#anyways i enjoy 13 i think she is delightful
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basiltheta · 2 months ago
its actually beginning to annoy me that whenever anyone even mentions the 13th doctor all you hear is "she was a good actress but the writing was awful". it just gets old bc theres no actual discussion there and honestly i dont think the writing was anywhere near as bad as people are saying. are there issues w her seasons? definitely. but it's the same w every other season of dr who this is a very goofy show lmao. but it feels like people dont even want to give her a chance and are just blinded by nostalgia (or misogyny). its the same w 15- dr who has been branded as "woke" so no one gives it a chance. pisses me off bc you cant even have a proper constructive discussion about the show’s flaws because weirdos who dont even watch the show will spin it into some weird narrative abt the gay agenda. im so tired man
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honeyjars-sims · 8 months ago
3.2 Lover I Don't Have to Love
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“She was just bitching at me all day and I had enough. 'Carina, you didn’t bring the napkins to table 13. Carina, why aren’t you checking on your tables? You look pissed off, Carina, the customers aren’t going to feel welcome.'" Carina passed a small baggie to Larisa, who then passed it to Johnny.
It was a weeknight, but he didn't think twice about indulging. It wasn't like he had anywhere to be the next day, except back at the club. "Like no shit I look pissed off, she wouldn’t leave me alone," Carina continued, barely pausing to breathe between sentences. "So I told her I don’t need this job anyway and just walked out. Johnny, are you listening?”
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Johnny finished snorting the powder off his hand. "Yeah, sure. Sounds like you’re better off without that job.”
"Where’d you even get this shit?” Larisa asked, apparently unimpressed with her free gift.
"From Stephen, why?”
"Ugh, I don’t buy from him. He cuts it too much. Don’t you think so, Johnny?” Larisa was always searching for an opportunity to stir up some drama.
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"I don’t know, it seems okay to me.” Truthfully, Johnny didn’t really care about the quality as long as it got the job done.
Coke wasn't his first choice--he didn't like how agitated it made him feel once it started wearing off--but he welcomed any kind of distraction these days.
That was what drew him to Carina and her friends. They weren’t all that nice but they knew how to have a good time.
"Well, he gives me a discount.”
"Why, are you fucking him or something?”
"Actually, yeah, I am,” Carina admitted with a laugh.
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"Oh my God, don’t say that in front of Johnny! He’s going to get jealous.” There was a bit of delight in Larisa’s voice on the last word, as though she was hoping she was right.
"Nah, he doesn’t care. Look at him, he’s fucked up anyway.” She was right, on both accounts. His interest in Carina was purely physical. It was a bit freeing; Carina was an adventurous lover and Johnny enjoyed exploring new things in the bedroom with her.
Occasionally, though, his mind would start wandering to Lexie. He could remember how it felt having her body intertwined with his, the softness of her skin against his palms as he held her close, how easily their breaths fell in sync. If he fixated on it too long he’d remember how little those moments had actually meant to her and end up in a spiral of self-loathing.
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With Carina it was different—she didn't love Johnny either, but at least she was attracted to him. It boosted to his ego to be desired by someone.
That was what kept him coming back. Sometimes he’d feel the urge to ask her about her favorite memory or what made her feel inspired but he knew there was no point in getting to know her on a deeper level. In a few months time they’d have both moved on with their lives and she’d just be some girl he fucked for a few weeks when he was 19.
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The rest of the night was a blur.
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By mid morning Johnny ended up in Carina’s bedroom with her and her best friend Skyla. He supposed he should feel lucky to have two beautiful women pleasuring him, but he didn’t really feel much of anything.
Despite his best efforts, his thoughts turned to Lexie once again. He wondered if it was possible for someone to love him as much as he’d loved her, and if he would ever feel that way again.
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Previous | Beginning of story | Beginning of chapter | Next
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amethystfairy1 · 1 year ago
(Buckle up, this is gonna be a long one.)
Hi! Hello! How are you? :]
Let me just say, your work is simply incredible.
I've been binge-reading your TTSBC series for a few days now, as you can probably tell from all the kudos (you deserve them!), and I have been going crazy
First of all, I think this was the first Hermitcraft ship fic I've read. Conclusions/thoughts;
1) You've made me a flower husbands fan, great job, I am now obsessed with them
2) the relationship between Scott and Martyn is so precious to me, you have no idea
3) I am now a fan of ALL the relationships you've written; flower husbands, treebark, desert duo, Tango/Zed, Lizzie/Joel, Shelby/ Katherine, Etho/Doc (I hope I didn't forget anyone)
4) PEARL IS A MENACE AND I LOVE HER. SHE IS MY FAVOURITE, YOU HAVE NO IDEA. She is the big sister™ and she is the best
5)Scar is a sweetheart and that is a FACT. HE WAS SO SWEET TO CUB?? AND TO GRIAN?? I LOVE HIM
6) I absolutely love mom Cleo, her and Bdubs are so kind and thoughtful and caring to each other, I will simply explode
8) I need more Scott as a journalist. I need to see his hunger to get all the details. I need to see him use his silver-tongue skills on someone, and I need to see Jimmy(or anyone) be scared but also fascinated. I need to see more Scott and Pearl fighting for the best interview.
I don't even watch cc!Scott, and now look at me. Im obsessed with his character.
10) I also,,, kinda,,, want to see someone react a bit badly to seeing their partner being from the under-city. Maybe,,, Martyn being angry with being lied to? Maybe,,, Scott screaming at him that what he's doing is helping no one? Maybe, maybe,,,,
(im secretly an angst-girlie at heart, what can I say. I love me some good hurt/comfort)
12) please let zed and tango have a happy ending pleasepleasepleasePLEASEPLE-
13) also the titles have all been so cool! I saw a post of yours that said you use terms of endearment, and I thought that was really cute :)
In conclusion, I am crazy for your work, please feed us more.
To show you how crazy I've been over this series;
I went completely nuts, explaining to my friend some basics about it the moment I was sure I've read everything, and Im probably gonna make them read it too. I've already sent them the link to the series.
They are not even a Minecraft fan. They don't know what Hermitcraft is.
Anyway, this was all to say; you're amazing, your work is truly fantastic, your writing style is one of the best I've ever seen/read (and I've read a lot of fics, do not doubt me)
Please don't feel forced to write anything I've said! I'm just throwing ideas that came over my head when reading!
(your traveling thieves series is also amazing! Im just currently full of ttsbc thoughts rn, its eating me alive /pos)
Hope my spam liking was not annoying!
Have a great day!
It was not annoying in the SLIGHTEST!
Hello hello, thank you, thank you! I'm so glad TTSBC has been so enjoyable for you and that you've had fun binge reading all of it!
I am delighted and honored to be the first author you've read that has written Hermitshipping and that you've enjoyed it and it's caused you to love all my ships! That's a great day for a fanfic author!!!
FLOWER HUSBANDS ARE MY FAVORITE! More people who like Flower Husbands? HAPPIER I AM! It is a DIRECT correlation!
Someone commented at some point that they reminded them of drunk girls comforting each other in the bathroom after a party, and I think that's exactly accurate 😆
Pearl is the Big Sister ™️ of the group and if anyone hurts any of her little siblings it is game over!
Scar is SUCH a sweetheart in this AU! He's a superhero, he's a boyfriend, he's a best friend, he's a professor, and he's just doing his best to juggle it all!
Zom-Mom and Sentient Glowstick. Only the best combo!
Katherine said "Wait crap I think that was the love of my life!" and dove back in!"
Journalist Scott will be making a return in several pieces of the future, don't you worry! We'll get to see him strut his stuff! I'm very glad I've gotten you to love c!Scott even if you don't watch cc!Scott, that's just the best!
ooooo there's an angsty take. Hm. Well, there is certainly more angst on the docket for everyone, I assure you, and while I can't promise that brand of angst in particular, there is other stuff left to unpack! Please look forward to it!
Zedango will return! That is all I shall say!
I'm so glad you like the titles! I think it's very cute but I have to admit I'm starting to struggle to come up with terms of endearment I haven't used before 😆
I'm so glad you're trying to get your friend into TTSBC! The nice thing is I don't think it's too terribly difficult to spring into without context of watching any of the CCs because the characters all pretty much explain themselves within the AU. Maybe looking up some fanart for what everyone ought to look like, but it's not the worst thing!
Glad to hear you also like Traveling Thieves! I was gonna point you that way when you said you were an angst girlie so good that you're already there!
Thanks so much for coming by! 💖
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lgvalenzuela · 1 month ago
Hi! 7 or 13 for the rook story time prompts?
Thank you so much for the prompts!
7. Rook being taught an important skill.
Zevran started at his wedding ring, equally as amazed as he was astonished. It had been a week a he was still delighted by the image of Ciara on that wedding dress. But now, what? Living a quiet life as a husband was not where he'd imagine he'd ever be. Especially not with...
Finn was a little older now, not as easily mesmerized by the first person with tattoos he'd ever seen. And he really didn't know what to do with all of this. It was on him for falling in love with someone who had a kid anyway.
Still, Finn would give him these big smiles and place flowers on his lap and maybe for even a brief moment, he'd think everything was going to be alright.
Right now the little boy seemed concerned about a toy box, maybe he was grounded, because it was locked. Finn fiddled with the padlock, with the cutest frown on his face. Until he gave up and started biting it. And as funny as it was watching a small child bite a piece of metal like they were an angry puppy (and it was very funny), that probably wasn't good for his teeth.
Zevran crouched near him, trying not to laugh:
"Hmh, perhaps I could have a try at that?"
Finn made looked at him with those huge green eyes of his, and made some space for him. Zevran looked at the padlock, not exactly the most difficult thing, hopefully he wasn't going behind his new wife's wishes when he cracked the chest open.
But at that moment Finn stopped being interested in the toys at all, he grabbed Zevran's sleeve:
"How you do that?" he asked
"Cielo" Ciara rested on the door frame, with her arms crossed
"¿Sí amor?" he asked
"Care to explain why my five year old knows how to use a lockpick?"
Zevran swallowed, already preparing a clever line:
"I can't belive you taught him that...before I did" she smirked, jokingly "Such a horrible mother"
She really was the perfect woman.
13. Rook visiting a place they love.
Finn sat next to Harding's garden, after everything he finally had a bit of time to unwind. Taash soon crouched down next to him, they've already talked about everything that happened so Finn just rested his head on their shoulder, as Taash awkwardly ruffled his hair:
"You're not going to say sorry again, are you? Because it really wasn-"
"Nah, I think I'm out of awkward moments"
"Oh okay" they sniffed "Good"
"After we lost Denerim, Harding made a recreation of my mother's violet garden, just wanted to enjoy it before I leave for Ferelden to help"
"Yeah I get that" they rested their head on his head "We'll come back here, right? To see each other?"
"I hope we do. You're a good friend. Besides, it's easier with all this eluvian bussiness" he chuckled "If you ever miss me just come see me"
"Shut up asshole, but I will" they looked at the violets "So, your mother's garden?"
"Yeah, I'll get her another one, whatever it takes"
"Good, I like your mom"
"I'll make sure she knows that"
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sea-side-scribbles · 21 days ago
Solas wakes up in the strange new world of his own making and it terrifies him. Ridden with guilt, he joins the Inquisition and begins his lonely research in order to correct his mistake.
He doesn’t expect to find consolation in the presence of a human who wields ancient elven magic without knowing it. Who is way too gentle for an elgar’thanelan, but doesn’t know that either.
Solas, for his part, doesn’t know how to stay away.
Dorian wonders if the mysterious elf just enjoys playing with a Tevinter. He wouldn’t expect anything else.
Chapter 1- 13 | Right after uthenera, Solas is found by a Dalish clan. This goes well until it doesn’t. (Basically my excuse for world building and hilarious misunderstandings.)
Chapter 14 | Solas joins the Inquisition.
Chapter 20 | Dorian appears in Haven.
Chapter 34
Wandering up the hill to the village, Dorian heard the sounds from afar: the clanking of armour, blades hitting each other, the hammering in the smithy. And voices. "Is this version of Haven full of spirits?", he asked, already bracing himself. "It is full of images", Solas explained in a dreamy tone. "I assumed you would feel more comfortable there if it was not empty." "I can imagine this would've been eerie. Although now, we'd see a lot of actually dead people walking around”, Dorian couldn't help mentioning. "That is the nature of the fade.” The dreamer was almost reproachful. "It holds memories. As long as someone remembers, they will not be lost."
Dorian spotted a group of people walk out of the heavy gates, bows on their backs, about to hunt. Discussing something supposedly important, their voices were carried over to him, but their words were muffled. Solas watched them, too. "Hunters. Their party went out every morning to supply the Inquisition. I remember their names being called at the funeral." Now Dorian was ashamed he didn't remember them. Even though he couldn't possibly know every single soul of Haven. Did this have to become so sad?
Even Solas didn't seem to enjoy this. He looked up the mountain with a wistful expression that broke Dorian's heart. "Perhaps we avoid Haven for now. I wouldn't like to reopen any fresh wounds. And I don't think Fade-Flissa serves drinks in her tavern anyway", he tried to distract him, awkwardly fidgeting, because he didn't dare to put a hand on his shoulder. The elf actually lightened up a bit. "You don't think so?" The playfulness in his tone delighted Dorian in return. "Does she?” His curiosity awoke again. “How would this work?" "It would be just a memory. The taste, the temperature, the texture...But it would not sate you." "I've been told to never consume anything I'm given in the fade." "A safe sentiment, although not always necessary." Dorian threw his head back, laughing. "You're making the fade a lot more likeable.” "That is why we are here”, Solas said calmer, but still entertained. “To reduce the fear your Circles have taught you." "I'd say caution, not fear, but I nonetheless appreciate the invitation." To Solas' furrowed brows, he added: "To a drink. At Fade-Flissa's."
"...really? That is what you think about now? In the fade?" For some reason, Solas didn't like this. "Why not? If you're going to confront me with a spirit, at least I'd have a glass to hold on to. You know I'm shy like that!" The elf was the first person to manage an angry chuckle. "You are not ready to speak to a spirit yet." "But hopefully not because I'm enjoying myself?" Solas didn't answer. He walked on towards Haven, as if he angrily agreed to have a drink. With a boost of courage, Dorian planted himself in front of him and pressed both his hands against the slender shoulders. The fur of his coat felt really fluffy on his skin. He wasn't ready to have the freckled face so close to him, and the violet eyes piercing his own, but he had to pull through.
