#also quick sidenote
dirtytransmasc · 8 months
hey, friendly reminder, spider's iconic bow shot:
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was his almost instantaneous reaction to one of the recom's putting their hands on Tuk. He then has to be convinced by both his siblings to put the bow down and keeps it trained on the recom holding Tuk.
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when Quaritch approaches Spider, Tuk hisses at him (hard to see in photo cause they were little baby hisses)
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when Jake tells spider to get "them" out of there, spider immediatly calls for Tuk (and grabs Kiri)
now for some cuter snippets
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and when Tuk goes to egg on and tease Lo'ak, she hides behind her big brother, and Spider looks amused in the way a big brother is equally amused and tired of their little sisters antics (he's probably defended her, whether she was the one who needed defending or not, many times, especially when it comes to Lo'ak)
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and she runs for both Kiri and Spider when the war party returns, making it clear she hangs out with them quite often.
my conclusion? she and Spider are besties, no one puts their hands on his baby sister, I rest my case.
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bengaly · 11 months
3d things
edited an old 3d meao head model i had to show the difference between xatpan meaos (flat faced) and ixuí meaos (long faced)
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looks a bit funny from above hehe
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this is done in sculptris so i cant really move those around freely... when im a lil better at blender i'll be making some poseable meaos for sure.
A lil headworld lore bit: Xatpan meao live in colder areas than ixuí meao and call themselves irqi! This affects how other tribes call meao too... in their region meaos would be known as irqi ixuí and irqi xatpan.
Also my current blender situation: I'm trying to use what I learnt and remember of all those isometric bedroom blender tutorials to make a lil guy... this what i came up with!
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i thought it might be nice to give it a mouth... truly a learning experience lol
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heres it with some smoothening on.
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its neat because earlier this year i couldnt even move a cube in blender, and althrough i havent practised 3d as much as i wish i did, i've been making progress and i can make some things without following a tutorial now! its neat, learning new things is cool :)
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acoldsovereign · 6 months
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{{re-posting this beautiful piece of art done by my darling mutual Winslow/Spider @viopolis!! Sometimes when I get frustrated by self-inflicted issues or whatever, all I have to do is look at this and remember I am loved and cherished in this space, as is my girl, Maiz. I'm still highly emotional over this-- thank you, friendo!!! I appreciate your presence on my dash so much!!
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surunoita · 1 year
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so.. the @blood-choke demo am i right??
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gameofthronedd · 2 years
Why are certain people genuinely acting as if we thought Rhaenicent would end up being canon 😐
I don't really give a shit about shipping at the end of the day. But people getting PRESSED over it need to chill their jets.
I'm pretty sure most people who are a fan of Rhaenicent aren't thinking that the actual story is going to turn into sapphic utopia. This is the ASOIAF universe. It isn't a romance. And Rhaenyra & Alicent aren't going to end up falling in love based on what has happened so far and where it's going. We all know this.
I think the main attraction of Rhaenicent is the tragedy of it all and what could have been, and the aspect of queerness among young girls living in a patriarchal and religious society. I don't think anyone is fooling themselves into thinking there will be any serious or canonical romance between Nyra & Alicent (that would make any sense, anyway lol).
Anyway, at the end of the day it's just a ship that some people enjoy. It's not that serious.
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mundanemiseries · 10 months
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hands of fallen stars and comet tails | deity verse.
God of finalities. Of endings, of inevitability itself. A god long since forgotten in the eyes of mortals as other deities rose and took on the roles once (and still are) part of his domain.
Even among the divine, Raven's unsure how much of his memory remains among them, how much of his divinity would truly be acknowledged when others gods so easily made their homes within his domain.
No matter. Forgotten as he was, it thankfully at least made living among mortals a far simpler, quieter task.
