#also not 100% proud of the banner for this chapter
Event FAQ!
What is a fandom bingo?
A fandom bingo is an event where you are given a “bingo” card full of prompts, with one free space in the middle. Your challenge / goal is to get five in a row (whether horizontal, vertical, or diagonal) by creating something to “fill” those prompts. 
What counts as a fill?
Anything you have put significant work into creating. There are no minimum requirements for fills for this event. Classically, 500 - 1000 words of fic, 5 - 10 mns of podfic, 8 song playlists, etc, have been minimums of other bingos these mods have run or participated in. However, we just want to encourage you to create things, so if you wrote (for example) a 480 word fic or a perfect drabble (100 words exactly) that you’re proud of, it counts!
What types of creations count for fills?
We cannot think of anything we would not allow; physical art, digital art, crafts, playlists and fanmixes, fic, podfic, moodboards–go off! If you’re curious if something would count, the answer is probably yes, but you are welcome to send an ask to check!
What counts as a “RarePair” for the purposes of this bingo?
We tried to come up with something numerical or statistically based, and in the end, it wasn’t worth the hassle of becoming lawyers about what counted. If it’s a rarepair in your heart, it counts. Please be true to both us and yourself if it is or isn’t; if it’s one of the largest pairings in the fandom, it probably isn’t a rarepair. 
Do all ships have to be monogamous?
Nope! You can do polyamorous ships, we’d welcome it! You can also do gen fics featuring platonic relationships. RarePairs is a catchy way to "market" this, but if you’ve got a creation idea featuring any number of characters interacting who are not the central fandom focus, we want to give  you an excuse to make it! 
Do OCs count?
Absolutely! Go off! We love OCs!
Can I use my creation to fill something for this bingo & also other bingos/events?
Absolutely fine with us! Just make sure you double-check the rules for your other events too. 
Are crossovers allowed?
Absolutely! These mods ship Eowyn (LOTR) / Padme and will likely make at least one fill for that, join us in our chaos! 
Can I use one creation for multiple fills on my card? 
No; with exceptions being: 
If you have a multi-chapter fic, each chapter can be a different fill
If you make 2 pieces of art (ie. fic + art or podfic) they can each be used for one fill even if they’re in the same post. 
If you have another potential exception you can think of, send an ask! We’ll be glad to hear you out.
Can I change prompts?
No, as your card will only be generated based on prompts you have pre-selected, you cannot change any of the prompts on your card. 
When can I get a new card?
If you get a bingo on your first card, you can get another card. You can get up to three (3) cards in this round. You can keep creating off of your first card(s) even if you get second & third ones after achieving a bingo!
Can I keep using my card after the round ends?
Yes, and we’ll keep the collection open so you can still add to it. Depending on if we run another round, we may not continue monitoring the tumblr to reblog / promote, but we’d love it if you kept creating things you were inspired by. 
How to I submit my challenges?
If you post on tumblr, reblog with the tag #starwarsrarepairbingo23 or @ this blog and we'll reblog it! If we miss it, feel free to submit or link us so we can make sure to share it! If you post to AO3, you can also add it to the collection (Star_Wars_Rare_Pair_Bingo)
If there is another round, do I have to create a minimum amount for this bingo to sign up?
Yes, but only one fill of any kind. So long as you’ve created one thing, you’re good! 
(Note: If you did not sign up for round 1, this does not / will not apply!)
What do I win?
The joy of having beat a challenge, and if you want, we’ll post your name with a congratulations banner on this blog and links to your validated bingo submissions. 
20 notes · View notes
swan-of-sunrise · 2 years
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I posted 1,348 times in 2022
79 posts created (6%)
1,269 posts reblogged (94%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,346 of my posts in 2022
#marvel - 586 posts
#mcu - 572 posts
#funny - 425 posts
#captain america - 163 posts
#steve rogers - 134 posts
#star wars - 119 posts
#random - 105 posts
#cute - 104 posts
#marvel cinematic universe - 100 posts
#disney - 95 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#i still can't believe that they made a sequel trilogy to one of the most successful and beloved film franchises ever and didn’t plan them
My Top Posts in 2022:
Infinity War (Chapter Two)
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Summary: (Y/N) reunites with an old friend and the Black Order invades New York in search of the Time Stone.
Pairing: Steve Rogers X Reader
Word Count: 5.4k
Warnings/Disclaimers: None
A/N: This chapter’s a lot longer than I originally anticipated but I’m really proud that I was able to finish it on time, so that’s nice lol thank you for reading, I hope you all enjoy!
Chapter Two (Previous Chapter)
For a Master of the Mystic Arts who once boasted to have an extensive watch list of people who posed a potential threat to Earth, Doctor Stephen Strange had no goddamn idea that a power-hungry genocidal maniac was on his way to retrieve two out of the six Infinity Stones. It was all (Y/N) could do to keep her irritation in check as she gave the two baffled sorcerers a brief explanation of not only who Thanos was and why he was so dangerous, but how she, her one-month-old daughter and Bruce Banner all found their way back to Earth; not only was she irritated by his ignorance of the Mad Titan, but also the lie he’d told her moments before she’d been accidentally transported to Sakaar.
“You didn’t strike me as a liar when we first met.”
Stephen, who was preoccupied with bandaging the two wounds on her bicep, sighed but kept his focus on his work. “I’d hate to argue semantics with you, Miss (Y/L/N), but I never lied to you; I told you that you wouldn’t be alone during the birth of your daughter, and you weren’t.”
“So, you didn’t think to give me a heads-up that if I touched that ugly cauldron over there, I’d wind up trapped on an alien planet with a Prince of Asgard acting as my midwife?” (Y/N) asked, the harsh edge of her voice cutting through the silence in the Sanctum’s foyer. “Was it fun for you, looking into my future and seeing how I’d spend a month struggling to keep myself and my daughter alive? Knowing that Steve wouldn’t be there for Carina’s birth and deliberately keeping that information to yourself?”
“I understand why you’re upset and I’m not trying to dismiss your feelings, but I did warn you that messing around with time was a bad idea. A person isn’t meant to know too much about their own future; if I told you what I saw – which, for the record, was only the moment of your daughter’s birth on Sakaar and a brief glimpse of you both back here in New York – it simply wouldn’t have happened.” Once he was finished securing the bandage around her upper arm, Stephen stood up from the antique lounge they were seated on and extended a hand to her, a glimmer of regret in his darkened gaze. “For what it’s worth, you adapted to your unfortunate circumstances far better than I thought you would.”
(Y/N) huffed out a humorless chuckle and allowed the doctor to help her stand, inwardly frowning in concern when she felt his hand tremble in hers but deciding not to mention it. “That’s only because I had help the entire time. Loki-” Her throat tightened in grief and she forced herself not to think of her unlikely friend and all the others that remained trapped on the Statesman. Thankfully, she was prevented from finishing her sentence when Wong – the other sorcerer that protected the New York Sanctum from mystical threats – and a freshly-dressed Bruce walked into the foyer. “How’re you feeling, Bruce?”
“Okay, I guess, but my memory’s still a little foggy…” Bruce fiddled with the sleeve of his borrowed blazer and observed the wrecked staircase with his brow furrowed in confusion. “You said that the Bifrost brought me here? I don’t remember any of that, i-it’s like the Hulk’s stopping me from trying to remember or something but I don’t know why. Usually, the Big Guy and I are on the same page but lately it feels like we aren’t even reading the same book.”
She walked over to where Bruce stood and gave his hand a comforting squeeze. “All that matters is that you’re safe now; we’ll figure out whatever’s going on together, okay? You don’t have to go through this alone.”
The scientist threw her a grateful look and they both turned to Stephen as he opened a sparking portal and stepped through it. “We’d better go through after him so Tony doesn’t get too freaked out and go full Iron Man on him.”
“You go ahead, I’ll stay here with Carina,” (Y/N) replied, hiding her growing discomfort behind a fleeting smile that vanished when Bruce turned away; she hadn’t seen or spoken to Tony Stark in over two years, with their last tension-filled interaction being the day she’d moved out of the Avengers Facility, and she wasn’t entirely sure how he’d react to seeing her again and learning that Steve Rogers conceived a child with her while on the run. All this stress is going to give me premature grey hair, she silently remarked, glancing over at Carina’s pram hovering by the foot of the ruined staircase and brightening a little when she saw that Wong was entertaining the cooing infant with magical bursts of multicolored fireworks. She walked over to the pair, adjusting her daughter’s blanket and quietly chuckling as her eyes widened in awe at the bright display above her. “Looks like you’re Carina’s favorite person at the moment, Wong. You know, when we first met Stephen mentioned that you were a fan of my novels.”
Wong smiled and nodded. “They’re woven together with such intricate details and compelling characters that they’re almost impossible to put down; my entire collection is back at Kamar-Taj, otherwise I’d ask you to autograph them for me.”
“Well, I’m just a-” She copied the arm movements that Stephen used to conjure the portal across the foyer. “-away, so feel free to drop by anytime when all of this is over.”
Before either of them could say anything, Stephen marched back through the sparking portal with Bruce and Tony Stark on his heels. The billionaire’s attention was focused on the doctor and the emotionally-frazzled scientist but when Stephen turned to close the portal behind them, his gaze shifted and finally landed on (Y/N); his brow shot up in surprise and if she didn’t know any better, she’d say that he was a little pleased to see her. “It’s been a while, Austen.” His familiar nickname for her brought a small smile to her face. “How’s my favorite historical fiction novelist doing, and why’s she dressed like Éowyn from Lord of the Rings?”
“The world’s in danger and we’re the ones who have to save it again, so pretty good, all things considered. I’ll explain the outfit in a minute but first, I think that there’s someone you should meet.” With a steadying breath, (Y/N) reached down into the pram and lifted her squirming daughter into her arms, kissing her brow before walking over to where Tony stood. “Tony, this is my daughter Carina…Carina Lorraine Rogers-(Y/L/N).”
Tony’s brown eyes flicked between (Y/N) and the infant in her arms as a flurry of emotions crossed his face; there was shock, disbelief, anger, sadness, and even some regret before he finally settled on the ghost of his trademark smirk. “She’s a cute kid. Good thing she takes after her mom, huh?”
“She may have my looks, but she inherited all of her attitude from her father.” Right on cue, Carina blew an exceptionally loud raspberry and began to gum the edge of (Y/N)’s breastplate, making Tony chuckle and (Y/N) sigh in mild exasperation. “You see? She definitely didn’t get that from me.”
The billionaire looked as if he wanted to say something but thought better of it, giving her and her daughter another smile before glancing back over at Stephen, Wong and Bruce standing in the center of the foyer. “Now, can one of you guys explain why I’m here in a wizard’s secret lair and not jogging through Central Park with my fiancée?”
Exchanging a wary glance with Bruce, (Y/N) tightened her hold on Carina and launched into the briefest explanation she could manage of hers and the scientist’s adventures in space; how both of them ended up on Sakaar and their struggle to survive in the Grandmaster’s palace, how they became involved in the Asgardian’s fight against the Goddess of Death and how they both wound up back on Earth. Tony patiently listened to her talk and didn’t interrupt, but she could practically see the wheels in his head turning as she told their story and she was reminded of the argument she’d overheard the night that Ultron first attacked the Avengers.
“…A hostile alien army came charging through a hole in space. We’re standing three hundred feet below it. We’re the Avengers. We can bust arms dealers all the live long day, but that up there? That’s…that’s the end game. How were you guys planning on beating that?”
“We’ll lose.”
“Then we’ll do that together, too.”
Tony was right about needing to be prepared for another cosmic threat, (Y/N) silently admitted to herself, but we’re not going to lose this fight against Thanos…we can’t lose. When she finally finished, she stepped back and allowed the two sorcerers to explain the Infinity Stones in their own words, watching in barely-concealed awe when Wong raised his hands and used his magic to conjure a ball of light above them all.
See the full post
70 notes - Posted May 5, 2022
Infinity War (Chapter One)
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Summary: In the wake of Asgard’s destruction, (Y/N) and Carina’s journey back to Earth and to Steve Rogers is interrupted when Thanos attacks the Statesman.
Pairing: Steve Rogers X Reader
Word Count: 4.4k
Warnings/Disclaimers: Disclaimer for a brief description of a panic attack
A/N: And here we’ve reached Avengers: Infinity War...I might as well apologize now for the angst that’s in store for ya’ll this time around lol thank you for reading, I hope you all enjoy!
Chapter One June 2018 The Statesman, Space (Previous Book)
“…So, that’s everything I missed while I was away from Earth?”
(Y/N) nodded, anxiously fiddling with the hem of her golden-yellow cape while she watched Thor absorb all of the information she’d spent the past half an hour relaying to him. “Pretty much. Look, Thor, I know it’s a lot to take in all at once so if you need a minute to process-”
She was abruptly cut off when the large Asgardian wrapped his arms around her and held her in a near-suffocating embrace; once she got over her initial shock, she looped her arms around his trim waist and rested her cheek against his muscular chest with a resigned smile. Telling Thor about the Sokovia Accords and the disbandment of the Avengers was something that she’d been dreading ever since running into him on the streets of Greenwich Village, unsure of how he’d react to the news. She’d prepared herself for anger and possibly even tears, especially after everything he’d gone through on Sakaar and having seen Asgard destroyed barely a day ago, but she certainly hadn’t prepared herself to be on the receiving end of a bear-hug.
“I can’t imagine how difficult things have been for you these past few years, Writer (Y/L/N). Once we establish a settlement for what remains of Asgard, I’ll speak to this Secretary Ross about pardoning Captain Rogers and his accomplices; after all you did to help save my people, you have my undying word that little Carina will finally meet her father.”
“That’s very sweet of you, Thor, but…” She managed to pull away enough so that she could see his kindhearted face. “I’m not so sure it’ll be that easy. One hundred and seventeen countries came together to sign the Accords and even if you managed to have the document amended or abolished…well, it’s been almost two years and Steve and Tony still aren’t on speaking terms.”
Thor’s blue eye was filled with sadness as he nodded and loosened his hold on her, but he did his best to give her a reassuring smile. “Hope can be just as powerful of a weapon as any sword or blaster and as long as we hold onto it, anything is possible.”
(Y/N) matched his smile with one of her own and gave his arm a playful nudge with her shoulder. “You’re a pretty great king.”
“Oh, I wouldn’t go that far.” They both turned to watch Loki enter the chamber with a bright-eyed Carina nestled in his arms, a gleam of mischief in his blue-green gaze as he cheekily continued. “He’s been king for less than twenty-four hours, mortal, let’s at least give the oaf a week before we draw any conclusions about his mighty reign.”
“And you, Loki, thrive far too much on purposefully antagonizing the people around you.”
Thor waved her off with a widening grin. “It’s all right, Writer (Y/L/N), these days he’s all talk and no action; the old Loki would’ve followed that all up by stabbing me, but pretend marriage and pretend fatherhood seems to have softened him up.”
Loki rolled his eyes and Thor stuck his tongue out at him, causing (Y/N) to shake her head in exasperation as she watched their interaction. “Seriously? I swear, my daughter’s more mature than the both of you combined and she’s only a month old.”
“Mortal, your spawn is not-”At that moment, Carina’s tiny fingers wrapped around a lock of Loki’s raven hair and tugged, eliciting a surprised yelp from him and a snort of amusement from Thor. “Yes, what was that you were saying about her so-called elevated maturity?”
Ignoring Thor’s laughter and Loki’s accusatory glare, (Y/N) lifted the infant into her arms and held her up at eye level. “Carina Lorraine Rogers-(Y/L/N), that was a very rude thing to do to your Uncle Loki…but I’ll let it slide this one time since he called you my spawn.” She kissed the tip of her daughter’s nose and carefully placed her in her floating pram, taking a moment to adjust her blanket before moving to stand beside the brothers at the large window; she stared out into the star-filled space before them, and she couldn’t hide her awestruck smile at the beautiful sight. “I don’t think I’ll ever get used to this sight. How long do you think it’ll take to reach Earth?”
“I spoke with the Valkyrie earlier and she assured me that we’ll be there within the week; we’re twenty-two jumps away from Asgard, which means we only have around forty more to go.” Loki replied, fidgeting a little as he folded his hands in front of him. “Do you really think it’s a good idea to go back to Earth?”
“Yes, of course, the people of Earth love me. I’m very popular.”
“And it’s where the father of my child is so yes, I also think it’s a very good idea.”
Loki bit back an exasperated sigh. “Let me rephrase that for you both: Do you really think it’s a good idea to bring me back to Earth?”
His brother considered his question before shrugging his shoulders. “Probably not, to be honest.” (Y/N) reached down and took Loki’s hand, squeezing it in comfort as he looked down at the floor. “But I wouldn’t worry, brother. I feel like everything’s going to work out fine.”
Loki looked up at them and when he met their eyes, a hopeful smile tugged at the corners of his mouth; they all turned back towards the enormous window but as they watched, a massive ship came into view and blocked out the light of the nearby stars. For the briefest moment, (Y/N) wondered if it was some sort of rescue vessel responding to the distress call the Asgardian refugees had put out shortly after their escape, but her optimism evaporated the moment she saw Loki’s pale face and heard his horrified whisper. “Thanos.”
“Wait, who’s-?” (Y/N)’s heart plummeted in her chest when she recalled the troubling conversation about a genocidal world-conquering maniac obsessed with Infinity Stones she’d stumbled into during one of the Grandmaster’s parties. “Oh God…”
“What’s wrong?” Thor asked, a frown on his face and a glimmer of fear in his eye as he took in their reactions. “Loki, who is that?”
“There’s no time for explanations, Thor, we need to sound the alarm and summon every Einherjar we have left right now, before it’s too late! We must evacuate-” Loki’s frantic words were interrupted by the entire ship shuddering as the larger vessel fired its first blast and a shrill alarm began to sound throughout the ship. “Please, brother, you must trust me! Take (Y/N) and lead the people onto the escape shuttles, I’ll gather our warriors onto the bridge and begin mounting our defense with Heimdall.”
Before either of them could reply, Loki dashed out of the chamber and after exchanging matching looks of panic, Thor and (Y/N) gathered up Carina’s pram and hurried to follow his command.
See the full post
74 notes - Posted April 28, 2022
Taking Care of Business (Chapter Twenty-Two)
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Summary: While helping to re-establish the Mandalorian covert in the substrata of Glavis, Din asks the Armorer to forge a gift and learns more about the Darksaber alongside (Y/N) and Paz Vizsla.
Pairing: Din Djarin X Reader
Word Count: 2.5k
Warnings/Disclaimers: Disclaimer for a brief description of a panic attack
A/N: Okay, I intended on including Din’s Darksaber training and the duel here but I decided it deserved its own chapter, so the action will definitely ramp up next time lol I hope you all enjoy!
Chapter Twenty-Two The Covert (Previous Chapter)
“So, how did you become acquainted with a pilot?”
Din glanced up from the chain he was fastening around the forge and looked up at Paz, the muscle in his jaw clenching when he noticed his fellow Mandalorian watching (Y/N) as she worked to rewire some old equipment alongside the Armorer. “I helped her defeat the remnants of a crime syndicate and in turn, she helped me return Gro-the foundling to his own kind.”
“Why haven’t you exchanged vows yet?” Paz asked with an accusatory edge to his voice, turning back to face him and pointing to the signet fastened to his pauldron. “Clan Mudhorn cannot thrive with only two members, but a riduurok will ensure its continuation.”
“We’ve been busy,” Din replied, resuming his task with slightly more force than necessary and carefully watching Paz out of the corner of his eye while he considered their exchange.
What he told Paz was technically true, but the fact of the matter was that he hadn’t even asked (Y/N) to marry him; the subject of marriage was one that simply never came up between them. He knew, of course, that the captain loved him and wanted to continue traveling as his partner, but he had no idea if marriage appealed to her or not. If he were being honest with himself, one of the real reasons he hadn’t brought it up was because he was afraid of ruining what they already had. He told himself that he’d bring it up once their lives calmed down a little, but it was starting to look as though a calm life just wasn’t in the cards for them just yet. I’ll ask her the moment the time feels right, he promised himself as he glanced over at (Y/N), no matter where we are or what we’re doing.
The two Mandalorians moved the forge to the center of the workshop, Paz pushing the heavy machinery while Din tugged it into place using the sturdy chain, the sound of the successful installation echoing throughout the room. While Din began unfastening the chain, Paz started connecting the tubing to the forge and broke the silence with another pointed question. “Where did you come upon the Darksaber?”
Although his shoulders were tensed, Din continued hauling equipment as he gave his fellow Mandalorian a carefully worded reply. “I defeated Moff Gideon.”
Paz considered his words for a moment. “Did you kill him?”
“No. But he was sent off to the New Republic for interrogation and he’ll face justice for his crimes.”
The larger Mandalorian scoffed and began winding up the loose chain. “Death would’ve been justice for his atrocities.”
“This is true.” They both turned to see the Armorer and (Y/N) enter the workshop. “The blood of millions of our kind is on his hands.”
“I’m a veteran of the Rebel Alliance and while the atrocities Moff Gideon committed still affect me to this day, I know that killing him in combat isn’t justice.” The captain’s frown was deep and her expression clouded with frustration as she stared unflinchingly at the two Mandalorians before her. “Once he’s put on trial and any useful Imperial intel is taken from him, he’ll be executed for his crimes by the New Republic Tribunal.”
While the Armorer and Paz stood in stunned silence, Din admired his partner’s wisdom and fearlessness; not many people would readily contradict a Mandalorian while in their presence, but (Y/N) was hardly unfazed under their intimidating stares. A tense moment passed before the Armorer turned away and began pressing buttons on the nearest control panel. “We shall see.” At the flip of a switch, the forge ignited and she walked over to a nearby cabinet as she continued. “The songs of eons past foretold of the Mythosaur rising up to herald a new age of Mandalore…” She pressed a button and the doors slid open to reveal her familiar forging tools. “Sadly, it only exists in legends. Where did you come upon the beskar spear?”
Reaching over his shoulder, Din unsheathed the spear he’d strapped onto his jetpack and held it in his gloved hands, examining the shining metal while he moved to stand beside (Y/N) at the forge. “It was a gift of a Jedi. It can block a lightsaber; I used it to defeat Moff Gideon.”
“It can also pierce beskar armor.” The Armorer pointed out. “It’s mere existence puts Mandalorians at risk. Mandalorian steel is meant for armor, not weapons.”
Din recalled a recent conversation he’d shared with (Y/N), where the captain had voiced her concerns about the risks involved with wielding the beskar spear; if an opponent managed to disarm him, they’d have no problem using the spear against him and injuring or possibly killing him. He looked over at his partner and nodded before holding the weapon out towards the Armorer. “Then forge it into armor.”
The Mandalorian crossed the workshop and accepted the spear. “The Darksaber is a more noble weapon for you to wield.”
Just as long as I can learn how to wield it without slicing one of my own limbs off, Din thought with an exasperated eye-roll, moving to sit beside (Y/N) on a storage container and watch the Armorer place the tip of the spear into the white-hot fire. (Y/N) intertwined her fingers with his and rested their joined hands on her lap, his thumb rubbing soothing circles across her knuckles as she finally spoke up. “Have you ever heard of Bo-Katan Kryze?”
“Bo-Katan is a cautionary tale.” They watched as the Armorer poured a solution into a deep basin of water and at her statement, Din found himself leaning forward in interest; since meeting the unconventional Mandalorian back on Trask, they’d both been eager to learn more about her and the real reason why she was so hell-bent on defeating Moff Gideon. “She once laid claim to rule Mandalore based purely on blood and the sword you now possess.” She walked back to the forge and rotated the spear as its metal began to weaken. “But it was gifted to her and not won by Creed. Bo-Katan Kryze was born of a mighty house, but they lost sight of the Way. Her rule ended in tragedy; they lost their Way, and we lost our world. Had our sect not been cloistered on the moon of Concordia, we would have not survived the Great Purge.”
“When we first met, she mentioned having fought in the Purge,” (Y/N) recalled, and her eyes flicked between Din and the Armorer as she hesitantly continued. “But I still don’t exactly know what happened to Mandalore.”
“Those born of Mandalore strayed away from the path. Eventually, Imperial interlopers destroyed all that we knew and loved in the Night of a Thousand Tears. Only those that walked the Way escaped the curse prophesied in the Creed. Though our numbers were scattered to the winds, our adherence to the Way has preserved our legacy for the generations until we may someday return to our home world.” The captain nodded once the Armorer’s story ended but judging by the familiar line that formed between her brows, her mind was racing with thoughts; removing the spear from the fire, the Mandalorian finally looked up at Din. “What shall I forge?”
Din bit his lip as he thought over her question; he’d ask that the Armorer forge something that could provide (Y/N) with some added protection, but he knew that the captain would only consider it a waste of beskar and refuse to accept the armor. His thoughts then turned to another member of their small clan and while he still felt the familiar sadness that came along with remembering Grogu, his lips curved into the smallest of smiles. “Something for a foundling.”
“This is the Way.”
See the full post
80 notes - Posted February 9, 2022
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Summary: When (Y/N) complains about Cap’s method of training agents to Kate Bishop, her good friend and hopeless crush, the archer volunteers to take over her firearms training. Or, a simple archery training session between two young women leads to lots of awkward flirting and the start of something new.
Pairing: Kate Bishop X Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings/Disclaimers: None
A/N: Okay, so this is sort of new territory for me, I've never written a wlw story before, but I’ve always wanted to and Kate Bishop’s one of my favorite new ladies in the MCU lol thank you for reading, I hope you all enjoy!
“Bullseye!” (Fanfiction Masterlist)
“It was really sweet of you to volunteer for this, Kate.” (Y/N) slung her full quiver of arrows over her shoulder and awkwardly held her training bow at her side as she smiled at her friend. “I’m kinda hopeless when it comes to Cap’s training courses and the others can be a little intimidating, so this really means a lot to me.”
Kate looked up from adjusting the circular target at the opposite end of the training room with a smile of her own. “Believe me, I remember how hard all those weapons certification courses were. That’s why I decided to go ahead and develop my own training course, so that newer recruits can learn the basics without the fear of being forced to run laps or – God forbid – do push-ups.” (Y/N) giggled as the archer wrinkled her nose in disgust, feeling some of her apprehension melt away only to be replaced with the familiar fluttering in her chest brought on by her undeniable crush on Kate Bishop.
The raven-haired archer’s kindness and sarcastic wit were rivaled only by her stunning beauty, all traits that made quick work of capturing (Y/N)’s heart and reducing her into an embarrassingly lovesick fool. But Kate was her only close friend at the Avengers Compound and she feared that revealing her true feelings would result in a ruined friendship, so she resolved to bury them deep and try not to pine. Try and ultimately fail, (Y/N) thought with an inward sigh, doing her best to ignore the way her heart skipped a beat when Kate stood beside her and playfully hip-checked her as she notched an arrow onto her bow’s string. “All right, Professor Bishop, what’s next?”
“I’m gonna show you how to correctly fire an arrow and then I’m gonna watch you fire one to see what areas need improving. Just watch what I do and you’ll be okay, my young Padawan.” She chuckled and adjusted her foot placement while (Y/N) rolled her eyes in exasperation. “So, this is the stance you’re gonna wanna take: back straight, feet shoulder-width apart and at ninety-degrees to the target. Don’t grip the bow too tightly or you’ll hurt yourself, then position your fingers like this…” She gestured with her chin towards where her fingers curled around the bowstring. “One finger above the arrow and two below. The string’ll snap on your fingers if they’re not straight and believe me, that hurts like a son of a bitch so always take the time to check your fingers before moving onto the next step.”
(Y/N) nodded. “Will-do. I’m not exactly a hand model, but I think I’d prefer to keep all my fingers just in case.”
“Well, I happen to think you’ve got very nice hands.” (Y/N)’s brows rose at the unusual compliment and Kate’s face flushed with embarrassment. “Was that too weird? That sounded kinda weird.”
“It was a little weird, but no one’s ever complimented my hands before so I’ll take it.” Quickly looking away from the archer’s sparkling eyes, (Y/N) cleared her throat and nodded towards her bow. “So, what’s the next step?”
“Huh? Oh yeah, the next step!” Kate gave her a flustered smile before raising her bow and pulling back the string. “Use your back muscles to pull the string back, not your biceps, and pull it back so that your index finger’s under your chin; the string should lightly brush against your nose and lips, like this, and now you take a moment to aim at your target using your dominant eye…and once you’re aligned, you relax your fingers and release.” The arrow sped across the training room and impaled itself into the center of the circular target, and Kate turned to her with a bright grin. “Bullseye! You ready to give it a try, (Y/N)?”
(Y/N) nodded and with a nervous chuckle, she notched her arrow and shuffled her feet into position. “Not sure I’ll get a bullseye on my first shot, but I’ll try my best.”
“Think positive thoughts! I know they’re not the most fun but I’ve seen your proficiency scores in Cap’s firearms course, and you’re one hell of a crack-shot; just pretend that your bow’s a .22 and you’ll be fine. Do you mind if I fix your posture for you?” When she agreed, Kate nudged her feet further apart with the toe of her book and she was forced to bite back her gasp of surprise when the archer stood behind her and gently straightened her back for her; her eyes went wide when Kate not only remained close behind her, but as her hands moved to rest on the curve of her hips. “Okay, next step?” (Y/N) struggled to focus on her training for a moment before remembering to adjust her fingers on the bowstring, earning an approving hum from the archer. “Hey, you were paying attention!”
“Well, it’s easy to when you’ve got such an excellent teacher,” (Y/N) replied with a smile, emboldened by the weight of Kate’s hands on her hips and the praising tone in her voice; was it her imagination, or did the archer’s breath hitch? Before she could give a reply, (Y/N) raised her bow and drew the string back. “How’s this?”
“G-Good. Yeah, it’s good, just…” One of Kate’s hands left her hip and moved to cup her elbow. “This arm needs to go a little higher.” Her hand remained in place even after (Y/N) did as she said, her fingers curling against the material of the workout jacket and their warmth practically searing (Y/N)’s flushed skin. “Use your nose and lips as your anchor. Good, just like that, now take aim at your target…” (Y/N) felt the tip of Kate’s nose brush against her hair as she softly murmured into her ear, “And fire away.”
(Y/N) released the arrow and watched with bated breath as it sailed through the air, where it impaled itself at the very edge of the target’s red center. “Bullseye!” She exclaimed in delight, jumping up and down in excitement as she turned to her beaming friend. “Holy shit, Kate, did you see that?!”
“Yeah, that was an awesome shot!” The archer laughed and smiled at her celebratory dancing. “Didn’t I tell you you’d be great at this?”
Without thinking, (Y/N) threw her arms around Kate and the two friends shared an enthusiastic hug, the sounds of their giggles echoing throughout the vast training room. Her eyes went wide once she realized what she’d impulsively done but when she started to pull back, she caught sight of the archer’s gaze fixated on her lips; her dark eyes darted up to meet hers and while a pink blush spread throughout her face, she slowly brought her hand up and brushed the pads of her fingertips timidly against (Y/N)’s own flushed cheek. A newfound glimmer of hope that Kate might have similar feelings for her blossomed and anxious butterflies fluttered away in her stomach as she whispered, “I-Is it okay if I kissed you right now?”
A brilliant smile spread across Kate’s face. “Absolutely.”
(Y/N) leaned in and closed her eyes as her lips brushed against Kate’s in a slow kiss; it was soft and gentle and perhaps a little shy, but while the archer’s arm encircled her waist to bring her closer and her calloused hand cradled her cheek as if she were made of delicate glass, she knew that it was perfect. After they finally separated, (Y/N) rested her forehead against Kate’s and breathlessly smiled. “That was…wow.”
“Yeah, that’s kinda what I was thinking,” Kate chuckled, her dark eyes gleaming with happiness as she bashfully bit her lip. “I like you, (Y/N). A lot. Like, a lot-a lot.” The archer grinned when (Y/N) giggled at her overemphasis. “I’m, um, I’m not really experienced with all this, but I think it might be your turn to say something.”
“I like you, too.” She took hold of Kate’s hands and gave them a gentle squeeze. “I don’t know where that leaves us…but I’m free tomorrow night, if you wanna go grab some pizza and see a movie with me? O-Or not, I know you’re pretty busy and I wouldn’t wanna intrude-”
(Y/N) squeaked in surprise when Kate’s lips crashed against hers and effectively silenced her anxious rambling, and it took her a moment to recover and kiss the archer back. They were both out of breath by the time they finally separated, with (Y/N) trying in vain to regain her voice and Kate smiling widely in triumph. “Bullseye.”
“…Oh, please tell me you’re not gonna say that every time you kiss me.”
“I’m not sure yet,” The archer shrugged as (Y/N) playfully rolled her eyes. “So I guess you’ll have to wait until tomorrow night to find out, won’t you? I’ll get Clint to dog-sit Lucky and we’ll have a night on the town; I’m talking pizza, ice cream, the movie theater, Rockefeller’s skating rink, maybe even one of those cheesy escape rooms we could probably solve with our eyes closed…” They both chuckled at that and (Y/N) relished the newfound softness in Kate’s dark eyes as they stared into hers. “How’s that sound?”
With a happy sigh, (Y/N) looped her arms around Kate’s neck and smiled. “Sounds very Kate Bishop: a little bit weird and absolutely wonderful.”
See the full post
158 notes - Posted November 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
What The World Needs Now...
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Summary: Entirely out of options and fearing for her daughter’s safety, (Y/N) decides to pay Professor Charles Xavier a visit at Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters. The man in charge of the school, however, was nothing like what (Y/N) had expected.
