#also she made them into big posters too lol
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litleo123 · 10 months ago
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me and my friends couldnt go to the bravern cafe back in march, so we coped by making our own cafe merch
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 2 months ago
Did you watch One Piece Fan Letter?! Oh my goodness it was so good!
What if Eri ended up also inspiring a few others as well? Mainly a few marines, civilians and even Tashigi about being brave since she’s a small and delicate child, yet she ran headfirst into the war to save her big brother Ace without any hesitation even though the odds were definitely against her (She might’ve even ended up with a Fan Club)
The Benevolent King of the Waves was my freaking favorite because of his reactions to Chopper’s cuteness (And who’s to say he wouldn’t have Eri’s wanted poster and a few pictures of her alongside Chopper because both are ridiculously cute?) and he was going to stop the weapon out of fear that Chopper and Eri were going to get hurt
I actually just watched this! I kept putting it off and decided to watch it while I was sitting here stuffing my face! lol
Eri definitely winds up with more fans after the Whitebeard War, to see a child willing to protect her big brother and her grandpa, even putting herself at risk to do so, is so inspiring to everyone. So many civilians see this child facing danger head on made them realize that they're braver than they seem and made them stand up to their own fears.
Many marines became fans of her bravery (ballsyness) while many others were disgusted to see how many tried to take her, now knowing what she was able to do with her ability. Tashigi admires Eri's bravery and knows that she seems to be safe with the Straw Hats, at least for the moment, while Garp is the Eri Fan Club leader in the marines, as grandpa is her number one fan and if anyone else tries to claim this it's hands on sight with Garp.
The Benevolent King of the Waves was such a funny character! I loved seeing how powerful he could be, but the moment he saw Chopper I couldn't breathe I was laughing so hard. He would also adore Eri, wanting to adopt her as his daughter and shower her with so much love! And Chopper could come too so he could just admire and love them both so much! However, if he sees or hears anyone threatening Chopper or Eri (especially Eri), I feel like he will be just as scary as an angry Garp.
I feel, during the time skip, knowing how many people, pirates, marines, World Government, etc. were looking for Eri, civilians and other allies of Eri, like Zeff, the inhabitants of Cocoyashi Villages, and civilians all over, without being asked to, in order to throw everyone who was looking for Eri off, told them false rumors that she had been seen, or that they had her, anything to keep them off Ace and Eri's tail.
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nightmare-foundation · 1 month ago
for the choose violence meme: 1, 13, 25
Choose violence meme
1. The character everyone gets wrong
In RWBY- Ozpin tbh. I've seen VASTLY different takes on Oz, everything from "Ozpin has done nothing wrong" (incorrect, a big part of his character is that he HAS made mistakes) to "Ozpin is a zealot and a Light cultist and abused Salem", and honestly both sides drive me up a WALL, the latter moreso than the former. People sometimes take unreliable narrators at their word, or go too far with the 'unreliable narrator' thing and then start assuming even silly things are unreliable (i.e. Qrow saying not many people are religious on modern Remnant. Why would this be unreliable??). I've seen some incredibly stupid takes about Ozpin. One of the ones i hate the most is that he's racist. Don't need to explain the stupidity of that one lol.
And, another thing that I don't really talk about- i think a lot of people are pretty wrong about Salem too. I don't think she abused Oz, or that she's a heartless monster, or that the Grimm turned her into an unfeeling being. She's absolutely cruel, and she's gotten a fuck ton of people killed, but I'm honestly not sure her goal is to destroy the world to commit suicide lol. It feels like the show is building up to reveal that that's not the case, since we haven't actually gotten her goal from HER yet.
And another character a lot of ppl don't understand is Oscar. Like... yes he has a personality?? He's contemplative, sassy, realistic yet optimistic, values individuals, constantly gives people second chances, etc. These are all uniquely Oscar traits. The only things he's gotten from the merge personality-wise seem to be a widening vocabulary and more confidence. He's not a nothing character with no development or no arc, and he's definitely not gonna be taken over by Ozpin.
13. Worst blorbofication
If I'm understanding this right, the worst case of blorbofication I've personally seen in a fandom is probably what the batfandom does to Tim Drake... and honestly a good chunk of the rest of the batfamily, but particularly poor Tim and Jason. Please for all that is holy stop turning them into lonely victims of the rest of the batfamily where no one can understand them. I guarantee you that Dick, the Romani guy who likely grew up poor in a traveling circus, has more in common with Jason than he does with Bruce.
25. Common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
In the RWBY fandom? Probably complaints about the animation and writing. Most of the time the complaints about the writing are only complaints because the person in question completely misunderstood the show. Some criticism I've seen are actually fair, such as talking about the White Fang and the faunus, but others are... just silly, like Jaune being Miles self insert.
About the batfandom- I'd say the constant complaining about batcest. Which like, it's FAIR to complain and dislike it, but also at some points it's just like... just block and filter the tags? And if its untagged (never seen it untagged before), just politely tell the author/poster and leave. I've seen people get EXTREMELY hostile about it?? Like, legitimately wishing death on people, even as a "joke". Like, cmon man, I don't like those ships either but I'm not wanting people dead over fiction 😭 chill out, you (general) sound insane
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stackslip · 6 months ago
your post about fma03 are good and i'm stuck thinking about scar for hours at a time again. stories talking about 'revenge' can read really bad to me because a lot use 'this oppressed minority trying to fight state violence is bad' plotline. fma03 was honestly pretty unique in that scar was this tragic hero instead. it's sad, it's clearly difficult for him and he see him struggle, but everything he does was also necessary to prevent further genocide.
YEAH, it's a trope i absolutely loathe and scar in the og manga is its poster boy and everyone and their mom loves to pretend it's super progressive or something lol. there are aspects to scar's manga character i wish i could have enjoyed more were he not constantly scolded by half the cast for being an Evil Murderer when the war criminals' redemption arcs are assumed to be done by now and they're good people we should all root for. bc like. i genuinely LIKE the idea of scar's brother's other arm being about reconstruction. i LIKE the concept of scar holding destruction and rebuilding at once, and being able to one day move on and participate in the rebuilding of ishbal! but it comes with the idea that he is wrong for wanting to destroy amestris's military and the people who've murdered his people in the first place, it comes with him calling himself scum for being a Bad Murderer, it comes with the only other major talking ishbalan character BEING A MEMBER OF AMESTRIS'S MILITARY, UNDER THE COMMAND OF A WOMAN WHO CURSES HER BROTHER OUT FOR NOT HAVING JOINED IN THE GENOCIDE, basically scolding scar in turn for daring to want revenge. lol. i likewise would like the thing between him and mei a lot better if it didn't feel like it didn't play in tropes of "this big brown scary man is actually sweet bc this cute pale skinned girl makes him Soft" which.... i'm not fond of. i like mei and his relationship to her a lot, I Do Not Like The Framing. i do not like what arakawa does with scar in the manga, and this will always, ALWAYS be my biggest contention with fma, my line in the sand that i refuse to back down. so many things i can chalk up to taste, but i'm never not going to argue that scar's treatment in the og manga is absolutely abysmal.
in comparison, the way 03 reframes scar from his very first appearance as someone a lot more vulnerable/human and understandable, how his violence is put into context for what amestris has done to him and how al and him have this direct connection and mutual understanding, down to al flat out saying "if someone killed my brother i'd probably want to burn down the world too".... it's just. really good all around. scar's arc does not revolve around the elrics' plot, but when he does encounter them it's not so ed can scold him for being a murderer--because scar can and does bite back ed for participating in the military in the first place. his encounter with lust, the dynamic between him, his brother and his brother's love and how all three of them have been denied even their very names and identity in the aftermath of the genocide..... unbelievably bleak. how lust and scar likewise are trying to reclaim an identity as specifically Ishbalan in different ways too! lust by remembering what she was made from, going against dante and realizing what has been taken away from her, dying while proclaiming I WAS A WOMAN FROM ISHBAL. and then you have scar, who refuses his past name because he died with his brother and he died with the old ishbal. amestris murdered him along his people. there's no coming back from this. and like.... it's tragic, because it means scar is doomed from the start. he sees himself as a ghost and he is unable to not be one. but he also *chooses* to do something of it. to not simply pursue revenge but to actively stop amestris's military from repeating the genocide in liore! he is STILL enacting violence, he is using ishbal's own old alchemy and usurping amestris's claims so he can turn their own weapon back on them. ishbal was murdered for amestris's principles, and likewise scar is going to destroy as much of the amestrian military as he can in the name of not only avenging ishbal but stopping it from ever happening again! and his plan works. it works, and it's tragic, but also triumphant. it's tragic because scar was a good man.
