off your face before joining his wife's side of the table. Perching an arm over her shoulder, he slides a metal ring into her breast pocket as she takes his hand.
"Y/n, Izzy. Izzy..." Cinnabar rests her head on his wrist. "knows all about you already. Nosy thing has listened in on all of our conversations before now and I'd say he adores your company as much I as I."
"but... I thought you said he was gone most of the day?"
"Oh, he is, Hun. Up in his study. Not too good at speaking with other humans. Specially cuties like yourself, isn't that right, Dear."
Izzy nods his head with a grunt - pale face just shy of a flush under the kitchen lighting.
"We both care about you so much, Hun. Watching you has opened so many doors for us so it's only fair we open ours to you. We've thought hard about how to introduce you to life with us, but the best start was showing you have well we work together. How good all of us could be for each other. I'll keep you warm in the winter, Izzy can cool you down in the summer. You...can just be you. We know this is a lot to take in now, but soon you'll see things our way."
Cinnabar retrieves a set of keys from her pocket, twirling the familiar ring round her finger. "We can talk more about this after you finish your dessert."
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the-s1lly-corner · 11 months
can you make headcanons for all the tadc cast with a reckless reader?
also, have a good day :)
TADC cast x reckless! reader!
last post for this batch! ill get right back to answering stuff soon! my cinnamon roll dough is almost done with its first rise and ill have to shape them soon! also gotta make the frosting..! short post since the base of one of my thumbs is getting a lil sore idk if its because ive been typing so much these past few days or if i just slept on my hand wrong; maybe both
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youre in luck reader! you cant really get hurt in the digital world...! well, not... traditionally.. you can definitely still feel pain, thats for sure, but i dont think your digital body has any bones to break or skin to scrape..! so hey at least you can kind of be as reckless as you want without consequence...! except, there are consequences. caine is not at all happy at your recklessness.. i mean sure yeah some of his IHAs can be more... intense, i mean zooble almost got turned into a gloink, but..! i think he tones down his adventures just so you wont throw yourself into the danger
tries to stop you but her words fall short as you run in yelling into whatever the threat is without a second thought. "i- wait- er..." and youre gone, leaving pomni to hurry and try to catch up with you. she probably has to drag you to safety, assuming this isnt a case where you got all glitched up by an abstracted circus member.. shes gonna have to work herself up to get you to chill out; perhaps ending in a whole emotional thing where she just. explodes? perhaps
just because you cant get hurt doesnt mean shes not going to fuss over you. if there were a need for it i think she would keep a pack of Band-Aids on her. however, because you guys cant get hurt in that way, she tries to keep you in bed when you inevitably get knocked a little too hard and need to rest it off. dont even think about trying to get up out of bed, shes going to give you this stern look that only a few percentage of people can muster.
you know the look
the stern one
scolds you too if you get caught up in something real dangerous
only really softens up if you threw yourself in danger for the sake of another person, because i think ragatha would do the same
"bet you cant make that jump"
"bet i <> can!"
que you absolutely eating shit after you fail to make that jump, comically flipping over yourself and face planting. you probably have cartoon birds circling around your head. jax laughs at you before eventually coming over to help you up. he will not let you live this kind of stuff, down
he gets so so scared when youre not in his sight, i think if he knew you were willingly throwing yourself into harms way? this man would have a heart attack! like really, or he would if he still had his organs and stuff...if he could he would keep you in his pillow fort with him forever... but he cant, so he has to settle with following you around with meek attempts to try to stop you
zooble would do similar stuff as jax, but when you actually. go to do the dangerous thing they just pull you back. "dude. i wasnt being serious"
bro has to keep you on one of those kid leashes because your first instinct someone says "bet" or "no balls" or anything in that vein, you need to prove yourself
her comedy mask probably falls off from the sheer shock from how easily you just. launch yourself into things. on one hand she worries for you, but on the other hand she cant help but feel a little jealous; i mean shes just ribbon and a mask, shes not really... tough... strong.. durable... she wants to be able to run around and do the things you do but theres that fear of being immediately broken down or overpowered, you know? didnt mean to get silly there; anyways i think she would try to keep in you bed to sleep off the soreness, like ragatha
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soobadnoonecanstopher · 10 months
Can I Stay? (A Baekhyun Story) Part 16.
Pairing: You x Baekhyun
Rating: M
Word Count: 7.2k
Warnings: whoops plot. I didn't really proofread this — sorry. Also sorry it is taking so long for the chapters to come out. I hope you still love me.
A romance between two adults with an unspecified age difference between them, an English story that uses the word Noona for lack of another word in English that carries the same feeling, if you don’t like this, then don’t read this story.
Links: Part 1, ….. Part 15, Part 16, Part 17
Tag List: @andimoon @his-mochi-cheeks
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Maybe it was the expensive clothes you were wearing. Maybe it was the understated, quiet luxury of the handbag you walked through that office door carrying. Could it be the shoes? Surely the casual observer couldn’t have noticed the bright red soles of the brand new Louboutins on your feet as you walked.
Perhaps there was some extra oxygen filling up your chest somehow making you carry yourself with an added bit of confidence; making you feel as if you could float away with even the slightest breeze.
You felt as if you were a completely different person. You felt as if the others could tell. It couldn’t just all be happening inside of your head either because you caught evidence of some reactions to you; little things. Tiny double takes as you walked by. Slight widening of eyes when you entered your meetings; slight twinges in the expressions of their faces; barely detectable save for how very aware of yourself and of all of them you felt inside of your skin right now.
So much was new. So much felt different.
You were, in very new and very real ways, very suddenly and unequivocally … somebody’s.
And that somebody he was — he was yours too.
It had a taste to it — it was rich and sweet and secretive and quick. A fresh baked cookie swiped when Mom’s back was turned. Hasty kisses stolen behind heavy wooden doors and brushes of warm fingertips over the back of a hand as you walked by. The whispered lean of a warm shoulder against your own as you both stood in an elevator; surrounded by people; acutely aware of the rhythm of only eachother’s breathing.
A smell like very early morning just before dawn on Christmas Day; the smell of pine and cinnamon and the crisp chill of snow outside, like hiding at the top of the stairs to catch a forbidden glimpse of Santa Claus.
Warm brown eyes from across a hectic room touched into yours again and again. You knew you were staring. You had very little control over it though. This was so very unlike you. Baekhyun was as busy as you had been. The project was wrapping today and loose ends had to be tied up. Final documents had to be submitted to clients. Plus he had been training his replacement on all of his tasks and duties. Tomorrow would be the wrap party. You could hardly wait to unclench. You’d have some drinks with your team and you’d even get to dance. Maybe you could get away with a dance or two with your soon to be ex-assistant without drawing too many curious gazes.
You could dance together one or twice, couldn’t you? You could stand to be held in his arms and swung around the dance floor without leaning in too close or gazing too deeply into his deep brown eyes as you did it, right?
You did your absolute best to look at something else; at anything else.
Those deep brown eyes had found yours once again. Again and again, he found you. Maybe it wasn’t only you who had been staring at him as he showed Assistant Cha the ropes; as he leaned in and spoke very closely with her; as he told her things that made her head roll back and big belly laughs erupted from her bosom that shook like jelly when she laughed dramatically with her whole body.
She reached a hand out and her fingertips touched lightly along his forearm; making contact for a fraction of a second — no more time than the width of a strand of hair. Not enough time of actual contact to warrant any sort of comment about it at all. It was not even any real touch on his skin even; she got his shirt sleeve. This was nothing. This certainly wasn’t anything that warranted such a ridiculously detailed description inside the ever-present internal monologue that played through your head when you thought about this man. It could hardly even be called a touch, really.
Still…she touched his arm. She laughed and giggled and smiled a sickeningly sweet smile at him and you knew, you knew what it felt like to look at him and talk to him and feel that attraction and desire and lust and want. You knew of the kinds of irrational and impossible fantasies that would fly through her head at the very thought of just one of her desperate touches being returned by him.
You could not blame her. He was beautiful.
He moved his arm down and away; probably purposefully. He was reaching for something and just before he spoke, just before his movement nagged at her focus and pulled her dreamy eyes away from his pretty face and down onto what he had to show her, just before his focus dropped to the papers or notebooks or tablet or whatever the hell it was that he held inside his hand, you had them once more; those deep brown eyes that looked into yours from across this space; those brown eyes of his that found yours again and again no matter where you were and no matter where he was — it was like a magnet. He looked at you and you looked at him and the sound and the commotion and the ever present din inside of this busy workspace fell weirdly silent to your own ears.
You had to stop this.
You pulled your focus away from the two of them and you looked around the room at your team. It took so much effort to do.
With the exception of one person, the entire team was immersed in their own tasks. There was a bittersweet vibe in the air and each and every one of these people, to the very end, was giving it their all.
As your eyes made their way around to each desk, glimpsing lightly over its occupant, you reached a person who’s presence had been so familiar to you that you only half jumped to find her looking right at you.
Sandi, a senior member of your translating team and the person who occupied the seat closest to your office door, the person who had worked with you for probably the longest out of all of the group, who you had shared many long nights with over the course of your career, Sandi was watching you with a quiet amusement on her face.
You met her eyes with as much strength and fortitude as you could manage but you admittedly felt a bit taken aback to have had her attention during this time; this time when you foolishly had assumed no one could possibly be paying any attention to you.
