#also one of them keeps just walking back and forth by my window and it’s fucking creepy
beanlot · 9 hours
ellie wants you back, even though she was the one who had ended the relationship.
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wc: 2.1k (angst + smudge of fluff)
─── ⊱ ─── ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ ─── ⊰ ───
“just get it over with, please.” she exhales jaggedly, smell of rubbing alcohol poisoning your nose as you apply pressure onto her wound. she’d been shot with an arrow, one you’d had to snap to pull out of her, but it’s nothing she hasn’t handled before.
she didn’t squirm, or whine when you bandaged her up. she sat still and took it, clenching onto the old and tattered leather seat.
you’d dated ellie for a shaky and indulgent two years before. your relationship at first was it - it was her looking at you when she’d done something clumsy or funny in hopes to see you laugh, it was holding each other tightly after you’d gotten separated, it was her lips kissing at your skin fruitfully. you remember it so clear.
“mm. baby.. baby..” you hear her voice, low and groggy. you’ve woken her up, shuffling around endlessly for half an hour trying to sleep. “baby.. shh. relax.. relax with me, you’re fine.” her hand settles on your hip, and she’d bring you in closer, tatted arm ravelling around your stomach. she was so gentle, so guiding, so protecting. “shh.. i’m here. i’m here, my love..”
ellie felt bad for ending it, it was necessary. there were times where she’d refuse to communicate, you would lose your temper, and start yelling at each other. you’ve grown hard around the edges over the years, your skin is scarred and tormented. it’s not your fault.
“fuck you, ellie!” you spat at her. truth is, your arguments brewed for a few weeks. it started with glares, sly comments and ignoring eachother until it erupted. “you can’t just fucking control me, control who i spea-“
“i’m not fucking controlling you! you’re batshit fucking crazy!”
the best thing to do was to break up, for both of your sakes. you were fine with it at first, you knew it was for the fucking best. you were starting to despise eachother’s company; you knew you’d get over it.
“you know what.. i think we should just.. stop.” ellie scoffs.
“stop what?”
“us. it’s not fucking working. i can’t stand you.”
but what you couldn’t get over was overhearing her speak with dina, flirty and sultry tones bouncing back and forth between them a week later. they’d slept together, not long after that breakup.
and here you are, a few months later, knelt in front of her to relieve her physical pain.
“thanks..” a quiet whisper left her as you shoved the materials back into your bag. you’re still on high alert, ellie says that you always are, it’s like walking on eggshells being in a room with you.
she watches as you keep your eyes on the windows, peering through the blinds, your pupils narrow like the scope of a sniper. she tries to lighten the mood, tries to relax you a little. “a year ago, you would’ve passed out.” she jokes, a breathy laugh leaving her. but you don’t laugh.
i think that’s also what ate away at ellie during the end of the relationship. you used to have fun, and live, and look forward to the next day. but you’re a different mind in the same shell she used to love, and part of her believes she’s accountable for not being there for you.
you hear her whisper, as you sink into the chair opposite her, your head leant back towards the ceiling. “you okay..?” her voice is cautious, but she knows what’s up, she’s not stupid.
“fine.” you state bluntly.
it’s silent.
“i’m sorry. for it.” you hear her. she’s darting her eyes around your body, the long scar under your jawline, the scratches on your wrist from trying to slice nettles out of the way. you try not to smile at her apology, because it’s pathetic. “it’s whatever.” you respond, your voice uninterested.
you feel sour thinking about it now, actually. you could’ve left her to those hunters, left her to infected, left her to bleed out and clean her wounds herself. “did you enjoy it?” you impulsively ask her, a saltiness to your tone that she was anticipating.
her stomach still drops though, and she can sense the eggshells cracking around her. “what?” she mutters, her eyes narrowing at you as you look at her. you used to look at her with delicacy, adoration, desire. but now your eyes are empty, glossed over; ellie could only describe it as you looking through people rather than actually looking at them.
“you know. sleeping with her that quickly, was she good? worth?”
it’s silent, and you’re both staring at eachother with challenging eyes of contempt. she gets it, understands your anger, yet she also can’t seem to wrap her head around your entitlement. “what are you sa-“
“scale of 1 to 10.”
“what the fuck are you saying?” ellie’s voice goes up a pitch. she wish she could stand up and grab your throat, try and knock some sense into you. but not only is the pain in her shin holding her back, it’s also the fact you’d hold up an ambiguous fight. “are you serious?” she leans forward in disbelief.
but when you don’t respond, your gaze unfaltering, she sighs.
“i don’t know.. like.. an eight, i guess..”
it was a rhetorical question, asshole.
you’re sure she answered it out of spite, and you feel internal rage. but you don’t let it show, you just nod with pursed lips. “i’m happy for you.” you state coldly. you wish you had the heart to just leave her here, take shimmer up north back to jackson, but you don’t.
it’s silent for a few minutes. she’s often glancing back at you, already regretting her answer. although it was a truthful answer, she should have kept her mouth shut. but the damage has already been done, she sees it honing on your face as you look elsewhere.
“i’m..” she starts, sighing. “i’m sorry.. that was fucked, it’s all fucked.” she shakes her head. you’d been forgiving and graceful enough to snap an arrow and pull it out her leg, bandage it up for her. and yet she sits here pulling at your heartstrings, even if you act as if it’s not affecting you under your stoic mask.
“can you come here…
you look at her, and her eyes are brimmed with vulnerability. you stay in your seat for quite some time, until you muster up the patience to approach her.
she feels you dip into the space beside her. she wants to reach out, touch your skin, marshmallow you up how she used to. but she knows she can’t, she has no right. “you don’t have to forgive me.. i just..” she whispers. “i wanna say i fucked it all up, for us. i know i did..”
you digest her words, your eyes darting around the ceiling in contemplation.
“i just don’t..” she pauses, her eyes ponder down to her thighs, and then down to her bandage that you had wrapped. she’s trying to word her next sentence without it sounding so morbid, but she cant. “i don’t wanna lose you one day, knowing you hated me.” she murmurs, waiting for an inkling of emotion on your face - anything, she’ll take anything - but it doesn’t come.
she’s dreamt about it. having you in her arms, choking on your own blood, using your last efforts just to spit out a malicious i hate you.
“i thought the.. whatever with dina would’ve got rid of you.” ellie squeezes her nose bridge, trying to explain in a way that doesn’t sound so bullshit. she doesn’t want to say that she had sex with her, even though that’s what it was. “i fucked her over too.. she didn’t do anything wrong, but she was.. just there.”
wow, you really are a scummy piece of shit, els.
she knows what you’re thinking when she looks over at you, your eyes nailing into her. “i know..” she whispers, and you notice her hand slowly raising, hesitant to graze your own. you flinch when she does this, and she notices your hand inching away from hers. “i know it sounds bad. because it is, it’s my fault.”
she looks down at your hand, her eyes desperate, pupils dilated when they look at you. “please let me..” her voice is tender, affectionate with you. you’re invested in it slightly, letting her nails run along your palm, her touch a wintry feather tickling your skin.
“i just.. i’ll do anything. anything to make it up to you, no matter how long it takes.” she whispers, and you feel her touch leaving your hand. you feel like ice when it does, only to feel piping hot again when she cups your cheek. it’s intimate, but it’s genuine: it’s regret and sorrow, self-hatred and adoration. “i just want you to know, that i know i’m a fucking asshole, i still am..”
“you make me sick.” your voice is piercing and cold towards her. but she understands your rage, and she takes it, absorbing it with accountability. “i needed you. and you fucking left me.”
ellie’s gaze is weak. she’s thinking of your pain, of your scar-covered back and tormented bruises. the ones she couldn’t be there to kiss and treat. when you had came back from torrington after a few weeks’ travel, and she had heard from maria that you were ‘all kinds of fucked up’ and ‘in need of stitches’ under the jaw, she’d dissociated for hours in her room.
she could’ve been there, could’ve helped stop the bleeding, could’ve killed the bastards who had done it to you. prevented it in the first place. you were always there for every tear that dropped from her pretty eyes, every injury, every nightmare. and yet you did it all alone.
“i know.. i know.” she whispers, and you close your eyes when you feel her forehead press against yours. it’s not romantic, it’s just impulse. she wants to just feel close with you again, absorb your warmth, feel the safe haven she neglected and left to rot. “i’ll do anything. you have no idea. anything, i’m begging you.”
you can feel her breath, she’s so close to you, so hurt. she knows she has so many - too many - amendments to make for you.
“i almost died yesterday.”
her whisper is faint, and her eyes are focused on everything, yet nothing at the same time. glossed over in daydream, inanimate and empty. “we were.. i don’t know, going down the southeast, by those cabins..” she tries to recall, memories blurred with the overwhelming poison of your ill feelings towards her. “this guy.. i was just on the floor suddenly, and he’s coming down at me with an axe.
and if it wasn’t for jesse, i would’ve..” she continued, pausing before her eyes glint. “but in my last fucking moments, all i could see was your face. and i just.. i didn’t feel fear, i just.. felt so much regret. and, love. and worry about what would happen to you after.”
her words were reluctant at first, but came streamlining out of her mouth when she’s reminded of each emotion that came with having her back against the mud, life flashing between her eyes, the split-second images of your pretty face next to the fireplace. the way you called her name, ellie, so vanilla. so clean. so smooth.
“i felt like.. i just should’ve told you everything, talked it out. i don’t want you to feel bad for me. i’m just.. i am begging you..” she repeats, a faint and delicate whisper against your lips. “if you want me to disappear, i’ll go. i’ll never bother you, you’ll never see me again in that fucking town..”
something about that proposal doesn’t sit right with your heart, or your head. you can’t tell. a part of you wants to slap the shit out of her, and another part wants to kiss at those lips - not out of love, but out of hateful lust.
“but please.. give me a chance to fix it.”
you sluggishly and reluctantly pull away from her, and watch as her gaze softens into disappointment. “i should.. go check on shimmer.” you whisper, rising to your feet, emotionally warped. “you just.. sit here and rest..”
as you start walking backwards and turn away from her, you can just hear all the emotions inside screeching in your head. it’s loud, blinding, deafening; you know ellie experiences it too, the same voices that just get too much. maybe that’s what dina was to her, white noise to dilute them.
she wants to chase you back, grab your wrist and talk it out. but the throbbing tremors from her wounded leg force her to slump back down into the chair with a defeated sigh. she lets you go, just this time, not willingly.
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ink-the-squid-gremlin · 10 months
Wtf is it with dorm areas and having literally 5 fucking outdoor gardener people all with leaf blowers at not even 8 AM? THEY HAVE BEEN HERE SINCE FUCKING 6 AM WTF!!!!!!! THERE IS LITERALLY NOTHING IN THE FUCKING COURTYARD THAT THEY NEED THIS FOR!!!!! THE FUCK ARE YOU USEIN THE LEAF BLOWERS ON, FUCKIN ROCKS????? THERES NO FUCKN REASON FOR THEM TO BE HERE!!!!!!!!!
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devil-in-hiding · 2 months
In regards to the sundress blurb for “on the run”, I could see the reader doing some task outside while all 4 boys are sitting at the window watching just straight up oogling. Little comments being shared back and forth like “I think the red dress is my favourite so far” “nah the navy one is definitely the best, maximum cleavage”
oh totally, they’re favorite pass time is ogling you as you just do simple tasks
also 100% have favorite outfits that you wear
Price is the biggest dog when it comes to your dresses, if he could just drop to his knees and press his face to your cunt, he would. It is by the will of God that this man doesn’t flip your dresses up every second of the day, just a peak of your panties gets him leaking
Gaz loves your cut off shorts, watching the way they ride up as you walk, giving him the perfect view of your ass jiggling, pulling tight any time you bend over, he knows he could tear those things off with his bare hands (would meanly give you a wedgie just to hear the punched out whine you make. he’s so pretty but so mean)
Soap is a dog for just about anything you wear, but he’s especially weak for when you “accidentally” end up in one of their shirts, it doesn’t even matter if it’s actually Soap’s. Seeing you in one of their jackets or t-shirts, smelling like them gets his blood pumping. Glued himself to you in the mornings when you’re wearing HIS shirt, trying to imprint his scent on you
Ghost is a simple man. He just wants to bunch those damn nightgowns up over your tits and leave his mark. The rare nights that you join them in their room for shitty cable, clad in only your nightgown he just about makes his palms bleed to keep himself in check. The way they hug you, the older one’s stretching taunt over your chest, giving him a glimpse of your pebbled nipples from the cold air
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pjsfvs · 8 months
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Angry sex with Tyun
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paring : dom!taehyun x afab!reader
warnings/tags : angry sex, window/wall sex, im to lazy to do the rest.
summary : You and taehyun get into a heated argument, which leads to some good angry sex.
a/n : don't leave hate comments for me to see. if you don't like it just block me and leave.
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“Taehyun, I told you, I’m done talking about this. I said I was sorry.”
“You were being irrational, Y/N?! Seriously?! You can’t just go charging into my rehearsal like that begging me to come along with you, for fucking boba! What if the members got distracted. Hm? They could have been hurt or worse!”
“I get that you were worried about them, and I know I was wrong for doing that, but you're the one who told me you were on break. It is not my fault. You can't put the whole blame on me.”
“Your so fucking annoying sometimes.”
“God, can you shut up and listen to me!? I don't know why I have to re-explain this to you again.” Taehyun stare at you incredulously, ready to interrupt but you continue on, “You told me that you missed me, and I wanted to see you, so I came when you texted me you were on break.”
“How long do you think our breaks are huh? Knowing we're about to have a comeback. Just how fucking long do you think these breaks last!?”
The argument is never-ending. Sweaty and red-faced, Taehyun is so close. So close that you can still smell the scent of spear mint on his breath from the gum he's been chewing. So close that you can see the dark circles under his eyes from the sleepless night and the height of his body, creating a shadow over your body. Your chests touch, both heaving from yelling back and forth. Staring him in the eyes, you have nothing else to say; left to communicate all your frustration through a silent glare. Neither one of you wants to be the first to break.
“Taehyun, I’m done doing this whenever you and the guy have a comeback. You can’t keep telling me to come see you while on break, just to get pissed at me afterwards. I’m done with that. I’m fucking done.” You keep repeating that last line to yourself more so than to him. A realization coming over you that you might not just be done arguing with Taehyun over this particular topic. You might also be finished with your relationship. If he wouldn’t make time, to see you, what's the point. Just one fucking glance, that's all you could ask for. If this is what you had to go through each time, you weren’t sure you could handle it.
Through his anger, Taehyun gives you a look of desperation, hoping that you both could come to some agreement. Shaking your head, you turn and walk away. You have nothing left to give.
“No. You don’t get to walk away like you always do. Not this time!” He yells, grabbing you by the shoulders and pressing you against the very door you were prepared to leave though. Pushing him away does nothing. He just comes back, forcing your back against the door again with a resounding thud. You want to deny it but the roughness of how he handles you causes a spark within you. You’re certain it’s affecting Taehyun too from the way his half-hard member brushes against you.
“Tyun…” You’re cut off by a passionate kiss. Your body denies your rational mind by returning the kiss. It’s nothing like your normal exchange. It’s heated, teeth clanging against each other, his tongue forcing its way into your mouth and fighting for complete dominance.
Clothes are torn from each of your bodies, no care given to the sounds of ripping fabric and buttons hitting the floor. Your sole focus is on each other.
“Up” he commands, grabbing at your hips. Taking his cue, you jump up, wrapping your legs around his waist. Nipping along your jaw, he leaves a stinging trail of red marks on your skin. You hiss when bites down harshly at the juncture of your shoulder. Continuing on his intended path, Taehyun attaches his mouth to one of your perky nipples, swirling his tongue around it before sucking.
The heels of your feet pressed into his lower back, bringing him closer to your core. His throbbing member slips through your folds, pressing against your clit. Focused on your own pleasure now, you repeat the action, grinding yourself against his cock.
“Stop it.” He growls out in response to your tempting actions. The head of his member prods against your sensitive bud as Taehyun ruts his hips unexpectedly. You yelp in surprise but don’t stop.
“You need to fucking listen. You never listen.”
“Fuck you.” You retort, smirking at him in defiance.
“That’s what I plan on doing to do you, sweetheart.”
Not waiting for your reply, Taehyun enters your wet core without warning causing you to throw your head back. Any advantage you thought you had is now gone as you succumb to the pleasure. As you sink on to his thick cock, Taehyun groans lowly, enjoying the feeling of your warm pussy that is so inviting to slip into.
