#also reminder that English isnt my first language so it may be a bit bad
imeriayapping · 30 days
Hi bestie, hope you are doing fine. <3 you are one of my favorites here btw, just wanted to let you know this before continuing. <3
About the last thing you posted, I wanted to write you something because you said you hope at least one person writes to you.
I, myself, usually write out of necessity, I have to write only because of my degree, and loscar being my favorites, are always the characters I use to work with words. The concept is usually similar. I have some kind of a fixation I can't get rid of. Maybe I'm not satisfied with something? I don't know.
For some reason, whenever I write about them, one of them is not present and sometimes it's vague whats the reason behind it. In addition, another frequently used symbol in my writings is usually some kind of a garden that comes with them. A kind of symbolism for their love or their absence. An overgrown garden is usually used to symbolize the absence of one of 'em, and a beautiful lush garden reflecting the light in a beautiful way is usually a symbol of their good, or better days when they were together, in love, and happy.
You can use all the above and some kind of a supernatural or paranormal thing. Make one of the characters into a ghost or maybe let it be realistic and make one of them solely an idea that the other one has in mind. A product of their imagination or madness.
I didn't have any idea, and I thought maybe writing this to you; gives you some kind of a picture? Even if at last you don't like it and forget about it, at least, I've tried. I'm not really good with giving ideas or words, so an imagery was all I could give. Hope it helps one way or another. :>
With love, a friend. <3
Omg first of all skndkskdkslskfk thank you soooo much for this ask!!!! I'm very honoured to be one of your favourites (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)♡
Second of all i really like your idea so here something that my brain generated when i read it, hope you like it :p it won't be finished or anything but still something
It always was there, as long as he could remember there was a door that lead to a garden. It wasn't magical itself (at leat it didn't show anything to logan) but it's just always appeared behind any door if he thought about it enough. Garden was beautiful but always only for him to see, logan could never find it when he wasn't alone. The incident when he was six and tried to show it to Dalton but without any luck for twenty minutes before giving up and being teased about "imaginary garden" was enough.
One of the first times Logan gone there he broken a few branches and stomped few flowers, it wasn't out of cruelty but more of childish need to destroy sometimes. But after that only thing he was answered with was quiet gust of wind that made plants sing. It shouldn't have gotten any reaction from him probably but still, Logan was momentarily flooded with shame because of his actions, a gentle voice in his head reminding him to treat everyone around with kindness while broken wood shined under the sun as to remind him of what he did. Logan flew out of the door right after and didn't try to summon garden back for a few weeks.
Afterwards he got into a habit of helping the garden any time he visited, maybe picking up few leafs or watering flowers with hose that always was somewhere around. Besides that he just hang out there as before, sometimes running wild or just napping under trees.
Time was moving the same for outside world and here so for most part Logan only had bit's and pieces of time to spend there before his family would start to worry.
As his life progressed there always were three constants - racing, garden and oscar.
After moving to Europe it was pretty nice mix to keep him grounded, a passion of his life, a place ha can feel at home that will always be there for him, and only person that would be his friend no matter what distance is between them.
Meeting oscar probably one of the best parts of moving, part of the reason not to give up. Their friendship wasn't one to fall apart from distance of being in different series (tested in Logan's first year in f3) and by the time they got to f1 the bond is stronger than ever.
It makes Logan wish sometimes to show his garden to oscar but at that point garden became his place of solitude, his always sunny runaway spot. Even if he knew he wasn't there alone, Logan saw that sometimes pots were moved around or leafs that he put off cleaning weren't there when he came back. Maybe it's garden being actually magical, maybe someone actually come there but they never bothered him so he figured thay couldn't be too bad.
So he continued opening closest door whenever things became too much and sticking close to oscar, two simple truths of his life.
Until one day after oscar being so sweet to him and logan wanting to repay to that he broke his promise of not breaking anything in the garden. Well technically he didn't break, just carefully cut off a few flowers that he doesn't remember planting, to make a small bouquet for oscar. But it was fine wasn't it? He always could just put some new there and it's not like there was someone to mind.
Or so logan thought before he saw frown settle onto Oscar's face just few minutes after he received flowers, his initial smile melting away longer he looked at bouquet. This reaction made Logan anxiously ask if everything was alright but he was quickly reassured that nothing is wrong and oscar even going as far as to kiss him on a cheek, leaving him dizzy while oscar retreated back to McLaren.
Logan tried not to think too much of this interaction because he's pretty sure it would just drive him mad. So he hides this memory in furthest corners of his mind till he gets back to garden hoping to water some greenery and maybe even plant a flower that he was eyeing for a while.
It all came to halt when he was walking past flower bed that contained flowers that he cut off before. There was a McLaren cap hanging on one of the strongest stems that were left there as a result of his bouquet preparations. When he picked it up there was a little note with "these were mine >:(" that in pairing with cap left no room to imagine who other person in the garden was
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spikeinthepunch · 1 year
ok so sonic prime season 2. time for me to be a sonic nerd, so spoilers ahead.
one thing tho! i have been watching to show in japanese dub because i wanted to hear the same VAs from the past, but i dont know japanese and if anyone does and is watching it in japanese, id love to know if there have been any noteworthy differences in the script. It seems pretty close to the english script though from the very little I knowledge (i imagine it is quite close due to the translation being english *to* japanese)
anyways. im gonna mostly cover the characterization, and bring up plot when its relevant. but first thing to establish- prime's characterization isnt inherently bad imo, and its okay to make changes for different kinds of media. i still have opinions of course, but i dont think those opinions affect the fact that i do think these changes work for what prime is generally.
some of this bounces off thoughts i and i know others voices in season 1.
sonic is very energetic, maybe a bit too much, but shows nowadays do tend to be very fast and snappy. and of course, VA do more work with implying the characterization, which is where my difference lies in impression. Jun'ichi Kanemaru has always been The Sonic for me, as much as i do have nostalgia over some english ones (my fave english sonic and shadow has always been Jason Griffith). And his work in prime sounds much like any sonic role before of ourse-- though the actual script is kinda where my opinion changes but that more has to do with the Hip language and present day quips found in many american english kid shows. its expected.