Pairing: Charles Xavier X Reader
Word Count: 5.3k
Warnings/Disclaimers: None
A/N: I was going through one of my old flash drives when I found this one-shot I’d written years ago, way back when I had a huge thing for McAvoy’s Professor X (specifically Professor X from X-Men: Apocalypse, the flowing brown hair really got to me lol). After making a few quick edits, I decided to publish it for you all to read so I hope that you enjoy! "What The World Needs Now Is Love" by Jackie DeShannon partially inspired this one-shot, so give it a listen if you've never heard it before :)
What The World Needs Now... September 1979
Looking out the window of the taxi, (Y/N) quietly admired how the sunlight streamed through the endless forest of trees; although they’d been traveling from Westchester County Airport through the woods of upstate New York for nearly a half an hour, the beautiful scenery still managed to keep her distracted from any anxious thoughts.
(Y/N) turned to Molly, who was curled against her side and fast asleep, and gently brushed her hair away from her peaceful face before looking down at the letter resting on her lap. The paper, once crisp and white, was wrinkled and stained from countless readings and although she could practically recite the words from memory by now, she began to read the letter once again.
Dear Miss (Y/L/N),
To say that I was pleasantly surprised by your letter would be an understatement; in all my years of research, I have never heard of a mutation developing at such a young age. I would very much like to meet your daughter to uncover more about her mutation but unfortunately, I am unable to leave my school and students unattended for extended periods of time. Would it be possible for you and your daughter to travel here? I know how complicated everything must seem to you now but I promise you, Miss (Y/L/N), I will do everything in my power to help the both of you in this challenging time.
                                                  Professor Charles Xavier
Enclosed with the letter were two first-class plane tickets and in any other situation, (Y/N) would’ve rejected such generosity, but she was beyond desperate; Molly’s powers were accelerating with each passing day and becoming more and more noticeable, and they’d already been the target of threats from their supposed friends and neighbors. So, without a second thought, she and Molly found themselves on an airplane the day after the letter arrived. Professor Xavier seems like a very kindhearted old man, she thought with a hint of a smile, maybe the sort who wears patches on the elbows of his jackets and misplaces his reading glasses, or one who is even bald. No matter what he looked or dressed like, though, she was beyond relieved to have finally found someone who could possibly help her daughter.
“Would you look at that?” The taxi driver gave a low whistle. “That’s one hell of a house, huh?”
(Y/N) looked up from the letter and gasped in awe. In the distance stood an enormous mansion, similar to European castles and manors she’d only read about in books; the impressive stone structure was ringed with a manicured lawn and towering trees, and tendrils of ivy grew along the towering walls of the building.
“Molly? Molly, sweetie, time to wake up, we’re here!” Molly’s eyes slowly opened and she sleepily raised her hands to rub at them. “Molly-Bear look, doesn’t it look like a castle?”
Molly finally looked up and her face immediately brightened. “A castle, Mommy!” (Y/N) had to quickly stuff the letter into her purse and move it out of the way as the five-year old clambered onto her lap for a better look; she pressed her hands, which were wrapped in a pair of pink mittens, onto the window and stared at the mansion with wide eyes. “Is there a dragon in there?”
“I’m not sure, sweetie, you’ll have to ask Professor Xavier when we meet him.”
Minutes later, the taxi driver pulled up to the front of the mansion and stopped. (Y/N) thanked him and paid their fare before getting out and grabbing their two suitcases; they watched the taxi drive off before walking up several steps to the mansion’s massive front doors. On the stone wall beside the door was a modest brass plaque, which read Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters.
“Wanna help me knock, Molly-Bear?” When the little girl smiled toothily, (Y/N) set their suitcases down, picked Molly up and rested her against her hip before raising her knuckles to the door. Molly placed her small fist against the door and they both knocked loudly, and (Y/N) silently hoped that someone in the enormous house would be able to hear them.
Much to her surprise, however, the door opened only a few moments later to reveal a tall man; he had a youthful face, with carefully styled brown hair and brilliant blue eyes behind a pair of black-rimmed glasses, and he wore a white laboratory coat over a dark blue button-down shirt and brown slacks. “Hello, how can I help you?”
“We wanna see Professor ’Zavier!”
The man’s bewildered look would’ve made (Y/N) smile if not for their serious situation. “My name is (Y/N) (Y/L/N), and this is my daughter, Molly. We’re here to meet Professor Charles Xavier.” She reached into her purse, withdrew the letter and handed it to the wary man. “He sent me this letter several days ago.”
His eyes quickly scanned the words and he looked up, his guarded expression falling as he gave her a bright smile. “Of course, the professor’s been expecting you both, Miss (Y/L/N)!” Giving back the letter, he opened the door wider and gestured for them to enter. “Here, let me get your bags for you.”
“Thank you, Mr.…?”
“Oh, it’s Hank, Hank McCoy.” He shook her hand before bringing their suitcases into the house and nudging the door closed behind them. “The professor should be in his study, so if you’ll follow me…”
While Hank led them through the halls of the mansion, (Y/N) looked around and admired the beautiful interior. Everything from the mahogany wood-paneling to the slightly-faded ornate carpeting made her feel as though she were Nick Caraway from The Great Gatsby, entering the elaborate home of the mysterious Jay Gatsby for the very first time. However, she couldn’t help but notice a distinct lack of students roaming the halls.
“Excuse me, Hank, but where are all the children?”
Hank glanced down at his wristwatch. “Right now, they’re all in fifth period. It’s usually a lot noisier around here, but I think they’re all taking tests today.” They turned down another hall and continued walking. “I’m sorry for back there, by the way, we don’t get many visitors and sometimes the ones we do get-” He bit his lip and looked down before continuing. “They’re not all exactly fans of mutants like us.” Giving his head a small shake, Hank glanced between her and Molly out of the corner of his eye. “So, um…what exactly is her-?”
See the full post
475 notes - Posted January 28, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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19thsentry-blog · 2 years
In The Shadows
Miraculous Ladybug Fanfic (Lukanette Endgame)
Prelude | Chp 1 | Chp 2 | Chp 3 | Chp 4 | Chp 5 | Chp 6 | Chp 7 | Chp 8 | Chp 9 | Chp 10 | Chp 11 | Chp 12 | Chp 13 | Chp 14 | Chp 15 | Chp 16 | Chp 17 | Chp 18 | Chp 19 | Epilogue | Worlds Not Our Own | Timeline
Chapter Seven: The Question (AO3 Link)  
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Chapter Snapshot
Gabriel nodded, his gaze dropping to the various photographs on the table before his pale icy eyes locked with hers. "Before we discuss anything further, I'm afraid we will need to discuss something unpleasant. Miss Dupain-Cheng, is it true you are in love with my son?"
The question felt like having a meter-long band-aid ripped off with brutal quickness. A breath caught in her throat, a thousand questions running through her mind at a mile a minute. How did he know? Who told him? What was the right answer? Would he deny a nomination if the answer was a yes? What was wrong with her that he would call it unpleasant?
Why would it matter if she did?
Did she still love Adrien?
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Marinette was neck-deep in raspberry macaron filling when her phone erupted into Jagged's guitar solo. She peeked over to see who was calling her, squeezing the icing bag out of panic when she saw Adrien's contact image on the screen, causing a huge squirt of pink filling to go flying across the counter. "Oh my god! Oh my god!" Marinette chucked the bag down and hastily scrubbed her hands against her apron, terrified but picking up the phone anyway. This was it--she'd find out if Gabriel still thought she was hot stuff or yesterday's news.
Adrien's calm voice drifted through the receiver. "Marinette?"
"Hi, it's me, I'm here--did he…?" They had been afraid that Gabriel wouldn't have time to review her portfolio with Félix and his mother in town, but Adrien had found a way to get it to him when he was in a relatively non-hostile mood (she couldn't blame Gabriel, if she had to share a house with Félix for a week she'd probably rip out his spine and turn it into a hat--actually, that might be a cool design idea...).
"He wants to know if you have time to come see him in person," Adrien said, not giving a definitive yes or no on whether Gabriel liked her designs.
"Now? As in right now?!" Marinette looked down at herself, covered in flour and icing and all manner of weird and sticky. "I'll be there soon, just--just give me a few!" She slapped the phone down on the counter, forgetting to hang up before she dashed upstairs to change, bumping past her father on the way up. In the fastest costume change in history, she was out the front door in the space of a few minutes, the macaron catastrophe left undealt with on the counter. Marinette would have to make it up to her mom and dad later, but landing a job and not having to live with them forever was waaay more important.
She knew the path to the Agreste mansion by heart and could make the trip in under twenty minutes, but she had to take another two minutes to stop before she got to the gate to even her breathing and apply fresh perfume to hopefully cover whatever sweat smell she might have gotten on the run over. Tikki gave her a reassuring smile when she stuck the perfume back in her purse, and with one final deep breath, she calmly walked around the corner and pressed the bell.
The freaky eyeball camera stirred to life (she hated that thing) and without any words or preamble, the gates opened. In her younger years she'd fantasized about that, that Adrien's bodyguard and Gabriel's assistant would know her immediately and would let her in without trouble because everybody loved her and they all thought that she and Adrien were perfect together--
She snapped out of her daydream when the doors to the mansion opened, Adrien's bodyguard holding it open for her. Marinette skipped up the steps and into the main hall, wondering if she would see Adrien while she was there. Nathalie was waiting for her just inside the door.
"Miss Dupain-Cheng," she bowed slightly, clutching her tablet to her chest. "If you would please follow me."
Well, that settled that. Marinette nodded and followed Nathalie into Gabriel's office, trying not to panic when the door was shut behind her. Gabriel's atelier was impressive as always, a long white room with a black and white checked floor, designer dresses on dress forms, and photos of Adrien on the wall to her right. At the back of the room, standing in front of Emelie's portrait was Gabriel Agreste. A table had been set up in the middle of the room, Marinette's designs spread across the top in large, full print.
"Miss Dupain-Cheng, I'm glad to see you here on such short notice," Gabriel said, winding around his stand to approach the table in the center of his office. He sat at a small stool at the end of the table and pressed his fingertips together. "I understand you are looking for a nomination to the Lanvin apprenticeship opening shortly, is that correct?" He indicated with a nod of his head that he intended for her to sit on the stool directly opposite him.
Marinette let go of her vice grip on her purse strap and walked to the table, trying to mimic Gabriel's incredible posture. "Yes, that's right." A Ladybug mechanism kicked in, and instead of succumbing to anxiety-driven stutters, she sounded confident and poised (thank God, thank God, thank God).
Gabriel nodded, his gaze dropping to the various photographs on the table before his pale icy eyes locked with hers. "Before we discuss anything further, I'm afraid we will need to discuss something unpleasant. Miss Dupain-Cheng, is it true you are in love with my son?"
The question felt like having a meter-long band-aid ripped off with brutal quickness. A breath caught in her throat, a thousand questions running through her mind at a mile a minute. How did he know? Who told him? What was the right answer? Would he deny a nomination if the answer was a yes? What was wrong with her that he would call it unpleasant?
Why would it matter if she did?
Did she still love Adrien?
"No," she asserted quickly, her panic causing her to falter. Gabriel raised an impassive eyebrow, opening his mouth to speak--God, he'll say no, he really would say no--"I mean, I'm sorry," she laughed a little and pressed her palms to her skirt. "That sounded like a lie the way I said it. I don't want to lie to you, Mr Agreste, your question just caught me off guard." The more she spoke the more Ladybug found her footing, worming her way back into her speech. "I did love Adrien--I think I always will in some ways. But there's so much out there, so much to do and see and experience, and now that I'm older I'm really understanding that. This portfolio here is a part of that desire. There's still a lot of fantasy, but I want to explore and design different kinds of pieces…"
In the back of her brain, she recognized she had managed to work around that extremely personal question and bring it back to her work. That was something that at the end of the day, no matter what happened, she could be proud of. Gabriel seemed to accept the change of subject until the end. It was impossible to avoid it, given the photo's subject. At this point she was standing closer to his shoulder, having moved around the table to better show him the details she was proud of. Gabriel lifted the photo off the glass table, looking at it under his studio lights.
"Is this how you see him?" He asked, grey eyes scanning the page. It had been the first design she created for this portfolio, and she could still feel a bundle of nerves in the bottom of her stomach from the shoot itself (she had expected Adrien to tell her it was a ridiculous idea--but he always encouraged her creative side. It was only in love that he pushed her softly away). Adrien was sitting back on a set of stairs, lounging in the sun in a white Grecian-like tunic like a modern-day Apollo. He looked so mature and…sensual. She had expected to turn into an awkward, babbling mess, but seeing him in that light was…much different from what she'd been imagining.
Marinette smiled a bit sadly. "He fit the image the most, but…" her eyes turned to the large wall of Gabriel's framed photoshoots of Adrien, her Adrien, dreamy but still innocent, still in the throes of boyhood. "When I think of Adrien, I think I see him the same way you do."
They were both quiet for a moment. Gabriel broke the silence when he set the photo down and clasped his hands together. "I only have one more question for you, Miss Dupain-Cheng."
Marinette started a bit and had to force herself not to grab the lifeline of her purse strap--people would realize eventually it was a nervous tick. "Yes, what is it?"
"Why come to me? A nomination is not required, and with your level of talent, I believe you could level the playing field for those who had one. Why did you ask me, specifically?"
Marinette could hear the unspoken question in his words--the real reason he was asking. She walked back around the table and sat on the stool so she could see him properly, eye to eye. "I don't expect any obligation because I'm a friend of Adrien's. Truthfully, it's the opposite. You would judge me harsher than anyone else because of that." Even down to asking if she loved his son, she thought grimly. "Part of me relied on that--if you believe I'm good enough to nominate despite everything--well, that means something. The Agreste name has a lot of weight in this industry, and if I didn't try to ask for your backing for this apprenticeship it would feel like I wasn't doing everything I could. But, even if you didn't give your recommendation, I still would have submitted my portfolio. I don't give up easily," she said with a small laugh. "The other reason is…it is something more personal. You were the first real designer that noticed me. Seeing my hat design in a real photoshoot on a professional model, and then on the runway…it lit a fire under me. I wanted you to see just how far I've come these past few years."
Something of a smile came across Gabriel's lips. An understanding passed between them--that she wasn't just 'Adrien's friend' to him anymore. She was a creator. A real fledgling designer. "…In light of all you have told and shown me today, I would be glad to nominate you."
Marinette couldn't help the sigh of relief that passed her lips--all the work and anxiety had been worth it.
"I believe you'll do very well--your portfolio shows your range of design, your voice, and your propensity for growth. I do have one last comment for you," he said, shifting the pictures around until he found the one of Juleka and Marc. "For you to submit this, the photographer's credit will need to be listed. This was the only one that did not have the proper credit listed."
"Wait, that's not right--" Marinette said with a frown, once again standing up to investigate the photo. She knew she had it listed when she handed it off to Adrien. She was so proud of how that photo had turned out; Adrien had done such an incredible job on the photography--did he not want his father to know he was the one who had done it? Marinette bit her lip. Gabriel was watching her carefully, reading the lines on her face. He would know if she lied to him, and he'd have to find out eventually when he reviewed the final package for her apprenticeship. "I'm sorry for the mistake," she said finally. "The photographer I had booked couldn't make it for the shoot. Adrien stepped in as the photographer."
Gabriel froze, his body stuck in surprised contemplation. "I see," he said finally, voice oddly tight. He didn't sound angry, Marinette thought, just…confused. Gabriel never struck her as someone that liked surprises. His hand suddenly flew to his chest, under the knot of his tie. "I apologize, Miss Dupain-Cheng. I'm afraid I must cut this short." He stood quickly and turned to her. "I will have the nomination letter written by the end of the week and have Nathalie send it to you. I look forward to watching your progress."
Marinette was on cloud nine the whole way home. For a moment, her future became unclouded, and she could see that she was building it brick by solid brick and that someday, she'd be standing on top of the tower looking down. The clouds would probably swirl back in when it came time to find out if she had beaten out the other competitors, but for now, she was just happy. Marinette stopped by the park to sit and text her friends the good news. She even ran into Manon and Ms Nadja at the park and got the privilege of sharing the news with someone in person. Just as she finished her text to Adrien, thanking him for everything he had done, the telltale crash and screams associated with an Akuma attack rang in the air.
Marinette dove for the bushes and unzipped her purse with a smile. "Ready to go, Tikki?" She was grateful that the attack hadn't happened during her meeting with Gabriel. After all, baking stellar macarons, taking over the fashion design industry, all followed up by saving Paris by kicking total ass? That was a damn good day in her book (okay, so maybe the macarons hadn't turned out stellar because they were still unfinished on the counter, but they would have been stellar if she finished them).
That good mood was promptly shattered when the pastry monster she was fighting slapped her so hard she was smacked up against a wall like a wet paper towel. Ladybug fell a good 7 meters back down to the ground, too dazed in the head to try and save herself. The magic suit buffered a lot, but now her ass hurt, and her head felt like someone had just shoved it full of steel wool. "Shake it off, Ladybug," she muttered, peeling up off the sidewalk. She held her head in one hand and balanced herself against the wall of the building she'd made a lovely "Ladybug" imprint on. Several blocks away she could see the monstrous bakery conglomeration trying in vain to swat Chat Noir away like a fly.
How was she supposed to know that not finishing those macarons this morning would launch a series of stupid scenarios resulting in some other patisserie chef getting turned into an Akuma victim? It was flattering that customers thought her baking was superior enough that they felt put out when they couldn't get their hands on her and her parent's sweets. But so much that they would complain to the other nearby bakeries? It wasn't exactly a flattering situation for the other bakers and patisserie chefs in town (she would be pretty pissed if that happened to her, too). If she ever wondered why she tended to catastrophize over the smallest things, this would be a prime example in one. Don't finish one batch of lousy macarons and suddenly all of Paris was under siege!
Once Ladybug was sure the black spots in her vision were just the ones on her suit and not a symptom of a concussion, she whipped back out her yo-yo and threw. Feeling it catch, she pulled back slightly, launching herself back into the air, wind whipping in her hair. Step one, get back over to the akumatized victim. Step two, figure out where the Akuma was hiding. It had regenerative powers, so they likely would need to keep wearing it down until it stopped being able to regenerate so fast. If it had regeneration, the Akuma was likely inside the frosting somewhere; wearing down its regenerative powers should reveal whatever was inside. Then she could call her Lucky Charm--
Ladybug kept her plan of attack in mind as she neared the massive patisserie nightmare. Her plan was a fine one, but it was hard to do that when there were so many people on the ground in danger of getting smashed. The Akuma had wandered into the main street and traffic was backed up a mile. Cars and scooters lay abandoned from where they were toppled over, either covered in gooey icing and batter or kicked aside in the scuffle. One bus had toppled over onto its side like a beached whale, with people having to escape from the windows and hop down to safety.
She could tell Chat Noir was trying to bait it away from the street and towards Place des Vosges, the same park she'd been enjoying her accomplishment just thirty minutes prior. It wasn't taking the bait. Ladybug watched the behemoth stumble backward toward the street, unleashing an enraged shout that burst her eardrums, leaving a sugary sweet smell in the air as it bellowed. It was backing up further into the street, right back towards the inert bus and the last two people on the side; a boy was helping pull someone out of the bus and Ladybug's heart launched into her throat when he lifted his face.
She dove for him, her yo-yo wire slung around the arm of the mammoth creature threatening to crush him. He wouldn't see her coming, his features were set in grim determinization as he helped the man off the side of the bus. Just as Luka turned to see the giant foot threatening to come down on him Ladybug was there, grabbing him by the waist and shooting off to safety. Luka's body was tense up against hers, his warm hands grasping each of her shoulders. Ladybug jolted to a stop on a roof far enough away from the Akuma that she could be assured he wouldn't get crushed and gently unwound her arm from his waist. Away from the pervasive sugar smell, she could finally smell him again--earthy and pleasant and Luka--it made her head swim.
Luka took a step back from her and she realized with a flush of embarrassment she had just been standing there smelling him (not smelling him, she'd just been standing there…catching her breath. Yeah.). "I uh…I should get back," Ladybug said, gesturing vaguely behind her at the mayhem and taking a step back of her own.
Luka blinked at her as if she had just said something stupid. She probably had said something stupid. "Thanks--for the life-saving,” he said hesitantly. She felt one of those blushes coming on. “I just got here, and no one warned me about…giant cookie monsters."
She’d been so happy to see him in the street (and then immediately terrified he’d be crushed), that she hadn’t stopped to wonder when he'd gotten to Paris. ...Or about why he had decided she wasn't worth a text saying that he'd made it. But he had just gotten here. "Oh, well, yes," Ladybug started with an awkward laugh. "They usually don't go over that in the tours. Over there is the Eiffel tower, and there's the Arc de Triumph, and to the left, you can see a giant monster rampaging through the Seine…" Maybe she should have warned him when he said he wanted to visit Paris, but she had wanted just one normal night where she didn't have to think about Akumas and world-saving…
Luka burst out with a laugh that warmed her down to her toes. She really did have to get back; she'd already spent unnecessary time dragging him several blocks away to make extra sure he wouldn't get squished. Ladybug frowned to herself. If he was new, would he really know how to get back? "If I asked you to stay here until it was over, would you?" she asked, uncertainty creeping into her voice.
Luka hit her with a brilliant smile, an edge of mischievousness to it. "Probably not. I'm looking for someone--I'm already pretty late."
She fiddled with her yo-yo just to have something to do with her hands. He had mentioned a friend wanting him in Paris, was that who he was trying to find…? "Do you know where you're going?"
"Not even a little bit."
The sugar monster's roar rang loudly even from as far away as they were. Her stomach clenched. "What's their name--I know a lot of people, I might have heard of them?"
Luka raised an eyebrow skeptically but answered anyway. "Her name's Marinette--"
"Dupain-Cheng?" She blurted out. He was here for her, he hadn't forgotten, and he still liked her enough to--
"That's her, how did you know?" Luka's head tilted, cerulean eyes scanning her face.
Oops. Too eager. "I save a lot of people," Ladybug said, trying to slow the beating of her heart down. Her yo-yo began to vibrate, and she had to grasp it tight so she didn't accidentally fling it. "Oh God--I gotta go!" Chat Noir was probably really tired of playing cat and mouse with the vengeful lump of pastry. "She's usually around Tom & Sabine's Boulangerie!" Ladybug shouted over her shoulder, running back into the action. She had a city to defrost.
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Ladybug wasn't gone for long when Luka transformed. The city was quiet around the clash at Place des Vosges, trees cracked under massive thundering footsteps and sugar cloyed at his nose like he'd inhaled a pack of crushed-up smarties. Luka jumped across the rooftops of the deserted streets, most of the citizens having evacuated from the nearby area. If Ladybug was a hero, and all signs he'd seen since he got to Paris indicated that she was (literally, there were signs with her face on them at the airport), then surely whatever happened in New York had to be a misunderstanding.
He hadn't made the best impression the first time they met, but he had no way of knowing he could trust her with his actual motives back then. Not that it mattered--Ladybug had seemed upset he was using the Snake Miraculous to get money, and that's exactly what he had been doing. Still, how she'd treated him earlier indicated she was genuinely quite kind. If he could clear the air between them, he might find himself with an ally rather than an antagonistic acquaintance.
Luka kept to the shadows while he watched Ladybug and her companion--a blond hero with black cat ears, a slick black suit, and a belt for a tail. When Ladybug was saving Paris, she was resplendent. A passionate heart flying through the sky in red and black with blue eyes that saw everything, that planned in a split second, that made decisions. The most finely tuned orchestra sang through her body when she danced in the air. She wasn’t just a Miraculous holder, she WAS Miraculous, from the top of her head to the tips of her toes.
Ladybug was wrapping the giant's legs with her yo-yo wire to trip it up like it was an AT-AT Walker, and the cat hero jumped onto its back, digging into it with his staff. The sugar blob wobbled with its legs caught in the wire, and it began to fall onto its back--Luka couldn't see much from this angle, just the cat hero launching himself out from under it before he was squashed, holding a long black tube of some kind. Ladybug ran over to him, the two of them conferring with their heads together while Ladybug's hands moved quickly.
Luka could safely say he'd never defeated anyone with a bicycle pump and a balloon before. Sugar exploded around a giant red and black dotted balloon that had been shoved into its back earlier. With a deft whip of Ladybug's yo-yo, the monster disappeared, leaving only a young woman in a patisserie apron, the giant balloon, and a bright white butterfly. Luka clenched his hands, watching the butterfly’s ascent into the air—it wasn’t just the Ladybug and the Horse Miraculous that were in Paris. Evidently, there were several; not all of them being used for good.
Ladybug removed the balloon from the bicycle pump and let it shoot into the sky, watching it transform into thousands of little ladybugs. The bugs dispersed around Paris, removing the goop, repairing the buildings, and even returning cracked trees to pristine condition. Sangpo and Sass had told him about the powers of the Ladybug Miraculous but seeing it in action was really something else. Luka had been so busy tracing the paths of the ladybugs he didn’t even notice that he’d been spotted from his place at the tree line. She had no antagonism towards the foe she had just bested—but she had plenty to level at him. Ladybug was stomping towards him like a reenactment of Stevie Nicks and Lindsey Buckingham singing The Chain after their infamous breakup. Her companion fluttered after her nervously, a hummingbird chasing nectar.
Luka seemed to make friends naturally—it wasn’t something he was conscious of, friendship just seemed to fold itself around him. But when pressed to make friends overtly, he wasn't sure what to do or how to act (weren't all relationships better when they just happened naturally)? That was why, despite it never, ever actually working, Luka looked at the irate Ladybug and the only thing he could think to do was wave at her.
It made her madder.
"What the hell are you doing in my city?" she hissed, blue eyes roaring like a rainstorm on the prairie.
Luka tucked his hands in his scaly jacket's pockets, not sure what else to do with them if they caused her to rampage towards him like a bull that had seen red. "We didn't get to finish our talk last time," he said, smiling down at her.
She grabbed his jacket collar, pulling him down to her eye level. "I wouldn't call punching you a talk." Maybe not, but Ladybug hadn't actually managed to hit him during their fight in New York either. Not that he'd been fighting fair. Ladybug's wound-up fist was stopped by her companion, who was trying to wedge himself between them in vain. "Er, Buganette, we might cover more ground by talking before punching in this case--"
She let go of Luka's jacket with a shove and stood back, crossing her arms. "Fine." While Ladybug had taken the lead in the Akuma fight, she acquiesced to her companion, although she didn't seem happy about it.
"You'll have to forgive milady, she's…passionate." He paused when Ladybug threw him a withering stare behind his back. Clearing his throat, he continued. "Given that, I doubt proper introductions were made. This is Ladybug, and I'm her partner, Chat Noir. And your alias is…?"
Luka blinked. An alias? He'd never had one--Detective Ramirez had called him Scales, but that was only because addressing him as "hey, you," was getting tiresome. "Uh--huh. Sorry, I've never picked one before. You can call me…" Chat Noir was looking up at him expectantly, almost with a bit of excitement--shit, he needed something that wasn't lame--anything at all, "…Viperion. That'll do."
Chat smiled, brilliant green eyes shining in the growing dusk. "Viperion, excellent. Wonderful to meet you. Now, er, as milady so eloquently put--why are you here? Not that we aren't thrilled that the Snake Miraculous isn't lost, but I was given the impression from the incident in New York you weren't interested in returning it to the Guardian."
Viperion felt like time was sliding under his feet for a moment, feeling that same lurch that he usually experienced when giving himself a Second Chance—but he hadn’t twisted his bracelet. Time wasn’t really slipping and reversing; it was just him. "Wait, what? There's a Guardian here in Paris?" Viperion looked between the two of them, trying to remember if Ladybug had ever mentioned the presence of a Guardian when they first met. There was no way she had--he would have latched on to that immediately. His heart felt like it was going a thousand miles a minute; this could be it, he thought, with no real idea of what "it" was.
It was Chat Noir's turn to look at Ladybug with a glare, ears drooping as he looked at her. "Sweets, you really need to get better with introductions."
Ladybug shrugged sharply; arms still crossed. "Smooth-talking is your thing--and don't call me 'sweets'."
Chat rolled his eyes and turned back to Viperion, extending one arm towards Ladybug with a flourish. "Ladybug is also the Guardian of the Miraculous. She's sworn to return them all to the Miracle Box, which was why she was seeking you out."
Viperion could barely hear from the pounding in his ears. "How many others are lost?" he asked, voice hoarse. "That thing was made from the Butterfly Miraculous, right? How many are…safe?" Was his searching over? The 140-year journey, so many things lost and too little found, finally coming to a halt seemed impossible.
Ladybug and Chat Noir looked at each other, exchanging confused glances--he didn't blame them, if they thought he was just a thief this whole time his desperation must have sounded dissonant to their ears. "Fifteen," Ladybug finally said, so quiet he almost didn't catch it. "We have fifteen. Hawk Moth has two--" she gestured behind her as if the sugar conglomeration was still there, "--and we know where the Snake is, now."
He braced his back against the tree behind him--fifteen with the Guardian (a real Guardian, with a real Miracle Box, not whatever it was he was), two found but in seemingly bad hands, and two with him. Nineteen. All accounted for; almost all back where they were supposed to be. "I have two," Viperion said. "Not just the Snake. The Mouse, too."
Ladybug's head snapped up, her eyes blaring with hope, "You have both?! I can't--I mean, I've been looking for them for so long--does this mean you'll return them?"
Something was lodged in his throat, stopping him from saying a word. Return them?
Wes prodded Mullo's stomach, whipping his finger back when Mullo snapped her two front teeth at him with a giggle. "So here I was, thinkin' you got your lily-white arse kicked out of some bird's place and that's why you always looked so bloody pathetic. What you're really tellin' me is you're on the run with two magic whatsits, burdened with some grand and glorious promise from an old geezer to keep 'em safe as houses?"
Luka swallowed and nodded, grateful for Sass's comforting weight on his shoulder. He hadn't been able to explain Mullo's ability to fly around the room and go 'poof' through walls--not this time. It was either explain himself or continue watching his roommate run around the house after Mullo with a baseball bat, screaming his lungs off. So instead, he just said, "Yeah. That's basically it." Minus living for almost a century, anyway.
Wes sucked in his cheeks. "Right then. An' you thought the best course of action was to move in with a roommate who would find out all your deep dark secrets?"
He shrugged--the kitchen chair that Wes had 'inherited' shifted under his weight, wobbling uncomfortably. "I'm not made of money. And normally you're drunk, or high, no offense--"
Wes rolled his eyes and dug in his pocket for a cigarette, scowling when Mullo stole his lighter and disappeared with it. "Oi, you little rodent, bring that back over here--!" he sighed, looking back to Luka. "It's the '80s, mate, and I'm not gettin' any younger. Always best to get your jollies in while you can."
"I won't be in your way for very long. Just long enough to make sure no other Miraculous have shown up here in London."
"Yeah, yeah, alright--don't cry or anythin'. So, what would you do if you did find another one? I doubt it's just sittin' around in some knick-knack shop on main." Wes moodily stuffed his cigarette back in the box, clearly giving up on chasing Mullo down for his lighter. He took to shaking his knee up and down instead.
"That's where I found Mullo," Luka said, using his thumb to drag the chipped guitar pick around his neck into view. "But if someone has it, I'll get it back."
Wes raised his eyebrows, a smirk on his lips. "You? You look like you're 6 stone wet, I don't think you're doing any rescuing. 'Sides, what if it's one of those Guardian blokes? What d'you do then?"
"I guess…I guess I never thought about that."
Wes snorted at him, but it was true. After the trip to Tibet when he and Sass had tried to find any remnants of the Order of the Guardians, it just seemed so hopeless. There was nothing, just a jagged pit in the ground that seemed to go all the way down to hell. Not a scrap had been left behind.
"Well, I'd start thinkin' about it. That's what you boy scout types do, innit? Preparation and all that bollocks. If I were you, I'd be ready for some monk-lookin' chap to come walkin' up easy as you please and tell you to hand your friends over." Wes let that sink in, spinning his pack of cigarettes on the tabletop. He raised his eyebrows at him, amber eyes intense. "Could you do it?"
He still didn't know--he'd never been able to answer the question. He really had tried to think about it that day, and every once in a while after. In some ways, wouldn't it be easier? He would be done. The burden on his shoulders that had been pressing down on him for over a century would be lifted, as well as all the secrets he had to keep, the secrets that had cost blood and tears and years, so many years... He could be normal. It would all be over.
Ladybug took a step towards him, hands drawn together over her chest in hopeful prayer. He realized, then, that part of her nightmare would be over too.
"Could you do it?"
His answer poured out of him like molasses, thick and viscous. "I don't think I can."
He could hear her heartbreak. The desperate hope she regarded him vanished, completely crushed under his words. A small beeping sound chimed, and Ladybug's hands shot up to her earrings. "Not now--" Ladybug hissed, more to herself than anyone else. She shot a panicked look at Chat Noir, then turned back to Luka, aggression marring her features again. "I'm not letting you leave with them," she said resolutely. She backed up several steps, and then turned and jumped away, a streak of red against the deepening blue sky.
Viperion watched her go, realizing with a small jolt of shock that she couldn't control when she transformed back. It had been so long ago for him that the transformation back was a constraint that he'd forgotten about it. Chat Noir stayed where he was, eyes inscrutable as he studied Viperion.
"She really won't give up, you know. We would follow you wherever you go."
Viperion let out a soft chuckle--not because it was funny, but because he knew it was true. He'd do the same. "I know. I don't intend to run away." Where would he go? All the Miraculous were here; he was the one who had been late to the party this whole time. All those years--just by himself--how long had they all been in France? Were they here when he'd come looking for whatever blood ties he might have left? How much time had been wasted?
"You can trust her. I know she can come off strong, but it's just because she cares." Chat Noir's tone had softened, an attempt to be the angel on his shoulder, to convince him to do the right thing.