“Gonna fuck you so good.”
You chuckle at his comment, knowing it will provoke him. And that’s just what it does. Without pulling out of you, Taehyun unwinds your legs from his waist and pushes them towards your chest by the knees. The new position gives him a new angle to hit and he begins to thrust into you without control. His pace is frenzied and brutal as he abuses your pussy.
Clawing at his shoulders, your first orgasm washes over you but he gives you no time to bask in it. Even as your core clenches around his member, he continues to fuck you senseless, pushing you through your first orgasm and works you close to a second.
Taehyun watches, fully mesmerized, as his member pumps in and out of you. His cock is slick with your wetness making it easier for him to push back in and keep his rhythm.
“So close. Don’t fucking stop,” You announce your impending orgasm to him, not that he needed you to tell him. He knows from the way your core pulses that you’re almost there. So is he; ready to spill his load into you. Pumping into you deeper, Taehyun’s cock hits the perfect spot, causing jolts of electricity to course throughout your lower half.
Your second orgasm rocks you so hard and you go limp in his arms. A few more thrusts and he followed right behind you. His cock throbs inside you as his cum coats your walls. Dropping his head to your shoulder, Tae’s heavy breaths fan over your heated skin, sending a chill through you.
After helping you to wrap your legs back around him, he carries you to your shared bed; laying you down gently. Climbing in next to you, he tugs you to his chest making sure you are tucked comfortably against him.
“I’m sorry, ya know. You’re a damn good girlfriend, Y/N. I know that. I just don’t want anyone to get distracted and end up hurt because of you. If that happens, they might not let you visit the building anymore and I don't want that to happen.”
With much of your frustration gone, you realize you may have been too hard on Taehyun. He cares about you and doesn't want anyone on his team to get hurt.
“I know. I just want you to make some time for me. Even if its one minute of your time. I miss you."
"I know baby, I know. I'll try and make at least 10 minutes for you on busy days, on free days we can go on the cute dates you told me about doing. I promise."
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kamii-2 · 3 months
Could you do nika muhl smut where nika and her girl go out with the team and someone starts flirting with nikas girl like so much and she gets all jealous and possive LIKE YUHHHH MABYE CAR SEX
hi anon, i hope you enjoy!! (this is gonna set when nika went to uconn bc idk much about seattle storm) also im gonna start adding songs to stories if i feel like they fit the story
warning(s): cussing, smut, jealousy
genre: smut
pairing(s): jealous!nika mühl x reader
you and nika were out with the entire uconn team, getting drinks and talking about everything and everyone.you were all sitting at a table. you drink was empty so you went to get another one “i’ll be back im gonna go get another drink.” you tapped nika on the thigh before getting up and grabbing your cup and going to the bar. while at the bar a guy walked up next to you, “hey.” he greeted, “hi.” you were being nice but you hoped and prayed he didn’t flirt with you because if he did nika would lose her shit and you simply didn’t want him to. “so, you alone?” he asked as the bartender gave you your drink. “no, my girlfriend is over there.” you told him while point to nika, trying to a sound as uninterested as possible.
“you’re too pretty to be a lesbian.” your eye widened the moment he said this, “what’s that supposed to mean?” you ask, started to get annoyed. “you’re too hot to be going after girls, why not leave with me so i can show you how much better i am than her.” he offered. “i’m good.” you reply as you try to leave but he goes in front of you, “let me go.” you say as you try to find a way out. he ignored you and continued to trap you between him and the bar. nika is as confused on why you are gone for so long so she turned around and seen the guys all up on you and got up to figure out what’s going on.
she pushed him off of you and you quickly walked next to her, “go sit down, i’ll handle him.” she told you as you obeyed instantly. “what happened?” azzi asked the moment you sat down. “he ask me if i was alone and i told him i had a girlfriend and he told me i was too pretty to be gay then i don’t even know what he tried to do after.” you said while fixing your bracelets. “he was like trying to keep me there. he wasn’t letting me leave but nika‘s spidey senses were on or something and she came at the right time.” you told the basketball team as they all started to talk about men and the ups and downs about them. when nika returned you looked pissed. “what did you to him?” you asked while turning you attention to her, “just know he won’t ever mess with a girl like that ever again.” she replied while grabbing her phone off the table.
about 15 minutes later nika was still mad, “do you want to go home?” you whispered in her ear, instead of answering she just told everyone you guys were gonna leave and got up, dragging you with her. “y/n’s gonna get it good.” you heard ice say as you two walked away, you looked back at her and nodded and mouthed ‘yes i am.’ making the whole team laugh. as you two walked out, nika held your hand tightly the whole way to the car. when you reached the car she opened the back instead of the front. you immediately got excited and got in, nika getting in the back with you. the moment the door shut she started to make out with you. you straddled her lap and put the hands on both sides of her face, her hands went down to your hips and made you grind against her.
she lifted you up slightly and moved you to one of her thighs, making you grind back and forth. you breathed heavily as she made you grind faster, “fuck nika.” you whimpered while breaking the kiss and leaving your head on her shoulder. sje continued to help you ride her thigh until you came on her clothed thigh. she laid you down on the seat with your head against the window. she touched your dress up to your stomach then took your panties off, tossing them to the ground. she dove into your pussy, licking you like you were ice cream. you moaned loudly as she continued to eat you out. “holy shit!” you cried, your legs starting to shake slightly.
“oh i-i’m gonna cum. nika please do not stop im gonna cum.” you whined as your legs shook more. you were so close to cumming it felt like you were going to burst all on her. after a few more seconds you came on her mouth, she came back up and wiped her face with her hands. “did i give it to you good?” she asked with a slight smirk, at first you were confused then you realized she was talking about what you said, well really mouthed earlier. you smiled back and nodded, “yes you did.” you gave her a kiss then picked up your panties and put them back on, pulling your dress down after. “let’s go home, then we can finish this.” you told her while getting ready to get out and walk to the front.
when you slightly opened the door you heard the team talking. “nika’s car is still here.” you heard paige say as you opened the door completely and got out, you smiled and waved at them. “there is absolutely no way.” aubrey said while laughing, “i’m never sitting in your car again nika.” kk said with a look of disgust. you laughed with them then got in the passenger seat, nika getting in a few seconds later. “i can’t believe they walked out at the same time.” nika laughed as she started the car and started to drive. “that’s lowkey embarrassing.” you laughed with her.
i hope you enjoy and i hope you have a good day/night, love you 💋💋
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xx-like-a-villian-xx · 8 months
I'd Love To Watch
You’re forced to share a room with Noah and he wonders what book you’re reading.
This one is for all my dark romance reading babes, stay slay 🥀
My ao3 is HERE
Also let me know if you want to be tagged in anything upcoming posts, (I have so many WIPs)
CW: one bed trope (ugh my fave), mentions of dark romance, fingering, Noah is a MUNCH, squirting, forced proximity (let me know if I need to add any more)
18+ MDNI | Noah Sebastian x Reader
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“Are you kidding me?” You groan, staring at the second suitcase in the bedroom that you called dibs on when you arrived at the Airbnb. “Matt, who put their shit in my room?” You call out to your best friend and tour manager who walks towards you, a smug smirk on his face.
”Well Noah kept saying he would take the couch but there’s a California King in there so I told him he should just bunk in with you tonight.” He leans against the doorframe, grinning. “Call it team building.”
”Team building?” You scoff, exasperated.
All you want is one night to yourself without being stuck in a bus full of sweaty guys and Matt thinks it's funny to let the man you’ve been trying to avoid all tour share your room.
Noah doesn’t like you, it’s been clear since day one. Every time he talks to you he’s so patronising and cocky it makes your blood boil but it’s not like you can say much. You’re just their merch girl after all, replaceable. If it wasn’t for Matt you wouldn’t even have the opportunity so you keep your mouth closed and stay out of Noah’s way unless it’s important.
“Does Noah know that we’re sharing?” You fold your arms over your chest, staring at your best friend.
Matt chuckles. “More than aware, he actually seemed fine with it.” Your eyebrow raises in surprise and he laughs. “Goodnight, Y/N.”
You watch Matt retreat to his room and get to work pulling your pyjamas out from your suitcase, locking yourself in the bathroom to get ready for what you now know is going to be a hell of a long night.
While brushing your teeth you hear someone shuffle into the bedroom and you groan internally. Spitting the toothpaste into the sink, you gather your discarded clothes from the day and take a deep breath before opening the en-suite door.
Noah is lying spread eagle on the bed, wearing a pair of basketball shorts with no top, scrolling on his phone. He doesn’t even acknowledge your presence when you put your things back into your suitcase. You roll your eyes, grabbing your book to sit in the window seat across from the bed for a while, quietly reading to yourself. The silence is thick and you can hear his heavy breathing, distracting you from your book.
Your eyes flick from the dark romance novel to the man on the bed, eyes trailing over the expanses of ink that cover his toned skin and you feel heat pooling in your core.
”Anyone ever told you it’s rude to stare?” His voice breaks you out of your trance and your eyes flick back to the words on the page.
You scoff. “I wasn’t staring, you just breathe really loud and it’s pissing me off.”
He chuckles darkly. “Yeah, sure thing sweetheart.”
The sound of movement reaches your ears but you daren’t look at him, lifting the book higher to hide your red face. Suddenly the novel is snatched from your hands and you scramble to grab it back from him.
”Heartless Heathens?” He hums, holding the book out of your reach as he reads the blurb then flicks through a couple of pages, eyes widening. “Jesus, Y/N. I didn’t realise you were into this kinky shit.”
Your face is tomato red, burning hot as you try to wrestle the book from his hands.
“Noah give me my book back!”
All he does is laugh, eyes flicking back and forth as he reads the page I had bookmarked. “Oh my god! ‘Does that tight pussy hurt when my fat cock stretches it out like this?’ Wow…”
His dark eyes meet yours and you squeeze them shut out of embarrassment, hiding your face with your hands.
”You like that shit, huh?” You can hear the amusement in his voice as steps forward, throwing the book down on the window seat. You want the ground to swallow you up when you feel him staring down at you.
You huff, removing your hands from your face. “Loads of people do, it’s just a book.”
“I mean, do you like that stuff? Guys talking to you like that in bed? Asking you if it hurts when they stretch you out on their cock?”
You laugh, he’s joking right? You look up at him and your mouth goes dry when you see his dark eyes, pupils blown wide with lust.
”I don’t know,” you shrug. “I haven’t been with anyone for a couple of years, I don’t really have the time.”
Noah looks taken aback at your words and his lips turn up into a smirk. “A pretty girl like you? Surely you have guys begging for a chance in every state we visit.”
You chortle, crossing your arms. “Unlike most guys, I don’t need sex.”
He scoffs, picking the book back up. “So you just read this casually?”
”Most of the time.”
”And the rest of the time?”
The hot flush returns to your cheeks, reaching the tips of your ears. “That’s none of your business.”
He starts to flick through the pages again, humming as he reads. “Can I take a guess?”
You roll your eyes. “Whatever, go ahead.” You throw yourself down onto the bed, sitting against the headboard as he paces, reading.
“I think you like this Corvin guy most, I can imagine you getting all hot and bothered when you read his parts and you can’t help but find yourself fingerfucking yourself in your bunk when everyone is asleep.” His head tilts when he stops to look at you, his eyes searching for the telltale signs of your arousal, grinning when he sees your thighs clench together. “Am I correct?”
You shake your head in disbelief. What’s his game and why is he trying to get under your skin over some book. Your underwear feels damp from the wetness that is pooling at your core from his words and you have to stop yourself from lunging at him, to either punch him or kiss him…you’re unsure which one would be more satisfying.
”C’mon Y/N, tell me.” He sits next to you, pointing at a section where the main character is riding Corvin. “Is this what you get off to?”
You feel all too hot and bothered with him sitting next to you with his shirt off, tattooed skin taunting you as he tries to coerce the secrets of your alone time out of you.
”If I wasn’t in here right now is that what you’d be doing? Getting off over your little dark romance book?”
”What’s your deal Noah? Why do you want to know about all this?” You sit up straighter and he lounges back, eyeing you humorously.
He shrugs. “It’s just cute that you read this horny stuff. I never took you as the type to get riled up by it, is all.”
”You’d be surprised.” You mumble and his eyebrows shoot up in surprise.
”You read worse?”
”Oh shut up, Noah. It’s just dumb fiction, why are we even still talking about this?”
He turns to his side, propping himself up on his elbow, eyes burning into the side of your head. “Because I can tell how hot and bothered you are right now and it’s kind of sexy, I must admit.”
You gulp at his words, staring straight ahead in a conscious effort not to look at him or all of your resolve might falter.
”So tell me, were you so pissed about having to share this room because you wanted some special alone time tonight with your little smut novel?”
You can feel his smirk and the tension in the room thickens, turning into a storm cloud of lust.
”You can still do it, you know.”
Your eyes finally dart to his smug face and your eyebrows furrow. “What?”
He shrugs casually. “You can still get yourself off, I could read to you if you want?”
Your swallow thickly, your core throbbing at his words. “No, that’s weird.”
Noah chuckles. “Masturbation isn’t we-“
”I fucking know that! What’s weird is you’re my boss and you’re offering to read to me while I make myself cum. Do you hear yourself?”
You can’t lie to yourself, the offer is almost too tempting. It’s not fair that the most attractive man you know is basically offering to help you get your rocks off but he hates you right? He’s always so moody and weird around you. Why is he being like this?
He sits up, scooting closer so your shoulders are touching and he leans close to your ear, his breath tickling the skin of your cheek. “Or I could tell you every wicked little fantasy I’ve had about you since you waltzed into the studio with Matt all those years back.’
Your eyebrows raise and you turn to him, his mouth just inches from yours. “You fantasise about me?”
He laughs, a smug sound that makes you want to punch him. “Oh yeah, my favourite is the one where I get to bend you over and rip apart those fishnets you love to wear, the ones with the lace flowers on.” His eyes darken as he reminisces over the lewd thoughts and your mind wanders.
How would it feel to have his hands all over you, tearing away those expensive tights that you adore? How would it feel to have him buried to the hilt inside you as he pushes your head into whatever surface he can find? Fuck its all too much.
”Noah, we shouldn’t talk about this stuff.” You try to reason with yourself but your resolve quickly disappears when his long inked finger trails up the bare skin of your thigh, stopping at the hem of your silky black pyjama shorts.
“Why? We’re both adults.” He smiles almost innocently.
”Because you don’t like me.”
He huffs out a laugh. “Since when? Didn’t I just tell you that I literally think about how I want to bend you over?”
You roll your eyes. “You literally talk to me like shit the majority of the time.”
”I like watching you squirm.” His smile is cocky and it only sends more electricity to your core because he’s right, he does make you squirm and you like it too.
A lust filled silence lingers in the air as he stares into your eyes, a smirk plastered on his lips.
”So do you still want to get yourself off, I’d love to watch.” He cocks an eyebrow and there it is, the last of your resolve leaving out the window.
He’s like a kid in a candy shop when he sits up, watching you lie down on the bed. Your heart hammers in your chest as you close your eyes, trying to pretend he isn’t there. You slide the silk shorts down your legs, leaving the black lace thong on and your hand travels over the soft fabric, running over the damp patch that is only getting bigger.
You gasp when you slide your hand between the fabric, fingers slipping between your slick folds, easily finding the sensitive bundle of nerves that's been begging to be touched since you walked out of the bathroom to find Noah sprawled out shirtless on the bed. Oh how you wanted to just climb on top of him, to sink down on his cock like you owned him.
A quiet whimper escapes your lips when you circle your clit, slowly teasing yourself to the images of Noah’s cock buried deep inside your cunt. You feel him shift next to you to get a better look at your movements, how your fingers move under the dark lace of your panties. You hear him take a shaky breath and it sends shockwaves to your sensitive core.
“Does that feel good?” His voice is deep, coarse in your ear and you whine out a confirmation, moving your fingers faster over your clit. “God, you don’t know how good you sound. Do you like it when I talk to you?”
”Y-yes.” You sigh and he chuckles.
”Such a good girl.” He whispers, breath tickling your ear. “Do you want me to tell you what to do, huh? Do you want to be good for me and remove your underwear so I can see how you touch that pretty little pussy? God, I bet it’s so perfect.”
