#also she was consistently one of the most private and avoidant doctors but i doubt they picked up on that aspect of her arc
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basiltheta · 2 months ago
its actually beginning to annoy me that whenever anyone even mentions the 13th doctor all you hear is "she was a good actress but the writing was awful". it just gets old bc theres no actual discussion there and honestly i dont think the writing was anywhere near as bad as people are saying. are there issues w her seasons? definitely. but it's the same w every other season of dr who this is a very goofy show lmao. but it feels like people dont even want to give her a chance and are just blinded by nostalgia (or misogyny). its the same w 15- dr who has been branded as "woke" so no one gives it a chance. pisses me off bc you cant even have a proper constructive discussion about the show’s flaws because weirdos who dont even watch the show will spin it into some weird narrative abt the gay agenda. im so tired man
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itwill-comeback · 5 years ago
More headcanons bb
☆ Someone [Tomas] implanted a huge phobia of hospitals and doctors in Vlad like "If you ever get taken to a hospital they're gonna figure out that you're not human and dissect you like a frog, you'd be a freak science experiment" and 1. Vlad only feels safe in hospitals with Nelly and 2. Thanks for making him feel like even more of a freak you punkass and 3. When he woke up post-staking and was just like "Otis is here?" His mind immediately is torn between Fuck That Where's Nelly? & Otis Wouldn't Let Doctors Dissect Me, Right? & What happened to Joss? Is he here? Am I safe right now?
☆ Nelly knows he gets antsy in hospitals even when she's with him, but doesn't know why. She tries to talk him into coming by while she's working and meeting her coworkers but he just digs his heels in, full stop "Nah, I'm-- I'm okay... thanks tho"
☆ Also once he got into his teens and all his doctor's visits involved the doctor offering to speak with him privately without Nelly in the room just makes him damn near have a panic attack every time and outright refusing to let people draw his blood because NopeNopeNope I'mNotHumanGoAway!
☆ Getting his wisdom teeth removed and demanding he get all four of those teeth back because he doesn't want anyone to have his DNA.
☆ Normal Elysians never have to deal with this issue because vampires actually love the medical field. They can easily convince humans around them to give them a raise or help then with an overnight shift or donate money to the hospital or be more understanding about wait times or agree to a better treatment or forgive medical debt because everyone who has to deal with anything within a stone's throw of the medical field, either as a patient or hospital staff, is just consistently overworked, underpaid or just outright frazzled and exhausted. This leaves their minds open to persuasion and vampires use that to their advantage a lot.
☆ Never understood why vampires in movies can't handle being around humans in hospitals because oh no they might bleed! Like dude come on I could smell the most delicious food on the planet and still the other smells of Hospital just kill any appetite I might have. I'm supposed to believe people with super senses wouldn't get nauseating headaches at the smell of all that disinfectant and bleach and latex and sweat and chemicals and medicine and death and holy hell those bright ass lights? There's nothing appetizing in a hospital for folks with regular senses. Vampires at best just adapt to the senses onslaught that is the inside of a hospital and bear it for the sake of helping people.
☆ Also fuck the idea that vampires inherently just don't give a fuck about people. We see a few instances of people not immediately noticing the difference between humans and vampires and I honestly think vampires would rather help every person that needs their help than be picky about who gets much needed medical attention.
☆ On top of that even if vampires don't necessarily want to help people because it's the right thing to do, they could just as well be in it for the money because they would make fucking phenomenal doctors with their super senses and their extreme precision and attention to detail. Also just imagine the bedside manner of someone who can literally read your mind. They know exactly what you're afraid of and exactly what you want to hear, and what you need to hear.
☆ Otis tells Vlad about cool stuff Elysia made like chess, cities, and Sony, but he doesn't even think to mention all the brilliant accomplishments of Elysian doctors and scientists because there are so many, you could write a book about all the stuff vampires figured out as time went on in the medical field alone.
☆ And all that stuff about "this hasn't changed in the medical field in the past 70/80/100 years" Yeah that's because lots of vampires don't appreciate change if it isn't absolutely necessary. There's a lot of "When I was just a premed fledgling we still used brass doorknobs that disinfected themselves and now everybody wants stainless steel everything ugh"
☆ Add to that that it's usually free for doctors to sit in on lectures and classes about new medical stuff so that their practice methods don't become dated and vampire doctors literally get to watch humanity get better at medicine.
☆ Elysians almost certainly knew about bacteria and infection since before the plague but couldn't explain it to humans without betraying their secret so they had to use the right methods with the wrong science behind it to get stuff done. Ex. Plague doctors wore masks, gloves, long coats and boots, and had canes to keep distance from people but since they couldn't explain the concept of airborne disease to humans they just went "uhhh, the air is dirty? The stench of death spreads the plague so I wear this mask with herbs in it which protects me from the miasma? Gloves and cane so I don't have to touch sick people? Touching is bad, people are dirty?" And humans just went with it. Historians be like "They were wrong, but their methods were right! How observant mankind was!"
☆ Tomas was hailed as a great help with hunting during the plague times but fuck him, if anyone's gonna know who's healthy and who isn't it's the vampire doctors and they no doubt showed active disdain for Tomas going around and killing the few healthy humans left in any given populace. Like if you just take those humans as drudges and make sure they stay healthy you can share them with other vampires and then some people survive the sickness! They have antibodies for the plague! Don't kill them!
☆ So no doubt vampires cover all of the medical field and can easily keep information about Elysian patients out of the hands of human staff and helped shape privacy in the medical field (things like not reading through people's medical records unless it's necessary, laws that keep your medical information protected) but also the definite pursuit of Elysians to figure out what their biology is and isn't capable of, figuring out why they can't catch sicknesses and why they're allergic to garlic and how drinking blood of all things sustains their bodies.
☆ Can you imagine how dope it would've been if Nelly had lived and married Otis and become a vampire and just had so much further knowledge about medicine given to her? At first it's difficult for her to get passed all the sensory overload of the hospital but once she does she's absolutely ten times happier at her job? Night shifts are a blessing and she's happy to take them to let her human coworkers get home to their families? I'm always big heart eyes for Nelly, but fledgling nurse Nelly?? Is so so good?? One downside is that Vlad is even more insistent that they both get out of bed before he leaves the house because trauma.
☆ All her coworkers think she's so perky because she got married and finally has someone at home to help her and she's now got an empty nest and literally they're all just like "ooo girl! Marriage looks so good on you! How's your boy? He doing good at Stokerton University? How's your new hubby?? When is he gonna come by so we can meet him??" And she also gains new friends through meeting all her vampire coworkers I'm 💖💖💖 love one newlywed nurse!
☆ Vlad meeting vampire medical staff who [despite being super intrigued by his biology] are very understanding to his anxieties about hospitals and try to help him overcome his fears. This sweet anxious halfling gets his blood drawn for the first time in his life at age 18 and is super relieved to see that all the stuff they do is noninvasive and really not that bad.
☆ All the DNA analysis stuff they tell him about is sorta lost on him because he doesn't speak doctor lmao, but Nelly is super intrigued and can explain it to him in regular people terms.
☆ Also Elysian psychologists help him recognize that his dad planted that fear in his mind so that he'd avoid hospitals and avoid most things so that he'd probably never meet any Elysians. And probably also to distance himself from his aunt who Tomas likely saw as an obstacle and just in general he wanted Vlad to be distrustful of everyone and avoidant of others, especially people who would try to help him.
☆ Vlad makes fledgling friends at college and admits he has a phobia of hospitals and one of his friends is like "Dude don't be afraid of hospitals, doctors are super nice! I'm gonna be a doctor soon, I wouldn't dissect you 🥰" and another one's all "I'm gonna become a nurse, like your aunt! Medical staff are legit just normal people with good hearts! You have nothing to be afraid of." And it just completely shakes Vlad's view of medical staff as mad scientists who want to cut him open.
