#also need that speed run achievement and the last four hidden ones..
chenziee · 2 years
Why did no one tell me I was going to cry at the end of Stray
Also my completionist self is feeling like a failure right now so I guess I'm replaying tomorrow
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session starts a little late, maybe. And simply text tonight.
still waiting at the gate
Times does not spell well if Courage and Aleris are the only two available for this session...
Griss is still trying to kill himself
Apparently his house is about to go up in flames
Griss needs help putting out the flames and Aleris thinks Imogen sleep cast the fire. (again)
Courage tells Aleris they can use this as cover to enter the city without the guards
Aleris just calls the guards over to help
Aleris tries to end it with druidcraft
Griss and the guard run in to save his house and Aleris doesn't want them to die.
Griss' house is fire-proof but the recipes are not and all gone now.
Courage is suprised he doesn't just throw shit in a bowl with how weird his food tastes.
Aleris offers to give him some of her cookbooks but Griss takes that as an insult.
We hear horses and Aleris becomes enamored.
You see the other goliath guard from earlier, who you sent to grab Danald Gray Old, along with another man. He's wearing bright bronzed armor, has long, gray hair, and is short and well-built.
"Travellers! Present yourselves! I have brought our boss, Mr. Old!"
Aleris says she needs to get into the city quick
The old man knows ALERIS!!!?
Aleris asks him what he is
DGO is offended, apparently
He looks like he's going in for a hug so Courage steps away, she does not like.
Aleris still questions him. (and now my capslock is backwards so the light is on when I'm typing in lower case....0-0)
He's an founder or something and my computer has reverted to normal, wahay
He looks to be a short human or a tall dwarf
Aleris asking the real question of 'is he going to let us past?'
He's actually pretty chill and allows us in, allows us horses and stuff to.
He introduces himself to Courage and she is prickly
He says she could stand to learn manners as well and Aleris wants him to turn into a dog.
We give him the glare as we both get on the warhorse to ride into the city
Aleris says 'The horses told me they don't like went people sat on them'
Courage is connected to this horse so...
Aleris now refers to DGO as dog man and Courage shakes her head at his apparent treatment of horses.
He smiles at you, his smile more like a toothy grin full of barely hidden anger, before he swings up onto his horse. "Well then? If you're ready, I will show you the way. And watch your words. I am the founder of this city, you would do well to remember that."
Ohhhh Aleris is dunking on this dude. (like I thought, with just Aleris and Courage they get angry.)
He speeds off and Courage takes it as a challenge
Roll and a 7 so not so noom
Aleris feeds him apple and it's a 23 noom! He is speedy noom boy!
Stephen, after being bribed with an apple, achieves all his dreams and almost flies across the gray waste of the ground like he has wings on his feet. DGO's horse isn't far behind, but Stephen neatly outraces him to the gates of the city
DGO is annoyed and comes storming behind us as we pat and give apples to Stephen, our good boy.
He's angry we've disrespected him but Courage is acting all innocent.
lying me teeth off Where I'm from it's the mayor honor to make the guest race, and if he get beaten it's means he choose his guest well. But probably, don't have such tradition here. Since the city is still very young. - ALERIS IS A LEGEND! I love her! Well done Rian.
He glares at you, working his jaw, before his mouth stretches painfully into an anger-filled horrifying imitation of a smile. "Of course. My....apologies. You two truly are great guests. Clearly, I have chosen well." He grabs the harness on his horse, pulling it to a guard who takes it, startled, and he storms into the city. - We might have gone and messed up
People are parting for the mayor and Aleris is blowing Courage's attempts at being not seen by waving at people staring
Aleris tries to find druids
Aleris rolls a good perception check (I think repayment for all the terrible rolls last sunday.)
He glares at you, working his jaw, before his mouth stretches painfully into an anger-filled horrifying imitation of a smile. "Of course. My....apologies. You two truly are great guests. Clearly, I have chosen well." He grabs the harness on his horse, pulling it to a guard who takes it, startled, and he storms into the city.