that's the difference between the treatment of scar in og fma and 03. in the former, scar is the one character who has to Grow Into A Good Person, because it is assumed that no good person should use violence even to defend their people and avenge genocide. because violence is the prerogative of the protagonists, and because it is easy to remove the "bad people" from the premise--you can just excise them as a tumour, and then amestris is no longer a fascist and genocidal hell state. never mind that a sympathetic character (one often touted as a feminist icon ffs) is actively defending her choice to participate in the genocide to the end and derides another for NOT participating in it, but apparently she's fine! but scar has to Learn To Forgive and becoming a good person means settling down and things will magically improve. and scar has to learn this from the elrics, even as they talk down to him and see him in a very negative light, because apparently the two blonde protagonists understand violence better than a survivor of genocide does.
in 03, scar is a good person. or at the very least, he's entirely justified. and he might not be right 100% of the time, but he is from the beginning considered to understand a lot more of the world than the elrics are! he is a tragic hero because he died long ago, and there was no other path for him. and he isn't.... wrong. it's been shown in 03 that ishbalan survivors literally get hunted and displaced wherever they go. they can't rebuild, as long as amestris is as it is! you can't just spout platitudes about how violence is bad, because even if you give up violence it will show up at your door and burn your refugee camp and the only way to counter is meeting it with violence yourself. where ed sacrifices himself at the end for his brother in another tragic hero ending, scar sacrifices himself for not only the memory of his brother but for all of ishbal AND liore to be able to live. and he's right! he's destabilized the military enough that when roy makes his choice and kills bradley, the military has been crippled and is forced to take a step back, and amestris is suddenly on the defensive and no longer able to take on offensive wars. ishbalans and liorites are shown rebuilding in peace, as amestrian soldiers are no longer able to attack them. scar's sacrifice worked. he took on the identity of old ishbal's avenging ghost, and he pushed it to the end. he finally accepted his brother's love and sacrifice, and sacrificed himself in turn--like the elrics do! his last words are words of love. they're tender. in the moment that he kills hundreds of amestrian soldiers, music swells. yes, it's tragic. fma 03 isn't saying that justified violence is all glory and roses, it's still painful--the soldiers' death isn't a fun happy time, but.... they were coming in to murder thousands of liorites, possibly rape some of them like they did rose. their lives, 03 says again and again, are *not* more important than the lives of marginalized people. they've made their choice. violence here was the right call, it was an act of love, and it is framed as such. scar's final act is mirrored by the final act of the protagonists, there too an act of love. scar in 03 is so much more humanized and respected a character than he is in the manga, and regardless of 03's other failings or differences in taste, i will argue that his story in 03 is more relevant and real as ever today as it was during the political context of 2003-04
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puhpandas · 2 months ago
out of curiosity, what would you want out of revamped gregory and vanessa models?
oh dont even get me started. I think my number 1 want is literally just. fixing their faces. they could keep everything else the exact same and I'd be fine if they made their faces not weird and alien looking.
Cassies hw2 model was designed after her ruin cutouts. theres 2 pieces of Gregory official art in ruin that I think they would (and I would want them to) design his model around, which are the missing poster and cutout with cassie comforting her. i think they're closer to how his face is supposed to look
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and he also doesnt look overly young in them. cassies new model just looks like 'kid' and not like, mistakeable for an 8 year old or something. they're supposed to be 12 and Cassies remodel rlly captures that. I really want Gregory's remodel to make him look older, bc I think they didnt know his age yet when they made his SB model, but they should now with all the ggy refs. making him look similar to Cassies models level of age is a big one for me too
another one is HAIR!!! they upgraded cassies hair in the hw2 model by adding extra strands and changing the shape and style and stuff! making Gregory's hair look less like, stiff and clay and sims 4 maxis match would be awesome. and this applies for vanessa too. her ponytail is so rigid lmao and she uh. doesnt have much hair on her model let's just say
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as for vanessa, besides fixing her face, I think restoring her old proportions in her art pre-SB is a big deal. their modelers modeled her body to keep the big muscular chest but only in her boobs 😒 giving her back her muscular bulky frame would be huge! and it's not that big of an ask bc they changed Cassies proportions in her hw2 model to look better
also obviously a new outfit. she can't wear her security uniform post-game lol but that feels obvious. I'd die if we got a new outfit for her but I'd be satisfied if they just kept her purple flannel outfit at the end of sb. this also applies to Gregory too. if we got a new outfit for him in a new model I'd pass away. even if it was just a jacket on top of his sb outfit I'd die and throw up and descend into hell
also I already said this but giving vanessa more hair is big. plz give her more bangs and strands and an actual top of her head I miss her tailcoat ponytail
and also I kinda want vanessa to look older. like I absolutely love her smokey eye smudged mascara 'I've been wearing this makeup for 3 days look in sb, bc it gives off a lot of 'I'm going through it' vibes and I think it aids her character in a way her sb face doesnt. i rewatched an animation the other day and was like damn vanessa looks like 16. she was I think 24/25 in FNAF AR. not even counting security breach era and whatever amount of time would have passed since security breach by the time they appear again. she isnt old by any means but shes not super young either! let her immense amount of stress shes experienced show with making her actually look her age 😭
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whimsicalmirage · 3 months ago
I definitely did not draw this so i could make a keychain. Nope idk what you're talking about. (I'm 100% gonna draw the whole cast of planes and maybe cars like that and make them into keychains for myself)
I also definitly did not finish this only to realize i fucked up how the top of the suit should lay on her and had to redraw a huge part of it. Nope (Had to make my own refrences using a random hoodie lol)
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Anyway now i'm gonna yap about her design because i wanna share it with you all (also because my friend is so done with me talking about planes and cars T^T)
Based on the height chart in The art of Planes she's taller than Dusty and Blade, same height as Windlifter, but shorter than Cabbie
Gave her a bandana cuz it literally looks like a pair of wings (plus she would have more yellow in her casual design, same with earrings which i now realize i forgot to draw)
My thoughts behind her hairstyle are literally "looks cool" plus her hair is brown to stand out against all the yellow on her. The red ombre parts are there cuz they look nice and i'm a sucker for unnatural hair colors
Her eyelashes are circular blobs because she has a lot of smooth egdes on her
I couldn't find any info where she's from (i checked everywhere i think) so made her be from Alaska since it's the only other place we know she's been to
I think freckles look good on her so why the hell not
Gave her a thermal shirt underneath the PPAA shirt. Now this is based solely on my moms experience with working in the cold for a long time (She works in frezzers for 10 hours a day) and she's now cold for most of the time even if it's hot outside. This could be a her only thing tho. I still think it's a neat idea since Dipper worked in Alaska. Plus i based its color on that weird black thing she has on her nose (i'm not that knowlegdeble on planes to know if it has any function feel free to educate me :3 )
Since she's a huge Dusty fan i thought it would be neat for her to have some merch of him. Like posters in her hangar or a necklace with his racing number (Chug made Dusty themed whistles so why not necklaces too?) I also think Dipper would be the type of person to get those not thought out celebrity tatoos
Her suit is just her plane design transformed to fit onto a human. The red stripes on her sleeves are based on the red underside of her wings
And her boots were inspired by typical combat shoes in the colors of her wheels with the touch of adding that stripey pattern onto them
When not on missions she stuff her gloves into her pocket to always have them on her. (This aplies to others as well) This is based on my parents since they were firefighters for like 15 years so i have a lot of personal headcanons about the whole team based on their experiences (i'm probably gonna write some fanfics based on some of their stories)
Fun fact in Poland we have two different units of firefighters. There's PSP - Państwowa Straż Pożarna - National Firefighters which are most often than not in big city's like Warsaw for example and then there's OSP - Ochotnicza Straż Pożarna - Volunteer Firefighters which are mostly in small towns or villages that consist of (like the name suggest) volunteers. My parents were in OSP because we lived a really small town. PSP still arives to every major accident but because of where they are often stationed OSP are faster in response time in those small towns. Idk why im writting this, i just thought it was neat fact
Anyway thank you for reading this and feel free to share some of your Dipper headcanons. I will be happy to read them all :D
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yumeka-sxf · 1 year ago
It's time for another merch post, my biggest one yet since I went kind of crazy for merch in Dec/Jan...my wallet is still recovering 😵‍💫 (also, I made scans of some of this merch in a previous post here if you haven't already seen).