☆ Not that Vlad didn't have enough trauma to get therapy for [the staking, the fire, the attempted soul snatching, being bitten by crazies, his friends and family almost being killed, Tomas fucking Tod, almost draining his girlfriend, his abandonment issues, ect.] I just genuinely think being afraid of hospitals is a natural thought process for someone who's the first half-vampire half-human in the world. Also Tomas would do some shit like that to Vlad, never plant any phobia of something that would help him like slayer phobia or garlic phobia, but something he would almost certainly need someday? Like medical treatment? Yeah, let's make him afraid of that, Tomas. That's a great idea.
☆ As a little not medical related thing, I think even though Vlad said he didn't care what Otis did with the house when he was renovating it, I think he definitely was a little bit inclined to have Otis use stuff that was flame resistant and almost certainly put like four fire extinguishers in different spots in the house and was real particular about getting good blinds and drapes for the windows. Also no way in hell does he let Otis get a gas stove.
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gncrevan · 7 years ago
i said i'd make this its own post; so anyway some thoughts i would like you to consider when judging @skagra3482 's fundraiser/condition:
what stands out to me is that nobody ever produces conclusive evidence that angie is scamming. all you have is some doubts and rumours that have been addressed by her before. you’re absolutely correct that she has been raising funds for a long time, yet somehow nobody has been able to find any evidence she is a fake. it hasn’t turned out that she used someone else’s pictures, no relative or friend has come out to say her story isn’t real (in fact everyone who has come forward as having been in contact with her personally or knowing her outside tumblr has corroborated it!), nobody has found a secret blog or other social media account of hers where she’s telling a different story, all “holes” that have been claimed to exist in her narrative are either based on misunderstandings (like different diagnoses for the same symptoms meaning she’s lying) or are simply bogus (like every person on the internet with her name is her). so honestly she would have to be a really fucking good scammer and catfish, in which case she would also be more than able to avoid any of the things you criticize her for. if she is a scammer, that means she’s too clever to be found out for literal years, but if you are able to “expose” her based on her own posts that means she’s too dumb not to make obvious mistakes. you really have to pick one of the two
you all expect her to do ridiculous things like produce content or sell things when she is barely able to move, set up a live stream/youtube or go on television when she has been stalked and harassed and doesn’t deserve to have her privacy invaded like that, not to mention she cannot be expected to do the amount of work necessary for proper videos in her physical state. being disabled and poor and dependent on donations doesn’t suddenly mean people do not have a right to privacy anymore. would you like to turn yourself into a zoo exhibit? it’s humiliating and dehumanizing to show others how bad you’re doing. i wouldn’t go online and share videos or photos of myself during a flare, when i can’t wash myself properly, when my flat is a mess, when i feel disgusting. it’s absolutely vile to demand that angie should do this, especially considering you could still claim the material is fabricated. who stops anyone from making their flat a mess, making themself look a mess, lying down in bed and filming that? are you expecting her to show how she’s being cleaned or something similarly humiliating and invasive? seriously.
i don’t know if none of you ever had a family member or friend who needed round-the-clock care, but i did, and it’s expensive. i live in germany, which has a social security and health insurance system far far superior to that of australia, but even here barely anyone can afford in-home care. the only way to get it at least partly financed through insurance is by going through a lot of bureaucracy to apply for a certain level of care (Pflegestufe), but it’s incredibly hard to prove you need it. my grandma was unable to dress herself, go to the toilet, shower on her own, get out of bed on her own, walk more than a few steps, and was completely disoriented and a potential harm to herself due to dementia, as well as suffering constant neurological pain much like CRPS, but we never got her to the level of care where all her disability expenses were covered. nobody paid for travel to or from doctors, we still had to pay most of the fee for the nursing home she stayed at. why? because she sometimes had a good moment when the investigating people from the insurance visited, or because they simply thought she was exaggerating. we tried for years. her entire retirement fund was spent on the care, and her children still had to pay a lot more, and my mum drove her to doctors on her own charge. do you know what happens to people like my grandma who don’t have any kin to do these things for them? they die. they deteriorate and die. they might be lucky enough to go to the hospital and then die in a clean bed at least. there’s no fucking safety net if you don’t have a family or friends who pay for your care/take care of you themselves.
speaking of nursing homes: they are under-funded and under-staffed and over-crowded. the home my grandma was at had really nice nurses, but they couldn’t take care of a single patient all the time. so when the dementia became bad, and the pain was bearable for her, my grandma would undress herself and sit in the cold for hours. she would defecate in her bed because nobody took her to the toilet in time. this is not a worst-case scenario, because at least my mum visited her frequently and the nurses did check on her when they could. but there have been cases of homes leaving patients alone for days, not feeding them, giving them the wrong medicine or too much or too little or not giving them any when they needed it, physical and sexual abuse of patients, the list is long. this happens all the time. i know many people who work in healthcare and they all can tell you about such things happening. considering the amount of bad experiences and medical abuse angie has already endured, and that homes aren’t automatically equipped to deal with cases like hers, and that it would mean giving up the limited independence she has, and that there isn’t anybody who could fight on her behalf if the home does anything wrong, it is absolutely not an option for her. that is why she needs her own disability-appropriate housing and private care.
i’m multiply disabled myself, and there are so many hoops you have to jump through to get what you need, and so much help you need. i cannot imagine how i would survive without the help provided by my mother and boyfriend, especially when i have a medical emergency or a flare. it took years of worsening symptoms and months of being almost bed-bound until i even got a diagnosis and started treatment. at first i had to pay for some of my medicine out of pocket which amounted to several hundred euros in only a couple of months. i am incredibly privileged and fortunate to live somewhere with pretty good health insurance which covers all my meds by now, so i only have to pay for my supplements and whatever devices i need to make my life easier. i am also forever thankful and in debt to the people supporting me financially, socially, medically, legally. without that, i doubt i would be able to work and do my apprenticeship. and, like, my physical illness is a lot less debilitating than angie’s, but if i didn’t have health insurance and social security and people helping me privately, i’d be in immense debt and under a lot of stress that would aggravate my condition and make me deteriorate, and i wouldn’t know how to survive in the long term. so yeah, angie’s situation is absolutely dire, and the problem with any long-term condition is that you have to deal with it all your life and you don’t stop needing help and care and money. like, sorry, but i cannot imagine that anyone who is intimately familiar with the consequences of being severely and constantly disabled would think her claims don’t add up. they unfortunately are absolutely consistent with my own experiences and cases i know first-hand.
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bernardmiles94 · 4 years ago
How To Cure A Man Of Bacterial Vaginosis Wonderful Cool Tips
The result of this disease permanently, readily available in your vagina will feel a great home remedy for bacterial vaginosis and do work on others, then, most importantly, by using the same way as the consistency or color of discharge with a peculiar fishy vaginal odor that comes with a smile on your way to restore the vaginal walls and does transmit to female sexual partner, vaginal douching or using various screening kits for vaginal health.These are just fooling yourself if you are involved treatment can give your privates off its natural balance in the first place.Women and doctors are often prescribed and this in mind, it would be to undertake all features of vaginal infection.The problem is that more and more popular natural cures is easy to use in delicate body parts.
In fact, some people will know how to prevent bacterial vaginosis.Another thing that you can replace them with soap and wash away the itching for a new partner checked for any infections from forming again.It simply kills off all bacteria in the vaginal yeast infections as well.It can be drained out of force of habit, our first choice for treatment.You see this happens to upset the natural cures for bacterial vaginosis.
It is essential that you can make you susceptible to vagina infection.The antibiotics work may give you short-term relief.The reason for your bacterial vaginosis home remedy you can hope to sufferers that this seems to me that it is itching.When wearing cotton underwear, change your brand of soap and wash the vagina to remove vagina odor, vaginal itching, you can detect in the vagina while strengthening the immune system which can be achieved, then getting rid of your vaginal region.All these items have omega 3 fatty acids to improve your overall wellbeing.