You weren’t sure what you were expecting. Perhaps a small smile in your direction and maybe she would resume her work. Or maybe she was watching you because she had a question for you. You strengthened the eye contact with Sandi and lifted your eyebrows in question. Doing your absolute best to keep any guilty expressions from manifesting in your eyes.
You definitely hadn’t expected the next words that came out of her mouth.
“You should stop watching them. She doesn’t hold a candle—“ she began out loud but just as suddenly as she spoke, her words halted abruptly as she closed up her mouth with a start, shaking her head in quick shallow passes. The small self-satisfied smile that had been coloring her lips before she opened her mouth had now slipped away and her eyes widened as she turned her head away from you; averting her eyes. She lifted a hand to cover over her mouth, clearly surprised that she would say such a thing out loud.
Sandi may have been surprised by herself, but you felt blindsided. You felt your mouth go dry and a spindly tingling slowly crept up the back of your neck.
She knew.
Sandi knew.
You felt sick.
The panic that surged through you was swift and complete and it took your breath and what was left of your rational mind.
Without your mind working, all you could manage was to stare down at the girl in silence until you exhaled a purposefully slow breath through your mouth. She had both of her hands over her parted lips and she was reeling. You felt similarly but thankfully years of working through impossible and stressful situations where your facial expression mattered, kept the reeling happening inside of you where it should stay.
“Oh my god, I am so sorry, Miss Manager. I didn’t mean—”
“Sandi — come see me in my office, please.”
Sandi knew you better than most. You’d worked closely beside her for so many years, if anyone would have noticed the obvious change in you since you’d met Baekhyun it would be Sandi. It made the most sense that she would have noticed something was going on. But still, you felt blindsided by this revelation. It wasn’t that you didn't trust the woman, you did. If anyone in this office was going to know such a damning secret about you, it might as well be Sandi.
You felt guilty. You felt very much in the wrong. You’d always strived to set such a good example to your team members and here you’d been caught red-handed, having done such a thing with your direct subordinate of all people, with your assistant! Yes, yes you had already processed his transfer, met with his new team lead, you were doing your absolute best to remove Baekhyun from any and every position beside you, beneath you, any connection to you as quickly as you possibly could. But the fact remained, you were in direct violation of company policy. You should have come clean to HR the second you’d realized just how inappropriate the professional relationship with Baekhyun had turned to have him transferred out that very day.
But you had been weak.
You had delayed it; torn by the very thought of losing him from your side and now…now someone knew. What if she had the wrong idea? What if she thought you used your influence over him to coerce him into the relationship? What if she thought it was one sided, or what if she used this new-found information to hold over you?
You shook your head back and forth as she walked through the doorway of your office and quietly closed the door behind her. Her head was downcast and she moved slowly through the space to take a seat beside where you sat with your hands clenched together in your lap on the small sofa in the center of the room.
“Miss Manager, I really didn’t mean anything bad by what I said. I was just thinking out loud and it slipped out.” She began quickly, as soon you felt the cushion dip when she sat down.
“Can you tell me what you meant by it?” You kept your voice low and careful as you replayed her words again in your mind, a quiet disbelief dancing along the edges of your memory. Maybe you heard her wrong, or maybe she didn't mean it exactly as it sounded to you. Maybe your guilty conscience had you running when nothing was even chasing you.
She didn't speak for a few moments and you swallowed the moisture inside your mouth, lifted your head and looked around the clean space of your office.
“You said that I can stop watching them, who do you think I was watching?” You probed again, realizing that your face, which was angled away from her now, might have not been as in control as usual. You could feel the dampness in your eyes and you blinked quickly.
“Baekhyun and Assistant Cha. Nothing is going on there. There is nothing to worry about. I’m on your side, by the way — both of you.”
You had confirmed it.
She knew.
You felt your steady resolve crumble with the deep sigh of defeat that left your chest and the oxygen leaving your lungs pulled your eyelids closed until all of the light was shut out for a moment. Just for a moment.
You only needed one moment.
“How did you know?” The delicacy of your words, tantamount to a confession, balanced lightly on the tip of your tongue. Your voice sounded so much smaller than you were used to hearing from yourself.
Her reply did not come instantly but the delay in her response, you knew, was more imagined by your own sense of urgency than in anything she was doing. Still, you were impatient to know; enough to turn your gaze from the safety of the silent bookshelf full of items you had owned and controlled for years to look anxiously upon the expressions written on her face and the unpredictable and uncontrollable harsh truths you might find in her eyes.
“Does anyone else know?” You whispered another quiet question, despite the fact that she hadn’t answered the first one yet.
Her eyes watched your face and in them you saw a lightness and warmth. On her lips was the smallest sweet smile that brought you back again to the woman you knew so well; the woman you had worked with closely over the years on several projects, through countless sleepless nights, tirelessly and side by side. The valuable member of your team who proved herself to be trustworthy and reliable. The woman you sought out first when something needed to be handled discreetly and quickly.
She was watching your face and she inhaled a small breath to speak.
“I’m pretty sure I’m the only one who could possibly know,” she said with that soft smile still inside her warm eyes. She was reaching into her pocket to pull out her cellphone and you looked down at her illuminated screen as she opened up an app. It was Instagram. She clicked a few times and eventually landed on a profile that was familiar. It was Baekhyun’s account and a few harmless pictures down his feed, her fingers stopped scrolling when she reached something that you knew would be a picture he had posted one of the nights he’d spent in your bed.
It was an innocuous shot of his hand holding your hand with only an alarm clock visible in the background. The time read 02:16 A.M. and it sat atop a wooden bedside table. Nothing else was in focus. The background of the picture was blurred beyond recognition with only a hazy outline of the very tip of the tail of your darkened bird lamp but definitely not anything that was recognizable about it. Neither of you wore any jewelry that might possibly come back to you. You looked at the words he wrote below the image — ‘I die for any little bit of you, my love.’ — and while yes, it had filled you with butterflies and made you kick and scream under your covers in secret when you saw what he wrote, for the purposes of Sandi identifying you from just this— was she a witch? How could she possibly have known?
There was nothing there. Nothing that pointed to you so conclusively that she would present this evidence to you with such conviction.
“From his posts, I knew he was seeing someone, but when I saw this, it suddenly made sense — how you could have changed so much since he joined. Anyway, I bought you that clock as a Secret Santa gift last year. So obviously I would be the only one to recognize it. I am glad to see you still use it.”
“Would you believe me if I said I gave the clock away to my sister, so that couldn’t possibly be me in the picture?”
You said it jokingly; feeling as if a switch had been flipped with Sandi since she knew something so very damning about you. What authority and respect? This woman saw and knew too much. You now had a confidant and maybe even a friend. Oh no! What if you had to transfer her to another department too? You couldn’t keep losing your best people like this just because you couldn’t keep your work life separated from your personal life.
You honestly felt as if you’d lost all control in this job the moment that man walked through your office door on his first day of work.
“You don’t have a sister.”
“Right,” you conceded quickly.
“Miss Manager,” Sandi began after a few moments, “you don’t need to feel so guilty about this. I really don’t think either of you have done anything wrong. And isn’t that why he’s being transferred so suddenly? To avoid any problems with the company.”
“And let me guess. He made the first move, right? I’m certain of it. I noticed how he looks at you. Since last year even.”
“Last year? You knew him from before this project?”
“You don’t remember him? He was interning with Manager Jung Ho. Ahhh maybe it was the red hair and the glasses.”
Sandi still had her phone out and was scrolling again, this time through her own photo albums that went back through the years. You recognized yourself in many of the shots. Candid pictures as you both worked, a few of the group laughing together as the team unwound after some particularly hectic days. Her scrolling stopped abruptly and you looked down to where she touched with her index finger on a pretty boy with wavy red hair, wearing round gold wire glasses and standing literally right beside you, his eyes looking at you while you were about as busy as could be focusing on putting out several fires at once.
“Here he is. Always following around Miss Manager Noona. Always staring at Miss Manager Noona and talking about Miss Manager Noona. He was so annoying,” she said with a hearty laugh. She scrolled again and image after image showed a similar scene, Baekhyun taking stolen glances at you and you with your mind so occupied at the time you didn’t even remember him. The more pictures you saw of the young red-head with the glasses the more the actual memories of him popped into your mind.
He was bright and chipper and you never did catch his name at the time. He was noisy and full of laughter and full of life and you…well, you had a dark storm cloud hanging over your head back then. Last year was a hard year for you. You had some professional failures that you still dwelled on and some even worse personal failures involving one relationship that still burned you to think about. You’d nearly given up on all things romance at the time; sworn off men forever with their lies and their cheating ways. It was no wonder your eyes had been so blind to the entire person standing beside you; rooting for you; building you up as he had done back then.
You remembered him more as you looked at the pictures. Now his face was so recognizable to you, after you had fallen in love with everything about him, you’d even be able to spot him with bright blue hair and a fake mustache on. But apparently all it had taken was a pair of glasses and a wavy red perm.
“I can’t believe he pulled a Superman-Clark Kent on me — ohhhh…look at how cute he was!” You cooed right out loud. A momentary lapse made you forget where you were and as soon as the sickeningly saccharine words left your lips you lifted a hand to cover over your parted lips.
She laughed out loud , “Oh no, you’ve got it bad. You’ll invite me to the wedding, won’t you?”
