#also remember what i said about how my faves all kinda mush together?
sparky-is-spiders · 4 months
For the song ask game, 21!
Hmmm... this is kind of a tricky one actually? I have a couple of songs that I Really Like and am basically always kinda down to listen to but it all kinda mushes together and I can't think of any that have a person's name in them.
I guess if I had to choose I'd go with Grace and Vonnegut Busy by Sage Francis? I like Sage Francis generally and Vonnegut and Grace are both names people have.
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13-reasons-ideas · 5 years
Hey🌸 your blog is my fave I love all the Monty love! Could u do #21 from Drabble Challenge: 1-150 “he’s a bad kisser” I kinda had this idea where she’s excited and getting ready for a date with this guy from school that’s she’s had a crush on, turns out he’s not as great as she thought and calls Monty (her best friend) and vents to him about everything & he’s secretly happy cause he’s always liked her ... let’s just say he shows her what a good kiss feels like😉
A/N: I am so sorry this took so long. I had a hard time figuring out the date, because its been... at least 5 years since I went on an actual first date. I hope you like this. I combined a couple of asks because they asked for basically the same thing. I also suck at titles. I hope you like it! 
Bad Date? 
t finally happened. Dillion finally asked me out. Tonight was the night of our first date. I cannot tell you how long I’ve had a crush on him, probably since the seventh grade at least. The first and only person I wanted to tell about my excitement was nowhere to be found. I checked my watch quickly and saw that it was 3:25. Monty would be heading into the locker room to change for baseball practice. If I run there, I could probably catch him. As I looked up from my watch, I caught sight of everyone’s favourite jock. “Jeff. Hey Atkins!” I called out to him. He turned around and saw me.
“Hey flapjack, what’s up?” He asked, using the nickname the boys had given me back in fourth grade, when I snuck them all in on a Saturday morning and made pancakes while we watched cartoons.
“Have you seen Monty?” I asked, trying to contain my excitement.
“No, but I can grab him from the locker room for you if you need. Is everything okay?” He asked, mild concern etching his face.
“Yeah. No everything’s great. Would you mind? I’d go in myself but… I don’t need to see that.” I was trying not to bounce at this point. He nodded and motioned for me to follow him. As I waited for him to send Monty out, I heard the boys yelling and generally being idiots.
“Hey de la Cruz, your girl needs to talk to you. I’d hurry before she gives herself an aneurysm or something. She seems pretty eager about whatever it is.” Jeff called through the room. I heard the guys give Monty a playful hard time about it, but they knew that there was nothing romantic between us. Monty popped out of the room and I couldn’t help the brief look to his chiseled abdomen. I said nothing romantic, not that I didn’t appreciate that my best friend is hot.
“What’s up Hailey? Jeff seemed concerned. Are you okay?” He rattled off quickly.
“I’m good Monty. Actually, I’m better than good. I’m great. You’ll never guess what happened?” I sang, beginning to bounce on my heels. He watched me with an amused expression.
“Your parents bought you a new used Civic?” He asked, jokingly. I made a face and rolled my eyes.
“No you goof. Dillion asked me out.” I exclaimed excitedly. He smiled and laughed at my overly excited demeanor.
“That’s great. Need me to come over after practice? It’ll probably get cut short because of the rain.” He offered.
“Sure. He’s not picking me up until 7 so you’ll have time.” He nodded and before he could say anything, Bryce stuck his head out the door.
“Hate to break up the love fest or whatever this is, but we have to go practice Monty.”
“I’m coming. Just a second. I’ll text you when we are done and head over.” Monty said before leaning down and giving me a tight hug.
Monty was right. Practice ended at 4:15, a mere forty-five minutes after it began, so he was currently watching me pull out every item of clothing in my closet. “This one?” I asked, holding up a red sweater. He thought for a moment before shaking his head.  I shook my head and groaned, “I have nothing to wear.” I sank down on the bed beside him and covered my face “I should just cancel. You’ve said no to everything and I can’t very well go naked, can I?”
He chuckled and muttered “I mean, you could. I don’t think Dillion will complain.” I gasped scandalously, grabbed my pillow, and whacked him playfully with it. “Hey! Violence!”
“Oh please. You’re going to tell me about how violence is bad? Coach said if you screw up your full ride hand in another fight, he will skin you.”