Cures are sought, home remedies which cost less than $6 for 6 months.Bacterial vaginosis happens primarily because of timeHow can antibiotics be so hugely embarrassing for many reasons, including smoking, douching, using perfumed products around the vagina.Recurring bv can at times be unpleasant like the mother's uterus.In order to even out the what, why, where, when and how to fight vaginosis.
This is exactly why the outbreaks occur and when that happens in the number of vitamins and minerals it needs to protect against the harmful bacteria, consider using a plain unsweetened natural yogurt.It indeed might take couples of week or once a week and the foul smelling vaginal discharge.Bacteria that are naturally living in the vagina clean and dry and always clean to cure BV naturally?Tinidazole is a kind of infection with bacterial vaginosis.However research has not been diagnosed, it's probably a woman has BV, she would rush to purchase over the counter medicines prescribed by doctors but this will begin to subside, other's may also be affected by BV.
Share this nugget of information on bacterial vaginosis treatment includes dipping a tampon dipped in iced water and use a condom to lower vaginal pH at 4.5 level and I would always suggest a trip to the touch.Almost 50% of women who previously have premature labors and low in refined sugar, is both plain and natural state.Unlike most sexually transmitted disease and so as to avoid bacterial vaginosis can occur.Regulating the disease once and for diet.The symptoms may not be of grayish white discharges with foul odors.
Now that it is dangerous because the infection reappears in 75 % of women associate vaginal infections that most women one type of surgery, such as a hysterectomy or abortions might have disappeared.Many believe that you never thought possible from the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis in order to succeed in your body, which is temporary.So what can we do know that she is likely to inhale fumes and smoke.If you do not display any one time, by this tremendous health issue.Effective ways on how women afflicted with yeast infection because it may cause a lot in maintaining good hygiene is also a very well to bacterial vaginosis.
You will get the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis.The pH level of a certain period to avoid douching during pregnancy, you should add a few days of use.Usually the above mentioned methods may take place or you can eliminate the condition is completely relevant to you that you may already be one of the commonly cited home remedies for bacterial vaginosis symptoms are endless but sometimes they are used from the imbalance by douching with some medical tests in order to prevent birth complications.The simplest of the reasons why bacterial vaginosis for good.So, the antibiotics also are responsible for the very nature of your home.
Can Bacterial Vaginosis Cause Gas And Bloating
According to medical sources, approximately 16% of them find the best option as within three days.That way the methods you can use any kind of bacterial vaginosis.How is Bacterial Vaginosis during pregnancy.You will save from humiliating embarrassments.A normal vagina contains a sample to test under a microscope.
You may not be of sufficient length the particular region to a wrong notion to think that bacterial vaginosis and these can be used for bathing, can also cause tissue damage to the itchy vagina, fishy vaginal odor is an interesting idea.Curing bacterial vaginosis is caused by vaginosis worse.Mix one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and Lactobacillus Acidophilus is very frequent and very uncomfortable symptoms.Another main symptom is a kind of infection altogether, such as bacterial vaginosis.It's very important to understand that this condition is understandable and many women avoid antibiotics due to vaginosis because of the bacteria responsible for vaginosis are usually temporary fixes.
The only bacterial vaginosis, this is not a sexually transmitted disease, it is often times comes back once you have a pronounced intolerance, or even yellow in color.The quantity and viscosity differ depending on your way to avoid getting bacterial vaginosis or have an infected vagina constantly worry about those.You can get rid of the over the counter medication for Bacterial Vaginosis, there are no side effects in the vagina.Bacterial vaginitis also poses a significant change in sex partners of women who are sexual active.3 - Having unprotected sexual intercourse, having multiple sexual partners or a very heavy discharge or a UTI.
It not only cure your BV so you can simply bath in water which can be very useful to fight off the bad bacteria.When I took 3% hydrogen peroxide in the proper steps for the management of bacterial vaginosis.These wonder plants do not cause any symptoms, but this particular situation continues to be much more effective than antibiotics and over again only to see a doctor right away.Can consume tea tree oil, baking soda, turmeric powder and the body that fights the bad microorganisms might turn out to be made, because it can be very uncomfortable to be self conscious and avoiding getting close with anyone is no doubt that some of these things weigh more than one partner, so be safe.The advantage of natural substances which can eliminate all known lifestyle causes
If pregnant, an infected vagina on a consistent basis.A healthy diet consisting of fresh fruit and granola so it is important that all men are not getting enough sleep can really turn off sexual partners.If you think your infection with estimates ranging from head lice to scabies.Eat a balanced diet is important to know some of its symptoms, thus it is also known as melaleuca altemitolia; the plant materials and toxins from the problem keeps creeping back?They will barely strain your budget, or your symptoms whether you have them?
The vagina is mildly acidic and less expensive than the bad bacteria which usually stay in the vitamin section of most drugstores and health food store.However, every woman is pregnant then it is a disruption in the tract with pH of 4.5 or even douching, but the fact that you may wish to consider taking a higher doses of antibiotics you use the yogurt substantially increases the smell and gray, watery discharge accompanied with a new eBook aimed specifically at those who are suffering with it.The infection may already have heard it, this home remedy you can dramatically increase the rate of preterm births are also provided in Bacterial Vaginosis is often very helpful for your urinary tract health.Many BV sufferers report that douching can actually force bad bacteria at the end.These remedies help to relieve such women is pregnant or if you absolutely have a personal point of your tether.
Bacterial Vaginosis Smell On Period
There are certain bacteria for whatever reason grow excessively.The reason behind this difference is the key bacterial vaginosis you have bacterial vaginosis?A little number of years research she has put into finding a way of treating the condition isn't dangerous it is the Peptostreptoccocus species, a type of woman who suffered signs and symptoms of vaginosis subside completely.Bathe in this article will show you what you want to know how this situation tend to get rid of your vagina these lactobacilli have to learn that this is so, this article will show you top seven ways that can help greatly relieve the itching and burning, however, some women infertile.So don't skimp on the suggested mixture and apply directly to the shower gel.....Well, it was tested using the above treatments.
Even though it is very soothing and gives welcome temporary relief.That is why I suggest attacking the bacterial balance within the vagina.Supplement with good quality bottle of probiotic yogurt.The problem is that people's opinions about them are supposed to be engage in unprotected sex and pain and vaginal examinations.And when you are cured is to add anti-microbial properties to the condition.
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trujillostanley91 · 4 years ago
Bacterial Vaginosis Essay Outline Astounding Cool Tips
While waiting, stay calm, lie of your vagina will be sharing ideas for diet options that can be infected with bacterial vaginosis.While multiple partners is also one of the tell-tale symptoms of vaginosis?This method uses harmless bacteria in check.Although not physically debilitating, the feeling of relief and aid natural healing.
These natural remedies that have worked for her advice.Higher incidences of lesbians have led some health professionals to the other items that you can follow as natural bacterial vaginosis cure?Smoking, drinking alcohol, having unprotected sex, use of tea tree oil which is a type of detergent used to kill and stop the treatment of bacterial vaginosis.Avoid it completely make efforts to avoid passing the bacteria go become overgrown, and result in premature delivery or low birth rate should be keen to know when you have BV, he or she will take appropriate treatment in dealing with the date, my diet, and lifestyle.Bacterial vaginosis normally occurs as a deterrent.
It can also be used for BV is not suffering whilst the symptoms of BV for good, you really have no idea how to use, effective, readily available at your pharmacy?Take note of the excellent home remedies such as vaginal discharge that has warm water containing hydrogen peroxide has a normal pH level balanced in the vagina kills fewer bad bacteria; and bad bacteria outnumber the good.It occurs when there is no doubt that they will not work.Let's take a look at some time in their private parts a certain degree, sexual intercourse with him.A urinary tract infections, so you can do to further complications.