She was joking when she said it but you closed up your mouth and pulled both of your lips between your teeth, biting down to try and keep from doing something stupid like squealing from the pent up excitement you felt when you thought about marrying him. Your strong reaction was yet another confession. She had gone motionless the moment you didn't laugh it off as just a funny joke.
“Of course you are invited,” you whispered just under your breath and her laughter quit suddenly, her lips hung open, and her eyes widened significantly.
“Oh my god. What? What?!” She was whispering, but it was a very loud and very excited sounding whisper. “Are you serious?”
You felt her hands grip around your upper arms and she gave you a good shake. It made the laughter break free from your chest and you were giggling now. It was useless to fight it. You could feel the excitement building the more she shook you and the louder her whispering giggles grew. You lifted both hands to cover over your face as your entire body shook with laughter.
You gave into it; the joy and anticipation that her genuine excitement brought out of you and by the time you heard the soft two knocks on your office door you had to wipe away moisture from your eyes from giggling so much before you could compose yourself enough to call out to whoever was knocking that the door was unlocked and they could come in.
The door was pushed and a familiar head of blond hair poked inside just before you saw the rest of his face.
“Miss Manager,” Baekhyun spoke cautiously with his face carefully controlled as he said it. Not even any flirtatious tones hidden in a sweet grin or a secret wink. He was on his best behavior today with so many witnesses around. You hadn’t had a single pointed look from him in hours. It had been at least two hours since you felt the warmth of his fingertips on the skin of the back of your hand. It had been a solid hour since he had looked into your eyes for longer than thirty seconds and allowed those eyes to slip down and steal a glance at your lips.
“You have a meeting upstairs in five,” he said and he pushed the door open further. You could make out Assistant Cha standing just behind him; a thick and heavily scribbled notebook held up to her chest with both of her arms wrapped tightly around it as if it carried all of the secrets of her very new and scary universe.
You nodded your head to the pair of them and quickly gathered your end-of-project meeting materials.
Sandi was excusing herself quietly; if not rather slowly. You caught the lingering examination she gave to Baekhyun as she made her way around the sofa you both had been squealing on moments earlier and seemed to be taking her time with the exit. If he noticed anything amiss, he didn't make it known, but after a few moments of her looking into his face she simply nodded her head once, smiled a sweet smile in his direction and said a quick, “Okay, okay. I can see it. I could have sworn you used to wear glasses.”
You bit down on the side of your tongue to suppress any remaining giggles.
Baekhyun’s eyes danced around her face for a moment in mild confusion and he frowned his lips with a tiny pout, inhaling lightly and parting his lips to respond. But before he could offer any explanation she turned her head back in your direction, gave you a small wave of her hand and a quick, “See you at the wrap party, Miss Manager,” and she then was gone.
You’d made it half of the way through the rows of cubicles when a tap on your shoulder halted your steps and pulled your attention behind you. You recognized that the person calling you was Baekhyun and your eyes were pulled down toward his hand in which he held a small post-it note.
“Excuse me, Miss Manager, I think you dropped this,” he said as he pushed the small folded-in-half piece of colorful paper into the palm of your hand. You knew you must have had a questioning look inside your eyes, at least for the first few seconds of this, but you quickly recovered with a nod and a quiet thank-you on your lips. You slipped the paper inside the pocket of your blazer.
As your legs moved, you noticed that Baekhyun and Assistant Cha held back some, and your curiosity about the small token from your boyfriend felt absolutely itchy. It was as if that small note was pulsing as it called to you from inside your pocket. You slipped your hand in and pulled it out, glancing around quickly to take note of the fact that no one around was paying you any attention at all and with Baekhyun’s steps so far behind you figured no one would mind if you read whatever little details might have been written just for you on this note.
‘I miss you today. You are right here and I miss you to death. I am being so brave about it. You can compliment me about it later, if you want.
P.S. Which season do you like best?’
You silently slipped the note back inside your pocket with a lovely little tap over the fabric to make sure it was secure. You felt as if this elevator you stood inside was carrying you straight into the clouds above this building. He probably couldn't text you freely because of the close proximity of his shadow, Assistant Cha. Or maybe he just wanted to hand you this adorable little note as a physical token of his affection; something you could hold in your hand and lightly touch with the tip of your finger. You half wondered if you should just text him back the answer to his question.
Instead you held your finger over the elevator button to keep it open long enough for the pair of assistants to finally join you inside and you caught the briefest touch of his brown eyes as he stepped inside.
His eyes did not linger. Yours did not chase but you did feel the distinct presence of the warmth of his body as he stepped into the space directly behind you. There were no secret touches or hidden attempts to reach for you inside this space. The high speed elevator surged up quickly; its destination was amongst the upper floors and with the abrupt movement you rocked lightly on your legs to keep your balance. You reached a hand out to rest it over the bar and a glance to your right, just over your shoulder afforded you the view of a familiar hand doing the same. Long slender fingers flexed once outward in your direction, but his hand did not move any closer to you and eventually those fingers simply wrapped around the silver pole for the remainder of the elevator ride.
You would not let your fingers leave his skin tonight.
You’d had your fill of denial.
The meeting was typical for this stage of a project. You paid exactly enough attention as you needed to. Your presentation showcased your team’s successes and honestly, although you didn’t tend to toot your own horn, your own performance looked incredibly impressive as well. Although with such a capable team it was hard not to look incredible. You gave credit where credit was due as you always did and as the other managers and directors said their parts you pulled out a small note pad from your bag and began penning a response to your boyfriend. You did your best to keep your face from showing too much but you could feel the elation pulling your lips into a small smile as you drew the little sad faced emoji in the middle of the note.
‘You are very brave, and doing so much better than I am. I got caught staring at you today. :( Sandi knows now.
P.S. I like the fall. Winter is too cold, Spring is too sneezy, and Summer is too hot. Although you kissed me in the summertime so I like it now too.
P.P.S. I remember you now, from Jung Ho’s project. I didn’t know you wore glasses.
P.P.P.S. It’s not fair for you to look so handsome in every hair color. ’
You stopped writing when you ran out of space. This all could have gone so much smoother in a text message, but there was something magical about writing all of this out in a note to secretly pass to him in person.
Your meeting ended and there was another meeting coming up just after lunch. Your busy schedule and the ever present assembly of people around you didn’t give you any opportunities to pass on the note. And when you would have normally both found yourselves alone with each other, now there was an entirely new person around with her own set of eyes, watching and learning all sorts of things about her new position. And hopefully just that.
She was fine. You could tell that Baekhyun was right about her. She would do well and she would succeed in her new role. You would come to depend on her and appreciate her too. Maybe even the strange undeserved bitterness you felt when you looked at her pretty young face would fade.
But now, you wished she had some other place she desperately had to be.
You found your chance just after lunch when Assistant Cha had departed to the bathrooms. You spotted Baekhyun leaning against a pillar on the ground floor checking the time on his watch, looking about as handsome as could be in his suit and ignoring the many curious glances from various ladies and men who walked by him. He seemed to be waiting for something and you slipped closer to where he stood, careful not to be spotted as you made your way around the other side of the pillar.
You’d reached a hand out to tap on his shoulder at the exact moment that a ping sounded out on his cell phone and he moved out of the way just as your fingers extended so that they touched nothing. You felt a little silly.
While you felt a tinge of disappointment that you’d missed your chance, you also felt a surge of mild curiosity about what he was up to. He made his way toward the security turnstiles and met with a run-of-the mill food delivery man who handed him a small black bag from a local bakery down the block. You’d recognized the logo of one of your favorite shops that had the absolute best fruit tarts you’d ever had and a chocolate cake slice that you’d just about sell your soul for.
He was walking back with his head and his focus turned down into the small bag and you spun on your heels behind your pillar so he would not see you stalking him.
Your feet moved lightly, feeling like you were in some sort of spy movie as you moved along with him, yet just out of his sight as he made his way toward the elevator. The button was pressed, the lights illuminated and after a few moments the soft ding let you know that he would be stepping forward into that quiet space. What kind of deal with the devil did you have to make for that elevator to be empty?
He stepped inside and you held back. You counted in your head just a few times before moving and just as the doors were closing you slipped inside the space, earning the quiet gasp from the very center of his chest when he saw you.
It was empty. You had him alone for a few seconds at least.
“Excuse me, Assistant Byun, I think you dropped this.” You did your best impression of him and held up the little colorful note you had with a cheeky smile that he returned instantly as he reached out quick fingertips to grab the note.
Baekhyun wasted no time. His fingers pulled the small sheet apart and his mouth moved as he silently formed the words of your message with his lips.
“Oh my god,” he gasped quietly; having absorbed the bad news from the note first, “Sandi knows? How?”
“She’s a better detective than Batman,” you shrugged rather casually. Both because you trusted Sandi and you figured if you weren’t freaking out about this, then maybe he would take it in stride as well. “She showed me some pictures of you from last year.”
“Did she?” His lips were pulled into a smile and you caught the little lift of his chin and the scrunch of his nose.
You nodded twice, acutely aware of how telling the smile on your face must look to him. “I remember you. I didn't know your name though. But you looked very cute with the little glasses and the hair,” you lifted a hand to make a waving motion with your fingers above your own head. “Did you get LASIK? Where are the glasses?”
He was reaching a hand out to press a button on the elevator panel and his eyes narrowed slightly as he pursed his lips.
“Oh, that was just fashion. They never had any lenses in them. I have perfect vision.”