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dreamsy990 · 1 year
wait can you explain to me the difference between roxas and sora i thought they were the same person
so in kh when you lose your heart your heart becomes a heartless and your empty husk becomes a nobody. if you have a strong will (morality is irrelevant) your nobody is basically just a person.
so in kh1 sora temporarily releases his own heart for plot reasons (dont worry about it) and so he became a heartless briefly WHICH ALSO CREATED A NOBODY!!!!!!!!!!! and that nobody is ROXAS.
they are separate entities who are connected. as namine puts it, roxas "holds half of what sora is". whatever the fuck thats supposed to mean. they share some memories i think? and by that i mean roxas has flashbacks to sora through dreams and sora gets deja vu after he and roxas reunite (and by that i mean sora eats him like a twin in the womb but dont worry about that). but theyre different people!!! also they have slightly different personalities but you can just read their wiki descriptions because i do not feel like describing them in detail
sora and all his sortas are all different people. also ventus and roxas are not the same person despite being identical. dont worry about it its fine i totally know whats going on <- (lying)
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laurenkmyers · 5 months
(1/2) Hi, Lauren! Would you recommend me to watch Two Worlds? I'm debating with myself for a few weeks now, watching all these gif sets on tumblr. The things is... I find most of the BLs quite cringy which is a big no for me. Usually I like the BLs you're watching (I've really loved KinnPorsche, Not me, Kisseki, A Tale of 1000 Stars, ...), but there have also been shows you really loved but I wasn't able to finish - main example being Love in the Air (i just wasn't able to get past episode 3).
(2/2) Next shows I've tried but didn't finish are for example: Naughty Babe, Cutie Pie, Pit Babe. Could you advise me on which scale do you think the Two Worlds are? It looks intriguing but I'm afraid of a possible cringe lurking in the background. Looking at the BLs I've loved and the ones I didn't finished, would you be able to guess how I would feel about this one?
Helloooo sweet anon! Thank you for your messages!
Firstly, I must say, the bl's you listed that you enjoyed are superior. Well done on your immaculate taste. And the list you provided that you couldn't finish is also hilarious and accurate and I'm agreeing wholeheartedly on your opinions.
In terms of Two Worlds...I'm gonna be honest with you, I only started watching it for Max Kornthas. The man has a hold on me that I can't explain. So I may be slightly biased, however, that doesn't stop me from telling you that the show has surprised me in so many ways. I'm thoroughly enjoying it as a whole and hope more people watch it once it's finished. (Learning that it wasn't a domundi/mandee production also helped massively.)
Where it stands on a kp/notme level vs cutiepie/naughtybabe/pitbabe level, let me try and break it down for you:
Production level isn't quite kinnporsche WOW, but it's also not naughty babe cgi tiger TRAGEDY. It tips more on the kp side of production value. The locations are gorgeous, and the cinematography is pretty as hell. There are some dodgy camera tricks being used, but nothing to worry too much about.
The acting: As a whole I would say it's definitely better than your average thai bl. It's absolutely not Gun Attaphan level good. But I will say that Max is kinda killing it- and I'm not saying that from a particularly bias lens. His acting has improved an incredible amount since cutie pie/naughty babe. Nat, bless him, still has a little ways to go to really impress me, but he's also improved so fucking much I have to commend him. The guy playing the 2nd love interest is definitely the weakest actor of the bunch, but overall the acting is pretty good. No major complaints from me.
The narrative: I think this story in particular is incredibly interesting, it's unique, it's angsty, it's romantic, it's brutal, it's exciting, and a little bittersweet. The pacing can be a bit all over the place at times, but if you just go with it, you'll catch up quickly enough. The one major flaw for me in thai bls in general is that sometimes the story seems way more complicated then they actually are. This story really isn't that complicated if you don't think too hard about the details. Are there plotholes? Ofc there are. But it's nothing too glaringly obvious that I want to rant about it.
Another plus is that there is no quick-how-can-we-promote-this-thing-that-has-no-relevance-to-the-show product placement, which is something I only noticed two episodes ago but am highly grateful for.