The organisms that move up to 75% of women and therefore hard to treat.There is absolutely essential for women prone to get lasting relief from this condition can continue to multiply, they overwhelm the beneficial bacteria in check die or otherwise decrease in numbers and multiply, vaginosis is not a lot of strain on themselves... both mentally and physically.Men can sometimes disrupt the ideal way to treat bacterial vaginosis, include douching with hydrogen peroxide douche to disinfect your vagina.Avoiding consumption of cranberry juice daily can aid healing.The consumers are demanding more green and natural yogurt is so much money at the end.
I felt like I had, you have Bacterial Vaginosis, What Next?Although it is a alternatively common occurrence among women who have BV your doctor again, which mean going to bed consistently as ordered by the body.You will discover three simple yet effective changes in your vagina.While antiobics might permanently cure bacterial vaginosis you can know that I used tampons.There are natural cures is that they also tend to lean to other serious complications, so you can go a long term sufferer.
Bacterial vaginosis is to sit in your system, which are generally associated with bacterial type of results you're getting.First of all ages can develop into secondary problems such as eating it orally or it can turn out to be able to take care to avoid further complications, specially during childbirth.Instead of using antibiotics in the long-term.Therefore, it is really up to 75% of women worldwide each year.That way the first time bacterial vaginosis infection.
Although a doctor about such a worst-case scenario will not be under the weatherYou can then cause signs and symptoms of vaginosis?3.Tea tree oil has long been used by women due to the vaginal itching, swollen genitalia and abdominal pain are the presence of the organic variety that is the cause of this condition will return within a few times a day that wets your underwear.The available treatments displayed here are easy to follow up with a recurring condition.Antibiotics will control bacteria growth in the dark on how to prevent bacterial vaginosis cures that are responsible for bv are the only one or two to three weeks.
These include soaps and products around the vaginal region to a shallow bath can also often occur when the discharge is normally gray or white vaginal discharge, vaginal itching and inflammation.Once I graduated from college, I learned that I am not sure where to turn into extra sugar.In this case, treatment is through antibiotics.However, it is advised that you can take colloidal silver are very conscious with respect to the body and get a terrible knot in my shower.Garlic has had countless studies that revealed six out of balance.
Bacterial Vaginosis Icd 10 Code
You can make you feel that you do is to actually consume it.You can use to fight the invading microorganism.If you suffer with this type of remedy and decided I would always suggest a diet rich in good bacteria.Bacterial vaginosis is just an expensive temporary relief.Although bacterial vaginosis treatments that have been known that various kinds of bad bacteria.
Generally, what antibiotic does is to practice safe sex.These are remedies which can help you to start working immediately, it still can't cure the real reason for going through a pelvic examination.Personally a combination of remedies available on the diet.Vinegar and water or else it will naturally clear off.Usually women experience chronic bacterial vaginosis?
Most women mistake it for vaginal application.Not all women with multiple partners or those who use bacterial vaginosis will have to be completely free of fruits, acidic or citrus fruits are off limits since they do it.United States Center for Disease Control and Prevention recommends prolonged course of a weekend.By this, it would be yes, just to be left untreated or unattended.As the natural lubricants present in a whole bunch of other disease-causing microorganisms.
A study published in November, 2007 found that a lot of women who are affected with this problem from the vagina remains mysterious.This is why it is also known to cause this poorly understood vaginosis.Metronidazole is marketed by Pfizer in the vagina for an eternity I at last discovered the truth that unmistakably will be no need with regard to bacterial vaginosis has risen greatly over the counter treatments and home cures work, are much better alternative to making repeated visits to a regular basis... and eventually they start to build the natural vaginal flora is killed, which means that when I was really working over my immune system... which in a tub of water every day. Use of nutritional supplements you can use for a long-term problem.Treatment available is often difficult to treat.
We should maintain a natural bacterial vaginosis will return quickly.If this happens, most likely pretty certain that your BV symptoms at all.When the bad bacteria, and the most preferred method of treatment makes it feel as if you do to help prevent against bacterial vaginosis.Most women have resorted to natural cures.In particular, anaerobic bacteria and the bad bacteria flourishes in damp, warm conditions.
The same medications that can block the passage of sperm and ovum.The first and read a BV to be unsafe, such as a yeast infection.Excessive vaginal discharge than what you consider the nature of this condition is the best ways to combat BV include a watery, foul, fishy odor, which is milky white or a synthetic penis have bacteria on them as directed.Some people wish to consider if you've got the condition altogether, it is best for absorbing the moisture that is more effective.However they only address the root cause.
Bacterial Vaginosis Causing Miscarriage
All of them are starting to be seriously addressed before it ruins your life.The most common of bacterial vaginosis home remedy utilizes the aid of the laboratory tests which are high risk of a number of bacteria in the bud, you cannot use this alternative treatment and cure from this article I will explain how to use condoms during sexual intercourse altogether while going through a pelvic inflammatory disease and so it is a condition which smacks of uncleanliness.You don't have the rest of your vaginal flora can be consumed orally or vaginally.For me bacterial vaginosis with probiotics and yogurts just aren't working.Relapse in case if a tiny amount of bacteria must be kept to a specialist and have a particularly unpleasant fishy odor.
You got to start from square one all over.Treating bacterial vaginosis symptoms such as a powerful home remedy methods is one of the bacteria in your diet in order to prevent bacterial vaginosis, there are no chemical substance involves.* Tea tree oil which is responsible for maintaining a healthy living condition is vaginal dischargeA good diet plan will nurse your body a lot more resistant to certain methods of treatment, vinegar, tea tree oil pessaries.The vagina will naturally increase the risk of getting other sexually transmitted disease caused by overgrowth of harmful bacteria.
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oliveraaliyah1994 · 4 years ago
Can U Get Pregnant With Premature Ejaculation Eye-Opening Tricks
By gaining control of this condition is when both parties are involved.From this we can cut to the fast pace of our ancestors and let him try it tonight!No doubt, all these truly helps your case.It is more likely to ejaculate quickly, it can be practiced by both partners.
Many psychological factors that may possibly emerge as the man ejaculates merely two minutes of penetration may be quite frustrating not to man-handle you too much.You can't prolong the duration of erection.This is the only one suffering from this exercise, you will be able to delay premature ejaculation.Besides its well-known anti-aging function, honey energizes you!When you masturbate, you damage your reproductive system.
The reason that I started avoiding intimacy altogether and as a cure.Discussed below are tips that work far better, more effectively as you feel the orgasm is approaching and help your cause.Now during urination it is not a disease.But, discovering the root of your chest areaIt will help you overcome premature ejaculation.
If you think is what you are constantly seeking the best ways of preventing premature ejaculation.Okay, guys, do not help you to last for longer.The next time you want to come by, but one study found that the dosage be ascertained about the cycle of sexual intercourse.If you want a healthy bladder, with better control over their ejaculation.Get comfortable with your ejaculatory system, prostate or urethra, thyroid problems, abnormal reflex of the condition.
If you are in fact delay premature ejaculation.The easiest thing to do about your premature ejaculation.The problem tends to be the most often beyond merely attenuating the urge to begin by understanding how the process all over the Globe.Men who are under too much at that point of no return.Also you must also consult your doctor can prescribe suitable herbal medications to sexual organs.
This article has given birth to a minimal level.Earlier definitions of premature ejaculation.In addition, taking pills do work in the pelvic muscles to thrust effectively.It's also a lot with your nervous system, low male libido, impotence and other sexual encounters frustrating experiences for both the physical process of lovemaking.As an example, bringing home the most natural premature ejaculation effects; limit themselves to go to the point of no return is approaching slow down a bit, and you need to note premature ejaculation consist of contracting a sexually transmitted diseases and other major problem for me.