You whimper, using your spare hand to push the lace down your thighs, kicking them off as you toy with yourself. Noah leans forward, a hand landing on your thigh to pull your legs further apart and a feral groan leaves his throat when you spread yourself open for him to see just how wet you are, fingers covered in wet slick.
”Oh fuck, you look so good sweetheart. Show me how you bury those pretty fingers in there.”
You push two fingers into your core, the wet sound reaching your ears. You don’t think you’ve ever been this turned on in your life. You hear Noah’s breathing quicken as he watches you fuck yourself with your fingers, soft moans leaving your bitten lips.
”Doing so fucking well for me.” The praise feels like heaven when it meets your ears and you speed up, curling your fingers upwards. “Fuck, what I would do to bury my own fingers inside you.”
”Please.” You whine, opening your eyes to look at him, your breath coming out in pants when his lust blown eyes meet yours.
“Please what?” He smirks, tucking a piece of stray hair behind your ear as you find your clit again, rubbing your soaked fingers over the sensitive bud.
“I need your fingers inside me, please.” You’re so fucking needy and you can tell how much he gets off on it by how his smirk grows into a cruel grin and he holds his fingers against your plump lips.
”Are you gonna suck them for me? Get them nice and wet like the good little slut you are?” Your eyes roll back at his words and he gasps when your tongue swirls around the calloused pads of his fingers, soaking them with your saliva.
He pushes two long fingers into your warm mouth and you hollow your cheeks around them, staring up at him with innocent eyes that make his aching cock strain against his shorts. He pulls his fingers out with a pop and trails them down the valley of your clothed chest, down your navel to where your own fingers are still toying with your clit. Your eyes follow and your hand moves, giving him full access to where you need him most.
”You gonna watch me fuck you with my fingers huh?” He smiles sweetly, sliding his fingers up and down your drenched folds teasingly.
You nod, leaning up on your elbows to watch his slender fingers disappear between your folds, rubbing tight circles around your clit and you gasp his name, your mouth falling open at the immense pleasure. He chuckles, sliding them to your entrance to gather the wetness that pools there, moving back to your clit to play with it all too slowly.
”Please Noah.” You whine and he tuts.
”Be patient, I’ll get there. I want a better look.”
He moves to lie between your legs, pushing your legs further apart to get a good look at your glistening cunt. You can feel his breath hot against you and you could just cum right there without him even touching you, especially with how he looks up at you through those long lashes, eyes black and predatory like he wants to eat you whole.
“You’ve got such a perfect pussy, fuck.” He groans, pushes his long middle finger in, the dark ink disappearing inch by inch inside your cunt and you moan louder than expected, your hand flying to your mouth to keep yourself quiet. “Fuck, it feels so good, so soft.”
A second finger joins the first and he slowly curls them, finding that spot that leaves you seeing stars, your eyes rolling back, your head lolling back on your shoulders. His spare hand grips your inner thigh with a bruising hold and you're sure there will be bruises there tomorrow but you don’t mind, it feels like heaven.
”My mouth is so close to your pussy I can practically taste you.” He growls and your hips buck, pushing his fingers even deeper inside you. He chuckles darkly. “Do you want me to taste you?”
You sob, nodding enthusiastically.
”Use your words, pretty girl.” He hums, kissing your pelvic bone.
”Please taste me.”
He hums, his hot tongue dragging over your folds before his lips close around your clit, leaving you gobsmacked from how fucking good his tongue feels against you with his fingers fucking into you.
You’re close, you can feel that tightness building in your lower abdomen, so fucking close. His fingers curl faster, his tongue lapping over your clit like you’re the last water source on Earth and you’re falling. Your legs shake, a feral groan leaving your lips as your orgasm rips through your body like a fucking tornado. His fingers only move faster as his lips leave your sensitive clit and you're tipping over the edge again just as quickly, gushing around his fingers and the bed sheets below.
”Fuck, good girl!” He grins, lapping your sweet nectar from your thighs. “Think you’ve got another?”
You have no time to protest, he rises to slide between your thighs, fingers still buried deep inside your cunt as he stares down at you, curling them fast exactly where he knows he can drag another orgasm from you. His free hand covers your mouth when you cum again, screaming into his palm, soaking the front of his shorts where his leaking cock strains against them.
”Good fucking girl, well done!” He kisses your forehead, pulling his drenched hand away from your sensitive core to suck his fingers clean.
You stare at him in bewilderment when he smiles down at you. You’re in shock at how much you just came for a man you thought hated you half an hour ago.
”I think I need to catch you reading more.” He chuckles.
”Shut the fuck up.” You roll your eyes, pulling him into a searing kiss.
“So you two didn’t kill each other last night?” Matt smirks when you make your way downstairs in the morning, wearing one of Noah’s shirts with him freshly showered following behind you.
Folio storms past, looking a little worse for wear. “I would’ve preferred it if they did, I need to bleach my ears.” He groans, pouring himself a mug of coffee.
You blush bright red, throwing a grape at the drummer and Noah wraps his arms around your torso, pulling you into his lap.
”Guess my plan worked then.” Matt chuckles, popping a grape in his mouth with a grin.
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rileyslibrary · 1 year
hii, i love your page, it’s so cute!! i was just wondering, can we have a fic where ghost/the 141 forgets the readers birthday?
~ 💖.
A/N: Apologies for the delay, anon! Also, I hope that didn't happen to you, but if it did, happy belated birthday. Here’s your gift, I hope you like it.
Type, type, type.
That’s all you’ve been doing since this morning.
Replying to emails, developing the recruits’ training programme for the next week, preparing reports, and going back and forth on that group chat with the engineering team about that stubborn drone that refuses to take off but is mandatory for the next mission.
They wished you a happy birthday. Yes, it was through a faceless and impersonal message, but at least they did.
Unlike him.
He’s been sitting across from you all day, doing the same—typing, typing, typing.
Not at the pace you’ve been going, though. He’s much slower compared to you.
His fingers hesitate as they hover across the keyboard, lacking the speed and confidence he usually has in the field. The keyboard feels foreign in his hands—it’s not an MP5, you see.
His eyes, trained for action, struggle to adjust to the screen in front of him. He types, pauses, looks up at the screen, and then resumes typing. Yet his posture remains rigid like he’s ready for action at any given moment.
“Do you need help?” you ask, noticing his struggle to find the right shortcut for copying and pasting.
“I need a cigarette,” he replies, standing up from his chair. He opens the window, turns his back to you, and lifts his mask halfway.
He opens the packet and bites down on the cigarette filter to extract it from the package. Tilting his head to the side, he lights it up and takes a deep inhale.
There’s a knock on the door.
“Shit.” He swears and shouts at the door to “wait a fucking minute.”
He extinguishes the cigarette, pulls down his mask, and returns to his desk. You wait for him to sit down before inviting the person outside to come in.
Two recruits currently assigned to your team enter the room.
“Happy birthday!” says one, and the other repeats the wishes more timidly.
You give them a warm smile and thank them.
Their eyes, however, often drift from you to him. They look like they regretted coming into the office. Like they’d rather be anywhere else but here.
You empathise with them—you, too, were scared of him when you first came to the base.
You decide to relieve them of their discomfort.
“There are cupcakes in the kitchen,” you say, “please help yourselves.”
You can’t tell if they are too excited about the cupcakes or relieved that they now have a reason to escape the trap they’ve gotten themselves into. With a nod, they quickly exit the room and shut the door behind them.
You turn to the computer screen and continue typing.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
You slightly turn your head towards him while keeping your eyes on the screen.
“Why didn’t I tell you what?”
“That the sky is blue,” he replies sarcastically. “That today’s your birthday, of course!”
“That’s not the kind of thing you go around telling people, Ghost,” you explain, “besides, you already knew.”
He stands up from his chair, and you turn to look at him.
“Why didn’t you remind me?”
“What should I say, Lt.?” You ask, “Hey, by the way, it’s my birthday today, in case you’ve forgotten?”
“Yes!” He insists, lifting his hands, “Yes, you should have told me that! Then you should have added a ‘you fucking idiot’ to complete the sentence.”
You look at him with furrowed eyebrows and a smirk.
He sighs and drops his hands to his sides.
“Come here,” he says, waving his hand for you to come closer.
You look at him, amused, and your smile widens. Yet you remain seated, and lean back to your chair.
“Come here!” He repeats and starts walking towards you.
You stand up, and he immediately wraps his arms around you, locking your arms to your sides. You hug his waist.
“Happy birthday,” he whispers and leans down, planting a kiss at the crown of your head.
“Thank you, Lieutenant,” you reply, your words muffled against his chest.
“I’m such an idiot, aren’t I?” He murmurs, his lips lingering against your head, “I’m sorry.”
You chuckle and push yourself away to look at him.
“No, you’re not,” you reply, “these things happen.”
He releases you from the hug but keeps his hands on your shoulders.
“Thanks for the cupcakes, by the way.”
“You had one?”
“Two,” he says, letting you go and returning to his desk, “but I didn’t know who they were from.”
You sit back in your chair and continue to type, type, type.
But this time, there’s a smile on your face.
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vacayisland · 10 months
Hiii I saw that you were still doing requests so I was wondering if you could do a John Dory x Reader van life fanfic?
I dont have anything particular to ask for just a little story of how it would be like to live with JD in Rhonda and have a simple life after all of the events that happened with Floyd and stuff :)
@!; "Put on Pants!" John Dory / Reader
"Summary"! You love JD, you really do... but at this point, you're about two seconds from slapping his pants in his face if he won't put them on!... and this is exactly how your mornings always start with your husband <3 "Tags"! Fluff and a dumb plot I made with my friend for a goofy story. Also I'm very very sleepy while writing this <3 I was also being silly, I need to have fun writing <3 @writergal02 @chamille-trash @valvalentine69 @starzwithapen
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@!; You loved John Dory, you really did. If you didn’t, you wouldn’t have married him all those years ago, if you didn’t you wouldn’t have put up with his weird antics or his little shenanigans, if you didn’t you wouldn’t have left your old life behind to start a new one with him, if you didn’t you wouldn’t be here right now arguing about him and his pants! It was a very odd argument, not even an argument more like a back and forth bicker, about John Dory refusing to wear his pants inside of the house. Not only not his pants, but his shirt as well! Now, granted, you understood where he came from. It’s his house as well, you both lived in Rhonda after all, and he did live here first, but you also lived here! And not to get you wrong, you could stare at the site of your husband, nearly, butt naked for hours on end yet… there comes to a point where the pants need to go on. If no one is coming over, JD is walking around in nothing other than his boxers and goggles. Sure he’ll put on pants and the vest you got him if he has to go out. But as soon as he gets home? Somehow all of that disappears and he’s left in his boxers, which both baffles and amazes you. How he even manages to basically strip that fast, you aren’t even sure. All you know is that you’re slightly fed up with seeing him in boxers for a majority of your day.
“Babe,” You tried explaining to JD without laughing, knowing this was just plain ridiculous. Though, seeing as your husband just walked out of your shared room for the umteenth time in nothing but boxers, you had to bring it up. Again. “You need to put on pants, you can’t just walk out here in boxers! We have a window. Multiple windows! And none of them are tinted.” “Our house.” Was the only grumble you got from your half-asleep husband, who was brushing his teeth all the while trying to make coffee. He wasn’t actually exactly brushing his teeth, as the toothbrush hung from his mouth, likely forgotten as JD began to warm the cafetera on the stop top. It was also hard to keep a straight face when JD was wearing his red heart boxers, “Ay dios mio, John Dory! Put on your damn pants, no one wants to see your nearly naked ass walking around our camper! Por favor.” You pleaded, slips of giggles escaped your lips as you tried to calm your giggles by rubbing your face. But it was truly no use when you glanced back up at your husband. He was leaning against the kitchen counter, arms crossed, and the widest smirk on his face. He looked a little goofy, seeing as his toothbrush was still hanging out of his mouth, but you could tell what his next words were. It was going to be a quip, a flirtatious one of that. It was one he usually used to end this pants conversation, knowing it got you flustered or flabbergasted or just plain over him enough to stop your pursuit. You loved JD so much, but whenever he says: “Aw come on babe, you know you love the sight,” You wanted to strangle him! “I would love the sight even more if my husband would put on his damn pants!” You shot back, not being able to contain your laughter as JD began to playfully wiggle his eyebrows at you. With a shake of your head, you covered your face in your hands and sunk down on the couch melodramatically. God this man is going to be the death of you and he knew it.
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.ᐟ this work is published and owned by @vacayisland. please do not plagiarize, copy, or steal this work; like, reblogs, and saves are appreciated :D
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samandcolbyownme · 5 months
Make up sex make up sex make up sex Make up sex make up sex make up sex Make up sex make up sex make up sex Make up sex make up sex make up sex Make up sex make up sex make up sex Make up sex make up sex make up sex Make up sex make up sex make up sex 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
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Summary: A year into reader’s relationship with Johnnie, reader realizes just how busy Johnnie can get with what he does for work, and just how easily he can push reader off.
Warnings: SMUT18+, strong language, angsty, arguing between reader and Johnnie, fighting for love/relationship, unprotected makeup sex, kissing, hair pulling, slight choking, oral (both rev), creampie, filth with a dash of fluff? Enjoy!
Word count: 2.5k | not edited
Also, this song is sooo good. It’s one of my favorite songs in general, so please I beg of you to listen to this before or during your read.
╔═══━━━─── • ───━━━═══╗
“Therapy is tiring.” You joke and, “I’ve tried it before and it just felt like I was being judged, you know?”
You glance down at Katrina, who’s in the screen of your phone on FaceTime. She nods, “Right, but so is hiding how you feel. I’ll have to give you the number for mine. She is phenomenal.”
You nod, pacing back and forth as you stare out the window, “I’ve brought it up to him a few times already, Kat. I just..”
You run your hands over your arms, wrapping them tightly around your body, “Maybe we aren’t meant to last?”
“Don’t say that, y/n. Johnnie loves you, he just probably isn’t used to having someone like you around.”
“You mean being the first girlfriend he’s had in a while?” You laugh slightly, “Jake always picks on him about it.”
“Then yeah.” Kat laughs, “I would just give it one more try and if it doesn’t get better..” she trails off, “You know I have an extra bedroom open, right?”
You smile, glancing at her in the phone, “You remind me every time I talk to you about this.”
She shrugs, “Just letting you know you have a good plan b in case things.. go.. you know.”
It’s silent for a few seconds, “Just remember that there’s no better vengeance than learning to enjoy things again.”
“I just want him go get the message, like. No one is fucking shatter resistant. A person can only take so much shit.”
You hear the front door open and you sigh, “Johnnie’s here. Gotta go.”
“Good luck. Love you bye!”
“Love you bye.”
You turn around and walks out of the bedroom, making your way down the steps of his shared house with Jake.
He glances up at you and smiles slightly, “Hey babe.”
You walk over to him, planting a kiss on his lips, “Hey.” You go to walk away but he grabs your wrist, pulling you back into him, “Whoa. What’s wrong?”
You laugh slightly, mainly at the fact that this is the first time he’s noticed something was wrong in days, “Nothing, why do you-“
“You look like you’ve been crying.”
You shrug, “I’m fine.”
“No, talk to me.” Johnnie pushes and you shake your head, taking a step back, “Johnnie.” You whine quietly and he reaches out to grab your hips, “Baby.”
You snap, the second his hands touch your hips, “Fuck, Johnnie.” You take a deep breath, letting out a loud sigh right before the words spill from your lips.
“I’ve been like this for days, Johnnie. Upset, tired, angry.” You look at him, “Days, and now, when you get home and I’m assuming in the mood to fuck, you want to actually take more than a fucking second to look at me and think hmm, okay something wrong.”
“Jesus Christ.” Johnnie breathes out, “Where the fuck is this coming from? You do know that what I do for work causes me to be busy, right? I mean.” He shakes his head, “I’m pretty sure you knew that coming into this relationship.”
You keep your stare on him, “I knew that part of it, Johnnie. I did. I just didn’t know that you getting a girlfriend with this work meant that it’s okay to just push her away.”
“That’s not-“
“if it’s not what you do then please tell me.” You motion towards him and he takes a deep breath, shaking his head.
“Fucking Christ, Johnnie. Leave me something, give me something.”
“What do you want, y/n?” Johnnie looks at you and you look at him, actually kind of shocked that he would even ask that, and right as you opened your mouth to say something, he cuts you off, “Sorry, that- stupid fucking question.”
You raise your brows, “You push me, and you pull me around, figuratively speaking. And I let you do it because I don’t want to leave.”