The thai bl cringefactor: There are moments where I thought I would be cringing up a storm, but so far it's been pretty tame in terms of typical bl cringe moments. There's no guitars or singing (praying it stays that way), but we have had a few 'oops i tripped and fell into you and now we're staring into each other's eyes' moments, but honestly? They didn't bother me in the slightest. Maxnat pull off the elongated looks very well.
Spice level: We've only had one NC scene so far, it was definitely more on the romance side of the fence than the spicy one, but it lasted 7 minutes long...do with that information what you will. We've got more to come from both Maxnat and our side couple (who I'm also enjoying greatly, btw) Maxnat know how to fucking de-li-ver and from the looks of the trailer, our side couple also get a pretty steamy moment too.
The only potential downside to the show is the hefty trigger warning list. If you want to know them you can message or dm me and I'll make a separate list for you.
This response probably didn't need to be as long as it did, but I wanted to give you the facts. Do I think you should watch it? Yes. Do I think you'll like it? I think so. But is it to the standard of bl you seem to really enjoy? No. Do with this information what you will! And please feel free to tell me if you do start watching it and enjoying it because I'd love to hear your thoughts!
ps. (the CACKLE I let out reading that you couldn't get past episode 3 of LITA was wild because you're so valid. I skipped episodes 1-7 because I also couldn't handle the cringe, but if you did want to try it again- episodes 8-13 are much better- still a little cringe, I won't lie to you- but it's definitely the stronger of the two stories.)
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altruistic-meme · 7 months
🧂🌊🪤 :D
milo!!! *mwah!!*
🧂 - what is a trope you enjoy?
enemies to lovers will always be one of my favorites. the tension, the learning to understand each other, the willingness to change your opinions and grow as a person??? delightful
🌊 - favorite sea critter?
big fan of black-tipped reef sharks!! and also sharks in general. another shoutout to goblin sharks, my favorite funky little guy
🪤 - favorite quick snack?
oooooo another good snack i've discovered is cubed colby jack cheese :]
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lliribee-go-lightly · 10 months
idk if i've said this before but i don't think i'll ever get tired of the horror in people's voices when they realize i haven't been using a mouse the whole time
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exist101 · 2 years
Sam goes to kingsmen mechanics, sees Arthur, and leaves
Naturally Lance is like ‘what the hell was that all about’
Arthur explains The Target Incident to him
Well looks like someone is getting chased with a rifle–
Let Lance go to fuckin TOWN
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cyber-beast · 2 years
What happened with Gamma and Eidos? I don’t follow Eidos all that much, but I’m curious to know what happened that would warrant being a red flag. I do recall I think something about Gamma trying dissuade Lifewonders from releasing Housamo internationally or something along those lines. Did a similar situation happened with Eidos?
Tldr: Eidos needed to make new sprites for a character drawn by Gamma named “Barboros” and seemed like they couldn’t get Gamma for whatever reason so they instead had another artist of theirs mimic/trace his style in order to make the new sprites
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yardsards · 2 years
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practicing my penmanship some more
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mikodrawnnarratives · 28 days
I keep contemplating on making a like.. Persona Design for me on here and I always come back to
1) Drawing how I look is BORING since I DRESS BORING-ly + don't do anything w my hair and 2) anything more unique I know I could never stick to cuz I'm indecisiveee
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alkalinetrios · 2 months
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shatlass · 1 year
my epic jake and amir bezos spam:
even more ass talk than usual this episode. very cool
return of the shit shower shave photography!! does this mean amir still takes his famous jakey candids??
amir has bad aim specifically when handing his phone over to jake (2: electric boogaloo)
amir did not and does not have a garmin jake and you need to learn to accept that :(
that ring doorbell is a peep hole for bezos to peep your peep while you sleep. now take a seat (unfortunately sitting down is very uncomfortable when you have an ipod nano and an oura ring up your ass)
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