Aleris asks Courage what to do and Courage says to stick with the dog, he might lead them exactly where they need to go
'yes, that's the polite thing to do right?' - Aleris...you better not be thinking what I'm thinking....
You guys continue following him through the streets, all the way to a massive, bright white building in the center of the town. It looks almost like a massive, blindingly bright spike in the middle of the city, shedding light on anything around it. It is probably the brightest thing you've seen so far while down here.
Courage complements the house
Aleris says nothing because if she opens her mouth rudeness might come out
"It is my place of work, gallant knight! The Tallspire. It is the tallest and brightest thing in the city. I had it specially made out of veins of this bright, light-emitting stone we had found in some of the caves of Helmsbane cavern. This stone is said to ward off the god Helm; thus the name. Anyways, come inside, come inside." He walks to the doors and flings them open, walking inside and up a massive spiral staircase in the side of the tower.
More sucking up and Aleris being silent
You guys follow him up this massive spiral staircase for a good three or four minutes. You see thousands upon thousands of crates in nooks and recesses in the walls, all branded “oldliving oils—live until you’re old and gray”. He leads you all the way up to his office.
His office is massive, with a desk in the middle with stacks of papers on top of it. He’s got the Oldliving logo in gold leaf on top of the desk, and a few chairs around it. There are shelves upon shelves of books and papers and files.
We sit and think about how he's compensating for something
He snaps his fingers and an elaborate throne-sort-of-rolly-chair appears out of thin air, and he collapses into it with a dramatic sigh. "Now. Now that all the walking business is out of the way, I would like to talk to you for a bit, Aleris, person-to-person, just us two." He leans over the table, steepling his fingers, and looks at you expectantly, Courage.
Courage in not going anywhere for the moment though you can't remind me of noble knights when all I've been thinking about is Ed. I'm going to start thinking of ED.
She's my emotion support paladin, she doesn't leave me grab Courage arm, and hold on firmly
"Well, I'm afraid that if you wish to speak about your true family, little druid, it would be better for both of us if she were not here."
Courage asks about who she'll be with waiting
Aleris argues Courage stays
"You can trust me, Aleris. I'm old, I would not even be able to hurt a fly. As for you, Courage...DANIEL!" He shouts out the door. You hear a faint "Yes, sir?" "DANIEL, COME UP HERE, WE NEED SOME COMPANY FOR A CLIENT!" "Of course sir, I'll be right up."
Courage is ready to fight this Daniel
Daniel is a cat, a tabaxi. Aleris' dog, Link can stay though. Courage is confused if she should skin the cat.
whisper back Don't I want to see where this is going. I'll sent you Link if I need anything. Ok?
Courage trusts Aleris so takes the cat's paw and walks out of the room. (did I mention she is nervous around cats.)
Oooh, DGO getting to the point and calling Courage a client
Aleris also doesn't like being called a client
"Of course. My apologies for assuming." He hums, placing a hand on the file. "We were recently visited by a group of a few travelling druids, wearing green cloaks, who were asking around for someone who went by the name 'Aleris'". He leans over the table to meet your eyes. "Now, I should say, I generally don't like druids. They infringe on some of the...projects I do, however these druids were willing to pay an amount of money to find you."
Oooh, Aleris might be getting kidnapped.
"Well...yes and no. I know where they are, but in exchange for that information, you'll have to help me for a bit." - Nope, Aleris is just being hired to help him for a bit in exchange for information, Yay!
Ohhhhhhhh, Aleris is showing the anger she has for being abandoned
Tricky DGO but Aleris is not agreeing to something she knows nothing about
"You wished to find these druids that are looking for you, no?" He grabs a bottle of some sort of amber, sweet-smelling liquid from the shelf, and snaps his fingers. Two glasses appear, and he pours some of the liquid into each one. "Stay for a while, let's chat about you for a bit."