“I mean fuck Johnnie. I feel like I’m a speaker that is about to blow because it can’t handle much more bass, my head feels like it’s going to explode but I’m still here, because I love you, and and we’re good, we’re good.”
He looks at you and your eyes meet his, “I fucking love you, and I just.. I’m fucking starving for attention Johnnie. Your attention.”
You feel your throat burn, “I didn’t ever really think that it.. it was too much to ask, but honestly, we need to work on this or you let me out be-“
Johnnie starts talking, and he sounds mad, “You want to leave?”
You sigh, feeling exhausted with repeating yourself, “No, Joh-“ you groan, “I literally just said that I don’t and said why.”
You run a hand through your hair, fighting back the tears harder, “Fuck. Okay.” You take a deep breath and look down, you can’t hold back the tears when you think of the next thing you wanted to bring to his attention.
“I just.. for the last few weeks, I feel like I’ve been balancing on a razor blade around you. I’m supposed to be here to help you relax after a long stressful day. Instead, I just feel like I add to it.”
He shakes his head, “No, baby.”
You keep your gaze on the floor, taking in a quiet breath as you look up and wipe your face, “We’ve been together a year, Johnnie.”
You drop your hands, the slap echoing through the room and he just stares at you, “Our anniversary was yesterday, I waited to see if you’d remember, I even set a reminder in your phone a few days ago.”
You let out a stressed laugh, “I just.. we were doing so good and then it’s like I became one of your friends, your roommate who you occasionally sleep with.”
Tears fall down your cheeks, “How the fuck does that happen, Johnnie?”
At that moment, Jake walks through the door with Tara and you turn away. Johnnie walks up to you, wrapping an arm around your waist, “All good guys, we’re just-“
Johnnie walks you to the bedroom and you can tell just from that conversation that Jake and Tara were definitely concerned.
Johnnie shuts the door, and you turn to him, “Why am I here if that’s all we’re going to do? I’m just sitting here waiting for the start of things that I want with you, this happily ever after, with you.”
He stands there, “Well get that, I just..”
“How? Most of the time it just seems choking on your words and swallowing them is just a fast and easy way for you to not actually talk to me. You’re supposed to be my emergency contact, Johnnie. Someone I know will be there for me no matter what. Fuck, the last few nights, I’ve ended up passing out on the couch while you slept in the bed. I just can’t sleep anymore knowing that I don’t know where the hell I stand in your life anymore.”
“I love you.” He steps closer, “Please, don’t judge me for what I’m about to say.”
You look at him confused, “Never.”
He walks you over to the bed, “I forget that I have a girlfriend sometimes.”
You try not to laugh, “Um, okay.” You tilt your head, closing your eyes.
“I’m serious.. like you seen how Jake picked on me. I really haven’t had anyone in my life with the girlfriend label, and I just.. it feels so new to me.”
“So you need me to train you.” You smirk, looking over at him and he rolls his eyes, “I’m not a dog, babe.”
You reach over, ruffling his hair.
He really does have good sex appeal, because now that your villain has settled, all you can think about it making up this argument to him with sex, proving just how much you love him.
Johnnie’s hand slides to your neck, pulling you in for a kiss.
Or the other way around.
“I’m so sorry I forgot our anniversary.” He kisses you, continuing to speak In between kisses, “I’m sorry.. that I.. haven’t.. been here.”
He pushes you back onto the bed, moving to straddle your thighs. His hands push your shirt up, gripping your bare waist.
He stares down at you, your hands move to rest on his forearms.
“I’m sorry, I have been shitty. I had a bad day and you caught me at a bad time.” He leans down, lips brushing against yours, “Please don’t leave.” His voice is low, almost a whimper, likes he’s begging.
Your hands slide to his neck, “I’m not going anywhere, baby.”
The space closes between you and the grip on your hips tighten, “You’re a fucking angel.” He lifts his head, “My angel.”
You smile, biting your lip as he moves to push his legs in between yours. You move them, wrapping them around his waist.
He grinds his hard bulge against your clothed pussy, earning a surprise moan from you,
He kisses down your neck, “Love those pretty sounds.”
He bites down on your neck, earning more of the sounds he wants to hear, “Mine.” He bites down in a different spot, groaning as he grinds against you, “All mine.”
“All yours.” You agree, moving a hand up to tug at the hair at the nape of his neck, “Johnnie, please.” You whimper, “I need you.”
“You have me. All of me.” He kisses up to your lips, “You can always count on me. From here on out, I promise.”
His lips crash onto yours as his hands slide up your shirt, keading and groping at your bare tits, “So perfect.” He pauses, squeezing them slightly rough which gets you to moan out as your back lifts up from the bed, “F-Fuck.”
He sits up, moving to pull the tight, black tee from his body. You bite down on your lip as your eyes scan over his tattoo covered body.
You could never get enough of him.
You hands reach up and you work at undoing his belt, then the button on his jeans then finally, his zipper.
He pushes them down while you work on undressing yourself.
You toss your shirt to the floor and look up at him as you lay back down. His brushes hair from his eyes and you watch as they scan over your face.
He uses his teeth to play with his lip rings while his hand slides up your spread thigh. Your breath hitches when he stops just on the outer edge of your pussy.
You wiggle your hips and a smirk plays with his lips before he drags the tip of his pointer finger up and down your soaked folds.
A gasp escapes your lips and your groan, “More, baby. Please.”
You grip the sheets, clenching around his finger as he slides it in, “Yesyesyes.”
Johnnie leans down, moving to lay beside you. He nudges his nose against your cheek, “after this.. we can do anything you want.”
You nod, glancing down at his finger slowly sliding in and out of your pussy, “Johnnie.” You whine, “Stop teasing.”
He instantly starts to slip in his middle finger and you throw your head back, moaning out as you squeeze your walls around them.
“I’m so sorry. I’m going to make it up to you.” He leans in, kissing your neck as the speed in the thrusts of his fingers picks up, “I’ll do anything you want.”
You reach over, hand wrapping around his cock, “Let me use my mouth on you.”
Johnnie bucks his hips slightly into your hand and he pulls his fingers out before rolling onto his back. He motions for you to come to him and when you go to bend down towards his cock he stops you.
“No, no. I’m making you feel good, too.” He reaches over, laying a hand in your thigh, “Sit on my face and lean that way.”
He points out from him and you catch on, facing away from him before swinging your leg over his head.
He wastes no time with grabbing your hips and pulling your down.
You let out a surprised moan, jumping slightly when you feel his tongue lap over your folds.
You lean down, moaning out as you lay the tip of his cock on your tongue. His hips buck and the grip on your hips tightens as he groans against you.
You take half of him in your mouth, swirling hour tongue as you bob your head.
Johnnie’s head slams onto the mattress away from you, hips bucking toward as he groans, “F-fuck..”. He digs his fingertips into your skin harder, “just like that, baby.”
You squeeze your eyes shut as you take him all the way in, gagging around him as his hips buck, “Shit, shit.” Johnnie lets out a groan, “F-fuck. Okay.”
He taps your hips and you lift your head, breathing heavy as you move to sit next to him.
He pulls you down, tongue slipping into your mouth as his lips press to yours. You moan at the taste of yourself on his lips, pulling him towards you.
He moves back to in between your legs and it wasn’t long ago all before his cock was slipping into your soaked cunt.
His head falls and his lips are against your neck, “Feels so fuckin’ good.” He groans lowly as he starts to thrust.
Your legs tighten around his waist and your chest presses against his, “H-harder please.” You turn your head, lips searching for his as he obeys your request.
His thrusts growing harsher, hips slamming into yours, earning whines and moans from you.
“M’so sorry, baby.” He mumbles against your lips, “I love you.” He groans, a hand coming up to gently lay on your neck.
“I love you.” You lay a hand on his, urging him squeeze harder.
He obliges, squeezing your neck which earns a squeak from you as your eyes roll closed.
Johnnie brings you closer to orgasm with his words, slowing his thrusts down as he whispers sweet and dirty things in your ear, “I love you so fucking much.”
“You’re so tight, fuck.”
“Sorry, baby. I’m so sorry.”
“You’re so fucking perfect.”
The band snaps. You cling to him, moans pour from your lips as he releases his grip and moves it down to rub rough circles on your clit, “There ya go, baby. Just like that.”
You roll your hips into his thrusts, whining out as he guides you through your high, “Cum in me.” You whimper out, pressing your lips to his in a sloppy manor, “Please, Johnnie.”
“F-fuck, fuck.” He grips your hips tight and you feel his cock twitch. You bite down on his lower lip and moan out, “Fill my pussy.”
Within seconds, he’s again, obliging to your request, which he will continue to do even after you’re done.
You moan, kissing him as you feel him thrust into you, pushing his cum as deep into you as it will go.
He brings his hand up, thumb brushing over your cheek, “I really am sorry, y/n.”
You peck his lips a few times gently, “It’s okay.” You whisper, biting down on your lip as he pulls out. You sit up, slowly moving to stand up.
As soon as you rise to your feet, Johnnie’s arms are around your waist and his voice is low, “You’re literally the best person I have in my life and I just want you to know that you are my emergency contact.”
╔═══━━━─── • ───━━━═══╗
Thank you so much for reading! As always, please let me know what you thought. I love you all so so so much! 🖤
Likes and reblogs are majorly appreciated!
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whaledenwtf · 10 months
I'm such a sucker for Gale, and I want some fluff about him, maybe like what happened after or during the wedding, what would it look like? Like what would our man do
I'm such a sucker for Gale too, he's just baby. I'm not too familiar with Act 3 and the new epilogues they added but I'll do my baby justice. I'll be writing this with a female reader, so if you'd like GN! Reader I can try rewriting it.
As always, I try to keep Gale in character as much as possible. If you enjoy this fic, consider sharing it! I have requests open, which you can send here: Link I have a Masterlist for Baldur's Gate 3 works I've written, which also has a list of what I will and won't write here: Link
Gale x AFAB!Reader - Wedding Bells
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Warnings: AFAB!Reader, Fluff, Mentions of Anxiety, Self-Deprecation (Poor Gale), Mentions of Mystra (Mystra when I catch you Mystra), Minor Angst if you squint.
Gods he was so nervous. He kept pacing back and forth, subconsciously playing with his hands.
"Are you having regrets Mr. Dekarios?" He is snapped out of his reverie by Tara, who's watching him from a distance.
"Regrets? I could never regret my relationship with (Y/N), Tara. I am just... nervous. I don't want her to change her mind, is all." He tells her honestly. Tara struts closer to him, tail swaying behind her.
"I believe you are overthinking, Mr. Dekarios. After all, don't you think she would have changed her mind before the wedding day?" He ponders that for a moment.
"I suppose you may be right, Tara. However, I've come to realize there is no such luck for a fool like me. She may have changed her mind and is running out now-" To emphasize his point, he looks out the window to see if there is a runaway bride. He exhales in relief when he doesn't see you running off. Tara scoffs.
"Are you sure you won't be the one who runs out? Show some self-respect Mr. Dekarios. You are incredibly talented and a good friend. She loves you, in case you had forgotten." Tara sits, her wings twitching.
He looks away from the window, only seeing the wedding party seated in the rows and rows of seats, alongside your companions who were interacting with one another. The door opens, and Gale's mother walks in.
"Oh thank Mystra! My little boy is getting married- I was starting to get worried." Morena wails out, dabbing her eyes with a tissue. Gale rolls his eyes.
"Have you so little faith in me, mother?" She huffs, squinting at him.
"You were a recluse, Gale. A mother tends to worry when her son is aging without another by their side. I just want you happy." She tells him. He looks down, feeling guilty for worrying his mother.
"I am sorry-" Morena shakes her head.
"All is in the past now-" She claps her hands. She walks closer, giving him a once over, brushing non-existent dust off his shoulders. "I am very proud of you." She tells him quietly. He grips her in a tight hug, like a child would when they were scared. She caresses his back comfortingly, and he is filled with a sense of calmness. All his previous fears and anxieties dissipate. The door opens again. Morena lets go of Gale, giving him some space.
"Just coming in to check in. Am I disturbing something?" Gale hears your voice. Before he can take a glimpse at you, he turns around, eyes screwed shut.
"It is bad luck to see the bride before the aisle!" He shouts out. All the women giggle at him. You begin walking forward, smiling at Morena and Tara.
"We will leave you two alone. Come, Tara." They leave, closing the door behind them.
"Turn around, sweetheart. Who needs luck or gods, when we have each other?" You tell him, standing behind him. He sighs, turning around, eyes still screwed shut. You chuckle, taking his face in your hand.
"Open your eyes, Gale." He opens one eye, and his jaw drops. You were stunning; probably the most beautiful thing he has ever laid his eyes upon.
"Oh-" He opens both eyes, to look you up and down, multiple times.
"You're beautiful." He whispers, eyes watering. It never felt so real until this moment, seeing you devote yourself to him. You wipe the single tear that leaves his misty eyes. He blinks multiple times, willing himself not to cry.
"You don't look too bad yourself." You tease him, grinning.
"I wanted to check on you, see if you had changed your mind?" He looks into your eyes, seeing your honesty.
"Why would I change my mind?" You shrug.
"We don't need fancy ceremonies or gold rings to show our love to one another. All I need is you by my side." He takes your hand, kissing it.
"I can never regret anything I do if it involves you, my love." You giggle at his words.
"How are you feeling?" You ask him sweetly. He bites his lip.
"I am- was very nervous. For a moment I thought you would want to cancel the wedding." You shake your head.
"I love you, Gale. I'm not going anywhere. The tadpole couldn't keep us apart; nor the Netherese Orb; and definitely not some goddess." You end the sentence bitterly. He chuckles, putting his arms around you, kissing your forehead.
"We can do this, together." He says out loud.
"Together." You whisper, leaning into his neck and kissing him there.
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BONUS: You close the door behind you, leaving Gale to his thoughts. You turn to see Astarion and Wyll waiting for you. You jump, holding a hand to your heart as they scared you.
"Gods! Don't sneak up on me like that." They both chuckle.
"Did he cry?" Astarion asks excitedly. You chuckle, nodding.
"HA! Pay up Ravengard." Wyll sighs, handing over a pouch of gold to Astarion.
"I knew that sap would cry. Shouldn't have bet against me." Wyll rolls his eye.
"Alright Astarion." Wyll tells him. You smile at the two, before pulling them away from the door.
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max-the-many · 4 months
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'body a day #2' day 8: weapons
When I saw them standing infront of me a shiver ran down my spine. I really could do anything with them.
Dunno what hit me, taking those four in. And with that I'm not talking about those military hunks.
It was on a rainy night several weeks ago, when I stood on my back porch, looking out to the night sky when I sensed some motion. I stepped out, barefoot through mudd and weed until I found the source of it, a big black slug that I quickly found 3 more of. At first I was rather repulsed, but as I watched them moving it almost looked like they tried to look at me, lift their front, although I couldn't make out eyes.
I got more and more curious up to the point where I lifted the first one up which easily covered my whole palm. Again, it was calm, 'looking' up to me.
Eventually I took them all in, watched them all night until I dosed away. I was fascinated! And as I woke up, having them snufgle by my side, I almost felt like some kind of attachment.
So the days went bye, they stayed at my place, keeping me company while I never saw them eating.
At some point I had to leave as my job was due, traveling to advertise for a tech-company and as thosw creatures seemed so familiar at that point I decided to take them with me.
Calm as ever on the trip I noticed some change as we arrived at a motel. I didn't know, what it was, but they seemed to get restless, moving around the room, lifting their front part as if they were sniffing. I figured, they were exploring the new surrounding, but somehow I got the feeling that it was more than that.
Eventually I felt bad for shutting them in as they constantly circled back and forth at the door. With a slight fear of them leaving for good I opened the door and just like that they went out.
"Take care" I said quietly as I shut the door, hoping for them to come back. I really don't know what it was as we didn't interact very much. But their company was so calming, their gentle presence, the fact, that they wanted to stay with me in a weired way.
But everythings gotta end, I thought, as I prepared to go to bed.
I couldn't really sleep ä, though, thinking of the time past, the encounter, those strange creatures only remotely resembling slugs, beeing a multiple of those I knew in size on top of that.
And as my thoughts went on I noticed a shadow at the window. A silhuette standing there pretty much motionless. I stood up, getting closer, getting worried as it turned out to be a guy, looking between the curtains without any movement, standing there topless looking pretty well built.