First is one of two Mercari orders. I only intended to get the movie booklet (which I've posted about previously) but added some more stuff to make the shipping worthwhile!
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I got the towel with the cruise arc outfits that's part of the merch line for the Tokai Steamship collab. It's a bit small, but I still love it!
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I always liked the art for the Tower Records collab, so I got a poster! (the seller also included stickers and postcards).
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I also like the art for the Cruise Buffet collab, so I got a paper placemat which makes a great poster! The seller shipped it in this nice plastic cover, so I decided to keep that on to protect it (they included a postcard too, which will be part of my next miscellaneous scans post 😁)
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The below acrylic stands were recently released as part of the movie merch line (sold at theaters I believe). Anya had a couple different designs, including one where she's in a director's chair and one where she has 3D glasses. But I picked the one where she's eating popcorn since Bond is with her (gotta always get the whole family when I can!)
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A couple weeks ago I took a trip to Animate, where they just happened to be having a SxF promotion where you'd get postcards of the new camping designs if you spent a certain amount on SxF merchandise. I bought the four camping acrylics, which was more than enough to get all the postcards 😊
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Also picked up these two magazines, since a Kinokuniya store was at that mall as well (scans of these coming soon!)
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Below is the second Mercari order!
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I absolutely love these painting acrylics! They're definitely one of my favorite sets ❤️
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Some acrylics from the movie! The big one in the middle is really cool, the background is reflective but transparent too.
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I love the Waku Waku Park designs, but was only able to find acrylics of Anya & Bond. Hope to add Loid and Yor to the collection one day. So I just got a clear file in the meantime, lol.
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Couldn't resist this adorable CODE: White overnight bag! I decided to use it to hold my many TCG decks 😅
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And lastly (kinda of) was my usual Amiami preoder!
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The "Anya helping with chores" designs are so cute, I got them as both acrylic stands (from Amiami) and reusable bags (from the aforementioned Mercari order).
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I got more acrylics and postcards of the lovely kimono designs ❤️ (postcards scans coming soon!)
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As I posted about previously, I got the Operation Diary video game along with these nice goodies that came with the preorder! (that keychain is rare official Twiyor merch 👀)
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And I got even more TCG accessories! (another set of sleeves, a few deck boxes, a card box, and card holder).
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The reason I've been getting so much TCG stuff, as well as why I said the Amiami order was only "sort of" the last of my merch from the past couple months, is because I had also preordered a case of SxF Weiss Schwarz cards! I preordered it back in August, and the set officially released in English last week...but that will be covered in another post, so stay tuned~
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jerk-bitch-idjit-assbutt · 2 months ago
How to Fix Ilvermorny
One School for ALL of America??
A seperate school for each state. (more detail under the cut, i've put too much thought into this)
Ilvermorny STARTED OUT as a single school is Massachusetts, founded by Morigan and her family. At the time (1620) this was perfectly fine. “America” was still just the 13 colonies. Which is still pretty large and could have likely used a few more schools to manage well, I imagine a witch from Ireland wouldn't have really thought of that. Especially since she canonically didn't intend to found a wizarding school from the get-go. She was just trying to teach her sons. Other little wizards and witches slowly made their way there, and she decided to try her hand at teaching them too, and the school grew from there. 
Now, as America grew in size and population… One school ain’t gonna cut it for long. I’m sure we’ve all seen the maps that compare the size of the UK to the size of the US. (If you haven't, look it up, its pretty funny. Texas alone is bigger than the whole country.) The expansion didn’t happen overnight, but i imagine at some point the Ilvermorny staff would have had an “oh fuck” moment, having way too many students and way too little space, and they needed a solution FAST.
My solution? Ilvermorny School of Magic is one school, technically. One curriculum, one main campus, one overarching school leadership. However, every state (other than Massechusets, which is where the main campus is located) has it’s own satellite school or branch campus. Idk which term is more accurate. Essentially, every american wizard goes to Ilvermorny. It’s just “Ilvermorny of Pennsylvania,” “Ilvermorny of Texas,” “Ilvermorny of Washington,” etc etc. All of these schools function basically the same with only a few minor differences based on the cultures of where their from. They all have the same four houses, mostly the same structure, the same general curriculum and content. 
This solution also allows for worldbuilding that would further differentiate American wizarding society from British wizarding society (because i’ve always felt a little iffy on how it kinda seemed like the US corner of the wizarding world was just a british author being like “haha look at the americans trying to copy us cause we’re cooler,” yknow?) 
Quidditch is still a big thing here, yeah? I think thats a pretty agreed upon fandom thing. (I’m also playing around with maybe we gave it a different name, to mirror the “soccer/football” divide lol, but for now lets call it Quidditch for ease.) Every state school has it’s own Quidditch team, and rather than playing against the other houses, you play against the other schools. Which means… y’all know how the South treats college football? 
Yeah. When Quidditch season starts, we are invested. We are locked in. Oh, your kid made the school Quidditch team? You’re bragging about that shit. You’re traveling to all the games. I don't care if their playing in Alaska, you’re going. Your kid didn't make the team? Doesn't matter! You’re still so fucking invested. Signs in the front yard, foam fingers, jerseys, posters, bitching about how the ref must have been blind because how in the world did Ilvermorny Illinois beat Ilvermorny Georgia? There are rivalries, too, and they are INTENSE. And they 100% mirror the state rivalries that already exist in muggle US culture. (And yes, i’m using muggle instead of no-maj. Cause no-maj sounds dumb as hell.)
The size and prestige of each Ilvermorny campus depends solely on the population (and general wealth) of the state that they are in. California has a gigantic school that is practically it’s own fucking town at this point. Rhode Island, on the other hand? They pretty much only have their own school for principles sake, they could probably have been looped into Ilvermorny Connecticut or Ilvermory Massechusettes without causing too much of a problem. But if every other state gets their own, Rhode Island kind of has to as well. This also means theres totally conversations that happen when you meet someone from another Ilvermorny that’s just comparing campuses. Like you’re telling me you had Three whole quidditch pitches?! And how many students per graduating class?? Jesus. (Think the conversation you have between small town kids and big city kids.)
(There was also definitely some fucked-up complications when segregation and “separate but equal” happened, but i dont want to get into the politics of it all, that’s a whole different post that someone with more knowledge can make.)
Anyways, that’s my two cents. I have more ideas, more issues with Ilvermorny that i want to find ways to fix and flesh out, but this post in long enough already.
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canmargesimpson · 10 months ago
Fruity four in NYC
ive posted this like at least 3 times in different accounts and they always get deleted so im posting its again lol
Corroded coffin has been really blowing up, and since Eddie signed a deal with his manager, he started going on tour. The tour was a month long, and they went through a bunch of cities till they got to their last destination. New York City.
So, Eddie invites steve, since their dating, but steve can't be without robin, so she comes along too. But robin can't be without Nance, so nance is also included. So the four of them go to the big city together. The entire pack was stuck in a already crowded tour bus.