Aleris tries to divert the conversation but he just wants to talk about her...weird
Aleris asks why he cares
"I do care! I care about our partnership, our friendship, druid. It's a symbiotic relationship. You help me, I help you, we become friends!" - I call horse-shit
Daniel, the cat, locks the room Aleris is in.
Courage asks why.
He shrugs. "Mr. Old told me to, ma'am. He's quite insistent on this with every client. Says it cultivates an air of 'privacy' and 'trust'." - Yeah, Aleris is totally going to trust him now. Rian states.
'You're the one that contacted me. YOU need me, not the other way around. I know I look like a naive little thing, but don't believe for a second that I need you. And if the other druids refused to help you there probably is a very good reason. And I quite would like to hear it.' - Aleris telling the truth!
You see his smile go back to that pained, angry grin. "Of...of course. They did not agree with...some of the lengths I had had to go to in order to make my essential oils, and so, when I asked for their help to make a new product, they left before I could convince them to stay. It's all in the name of business, Aleris, and I will give you a 20% share in the profits if you join me." He looks nervously at Link, who is quietly growling, looking nervously back at the door.
Aleris would like to leave
"Before you leave! Let us sit down! Introduce yourself a bit, talk about yourself. Have a drink." He slides a glass of the amber liquid over to you.
Aleris says goodbye and tries to open the door. (it's locked though.)
The door is locked, and when you look back, Danald Gray Old is holding a few bottles of essential oils. Courage, you hear the door rattle, and Daniel starts again, looking at the door, confused.
We roll initiative and we'll start off fighting next session.
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velvetinewitch · 4 years
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of the four magical sectors in Aromayan Earth, Gifteds tend to be the most proud, as, unlike the rest, their power comes solely from their own dedication and talent. unlike Mysticals, who gain magic through worshipping deities, or Distinctuals, whose magic comes from strings and other worlds, or even Spirits, who are born with a connection to something and are able to possess magic related to that thing, Gifteds' magic comes from their talent with something like Makeup Art, letting them use magic related to said skill.
Gifteds attend a magic school called Nyxivis, a campus built into the side of a tall mountain with a cliff-side view of the hidden city of RDA, which functions on a separate plane of reality for their own protection. after graduation Gifteds can choose to stay in RDA as a teacher or some other profession, move upward to the all-magics college, or forge their own path in non-magical Earth. usually, the latter is the least chosen. those who do choose to return to the normal plane of reality often get a tattoo or some sort of signaller that they are Gifted so they can find others, usually a model of Aromae, the previous world, which is shaped similar to Earth but has a distinct land formation that sets it apart. for example, Natalie Faye wears a necklace that has a charm of Aromae on it’s chain.
one downside of Gifted magic is one’s own energy. similar to mana in video games, Gifteds only have so much energy to spare for their magic. as time progresses and they’ve used more of it, their energy grows higher in amount, and they can do more draining magic. if a Gifted runs out of energy, they’ll be physically and mentally exhausted, to the point of collapse. during what can often be a multiple-day coma, their brain will shut off entirely, and their own personal storage of magic will take over the body as it works on recovering. unfortunately, magic is very bad at one important thing: providing entertainment for the body while it is asleep. this is seen in the nightmares that Giteds have during this state. often these nightmares are visions of the present, past, and even future. sometimes they are straightforward, sometimes they are heavily abstract. always, they leave a sour taste in your mouth.
having multiple unrelated Gifts leaves a Gifted more tired and easily exhausted. these Gifteds are most notable by their tendency to fall asleep in class, or basically wherever. some Gifteds have multiple Gifts that heavily relate to each other, which is less exhausting.