I got nervous as the motel was rather secluded. What did he want! And on top of that, there seemed to be more besides him. Did they want to harm me? Break into my room even? But then, why was he shirtless? He even was glistening from the slight rain he probably walked through.
Nothing happened for long minutes making me more and more nervous.
"What do you want?" I eventually said through the closed door. But nothing. Just some very slight brushing sounds against the door, which I wasn't sure if I really heared them at all.
After more minutes a second guy appeared at the window, looking in, beeing topless and muscular aswell.
I repeated my question, but still nothing happened until I decided to open the door, sliding on the little chain to keep it from fully opening.
"What do you want!? I asked again to a third guy that appeared at the door, clothed like the others, also pretty sporty, looking like some mitlitary guy as I could see him wearing one of those classic army shorts.
But again, he just looked at me quietly, eventually lifting his hand. It almost seemed like some kind of pet behaviour, like a cat, very gently asking to come in. And suddenly it hit me, the crazy thought that those guys, those looks, somehow reminded me of... the creatures! There even seemed to be four guys in total as far as I could tell.
It didn't take long from that point that I just couldn't resist the urge of finding that out. As creepy as it was to have those half naked, muscular guys luring infront of my motel room at night in the middle of nowhere I just had to let them in.
So I clised the door to release the chain and ss I opened it again those guys came in quietly, looking at me as they looked before with me having next to no doubt, that in some unexplainable way those guys looked at me like those creatures did, their presence feeling just like those slugish pals I grew to feel so familiar with.
"Are you..." I started, unable to find a word to discribe my sluggish friends "...them"
And with that one of them opened his mouth, letting out a raspy voice as if he answered, leaving me with the strong feeling of a "yes"...
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hi babyy could you write julien x reader based on once more to see you by mitski?
jj chats: okay so i didn't know this song until now and now i am completely in love with it. anon: are you okay?? this song is so good but so heartbreaking!! also this is major angst and in my opinion very sad.
warnings: RPF, use of y/n, secret relationship, reader feels the relationship cannot continue for some reason (its not specified so you can think of whatever you want, not out yet, don't want the public to know), pet names used (baby, sweetheart), reader and julien cry, sad ending.
feedback is encouraged and i'd love to get some just please be kind!!!
“In the rearview mirror, I saw the setting sun on your neck, And felt the taste of you bubble up inside me”
Months of hidden truths, of abhorrence towards those who permitted you two from being together. Months of hiding behind tinted windows and keeping traces of your love away from anyone. Julien and you were getting so damn tired. You started to fight about it, about the hiding. You were two grown people, why couldn’t you just be happy together? Sitting in the driver's seat, Julien was facing a lake. One of your many secluded spots, this one in particular held precious moments. Julien glanced at the rearview mirror, watching as you paced back and forth. The sky cast a golden hue onto your face, making your eyes look as if they were glowing.
As Julien watched your movements she felt warmer and lighter. She knew she couldn’t live without you. She shook her head, she couldn’t stand seeing you so upset. She opened the car door and stepped out, advancing towards you.
“But with everybody watching us, our every move”
“Julien, please. Get back in the car,” you pleaded. Hands reaching towards your head, running quick fingers through your hair, and then holding onto your neck in an attempt to soothe yourself.
“No,” Julien retorted. “I won’t get back in the car (Y/N).”
“But nothing! I am not going to let you leave me!” Julien boomed. The early evening air was chilly, which added to both of your stress.
“We do have reputations, we keep it secret, won't let them have it”
Your eyes started to tear up as you stared at your lover, “Julien we can’t,” you stammered. “What would people say?”
Julien took another step towards you, her eyes full of worry. She thought of anything that could ease you. “I know that it is hard, keeping us a secret. But if the only other alternative is losing you then it doesn’t matter to me. I’ll be with you any way you want.”
Her words caused your heart to ache, “I want to be with you. I just don’t want them to know yet, I'm not ready.” Your teary eyes overflooded and your cheeks were now red, you choked out “I want to keep what happens between us. That won’t ever work. They’ll find out somehow, they always do.” 
“So come inside and be with me, alone with me, alone, with me alone”
Julien hesitated, worried if she took a step close that you might run and never come back. “Not with us. I promise baby, I will protect you.” 
You shook your head, turning away from her. Your arms snaking up your torso, holding yourself together like tape. 
“Just come back to me, I’ll make everything okay.” Julien gulped.
“If you would let me give you pinky promise kisses, then I wouldn't have to scream your name, atop of every roof in the city of my heart”
Julien, with a newfound confidence, walked right up to you and held you close to her body. “My heart yearns for you, baby I need you. I would do anything for you.”
“Julien we can’t-”
“Let me promise you this sweetheart, that we’ll be okay, alright?” Julien lets go to spin you around, making you face her straight on, her hand gently wrapped around your wrists, holding you still. “I love you so much. My heart beats a language only you can understand, it's locked by a key only you possess. I love you so much it hurts baby.” Julien pauses, searching your eyes for something that she doesn’t find. “You own my heart (Y/N), let me prove that to you. Please, baby.” Julien, how always to stoic one between the two of you, was now a mess of tears. Her own eyes reddened and tears fell from her chocolate brown irises. 
You gain enough momentum to leave Julien’s grasp. As much as you want to stay, some malevolent force pulls you from her arms. “I’m so sorry. I can’t. I can’t do this anymore Julien. I can’t.” 
“Please baby, please don’t,” Julien whimpers, trying to reach for you. 
You pull away from her fast, your legs moving you to your car at record speed. As you get further away you start to hear the dreadful noise of Julien’s sobs. 
“If I could see you, once more to see you”
Julien felt as if a bomb had gone off in her chest, decimating her heart, and shredding her lungs. The air doesn’t feel right around her, the sky too cheery. 
You weren’t doing much better, once in your car you broke down. You punched the steering wheel, tears streaming down your face in a constant flow.
The end of a prologue that should have been the epilogue. The beginning of something that should have lasted to the end. Now it was just a precursor to the future sequences of events that both of you dreaded more than your worst fears.
Neither of you wanted to lose each other, yet that is what you both got.
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So I’m absolutely loving Raph even more after the new tmnt, he’s just sooo…squishy?
Any way could I have an Raph x reader where she takes care of him, his brothers and father?
Like even though there mutants there still turtles (and a rat…kinda) so reader basically cleans the lair and puts up heat lamp spots with a chill rock, seals any cracks and windows to keep the drafts out, gets them to eat turtle appropriate food, even fixes there rooms and gives them beds they can uses, and a “shallow “ pool for them to chill out in with filtered water.
And when reader coos at Raph and goes to clean themselves after doing everything, they all look at him and tell him he better marry her one day.
OMG YES! Raph is best boy. change my mind. oh thats right, you can't. Because he is. I also noticed you used female pronouns so I made it a Fem reader!
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Summary: Reader shows up to the Lair with a boatload of supplies, set on making it more homey for her boyfriend's family of 5.
Warnings: Nope!
Requested: Yes!
Female Reader!
With a huff, you dropped the last of your supplies at the entrance to the Lair.
The boy's were out on patrol, leaving behind only their father, and after asking him if it was ok, you had decided this place needed to undergo some renovations, but, first, you had some food that needed to be sorted away in the kitchen.
You had decided the family needed some healthier food options, because pizza bites and kool-aid, is not a balanced diet.
After sorting away the turlte and rat friendly foods, you walked back into the main room.
You eyed the cracks in the walls with a scowl, rolling up the sleeves of your sweater. You pulled the spackle from one of the many boxes you had brought.
You set the item down by the nearest wall, before making your way to the kitchen closet where a small ladder was kept.
Once the ladder had been aquired, and after you had put on your music, you spent the next 45 minutes sealing any and all reachable cracks.
You smiled proudly at the finished project. The spots needed to be painted, obviously, but that was a job you know Mikey would be more than happy to do.
Turning back to your supplies, you pulled out your to-do list. Next up was making a designated area for all the heat lamps you had bought.
You scanned the immediate area, finding a corner that was packed full of clutter. You sighed, and then began to remove the boxes and crates, replacing them with a huge pile of bean bag chairs, blankets and plush pillows.
An inflateable rubber pool right next to the pile. The pool was just enough for the boy's to submerge themselves, and after much testing, you had even determined it completely Raph-Proof.
You surrounded the soft mound, and empty pool with all the large stand-up heat lamps you had bought. The store cleark had certainly looked at you olddly at the amount, but who could blame 'em?
What normal person purchases 10 industrial size stand-up heat lamps?
You stood back to admire your comfortable master peice, using all of your will power not to fall face first into the tempting fluff pile.
Turning away from the pillows, you determined the pool properly inflated, you grabbed a bucket, and so began your back and forth mission from the kitchen to the pool.
This process took about 25 minutes, plus the 45 used to set up everything else. You knew the boys would be back soon, so you decided to clean up, deeming the completed projects enought for the day.
You returned the ladder to it's proper place, picked up and put away the spackle, and moved all the crates and boxes to an out of the way area.
You had started on your way to the kitchen to wash your hands when the boy's returned. You smiled at your boyfriend and his brothers, "Welcome back! I have a surprise for you guys."
Raph opened his mouthe to speak but Mikey beat him to it, "What is it? I love surprises."
"See? This is why (Name) is my favorite."
You laugh and motion for them to follow you. You lead them over to the mound of pillow, and bean bags, sitting next to the pool.
"Ta-da!" you wiggled around your hands to make jazz hands.
"Oohoooo yeah!"
Leo flung himself onto the heated pile, churring lowly. Mikey following quickly, "You're the best (Name)!" he said as he snuggled into a pillow.
Donnie removed his battle shell so he could join his brothers. Leo grabbed Donnie by the arm, and dragged him into the pile, "Leo!"
"Oh, relaaaxx, Donnie! Enjoy the heat!"
"Screw you, 'Nardo, I'm laying in the pool."
Leo shruggs, and relaxes into the beanbags once again. You smiled and moved to walk away, but Raph picked you up, then fell backwards onto the pile on his shell.
Raph moves you off of his plastron, then rolls over so his shell was aimed at the heat lamps, with his arm thrown around you to keep you from leaving.
"Hey!" you protest, trying to get up.
Raph shook his head, "Nope, you're gonna lay here with me, Sweetcheeks. Where it's nice and warm."
You huffed, and crossed your arms, doing your best to hide your smile. You sigh before looking over at Raph, "Ok, this is actually really nice."
"See? I knew you'd like it. Thank's by the way, this is awsome."
You pat his arm, "You're welcome, Raph. Oh, and I also filled the cracks in the walls, the ones I could reach anyway."
"You really are amazing."
You blushed, but before you could respond, Donnie spoke, "Indeed she is, Raphael, and-"
Leo cut him off, "And if you don't put a ring on her finger, then I will be very upset."
"Yeah! I want (Name) to be my older sister!" Mikey chimed in.
You and Raph looked at each other, Raph opened his mouth to speak, but Splinter walked in, and interruped, "I agree, Red you must marry her."
You giggled, and looked at your boyfriend as he scolded his family. A smile on your face, because you completely agreed with the others.
But, Raph would have to find that out in the future.
All done! I have a few more drafts that I'd like to get done, but I have all weekend for those, so.
@that-teen2003 💕
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torialefay · 8 months
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☀️ Everyday Idol 🌙 (Chapter 6)
✨ possible bangchan x reader (f), possible jungkook x reader (f)
✨ head on over to my masterlist if you haven’t checked out the previous chapters!
✨wc: ~6.5k
✨ friends to lovers? possible love triangle? obsession? angst and future smut??? a little fluff.
✨ summary: JYP Entertainment launches a new show and y/n somehow gets recruited. Even though she doesn’t particularly care about the outcome of the show, she does particularly care about one of the artists she met: Chris from Stray Kids. Does Chris feel the same or will a potential relationship with one of his friends overcome what y/n feels for him?
✨ warnings: cursing from time to time.
Previous Chapter Recap:
You both started moving as quickly as you could toward the end of the street, rounding a corner. You looked back to see if Jungkook was still in site. You didn't see anything, but that didn't mean he wasn't still following.
Changbin flagged down a cab and pushed the both of you inside.
"The JYP Building, please. Quickly." he instructed the cab driver.
"That's the opposite direction of my hotel! Here, it's actually-" Changbin cut you off.
"If someone is following you, do you really want them to know which direction to take for your hotel?"
'Good point.'
"JYP Building please!" you yelled toward the cab driver. You clung tight to Changbin's arm, swerving your head frantically to get a view through all of the windows.
Y/n’s POV:
Your breathing started to steady once you both had reached the JYPE building.
You grabbed onto Changbin, stabilizing yourself and waiting for a few moments.
“Nothing bad could happen here, right?” you questioned.
“Nah, there’s a million cameras,” he replied back.
You took a moment to look around, unsteady on your feet from the alcohol in your system. You checked to make sure you still had your bag and all of its contents before looking around. And in that moment, you cursed the glass walls all around you. You may have been safe INSIDE the building, but who knew who could be looking in from out there?
“Binnie, can we please go somewhere else? Somewhere there’s less windows?” you asked, suddenly feeling nervous again.
Changbin pulled you along to the elevator, waiting with you once he pressed the “up” button.
“Let’s go to the lounge. We’ll be okay up there. Plus… there’s snacks,” he winked.
“I could genuinely puke right now Changbin, I don’t think a snack is what I need.”
He looked down at you and watched as you swayed back and forth on your feet, just trying to keep yourself up.
“Well… you are also hammered. And I’m pretty bad off myself. So I do think sobering-up snacks are in order,” he instructed, walking onto the elevator with you as it opened.
On your ascent, Changbin started listing all the snacks that he could recall off the top of his head that were in the lounge. It was an abnormally long list… even for Changbin. He had to have come up with at least 20 different things.
‘Damn. This man really knows his snacks.’ Nothing sounded particularly interesting though. You weren’t kidding about the possible vomit. The nerves hadn’t settled yet. Maybe it was easy for a buff guy like Changbin to brush this kind of stuff off, but you knew Jungkook had an advantage over you. What would you have done without Bin there?
“Do you guys have coffee? I think that actually might be in order. I’ve got this splitting headache all of a sudden,” you said, reaching up to hold your head.
“Yeah, I’m sure we do somewhere. I’ll find it for you,” he smiled down.
Changbin led you back to the lounge, which you’d recognized as you’d gotten water here before. He started sorting through some of the drawers and cabinets looking for coffee. There was a coffee maker, but nothing to put it in.
“Hold on, no coffee to be found. I’ll go ask around. One of the staff is surely here and they’ll know,” he told you, getting ready to walk out of the door.
“No, that’s okay, really. I’ll manage without it.”
“Well I might not! Now that you mentioned it, it’s all I can think about. I’ll be right back!” he exclaimed, walking out and leaving you to yourself for the first time all night.
You didn’t like it. How quiet the building was at this time of night. Normally, at least a few people would still be here training or working on a project. But on a Friday night with the weekend off, you hadn't seen or heard a soul since you entered the building.
Uncomfortable with the silence, you slipped your phone out of your bag. You flipped through a couple of apps half-mindedly when you thought you should probably shoot Anna a text. You made sure to let her know you'd went to the JYPE building with Changbin and that you'd have to explain later. You didn't feel like you were in the best position to be texting right now.
As you sent the message, you let your thumbs wander back to your last messages with Jungkook. Nothing new since you’d gone out. There was nothing out of the ordinary… Just him telling you to have fun and let him know how you were doing later.
As drunk as you were still, you knew better than to send a text during all of this.
‘What would I say anyway? “Hey so uhhh are you hiding out in the bushes for me or what?”…’ The thought of actually sending it made you laugh. Albeit unfittingly. But it tried soothing your nerves.
Not much could help though. You just kept staring at the messages wondering what you could have said differently. Wondering what would have happened if you wouldn’t have mentioned that Changbin would be there. Would he have showed up then? Or would he have still come and then got extremely mad when he saw you with Changbin?
You let your mind wander to what could have happened had Changbin not been there to try and walk you back to your hotel. You would have been alone. And then what? Still being followed? Your every move being watched? Would you have even made it back to your hotel at the end of the night?
You had a million ideas of what COULD have happened to you. And suddenly, it all hit you at the same time.
Emotions started to flood in at how overwhelming all of this was. You had normally been spending all of your time slaving away over school work, way too busy to have any form of social life. And now, since being in Korea, you had been cast on a TV show, met a bajillion Korean celebrities, become friends with some of the biggest names in the K-pop industry, had your heart torn between two guys who were entirely unreal, gone on a date with THE Jeon Jungkook… and now you were being stalked?!
