ghostgost-blog · 9 years
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“We started with Daddy, Munchie, and Stimpy. But one night I woke up and heard “bloop, bloop, bloop” and Munchie and Stimpy had died at the same time. So Daddy has been through a lot. He lost his whole family. But Daddy is strong. He’s been holding on since October and he’s lived through two long car rides. He also survived four days without eating because I bought him food that was too big for his mouth. So Daddy’s a survivor. But I’m going to get him a friend. I want him to love again.“
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ghostgost-blog · 9 years
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Great Bookham Equestrian Centre
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ghostgost-blog · 9 years
Any sso groups for older players?
I'm looking for an active club in SSO for people around my age (I'm 22). I'm in the north american night star server, but I don't mind moving.
I'm not terribly active in the sso tags, but I play the game a lot and it'd be fun to have some peeps in game. :)
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ghostgost-blog · 9 years
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this 😍
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ghostgost-blog · 9 years
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ghostgost-blog · 9 years
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Paparazzi surrounding Socks, Bill Clinton’s cat, 1992.
via reddit
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ghostgost-blog · 9 years
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“Your horse didn’t wake up in the morning and consciously decide to do something that day because he knows it will piss you off. He’s not a bad seed, or inherently an evil animal sent to torture you and make your life hell. If your trainer tells you that he’s a bad horse, you need to get a new trainer.
Here are some options for why a horse is misbehaving, and this is by no means all inclusive. He is in pain. He is worried. He is scared. He doesn’t understand what you’re asking. You haven’t explained it well. He doesn’t believe that it’s possible. He doesn’t know that he can do that with his body.
He’s having a bad day. His lifestyle doesn’t suit him. He’s tired. He feels under appreciated. Your aids are too harsh. Your aids are ineffective. Your balance is upsetting him. He had a bad experience with this in the past. He learned this behavior from someone else. He’s nervous. He has no self confidence. You’re nervous. You’re tight. Every time he tries, you accidentally punish him. He doesn’t have the strength. A plastic bag/leaf/dog/car/gust of wind just blew by and he didn’t notice it until it was right there and super scary. He feels good! He feels fresh. It’s a little cold outside. He’s been in the stall for fourteen hours straight. He is having fun.”
Kate Samuels, ‘Bad’ Behavior Is Not A Character Flaw
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ghostgost-blog · 9 years
So I want to get into Epona but I never received the summer house quest. I didn’t see that there were any quests you had to do beforehand so I’m a bit confused?
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ghostgost-blog · 9 years
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20+ Of The Fluffiest Cats In The World
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ghostgost-blog · 9 years
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Pretty accurate you fucking pussies.
P.S I god damn dare one of you to challenge this.
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ghostgost-blog · 9 years
me at every social situation: I don't know what to do
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ghostgost-blog · 9 years
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ghostgost-blog · 9 years
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Baby’s First Baphomet by Artetak
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ghostgost-blog · 9 years
Me at Job Interviews 👔by Thomas Sanders
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ghostgost-blog · 9 years
reblog if you’d rather have a golden retriever be president than donald trump
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ghostgost-blog · 9 years
Why vegans should use honey instead of agave nectar
Okay, so I might get a lot of hate for this, I might not. I don’t particularly care either way, as long as word gets out about this, because it’s extremely important to me.
As I’m sure most people know by now, bees are disappearing at alarming rates. Simply put, our entire species could not survive without them. This is due to a syndrome called Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD).
Many vegans opt to use agave nectar instead of honey, because agave nectar is plant based. But harvesting of agave nectar is threatening the existence of two other endangered species: Mexican long-nosed bats (who live strictly off of nectars - primarily agave nectar) and the Jaguarundi (a solitary feline who basically looks like a love child between a jungle cat and a ferret.) Approximately 113,126 acres of these animals’ habitat were destroyed from 1991 to 2000, and more has been destroyed since.
On the other hand, beekeepers are essential to increasing bee populations. They monitor the bees’ health and help protect them from dangerous parasites and pesticides that are suspected to cause CCD. In addition, well-kept bees never need to use the amount of honey they produce; Honey is made by the bees to consume only when there is not enough food for them outside the hive. In the care of a good beekeeper, this will only happen during the winter months, and the keeper will leave enough honey for the bees to thrive until it’s spring again.
It’s best to buy local, organic honey if at all possible. Local beekeepers will not use dangerous factory-farming methods, and it helps maintain your local bee population! If you want to help bees in a more active way than buying local honey, you can plant a bee garden or even become a small-scale beekeeper! (I don’t have a link for this, it’s best to check out local resources. Maybe even ask the person selling honey at your farmer’s market!)
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ghostgost-blog · 9 years
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