Monty laughed heartily and tapped my knee a few times, “okay fine. Come on, get up. We need to find you some clothes to wear Missy.” I groaned again and went back to my closet. “What about that shirt with the flowers and girly shit on it? That’s cute.” I considered it for a moment before shrugging the suggested top on. I turned around and showed him and he gave me a quick thumbs up. Knowing that he isn’t exactly the most fashion forward person known to man-he wears a different variation of the same shirt everyday- I grabbed a pair of 501’s and pulled them on.
As I tackled my hair and makeup, Monty and I caught up for a while. We had both been busy with school and our own activities, so this was the most uninterrupted time we had alone together recently. “So, any big plans for the evening?” I asked casually.
“Not really. Dad is out of town visiting family or whatever, so I’ll probably just have a chill night at home with my mom. She’s trying some new chicken thing tonight, so hopefully I don’t get sick. Remember the slow cooker ‘pork’?”
“You mean the pulled mush? Of course I remember. I still can’t eat pork chops.”
Monty barked out a laugh and shuddered. The sound of a car pulling in the driveway pulled us from our revere. “Oh crap. He’s here. Montgomery, what do I do?”
“Relax. It’ll be fine. Grab a jacket and I’ll go with you to answer the door.”
I took a deep breath and went with Monty to answer the door. He stood next to me, suspiciously close behind me. Dillion knocked a few raps before I opened it. He looked me up and down, taking me in, and smiled smoothly, “Hey Hailey. You look very pretty tonight.” He looked to Monty and his smile faltered for a brief second, “de la Cruz.”
“Sanders.” Monty replied, more coolly than I expected him to.
Finally finding my voice after taking in his blue Billy Reid Henley and tailored jeans, I replied shakily. “Hey Dillion. Thanks, you look good too. You ready?” Thanks? Really? Get it together.
“I’m ready if you are.” He replied, helping me into my coat.
I blushed slightly but caught Monty roll his eyes. What crawled up his ass? Turning to him I addressed Monty and gave him a quick hug, “Feel free to stay as long as you want. Just make sure you set the alarm before you go. I’ll call you tonight.”
In the shiny black BMW on the way to Rosie’s, Dillion was a perfect gentleman. He let me pick the music and we chatted casually, more of his attention understandably on the road than on me. That would be a hell of a first date. When we arrived, he opened my door and helped me out of the car. He even gave me his arm as we walked in. This is great.
When we were seated, things started to change. In the car, his divided attention could be explained away with driving. When sitting across from each other at dinner on the other hand, it was a little harder to explain. He was polite to the waitress at the door at least. When we sat down there was a period of awkward silence. The people around us chatted freely while we just sat. Dillion plucked a piece of thread from his sleeve and I inspected the hem of my top. Finally, the waitress arrived. “Good evening, my name’s Riley, what can I get for you?”
“A chocolate-“
“A cherry-“ we started together.
“Sorry. You first.” Dillion acquiesced with a wave of his hand, as though he was doing me a favour. I smiled at him before ordering.
“May I get a cherry chocolate shake please?”
“Sure thing. Yourself?” Riley replied, marking my order on her well used notepad.
“May I get a chocolate shake please Riley?” Dillion asked, giving her a flirty smirk. Seriously? I’m sitting right here. I pretended not to notice and after another moment or two we were able to start a conversation of sorts.
“So Hailey, you’re quite a hard girl to track down. It took me weeks to track you down in our little town to ask you out.” Dillion started suavely.
I blushed before deciding to play coy, “I’m a busy girl Dillion, lots going on, you know?”
“Yeah, I noticed.” He chuckled. “Most of my issue was getting you away from your friends, so I could ask you privately.”
“Well, you could of asked to talk privately. They wouldn’t have minded.” I was growing confused and concerned with his comments.
“Your bodyguard would have been okay with it?” He asked before muttering under his breath, “sure.”
I was taken aback by his comment about Monty but after considering it for a moment, let it slide. If it were me in his place, I probably would be scared shitless too. Before I could think of a response, Riley arrived with our milkshakes. “Here you go guys. What can I getcha?” I motioned to Dillion to order first.
“I’ll get a bacon cheeseburger.”
“And I’ll have a club sandwich with a soup please.”
“Comin’ right up.”
After she left to put our orders in, in an attempt to salvage the conversation, I decided to ask Dillion about himself. “Tell me about yourself? We’ve never really talked about non-school related things.”