Besides Anna, you were all alone- a foreigner in this country. You had literally no one else. Wouldn’t Jungkook have known that? If something would have happened to you, -if you would have gone missing, who would have fought to get you found? Your other foreigner friend? And how much would the Korean law enforcement and investigators care to find a random foreign girl who probably “wandered off with some guy after a night of drinking”? You could have easily been fucked.
The emotions of how small you felt in that moment overcame you. You felt a few tears trickle down your face, suddenly starting to feel homesick. You let yourself slide to the floor and bring your knees in to your chest as you focused on your breathing. Deep steady breaths.
In. Inhale… Out. Exhale… In. Inhale… Out. Exhale…
Just as you were calming yourself down, in walked Changbin with, of course, none other than Christopher.
‘Couldn’t he have found literally anyone else?’ You tucked your face down into your knees.
“No, I swear I looked everywhere! You go on then!” Changbin yelled to him before noticing you. Once he did, he rushed over.
“Hey, hey,” he called, agging you to look up. “What happened? You okay?”
You slowly brought your head up to him as you saw Chan making his way over behind him. You let out a sniffle and wiped at your eye.
“Just start getting nervous and lost in my thoughts when I’m alone I guess,” you tried to smile.
“Is everything okay?” Chan looked down at you, visibly confused from the sight of you.
In that moment, you were thankful in assuming Changbin hadn’t said anything… but then again, what pride did you have left to lose? Why did you care if you looked good in front of Chan?
‘Surely he doesn’t care now. He obviously has something with Jenna… It’s just so humiliating to talk about. A guy that I think is into me, like ACTUALLY into me, and now here I am getting stalked and then crying about it.’
“Yeah. It will be fine,” you huffed in, catching the last breath you needed. “But Chan, do you know where the coffee is?” you tried to change the subject.
“Uhh, yeah,” he looked down at you, still confused, before turning his body around. “I’m pretty sure they keep it up in this top right cabinet.” He walked over and opened the door to the cabinet. He sorted around the top before pulling one box back, revealing the stash of hidden coffee pods.
“Want me to put some on for you?” Chan asked.
“Yes please,” you smiled, standing yourself up to walk over to the table that Changbin was situating himself into.
“Make that two!” Changbin yelled.
Once the coffees were made, you all sat around trying to beat the awkwardness. There was obviously the elephant in the room of what you didn’t want to talk about. Paired with your underlying neuroticism never going away and both your and Changbin’s dying urge to sober up. It made for a riveting time.
As you all sat, Changbin started slowly nodding off. On and off, he would catch himself falling asleep, then snap back up.
“Bin, why don’t you go home?” you whispered to him as he was coming to.
“No,” he mumbled. “Not gonna leave you here alone.”
“I can literally call a cab later, Binnie. Just go home.”
“I’ll call and get someone to get both me and you then,” he was grumbling now while sitting up as he went to grasp for his phone.
A nervous pit formed in your stomach. You weren’t so sure you’d feel safe back at the hotel. You hadn’t heard back from Anna, so who knew if she would be there yet. You also didn’t quite feel comfortable leaving the building yet. You weren’t sure if anyone could still be hanging around waiting for you…
“No, really, that’s okay. I think I need to stay here for a little bit longer just for… you know,” you looked at him before slowly looking down. “… I’d just like to wait it out… But I will be fine. PLEASE go.”
“I can stay with y/n,” Chan said, confused look on his face. He still had no clue why you were shaken up. “I’m sure Hyunjin is awake. I’ll call him now and let him know to pick you up okay?”
Well that was… unexpectedly nice.
“Okay…” Changbin said, as he laid his heavy head back down against his arm, shutting his eyes. Poor guy. You had no clue he was worse off than you.
15 minutes later and Changbin had been picked up and you had just finished downing your first coffee.
It helped alleviate a bit of the pain in your head, but it wasn’t fully gone. You made yourself another cup, while holding your hand over your head.
“Headache?” Chan asked, motioning up to your displaced hand.
“Yeah. It’s getting a bit better though. It just gets rough if I drink too much… And this blinding-ass office lighting doesn’t help too much either,” you chuckled, looking down into your cup.
“If you want, you’re always welcome to chill in my studio. It’s quite a bit darker in there. I was just getting finished with something actually… I mean if you want to? I’m not gonna say you have to.”
You smiled at Chan’s nice gesture. As uncomfortable as things were with him, you would be grateful to get out from under the harsh lights for a little while.
You took another big gulp of coffee. “I think I could really use that, Chan. Thank you,” you said to him, eyes big and full of gratitude. You smiled.
He cracked a smile back. The first one you’d seen from him all night.
As he led you down the hall to his studio, you couldn’t help but wonder about Chan. You knew you were drunk, yes. But still, something about him just seemed so… on edge? It had been like that all day… Well since he’d blown you off earlier. You tried not to question it, but there was no denying that there was a certain level of awkwardness now between the two of you.
‘Maybe I’m just projecting,’ you thought. ‘None of this is weird for him. He literally is letting your drunk ass sober up in his studio… Not sure how well Jenna is gonna like it though if she finds out.’ You couldn’t help but let your mind wonder.
You watched Chan’s shoulders from behind. How big and broad they were, and the way they moved as he took each step. You noted the way his neck craned forward just the slightest bit, letting him take up even more space. You noticed how tight his traps looked, and how easy it would be to lay a hand there and work them out. ‘But that’d be inappropriate.’
Once you entered the doorway, the studio felt the exact same way it did that night you’d first been invited to cry out your problems with him. Still just as dark, but weirdly inviting. It was always a bit colder than you’d have liked though, and you felt a slight chill move down your back. Regardless, you were extremely grateful to have the bright lights off of you (and your head), so much so that you let out a sigh of relief just from being in the new room.
Chan motioned for you to sit wherever you’d like, and you took your normal position on the couch while he plopped down into his rolling chair.
“Thanks for letting me crash. My head already feels a hundred times better. I won’t stay long, I promise!” you told him, letting your eyes close and head fall back a bit. You were soaking in the new lack of stimulation.
“Stay as long as you’d like,” he awkwardly smiled back. “Like I said, I’m just gonna be finishing up on something. I’m gonna have my headphones on, but let me know if you need anything, yeah?”
You nodded in response, prompting him to swivel his chair around and settle the headphones back onto his ears. You could see over his shoulder that he had some sort of program pulled up, but you weren’t in deep enough yet to have any clue what he was doing.
You took one final sip from your coffee cup before sitting it down and allowing yourself to lean your head back fully, closing your eyes. You knew it was the only thing that would keep this headache at bay.
You couldn’t get exactly “comfortable” though. Chan’s couch definitely wasn’t one meant to be slept on. But it also didn’t help that the temperature kept feeling like it was dropping. Your teeth chattered for a bit, but you definitely weren’t going to admit that to Chan. The man was letting you stay in his person space… What else did you want from him? To go find you a blanket?
You knew you’d be fine; you just had to focus on unfocusing. You let your mind drift and drift until all you could see was black. Stillness. Being in that blissful state was the perfect remedy you’d been looking for. And there you stayed for a solid 10 minutes. Restful sleep.
But not for much longer.
Something in your subconscious couldn’t help it. How could it let you have peace when there was a man out there who was literally stalking you? You started to see apparitions of his face again. The way his outline looked in the dark shadows. The shoes that gave him away.
You pictured what the shoes looked like seconds later. When they were running after you as you fled with Changbin.
Your mind wondered now to Changbin. You hoped he was safe- that nothing happened to him… That no one was waiting for him.
That thought alone pulled your eyes open. You sat up and gulped, not being able to come to terms with the events of the evening.
‘It’s just all too… too much. Way too much.’
You let your head fall down into your hands, which were propped upright from the support of your elbows on your knees. Your headache was almost gone. Now if you could just get your mind to stop racing.
You took deep breaths, trying to get the images of night out of your head- both those seen and those imagined. But it was like no matter what you did, the intrusive thoughts would always win. You just couldn’t get him out of your head. The dichotomy of that man was amazing- how he could make you feel so special in such a pure way just hours earlier and now THIS. That was a terrifying capability.
‘What else is he capable of?’
At some point your breathing must have gotten too labored and caused Chan to turn himself around. You shot your body up at the sudden touch of a hand on your back, terrified expression on your face.
“Woah, it’s okay! It’s alright,” he pulled his hand back and looked at you with a face of confusion and worry. “Is everything okay?”
Do you know that feeling you get when someone asks if you’re okay when you are most definitely NOT okay? Yeah, this was one of those times.
You couldn’t help but to release a few tears.
You tried to keep your composure as best you could. Your covered your mouth with your hand and tried to shield your face from him. You didn’t let more than a few tears come out- you were determined not to.
“Yeah, I’m okay, it’s just-“ you tried to catch your breath. “It’s just been a long night.” You looked away, hoping he would drop it.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“No,” you huffed out, and slightly angled your body away. You took a couple of deep breaths in, trying to steady yourself. Chan kept his eyes fixed on you the entire time. He just wanted to make sure you were really okay.
When you noticed him still watching seconds later, worried expression on his face, you finally gave in. With another deep breath, you raised your head and tilted back towards him.
“Okay, yeah…” You tried to make eye contact with him, but you just couldn’t. It was embarrassing to feel this vulnerable with him- knowing now that you had developed slight feelings for him that weren’t reciprocated. It made you feel like an idiot even being here having to explain in the first place.
“I-“ you breathed out. “I met this guy today for lunch. Nothing crazy, just to get to know each other a little better… I’ll be honest, he was very nice. Seemed super sweet. Had all the right things to say. He’s been so normal through text and all throughout when I saw him. And then- Do you know the dinner the company had for all of us tonight?”
“Well obviously, you see how I’m acting now- I guess I had a few too many drinks. So Changbin and I left. But when I looked over, he was there, just standing in a dark corner. He was almost all covered up, so I didn’t catch it at first, but then I recognized his shoes. And I’m not sure if he knows I realized it was him or not but… but I KNOW he saw me. He was looking right at me and didn’t even say anything. He didn’t acknowledge me, didn’t come up to talk to me, didn’t even wave- NOTHING. He just stood there like he was waiting on me… Like waiting on me to come out so he could watch me. Or follow me. Maybe I’m paranoid or delusional or I don’t know…” you shook your head and placed it back in your hands, a frustrated smile coming over your face. All of a sudeen, your words came out rushed, like you were frantic to get them out. “Just something felt so wrong and I got nervous and ran off with Changbin- THANK GOD for him- I don’t know what I would have done without him. And then we came here because if he was following me, then I don’t want him to know where my hotel is and now I’m scared to go back because who knows where he is- he could literally be waiting on me outside right now and I’m just- I’m just so scared and I have literally no clue what to do or where to go or who to talk to or if I can even say anything or-“ Chan cut you off as you were hysterically mumbling at this point.
You noted how his eyes got momentarily bigger, as if he was in total shock himself. It quickly went away though, being replaced with a face that was obviously trying to mask anger. It was subtle, but it was there.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay! Just breathe... Just breathe.” He reached his right hand out to rub reassuring circles along your arm and shoulder.
Something in his voice though wasn’t very reassuring. It sounded almost as if he was surprised. Like he’d been expecting a certain answer but you’d given him another.
You tried to do as he said and slow your breathing as best you could. You eventually got there until you started to breathe normally again- although very lightheaded.
“Atta girl,” he smiled, patting your arm lightly a couple of times. “I know that must have been horrible and so scary… Would it make you feel better if I went out and took a look around?”
You sensed your heart starting to feel warm from his offer. God, it was so hard not to fall for him… But you didn’t want him to leave.
“No, no that’s okay…” you looked off before sheepishly admitting “I think I’d feel safer with you here anyways.”
You watched as his eyes melted into his new-forming smile.
“As you wish,” he smiled at you. “We’ll wait here then.”
“Are you sure? Listen Chris… I really am sorry for all of this. I promise you don’t have to rope yourself into my mess. And I know you’re happy and have a lot going for you, and just… I don’t want anything to get misconstrued and I promise I won’t be upset if you need to go home or anything.”
“Don’t want anything to be misconstrued?” he looked at you with a cocked eyebrow.
“Just with me being here with you this late. I don’t want someone to misinterpret things when you have something good going for you, much less give you any drama because of it.”
“People can say whatever they want, y/n. I don’t mind,” he said gently. “I’m here with you right now and I think that’s where I need to be. That’s all there is to it.”
“Okay,” you smiled up at him. “Thank you for that. I appreciate this more than you know.”
“Naurr, you don’t need to thank me,” he said playfully, leaning back into his chair with a smile. “But what you can do is tell me what exactly you think is ‘something good I have going for me’.” He let out a small chuckle as he ended.
“Everyone has eyes you know…” you trailed off. “You and Jenna. A lot of people have been talking about it.” You looked down.
Chan shifted suddenly in his seat, looking uncomfortable. “Oh… that.” He looked off as well. “Well I mean, I wouldn’t exactly say it’s something good going for me.”
“Well, whatever it is, don’t let me hinder that.”
“You could never! I mean… it’s not really like that- me and her. It’s really not what you probably think. I don’t want you to think that.” His voice had a tone of desperation.
“I mean, I saw you both too… Not in a weird way, but I did see you talking to her during filming. Everyone did. It doesn’t look like nothing, Chan. It’s okay to like someone, ya know?”
“No, y/n, I’m serious. I don’t know what I was thinking, I just- it’s not like that with her okay? I’m not into her like that.”
You glanced behind him to his desk. There sat a small packet of flower food.
‘Maybe Felix was right. Maybe he had bought me flowers…” you smiled to yourself.
You couldn’t help but let your heart overload with the newfound hope you’d just gotten. You didn’t want to get ahead of yourself… Actually scratch that, you didn’t want to allow yourself to be delusional.
But, you had to admit: this was a good distraction.
“Whatever you say, boss,” you winked, poking fun at him.
You could tell he was getting flustered. It was cute.
“Boss, huh?” He smiled. “You gonna keep that same energy up when the show starts? You know, all of you guys who have us as your mentors will be working with us. I’m gonna have to be your boss for a little bit,” he teased.
“Aw man, I might as well just quit now,” you joked.
“Come onnnn, I won’t be that hard on ya. Promise.” You could tell he was trying to sound cool.
“Pinky promise?” You reached your pinky to his.
“Pinky promise,” he hooked his around yours with a grin.
“Alright then boss, what’s your first tip for me? How can I stand out?”
He let his mind ponder for a bit. “Well, I can’t speak for everyone, but I think a big advantage would be if you knew a thing or two about producing or song writing.” He leaned in closer. “If you tell anyone I told you this, I’ll deny it, but I heard they’re going to have each of you write your own song to perform during the show.”
Your eyes grew wide. ‘Well fuck.’
“That’s pretty good considering I’ve never written a song in my life,” you couldn’t help the sarcasm flowing out.
“Don’t worry too much about it. That’s why we’re here to help. Changbin is amazing and will make sure you get it all figured out… But ya know if you ever do need something extra, you can always come to me too,” he almost blushed.
“Well I appreciate it, Channie,” you smiled back in appreciation. “But if you wanted tooooo, you could start helping me right now!”
“How’s that?”
“Show me that song you’ve been ‘wrapping up’!” you grinned at him daringly.
You watched as his ears turned red. You could tell he was embarassed.
“Haha I don’t know if that’s a good idea,” he grabbed the back of his neck.
“Why not? Pleaseeeee? You said it would help if I knew about producing. Show me a thing or two… boss,” you winked.
“I mean, sure, I can. But not this song. I don’t think it’s very good. I was just finishing the sample for it anyway. I don’t think anything will come of it.” He swiveled his chair around to get back off of the program.
You quickly sprang up and rested your hip along the arm of his chair. You reached your hand out to rest over his wrist, silently telling him to stop moving it around.
“Come onnn, just let me hear it! I promise I will be honest. Let me be the judge. It’s easy to say you don’t like it if you are the one that made it.”
Chan’s cheeks turned pink now. He didn’t dare turn around to face you.
“It’s just that it’s a bit embarrassing,” he laughed, trying to cushion his words.
“Please please please. I promise I won’t make fun. I won’t say anything AT ALL if you don’t want me to. Come on, it would make you the best boss ever!”
He laughed as he shook him head.