Gifts are sectioned into three main sections, although they usually can fall under multiple depending on specialization. Creatives are Gifts that involve the arts and any form of heavy expression. Logistics are often scientific or mathematical. Practicals fall into your everyday areas, Gifts centered around skills that are, as the name implies, practical. 
painting, graphic design, sculpture, animation, etc: the ability to bring one’s artistic creations to life. example, Penelope "Pallet" Davin.
photography: the ability to use a camera (or at higher levels, take photographs and use magic without one) to manipulate one’s environment and capture recordings or images of points in time that one can revisit physically later on. example, Orange Sullivan.
(more under cut)
drama/theater, directing, editing: magical manipulation of visuals such as “props,” camera angles, playing speed, etc, as well as things such as sound effects. can often be specialized to a certain genre, such as horror, in which one’s magic is stronger when manipulating related things. example, Jonathon "J" Dean.
makeup art: the ability to modify one’s own appearance, similar to a shapeshifter, as well as the appearance of others. example, Ella Lavthorne.
writing; journalism, creative writing: the ability to bring one’s writing to life, as well as see one’s backstory, manipulate or record a real life plot, etc. example, Aralion Faye, a fantasy-specific creative writing Gifted.
vocals; public speaking, linguistics: the ability to control one’s voice, have voices or words have magical effect, understand any form of language, etc.
dance: often coincides with music and athletics magic. involves the ability to control one’s body, achieve mystical effects through dancing, and sometimes cultural magics. example, Arista Way.
music; composition, instrumental, vocal: magical, often siren-like abilities, sometimes with powerful effects on those listening that vary with genre or song. example, Rain Wilson, a classical musician who often lures people to sleep with her pieces.
landscape; geography, interior design, architecture (can also fall under logistics): magical understanding and ability to manipulate one’s own environment. example, Ebony Foret.
fashion design: magical enhancement or adjustment of fabrics, accessories, or outfits in general. example, Willow Dean.
mathematics; statistics, geometry, probability: the magical ability to understand and manipulate numbers, quantities, and space. example, Ethin Grey.
sciences; geology, hydrology, neuroscience, psychology, anatomy (some of which fall under practicals): magical manipulation of areas of study. for example, a geology Gifted is equivalent to an earthbender at many points.
engineering: often coincides with landscape. magical understanding of and ability build and use structures. example, Eren Faye.
coding: magical usage of a coding language to change and manipulate one’s own environment. example, Alice Baker.
health (most of which also falls under logistics): the ability to magically manipulate one's body, whether that be healing it or controlling the systems. example, Caden Wright, a nursing student whose power to control one's body is overpowered, but his Hippocratic oath prevents him from using it to harm others during the events of the books as his magic would be suspended.
history: the magical ability to peer into the past of an object, person, or place, so long as one is touching said thing. example, Clarissa Claire, a teacher with the ability to see the past and project it to her students during class.
public speaking: the ability to control your own voice or the voice of another, usually making a voice have a specific siren-like power, programming someone else’s dialogue, or cutting off their ability to speak temporarily. example, Raven Wilde.
agriculture; gardening, animal keeping: example, Maisy ⬛.
cooking/baking (some of which may be categorized under creatives): equivalent to potion-making with any sort of edible beverage or food. example, Linus "Ladle" Jackson.
athletics (can also fall under creatives): magically enhanced physical abilities. ex, sprinters are equivalent to the Flash when needed. example, Christopher Lewis. 
organization: the magical ability to organize/sort things in any way possible. can be especially helpful when sorting in ways such as, “by who will die first to last,” or, “most to least likely to kill me.” example, Zane Smith.
travel; navigation/cartography, aviation, etc: enhanced modes of traveling or tracking, including better control over certain modes and the ability to magically alter them. example, Asrian Tseitlin.
spiritualism: due to a strong connection with one’s spiritual practices, stronger enhancement of mind and magical abilities. often in relation to pagan practices. example, Maryline Northwin, a wiccan student with inexplicably purple powers that are especially strong when she is given access to her herbs and beloved crystals.
⬛ ⬛ ⬛ legally, no one is allowed to know that this power exists until it is revealed in book 4 of Faye and Fate. example, ⬛ , a student that we grow to love before they rip our heart out in Book 3.