"Could you do it?" Viperion asked.
Chat frowned like he hadn't been expecting the question. "If she asked…"
Viperion shook his head, pushing himself off the tree he'd been leaning on. "No, could you do it? After decades, after everything else you knew was gone, if this was all you were…what would you do?" And suddenly, he really needed to know. He needed to hear the answer from someone still living--someone who was still here. He knew Wes's answer, but he was the only one keeping his friend's spirit alive. If he had lived, would he have changed after all this time?
Chat Noir lowered his head, staring at the black ring on his finger. A soft breeze flew by, no longer bringing the scent of sugar and icing, but that of falling and decaying leaves. Red and orange leaves fluttered between the two dark figures, the air itself wrapping around Chat Noir in tendrils, begging for an answer. He finally looked up, fixing Viperion with a sad gaze, green eyes gone soft. "If it was just me--I think…I think I'd beg them to take it."
Viperion took a sharp breath in--Chat's response was the typical thing, wasn't it? When the end goal was in sight, why would he turn and walk away from it? Viperion drew back, letting the wind continue to divide the rift between them. "I'll be around, Chat Noir."
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Rather than sneaking back through his window to transform back, Adrien chose the far riskier option of changing in the backyard so he could slip in through the back door quickly. There was a lot left to think about, but Adrien wasn't sure he was ready to talk with Plagg yet. His conversation with Viperion had left him somber, a pit of unease swelling in his stomach that didn't seem intent on going anywhere. Besides, he was late for dinner; and whenever Aunt Amélie was visiting she always insisted on sitting down as a family. While he and Félix hadn't been on good terms recently, Adrien was always glad he didn't have to eat alone when they were all here.
The dining room was already lit, plates of salad set on each plate. His father sat at the head of the table, Amélie and Félix flanking his left side, Nathalie sitting stiffly on his right.
"Adrien, you're late," Gabriel said, the line between his brows stiff and uncompromising.
Adrien reached back in his mind for an excuse, but Amélie cut him off with a bubbly laugh. "Oh, Gabriel, give him a break. He's an adult now, I'm sure he has places to go. Have a seat, dear. We've already started." Gabriel shot her a nasty look but didn't have a chance to get a word in edgewise. Amélie continued talking while Adrien seated himself next to Nathalie and began to pick at his cucumber salad. "Nathalie, are you quite alright? You've barely touched your food," she said.
Nathalie started, pushing her glasses up reflexively. "Yes, quite alright, thank you." Adrien always suspected it made Nathalie highly nervous to be at the table with them. She attacked mealtimes at the table as if it were a professional obligation. Whenever Amélie and Félix excused themselves, Nathalie's shoulders would sag, and he once thought he heard what sounded like a sigh of relief escape her lips. When the Graham de Vanily's weren't here, she simply ate on her own time, and merely watched over his shoulder for lunches and dinners. He felt guilty that even though it made her uncomfortable, he vastly preferred Nathalie sitting next to him during mealtimes rather than standing to the side.
Amélie carried the conversation all on her own through the salad and the first course; Adrien was always impressed with how she could keep on with very little encouragement. Félix kept giving him odd sidelong glances throughout dinner, and when his mother was busy with a bite of pork he finally spoke. "So, Adrien, did your friend's project bear any fruit?"
Adrien gave a quick look to his father before answering--his father hadn't mentioned that he'd agreed to nominate Marinette for the apprenticeship at Lanvin's, but he knew from Marinette that it was true. "It did," he said, spearing a brussels sprout and shoving it in his mouth.
Gabriel set his fork aside. "Marinette is very talented, I have no doubt she would secure the apprenticeship with or without my assistance."
Amélie looked between the three men, realizing that for once she didn't have anything to offer in the conversation because she didn't know who they were discussing. "Who is Marinette? A schoolmate?" she asked Adrien.
Adrien nodded, but it was Félix that answered, something stirring behind his eyes (a look Adrien knew meant he was scheming or delighting in something that no one else would know until it was too late). "Mmm, a friend of Adrien's from school. An aspiring designer. I had the privilege of observing one of the shoots she did for her portfolio. Adrien did an excellent job as the photographer."
Adrien gripped his fork harder. Was that what Félix had been planning? To get him in trouble with his father after he took all those pains to make sure he didn’t find out he'd done something without his permission?
"The photography for that shoot turned out well." Gabriel's voice was flinty, icy eyes attempting to pierce through Félix's nonchalance. "However, it should not have happened without you speaking to me about it first, Adrien. I am sure you understand that."
Adrien slumped. He didn't even get time to be happy that Gabriel thought the pictures came out well. "Yes, Father."
"Gabriel, you're too harsh," Amélie chided. "Adrien, did you ever see the pictures Emelie took in her youth? She was into photography for a good year or two. I'll send you some of them when we return home. She would flutter from hobby to hobby endlessly, but she was always creating something. I've always envisioned you with a girl like that--someone with passion."
Félix brought a finger to his cheek, a foxy smile on his lips. "That sounds just like Marinette, don't you think? Always doing something new, that one."
Gabriel placed his napkin on the table and stood abruptly. "I'm afraid I must get back to work if you'll excuse me." He bowed slightly, then gave a moment's glance at Nathalie who left with him, one of her soft relieved sighs following her out the door.
Adrien didn't stay much longer; he escaped to the relative safety of his room at the next available opportunity. Plagg was already finished with a healthy portion of camembert and was laying belly up on Adrien's pillow. "I don’t know how you stand those awful dinners. If you have to wait two hours for the cheese plate, that's not a dining experience, it's torture."
Adrien smiled, although his heart wasn't in it. He felt guilty. He loved Plagg and he loved being Chat Noir, but if he was honest, the most fun he had in his life was when he was with Ladybug. If she wasn't there, would he want to keep fighting alone? Being a hero was rewarding, yes, but he wasn't a fighter--not really. He hated conflict. Adrien was there for Ladybug because she said she needed him, but if she ever told him she didn't anymore…then he'd probably just stop.
Plagg's lazy drawl cut through his thoughts. "Viperion's an odd fellow, hmm?" Plagg stretched deeply before sitting up. "Guardian types usually are."
Adrien sat next to him. "What do you mean? Is he really a Guardian, like Ladybug?"
"I doubt officially, you need the Miracle Box to be involved for that. But they do all have that painful sense of duty." Plagg huffed. "You know if it were me, I'd be glad to be rid of the whole charade and spend the rest of my days in bed with a lovely hunk of camembert."
Plagg was trying to make him feel better, he realized. Adrien's heart lifted slightly, but before he got a chance to say anything further, he saw Plagg's ears go rigid, and the Kwami quickly disappeared under the bed. There was a perfunctory knock at the door before it opened. Félix slipped inside, closing the door behind him. Adrien had once hoped that he and Félix could be as close as they were when they were kids, but now whenever he saw Félix, he just felt pangs of dread. There was always some private joke he wasn't understanding, and he was more often than not the butt of it. He sighed and flopped back on the bed--he didn't have the energy to address him. Félix would start in soon enough, anyway.
Félix walked over to the bed leisurely, hands clasped behind his back as he examined the familiar trappings of Adrien's room. The rock-climbing wall, foosball table, his CD collection…it was all where it normally was. Nothing new here.
"You really ought to redecorate, you know. This room hasn't changed since you were twelve."
One point to Captain Obvious, Adrien thought bitterly.
Félix continued when Adrien didn't rise to the bait. "I won't stay long. I understand you must be tired. I just wanted to come by privately to see if you needed any support."
A few years ago, he might have leaped for joy at that statement, assuming it meant that Félix wanted to be friends again. Now it just roused him with suspicion. "What do you mean?"
Félix shrugged lightly, unclasping his hands from behind his back to pick up the small white ball from the foosball table, throwing it up in the air and catching it deftly. "Even if you never intended to date, I'm sure it still stings that she's moving on. Your father never would have agreed to nominate her if she wasn't."
Adrien finally sat up and rubbed his face blearily. If Félix was going to play with him, he'd rather he just got to the point than insist on playing cat and mouse. He didn't feel much like chasing today. "I have no idea what you're talking about, Félix," he said with a sigh.
"Come now, there's no need for secrets here." Félix's smile turned twisted. "You know how Marinette pined for you--even you can't be that dense."
Adrien unlaced his shoe, momentarily wondering what Félix would do if he threw it at him. He let it fall to the floor instead. "It doesn't matter," he said finally. "She's my friend--" he could feel his breath catch, a painful clench in his heart stopping him.
Félix caught the marble-sized ball one more time before setting it back in the center of the field. The smile was gone. "I don't know why you insist on acting this way," he said evenly. With a dark look, he was across the room in a moment, his hands gripping Adrien's shirt to push him back onto the bed, his knee in Adrien's chest.
Adrien grasped Félix's wrists, trying to shake him off in vain. "What are you doing?" He gasped; Félix's knee was restricting his ability to breathe.
Félix pushed down harder; his neatly combed hair swinging around his eyes violently. "What are you doing, Adrien? Are you really this craven? Can you really not care when I tell you Marinette doesn't love you anymore? She's moving on from you--everyone is moving on from you! What are you going to do about it?!"
Adrien's hands loosened their grip, mind suddenly scrambling for purchase, lungs painfully tight. "They're not…"
"Are you blind? Stupid?! Your friends all have their own futures, Marinette isn't waiting for you anymore, even your father is moving on from Emelie, day by day. You'll be alone, and there will be no one to blame but yourself--" Félix's steely green eyes bored into him, wrath and rancor dancing darkly.
The need to breathe won out over anything. Adrien wrapped his arms around Félix in a tight bear hug and rolled, landing them both on the floor with a deep thud that echoed in his bones. His throat burned as he breathed deep, flexing his fingers and feeling a harsh tingle in response. They both lay with their backs on the hardwood floor, rough and irregular breathing filling the room like a metronome. There would be time later to think on the pained, haunted look on Viperion's face, and to wonder if Ladybug would someday end up the same way. There would be time later to wonder how Félix could root out his feelings for Marinette when even he hadn't known--but tonight, laying on the floor of his room with his once beloved cousin, all he could think was, why does he care?
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3 notes · View notes
ryujin-zanba · 4 years
i realise given the notes that some of y'all are actually interested in reading what the newspaper articles say in this post so here they all are under the cut (please keep in mind that a lot of them contain personal headcanons and some hints at certain pairings which i will tag. it's okay if you disagree with/dislike the thoughts i have ab some characters' futures but if you find that's the case just keep it to yourself and dni please) ʕ•ᴥ•ʔง
[Poster which says: Vote for Froppy 🐸]
(Not so subtle Napoleon Dynamite reference from me)
 Hero Red Riot Saves the Day an Hour Before His Wedding!    As expected of our favourite man in red, but what did the groom have to say about this? (The groom is Bakugou and he was proud of Kiri ❤)
 Pro Weekly Deku takes title of Japan’s number one hero third year running! Following in the shadow of the longest reigning number one hero, newcomer Deku has a lot to live up to, but he is already breaking records and impressing critics with his heroism, and fans just can’t get enough of him.  In only his third year as a licensed pro, Deku has managed some incredible feats and is shaping up to give the former number one quite a run for his legacy. The retired pro recently shared in an interview that he could not be more proud of his junior and that he is cheering for our new number one the whole way.
 A New Ingenium Takes the Mantle But what can we expect of our dashing (pun intended) new pro? The youngest son of the Iida family is following in his brother’s footsteps as he officially takes on the name and the legacy of beloved hero Ingenium.
 Lemillion Saves One Million Golden hero Lemillion reclaims his position among the top five pros in only his first week back. After participating in the saving of a suspected one million lives involved in an international hostage crisis, Lemillion saw a 100% popularity increase in the polls and has been recognised by several world leaders for his incredible display of heroism. Lemillion has recently returned to hero work after taking a year off for paternity leave last Summer. A brief interview with the pro revealed that husband and baby are both doing well and their little one is already starting to show signs of developing a strong quirk.
(Mirio’s husband is Tamaki ❤)
 Former U.A Students Pay Tribute to Late Mentor Yagi Toshinori How the world is mourning a great hero and the people closest to him are upholding his legacy.
[Accompanying image of Toshi in his pinstripe suit, tired but smiling]
 Not All Heroes Wear Capes U.A high graduate goes on to make major advances in the field of restorative medical science.  Eri, formerly of U.A high school, is currently completing her doctorate at Tokyo University and is expecting to graduate this year with her first PHD. Her influence in the field, however, has already sparked plans for the implementation of several quirk-specialised branches in every major hospital across the country, a system speculated to be fully functioning as soon as next Spring. Having already successfully treated several prominent heroes throughout her blossoming career, we can expect many great things from Eri in the future and wish her all the best with her final exams.
 [Crude cat drawing next to the text 1-A]
(Reference to Aizawa’s cat drawing that he put on a banner for his class during the sports festival in Smash, which he then hid from them)
 [Magazine cover of Yaoyorozu with the top text ‘Women in Business’ and the bottom text ‘Creati’]
 Shouto-Out Former pro hero Shouto retires at age twenty five in order to pursue a career in nursing. After the new data that came to light last month showed an incline in children born to forced quirk marriages, the ex-pro expressed his interest in becoming involved with caring for and counselling the startling number of those taken into care every year as a result. His partner had this to say, “Shouto has had a lot of difficulty finding a path in life that he believes he truly chose for himself, but I think this is his way of being the hero he wants to be and he has my full support.”
(If you guessed Midoriya as Todoroki’s partner being quoted in this, you guessed right!)
 Hero affectionately dubbed ‘Pikachu’ by residents of local children’s hospital
(Kaminari, of course ⚡)
 Present Jack Pro hero and musical talent Earphone Jack has officially joined the Put Your Hands Up Radio team. Rumours that she is set to succeed Japan’s favourite radio personality have already started circulating, but we’re pretty sure the nation’s sweetheart, Present Mic, has got many years yet before we’ll see him retire.
 [Magazine cover featuring Midoriya with the top text ‘Deku’]
 Uravity Saves US Space Shuttle First person in history to be awarded a knighthood by NASA and her achievements haven’t stopped there. The hero known as Uravity is a staunch advocate for the proposed universal income scheme and her support for the bill has garnered such enthusiasm from fans that it is likely to pass in court this February.
(In the image I accidentally called her Uraravity instead of Uravity, sorry girl!)
 He’s Still Got It! Present Mic wins lifetime achievement award for Put Your Hands Up Radio, the show he has been proudly presenting since his debut as a hero. Maintaining a huge following and unwavering popularity, his nighttime slot every Friday from 1am to 5am has also earned him a place in the hall of fame for highest number of consecutive awards in radio hosting history, congrats man!
(Mic might not be one of Aizawa’s students, but he is just as proud of his husband’s achievements ❤)
 Tsukuyomi Gets His Wings Tsukuyomi and his quirk, Dark Shadow, have officially taken over at Hawks’ agency after the young hero retired from the field to pour everything into his successor. As it stands, Hawks will continue on to support Tsukuyomi and we wish them both the best with any future plans from here on.
(Possible spoiler for latest manga chapters... but I think the bird man might be taking a leaf from All Might’s book and finding someone to carry on his legacy 😅)
 Kacchan’s Kitchen Newly opened in the most up and coming area of the city, the restaurant will join several others on the renewed marina-front, though its owner and head chef are what really set the place apart. Already it has received great reviews from critics. 
(Personal HC alert! Bakugou decides the hero life isn’t what he wants anymore and invests in his culinary skills instead, making Kiri a very well-fed man lol)
 Dance ‘Til You’re Pink! Pro hero Pinky opens a second dance studio that offers new prospects for passionate kids who are unable to attend paid classes. Children from low-income families are invited to choose from a variety of options when it comes to which discipline they wish to pursue and all equipment, performance outfits and other costs are covered by the studio.
 The Modern Batman Or should we say Catman? Illusive hero known only by his mind-control ability is spotted petting a local cat during his evening patrol.
[Accompanying image of Shinsou petting a black cat and looking almost identical to Aizawa in his attire]
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daisylincs · 4 years
Author Interview Tag
Tagged By: so, long story short... these tags happened right as I was getting super busy with end-of-the-year-craziness, and I completely didn't see them until I was re-scrolling through all my mentions on Tumblr recently. So the people who initially tagged me have probably forgotten they even did (🤣😬🤦‍♀️) but my my count, they would be: @loved-the-stars-too-fondly, @libbyweasley, @aleksandrachaev, and @everythingirl44. Thank you very much indeed, all of you!! This looks like an absolutely amazing challenge, late as I may be to it.
Name: Lily
Fandom(s): Agents of SHIELD (TV) and Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies)
Where You Post: AO3, and the occasional drabble/prompt fill to Tumblr - which, upon consideration, I should probably collect on AO3 🤔
Most Popular Oneshot: for Spideychelle, and overall too, apparently it's my, my, just how much I missed you, my surprisingly angsty (but with a hopeful ending) ten-years-post-FFH fic for Day 4 of Spideychelle Week.
For AoS, it's time can break your heart, have you begging please which, to be entirely 100% honest with you, I completely forgot I wrote in the first place 🤣🙈 It's post-7x10 angst on... that 7x10 and very spoilery death, with some Dousy hurt/comfort. Apparently, Dousy hurt/comfort is the rage, so... that's cool, I suppose.
Most Popular Multichapter Fic: just a few weeks ago, I would have responded with something like, "multichap? Me? As if 😳😅" But now... well, I'm actually posting my first multi-chapter fic later today, so we'll see how that goes!!
Favourite Story You've Written So Far: oh, gosh, that's a really, really hard one!! I've really, really enjoyed almost everything I've written, so picking is going to be very tough cookies xD
For AoS, I think I'm going to go for take my hand, take my whole life too, which is one of the first few things I wrote, but still holds a very special place in my heart, because I felt that it was a fic I could really be proud of, you know? Plus, it made me feel ridiculously soft and shippy-happy throughout the writing process. Plus plus, it has an absolutely stunning banner created by the amazing @ughfitz, which still touches me a lot, because I'd never had such a beautiful banner made before and askjgddfshhdhh it's just perfect.
I'm also very partial to july second, the birthday fic I wrote for @doctorofaos - because Hunter's point of view, it turns out, is ridiculously fun to write, and I had an absolute ball. The whole arc - a surprise birthday party for Daisy, and some team bonding/family fluff - just really works for me, too.
Another one that has to go on this list is hold out your hand, 'cause friends will be friends, my DaisyMack Soulmates BroTP, because that one is my amazing wife @aleksandrachaev's favourite, and it melts my heart so much to hear how much she likes it. 💜
Then lastly, for Spideychelle, my favourite thing I've written is quintessential spideychelle, no contest - it's a Roommates AU and my birthday gift for @eowima, and all the bonding those two dorks do over Lucifer and fandom in general brings me endless delight.
My Aladdin AU, now when did you last let your heart decide, will also always hold a special place in my heart, because it's the first really long thing I wrote. I put a ton of effort into it, and, well, I still think it's kinda fab.
(also I'm so sorry for the relentless self-plug that turned into, oh my God, apparently I'm just that indecisive and love talking that much. I apologise once again)
Fic You Were Nervous To Post: Aubrey, high-five! Because one of the things I was definitely the most freaked out for was that is good, my first-ever Quakerider fic and birthday gift for @acerobbiereyes. The response to that turned out to be overwhelmingly positive, though, and I have even made promises to venture into Quakerider-land again 🥰
I was also a little stressed for we love you, we love you, and we hope you love we too, which was my first-ever polyship fic - Fitzskimmons and cute notes for the fluff bingo - and something I also dedicated to the amazing @bobbimorseisbisexual. Also the formatting for this thing was HELL, and computers and I do not get along, so I was in cold sweats that it wouldn't work and fail on me completely... but, no, it worked, and the wonderful response to it too, very much melted my heart 🥺💖
How You Choose Your Titles: song lyrics. Almost always song lyrics. And if it's not song lyrics, it's a quote of some kind - it just works for me, and I actually find it fun to go hunt for something that works. Maybe I'm weird, but I actually do love it xD
Do You Outline? absolutely, yes - in fact, a great many of the things in my WIPs folder are solely outlines, or even just the beginnings of outlines. I find that outlines are a really good way to save your ideas if you don't have time to write them out properly, so you can come back months later and be all, "what the hell I'm actually so clever." (or, y'know, occasionally, "what the hell can the earth come swallow me up." But let's go with the cleverness 🤣👌)
In Progress:
... I think it's better that we don't talk about my WIPs folder, which, as most people who know anything about me can tell you, is an utter mess, and more than a little insane. (If you don't believe me, check it out here - I bet you do now, right?)
Out of that monstrosity, I'm currently working on numbers 20, 64, 192 and 174, which would be my Skimmons Hallmark Rom-Com, and fics for my three Secret Santas - Spideychelle, Fitzsimmons, and then one for the AoS Secret Santa whose pairing is, in delightfully SHIELD style, classified until the 24th of December.
Then in the very background, I'm also writing some Pipsy, Fitzsimmons and plat!Diper for the fluff bingo yes which I have still not finished I'm awful I know, and I'm going to make my lateness a liiiitle better by passing them of as gifts for my friends. I do love my friends very much, though, so that's more than fair I think 🥺💜
My Complete AO3: ta!
Do You Accept Prompts? yes, always! I have this plan in the back of my mind of gathering up all the prompt lists I've got saved to my drafts and doing like a masterpost/mass prompt request thing, but I'll leave that for a little later yet, because goodness knows I have enough to finish 🙈 In the meantime, though, if there's anything you'd really like to see me write, I'd be just thrilled to do it for you! It'll definitely take me a couple of months to actually get to it, but if you don't mind the wait, then yes, absolutely, I'm your girl! 💖
Upcoming Work That You're Most Excited About: oooooof, another tough one, but I'm very much looking forward to posting the first chapter of my Skimmons Hallmark Rom-Com, which I'm going to do later today!!
Then there's also my three Secret Santas - though I'm not particularly religious, the idea of a gift fic exchange brings me endless glee and I cannot wait to see what my giftees think! I also can't wait to get my own gifts, too, of course... ;) Oh, it's just going to be so much FUN!!
Tagging: well, everyone did this a couple of weeks months ago, so I'm not actually going to tag anyone - but if you see this and think it's cool, by all means go ahead and say I tagged you! 😍 Also, have a very big virtual hug, all of you, and thank you so much for reading through all my blathering!! 💜💖
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Becoming A Stark? (3) Peter Parker x Stark! FemReader
Word Count: 4848
Warnings: Swearing, mention of physical abuse of a child
A/N: Dinner with your two best friends and the Avengers, what could go wrong? 
Chapter One || Previous Chapter || Master List 
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You had invited both Betty and Astrid for dinner, like Tony suggested. It had taken a lot of loose excuses to explain why you were picking them up instead of them just coming over and why your Nana and Pops wouldn’t be at dinner. But you and Betty had been best friends since kindergarten and Astrid had joined the two of you when she moved to New York in fourth grade, the three of you inseparable since then so they trusted you. But the idea of bringing your two best friends to the tower and introducing them to the Avengers and more importantly to Tony, that was a whole other thing. Plus Tony had mentioned that Pepper was going to be there, so you were meeting your dad’s girlfriend on top of everything. Tonight could possibly be the worst night of your life if everything goes to shit. 
“Y/N, you ready to pick up Betty and Astrid?” Happy asks from the elevator in the living room.
“No.” You answer honestly as your sandal covered feet drag towards the elevator.
“It’s going to be great.” Bruce calls from the couch where he sits with Natasha.
“We’re excited to meet your friends.” Natasha adds.
“You’re not the one who has to explain that your life is over to your best friends.” You mumble. “Make sure Tony is at least presentable when we get back?”
“I’ll threaten him within an inch of his life if I have to.” Natasha promises. You wouldn’t honestly put it past her.
“And no inventions. This needs to go as normal as possible.” You add as Happy holds the elevator doors open for you.
“We’ll keep him out of the lab.” Bruce adds with a laugh. You run your hands over the skirt of your pastel pink dress, before walking into the elevator. The dress you chose for tonight is nicer than you’d normally choose for just dinner at home, but Astrid and Betty didn’t know the Tower was home, so you decided to at least put on a dress compared to the graphic t-shirt and shorts you had been wearing all day. This dress had buttons down the front, pleats, a collar, and a sash that tied around your waist. It was sleeveless, so you might get a bit cold, but Jarvis could always fix that if you did.
“It’s going to be alright. It’s just dinner with your friends and family.” Happy says from the other side of the elevator as the doors close.
“I don’t know if I’d call them family.” You say before asking Jarvis to take you down to the parking garage.
“They’d call you family.” Happy says before stepping off the elevator. You walk towards the black town car, thinking over the words he had said. Sure you were getting to know them all better and yes Tony was your biological father, but family? You’re not sure about that one. Happy opens the door for you to slide in. “Astrid or Betty first?”
“Betty is farther, so her first?” You suggest, before looking at your new phone you had gotten this morning. It was way too over the top, but seeing as it’s also top of the line, you can see why Tony would want you to be seen with it and not the phone you had for the past few years.
“Sounds like a plan.” Happy turns onto the street before looking towards you in the rear view mirror. “You want music?”
“Uh sure?”
“JARVIS can connect to your phone.”
“Jarvis is part of the car too?” You shouldn’t be surprised, but for some reason you find yourself surprised that he’s integrated into everything.
“He wouldn’t be Just A Rather Very Intelligent System if he wasn’t.”
“Wait, it's an acronym?” You ask, all this time just thinking it was a name like Wallace and Queenie are.
“Your dad is really into acronyms.” Happy gives you a small smile. “So music?” 
“Uh JARVIS, can you play my Spotify playlist?”
“Sure which playlist Miss Y/N? June? I Hate Life? Tony Stark Can Rot?-” You cut him off before he says anything else.
“Play June JARVIS.” You close your eyes not wanting to make eye contact with Happy after JARVIS just told your dad’s security that you have a playlist called Tony Stark Can Rot.
“Secrets safe with my Y/N.” Happy says from the front seat as Under Pressure by Queen starts playing. He drives towards I-495E. Happy knows in a little more than a week, they’re going to be driving this twice a day to take Y/N to Midtown School of Science and Technology. It’s an almost hour drive round trip but Tony was adamant with everyone that Y/N not be moved from the school that all of her friends were going too. Happy is surprised to hear a lot of familiar music play through your playlist that normally plays through Tony’s. You may not have been anywhere near him growing up, but at least he’d be proud that you listened to the classics. Pulling up in front of the brown stone that was programmed into the GPS, Happy sees a blonde girl waiting in front of the building looking up and down the street, probably expecting Y/N to walk up at any point in time. Instead you open the door and call out to your best friend.
“Betty!” Her eyes open wide and stare at you. But she climbs into the car before asking all her questions.
“Y/N, holy cow! You never spring for like yellow cabs, so why did you get a town car? We could have even easily taken the subway like we do when we head into Manhattan.”
“It’s a long story, but I’m not the one paying for the car. I promise everything will be explained but can we wait until Astrid is here? I don’t want to explain everything twice.”
“Sure, of course! Have you finished the essay yet for English?”
“No, I'm still finishing the book.”
“You haven’t finished A Tree Grows in Brooklyn yet? Are you sick or something? You read faster than Astrid and I combined. Or did you spend more time on the science essay? Should I write more you think? I was thinking maybe I should do some more research about my favorite scientist. I mean there’s so much out there about Bruce Banner now since the whole Avenger saving New York thing. But I’ve already done two pages over what we're supposed to do. Who are you writing your paper on again?”
“Frederick Banting. Created insulin. Seemed important enough to get a paper about him.”
“Oh definitely. Look at Astrid’s dress, it is so cute! Not that yours isn’t!”
“It is cute.” You see your brunette friend waiting in a yellow sundress outside of her apartment building. You open the door, and see yet another surprised face at the town car. 
“Ok, a town car. We’re fancy now?” Astrid asks as she climbs in with you and Betty.
“Apparently we are.” Betty says, still not knowing why you were in a town car.
“There is a crash on your route, so with traffic the drive will take 35 minutes, Happy and Miss Y/N.” Betty and Astrid look up in concern, trying to figure out where the voice is coming from.
“Thank you JARVIS.” Happy says, turning onto a side street.
“Is Jarvis like a GPS that happens to know your name?” Astrid asks looking at you wearily.
“Kind of? He’s more like an AI.”
“Why does the town car, which you’re not paying for, have an AI that knows your name?” Betty asks, more concerned.
“So the car is my dad’s along with the AI.”
“Your dad?” Astrid and Betty both repeat. They both have known you long enough to know that Nana and Pops had stepped into the role of parents before you could walk or talk.
“But I thought you had no idea who your dad was?” Betty asks.
“I didn’t. Not until a couple days ago and it kind of came out of nowhere. Long story short, I’m living with him and his, uh, family now.”
“But still in New York right? Like you’re still going to school with us right?” Astrid asks.
You nod as you say, “Yes. I’m just living in Midtown now and Happy here is going to drive me to and from school now for safety reasons.”
“For safety reasons?” Astrid asks as Betty voices her own question.
“What is your dad like a big somebody?”
“To which?” Betty asks.
“To both.” You shrug. You really, really don’t want to say it. You beg the universe not to make you say it.
“Y/N, who is your dad?” The question you had been dreading leaves your friend’s mouth.
“Tony Stark.”
“Holy shit.”
“No way.”
“So you should win like every science fair that we have from here on out.”
“Science is still my least favorite subject.” You answer honestly. “Just because Tony is my father doesn’t change anything.”
“But you’re a Stark, that means like science flows through your blood.”
You motion towards Queenie, who’s clipped to your sash. “I think it’s like insulin. It’s supposed to but it doesn’t.”
“Wait, so if you’re taking us home for dinner, but your Nana and Pops won’t be there does that mean…” Betty trails off not wanting to jinx it.
“We’re going to the tower for dinner.” You confirm.
“Are the Avengers going to be there?” Astrid voices.
“I mean they live there and have eaten dinner with me every night so far.” You jokingly say. “And I figure they need to eat tonight too.”
“Hold on, I’m having dinner with Bruce Banner and you didn’t give me time to prep questions? This would have made my report so much better!” Betty’s head falls back to the headrest in defeat.
“Bett, I’m sure he’d be willing to answer anything you come up with. The Avengers are all really nice.”
“And Daddy Dearest?” Astrid asks.
“No comment.”
“I don’t like the sound of that.”
“It’s not like he’s bad or anything. It’s just he came out of nowhere, took me from Nana and Pops’ and he doesn’t seem to understand that I can handle my diabetes on my own. He had JARVIS monitoring but like way higher than it needed to be. He had alerts set if I fell under 100 the other day.”
“You’ve known him how many days Y/N?” Betty asks.
“It’ll take some time. Plus once we’re back at school, you won’t have to spend as much time with him.”
“Thank god.” You say softly as Happy pulls the car into the tower’s garage. You know as soon as you get upstairs you’ll feel suffocated again, but your friends want to see the tower. So you tell JARVIS to take you upstairs. When you get to the living room though you’re surprised to only see one person waiting for you.
“Hi you must be Astrid, Betty. I’m Pepper.” The strawberry blonde standing in front of you turns to look at you suddenly and with a genuine smile on her face turns to look at you. “And you have to be Y/N. Tony hasn’t stopped talking about you since he found out about you. Which is a nice change of pace since he likes talking about himself if you haven’t found out, which I would find highly impossible. I can’t wait to get to know you through you though. I’m sorry we haven’t met until tonight. SI business has been all over the place with the transition and, well, everything.” She motions towards you. “But I’d like to take you out to maybe lunch or something where it’s just the two of us before you go back to school if you don’t mind?” This was not the reaction you were expecting from your father’s girlfriend. 
“Uh, sure. Yeah we can do that.” You push a lock of hair over your shoulder trying to distract yourself with the nervous habit of playing with your hair. 
“Great, I’ll give you my number before the night’s over and we can plan something.” She flashes you a huge smile. “Now Steve and Bruce are in the kitchen and I think Natasha is either distracting them or trying to keep Tony from sneaking down to the lab again. And Rhodey is just hanging out I think. I don’t know where Clint has snuck off too but he’ll reappear before dinner is on the table I’ll bet on it. Want to introduce your friends to them all?”
“I was going to take them up to my room but we could do passing introductions.” You agree, knowing that Betty will never let you hear the end of it if you don’t introduce her to Bruce sooner rather than later. “Kitchen is this way.” You motion for them to follow. As you walk into the kitchen there’s a booming laugh that you don’t recognize. Six pairs of eyes turn to fall upon you and your friends as you enter into the kitchen.
“Tonydaughter!” A large, muscled blonde man comes to scoop you into a hug. 
“Point Break maybe wait until she knows you to scoop her into a hug.” Tony calls from the other side of the kitchen, a glass filled with a dark liquid in his hand.
“Ha, midgardians are so funny. She will be a better friend of mine than you are.” This man that you have to assume is Thor based on how he talks and acts, sets you down though. Even though you weren’t expecting the hug, it did feel nice after so many days of not having much human contact. “Who are these?”
“I’m Betty Brant, your highness sir.”
“I’m Astrid Stollas.” Astrid does a bit of a curtsy, not sure how to act around the god.
“Brantdaughter and Stollasdaughter, there is no need for these Earthy customs. But we do need to feast.” He raises his fist as if to command it.
“It’s still cooking, Thor.” Steve says from the stove.
“Can you wait twenty minutes?” Bruce asks and Betty’s eyes go wide.
“Betty, Astrid,you met Thor, but meet Steve, Natasha, Rhodey, Tony, and-”
“I know who you are.” Betty cuts you off before you can introduce Bruce. Bruce goes a bit pale and you have a feeling you know where his mind went and not where her’s actually did.