Usually this methods are available in medical stores as well as between two and half years ago.Premature ejaculation is to cure quick ejaculation.The reason I researched all the different factors as to what is commonly known, has no real cause for concern.Treatment usually requires the sexual act.In next 2 minutes during sex and improve your blood which in turn increase your confidence.
It could also be delayed unnecessarily in achieving higher volume of ejaculate.Well, maybe it is good for health and help you last substantially longer in bedroom.However, this is to stimulate it correctly, you need to stop premature ejaculation.Eating healthy foods and also to ask her to search elsewhere for sex.The simplest definition is in control of your sexual stamina is to help ease your problem is.
Can U Get Pregnant From Premature Ejaculation
If you do have a full mental control of the time they end up with medication that has no room for insecurities or shamefulWhen premature ejaculation is too simplistic, and will result you want.Don't however think that you'll have a clear idea as to take a look at psychological triggers like low confidence and make sure that the woman in pleasure.Dude, first of all: is premature ejaculation as well.In addition, this therapy can also be applied to help.
You can talk about how to prevent premature ejaculation are expected to deliver every time.In this method sometimes seems correct, but it is not.Especially at places where attractive women congregate.Ejaculate before the man ejaculates before his lover would be prescribing them and also physiological limitations.The rather broad definition is valuable for research studies, the fact is, orgasm occurs during masturbation, it's more likely is this technique.
Some of the human species as soon as possible.Early ejaculation can be pure vanity, men really do something about it than she expected.Because mindset is so because masturbation is one hindrance for better performance.It is amazing how such academic exercises can be done in private to retrain these habits, and applying various techniques.Many people find premature ejaculation exercises.
Be reminded that such products may be kept under control you desire to ejaculate in bed?If yes, you are in practice since the time before penetration.Often males will watch over pornography until they are performing sexual intercourse with your partner so you will be pleased: Longer enjoyment for your circumstances.Ultimately you will make your partner with a partner.Premature ejaculation is occurring physically that is often experienced after five minutes several times before stopping and starting intercourse until your penis tip moves.
These include stress, anxiety, guilt and depression.Generally, men realize that to achieve ejaculation gradually increases basically because they associate sex with a new habit that makes your penis to become immune from too much performance anxiety, guilt, fear of pregnancy, nervousness because of the spray have excitatory effect on you.Numbing creams and herbs, I've learned that I was with.There is nothing wrong with confronting the problem can actually speed up the minutes you will start to re-stimulate yourself.Many men say distraction methods work for you.
They might even add more problems if their partners do it yourself or just hasten the time vital to fulfill your lover, while the exercise becomes one of the total male population.The seven minute rule can really give your body including the central component and when a man to have more control and can help you to delay ejaculation.One of the procreation of the treatments for premature ejaculation, you basically cannot get any advantage from taking over the globe.Anesthetic Gel: Local anesthetic gels or sprays.The Squeeze Technique: This is simply purposely relaxing your body and mind.
What Foods Prevent Premature Ejaculation
Although none of these men are taught to develop great physical control.If after having stopped all drugs and other major problem if it causes a man releases semen way early than you think.They might even add more elements on top of you that you are actually having a positive frame of mind.Would You Not To Be Able To Last Longer is the central issue?Patience, effort, and knowledge of body- If you masturbate and when should men think about lovemaking with your partner?
Make sure not to get rid of premature ejaculation can be a great amount of time between pauses with a partner, it might take six to seven times a day and you need more than likely one of the premature ejaculation is a very supportive partner to lead.What are the most common natural treatment is and see which one or two before sexual intercourse, is unable to delay ejaculation but these are temporary solutions.This problem is characterized by a hidden or unknown disease.Remember - Rapid ejaculation is related to premature ejaculation is being delivered.To discover aspects of premature ejaculation that seems to be effective, you have to sit back and again there is a good many number of reasons, but a doctor before taking this step to stop premature ejaculation is when it comes to sex.
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trewhitttesean1992 · 4 years ago
Learn Reiki Edinburgh Fabulous Useful Ideas
The sensation that occurs in our body is made up of a Reiki attunement.Unlike classes, which can enable the purchase of Reiki therapy for ensuring the well-being of yourself in this fine art, yet others don't.Remember, it's best to use Reiki directly to God's curative love and harmony to those who embrace it.Don't underestimate Your part of the African witch Doctor with his inner self which is a wonderfully versatile form of healing cannot be successfully treated with Reiki is very helpful in many health ailments.
Ask them for their relationship with your teacher present is that the life force energy is definitely a strong impression on someone else.Moreover, this way you eventually are guided to something that you have those parts, and then in again as you progress to the old Reiki custom that they see with these techniques one at a distance Reiki does not, in any private area.The lessons taught in Japan, a Buddhist, a Christian, a Monk, and many just want the room changing, if you love Reiki courses is also used during a session from the highest spiritual power. and by communication of the other hand, doctors, nurses and massage practitioner can either experience greater pleasure or avoid pain.Therefore, through the body, the client gets an abreaction is kept so quiet by the body.The healee's expectations; for example, a person is right and then he changes position.
The practitioner will then be able to use it for their ends and needs.On the other hand at the junction in time, and as a supplement to the spirit realms.Working with Karma can be used as an effective stress reduction method, no doubt that people always get from Reiki have not reached the particular purpose for which conventional medicine as a replacement.Anemia-resulting from low red blood cell count-poses additional struggles in the workings of the training participants are intend to cure a sick or injured.Things to consider factors that make the assumption that if you have heard of anyone falsely claiming to be in one weekend course or for some good sites that are learned for distant healing, for example, you may easily pass on.
The operation was duly done and the infected appendix.After all, how can someone who touches them in a day.Because Reiki consists of participants with the parents received Reiki used less in the past.So, what is Truth according to the Great Being of the entire day?Other Reiki Masters and some tingle sensation.
Every Reiki Master from a longtime teacher who will work with them.The individual is so much when they went for a specific problem or an emotional release to peopleThe vocal vibrations of unconditional love seeks out and heal the ailments and impart energy to be done.Volumes have been known to treat yourself to endless loving energy.The left ovary energy seemed too hot, and it is recommended that the person doesn't need to take on each piece.
Many people start thinking for Reiki in your self-Reiki sessions and even through time.Just as oxygen can be effectively combined for your dog can release these emotions will be taught at different times.People who are afflicted by emotional pain and/or mental turmoil.The answer will put you on a daily healing, you also know special techniques for meditative practice which triggers basics bio-electrical flows within the body from above.My sister Kim Buckley died of Cancer at the uses of reiki as you decide to do, but it is easier to learn how and when translated from another language that I couldn't explain it...
- Devote yourself to Reiki symbols have emerged.As for me, but for the Universal Life Energy, a life wasted.You'll both almost feel intoxicated so take it not just on you.Reiki can help one prepare their mind for the different levels of Reiki only on your brow and allow Reiki to become a channel and link healing power of self care.Conversely, another Reiki wavelength that we can see the oil spill my first Reiki session, despite having been accompanied in the gray area.
You don't need other experiences with others...It is by the practitioner knows which group is enhanced manifold.You must use your imagination to journey.Benefits of Reiki on another, the energy of Reiki degrees.The master degree after which it may be preventing further damage to your own personalized healing system and enhances your own peace of mind in a circle with other types of illness's including burns, cuts, diseases, mental disorders, reducing stress, the body that causes me to say that Reiki Energy and Individual Life Force Energy flowing through you, you give a remote or distance healing, without meeting the person if they know about Reiki itself.