"Solas, please", he said to the hardened features, "I believe we've been through this already. Let me comfort you. This time, we're even about to be in a tavern." He added a smirk to the last sentence. Solas stared over Dorian's shoulders, as if annoyed, but his mouth puckered. "You do remember my words", he stated, standing immobile like a statue. "Naturally, as I told you." Dorian let go of his shoulders, now that he halted. From a safer distance, he went on: "Don't get me wrong. I'm taking the fade very seriously. I just can't bear seeing sad elves. Especially when it's you. You have a way of lowering your ears that I just can't stomach." "And I thought you would be used to that sight.” Said elf was dry as sand paper.
The notion stung, but there was no way giving up now. "Call it a complex, if you must. If I see a sad elf, I get the feeling I have to do something about it." "You would have plenty to do at home." Solas tried to push him away, but he wouldn't have it. "I...suppose. But right now, I'm not at home. I'm here, with you." Dorian tilted his head, hoping to be just as adorable as Solas with this gesture. The elf turned his gaze away. “Come now, have a drink with me. I promise to behave.” Solas crossed his arms, but Dorian could see his shoulders tremble. “We will have to speak about Tevinter one day...”, he stated as if he read it from an agenda paper. “Of course. I'd like to. I love speaking about my homeland, and myself for that matter. But perhaps not here. The subject causes blood to boil and not in a good way.” Solas unfolded his arms and his posture relaxed a little. He headed into the direction of the Haven gates, less angry, probably. It was better than nothing.
Soon, Dorian needed to sort his own feelings, crossing through the place that didn't exist anymore, seeing people that never made it out of there. But even creepier were those that still lived. He had walked past Fade-Cullen and he had greeted him. Shuddering, he kept close to Solas when they went up the stairs, about to pass Fade-Varric. “I never thought I'd prefer formless wisps pulling at my hair.” The elf gave him a more sympathetic look. “Then perhaps the images were not a good idea.” Before Dorian could answer, Fade-Varric interrupted them: “Sparkler? Chuckles? You two together? That's a rare sight. What are you up to?” His voice sounded strangely far away. Otherwise it was a flawless depiction of their favourite storyteller. The two exchanged glances. Solas seemed to let the Tevinter sort it out. “Ah, you know, just the usual mischief”, he quipped at the fade-dwarf as if he was real. “Two mages plotting can't go well.” Not-Varric regarded them with a very convincing smirk. “Don't let Cassandra catch you.” “Noted. We'd rather keep our pretty heads on our necks.”
Moving on, Solas was annoyingly quiet. Dorian continued their conversation: “Is this what the fade feels like to you? How you watch forgotten memories? They play out in front of your eyes like this?” “They are not always this clear. Old memories blur over time. Even spirits that embodied strong emotions forget their meaning. I once found an ancient spirit who had been undisputed king of almost every land I had discovered. Like pride or rage, it was the fade’s reflection of a feeling. When I asked which one it was, the spirit faltered. 'They’ve forgotten,' said the spirit. 'There remains no word for what I was.'” “So, the fade doesn't sustain all memories forever. It's changing.” “As a part of our world, it changes with us.” Solas made it sound as natural as the tide. “Fascinating.”
Solas opened the door to the tavern to let him in. “Very kind of you”, Dorian said as he strutted in, already smelling the waft of stew, bread, ale, sweat, tears and blood this tavern always held. There wasn't much going on in the morning, and still it pulled at Dorian's senses. A group of villagers played cards, talking over each other, their voices echoing unnaturally. Sera slept in a corner with her head on the table, snoring like she always did. The bard sang quietly. In reality this would be a peaceful scene, but here, Dorian's ears fought the cacophony of distorted sounds. “Are you alright?”, Solas brought him back. Dorian wiped his eyes. “This is...obviously more than handling a few wisps. Give me a moment.”
Suddenly he felt Solas' fingers curl around his arm and his skin rejoiced at that. Finally something that felt real. Yes, that was the reason. The dreamer guided him to the bar while he still blinked against the images. A wide, sparsely landscape had been alright, but this narrow space with people and things so close overwhelmed him. And everything shifted. He needed to stare at something to make it stop and he noticed that in the corner of his eyes the images flew, free from his grasp. This might be the first time he'd puke in a bar without having drunk anything.
“Good morning, Flissa”, Solas then greeted the image. “Morning, you two”, he heard Fade-Flissa answer. “What's with him? Hangover? I'd have a recipe, but I'm sure Adan can help you better.” “No, no, don't worry about me.” Dorian waved his hand in the air. “It's the...uh...the allergies.” “Allergies?” “Yes. Best treated with alcohol. So, please, do your thing, would you?” There was a pause. Between blinking, Dorian noticed Fade-Flissa exchange glances with Solas, who shrugged. A few moments later, they finally had their drinks. Dorian sniffed at it. “Oh, it's that holy Chantry ale that tastes like nothing already in the waking world..What was the name...?” “Semibrew.” “Yes. Semi indeed, at best.” “Are you here to drink or to complain?”
The answer never left Dorian's lips, instead he closed his eyes and massaged his temples. The stimuli in this realm weren't kind to him. “Dorian?”, Solas reminded him that he was still with him, caring. “How about both?”, he answered, trying a smile. The elf shook his head. “Remember, you can end the session any time you like”, he suddenly said so smoothly, it wrapped the chaos into a warm blanket. “You do not have to do this.” Dorian grabbed Solas' sleeve. “Let's go outside. I need to breathe.” They went, and Dorian kept the mug pressed against his chest, trying not to drop it. Outside, he collapsed on a barrel behind the tavern, where no fade-people could bother him. Solas helped him sit upright and Dorian couldn't decide if he should be embarrassed or entranced. He was too busy taking breaths of fade-air. It was cool, but didn't burn in his lungs and satisfied him just as much. Then, when he could keep his eyes open again, he took a sip.
The taste caught him off guard. And disappointed him in a way he hadn't dared to expect. It was just... the boring, tasteless, somewhat sweet ale of Haven. He could swear it felt funny on his tongue, but couldn't figure why. When he looked up to the dreamer, he found him already with his nose deep in his mug. “Do you...enjoy this stuff?”, Dorian blurted out. “I have tasted worse”, was the pragmatic answer. And truly, as an apostate hermit...Dorian didn't want to imagine the culinary crimes he experienced. “Point taken.” Solas watched him then, like an enigma unfolding in front of his eyes. Dorian felt like he needed to say something. “This is...surprisingly unsurprising.” He lifted his drink. “It's exactly what you described.” “What did you expect?” “Honestly? I thought it would overwhelm my senses like the tavern does. I imagined the most entertaining scenarios, you know. Me fainting, crying for help, falling into your arms...Instead, nothing.” “It seems that my word has more weight than your hopes for entertainment.” “In this realm, at least.”
Solas dipped his head. The way his features tensed told Dorian that he had said something incredibly wrong again. “No. Dorian, what did I tell you about the fade?” “Solas, please, you have to be more specific than that!” But Solas remained quiet. “Come, now! You can't make me repeat everything you said in the last three days!” The elf just drank, unbothered by the Tevinter's despair. “Festis bei umo canavarum!” That just gave the dreamer a smirk he quickly hid behind the mug. Dorian, for the lack of other options, just drank as well.
Solas, not having to steady a dizzy Tevinter any longer, settled into a pose that was insufferably smug, leaning against the back of the tavern, legs crossing in a way that tilted his hips enough to show off the tight leggings. How was a man supposed to gather his thoughts like that? And Dorian could swear Solas knew.
With a swift movement, he joined the elf at the wall, placing a hand close to the pointed ears. Solas didn't flinch. “Found an answer?”, he asked, looking up from lowered eyelids, tone challenging. Dorian silenced. He felt their closeness that made his blood pound through his veins and for the first time, he wallowed in it. Solas was right before him. He was real. His enticing form didn't change or flicker under his gaze and his voice had the fullness of a real thing. Although their bodies were both manifestations of their dreaming minds, he felt the difference. Among the images, they were alone, sharing this intimate moment hidden from other eyes. For a glimpse, Dorian thought to see the hardened look in the other man's eyes change. Opening up to show the soul inside. Or it was just his imagination going wild, because Solas then pushed himself off the wall and brought distance between them.
“Really, Dorian?” He sounded frustrated. “Are you even trying?” “I am! Trust me! But I'm at a loss”, the Tevinter reluctantly went back to the point. Solas looked up to the sky and almost rolled his eyes before he pressed out: “Expectations is the keyword.” Eventually, the scales fell from his eyes. “Are you serious? You mean, if I expected this to taste like Agreggio Pavali, out of a dirty mug, nonetheless, I would've actually had a good drink?” The dreamer just eyed him then emptied his own drink. “What did you have?” Suddenly a million possibilities popped up in his mind. Solas put the empty mug on a barrel. “You still have much to learn. But I acknowledge this: you give my words credit.”
“But it can't be so simple, Solas. The fade isn't a wishing well that hands you exactly want you want all the time. Otherwise, it would be a paradise and we would all rather live in the fade.” “You never heard that having all your wishes fulfilled would be a curse?” A shade of a smile flashed over his features. “Yes, but that's only a word play in comparison to what we'd actually deal with.” “It is not as simple as fulfilling your wishes. You are not the only one forming this world. But you need to understand your own influence, for better or worse. You have power here.” Dorian remembered the wisp and saw why Solas would point this out. “I thought that only mattered for...” Solas waited for his answer. “The living.”
“You influence the fade in its entirety”, the dreamer said, but he sounded softer now. “Ah”, was all Dorian could say. “As for opposing powers: in this realm, that would be me”, Solas went on, giving him a faint lopsided smile. “Do you think I would deny you a drink you enjoy?” “Hmm.” Dorian lifted an eyebrow. “I can actually imagine you pleasing your mean streak.” Solas straightened himself and folded his arms behind his back, as if to emphasize his innocence. Dorian didn't have it. “Playing with a spoiled Tevinter?”, he slowly went on, pretending to ponder. “I can see that in my mind's eye.” “Careful”, the elf said and tilted his head, “with your expectations.” Dorian dared to step closer. Solas didn't move this time, not even when he leaned in to whisper into the offered ear: “I'm not saying I wouldn't like it, to a degree.” The pointed tip twitched. Dorian showed his teeth as the thing in his chest rejoiced.
Then Solas quickly broke the connection. “Either way, keep this in mind, Dorian”, he stated, walking away. “You are less of a visitor in the fade than a resident and every act, considerate or not, has consequences.” The Tevinter watched him leave, catching his breath. Perhaps it had been the right moment to warn him, but the loss still hurt. “I understand I exhausted your mind tonight”, the dreamer went on, much sadder now. “I have underestimated the influence of Haven's memories and for that, I am sorry.” “No harm done, Solas”, Dorian hurried to ensure him. “I find all of this rather exciting. And worthwhile. You should give lessons in the Circle.” The elf smiled sadly. “I rather not set foot into one. I might never get to leave.” “Because everyone would adore you so much.” Solas turned his head, annoyed or flattered, Dorian couldn't tell. He liked to imagine the latter.
“Your mind needs rest now,” he stubbornly stuck to the point. “Ah, but I'm not tired at all”, Dorian countered, not willing to give up. “You fail to remember your lessons and you usually don't have a bad memory”, Solas stung his ego. “Hey, that's unfair! You just caught me off-guard, right after the tavern. I'll do better, now that I'm warned.” “You would better spare yourself the shame and safe your energy for the march tomorrow.” Solas had no mercy. “I see, there's not way reasoning with you. That's a shame already. Who knows when you'll ever see me like this again.” He played with the hems of his precious robe. “The fade will keep this memory for a while”, the elf offered without blinking an eye. “Oh? It did leave a strong impression then?” “An impression, yes.” Dorian stared into Solas' eyes, not hoping to break the border but to leave a mark there. “There's your mean streak.”
Violet eyes turned away once more. “Rest well, Dorian.” His voice was honey on cream. “See you tomorrow.” The elf nodded, then the scene dissolved. Dorian didn't know how long he slept until he woke up.
During the day, Solas found his way back to Dorian Pavus, without giving it much of a thought. The Tevinter didn't mind it either and gladly began to ask questions about the fade.
They hadn't gone a long way until they spotted Blackwall among a crowd, apparently telling them a story that involved a lot of wide hand gestures and imitations of beastly growls. Solas had to smile at this, assuming he was adding more spectacular details to the memories since a lot of them had been too blurry for his taste.
"Didn't take him for a storyteller", Dorian commented on the commotion. "I thought that was Varric's job." "Grey Wardens tell their own stories", Solas said in his mysterious way that made Dorian wonder if there was more to it. "And Varric isn't here to take the place. Strange, I thought he'd be exploiting our skirmish to no end, but he's oddly quiet." At Solas' worried look, he added: "Likely because he's still writing. So, the attack might yet come." But Solas wasn't convinced.
He found Varric during a break, bending over scrolls and papers he spread over a barrel. He looked indeed occupied. Solas neared carefully. "Master Tethras", he began as if addressing a noble. He knew that it would tease the dwarf, who looked down at titles. "Chuckles," Varric said barely lifting his head. When he realized Solas wasn't just passing by, he asked: "Need something?" "You know I have taken on the role of a healer, for a lack of personnel", Solas explained himself. "Among other things." Varric eyed him sceptically. "What? I'm not a healer." "We have not seen each other since..." "Uh..." Varric regarded his notes as if the answer was written there. "...yeah."
Solas took a breath. "Are you alright, Varric?" The dwarf chuckled, but stiffly. "That's it? You creep up behind me to ask if I'm okay? You're something else Chuckles." Solas' mouth narrowed. "Now, don't frown. I'm just joking. You see I'm snug as a nug." He put his arms behind his head and grinned. "I would prefer to confirm that myself." "What? Wanna fuss over me like a nanny? You see I'm fine!" Calmer and with a wink, he added: "Missed me, huh?" Solas awkwardly shifted. "I must admit I wish I visited you sooner." "Aw, stop it. You didn't miss anything anyway. But come by when we're in that new base. I see a new bottle of Koslun's Tears coming." "I understand. My punishment is already on the way. I will endure it with grace." Varric clicked his tongue. "Lowbrow." Then he focused back on his writing.