“Yes, I know I’m the Hul-”
“You’re the most renowned scientist of the generation. They painted you into the mural at our school.”
“What?” Bruce looks at her in confusion.
“I just finished my seven page research paper on you.”
“Looks like Brucy has a fangirl.”
“And who are you again?” You ask Tony, determined to not let him ruin Bruce’s moment.
“I am Iron Man.”
“But you’re not in a mural at a school for science and technology. Clearly not important.” Pepper wraps an arm around Tony’s waist as his jaw drops. 
“Fix it.” He says to her.
“I’m not donating to your daughter’s school just so you can be in a mural.”
“But I want it.” Tony whines.
“Can’t have it.” Pepper throws back.
“Clearly unimportant.” You say with a shrug. “Astrid, Betty, do you want to see my room?”
“I’m good here.” Betty says, staring at Bruce. Astrid rolls her eyes and pulls Betty by the elbow towards where you are before following you up the stairs.
“She said I was unimportant.” Tony whines to Pepper.
“I think coming from a fourteen year old, you’ll be ok.”
“She’s not just any fourteen year old.” Tony says it and Pepper knows it's true. That girl is the only thing that Tony has talked about for the past four days. 
“At least she was joking with you tonight.” Natasha points out as she steals some of the veggies from Steve’s cutting board. “After yesterday, she could have done way worse.”
“And she introduced us to her best friends.” A smile rises to Tony’s face.
“She did say science is her least favorite subject.” Happy says from the living room and Tony’s face falls again.
“She what?”
“Nothing boss.” Happy takes the elevator to his own floor, leaving them with their own messes to deal with for the night.
“Why is she going to a science and technology school if she hates science?” Tony asks Pepper.
“You’ll have to ask her. Or, you could wait until she talks to you about school.” Pepper says.
“Wow Y/N. Half your books aren’t even here yet and you already have so many new ones.” Betty says looking at your shelves that Tony had built the other day.
“I think Tony thinks he can bribe his way into my life with buying books. But it won’t work.” Astrid is standing over by your desk and notices that your sticker covered laptop is plugged in charging but there are some dark data screens, waiting to be used.
“Did he make you a data-”
“I don’t know. I refuse to use as much of his tech as possible. The only one I have to use is the Stark Phone.”
“Y/N, he’s offering you the latest and greatest in Stark tech and you’re just throwing it away to stick it to the man? I would kill for half the tech you have, including the AI.”
“Well if you can find a way to take it, you’re welcome to have it. I don’t want most of it.”
“Because it’s from him or because it’s by him.”
“Both.” Astrid and Betty look at you in confusion. “I was perfectly happy with my life in Queens, living with Nana and Pops and he just came and took me away without any choice. Then he shoves all this tech in my hands and expects me to be elated over all of it. That’s not me. That’s not what I do.”
“Of course it’s not. You would live in the 18th century romance novels as long as you could still rep your LGBT letters.” Astrid says and you can’t help but roll your eyes. Before any of you can say anything else, JARVIS comes over head.
“Dinner is ready Miss Y/N.”
“Why does he call you Miss Y/N? Everyone else is just their names?” Betty asks.
“I don’t know. I guess he was programmed that way.”
“Jarvis?” Betty calls out.
“Can you call Y/N just Y/N?”
“Certainly.” She smirks at you as you roll your eyes.
“Come on, let’s get dinner over with.” You say rolling your eyes.
“It won’t be that bad.” Astrid promises as the three of you head towards your door. 
“You’ve yet to have dinner with the Avengers.” You mumble as you walk them down towards the kitchen. The three open spots are between Pepper and Bruce and you know that Betty will kill you and Astrid if she doesn’t get to sit next to her favorite scientist, so the three of you end up sitting with Betty next to Bruce, where she will probably talk his ear off all night, Astrid in between you and Betty, with Pepper on your right. Tony is sitting on her other side, so it’s not like you can just ignore your dad all through dinner, but you can sure try. 
“So you’re all going to be freshmen this year?” Pepper asks. It’s not a total surprise that she knows about your schooling since Natasha had mentioned that Tony had talked to her and Pepper about the situation. But hearing it actually come out of her mouth takes you by surprise. But Astrid saves the day in the end.
“Yup. We’re all starting at Midtown School of Science and Technology, much to Y/N’s chagrin. If we could go to a school where the focus is only reading and English instead, that would probably be her top choice.”
“Is English your favorite subject?” Pepper asks you and you nod, having just taken a bite of the pasta in front of you. 
“It’s always been her favorite subject. If Betty hadn’t made her put her book down the first day I met them, I don’t think I would have gotten a word out of her. But then again, Harry Potter is addictive, so it makes sense.” You shoot Astrid a look, for spilling all the beans about you.
“Tony mentioned you were a reader. Something about his cards are buying more fiction then they probably ever have.” Pepper’s hand pats his as she throws a smile in his direction. “That’s probably a good thing. Some people in this place could take some breaks for reading every now and then.”
“That’s unfair. I do read.” Tony almost whines from next to her.
“Something other than manuals and physics books?” Pepper teases. Maybe this is what Natasha meant by she doesn’t put up with Tony’s shit? She calls him out on things? You can’t help but think to yourself as you watch the interaction. Her attention turns back to you. “What are you reading right now?”
“Once and Always.” Tony says as you give your own answer.
“For school or for fun?” Then you turn and look at him. “No, I’m not. I finished that like two days ago.”
“You weren’t even halfway done with it.”
“Couldn’t sleep.” You shrug.
“How about both?” Pepper asks, returning to your question.
“I have to finish A Tree Grows In Brooklyn and write an essay on it before the end of the first week of school, so I’m working on that. And for fun, I just started Love, Simon. And I’m loving it.”
“What’s Love, Simon about?” Pepper seems genuinely interested, but do you tell her the plot and possibly out yourself in front of the all of the Avengers? Especially when some of them like Steve had lived in a time when being bi was really not ok?
“It’s a contemporary of sorts. It’s kind of better to go into it not knowing a lot.” You decide to skimp on explanations and play it safe.
“Well if it you end up enjoying it all the way through, let me know. I’m always looking for a good next read.” Pepper says with a smile.
“Uh sure.” You’re almost surprised that she’s interested in what you’re reading. Nana and Pops always supported you reading whatever you wanted, but they had their own genres to read. 
“What do you think of A Tree Grows in Brooklyn?” Steve asks from across the table.
“Boring.” Astrid says with a smirk. “I skimmed enough of it to write my paper.”
“I like the writing style. That’s why I’m taking my time with it.” You admit. “If I really wanted to, I could sit down and finish it in a couple hours. It reminds me of my first time reading To Kill A Mockingbird.”
“If you like those you should give The Secret Lives of Bees and The Poisonwood Bible a try.” Steve suggests before taking a bite of his own plate of pasta.
“You’re just suggesting those because you love those. If she’s a reader she should go with some of the real classics. War and Peace. Anna Karenina. Real Russian novels.” Natasha suggests with her fork enunciating her words. Betty and Astrid can’t help but laugh. All the Avengers turn to look at the teenagers, who seem to be laughing at one of the world’s deadliest assassins. Astrid tries to stifle her giggles, but Betty falls silent.
“Sorry Miss Widow, it’s just Y/N has already read both and loved them. But she read them back a couple of years ago and the school got mad at her for not reading at grade level.” Tony turns to look at you.
“You got in trouble for reading a big Russian novel in middle school?”
“Elementary school.” You correct him. “They didn’t think a 1200 word novel was the right reading experience for a fifth grader.”
“Yeah I’m never going to doubt she’s Tony��s kid.” Clint says before stuffing some pasta in his mouth.
“You read War and Peace at ten?” Natasha asks. You think about it for a moment and then nod. 
“Yeah and followed with Anna Karenina, A Confession, The Death of Ivan Ilych, and Resurrection. I went through a Leo Tolstoy phase at that point.” Your eyes drop to your plate as everyone else’s eyes are on you. You push some of the veggies around your plate.
“Our teacher, Mr. Balton, hated it because he couldn’t get mad at Y/N because she was still getting all of her work done and she had the highest grades in our class. Even tried to say she was a distraction to the rest of the class, but when she’s just silently reading, he doesn’t have any pull. He even threw her book across the classroom one day, because he was pissed that she was reading so far above her grade level. And instead of exploding at him, Y/N stood up, walked across the room, picked up the book, sat back down, flipped it back open to where she was and started reading again.”
“Your teacher threw your book?”
“He wasn’t the greatest. It was public school.” You shrug, as Astrid had just explained one of the roughest school years of your life. Mr. Balton tried to make your life a living hell. 
“I’m going to find him and-” Tony mutters.
“He got fired.” Betty adds. “He had issues with a lot of the students and was very prone to throwing things.” Betty pauses, and you can almost hear the story she’s not telling. Your head pops up and you catch her eyes. “Anyway…” She turns to change the subject.
“Betty you’re not going to tell the story that got him fired?” Astrid says around a mouthful of pasta and your hand flies over her mouth. 
“I don’t think we need to share that story.”
“I think we definitely do.” Tony’s voice comes from the other side of Pepper, firm and less teasing than other nights at dinner. 
“Betty, why don’t you tell us about your science paper?” You suggest, knowing that if Tony hears the story, someone will blow a gasket. Most likely him. It shows how badly the public schooling system was, and Pops and Nana had already blown a fuse over it. You didn’t need Tony Stark getting upset over something that happened four years ago.
“I’m more interested in learning about what got your teacher fired.” Tony repeats. “Astrid?”
“I’m good Mr. Stark. I don’t think I was even there the day it happened.” Astrid says before pushing some pasta into her mouth.
“I’m not even sure which incident you’re talking about sir.” If anything, your two best friends would have your back no matter what. The rest of the table has gone silent. Tony could go into a rage over things that had happened last week. They all had suspicions based on the fact that you wouldn’t let your friends tell the story. If it was something from four years ago that you were worried about him losing it over, you probably had good reason to be worried.
“How did your teacher get fired.” His words come out harsh.
“Why do you really want to know?” You challenge.
“I think you know exactly why I want to know.”
“Tony, is now really the time?” Pepper asks, a hand draping over his.
“Fine, you really want to know. This is why.” You pull your hair back to show a six inch scar that is hidden by your hair normally.
“What the hell is that.”
“That is what happens when someone throws scissors across a classroom at your head.”
“He threw scissors? At your head?” Tony’s words are spoken through a clenched jaw.
“He did. And had you been there, you could have joined Nana and Pops in their outrage. But four years ago you were off doing your own thing. So… moving on.” You lift your fork to your lips as the rest of the room barely breathes.
“Why?” Tony’s words are almost silent.
“Why what?”
“Why did he throw scissors at you?”
“Because I was reading. I was reading Resurrection and he said no kid my age should be reading a 500 page book while there are kids who could barely do their multiplication tables. And he wanted to make his point. And the closest thing to him was a pair of scissors.”
“I’ll make sure he can never teach again.”
“He can’t. At least not in the state of New York. I doubt anywhere else either. He assaulted a minor. That goes on like police record shit.” 
“I should have been there.”
“You didn’t know.” You try to be more mature than you feel in this moment. “You are now. Next time something happens. You’ll be there, I hope.”
“I will.” His arm wraps around Pepper to grasp your shoulder. “I’m here for you from now on.”
tags:  @persephonehemingway  @iamaunicorn4704  @furiouspockettoad  @daughter-of-stark  @eternalharry  @huntective-kyeo
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ginnyzero · 4 years
Completely Harmless Ch. 54
Completely Harmless An SSO SilverGlade Re-imagining Story (Or Fix it Fan Salt fic) By Ginny O.
When Lily and her friends wanted to buy horses and were directed to the Silverglade Manor and its myriad of problems, they didn’t expect to start a revolution. They were just a bunch a stable girls. Completely harmless. Right?
A/N: Things are only canon if I say they’re canon. Pre-Saving the Moorland Stables compliant for the most part. Posted in its entirety on my website. Posted in 2000 to 4000 word bits here. Rated T for Swearing Word Count 177,577
Chapter Fifty-Four CHILL-ax during Happy Horse Week!
The decorations were approved by other clubs while the few votes against them were roundly ignored. It helped that gave everyone a goodie bag and had a snack table set up with their treats and cups of apple cider mixed with ginger ale. The marble balloons had been turned into arches and pillars. She’d borrowed the flag banners from Jorvik Stable to show off what things would look like complete with hay bales.
The Councilman hadn’t been too happy about the hay bales, but Kate had promised to clean.
Everyone was relieved that Lily was okay. And they were more than willing to take shifts at the council house in order to help make the decorations they needed between breaks in training. Training that was more important than they realized.
In fact, it was Herman that clued Lily in as she waited her turn to run through the show jumping event set up in the Arena.
“Really looking forward to seeing all you girls at the County Fair this year,” he said with a big grin on his face. Leaning against the fence of the riding arena he looked almost lazy as he watched the girls.
Lily looked down at him and put a hand on her horse’s neck. “Herman, I think you’re forgetting that most of us have never lived here before. Or should I be asking Linda or Pauline?”
Herman glanced up, the grin didn’t fade. “Didn’t forget. Didn’t know you didn’t know.”
Lily rolled her eyes. Her stallion tossed his mane.
“There’s an eventing contest held at the County Fair every year. It’s the first qualifier for the Claymore Challenge. Every club comes and tries out. Course, last year, and the year before that, and the year before that, was just the Bobcats and the Bulldogz. Be nice to see them have a bit of competition.”
Lily’s brow furrowed. “But we’re collecting ribbons,” she said slowly drawing it out.
“Gotta train your horse and get it into condition so it knows what it’s doing. Practice is one thing, Lily girl, doing exhibition is another. The lights, the crowds, you don’t know how your horse is going to react. Depends on the crowd too.” Herman sucked his teeth. “Yep, some mighty fine riders in practice can’t make it through exhibitions.”
Lily pressed her tongue to her back teeth and looked off to the side as her brows furrowed. “Qualifiers,” she said after a few moments and not coming into any conclusions.
“Yep, helps me winnow it down. I know you’re all doing well in your ribbons. You can’t all go to the Claymore Challenge as much as I’d like to send you all. One Club per county. Thems the rules.”
Lily looked down at him. “I wasn’t given any rule list when I made the club. How many members are we allowed to have maximum anyways?”
Lily blinked. There went the plan to merge clubs to get around that pesky rule. “Well, we’re a bit beyond 100 people, Herman. I think we’re hitting closer to 200.”
Herman grinned. “And you wouldn’t believe how proud I am of that, all of you choosing to leave Moorland and form clubs to help out the district. Brings a tear to me old eyes, it does.”
Lily snorted. She shifted her attention. Tracey rode around the track keeping her posture upright as her stallion took the turns.
“You’re doing good things,” Herman rocked back and forth on his feet.
“If you say so,” Lily glanced back at him.
“You don’t think so?”
“I think I’m doing what needs to be done whether it’s good or bad, I can’t say.” Lily gripped the reins in her hands turning them over between her fingers. “I’m doing the best I can or we are, or I hope we are. One never knows. You have a lot of things you don’t tell newcomers, like, qualifiers being at the County Fair.”
Herman chuckled. “You’re revitalizing this county.”
“You didn’t need me for that, you just needed to act.”
“Mrs. X of CHILL wants to meet you,” Herman said.
“Fancy that,” Lily said in a dry voice. “I’m not surprised.”
“Of course,” Lily murmured. “Because what other way do you meet the leader of a secret organization that,” she paused. “What does CHILL do?”
“Put nails in the road for G.E.D.,” Herman said.
“Your horse idioms are so lovely, Herman,” Lily said. “Where is she?”
“Observatory 12 in Epona.”
Lily backed her stallion away from the fence. “And let me guess, she wants to see me as soon as possible.”
“You know how this works.”
“Way too many crime shows, way, way too many.”
Herman laughed.
“How cliché can you get?” Lily muttered and nudged her horse into a trot. The nearest transport to the Observatory was in Crescent Moon Village she thought. Hillcrest and the Dews Farm in Epona were getting transports set up still. Hillcrest’s was in need of a major repair since someone had tried to use the truck to ram the wall. (It hadn’t worked.)
She took the transport to Crescent Moon Village and went directly down the road through the Marsh and up the side of the mountain to the Observatory perched on the edge of the Cauldron opposite of Hillcrest.
Dismounting, she opened the huge doors of the observatory a crack and slipped inside.
It wasn’t as dark as she’d thought it be. Sunlight streamed in through the small windows illuminating the place.
“I’m glad you came,” Mrs. X said from the middle of the room. She smoothed the skirt of her ankle length green dress, but a deep hood obscured her face.
Lily stepped closer. Mrs. X’s face was also covered with a mask. Crossing her arms, Lily stopped. “I don’t deal with people who hide their faces.”
“My identity is a closely guarded secret, one I’d like to keep that way.”
Lily pressed her lips together. “You’re either trying to recruit me. Or, you have a message for me. Spit it out one or the other.”
“You’ve impressed me.”
“Funny, you don’t sound impressed.”
“You’ve interfered with a major operation. Hillcrest is only a small part of the G.E.D.’s plans for the Harvest and Epona Districts. You’ve set me back months of work.”
“You, lady, are a vigilante.” Lily lifted a finger off of her arm. “You run around in the shadows not sharing information with the authorities, and causing more problems than you solve because you won’t work within the boundaries of the law.”
“The law has failed us.”
“So, Bernie Winterwell didn’t want to leave his house and was happy to be bribed. Was it a moral failing? Or is House of Winterwell in dire straits? Or is there another reason? I don’t know. I don’t care. If Baron Winterwell isn’t doing what you need to do, you go to Count Marchenghast.”
“He’s ill. The Countess is overwhelmed. They’re too young and inexperienced to handle the G.E.D.”
Lily’s lips parted. “Really? Because, Mrs. X., I’m what, sixteen, and I’ve handled them just fine by oh, seeing that they don’t have the proper paperwork or you know, put people in actual danger and taken this to the people in charge like the Rangers and the nobles who run this county and they’ve managed to take care of things with the information me and my girls have provided them. I do not feel that the people of Hillcrest are an acceptable sacrifice so you can try to stop the grander scheme and get the higher ups.”
“You are too young to understand.”
“I understand that right now you’re no better than the druids, most of whom, also wear hoods and also, who I will not have anything to do with unless they show their faces. Here’s my message to you, it’s the same one I gave to Elizabeth Sunbeam. You lead and take action instead of observing and waiting. You follow. Or you get the hell out of my way. The people of Hillcrest will not thank you for standing by and watching.”
“Jarlaheim is in great danger. You don’t understand how great.”
Lily rolled her eyes. “Yes. We know. You remember Mayor Elaine. She was in Hillcrest. She knew what Ms. Drake was up to. Ms. Drake has been arrested. Given her lawyers, she probably won’t be in there for long. But it’s a good way to stall them and give time for Mayor Elaine to recover and take control over Jarlaheim.” Lily turned on her toe and grabbed the door. Pulling it open, she looked over her shoulder. “Come out of the shadows, Mrs. X, and into the light.” She walked out shutting the door gently behind her.
“People,” she said to her stallion.
He whuffled.
Lily mounted and turned him around down the mountain. “Vigilantism, peh.”
He nodded his head.
“Jarlaheim is in great danger,” Lily mocked. “Gee, you think? I mean, there aren’t four dig sites around the place, probably illegal dig sites, run by the G.E.D. if it’s not in great danger. Like, I don’t have girls in every stable and town and farm in this county by now. And do you know what we teenage girls like to do?”
He knocked his ear back seemingly interested.
“Share information. People might call this gossip. Because they only hear about who is dating who and who is fighting and what embarrassing thing happened to so and so this week. But there is important information among the trivia.” She patted his neck. “Sometimes, if the mare is fat, it’s not that she’s actually fat, she’s pregnant.”
He whinnied.
“Exactly, you get it.” Lily let him trot down the road. “Diabolical corporations. Aliens. Witches. Ghosts. Aliens running diabolical corporations. Druids. Chipmunks and squirrels as spies. Magic horses. Now vigilantes.”
He nodded his head.
“Nahnahnahnahnahnahnah, Batman!”
Her horse whinnied again.
She quieted as she got out of the marsh and into the village. She hummed “Spider-man, spider-man, does whatever a spider can,” under her breath as they passed Hayden’s house.
She took the transport back to Jorvik Stables.
When Herman asked her how it went, she replied with, “It went.”
The decorations were ready in time for Happy Horse week, if barely. Barney had helped them by using the vinyl wall art to make plywood versions of the horse silhouettes with his wooden scroll saw. He’d also made them horse heads to vary up the horse shoes and hang their smaller horse garlands from. They weren’t allowed to touch his saw. They could lose fingers if they weren’t careful. Plus, he was making the silhouettes five or six at a time to save time. Each stable and town had at least one of each galloping, show jumping, and dressage silhouette. Carney Summers had been busy making race signs for everyone.
But everything was painted, glittered, glued together, whatever needed to be done in time to decorate for the week. Metal and plastic buckets had ribbons and bows on them. Plastic helmets also had bows and rhinestones and gold trim. They wrapped fancy striped ribbons in Jorvik national colors around every extra haybale they were strewing about for decorations. (And handy seating for the tired parents.)
So, the day before Happy Horse Week was also busy instead of training, they were decorating and making sure everything was out and just so. They’d put together plenty of snacks for the tables and had decided that mint candies went in predominantly blue favor cones, and granola went in predominantly green favor cones.
Putting together the selfie walls had been a bit easier now they were at the third time around. They used the triangular and horse shoe garlands to drape the circle. Put plenty of championship ribbons on the upper left hand side. Put together a pillar or arch out of marble balloons and made sure there were hobby horses and stuffed plushies (fresh from Fort Pinta) out for people to use as props.
Agnetha has pursed her lips at the arches of balloons in front of the rose archway and on each side of the bandstand, but she hadn’t said anything dire.
Thinking ahead, they set up the pavilion so people could decorate their own buckets and helmets if they wanted to do so. They even had championship ribbons for name badges.
They had to rearrange the jumps in the riding arena. (That gave them time to decorate it.) Though the Rose Arches remained firmly in place. And put together the special race tracks for the cross country races through the grape fields.
It was a good thing that they had extra decorations and banners, because just in time for Happy Horse Week, the Silverglade Oval Track was ready to open and it needed to be decorated as well.
Pia and Ingrid sent pictures of the Art Show and Flea Market respectively. Everything was horse themed! Pia had plenty of exclamation points. She never asked for it to be that way!
They had to help transport the cake from Ma Anna’s Pastry Shop in Firgrove all the way to Moorland. They transported it in separate tiers thank goodness, but they still wanted an escort for some reason. When it was put together, the bottom three tiers were sold colored, there was a blue tier, a green tier, and a white tier. Then the top two tiers, one had stripes, and the smallest was white with green and blue polka dots. They stuck a large golden harp in the top of it as a topper.
The tables for the Moorland feast were set out. And there were extra tables so they could set out the grab bags, horse masks, party hats, and horse ears for the kids. The Farmer’s Market bustled with happy people who were more than happy to put up another tent for the Carnival games of bobbing for apples, pig pen, horse shoes, hobby horse races, and pin the tail on the horse. They had a special spot for the pinatas (and plenty of them.) And a booth all set up so everyone could get their face painted.
Realizing they’d forgotten prizes for said games, Kate and her club ran to Jorvik City to get more of the prizes like they had in the grab bags. (Because why not try to collect them all, according to Regina. She was roundly reminded, again, that this wasn’t Pokemon!)
The Timber Wolves escorted Andy’s petting zoo down and helped him set it up at the same time they brought down the cake.
It was quite the whirl of activity.
No one was sure who exactly hid the Golden Horse Shoes, only, that they were hidden.
So, everyone was excited the first day of Happy Horse Week, despite the fact that they’d had to make a schedule so there were people minding the races, giving beginning riding lessons, doing the lunge informational event, the craft pavilion, and the snack booth.
“Where do we want to go first?” Was the biggest question. Firfall was having a jousting demonstration at their medieval fair. There was the County Fair to check out too with all the food, and booths, and games, and they had to keep an eye on the competition up there with the eventing qualifiers. Or, they could go to Moorland and get a slice of carrot cake or apple spice cake (or both) and go straight to the Farmer’s Market to do games there. Or, they go to Fort Pinta and grab Token Takes Jorvik, buy a horse plushy if they didn’t already have a stuffed lovie of their own and start on the different challenges, plushy vacation pictures, Andy’s Geocaching, and Hayden’s Spider Hunt.
More than a few of them though were bowing out of Hayden’s Spider Hunt.
“No thank you,” they said.
They knew they’d see all of it. It was a matter of did they want to watch a pie eating contest at the County Fair or not? There was going to be a demonstration of a flat track oval race too that sounded interesting. They all agreed that they wanted to see the horse rubber duck race. That sounded too funny not to see.
The last day was the Light Ride.
It was with light hearts that they made their schedule and took to explore the county during Happy Horse Week. (They had Golden Horseshoes to find!) The first place they had to go was the Silverglade Oval Track ribbon cutting ceremony!
Loretta shifted her weight on top of her white stallion, the pink of her showjumping jacket setting off her fair complexion. Lily cynically thought that was the reason why the Bobcats colors happened to be pink. Loretta looked good in it. Loretta glanced over at her. “What are you doing here?”
Lily tugged down the sleeves of her own showjumping jacket, light purple. (Thought she’d the option of a dark purple or mulberry color.) “Same as you, I suspect. Claymore Challenge qualifiers.”
Loretta’s eyes widened. “No. No. You can’t. Your clubs are too,” she trailed off.
“Too what? We’ve qualified. We’ve earned the ribbons.” Lily looked down her nose at her. Had Loretta forgotten about the fact that more clubs meant more competition?
“You haven’t been around long enough to train your horses to be competition ready,” Loretta curled her lip. “You’ve been too busy doing other things.”
Lily leaned forward a bit resting her weight on her folded hands. “Not for the last month, month and a half. You don’t want to train for more than a couple hours every day and risk hurting the horse.”
“But you couldn’t have earned enough ribbons.”
Lily smirked at her. “I did.”
“That’s not right.” Loretta frowned.
“Take it up with Herman.” Lily shrugged. She tilted her head.
The Announcer’s voice rang out. “President of the Bobcats, Loretta.”
“You’re up,” Lily told her.
Rattled, Loretta nudged her stallion into a trot to take the arena.
Lily narrowed her eyes and watched. Either Loretta wasn’t as good as she claimed to be or Lily’s appearance as the next competitor after her had truly rattled her. She missed several jumps knocking down the bars.
When Loretta came off the field she looked furious. She stopped her horse by Lily. “If someone like you who isn’t even from Jorvik keeps me from going to the Claymore Challenge again,” she started.
“Again?” Lily raised a brow. “Last I checked the rules, Jorvik citizenship wasn’t required to compete, only belonging to a Riding Club in Jorvik in good standing.”
Loretta sucked her cheeks in and trotted off. “I won’t be defeated.”
Lily watched her go and put a hand on her horse’s neck. “And President of the Silverglade Equestrian Center’s Silver Drakes, Lily,” The Announcer said.
Lily squared her shoulders. She had an event to do. She could wonder who had beat out Loretta last time. Lisa. Linda. Or Anne?
FOR THE ACCOMPANYING IMAGES PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE MY WATERMARK AND CONTACT INFORMATION. THANK YOU. I get it. Some of you might get excited and want to see this stuff in the game, especially the clothes, tack, and pets. However, the only way I want to see this in the game is if I get paid for it. If I see it in the game and I’m not paid for it, there will be hell to pay. You think I’m salty. I’d be angry. Personally, I’m not going to send this info to SSO. If you do, leave my contact information there! Don’t give them any excuses to steal.
Now, I’ll know you haven’t read this note if you leave me comments about how ‘salty’ I am about the game and if I hate it so much I should do something else. I am doing something else. It’s called Mystic Riders MMORPG Project. Mystic Riders however is a very baby phase game. You can check out our plans on the game dev blog. (Skills, Factions, Professions, Crafting, Mini-Games, 25+ horse breeds!) If you know anyone who would be interested and has money or contacts about game making, direct them to the blog.
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wichols · 5 years
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This is my first time ever doing any type of fan prompted writing event for myself and let me tell you I have some thoughts!!
But before thoughts let’s talk numbers.
Start Date: 1/8/2020
End Date: 1/24/2020
Total Fics Created: 9
Total Word Count Posted: 11,935
Prompts Received Anonymously: 5
Prompts Received By Users: 4
Longest Fic: Burning Intentions (2,203)
Shortest Fic: Attorney First, Wife Second (754)
It was interesting to see which pairs and couples my general audience was requesting. By far the two most popular requests where anything to deal with Kyoya (my OTP) and Mori. You wanted my two favorite boys to get some comfort and happy endings and I was happy to supply them. Now that I step back and look at them, I will give you little fun facts or interesting thoughts I had while writing each one (mostly because I think it is interesting how writers explain their process of writing or their opinions on their own writings). The list starts chronologically from first to last fic posted.
1. Bland Cereal & Pregnancy Brain (Mori x Haruhi) 
I imagine that of all the hosts these two will have the closest thing to what Haruhi would deem a normal life. They will make time for each other and always try to check in on each other. If Haruhi wants normal life filled with a steady stream of love then Mori is her guy. I giggled my way through this prompt at Haruhi and her oblivious nature (my favorite quality about her). This prompt took two sittings to complete. The first to write it and second to edit. Overall one of the quicker ones I wrote in this batch.
2. Attorney First, Wife Second (Kyoya x Haruhi)
 This fic is one of my favorites that I have written.  It is also the first posted fic where stuff gets steamy. I was gasping and eeping the whole time writing their steamy elevator interactions. This story took 1 sitting to write, edit, and post.
3. Solemn Tears (Kyoya x Mori)
As stated in the original post this is the first-ever M/M fic I have written. IT WAS SO HARD. Not because it was M/M but because both characters don’t really ever let their guards down long enough for them to cry. Not only that, I really had to dig and analyze what would really push them to the point that they would cry. Have you ever seen two brick walls cry? Cause I sure haven’t! Their dynamic is interesting and I am glad that I got this prompt to stretch my writing skills. Multiple sittings required because I had no idea how I was going to write it.
4. Shrouded Kiss (Kyoya x Haruhi x Tamaki)
Oh, the angst! Out of all the fics posted this one felt the most OOC. My first thought when I received the prompt was, “Kyoya never does anything by accident.” Haruhi was a little OOC in my opinion but that’s because of how Kyoya proposed the idea of finding love. Do I believe what he says about only knowing once you have tried things with different people? No, but there is merit to say that each relationship and person you are with is going to feel different. Some people are just naturally passionate people while others are more subtle with their love. From what I recall this was a pretty easy write and edit.   
5. Obliviously Pregnant (Kyoya x Haruhi)
Haruhi probably couldn’t even surprise Kyoya with a pregnancy even if she tried. She might not have married a doctor but when you marry into a family who is a leader in the medical business nothing will stay a secret for long. On top of that, I am sure that Haruhi is so focused on work that she would actually just convince herself that she is sick rather than being pregnant. Now reader, I know you are curious as to why I decided to bless them with twins. Well, you see…..plot device. That’s really it. Plus, after I asked Google about multiples and pregnancy I was plagued with diaper ads. Note to self, use incognito more often when asking questionable questions.
6. Salmon Side Effects (Tamaki x Haruhi)
This was the first “Free Space” prompt. And I was in the thick of writing and posting. By the time I got to this prompt, I was tired. Not long after I got this prompt I experienced a depressive episode and spent the week slowly crawling out of the pit. I just couldn’t bring myself to work on this fic. I knew I would have to write Tamaki super excited and all I could think about was trying to make it throughout the day without crying. But I got out of the pit and finished it. Multiple sittings needed for completion.
7. Unyielding Devotion (Mori x Haruhi)
I am not sure when it comes to other writers but I cannot read and write fic at the same time. And after binge writing the last few fics I needed a break. I needed to read some fic! One night I was scrolling through FF.Net and decided it was time to start working through my 70+ fics waiting to be read. Picked a fic and I was off to the races (Something Honorable This Way Comes by ilovemori9). It was sweet and wonderful and totally the opposite of a break-up prompt. I think with the break up he was trying to do right by her, wanting her to not be held back by what was required of him. When I first started brainstorming this prompt I was going to have Kyoya lurking in the shadows waiting to take Haruhi as his own but the story wrote itself and it wrote Kyoya out of the story. I think it is better that way.
8. Broken Banner (Mori x Haruhi)
TINY HAMMER! Running joke between @ohshcscenerios and myself. This was such a fun story to write! Once I started I just had to finish. I don’t normally lean towards cute and innocent so it was a nice change of pace. Mori is held in high regard but he is, after all, a high school 3rd year. And he has a soft spot for Haruhi. Also, did you know that Mori is 6’2” while Haruhi is 5’1”? How do you accidentally kiss someone who is a foot taller than you?? So part of the issue in creating this story was how to get their mouths close enough to bump lips. I think the outcome suited the prompt. This was a two sitting story. 
9. Burning Intentions (All Characters)
The final prompt….this prompt I tell you what. I will be honest I loathed this prompt in the beginning. I was utterly at a loss as to how I was going to write this. I opened the doc, stared at the prompt and closed the doc multiple times over the span of a week. It was like that episode of Spongebob where he had to write an essay and he felt like he was doing so much work but all he did was the fancy-looking “The”. I almost gave up on it. I almost posted an apology instead of actually trying to write something. In a last-ditch effort, I pulled up Pinterest and searched the word ‘fire’. And then an idea hit me! I wrote part of it one night and finished it up the next day. This story quickly became a favorite because of the witty banter between the hosts. I was laughing at my own writing. I am now very proud of this story!
Final Thoughts & What’s Next?