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bearingwater · 5 years
January Forecast for Aquarius
Ease into the new decade, Aquarius. January’s energy comes with a concentration of planets in Capricorn and your twelfth house of rest, healing and escape. While others are busy making plans and resolutions, you’re in a much more receptive space. While your experimental sign can go with the flow, you also have a Type A side. This month—and this year—you may have important lessons about letting things happen.
Aquarius is the sign of the future, and you always have at least ONE eye on what’s next. Take a breather from all of that, especially if it’s making you nervous or neurotic. Not sure what plans and resolutions you want to make this year? Let it “come to you” instead of forcing an agenda. This is a time of transition, when you need to talk less and listen more.
That also means tuning in to the universe and your own intuitive guidance system. Not so fast with the eye rolls, Aquarius! With FIVE planets in your spiritual twelfth house as January begins, the Law of Attraction is governing 2020 for you. Not only is the Sun making its annual visit here until January 20, but you’ve got communicator Mercury, risk-taker Jupiter (through December 19), responsible Saturn and transformational Pluto all gathered in this zone as the decade begins. Prepare for a year unlike any you’ve had in a while—if ever!
Your best bet is to tune in, meditate or just be STILL now. Your intuition’s been knocking loudly for the past month, and now’s your chance to finally download that divine data. And you’ll have a huge chance on January 12, when Saturn and Pluto make a historic alignment in Capricorn for the first time since 1518. While these two meet up every 33 to 38 years, they haven’t united in THIS sign in over five centuries.
As materializer Saturn brings Pluto’s creative, spiritual or unconscious ideas into tangible form, you could have a huge breakthrough emotionally or intuitively. Is it time to let go of something that’s been weighing you down? The Saturn-Pluto meetup could come and sweep it away, sounding the call for forgiveness and closure. The inner work you do now will have a reverberating effect for months to come. With the bold Sun and expressive Mercury both pinging Saturn and Pluto, you’ll find the courage to express what you’re feeling too.
As within, so without—that could be your mid-month mantra thanks to a January 10 lunar eclipse in Cancer and your sixth house of wellbeing and organization. The decade’s very first full moon happens to be a potent eclipse, which will sweep away the old and usher in space for the new. This spotlight moment could reveal a health matter that’s been plaguing you (and the proper treatment plan, at last!), or it could be THE day when you finally commit to kicking a self-sabotaging habit. Eating well, exercising, working with a coach: These affirming moves could help you feel anchored at a time when you need it most.
Of course, this isn’t exactly breaking news. This is almost the final eclipse in a series that’s been rippling across the Cancer/Capricorn axis since July 2018, turning your attention the health and healing. You’ve been learning important lessons about impeccability and mastery in your work as well as other ones about letting go and receiving support. When was it time to lean in…and which moments were best to lean back? In addition to spotlighting your work and wellness, these eclipses have helped you fine-tune that balance.
It’s been a lot to take in, and you might feel a bit off-kilter. Good news: On January 20, the Sun shifts into Aquarius and your first house of self for a month, bringing you back to YOU! If you’ve been making too many sacrifices or feeling overwhelmed for the past four weeks, you’ll be thrilled to feel your energy return.
Watch out for family or household drama interrupting your me-first groove on January 23, when the Sun locks into its semiannual square with disruptive Uranus in Taurus. A volatile or argumentative loved one could demand your attention, interrupting you right as you’re getting into a groove. Set firm boundaries and don’t take the bait. It will be all too easy to get hooked into the drama and button-pushing games. Don’t waste a second of your precious time on this emotional blackmail if you can help it! Beware getting suckered into playing the hero or fixing a needy person’s problems today. Try pointing them to resources before you roll up your sleeves.
Besides, your REAL New Year arrives on January 24 with the decade’s first new moon—which happens to be in Aquarius! You typically get only one new moon per year in your zodiac sign, and it’s the ideal time to power forward on a personal goal. Efforts started now will culminate at the corresponding Aquarius full moon, which will arrive on August 3, 2020. Plot a course for where you’d like to be by then.
