svrsiiarchive · 3 years
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“Excuse me if I seem upset, but half of my people were snapped away by Thanos and finding out that you all could have intervened is a little more than frustrating.”
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“with all due respect, i think there’s a lot you don’t know about the situation. to not know can be frustrating, yes, but we are not the ones you should be focusing your energy at right now.” 
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svrsiiarchive · 3 years
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“I’m not technically from this world, so I’m not super offended that you guys didn’t step in to help with all of the Thanos stuff. I understand why some people might be mad, though.”
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“i don’t think that people realize how complex -- and ancient -- the situation actually is.”
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svrsiiarchive · 3 years
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“I understand why you guys might not have gotten involved. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still shitty, but I get it. Sounds like you guys had your own thing going on.”
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“we had an assignment from a celestial. it trumped all else. or, that’s what we thought, at least. we couldn’t solve your problems for you because you needed to develop, but we could have helped you fight thanos. then again, everything went as it needed to. you can never say in this instances.”
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svrsiiarchive · 3 years
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“You’ve gotta understand, some of us lost a lot from Thanos.” Clint didn’t need to go down the Ronin rabbit-hole. He already had enough of that talk as of recent. “It’s gonna take some time for people to open up to you guys.”
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“the whole world did. it was one of the most painful things to watch.” and sersi knew it had to be even worse to live through. the eternals hadn’t reached out to one another but they had all survived. their space was deliberate. “we’ve waited 7,000 years to announce ourselves fully. we are fine with waiting.”
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svrsiiarchive · 3 years
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“Don’t worry, I won’t berate you with questions. Although if you come across my dad or any of his friends it might be a different story.”
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“your father is anthony stark, isn’t he? what happened was incredibly sad.”
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svrsiiarchive · 3 years
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“Why put that conversation off when we’re standing in front of each other now?”
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“i can’t speak for all of us. i know that phastos had his own reasons and they differed from mine. but if you’d like to talk, we can.”
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svrsiiarchive · 3 years
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“It’s nice of you all to finally intervene.” Medusa mused.
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“well, all it takes sometimes is an existential reckoning to realize what you thought was right is actually wrong.”
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svrsiiarchive · 3 years
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“You know,” Loki paused as she glanced down at the phone and then back up towards Sersi. “When that other Eternal told me to come to you, I figured this would be more relevant than a mortal social media platform. Why do you care so much?”
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“i care about them.” she replied simply. “i care about them and they love it. it makes them happy. i want to be close with them so i can understand the people we protect.”
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svrsiiarchive · 3 years
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Felicia carefully watched the Eternal’s hand change forms and grab the pretzels, and she slowly took the bag and raised a brow at the woman. “Isn’t this against your whole philosophy?”
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“philosophy’s need to change, i’ve come to realize. they can trap us in the past and prohibit progress. i want to do better.”
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svrsiiarchive · 3 years
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Clint watched as Sersi warped one of his arrows, but he tried not to let himself be too bothered by it as he took a deep breath and offered her a friendly smile. “Each and every one of them. Some have net attachments, some are explosive, suction, have tear gas.. the list goes on.”
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“i can return them to their original state if solid gold isn’t useful.” sersi offered up, just wanting to be helpful. “human progress is incredible. it was a wonder the day the arrow itself was fastened, and now look at you.”
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svrsiiarchive · 3 years
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Daisy watched as Sersi touched the ground and smiled at the woman’s words, nodding in response. She wasn’t used to people calling her powers beautiful. The last person who said that was probably Jiaying, which stung a bit, but Daisy tried to push past it as she smiled at the Eternal. “I’m an Inhuman, so yes. Once I went through terrigenesis it unlocked my abilities. Remind me what you’re able to do again? I know you mentioned it at the meeting but I never got to see.”
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“the inhumans came from the moon.” at they did if her memory was serving her correctly. it usually did. what she didn’t know much about was terrigenesis. it sounded vaguely familiar but the eternal wasn’t able to pinpoint the definition clearly. at the question, her head briefly bowed before she looked up with a smile. “it’s actually -- well, i mean, i find it interesting. i change matter. stone into water, water in air, buses into petals. here,” sersi picked up a stone from the ground and held it in her palm. it transformed itself there; the hard gray softened and turned red before solidifying into a ruby. sersi offered it up to her. “i’m not one of the impressive eternals.”
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svrsiiarchive · 3 years
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“I know everyone was pretty upset with you guys, but I get it. Sounds like you had a lot more things to worry about.” That was probably an understatement, but still. Cindy could at least sympathize with why the Eternals did what they did. When you had powers of that scale, some things just had to feel mundane compared to stopping an event that would literally tear the Earth apart. “Yes. I’m still not sure if I’m upset about it or not. It’s.. complicated.”
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“humans have been upset with us before. it’s inevitable, considering what we do and who we are.” it hurt sersi, of course. all she wanted was to keep them safe and help them along. the job had been hard on her over the years. pleasant hill didn’t make much sense, but neither did ikaris killed ajak. nothing was certain anymore. “may i ask how so?”
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svrsiiarchive · 3 years
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“Can’t you tell when someone is trying to drink alone in peace?”
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“I’m going on, aren’t I?” Sersi paused. “Pardon. I’m Sersi.”
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svrsiiarchive · 3 years
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“Careful. I don’t remember if I put my explosive-tip arrows in that bag or not. Or was the acid tipped arrows.. Shit, I dunno.”
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“I’ve always be so intrigued by the evolution of weapons.” Had it not been Sersi to hand that first dagger over? Grabbing one, the matter warped in her hand and she carefully set the now harmless arrow down. “And each of these are useful?” 
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svrsiiarchive · 3 years
“i would never cheat at gin - and frankly i’m offended by the suggestion,” he insists, cards visibly sticking out of the sleeves of his ratty leather jacket.
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“Well, I’ve watched many men cheat at gin over the decades. Most just don’t show their hidden cards.” She pointed towards the edge of one with a smile.
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svrsiiarchive · 3 years
“––i’m really quite knackered at the moment, so if you could get on with it. that’d be brilliant.”
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“Forgive me, then.” The Eternal quickly bowed her head. “I’ve lived in London for so long without ever talking to anyone from MI-13. Maybe I was overzealous in introducing myself.”
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svrsiiarchive · 3 years
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“They’re not actual earthquakes coming out of my hands. Technically it’s vibrations.”
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Sersi knelt down and rested her hand on the ground. It still thrummed the same as it always did. It rippled slightly before she pulled her hand away and left it unchanged. “Your powers are natural then? I never really got to talk to anyone about what they could do before this. It’s all beautiful.” or, it had the potential to be. Some just tainted beauty.
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