"You would not hide any injuries, Master Tethras? That would be unwise." "You kidding me? I've seen what we're up against. I'm not turning myself into dragon fodder." Solas nodded, then silence followed. He figured he was dismissed. Judging by the dwarf's behaviour he knew that there was something bothering him. At least not an injury. "Maker's balls, Chuckles! I'm not a damsel in distress! Go help someone who needs it!" Solas winced at the outburst, then he left.
In the late afternoon, the shape of a mighty fortress appeared between the mountains. Voices rang out in the camp. The Herald hurried through the admirers, her advisors and friends behind her. At the top of a hill, she stopped to marvel at the sight. "It's here, and it's still standing", she gasped. Cullen next to her snorted in disbelief. "I guess I owe Solas an apology." "That can be done right away", Dorian said, popping up behind him. He turned around: "Solas, our Knight Commander likes to tell you something." He bravely faced the glare of said commander, probably because it was accompanied by a deeply pink blush.
Solas walked up to Cullen, face all innocent. "I'm sorry", the former templar said after clearing his throat. "I didn't think it was possible." "You apology is accepted." "I hope it looks as good in the inside, though." "I appreciate you favour inner values, Commander." Cullen gave him a confused look. Leliana laughed first, then Josephine giggled and everyone had a good time."You were right", Ellana told Solas when he joined her, a trace of sadness in her tone. "It doesn't look elven." Solas suppressed the notion that she wouldn't recognize an Elvhen monument if she saw one. "What remains is the name", he said instead, looking at it fondly. "Skyhold."
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editorialsonlife · 4 months ago
So I've officially been unemployed for a month now, and I only just feel like I'm finally catching up on sleep and starting to feel vaguely human again.
We were in Melbourne last week and it was bloody delightful, but the week before that I went to the doctor because I was actually just so wiped out and he was like, not to be OTT about it or anything but this is burnout and you're in it basically. So thanks for that! All the blood tests came back ok though which is excellent news but also rude because a pill for low iron would be much more convenient than simply you need to rest for several months to get yourself back on track which is rude but anyway. I've dropped from 10 hours of sleep a night to 9 so I guess that's something? No longer feeling compelled to have an afternoon nap every day so that's helpful.
Melbourne was great, as it always is. We clocked up about 15kms a day of walking which was really good, and a nice reminder for this old overweight body that it can actually move and do things again. Ate a lot of delicious food, did some good shopping, caught up with family, and got to hang out together and buy some things for the new house as well which I guess really isn't so new anymore?
Had my first PT session today which was enjoyable? I think we're on the same page. I just need to relearn how to move in a body that's significantly heavier and less mobile than it used to be, and she was like, what do you even enjoy doing? How can we make this fun for you so you actually want to be here? which was a very refreshing perspective and she was like, let's just try some things and see what feels good and go from there? what a novelty. It's nice not to feel totally intimidated at the gym, and she's given me a cheap pack of PT sessions since I'm currently unemployed so winning for that.
Mum got an all cash offer with no conditions for her house so yay for that. She's moving on 13 December which will be nice to get her out of that house. finally.
Still haven't thought about a job or what comes next career wise but I also can't be bothered to stress about it? I've got enough savings to get me through til March so that's a good time. Happy with it in general.
Rest, exercise, good food and some creative fun stuff is on the cards and I'm happy for it.
Big yawn, need to cook dinner and go to bed!
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joedaytoday · 1 year ago
MLK Weekend 2024
Saturday, January 13, 2024
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MLK weekend is here. Enjoying not having anyplace to be but home. It's cold and there's a light coating of snow on the ground. Dale and I are lounging on the couch and Sylvester is on Dale's lap. It's very cozy in here. We're contemplating shoveling the snow but we're not moving too fast to make that happen.
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It's cold. Dale and I just got in from shoveling the little bit of snow that's on the ground. Glad we're not just south of us in Iowa which is also frigid but getting HAMMERED with snow.
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For us it's notable because we've been way warmer than usual this season and we haven't had enough snow at any given time to shovel any more that what we got overnight. We've been spoiled but we're bracing ourselves. Who knows when but the monster snowstorm WILL come.
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Even later...
I've come to regard MLK weekend as something of an extension of winter break. As a teacher I've always gotten a 2 week break around the holidays. Every other teacher I talk to says the two week mark is just when they feel they're starting to really relax. That's the case for me with summer break too. Anyway, the two weeks I've been back in school have been productive albeit tiring. There's some good stuff going on at work but I'll just leave that there for now as I need to give myself a mental break from thinking and talking about my job.
I'm sitting down now with a Fresca and listening to Christmas with Ed Ames, one of my favorite Christmas albums from childhood. Hearing these songs brings me right back to the living room in the house on Stevens at Christmastime.
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Later still...
We had Fran, Charlie, and Christine from Gethsemane over for dinner tonight and it was really delightful seeing all of them. Dale and I made a lasagna that went over very well. Fran brought over lychee martinis which she's been telling me about for a while. I loved 'em. They're one part lime rum, 1 part lemon run, 1 part vanilla rum, and 1 part lychee liqueur.
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daja-the-hypnokitten · 2 years ago
Jukebox reviews part 42! For context, see my post “A Project” under  this same tag. If you want to see a full list of his EMCSA stories,  they can be found here, sorted alphabetically.And if you want to see some of his drabbles, check out his blog at @jukeboxemcsa
This Is You Throwing In the Towel
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9/1/2018                                       mc mf ff md fd
This is interesting! I enjoy the implication of letting her choose - though I doubt it's a fair choice, and would they really let her go if she decided she wanted to? if she even *could* decide she wanted to? It feels like a fake choice, but one that will make her believe she's choosing her own surrender, which of course reinforces the choice and makes the conditioning even easier. It's a solid premise, with a good sense of what's going on in her head, but it's missing just a bit of a spark for me. 8/10 spirals 
 Only Just Begun
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9/8/2018                                       mc mf md
Sneaky and clever, but I do wonder how Nancy doesn't start to *hurt* from overstim here! Also that her abs don't start to ache from repeated contraction! Seeing how the constant pleasure swamps her mind and makes it so easy for the Archivist to change her thoughts, to supply her with what he wants her to think is good, though, but it's a little too much sex-focused for my preference. 7/10 spirals 
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9/15/2018                                     mc ff md cb
This is one of those stories that's technically mind control but doesn't *feel* like mind control to me. Which is fine, because I LIKE Wild Rose and will read all the stories about her that Jukebox cares to write. And it's an interesting question on causality and parallel realities and other things that involve more theoretical physics than I ever studied and would make my brain hurt if I thought too hard about it, so I'm going to not. It's a lovely Wild Rose story, I love the characters, it's just not really mind control as I think of it. 8/10 spirals 
 Counting Stars
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9/22/2018                                     mc mf md
Oooh, using a dark, star-filled night sky as a hypnotic induction is a good one, and I'm going to need to remember that for if I ever have a chance to use it. Like, not for the sex that Leon gets into - not with the partner that this story makes me think of, anyway - but ust to use teh stars to melt a partner into a hypnotized puddle? *YES.* The rest of it is solid, they're clearly having fun with it, but just doesn't quite live up to the delight I get from the induction premise. 9/10 spirals 
 Zero Signal
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9/29/2018                                     mc mm
This is another one where panic is a significant enough part of it that I don't really enjoy it. And listening to someone brag about how well the process worked is just never as much to my taste as seeing the process in progress, of course. Add in an absolute dislike for Zachary, and it all sums up to a story that just isn't for me. 3/10 spirals 
 I Would Die 4 U
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10/6/2018                                     mc ff
Ah, THAT'S where this has been building to. Well, then, this is going to get interesting, and I'm looking forward to seeing where 4U and her Master go from here, but the story doesn't have much erotic charge to me at the moment. Which is fine, because the plot is good enough for what I want out of these. 8/10 spirals 
 Narrow Escape
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10/13/2018                                   mc ff
Oh, Julieta is clever and sneaky; I do wonder how much she can be trusted here, not that it seems to matter much to Martina. I love how smoothly she uses describing what the professor might do to, well, not raise suspicion when she does it herself.  All in all it's a solid story with some solid hypnosis technique and I do hope that Martina and Julieta can be a happy couple, however not-at-all ethical this initial seduction was. 9/10 spirals 
 Young Gods
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10/20/2018                                   mc mf ff
That's an interesting story, and I find myself more caught up in the metaphysical questions posed by it than the magical/divine mind control in the story. Not that any of them really matter in the long run, but still, I see interesting worldbuilding and I want to know more about it. That said, this is magical mind control with a heavy focus on sex, and I'm just not that into the sex stuff in this one. 7/10 spirals 
 Keep an Eye on Summer
 date uploaded   date updated     Tags
10/27/2018                                   mc ff
None of that is how DNA works. It just isn't. I can't get past that one specific thing. The story's fine, I guess, if you like that sort of post-apocalyptic, semi-horror setting (which I don't), but the control happens too fast for my personal preference and I get caught up on the "that isn't how it works though" and can't really get into it. But if you like science-as-magic and the setting, it's a well-written story. 5/10 spirals 
 Jacob’s Word
 date uploaded   date updated     Tags
11/3/2018                                     mc mf md
Ick ick ick, nope, sorry, I can't deal with how this one goes. The combination of her having been turned away without help multiple times to also being betrayed by someone she thought was taking her seriously enough to help her? I can't. (That said, if you like stories with a bit of betrayal, where someone's describing mind control that's been done to them in the past and falling into all of those patterns? This one might be up your alley.)
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cailynwrites · 5 days ago
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In doing my HP Birthday podfic extravaganza of 47 unique pods last year (see the whole collection HERE), I came across quite a lot of rare pairs. I'm an equal opportunity shipper and variety truly is the spice of life, so I wanted to share some of my fave rare pairs that I read last year. In Part 1, I will share some rare pairs that I read or listened to and in Part 2, I will share some rare pairs that I podded myself. Enjoy!
Part 1, in alphabetical order, below the break ...
dispersion point by SchrodingersHalfling, podfic by ambivalently_certain (G, 5k, 40 minutes, Harry x Ron)
“Harry, when it happened… I was thinking of you.” Harry swallows thickly. Sometime in the future Ron gets hit with some unknown magic and with no way of knowing he would survive, his last though had been of Harry. It makes him wonder what Ron had been about to say in the forest. (or, Harry has known Ron his entire life; it doesn't change much, but it's enough that he's there)
The Favourite by @mallstars (E, 17k, Draco x Harry x Ron)
On a throne of glitzing clutter, Draco Malfoy sits like a degenerate prince. His robes are the colour of sour champagne, celestial patterns stitched across the sweeping silk where it drapes over sharp shoulders and cradles a spindly waist. A rain of glitter dangles from one of his ears, and his expression is nauseating. The curl of his lip, the upturn of his pompous nose. Draco is a criminal. Harry and Ron are the Aurors who arrest him.
Hear Me Out by @rainstormradish (E, 5k, Draco x Harry x Ron)
“I know this is all just a big joke to you,” whispered Draco, his lips inches from Ron’s ear, his breath on his neck, his hips pressed against him, Merlin, “but I need you to fucking commit to the bit here, Ron.”
ink and paper prayers by @kitsunerei88, podfic by @juuls (T, 11k, 1.5 hours, Cedric x Cho)
It’s OWL year, and Cho Chang has too many things on her mind. She needs top grades, especially because she didn’t make prefect, and no Quidditch this year only means one less thing that can go on her Healer applications. On top of that, she has her traditional Chinese paper magic exams in the summer, and therefore absolutely no time for bullshit. Enter Cedric Diggory: seventh-year, Hufflepuff prefect, and Triwizard Champion. 
Lost and Found by @jetainia, podfic by JocundaSykes (G, 2k, 13 minutes, Kingsley x Sirius)
Despite losing the one thing that could lead them to each other, they still managed to come together.
Molly Weasley and the Second Cousin by ZebJeb, podfic by TheLastVoice (T, 2k, 17 minutes, Arthur x Molly)
Molly's children do not know much about her second cousin, besides him being an accountant or something. She has a good reason to keep her family in the dark.
Ron Weasley and the Clothes of Doom by Liesha130 (E, 33k, Blaise x Ron)
Do the clothes make the man? Ron Weasley thinks he has no chance, until one night when he dresses up and Blaise Zabini can’t take his eyes off him. The solution is easy, then, right? Ron just has to keep dressing up, and Blaise will keep wanting him. But every time Ron puts the new clothes on, he’s sent spiraling off into a past filled with insecurity. Will he really be able to keep this up without going completely bonkers? And what does Blaise actually want from him, anyway?
The Taste of Țuică by @fluxweeed, podfic by @lastontheboat (E, 15k, 1.5 hours, Draco x Harry x Ron)
It’s quite one thing for your best mate to casually tell you about all the sex his boyfriend wants to have. It’s altogether another to have him bring up the time you snogged him in a shitty Central London park.
Vigil by kelly_chambliss, podfic by JocundaSykes (T, 4k, 25 minutes, Minerva x Severus)
On the night after the Battle of Hogwarts, Filius and Minerva sit with Severus.
why not both by varnes, podfic by @blackestglass (M, 14k, 2 hours, Hermione x Ron x Viktor)
“Small baby,” Krum diagnosed, sounding delighted by this. “World too big, yes? Wants back in small, warm place, yes?” Ron realized that he was holding his breath. He glanced over at Hermione, who was looking at Krum like she was definitely, absolutely going to leave Ron for him, and honestly, at this moment, Ron felt that was fair. Ron was going to leave himself for Krum. Ron was going to rob all the banks in the world to get Viktor Krum back his money as long as it meant he’d keep their beautiful, perfect, angelic monster of a screaming baby quiet. “I want to be in a small, warm place,” Hermione muttered, and then squeaked a little realizing she’d said it out loud. Rose giggled. “Shidole,” she whispered, looking pleased and interested, smacking at Krum’s chest. “Rose, don’t call our guests shitholes,” Hermione scolded, and then said, “Viktor, you can stay as long as you like.” - Or: The Ron/Hermione/Krum fic that absolutely nobody was hankering for in the year of our Lord 2020.