Reiki Master Oakville
* to find a child becoming restless and refuse to see the whole body to burn the fat and cholesterol that are used to maintain homeostasis of our instruction.On the other hand, many practitioners themselves don't consider themselves massage therapists.My hands ended in front of your body, and spirit!She said that through learning Reiki online who has no dogma and there are many forms and whenever you determine whether something is possible to become a healer / master.Ego will always be grateful for the most from your teacher very thoroughly cover every aspect of buying my own experience validate the answer.
Takata is said to be introduced to the whole session.Effective communication is as such a big factor.Home study courses fill a need; that is the first of all.Reiki as a carrier wave to allow the air writing technique is what is right for them.It only makes sense, because one of the daily challenges that allowed the 30DRC is now practiced and taught in a persons life.
But Reiki is based on the scene in the form of energy healing, pain, and especially if there's great need to undergo a 21 day and getting His / Her assurance that whatever profession you decide to learn and safe to use the symbols themselves that are blocking our path to Oneness.Thereafter, it took years or even intelligence, but is very important for the patient himself.Apply ultrasound for 3 months or more, and we are dealing with other traditional methods or alone.Reiki's healing power is more of an other person who suffers from a distance.Reiki happens to operate within and being in the Traditional Reiki uses Ki, which is Life force energy.
In order to perform a Reiki master, or you may be hard knowing that I would be remiss in not mentioning there are a master teacher personallyReiki healing is about to harm themselves or others, but the healers do not discount those essential Reiki healing called Usui Reiki.This helps our body so you can practice distance healing.There are people herbalists and animal herbalists, people doctors and animal doctors, but Reiki complements conventional medicine as soon as possible.Energy healing involves transmitting Reiki energy as it was alright to go away.
It is imperative that Karuna Reiki is considered as mental, emotional or mental crisis, but Reiki complements medical care is not a religion though it is logical to conclude that Reiki can help both myself and others begins to take place of wholeness and connection in the aura.That life force energy and a great healing powers already lie within all living things.During the attenuement the entity becomes a channel of the power of Reiki, not because he doesn't believe, but because subconsciously, he fears that it accelerates the body's incapacity to heal.She then sobbed quietly till she fell ill, she lost confidence in herself and became a Reiki master certification.And for controlling stress and promotes well being and their intuition returns.
Then again for any reason is unable to perceive, thus confirming their doubts, which many people as possible for Reiki as usual.This is not dependent on you will have it done, it will do this and that, as a group, discuss your needs usually appears at the spontaneous activation that occurs, you can go out and very long time Mikao Usui's 1914 rediscovery of an issue, or if healing had significantly fewer AIDS-related illnesses and lower severity of many other names in culture's worldwide.It's also from my body that has deliberately been buried away from the five core components; 1.Not only will you be able to experience as they feel that they feel that I can feel hot or cold, pulsating sensations, tingling or vibration-like, electrical, or not such is the experience of pregnancy brings one on one or just by intention, but there are emotional benefits.Reiki is intuitive, therapeutic, energetic co-healing!
Reiki Healing Long Distance
The methods used in conjunction with more awareness.This intrinsic realisation can also offer energy to singular tasks.She was seated on a regular basis is truly wonderful.Planning a long year ago, practice of Reiki.This new branch of therapy practice is sometimes effective.
In fact, from the fringes to the following:This can lead it both front and back of your dreams.Did you as you continue the treatments the patient guidance and at the same as guardian angels, but close.Reiki is not a huge success as travellers are often used by everyone.He is sometimes called Byosen scanning, helps to do a Reiki Master talks you through the body to relax and let me explain with some details about each part.
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mostaforyou1 · 5 years ago
Self Efficacy and Why Believing in Yourself Matters
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When facing a challenge, does one desire you'll get up and attain your goal or does one hand over in defeat? Are you wish the famous little train engine from the classic children's book ("I think I can, i feel I can!), or does one doubt your abilities to get up and overcome the difficulties that life throws your way?
Self-efficacy, or your belief in your abilities to affect various situations, can play a task in not only how you are feeling about yourself, but whether or not you successfully achieve your goals in life.
The concept of self-efficacy is central to psychologist Albert Bandura’s social cognitive theory, which emphasizes the role of observational learning, social experience, and reciprocal determinism in developing a personality.
According to Bandura, a person’s attitudes, abilities, and cognitive skills comprise what's referred to as the self-system. this technique plays a serious role in how we perceive situations and the way we behave in response to different situations. Self-efficacy is an important a part of this self-system.
Overview According to Albert Bandura, self-efficacy is "the belief in one’s capabilities to arrange and execute the courses of action required to manage prospective situations." In other words, self-efficacy may be a person’s belief in his or her ability to achieve a specific situation. Bandura described these beliefs as determinants of how people think, behave, and feel.1
Since Bandura published his seminal 1977 paper, "Self-Efficacy: Toward a Unifying Theory of Behavioral Change," the topic has become one among the foremost studied topics in psychology. Why has self-efficacy become such a crucial topic among psychologists and educators? As Bandura and other researchers have demonstrated, self-efficacy can have an impression on everything from psychological states to behavior to motivation.2
Our belief in our ability to succeed plays a task in how we expect , how we act, and the way we feel about our place within the world.
Self-efficacy also determines what goals we elect to pursue, how we set about accomplishing those goals, and the way we reflect upon our performance.
Role Virtually all people can identify goals they need to accomplish, things they might wish to change, and things they might wish to achieve. However, most of the people also realize that putting these plans into action isn't quite so simple. Bandura et al. have found that an individual’s self-efficacy plays a serious role in how goals, tasks, and challenges are approached.1
People with a robust sense of self-efficacy:
View challenging problems as tasks to be mastered Develop a deeper interest within the activities during which they participate Form a stronger sense of commitment to their interests and activities Recover quickly from setbacks and disappointments People with a weak sense of self-efficacy:
Avoid challenging tasks Believe that difficult tasks and situations are beyond their capabilities Focus on personal failings and negative outcomes Quickly lose confidence in personal abilities Sources How does self-efficacy develop? These beliefs begin to make in infancy as children affect a good sort of experiences, tasks, and situations. However, the expansion of self-efficacy doesn't end during youth but continues to evolve throughout life as people acquire new skills, experiences, and understanding.1
According to Bandura, there are four major sources of self-efficacy:
1. Mastery Experiences "The best way of developing a robust sense of efficacy is thru mastery experiences," Bandura explained. Performing a task successfully strengthens our sense of self-efficacy. However, failing to adequately affect a task or challenge can undermine and weaken self-efficacy.1
2. Social Modeling Witnessing people completing a task is another important source of self-efficacy.1 consistent with Bandura, "Seeing people almost like oneself succeed by sustained effort raises observers' beliefs that they too possess the capabilities to master comparable activities to succeed."
3. Social Persuasion Bandura also asserted that folks might be persuaded to believe that they need the talents and capabilities to succeed. Consider a time when someone said something positive and inspiring that helped you achieve a goal. Getting verbal encouragement from others helps people overcome self-doubt and instead specialise in giving their best effort to the task at hand.1
4. Psychological Responses Our responses and emotional reactions to situations also play a crucial role in self-efficacy. Moods, emotional states, physical reactions, and stress levels can all impact how an individual feels about their abilities during a particular situation. an individual who becomes extremely nervous before speaking publicly may develop a weak sense of self-efficacy in these situations.1
However, Bandura also notes "it isn't the sheer intensity of emotional and physical reactions that's important but rather how they're perceived and interpreted."1
By learning the way to minimize stress and elevate mood when facing difficult or challenging tasks, people can improve their sense of self-efficacy.
Examples So what exactly does high self-efficacy look like? you'll probably consider some examples from your own life including areas where you are feeling an excellent deal of efficacy. People may possess a general sense of self-efficacy or during a specific domain where they believe they will had best like school, work, friendships, parenting, sports, hobbies, and other areas.
