#also one of the pmd sky starters I Guess. go figure
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front-facing-pokemon · 4 months ago
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rainy-painter · 1 year ago
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Extended Character Sheet (Gen 9)
Pokémon Fans of Tumblr: After a joke gone awry I have spent more than five hours working on extending the PMD roster to be up to current date with Pokémon (gen 9). And to not feel like my time has totally been wasted on a nerdy thing, I present to you my results.
(Keep in mind this is not official at all and just my personal pickings.)
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I will put thoughts and other boring stuff under the cut, should you be interested to read about all the thoughts and decisions I made.
We good? Okay, you asked for it! So;
As mentioned before this all started with a Pokémon Mystery Dungeon joke with pointing out a few innocent behaviors and going: "You seem to be the-"
And then it hit me- The nature-to-pokemon roster of PMD hasn't really been updated since Explorers of Sky, which only went up to generation four.
And from there it went down hill:
"Wait! The list doesn't even include all available natures!"
"Okay, so there are 25 natures in all, but the number of starter pokemon alone are 29 so... I guess I'll make up some natures?"
"I need enough natures to also include some classic Pokémon protagonist options such as Pikachu... And oh no, just HOW many options were there from Gen 1?"
"-And there are barely any extra options from the other generations?"
For this project I had to lay down a few rules:
The list had to include all starter Pokémon.
Include at least two additional Pokémon from each generation.
Try to balance out Pokemon Types as much as possible, as well as making them decent starter pokemon.
No gender exclusive Pokémon.
Trans males are male and trans females are female.
Added Non-binary option for the quiz.
Extra added things to note:
The list is mostly based off the one from Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky.
Missing Natures from the original list are grayed out for convenience.
New natures, added out of necessity, has its own list.
I also have a list of honorable mentions and cut Pokémon.
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Note: Pokemon greyed out on the list above is to indicate generation changes.
My thoughts on the cut pokemon:
Obviously there are way too many Pokémon from gen 1 for them all to make it to the list. Pokémon such as Cubone and Phanpy could have made the list more diverse, adding the ground type to the options. Togepi and Sneasel were chosen over Phanpy for their less common Typings. However after cutting Cubone and adding Ralts to the roster it could be argued Phanpy should have been added back instead of Togepi.
What am I? The Officer Jenny? If you feel Phanpy or, hack, any other pokemon fit the roster more than my pickings, feel free to edit or make your own roster! :) /Genuine /Positive
I really like Vulpix, however there were already a lot of fire types. The reason why Charcadet is on the list is because I felt like I didn't have enough options from Gen 9 that I felt would fit as a main character, be strong enough or not too strong for the theorized adventure.
Most Nominee were chosen for being decent base form Pokémon and being dexterous enough for a human turned Pokémon to not feel completely claustrophobic in their body: I figured a bipedal or quadrupedal Pokémon would feel more natural than pokemon like Bronzor or Ekans.
(Looks at Snom) I said most nominees. Snom was chosen for their special typing and cute appearance. However stats and weakness wise I found it hard to defend it.
For my final thoughts on this list:
I doubt by far I'm the first to make an extended list for the PMD franchise, but I haven't seen many lists on this website and I did the work anyway, so why not post it?
You are more than welcome to comment on it or make your own! ^^ I welcome creativity and I would be more than excited to see the thoughts other people would put into a list like this!
A lot of thought has been put into the list, especially nature to Pokémon wise. If it wasn't on the official PMDE list, the Pokémon placements have a 80% chance to have a sort of reference from the anime or in game ability, or just how I could see them. (As well as other obscure trivia. Like how Chikorita is on the Lonely category for being perhaps the least picked starter Pokémon.)
And hey- If you feel like your Pokémon self isn't on the list, then that's completely fine! ^^ The list is more of a guideline than actual rules- Hack it's meant only for fun! And I'm glad you know what Pokémon you'd be!
I didn't include Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Keep Going! Blazing Adventure Squad, Let's Go! Stormy Adventure Squad and Go For It! Light Adventure Squad in my research because it wasn't released outside of Japan (To my knowledge.) It also featured a very specific art style, so I considered them kind of their own spinoff franchise at that point.
No, I'm not going to make a quiz to fit the extended list. c': Anyone wanting to make a quiz based off this list is more than welcome though!
I am currently making lists for specific pronouns such as Necrom (With Ghost/Dark/Poison type or death themed Pokémon) and Fae (Fairy/Normal/Psychic type or fairy themed Pokémon). Unlike the Gender themes these will contain pokémon outside of the normal roster. So in a way I kind of walked back on the "no gender exclusive" rule, but hey it's all in good fun!
I'd love it if you guys have any other pronouns you'd like me to work on! ^^
I also worked on an "it" pronoun with genderless Pokémon, however even when the list included Steel/Rock/Ground types and object Pokémon I had a hard time making it work. I'm open to any suggestions on how to expand the list and still keep it in theme. c':
And lastly: No, I never did get back to my friend about what nature xey'd be. c':
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ask-obt · 3 years ago
Is Dielle an actual meowth in-game, or another species entirely? From what I've seen they're not recruitable until post-game, so I got curious.
// Dielle is a Meowth in-game, and actually one of my Wondermail recruits, listed in my ruleset here!
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And you can take a little peek at her profile in game too- with level and stats censored so you can't tell how far she is/gets in the game without dying (you are however allowed to see her IQ because I didn't give gummis to anyone except Rune for the most part lmao)
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For the uninitiated, PMD: Explorers has the option to use a system called Wondermail (or Wondermail S for Sky specifically), where you can input a code to get specific jobs. The original intent for this was probably for kids to share jobs that gave them cool rewards with each other, but some folks figured out the algorithm the games use for this function to basically generate anything you want in the game. The website I originally used is no longer up, but I believe the archived version still functions as intended. When I did my first Sky nuzlocke all the way back in 2014 I gave myself the 5 Wondermail code as a mercy because I wasn't the best at the game, and gave myself a somewhat difficult ruleset by disabling the map. When redoing the comic/the run of the game in 2017, I just stuck with the same ruleset, but since then I'd gotten much better at the game and didn't need the Wondermail codes as a crutch nearly as much. So instead, I mostly used them to get recruits I normally couldn't get until postgame, to spice up OBT's roster a little bit. At this time I've used 3/5 of the Wondermail codes I allotted myself, with 2 of them being used on recruits. My gameplay for this run is still not finished, and I know it's cringe to not be done with a game after 5 years leave me alone LOL As for why I chose Meowth? I have literally no idea. I guess I just thought Meowth was cute and wanted to play with it since I never used it for the starters before. Around the time I recruited her I also had two TMs- Thunderbolt and Ice Beam. I waffled on which to give her, as it would influence her design. I wanted to give her a sabre tooth design of sorts, so Thunderbolt meant possibly a Raikou parent, and Ice Beam a Walrein parent!
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As you probably guessed, I gave her Thunderbolt in the end. And then I remembered Zeraora existed and dropped the sabre tooth design altogether. Which is kind of a shame, I miss those little teefies and wish I kept 'em around. I did have one recruit who was going to show up as a species other than what they were, but later opted to keep them as their in-game species.
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All recruits who show up in OBT will be the same as their in-game species (at least that's the plan at the time I'm writing this), though some NPCs may be swapped around with pokemon! Loudred being an Exploud is one of the more mild instances of this, while Team Charm's Medicham (tentatively) being a Hatterene would be a more noticeable one.
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