His clarification made you laugh out loud. You leaned against the back wall of the elevator and looked into his face freely, feeling every bit of the affection and attraction you had for the man fill up your chest with contentment. At last, you had a moment alone with him. You could look at him. You could stare at him and you could daydream and you could let every single recent memory of the love you shared with him flood your mind freely in this shared space without onlookers or witnesses.
Baekhyun leaned against the side wall, doing just about the exact same thing to you and when his head leaned back against the elevator wall his eyelids sank down half closed, his jaw relaxed, and his lips parted with a slow exhale of air from deep within his lungs.
“I wish I could touch you,” he whispered under his breath.
“Me too,” you confessed, “stupid cameras,” you added without breaking eye contact with him; although you did let your head fall some to rest against the back wall.
“I’ll kiss you in the wintertime,” he said with a smile pulling at his lips, “so you don't feel the cold so much.” His sweet words and that pretty smile pulled a matching smile from you. You lifted a hand to cover over your mouth, tapping lightly over your lips with your fingertips.
“Let’s have a winter wedding,” he said.
“This winter? So soon?” You didn’t hear any objection in your voice. Only curiosity.
He nodded and blinked his eyes slowly; a truly dreamy expression taking over his features.
“We can honeymoon somewhere without pollen and I will kiss you in the springtime.”
You couldn’t stand it. You felt ready to burst right here inside this elevator; just from his sweet, romantic promises that coated you from head to toe.
In the recesses of your mind; in the bargaining parts, you could hear the questions parading by.
What if you reached a hand out and pressed the button for the ground floor on this elevator panel. What if you pulled him by the shirt sleeve — didn’t give a good damn about who saw — and marched him right out of this office building, out onto the street, and hailed a cab destined for your apartment. What if you said screw who knew the truth, screw the wrap and the endless droning meetings, screw this job. What if you took him home and you locked both of you inside your home for a month straight. Nothing but the two of you and the privacy you would find in that bedroom.
“I miss you,” he said softly under his breath with his eyes still locked onto your face. Your mind had been wandering but his words pulled you back into yourself.
“I’m right here,” you said with a small smile, blinking your eyes slowly and purposefully in his direction again and again, as if you could send him a message with their movement — I love you, I love you, I love you — your eyelids called out to him.
“I miss you, though,” he said again with a long exhale from his lungs. “What am I going to do next week when I can't look up and see you whenever I want?”
The elevator slowed its rapid upward movement and you could feel it in your stomach as it slowed to a stop. Someone must be joining; you hadn’t yet reached your destination but it appeared that someone would come and interrupt this. Damn them. A soft ding let you know the doors were about to open. Your few moments of alone time with him was coming to an end.
Baekhyun was still talking though; still lost inside his own head and caught up in the dread of the upcoming changes you both would need to adjust to.
“I sound pathetic, don’t I?” You had to look away from his face but from your peripherals you caught the small step he took in your direction as he moved closer to you.
“Baekhyun, someone is coming in.” You didn’t have time to reassure him that this feeling he was going through was not something he was alone in. You also felt the loneliness and the ache to touch him. You were also feeling the sense of dread for the upcoming weeks without him by your side.
But right now was not the time. Not with this camera above both of your heads and the elevator doors about to open and whoever it was that had called the elevator was about to walk in.
A few simultaneous sensations happened. You could feel the jolt as the elevator came to a full stop and, at the same time, Baekhyun’s soft fingertips brushed against the back of your hand. He had taken another step it seemed and he was beside you; his wandering hand reaching down to run a slow path over your skin down the back of your hand. You felt the moment his fingers wrapped around your palm and slipped lower as each fingertip slipped just in-between your own fingers.
You had to pull away. The doors opened.
You pulled your hand out of his grip quickly, if not a bit forcefully, and you stepped away at the same time; putting a good two steps worth of distance between the two of you. You brought your hands in front of you and clasped them together and you looked up just in time to make eye contact with a terrifyingly familiar set of brown eyes. Brown eyes that bore a strikingly frightening resemblance to the very same brown eyes that had been burning a hole into your heart all day long.
You were sure the first few moments of the eye contact, you had a look of absolute panic. You were certain he would have seen fear in your eyes.
You did your best to push a smile to your face. Inside of your chest your heartbeat had jolted to life, sending thundering booms through your entire torso. You felt the trembling from it. You swallowed nervously and you could hardly hear your own words from your lips over the echo of your racing heart inside of your eardrums.
“President Byun,” you said softly; wincing internally at just how terrified you sounded as you said his name. “Lovely to see you, Sir.”
Your greeting earned you a curt head nod and his eyes immediately moved to touch upon his son’s face.
“What floor?” You were closest to the buttons and you inhaled through your parted lips and forced the air back out slowly, desperately hoping your question hadn’t sounded stupid. He was the president and every one knew his offices occupied the top floor.
“Top?” Your finger hovered over the button and your nervous question another swift nod of his head. He spared you only a fraction of his attention before he was standing beside Baekhyun, who kept his eyes fixed securely on the closing elevator doors.
The doors closed and you stepped back, holding your hands together in front of your abdomen so they wouldn't tremble and give away the raging anxiety that was surging through you right now.
You hadn’t been ready for this. You knew seeing his father again after all that had transpired between you and Baekhyun would bring some strong emotions but you were having about as strong a reaction as you could take quietly. It was the suddenness of this.
You kind of just wanted to run away from this. Yet you were trapped inside this moving box with these two men who hadn’t spoken a word to each other despite sharing a familial bond, sharing a bloodline, sharing a home for most of Baekhyun’s life, you couldn't help but notice that Baekhyun hadn’t even said hello to the man. Nor had the man said anything to his son, but the two of them merely stood side by side in this elevator and looked ahead with blank and passive faces.
You felt a tickle in your throat. It was the nerves. You fought the urge to cough and quickly realized it was useless and you turned your head a little and cleared your throat, trying to rid yourself of the annoying feeling without actually coughing inside a closed elevator in a time when coughing in public was a major faux pas.
The sound of your own throat cleaning was timed perfectly with the sound of President Byun’s feet as he took a single step forward so that he was standing ahead of the both of you and he inhaled a breath into his lungs to speak out loud into the space right in front of his face.
“I have received some very interesting news this morning,” President Byun said in a steady and confident voice without any flinching in his body language to favor one side of him or another. There was nothing given to indicate that he was speaking to any one of you in particular.
“What is that, Sir,” Baekhyun said; at last acknowledging his father. You couldn't find the nerve to get your own voice to work. You held your breath and then tried your best to keep your breathing steady and even. You felt the slight pain in the back of your hand as your nails gripped hard into your own flesh.
He didn’t turn around to look at either of you when he spoke again, he merely inhaled a breath, opened his mouth and dropped a bomb right on top of both of your heads.
“I heard that you think … that you’re getting married.”
[To Be Continued]
Links: Part 1, …. Part 15, Part 16, Part 17
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softlymaximoff · 1 year
Little Cloud εꨄ︎з
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18+ ONLY MEN & MINORS DNI (blank blogs will be blocked you do not have my permission to republish my work onto any platform.
— A/N: it’s kinda little!reader kinda just mommy!wanda looking after you, my mommy issues are HIGH leave me alone
— Summary: the early mornings don’t go as planned but Wanda knows just how to make her baby happy again
— Characters: Mommy!Wanda, Little!Fem!reader
— Warnings: just rough mornings and mommy!wanda to the rescue
— Word Count: 1.16k
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It wasn’t odd for you to keep quiet in the wake of the morning, or for Wanda to stir at your ever so slightly changing breath (an indication that you were waking up). It was odd however, to deny the open arms Wanda held out when she knew well and truly that you were in fact, awake. It was also odd to turn away from her when she tried to pull you closer.
Her eyebrows furrowed a small crease in the middle of her forehead and she let out a low, worried breath. “Baby, hey what’s up” she sat up against the headboard, running her fingers along your silk fabric clad back. Your small frame released a tense breath and you huffed into the pillow, “nuffin” you mumbled in the chill air.
Fall was coming quicker than expected this year and Wanda was loving every bit of it. She’d dress you up in outfits you could only dream of, she’d set up picnic dates under a few of her favourite trees in the orchard, she’d even go as far as make the two of you fall inspired drinks every now and again during the infamous season of beverages.
“Well, why don’t we take today slow hmm?” She mused into the early morning, her fingers running gently through your sleep camouflaged tresses. She knew when you got like this the only thing to do was wait it out and let you come to her so she’d wait for just that. With a heavy sigh, you rolled out of bed and padded towards the bathroom, missing the worried look your girlfriend gave you.
While you were doing your morning routine in the bathroom, Wanda got herself out of bed and ready for the day. She hummed a soft tune under her breath while she made the bed, tidied the room and set out a nice pair of overalls; a long sleeved tee and some autumn coloured socks to match the piles of leaves sprinkling the through orchard.
A few moments later and you were stepping out of the bathroom in your pyjamas and a fresh face. Not a word was said as she helped you slip in your clothes, using the soft moment to kiss you on the crown of your head. “My pretty girl” She reassured gently as you were practically deadweight while she ragdolled you around.
A low whine left your mouth when she finished dressing you and she just raised an eyebrow at the noise. “Hold me” you looked away from her gaze and she smiled sympathetically, bringing you in for a much needed comfort hug. The two of you stayed swaying in the middle of the room, Wanda whispering sweet nothings into the silence. Her native tongue dabbling into the air as she chorused an old Sokovian love poem.