He immediately perked up and grinned, “well, where do I start? Oh, I know. My hobbies consist of being awesome and being a badass. To preface, my friends and I are idiots when we get together.” I felt my eyes widen slightly before smoothing my face. “This one night, Marshall, a few of our buddies, and I ‘borrowed’ his dad’s truck and took it for a spin in Mr. Johnston’s field.”
“Oh, coo-” I started.
“He has no cameras. Probably not the smartest idea on his part. Anyway, Jacob-he goes to Hillcrest, private school boy- cracked a beer in the box as Marshall had the brilliant idea to floor it. Beer went everywhere. All over Jacob, the back window, the box, and the field. I opened my beer before getting in the truck.”
“Ah, of course.” I nodded along, trying to fain interest.
“A few beers in, we decided to switch drivers. I took charge and did a few doughnuts, no big deal. By the end of the night the field was messed up. Would show you pictures, but we weren’t dumb enough to take them. Not illegal if you don’t get caught, am I right?”
“I-I guess?”
“I’m right. But enough about me, how was the bio test last week?”
“It was okay, some of the questions were dumb. The vitamin K question gave me some trouble.”
“Oh yeah, totally. I barely got a C- on it. How’d you do?” he bragged, as though it was an accomplishment. Fuck this guy is annoying.
I blinked before answering dryly, “I got an A- that had to be adjusted to an A because the scantron machine screwed up.” Dillion blinked at me clearly at a loss for words and thankfully, Riley came with our food. Bless her and her timing.
We ate our food quietly, or at least, more quietly than before. Dillion was still regaling me with stories of his shenanigans and ‘not illegal because we didn’t get caught’ antics with his friends. I was counting down the bites until I would be done my sandwich and we could leave. After we had finished and gotten the bill, he pulled out his wallet before I had time to even think about grabbing my purse. Huh. He’s paying without discussion. Maybe he’s trying to make up for talking my ear off. He offered me his hand to help me up and, after helping me into my jacket again, held it as we walked back to the car. Maybe he’s just awkward on dates. Maybe I’m judging him too harshly.
The ride back to my place was quiet, thankfully. I tried to keep a smile on my face, even though I wanted to do nothing more than make my feelings known. Just have to get to the house. Then I can be done with this. Drama class is coming in really handy now. As we pulled up to my house and parked, Dillion cut the engine and undid his seatbelt. I plastered a big smile on my face and once again, tried to give him the benefit of the doubt. At least he’s walking me to the door. That’s a plus, right? He came around and opened my door for me, pulling me from my thoughts. Taking my hand, he led me to the door and we stood on the step for a moment looking into each other’s eyes. He is very pretty. “I had a really great time tonight Hailey.” Dillion said. He brushed a strand of hair that fell back behind my ear. “And I know I said it already, but you look beautiful tonight.”
My eyes softened as I again, thought of how sweet and charming he could be. My smile became less forced and I relaxed. I didn’t want to lie to him, so I just nodded, playing it off as being shy. Under the soft light of my front porch and the spotlight of the full moon, he leaned in slightly. I let out a quiet breath when his hand fell naturally on my hip, to pull me closer. This is it. He’s going to kiss me. He closed his eyes and I closed mine. My hands rested comfortably on his shoulders and I felt his lips touch mine and it felt… wet. Not ‘used a gel lip balm wet’. Not ‘just had a drink and there’s liquid left on my lips’ wet. It was saliva. Oh. My. God. He pulled me closer still and I could swear I felt… god no. teeth. This is terrible. Trying not to pull away too quickly, I managed to smoothly detach myself from him. I cleared my throat and tried to make it look like I was catching my breath. “W-wow.” I stuttered. I stepped away and tried to keep my expression relaxed. I turned and backed against the door, reaching for the handle. Dillion smiled at me again before checking his watch.
“It’s getting late, I should probably head home. I had fun tonight.”
“Uh, yeah. Me too. Drive safe. See you at school.” I said, blinking a few times to confirm I was in fact, awake and this wasn’t some alternate universe or nightmare.
I turned to unlock the door and he was driving away before I was even had my key in the lock. Leaning back against the door I tried to catch my breath and digest what a disaster tonight had turned into. I grabbed a blanket and curled up on the couch to call Montgomery. He picked up on the second ring. “Hey Hales. How’d it go?”