“Fine, I’ll play it, I’ll play it,” he gave in.
You let out a tiny excited squeal and gave him a couple of quick claps as you stood from his arm rest. You moved back to your normal spot on the couch and bounced up and down a couple of times out of anticipation.
He stood up and covered his hands with his eyes. “Ahhh,” he said, reaching one hand down to press play. He was so embarrassed for you to heard it that he could barely stand it. He brought his hand back up to hide his face, stupid smile spreading wide underneath. He started to pace to the other side of the room as it started.
“Ugh, calm down!” you yelled to him as the first note of the song played. You patted the leather of the couch next to you, motioning for him to sit. “Come and sit down, I’m sure it will be fine,” you scolded him.
‘He’s so ridiculous.’
He begrudgingly made his way over as the opening notes on the piano made their way out. He plopped down next to you, crossing his arms, and extending his head all the way back in defeat.
It was a beautiful song, you had thought. It had just surprised you that it wasn’t his normal upbeat bass-heavy songs you were used to. It was beautiful, slow, and sweet.
His voice sounded breathtaking as it came out on the track. You smiled hearing it and let yourself relax and sink down into his words.
I don't want to admit it
인정하기 싫어
I still miss you
아직도 그리워
How could I forget
I promised
I don't want to admit it
인정하기 싫어
It's hard to understand
이해하기 힘들어
How could I forget
The day you lied to me
Don't go anywhere, stay by my side
어디 가지 말고 곁에 있어 줘
Even if I told you, it was already too late
말해 봤자 이미 너무 늦었어
You, whom I pictured even in my dreams
꿈에서도 그려왔던 너
Things have changed before I know it
어느새 변해 버렸지 뭐
You never know, I might come back
혹시 몰라 돌아올 수 있다고
What can I say? It was like that last time too.
말해 뭐해 저번에도 그랬어
When I see it, it’s already gone
내가 볼 땐 이미 글렀어
It was you who made it collapse yeah
무너지게 한 건 너였어 yeah
I'll be honest
솔직히 말할게
I want to give up
I don't know
I can't give up on you
I'll wait a little longer
좀 더 기다릴게
It's been like this so far, woah
지금까지 그래왔는데 woah
I don't want to admit it
인정하기 싫어
I still miss you
아직도 그리워
How could I forget
I promised
I don't want to admit it
인정하기 싫어
It's hard to understand
이해하기 힘들어
How could I forget
The day you lied to me
I don't want to admit it
인정하기 싫어
I still miss you
아직도 그리워
How could I forget
I promised
I don't want to admit it
인정하기 싫어
It's hard to understand
이해하기 힘들어
How could I forget
The day you lied to me
Da da da
I stayed up all night
밤새며 난
I can't stop thinkin' 'bout you
Da da da
Just stay with me
I don't want to admit it
인정하기 싫어
I still miss you
아직도 그리워
How could I forget
I don't want to admit it
인정하기 싫어
It's hard to understand
이해하기 힘들어
I might as well forget
“Chris… it’s beautiful. That is one of the most beautiful songs I’ve ever heard. You really weren’t sure if you were going to put this out?!”
He finally released his blushing face from his hands. “I mean, I still don’t know if I am… Did you really like it that much?” He was hopeful.
“I loved it,” you said turning to him and looking into his eyes. “It’s different from anything I’ve heard you do before. There’s so much emotion in it… It’s just- it’s just beautiful… I mean I felt like I could cry listening to it honestly.” You reassured him.
“Plus,” you leaned in with a smile, “it was perfectly written. I’m sure you put a lot of time and energy into it. Well you and whoever else worked on it too. That hard work deserves to be rewarded.”
Chris just looked off and smiled, a small chuckle escaping his lips. “I’ll think about it.”
“Did Han help write it? I don’t know him all that well, but I know Changbin enough to know something with that emotional maturity doesn’t sound like him.” You giggled.
“It was just me actually… It was one of those songs that just comes to you. It wasn’t hard to write to be honest. Just hard to feel it as it came out,” Chan admitted, serious tone now. He began to talk lowly, almost at a whisper like he didn’t want you to hear him. “I started and finished it all today actually.”
“There’s no way,” you said in disbelief.
“Yeah, I guess I just needed to get it out. But anyways, that’s enough of that sappy emotional stuff,” he tried to force a laugh. “Let’s talk about something else… Anything else please.”
“Well then I guess now we’re even,” you smiled up at him as he reciprocated.
You went on to ask about Berry- how she was doing since you’d last spoken about her. It led into him talking about Australia and how much he misses home. How he could imagine how much you’re missing home as well.
He told you all about what Australia was like. His favorite things to do, favorite places to go, favorite foods to eat.
He told you about all of his friends and funny stories he could think of about him growing up. Of course, you shared yours too.
He let you in on some of his old embarrassing memories of home- how he’d slipped and fell during his winning goal of an important soccer match and how he accidentally mispronounced the word “organism” as “orgasm” while reading out loud at school.
You absolutely lost yourself laughing when he told you stories of how he used to taunt Hannah growing up, and the punishments his parents would give him after finding out.
He explained to you how beautiful the nature was and how he’d give anything just to be able to walk along the beach for 5 minutes.
You felt your heart almost skip a beat when he said he’d love to take you there sometime.
The two of you kept talking aimlessly for what felt like minutes, when in reality, it had been several hours.
At some point, your eyelids started to feel heavy. You did your best to keep them open and to hear Chan’s voice for as long as possible. You did well for a while, but eventually you couldn’t help yourself anymore. You weren’t sure when it happened, but you had finally given into the exhaustion.
What better way to fall asleep than to the sound of Chan painting such beautiful scenes in his beautiful, loving voice?
This was pure bliss.
Chan’s POV:
Chris smiled to himself as he realized what you’d done. That he’d actually talked you to sleep. He couldn’t help but feel giddy that he’d get to spend even more time with you this way, even if you weren’t awake for it.
He couldn’t believe how easy it was with you. How he could talk to you for hours without ever feeling bored. How every conversation with you made him feel overcome with emotions- happiness, embarrassment, heartbreak, love.
Just being in that room with you was enough for him. It put him at ease. Enough so that he started feeling the sleepiness come over him as well. It was rare that he actually felt this, like he wasn’t fighting to make himself go to bed. This was the most peace he’s felt in a long time.
In all of his content, he let himself rest his eyes too.
Your head had flexed forward to rest on the back of the couch, just inches from his own. Your hand had come forward as well, resting centimeters from his. He felt his heart swell seeing how dainty, feminine, and soft your hands were compared to his own bony, veiny pair.
‘You are so beautiful,’ he thought.
He reached his hand over just slightly so that it was touching yours. He went slowly so as not to startle you awake. He ran a finger leisurely across the top of your hand, smiling lightly at how soft it was. Once he was content, he allowed his hand to rest over yours, keeping it safe and locked away.
‘Mine now.’
As he inched his head closer to yours and closed his eyes to rest, he let himself get consumed in his thoughts.
‘You really have to tell her, Chan. You wrote a whole song about her and you had the chance then, but you didn’t take it…’
He thought about the reason you ended up here.
‘No, it was a good idea to wait. Not tonight. Not while all of this other shit is going on for her.’ He thought back to the story that you told him. How Jungkook, his own “friend”, was now watching you- no, stalking you. And how HE was the one who had introduced him to you.
He felt his blood begin to boil, thinking of how scared you looked while telling him about all of this. Who the fuck did Jungkook think he was? He’s apparently a stalker, so what else was he hiding?
Chan wouldn’t let himself start to think of what could have happened had Changbin not been there. Things may have been okay… Maybe he would have just tried to hang out with you more… Or maybe not. You were drunk after all. If he had the right words, maybe he could have convinced you to do other things.
It took everything within himself for Chan to blink away the thoughts and the visions and come back with a clear head. He didn’t want to think about that. He wanted to live in this moment. With you.
He slowly opened his eyes to look at your still face. He loved the little quiver on your lip as it was smooshed up against the couch. He couldn’t help but smile at how cute you were. It took everything in him to not lean down and plant a kiss to your cheek.
Instead, he just nuzzled his head back closer to yours until your foreheads were barely touching. In the softest tone he could muster, he began to whisper.
“I won’t let him hurt you. I promise... I’ll protect you now.”
✨ Continue to ➡️ Chapter 7
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Ohhh would you be able to do one with reader helping George (long term partner) at the shop. He witnesses how she is with younger kids and just ✨️baby fever✨️ . Queue Fred teasing him about it.
I love this so much! Thank you for requesting it!
Baby Fever
George stood enthralled at the sight of Y/N sitting cross-legged on the floor, helping a couple of the younger kids pick out some age-appropriate items. One of them had crawled into her lap and was giggling at something she'd said.
Y/N and George had gotten married a little over six months ago, after five years together. They both wanted children, but they also wanted to enjoy married life for a year or two before starting a family.
George was beginning to think that was far too long to wait.
"Hey Georgie," Fred walked up beside him. "Wanna join us back down here on earth?"
"Oh, yeah. Sure. Be right there," George mumbled, his eyes still glued to his wife, who now had both kids sitting on her lap, all three in the throes of uncontrollable giggling.
Unable to pull his gaze away from his wife, the only coherent thought in George's brain at that moment was how much he wanted to watch his wife doing this with their children. His heart was almost bursting just thinking about it.
"She's good with kids," Fred observed. "Ready to pop one in the oven, yeah?"
That caught George's attention. "Pop one in the--?? What are you talking about?"
"Business is kinda slow today, I could let you two have the rest of the afternoon off." Fred waggled his eyebrows.
George opened his mouth to retort but was cut off by a customer approaching Fred asking about Skiving Snack Boxes.
"Right over here, my friend," Fred replied, giving George a quick wink before guiding the customer away.
"I think someone in this room, who will remain nameless, has baby fever." Fred teased. The store was closed, and the twins were working on some paperwork in the office before calling it a night.
"I have no idea what you're babbling on about." George commented.
"Oh no, of course not. There's no reason for you getting all starry-eyed every time Y/N was helping the little ones."
"It's just cute, is all." George argued.
"Uh-huh," Fred replied, a devilish grin on his face. "I'm your twin, remember. You can't hide from me."
George sighed and put down his pen. "Ok, fine. Maybe a little."
"I knew it!" Fred laughed. "And it's more than just a little. You were wandering around like Mr. Dopey McDope Face half the day."
George looked at his twin but said nothing and attempted to go back to his paperwork.
But Fred had other plans.
"Hey, what's that muggle poem?" Fred asked. "You know the one. 'George and Y/N sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes Georgie with a baby carriage.' "
"Who's got a baby carriage?" Y/N stepped through the doorway and headed straight to the safe to lock up the till.
"No one!" George answered just a little too quickly, earning a momentary cock of the eyebrow from his wife.
As soon as she turned her back, Fred put his arms together and began rocking them back and forth in a cradling motion, humming a wizarding lullaby.
"Shut up!" George hissed, slapping his brother in the arm.
"What's going on with you two?" Y/N turned around to take in the twins.
"Nothing," said George, his ears tinged pink.
"That's right," Fred concurred. "Nothing going on here."
"Right..." Y/N replied, absolutely certain there was something going on here. But whatever. She'd find out eventually. George couldn't keep a secret from her if his life depended on it. "I'm gonna go see if Verity needs any help and leave the two of you to continue doing nothing."
George watched his wife sleeping, the moonlight shining through the window, highlighting her soft features, making them almost dreamlike. He couldn't help but smile at that. From the moment they met, Y/N was like a dream he never wanted to wake up from.
Scooting closer, he pulled her into his arms. She mummered something but didn't wake up. George kissed the top of her head, then rested his cheek against it, thinking about what Fred had said.
His twin was right. George had baby fever, and he had it bad. All throughout dinner, he was silently picking out names, his mind swirling with thoughts of lullabies and diapers and his baby's laughter mingling with his and Y/N's.
He couldn’t envision a life more perfect.
Now, all he had to do now was find the right moment to tell Y/N that he was ready to start a family.
The house smelled divine when she woke up the next morning. George was already up and making his self-proclaimed "world famous" waffles. Y/N had been craving them for a while, and he'd promised to make them for her on their next day off.
"Anything in particular you'd like to do today, love?" George asked over breakfast.
"Well, I need to go shopping for a gift for Anna's baby shower."
"Ooh, that sounds fun!" George grinned. "Mind if I tag along?"
"Of course!" Y/N smiled at his unexpected enthusiasm. "I love your company."
It was the most fun Y/N'd had on a shopping excursion in quite a while. They looked at all the cribs and bassinets and talked about which ones they liked best, tried out different rocking chairs, and gushed over all the cute clothes and toys. It was almost as if they were the ones having the baby. Y/N left the store feeling hopeful that George might be ready to start a family.
Because that could be happening far sooner than either one had expected or intended.
Her period was late.
Very late.
She'd already bought several pregnancy tests and was just waiting for the right time to tell George.
Maybe tonight was the night.
George had put Y/N into a lovely bubble bath as soon as they got home, knowing she would soak for a long while, giving him time to think. Or panic.
After spending half the day looking at baby things, his baby fever had kicked in to overdrive. He knew before they even left the store that he was telling her tonight.
Pacing from one end of the living room to the other, George tried to figure out the best way to say what he needed to say.
"Y/N, I'm ready to start a family."
"I want to start a family, love."
"How do you feel about having a baby sooner than we planned?"
"If you're not ready, it's ok--"
"Georgie," Y/N's soft voice called to him from her bath.
As soon as George had left her to soak, Y/N quietly got out of the tub and grabbed the pregnancy test she'd snuck in.
On the way home, she'd decided it'd be best to take the test first to see she even needed to broach the subject.
After doing the deed, she slipped back into the bath, placing the test on the little table next to the tub, and attempted to relax for fifteen minutes.
It was the longest fifteen minutes of her life.
"Whatcha need, love?" George asked, coming into the bathroom.
"Can we talk? I have a bit of a surprise for you."
"Of course, darling. As it happens, I need to talk to you too," he said before he lost his nerve.
George sat next to the tub. "Which one of us should go first?"
"Umm, I don't know," Y/N began. "Maybe we can do it like they do in the movies. Say it at the same time."
"Ok," George said. "On the count of three?"
Y/N nodded.
"I'm pregnant."
"I'm ready to start a family."
"You want to--"
Y/N nodded as a wave of relief rolled through her.
"You're--" George repeated.
"Yes!" Y/N couldn't stop smiling.
"I--I'm gonna be a dad? And--and you're gonna be a mom?"
"Yes, Georgie," she giggled. "We're going to have a baby."
Before she realized what was happening, George had climbed into the bath, fully clothed, and pulled her into a bear hug.
After a few moments, he leaned back, his hands going straight to her belly. "We're gonna have a baby," he said again, his voice shaky, tears wetting his cheeks. "How long have you known?"
"Only a few minutes." She handed him the positive test.
"This is a dream come true, Y/N. I love you so much, sweetheart," he said as he pulled her into a kiss.
Seconds later, he suddenly broke away, eyes wide. "We've got to tell mum and dad and Fred and--"
Y/N silenced him with a kiss, finishing what they started.
"There's plenty of time for that, my love" she said when they pulled away. "But for now, why don't you get undressed and then get back in here with me. I want us to savor this moment, just you and me for a little while first."
George looked down at himself as if he just realized he was still fully clothed. "Oops," he said with a snort. "Got a little excited."
Y/N giggled affectionately. "I noticed."
Her husband stepped out of the bath and undressed, using his wand to magically clean up the mess before sliding back in behind Y/N.
"I love your idea, babe. Let's wait and tell everyone tomorrow. Tonight will be just for us. All three of us," he said, encompassing her belly with his large hands.
@princess-paramour @milivanili99 @fancy-pantaloons @turvi @zvummyummy @xmjthewitchx @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @georgie-weasley
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samandcolbyownme · 4 months
more zach justice smut pleaseeee
As you WISH! I’m excited to write this one!
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Warnings: SMUT18+, strong language/swearing, sneaking around, Bridgerton setting/themed, unprotected sex, kissing, biting, hair pulling, secret sex, almost getting caught, lots of proper language/actions, and lots of fluff and nasty filth
This is inspired by Bridgerton. There will be no spoilers for part 1 of season 3! But, if you have seen the show, you know they’re all british.. so.. read this as if everyone has an accent.
Word Count: 3.5k | not edited
I genuinely thought this song was bridgerton coded for this specifically?? (also, I added this at the end, so instead of daddy it will be mother - when you read, it’ll make sense, hopefully, k love you all bye!)