Since  none of them could cook, they decided to go to some diner, and found one that was very similar to Benny's back in Hawkins, so they went there every day. So Friday morning, the four of them were eating together. So they wouldn't raise suspicion, Steve and Nance sat together on one side, and Robin and Eddie on the other. But of course they sat across from their partner.
Eddie ordered some sunny side up eggs with bacon (he arranged it into a smile, obviously). Robin got some waffles and a smoothie, while nance got pancakes too, but with a coffee. And Steve, he not only got his sandwich with his orange juice, but he also got the waitress number. But of course, Eddie just threw it away with a frown.
As they ate, they started hearing the crowd from outside, cheering and shouting, which quickly grabbed their attention. Eddie, who was next to the window, was starring in awe at the large amount of people with banners and signs. Of course, being attracted to chaos, Eddie jumps off the chair and runs outside with a piece of bacon in his mouth. Then ran robin after him, making sure to slurp the last out of the smoothie. Then ran Steve, calling for Eddie, and finally Nance, who made sure to leave a 20 dollar bill on the table.
Once they were all outside, they started at the people rioting and shouting, holding signs and posters about the lgbtq+ rights. People, rainbows and noise all around them. Eddie quickly grinned and got himself into the plethora of people shouting. Steve went to follow him, but lost sight of his boyfriend quickly. Robin tried to keep him in place, so they wouldn't get separated. Nance went to ask for an explanation to some of the people participating, but only got the same chant everyone was yelling
"Love is Free, Love has no Rules!"
Steve turned around and looked at the couple and held his hands out
"Okay, Eddie's concert is at 6,  so at 5 all of us meet back a t the hotel. I'm gonna go find Eddie, you guys.... Idk"
now, this are a few things that happened during that protest
Robin went into the crowd to see what the hell was going on. As she walked through the protest, she got to meet a group of lesbians, who had experienced the same thing she did with Tammy Thompson. She felt so comfortable being able to talk it out loud with someone who understands how it feels.
Nancy, met this old woman who had a bunch of pamphlets, brochures, papers, and even a magazine about the lgbtq+, which Nancy took and started reading. All of them filled with information and facts about the community.
Eddie, who was just trying to talk to as many people as possible, ended up meeting the one and only RuPaul herself. Of course Eddie freaked out to meet a real drag race for the first time, even better yet, RuPaul. So Eddie, trying to act as cool as possible, asked for makeup advice, because he just couldn't get the eyeliner right, and he too used to try on his mom's hill as a kid, trying to be like the guys from KISS. Rupaul, gave him all the information he needed on makeup, told him his hair was amazing (Eddie just bragged about the cool cream his boyfriend got him) and told him the perfect store to buy hills in men's sizes.
Steve accidentally bumped into an ex football captain, high school prom king, and jock of the school, who also had a hard time coming out to himself. They bonded and shared their issues about having shit parents. Steve might have gotten a little too emotional
Both robin and nancy, got little rainbows on their cheeks painted by a non-binary person who was so nice. Then as they walked out, Nancy, by instinct, grabbed Robin's hand. Then they went into the middle of the protest, to make sure they were around people who wouldn't judge them, and kissed for the first time in public.
Eddie got himself robbed of a bunch of shit, and stuff from the parade. Which was how Steve found him, wearing a tank top with the words ``Love is free'' and a bunch of bullshit on his arms and a poster saying "Homophobia sucks, but my boyfriends sucks better", and he also was wearing a rainbow flag as a cape. Eddie might have gotten a little too excited but it was worth it.
After talking to one guy, Steve felt much better about himself and just went to Eddie and kissed him, in the middle of the street. Eddie obviously kissed back, but he couldn't reach for steve since all of the shit in his arms would fall
When the clock hit 5, they were all back at the hotel. Since they've all had an exhausting day and really wanted to be with each other, they all stayed in one room. At first Eddie and Nancy had to share one room, and Steve and Robin shared the other, since they didn't want to look suspicious. They went all to eddie's and nancy's room, where eddie was getting ready for his show, nancy was passing out the pamphlets and steve and robin were talking
Robin, who was holding a brochure, was reading the definitions of the different sexualities and their names, reading them outloud for everyone in the room to hear
"Bisexual: Those who are attracted to more than one gender"
"More than one gender? like... liking men AND women?" steve asked
"i mean you could also like non-binary people, or Agender, or whatever they prefer"
"I like men and women.... Does that make me.... Bisexual?"
"Yes steve, that's literally what i've just said"
Steve, who was putting the pieces of the puzzle together, then stood up tall with a proud smile "Im bisexual"
"I think i might be too" nancy agreed "I mean... I still like guys, and I love robin so... I guess im bisexual too"
Robin smiled and kissed nancy on the cheek
"Okay next, Lesbian: female who is attracted to other females. That's me!"
"But wait, Nancy also likes girls, doesn't that also make her a lesbian?"
"no steve '' Robin sighed "but... picture it like this, i'm a vegetarian, okay? so i only eat vegetables. Nancy on the other hand is omnivorous, meaning she eats vegetables AND meat. Not because she eats veggies, makes her a vegetarian"
"OOOOOOOOOOH, that makes sense, so like, nancy and me are omnivorous, cuz we eat males and females, and you are a vegetarian because you eat only women"
"But then what makes that eddie?" Steve pointed to his boyfriend who was practicing his eyeliner, and finally looked good.
"I think i might be pansexual" eddie said
"what's that?"
"Here it is! Pansexual: those who love others no matter the gender or sexuality"
"So wait, if robin is vegetarian, me and nancy are omnivorous, then eddie eats what?"
“Oh Steve, boy” Eddie says as she leans into his boyfriend “I eat everything in my way. But you… You steve boy… you are my favorite meal”
“EW!” robin whined as she covered her ears and trying to erase that memory as fast as possible.
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pillarsalt · 2 months ago
Anon who said we should admit there are extremist wackos in radfem communities here, I'm sorry it wasn't targeted at you specifically!! You're one of the few who keep the focus on women's rights, safety, and freedoms, which is why I sent the ask to you.
You finding the "vaginas don't have nerve endings" lady is what spurred my ask. Because she's a perfect example of nearly everything wrong with some people in radfem spaces:
- Taking correct observations other women have made about sexism and using them to say controversial, incorrect, often-sexist things for attention because they don't know how to get attention for *insightful and good* observations because they don't know how to make their own. "Women's biology is sidelined and causes a ton of medical issues and misinformation" becomes "Because of the above, I can take any random fact we *do* know about female biology and claim it's a lie made up in ignorance."
- Taking the fact that, because misogyny is so normalized, a lot of feminist messaging comes off as radical (in the other sense of the word) even if it's not, and turning it into "Every belief I have that causes a huge uproar... that uproar is proof that I'm right."
- Taking the above and combining with the stubborn, "I won't let you get away with your misogynistic arguments" radfem activist mentality and turning it against other feminist-minded women. "If you disagree with me, a feminist, on how to handle this topic, you must be anti-feminist, hate women, and want us to suffer misogyny forever."
And now the comments section!
- Taking the fact that there are a lot of mansplainer asshole men who don't argue in good faith and turning it into "Everyone who disagrees with me, a feminist, is a male MRA troll."
- Taking the fact that so many TRAs lie about what radfems believe and are willing to create fake proof of us being alt-right and/or wanting to genocide trans people, and turning it into "Whenever someone who posts in radfem circles says crazy shit, it's a TRA impersonator."
Just the way women on here reacted to this poster alone is evidence to me something's rotten. You've got different women saying she's a troll, she's a man, or both... and no one is willing to believe that maybe she's genuine? No one sees how there are factors in the community, especially when a lot of the popular posters exhibit a lot of these negative things and outright state "Yeah my feminism isn't for all women fuck you lol", that might lead to women like this poster genuinely thinking this way? No one in a feminist community is willing to believe the misogyny we constantly talk about being so pervasive and insidious might not just affect "normie" women and conservatives, maybe well-meaning women trying to be feminist, too?
