#also people defend her like “well it wasn't malicious” or “but she's a nice person”
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thefakeamperssand · 25 days ago
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never realised the amount of rage an ao3 tag could inspire within me
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wolfertinger · 1 month ago
Actually, if I may, I'd like to come back here and make one other statement in regards to a lot I've seen on this blog now that I've gone through it and digested some of it. I don't usually agree with blogs like this existing, which is one of other reasons I tried to steer clear of it. Even if I do agree with a lot that's been said or pointed out about these people, but I feel that those that run this blog don't have malicious intent in mind. Most people here clearly just want these people to do better.
This isn't me trying to be preachy. It's just something I'd like to say, because I find a lot of similarities in some of the behaviors I've seen shown on this blog in regards to Salem and others, that I have somewhat experienced myself.
My statement is mainly regarding the kind of "Oh but I've changed, I'm different now I'm not that person anymore!" behavior that Salem, Majora and even Wis seem to love exhibiting while avoiding accountability. I apologize if this is long.
I'll start off by saying and admitting that I myself am guilty of being a pretty "problematic" person in my past. I won't go over the entire list of shit I've done, but I can admit I was not a good person. The last decade of my life was rough. I did A LOT things that hurt people. Whether or not it was intentional, I still hurt people. Whether or not it was my mental health issues worsening and making my behavior more erratic and explosive, I still hurt people. That's the point. I was reactive, selfish, and unable to take criticism in any way. This was somewhat due to unresolved declining mental health issues and addiction issues I had making my behavior worse over time, but still. I was responsible nonetheless. I still am.
I never liked being told I was wrong, even though I often was. I was deeply insecure and would lash out a lot. It even got to the point where I was so desperate to be liked and accepted that I made friends with the wrong people. If someone was even remotely nice to me, despite any obvious red flags, I would associate with them because I just wanted to be liked. It was that bad. It got to the point that I wrongfully defended someone who was actually disgusting and even was friends with someone who was a proven groomer. People tried to warn me. I didn't listen because I felt like the warnings were personal attacks and I felt I could trust this new friend. I was also told by this person herself that the callouts were "old" and "exaggerated" and that she "wasn't that way anymore" (newsflash, she was and was indulging with very disgusting content during our friendship without me knowing). And I wrongfully defended her. Hell, I didn't even touch her callouts. Never read them. That's where I fucked up.
It was only until my best friend pulled me aside and said "hey you need to actually look at the warnings these people are giving you because this person you're friends with and her other friends are not good people." Because she took some time to look into the issue herself.
When I looked at the evidence, it was like this moment of "oh my god what the fuck have I been doing defending someone like this and associating with anyone like her?" and I cut her off and felt horrified. Ya know? Because I myself am a victim of grooming and SA and know that the kind of content this person was indulging in (she liked loli/shota and lied to me about liking it) was harmful, and the people she was caught associating with (like that groomer mentioned prior) were BAD. PEOPLE. I told myself I'd never get involved with people like her, and yet, there I was doing what I said I'd never do. And why? Because I was insecure and just wanted acceptance. I didn't care where it came from. That realization was mortifying. I felt disgusted with myself. As I should have.
And again, before this even happened, as I said before: I'd burned many bridges in the past over being unable to take criticism well, or needing attention, making mistakes and blowing up over them. I wouldn't say I was abusive, but I was certainly volatile and nasty about it. While some people who I had run ins with in the past did have bad intentions towards me, not all of them did. And I took every criticism thrown at me as a personal attack. Much like how Salem and his associates are doing now. It's not something I'm proud of but yeah. It all just lead up to this point where I realized I had a problem and I was putting myself in the positions I constantly found myself in. After all, if you constantly find yourself in turmoil so many times, do you ever get to that point where you stop and think and go "maybe I'm the problem? I should do something about this."
When this happened, I publicly denounced her, made a post on an old blog apologizing to those I'd hurt through the years and through my ignorance, I nuked all of my accounts, and left the internet for a while to get real help. I got sober, I got some therapy, got some diagnosis done and started working on ways to improve and undo a lot of the toxic behaviors I was exhibiting and internalized within me. I'm STILL working on this, by the way. This shit isn't something you can fix easily. I started working on music again and teaching myself new and healthier ways to cope with the things in my life that had always attributed to making me such a difficult individual to be around. I've also worked hard at being able to take criticism better (albeit I still struggle sometimes lol) and to be a lot more careful of who I associate with. (Though, let's be real. I kind of slipped up again in accepting Majoras friendship last year, when there were many red flags there that I should not have avoided). I've also worked super hard to educate myself on matters I was ignorant towards in the past, and tried to undo and unlearn a lot of harmful mindsets that were ingrained into me during my upbringing that I'd never addressed before. The responsibility to do all of this falls on me, and me alone. As it should for any individual. It doesn't matter what traumas you experienced in the past, or what mental health struggles you face: you are still responsible for yourself and your own actions.