You loved when she spoke in her language, it was pretty and so delicate when she did. More often than not, she would praise you and affirm you in Sokovian so this was most definitely not a shocking occurrence. It was however, still just as beautiful as the first time she endeared you in her common tongue.
“Alright c’mon baby, let’s get some food in you and we can loaf together on the couch” She placed an angelic kiss to your lips and you chased for more when she pulled away. Her eyes were warm and soft and they had this little glint of awe in them. Pools of forest green were now a light hazel green, little flecks of darker and lighter shades catching the light through slightly open curtains.
So the two of you fell into a well rehearsed routine while making breakfast, you making the morning coffees/ teas and Wanda working her magic -literally- with the food. A little later and the two of you were eating oatmeal with honey and cinnamon, a fall morning favourite as Wanda called it ‘Angel Oats’. The couch already had a soft comforter draped along the back ledge of it, nestled amongst the cushions complimenting the couch.
All Wanda had to do was snatch you up and hope you would at least show her a little more healthy progress than from this morning. She set the small shared bowl of food down on the coffee table and quite literally picked you up, bringing your head in the crook of her neck. Your legs instinctively curling up on either side of her thighs, essentially straddling her while kneeling on the couch.
All train of thought was gone the second you breathed in her vanilla and coconut scented shampoo. You wanted to push her away, you wanted to be a big girl, you needed to show her that you’re not just a big baby. With an unamused huff, you attempted to shimmy out of her hold, but to no avail. “Hey, hey, hey baby calm down, you never deny snuggles. What’s wrong little cloud?” her voice was now laced with a hint of sadness and your heart tore in a million pieces then and there.
“Not feelin snuggly” You whispered and looked away when her eyes widened just the slightest and those dark forest orbs now rimmed watery, imitating the nature of a stained glass window. “Oh, well that’s okay, we can just watch a movie then” she whispered quietly, using her magic to turn it on, the hot bowl of Angel Oats untouched. This game of cat and mouse lasted a whole two episodes before you looked back to Wanda with big guilty eyes.
“Mommy?” You whispered, eyes filling up quickly with big tears and Wanda had to refrain from cooing. “Oh darling girl” she pouted as you scrambled into her lap, your composure crumbling at her feather light touches along the small of your back. “‘M sorry” you whimpered and pushed yourself further in her arms when she just sighed.
“It’s alright honeylove, everybody has bad days sometimes. It’s completely normal and valid to want space. Thank you for coming back to me though. I know your thoughts are a little loud sometimes but that’s what Mommy’s here for” she pressed a delicate kiss to your cheeks as you balled your hands in little fists. “I love you” you mumbled and a chaste kiss lingered along the nape of her neck. You felt her body stutter but the two of you paid no mind. Some of your favourite moments with Wanda were the intimate yet innocent ones.
She planted one last kiss on your forehead before grabbing your shared breakfast and turning on the TV. As she fed you from time to time, you couldn’t help but fall more and more in love with the woman you called home. She was yours and you were hers. There wasn’t a doubt in your mind that she would love you for all eternity. And you, the little thing she called hers would sacrifice the entire world if it meant waking up every morning to her heartbeat by your ears.
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<- Sanemi simp posts masterlist
✨ based on this request here
Dad!Sanemi x male reader
This was requested and I lowkey find myself loving the idea of Sanemi with a man s/o because tbh he seems too exasperated with most women (and men too tbh).
But I headcanon that he falls in love with a man who’s gentle and kind, but also firm and puts Sanemi in his place.
The fact that he found men attractive didn’t really bother him, he’d never cared about what people thought about him. Surprisingly to him, everyone seemed to take the news of his choice of mate well.
“Hey, not that I care, but why the fuck was everyone so chill and not-surprised when I introduced you as my husband?”
Sanemi turns to his s/o with a pouty expression, his hand tightening slightly as he holds his spouse’s.
“Well, Sanemi… you kind of give off a certain vibe…” his s/o trails off, ignoring the glaring sideglance. Instead he stops in his step, playfully twirl Sanemi around and pull him into his chest — causing a blush to spread out on the wind hashira’s face.
“Now listen here you jackass, don’t go fucking twirling me around like some damsel or imma,” Sanemi’s words are cut short by his husbands lips and despite himself, Sanemi returns the kiss with a sigh of exasperation.
“I’m not listening when you curse like that.” His s/o laughs heartily and clasp his hand with Sanemi’s again as they make their way back home.
At home, where their very energetic daughter awaits her fathers. Despite her not sharing any DNA with her parents, Sanemi somehow still managed to make her into a spitting image of himself.
And Sanemi (a self-proclaimed expert at handling children because of his past), thinks he’s clearly the “paternal role” has unconsciously taken the more “maternal role”, to his s/o’s amusement.
“Sanemi, my love… are you baking again?”
The man in question, currently holding his daughter on his hip with one arm while simultaneously stirring a batter with the other turns around to greet his husband with a smile only a few get to see.
“She wanted cinnamon rolls AND cupcakes, how am I supposed to say no?” Sanemi ask in a matter-of-factly tone before continuing. With an affectionate eye roll, his s/o walks up to the pair and wrap his arms around Sanemi from behind. “I understand, I too find it impossible to say no that little cutie.”
However as much as his s/o loves how much their daughter seems to take after Sanemi, it’s not always sunshine and rainbows. She too has a short temper and occasional violent tendencies.
“You need to watch how you behave and speak in front of our daughter, Sanemi. She’s only four years old and I heard her say the f-word… and she beat up the neighbour kid.”
His s/o watch as both Sanemi and their little girl turn around simultaneously with the same scowling expression.
Which his husband finds to be incredibly adorable, but also very worrying at the same time.
“The fuck you mean by that, huh?”
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Tbh this is a whole ass mess and sorry if I didn’t hit the mark as the anon requested (I’ve never really written requests before)
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queasy-kitty · 3 months
story time: throwing up in my mask at the mental hospital
basically i was there because i was hella depressed, anxious, suicidal and shit, i was on and off all kinds of meds so i was somewhat used to feeling a little sick. also this was in 2021, we had to wear n95 masks everyday.
so basically i ate a bunch of weird shit throughout the day. during lunch i tried some vegetarian chicken nuggets but didn’t eat enough of them so i was forced to drink an ensure. after that i got an opportunity to have boba which was awesome but i was struggling to enjoy it. at the end of the day, some staff had made cinnamon rolls and they looked so good. i couldn’t resist. my stomach hurt so bad but i had no idea how close i was to losing it.
after all of that, we were all sitting around our tables talking about our feelings or whatever and my stomach felt really really bad. i needed to burp and i felt like i could do it casually without causing much of a scene. let me remind you, at this point in time one of the reasons im hospitalized is my anxiety. including social anxiety.
so i tried to burp and i swear to god my friend knew exactly what was happening. she was staring at me. turns out the burp brought up an entire hot mouthful of god knows what, INTO my mask.
the rest is all kind of a blur, i remember my friend next to me trying to help me and giving me a cup, and i remember sliding the extra puke that was in my hands into that cup. the nurse helped me get to the bathroom and left me for a moment. i remember pouring out the cup and trying to throw up again but i didn’t even have to. it was just that one gush, in front of everyone
I remember i had a pen in my hand too for some reason, so i threw away the pukey cup, mask, and pen, before i started washing my hands. a different nurse came back to get me, and they brought me to the little “nurses office” of the place. i sat down and remember feeling the most intense humiliation. i literally felt like i could never go back and face anybody that had seen it happen. at this point i was having a panic attack and begging to be alone and they were like uhhhhh no. my hair was crunchy with dry vomit. i remember the nurse brought my best friend into the nurse place and she was so so concerned about me. it was really shocking, I would’ve acted so weird if my friend threw up like that but she was just worried about me, and didn’t want to leave my side.
the next day i came back to the whole group and everyone was totally chill, a couple of the girls even tried to cheer me up by telling me some of their own embarrassing vomiting stories. anyways of all the places for something so horrific to happen, im glad it was there lol.
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yumezaii · 3 months
LI ranked !!
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1) Great Hawk: out of all the possible LI my favorite is a bird....sighs.... 2) Sydney: I love both corrupted and uncorrupted Syd. have a soft spot for them. 3) Robin: I love soft cinnamon rolls. No further explanation needed. 4) Kylar: scratches an itch. been playing with them more recently. 5) Eden: I like them a bit. I haven't met them on any of my recent playthroughs, I don't like having to be chained down to meet them every week...probably going to force Sae to unlock them. 6) Whitney: least favorite of the school LI. I mean they are okay. I like their soft moments but I get irritated by them trying to force me into stuff. "b-b-but they want to run away and would be a good parent." before being a good parent can he like...chill tf down? stop trying to force me to parade in the halls naked and ill rank you higher. love their loft event though its super cute. 7) Alex: too lazy to go out of town and work on the farms. I like their character but im not really into the like "cowboy" or "farmer" type. also not unlocked in any of my recent, hate dealing with remys goons. 8) Black Wolf: wolves are annoying. also too rapey to get into, still like messing around with its content. 9) Avery: erghhh they give me bad vibes. idk im not really into the whole "sugar baby" thing. only use them with Miko because shes broke.