Thanks for your input, anon. It's a weird complicated situation. I think really the reason people are wary of this account being bait or a troll is because, well, we're on the internet and feminists are a big target for men who want to fuck with us. There have always been (and will probably always be) bad actors trying to sow discordance between women in these spaces, so understandably many of us are wary. It happens very often. And a pretty featureless (as in generic looking and unpersonalized) account aggressively defending inflammatory views that are just unreasonably removed from reality, despite being shown evidence to the contrary, and supposedly in the name of feminism, I think that pings a lot of people's "shit disturber" radars.
But yes, the benefit of the doubt is usually best... I tried to explain why I disagreed and why her line of thinking is harmful, but when it seemed like it wasn't going anywhere, I decided to let it go. I didn't mean for it to get so much traction, and I don't think arguing incessantly with someone who has a foundational difference in beliefs and who is not willing to consider other viewpoints is gonna go anywhere. But I also really can't blame the women who are offended by the "dick worshippers" thing, and that she's now insisting any lesbian who likes sex toy penetration (with no male involvement whatsoever) is actually not homosexual but in fact secretly bisexual, and that lesbians who use toys to pleasure their partner are mimicking men instead of just... having sex in a way that feels good. It's genuinely hurtful rhetoric. Calling it when you see it is part of holding each other accountable, no matter where the vitriol stems from in the first place. Now, just saying "you're not a radfem if you do/think _____" is not the way to go about it, I agree. That's really just identity politics again. But yeah, insulting a bunch of women on an aspect as personal as sexuality, that's going to create a lot of backlash in any circumstance. I understand the reactions, but I also think it's better for everyone to realize that a stranger's opinion of you is not actually important, and can be easily ignored and moved on from.
I also have to disagree that no one has considered she genuinely holds these beliefs, you can find women in the post's notes talking about their own experiences with OCD and other dark mental places that previously led them to similar patterns of illogical thinking. I've had a couple asks and replies to asks with the same thing. I think we shouldn't be antagonistic, but I also don't think anyone's required to be friendly with someone who's lashing out at them with misogyny and lesbophobia. I really hope that she can heal and find solidarity with other women and other lesbians, the women who talked about their own blackpill experiences in their younger days give me hope that she will find her way out.
But hostility towards others with similar longterm goals WILL isolate you, and I'm not sure what the solution is for someone who functions like that. The only thing I can think of is that hopefully she will continue reading and learning from other women and open her mind to the full spectrum of women's views and experiences, and maybe finally understand exactly WHY what she said has had such a negative response.
You sound like a compassionate person and I appreciate your dedication to nuance.
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i-rebelled-for-this · 4 months ago
Agatha all along episode 6 Part one
Familiar by thy side
It was beautiful and honestly answered a lot more questions than I expected it to do.
Seeing Agatha from Teens perspective was hilarious.
Both Williams was handled very beautifully and Joe did a fantastic job!
The chair that resembles a toilet seat at William’s Bar Mitzvah really throws me out of it though. I’ve seen it about six times now and I just can’t with that chair. Who saw that chair and went, yes this is it?!
Billy is going through a blue drapery to get to a mostly red space about his future. I see what you did there.
Also I love the lamp
Lilia herself in gold and blue, no necklace.
Very nice blue and red colours together in Lilia’s tent.
Also notice the tower tarot card, representing Sudden change, upheaval, chaos, revelation and awakening.
And The wheel of fortune card, representing karma, good luck, life cycles, destiny and turning points. Notice that I’m not a that good at tarot so I may get it wrong.
Also more sun symbolism with Lilia
Upside down Billy
Lilia says the tower reverse, a big personal change and transformation coming. Make total sense
Lilia just remembering something, once again, kin implies she exists out of time, what is time for her, how does she experience it, can she affect it?
I yelled when Billy said he loved the vibe in the tent, very early Argento. I had to take a break.
Argento, the director and writer of Suspiria, the witch movie which was the inspiration for episode 4.
This is huge! This indicates that it’s actually Billy that keep the road in movie/tv-themes, not Wanda or any leftover of her spells. Which we also see mote of later in the episode.
Of course, now we have new questions.
Like does he know?! Or is he trying to cope with losses like his mom?
The sigil is interesting, (not just because it’s a beautiful nod as a W or WW) but does it hide Tommy too? Since neither Wanda or Billy can find him. Also notice how later Agatha will say there are two of you, implying the are one or two pieces of a whole.
Why does Lilia want to hide them?
Interesting that the radio air the first episode of WandaVision.
William shouting “mom, look out” as they get in the car crash. Don’t touch me!
And the dome and the dead tree by the car. Beautiful but hurts.
Red glass shards. Once again beautiful but hurts.
Bye Tommy
ALICE! Good to see you darling!
Greg knowing what’s up.
His signature blue
The movie posters and the actual wizard of oz toys in his bookshelf.
I started writing down all the movie posters but some were obvious or too hard to make out so I let it go.
Eddie being cute.
Freak like momma.
And he taking everything Billy tells him better than I would have.
Nice trans flag.
Now as he have grown up, it’s all horror movies and the occult.
We’re off to my second scream and had to take a break in this episode.
But first, their usernames? lol. They worked hard on those two.
Ralph/Randall/Pietro/Peter (in my culture we have a saying that goes, a loved child has many names.) You are doing great sweetheart!
I gotta admit I thought they were gonna let us wait for VisionQuest to see him again. I’m thrilled!
Not really a fan of the red hair they gave him but, I get it. It matches Wanda
Also, love his stealth, very stealthy.
Nope, sorry Ralphie, can’t call a a kid Bub when you willingly goes online as Bohnerrific69. There are rules. And also made me google that just to get the spelling correctly.
Notice how he talk about Wanda, ge calls it sad but he talks gently about her and the one he is actually actively angry about is Agatha.
Also notice how when Billy asks about if it changed him or if he can do stuff now, he gets very serious for a moment and ask him what he is talking about.
Billy, I need to know if that water actually hurt you.
And never, ever yell Mr. Bonherrific.
I really can’t make out what Ralphie is shaking? First. Thought it was mr Dibbles or hoped. lol
The market value? Hon, she is still in the house! Priorities here.
My sweet baby, but yeah, keeping Monica in the attic was a bit much.
RIP Sparky. It was Ralph all along.
Speedster and mind reading brother. Babies!
Wanda is dead, sure jan.
Not the blu-ray collection!!!
Another movie buff in the Maximoff family. I get emotional writing this.
Agatha can keep his Bow-Flex, thread mills. Funny, not liked he needs it.
Go to his one man show in Paramus please!
Dreadit lol
Down the road baby!
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little-cereal-draws · 2 years ago
Details I noticed in The Last Wish pt 2
This also includes some of my favorite lines that don't get talked about enough lol
There are eight tally marks next to Puss's wanted poster, one for each life
When Puss is basking in the applause after he defeats the giant, there's a lady in a wheelchair on the left side of the crowd
After the Doctor tells him he needs to retire, Puss says, "Are you the village comedian as well?"
In the fight against Death in the bar, Puss actually does cut a chunk of Death's fur off. Like we know that Puss is a good fighter, but this solidifies the fact that when he's actually putting all his effort into it, not preforming like he was with the giant, he is a crazy force to be reconned with. Which then in turns shows how powerful Death is. But kudos to Puss; he may brag constantly but at least he does actually have the skills to back it up
The characters actually get dirty. This happens after Puss swims through the sewer and then walks through the woods but also to all of the characters as they go through the Dark Forest. Everyone gets progressively dirtier and more scraped up
When Puss starts singing while holding his funeral at Mama Luna's, he says, "Who is your favorite fearless hero? You were, you were."