Throughout the last 16 days, I have accomplished many things when it comes to writing! I went from only having posted 4 fics to now having 13 fics. Today (1/24/2020) on FF.Net Boundless Opportunities (Kyoya x Haruhi) reached 200+ views. On top of the 11,935 words I have posted I have also written an additional 9,124 words for other projects I am currently working on. That is a grand total of 21,059 words written from January 1-24! In my free time, I also finished The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins and am 13 chapters deep with The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood. On top of everything else, I created a beta profile! I have done so much this month and I want to thank everyone for their support and kind words! They really do me so much to me!
January has been busy! So I am looking forward to celebrating Freedom February!! I am giving myself permission to do whatever I want in February. I still have 11 more paper books to finish as well as 100+ fanfiction stories waiting patiently waiting to be shown attention. Basically what I am saying is I want to spend more time doing other hobbies as well as work on some of my wips that I have been neglecting since I started this project. 
Speaking of wips I will be spending February obviously working on my Kasanoda x Haruhi fic but also an idea that sprung up into my head this past week produced a very interesting idea for an AU bad boy fic with Hikaru x Haruhi that has some potential to become another multi-chapter story. Too soon to say if anything will come of it but I want to keep my options open!
TL;DR: January was crazy. Lots of writing. Background information for each fic posted from the bingo prompts. A list of January achievements. Don’t expect me to post anything prolific in February. Using my free time to explore hobbies other than writing. Diving headfirst into digital and paperback stories. Hopefully, make progress on my two main unposted projects. Stay tuned for updates and questions regarding my wips. Thanks! 
Special shout out to @ohshcscenerios for helping me out so much! Half of my stories wouldn’t be nearly as good without your help!! Thanks for pushing me to write some fluff instead of just sad angsty fics! Go check out the blog for all your burning host club asks.
If you would like to read any of these fics you can find them on Tumblr, AO3, or FF.Net.
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imagine-loki · 5 years
Mad Predictions
TITLE: Mad Predictions
AUTHOR: inspired-snowflace
ORIGINAL IMAGINE: “A freedom restrained the sun shall invoke, The gift from the plea a mother spoke, Purpose shall be bestowed upon your life, In form of one you should have called wife, A lover presumed dead shall be back, Now shall you truly pay for your attack.”
Ever since the fortune teller had spilt these words, Loki’s life was thrown into a hurricane. He dared to hope that after the attack on New York and the following arrest, things would get better, but these words seemed to point in an opposite direction.
Things would never remain the same, for better or worse.
RATING: Everyone
NOTES/WARNINGS: Just a note- Tony can be playfully annoying in this story, joking at the wrong moments, but that is only because he knows that humour would cheer you up. Otherwise, he loves you as if you were his child. Mentions of nightmares. Also, there is a description of the scars. The medical analysis is not from any reliable source. Read the next chapter early on my tumblr!!
RECAP : You are an avenger, who remembers nothing of her past. Her powers can kill painfully, but they can also heal people. When Thor brings Loki on Earth to serve for his punishments, the reader and Loki have a fight. However, you feel a connection to Loki. Loki remembers you too, but as a lover he murdered.
That night you had one of your worst nightmares. With assassinating people, nightmares came. But today, it was not ghosts haunting you. You felt as if you were falling off a cliff. No. You were being THROWN off a cliff. You could not identify the person standing in front of you in your dream. Was he the one that pushed you off? Was he there to save you? You didnt know how but you were sure of three things- first, the person was a man. Second, he had betrayed you. Third, he was filled with remorse for his actions.
“Y/N!!” you heard someone scream. But you knew it wasn’t in your dream. You woke up to see yourself completely drenched in sweat. You were shivering and the dryness of your throat had you thinking that you had been screaming your lungs off. But a look around the room, confirmed that thought. Your screams woke the avengers up. And all of them were ready as if to kill some attacker.
“Are you alright?” Clint asked.
“It was only a dream, right?” Tony questioned with concern.
“It was! But it felt so real!! As if that had actually happened..”
Through the corner of your eye you saw a figure standing idly in your room. A figure looking at whom you wondered why he had even bothered to come here.
“What did you see?” Clint asked while handing you a water bottle.
“I…. fell off a cliff… no…. somebody pushed me off the cliff… it was a huge drop…like a 100 feet drop… I most definitely… died.” You said as the memories crashed back.
“It was so real.” You added; still shaken slightly. With an involuntary glance, you knew that Loki was looking at you with sad eyes, his shiny green emeralds upon you.
“Y/N” Nat started carefully, “By any chance do you remember whether you fell on your back or front?” her voice seemed relaxed but you knew it was urging.
“I was facing the person who pushed me off. I think I landed on my back.”
The assassin and the archer exchanged a look. Before you could say anything, the assassin added, “Do you think the scars on the back of your head are… due to being pushed off a cliff?” As a reply, you frowned. Dr. Banner checked the cracks on your head and looked grimly “They can be. A 100 feet fall you say? The closely bunched up nature tells us that the impact was absorbed by one region and the slight branching out indicates that there was just one powerful impact. So yes… what you are thinking, about it being a memory, it is possible.”
“Is that possible? A memory?” You said glancing at both Bruce and Tony.
“Yes. Often when you see certain things, certain triggers activate your subconscious to be active and instead of recalling them as memories, you recall them as dreams, or nightmares, in your case.” Bruce explained.
“Very similar to PTSD” Tony added, shooting a hot glance at Loki.
You had no idea what to think about this. A memory of the life you have lived? And that memory was being thrown off a 100 foot cliff?
“No, Y/N, that does not mean that your life was filled with trauma. It is just that the trigger reminded you of the most horrible event in your life.” Bruce said as if reading your thoughts.
“Y/N, do you want to sleep with Nat instead?” Steve questioned.
“No. I am really very sorry that I woke you all up…” you felt ashamed. “Nothing to worry about lady Y/N. Everyone has such times.” Thor reassured.
“Thank you guys.”
“And Y/N don’t worry. If anything dare disturb your sleep again, we would love to torch it to death.” Tony said with a playful wink but you knew he meant his words.
The next morning you woke up to see you room bare with none of your things in there. You rushed out to check what was happening. “Hey Y/N, you are awake!” Tony said when he saw you. When you questioned him for an explanation he replied, “Oh, well, last night you seemed pretty shaken. So we decided to shift your room. Perks- you are closer to Thor and Bruce now. But there is a disadvantage- you are now also closer to reindeer games. But don’t worry, he was threatened enough times.” After thanking him and his usual- “don’t mention it, kid”, you entered your room. Everything was placed beautifully.
However, at night you woke up at the sound of muffled up screams, only to discover that they were not coming from your throat. You opened your door to check that they were from the corner room, where Loki lived. Hesitantly at first, you went to his room to see him in a mess. His hair scattered in a circle around his head and body covered in sweat. You decided to help him for reasons unknown to your own self. You sat down and started humming many songs that you knew. Many were pop songs, but there were some that sounded like classical folklore. You seemed to know the entire tune but could not recollect the lyrics. His body seemed to calm immediately under the soothing touch of your voice. However, that meant that you will have to sing the entire night so that he could sleep. You tried using the original recordings or recordings of your voice but nothing seemed to work. He needed your and only your voice.
These late night adventures caused you to loose a lot of sleep. There were not many nightmares, for there was hardly any sleep. But the nights where there were, it was the same- falling off a cliff while the sky was painted a bright orange. This caused your dark circles to run deeper, you became lazier and generally grumpy. However, you felt happier that you were helping somebody. Loki seemed more refreshed during the day and less grumpier.
Despite the first conversation with him, Loki granted you sad meaningful looks from time to time as if he knew something. At times, it seemed like an apology. Sometimes it just felt like he KNEW that it was you behind his newfound sleep. Yet he made no efforts to talk to about the same. Despite everything, the conversations were very few, if any at all. But whenever he was with you, there was a sadness laced in his eyes.
This continued for a month or so. The other avengers seemed to notice your lack of sleep and whenever they confronted you about the same, you would come up with some silly excuse for staying up late- “Oh! I was craving some ice-cream” or “I wanted to finish this book but didn’t realise it was late”.
You weren’t exactly sure why you were doing this- he just seemed like someone who atleast deserved a good night sleep. Or probably, you were doing it due to the connection earlier. Or was it something else? Well, he was handsome and charismatic but that couldn’t be it, could it? You weren’t sure about why you were lying to the avengers. They would generally be proud to know you were helping somebody, but in this case you felt that they would try to talk you out of it. Or rather force you out of it (they can be rather stubborn) and so due to such reasons you kept it a secret, even from Steve. You didn’t require as much of sleep as the others but one month of seldom sleep was taking its toll on you. One day, knowing that you wouldn’t last much longer if you kept sleep depriving yourself, you decided to investigate the cause of his nightmares. If you could solve that itself, you would be able to sleep and Loki would get a goodnight’s sleep.
You had been tempted to do this before but you felt that by invading his nightmares, you would be stepping into a private area without permission. But today you felt that you would just go to sleep and feared that Loki would discover you sleeping in his room ( unbeknownst to you, that had already happened where he had carried you to your room, confirming his thoughts that you had been behind his sleep). However, the thing bothering you other than the invasion of privacy was the unknown nature of your powers. Wanda had seen your mind while searching for memories and the only thing that she had stumbled across was that your base powers were the ones related to life only. But occasionally, you displayed powers like teleportation or telepathy (that is how you knew Steve’s past with Peggy and that led you to connect to him due to the loss of his lover). And to see into his dreams you would require to tap into that side of your powers that you had no idea about. But overwhelmed by the need to sleep, you ceased singing.
After a few minutes, you saw Loki moving his head from side to side and you knew that the nightmare had started. A few shivers went through his body like the waves of the sea. You sighed and tapped his forehead with your index finger. Your head jerked back as you entered his dream. You saw Loki walking, an orange expanse spread in the sky with a funnel of clouds above the cliff he stood on. You even thought that you heard a muffled warning somewhere. But no, that was not the weird part. You were there with Loki!!! You wore something that vaguely resembled a gown, a faded leafy green and flower designs. You looked very happy and were taking animatedly while using your hands. For some reason you were facing Loki and walking backwards.
However, the present you couldn’t hear their conversation. Both Loki and well, you, didn’t notice yourself watching them. Suddenly, you reached the edge of the cliff and the present you’s heart got caught in your throat thinking this is your end. Little did you know that you had a worse fate.
Loki caught your shoulders before you could fall. The past you looked thankful then confused. The present you didn’t understand this until you saw Loki’s solemn expression and a lone tear gliding down his cheek.
And then it happened. Loki pushed you down the cliff. You saw the tears and heard the scream of agony of your falling self. And then silence. A strong jolt went through your (present self’s) scar. Loki turned to the man who you assumed was the one who had given out the muffled warning. He wore a black cloak so you couldn’t see his face.
As Loki argued to the body, you saw an avalanche of emotions tumble through his face- sadness, regret, anger. After talking, he hastily hurried away (as if he hadn’t just killed you so to speak). The last scene you saw was your limp body lying at the cliff below with the waves of your hair surrounded by a crimson circle. You and Loki both woke up with a start. You both made eye contact before you ran to your room as the truth dawned on you- he had murdered you.
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jyotifestpost · 3 years
Alia Bhatt's movie 'Gangubai Kathiawadi' enters Rs 100 crore club
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Filmmaker Sanjay Leela Bhansali's latest film "Gangubai Kathiawadi", starring Alia Bhatt in the lead, has breached the Rs 100 crore mark at the box office.
Based on a chapter from writer S Hussain Zaidi's book Mafia Queens of Mumbai', the biographical drama features Bhatt in the title role of one of the most powerful, loved and respected madams from Mumbai's Kamathipura neighbourhood during the 1960s.
Released on February 25, the film opened to positive response from the audience and critics.
The filmmaker's banner Bhansali Productions shared the box office collections of the film on their Twitter handle.
"She reigns over our hearts & the box office! Book tickets now #GangubaiKathiawadi, in cinemas now," the tweet read.
Bhatt also celebrated the milestone on her Instagram handle by posting a photo from a restaurant.
"Happy century to Gangubai & happy vegan burger + fry to Alia. Thank you for all the love," she captioned the post.
"Gangubai Kathiawadi", which had its world premiere at the Berlin International Film Festival last month, is co-produced by Bhansali Productions and Jayantilal Gada's Pen India Limited.
"We had supreme confidence in Bhansali and the film. We had faith this film can bring cinemas back and we mounted it accordingly. Today, it's still running packed houses and we are proud of it," Gada said in a statement.
The film also stars Vijay Raaz, Seema Pahwa, Shantanu Maheshwari and superstar Ajay Devgn in a special appearance.
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mylucky137276 · 3 years
Alia Bhatt's movie 'Gangubai Kathiawadi' enters Rs 100 crore club
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Filmmaker Sanjay Leela Bhansali's latest film "Gangubai Kathiawadi", starring Alia Bhatt in the lead, has breached the Rs 100 crore mark at the box office.
Based on a chapter from writer S Hussain Zaidi's book Mafia Queens of Mumbai', the biographical drama features Bhatt in the title role of one of the most powerful, loved and respected madams from Mumbai's Kamathipura neighbourhood during the 1960s.
Released on February 25, the film opened to positive response from the audience and critics.
The filmmaker's banner Bhansali Productions shared the box office collections of the film on their Twitter handle.
"She reigns over our hearts & the box office! Book tickets now #GangubaiKathiawadi, in cinemas now," the tweet read.
Bhatt also celebrated the milestone on her Instagram handle by posting a photo from a restaurant.
"Happy century to Gangubai & happy vegan burger + fry to Alia. Thank you for all the love," she captioned the post.
"Gangubai Kathiawadi", which had its world premiere at the Berlin International Film Festival last month, is co-produced by Bhansali Productions and Jayantilal Gada's Pen India Limited.
"We had supreme confidence in Bhansali and the film. We had faith this film can bring cinemas back and we mounted it accordingly. Today, it's still running packed houses and we are proud of it," Gada said in a statement.
The film also stars Vijay Raaz, Seema Pahwa, Shantanu Maheshwari and superstar Ajay Devgn in a special appearance.
Read Complete Article
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animequeens · 6 years
New Chapter: Bad at keeping secrets?
It was a typical winter day in Tokyo. Below zero temperature, slow falling snow flakes covering parts of the pavement. It was no different at Totsuki, however, perhaps a little more festive than the rest of society.
At the top culinary school in the world, every event is worth a celebration; where celebration means cooking food in accordance to the theme and traditions of the event. Nearing Christmas, the students at Totsuki would no less be encouraged to participate in the Christmas market event, where bonus marks would be awarded to the top 3 stalls. It is not an easy feat to win at these events, with thousands of students fighting for the bonus points enough to secure one year of passes in all subjects.
Erina sat in her bedroom with her brow furrowed, her pen tapping restlessly.
"This won't do," mumbled Erina before chewing the back of her pen softly. She grunted annoyed at her 'lack of competence'.
"Yo," chuckled a red headed figure as he walked in unannounced.
"What are you doing here," replied an annoyed Erina, her eyes rolled slightly, "and how many times did I tell you to knock before you come in."
"Come on," laughed Soma, "we aren't acquaintances are we."
"I…I could be indecent in here," replied Erina flustered, "you know… undressed."
"It's nothing I haven't seen," winked Soma before making his way to the bed and looked down at the notebook in her hand, "Christmas stall ideas huh?"
Ignoring his first part of the comment Erina nodded, "I'm trying to come up with a menu before I submit an application."
"Which area are you cooking in this time?" asked Soma seriously, taking her notebook into his hands and examining her ideas.
The Christmas events this year, like the other festivals are divided into 3 sections which are suited for different price points and customers. The 'Jolly' section are for stalls with relatively low price points but generally have the largest crowds. Behind the 'Jolly' section is the 'Merry' section which is generally priced higher, in a restaurant format, which generally consists of a menu and seating. The last section is known as the 'arctic' section; here, restaurants serve a pre-set course menu, with high price points and are only open to reservation.
"I was actually thinking of setting a stall in the Jolly section," replied Erina softly, "I know sounds absurd huh."
"No," laughed Soma pulling her into his arms and seating her infront of him, eloping her in a warm backwards hug, "well if you are going to be in the Jolly section you need me."
"Highly doubt I needanyone's help," replied Erina chuckling as she relaxed into his embrace and relished his warmth.
"Fine, then I apply to be your assistant," said Soma planting a feathery kiss on her bare shoulders, "How's that."
"Soma," sighed Erina, "if we work together everyone will get suspicious of us. You know that right?"
"Not if I keep my distance," replied Soma, "I can keep my hands off you I promise."
"Then what do I say when Alice questions me why you and me of all people are working on a stall together," replied Erina glancing backwards only to be met with two excited golden irises.
"I'll tell them I lost a shokugeki to you and you said I have to help you manage the stall," replied Soma smugly, vaguely proud of his idea.
"Hmmm," chuckled Erina, "never would I thought one day I'd hear Yukihira Soma admit a loss."
"I'd do anything for you," Soma whispered.
Erina looked at him shocked, her heart fluttering as if a thousand butterflies were inside her awaiting to take flight. His eyes glistened with an unworldly determination and gentleness reserved only for her. Grabbing his red hair, and tangling her fingers with the red strands, she pulled into a deep kiss, her tongue finding its way to his, battling for dominance. His hands were restless to as they found their way onto her waist and spun her around. Her long creamy legs wrapped naturally around his waist, closing the annoying gap between their bodies.
Moaning into the kiss, Erina pulled away momentarily and puffed, "alright, assistant, but if anyone finds out about us," she threatened, "I won't let you do this ever again."
Soma's eyes widened with her comment and looked almost frightened as he nodded vigorously to her demand.
Satisfied, Erina allowed herself to indulge in the passion again.
"Yukihira," yelled the blonde female, her hand wiping small beads of sweat off her head, "move the banner so it isn't crooked, how many times do I have to tell you that."
"Right to it," chuckled Soma, he was probably the only other human other than Hisako who could deal with Erina's need for perfection.
He wasn't going to lie however, that the organisation that had gone into this collaboration stall with Erina had not been easy.
They were not ordinary couple, on a daily basis they were already competitive in terms of their cooking, with Erina being as stubborn and prideful as she is, and Soma being as oblivious as he was, they had a lot of argument during the planning process of the stall. As a matter of fact, they fought over everything. Everything from the food on the menu to the colour theme of their stall. Every single minute detail was debated, however, the pair seemed to have pulled through eventually.
The product of this was a not so 'stallish' stall – typical and as expected of Erina. Unlike other stalls with simple designs, their stall was themed with royal blue and tints of golds.
After he finally set the damn banner straight, Soma walked towards Erina before his arms around her waist and placing his head on her shoulder.
"Before you scold me," he sighed, "I checked 1000 times, no one is nearby."
"We are still in public!" huffed Erina, but her body giving into his, relishing the warmth of his body, "I swear Alice will just show up from no where."
"ERINA!" yelled the white headed Nakiri princess, though her voice indicated that she was still afar.
The sound of Alice forced the pair apart and they both quickly put up a façade…at least before Alice showed up merrily.
"Ah Erina," said an exhausted Alice, "It is so hard to find stalls…did you know there are over 100 stalls in this section this year, it would've been much easier for me to find you if you had set up a restaurant like you usually do."
"Can't a girl try something different," replied Erina indignantly, flicking her hair back she continued, "I wasn't looking for approval."
"Don't get all defensive on me," puffed Alice, before she mumbled to her assistant, "we all know what influenced her decision." Her crimson coloured eyes flicked towards the red-headed boy standing beside the blonde Nakiri then to her seeming glowing mood.
"What did you say?" asked Nakiri impatiently, failing to notice the know-it-all glance Alice had been making towards Soma.
"Just that I was curious about your menu," replied Alice, "I prepared a stall too and I'd hate to be competing directly with my dear cousin."
"I can't give away too much but it's going to be sweets," replied Erina before she pointing to the banner on her stall, "no brainer."
"Fine," grunted Alice turning away, her steps loud and clear as she walked down the pavement with her knee high boots. However, just before she was out of sight Erina heard a loud giggle before Alice yelled, "AND ERINA, THERE IS A HICKEY ON YOUR NECK."
Looking down Erina noticed the dark red blotch on her pale creamy skin. The colour contrasted so noticeably on her skin. Rage radiated off her body and she turned around slowly, her eyes focusing on a certain red head. She knew exactly when she got this, must've been the day he volunteered to help her. What he said that day; about doing anything for her, clouded her mind and better judgement apparently. She could only sigh to herself, he was is the biggest distraction she has ever known in her short life. A brainless one to add on top of that.
"Care to explain." Asked Erina, hands on hips, her violet eyes centering on the red-head.
"Uh…Alice didn't ask the question I expected...I did not prepare a line for this..." replied a guilty Soma scratching his head, "I don't think I can say much other than sorry…"
"I TOLD YOU!" yelled Erina before quickly remembering that beside them are stalls with people preparing just like them, "never leave a hickey somewhere I can't cover."
"I know, I know," replied Soma, "I'm sorry Erina, I'm sorry... I could buy you concealer?"
"Sorry isn't enough nor do I need your concealer" replied Erina wickedly
"Why do I have a bad feeling about this," trembled Soma slightly, he could sense an evil plan brewing in the girl's mind.
"There will be no touching, kissing or even any intimate contact until you've proven worthy," replied Erina turning back to work, ingnoring all protests, "and if you can't abide then I can also find a new partner for the stall."
AND WITH THAT Soma Yukihira was denied kiss, sex and any form of contact with her girlfriend BY her girlfriend in order to 'preserve' the secret of their relationship. But things weren't easy for both sides…
TO BE CONTINUED: I will be writing a chapter with a continuation of this punishment, but it will be more like both of them trying to make the other one surrender and beg for it first JAs we both know how stubborn they could be.
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labourpress · 7 years
Carwyn Jones speech to Labour Party Conference
Carwyn Jones AM, Leader of Welsh Labour, First Minister of Wales, speaking at the Labour Party Conference in Brighton today, said:
 I want to begin by extending my thanks to Christina Rees, our Shadow Secretary of State for Wales. Sadly she can’t be with us this week as she’s nursing a broken foot.
 I don’t think there’s any truth in the rumour that she broke it kicking Alun Cairns around Parliament in the first week back, but we’ll ask her when we see her.
 We all wish you a speedy recovery, Chris.
 Secondly, let me say thank you to Jeremy for his continuing friendship and leadership.
Thank you, Jeremy for the dignity you showed in a tough general election campaign.
The Tories came after you in a personal and offensive manner, and you stood up to that onslaught and led the party with great determination and defied the odds.
 This time last year, the Tories thought they were marching to a 100-seat majority. Right now, they’re scared of their own shadows, let alone another general election. What a turn around that is.
 Conference, when I heard Theresa May was giving a speech in Florence, I thought how apt. Not so much in relation to the Renaissance, but more with a thought to the works of that great medieval poet, Dante. It has been clear to me for some time that the Department for Exiting the European Union regard the “Divine Comedy” as some sort of instruction manual. That masterpiece imagines in glorious detail the dark and terrifying journey through the nine circles of hell.
 Well, we’ve been going on our own journey for 15 months and still remain in the first circle of hell – limbo – a remarkable achievement. But, then Dante did have Virgil as his spiritual guide.
 David Davis has got Nigel Farage. The book really is worth a read as Brexit re-interpreted.  At one point, at the close of chapter XXI, Dante witnesses a demon mobilising his troops by using “an ass as a trumpet.”  Which goes to show that every century has its own Boris.
 Conference, this week in Wales we marked the 20th anniversary of the vote to establish devolution in our country.  It was a turning point for Wales, and a turning point for our Party. The list of achievements is one of which we can be proud – and it belongs not just to Welsh Labour, but to the whole Party and movement who made devolution possible.
 ·         Unemployment in Wales - routinely lower than the UK average. More jobs, better jobs – Welsh Labour delivering in Government.
·         Wales, the first country to move to a deemed consent model for organ donation in the UK. People owe their lives to that change in the law. Better laws, saving lives, Welsh Labour delivering in Government.
·         Free school breakfasts in primary schools. Giving children the best start to the day, giving parents a helping hand, giving teachers the attention they deserve in the classroom. Welsh Labour delivering in Government.
·         The attainment gap between better off and poorer pupils in England and Scotland continues to grow – in Wales it continues to shrink. A fair start to everyone in Wales, no matter where you’re born – that is Welsh Labour delivering in Government.
·         Our university students in Wales getting the best deal anywhere in the UK.
·         And who gets the best deal of all? Those students who can least afford university – that is Welsh Labour delivering in Government.
 But, it isn’t just about policy. It’s also about having a voice and someone to fight your corner. This week I gave a cautious welcome to the news that Tata Steel and ThyssenKrupp entered the first stage of a merger deal.  A deal that should safeguard sites and thousands of jobs in Wales.
 Does anyone honestly think that without devolution, without a Welsh Labour Government determined to take measures to save that industry, putting money on the table when others looked away, that those steel jobs would still be in Wales today?
Would the Tories have knocked down walls for the people of Port Talbot, Shotton, Newport or Llanelli? We all know the answer to that.
 With our colleagues in the trades unions, our MPs, our AMs and local councillors, Welsh Labour stood up for the steel industry – and we did what those banners and badges asked us to do – we saved our steel.
 Conference, we are proud to work with our trades union colleagues in Government.
Together we have built a genuine social partnership and together we are making Wales a Fair Work Nation.
 And Conference, earlier this month our Trades Union Act received Royal Assent.
That means that the pernicious attempts of the Tory Government to attack workers’ rights in Wales have been dis-applied, and, once again, workers in Wales have the protections we fought so hard to achieve. Protections everyone deserves.
That’s Welsh Labour delivering in Government.
 Devolution has given Wales a voice. And with Welsh Labour that voice speaks the language of social justice, fairness, good work, decent pay and thriving communities.
 Devolution has given us something else. A new-found confidence. It is something I see every day in young people in work, and in our schools and colleges. So where has that confidence come from? If you could personalise it, you’d have to give credit to my predecessor, Rhodri Morgan. As you know, Rhodri passed away earlier this year, leaving behind a fantastic roller coaster of a political career, a wonderful family and an ocean of anecdotes.  In May the Welsh Parliament held the closest thing Wales will ever have to a state funeral, and we gave Rhodri the perfect send off.
 It started late. It finished even later. In between there was a fantastic mix of poetry, politics, sport, laughter and tears. And at the end, no-one really thought about Rhodri the politician, but Rhodri as a big-hearted, intelligent and inquisitive man who loved his family above all else. A fine role model, who we all miss.
 Rhodri always said that Labour did best when it managed to mix together the mushy peas of old Labour with the guacamole of New Labour. Now, I’ve been in Rhodri’s kitchen and I can tell you that when it came to culinary combinations, Rhodri was not always the person you would go to – but on the politics, he, as so often, was absolutely right.  He was absolutely right about the need for our Party to reflect all sections of our membership, and all parts of this country.
 That was the key to our success in Wales in the last three elections.
 When the Party at UK level was under serious pressure, our unique and united Welsh Labour identity meant we remained relevant and competitive in the Assembly and local elections, when sadly others struggled. It was the unity that gave us success against the odds. And when in the last days of the general election the whole party surged, it meant we, in Wales, were starting from a higher base-line and, as a result, achieved 50% of the vote for the first time in 16 years.
 Our identity as a Party is robust, authentic and complementary to the UK Party as a whole. And, just as a country we will not countenance a roll-back of our devolution settlement; there can be no question of Welsh Labour’s long fought for, and hard won voice being diluted as we look to the future of our Party. I know that both Jeremy and Tom understand this, and I welcome their unwavering support for Wales. Thank you, both.
 Because Conference, we know Labour works best when we work together. Together, we fought a hugely successful general election campaign – not just holding on to what we had, but winning back seats for Labour.
 Vale of Clwyd – according to the bookmakers, Tories were 1/5 on to win. Result? Labour Gain. Gower – according to the bookies, Tories were 1/9 on to win. Result? Labour Gain. Cardiff North – Tories were 1/9 on. Result? Labour Gain.
 Working together we have exposed the Tories on broken promise after broken promise. On rail electrification in the north and the south – and we know what’s coming next – they’ll axe Swansea’s Tidal Lagoon.
 But, because Welsh Labour is in Government – there are things we can do. We are already delivering on our manifesto promises.
 ·         100,000 new good quality, all-age apprenticeships.
 ·         The most generous childcare offer for working parents anywhere in the UK.
 ·         And 20,000 more affordable homes.
 We can also deliver on priorities for the future of our NHS.
 There is no privatisation of the NHS in Wales – and whilst we have a Welsh Labour Government there will be no privatisation of the NHS in Wales. Only in Wales are ambulance crews hitting their targets – because we’ve worked with the service and designed a better way of working. And next week, the Welsh Government will publish new guidance for our pioneering legislation on safe nurse staffing levels in Wales.  
 Conference, Wales is the first country in Europe to legislate on nurse staffing levels. I am proud that Wales has taken the lead in this area, empowering nurses and ensuring the resources are there to care sensitively for patients. Legislation that the Party promised in the UK manifesto in May, already being delivered by a Labour Government in Wales.
 And working together we are making our communities better, fairer places to live.
When Carolyn Harris MP began her brave and dignified campaign to end child burial charges in the UK, we in Wales did not wait for the Tory Government to act. We said, yes, that is the right thing to do, and, as a result, the Welsh Labour Government has announced the abolition of all child burial charges in our country. That is what we can do when we work together.
 And the country needs us to work together more than ever before, as we fight the fundamentalists pursuing a hard Brexit. We are fighting tooth and nail against the Tory power grab, dressed up as the EU Withdrawal Bill. It shows up their Government as simply incapable of listening to other people’s views, or respecting their legitimate interests – in other words, as lacking the basic skills needed to negotiate successfully.
And looking at the way in which they are failing the country in their negotiations with the EU, I guess we shouldn’t be surprised.
 I’m delighted at the support we are receiving from Labour colleagues in Parliament at fighting this real threat to devolution as we have known it for the past 20 years.
I’m also incredibly proud of the work we have done together already – our team in Cardiff Bay has worked hand in glove with Keir Starmer and the front bench in developing our Brexit policies. As a result of that work, in Labour we now have a sensible, evidence-based, economically sound set of principles and ideas that can see this country through Brexit in an orderly manner.  
 Contrast that with the spectacle of the Tory approach. Sorry, correction – the various Tory approaches. Does anyone really know who speaks for them on Brexit anymore?
Where has the Prime Minister of this country gone? If,  before the general election, the country felt as though it had a robot for Prime Minister, we’d now be forgiven for thinking we have a hologram.
 She went to the country and asked for the support of our communities for a hard Brexit, the country said no. The country said no to some other things as well – our older people said no to being taken for granted. Wales said no to being short-changed. Scotland said no to independence. And crucially, our young people said no to being ignored. They said, through their votes, what we all feel - Britain deserves better than this. This country deserves a Labour Government in Westminster.
A Government that actually cares about the future.
 I know that the people of Wales need that more than ever. Under the Tories, we have had to take £1billion out of our public services in Wales. That’s the annual budget of the entire North Wales health board. Our communities are resilient, but they’re being unfairly punished. And with Theresa May and the Tories they will be asked to give yet more. To give up. To give up their livelihoods, their libraries, their leisure centres, and their right to a fair deal. To give up hope. Enough is enough. It is time for hope.  
 It is time for Labour, in Wales and in Westminster.  Standing up for Wales. Working for fairness. Working, together. Winning, together. That’s a future the country hopes for and that’s the country we can deliver. Together for Wales.  Together for Britain.
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ripplestitchskein · 7 years
Light of All Lights - A Fairy Tale in Five Parts (3/5)
Notes: Liz  ( @caprelloidea ) does all the heavy lifting around here and this wouldn’t be nearly what it is without her. You are my favorite. 
This part is 100% for @artielu who is the reason I can breathe this week and who’s love for this fic absolutely gives me life. 
I’m still overcome by how much people seem to like this. I hope this chapter does it justice. 
Thanks to @thesschesthair​ for her amazing banner. And all my love to @odonoghues​ for this incredible gifset that made me cry. 
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Summary: When his ship crashes onto a secluded island after a storm Killian “Deckhand Hook” Jones finds himself the unlikely companion to the dark “goddess” who inhabits it. A fairy tale in five parts.
Rating: Explicit for very obvious reasons. Violence. Angst.
Word Count: 19K+
Part One Here     Part Two Here
Emma could smell the ship before she could see it. The musky scent of unwashed men, recently cooked food, and salt sea air permeated the inky black, the sounds of raucous laughter following after.
She blinked and stepped forward.
The cramped dim galley of the very ship wrecked on her beach slid sharply into focus, whole and upright, swaying almost imperceptibly on open water. It was supper time, or thereabouts, dirty hunched over men poked at the last dregs of a pitiful meal by the sparse light of a guttering lantern. She recognized a few of them from her cells below, less weather lined and scarred, but looking more or less the same, less terrified for sure.
She scanned the bench of the table, until she found him, half hidden by the bulk of the man at his side, swallowed up by the crew around him in the cramped little room. He was younger of course, leaner, his hair a tad longer and brushing the collar of his shirt, unkempt and rustled by a long day on deck in the wind.
She stepped forward, her hand lifting, wanting to stroke down his face, his scruff a bit lighter there, the scar on his cheek now just smooth blushing flesh. He looked so much like the Killian in her bed but also completely different. His expression was all too familiar, an embarrassed smile down at the brown flask clutched in his hands, peeking up shyly, but it was so much more, the force of his grin crinkling at the corners of his eyes.