And for the millionth time: I'm STILL working on all of this. You don't just change over night. I've been working on it for 3+ years now. I came back to the internet just a little bit before getting back into music and posting my shit online. Ever since I've made better efforts to improve myself, I've found my current friendships healthier. I've been more honest with myself. I even came out with my gender struggles (genderfluid) and my sexuality (lesbian) that I'd been hiding from friends and family for years. I've found myself to be happier, and more honest with myself and others. I also now make art that is more organic to me and isn't just made to make other people like me, or to give me validation from strangers who don't actually like me at all but just wanted wanking material. Because I also did used to make a lot of overly sexualized content for that reason. (That and my struggles with hypersexuality and unaddressed sexual trauma but yeah). And ever since I started making art that's actually organically me and is something I enjoy doing, I've never been happier and more at peace. I don't care about the audience attention or size anymore. I just find joy in expressing myself through my art. That's all I need. And in time, the audience has just kind of built itself. Because the people who like my art now appreciate the genuineness and personality within it. And while it's cool and all to have a big audience, now that I've worked on finding validation within myself, I don't really need that external validation anymore. It's not that addictive now. I just like to create. That's what brings me true happiness.
This is something I feel Salem and his associates fail to grasp. They desire the attention from a sizable audience. They desire attention in any way they can get it. It's not good or you. When you focus too much on this desire for validation and attention from so many strangers that don't actually know you, you cannot truly look inside yourself and change. It becomes unhealthy.
Real change isn't something you can brag about (and I stg I'm not bragging about mine. I'm trying to make a point here.) You can't just sit there and constantly announce "I'VE CHANGED I'VE CHANGED MY PAST IS BEHIND ME THAT'S NOT ME ANYMORE GUYS LOOK I'M TOTALLY DIFFERENT NOW" and then lash out at people who are criticizing the repetitive behaviors you are clearly still exhibiting. Real change is about looking inside of you, and around you and being able to criticize yourself and to start undoing those problems. YOU have to put in the work. You can't just get a slap on the wrist, and be on your way to repeat it. And no. No one from your past has to forgive you for what you've done. If you're truly changing as a person, you'd know and accept this. Even if you change for the better, you are still not owed anyone's forgiveness. And YES, you can have good intentions and try to work on yourself while slipping up and making a few mistakes along the way. That's literally what change is all about. Being human, making mistakes and learning from them.
And when you use your identity or mental health struggles as a shield from criticism, you're actually doing so much more harm than good for yourself. AND towards others.
And also, I get it: callout culture is honestly very toxic. Especially nowadays. Yes. There are people who abuse it and use it to ruin other peoples lives. Or they use it to emphasize on problems that could easily just be solved in person and aren't that serious.
But when you're being warned that you are associating with actual predators, or rape apologists, abusers, etc when you already have a questionable history that you clearly learned nothing from? I don't think that's people targeting you for the wrong reasons. While some of the things said on this blog are actually pretty disgusting, I will admit, most of it is not. Most of it is people wanting someone with a large platform to do better and to not spread harmful rhetoric and ideologies to their impressionable audience. I really don't think that's so difficult to understand or for people to ask of you. It's very sad to watch someone like Salem, who is actually a decent artist, refuse to take this in and reflect. Brother, you're still young. You have time to do better NOW at a very young age. Don't be like me and let that shit fester well into your 20s to the point that you have a severe crash and burn moment so low that you almost can't pull yourself out of it. It's not a great road to go down. Trust me. And shit, if you want to make fetish content? Great! You do that. More power to you. But don't act like you're some furry body positivity art messiah when there's many others who make the same type of content as you. Humble yourself. Just be honest with yourself. There's no shame in being a fetish artist, so long as you're responsible about it. This ain't a dis at you either. You clearly have talent. I won't deny that.
I feel 95% of the people on this blog do want what's best for you. It's not being done out of malicious intent. Others clearly not so much, but yeah. Although many of the things you've done I don't think are that easily forgivable. Even so, you still are at a good point in your life where you could actually reflect and change.