When they're eating at the kibble trough and Perrito keeps hitting Puss with his tail, Puss elbows him as he tries to get him to stop it
Puss must have made some friends, or acquaintances at least, while at Mama Luna's because he nods at a cream and white cat, who nods back, when him and Perrito walk past
When the crime family arrives, Mama says, "Listen to your sister, Baby!" To which Baby responds with, "She's not my sister, she's a fugitive orphan!!" Idk, his delivery there always gets me lol
While the bears ransack her house, Mama Luna calls out, "You think this is the first time I've been stuck in a piano???" ...Which makes me have a lot of questions about her life lol
The way Perrito says, "If this Puss in Boots is such a big deal, maybe we shouldn't be desecrating his grave :D" with a big smile on his face as he digs it up lol
With every character, with the exception of Kitty, there's a big build up before they show their face. Puss: we see his boots and people's reactions while he flips around for quite a while before he finally lifts his hat up, the Doctor: we hear him first and then see his back, the three bear crime family: we get a POV shot from Golid as she's riding on their backs and then they're backlit, Mama Luna: we see her dress and then Puss' reaction, Perrito: we see him from behind and then Puss' reaction, Jack Horner: we see his shadow then a poster of him as a kid and then close ups of him eating a pie, the Serpent Sisters: we see them from above/behind and then a close up of the chest, Ethical Bug: lots of glowing/sparkles and Jack's reaction. Kitty is the only character who almost instantly gets a face reveal (even tho we briefly only see her eyes for a second), probably for the shock value of her dramatic reveal
While Puss and Kitty are hiding behind the chest after taking the map, Jack says, "Aha! There it is!" Puss lets out a sigh of relief after realizing that Jack was referring to the Midas touch and not their hiding spot. Just all the little details that show he's more on edge and anxious than he was before his encounter with Death
During the fight/chase for the map in the factory, Goldi smiles and nods in the top left corner while Papa says "You shouldn't have done that, mate" after Puss hits him in the nose with his stick
Kitty's path through the Dark Forest consists of the swamp of infinite sorrows, the mountains of misery, and the abyss of eternal loneliness. I think she might give Puss a good run for his money on who's the most depressed lol
Puss starts scratching at his beard as early as the pocket full of posies
Jump to the end now bc I got too caught up in the movie to notice any new details lol
In the second to last scene, as the Commodore walks out to the dock to go on his vacation, villagers whisper and glare at him behind his back. He is not very well liked lol
Part one , Part three, Part four, Part five
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petitelepus · 5 months ago
Foreign Student reader is making halloween themed candy/caramel apples for the Halloween party! Buuut she was struggling on making them by herself, she usually makes them with her dad but she got some help from Haganezuka and Genya instead! (I imagine that haganezuka is secretly nagging Genya to ask her out for this Halloween party lol- Sanemi asked him to do it for him and in exchange, Sanemi gets him his fav food)
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Summary: You and your candy apples are famous so it's only obvious you would be selling your treats at a Halloween party. Though, you weren't expecting a confession just yet!
Warnings: None, FLUFF, CUTE
A/N: Fem!Reader, Female Reader, Genya
It was a day before Halloween and you were busier than ever before! With the big Halloween party coming, held by the school, you had a lot of work to do! You were a foreign student, but with your ability to create amazing candy apples, you had gained yourself a nickname Ringo Onna, aka Apple Woman.
"Oh Gosh!" You gasped as you saw the dark sugar-coated apples that Genya pulled out of the fridge.
"W- what?" The young man stuttered, "D- Did I mess them up?"
"No, they look absolutely perfect!" You smiled happily, "Thank you so much Genya for helping me with my apples! You're a life saver!"
"Oi!" Haganezuka snapped, but before he could shout, you turned and smiled at him, "And of course, thank you so much Haganezuka-sensei for lending your classroom and kitchen to us!"
"Tch, just remember to clean up after yourselves…" The masked teacher grunted as he turned back to the book in his hands. You smiled a little at the eccentric teacher and Genya silently admired that smile of yours. No matter what, you always tried to smile and he admired that in you.
"Oh, I think we may just have enough apples for tomorrow!" You counted that you had made enough apples to feed a small army!
"Hopefully these will sell!"
Genya swallowed nervously, wanting to tell you that your apples were out of this world, but his shyness won and he averted his gaze from you… Something that Haganezuka noticed.
"Oi," The masked teacher caught your attention, "Why don't you go and print some posters for your apples? I'm sure they will sell with proper advertising."
"You're thinking like a true businessman!" You smiled as you grabbed your bag and left the classroom, but not before smiling to Genya, "Please look after the apples while I'm gone?"
"Y- Yes!" Genya nodded and just like that, you were gone. The young man sighed and Haganezuka grunted, "If you won't confess soon, someone else might."
"I- I-!" Genya blushed, but he couldn't deny it. You were a new transfer student and super cute also. He was sure you had admirers… But he wanted to call you HIS girlfriend…
"I'll do it tomorrow." He nodded, "After the party. Then I will let her know about my feelings!"
"Just hope it isn't too late," Haganezuka grunted.
So, the time passed and it was Kimetsu Academy's Great Halloween party! You and Genya were nervous but for no reason. Due to your nickname and apple-themed reputation, your apples were a huge hit, selling like hotcakes. Your witch costume helped a lot too.
"Enjoy your poison apples!" You said cheerfully as another happy customer took their apple and left. You looked at your small register and beamed happily. You were easily making profit!
"Hi there Ringo Onna-chan!"
You looked up and saw Tanjiro and his friends Zenitsu and Inosuke stop by your small booth.
"Tanjiro, Zenitsu and Inosuke! What a pleasure to see you guys!" You said cheerfully and the young men smiled, "Yes! We would like some of your famous poison apples!"
Coming right up!" You smiled as you grabbed 3 apples and the young man handed you the money in exchange, "I hope you enjoy them!"
"I will!" Inosuke shouted and all three of them bit into their apples and you watched excitedly how their eyes widened.
"So sweet!"
"It's hard to believe that Genya actually knew how to make these!" Zenitsu wondered out loud, much to the other young man's annoyance, "Oi, I'm not that bad in the kitchen!"
"It's true!" You smiled as you looked at him, "Genya has been such a huge help to me and I'm so thankful for it!"
Hearing you say something so nice about Genya… Made him blush, but before any of you could say another word, you noticed that you were running out of apples, "Oh, I'm going to go and grab more apples! Can you manage the register, Genya?"
"Y- Yes…" The young man nodded and you smiled as you excused yourself and rushed to get more candy apples. As soon as you were gone, the three young men turned to stare at blushing Genya.
"Dude, you have it hard." Zenitsu thought out loud and Genya snapped, "I don't want to hear that from you!"
"Just confess!" Inosuke shouted and Genya frowned, "I will! I just… Don't know when…"
"You can do it Genya!" Tanjiro smiled, "You're braver than you think!"
"You…" The young man blinked, "You really think so Tanjiro?"
"I know it!" The young baker's son smiled and his smile caught Genya also. And just like that, you were back with a tray full of apples, dipped in dark caramel, "I hope you are hungry because my witch's cauldron had more apples floating there!"
"Actually, could I get one more for Nezuko?" Tanjiro asked and you smiled as you handed him an apple, "That one is on the house, but don't tell anyone!"
"We won't!" The three young men promised before leaving. You and Genya spent the rest of the evening selling apples until the Halloween party ended. You were one of the last ones left, cleaning the place after the party. While you were cleaning, Genya was collecting his courage… Only that seemed to go on forever until you were all done with cleaning and ready to head home.
"Thank you for your help today Genya." You smiled as you took off your witch's hat and bowed to Genya, "I had tons of fun with you today."
"Y- You're welcome…" Genya blushed and you smiled, reaching for your bag and phone, ready to call your parents to come and pick you up, but then you noticed your father's car by the side of the road, already waiting for you.
"I gotta go, that's my father there," You said as you waved to the young man, "See you after the weekend, Genya?"
Genya nodded, but just as you were leaving, he collected all his courage and called after you, "W- Wait!"
"Hm?" You turned to look at the young man, "Yes?"