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jungle-angel · 1 year
From A Father To His Son (Rhett Abbott x Reader)
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Summary: Despite everything he had been through, Rhett comes to a realization that his family would do anything for you, him and Amy
Warnings: Perry slander, shouting, cursing, mentions of abuse, custody battle, Perry being a total shithead etc. etc. 
Tagging: @sebsxphia @nobody7102​
It was a gloomy, rainy evening, one of those evenings where not a single person would have ever thought it best to go anywhere or do anything. Rain pelted the windows while thunder had begun to roll over Wabang, the chill in the air giving you and Rhett a glimpse of the chilly autumn that would soon be coming. 
Rhett sat at the kitchen table with a mug full of steaming hot cinnamon and vanilla coffee, made just a little lighter by the splash of milk that had come from the gallon jug in the fridge. It had been a long day and an even tougher one. Amy was only a week and a half old, the tiny little baby needing round-the-clock care, but the thought of Perry trying to get at her was always on his mind. Always it lingered like a bad smell, annoying and irritating, gnawing at his bones and his mind ceaselessly. 
The day that you had brought Amy home had been three days after Rebecca had left, not wanting a single thing to do with the family or her daughter. You and Rhett had both felt horrible and yet, you were both at ease knowing that Amy would be better off with the both of you. 
But he also thought back to the days when he and Perry had been children. Rhett had often been left to his own devices while Perry remained under the watchful eyes of his mother and father. Rhett had always wondered why, why they hadn’t paid as much attention to him as they had done for Perry. It was enough to drive him crazy.....utterly, fucking crazy. 
The kitchen door creaked open and in walked Royal who hung his hat on the rack near the microwave. “Hey son,” he said. 
Rhett didn’t respond, bringing the coffee mug to his lips and taking in that warming liquid. “Come back to gimme shit?” Rhett asked him. 
Royal sighed and shook his head. “Listen, Rhett.....” 
“Whaddaya want Dad?” Rhett questioned. “Huh? Still protecting Perry like he’s the prodigal son?” 
Royal snorted a little. “Wouldn’t protect that shithead after what he did.” 
Rhett scrunched his eyebrows together. “Whaddaya mean?” 
Royal seated himself across from Rhett. “Every day I look at that baby upstairs and I think back to you, Rhett,” Royal explained. “The day you entered this world, I held you and made a vow to protect you no matter the cost. When you and (y/n) brought Amy home last weekend, I thought of you.” 
Rhett had never expected to hear that from his father. Growing up, Royal hadn’t been the most affectionate with him.....no, that had fallen on Royal’s father, River Abbott, a salty Vietnam Veteran who had practically taken care of Rhett when Royal and Cecelia couldn’t. To hear it from Royal himself was a complete shock. 
Royal pulled an envelope out of the inside pocket of his coat and slid it over to Rhett, the corner reading the address of the Amelia County Courthouse. “What’s this?” 
“Paperwork for the lawyers,” Royal explained. “Perry signs that and he relinquishes all parental rights to Amy, you and (y/n) get full, legal and binding custody of her until she’s eighteen.” 
Rhett went wide-eyed. “Dad how did you.....?” 
“I’ve known the judge since we were kids,” Royal answered. “Your godfather promised to have Beth intervene if necessary too.” 
Rhett was in shock, complete shock at what Royal had done for him. “Dad you didn’t have to....” 
Royal held up a hand, a sign for Rhett to silence himself. “There’s somethin else too.....I owe you this more than anything.” 
He slid another envelope towards Rhett which was promptly opened. Rhett’s eyes grew even wider than before. “Dad?” 
“It’s the last twenty five thousand you and (y/n) need for the house in Montana,” he explained. “John and I had a good enough auction year that we could pool it together.” 
Rhett ran his hand over his mouth, his eyes beginning to mist over from the tears that were forming. “Dad I.....I dunno what to say,” he croaked.
“Ya’ll don’t have to say anything,” Royal insisted. “You three have been through enough.”
Rhett stood up and soon he and his father both had their arms around each other. “Thank you, Dad.” 
The sound of the porch stairs creaking, suddenly startled them both, but thankfully it was only Cecelia coming in from the barn. “Listen to me,” Royal warned him. “Ya’ll make sure that as soon as dinner’s over that (y/n) goes upstairs and locks herself and the baby in the nursery. I’ve got a feelin he’ll be home later and shit’s gonna hit the fan.” 
Rhett nodded and took the two envelops off the table, heading upstairs to put them away in the little wooden mailbox above his computer desk. He passed through the hall, right by the room that served as Amy’s nursery. Through the slightly ajar door, he saw you standing near Amy’s crib, calmly rocking her in your arms, cooing to her in the soft glow of her little Disney princess lamp that rested on her dresser. Amy looked so delicate and cozy, wrapped in the little Irish knit blanket that you and Cecelia had worked on since before she had been born. 
“Uh huh.....yeah I know.....but your Daddy will take care of that big, mean monster who likes to come around here and snoop,” you told Amy as she cooed sleepily. 
Rhett entered the room, unable to control the smile on his face upon seeing you. “How are my girlies?” he chuckled. 
“Well, one girlie is still having some trouble sleeping,” you answered. “And one has been wanting you all day long.” 
Rhett laughed a little bit, pushing a loose wisp of hair out of his face, drawing you in and kissing Amy’s little head. “Listen darlin,” he said in a low voice. “I’ve gotta tell you something.” 
“What’s up?” 
“Dad told me that after dinner he needs you and Amy to stay upstairs,” Rhett explained. “Don’t come outta here, no matter what you hear, no matter what’s said...lock the door and make sure you’re with Amy.” 
You nodded, not needing to ask any questions. The last time you had witnessed something in the Abbott household involving the huge fight between Perry and Rhett, had been something you wished you hadn’t witnessed. 
The kitchen was quieter than it had ever been, the two men dreading what would ensue the minute Perry saw those papers, Royal most of all. He didn’t feel guilty, not at all, but rather a deep sense of tension that left him and Rhett ramped up, the anxiety so noticeable one could have smelled it. 
“He ain’t comin,” Rhett muttered when the digital clock on the stove turned to eight. 
“Just you wait,” Royal said, taking a sip of the coffee in his mug. “He’ll come stompin through any minute.” 
Sure enough, there was the door, creaking open, only to shut again followed by the clunking of heavy boots.....Perry. 
“The fuck is this?” Perry asked when he entered the kitchen and saw the papers on the table. 
“Somethin for you to sign,” Royal informed him. 
Perry snatched the papers off the table, his eyes glazing over them quickly. The silent tension in the room had grown worse, Perry’s jaw clenching and his eyes burning before he slammed the papers to the table. 
“Hell no!” he declared loudly.
“You’re gonna sign those fuckin papers whether you like it or not,” Royal snarled. 
“That’s my daughter......MY daughter!” 
“She’s my daughter too,” Rhett said icily. 
“Fuck you!” Perry shouted. “She ain’t your flesh and blood! Your fuckin wife didn’t birth her!” 
Rhett and Perry lunged right for each other but Royal was quick enough to grab Perry by the shirtcollar and slammed him right onto the kitchen table, the coffee mugs spilling their contents and clattering to the floor. 
“Now you listen to me you shit-for-brains goat turd,” Royal sneered. “You go anywhere and I mean ANYWHERE, near that baby and I’ll fuckin bury you. You so much as TOUCH my grandbaby and I’ll have ya’ll shipped off to the backwoods in another country and see how ya’ll deal with it then.” 
“I’m your fuckin son, Dad,” Perry blurted out. 
“Not anymore,” Royal spat. “I gave ya every chance I could Perry. Enough’s enough. Ya’ll got two weeks to pack your shit and get the fuck outta my house. If ya aren’t out by then, I’m callin Joy to evict your sorry ass.” 
“M’sorry Dad,” Perry blurted out again. “M’sorry.” 
“Don’t you fucking say you’re sorry to us!” Rhett shouted. “You don’t know what either of us has given up to protect your sorry ass or to protect Amy from you! YOU’RE THE REASON AMY DOESN’T HAVE A FUCKING MOM!!!” 
Oh did that one shut Perry right up. He couldn’t even form words, much less a coherent sentence. 
“Go get the phone,” Royal told Rhett. “I want Rip, Kayce and Wes all in here as witnesses to make sure those papers get signed.” 
“Oh it would be my utmost pleasure Dad,” Rhett agreed, still coming down from the highs of his anger. 
Up in the nursery, you sat in the creaky old rocker that had been in the family for generations, gently rocking the tiny baby in your arms as she remained attached to your nipple. It wasn’t easy being on the medicine that stimulated the flow of milk, but Cecelia’s old home remedies had been an immense help as well. Besides, you and Rhett hadn’t been comfortable at all with the idea of Amy being completely bottle fed all the time. 
You tried not to think about the awful shouting and clattering downstairs in the kitchen, right below your feet, hoping it wouldn’t wake Amy. A wakeful little coo escaped Amy’s throat as she suckled away, filling her little belly full of milk to put her to sleep. 
“Slow down princess,” you chuckled, feeling her tug just slightly. “You must be hungrier than I thought.” 
You cringed a little bit when you heard a loud curse coming up through the floorboards, letting out the deep breath you held in. Thank God the door was locked. If anybody had broken in, you wouldn’t have been able to hide properly. 