I love Jun'ichi still having his typical sonic quirks in prime because it does make me feel like sonic still Works the same. his energy may be a bit different but it does remind me of how things like Sonic X treated him for being paced for a tv show. Also i REALLY love that the japanese script had sonic speak english. if you listened to him in japanese in the past, you'd know that Jun'ichi gets to say english often- those are often his quips, to "americanize" him as sonic's intent was always to vibe like that. The main thing missing from sonic is that lazy/laid back energy he has, really. and i know others agree. but i get for a fast paced show that wouldnt work well. but sonic can be a bit careless and selfish even, and that doesnt seem to happen much or at all.
shadow is one i have more thoughts on, and its no surprise many others do because shadow is a very specific kind of character that isnt easy to get right. Even as i listen to Koji Yusa, the guy who's played shadow since the start, the way i see shadow act and the script makes him feel way more off than sonic despite that. Within the first episode of s2 (and maybe the first of s1? where they were raving n stuff?) shadow is aggressive, and i think thats a good descriptor for him in this show.... my main issue with him being aggressive is just the episode opening with shadow just beating the shit out of sonic lol. i get that he is mad but we see him just.. quietly fighting sonic and beating him into the ground?? and i just don't get that choice. What would i want then? for shadow to be more vocal at least, while beating him up lol. i would want him to angrily voice why hes mad. they get the "quiet" idea of shadow but took it the wrong way. and the reason why it feels even more out of place is that its sonic hes beating up with no voiced reason. that is not someone he casually fights so hard. so if he were too decide this, thats why id wanna hear shadow talking shit too, i would like to know why he's mad enough to do this to someone he doesnt do this to. it kinda means a lot for him to act that way towards sonic- he doesnt do this in the games at all, i think many would agree shadow isnt aggressive at all, not in the way of being outwardly violent. other wise i dont have any issues with his general dialog, or what choices he has made or his goals. they actually feel pretty in character. its just the way they have displayed shadow's aggression toward sonic that i just dont care for.
Much as I thought this abt the last season, I don't think I can say much about all the other characters from different dimensions... they're all their own thing, ya know? And they're fine. But I was always wishing that the main Eggman from Yoke was designed a bit more like our main Eggman. I don't hate his design. On the eggmans in general, theyre fine. theyre all supposed to be funny stereotypes but they just arent interesting as characters to the story, except for the main one i guess. also hate that fucking baby. i would maybe bear him if he was like, a 5 year old. you have the brooding/annoying teen and you could have the dumb whiny toddler. idk. but i hate that baby.
Next important think though- metal sonic. I think the new design isn't bad, it's a unique take and its neat. But there is something much more aggressive about the typical design that i wish they stuck to. :/ it's sharp. A little *too* close to sonic. You know? But his personality. Oh man. I get it's fitting the "modern" almost cute electronic emoticon face being flashy, and again the fast pacing. I thought I'd enjoy Jun's acting at least but the writing is just Not my thing and ruins it for me. I would have enjoyed something more akin to the metal Amy from that world? Deeper voice? More robotic? Maybe they could have leaned into that loose, almost reckless and impulsive side of sonic. i get they wanted to exaggerate his show personality but making him annoying as hell just made the interactions so overwhelming. Also this "metal sonic" is being called Chaos Sonic. Interestingly the English subs are calling him Super Sonic? Might just be an error.
anyways next onto some story details... in general i do like the plot. its good! has some nice drive for it to keep going. shadow finally coming in to explain more helped and now nine coming in to take control of the plot after shadow is a good lead for a new season. i hope shadow gets more screentime if they get a new season. maybe taking ONE key guy from the other dimensions and then shadow as the s3 "main cast" would be good. and then i would like to not see the dimensions much at all again, or you know. new ones?
but like. i gotta say it, i am a bit tired of some of some dimensions.. ESPECIALLY the fucking pirate one. get me OUT of that blue ass place please!!! they spent way too much time there and i do wonder if it was to have less of a load on rendering. good christ. i never want to see that place again.
i think the issue too with shadow not showing up was they really set up how he needs to help sonic. they were a team. and shadow should have really bugged sonic more about him fucking up. Nine got to communicate with sonic (and barely did for most of it) and i think shadow should have had that ability more. shadow REALLY should have seen sonic fucking up, it would give even more reason to be weary about him by the end, where they let nine do his thing. we couldve gotten an explosive angry shadow reacting like "what the fuck is wrong with you i knew you couldnt do this" or something.
the plot is just fine but the characterization and how the characters affect the plot can kind of be where things go wrong i think. considering season 2 is actually season 1, id hope maybe theyll improve on an actual next season.
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