“Uuuuuggggghhhhhh.” I groaned in response.
“That bad? What happened?” his voice took on a concerned tone.
“Where do I begin? Let’s see. The drive over was nice. But when we got to the restaurant everything changed. He was polite to the waitress which is good. But he just… talked the whole time. About himself. I barely got a word in edgewise. And he was so arrogant.”
“Ouch, that bites. I’m sorry Hailey.”
“That’s not even the worst part. There’s more. So, he was an arrogant prick at dinner and I think I said a total of twenty words the whole time. When we got back to my place, he walked me to the door.”
“As he should have.” Monty interjected.
“I mean yes. It was what happened after we got to the door that’s the problem.”
“I’m listening.”
“He kissed me.” I groaned.
“Did you want him to kiss you?” His voice had an edge to it I didn’t like.
“Yeah I guess? I really didn’t think that it could be that bad. It’s not like he kissed me when I told him no or anything, so chill.”
“Oh. Well that’s good. How bad could it have been Hales?”
“He’s a bad kisser.”
“Define bad exactly?”
“It was wet Monty. To be more specific it felt wet, sloppy, and when he pulled me closer, toothy. And it’s not like he has an overbite and can’t help the teeth, at least then you can’t really blame the guy.” I heard Monty stifle a laugh on the other end of the line. “Go ahead, you can laugh.” He burst out laughing and I couldn’t help but laugh along.
“I-I’m so-sorry. I shouldn’t-” he choked out between laughs. Pausing to catch his breath he continued, “I shouldn’t laugh. That’s really not good.”
“Not good? Monty its bad. Worse than just bad. It’s very bad.”
Monty sighed after another moment. “I’m sorry you had such a shit date. Your mom still in Vermont?”
“Yeah, she’ll be back Saturday. Why?”
“I tell you what. I’ll come over and try to make up for the horrible evening you had to endure. I’m free the rest of the night so I can stay over. You, me, popcorn, two-liter Dr. Pepper, and a movie. You in?”
“Throw in Mike & Ikes and Hot Tamales and you’ve got yourself a deal. I’ll make the popcorn this time though. I for one don’t like snacking on charcoal.”
Monty chuckled, “It was ONE time. You drive a hard bargain but sure. You’re still not a fuckin’ child though.”
“Yeah yeah, you love me. I’ll see you in a bit.”
“You know it.” He said and I could hear the smile in his voice before he hung up.
I knew he would have to stop at Blue Spot for the Dr. Pepper at this time of night so I could hold off on the popcorn for now. I decided to get out of the uncomfortable clothes I wore on my date and put on something more homely. I quickly changed into one of Monty’s old gym shirts I stole from his drawer and a pair of bike shorts. The shirt was so big on me it hit me mid-thigh. I took off my makeup and brushed my hair out before heading down to put the popcorn on the stove and pick out a movie.
I was just taking the popcorn off the burner when Monty knocked on the door. “One second!” I called. I ran to open the door and Monty stood with his arms full. He looked alluring in the moonlight. The light pulling the flecks of gold in his hazel eyes out. I welcomed him inside and he placed our various snacks and drinks on the coffee table while I grabbed the popcorn. When I reached for the bowl, his shirt rode up and I felt his eyes on my ass. Oh boys. “Enjoying the view?” I flirted playfully. He coughed, caught off guard by my comment and tried to recover.
“Nah, I’m admiring my shirt. I wondered where it disappeared to. Looks good on you though.” he flirted back.
“Uh-huh. Here, come get the butter and cups. I’ve got the popcorn.” I sauntered back to the couch and pulled the blanket over my legs. Monty took his usual spot beside me and I cuddled close to him as I got comfortable. Holding the popcorn in my lap, I grabbed the remote and hit play on Christopher Robin. We settled in for a quiet evening.
By the time we got halfway through the movie, the pop had been half finished, the candy was more on the floor and couch than in our mouths, and the popcorn had been long forgotten. I had spent most of the movie thinking about the failure of the date I had and watching Monty’s facial expressions at the film, even though we had seen it many times before. I thought about feelings I had either ignored or pushed away and about comments the two of us had shared that could be construed as something more than simply two friends joking around. I sat up suddenly, startling Monty slightly.
“Hey Monty?” I asked shyly.
“Yeah Hailey?” he asked, still mostly focused on the movie.