"I…" Genya swallowed nervously as he collected his courage… And finally, he said it, "I like you… A lot more than as a friend… And I hoped we could be more…?"
"Genya…?" You blinked as you registered his words… And then you smiled, "Are you asking if I'd like to become your girlfriend?"
"I…!" The young man swallowed nervously as he nodded, "Yes…"
"Oh, Genya," Your smile grew, "I'd love that!"
"Wait, really!?" He gasped and you smiled happily as you moved forward and hugged him, "Of course! I like you, but I couldn't ask you out myself!"
"I- I-!" He was absolutely speechless. Did you return his feelings? Really?
You hugged him tighter, "It's why I asked you to help me, but I didn't have the courage needed to confess to you first!"
"Y- You…!" Did you really want to confess to him? You smiled as you pulled away from the hug, but you didn't go far, holding him by his shoulders as you smiled at him, "I'm so happy you had the courage I lacked."
"I…" Genya swallowed, "I really like you…"
"And I like you," You grinned as you leaned forward and time seemed to stop as you pressed your lips against Genya's cheek. The young man was taken over by a furious blush, his whole face turning red as you pulled back and giggled.
You were about to say something, but your father honked his car's horn and you looked over your shoulder before looking at Genya again, "I have to go, but you have my number and… If you like, would you like to go see a Halloween movie with me?"
"I- I would love it…!" Genya gasped and you smiled as you quickly pecked his cheek and turned to leave, but as you were running off, you looked over your shoulder and waved at Genya, "See you later, 'Nya!"
Genya waved after you, stunned by your kindness, your beauty, and your sweet nature. It was like he was in a trance, and he finally snapped out of it when he heard his big brother's voice coming from behind him, "About time you two confessed!"
"B- Brother!?" Genya yelped and the Math teacher grunted as he started to walk towards the brothers' home, "Are you coming or not?"
"H- Hold up!" Genya called as he ran up to his brother, his mind full of questions, but your kisses were strongest in his mind.
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erikiara80 · 2 years ago
Theory: Jancy’s first lie scene is also about Jopper and the curse
I was rewatching Murray scenes in S2 and S3 and I noticed something in this one I never did before. This could be a big evidence that young Jopper, or at least Hop, are really cursed and that they probably were together in the og timeline.
I talk about the possible hints that they were married and are Will and El’s parents here
So, I think the first parallel/connection is when Nancy and Jon mention the theory that El is russian (later they also drink vodka)
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This is foreshadowing of Jopper’s storyline in S4, not Jancy’s. Hopper is in Russia, Joyce gets a doll from him but Murray suspects it might be pregnant with an explosive device. Something Owens compares El to a few episodes later. And interestingly the doll is actually “pregnant” with the message that Hopper is alive.
Then the first lie scene. If the vodka and the mention of Russia are foreshadowing of Jopper’s storyline in S4, this could be about their past
After Nancy and Jon say that they're just friends, Murray laughs. "You told me a lot of shockers today but that... that is the first lie.”
That reminded me of the First Shadow. In my defence, I couldn’t make the connection before they announced the prequel, lol.
And @chirpsythismorning noticed something very interesting. The song that plays when Hopper is stuck in the tunnels in S2 is Shadow in the tunnel. That doesn’t mean that he is the shadow, but that he is associated with it. 
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Nancy insists: "It's not a lie." Murray: "No? You're young, attractive, you've got chemistry, history. Plus, the real shit. Shared trauma." This could be about young Jopper too. Because we know that something bad happened way before 1983. In 1959, the year Hopper said he started to feel cursed.
Murray continues and tells Jon (our Hopper here): "Trust issues, am I right? Something to do with your dad." 
"No, I mean, my dad is..." 
Nancy: "An asshole." This is about Lonnie, but it could also be about Hopper's father, who thought his son was a piece of shit.
@shippingfangirl013​ I have to quote you here:  And the “my dad is…” “An asshole” Paired with the “well they must have gotten married for some reason” in S1. “I wasn’t around for that part” = Jonathan’s parents being in love.
And then Murray mentions a curse: “It's a curse to see so clearly."
First lie, First Shadow, and a curse...
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Hopper is the only character who’s been saying since S1 that he feels like he’s cursed. In S4 he even says that HE is the curse. And Jo pointed out that episode 4x02, Vecna’s curse, starts with Hopper apparently dying, only to reveal that he’s actually alive. Hm, stuck in a loop, maybe? I’m working on a post about Hopper and the curse, but I’ll just say that after he wakes up in 4x02, we see Max wake up too, from a Vecna nightmare, we see the poster of The Endless Summer and hear the clock-bike sound effect. Here the video.
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But back to Murray and the first lie. It’s Nancy’s turn. Murray tells her that she wants safety (like Joyce)
Then another big parallel with Jopper. The We like Steve (Bob) But we don’t love Steve (Bob) 
Murray calls Nancy out. Saying that she loves Steve (Bob) is the second lie of the evening (and so is Joyce not being with Jim, the man she loves)
As Kayla says: Safety = Bob = MK Ultra manipulation, because of the flashbacks she has in S3 after being around Hopper.
Then THIS poster. It never made much sense to me when I thought about Jancy. But it makes a lot of sense if the scene is not just about them, but a parallel with Jopper and Hopper, the cursed one.
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Here another parallel. Murray tells Nancy and Jon to have sex. The same thing he tells Joyce and Hopper in S3.
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(red and yellow here, El and Will’s colors)
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And I think this is important. That night Nancy and Jonathan GET together, and we don’t see the poster when they kiss, because they're not the ones that are cursed. Hopper and Joyce Maldonado are. The part with Murray is the parallel with Jopper’s past. Someone has been watching them for a very long time.
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Note: The poster is a Big Brother poster. Brother, The lost brother, the original title of The Lost sister, an episode with tons of references to One and the lab (here, here and here)
Kayla also made another great connection with the song at the end of S2, Every breath you take. Maybe it’s not just about Will or El. It’s about their family. They’re all there. Will, El, Jonathan, Hopper and Joyce.
And the last words we hear before the last shot, the Mind Flayer looming over the school: Oh don’t you see? You belong to me
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(Water is always involved too, right? Sorry, just wanted to point it out)
So, in conclusion I think that this Jancy scene is Jopper coded and maybe it tells us what happened to them. 
The question is: why is Hopper cursed? Were he and the others there, Joyce, Bob, maybe Scott Clarke, when the exorcism happened and something went wrong? Or maybe they stopped Betty, who wanted to help Henry, because they wanted to protect her (if she's really Bob's sister it makes sense) But without her help, something horrible happened. Or maybe something bad happened to her.
I feel like Hopper did something that changed everything. Maybe he thought he was doing the right thing but he was wrong and made things worse. We’ll see!
Anyway, I really like this theory. Tagging you too @lilitblaukatz​ 
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needlesandnilbogs · 9 months ago
I guess art is going on tumblr instead of on blogspot today lolll cause I’m lazy. half the high school au crowd goes to see a movie. that is all. (If I successfully did this then there will be a read more bc I put the fic here and it got long)
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Image ID: two digital drawings. One is of high school versions of murderbot characters dressed in costumes and standing in front of a movie poster: from left to right, Rin (high school au murderbot), Bharadwaj, Overse, Gurathin, Pin-Lee, and Indah. Rin has dark curly hair and dark brown skin. It is not dressed in a costume, just a blue hoodie and gray pants, and is standing behind and apart from the group. Bharadwaj has dark brown skin and her hair is under a light purple hijab which extends into a cape behind her; she also wears a long dark blue dress belted at the waist and a silver circlet. Overse has light skin, shoulder-length dirty blonde hair, and glasses; she wears a light blue dress with pink trim and sleeves, pink shoes laced up her calves, a Magen David necklace, and a small pink crown. Gurathin has the lightest skin, brown hair cut unflatteringly, and big round wire glasses; he is wearing a red shirt and leggings with gold armor over it, and he has a silver flute hung over his shoulder. Pin-Lee has lightish skin, black hair in a bun, and wears a green bodysuit half covered in green and pink feathers. Indah is the tallest except for Rin and has medium skin and light brown hair; she is wearing a turquoise shirt, purple leggings, a skirt in a different shade of purple with gold trim, and yellow shoes.
the other image is the poster that is behind them. It is for a made up movie called “Sunshine Warriors: Day of the Second Sun” and features an orange and yellow stylized sun on a blue background. On the sun there are images of a pink crown, a red eighth note, a green bird, and a purple butterfly. Under the movie title, at the bottom, it says “Ten Years Later…”. End ID.
anyways this is for chatfic I am deciding whether to post to ao3 or not, I wrote the fic last year and it’s part of the hsau’s summer between Mensah and mb’s senior year of high school and going to college. The relevant bit of the fic itself is as follows:
DM: Lee (Pin-Lee), bhara (Bharadwaj)
[10:01] bhara: Hey, wanna go to the river w me this afternoon?? I need out of the house and my aunt won't let me take the car
[10:03] Lee: I'm down, want me to pick you up?