That's really all I have to say. Sorry if it's long or repetitive. It was just something that was stewing in my mind as I took the time to really digest all the shit here. Seeing a bit of similarities between my past behaviors and the shit Salem and CO are showing now, it was pretty jarring to say the least.
thank you again, for your thoughts. they are genuinely appreciated. and again, i am sorry if this situation, myself included, brought up any old wounds. your statements have all been incredibly enlightening, as to the kind of person majora really is. especially as, several times now, i have given them the platform and opportunity, to be honest and share their story. yet, they would rather spout vague lies, as a way to detract from survivors of their abuses, like you. best of luck moving forward. and please know, there are many people that support you. the truth, always prevails.
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plumbogs · 10 months ago
anyway brandina time.
I've rambled before about how I love Dina Caliente and will defend her to the death etc, plus i'm a "dina was michael bachelor's young and questionable trophy wife" truther. I don't think she was ever necessarily a gold digger in a greedy manipulative sense, moreso that she valued the comfort/security found in wealth and Michael was well-off enough to provide that for her in exchange for him having a hot young wife and whatever. He came around the same time that Flamenco died, and Nighat had been dead since she was a kid, so she was entering the adult world functionally alone apart from her twin sister. I think Nina was probably jealous on some level of Dina/Michael, even if to most outsiders that relationship was questionable, because Nina just had her lameass high school boyfriend-situationship who she didn't actually want to be romantically involved with and whatever, but it still was a bit of a wedge to them for me. that's mostly irrelevant though. in turn Dina was totally jealous of Nina having Don in high school. usual sibling rivalry nonsense.
In my timeline, Michael died around the same time that Bella disappeared, so she and Mortimer ended up bonding in grief and kicked off their relationship. yknow still like, bizarre age gap but to me it's not intentionally malicious on either of their parts. BUT I do think that Mortimer as a partner did help her 'mature' in some ways, primarily because he had kids and wasn't as reckless and whatnot as Michael. She never marries Mortimer to me. She'd never be able to really replace Bella to him or his family and knows that. he has the world's angstiest verge-of-teenhood son and cassandra is literally her age. they're not about to see her as a real mom. Their relationship never really gets that deep to me, either. It gives her some time to come into her own and whatnot, be independent, etc.
Dina never went to college in my headcanon, she kinda just immediately married Michael and lived like that for a while, then lived half off his inheritance and maybe a lower-wage job of her own in the culinary industry. So sometime around her mid-to-late 20s, Mortimer also dies because he's so old. obviously that's sad for her again. With him she did have some more chances to sorta figure herself out beyond being a trophy wife, reconsider what's important to her.
MEANWHILE, Brandi was also engaged and married stupidly young. She was a teen mom to me. She and skip had a shotgun wedding, had their kids, Skip wasn't the best husband anyways before died, she went into a horrendous life-ruining grief period and alcoholism. the broke kids had it rough, the social worker breathing down her neck, etc. so she had to like, get sober eventually because Dustin had enough and had to move out and get his own life together before he lost it completely. she started doing yoga or a comparative social activity, introducing her to the Calientes, and they became friends because Brandi is so friendly and nice :) Dina's still with Mortimer, etc, but they're still getting along and Brandi's life is getting together.
Then Mortimer dies, Brandi's life is together enough and the kids are not little and in need of constant care anymore (not that she was great at that stage either but this is not a brandi broke parenting analysis post shhh). She is older than Dina to me by a bit but personal development wise they're now in the same place of "what do I do now". SO naturally they bond over that. and they start kissing about it because surprise. bisexuality.
to Brandi, Dina's nice. she can cook, she's been through grief more times than anyone can count, and is like an expert in "you need to do something fun for yourself" pep talks. to Dina, Brandi's recovery and work on herself + dedication to actually being a better parent is inspirational in a way. she doesn't really care at this point what people think of her, and Dina "professional arm candy" Caliente never really had a partner yet who had basically no expectations for how she came off to other people, giving her the most space she'd ever had to figure out her own life goals and dreams. brandi's all humble and whatever. her kids are annoying as hell but a very interesting change compared to the goth kids. dina's never a mom type to me but she does end up bonding with them all. whatever. yippee
I think after getting together, Dina would probably finally go to college or get a real career for herself otherwise. I think it can go a lot of ways. Both of them can cook. I think it'd be cute for them to open some kind of diner together :) or a similar thing. bake sale lesbians. mutual mid-life coming of age. trying to pick up the pieces of their young adulthoods not really belonging to them in a way that mattered. whatever!