“Do… is… what’s happening here?”
“Uh… we are watching a movie?” His attention turning to me.
“No. Well, technically yes. But that’s not what I mean.”
“I’m not following.”
I sighed, grabbed the remote and pressed pause, and continued even though every fibre of my being was telling me not to, that I had to be reading everything wrong. “It’s just, when I told you about Dillion at school you seemed really detached. And you said no to literally every option when I was asking about clothes. It wasn’t until I looked upset about cancelling that you made a suggestion. And then when he picked me up, you were really quiet and cold towards him. And I get that the date was a literal burning shit pile, but you seemed almost… glad that it went badly. Like you were happy we wouldn’t be going on another date.”
“I… uh.” He was at a loss for words.
“I’ve heard Scott and Jeff talk. I’ve heard the other guys comment on stuff we say to each other. I just...” I was being to lose my nerve. “Actually you know what? Just... just forget it. Forget I said anything. I’m going to go get a glass of water.” I stood up and started to walk to the kitchen. I could hear Monty stand up and walk towards me but I refused to turn around. I felt his hand grab my arm gently and turn me around.
“Hmm?” I still couldn’t look at him.
“You’re right.”
“I’m right? About what?”
“I was happy your date went bad. Not that you were upset or that you didn’t enjoy yourself. I was happy that there wouldn’t be a second date. That I wouldn’t have to...”
“Have to what? Share me?” I turned to look at him now. “I wouldn’t stop being your friend if I had a boyfriend Monty.”
“Well I would hope not. Who else would keep me in check Hales? Scotty could try but it’s not like he could hold me back. And he doesn’t seem like type to hug another dude unless someone died or some shit. And Bryce, well who knows what he’d do.” He paused to take a breath, as though he was gathering some of that tiger courage the boys always talk about. “But that’s not the point. I don’t want to have to watch you be with someone else. Someone who isn’t....”
“Isn’t what Montgomery?” I asked, not daring to breathe too much. This couldn’t be real. I have to have fallen asleep. He looked at me and all the things I had ignored or pushed away came to the forefront of my mind. The way the dim kitchen light illuminated his face and caught the freckles faintly scattered across his face, made him look almost angelic. He’s going to kiss me.
“Someone that isn’t me.” He said before he pulled me in, placed his hand on my hip, leaned in, and kissed me in one quick smooth motion. For the second time that night, my hands found themselves resting against firm shoulders, more confidently this time. This time though, it wasn’t wet, or sloppy, and there were no teeth. When he pulled me closer, he ran his tongue along my bottom lip, asking permission for entrance. When I granted it, he wrapped his strong arms around my waist and lifted me onto the counter so I could wrap my arms around his neck more easily. When we pulled away, I smiled and then I had a thought. “So…”
“Does this mean I get to keep the shirt?” I asked cheekily.
Monty laughed wholeheartedly. “Yeah, yeah I guess it does. I was serious, it looks better on you than me.” He helped me down and we walked back to the couch holding hands.
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tinyolsen · 8 years
o 1: when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk? Sort of level but if anything more milko 3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books? Post it notes, traintickets, bus tickets, anything tbho 5: are you self-conscious of your smile? Yes if my mouth is open/ showing some teeth cos idk it feels weird but to quote my mate I have “a cheeky lil smile” so o 7: do you name your plants? I have a mini cactus called oucho (see ed and oucho from cbbc) o 9: do you like singing/humming to yourself? Yes if no one is around, I was singing in the kitchen in my uni accom and the cleaner walked in, I nearly diedo 11: what’s an inner joke you have with your friends? Bert box, hughhhhhhhh and hades without any of the weird shito 13: what’s something that made you smile today? I went to a talk by sunny Jacobs and peter pringle and when they said we have 4 goats and live together, I beamed they are sooo cute (btw look them up their story is amazing)o 15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is! Venus is 462 Co 17: what color do you really want to dye your hair? I wont dye it but like dark blue/ black like gabriella in hsm 2o 19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it? I do I have three, one for cute memories, one for random facts and one that has doodles in it mainly of my dogo 21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that’s been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces. My fav bag is no bag ever, cos effort to carry but my mufc hold all, has been to football tournaments, dance shows, America and back and its now under my bed at uni with spare towels and tea towels ino 23: what’s your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations? Play guitar, catch up on tv just chill, don’t think about work, go to the park and just sit and take pictures, dance in the kitchen (opps thing)o 25: what’s the weirdest place you’ve ever broken into? I have never broken in anywhere o 27: