#also real life kicked my entire ass. but mostly it was an on purpose hiatus for sure. haha
I am buzzing so excitedly at the news of the new oop doc, you have no idea. I have reread oop so many times, and it's always just as good as the last! So it's very cool to hear that we're basically in the second arc now, because you've dropped so many tiny, tantalizing hints and I'm so excited to see where you take us next <3<3<3
THANK YOU!!! yeah i'm also very excited about it!! arc 1 was basically the jailbreak and all that, but now that the main gang's out and together we're getting into New Plot Territory. things are gonna start Happening. which is why i think it's reasonable to delineate it as an arc 1/arc 2 situation. it's gonna be a really fun time!! if i ever manage to End this Scene lmao
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destroyedgems · 4 years
Book of Euphoria - Chapter 4
Hiatus x Hiatus
Last time on Hunter x Hu-...it’s been a while.
When doing some self-reflection and you look back at everything that has happened to oneself leading up to present day, you can mostly split things off into different eras. Among them different arcs/important events, but generally eras are very long.
It currently feels like I’ve started a new era.
One might reckon that this era started when COVID first started, and it’d just be the COVID era. However for me that wasn’t the case, with life never fully being changed due to the nature of my job, plus everything else that was going on at the time. It was impossible for myself to enter a new phase of life with so many things from my past holding me back. Such is why I don’t consider my entire tenure with Symphony and entering the community being a new era, if anything it was the end of one.
But what changed? Vegas baby.
As mentioned earlier if you look back at your life there’s certain events that can kick-start a new era in life. To name a few, going to my first smash tournament in 2014 kickstarted what would be the Smash era of my life that lasted over 3 years. Afterwards in 2017 starting the DDR era if you will started just because I decided to give the game a try. The first day I moved to  college in 2012 was a start of a new era, albeit shorter than most, so much happened in that span of time that I couldn’t deny it being different from anything else.
For most eras in my life, they were defined by certain events, or just certain hobbies that carried me through that era. I could easily say this is the MK8DX era if I wanted to. But this one is about the people around me, this is the Vegas era.
Any time some sort of big event happens where I spend multiple hours/days with people that I normally don’t see on a daily basis, it’s usually something that goes into the memorable section that I like to bring up in past memories. This was different. This isn’t just a memory, this isn’t just an event that happened in my life. This was the reset button.
When you talk to someone and get so close to them, but never actually meet, you can’t help but to think, “Will it be the same way?” God I can’t be any happier the answer to that question was yes. I’ve said it many times and will continue to do so, but meeting Tin for the first time was genuinely one of the most satisfying moments probably in my entire life. It was everything I could have imagined it being and then some. I could not tell that we were two online friends, rather than 2 people that were friends for their entire lives, and we’d seen each other just yesterday. Something about that dynamic is just special, maybe it’s because we’re the same person. Maybe it’s something more, but who really knows at this current stage. Despite only seeing Tin this entire weekend, knowing that I’m going to be returning at some point, to more people that I’ve been talking to since then that are wonderful, such as JR, Will, and Char just fills me with joy. 
It finally feels, like I’ve surrounded myself with the right group of people, both online and in person compared to normally just in person. That can last for an extremely long time. Something just went off in that trip. I don’t just look forward to going back, I look forward to being with a team of people that are more than just teammates at the end of the day, they’re my friends in and out of the game. I’m looking forward to keep those connections that I’ve made with everyone and just further expand on them while also not forgetting about the ones that exist back home as well. I look forward to the days leading up to going back because it’s just a part of the journey that one must go through, but I don’t dread it. I look forward to spending my free time getting better at the game I currently love and improve, not just for me, but for my team, and my leader. I look forward to going to work and making the bag so I can go on this trip again for an even longer amount of time. There are so many things to look forward to. 
None many more important than seeing Tin again. Whenever you establish a connection to someone you never really envision how things will go with said person because most just come and go as they wish, or the connection never gets deepened other than just the surface level. She’s different. I say to a lot of people that even if we’re not around each other a lot, we’ll be homies for life, just because I do operate like that...even if not the closest I’ll always remember the good times and treat people as if we never lost tough. She’s different. Whenever I used to crush on someone, it was something that I would almost always hold in and just wonder how things would go. She’s different.
She’s my best friend.
I want her and I to be best friends until the end of time just because I’m already blessed enough to be around her, not being around her would be a real shot in the heart, for many a reason. I want to be around her, whether it’s her helping me out, or me helping her out. Or both of us just thriving at the same time, her presence alone makes an impact on my life. I want to tell her how I feel about her, and I have. I like her a lot, at this point it’s more than just a lot and it’s more as the days go by. She’s someone I can envision being with literally until the day I die, whether as best friends, or even more. So is seeing her again in person something I want? You bet your ass it is...and I cannot wait.
Maybe this all just means I have purpose again. The will to live has been re-lit and I don’t want it to ever die again. I will do the most in my power so even if I go into a different era of life, it’ll be even better than the one I’m currently in. I have stuff to work towards, to do, to want. Life is different now, and I couldn’t be happier that it is, and I couldn’t be happier that I can even say I’m happy to begin with.
It’s the start of a new era in the life of Antonio. Until next time.
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