[10:03] bhara: That'd be great \o/ I have no agenda lol I just really need a break
[10:04] Lee: Also, want to come to the movies tonight with Indah and me, too? We're making plans to see the Sunshine Warriors film in full costume tonight, possibly with Gurathin and Overse and Rin too.
[10:05] Lee: I was actually about to ask if you wanted to come when you texted me!
[10:07] bhara: I CAN GO \o/ \o/ \o/
[10:07] Lee: Great. Pick you up in ten for river time, at 4 for the movie?
[10:07] bhara: o7 but also changed my mind, let's go see how much of a costume we can put together in the time between now and 4?
[10:08] Lee: I'll make a group chat so we can coordinate costumes!
New Chat: Pin-Lee (Pin-Lee), Bharadwaj (Bharadwaj), gurathin (gurathin), indah (indah), Overse (Overse), Rin (Rin)
[10:10] Pin-Lee (Pin-Lee) started chat
[10:10] Pin-Lee (Pin-Lee) changed chat name to Sunshine Warriors Assemble
[10:11] Pin-Lee: So. We are doing this, okay? I call dibs on being Feather, he was always my favorite.
[10:11] indah: I'd forgotten how much I loved this show
[10:12] indah: I want to be Color, if possible, I have the most clothing I could use for her.
[10:15] Overse: Arada isn't interested in going but she says she'll lend me her floofy skirt so I wanted to be color
[10:15] indah: I'll duel you for it. Swords at 2 am on the 29th?
[10:16] Overse: wow rude
[10:16] Overse: whatever happened to reasonable sleep schedules? [10:17] gurathin: Not to interrupt but I want to stake a claim on flute, the least terrible warrior
[10:18] Overse: omg Gurathin just be sun lord, you're already that pompous <3
[10:18] Bharadwaj: So we have Flute, Feather, and two people who want to be Color, who wants Princess and what do the rest of you want to do?
[10:20] Overse: well, I can be princess instead, i do have good high heels for it, but what do you wanna do?
[10:20] Rin: I'm not coming in costume.
[10:20] Bharadwaj: I was thinking Queen Midnight but only if everyone else is down for going with the villain?
[10:21] Pin-Lee: I am *always* down for going with villains. I'll be over in 5 minutes and we can hit your closet and the thrift store, okay?
[10:22] indah: The plan is meet at Pin-Lee's house at 4, carpool to the movie theater, see the 4:45 showing, get dinner, see the 9:50 showing, go home, unless anyone can't stay out till midnight.
[10:30] Bharadwaj: I just checked and my aunt says that's fine
[10:30] Bharadwaj: She also says if we want to come over after and watch the documentary that came out a couple years ago about the making of the show we are welcome to do so and then sleep over!
[10:31] Bharadwaj: It's SUCH a good documentary, it's a beautiful letter of love to the way the show was made and the choices the writers had to make to make it socially acceptable
[10:31] Bharadwaj: I know I just like documentaries in general but I really love this one and not just because it's about fiction I enjoy
[10:35] Overse: omg perf
[10:35] Overse: I have to be princess then bc I loved her voice actor in the show
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sneezemonster15 · 1 year ago
when you talk about incest, you mean between mai and maki? it’s funny, because while gege dis portray them sharing a kiss, the way it was made, i didn’t feel like it was romantic… more like it was supposed to represent trough closeness that maki and mai are two parts of the same person, since they’re twins and all. but yeah it definitely can seem disturbing at first lol 😅
It's more than that. Not only Mai is shown to be having a crush, which she doesn't tell Maki about, but also at Todo's request, she goes to see Takada, that pop icon, and she is thrilled. Her reaction to Takada does not look platonic at all. Also the kiss itself doesn't seem platonic. I think Gege meant it to be romantic or at least sus. She is also shown to voluntarily talk about her romantic interest, which means she certainly has one. And she kisses Maki on the lips at such a tragic moment when Mai sacrifices her life for Maki's sake, which I simply cannot deny, is quite unconventional and not used to depict sisterly feelings. I think it's romantic. And hence incestuous.
There are other instances with incestuous themes.
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And this too. Imo.
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Plus, Mai won't be the only person in the manga who is 'not straight'. Megumi is pointedly shown to prefer 'person' over a girl. This is not even that cryptic, it's Gege telling us he likes men, and not women. Itadori is pointedly shown as confused about his preferences. Like yes, he likes tall girls with big butts or whatever, but he picked Ozawa of all the girls in his class when his friends asked him to pick. He was quite nonchalant about it, even though he knew the context of the questions, but he still did not objectify a woman like a straight boy would probably have done, when he easily could have. He has a poster of a girl, but no girlfriend, instead he is very close to Megumi. Megumi is the first name on his lips no matter who else is there, when he is concerned. When Todo asks him the question about what kind of women he likes, he is baffled and he doesn't really think about his answer the way Megumi does, he just gives the same answer he had been giving his school friends, but he still picks Ozawa, a short girl. Who is then pointedly shown to have grown tall. But Itadori is still not romantically interested in her. Itadori is also pointedly shown to be indecisive. Gege has described Itadori as indecisive. There is so much conversation around the height of Itadori's prospective mate, and some emphasis is also put on Megumi's tall and lean build lol, and all this is deliberate. Plus, Itadori and Megumi show accountability towards each other, Gege shows them taking stock of their feelings for each other and acting accordingly. Of course it's not black and white, but I am sure Gege is telling us something here. He is being cryptic, like Kishi was. The episode shows Ozawa liking Itadori but not able to do anything about it until just then. Nobara is shown to have feelings for Itadori. And Megumi is shown as the person closest to Itadori, like c'mon, they were together for a mere two weeks and they were already making meatballs together. They spend time with each other outside missions, their rooms are right next to each other, they know how the other person thinks and acts, what they like and dislike. That whole episode shows how close Itadori and Megumi are, and it's not the only instance. Gege is certainly showing us more than he is telling. Once I finish the manga, at least the current chapters, maybe I can write about it in more detail.
But well, jjk world is not as old fashioned/traditional as Naruto world. The characters aren't so prejudiced or narrow minded as they are in Naruto. Well except for people inside the clan system, jjk folks are more open to express themselves, less bound by convention. They are all practically crazy, they have got to be, and they own it. It's more healthy than what Naruto's characters do. And there are people like Gojo to guide them, a good leader (unlike Kakashi) who fights the corruption and obsolete convention of their world, who will fight for his students, who will empathize and try to understand them without judging them harshly, and won't deprive them of the simple pleasures of youth.
I can't surely say that Gojo and Geto are also of the same inclination, but I guess it's a little ambiguous the more I look into it. Since Gege is a fan of non linear storytelling, one can certainly expect to see more in that direction and I am still reading the manga. Well, what I can say is that there's more reason to think SatoSugu are romantic than not. So I will wait.
I think Gege knows what Naruto the story is about. He knows. It's like he is trying to break specific shounen conventions with his manga...
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