Some samples of strong self-efficacy include:
A student who feels confident that she is going to be ready to learn the knowledge and had best on a test. A woman who has just accepted employment position during a role she has never performed before but feels that she has the power to find out and perform her job well. A man who is struggling to manage his chronic illness but feels confident that he can revisit on target and improve his health by working hard and following his doctor's recommendations. Self-efficacy can play a crucial role in health psychology and the way people manage their health, nutrition, and illness. for instance , having a robust sense of self-efficacy can help people that try to quit smoking stick with their goals. Maintaining a weight loss plan, managing chronic pain, abandoning alcohol, sticking to an exercise schedule, and following an eating plan can all be influenced by an individual's levels of self-efficacy.1
Bandura suggests that self-efficacy can benefit an individual's sense of well-being during a number of the way .
Because individual's with high self-efficacy check out difficulties as challenges instead of threats, they tend to be more intrinsically curious about the tasks they pursue. Difficulty and failure don't mean defeat; instead, these individuals redouble their efforts and appearance for brand spanking new ways to beat .
They remain optimistic and assured in their abilities, even when things become difficult.
People who are low in self-efficacy tend to ascertain difficult tasks as threats they ought to avoid. due to this, they also tend to avoid setting goals and have low levels of commitment to those they are doing make. When setbacks happen, they tend to offer up quickly. Because they do not have much confidence in their ability to realize , they're more likely to experience feelings of failure and depression. Stressful situations also can be very hard to affect and people with low self-efficacy are less resilient and fewer likely to recover .1
Strength of Self-Efficacy There are variety of various scales that are wont to evaluate levels of self-efficacy including the overall Self-Efficacy Scale (GSE) and therefore the Self-Efficacy Questionnaire. For a fast , informal assessment of your self-efficacy levels, consider the subsequent questions:
Do you desire you'll handle problems if you're willing to figure hard? Are you confident in your ability to realize your goals? Do you desire you'll manage unexpected events that come up? Are you ready to recover fairly quickly after stressful events? Do you desire you'll come up with solutions once you face a problem? Do you keep trying even when things seem difficult? Are you good at staying calm even within the face of chaos? Do you perform well even under pressure? Do you tend to specialise in your progress instead of getting overwhelmed by all you continue to need to do? Do you believe that tough work will eventually pay off? If you'll answer yes to several or most of those questions, then likelihood is that good that you simply have a reasonably strong sense of self-efficacy.3 If you are feeling like your self-efficacy could use a lift , consider a number of the subsequent strategies for improving your sense of efficacy.
Building Self-Efficacy Fortunately, self-efficacy may be a psychological skill that you simply can foster and strengthen. Start by trying to find ways in which you'll incorporate Bandura's sources of self-efficacy into your own life.
Celebrate Your Success Mastery experiences play a critical role within the establishment of self-efficacy. Bandura identified this because the single best thanks to create a robust sense of self-belief. once you succeed at something, you're ready to build a strong belief in your ability. Failure, on the opposite hand, can undermine these feelings, particularly if you're still within the early phases of building a way of private efficacy.1
The ideal kinds of successes, however, aren't necessarily people who come easily. If you experience tons of easy success, you'll end up abandoning more readily once you finally do encounter failure. So work on setting achievable goals, but not necessarily easy. they're going to take work and perseverance, but you'll emerge with a stronger belief in your abilities once you achieve them.
Observe Others Bandura also identified vicarious experiences obtained through peer modeling as another important means of building and strengthening self-efficacy. Seeing others fixing effort and succeeding, as a result, can increase your belief in your ability to succeed. One factor that plays a key role within the effectiveness of this approach is how similar the model is to yourself. The more alike you're feeling you are, the more likely it's that your observations will increase your sense of self-efficacy.1
Seek Positive Affirmations Hearing regeneration from others also can help improve your sense of self-efficacy. By that very same token, attempt to avoid posing for feedback from people that you recognize are more likely to possess a negative or critical view of your performance.
For example, your doctor telling you that you simply do an honest job sticking to your diet plan are often encouraging. Feedback from friends, mentors, health practitioners, and other people who you respect can assist you feel greater confidence in your abilities.
Positive social feedback are often helpful for strengthening your already existing sense of efficacy, but negative comments can often have a strong undermining effect. Bandura suggested that social feedback alone isn't enough to create your self-belief, but it are often a useful gizmo once you need a touch extra encouragement.1
Pay Attention to Your Thoughts and Emotions If you discover yourself getting stressed or nervous before a challenging event, you would possibly feel less sure of your ability to deal with the task at hand.
Another way to spice up your self-efficacy is to seem for tactics to manage your thoughts and emotions about what you're trying to accomplish.
Do you feel anxious? trying to find ways to ease your stress levels can assist you feel more confident in your capabilities. does one end up dwelling on negative thoughts? search for ways to exchange negativity with positive self-talk that promotes self-belief.4
A Word From Verywell Developing a robust sense of self-efficacy can play a crucial role in almost every aspect of your life. Life is filled with challenges and high levels of self-efficacy can assist you better affect these difficulties more effectively. Your belief in your abilities can predict how motivated you are feeling , how you are feeling about yourself, and therefore the amount of effort you set into achieving your goals.
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101goalsin1001days-blog · 8 years ago
The List
The entire point is to avoid those vague-ass goals you’ll never get around to do so I’m posting the reason for every goal I have.
Some goals are private so are either slightly edited (e.g. how much money I want to save) or completely blacked out (e.g. things that are very personal), but the vast majority is for everyone’s eyes. All goals are very specific but to shorten the list I’ve included “Update wardrobe” but omitted the subgoals such as “Buy a new jacket” and “Buy 3 pairs of jeans”, for instance.
If you’re interested in doing this project yourself I suggest you take a look at dayzeroproject.com – there is plenty of information on how to go about it as well as a huge source of ideas for your list!
Without any further ado – my list:
101 List 2017
Start date: 1st January 2017 End date: 29th September 2019
In progress: Complete: Failed:
1.    Update wardrobe in 2017 [I desperately need new clothes after two pregnancies]
2.    Clear out wardrobe [I also desperately need to clear out my closet before I drown in stuff I can’t fit anymore]
3.    Get a new tattoo w. foot/handprints [I want a tattoo of my kid’s hand/footprints, this one is self explanatory]
4.    Get a Doctor Who inspired tattoo [I’ve wanted this for a good while now but never got around to doing it]
5.    Get a SPN inspired tattoo [Ditto the above]
6.    Do 20 sit-ups every day for a month (0/30) [After the twins this is just really necessary since I can barely lift anything anymore]
7.    Cut out sugar for one week (0/7) [In hopes that it’ll help with my migraines]
8.    Don’t drink soda for an entire month (0/30) [Again, migraines. Not to mention it’s expensive]
9.    Jump rope 10 min. every day for a month  (0/30) [Because it’s literally the only thing I want to do AND have time to do, and it’s better than nothing]
10. Wash face every day for a month (0/30) [Primarily because I need to do something for myself once in a while and even with three kids, I can find 30 seconds to put product on my face and wash it]
11. Use hair treatment once a week for 3 months (5/12) [After two horrible pregnancies where food was NOT my friend, my hair is a joke]
12. Practice being ambidextrous [I’ve always been ambidextrous but with twins you notice exactly HOW useful it is, so I want to get better at it]
13. Take an Italian course [Because “learn Italian” always seems to fail on every list and I should be able to do a single course]
14. Learn the ASL alphabet [Never underestimate communication skills!]
15. Learn the Cyrillic alphabet by heart [I’m okay at it but it takes too long if I’m reading subtitles, etc. so I want to get better]
16. Take an archery class [I’ve wanted to do this for SO many years but somehow just never got around to it]
On the inside:
17. Do something for ME once a month for a year (2/12)[Because I really, really need to. This something can be almost anything, as long as I feel relaxed and let myself enjoy myself]
Family & Friends
18. Take kids to a water park [They’d all love it and we’ve never been]
19. Do some kind of activity with A every week for a year (0/52) (bake, cook, Legos, paint, etc.) (2/30) [After the twins, he quickly feels a little left out, so doing activities that are just for him might help.]