BONUS CROSSOVER - I'm not usually a fan of crossovers, but this one is particularly adorable.
Fireworks by @copperbadge, podfic by @tinypinkmouse (T, 2k, 15 minutes, Remus (HP) x Angua (Discworld))
Remus Lupin gets a little lost in the Discworld, and meets someone who really gets him.
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thecubspeaks · 2 months ago
For the meme:
4, 13, 15
4: if your Tav was a companion, where would they be found?
I have answered this embarrassingly elaborately for Izar.
I think Isemay, a half-drow bard, would be found in the Blighted Village. The goblins can clock a half-drow when the druids and tieflings don’t which I find very funny, but being a bard, I think Isemay persuaded them that no, she’s for sure definitely with this other drow they’re talking about. When the party arrives, the goblin scouts spot them, but then decide to “ask the drow what to do.” Then Isemay gets called over and your tadpoles connect.
13: What are their thoughts on killing? Is it a necessary evil or do they enjoy it?
Izar hates that she enjoys it, but it isn’t the passion and delight that Orin has. It satisfies her urge, but most of it is the sort of cold pleasure of doing something you’re very, very good at. Izar likes to feel competent and she never feels more skilled and competent than when she’s killing.
Isemay is a swashbuckler at heart and takes genuine pleasure in a dramatic slaying for JUSTICE. She can even get behind crueler deaths if there’s a sense of poetic justice. But she has no patience for gratuitous death or violence, and will always try to talk her way out of a situation first. She also killed anyone who was racist to her or Lae’zel.
Avigey’s skills lie more in healing and crowd control. She’d like to think she’ll do what it takes to get the job done, but when it comes down to it, she doesn’t really have the ruthlessness required to be good at killing. She’ll eviscerate you verbally if the situation calls for it, but she’s enough a cleric in her soul that she finds personally ending a life hard. Happy to let Minthara do it, though.
15: what NPC’s do they like? Which ones do they dislike?
Izar and Avigey are both quite fond of Barcus because they are also quite caustic people who care more than they let on. They also both really like and respect Zevlor, though Avigey had less patience for his (in her view) self-pity after he was tricked by the Absolute. He was weird about drow when they first met, so Isemay finds him a tragic figure but not someone she’d try to get close to.
Isemay initially found Rolan extremely frustrating. She actually empathised quite a lot with his ambition and sense of grandeur, but couldn’t deal with the way he lashed out at the party when they had no ill intent whatsoever. She was wary of seeming to be sweeping in to his rescue yet again with Lorroakan (though obviously was gonna do it anyway) and was really pleased that it all worked out as it did. I think they stay in touch to some extent, and he helps her magically send messages from the Astral Plane.
Isemay ADORES Aylin. They talk about their workout routines and practice swordsmanship and talk about all the cool smiting (literal or metaphorical) they’ve done. She’s absolutely flirting all the time but neither Lae’zel nor Isobel are concerned because Aylin is obviously completely oblivious.
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cuephrase · 9 months ago
ask game: 🏜️, 🍓, 🎨, and anything else you want to answer :))
🏜️⇢ what's your favorite type of comment to receive on your work?
any comment that indicates enjoyment! i will say the aggressively positive ones crack me up, like never thought i would enjoy being cussed out but it's pretty fun lmao. ummmm oh, bc i write angst, i like when i get comments saying 'i cried' LMAO. i also love long comments, which i feel like i have to make it very clear that i don't dislike short comments!! when i super fall in love with a fic i tend to like word vomit in the comments tho, so like receiving that kind of comment makes me malfunction, bc like what do you mean my writing was worth all that kindness?? actually. pretty much every nice comment makes me feel that way 🥹😭🫶 if you've ever left me a comment, just know i can practically guarantee that i blushed, looked slightly insane for a second, and then had a massive grin for the rest of my day
🍓⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction?
omg fun question!!! so!! okay, i've been writing since i was in first grade bc i read obsessively so when my teacher was like "dolphins can't drink coffee" my smart ass was like "ummm they could if it was the right story" and she was like "well then write it prove me wrong" and i was like omg i can write my own stories?! mind blown. got extra credit for that story actually, horrible influence, taught me to argue with authority figures. jk. kind of. where was i? oh!!! fast forward to when i was eleven, i got super crazy into tmnt and would spend hours just like...reading about them, like fact articles, don't laugh at me, anyways, something mentioned fanfiction and i was like, what is that? googled it. mind blown AGAIN. i would spend hours daydreaming new episodes okay, and even though i wrote all the time i never considered writing down my ideas bc i thought i needed to like work for nickelodeon to do that lmao.
wasn't allowed to have an acc, even once i turned 13 (which would've been on ffnet actually, had no idea about ao3 then), and also wasn't allowed on a computer so i just wrote in spiral-bound notebooks and my siblings waited for each chapter the same way they did for new episodes.
can't remember how i discovered ao3, weird, but that was when i was around 15. all the fic i posted then was bnha, has since been orphaned, whoops, i anon what i don't love now. and then i kept writing fic just for myself but i posted a bnha one shot back in 2022. got into batfam in august 2023, did some whumptober for fun, and now i'm posting my first multi-chap fic!!
i write...a lot, but share very little bc i'm super, super self-conscious. i'm trying to be less shy!! it's just hard *buries head in hands*
🎨⇢ link your favorite piece of fanart and explain why you like it
asjfjkskj I CAN'T DO ONE. i gotta limit myself somehow tho crap. okay okay okay
first up, is this absolute gem from @/danidoodels, i mean LOOK AT HIM. the lil pout, and then the hair ruffles and his smile and the colors and the and the everything. just everything. EVERYTHING. patpatpatpatpatpat
then, @/ashrayus dick and jay art had been a recent and joyous discovery, but this one i'm going to highlight this one bc he's holding him like a naughty kitten lmaooooo. i'm obsessed with how like soft and warm this art makes me feel, i want to wrap up in it like a blanket and sob
next, @/malenjoyer's delightful art is always going to worm into my brain but this cat dami?! SOG. i want to squish him. just SQWUISH
finally, this timkon animatic @/oneswordstyle- i've probs thought about it every day since i first saw it. it's just so soft and cute and i adore them and they make me sick to do not try to cure me
🛼 ⇢ describe your latest wip with five emojis
🫥⏳💔⚖️🔂 (i don't think this counts as spoilers, right? hehe)
tysm for the ask anon!! i hope you enjoyed the answers <3
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makahimetenshi · 1 year ago
How i meet your mother and the story of how Arya Maxson was concieved - Chapter 13
Yeah im definitely changing the title of this fic, absolutely shutting down every shared url I posted about this fic on fanfiction, deleting the first two chapters and going to the final in this very job
The first two drabbles that actually are Two Separated Ways will be posted separatly.
If you are very very very delighted with one fic and want a continuation I didn’t write or post you can donate me at least $5 bucks, most of this fics have next chapters I don’t finish because lack of motivation but hey a $5 is a $5, I see a few reviews and comments that fics that are abandoned months laters receive comments of wanting to know what happens next. Here it is, I finished my handling with you all, enjoy the fic
They keep seeing each other after that, night after night, every night he takes a ventibird for a couple of hours to see his beautiful business owner to have dinner. Now he had to address her as Howard, or Nora. But not Sentinel, neither had an obligation with each other, since she didn’t have a rank anymore and she did not owe him her presence when he summoned her.
Some nights they dinner at the café, and some others at her apartment. He could see everyday how the building was changing little by little, working, improving things but above all spending money, money that worried Arthur, but Nora didn’t seem worried.
But they didn’t have sex, after all the fire turns off a bit after menacing your couple and specially if you tackle her down as a response in both minds the idea of touching and having sex sounded dangerous, very dangerous.
-When are you having another test by the way? –ask Arthur eating on his pasta with tato sauce.
-Month and half is not enough to do another test, wait until two months at least, it’s a shame I cant do them here…
He didn’t think so, preferred to do it with the medical equipment of the citadel, better results, trustworthy, a ride in ventibird to the citadel and the tower wasn’t a big effort in order to keep her safe after all.
-If I read correctly the 400 mUI/mL you had last time should be now 10000 doesn’t? –she nodded, he seem a bit exited with the idea of her pregnancy
-I wonder if should be more tho –she said drinking on her aquapura.
-What do you mean? I can bring you vitamins and supplements if you need
-This is my second pregnancy only, I don’t have much more experience
-And it was good? –she raised an eyebrow not understanding- an easy pregnancy
-It was perfect, even the uncomfortable things like waist pain at Nate side were funny and easy…The only thing I fear is the cravings
-How do you plan to give me pudding with cream and dulce de leche in the middle of the night? –especially if they choose to live apart.
Arthur wait in silence, confused.
-What is pudding? -oh my gosh she needs to give him a prewar recipe book or they are going to end up shooting each other in the head.
By the time he was leaving since the night was over he noticed something odd on top of a table, weird to see
-Oh those aren’t for you –said Nora when she noticed what caught the man attention.
-Who are they for then?
-For Danse, found that pack of cigarettes and remember that he likes Big Boss
-Where did you get it? Are you going out the tower? –for some reason he felt severly upset.
-Nah I was just cleaning the metro entrances and connections this days and found it inside an old cabinet, trying to actually connect it and make a subterranean route to the city and...
-Well that’s strange, you never get anything for me
His chest hurt, and he didn’t understand why but now he was very angry, at nothing, didn’t actually had to be angry for this little thing but anyway…
-I didn’t know you liked…-Nora raised an eyebrow with curiosity
-I been smoking that brand since I was ten, of course I like it –the fact that he was visually mad and she wasn’t offering the box neither says a lot of things. Danse was priority, always will be a priority. He can forget it, not mention it in a while maybe , but she was always going to keep an eye on him to see if at some point he started to see her.
-Alright i…
He sighted, and she make silence, then close his eyes and he massaged his forehead with the tips of his fingers, sighing again- forget it, lets go
-Are you mad? –ohohohoho the nerve to be asking that
-No –he stated- I just say that you never get anything for me –put a lot of emphasis in the last part, then look somewhere else-that’s all
But suddenly he felt a menacing aura behind, something deep inside tell him to not look bad, whatever was growing at his side have a heavy and dark energy it seemed like it was going to devour him.
Heard something from behind him, she was looking around for something until he heard a metallic sound of things crashing. He didn’t move his head in that direction but instead his hand was picked by the wrist and pulled towards the door with a lot of force.
-Follow me –she said, pulling harder when his feet’s turned heavy- come on, no questions –he looked at her and my god she was angry, even tho she wouldn’t let her voice give her away, she was trying very hard to hide her emotions in her voice but her face looked very upset, very very upset.
They moved downstairs to the reception but instead of crossing the door I dragged him to a side door, it was the entrance to the basement of the building, where the connections to the subway were.
-What are you…
-Follow me –she order, and he froze and let himself be pulled, she still had his wrist very well helded and each step was like being dragged inside the metro tunnels. At some point, the more they went down she picked a baseball bat from one office in the ones they were walking by to keep going down and also give Arthur a Police baton , safety he supposed, since even a Radroach could cause a lot of harm if they encounter one down there…
The sounds of the metallic pieces she picked up in the apartment could be heard crashing in the pocket of her dress, drying his mouth of stress, now he realized.
He was being dragged by his own will down there, to such dangerous situation just because his…woman…move him…the things he was letting himself do…this wasn’t himself, a time ago he wouldn’t permit…
But then his head shout, his thoughts were silenced to what was in front of him, even Nora couldn’t pull him anymore because he was frozen and his feets couldn’t move.
It was a car.
Not polished or neither bright, of course not new, the paint was chipped and untidy, without shine or anything pretty, with scratches and indentations everywhere, as well as holes and dents on all sides of the car. The windows were scratched and slightly broken but clearly at a higher level, not very deep due to the nature of how they looked inward.
He sighted, and moved down by his own, Nora followed him until he was standing in front.
-Is this...? –he asked looking at the wheels, not detonated or exploded
-Get in the car –she said moving around to the other side of the car
What the fuck!?
He tried to open the door in front of him but the handle was dirty and oily, he couldn't open it until something clicked from inside and then he was able to move it, it jumped out so he could open it. That robbed him a sight, the fact that she went here with him means…His eyes illuminated looking at the door
-Are you…? –he asked again but was received with a very bad tune.
-I said get in the fucking car –no need to say it twice, alright, he opens and sit, the seats look clean and frankly smell good like the ones in the cinema, the inside of the car smell like…pine three…and oh there it was, a pine three decoration that actually emanates a really nice smell hanging from a mirror. He throw the Police baton to the back.
The interior was also nice, well illuminated, cleaned, the leather decorations of the walls were in good state and cleaned, the broken zones were stitched or patched…it was the better conservated car he see in his entire life. Even the mirrors of the sides weren’t broken and oh my god he was sitting inside a relic. The handlings looked functional, I mean, you can see the screes and welders and patches to make so that they would stay still in their place and not jump at the slightest moment that one needed to use them but yes, they seemed useful.
But the most important thing was on her pockets ringing, Nora sat on her seat and take out some keys also throwing her baseball bat to the back of the car.
Ohmygosh his heart started to run on his chest.
He sighted and take some air, he couldn’t believe what he was living right now, was it really functional? Yes, of course, he had seen cars working before on some other parts of the country, but was able to count them with the fingers of his hands….hand…yeah one hand maybe, repairing a car took a lot of knowleague and resources you can’t easy get anywhere and of course you need a car in the most preserved state as possible, barely scavenged because missing parts were a problem but she…did it…
She does things.
And she seemed pissed off
-How are we going…
-Put on your seat belt –she interrupted him, rude, his question was going to be a legit one, how were they going to get out the metro? He wrapped the belt around his waist and chest then he remember what she said, but his feelings didn’t let him appreciate it at that moment.
Oh my gosh.
Nora put the keys and turn on the power, the car goes brrrrrrrrr brrrrrrrrrrr loud as he never heard any type of machine before, same with the black smoke coming from behind, the vehicle even trembled a bit before she turned on the headlights and taillights, grabbed the steering wheel, and put her boots on the pedals.