what’s your favorite bubblegum flavor? Cherry o 29: what’s something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing? one of them does a sideways smile when you say her nameo 31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks. I love patterned socks, football socks, trainer socks, slipper socks, but I have to wear just plain black trainer socks otherwise I think someone is judging me, but I really love my monkey and banana ones they are burgundy I also just got iron man, spiderman and captain America ones from my mateo 33: what’s your fave pastry? Puff, comes ready rolled, is vegan and I use it to make cheese straws for my flatmates (I have just been told that this means pastry thing, in which case cheese straws) o 35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often? Yessssss! I just bought purple and blue highlighters cos I had to get rid of my old ones (long story) and they are awesomeo 37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean? I like it lived in but not messy, and clean o 39: what color do you wear the most? blacko 41: what’s the last book you remember really, really loving? Les Miserables by Victor Hugo, its just inspiredo 43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with? Someone who I dated for a bit but id like to forget that plsssso 45: do you trust your instincts a lot? lol noo 47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe? Custard o 49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought? Not really cos I often don’t like full albums, unless its Rumors – Fleetwood mac but I bought when you love someone (acoustic) – James TW on itunes if that countso 51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them? My brother and little things cos we have a funny joke with it (funny to us)o 53: have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them? yes, no, no , yes/ loved it, n/a, n/a, and loved it.o 55: what’s the most dramatic thing you’ve ever done to prove a point? eaten a tub of ice cream to prove that I could bite ice cream for more than just one bite, I stared the girl in the face and bit every spoonfulo 57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics? Awake, course, you are lying if you say you don’to 59: what’s your favorite myth? The Trojan horse was the first one I ever learnt in year four and it will always be my fave, but Icarus and Daedalus comes closeo 61: what’s the stupidest gift you’ve ever given? the stupidest one you’ve ever received? This all happened this Christmas, I gave my dad a mug saying “im retired (emphasis on the tired)” and my mum gave me bin bags (im an excellent gift giver just ask my family, I out do them all every year) o 63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be?  As long as the books are upright with small in the middle, large at each side idm, and my music is on specific playlists on my phone (i.e fast walking playlist, chill walk playlist)o 65: is there anyone you haven’t seen in a long time who you’d love to hang out with? Quite a few people from school, and the three awesome people who made my dance class epic (going to uni and leaving them sucks)o 67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel? Awesome, if im okay anyway cos its so prettyo 69: what are your favorite board games? Monopoly cos I rule at it, block us and scrabble with my grandparents cos they like to use non English words/ made up oneso 71: what’s your favorite kind of tea? Good ol’ cuppa (Yorkshire tea bags) o 73: what are some of your worst habits? I isolate myself, blank out, cant react to other peoples emotions and I pop my shoulder in and outo 75: tell us about your pets! Omggg, Alfie the cute lil puppy is my bae, hes the light of my life, hes a cavalier king Charles spaniel and he’s the best boy, the only guy bar my lil brother I trust. And then my rabbit, leon the lion lop, died just before xmas, I miss the lil fluff but he was the cuddliest thingo 77: pink or yellow lemonade? After learning that this probably means American style lemonade, yellow. But uk style, lucazade pinks one is pengo 79: what’s one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you? My best mate gives my the best handmade cards all the time, that and a date gave my guitar picks with my name on onceo 81: describe one of your friend’s eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of. grey pebbles imagine if you put the clearest water blue stripped though out it or a grey and blue stepsil mushed together o 83: what’s some of your favorite album art? Idk tbh not gonna lieo 85: do you read comics? what are your faves? On and off, and probs the one amazing fantasy ive reado 87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives? Dead poets society, 50/50 and some others I cant think ofo 89: are you close to your parents? Ish, um naho 91: where do you plan on traveling this year? Back home and idk where else yeto 93: what’s the hairstyle you wear the most? Side parting and just brushed, nothing fancyo 95: what are your plans for this weekend? Do uni worko 97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house? Infj, Aquarius and ive had Hufflepuff, ravenclaw and Gryffindor in recent weekso 99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them. Scars to your beautiful, facing west cover and halo- lewis Watson
thank you :)
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