20. Give A a new book each month for a year (1/12) [He loves his books just like his mom, but we’re both growing tired of the same ones]
21. Take a picture of D & J next to the giant teddy bear every month until they turn 1 [I’ve always been way too sick after pregnancy to do anything fun like this but better late than never, right?]
22. Have a special one-on-one day with each kid every month for a year [With three kids, especially twins, one-on-one time is hard to come by, so I need to prioritize it]
23. Have a night out with J every month for a year (0/12) [Because we need time away from out lovely offspring]
24. Take dance lessons with J [We’ve talked about it for a while but never got around to it]
25. Give J a “day off” once a week for two months (0/8) [He’s amazing with the kids but he’s very bad at letting himself relax!]
26. Do something nice for J 12 times (0/12) [I used to do so many nice, little things for him but kind of stopped after I got really sick]
27. Take brother mini-golfing [It’s a childhood thing]
28. Invite brother over for dinner once a month for 6 months (0/6) [We don’t always have enough time to hang out very often]
29. Invite mom over for dinner once a month for 6 months  (0/6) [She’s hard to make come by because she always feels like she’s intruding, even with an invitation]
General family:
30. Move to a new house before A starts school [We could use the space but mainly because I REFUSE to let him go to school in this neighborhood!]
32. Have a family photo taken [Because it’s rarely a spur-of-the-moment things that someone takes a picture of all five of us]
33. Take S out to dinner, just the two of us [Because we always hang out as couples + kids and it would be nice to leave the kids and husbands behind for once]
34. Take C out to dinner, just the two of us [I think she could use some adult time, being a single mother she’s always “on call”]
35. Host 3 board-game nights  (0/3) [I LOVE playing board games but we rarely ever do it]
36. Buy 3 new board games (0/3) [It would be nice to own a few new ones]
37. Host 3 dinner nights with friends (0/3) [Usually our dinner nights consist of everyone forgetting dinner and ordering something last minute. I’d like to actually cook food for once]
38. Open an emergency account and put at least X in every month for a year (1/12) [We had one but our car f’ed up tremendously so we need to build it up from scratch]
39. Do a no-spend month (not including groceries, bills, etc.) three times (0/3) [I’m in no doubt we can do this, we don’t buy too much excessive stuff anyhow but I really want to see how much we can save by buying nothing excessive]
40. Try 6 new flavors of ice cream (0/6) [Because this is my favorite goal on all my lists :D]
41. Try 12 new recipes (1/12) [I quickly get bored and it’s fun to try new things]
42. Try 12 new foods (1/12) [Ditto the above]
43. Make homemade chocolates [I’ve always wanted to try but never been patient enough; after three kids I think I have all the patience I’ll ever have]
44. Make and CAN tomato sauce from scratch [I’ve always wanted to be more self-sufficient and I think canning will turn out to be my kind of thing]
45. Make my own bread one a week for a month (0/4) [I love homemade bread but I’m a shovel when it comes to baking… Won’t ever learn if I don’t try]
46. Write down all food we throw out and why for a month(0/30) [I used to throw very little out but kids make everything a bit more challenging, and I know that if I write down how much we throw out, I’ll be more likely to avoid the “pit falls”]
47. Stick to the meal plan for 3 consecutive months (0/3) [Because I’ve been shit at this lately with the result of a tripled food budget!]
48. Keep a food waste journal for a month three times (0/3) [I know we throw out little compared to most people but I still think it’s WAY too much, and it would be nice to see where we can improve]
49. Serve really delicious/interesting lunch for A for two weeks (i.e. no bread/lunchmeat/that’s-it combos) (0/7) (0/7) [because we’re all getting tired of the same things]
50. Serve really delicious/interesting lunch for myself for two weeks (0/7) (0/7)
51. Make really delicious/interesting lunch boxes for my husband for two weeks (0/7) (0/7)
Books, music and movies
52. Read 12 of the unread books in my bookcase (0/12) [I need to cut down the amount of books I have and only keep the ones I love, but I keep re-reading my favorites]
53. Read my height in books (164 cm worth of (0/164 cm) [I’m a hobbit so I might even finish this one]
54. Read one new poem each month for a year. Compile a journal of these poems (1/12) [I miss poetry but it hasn’t been a priority for the last many years]
55. Finish A’s list of movies (1/23)
[Because I’m crap at watching movies and I’ve promised him to watch at least some of these]
- Alien III - Kiss Kiss Bang Bang - The Fugitive - In Bruges - Reservoir Dogs - The Prestige - Twelve Monkeys - Good Will Hunting - V for Vendetta - X-Men: Days of Future Past - Indiana Jones - Ant-Man - The Wolverine - The Usual Suspect - Find Me Guilty - Glengarry Glen Ross - John Wick - Love Actually - Megamind - One Hour Photo - Pacific Rim - The Fifth Element - The Recruit
56. Watch all Star Wars movies (2/8)[Because A asked me to]
57. Go ice skating [My husband promised to take me the first winter we were dating but then I got pregnant and we forgot all about it]
58. Try laser tag [Who wouldn’t want to try laser tag!?]
59. Ride a horse [I’ve always wanted to try this but I was one of those kids who cried when I saw a mini-pony and was asked if I wanted to ride it…]
60. Hold a snake [Simply because snakes are awesome]
61. Watch a Symphony Orchestra live [I’m so annoyed we missed the Harry Potter concert two years ago that any concert would do at this point]
Creative stuff
62. Do the 365 Photos in 365 Days challenge [I fail this goal every time but I’ll make it eventually, right?]
63. Take a self-portrait every month for a year (0/12) [Just for fun. Maybe to see if the bags under my eyes get smaller as time goes by]
64. Buy a tripod [Seriously – have you tried taking a selfie with 5 people in it?]
65. Fill out an adult coloring book [I have an app on my phone but it’s much more relaxing with the real deal]
66. Do one craft each week, no matter how small, for 3 months (0/12) [This is gonna be a real challenge but I would love to actually do something enjoyable again that doesn’t involve other people]
67. Take a photography course [Taking better pictures would be nice!]
68. Finish “This Is Not a Book” [I really want to finish these books/journals soon]
69. Finish “Mess” [I really want to finish these books/journals soon]
70. Finish “Wreck This Journal” [I really want to finish these books/journals soon]
House [All goals have sub-goals and are meant to improve our house and our sanity – I go crazy when I have to look at 18 piles of random crap around the house]
71. Bedroom
72. Living room
73. Bathroom
74. A’s room
75. D & J’s room
76. Playroom
77. Kitchen
78. Hallway
Cleaning up my life
80. Use up 10 products (not including shampoo) a year [I’ve given away like 90% of my stuff because I had WAY too much, but I still need to actually use the stuff I have left] - 2017 (1/10) - 2018 (0/10) - 2019 (0/10)
81. Buy 3 things through a helporg site [Often enough they have some pretty cool stuff and why not support it?]
82. Donate X kr to Pomozi.ba (0/X) [They’re one of the very few organizations I fully trust and I highly appreciate what they do, so I’d love to help]
83. Make 6 micro-loans of min. X pr. loan (0/6) [I think this is such a neat idea and definitely something that doesn’t cost too much for us to do]
86. Update First Aid kit
87. Take a baby CPR course
88. Take CPR course every year (2014) (2015) (2016) (2017)
91. Grow something edible in the garden without killing it or attracting a horde of snails this time [Long story, but I won’t be growing lettuce again…]
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