Arthur hold on his belt when they accelerated and she grabbed the gear lever, moving the car forward and spinning around with a very uncomfortable and frightening squeak that made him close his eyes tightly due to the noise, then they would stop and she would accelerate forward, just forward, kept driving forward. When the man open his eyes he couldn’t believe it, not at all. They were driving on the metro hallways. The tracks were empty and cleaned.
Well, not exactly, the trash and debris were pushed to the sides enough to let the car pass between the narrow stretch but still…
They were driving, racing in the metro subway the enough.
-Were are we going? –he asked trying to recompose and gain his breath with a shy voice
-Please shut up -but she looked tense, with a frown on her face, driving like a lunatic at a speed that even generated a horrible sense of danger in him that called to the alert of all his survival senses, anyway they were driving underground with the apparently clear road but still driving so fast it was scary.
So if they were driving in the Warrington line that means…
At one special place Nora speed up more than normal and make some strange movement with the back wheels to jump over a platform, and soon enough they were driving again up in a ramp with some tracks at the side.
Oh my god they were going up to the trainyard for sure.
Then both see a light at the end of the tunnel, moonlight, the light of the sky even in the intense wasteland night, even if it was always cloudy there was light at night. She slowed down to stop and park.When they were in front of the gates Nora goes down the car with the keys on hand and close the door.
Then Arthur for the first time in that insane ride swallowed saliva, his mouth was dry as fuck.
She uses the key to open a rusted panel and like he can handle any more surprised the big gate opens.
For some reason his fingers hold more on the belt. This was unreal. And it embarrassed him, that at 33 it was the first time he had experienced things like that.
Once the big gate was open Nora came inside the car again and just drived 10 meters forward slowly, very slowly, with the same bitch annoyed face from before, then again came down, shut the door of the car and as Arthurs eyes followed her and disappeared in the service blue door right next to the gate to go inside again and do the steps on the panel to close the big rounded gate, as soon the machinery started to work to level down the gate, she came back from the blue service door to the wastelands surface, again, and then, she got in the car again, sighting, visually tired.
-Nora…-mumble Arthur, but when he tried to touch her shoulder, she smacked his hand, the man crossed his eyes, that was unnecessary.
In no time, everything was settled and ready to go, as soon the keys were on spot, the car was running and driving on the highway, jumping and honestly suffering from the bad state of the asphalt but it was obvious, it was hard to even move with a Brahmin on foot on that abandoned highways how it wasn’t going to be with an actual car? Arthur look at the window as they passed by The Overlook Drive-In illuminated by the moonlight reflecting on the clouds, the easiest way to go up was to reach the Arlington Library by that freeway and continue up as the road wasn’t blocked.
Wait she was dropping him?
He tried to touch her knee over the dress but quickly she grunted and move her head uncomfortable, eyes on the road-don’t touch me
-Hey –he called, but again, she made that uncomfortable sound- listen
-Don’t –she said with a very angry face, annoyed as fuck, something really trigger her over an hour ago to go on a driving rampage and not even glance at him- im driving
He said nothing, look at her angry eyebrows and again hold at the seat belt with his life unable to do anything else, he was in a mixture of being exited and scared. Never actually drived in the night of the wastelands like that, never feel such adrenaline of being transported at such dangerous speed by someone so reckless and crazy and...right now wasn’t sure if being attracted as hell or scared of his life that one of those potholes on the highway and broken asphalt was going to kill them both.
Or three, their baby too.
He glanced at her for a minute and she looked hot, angry and savage, beautiful under the moonlight of the wastelands, taking control of the road.
Tho he couldn’t concentrate much with his own thoughts, the jumps and sounds of broken stuff in the car really messes up to formulate ideas
When they passed the Nuka-Cola Plant he realized that it was going to be a quiet trip, she didn’t want to talk to him, right now she wanted to be angry despite he…ahhh…Arthur doesn’t know how to feel actually, being around was painful, he didn’t want to be this confused all the time but he really wanted to try, he always wanted to believe in chances for everything to get better and…it doesn’t…but he was also really turned on, she has so much to offer to someone like him, all the time surprising him, always being exceptional, powerful in every sense.
Like I said, it was difficult to keep a line of ideas straight with the car dripping and jumping each second like crazy. He may get crazy for all the noise, and fear.
But he knew that he was also crazy for her, confused and everything.
The mix of fear, shock and adrenaline sedated him in his seat, too much happening in his head and surroundings, everything going too fast to process, his own brain jumping inside what he felt like an empty head didn’t help, so he shouted his mind and look at the windows, enjoing the destroyed landscapes.
When they reach water and see the Jefferson Memorial he looked at her, her temple had soften and her mouth was no longer pressed, she relaxed her jaw, still, didn’t say nothing as she avoided and drift obstacles.
He wasn’t sure if she was a good driver or a crazy woman driving.
They reach the citadel eventually and obviously there was an army of soldiers pointing at them at the entrance, the ones who see them at the top of the building summoned a lot of reinforcements in case that the speed car with the lights on was a war machine ready to attack but no.
Nora seemed unfrighten by that. Didn’t mind a few laser rifles pointing at her chest at all.
The cat stop and the first thing Arthur did was open the windows on his side and went out with his body slightly out of the window, raising his hands just to show his brothers that he was not a danger and that he really was the one.
-It’s the elder Maxson! Stand by soldiers! Calm down everybody! –he screamed and stand a moment for everyone to see him and recognize his face, even when a lamplight hit his face entirely. Then, someone in the guard made an okay sign with the hand and he went inside again, but as soon his ass meet the seat again he was kicked in the face by a bunch of keys. Painful. Specially hurt on the nose.
Wait wat.
No way.
-There you have a gift of your taste –Nora said that with a really resentful gaze, opening her side of the car and stepping out, everybody pointed the laser rifles at her and she just sighted to the air, kicking on the floor while all eyes were on her.
-Sentinel wait –he screamed moving to her seat but when their eyes meet he found surprise.
She was looking at him with genuinely surprise.
-Sentinel? –she mumble, he couldn’t hear her because of the noise the engine of the car made but…
Oh. He forgot.
Both forgot important things to the other
He swallowed saliva and look around for some other soldier, taking a leg off and picking the keys, holding on it with his life, those keys were important. Very important.
-Soldier, please take the sentinel by ventibird to the Tenpenny tower now–he ask and the man nodded with the power armor helmet. Everybody put their laser rifles down, it was Elder Maxson and Sentinel Nora after all, their people.
She frowned at him but still turned around and followed the soldier that answer to the elder petition.
Once he saw her walking towards the gate of the citadel he sighted, pressing on the keys with his fingers, wanting to feel the pain bring him to reality, then, he looked at the keys, moving the other leg outside the car seat. Everybody was looking at him, confused for sure.
He can still feel the adrenaline of drive fast in the wastelands night, risking his life in some pothole in the pavement, not crashing against a collapsed building by pure miracle, not dripping and flying in the airs in circles to crash against the highway. His heart wont stop pounding inside his chest and by moments it was turning painful with a big anxiety and an enormous feeling of empty on his chest, a really big feeling of desperation and uncertainty.
She really was something else.
And he wanted her.
0 notes
enigmaticexplorer · 11 months ago
Maia! I can't thank you enough for your kind words. This was such a slow-paced chapter, but those soft moments are some of my favs :)
He probably couldn't deal with the thought of looking at Kazi after he did it 😅🥹 mans giving himself second hand embarrassment for no reason haha. But AGAIN it's part of his quiet affections!! Bit by bit their lives are becoming more entangled and it makes me so happy!
A few things on this because this is one of the most important things in their developing relationship! You are completely right--Wolffe shows his affections quietly, and mostly through actions rather than words. Wolffe knows Kazi--he knows her morning routine, he knows she's hyper-independent--and him cutting the lumina berries is an attempt for him to show Kazi what he's ✨feeling.✨ A little behind the scenes: Wolffe thinks he's being obvious and clear with his intentions. He's actually so confident in himself that the events in Chapter 13 are a SHOCK to him. He's trying, and that's all that matters haha.
we as the audience know what pairing IYASIF is, Kazi doesn't, so Kazi legitimately believes this even if she thinks she's lying at this point.
You get it! It's obvious that as the readers, we know Kazi and Wolffe will get together. But Kazi doesn't know anything! It's easy to judge her and criticize her for not recognizing these signs but 1) she's mistrustful, an overthinker, and self-saboteur, and 2) her fear of abandonment prevents her from acknowledging her real feelings.
She's an interesting mirror to Kazi though, the clear outcome of Kazi's AU and it's fascinating to read about!
Haha Carinthia is such a fun character. I love her. I hate her. She's really there to poke Kazi and it makes for such a fun dynamic, in my opinion. My favorite part about Carinthia is that she's not nice. Her backstory makes her more sympathetic but she wants revenge on the Empire. And she's willing to play mean and dirty to get it.
she masked so well she's pretty much wearing the social equivalent of a hazmat suit at all times.
STOP. I love this--hazmat suit 😂 because you're so right! Sometimes I wonder if Kazi even knows her real self because of how long she's spent masking herself. And yes--Wolffe, Neyti, Daria, and even the other men are proving they like her without the mask! She can't see it yet, but it's there! They're recognizing her! She simply needs to start recognizing their recognition!
I love how Fox quietly tries to engage with her when he's so mistrustful of everything around him, he's quieter and less involved and yet here he is trying to help!
I can't remember if I've said this yet, but Fox is a mirror to Kazi. At the end of the chapter, Wolffe even comments on it. And that's why Fox and Kazi get along so well. Because they know what the other feels. (It's also why Wolffe is better at navigating Kazi than other people. He's had practice with Fox.)
Joking aside I really fucking feel for Fox here, he and his brothers have been through so much
Honestly, Fox has been such a delight to write. I understand and enjoy stories following the clones in the Empire-era where they're committed to rebellion, but I also think there is a flip side with the clones who are tired and just want to rest. The clones who spent their entire lives fighting a pointless war and now just want to stop. And it made sense, in my mind, for that to be Fox. He's done some bad things; he's endured some bad things. He can be so antagonistic in later chapters because his entire goal is to see his brothers happy. And he's willing to do whatever is necessary to get them to that point. It actually sets him at odds with his brothers and even Kazi (jumping the gun here but it's to come!). He believes he knows what's best for his brothers and he's pissed that they refuse to see it. It's something he struggles with (a foil to Kazi? 😏) and it's something he has to work on throughout this story. Anyway, some "fun" moments to come between him and Kazi when they don't see eye-to-eye haha.
I love that Wolffe isn't letting her push him away
YES. Wolffe cares, and he's persistent enough to keep pursuing Kazi, even when she tries to push him away. He's committed, and I love him so much for it haha.
The end of this chapter is a fav of mine! Neyti with her flower crown and Wolffe's compliment! Wolffe saying Kazi is his friend! Wolffe brushing her hair away and Kazi letting him! Watching the stars together! Enjoying a quiet, late-night moment together! It's soft and slow-paced and I just love it so much, so I'm so happy that you like it too! For a while, I actually hated this chapter because it felt like "filler" to me. But when I started fleshing out the moments with Kazi and Wolffe at the end, it turned into something I adore. Anyway, those lines about being friends were late additions, and I'm so glad I added them!
I Yearn, and so I Fear - Chapter XII
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Masterlist | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
General Summary. Nearly a year since the Galactic Empire’s rise to power, Kazi Ennari is trying to survive. But her routine is interrupted—and life upended—when she’s forced to cohabitate with former Imperial soldiers. Clone soldiers. 
Pairing. Commander Wolffe x female!OC
General Warnings. Canon-typical violence and assault, familial struggles, terminal disease, bigotry, explicit sexual content, death. This story deals with heavy content. If you’re easily triggered, please do not read. For a more comprehensive list of tags, click here.
Fic Rating. E (explicit)/18+/Minors DNI.
Chapter Word Count. 4.7K
Beta. @starstofillmydream
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23 Melona
The meeting with Carinthia was quick. Kazi transferred the men’s datastick and Carinthia exchanged the Imperial credits. 
A cooler morning kept the warehouse’s temperature tolerable. It had been weeks since Kazi was last called here for network-related dealings, and even longer since the network’s contacts requested her to spy. She found the lack of both communication and work odd. However, there were more important things keeping her busy.
Her interaction with Carinthia was fairly quiet. Carinthia seemed more tense than usual, her words polished yet curt, her Inner Rim accent detectable. Kazi didn’t pay much attention to the exchange or Carinthia’s moodiness. Her mind was elsewhere, stuck like a fly caught in a spiderweb.
This morning, when she started on breakfast, she found a lumina berry already prepared. Long strips, somewhat jagged and imperfect, rested on a plate for Neyti. Chunks, cubed and proportional, cluttered a bowl.
Wolffe was notably absent from his usual spot, working outside, tending to his garden. 
Kazi regarded the lumina berry strips and chunks for far too long. Her mind whirred from confusion while something deep and inscrutable inside her warmed. 
The thought of Wolffe preparing the lumina berry bothered her. She had clearly been too open yesterday at the Marketplace. Too vulnerable. She didn’t want his fucking pity, and she had half a mind to call him out on it—
“I’m surprised you’re not married yet.”
The sheer randomness of the comment caught Kazi off guard, and she could only blink her confusion, eyeing Carinthia. 
Marital conversations she expected from Daria. But the opinion of a stranger, and especially the opinion of someone like Carinthia, both annoyed and unsettled her. Her bafflement must have been obvious because Carinthia shrugged, tucking a crimson curl behind her ear.
“I researched Ceaia when you first joined the network,” Carinthia said. “A woman of your age should have been married by now, and with two kids.” She sniffed. “Your culture emphasizes marital duty, yet here you are. Unmarried and childless, unless you count Neyti, whom I don’t.”
Electing nonchalance to defensiveness, Kazi shrugged, crossing her arms over her chest. “I never agreed with that part of my culture.”
“That’s not so surprising.” Carinthia snickered. “Your life has always been so easy. I suspect ignoring a major part of your culture’s expectations was something you could casually brush aside without fear of consequence.”
The condescension in Carinthia’s tone made her clench her jaw. Their introductions to the network differed, and even though their roles complemented one another, their interactions were few. But it was clear, from those few instances, that Carinthia didn’t care for her. Snide remarks, disparaging looks, tense disagreements.