She had seen him happy, had seen those easy smiles, but it was always with that faint edge of sorrow, the undercurrent of anxiety, his posture not nearly as straight backed and confident as the Killian before her. He was still timid, his laugh nervous, his face hesitant and bashful, but he smiled with all of it instead of just his lips and most surprisingly of all, he didn’t flinch when a man slammed down his mug on the table beside him, didn’t cower when someone gestured exuberantly, throwing his arm up to make a point.
Emma stepped into the space across from him, wanting to drink him in, to imprint this version on her memory, remember this happy smile unmarred by wary flickering eyes and nervous tongue pressed to his teeth. She couldn’t touch him of course, only watch, a silent, helpless observer. But she wanted to, and resolved to coax a smile just the same from his face one day so she could trace it with her fingers.
“Yeh did fine,” the large man clapped Killian on the back, sending him forward towards the table with the force. “You’ll get better at it, new ship, new crew. It takes time.” It was the man she had thrown against the wall, still just as ugly as he was now.
Killian nodded, his smile growing, as he took a sip from his flask.
“Now ship business is one thing,” another man said slyly. She recognized him too, the one with the knife, also a large man, his eyes shifty and suspicious, there were two of them now, he hadn’t yet lost the other, but it made him no more appealing. “But as I sees it, if you really wanna go on account, prove you got what it takes, you need something bigger.” The man’s shifting eyes twinkled with the promise of danger.
“Right of passage like,” the first man nodded. “We all had to when we joined up, even the ones who got crimped.”
“‘’Xactly, you’se prey, a merchant dandy, you gotta show Blackbeard you can be a hunter,” the man with the knife replied, slapping his hand on the table. Killian swallowed uneasily.
“How’s that?” He asked, only the faintest hint of a tremor in the question.
“By showin’ ‘im yer a pirate o’course,” the larger man said as if it should be obvious.
“And what better way to show him, than to do what pirates do best?” the man with the knife smiled, a golden tooth glinting in the dim light.
Killian nodded to himself, looking down, considering their suggestion, and she wanted to scream at him, tell him not to trust them, even before the pair exchanged sly smiles above his bowed head. She knew how this tale ended, where this was going.
“What would I need to do?”
Emma closed her eyes to steady herself as the three of them plotted and whispered. Killian eagerly took in their plan, so naive and trusting, smiling broadly whenever they would clap him proudly on the back, praising his bravery, crowing about what a feat this would be. He didn’t stand a chance against such open affection, such brotherly camaraderie. All he wanted was acceptance and they were giving him the cruel lesson of betrayal in return.
“Talk about it for years,” the one man said.
“Stuff of legends,” echoed the first.
She wanted to rip their eyes from their skulls, make them bleed, as they manipulated and preyed upon his trust, his desperation to be wanted. He was obviously new to the ship, thrown into an unfamiliar environment with strange dangerous men at the whim of Lady Luck and a well placed bluff. His only desire was to do well, to be accepted. It pained her to think that even years after this moment, over a decade it seemed, he would still be craving the exact same thing.
The scene shifted and morphed before her, the next one in the memory, the important salient details all he had retained. She was in a dark hallway now, pitch black save for a thread of moonlight through an uneven slat of the deck above, and she could just make out his eyes in the dim, the shine of his hair. He moved with silent quickness, that same quality that helped him go unnoticed working to his advantage now.
He went to work on the lock with a tiny set of borrowed picks, fumbling slightly as he worked. The task was obviously unfamiliar to him, his hands unsteady as he lost his grip and it slid against the lock with a faint ping of metal on metal. He froze, held his breath, and tried again.
She reached out, her hand passing through him like a ghost, the memory rippling around him like water. Tears pricked her eyes as he grinned in the moonlight when the lock caught, triumphant and so very proud of himself. He should be in bed, swaying in a hammock halfway across the ship, anxiously trying to sleep as he worried about a new day with a new crew. How different would the man she knew be if this night had never happened? Or was this always meant to be the way? No matter what he chose all paths would lead to this. He was simply too bright for them, too good, would have always outshone them, cast their sins in stark relief, if not this day then another, they would have done anything it took to snuff him out. She could only be glad it didn’t appear they had completely succeeded.
She followed Killian into the room, all morbid curiosity and dread. The Captain’s cabin was brighter than the hall, the windows along the stern were larger, the moon outside was full, ominous, and she could see his every movement in the glow. He slipped along the furniture, his feet making no noise on the wood, and opened a cabinet along the wall.
“Put it back,” she whispered to herself even though she knew it was useless. “Please put it back.”
Killian drew the crystal decanter from the cabinet still smiling, like he couldn’t believe he had done it, and Emma couldn’t help thinking the port swirling inside it looked like blood, the glass winking in the light.
“Captain Silver didn’t mention you were a thief as well as useless,” came an amused voice from the doorway.
Blackbeard stepped inside, a lantern filling the room in eerie orange light. Emma’s stomach plummeted in perfect time with the decanter falling from Killian’s fingers as he fumbled in startled surprise. It struck the floor with a tinkling crash, fine crystalline shards and blood red wine covering the polished wood.
“I’m sorry!” he dropped to his knees, hands shaking as he went to pick up the pieces. His beautiful hands.
“For stealing from me or breaking it?” Blackbeard frowned. “That was a gift from my mother.”
“I wasn’t-” Killian shook his head. “It was just the test,” he said. “I didn’t mean to break it, truly, but I wasn’t stealing, I was going to give it to you, they said-”
“You were going to give me my own port?” Blackbeard raised an eyebrow. “How very generous.”
“No, no,” Killian shook his head, and she could only watch helplessly as he struggled to get out the words, his tongue refusing to cooperate.
“Wake Starkey!” Blackbeard barked over his shoulder. Killian sank in relief.
“Yes! Starkey! He’ll explain everything,” he said gratefully.
It seemed like hours before the man appeared at the door, his eyes glinting, a wry smile on his face. It was the large man from the galley, a name given to his ugly twisted face.
“What ‘ave we ‘ere?” Starkey asked innocently looking down at Killian, still kneeling on the floor, port soaking through the leg of his trousers.
“Seems Jones here thought he could help himself to my wine,” Blackbeard raised an eyebrow.
“No! I wasn’t going to drink it, I couldn’t even if I wanted to,” Killian shook his head looked pleadingly over at the man he mistakenly thought would be his savior. “Starkey can tell you.”
“Tell him wha’?” Starkey asked. Emma clenched her fists as Killian looked at him confused.
“About the plan,” Killian said, his weak smile up at the man made her heart turn to coal in her chest. He trusted him, and it sent a lance of pain through her chest to watch that faith falter.
“Plan?” Blackbeard smiled dangerously. “So this was a group heist?”
“I’ve no idea what ‘e’s on about,” Starkey said. He leaned back, hands on his belt.
“But the…rite of passage,” Killian’s face dropped, realization slowly dawning, his brows drawing together. “To prove myself.”
“The only thing I see ‘ou’ve proven is you’re a mugger,” Starkey said.
“Evans! Evans can tell you, he was there too,” Killian turned to the Captain. Emma almost couldn’t handle the desperation on his face as he pleaded.
“Alright, if you insist,” Blackbeard said reasonably, a smile curling his lips. “Somebody find me Evans!” He shouted out the door.
The man with the knife appeared almost instantly, as if he had been waiting in the shadows, his face twisted in wicked wide eyed innocence.
“Tell them,” Killian leapt forward from the floor, going towards him. Evans held up his hands as Killian approached, practically grabbed onto his shirt in desperation. “Tell them what I was doing!”
Evans peered over Killian’s shoulder at the glass and wine.
“Looks to me like you were making a mess of the Captain’s private stores,” Evans said drily.
“No!” Killian shook his head. “I wasn’t-” he turned to Blackbeard and swallowed. “It was just a test, I promise, I swear, it was just a test, so I could show you that I could be a pirate and not a…dandy merchant.” Blackbeard laughed at the description, and Emma felt her throat close at the flash of hope on Killian’s face at the sound. Hopeful till the bitter end.
“You know, I think Jones here might have a bit of a problem with the ole’ drink,” Evans said conversationally, crossing his arms across his chest to regard him. “Always tippling away at his flask.”
“G-goats milk,” Killian stammered. “I have to drink it quick so it doesn’t spoil.”  The trio looked at him incredulous, and darkly amused.
Emma watched in dismay as he fumbled in his pockets, the brown glass flask encased in leather tumbling out of his clutching fingers before he could catch it. Starkey laughed and kicked it away, somewhere into the shadows of the room.
“Starkey, you’re the quartermaster, what say you?” Blackbeard asked conversationally. “Put it to a vote?”
“Nah, I think it’s plain to see what ‘appened ‘ere,” Starkey pulled his lips into a sneering grin.
Killian relaxed for a second, relieved.
“Thank you, I was only trying-”
Starkey cut him off.
“Theft aboard the ship, and from tha Cap’n no less,” Starkey shook his head in mock derision. Emma wanted to snap his neck, feel his bones break under her fingers as Killian froze, his mouth dropping open in surprise.
“Well we can’t kill him,” Blackbeard said reasonably, crossing over to the table. He propped his booted feet on the surface, leaning back in his chair. “There’s still the matter of his debt. I can’t collect from a dead man.” Emma was only sorry she couldn’t kill him again, that she hadn’t made him suffer worse during their brief time together.
“Aye Cap’n,” Starkey nodded. “Useless as ‘e is there’s still money owed. Floggin’s not enough tho’,” he frowned.
“And we can’t let the men think they have free reign,” Evans pointed out. She would skin him, piece by piece, rip the flesh from his traitorous bones. Killian’s face turned gray and ashen, his entire body shaking in disbelief as they casually discussed his fate.
Emma cried out as he suddenly moved, with desperate swiftness, and yanked the knife from Evans’s belt. It trembled in his hand as he brandished it before him and her heart thudded against her ribs.
“Tell him the truth,” he said, his voice shaking as well, each word hard and measured. Blackbeard watched on with cold, amused, detachment. “Tell him!” Killian’s voice broke.
Starkey and Evans looked at each other for a moment. And laughed.
In one quick movement Evans knocked the knife from Killian’s hand, sending it spinning, his fist bearing down almost simultaneously. Killian cried out, swinging wildly, barely connecting before the man hit him again, and again. He fell to his knees with a grunt of pain, trying to rise. Trying so hard to fight. He swung upwards with a clumsy stroke, barely grazing the man, just in time to meet Starkey’s fist from the other side.
“Striking a fellow crew member on board,” Blackbeard tsked. “We are in fine form this evening, Jones.”
Killian moaned from the floor as Starkey delivered a swift kick to his ribs. Evans went in again with his fists. Emma clenched her own at her side, unshed tears of rage burning as he curled into a fetal position on the floor at her feet, his hands over his head to stop their blows. It seemed to go on forever, strike after strike, flesh hitting flesh, striking bone. She marked each one, committed it to memory.
“Take him to the brig, we’ll address the crew in the morning.” Blackbeard said finally, and waved a bored hand at the men. The two hauled Killian up, and he hung limp and bleeding between them. His eye was already swelling closed, blood trickling down his face from a wound under his hair. Emma reached out, ghosted over the mark, as they carried him bodily from the room, his skin rippling as the world went black.
Brilliant morning sun lit the deck, the sky a clear cloudless blue as they dragged Killian forward in front of a gathered crowd. The men glared and spit as he passed, cursing him, a motley crew of ugly scowling faces. Thievery was not well tolerated on a pirate ship and they didn’t know him, he was new here, unwanted. They pushed him with rough hands, kicked out at his legs so he tripped and stumbled in the grip of his captors, threw rotten food and bloody chum they had brought for the occasion as he went by. He jerked away from them, his unmarked eye wild with hurt and terror. He had nowhere to go, a caged animal, the ocean stretching out in endless navy water all around them.
Emma marked their faces, memorized each one, seared them into her memory. If they were in her hold they too would pay, and even if they weren’t, she would find out their names from the rest, hunt them down, and make them scream.
Killian’s face was a swollen, mottled, purple, the blood dried black and crimson in patches on his beard, so weak and tired he could only sway when they released him, sinking to one knee before the Captain and the Quartermaster, his hand leaning heavily on the deck struggling to support him.
“As you all know-” Blackbeard addressed the murmuring crew, pacing the deck before them. “The punishment for stealing from The Company is death, or if I’m in a particularly good mood, exile.”  
He pressed a booted foot to Killian’s shoulder, shoving him further to the ground.
“Jones here, however, owes me a debt, one he has not even begun to fulfill, and as such, he has far more utility if he remains alive to pay it. Mister Starkey! What have you decided on instead?”
He turned to the Quartermaster who grinned, his eyes shining in the sun as he looked down at Killian’s prone figure at their feet.
“Seems to me,” Starkey said. “Jones here needs a little reminder, sos he don’t slip up again. I say we take a thieven’ hand!”
The crew cheered at the pronouncement, a raucous yell of unsympathetic cheers echoing across the water. Killian shook his head fiercely.
“Please,” he rasped out, looking up at Starkey with one swollen eye. “Tell them. Please.” His voice broke.
“Get ‘im up,” Starkey said. Evans and another crew member, a small monkey faced man, lifted Killian up to his knees again, a third man darting forward with something thick and leather in his hand.
“Jones!” Blackbeard said jovially. “Catch.” He threw something, the object glittering in the air. Killian reached automatically forward, weakly catching it against the wood. He closed his fist around it, flipping it around to see. It was the crystal top of the decanter.
“Take that one,” Blackbeard said nonchalantly. “We’ll get him a doctor when we make land. Tally the expense, add it to his debt sheet.” He waved a dismissive hand.
“No! Please! Tell them! You have to tell them!” Killian bucked against them, the two men holding him firmly as the third pulled up his sleeve, wrapping the thick leather strap just above the jutting bone of his wrist, cinching it tightly. He had such delicate wrists for such large beautiful hands Emma thought wildly.
“It was a test!” Killian cried out. “Please! Don’t-Please! Tell them!”
The man jerked his hair back, shoving something thick and round between his teeth, muffling his cries. Killian bucked and writhed, pulling away, digging his heels into the deck as he shrieked against the gag.
Emma had seen many a man tortured, had seen them beg and plead, their blood on her hands and a smile on her face. She could not watch this. Could not watch him. She turned away. Her stomach twisted as he yelled begging protests against the gag, blood thudding in her ears, heart pounding in her chest so hard she could see it through her skin. She closed her eyes, squeezing them tighter and tighter as he pleaded out unintelligible words, clenched her teeth at the scrape of his boots across the deck as they dragged him bodily to the barrel setup special on the deck, a clear view for the enraptured audience. She could hear his resistance every step of the way.
The sun was warm on her neck, a calm breeze blowing across the water. It was truly a lovely day on a calm sea. There was a hush as the crew fell silent, watching in grim fascination, Killian’s muffled cries the only noise in the entire world, until the scrape of a blade against a leather sheath, unnaturally loud.
And then Killian screamed as the gag fell out.
It was black again when the memory shifted, the world smelling of rot and waste. No light shown in the new room, there were no cracks in the wood or windows for the moon, and it took her a moment to realize they were in the brig.
It was so dark.
Emma pulled out her blue orb, casting the foul place in a turquoise glow, finding him immediately in the tiny cramped room, curled up on a sodden pad that was nothing more than rags and unclean straw. She wished desperately that he could see the glow, take comfort in the light, if she could offer him nothing else. How long had he been left down here in the pitch black, in this foul place?
His wrist was a blunted end of blood soaked rags, dried black and brown with age, and his skin was slick with the heavy sheen of sweat, his hair soaked through with it, sticking fast to his forehead and his neck. His head lolled with fever against grime covered wood, his teeth clenched as he cried out in pain.
She should leave, she should go, back to her Killian, she needed to touch him, put her lips to his, remind herself he was okay, he had survived this, but she couldn’t. He didn’t know she was there, he couldn’t feel her, he was just an echo, an impression in time, he wasn’t real, but she couldn’t bring herself to leave him all alone.
Emma settled onto the muck covered floor, whispered comforting words he couldn’t hear, promises of retribution, of payment soon to be exacted. She would have every moan, every pleading cry that had fallen from his lips, every scream, repaid tenfold. For every tear that streaked unchecked from his beautiful blue eyes, that clung to too long lashes, she would take twenty, for every drop of blood spilled from his veins she would take a goblet full from theirs.
Killian cried out next to her as he shifted on the filthy mattress, at first she thought it moaning nonsense, unintelligible pained cries, but it was a melodic keening warble, coming forth in a quiet shaky voice.
“I thought I heard the old man say-” he gasped again as another wrack of pain went through him. “Leave her, Johnny leave her.”
He closed his eyes, leaned his head back against the wood, looked at the ceiling in a silent prayer, breathed in quick rapid breaths.
“You can go ashore and take your pay,” even laced with suffering and fatigue, his eyes fever bright, his voice was lovely, shaking and trembling with strain and agony but pure and sweet in tone. Emma felt a tear drip down her nose as he let out a harsh gasping cry, singing faster against the lancing pain.
“For the voyage is done and the winds do blow. It’s time for us to leave her.”
She wanted to take his head in her lap, stroke his hair, whisper her lips against his skin, but she could only sit, watch him writhe against the agony, doing his best to block it out with an old familiar tune.
“Oh, leave her. Johnny, leave her with a grin. For there’s many a worser we’ve sailed in.”
Killian awoke to a warm mouth pressed to his, a tongue tracing the seam of his lips. He startled, clutching the blankets, his hook digging into the sheets. He relaxed a fraction automatically, without consciously realizing why, and sank into warm bliss, arching up to meet her, sucking in air and her scent through his nose, his heart still thudding somewhere in his throat.
“Sorry.” Emma said into his mouth, she pulled away not looking remotely apologetic, her eyes bright and shining in the candlelight. They looked odd though, black instead of green, and he was too shaken by the jolt from sleep to consciousness to put his finger on why.
“It’s fine,” it came out like a squeak, panic drifting away as she climbed into the vast bed.
He watched in bleary eyed amazement, his mind still catching up to the sudden wakefulness, pushing down the fear he was being suffocated in his sleep. She slid under the thick blanket onto his lap and it was only then he realized she was completely and utterly naked.
“Good morning,” she smiled down at him, her words were cheerful rasping smoke, but her smile was tight and strained.
Killian could only stare at her in open mouthed awe, her hair, like glorious strands of moonlight, hung loose and free in curls down her back and chest, partially covering her breasts. He had never seen it down, and he needed a moment to take it in, to take her in. She looked softer, younger, a fairy queen staring down at him from above, her lips pink instead of crimson, her expression turning wickedly devious as she watched him.
“Wha-good morning?” he stuttered out. He looked around the room, wondering if perhaps he was still asleep. He pressed his hook against his leg to check for the presence of pain, make sure this wasn’t some incredible dream. It bloomed sharp and quick against his thigh just as Emma shifted against his morning hardness, sending a bright burst of pleasure up his spine. He still wasn’t sure.
“I thought we should get an early start on today’s lesson,” she murmured.
He wished he had something devastatingly clever and witty to reply with, but all he could manage was a nervous nod and a stuttered, “O-okay.”
She leaned down to kiss him again, but he shifted back.
“What about the sunrise?” He glanced to the windows over his shoulder, the pre-dawn light turning the sky a dull muted gray, not quite time but mere moments from now. He may not know much of her, but he knew she was a creature of habit, her things arranged just so, her routines varied only by the presence of strangers in her home, knew that she had seen over a hundred thousand by her own admission, and it unnerved him that she was here now, looking so enticing, kissing him with desperation and sad dark eyes, rather than staring out over the ocean and horizon as she had most days of her long life.
“I like this more,” she whispered, and leaned down again. There was something off in her kisses, something urgent and too much. It took him another moment to register it fully, her lush mouth searing into him, turning him to liquid, stealing the breath from his lungs. He pulled away again.
“Is something wrong?” he asked and he felt like a bloody fool. A beautiful woman, looking like Aphrodite in the flesh was throwing herself at him, had climbed into his bed, was presently on top of him, and all he could do was worry.
Emma leaned back, regarding him with a wary frown.
“You just-” he motioned at her uselessly, trying not to get distracted by the tempting sway of her beasts, the shining fullness of her hair, the pink of her mouth. “You seem like something’s wrong.”
“No,” she said slowly, that wicked grin crept across her face and she slid her hands up his chest, shifting again deliberately against him. “Nothing’s wrong. I just missed you.” Sincerity rang clear as crystal, but her face tightened a fraction once more.
He wasn’t in anyway convinced, wanted to press further, but she settled herself more firmly on his length, pressed her breasts against his chest, scraping deliciously against the hair there, and kissed him again. He kissed her back, rising up against her, some selfish part of him insisting he was helping, if this is what she needed, if this is what would soothe her odd mood and the lines of worry etched in her brow, then he would give her all he had. It was a weak justification, a selfish one truly, but he was not a strong man. She had missed him.
She ground down on him again, smiling against his mouth as he hissed. He was overly tender and raw in the mornings on the most normal of days, but her heat against him, his skin already burning, was more than he could bear. She rocked down again.
“E-Emma,” he pulled away once more. She huffed.
“Killian,” she replied with hard impatience. “Nothing is wrong.”
“No, no, I know,” he flushed. “I just, I don’t want…” he frowned trying to think of the best way to say it. She mirrored his expression, already misunderstanding him, moving to slide off, hurt and something like worry flashed in her eyes. It made them green emeralds again, the black receding. He clutched at her, keeping her in place.
“I don’t want to do…well that again,” he said quickly, motioning down his body to his lap where they were joined, separated only by a thin layer of cloth.
He had been out of his mind with lust in the sitting room, too overcome with his own mindless indulgence, with the feel of her against him, to reciprocate in kind. His awkward fumbling later in the bath, those glorious heady moments where he felt like he was possibly able to please her, was cold comfort for what she truly deserved. And today it was worse, more important than ever, something was off in her kisses, different in her expression, had changed in the night with no rhyme or reason as he’d slept.
He didn’t have a wealth of experience in the area, but he could tell the difference between sweet and ravenous. Now she was ravenous. She seemed to require something he wasn’t sure he could give, might not be able to give. She had thanked him after in the tub, her eyes had been sincere, her words honest and true, but her kisses this morning spoke of a woman unfulfilled, grasping for more. Her eyes were bright, but rimmed in red and sorrow.
Understanding dawned across her face, and that made him feel worse if possible. She shouldn’t understand. She should demand more, she deserved more, she was an immortal being who possessed the power to move the world, even without her magic, and she may deny with words that she was a goddess, resent the notion even, but he had seen the truth in action, and he had learned long ago that was the only truth there was.
The lonely years she had spent here had perhaps sullied her expectations, had made even the mediocre seem good enough, and if he didn’t understand what she found so appealing about him, she shouldn’t either. He knew who he was, what he was capable of.  And he also knew, as surely as he could map the stars in the sky, her desperation, her need would only grow as he continued and continued to fail her. He released his hand from her waist, letting it fall to the blanket.
Emma watched it drop with another frown, and looked at him for a long moment.
“How many women have you been with?” Emma asked suddenly, that regal satin voice breaking him out of his thoughts.
Mortification slid up his neck, turning him bright red, his cheeks flaming. He looked away. He had thought it was perfectly obvious, his lack of knowledge about intimate things, his poor performance last night as she’d brought him to the peak in mere moments, the entire point of their lessons. He’d thought she knew.
“Well I, um,” he swallowed, trying to move away, shift her off him. She stopped him cold, her thighs squeezing to hold him in place.
“How many?”
“Well…none,” he didn’t want to look at her as he admitted it so plainly. Thirty three or thirty four years on this earth and not once had he lain with a single soul. He had come close, a few persistent lasses had tried their best, had worked hard for the coin he thrust at them with clammy nervous hand, left his rooms confused and livid when he couldn’t go through with it in the end. Lecherous saltdogs, alighting on his pretty face, his youth, and seeing opportunity, propositioning him in dark corners of the ship.
There were no starry eyed notions of love behind his reluctance, no moral grounds for his hesitance, no strict adherence to religious principles, just cowardice pure and simple. He was a coward and Emma, goddess that she was, deserved better than a coward.
He tried to pull away again, but she was too strong, too determined. He risked a glance up, expecting cold anger, or pity, anything other than the expression on her face.
She looked, in truth, exasperated.
“Did you really think I didn’t know that?” her voice was that same chilling coldness threaded with incredulity.
“I-well,” he shrugged. “I suspected, what with the…uh, the lessons.” His voice hitched on the word. “But-” he cut himself off.
“You just,” he swallowed again, frustration evident in every syllable. “You presume I can do this, like my inexperience-” he paused. “Like it doesn’t matter.”
“Because it doesn’t matter,” she tilted her head. “I said I would show you, teach you.”
“But you shouldn’t-” he closed his eyes. “-you shouldn’t have to.”
She laughed. But it was not the musical trill he was used to, the laugh that had changed the course of his fate, the one pressed against his chest during delightful games of play and touch. This was the sound of prisoners in the dungeons, and games designed to hurt. He froze.
“I don’t do anything because I should,” she whispered dangerously. “This is what I want.”
She was a slow seductress, leaning lower, her hair brushing his chest, eyes hot.
“You are what I want,” she scraped her nails down his chest. “Like beautiful moldable clay.”
She kissed his neck, scraped her teeth along the cords, a shiver going down his spine, his hardness throbbing against her.
“What better lover could there be than the one you craft and guide to your own desires?”
What do the Gods do with their discarded playthings?
The words rang through his head as cold anxiety settled heavy on his chest, doubled by the weight of her, pressing her lips to his ear, tracing the shell with her tongue, completely unaware as she tugged his earlobe with rasping teeth, that his chest was caving in, his heart crushed beneath the wreckage.
This was what he wanted wasn’t it? To be the tool with which she obtained her pleasure, useful, purposeful, wanted, like the hook on his hand, she could use him as she saw fit. She was honing him, sharpening him, molding him, to be exactly what she needed. Was that not what he wanted to do? Be what she needed?
He took in air that couldn’t fill his lungs, there wasn’t enough air in the room, possibly not enough in the world, and he fisted at the blanket, willing himself to calm, to focus on her mouth as it trailed soft kisses down his neck, her scent drifting over him. That only made it worse, a stark reminder in warm lips and hot flesh of where this was leading, what she wanted from him that he would be unable to provide, images of her looking down at him, angry and confused, wondering why, how could he possibly be so broken? She would tell him to leave, to go back to the ship, the crew. He couldn’t breathe. He was drowning in panic, his entire body cold despite her heat.
“Killian?” Emma leaned back then, frowning down at him in concern, the smoke of her voice softening some, becoming worried honeyed cream.
“S’fine,” he tried to smile, and failed, tried to make his face appear normal, but his eyes were too wide, his lips stretching across gritted teeth. He turned his head away, screaming at himself to calm down. There was nothing wrong. She wanted him. She was here. She’d missed him. She was as close as someone could bloody be without crawling inside for fuck’s sake, calm down.
“Killian, what’s wrong?” She slid off him, the pressure easing slightly, but there still wasn’t enough air, his skin pulling tight, every stitch of clothing, the heavy weight of the blankets, he could feel them all acutely, tearing at his skin, holding him down. He wished she’d call him Hook, he could handle this all so much better, this temporary role in her life, the natural and eventual end to his utility, if she called him by the name he was familiar with.
“I just need-” he wheezed. “-a moment.”
He wasn’t quite sure what was happening, his brain was screaming, every word of every thought in his head was spoken in a yell inside his mind. It was too much, too fast. Warm sleep, dreams of her, and then startling awake, her mouth demanding, her expression troubled, dark laughter and kisses that led to places he wasn’t sure he was able to go.
She ran her hands over him, checking for injury, concern and fear filling her beautiful porcelain face. He didn’t want that, it would only continue to stack the deck against him, dull him in her eyes quicker, and most importantly it hurt her, but he didn’t know how to stop doing whatever it was that was making her have that face. He couldn’t seem to get himself under control.
“It’s okay,” she said softly. She pressed her cheek to his head. “It’s okay. It’s my fault, I didn’t mean it that way.”
“I’m sorry,” he gasped out through heaving panting breaths, rising to sit.
“It’s okay,” she repeated and her voice was breaking him apart, she was being so patient, so soothing. For how long? He had learned the hard way that people possessed a finite amount of patience, of understanding, when it came to him, and in his experience she was well beyond the usual threshold.
“It is not bloody well okay,” it was the closest he had come to harsh, the closest he had come to angry, and he regretted it instantly, shrinking away from her as if preparing for a blow. None came, of course none came, he didn’t believe for a second she would, but old habits died slow deaths. She slid across his legs again, and sat back, regarding him for a long dreadful moment until she spoke.
“The thing about us is, you always struggle to find the words to say the right thing and I manage to find all the wrong words and then have to struggle to make them right.”
“You didn’t-” he looked up at her, went to deny her accusation in a shaky trembling voice, not quite a lie but not quite the truth, but she stopped him speaking again, leaned over to press her palm along his mouth, warm and reassuring, her body keeping him contained. It was easier to breathe with her holding him down, looking at him like that. His skin was not enough alone to hold him, he needed firm pressure, hard hands and clenching thighs.
“I said something stupid and you got upset,” she reminded him wryly. “It doesn’t take a grand leap in logic to figure out it was my fault. Or what’s wrong.”
Dread coiled in his stomach again, creeping up his ribs to join the slowly ebbing panic. He didn’t want to explain, didn’t want her to know how ridiculous he was, how much he fretted and worried over something she had already given reassurance for. But most of all he didn’t want her to confirm the inevitable truth of it, to give voice to some dark day in the future when she wouldn’t want him anymore. He was stuck in the middle, between wanting to learn and allow himself be molded to her whims, built with her own hands to please her, but knowing that her interest, her curiosity, lie in who he was now, the challenge he presented her, the new games she could play.
Emma’s voice broke through, drawing him back to her, expecting harsh reality, cold truth.
“I realized last night how…unfair I’ve been,” she confessed, surprising him instead. Always surprising him. “I’ve pushed you so hard.”
He went to speak his voice muffled by her hand. She gave him a sharp look.
“I’m talking,” her voice was hard, but not unkind. He nodded against her palm for her to continue.
“I’m not-” she shifted uncomfortably on top of him, and against his will soft pleasure tugged across his belly. “-good at this. The talking thing, I never have been. And sometimes it’s because of me, and sometimes it’s something…else.” Her eyes flickered briefly to the side. “But I’m going to try, okay?”
She looked down at him, waiting for his answer, her palm was still across his mouth, so he did what he could to tell her, how her simple statement, that one word, try, filled him with something indescribable, a tiny warmth in his ribs, pushing back against the fear. He pressed his lips against her palm, and nodded.
This is it dearie, the darkness whispered giddily. Here it comes. The beginning of the end.
You don’t know that, she wanted to yell at it, scream her denials, but she didn’t have to, it could hear her anyway. It just laughed.
Oh but I do, it smiled against her heart, bearing its teeth with every thud, how quickly we forget the past in favor of the future.
It’s different, she argued, he’s different.
The darkness gave no reply, and that was somehow worse.
Beneath her, Killian looked up with wide grateful eyes, the curl of his smile rising under her palm, her skin tingling where it pressed against his face.
She had come out of his memory in a raging daze, tears drying on her cheeks, her skin cracking and pulling under their weight. She wanted to spit fire, level mountains, his whimpering cries, his sweet trembling song, still echoing in her ears. She had debts to collect, tears and blood and tormented screams to take in payment.
But she also needed to see him. Sleeping and peaceful, whole and unmarred, instead of gasps of agony just the slow rise and fall of sleep. The dawn was close, the familiar itch under her skin of rapidly approaching day, but she’d changed course, heading to his room instead.
And now, as she looked down at him, his eyes still shining with the threat of panicked tears, the aftermath of her careless words, cheeks edging over the ridge of her fingers as he smiled beneath her hand, relaxing under her, she knew it was the better choice. She shifted meaningfully against him.
“But before I…try-”, she could feel the rising swell of lust, blacking out the fear of revealing herself, the uncertainty of his reactions, the dark promise and oncoming tide of vowed vengeance, “-I believe we have a lesson to get to. I don’t want to ruin the mood.”
It was tiny joke, a teasing thing to let him know his reaction was alright, understandable, and the tips of his cheeks above her hand reddened, his eyes crinkling at the corners. She gave a little shimmy, her eyes full of intent.
His widened with something completely different now, his throat working as he swallowed nervously. Emma promised herself she wasn’t deflecting, she had always been better at the physical, replacing feelings with touch, avoiding revealing herself in favor of revealing her body. But she had promised she would try, and she would, he deserved no less, had shown her more than anyone ever had, laid himself bare for her over and over again. And she had taken from him, selfishly grabbed hold of what he hadn’t wanted to part with, seen the depth of his pain. The least she could do was show him a bit of hers. But the darkness kept creeping into her thoughts, anger still licking up her spine, and she needed the comforting warmth of his touch before she could expose herself further, even in the tiniest measure. She pulled her hand back, and slowly smiled.
Killian looked up at her, mouth working as he waited for the words to come. She moved against him somewhat impatiently, her nerves on edge.
“I can do it,” he said finally. “Whatever you need me to do, if you need more, you don’t have to make-” he struggled. “-accommodations for me. I can be better.”
Before she could reply, deny his words outright, he shot up, bracing her back against his arm. She sank lower into the cradle of his lap, surprised by the sudden movement, and to find they were of a similar height now, and he ducked his head, intending to kiss her.
“Killian,” she pressed a hand against his chest, stilling him. His face fell.
“Apologies, I shouldn’t have-” she pressed a quick kiss to his mouth, a reassurance.
“No, that was fine,” she said. “More than fine. But you’re wrong, I’m not “making accommodations”, I told you before, this is what I want.” She dared a look in his eyes, seeing the hesitation there, the undercurrent of disbelief.