You’ve been tossing and turning for hours into the late night.
Your mind bouncing back and forth between Duke Zachary, or as he likes only you to call him, Zach, and the Queen’s ball.
You loved Zach, you’ve come to love him with your full being, you just didn’t know if he knew that, but you didn’t think he was that foolish.
You were named, what the gossip letter in your town - Lady Felicity calls, the Diamond of the season. Mainly because you gained a lot more looks than any of the other girls who are also looking for a suitor along side yourself.
You wanted a husband, of course, but you want Zach to be the one to take your hand in marriage. He’s never said about if he wanted to or not, but you just wanted him so bad you didn’t care what you had to do or say.
You were wrapped around his finger, but he couldn’t deny it no matter how hard he tried - He was wrapped around yours, too.
You rolled over, staring up at the ceiling as you remember the first time you saw him.
- Your mother reaches over, tapping your knee gently, “Y/n, sweetheart.” You remove your stare from the window and place it onto her with a soft smile, “Yes Mother?”
“You look beautiful tonight, darling.” She smiles, placing the edge of her fan to her lips as her eyes grow watery, “oh.” She shakes her head, “I just knew you would be this seasons diamond.”
You shake your head as you look down, “I don’t recall you ever taking a liking to Lady Felicity, now Mother, I-..” The carriage jolts forward and you laugh slightly, “I will find a husband on my own terms. Lady Felicty can speak about whatever they must.”
The door opens and your mother steps out first, followed by your brother and sister, and then you. You look around, nodding your head at the man who helped you step down.
“Alright.” Your mother says as she links her arm with yours, “Come along, my dear. I hear there’s a Duke looking for a lady to wed.” You raise your eyebrows, “A Duke you say? Is he handsome?” You laugh slightly, eyes glancing around at the beautifully decorated ballroom.
“From what I’ve come to know, he is the most beloved suitor by all the young ladies.” Your mother nudges your side, “But just remember, you need to keep your options open.”
You walk up to Queen Darcie and the person closest to her, Lady Caswel. You both do a small curtsy as you bow your heads. “Your Majesty.” Your mother smiles, looking over to Lady Caswel, “Lady Caswel.”
They both nod and then their eyes turn to you. You give them both a smile, “You both look magnificent tonight.”
“Mm.” Queen Darcie nods, “I must say, agreeing with town gossip is not my strongest moment, but you my dear, are the diamond of the season, if I do say so myself.” She points to you and you manage to keep your composure, “Oh my, thank you, your majesty.”
You curtsy to her again and your mother thanks her quickly before walking away with you. You look up at her and you both can’t help but giggle happily as you walk further away. As you rounded the corner, you were bumped into, kind of roughly, by some man walking by.
“Excuse yourself, mister.” You say as you turn, giving him a glaring look, which quickly broke as soon as his eyes met yours, “Please, accept my apologies, um..”
You instantly finish his sentence, “Y/n y/l/n.”
“Please.” He repeats as he moves closer, his hand, his grip just hovering over the skin on your bicep, “My apologies, Miss Y/n.”
His hand moves down to take your hand in his. His lips press against your glove covered knuckles, and even thought his isn’t touching your skin, his touch still sets you on fire.
Giving you a feeling you have never felt for someone before, “Duke Zachary.” —
You let out a sigh before finally giving in to just being awake.
A yawn slips out as you swing your legs over the edge of the bed, reaching forward to grab your satin robe off of the arm of the chair by your bedside stand.
You slip your feet into your matching slippers before standing up. The back of the robe falling to cover the back of your legs as you tie it closed in the front.
You pause, your fingers coming up to cover your lips as your eyes meet the man you shouldn’t be seeing, like this at least.
You glance over your shoulder before you move to unlock your window and push it open. You lean forward, shaking your head as you fight back laughter as you watch the man scale the walls of your home to get to you.
He’s finally face to face with you and you can’t help but smile and lunge in to kiss him.
He wraps an arm around your waist, pushing you backwards as he climbs in and closes the window, “Have you missed me, sweetheart?” He whispers against your lips as his hands move to undo the bow resting on your torso.
“More than you can ever imagine.” You smile as you pull him back to your bed, “We have to be qu-“
He kisses you mid sentence, mumbling a quiet, “I know” before pushing you back to lay on the bed, his body moving up over yours, kissing the skin that isn’t being covered by your robe or nightgown.
“Please.” You beg as you lace your fingers through his hair, “Touch me. It has been far..” His hand drags your nightgown up your thigh.
“Too..” you breathe out as you feel his hand dip between your, now parting thighs, “Long, my darling.”
You lay your hand on his neck, biting down on your lip as your feel his lips press against your skin, his fingers moving to lay on your clit and he looks up at you with a smirk, “Mm, no panties, sweetheart?”
You bite your lip, giving him a shrug, “Couldn’t sleep.”
He licks his lips, parting them as he watches your face twist with pleasure as he starts to slowly rub circles on your clit.
Your nails dig into his neck and you let out a semi loud moan. Zach kisses your parted lips, your panting breathes brushing against his, “Shh.”
He slides two fingers down and pushes them into your soaked cunt, “Did you succeed with pleasuring yourself?”
You whimper as Zach’s question makes a rose colored tint appear a top your cheeks, “N-no.” He tilts his head, “No? Did you do it like I showed you, darling?”
You nod, rolling your hips as you desperately chase your release that’s building up rather quickly, “I-I tried, Zachary.”
He groans at his full first name coming from your lips, “We shall work on it another time, my love.” He leans in, moving his lips with yours and your hands pull him closer to you, whimpering against his lips as his fingers are dragging you over the edge.
He pushes his bicep under your head and curls his arm around to lay his hand over your mouth.
Your walls squeeze his fingers as they work you through your high, his other hand keeping your moans from getting the two of you caught.
That would be a nightmare, people knowing that you have been, as they say, defiled before marriage.
“I have missed this.” Zach whispers, “I have missed you.” He plants a few kisses to your cheek as he withdrawals his fingers from you.
He brings them up to rest upon your bottom lip and they part like they already knew what to do.
He gasps as he watches your lips wrap around them, humming as your tongue works up and down, licking off the taste of yourself, “If anyone knew.. just how devious you truly are..”
He pulls his bottom lip between his teeth as his eyes scan over your face and you smirk, bringing your finger up drag along his jawline, “And just what would they say?”
You hum lowly as your eyes meet his, “Do tell me, my darling.”
He rolls over, pinning your hands down by your head, “I think they would go on a ravenous tangent about how I defiled your pureness and ruined such a beautiful..” he kisses your chest, “young woman.”
He groans into your neck as his tongue drags up your skin, “But they wouldn’t be saying those things if they knew just how radiant you look beneath the touch of my own hand.”
You moan out at his words and his kiss cuts it short. While your lips move in a heated passion, his hand moves down to drag your nightgown up your legs and hold it at your waist while he grinds against you.
Your hand that isn’t still pinned down, moves down to undo the button on his trousers. Zach smirks and shakes his head, “Getting so much quicker at that.”
You smile and slip your hand in, both of you gasping quietly when your hand slides against his cock.
Zach reaches down, laying a hand over yours, “I need to be inside of you.”
You move to take off your panties as quick as you can, all while he’s pushing his trousers down his thighs, “so beautiful.” He leans forward, eyes locked onto yours as your legs fall over your waist.
You feel the tip of his cock rub against your opening and you feel your heart beating faster, “P-please.” You whisper, hips practically moving on their own, begging for the feeling of his cock inside of you.
Zach’s head falls, resting against your forehead as your moans from him sliding into you, mix together, “Oh, my god.” He sighs, shaking his head slightly, “It always feels like I’m taking you for the very first time again.”
You whimper as he crashes his lips onto yours, his hand sliding up to gently wrap around your neck, “I love you.”
You part your lips, adoring those words like you haven’t heard them over and over again.
You’d marry Zach now, but your mother thinks it’s best to give it a little while, make sure you truly feel happy with him, and not just because of his title.
Your mother would turn into an absolute lunatic if she knew just how often you see Duke Zachary and also, what you do with him when no one is watching.
“I love you.” You whisper, nodding up at him as you lay a hand on his cheek, “I love you.”
He pulls you close to him, rolling over onto his back. He grips your hips, getting you to keep moving. He moves the nightgown that fell down to block his view, “You take me so incredibly well, darling.”
You look down at him, biting into your lip to muffle your moans as your hands push his crumpled dress shirt up.
He reaches up, pulling down the low cut neckline so it’s under your breasts. His eyes focus on his hands moving to knead and squeeze, earning whimpers from you.
You gasp loudly and Zach pulls you down onto his chest, his arms wrap around your back before he begins to thrust upward.
You bury your face into his chest, gasping and clawing at his chest as you feel suddenly feel nothing but pleasure radiate all through your body.
It wasn’t long after, Zach’s hips come to a slow stop, his arms loosen around your body and his chest heaves you up and down with each quick breath he takes.
It’s silent, nothing but the faint pants coming from your bodies, which lay motionless together on your bed.
“The Queen’s Ball is tonight.” You say as your eyes glance over at the clock on your nightstand that reads 04:26 AM, “I’m going with Mother in a few hours to fetch my dress from the Modiste.”
You sit up, fixing your nightgown before standing, “Mother thinks I should explore more options.”
Zach furrows his brows, sitting up as soon as the words leave your lips, “Hang on, that doesn’t make any sense, I thought she loved me?”
You laugh slightly, “She does, darling. She does. And I do, too.” You lean down to kiss his lips, “I think the Queen wants to watch the men fall for this seasons diamond.”
“Mm.” Zach nods, pursing his lips, “I’m going to have to put up a harder fight out there, huh?”
You cover your mouth as you giggle, crawling back into his lap, “I think it’s quite..” you scrunch your nose and smirk, “Sexy.”
He straights his posture and smiles, “Well, thank you m’lady.” You laugh and press kisses to his neck. He pulls his neck away and turns his face into hours, “I don’t believe we have time to go again, my love.”
You sigh, still attempting to kiss him, “Are you certain?”
He chuckles quietly and lifts his hand and grabs you by the neck. You gasp at the sudden move and he pushes you back, biting his lip at how much control he has over you, what you and Duke Zachary have is once in a lifetime.
“My mind isn’t going to be able to focus on the Queen’s Ball tonight.” He shakes his head, eyes moving from his hand to your eyes, “Not when I have the imagine of my hand wrapped around this beautiful little throat in there, as well.”
Your breath hitches at his words and he can’t help but smirk, “I’ll see you tonight.” He pulls you in, pecking your lips before moving to fix himself as he walks over to your window.
“Be safe.” You stand up, watching as he climbs out the open window. He looks up at you and gives you a wink, “Always.”
And with that, he’s gone, but you knew you were definitely seeing him way before the Queen’s Ball.
Your secret romance with Duke Zachary has been going on since the night he ran into you, even after the nights you spent dancing and flirting with other men, mainly just to make your other and the Queen happy.
You and Zach both knew that it didn’t mean anything. You saved everything for him, especially when you got him alone afterwards.
You were certain, as soon as you laid eyes on him, that he was the one, and just like you told Zach, you were the diamond of the season.
You had more suitors coming to your home to try and swoon you in a day than you really thought was unnecessary.
Zach, of course. Showed up everyday and stayed until they all left. He intimidated them, which you couldn’t help but snicker secretly at when you seen the look on the losing suitors face.
You can never bring yourself to ask Zach about it, you just convince yourself that it’ll happen, but it’s almost the end of the season and you haven’t had a ring slipped on your finger yet.
You took a deep breath, smoothing your hands over the fabric of the beautiful dress beneath your bare hands, “Anastasia did a marvelous job.”
You look over at your mother in the mirror, “Don’t you think, mother?”
Your mother looks up, “Oh yes. Yes. I believe she did do a very-“
“What is it?” You cut her off, turning to face her. The housemaid glances up at you and you sigh slightly, trying to compose yourself, “Sorry.”
You look up at your mother and she tilts her head, “The Queen wants you engaged by tonight.”
“Tonight? Why so soon? What has changed, mother?”
She tilts her head, “You are drawing.. too much attention away from the other girls. The Queen thinks it is best you accept one of the engagements you already have extended out to you.
You feel a dull ache in your chest.
The engagements.
You were actually dreading this, but you can only blame yourself in this situation. You were too caught up with sneaking around and lying to everyone around you that you’re forced to pick one of the options given and the one you one isn’t there.
“Talia. Please give my mother and I a moment.” You glance down at your housemaid and she instantly leaves the room.
“I love Duke Zachary, mother.” You shift towards her, moving the loose skirt of your gown with your hands, “He loves me. I know he’ll propose, I just..”
“He’s..” she steps close, leaning in, “Your brother told me that he’s what they call.. a rake.. I believe.”
You shake your head, “If Duke Zachary spent his time at that underground drunken gambling ring, he would know about the three engagement offers.”
Your mother raises her brows, “And you know this how, sweetheart?”
“He would have spoken to me about it, of course.” You swallow, “On our afternoon walks, he would have asked me what I was going to do because he is still an eligible suitor to me, mother.”
She nods, “Very well then.” She takes a deep breathe, “If Duke Zachary does not propose before midnight tonight. You will accept another suitors proposal. Right.”
“No.” You shake your head, “I won’t, mother. You cannot make me marry someone I do not love and I promise you I will not love anyone like I love Zachary.”
You step down off of the platform, “I will marry him. I will have him children.”
Your mother’s eyes grow wide and she lays a hand on her chest, “Have yo-
You bite down on your lip, “I’m not, but you should see your face.” You raise your brows, laughing at the fact that Zach has rubbed off on you in more ways that. One.
Your mother scoffs, “Y/n. You will not disgrace the name of this family by not obeying the queens order. You will be engaged by to-“
“I’ll tell you something right now, mother. I would rather burn my whole life down than to do something that will not bring me joy for the rest of my life.”
She stares at you for a few moments, “Is there a reason he hasn’t proposed yet, darling? Has that thought crossed your thoughts at all?”
You shake your head, “Have you not heard the rumors? What lady Felicity has said about Duke Zachary and I?” You walk over, ”He is poetry, and I am his poet.. Please, mother. Give him time.”
She shakes her head, “We must do what the Queen has asked of us.”
You take a few steps back, bunching up your dress as you shake your head, “No.” You run towards the door, dress unbuttoned and ruffling behind you as you run down the hall.
Your mother running out the door after you, “No! Y/n, come back here!”
“Mother no.” Your eldest brother grabs her and holds her back.
You make your way out the front doors, a small crowd following you, unsure of what’s happening, they’re just trying to ensure your safety.
You freeze, tear soaked face looking up at Zach, “Zach?” You whisper, barely audible, “What.. what are-“
You stop walking when Zach drops down to one knee, “Y/n..” he starts, reaching out for your hands, “My love.”
You walk up to him immediately, placing your hands into his, not even bothering to wipe away your tears.
“I love you. The other day you asked me why I love you and I told you the truth. You feel like home to me. You have bewitched me. Your mind, your body. Your soul. You complex me in the best ways and I just have this fire within me that only your kiss can put out.” He pulls you down to his level and you sit on your knees, hands moving to cup his cheeks as his do the same to you.
“The most beautiful part about all of this, is that I wasn’t even looking when I found you. If you hadn’t snapped at me for bumping into you, I would have kept moving right along.”
You laugh slightly and sniffle. Zach wipes away your tears and looks into your eyes, “Will you choose me to be the one to spend the rest of your life with?”
“You know about the other engagements?” You squint your eyes and Zach nods, “Well, when you’re running down the street trying to get to you while listening to your sister scream that you need to be engaged by tonight, I got the rest myself.”
“My sis-“ you look over at your sister and she smiles, giving you a small wave. You laugh, “Unbelievable.” You look at Zach, “So what are you asking Duke Zachary?”
He smiles, “I believe, I’m asking if you will do me the honor in marrying me, Miss Y/n.”
He pulls out a ring from his suit pocket and you gasp, “Oh my gosh.” You look up at him, nodding, “Yes, over and over. Yes.”
You pull him in for a kiss and everyone around you cheers as he brings you to your feet, slipping the ring in before he lifts you up, lips on yours as he spins you around, “I love you.”
“I love you.”
Let me know what you thought of this! As always, I love you all and thank you for reading!! 🖤🖤
Likes and reblogs are majorly appreciated!!
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