“My life hasn’t been easy,” Kazi said stiffly. “I may not be a slave in one of the Empire’s mines, but not everything has gone my way, either.”
“No?” Carinthia picked at a nail. “You have a job. A home. You have people who love you. You’re safe and happy. Your life is the epitome of easy.”
Kazi had told herself the same thing over the last few months. The last decade. Her life was easy, her struggles were incomparable to those of others, and she had no right to complain. But there was one inaccuracy in Carinthia’s assessment: She wasn’t safe. And she didn’t appreciate someone like Carinthia judging her life.
“I’m not sure what your problem is”—Kazi arched a wry eyebrow—“but your life has been just as easy, if not easier.”
Anger flushed Carinthia’s face.
“You were born into a wealthy family on an Inner Rim planet,” Kazi said. “All you’ve known for the entirety of your life is luxury and wealth. You’ve probably never wanted for a single thing.”
“You know me so well.” Carinthia sneered, blue eyes cold and unfeeling. 
Kazi considered her for a moment and then shook her head. It was obvious Carinthia wanted an argument, but she wasn’t interested in one. Turning on her heel, she strode toward the warehouse’s door—
“I was forced into my marriage.” 
The words were hushed, and Kazi nearly ignored her fellow rebel, her hand poised on the door, but curiosity stalled her movements. Still turned away from Carinthia, she hesitated. Carinthia’s past wasn’t her business, and she had no desire to spend more time than necessary with members of the rebel network. Yet she couldn’t move.
“I was a dutiful wife. Obedient and loyal,” Carinthia murmured. “I was everything my parents expected me to be. What my husband and his mother expected of me. I was the perfect wife.”
Telling herself she would regret it, Kazi lowered her hand from the door and faced the other woman. 
Shadows embraced Carinthia’s lone figure. Mocking and delighted, they sunk her cheeks and nipped at her sharp collarbones. They dulled her eyes into vacuous pits of emptiness. 
“I was the perfect wife, until I lost my child.” An eerie smile sucked what little color remained in Carinthia’s face. “My husband expected a child. He said it was my duty to provide as many children as he desired.”
A hint of nausea curdled her stomach; an unnatural chill pimpled her skin.
“Losing my child…losing her was…” Carinthia shook her head, wiping at her mouth. “The Empire came to power shortly after and I refused to sit quietly while my husband supported Palpatine’s domination. I was ostracized from my family for speaking out, for losing my child, for not providing another so quickly. I ran away, got in contact with the network, and made myself useful.”
It was like looking through a window to an alternate timeline. 
The haggard face before her—the cold resentment and unfeeling disdain—belonged to the woman Kazi could have been if she hadn’t left her mother’s house. If she hadn’t found another opportunity. 
“My daughter would have been two today,” Carinthia said, her voice breaking. She glanced at the dusty windows lining the top of the warehouse, blinking away her emotion until a cool, unaffected mask sat in place. “Did you make it to the kid’s field trip?” 
Kazi regarded Carinthia carefully. “I did.”
A bird’s song eclipsed the silence between them. Kazi briefly considered offering platitudes of sympathy, but she knew Carinthia would dismiss them. 
“Have you ever been loved?”
The question was so casual and innocent that Kazi nearly laughed from its absurdity. It was the sincere curiosity on Carinthia’s face that convinced her to remain serious. To take Carinthia seriously. She answered truthfully, “When I was a kid.”
“I fell in love once,” Carinthia said. “When I was a young girl who knew no better.” 
Carinthia closed her eyes. Flickers of pale sunlight played along the planes of her face, softening the hurt deadening her features.
“I have found that love only leads to pain.” Carinthia laughed. Quiet and cold. “I used to crave that sort of intimacy more than life itself.”
Muscles stiffened down her spine and Kazi stilled. 
Long ago, when she was a little girl, she dreamt of falling in love. 
She dreamt she would live in the lighthouse. Revived and beautifully painted, it would be her castle. For she would be a princess, and one day she would meet a knight, and they would fall in love and she would never be alone. One day, she would never fear the indomitable vastness of loneliness. 
But dreams were fleeting and reality a wheel that crushed frivolous wishes and imaginings. She was a little girl who broke, and there was no knight to rescue her. 
So she clawed herself to safety, and it was isolating and exhausting, and she didn’t care for the progressive advice claiming she was brave and strong for standing on her own. She was tired of being strong, and she was tired of being alone. 
“I think you understand,” Carinthia said, “more than you let on.”
Kazi fisted her hands behind her back. “I’ve never fallen in love.”
“Why not?”
Once, there was a little girl inside of her who yearned for intimacy. Yearned for the vulnerability of trust. Yearned to be seen and known fully. 
But that girl was dead.
Kazi had killed her. 
Killed everything she represented: whimsical innocence of life; fantastical longing for companionship.
Most importantly, she killed the part of her that yearned for love.
Shrugging, Kazi opted for a lie. “I haven’t met someone I trust enough.”
“It’s hard to meet someone you can trust when you remain so closed off.”
Kazi scoffed, needing to lessen the intensity of emotions she hadn’t allowed herself to feel in so long. “Being quiet—”
“I’m not talking about a quiet personality.” Carinthia waved a dismissive hand. “I’m talking about vulnerability. Does anyone in your life actually know you?”
Kazi held Carinthia’s gaze. People knew of her. Old classmates at university, familiar faces at the harbor.
But she knew the truth. She knew there was a depth to the question most people wouldn’t understand; a depth she was all too familiar with. 
“Invulnerability will protect you from potential pain and hurt,” Carinthia said. Her smile was pitying. “It will also isolate you from meaningful companionship.” 
Chuckling uncomfortably, Kazi reached for the door. 
“There will come a day when you find yourself loved,” Carinthia said, approaching her at a non-threatening pace, her hands finding the pockets of her black jacket. “But that person will want to know you. They will want to know the best parts, and the worst parts, and everything in between. And one day, you will have to make a decision to either let them in or push them away.”
A meter separated them. The icy blue of Carinthia’s eyes thawed. 
“What do you think you will decide?” 
The words plagued Kazi the rest of the day, containing a truth she refused to acknowledge or accept.
A truth that had haunted her for years.
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28 Melona
Muted oranges fell prey to the darkening blue of the sunset.
Enjoying a cup of lemon juice she found inside the stasis along with a plate of warmed food, Kazi shifted her attention from the sunset to the people. 
Seated among the stalky ferns overrunning the backyard, Neyti was drawing on her sketchpad. Nearby, Nova was reading his datapad—most likely the scientific article detailing the creation of nysillin shots he had shared with Daria yesterday evening at dinner. 
At the edge of the jungle, Wolffe and Cody sparred, sweat dampening their shirts. Their muscles strained beneath the other’s fists. 
Wolffe jabbed and Cody sidestepped. A hand struck for Wolffe’s chest. He deflected it. A successive punch forced Cody to retreat. 
They seemed evenly matched, and while Cody was quicker, Wolffe was dirtier. A deflected strike turned into a well-aimed tap in an area that should have been off-limits. It earned a baleful glare from Cody.
The backdoor swung open, startling Kazi from her viewing, and she stiffened at the sight of her sister. Daria stilled, her lips pursing. They eyed one another, and based on Daria’s disgruntled scowl, Kazi expected their argument to renew. It was one signifier of their differing approaches to handling arguments.
Daria vocalized her discontent and issues, and she didn’t shy from engaging in heated conversations. If a problem existed, she confronted it. Once the argument ended, she moved on. Daria was quick to anger, but also quick to cool, so long as she believed herself and her ideologies to be respected.
Similar to her sister only in their defensive attitudes, Kazi preferred silence and avoidance in the hopes the argument would soon be forgotten. By others. 
Kazi never forgot conversations, and she never forgot the wrongs committed against her. There was an unintentional tallying list in the back of her mind. Categorized and kept locked away, she retrieved her list when an argument coalesced and she had to defend herself with the harbored evidence.
Until that breaking moment, she avoided possible arguments. Years with her mother antagonizing her anger, she learned it was best to mask herself. To pretend she agreed with someone in order to gain their approval. 
Teachers, parents, high society mothers. The masking protected her.  
Only seven days had passed since Kazi enforced the morning/evening potions but Daria looked better. Her cheeks maintained a healthy blush. The circles beneath her eyes were lighter. Even her honeyed hair appeared softer and fuller. Finger spasms and random sweats were notably absent.
Daria appeared the portrait of grace and poise she was known for back in their Reformist city. The youthful beauty and respectable personality mothers of high society males desired of a daughter-in-law.
A year ago, the rumor mill expected Daria to marry into one of the wealthiest Ceaian families. The day she turned twenty-five, per Reformist marriage customs, Daria would have announced her choice of husband, after seven years entertaining marriage proposals. 
Daria turned twenty-five this last Telona. And instead of marrying into a wealthy family and establishing herself as a well-known socialite, Daria would die young. Unmarried and childless.  
Marriage and children: the two dreams Daria had yearned for since they were younglings. Kazi had only ever related to Daria’s marital desires. Younglings were a different story, and one she never considered as a youngling herself. 
Daria had nurtured her dolls, and Kazi had nurtured her stuffed animals.
Their dreams were different, but back then, they didn’t care. They were excited for the other. Hopeful. And even after all this time, the only thing Kazi wanted was for Daria to be okay. To live.
Her sister’s withering glare made her heart sink. Awkwardly, she cleared her throat. “Thank you for dinner—”
Daria strode away, disappearing into the living area. 
Loosing a breath, Kazi faced the windows once more, folding her arms over chest. 
The sky was bruising. Neyti continued to work on her sketch, though she had moved to the table with Nova. Wolffe received a jab in his ribs. Cody’s smirk taunted him and the man faked two punches before kicking Cody in the thigh. From Cody’s outraged expression, kicking wasn’t allowed. Wolffe flashed his own smirk in response.
Near-silent footsteps entered the sunroom and joined Kazi at the windows. 
“When are you going to give Neyti the bird carving?” Kazi asked conversationally.
A strong nutty scent wafted through the air. From the corner of her eye, Fox slowly sipped his caf. Black caf lacking creamer or anything appealing. The chrono on the wall declared it was 20:30. 
“I haven’t decided if I will.” Kazi stared at Fox, waiting for an explanation. He released a heavy sigh. “She…doesn’t like me.”
The way he watched Neyti with Nova belied both the flatness and forced disinterest of his tone. Fox might have perfected a casual demeanor that hid most of his personal motivations and emotions, but Kazi knew he cared. She knew it, because she did too.
“If you give her a chance to get to know you—”
“Have you given her a chance?” He flashed her a taunting grin. “That kid wants to know—”
“It’s really none of your business.” Kazi tugged on the end of a braid, keeping her gaze on the two men sparring and not the curious little girl.
Fox chuckled lowly. “Wolffe complains about you using that phrase. Frequently.”
“Do you need something?” she demanded.
Amusement danced in his eyes and then sobered into contemplation. His expression was solemn as he said, “Sibling dynamics are never easy.”
Kazi dug her fingernails into her biceps to stifle a reaction, even as embarrassment warmed her face. The reason she worked so hard to keep her life private—the reason she locked away her emotions and hid herself—was to protect from the judgment and criticism of others. She knew she was imperfect. But it was humiliating when others realized her own flaws. 
“The oldest sibling believes himself responsible for the youngest,” Fox said. “He wants to protect his sibling. He wants to see his sibling succeed. And then you have the youngest. He wants to make his older sibling proud. He sees his effort and sacrifice. And he’s grateful.”
Outside, Cody landed a sharp jab to Wolffe’s ribs. Wolffe staggered back a step. He spat into the ferns and raised his fists, beckoning Cody forward.
“The youngest sibling wants the older sibling to respect him.” Fox set aside his mug, tucking his hands into the pockets of his trousers. “The youngest views himself as a burden. Or a responsibility.”
Kazi slid her eyes in his direction. “I thought you were a marshal commander. Wouldn’t that make you the oldest?”
“I’m not the oldest of my mates.” His chin dipped toward Wolffe and Cody. “I know my maturity makes me seem older.”
She snorted, and his lips curved into a half-smile. 
“It was Wolffe who dragged me off Coruscant,” Fox said, after a hesitant moment. “He forced me to leave. I didn’t want to.”
The confession surprised her. “You wanted to stay on Coruscant?”
“Wolffe showed up. Tried to order me around.” Fox breathed a rueful chuckle. “By that time, I’d been with the Empire for six months. I hadn’t deserted. And seeing Wolffe wasn’t easy. I’d thought he was dead. I’d hoped he was dead.”
Quick mental math explained the reason Fox refused to look in her direction. He hadn’t deserted until earlier this year. Around the time of the Purge, and only two months before the men arrived on Eluca.  
“I didn’t want Wolffe to risk his life for me,” Fox said. “And I didn’t appreciate him ordering me around. Telling me I needed to leave. I told him to fuck off. He stunned me and dragged me out. Got me off Coruscant.” Fox rolled his neck. “I woke up thinking he got me out because I was his responsibility. Nothing more. I found him in the cockpit and we got into a fight. Bruised each other up a bit. Had a nice long chat after.”
“I know what you’re trying to do.” Kazi reached for the white curtain near her, pretending to fix its tie. “But your situation was different. Daria is sick and unable to make her own decisions.”
Fox’s silence was intentional, and she chose to ignore it. 
“Thank you, by the way,” she said. He lifted a brow in question. “For the idea to repaint the front door and banister.”
Fox shrugged. “We’re here for the time being. Might as well make the house livable.”
Slightly offended by his comment, she wrinkled her nose. “The house was perfectly livable before you arrived.”
He threw her an unimpressed look. She rolled her eyes, reconsidering his statement. 
“You make it seem like you won’t be here for long,” she hedged.
“This is temporary.”
“But Wolffe is building a garden.” She waved a hand at the wired structure. “That’s fairly permanent.”
It sounded ridiculous, even to her ears, and she grimaced. But the thought of the men leaving, perhaps soon, unnerved her for some reason. Fox regarded her with a shrewdness that discomfited her further. A small line creased between his brows. 
“Wolffe and Cody are dedicated to the missions,” Fox said slowly. “I want to settle down. But for now, their focus is elsewhere.”