You’ll have help thinking strategically because this is also Lunar New Year’s Eve, a night to bid adieu to the chillaxed Earth Pig and welcome the sharp-minded Metal Rat. Pro astro tip: The Chinese New Year always falls at the Aquarius new moon, which is why Aquarians are often split between two of the animal signs. (Those born prior to the new moon will be part of the previous year’s sign.) For the next 12 months, you’ll have an easier time putting your ideas into action—and doing so with your signature aplomb!
Love & Romance
You’re in your frisky and free-spirited element until (at least) January 13, Water Bearer! Sensual Venus has been in Aquarius and your house of self and identity since December 20. Hopefully you’ve saved a few sprigs of mistletoe to park under because you’ll still be in demand for the first half of the month. Actually, who needs mistletoe when you’ve got Venus in your sign? Start the new year with the makeover you’ve been craving or maybe a refreshed attitude about love.
Over in your friend zone, spicy Mars is dancing through Sagittarius from January 3 until February 16, igniting sparks with a pal or creating a strong attraction to someone you meet online or through mutual contacts. You may feel conflicted about whether to give into temptation (and allow yourself to get obsessed) or decide from the get-go to keep it casual. Good luck with that! Couples can look forward to a lively month of double dates, outdoor activities and maybe some volunteering together or getting involved in a cause that’s important to both of you.
On January 13, Venus relocates to Pisces and your second houses of financial and emotional security. You may be ready to lock down a commitment or take a budding romance to the next level. If you’re happily off the market, take a forward glance at your savings and shared goals to make sure you’re on pace to achieve them. On January 26, Venus forms a rare (once-a-year) square with indie-spirited Mars, which can fire up your rebellious streak. Stop and contemplate anything rash before you do it. This is just a passing mood—not necessarily anything to act on.
Key Dates
January 26: Venus-Mars Square Venus in your practical second house wants something concrete, but it’s at odds with lusty and libertine Mars in your independence sector. Don’t make any fast moves in or out of a situation! Dueling desires for novelty and security are completely normal. The key: Can you get a dose of what you’re craving without overturning a relationship?
Money & Career
Flow into January, Aquarius—it’s okay to pace yourself! With five planets in Capricorn and your twelfth house of rest and healing, you could be a little exhausted. This coming year, in fact, is one to devote more to self-care and a slower speed. Your creativity and imagination will run high, and you could have breakthroughs of major magnitude this month. Lean into your quirky “genius” side and color outside the lines.
Is it time to let something go? The twelfth house rules endings, and when structured Saturn and transformational Pluto make a historic meetup here on January 12, you may have to rip the Band-Aid off. Resistance is futile, so let the chips fall where they may. If you’ve been micromanaging too much, this Saturn-Pluto conjunction will force you to confront any control issues. What’s really driving this anxiety, Aquarius? Get to the heart of it.
Major changes could be afoot on January 10, when a Cancer lunar eclipse sweeps through your sixth house of systems, employees and helpful people. The coming two weeks are ripe for hiring and firing or switching up your processes. Unpredictable Uranus also wakes up from a five-month retrograde backspin today through your domestic fourth house. As the side-spinning planet corrects course, it could bring a sudden relocation or new cast of characters under your roof. A surprise job opportunity or family fluctuations could shift your lifestyle.
When the Sun moves into Aquarius on January 20, your “2020 vision” returns. You can really set your resolutions on January 24, when the Aquarius new moon—the first new moon of the decade—illuminates your first house of fresh starts.
Key Dates
January 2: Mercury-Jupiter Meetup Read between the lines! With the two most expressive planets teamed up in your twelfth house of hidden agendas, clue into body language and subtle messages. Sometimes it’s what they don’t say that speaks volumes. Play a little mysterious today with your intel, rather than being an open book.