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weabooweedwitch · 2 years ago
I dunno I kinda get the vibe that you also view your mom as a defective loser who can't change? you don't really have any nice things to say about her and seem to hate her about as much as you hate yourself (not to say that your mom isn't a pain and immature as fuck to boot bc she absolutely is). you call her subhuman and an idiot and all these horrible things a lot, before I thought it was just harsh online venting of your deepest most private thoughts but I guess you say that stuff to her irl too? just from seeing those texts, I feel bad because I know you're going thru a lot and you're hurting I don't want to make it worse but I kinda had to agree with the verbal aggression and suicide threats comment. not defending your mom, she is a pain-in-the-ass womanchild, but I can kind of understand why she's so defensive and reactive if that really is the way you speak to her. I'm sorry I know that's probably not what you want to hear or the most validating thing, your feelings are absolutely valid too here and I understand how grating having that type of parent can be, as someone who has a similar-but-maybe-not-as-bad situation over here
btw, as I understand it personality disorders are actually very responsive to therapy. the only reason people with certain disorders like aspd and npd don't get better is because a lot of them don't view themselves as having a problem or view their life problems as mostly other people's fault and don't want to hear the negative criticism. bpd has a very good prognosis too for those that recognize a need to change their behavior.
I mean, ultimately yes, i am real shitty to her off and on, but my opinion I guess is that, the temper and the insults are something that developed over time and is specific to our specific relationship. Like my mom and I have always kind of butted heads, but me being, I guess openly malicious towards her is a development that came about within the last few years, or decade maybe, just progressing over time
It's sort of like, you know, one of the things I hate the most is having to repeat myself because someone wasn't listening the first time, and with my mom, we just have the same issues over and over again that are never resolved, or I keep seeing weird behaviors in her, or she makes decisions that I find literally nonsensical. And its just. I look at her and I see someone still making all the same mistakes she always has, and it makes me angry because, I mean, my entire childhood was fucking ruined from constantly moving and literally being trapped in cars with her while she ranted. My relationship with extended family was ruined just because she had personal grudges that I kinda lowkey think are also her fault tbh. I got moved away from my grandmother because my mom was randomly like "oh I can't find any jobs in Missouri, let's just move 8 hours away to Wisconsin" and she didn't regret it but like, my older sister was completely devastated, and by that age, I myself was so desensitized to the constant instability that I was like "well yeah I don't mind moving again, we switch schools almost every single year or sometimes twice a year, do you really expect me to have any friends to even miss"
Like this developed over time. I didn't always feel this way about her. But as I've grown up, I've changed and she hasn't. She's still the exact same person. Even my father says she is literally the exact same person. It's like the thing with her moving my hairbrush out of the shower and never putting it back. I had to tell her over and over to stop even taking it out, that it's literally just a fucking hairbrush, stop taking it out of the shower where I keep it amd not putting it back and also it quite literally wasn't in her way in any way whatsoever, and she kept doing it, and there's only so many times you can "hey mom please don't do this" "mom please just put it back ok literally just put it back after you remove it" "ok I've asked you repeatedly can you stop touching my fucking hairbrush i need in the shower" until you snap and say "alright you STUPID CUNT if you do this one more time I'll remove YOUR things from the shower and I'll take them straight out to the dumpster" and THAT got her to finally stop
Like it's literally gotten to "you don't listen to me when I'm nice so why should I even waste my emotional energy pretending to be nice to you when i don't think you deserve it". "Why should I act nice to you when I feel so massively unsupported and drained and exploited by you"
Like she quite literally doesn't fucking listen, TO ANYONE. You can communicate clear as day with her and she'll still do whatever the fuck she wants. In the past my sister stopped even letting us into her apartment because my mom would start TOUCHING THINGS every single time we were there, like literally opening her fucking cabinets and touching her dishes and unloading her dishwasher, until my sister was basically screaming at her to stop and then it's "ugh Emily is so hysterical she doesn't take her medicine" like no you fucking dumbass you won't let her have agency over her own belongings in her own apartment after she moved out to literally run away from you and you're still doing it to her as an adult and she'll just look at how extremely upset you are "ugh I was just trying to help 🙄 you should think about how I FEEL"
She pushes and pushes and pushes and then when you snap and lose your patience with her, she goes straight for your fucking throat and acts like everything is your fault and she's just the blameless fucking saint. Sometimes I wonder if she is even capable of giving legitimate apologies because any time you bring anything up with her, no matter how valid you are, no matter how upset you are, she just Always responds with "im sorry but *laundry list of excuses*" or "no that's not what happened. You exaggerate. You need to be medicated." Or the favorite, classical deflection she always uses of "well what about when YOU--"