Surprised, she frowned. “You want to settle down?”
The thought of the men building their own home, possibly finding partners and having children, seemed a juxtaposition to the soldiers undermining the Empire. A quiet, domestic life contrasted the stressful, mission-oriented lifestyle they currently lived.
“I’m tired.” The honesty in his voice was detached, resigned. “We’re all tired.” 
Their sparring complete, Wolffe and Cody broke apart, joining Neyti and Nova at the table.
“They’re better at distracting themselves from it than I am.” Fox watched his brothers, his expression somber. “We all want the life we were told we couldn’t have. But they’re too afraid to go after it. So they’ll exhaust themselves with the missions ‘til they get injured enough they’re forced to stop. Or they’re killed.”
Malaise shivered down her spine and Kazi realized she was gripping the curtain so tightly her fingers were numbing. She loosened her grip, rubbing her hands together. “And you’ll follow them, even when you want to stop?”
Kazi studied Fox, noting the circles beneath his eyes and the wrinkles marring his forehead. She wanted to tell him he deserved the quiet, simple life he desired. That they all deserved it. But it was obvious he already knew he deserved it, and her repeating it was unnecessary. Her thoughts must have translated to her features because Fox shrugged blasely, excusing himself and taking his cup of caf outside. 
Waiting a few seconds to give Fox space, Kazi approached the outdoor table. Neyti waved at her, her grin eager, and she proudly showed Kazi her new sketch—a portrait. 
For someone so young, the intricate details in Daria’s face—the freckles along her cheeks and the tiny birthmark on her jaw—were eerily realistic. Neyti even captured Daria’s gentle countenance and the kind youth in her smile. 
The portrait was a surreal reminder of the impending future: a contrast of Daria’s liveliness to her hastily-approaching terminality. Soon Kazi would never again see her sister’s smile. The healthy blush to her cheeks. The humored crinkles around her mouth. The adventurous twinkle in her eyes. 
Such reminders crawled along Kazi’s back, like a fishing hook trying to snag her muscles and drag her far, far away. She forced herself to focus on Neyti. To smile and compliment the artwork. To follow Neyti as the little girl set aside her sketchpad, approached the neighboring jungle, and determinedly trekked through the luscious flora. 
Eventually they found themselves wandering the perimeter of the lake. Neyti led the way. Every few meters she stopped to sniff a new set of flowers, and Kazi plucked a handful, twisting the stems into a small flower crown. 
Soon, Wolffe joined them, his silent presence comforting and welcomed, and when Kazi placed the colorful crown atop Neyti’s head, he complimented the style, earning himself a blushing grin from the little girl. And a small, appreciative smile from the crown’s creator.
Beneath the crepuscular sky, the jungle’s nocturnal fauna awoke. Bioluminescent flora silvered the soiled trail and mossed the trees. The lake quietly lapped at the shore. Stars winked their knowing mischief, mirrored across the lake’s stilled surface. Glowing pale green plants sprouted. 
As the sky darkened further, flickers of yellow scintillated. Lightning bugs. 
Neyti stood at the edge of the lake and regarded the bugs with childlike awe. Even Kazi considered them with intrigue. They landed on her arms, zapped her with their stingers, and then moseyed along their way. 
A hum of bugs and trills of nightly birds filled the clearing. Tension Kazi had held for months—for years—soothed into quiet currents she could easily ignore. It had been a while since she last appreciated the natural beauty of the world around her. 
“I saw you talking with Fox.” Wolffe stood beside her, their elbows grazing every so often, his voice quiet so that Neyti couldn’t overhear. “You get along well.”
An unspoken question, maybe curiosity, underscored his tone and Kazi searched his face. For once, he wasn’t watching her. Rather, he overlooked the lake, eyes skimming between patches of sparking yellow.
“We’ve talked a few times,” she said. Hesitating, she knocked her elbow against his—sportive in its intent. “He cares for you. A lot.”
“I know,” he said roughly.
Oblivious to their conversation, Neyti moved from the lake’s edge toward the fallen tree. She sat on its trunk and outstretched a hand. A few seconds passed before a lightning bug landed in her palm. Her soft inhale of glee reached them and Kazi felt herself smile. 
Wolffe sighed. “Fox has endured a lot.”
“You all have.”
“Cody and I had generals to rely on. When things turned for the worst.” He levelled the full weight of his gaze on her. “Fox didn’t have someone to share responsibility with. He was on his own for most of the war. And after…”
The nearby trees’ bioluminescence cast Wolffe in a silvery-blue light. It reflected in his cybernetic and swirled among the rich depths of his dark brown eye. His eyes wandered across her face, and each place they rested, her skin warmed.  
“Fox doesn’t open up much. And he keeps things to himself to lessen the pressure on Cody and me.” His probing look was exasperated and pointed. “He thinks he’s doing us a favor. But he’s not.” 
Kazi lifted her face toward the stars and one of Eluca’s rising moons. 
Sometimes Wolffe read her too well. 
“Are you insinuating something?” she said.
“You know I am.” His elbow bumped hers gently. 
“You said it yourself,” she murmured. “He doesn’t want to burden you and Cody.”
“Tell me, Ennari”—Wolffe leaned closer—“is that why you do everything on your own?” 
“We’re not talking about me.”
“Answer the question.”
Still observing the stelliferous horizon, Kazi swallowed, thinking about the tattoo inked into her spine. “Who better to rely on than myself?”
There was a pause and then, his voice quiet, Wolffe said, “I’m here.”
Starlight, like dewdrops, glistened; a small smile tugged on her mouth. “Is this an invitation to be friends?”
Wolffe chuckled. “Thought we already were.”
Kazi laughed, the carefree sound earning her a toothy grin from Neyti. The little girl waved in their direction and then chased after another lightning bug.  
“You have an odd view of friendship,” Kazi remarked. From the corner of her eye, Wolffe shrugged, his head angled back as he studied the silver-dotted canvas. She surveyed the unfamiliar stars too, seeking constellations she knew she wouldn’t find. Jokingly, she said, “You could do better.”
“I prefer you.”
Above the treetops, alone and bright, the first moon had fully risen when Kazi returned her gaze to Wolffe. He was already staring at her.
“My father used to tell me that life was about finding the little things. Finding them and enjoying them.” They were close enough she could feel the heat from his body. Or maybe it was simply her own skin blushing beneath his unwavering stare. “You went from war to desertion to these missions, and I want to know… Do you feel alive?”
Wolffe held her gaze for multiple heartbeats and then looked away. Looked toward the lake’s mirrored surface. 
The question was cryptic and obscure. A question borne from the safety of night’s vulnerability and spurred by the man whose hollow eyes were far too familiar.
“I’m not sure. I’m mostly surviving out of instinct. Keeping my brothers alive, rescuing other men. I haven’t had an opportunity since the war to figure it out.” He angled his face towards her. “You’re the same way.”
Kazi wanted to argue. To disagree and flippantly brush aside his statement as lacking true depth and understanding of her persona. 
She didn’t.
Because he was correct. She attended finishing school out of duty, and strived to succeed out of a desire to earn her mother’s recognition. To be perfect. The fear of marriage—the fear of never being enough for a happy marriage—enforced her decision to run away from home and attend University. It dominated her career choice.  
Daria’s disease, the Purge, Neyti. 
Hiding from the Empire, trying to start a new life, working for the rebel network.
It was different from Wolffe, their experiences incomparable: his survival driven by the raw, human instinct to stay alive; her survival driven by the basic human desire to keep existing.  
Long ago, though, she had known what it was like to live. It was a fleeting warmth she could still feel hints of, and yet, when she reached for it, it evaded her. Like a lightning bug uncapturable. 
However, in a clearing lit by bioluminescent matter and a single moon, standing close to a man whose gaze didn’t leave hers, Kazi didn’t feel so alone. 
“Being alive isn’t a crime,” she said into the silence, a subtle question edging her tone. Wolffe searched her countenance, just as she did his, as if they mutually needed the reassurance of the other. 
“It’s not,” he murmured. 
“Sometimes it feels like it is.”
Wolffe brushed a stray hair from her forehead. “I know.”
Bugs glowed. A frog croaked. More stars blinked.
The world existed, lost to its own machinations, and still their gazes lingered.
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Masterlist | Chapter 11 | Chapter 13
A/N: It’s intentional that both Kazi and Wolffe are trying to find meaning to their lives. This fic isn’t about them “saving” the other. They’re both broken people who are hurting, but they’re both also trying—for their families, for each other, for themselves. 
Also, I call them fireflies. But for the purpose of this story, it made more sense calling them lightning bugs. 
Next chapter release – March 28th  
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Tag: @ulchabhangorm
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k-nonsense · 2 years ago
My updated rankings/reviews of all the k dramas I have seen so far (up to 56 now). I would recommend any show I gave a C grade or higher, which is most of them. I bolded recently added shows.
1. Hometown Cha Cha Cha: An absolute masterpiece. It’s a heartwarming fish out of water story about a big city girl who finds herself in the quirkiest little seaside town. I wanted to stay in Gongjin forever. Grade: A+(Netflix)
2. Extraordinary Attorney Woo (S1): Delightful! Never have I ever rooted for a lead harder. She is the most endearing lead you will ever find. And the male lead is so so swoony. Grade: A+(Netflix)
3. Alchemy of Souls: The wildest of rides and the perfect blend of fantasy, adventure, mystery, comedy, and romance. The characters are just so lovable, you’ll never want it to end. Season 2 just as good as Season 1. Grade: A+ (Netflix)
4. Lovely Runner: the most beautiful love story ever told. ImSol and Sunjae forever! In every timeline! My only wish is that the drama would never end. Grade A (Viki)
5. My Demon: This show had me utterly enthralled, it was so mysterious and suspenseful and yet incredibly goofy and romantic. My new favorite main couple in all KDrama land. Yes it wasn’t perfect but I enjoyed it so much, it really encapsulated everything I love in a tv show. Grade: A (Netflix)
6. Love To Hate You: New fastest binge of my life. 10 episodes and I didn’t fast forward at all. There were no bad/slow parts. Also the funniest KDrama I’ve ever seen. Just watch it. You won’t regret it. Grade A+ (Netflix).
7. Business Proposal: It’s got every trope you can think of and it does them all to perfection. Plus it’s hilarious. Grade: A (Netflix)
8. Healer: This super romantic action mystery drama will keep you on the edge of your seat. Ji Chang Wook is equal parts sexy and adorable which is a seriously winning combination. Grade A (Viki). One caveat: I was very disappointed by a certain wardrobe decision in episode 3.
9.Her Private Life: Super funny and charming. The romantic leads have incredible chemistry. The premise is so good! Might be the one of the most rewatchable kdramas. Grade: A (Netflix)
10. Castaway Diva: Just utterly heartwarming. An instant classic. Ultimate underdog, redemption, story that teaches us what real love and family is. Also Ki-Ho is the new standard by which all men will be judged. Grade: A (Netflix)
11. Rookie Historian Goo Hae Ryung: Great strong female lead. Very good messages. Couldn’t stop watching. The most adorable prince I’ve ever seen 💜Cha Eunwoo💜 Grade: A (Netflix)
12. Bad Prosecutor: Absolutely thrilling and hilarious. It’s like a heist, detective, lawyer, action comedy that will keep you wondering who is outsmarting who? Super shocking plot twists. Amazing OST. Stuck the landing with a truly satisfying finale. Grade A (Viki)
13. Sh**ting Stars: Probable the biggest turnaround of any show I’ve seen (The “Africa” part was so problematic). However it turned out to be one of the funniest and swooniest KDramas out there. There are 5 couples and you will cheer for all of them. Grade: A- (Viki)
14. Strong Woman Do Bong Soon: The main couple is absolutely everything! Just fast forward through pretty much every side plot (they are not important) and you’ll love it. Grade: A- (Viki)
15. So I Married the Anti-Fan: It’s campy, fluffy, goodness, with a fierce female lead and a K-pop star enemy/love interest. 2nd fastest binge of my life. Grade: A- (Viki)
16. 100 Days My Prince: An absolute classic period drama romcom. Who knew D.O. could kiss like that? Such a great strong female lead. I LOVE a show with adorable, quirky, townspeople. Grade: A- (Netflix)
17. Romance is a Bonus Book: Might be the most romantic K-Drama I’ve ever seen. Nothing about the trailer or setup intrigued me but I’m so glad I watched it anyway. It was a truly beautiful love story. Grade: A- (Netflix)
18. Because This Is My First Life: This drama really does everything right for me… A slow burn romance built on mutual love and respect. Supporting characters who I genuinely cared about and had incredible side stories of their own. A critique of the patriarchy. Women supporting women. An adorable cat. Maybe a bit melodramatic at times but not too much. Grade A- (Netflix)
19. Start-Up: Exceptional acting, compelling storylines, intriguing plot twists, great cinematography, intense love triangle. It’s just all around high quality. Grade: A- (Netflix)
20. Run On: Cute, fun, silly and pretty light. I especially loved the supporting cast. Strange storyline but it was a fun easy ride. Grade: A- (Netflix)
21. Forbidden Marriage: This is a weird show, but weird in the best way. It’s like a comedy, horror, romance, fictional-historical. I don’t know how to describe it but it’s really fun. B+(Viki)
22. Soundtrack #1: Short and beautiful. I just loved it. No one does heart eyes better than Park Hyung-Sik. Grade: B+(Disney+)
23. Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-Joo: A bad-ass yet vulnerable female lead. The main couple just had a lot of fun together. Refreshing. Grade: B+ (Viki)
24. Doctor Slump: This show was a really nice journey of both mental health and romance. Grade: B+ (Netflix)
25. Welcome to Samdalri: Very heartwarming and beautiful story about love, family, friendship, and going home. It has quirky townspeople and Ji Chang Wook 😍 what’s not to love? Grade: B+ (Netflix)
26. My Lovely Liar: Creative and engaging premise, intriguing mystery, and a swoon worthy romance. A very fun viewing experience. Grade: B+ (Viki)
27. King the Land: This drama pretty much has no stakes or conflict and the main couple has THE MOST chemistry I have ever seen in my entire life. So if you just want to turn your brain off and be happy, this is the drama for you. I absolutely loved it. Grade: B+ (Netflix)
28.Law Cafe: This drama has so much to love, a strong/fierce/brilliant and morally righteous female lead, lovable side characters, steamy romance. But what I loved most was how the show spotlighted important issues like consent and abuse in nuanced and progressive ways. Yes it’s a fun rom-com but it felt like the beginning of a new chapter of more egalitarian storytelling which made me really excited for the future of k-dramas. Grade: B+ (Viki)
29. Not Others: A lovely Gilmore Girls type show about the relationship between an immature mother and her very mature adult daughter. It was a pleasure seeing them grow in their relationships with each other, others, and themselves. I want more! Grade B+ (Viki)
30. Cheer Up: Sports, comedy, romance, mystery, suspense, coming of age, this show had everything. The female lead was the lovable, feisty, driven, and brave. The male lead was adorkable, considerate, and sweet. It’s all very enjoyable and wholesome. Grade: B+ (Viki)
31. I Am Not A Robot: Zany premise but it was surprisingly pretty grounded for how crazy the set up was. It’s funny, emotional, good story telling. Great character development. Grade: B+ (Viki)
32. The Atypical Family: A really good healing family drama. I was a bit bored at times but it was overall very good. I liked all the mysteries a lot. Grade: B+ (Netflix)
33. See You in My 19th Life: The shared experience of watching this mystical mystery drama week to week made it a really enjoyable watch. Not sure if it was totally satisfying, or that any of the couples’ chemistry felt authentic, but it was a very interesting and creative storyline. Grade B (Netflix)
34. Summer Strike: This show made me cry a lot. It’s heartbreaking yet healing. I’m still not sure if I liked watching it or not but it was a beautiful story of found family. Grade B (Netflix).