You quietly sang to Amy, hoping that it would put you both at ease. You had always loved playing “Edelweiss” on the guitar or the little hand harp you had gotten as a wedding gift, the words so happy and full of love, reminding you of your first spring with Rhett and the story he told of his Oma Heidi and her journey to America. 
No sooner had you finished than a soft knock at the door signaled Rhett’s arrival. You carefully stood up and unlocked the door to let him in, a look of victory on his face. 
“Did you do it?” you asked. 
“Papers are signed,” Rhett answered, grinning when your face lit up. 
“She’s ours?!” you suddenly blurted out. “She’s really ours?” 
“She is sweetheart,” Rhett told you, kneeling beside the rocker and kissing the top of Amy’s head. “She’s all ours.” 
You were so full of joy that your eyes began to well up, even as Rhett pressed a sweet kiss to your lips. It would still be a bit of a long road, but at long last, Amy was rightfully yours.....and always would be. 
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A Cut Above The Rest
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Mechanic!Eddie x Fem!Hairdresser!Reader
The Daily Grind (Part 4)
Summary:After a heavy night of drinking, Robin assures you that she knows the perfect cure for a hangover. Things also start looking up for you as a new client comes your way. (sorry I suck at summaries!)
Word Count:1,216 (sorry it's a short one this time.)
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Masterlist Series Masterlist
You wake up on Saturday morning with your head a little worse for wear as you stumble into the living room where Robin is already dropping two Alka-Seltzers into a tall glass of water and sliding it towards you.
"Remind me again why I let you talk me into doing shots?" You cringe, sipping on the fizzy water.
"I told you that you needed to let loose." She smiled, finishing off her own glass of water. "Come on! Drink up and get dressed. I know the actual cure for a hangover, and it's a piping hot coffee and pastry from Steamy Beans.
You down the last of your water, and make your way to your room to get changed, whilst  Robin patiently waits for you in the living room.
You make your way out of your room, deciding on a pair of jeans and a warm sweater to avoid the chill of the late September air.
Grabbing your purse you both begin making your way out of the apartment towards the café. 
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Sure enough there it is, the café’s logo painted on the front window, and a red neon welcome sign hangs above the door.
Walking in you’re immediately hit with the inviting aromatic scent of freshly ground coffee beans and sweet sugary pastries.
“Morning Stevie!” Robin shouts brightly to the man behind the counter, causing the few people who were already here, assumedly trying to enjoy their morning coffee in peace, to turn their heads her way.  
“Good morning to you too, Robin.” the man sighs with a smile. 
Steve, or Stevie, which you’re assuming is Robin’s affectionate pet name for him as your eyes catch his name printed on the little pin-badge that’s pinned to his light brown apron, smiles your way as he introduces himself. He runs a large hand through his mousey brown hair, brushing back the strands that seem to flop in front of his face with a quiet huff.
You introduce yourself to him, smiling as you give him a 'good morning' of your own.
“We used to work together back in the day.” Robin smiles with a playful nudge of her elbow in your arm.
“Yeah, nothing bonds two people more than scooping ice-cream all summer.” Steve laughs sarcastically. “So what’ll it be for you ladies this morning?”
“I’ll take my usual cappuccino and a cinnamon roll when you're ready, Steve." Robin says handing him the money.
Your eyes pour over the sweet treats on display for a moment before you make your decision.
"And I think I'll have a latte and a blueberry muffin please!" You smile handing him over  your money too.
"Okay! Coming right up! Take a seat and I'll bring it right over to you in a moment."
You and Robin take a seat by the window, watching as the daily comings and goings of Hawkins push through their morning.
"Have you had any luck with the job advertisement?" Robin asks.
"No, not yet." You slouch in your seat. It seemed as though no one in Hawkins needed their hair cut, or styled for that matter. "..But I'm trying to remain hopeful." 
"There you go, one cappuccino and a cinnamon roll for you.." Steve says, unloading his tray and placing Robin's order down on the table in front of her. '..and one latte and blueberry muffin for you." he says, placing your order down in front of you. “Enjoy!” He flashes you a friendly smile before he turns around to get back to work.
Robin quickly snaps her neck around before Steve can leave. Her eyes widen and her eyebrows raise up, you were already well aware of the look that was currently gracing your best friend’s face. She’d had an idea.
“Hey! Dingus! Come back here for a minute!” Robin shouts out to Steve.
“What’s up, Rob?” Steve nods for Robin to continue.
“Weren’t you telling me how you were in a desperate need of a haircut?” 
“Yeah..” he drags out, not following where she was going with her line of questioning.
“Well, look no further, Stevie!” Robin exclaimed, as she gestured towards you. “What? You said you were taking on new clients? What better head of hair to get back to work with than this glorious mane right here!”
"Wait, you do haircuts? Like professionally?"
“Yup!” you say, popping the p as you nod. "Have done for a few years but I moved back here and all my clients are back in Chicago, so I'm looking to build up a new client base."
“Please I’m actually desperate at this point.” he pleads.
“Well I can come by your place on Monday if you like?” you offer.
“Thank you so much! You’re an absolute life-saver! The woman at the salon who I usually trust to do my hair moved away a few months back, and I tried going to the barbers on 7th Street but then I backed out when they came at me with the clippers. Never again.” he explained as he recounted his memory with a shudder, seemingly it had been quite the traumatic experience for him.
“Steve’s very protective over his hair. I mean so much so that it became part of his nickname.” Robin explains with a laugh at her friend’s expense. “Steve ‘the hair’ Harrington.” Robin snorts with laughter with her fingers sarcastically doing air-quotes.
“IT’S MY BEST FEATURE, ROBIN.” Steve defends vehemently.
“Well I promise you’re in safe hands with me, Steve. No clippers will be coming your way I can assure you."
"Thanks again! I should be going, I've got customers to serve!" and with that Steve dashes off back to work.
"Well there's your first client to get the ball rolling!" Robin said, mumbling as she took a bite of her cinnamon roll. “Now what’s happening with you and Eddie tomorrow, huh? Isn’t he supposed to be taking you on some big fancy date?”
“It’s just two people hanging out, casually, having some fun together. Nothing serious.” you explained. You downplayed it, but you were actually really excited. Getting to hang-out with Eddie like this was something that you were looking forward to, and you could only hope that he was as excited about it as you were.
“Sounds a lot like a date if you ask me” Robin scoffs as she rolls her eyes, sipping her coffee. “Remind me where he’s taking you?”
“He texted me again last night saying he was going to pick me up from your place tomorrow at five. Said he’s taking me to a fall festival.” you say, picking a few bites from your muffin
“That’s cute! What are you going to wear?” 
“I hadn’t thought about that, probably something really casual. It’s not like we’re going to a fancy restaurant or anything” You truly hadn’t given much thought to what you were going to wear. What was the appropriate thing to even wear to a fall festival you muse as you drink the final few sips of your coffee.
Robin finishes up her drink and gathers her things before she starts to leave.
“Wait! Where are you off too?” you ask, twisting around in your seat to look at your friend.
“We are going shopping to find you an outfit, because you, my dear friend, have a date tomorrow.”
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@sunflowerdaydreamer @xxhellfiregirlxx @penguinsandpotterheads @munsonology @seatnights @avalon-wolf @jesssssmaybankk @ali-r3n
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serxinns · 5 months
Sweet treats! Chap 3!
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"Ochaco!? Izuku!?" Your mouth was hanging wide open while looking at the 2 Izuku was now taller than you and very muscular and Ochako's hair had now grown a bit and was the same height as you " It's such a pleasure to see you and what are the odds in a cafe!" She squealed as she hugged you across the register "Heh yeah It seems like I liked baking more than fighting heroes it seemed calmer and safer" "That's completely understandable! Her work can be extremely dangerous and very crazy at times but at least you saving Heros with your treats!"
Ochako chuckled and at her boyfriend's dorky comment while Izuku looked so proud and embarrassed about it "So what have you two been up to? Seen you two on TV a couple of times beating villains I even saw Ochako holding Deku princess-style ~" Ochako and izuku faces were both red in the face at both your teasing smile and at each other "s-shut up! It's not like thatatallhewasjustinjuredtothepointhecantwalkandI-"
"Mochi please-.." she was waving her arms in different directions while Izuku watched trying to calm her down "Heh anyways what would you like to have!" They looked around "Can I have the sugar-frosted cookies strawberry and birthday cake flavor please!" "And I'll have 2 of the jumbo cinnamon rolls!" You happily wrote it down and strolled away in the back with our shoes on wheels the couple was watching your every move almost like they were mesmerized by the way you hummed happily to yourself talking to a pink-haired boy!? Was he ur boyfriend? Were you dating? They had so many questions
"OK! They'll be ready in a few minutes if that's ok?" They quickly were snapped back into their thoughts and gave you a quick smile "That's amazing also who's that boy you were talking to?" Ochako's tone turned a bit serious izuku gave her a nervous glance before he could say anything "Oh, maharu? He's a friend of mine! My grandmother offered him to work there to earn some money!"
Ochako softened her gaze a bit and smiled "Oh well I bet he's doing an amazing job!" Izuku signed in relief but still showed a look of concern, as you and Ochako were happily chatting with each other izuku was busy in his thoughts, as much as he and Ochako missed you he didn't make you uncomfortable and blew their cover they had to do this in a slow past or it'll-
a ding snapped out of his thoughts and Ochako gently shook his shoulder "Izu we got our pastries! Aren't they pretty?" She smiled at the beautifully decorated sweets in a cute box-like container "Oh! Uh yeah, they're pretty! And I bet they're very tasty as well!" He smiled while looking at the treats he wasn't lying they looked absolutely amazing he didn't even wanna eat it!