She will tell you every single day the exact same suggestion that you have already said no to. I was literally growing up in school and she'd constantly say "oh you're so smart, you could be a doctor" until I was telling her over and over "I DONT WANT TO and you make STRESSED OUT because it feels like you're trying to force me". Jesus fucking christ for example it literally makes my goddamn blood BOIL absolutely fucking BOIL that she still says "you should put highlights in your hair" when I've been telling her MY ENTIRE LIFE I DON'T WANT TO, I DONT WANT TO DYE MY HAIR, I DON'T WANT CHEMICALS AND BLEACHES, and she literally STILL SAYS IT like it's this kind of thing that makes me go "what would actually make you listen, fucking beating you like your ex husband? Are all these 'abusive relationships' you cry about and told us about when we were inappropriately young to try and squeeze sympathy out of us just you pushing people until they swing on you"
Like. I'm 26 years old and I feel like my own mother doesn't even try to understand me and i feel like if you asked her a list of personal questions about me that she'd gst most of them wrong. And I also feel like, and have felt like for a long time, that, well I guess to outright be cruel, the biggest reason she had kids was because literally no one liked her and i guess she thought children would have some sort of indentured love to her. She won't even like acknowledge i was an accidental pregnancy, she just deflects and says "no you're my miracle baby bc after I had you I found out I had endo-" "ok but mom you were not actively trying to be pregnant and you didn't like my father by the time I was born can you just at least say I was I unplanned, I'm not even saying it as you hating me, can you just acknowledge I was an unplanned pregnancy" "no :)"
I get absolutely no closure with her. Like. This might seem like an extreme comparison but the other day I was watching bodycam footage for the arrest of Joey McVay, a 10 year old who shot his mom. The story is all "oh his mom shot him because he got mad when he was asked to do chores" but then they dug a little deeper and asked the grandmother and the story was "oh this kid had a disability and his mom was actually a rude slob who worked him like a horse while also still treating him as defiant and incompetent and stupid and even being physically abusive and his house was a borderline dilapidated shack and he snapped and shot her because she made him feel literally worthless" and I was watching that thinking, wow that could have been me.
It's the constant like dehumanization she has pushed upon me while also expecting me to listen to her rant and rant and rant for years about her own problems. 'Sympathy for me but not for thee' kinda shit. I can't keep pouring from an empty cup bro? I can't give sympathy that's no longer there because it was sucked out of me like some kind of energy vampire
Ok but like exactly as I'm typing this my mom woke up and I mentioned to her how I'm trying to book with a dermatologist bc I'm having hair thinning and nail denting and I didn't want to be on the phone so I start trying to Google online, and then I end that topic and switch to , bringing up to her this personality disorder conversation, and she literally fucking interrupts me in the middle of my sentence "do you want me to make the call for you" and I just broke down sobbing because I'm sitting here reopening all my emotional wounds to write this post about how unheard I am and, there she goes doing it again, and now I'm refusing to speak to her because like, you didn't let me speak the first time, why should I waste my time saying it all again 🙃
I dont know. I guess it sounds mean but at this point she does it to herself. I've been worn down and demanded to care over and over while being ignored so now I have no sympathy. At this point its no longer "oh gosh I'm sorry that happened to you" and now it's "well what mistake did you make to fuck things up this time" which, in my defense, like, she does cause most of the problems in her life and my own. Like my god there was a period of time where we had just moved and we barely had any money I mean like financially struggling and she's like "oh I hate having all our canned goods on the floor, it just looks so GHETTO, I don't like it" and she ordered furniture off online and it. It literally. We've lived here for like two years and it still isn't fully assembled becuase she didn't read the instructions when she made it and refused to finish it without my help. Like we barely had money for rent and she wasted money on, a cabinet, because things not looking nice made her feel bad. And then in that same period of time she tried to order a dining room table that we have literally no room for, and I can't even tell you how many months ago she ordered a larger size glass enclosure for her bearded dragon and its been sitting in a box for literal months because. Uh. She expects me to help her assemble it and I told her straight up she shouldn't have even bought it if she won't even put together HER cage for HER pet which she takes poor care of, though I'm one to talk considering how little I've gotten to hold Louie
You just. Can't keep demanding sympathy and never giving it back? You can't raise your daughter constantly texting her instead of speaking to her for every little "oh I have a headache bring me a glass of water" to like the point there were periods of time she'd be lying in bed just shouting out for me instead of getting it herself and I'd barge into the room "it's just a glass of water your bedroom is literally next to the bathroom and we have neighbors, stop shouting you stupid bitch"
Like it gave me a COMPLEX. I've been sick and throwing up and refusing to take medicine and refusing any help from her because I grew up watching her pop pills for everything and argue with doctors and just constantly want help that I never saw returned the same way. She's on the couch next to me right now and she's trying to talk to me and I'm still so upset over being interrupted earlier I'm just popping earbuds in and pretending she isn't even here because the couch and her office chair are the only seats in this whole apartment which of course means she lives on it
Like maybe I could overcome my trauma and change with therapy. But mom? She'll argue with doctors. She'll argue with therapists. She'll like you and then you'll make the smallest slight against her and suddenly she wants nothing to do with you and has a laundry list of things she hates about you. She's a fair-weather mother and I'm sick of it. It's at the point where ant help or assistance or support or love she gives me almost doesn't even matter anymore because the constant mistakes and talking over me is still so constant that there's like a 70/30 hate to love ratio at this point.