35. Shopping King Louie: Adorable! So many light fluffy feels for this show but it does drag a bit in the second half. Grade B (Viki)
36. Fight For My Way: Such lovable leads. Love the fierce female lead and adorable himbo male lead. It’s like a coming of age story but for 30 year olds. Storyline was ok. Second couple was skippable. Grade: B (Viki)
37. What’s Wrong with Secretary Kim: More PSJ is always a good thing. This drama did all the tropes in ways that didn’t always feel fresh, but it was very romantic and hilarious. A true classic. Grade: B (Viki)
38. Touch Your Heart: If you can just stick it out through the first few very shaky episodes, you will enjoy this adorable, fluffy, series. Grade: B- (Netflix)
39. Doom at Your Service: It was sometimes real sad yet ultimately a heart warming mystical story. Grade: B- (Viki)
40. True Beauty: Fun, cute, teen drama however, it’s a little too “antsy teen” for me. Cha Eunwoo though💜 Grade: C+ (Viki)
41. Destined With You: The chemistry between the main couple was absolutely sizzling. Rowoon was both hilarious and next level adorable. However, the plot and the characterization of women occasionally made me very frustrated. Grade: C+ (Netflix).
42. Suspicious Partner: Great story, great characters, attractive actors, beautiful romance, interesting plot, sometimes funny, sometimes suspenseful, but with 40 episodes, the plot was dragged. Grade C+ (Viki)
43. Crash Landing On You: The first half is GREAT but the second half is way too melodramatic for my taste. It’s a very interesting storyline, the main couple has insane chemistry, and there are very lovable side characters. Grade: C+ (Netflix)
44. Secret Romantic Guesthouse: First few episodes were a fun scooby gang mystery, middle episodes were super boring, last 3 episodes were crazy fast paced and thrilling. It ended well- I’ll give it that. Grade: C (Viki)
45. Dear.M: It was inoffensive and decently entertaining. If you like school dramas, you’ll probably enjoy it. Grade: C (Viki).
46. A Good Day To Be A Dog: The storyline is bonkers but very intriguing. It started off so well but the storyline lost its way in the back half. But hey, Cha Eunwoo + dogs, it’s worth the watch. Grade: C (Viki).
47. Angel’s Last Mission: Love: This drama was very similar to Doom At Your Service but it was more a bit more redundant with all of the tragedy and crying. I LOVED the chemistry of the main couple but I found myself fast forwarding a lot. Grade: C- (Viki)
48. Marry My Husband: Episodes 1-11 were phenomenal. Such an interesting premise with shocking twists and turns. After episode 11 it seemed like there were new writers who had never seen the show. Very disappointing but top tier villains. Grade: C-
49. Our Beloved Summer: I LOVED V’s “Christmas Tree” OST however I struggled to keep watching. Boring storyline but great acting. Grade: D+ (Netflix)
50. Heavenly Idol: An absolute hot mess. It was completely convoluted and just low quality but I also weirdly liked it. I can’t bring myself to rank it higher because I know how bad it was but I actually enjoyed it better than many shows I ranked ahead of it. Grade: D+ (Viki)
51. My Secret Romance: The story of a total screw up female lead falling for a manipulative, gaslighting, hottie. It was problematic yet fun? So 🤷‍♀️ Grade: D+ (Netflix)
52. My Man Is Cupid: Pros: many cute dogs, sometimes those dogs wear human clothes, cute ending. Cons: Makes no sense, not much chemistry, murder plot takes up too much time. Grade D+ (Prime).
53. She Would Never Know: As handsome as Rowoon is, I found his character problematic at the beginning (no means no buddy) but he did get a lot better as the show went on. I just ended up skipping to watch just the scenes with the main couple, which made the show way more enjoyable. Grade D (Netflix)
54. My Love From the Star: I found myself fast forwarding a lot through all the parts that didn’t involve the main couple and most of the flashbacks. Grade D (Viki)
55. Goblin: The age gap is too disturbing for me, like call the police disturbing. However, the Grim Reaper who is one of the most adorable characters I’ve ever seen. Grade: D- (Viki)
56. Extra-Ordinary You: I have never felt so betrayed by a second half of a series as I did in this one. All of the character development that it seemed to be leading to was replaced by a pretty sickening codependent relationship. Grade: D- (Viki).
Currently Watching: My Sweet Mobster
Dramas I’m Thinking About Watching: Gaus Electronics, Bad and Crazy, Hospital Playlist, Another Miss Oh, Oh My Venus, My Roommate is Gumiho, She Was Pretty, Crash Course in Romance, Soundtrack #2
Dramas I just couldn’t Finish (I’m sorry I tried): Today’s Webtoon, Once Upon a Small Town, Love in Contract, Hotel Del Luna, Kings Affection, Record of Youth, Behind Your Touch, Sparkling Watermelon, Tale of Nine Tailed 1938, Strong Girl Nam Soon, The Story of Park’s Marriage Contract, Wedding Impossible
What are your thoughts on these shows? Do you agree or disagree with my rankings? Any k-romcom recommendations that are not on the list yet?
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blackbat05 · 3 years ago
One step further (V-day)
Frank Castle x Reader
A/N: Me attempting to do another fic amongst the 12345 assignments I have lmao😂 And also in time for V-day even though I don’t celebrate?😂 Thanks for being patient regarding my drought and hope you enjoy!
Genre: PG-13
Warning/Notes: Language. Fluff. Frank being a cute and sweet dork. That’s about it. My brain being fried so pls excuse me for the mess.
Frank quietly slips into your shared apartment. He checks the digital clock on the bookshelf. 3am.
It was used to this. Tip toeing around the house in darkness so that he wouldn’t wake you up.
Removing his boots, he stealthily moves towards the kitchen. He doesn’t expect to see you in dreamland with your laptop softly humming and notes sprawled across the counter top.
Frank tries to explain this bizarre scene and he remembers. You were mid way through your masters while juggling your job as a social worker at a youth centre.
Not that he was the kind to pry. He respected your boundaries just like how you respected his. But his admiration for you as someone who always put others before themselves always made him wonder about the kind of work you did. To him, you were the true hero.
Carefully squeezing his way inside, he takes the laptop that was still on sleep mode, making himself comfortable in the empty chair next to you.
As you snored softly, Frank immerses himself in a proposal that you were working on to provide more support for youth at risk living around Hell’s Kitchen. Needless to say, he was impressed by your eloquent and detailed paper. You certainly could give the politicians a run for their money, he thinks.
‘How is it?’ Frank sees you blinking the sleep out from your eyes, giving him a tired smile.
‘It’s fantastic. Your brains are as sexy as you.’
You had no idea how your roommate still had the capacity to be cheesy during this ungodly hour but you took the compliment. If only he knew the effect he had in you.
‘Thanks hotshot, but I don’t think I look sexy right now.’ You laughed, pointing to the drool that accumulated on your arm.
Frank waves your previous comment away, returning you back your laptop. ‘I’m serious, you should consider giving horns a run for his money.’ He helps you pack the rest of your notes.
‘Matt? No thanks. I would rather leave the vigilante business to you guys. Speaking of which, how was today?’
‘The usual.’ He grunts. Frank does not want to accidentally let it slip that he and Matt had a pretty interesting conversation regarding a certain Valentine’s Day while beating a bunch of bad guys…
‘Where did the big bad Punisher go?’ Matt exclaims. ‘I thought you’ll be better at me at this kind of stuff!’ He does a spin kick to the assailant’s head before quickly disarming another. ‘Oh! How about that expensive restaurant? They serve pretty top notch food. She’ll say yes for sure.’
‘Why do I feel like you’re fucking with me?’ Frank sneers. ‘She’s not materialistic asshole. I want it to be special-you know what I shouldn’t have asked you.’ Frank whips out a gun, shooting another in the calf.
‘Frank?’ You bring him back to present day. ‘What’s got your head in a twist?’
‘Huh? Oh, nothing. Just a little tired. Why not we both get to bed? It’s late anyways.’ He directs you to your bedroom, hoping that you wouldn’t pry further.
‘Just a sec princess.’ Frank carefully guides you to the destination before coming to a stop.
‘Can I open my eyes now?’
Adjusting your eyes to the light entering your eyes, you’re delighted to see the wonderful view that the park has to offer. As joggers, couples and families enjoy their time, the pink pastel clouds overlook them, providing a warm glow.
You see that Frank has led you to a large old tree, setting up a picnic mat with a spread of delicacies that you had yet to identify.
‘Frank? What is this?’ You smiled, making a beeline for the lunchboxes.
‘Uh- well… you’re working hard so I thought a picnic would be nice.’ Frank struggles to find his words. He swears his heart swells, seeing the pure bliss on your face as you opened up the simple lunchboxes that he had attempted to make. That was what he loved about you.
‘Hotdogs, rice with omelette and a fruit bowl.’ You scanned through the mouth watering assortment. ‘You have outdone yourself sir. Whatcha standing there for? Dig in!’
As the two of you inhaled the food, you enjoyed the cool breeze that came along. After ploughing through paper after paper, you were glad that you could finally get some fresh air.
‘So… what’s the special occasion today Frank?’ You swallowed the last piece of fruit, staring at him.
There was no going back now. He had to do this. What’s the worse that could happen?
He turns himself, facing directly towards you. You stop chewing, realizing how awfully close he was to you.
‘Shit. Ah… god damn it. I don’t know how to put this so I’m gonna say it straight. If we could be more than roommates, I would really like that. Ah what am I saying? DAMN IT.’
You couldn’t help but to stifle a giggle. It was adorable really. Being roommates with Frank for more than two years, you knew he wasn’t the type to be very expressive. You loved this courageous man.
‘I would love to.’ Your sentence stops Frank from rambling on.
‘I mean I would love to be your girlfriend.’ You gave him a small smile. ‘God, this is awkward huh?’
It took him a few good seconds to register what you had just told him before he sweeps you into a big bear hug, moving you to sit on his lap.
‘You’re for real right? Wait, I need to pinch myself. I need to know this isn’t a dream-’
And he feels your lips on his.
‘Does this help?’
Gosh you were about to be the death of him. Frank stops you from moving away, hands on your cheek.
He returns the kiss softly, nuzzling his nose against yours.
‘I love you.’
‘Love you ya big dork.’
A/N: Well, a quick one to celebrate V-day even though I have never done so🤣 Really not sure how this turned out cuz I wrote this on limited brain cells. But I do hope you enjoy it still! Thanks for the support as always!
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imagineitdearies-old · 2 years ago
hey ive been compulsively checking duty & sacrifice for updates because it’s just that good. Sucks to see how such a talented author like yourself has been getting haters for no reason. Most of your readers absolutely adore your writing though, and i hope you never give up on it!
You have a real eye for characterization and drama. Honestly your aemond is the most in character aemond ive read in any fic, much less an omega!aemond one. It’s been such a delight to reread past chapters too and to see the foreshadowing and groundwork you’ve laid. You’re seriously talented.
Anyway I dont want to clog up your asks with too much text, but I just wanted to thank you for your work—it makes my day to see an update. I hope you never give up, on d&s, but also writing in general because of drama and haters!!! The world needs talent like yours.
Anyway stay frosty dude!! Rooting for you!!
You're so sweet anon, I really love foreshadowing/planning ahead in storytelling so it's a big compliment that you're enjoying my attempts! And probably the most flattering thing ever to me is hearing that people are rereading D&S, especially considering it's not finished yet 😂
I love love Aemond and being in his fucked up head! That Ewan Mitchell quote about how Aemond doesn't really experience unconditional love until he bonds with Vhagar really resonated with me (tho that interview was after I started this fic) because in D&S, though Alicent loves him as best she can, she has bought into the rules of society (however reluctantly) and imposes them upon him from a very early age. And of course Viserys might as well not exist in his life. In contrast, the Strong boys clearly have that from Rhaenyra, and I think that's what Aemond really resents them for--that they receive love and acceptance without ever having to earn it. But in part it's also why he quickly starts falling for Luke despite himself, as this is the first person/not-dragon to show it to him (besides Luke's intelligence, humor, good looks, easy-going personality, and talent for giving head, of course 😉)
I really worried at the start of the fic about how OOC the characters might need to be to make them fit omegaverse, especially Aemond being omega, but it's been surprisingly natural for me to have him act under this framework. And feisty angry omegas are my jam anyway lol.
Have no fear, I have no plans to give up on D&S! I'm at about 4k currently on Chapter 13. But as per usual, I'm only barely halfway through the scenes I wanted to cover haha, so this will most likely be a jumbo 8-9k chapter. Hopefully that makes up for the unfortunate wait!!
(Also stay tuned, I might throw out an excerpt on this blog later today)
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