“What we’ve been doing, the pace we’ve set, it’s not for you-” she licked her lips, forcing herself to say it, even if everything in her rebelled against the very idea of it, she looked away, “-well not just for you. It’s for me too.”
She swallowed, even that small confession searing her nerves further, the darkness snarling. But the expression on his face, that beautiful shining gratitude, was worth a thousand vulnerable confessions. “I want this to be different.”
“That’s what I want too,” he said softly, his eyes darting away. “More than you know.”
Emma couldn’t help but grin at the shy earnestness, her chest warming, before she shook her head and let out a shaky breath.
“Now, enough talking,” she said firmly, pushing away her discomfort the only way she knew how, by pressing him back against the rise of the pillows.
“I’m no good at it anyway. Maybe I can find a better use for this mouth,” he said with a raised brow. The effect was somewhat ruined as he blinked in surprise at himself, at his almost flirtatious response. The warm feeling grew, turning to stark heat as she shifted, feeling him under her.
“Oh, I have no doubt you will,” she said slyly, and leaned down to kiss him. He opened under her immediately, drawing her in, a little more confident today, a little less hesitant. His tongue against her own sent a cool shiver down her back, her hair brushing around his face, blocking out the world for a brief moment, just lips and tongue and shining silver. She luxuriated in him, spread herself along his body, the rise of his chest, the firmness of his thighs, the fresh clean scent of his skin. He was warm sunshine in her mouth, a dawn cresting over the horizon filling her with morning light as he hummed into her, shifting and unconsciously pressing himself against her thigh.
She smoothed her hand along his shirt, the faint trickle of magic turning it into bare, warm, skin. He gasped against her lips as she moved her chest against him, and she moaned in reply at the rasp and slide of his hair against her breasts. He was fever hot under her, muscled flesh and decadence, and she brought her hand lower, repeated the motion, until there was no barrier at all between them.
He bucked against her leg at the sudden sensation of soft thigh against him, hot and thick against her delicate skin. She shifted to the side a bit to feel him fully, brushing against the space between her thighs, the beautiful contrast of hard and smooth.
“E-Emma,” he stuttered out a warning as she moved again, slid upwards, his length pressing teasingly against her, not enough, just a whisper.
“Shh,” she murmured. “I’m getting to know you.” Listen, watch, pay attention, she echoed the words in her head, remembered his face in the bath as she’d instructed him, and she smiled. Killian nodded, squeezing his eyes closed and threw his head back against the pillow in sweet torment as she rocked against him again.
Emma moved down to his side, stretching herself along the length of his body underneath his arm, hooking her calf over his leg as she trailed a fingertip down the center of his chest, careful to avoid the crisscrossing straps of his brace, his hook safety tucked into the small of her back. It made him look dangerous, that black leather against pale hard skin, etched in silver scars, only softened by his gasping mouth and the slack desire on his face.
He opened his eyes, breathing a little easier as she shifted away, watching her intently. She laid her head against his shoulder, the leather hard under her, and slowly trailed one delicate nail around his nipple, tracing the faint line of a scar there, the subtle dip of muscle, and listened as he sucked in air through his teeth with a muted hiss. He was so responsive, so sensitive, and she reveled in it.
Emma kept going, down the lines of his abdomen, the delicious hollow of his hips, and with every inch his breath grew shallower, his body tensing in anticipation. She trailed her finger down his length, the skin velvet and hot, and watched as his hips lifted against his will, a stuttered gasp as she traced the tip. She trailed her finger back down to the base and curled her hand, grasping him firmly within it.
Killian made a noise in the back of his throat that sent a sharp jolt of want straight to her center, and she moved her hand down and back up to hear it again, she needed to hear it again, his muscles shifting as he scrabbled against the sheets. She imagined he took himself in hand from time to time, a captured moment in the dark, fist working, his lip biting down to muffle his cries, lashes fluttering against his cheeks just like now, all kinds of delicious images filling her head of Killian stealing secret moments, making her throb. She wondered if anyone else had ever had the pleasure of touching him like this, feeling him like this.
Emma moved with deliberate purpose, slow measured strokes, watching his breath, his teeth moving against his lips as he gasped. She changed course, an open palm brushing lightly down him instead now, feathery touches from base to tip, and he shuddered, a little “Oh” of a surprise moaned out into the air.
She leaned over, traced her tongue down the cords of his neck, bit down lightly on the tender skin, as she grasped him again, without warning, keeping him guessing, stroking faster and firmer this time. He tossed his head back in surprise at the change, bowing his back against the bed. She listened carefully, his breath panting and fast, but not quite where she wanted it.
Emma leaned forward again, dropping her head to drag her tongue along the scar on his chest, moving upwards to circle the pink tip of his nipple, framed by the lines of the leather brace above and below. His head turned away from her to the side, harsh little pants and straining muscles, and she stopped her strokes, went back to open handed brushes at his cue, lightly grazing over hard silken skin, palming the sensitive tip with each pass until his breathing slowed again.
He turned his head back towards her, his hair a chaotic mess, his eyes meeting her own, understanding the game. She smiled at him slowly, waited until his body relaxed, until his urgent gasps became more measured, his eyes closing in quiet reverent enjoyment.
And then she moved, sliding down slightly, leaning over him to grasp the base of him in her hand as she took him into her mouth.
“Oh Gods,” he cried out as her lips circled around him, his hook digging into the bed behind her. His hand scrubbed involuntarily across his face, keening cries muffled by his palm as she dipped and tasted, bringing him in deeper. Emma moaned against him, swirled her tongue and sucked as he babbled something unintelligible into his hand above her.
Every pleasured noise he made sent a thrill through her, a pang straight to where she was wet and aching and she needed more. She ran her tongue up his length, circled the tip, delighting in her broken name falling from his mouth. She rubbed her thighs together for more friction, throbbing to feel him against her, inside her. She dipped her head again, taking him in fully.
“Bloody-” he bit off a curse, jerking, fisting his hand into the sheets as she slowly drug her mouth back up, one tiny delicate suck on the top, before she moved her hand in again to resume the fine gossamer strokes.
He eased on elbows back against the bed, still breathing hard and she pressed a kiss to his stomach, curling around him to continue her work, more soft open palmed drags against him until his breathing slowed, and he relaxed his grip on the sheets.
She needed more though, the lack of friction had left her hollow and clenching. The noises he made, the his neck straining, his face blown in unrestrained ecstasy, made her want more than she had ever wanted. She could still taste him on her tongue, could feel him in her mouth and she needed him everywhere.
“Killian,” she murmured against his stomach, fine hair tickling her chin. He rose up a bit, looking down the length of his body. “I need you to do something.”
“Anything,” he whispered to the ceiling his head falling back as she ghosted her hand across his length again.
“I need to feel you,” she stroked again. It was earlier than she had necessarily planned, but like every day so far with him she couldn’t seem to keep herself in check, couldn’t seem to control herself around him.
“Okay,” he murmured, his eyes falling closed. He didn’t seem to realize what she meant, jolting in surprise when she rose up, sliding her legs across him.
“Emma,” he pleaded, putting it together, he looked momentarily terrified.
“Killian,” she replied, a gentle command. “Lay back.” He compiled automatically, though still trembling and wary eyed, letting her take control. “Trust me.” It was half question, half plea. He nodded, and swallowed hard. That little nod buzzed along her skin, filled her chest with warmth, made her eyes burn against her will. He trusted her.
Emma swallowed the sudden rush of emotion down, focused on her task, ran her hands lightly across his chest, again and again, giving him a moment to calm, and then moved them back down again. He froze as she took him in hand, inhaling through his clenched teeth, almost pained, a soft stroke, then another, and then she lifted herself to slowly draw him in.
She sank down in tiny measured increments, anticipation clawing at her insides, her body needing her to just let go, but he needed this more, he was a stretched wire ready to snap beneath her, and she wanted to give it to him, wanted to be worthy of his trust. She sank down gently, slick and ready, and let out a tiny gasp as something snapped into place, like a missing puzzle piece, filling her up just so, easing the ache with perfect warmth.
“Oh,” it was barely a word, a broken vowel falling from his lips, a prayer spoken aloud. “I can’t-” he stammered brokenly, his head shaking back and forth on the pillow, and she placed a steadying hand on his chest, felt his heart keeping quicktime under her hand. Her body was screaming for her to move, craving that primal drag against her, but she remained still and calm, allowing him to adjust to her wet and clenched around him, counting the spaces between his breaths, the beats of his heart. His eyes were black in the dim light, burning into her own, biting so hard into his lip she feared he would break the skin. Still, she waited.
When he slowly sank down into the bed, his fingers unfurling, she moved again, a small fractional rise, the delicious pull of heat on heat, and his hand clenched again as she came back down, that wonderful noise caught once more in his throat. It wasn’t nearly enough, she wanted to grind down against him, roll her hips with abandon, feel him buck and rock beneath her, the delicious slap of skin meeting skin, but this was about Killian, and there was time for that later. Emma waited again, rose again, sinking down, delighting in the friction, and he tilted up this time, meeting her halfway, his entire body shaking, fine beads of sweat at his brow.
“What do you need me to do?” he was panting, cheeks tinted pink, looking at her intently with wild feverish eyes.
“Just watch,” she commanded, and he nodded, laying back hesitantly, looking unsure, but also completely wrecked, his hair sticking up wildly, his lip swollen from ravenous kisses and biting teeth. He was half out of his mind with sensation, he needed something to focus on other than fear and raw nerves.
Emma had spent many lonely nights absorbed in her own pleasure in the vast castle over the years, she knew what she liked, but it had been some time she’d had an audience. She had never really enjoyed it much, but Killian’s eyes, so intent and earnest on her own, needing this distraction to keep his own busy mind at bay, made all the difference, a tiny thrill settling between her shoulders as she ran her hand down to circle her breast, gentle tugs and swirls around the pink tips. He seemed to memorize every move, gave her his complete focus, the tip of his tongue pressing against his lip in studious lust filled devotion. It made her feel powerful in a way her magic never could. She squeezed and rolled the peak between her fingers, trickles of pleasure traveling down to where they were joined, little jolts of sensation that she suspected had more to do with his eyes on her, worshipful and awed, than her actions.
He followed her other hand with his gaze as it snaked down her stomach, dipping down to brush the base of him briefly, before coming back up to center. She rose up again, as she touched herself, keeping her eyes fixed on his face. He looked crazed, the cords of his neck straining, trying valiantly to still the little jerks of his hips as he sought to go deeper, take more, pure animal instinct moving his body against his will. Some dark part of her wanted to allow him to let go, to rut against her with animalistic abandon, take her hard and fast and dirty, see just how much he would let go. But afterwards he would feel awful, guilty, his inherent need to please others first would ruin this beautiful moment.
Emma sank slowly back down again, and wonderful sparks of pleasure accompanied every movement as her fingers swirled and teased, as he stretched and filled her. She rose and fell again, achingly slow ebbs and flows that made her clench around him as her fingers worked in rapid strokes along her center.
He was gasping again on the third rise and fall, trembling to hold himself back, so she stilled and waited once more, absorbing herself in her own indulgence while he calmed, building herself up so she could come tumbling down after him, leaning back so he could take it in. Killian watched her with rapt fascination, as her breathing picked up, her chest heaved, legs trembling with every slick stroke and swirl.
“Can I-” his voice was husky and hoarse, and he licked his lips, hesitating. “-assist you? Like before?”
Emma drew her hand away, trying not to grin too hard, pride filling the aching spaces between her ribs. She had hoped he would ask exactly that, and she nodded, reaching for his hand.
“Do you need me to show you?” She asked, suddenly breathless, no judgement in the question. He hesitantly shook his head, straining against her, but determined to please. Emma’s smile widened, and she rewarded him with one more slow rise up, sinking back down with a firm rock of her hips. His eyes fluttered, teeth clenching as he held himself back.
He let her guide him to her where she wanted him, adjusted the angle of his hand on his own, and just as she had shown him the day before he found exactly what she needed. Emma could barely concentrate on the rise and fall of his chest, the rough pants from his mouth, the spaces between his breaths as she intermittently rocked against him, chasing his hand with her hips, wanting him deeper. His fingers would still against her in brief intervals, overcome with his own pleasure, unable to concentrate on both, before he would resume their smooth circular slide, gliding over her, making her clench around him every time he hit the perfect spot.
The bedroom echoed back harsh moans and keens, dirty shadows on the stone wall as she brought herself up, and joined him again in a rapidly increasing pace, his fingers moving in time to the rhythm she set, prompting her to speed and slow as she willed. He didn’t last much longer at that pace, but Emma was no longer cognizant enough to stop, mindless with her own need, and his hand retracted to grasp her hip as he let out a cry, snapping his hips up and arching against her with the force of his release. She sensed he was going to apologize again, feel completely unwarranted shame for coming first, but she just grabbed his hand, moving it back to where he was before, put his mind to work again so he couldn’t fret or worry. She was so close her skin was buzzing with sharp little jolts that tugged at her belly, lit her skin on fire, the endless torment of working him up and bringing him down, watching him moan and writhe, had made her oversensitive and raw. She urged him to focus on what he was doing rather than what he had done, his fingers finding her easily, resuming the same perfect rhythm, synced with her pounding pulse. It was mere moments before she followed him over the edge, could still feel him half hard within her as she ground down, riding the waves against him as she fluttered and clenched and cried out.
He eased her down afterwards with a soft hand at her back, her skin still twitching with little aftershocks, and helped her to stretch out across the rapid rise and fall of his sweat slicked chest.
“That was amazing,” she breathed, and lazily pressed a kiss to his skin, salty and warm, barely able to move her head she was so boneless and weak. He looked down at her surprised.
“Really?” His face was so pleased, so bashfully eager, she couldn’t resist teasing him.
“Oh, you didn’t think so?” she tried to affect her most regal tone, an eyebrow raised, biting back a laugh as he stammered and shook his head.
“No! It was-” he blustered. “I don’t think you-” he tried again, his hook waving wildly behind her in protest. “It was the most-”.
“Killian,” Emma said with a laugh drawing him out of his fumbling. “I’m joking.” He stilled, a small disbelieving smile spreading across his face like morning light, and he drew her closer.
“It was perfect,” she said sincerely. And it had been, every part of her filled with quiet, sated heat, the darkness having retreated into the recesses of her mind, banished back by pride and warm affection.
“No one has ever done this for me before,” he said softly, after another moment, finally finding the words. “I didn’t know I could, still don’t know honestly, but you made it seem like I can. Thank you.”
It broke her heart, all this untapped potential, this beautiful man and the terrible way he had been treated, still so grateful despite it. Against her will, an image of him, just as eager, just as earnest, craving nothing more than warm regard, the possibility of friendship in the galley of a strange new ship, while horrible men tricked and took advantage, flashed in her head, the darkness stirred with the promise of vengeance, quieted by sated desire but always there, whispering.
Emma pulled the blanket up around them, laying against him again, she pressed her lips against his chest once more, and held him tighter.
When Killian had thought about this day, admittedly far too often in the years of his life, and ever increasingly as they carried on, while he remained static and stuck, he had never been particular about the details.
In his youth, the future brighter and more promising, he had thought of lovely lasses he could pledge his heart to once he was freed from his debt, imagined magical chance encounters on city streets as they made port, the rose cheeked daughters of simple merchants or fishermen, blushing their hellos. Of giving himself to them in lovely stolen moments, or after vows exchanged in tiny candlelit chapels. He saw them on the streets as he ran errands for the Captain, with their modest dresses and clean shining hair, their eyes catching his as they passed, small smiles and blushing cheeks, and thought that Liam would have like them.
After he’d been traded to Blackbeard the fantasies shifted, to powdered women in dimly lit bars, ample breasts spilling out of corsets, elaborate wigs and the scent of flowery oils and perfumes on their skin, burning his nose, covering up the odors of sex and sweat. Women who swore and tossed back hard liquor without batting an eyelash, who dealt in games of dice and cards and sex with skill and cunning. Who didn’t so much smile as sneer. Liam would have hated them.
He assumed at some point there would be a brief emotionless encounter in some bawdy house, money exchanged, the sex detatched and utilitarian, another emotionless trade of money for flesh. He didn’t mind it much, that’s how it was done in these new dark circles he dwelt in. Pirates had no want for love or romance and neither should he, not if he wanted to belong, to survive.
But then he’d lost his hand, and every time he tried it was always just too much. Too much tongue, too much teeth, too much perfume, too many questions: How had he lost it? Was it a tale full of adventure and bravery? A daring pirate battle? Would he want to use it on them? Could he take it off before? Could he leave it on? What was wrong with him?
Every time his chest had tightened, remembering those horrible weeks, leaving him cold and anxious, his hook shoved underneath tables or inside large dirty coats, hidden by sleeves and in pockets. He’d stutter and blush, feel the eyes of the crew who had taken so much watching his every move, mocking him, circling like sharks, blood in the water. He’d go soft and shy, stammering and weak, offering apologies instead of propositions. They would try to coax him back, with seductive looks and exploring hands, but all he could think of was the dark.
It was a rare time in Killian’s life when stark reality was better than anything he could have imagined. When the real world outshone the fantasy. When life made him question if he was awake or still dreaming.
He was Paris of Troy, understanding with sudden absolute clarity why one would go to war for this, would set cities ablaze and cut men down to keep it, why someone would sacrifice everything to hold onto it for just a little longer, experience it again and again. Blood for lust, pleasure for pain, skin for strife, they all made a perfect amount of sense lying in the afterglow, feeling Emma warm against him, his mind blissfully clear and calm but grasping to hold on to these moments, possessive and yearning and waiting for it to crumble. For if he was Paris than she was Helen, born of swan and woman, her birth celebrated in the stars, wistful and sorrowful as she grew to regret the rash choice she had made, pining for her old life.
Killian pushed the thoughts away, focused on Emma’s lips on his skin, the feel of her hair draped across his arm, the curve of her back pressing against it, grounded himself to earth with the rise and fall of her breath. He looked over his shoulder at the window, pinkish red light having replaced the grays and blacks.
“We missed the sunrise,” he said finally, breaking the silence, antsy with the quiet, needing to hear her speak after his declaration. She had been still and silent since, dancing lightly across his skin with fingertips, pressing her lips to him but not speaking a word in acknowledgement.
“This was better,” he could feel her cheeks pull into a smile against his chest, and his heart fluttered. Perfect she had said. Had anyone ever said the like?
“We could make one up,” he offered, flushing instantly. It was an old game, a childish one, but one he’d played many times. Imagining blue skies instead of low black ceiling, billowing clouds and salty air instead of sewage and rotting fish.
He’d had no use for fairy stories, they were too farfetched and out of reach to bring him comfort, but he had seen many a beautiful day with his own eyes, watched the sun rise over the water in brilliant painted colors, seen twinkling stars make pictures of gods and goddesses on clear nights. Those things he knew existed, they could only be taken away from him by death itself, and those were the imaginings he turned to for comfort.
Emma tilted her head up to look at him, familiar curiosity in her eyes despite the neutral set of her face. He blushed further, his neck hot.
“Make one up?” She shifted, sensing his discomfort, looking up at him with avid interest, her eyes dark in the morning light.
“Oh aye,” he settled back, emboldened by the lack of dismissal. “It’s going to storm tonight, and we’re closer to the north, so I reckon the sky was a lot of reds and pinks. All kind of, swirling together,” he raised his hand, twisting it to illustrate what he meant. It wasn’t a very eloquent description, he was no poet, and he had never shared his inner musings in such a way before. He stopped, biting his lip to hold the words in before she thought him mad or simple minded.
“No. Keep going,” Emma said firmly. “What else did it have?”
“Uh, well,” he flashed a nervous smile at her. “There’s a certain kind of cloud on storm mornings, beautiful, a sort of rippling blanket of them, across the entire sky, light on the top, darker on the bottom, on account they’re filled with rain and the like, see?” he dared a look down at her.
“I do. Go on,” her expression was impossible to decipher, that marble mask she wore, but her eyes were a glittering brilliant green.
“Storm mornings are the loveliest sunrises,” he couldn’t look at her as he went on, it was too intense, embarrassing, but he kept going, weaving memory into the imagining, recalling some of his favorites, wanting to do them justice.
“The aftermath isn’t pretty, of course, but you always get the sunrise first. The clouds kind of diffuse the colors, all those different tones and shades blending together, until the whole sky looks like it’s been set alight. Like being inside an inferno.”
“Are there birds?” Emma asked. The question was so out of nowhere it made him smile.
“You said ‘sometimes there’s birds’. Were there birds in this sunrise?”
“Aye, if you like,” he was grinning now, her eyes were practically twinkling.
“How do you know there’s going to be a storm?” she asked curiously, lifting up. She stretched a bit, a truly distracting sight, all those curves, the swell of her breasts, her hair tumbling in silver ringlets down her back. He wanted to dig his hook into his leg again, confirm he truly wasn’t dreaming. She couldn’t possibly be real, and here with him.
He blinked.
“Sorry, what?”
“You said there will be a storm this evening, how do you know?” She smiled at him coyly. “You were a bit distracted during the actual sunrise.”
“Oh I-” he frowned a bit. “I dunno. I’ve spent a life at sea, you just kind of sense these things.”
“Well, I sense that I’m starving,” Emma put a hand to her stomach, and he followed the motion, tracing down her form. He reddened when he looked up, caught staring. Emma smiled. “So, now that we’ve seen the sunrise, food?”
“Aye, it’s just-” he looked down at his bare chest. “My clothing seems to keep disappearing.” It was part cheek, part embarrassment, and he gave her a small smile under his lashes.
“Oh, you don’t need clothes,” she had that wicked look again. Heat traveled up his neck. Emma waved her hand, and a small tray appeared on the bed before them, fruits and pastries, and other decadent treats.
“That’s amazing,” he breathed out. Emma laughed.
“You’ve seen me cover an entire table in food,” she reached out, picking up something delicate and flaky.
“I know, I just… it’s incredible, what you can do. Your magic.”
Killian drew the blanket in tighter around him, feeling oddly exposed. He hadn’t ever eaten naked before, had rarely ever been naked this long, save for bathing.
Emma, however, was bold as brass, stretched out distractingly next to him, her breasts rosy in the morning light, her skin glowing and pink from their activities. He shook his head. If this was a dream, if he woke up to digging hammock rope instead of soft linen, the scent of sweaty unwashed men instead of rose tinted skin and the sweet lingering hint of their coupling in the air, he wanted it to last as long as possible, the thought of going back to that, to his old life, after all of this, after Emma, was almost unbearable.
Killian’s heart quickened in his chest at the thought, anxiety creeping in again, and he grabbed a matching pastry, shoving it into his mouth to distract himself, agitated that he was allowing his worries to marr such a perfect moment. But when he looked up, to solidify her presence in his mind, comfort himself with her seemingly sated and happy and with him, Emma was smiling tightly at her lap across the bed, her expression troubled once again.
The flakey honeyed crust turned to ash in his mouth, his teeth chewing against tasteless sand. He had said something wrong, done something wrong. He swallowed, smiled at her weakly, took in her silver hair, her beautiful face, here with him despite everything she had at her fingertips, the entire world open to her. In his head echoed a quote from his well worn book, one of many that circled in his mind from so many repeated readings.
Everything is more beautiful because we are doomed. You will never be more lovelier than you are now. We will never be here again.
“Is it a curse?”
Innocent words echoed in Emma’s ears as he praised her magic in that same earnest voice, so awed, so appreciative, even the tiniest things amazing him, a tray of simple food conjured from air, wanting to know her.
Don’t the darkness warned.
But she had promised, may not have sworn the oath aloud but she had promised, to try, to reciprocate in kind as much as she was able. The image of the golden glow of a black dreamcatcher, three perfectly imperfect shells rattling against each other, his stolen memory trapped within it, spurned her on.
“I’ve always had it,” Emma blurted, shoving the darkness and its warnings forcefully away. Killian blinked over at her confused. He had been staring at nothing, chewing silently, lost in his own thoughts.
A brief rush of anxious concern, searching his face had her wondering if perhaps they had gone too fast, if she had pushed him too far, if he regretted the series of blissfully perfect moments that had taken the place of the dawn.
“The pastry?” he glanced down at the fruit tart clutched in her hand. Emma flushed, smiling despite herself.
“No,” she put it awkwardly back on the tray, her appetite failing her. Killian too didn’t look particularly hungry anymore, the weight of some burden she couldn’t see making his shoulders sag, his half eaten breakfast sitting limply in his hand.
“My magic,” she said hesitantly. He sat to attention then, raising up so the blanket fell away. Emma waved her hand, part practicality, part demonstration, whisking away the tray, and the half eaten tart in his grip.
“Oh,” he said finally, fingers flexing at its absence. “So you were born a… Dark One?” His question was hesitant and unsure, tripping over the title. Emma shook her head.
“No,” she didn’t want to talk about that, not yet. She slid across the bed again, needing to feel him, slipped under the covers he had tucked protectively around himself, his legs warm as she moved onto his lap.
He was startled, and confused, hand and hook going automatically around her, hovering in the air above her body but not quite touching her. It was ridiculous considering he had been inside her not moments before, but he was still learning, still unsure, she had to remember that, had to keep reminding herself, rein herself in, maintain control.
Emma shifted closer, tugging his arms down to rest on her waist, the jut of her hip, guiding him around her until he was settled. He looked down at their laps and back up again, totally bewildered.
“I thought you were-” he started to speak, misunderstanding her intent, the physical gesture throwing him off.
“No, I am,” Emma said. She sounded a bit breathless, nerves making her heart race, the darkness clawing at her chest in protest. “I just wanted to feel you…it helps.” Killian nodded, hesitantly.
“Alright,” he settled his arms further, caging her against his chest as they sat face to face, practically breathing each other’s air. It was a long moment before she spoke, just breathing, watching his eyes flit across her with restless energy, unsure of what was happening.
“My parents found out when I was three,” she said, and ducked her head down, his eyes were too intense, locking on her own as she spoke again, giving her his full attention. She laid on the slope of his shoulder, her lips ghosting across the place where his neck and shoulder joined with every word. “There had been other…incidents. Things falling over, candles snuffing out on their own around the castle, that kind of thing.”
“Castle?” He looked around, she could feel his head twist, she pressed her lips against his neck as it moved. “This castle?”
“No, different castle,” he breathed a moment taking that in. She let out a breathy laugh as he echoed back.
“A different castle.”
“Yes, shh,” she pressed another kiss to his neck to silence him, lingering for a moment, breathing in warm flesh.
“Okay,” he whispered, he clutched her imperceptibly tighter. It helped a bit. “What happened when you were three?” He urged, and she took another moment, just feeling him against her. It wasn’t that the memories were particularly bad, her life until a point had been very good, especially when compared to his own, but it didn’t lessen the hurt of speaking them aloud, the fear of sharing them with another. The years of living with the losses of everyone she had ever held dear. It made it easier not to think of them, pretend this was all she ever was.
“I was throwing a fit, a huge tantrum, my mother didn’t remember over what, but when I looked at it, it was because my father was away.”
Emma nuzzled into him, threading her arms under his, until she could feel the shifting muscles of his back, until she could feel every rise and fall of his chest.
“All the candles in the entire hall flared up, like these great big billowing flames, and then went out, and the mirror above the mantle shattered into a million pieces as I basically screamed my head off. That’s when she put it together.”
“Were you scared?” Killian asked, his voice deep, rumbling through her.
“No I was too angry I think,” Emma said. “My mother was though, she was terrified.”
“Well you couldn’t have controlled it,” he said reasonably. “You were a child.” Emma ran her hands along his back, the muscles bunching and moving under her palms, so warm, his skin a delightful contrast of rough scars and smooth satin.
“She knew that, I know she did, she just-” Emma sighed into him, his fingers moving gently against her back as she shifted closer. “-she’d had bad experiences with magic, it frightened her.”
Killian froze, his fingers clutching.
“What did she do?” His voice made her want to weep. He sounded so concerned, so troubled, of course he would jump to the worst possible conclusion, think of her life in the terms of his own, where terrible things happened to children at the hands of their parents, where adults took advantage and left them behind. Her reality was much different.
“She sent for my father immediately,” Emma said. “And they tried everything they could to keep me happy so it didn’t happen again, spoiled me rotten.” He relaxed.
“Ah, I somehow doubt that,” Killian said softly. It prickled at her skin, rubbed her raw, he had no idea how rotten she could be, rotten to her very core. She wanted to pull away, to run, but his fingers moved along her spine, less hesitant now that she was wrapped around him, that he couldn’t see her face. She took a breath.
“They were always afraid though, I would lose my temper and they would flinch, I would get upset and they would scramble to fix it,” she sighed against him, rubbed her cheek on his shoulder. “I didn’t realize that’s what they were doing, they were just my parents, I just thought that’s how they were. Always giving, always trying to please.”
“What changed?” He asked cautiously, perhaps sensing that something must have, she wouldn’t have talked about it otherwise.
“They had my brother,” Emma said, and quickly added, not wanting him to misunderstand. “He was perfect, just the sweetest little boy. I loved him,” she took in a shuddering breath, air ghosting across his skin, so close she could feel goosebumps rise on his flesh from the cool. She could remember tiny hands clutched in her own, bright green eyes and dark hair, “-but they were always so..cautious. Protective of him. He’d sneak into my rooms when he got older, wanting to play, he liked to be Prince Charming to my Princess. He liked fairy stories, and knights. They’d find us playing and they’d look so…scared, afraid of me, and then they’d take him away again. They never left us alone together. He tried to see me anyway. He wasn’t ever afraid.”
She frowned, her mouth pulling against his skin. It still hurt, even after all these years. Her own parents looking at her with fear, apprehension, tiptoeing around her like a dragon in a cave. The darkness curled around her throat.
Killian too held her tighter, for a different reason altogether, pressing her close so she could feel his heartbeat through her skin, completely flush against him. It seemed so out of order, getting comfort from a man who had suffered far worse, it made her feel guilty and sad, but she selfishly held onto it and true to form he gave it, unquestioningly, didn’t compare it to his own, didn’t play tit for tat like so many others would, just gave what he could offer. She took in a grateful breath, dug her fingers into his flesh, and continued.
“And one day… I got angry, he had stolen into my room, taken something from me, something stupid, I don’t even remember what, and I kind of-” Emma pressed harder against his back with her palms. “Pushed him out of my room, into the hall.”
Killian tensed again, always expecting the worst.
“I didn’t hurt him,” she said quickly. “He was fine, shaken but fine, but you wouldn’t have known that by their reactions.”
Emma could feel her eyes burning, and she blinked back the tears, pressed her nose into the space by his neck instead, whispering the rest of the words under his jaw. “So they sent me away, so I could learn to control it, be better with it. Safer.”
“How old were you?” He asked.
“Fourteen, fifteen? I don’t remember,” she sighed against him. Reveled in the feel of his skin on her own, a distraction for her screaming brain, the buzzing along her skin. Heartfelt apologies among packed trunks, her mother crying by the road as the carriage took her away, promises to visit, to see her soon, kept for a time but less and less often as the years wore on and their lives changed, scared of the dark fortress, of their daughter wielding the magic that scared them with abandon.
“I mean, it doesn’t compare to-” she swallowed. “-to what your father did but, it was kind of the start of…everything.”
Killian was silent against her, his heart thudding rapidly against her chest. It was ages before he spoke again, her nerves tattered and frayed by the time he opened his mouth.
“Wounds made when we’re young they tend to…tend to linger, and one hurt is much the same as any other,” he murmured finally.
“They said it was to give me my best chance,” Emma said, her voice was suddenly hoarse, rasping against his neck. She moved her hand, the skin of his back so hot against her own she imagined it was searing her fingers. “They couldn’t teach me what I needed to know, how to control it, make me safe, so they sent me to someone who could.”
Glittering reptilian skin, snakes eyes and gnarled teeth flashed in her brain. The darkness laughed in his voice.
“It sounds like they meant well,” Killian offered kindly. “But it was…maybe…not what you needed?”
“They did,” she drew back, sucked in a shaky breath. “And it wasn’t.” The bitter laugh she gave was dark and humorless, cold and hard in the warm air between them. His hand clutched at her back at the sound, his hook chilly against the skin of her side. She was burning up, too hot, she might catch flame. It made her skin itch, her legs burn with the need to move.
“Where did they send you?” Killian’s eyes searched her own, cautious, and careful.
“To the man who owned this castle,” she said softly, a familiar chill rising along her spine, echoing out to her limbs, thrumming in her veins.
“The Dark One.”
Killian had pressed no further, probably remembering her reaction in the bath. He had simply accepted her declaration, his eyes full of questions he wouldn’t speak, ones she wasn’t ready to answer, let her kiss his lips, long and lingering as her blood burned in her veins, the darkness tearing into her insides.
She had briefly considered having him again, working him up with her hands and mouth until he was hard and ready, riding him dirty and fast and slick, grinding into him, drinking from him, until her skin cooled and she could breathe again. But it was too much for one morning, so much had taken place in so few hours, and she must always remember he was still new to this, still learning, and still unsteady on this new ground, and if she were honest with herself, she was afraid of what she would do. She didn’t resent him for it, it was one of the things that made him so special, made her want to know him, learn him.
She didn’t want to sully her memories further with new ones, allow her recollections to be threaded with sex and fear. It was better to speak of them with soft touches, warm lips and his comforting words.
He had seemed reluctant to let her go, clutching her hand, asking what she needed, so beautifully earnest, offering up suggestions for how they could spend their day. Reading from his book, telling her the stories of gods and goddesses, a walk on the beach to watch the storm come in, some time in the garden teaching him about the life that grew there, all wonderfully appealing suggestions, beautifully sweet and innocent, but no where near what she required.