I know that's a lot of text but, yeah I guess I can still keep certain disorders in mind but my mom is literally the only person I treat like this
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adampage · 2 years ago
Hello! I had seen your post about Britt Baker a while back, and I wanted to respond to it back then, but I didn't have time to do so. But I have some time now. So, here goes and I'll try not to make it too long.
First, I really don't think Britt is this horrible, bad person that people have made her out to be. Especially when there are people in locker room who are actually problematic and have a history not so good behavior. I do feel the hate she gets and the things people say about her online is unfair and uncalled for. Even if people aren't fans of her for whatever reason, it's still wrong to spread rumors and malicious gossip. That's never okay, no matter who the person is. And as we saw in the episode, she confirmed that none of those things people say about her is true. When Saraya first showed up to AEW, there were rumors her and Britt don't like each other and get along. And again, the episode pretty much squashed that rumor. And I do believe she does genuinely care about the women's division and wants to help the other girls out. Just like the other girls, she does work hard and she's proven herself worthy of being the face of the women's division.
Going back to the rumors and gossip a moment, a wrestling podcast once spread rumors about her cheating on Adam with Christian Cage, and this was during the time that Adam was still out and Britt was by his side the whole time. Even though she never responded to this or addressed it on social media, I'm sure that still had to be upsetting for her and that it hurt her no doubt. I know we only know what Britt and Adam show us, but nothing that I've seen with them suggests that she would ever do such a thing to him. We've seen that she is a good woman and that she's loyal and is willing to stand by him through thick and thin. When I saw her go out to celebrate with him tonight, I just thought it was a beautiful thing to see. It's clear that they do love each other and are happy. There's no reason to think otherwise.
Onto the issue with Thunder Rosa, considering that there were recently reports about Thunder Rosa having a meeting with the women and apologizing to them and admitting to the sandbagging and stiff working, it leads me to think that there was some truth to what Britt and the other girls were saying. Or at least that it wasn't a one-sided issue or as black and white as it was made to be. The meeting was said to have gone very well and the women have settled their issues with Thunder Rosa.
Overall, I feel that shows like All Access are a good reminder that wrestlers are real people who go through same stuff us regular folks do in the workplace, that no one is perfect, and not everyone is gonna like each other or get along all the time. And we shouldn't believe everything we hear or read on the internet, unless the wrestler in question confirms it for themselves. There's always going to be disagreements and some kind of issue about something. And that things aren't always one-sided or simply black and white. It doesn't mean that anyone in particular is a bad person.
Sorry if this was too long. I tried not to make it too long, but that was the only way I could explain it best.
thanks for the info, anon. i get that you're trying to defend her but my opinion really doesn't matter regardless. I'll put this on my blog so you know I saw it but whether it's true or not, seeing three white women put down a woman of color doesn't look good in this day and age. it wasn't nice to see that for me personally, someone who relates to thunder rosa because i am also a latin woman.
i don't doubt that the issue has shades of grey, but i feel i have a right to say that on my own blog because that's how i feel about it.
my feelings toward britt have always been complicated, because we are all complicated people. sometimes i like her a lot, like when i see how she behaves around cole, and sometimes i don't. that's just the way things are. sorry if that offends you.
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