Ochako and Izuku looked at each other ochako did a pleading eye and izuku playfully rolled his eyes and nodded "so Y/n I was wondering if you have free tim-"
"OMG IT DEKU AND URAVAITY" A bunch of people who seemed to be fans were cheering, taking pictures, and squealing holding out papers and items to sign you were surprised about the sudden appearance
"Fuck.." mochiko hissed under her breath while Izuku was busy trying to calm the situation down by quickly signing autographs "Aw well we'll see you later y/n it was such nice meeting you again" Byee!- HOLD ON WAIT!" You dashed to get a piece of paper and wrote a few numbers down "It's my phone number just in case you wanna come to chat with me! Ochako's eyes beamed and a big smile was plastered on her face "Thanks y/n I will! And see you later- hey now one at a time! Ochako smiled while trying to get the fans to calm down and stop overwhelming her boyfriend
You giggled and lazily waved at your former classmates while they were surrounded by fans
Later that night as you and your friends were walking down the street towards your homes maharu and Ziki were arguing about which ice cream, the flavor was better and Kitkari was ranting to you about her ex-boyfriend suddenly you felt a chill up your spine somebody was watching you kitkari notice this and gently put a hand on your shoulder "Hey you ok?" Maharu and Ziki stopped and looked behind the two of you "Yeah I just felt like someone was watching me but it's fine " you jokingly said trying not to sound scared your friends looked concerned
"Want us to spend the night with you?" "Us!? I ain't about to get slashed by Jason Voorhees" "DUMBASS HE ONLY KILLS PEOPLE IN CRYSTAL COVE" Kitkari rolled his eyes while seeing two of his friends fight "It's ok y/n we won't let anyone happen to your promise!" You felt calmer and made a small smile "ok then let's go to my place I'm sure Xin won't mind do you, boy?" Xin mewed and was resting on your shoulders the 4 of you walked away smiling laughing and goofing ur friends may be crackheads but they're the sweetest crackheads you could've asked for
?????: I hid in the bushed quietly while watching my gum drop and her little friends walked off into your house "sneaking into the bushes again #&%&=#*$? I looked behind to see my boyfriend #$%<^[< "$%^* will get very worried for you, you know she doesn't like you stalking y/n without her especially late at night" I groaned I know but I wanna see if they're safe and sound $%^& wouldn't mind &$^<^[< rolled his eyes
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gamerbearmira · 6 months
More resident evil 8 Au! I don't think I will ever run out of things to talk about for this AU!
First I'm glad you like my idea for julieta's mutation and I 100% agree that Miranda was trying to get rid of Alma's voice but she didn't directly go for her voice box she was just kind of hoping that it would be a side effect of the experiment so it didn't happen.
The Dimitrescu family does need to chill. They try their best but given their mutation and what I feel like is an ingrained primal/animalistic instincts they have a very hard time reeling in their emotions and with self-control in general. They've gotten a lot better over the years but it is something they still struggle with.
I just realized that we haven't got the families opinion on the other Lords or their first interaction with them besides the Dimitrescu family. As you know with Alcina and her family things were very tense and it took them a little while to be able to get along with each other but they managed The family doesn't have very high opinion of them because of their diet and their overall attitude but they are grateful for the fact that they took Mirabel in and took care of her when she was young. None of them like Monroe mostly because of the smell and the disgust that they feel being near him but also because of the fact that he is constantly trying to trick them into doing things to help him look better in the eyes of Miranda. All of them were creeped out by Donna at first, most of them still are, but Donna and Isabela built an odd little friendship over their special interest in gardening/plants. None of them like karl because of his abrasiveness and the attitude that he takes with Mirabel Plus the fact that his solution to the Miranda problem is to experiment on people and create these horrible monsters although camilo does like/appreciates the chaos that karl brings to certain things.
I feel like when Ethan is in Mirabel's creepy Casita he could go to different sections of the house and find different things. Like when his in the kitchen which is Julieta's area he could find healing items that would randomly regenerate more and could probably buy cheaper food items from Julieta, for weapons and ammo I'm torn about who he could get that from I feel like Luisa would be a good person to get that from because of how much she wants to protect her family. But I also feel like Pepa and Felix would be a better choice because in this Au they go crazy protective over the family plus I just get that type of vibe from them better than I do Luisa because at the end of the day Luisa is a cinnamon-roll sweetheart and I can't really imagine her hurting anyone or dealing with weapons.
Yes Ethan lives! I don't trust the B.S.A.A especially after seeing how they treat Rose. She literally didn't have a childhood in their care, and they were going to shoot her because she had a very reasonable reaction to what that one guard dude said, plus the fact the guy even felt comfortable to say something like that to her when she's visiting her father's grave is just gross. In my version The Madrigal family goes back to their encanto with Ethan and Rose, it's the place they all love and they all miss it very much, There are a couple villagers that are still alive and remember the family but not that many. Casita is still standing. Nobody lives inside because Casita refuses to allow anybody to live in her pushing away anyone who tries to get inside. When they get to Casita they were all basically pushed inside Casita was so happy to see them again! Casita had added a room for Mirabel while they were gone, the family doesn't know why or when. They make Ethan a house near Casita so he can have his own privacy and raise Rose the way he wants to. They of course help him whenever he needs it and spend a lot of time with him and Rose!
But I've been thinking. By the time Ethan happens Mirabel would be fully grown and would have been fully grown for a while before Ethan/Rose happens (all the Lords/experiments seem to stop aging after they reach adulthood) and with how much Miranda likes to experiment do you think it's possible that in between that time Miranda would try and experiment on Mirabel to create a vessel for Eva? In this Au Mirabel is considered the favorite and Miranda does have an unhealthy obsession with her so I wouldn't put it past her to try it but I don't know I would really like your opinion on that.
Any art you would like to make is always appreciated!
PLEASE DON'T STOP TALKING ABOUT IT BECAUSE I LOVE IT❗❗ Honestly, Resident Evil by far like my favorite Video Game Media, and in the top five of my favorite media of all time 😭😭 like if you want my attention just mention resident evil
ANYWAYYYYY yeah, I think it's cool for Julieta <333 makes me also think that since her hands leak mold and infect the food, if someone did eat it to heal, it would more effectively heal people who had some form of black mold or any mutation like that; an idea, maybe Ethan, if he goes to her kitchen for healing items, he can take food (if she offers it to him), and he can use it to help regenerate or repair stuff; it can’t regenerate whole limbs though, not unless he has them, hence why Ethan is still missing fingers <\3333 And anyone without mold or mutations have to eat more in order to heal properly. Or maybe ut doesn't heal at all. Idk 🌚
The opinions are so real 😭😭 like I can see why they don’t like Karl (and even Camilo probably only barely tolerates him), and Moreau, for obvious reasons is disliked. Like I know bro is a victim, all of them are, but he SO manipulative it’s not even funny, and he’s just trying to make himself look better in the end. Alcina and the daughters…yeah. By far, if they had to choose one for Mirabel to be around, they prefer Donna, like yeah, she’s creepy, and yeah her weird dolls are creepy, but she’s otherwise pretty chill, and Angie is really just a vessel for her to speak through. I like how Donna and Isa bond over gardening, that’s cool <333
ALSO ETHAN IN CASITA 💪💪💪 he finds the house and family creepy at first, but honestly, with how much he’s been through, he gets over it when he realizes that they only want to help him. Him raiding Julieta's kitchen is so funny, and like she doesn’t care 💀 also I think Pepa and Félix fit for weapons; maybe Luisa can still have a role, since she’s still strong, she can and will defend herself, especially against Lycans. If she’s not at Casita, she will roam the villages and knows her way around, so maybe Ethan can go to Luisa when he needs to know where to go next or where to find certain items (not the flasks though)??
AND THE B.S.A.A…I haven’t watched gameplay of the Rose DLC yet (I need to lmao), so I was going off the B.S.A.A in previous games like 3/5/6. I’m glad they went back to the encanto, and I’m glad Casita is still standing and was so excited that the family came back 🦈🦈 The Madriagls pretty regularly check on the Winters. No Mia. We don’t talk about Mia 👹👹
As for Miranda trying that, yeah, I think so too. Even with her, and the family getting older, Miranda still treats her like a child, like her child. Arguably, her obsession gets worse, and it affects her both Mirabel and even her family to some extent. Mirabel wants to be herself and live as herself, but Miranda essentially ends up viewing her as nothing but a vessel for her daughter, and treats her as such. She either treats her as she would Eva, or she would treat her like the experiment Miranda will ultimately try and turn her into. Mirabel fully believes she won’t fail this time. She refuses to listen to Mirabel, much less her family.
Mirabel might even be a little happy Miranda doesn't really like her family, becayse at least that way, her family is safe from Miranda's obsession with getting her daughter back. Miranda tolerates them but you know. She's not above brutality and LITERAL ASSAULT AND MURDER 🌚)
ALSO ART❗❗ so fun to draw. Honestly, I'll draw a lot for this au 🤭🤭 LIKE...its insane. I had this idea, but it doesn't work with the timeline of RE8 and Encanto 😭 Anyway, I want to do a snippet, so if you have any ideas or more lore 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️
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