She’d stroked his face, traced the line of his scruff, pressed a kiss to his lips, and told him she just needed some time to herself. His swallowing nod, the uncertainty on his face, like a lost little boy, almost broke her, made her turn around, but the darkness was rattling her rib cage, shaking the bars, demanding to be fed. She had defied it too long. She whispered quiet quick orders to work in the garden, take a bath, enjoy his afternoon however he’d like, which he accepted with a reluctant nod, biting his lip. She hated to leave him, knew deep down he was letting dark thoughts move in, but her skin was too hot, her stomach twisting with building energy, her muscles tight.
There was a different sort of lust that would satisfy her just as well, the darkness promised as she lingered, there was vengeance waiting and wanting in the dark of her dungeon, wicked men who needed to pay. She had promised him that too, it reminded her. There were other gifts she could give him. He would be so grateful, so appreciative, it hissed.
She armored herself in thick black leather, crimson lips and black feathers in her hair, washing away the loose curls and pale lips of the morning with a wave of her hand as soon as she stole from their room.
The dungeon was quiet as she entered, the click of her boots the signal of a different sort of coming storm. The men held their breath in a single communal gasp of fearful air as she crossed the threshold and grinned. They watched her with wide frightened eyes, their faces a little more drawn today, eyes sunken from neglect, like melting candle wax, sallow in the light.
She paced before their mass cage, back and forth, smiling softly at each one as they looked away, matching feet to cruel kicks, ring covered hands to striking fists, matched mouths with spit sprayed and cruel words uttered. She marked them all and made them each a little promise. She was full of promises today.
The man called Starkey was a broken heap of bulk, propped to barely sitting against the wall. Fractured bones turned his skin purple and blue, yellowing at the edges, and deep cuts had dried open and shining in the light. She’d had her fun with him, repaid the marks on Killian’s chest with her own, recreated the fear on his face on another’s. She would come back to him.
Her heels stopped just before the man with the knife, his eye stared back glinting and defiant, his face not quite as worn as the others, still strong, resilient, dangerous with the thick roping scar. That made it all the better.
“You,” she pointed with one black tipped finger, slinking close to the bars. “I need a hunter.” She ran it down the metal. “That’s you, right?” If the word registered anything in his tiny little mind he gave no indication, his face stone as he regarded her, no flicker of fear on this one. Excitement crept up her spine. She loved when they weren’t afraid.
How beautifully the brave break the darkness trailed through her mind, whisper slick. She tended to agree.
“I need a man with something to prove,” she licked her lips. “And I think you’re the right man for the job.”
He stood, at least two heads taller than her, twice as wide, and leaned back.
“Is that so?” he murmured, his voice oozed, made her skin crawl in disgust. “Finally decided to trade in for a real man?”
It was amazing, his gall, hungry, dehydrated, stinking of sweat and the musk of the unbathed, and still he felt entitled to her, good enough for her. And she would give him everything she had, just not quite in the way he expected.
“Hmm, something like that,” she snapped her fingers.
Her little room at the back of the dungeon was meant for all sorts of games. Tiny and dim it echoed back the screams in a delightful chorus that made her blood sing along with every cry. Until recently it had sat empty and neglected, but she would fill it with many more echoing moans, begging words, and pleading cries. She had blood to collect and tears.
Evans looked around bewildered, down at his hands bound with thick iron cuffs and chains against the wall. He jerked against them, scowling.
“Not what you had in mind?” Emma asked casually. “I didn’t say who I was trading you for.” She reminded him. “Your Captain really enjoyed his time here I think. As did your Quartermaster. They were very vocal about it.”
The cocky gleam was gone from that shifty eye, no mischief there now. It widened in knowing fright, remembering the screams of his Captain, the moans of his Quartermaster, one dead and gone, the other little more than a lump of useless flesh, a shell, and now she’d come for him.
“What do you want?” To the man’s credit his voice barely shook, a slight tremor, barely noticeable unless you were well versed in terror.
“Oh it’s simple really,” she drew his knife from its sheath at his side, dragging it along his waist, tracing the tip along the leather of his belt. She looked into his eye, made sure he saw her own, black and glimmering, wanted to see the fear in his before she began. She was not disappointed.
“I want you to prove yourself.”
He swallowed, stammered out something she thought was an apology. He seemed so much smaller now, towering above her head but still somehow cowering beneath her feet.
“Shhhh,” she murmured. The blade cut into dirty linen, the sweet hiss of pained indrawn breath as she dragged it across the skin, tiny drops of blood giving chase to cold steel. “I’m going to sing you a song. Do you like music?”
He shook his head, then nodded, then shook it again, a leaf shaking on a branch. Another little thrill went up her spine.
“I think you’ll know this tune,” she murmured. His shirt fell away in ripped tatters, a bleeding red line marking where the fabric had rent. She pressed it against a curve of life carved muscle, sewn from years at sea, and began to sing in a slow measured voice.
“I thought I heard the old man say. Leave her, Johnny leave her…”
Hook allowed himself the lazy indulgence of blankets warmed to body temperature, soft pillows still smelling of Emma and them, and limbs slack with boneless, satisfied, weightlessness, for as long as he was able after she left him. Her face had grown cold in stark contrast to warm gentle touches, her eyes darkening with every passing moment, no longer open and shining with unshed tears.
He lazed until the thoughts crept in again, anxious musings emboldened by the lack of purpose, climbing to the front without mindless activity to hinder them. It was disconcerting how quickly the change overtook her face, how different she was from one moment to the next, two very different women inhabiting one body. How rapidly things changed here, how quickly they could still. He threw the blankets off.
Emma had left him with open ended activities, a set of clothes on the end of bed, only a vague sense of what she wanted him to do, but he would follow them to the letter, for want of anything else. He just needed to move, stop his mind from spinning. He had never been good at being idle, yet another thing he wasn’t particularly skilled at, for that’s when the memories crept in, the anxiety, the dark edged bitter musings. Better to keep moving, smile through it, keep busy and never think, than ruminate on things he couldn’t ever change.
He started in the garden, the conservatory a gray haze, the clouds stretching off as far as the eye could see, from every angle, like a sheet of steel across the sky, the water black beneath them. Even the plants seemed subdued, leaves and petals hanging listless in their tidy rows.
She had a green thumb, or, if she had not brought them up from seed, her magical gift had a way with nature. Something told him they were the work of her own hands though, not the magic in her veins, that didn’t seem to be its purpose, bringing forth life, but Emma, that seemed well suited to her.
They were all healthy and whole, an array of types that were neither sparse and uniform, nor overwhelming with variety. There were lovely flowers and strong broad leaved perennials, exotic looking orchids, and more familiar types as well, kinds he had seen in shops and in city parks. He knew none of their names, but he vowed to learn, to find out the particulars of their care and keeping.
His little green plant was none the worse for its recent bout with chaos, and he gave it a little water, checked jade leaves for signs of distress, ran his fingers over thick filmy silk, not entirely sure what he was looking for, but wanting to know it was doing okay. Hook whispered it a good morning and took in the rest of the glass room.
Emma’s well ordered existence was more a burden than a blessing for a man needing work. There was little for him to do. He wandered the rows, watered the ones whose soil felt dry to the touch, scanned them all for any pests, finding none, and took note of their features for later study. Beyond that, there was nothing more they needed, and it made him antsy.
The bath was better.
Without Emma it required quite a bit to fill the huge yawning tub. And his morning was occupied with, instead of anxious thoughts, mindless tasks like finding water, lighting the stove, filling the large copper kettle in the barren kitchen from the little used pump, dragging the hot cauldron down the corridor to the bath, over and over again, until there was a serviceable amount. It was small wonder this wasn’t a frequent indulgence if one didn’t live with a goddess, it took him the better part of the morning just to cover his thighs in the lukewarm water.
Hook suddenly appreciated the efficiency of the madams of the brothels, the put upon sighs and glares that had him flushing and stammering out apologies, they all made a great deal more sense now. Baths were rare on the ship itself, and he was hardly ever trusted with the galley stove or hot boiling water. He managed now though, only spilling a little, keeping the fire contained in its iron grate.
It was certainly chillier than the tempting soaks with Emma, much less pleasurable to be sure, but it was also a far cry from scrubbing the important bits with a dirty rag in dark corners of the ship surrounded by stinking men, kept him from attempting to reconcile the gentle fairy queen from his bed with the dark beauty who had left his room, and more importantly, quieted the noises of the castle, the faint cries of pain, another ghost howling and pleading at the far end of the keep. He scrubbed harder, splashing a bit more than necessary to cover the sounds, lying in the tub so the water covered his ears and all he could hear was the pounding of his own heart.
He waited like that until the water grew cold, until the thoughts began to intrude again, and then he dressed to the sounds of screams.
Hook supposed he should feel worse than he did, grasp onto some measure of sympathy for the poor wretched soul. It was much like that first night, hearing the cries of a man he had no love for. The agonized screams were certainly uncomfortable, making the hair on his neck stand on end, little pinpricks against his skin, but they were also very familiar.
He had heard the same echoing in his ears from his own mouth, watched as others were cut down in front of him, the sounds of battle and bloodshed on the deck as he tried to keep clear of the fray, be useful in some capacity even if he couldn’t properly wield a weapon, and could barely think for fear. They were the cries of the public floggings he wasn’t brave enough to watch, of men begging for their lives at the end of other’s blades, and captured ships burning and smoldering on the sea as they left them behind.
What truly unnerved him was warm lips and soft skin, silver curls and red rimmed eyes, clutching him as she told a story of childhood heartbreak, who could then morph, like shifting sands, into the cold mistress of the island from that first day, pulling those screams from men with the same fingers that had gently caressed his face. It had been easier then, he didn’t know her then, barely knew her now, but she was merely the harbinger of fated justice in black leather and pale porcelain skin that first night. Now she was Emma, who liked strawberries, and whose skin tinted to match their reddish hue when she was flushed with desire. Emma who looked at him with pride, with sorrow, who let him weep into her palm for a lost brother in candlelight.
He wasn’t sure how he should feel, if he should even feel anything. The laws of ship life were unerringly cruel, carried out without mercy or regard for suffering, just punishment for crimes committed, and justice for sins against the ship. It was as natural to him as the weather, a system of cause and effect as normal as breathing, the only one he had ever known. Emma’s code was no different, her punishments were more or less the same, but it didn’t make it easier to know those cries were on his behalf, those screams for his benefit, because he had failed in the simple task of feeding them, allowing himself to be victim once again.
It was both thrilling and terrifying in equal measure. He had dreamed of vengeance in his quiet way for years, sleeping next to the same men who had taken and taken, night after night, enduring their taunts and cruelty most waking hours. He had not the skill nor the mettle to take it for himself, but dark pettiness had reveled in small inconveniences, delighted in injury, and hoped for deserved justice one day.
That day had come it seemed, but it left him cold and empty.
The book that had gotten him through his life, a source of comfort in epic sweeping words, the journey of heroes and gods, brought wisdom once again.
A man who has been through bitter experiences and travelled far enjoys even his sufferings after a time.
Hook didn’t consider himself a good man, one required action and strength to be truly good, but he didn’t want to be a vengeful man either. Most of all, he didn’t want Emma, her gentle hands, that patient smile, her green eyes shining into his own, to be the instrument of that vengeance. He wanted more with her than that, more than whatever dark purpose her magic served, whatever she would give he would greedily take, starved for it, craving it now, but he didn’t want this.
He took himself down to the beach to escape the din.
The air smelled of coming rain, the sense of the sky pressing down, heavy and thick with the impending storm. The wind whipped at his hair, flattened his shirt across his chest, salt spray and grit misting over him as he made his way along the sand.
It was beautiful.
The steel of the sky was now deep smokey gray, the waves rough contrasts of black water and white frothing breaks. He had rarely enjoyed a storm on land. On the ship they were fearsome things, matters of life and death, full of miserable damp, blackened lanterns and snuffed out candles bringing the dark, flashing lightning casting faces in monstrous shadows.
But on shore it was a different thing entirely, an infinite feeling of watching the Gods at work, nature at her most powerful, raining down life giving water, sparking with energy and noise.
It was quiet for now, the storm not quite upon them, but he could feel the thrum against his bones, the harsh lash of sand and ocean against his cheeks, filling him with restless energy.
He made his way along the shore, and set to work gathering the wreckage, still dotting the pristine coastline like a plague, the ugly litter of thieving men. Emma could have vanished it with barely a nod, but he wanted to do it for her, gathering wood and cloth and bits of sail, carrying them to small piles along the dunes.
The storm pressed closer.
Hook could feel it inching towards them, but he kept working, picking his way across the beach, broken furniture and discarded dishes, papers and ship’s logs yellowed and faded from the sun. He swept them all up, taking them to the piles, filling a discarded scarf with small shells and pretty rocks he found along the way, a despondent magpie working his way along the coast.
“There you are.”
Killian practically leapt out of his skin, her cool voice cutting through the muggy air, over the wind and rush of the ocean. The boards he had gathered dropped to the sand in fumbled surprise as he turned around.
Emma stood behind him on the beach, the castle rising up behind her on the rocks. She looked like a painting, stone spires and ominous skies casting her in stark relief. She was wearing another dress, or something like one, a gauzy dark gray to match the clouds, ghosting over her curves, sheer and flowing, hair trailing down her back in a loose braid, the wind whipping ringlet wisps about her face. He could glimpse her skin through it as she moved, the dark of her nipples, the shadows of her curves. He swallowed.
“Sorry.” She apologized and tilted her head, that small smile, those pink lips, no trace of pained cries or damaged screams in her expression, just placid calm and light green eyes.
“I-” he motioned to the pile of wood at his feet, his hand shaking, still startled, overcome by the sight of her. “-thought I would clean this up.”
“I thought I told you to enjoy your afternoon?” The rebuke was soft, but present. Guilt pricked along his scalp and he scratched at his ear, tugging the lobe.
“I just needed…” he paused, trying to find the word, opting for plain truth. “Quiet?”
She didn’t move for a moment and it made him even more restless, his feet shuffling in the sand.
“I’m sorry,” she apologized again. “You won’t have to listen to that anymore.”
Relief flooded through him.
“You’re sending them away,” he couldn’t keep the hope out of his voice. He would be happy to see the backs of them. Never to cast eyes on them again.
“No,” Emma shook her head, walking towards him. “I’ll just make sure to be quieter.”
His stomach felt like lead, the cold finality of her voice sending goosebumps across his arms. He swallowed, tried to smile.
“But I’m fine, see?” He looked down at his chest and back up at her. “Not a scratch.”
“This isn’t about the other day,” she tilted her head, considering. “Well not only about the other day.”
She was in his space now, he could feel her warmth in the sea air, her hair catching on the fabric of his shirt.
“Then what it is about?”
She was still for a moment, so close he couldn’t see her face any longer, practically flush against his chest. He raised his arms, meaning to hold her, settle them along the swell of her hips, pull her closer, but he let them drop uselessly against his side, still unsure if he should. It was foolish considering how they had spent their morning, but he was all elbows and angles, unaware of when it was appropriate to touch and when it wasn’t.
“Men like that, men who hurt others, they have to pay,” she tilted her head up then, green black eyes staring into his, a quiet anger simmering under the surface. “Don’t you want them to? For what they did to you?”
A decade of torment, cruel words, blades flashing in the sun, rough hands and booted feet, thick black leather braids striking his back. A thousand crimes burned into his brain, ones he had pushed away, ignored, cast aside, shoved down into the deepest recesses of his mind. That’s just how it was. This was life. Punishment for being weak, for being cowardly. Divine penance for his choices, for not being strong enough, brave enough. For not being enough. That was what he deserved.
When he answered he did so honestly, with all the conviction he could muster. No tremor in his voice, no stutter, just hoarse honesty.
“I don’t know.”
Emma smiled, bright and brilliant in the gray light, it stole the breath from his lungs.
“Well I do,” she grabbed one of his arms, sliding it along the curve of her waist, moving into him, and automatically his other arm came up around her, moving on its own to clutch her against him. He could feel her heat through the nothing of her dress, a thin gossamer veil of fabric.
“Now,” she murmured. “No more about them. It’s just us now,” she pressed her lips against him, soft and warm, a sweet gentle kiss, a soft pull and tug. His eyes fluttered closed, protests fading as she kissed the guilt away. Just us echoing in his ears.
“You were right about the storm,” she moved her mouth across his face, slowly, reverently, teeth scraping against his neck, little shivers of pleasure snaking down his spine.
“Life at sea,” he said weakly, clenching his teeth as she nipped at his ear, her breath whispering across it, blocking out the wind and sea with moist warmth.
He wanted to say more, explain himself, sort out the jumbled mess of thoughts, the tangle of feelings. Everything was just too fast, and lingering on memory, examining those feelings, left him breathless and anxious even without the heady rush of Emma. Her mouth was white noise, the rush of waves, humming into his brain, softening the edges of his thoughts until there was nothing but her. Just us.
Emma was turning them, a slow dance in the sand, until he could see the churning sea, the slate of the sky turning darker with every passing moment, threaded with wispy black, a hazy film of rain further out to sea, drawing closer. Wind pulled back his hair, wrapped her dress around him as she ran her hands along his chest, desirous fire licking after, kissed him again with quiet fierceness, all thoughts of screams and dark justice banished by her mouth.
Her hands slid down, dragged along his waist, slipped between them to cup him through the thin fabric of his trousers. He gasped, and jerked into her, his eyes flying open at her touch.
“What-,” she kissed him again, smiling into his mouth, their bodies swaying gently as she moved her hand again, down his length, cock hard and straining against its confines with just that simple touch.
Across the water lighting lit the sky, the slow rumble of thunder chasing it. Still far away, but drawing rapidly closer.
Her hands ghosted along the laces at the front, gentle tugs, and then she slipped inside before he could blink, warm skin against his own, sharp frissons of pleasure jolting down. He jerked against her again, seeking delicious friction.
“Bloody-Emma,” he stared down at her in shock. “What are we doing?”
She smiled up at him, her eyebrow arched in devious delight.
“You’re watching the storm roll in,” she said and stroked against him. “Don’t worry, it’s just us.” She repeated that delightful phrase, making his heart sing. Just them, no one else around for leagues and leagues. The entire world, this glorious display of natural beauty, all for them.
“I-” he watched in amazement as she slid down his body, freeing him to the sea air. “What are you-”.
He had his answer in a moment, his sharp cry lost on the wind as she took him into her mouth, searing hot and wet, setting him ablaze, her knees sinking into the sand as she moaned against him.
“Bloody-,” he went to grab her head, but dropped his hand at the last moment, digging nails into his leg instead, his knees buckling. “Gods. Emma.” It was a sharp reprimand, a clench teethed prayer, as she sucked him deeper into slippery heat.
Lightning flashed again, the crack of thunder coming on faster now, the sky darkening before his eyes. Killian gasped as she pulled back, cold ocean air against wet, her tongue moving along his length in long luxurious strokes, buzzing electricity tugging at his belly, wrapping around him.
The wind pulled her dress around his legs again, wrapping them in gauzy fabric as she worked her hand against the base of his length, lightning heat coiling down his spine as the sky lit up, reflecting his pleasure back in brilliant purple light.
Emma drew him into her mouth again, slick scathing silk wrapping around every inch. She hummed across him and the soft vibrations of her voice had him jerking forward with sharp intensity, drawing back immediately.
“S-sorry,” Killian could barely speak, his breath gasping heaves as her tongue rasped against his skin. She didn’t respond, just dipped her head again, a long dirty stroke of her tongue her answer, her hand drawing against him, cupping him as she wrapped her lips around him once more.
The sea was roiling black chaos, in deference to the blood in his veins, the harsh rush in his ears, his entire body zeroed in on the feel of her mouth, the drag of her lips, the swirl of her tongue, her hand stroking him. She moaned against him, moving faster, devouring him whole as lightning rent the sky.
The clouds were brilliant black as he threw his head back in glorious agony, overcome with new incredible sensation. The storm was here.
He could barely stand, his legs trembling, back arching, every muscle screaming with sensation, everything in him focused on her mouth, trying not to roll his hips, trying not to rock in time to the rhythm she set as she sucked him in, over and over, drawing him deep, deeper, until he was stuttering incoherent syllables against his hand, gasping out her name to be swallowed by the wind, his hand shooting down to clutch at his thigh as everything in the world went quiet, sharp ecstasy the only thing left within it, an explosive burst of all encompassing heat along his spine.
The rain started just after, a final kiss pressed to him, just as warm water began falling in huge pounding droplets, finally finding the land. The sand growing darker and wet around them as the sky poured down.
Emma stood, smiling, as he tried to keep upright, his entire body weak and sluggish, rain sluicing down his face, past his parted, gasping lips. She tucked him away, helped him lace his pants again when his fingers and hook refused to cooperate, shaking too hard, silver tendrils pressed against her face from the torrenting sheets of water. She was gorgeous, ethereal, like a nymph stolen from the sea, her dress barely there as the rain pressed it against her skin like naked shadows. He couldn’t believe she was real.
“That was-” he started to say, but lighting cracked the sky, the thunder seconds behind swallowing his words. So he laughed instead, a joyful thing into the wet sea air, ducking down to kiss her his thank you, gratitude on his tongue and praise in his hand as he clutched her to him, smiling against wet rain soaked lips, tasting the sea and Emma as she opened under him.
The storm was here, and it was just them.
End Notes: I went with a different mechanic for the dreamcatcher, more in line with the old mechanic before this season. Quotes from from The Odyssey and The Iliad on which this fic was based.
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niedolia · 7 years
Do you have any tips for new fic writers? I posted a fic and no one has really read it yet :(
Um, good question! I understand how that feels though, see: The Easy Winners lol. Overall I have been fairly successful across my different accounts though so I do have some tips & hopefully it helps. But I am blunt here, I’ve been writing fanfic for too long to pretend any of this isn’t true.
AO3 speaking, if this is your first fanfic in the fandom then it is going to push your fic back a few pages, and by that time no one will see it. You might just need to wait for the next update, unfortunately, to see whether there’ll be any success there.
The days matter. Pity on the writer who posts on Sunday nights when Of Bright Stars and Burning Hearts or any of the other popular fics update. Also, weekends get more posts than weekdays. When I posted Meet Me by the River on a Wednesday, it stayed on the front page for hours. You’re going to have to have some strategy here.
Hype it. I’m shameless, alright, I hype my fics. I give updates on my blog about my fic. When I post, I make a post for it on tumblr with a pretty banner and tag it from here to kingdom come, with #victuuriwriters as my first tag bc goodness knows it might help. I reblog it on a sideblog of mine that has almost 3k followers even though it’s unrelated content because it’s exposure, and if you have a somewhat successful blog too, why not? It helps. Hell, send it into victuurificrec, they take anonymous messages & you’ll be featured in that fic rec friday posting. You know how when writers publish a book they get a frickload of marketing? Book readings, signings, even commercials, the like? So reblog that link 100 times. Authors worked hard on their writing and so did you, you’re allowed to promote yourself. Don’t let anyone else tell you otherwise. Be proud.
Speaking of hyping, setting a schedule helps. It gives your readers something to look forward to definitively instead of failing to notice when you give an update.
Also along hyping, sometimes giving sneak previews help. Like, posting an excerpt before the actual chapter. If readers see good writing right then and there, they might be more interested in the rest.
There’s just some stuff that the fandom prefers over other things. YoI is a happy fandom, people like happy stories with happy endings for most of it within fanfic. You’re going to feel like you have to cater to your readers. In a sense, you do. It sucks, my god does it suck. Ivan da Maria took a hit because it has that nice “major character death” tag and no one wants that. No one wants to look beyond that, because there’s the assumption of no happy ending right off that bat. And damn is this fandom thirsty for happy endings. Sometimes you kinda just have to accept that the subject isn’t popular within fandom and consider maybe moving on. I wish I could tell you something optimistic here, but it’s best just to acknowledge now that maybe your obscure history or w/e au isn’t going to get much interest from the fandom. Try and gauge what it does want.
This has only happened to me in this one case, but piggybacking on something else works oddly well. Let’s be real, Meet Me by the River probably wouldn’t have gotten so much attention without my Russian crash course reeling me in attention beforehand. And then, I somehow got hyped by 2 well-known people in fandom. It’s really unfair and for me it was pretty much plain luck that everything aligned like this, but piggybacking on something (or someone) else works.
Try and get it beta’d, because if they’re good and honest, they’ll tell you beforehand whether a chapter is exciting or not. Also, I guess being beta’d is supposed to be the prestigious trend now.
The I Know When I Need to Save Myself  Tactic: or in standard English, if you put all your effort into some fic week after week and it has little popularity, that one motivator for fanfic (bc goodness knows we’re not paid for this or anything, hits/kudos is all we get), sometimes you need to put it down before it hurts you more. Sometimes, it’s just time to move on, if you find the kudos count more disheartening than your story can uplift you. You think I put that “if this gets good reception I’ll continue this story” note lightly in MMbtR? I still agonize over it because it can come off as manipulative. But as someone who’s been in the fanfic game for 6 years, I know to have some respect for myself, sometimes even over how much I love the story sadly enough, and I make that clear. Thank you for reading, but if my work matters to no one, I have more productive things to do with my time. It sounds bad directly, but for goodness sake save your mental health. Have a decent amount of respect for yourself and your work. I’m really not trying to be mean/negative, I want the best for you.
I’m sorry I can’t give you more, that there isn’t some easy to follow algorithm for this. Sometimes fic popularity is just dumb luck, I wish I was kidding. I’ll try and help you in any other way I can, new writers deserve a chance. I wish you more luck in your hits/kudos, Nonny, seriously. Don’t quit writing over this (goodness knows I’ve seen a lot of good writers quit because of this exact problem), but do remember:  fanfic your mental health.
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halloweendailynews · 5 years
The comics that will be available during Halloween ComicFest 2019 this October were officially revealed today, including 19 full size and nine mini comics, featuring Batman, Spider-Man, Boba Fett, Ghost-rider, the kid-slasher parody Junior High Horrors (pictured above), and many more.
Read on for the full press release and the complete list of 2019 titles, and then enjoy browsing through our photo gallery of all the Halloween comic covers coming your way for the 8th annual Halloween ComicFest.
This year, Halloween ComicFest (HCF) features a whole new selection of 28 comic book titles for the industry’s most anticipated fall event taking place Saturday, October 26, 2019 at participating comic shops worldwide.
Of the 28 titles available, 19 are Full Size and 9 are Mini Comics for fans to pick up and enjoy. All will be available for free at participating comic shops on Saturday, October 26th, with the Mini Comics also available for purchase in packs of 25 for $4.99 at the beginning of October—a perfect item to give to trick-or-treaters on Halloween.
“This year’s Halloween ComicFest is poised to be bigger and better than last year!” said Halloween ComicFest spokesperson Ashton Greenwood. “The comics available this year are designed to appeal to a broad range of tastes, from the all-ages Mini Comics featuring popular properties like Archie, DC Superhero Girls, Nickelodeon’s The Loud House, and Pokémon, while the Full-Size Comics feature well-known characters like Sonic the Hedgehog, Boba Fett, Iron Man, and Batman. Halloween ComicFest is the perfect time to discover the wonders of comic shops and experience them as premiere destinations for Halloween fun!”
Read on for the complete listing of all Halloween ComicFest 2019 comics and our gallery of the covers for each.
HALLOWEEN COMICFEST 2019 FULL SIZE COMICS AfterShock Comics | Dark Red #1 Halloween ComicFest B&W Edition – Charles “Chip” Ipswich isn’t one of those coastal elites with a liberal arts degree and a job at a social media start-up who knows where all the best brunch places are… No, Chip is one of the “forgotten men.” He lives in a rural area in the middle of the country where Jesus still has a place at the dinner table and where factories ship jobs to Calcutta. Chip is also a vampire. Stuck working the last shift at a gas station, Chip is lonely and bored…and then his dull, bleak life is turned upside down when SHE comes to town. SPECIAL BLACK AND WHITE REPRINT. Tim Seeley (BRLLIANT TRASH) and Corin Howell bring you a contemporary and horrifying tale of vampirism in the heart of America — one that’ll make you jump right out of your boots. Aspen Comics | Aspen Mascots and the Portals of Doom – When Wormier and Griff accidentally open multiples portals from another dimension, the Aspen Mascots must band together to stop their own doppelgängers from wreaking havoc in our world! In this new jam-packed activity-coloring book featuring Aspen’s most popular critters and oddities, readers must solve puzzles, mazes and more in order to finish the story and save the planet! Benitez Productions | Lady Mechanika: La Dama de la Muerte – After suffering a tragic loss, Lady Mechanika takes a trip to a small Mexican village just in time for their Día de los Muertos celebration. But the festivities turn truly deadly after the arrival of the Jinetes del Infierno, the mythical Hell Riders! Includes the first chapter of the Lady Mechanika Day of the Dead special, collected in the La Dama de la Muerte TPB.  Dark Horse Comics | House of Fear: Attack of the Killer Snowmen! – A group of kids throwing around a football on a pleasant winter afternoon are suddenly set upon by snowmen with jagged grins and twisted limbs instead of cute button eyes and corncob pipes. They’ll need to think quick in order to defeat these frozen foes! A spooky scare for young readers!House of Fearis the perfect comic for monster hunters young and old. DC Comics | DCeased #1 HCF Special Editon – A mysterious techno-virus has been released on Earth, infecting 600 million people and turning them instantly into violent, monstrous engines of destruction.The heroes of the DCU are caught completely unprepared for a pandemic of this magnitude and struggle to save their loved ones first…but what happens to the World’s Greatest Heroes if the world ends?New York Times best-selling writer Tom Taylor (INJUSTICE) returns with a terrifying new tale and is joined by artists Trevor Hairsine (LEGENDS OF THE DARK KNIGHT) and Stefano Gaudiano (The Walking Dead). DC Comics | The Secret Spiral of Swamp Kid / Black Canary: Ignite HCF Special Edition IDW Publishing | Sonic the Hedgehog #1 HCF Edition Keenspot Entertainment | Junior High Horrors Halloween Special – Halloween is here! But Mikey, the boy that’s always ready to dress to impress, has changed his tune and wants nothing to do with costumes this year. The gang gets together to change his mind, but will they succeed? This original story drawn by series creator Rob Potchak is the perfect jumping on point for anyone wanting to see why Robert Kirkman may have said this All-Ages Horror Parody was “Awesome!” This comic also features dyslexic reader friendly fonts, a first in the industry! Kodansha Comics | Tales of Berseria Preivew & Other Game Manga Mad Cave Studios | Battlecats: Halloween ComicFest Special Marvel Comics | Ghost Rider: King of Hell #1 Marvel Comics | Iron Man: Road to Iron Man 2020 Marvel Comics | Miles Morales: Spider-Man #0 Marvel Comics | Star Wars: Boba Fett #1 Random House Children’s Books | Doodleville/ Aster and the Accidental Magic Exclusive First Look Source Point Press | The Adventures of Cthulhu Jr. and Dastardly Dirk Vertical Comics | Bakemonogatari (Monster Tale) Exclusive HCF Edition VIZ Media | The Drifting Classroom/ Smashed YouNeek Studios | Iyanu: Child of Wonder
HALLOWEEN COMICFEST 2019 MINI COMICS Albatross Funnybooks | Spook House – A spooky book for kids of all ages! This Albatross Funnybooks anthology features works by William Stout, Eric Powell and Gideon Kendall! American Mythology | Under Dog Halloween Hijinks – There’s no need to fear! Underdog is here! Its an extra special Halloween treat as we present a mini comic adventure of everyone’s favorite superhound, Underdog! We’ll have you singing the Underdog theme as you trick or treat this year, “Speed of lightning, roar of thunder, fighting all who rob or plunder, Underdog!”  Don’t let Simon Bar Sinister ruin your holiday, join us for Underdog hijinks this Halloween season! Archie Comics | Archie’s Madhouse Magic – Get ready for magic and mischief in this fun collection of Halloween stories! Archie and everyone’s favorite teenage witch, Sabrina, are proud to present two enchanting and bewitching tales from Archie’s Magical Madhouse–sure to leave you spellbound! BOOM! Studios | Just Beyond: Horror at Happy Landings – THERE’S SOMETHING IN THE WOODS. Family camping trips are already a drag for Annie and Parker, especially with their cousin Clark tagging along, but when strange things start happening, they’ll discover startling secrets out of this world! When a pair of Martian siblings find themselves stranded on Earth, they must take over Annie and Parker’s bodies to retrieve the tracker that can signal Mars to bring them home. Can the Martians make it home safe, or will they be forced to become Annie and Parker forever? DC Comics | DC Superhero Girls: At Metropolis High Halloween ComicFest Special Edition – When Batgirl, Wonder Woman, Supergirl, Green Lantern, Bumblebee, and Zatanna are continually late to class because of their crime-fighting, they are sentenced to finding an after-school club for a whole week … or else they’ll be suspended!But finding a club is not as easy as it looks, and when the girls keep finding themselves kicked out of the clubs they like, they must think outside of the box and go outside their comfort zones to avoid suspension. This first chapter from the DC SUPER HERO GIRLS: AT METROPOLIS HIGH graphic novel is perfect for ages 6-10 and a great entry point into the DC Universe. Golden Apple Books | Blastosaurus Halloween Special IDW Publishing | Usagi Yojimbo HCF Mini Comic Papercutz | The Loud House: “A Very LOUD Halloween” VIZ Media | Pokémon Adventures
(Click an image to enlarge and view in gallery browser.)
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  For more Halloween news, follow @HalloweenDaily.
Halloween ComicFest 2019 Comics Announced The comics that will be available during Halloween ComicFest 2019 this October were officially revealed today, including 19 full size and nine mini comics, featuring Batman, Spider-Man, Boba Fett, Ghost-rider, the kid-slasher parody…
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