Love Days: 7, 12 Money Days: 17, 27 Luck Days: 16, 24 Off Days: 10, 14, 22
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itsbenedict · 4 years
Kingdoms and Koopas: Ep. 11
K&K is a Fate Accelerated campaign set in the Mario universe, which I’m running for three players:
Bee @thebeeskneesocks​, playing Kandace Koopa
Jovian @jovian12​, playing Cozmo Naut
Malky @sleepdepravity​, playing Dr. Chevy Chain
Last time | Archive | Next time
Previously on Kingdoms and Koopas, the crew went and shot a movie with acclaimed actor/writer/director Zip Toad, and were wildly successful! However, they did this while ignoring the fact that there was a war going on between the two magic schools, which means that a war between the two magic schools happened without them.
This time, they deal with the aftermath of that event- and end up breaking someone dangerous out of jail for reasons.
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(“Pull the lever, Cozmo!”)
So, fresh off the shoot, Kandace gets a phone call from Kammy Koopa, headmistress of Kammy Koopa’s Academy for Young Witches and Wizards. She’s heard of the party’s success in recovering the Music Key from the Orbital Doom Casa, and so she asks Kandace to hand it over. Kandace agrees to do so, but here is the thing: she’s lying. She is lying a lot and does not intend to give Kammy the last Music Key.
Instead, the party hatches a scheme. They want to make Kammy think they’ve handed over the last Music Key, when instead they’ve kept it for themselves. They also want to find out where she’s keeping the rest of them, and maybe figure out what her nefarious plan is- and who she might be working for.
So they need a fake music key, right? Where are they going to get a fake music key? It’ll need to be... round...
I cannot for the life of me believe that the following was Chevy’s idea that she volunteered for, but... a plan is hatched to disguise Chevy as the last macguffin and hand her over to Kammy. Hm! That’s. Going to be. Easy?
Surely it will be easy to do this, All they need to do is make her translucent and blue and the size of a cantaloupe and have a little music note floating inside her and give off a distinctive magical signature. That’s baby school stuff.
Smallening can be achieved via one of Kandace’s spells- she’s got one for the occasion, but the drawback is that while it decreases size, it conserves mass- so small Chevy is very dense and heavy. Thankfully, Kandace has another spell, one she’s used several times in the past- it’s the spell that makes things lighter but softer/rounder, used to allow Chevy to ride along on her broom. By combining the two, the size issue is solved. They now have an appropriately-sized Chevy.
Magic is also the answer to the problem of the magical signature. Since they’re in contact with the princess of the Magic Kingdom, they’re able to call up Opal and ask if she knows the appropriate spell- and she does. Kandace can now smell the magical signatures of items and swap those smells around. (The Music Key magic-smells like mint-flavored sugarless chewing gum, and Chevy smells like formaldehyde.)
The problem remaining is... making Chevy translucent and blue. Kandace doesn’t have a spell for this, so the party heads into town to find something that might do the trick. Legitimate Merchantson is selling some translucent blue paint which surely works the way they’re hoping it does. Chet Rippo has a magical spell he claims will do the job. But what ends up catching their eye is a badge being sold at a badge shop- the Ice Ice Badge, a cosmetic badge that makes the wearer look like an ice sculpture. They walk up and attempt to exchange currency for goods and services, like a bunch of fool idiots.
The badge shop is manned by what appears to be a cardboard cutout of a glamorous-looking Squeek.
“𝚆𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚠𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚙𝚞𝚛𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚜𝚎 𝚝𝚘𝚍𝚊𝚢?”
“We’d like that badge there, please.”
“𝚆𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚂𝙴𝙻𝙻, 𝙱𝚄𝚈, 𝚘𝚛 𝙿𝚄𝚁𝙲𝙷𝙰𝚂𝙴 𝚊𝚗 𝚒𝚝𝚎𝚖?”
“𝙸 𝚍𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝚑𝚘𝚠 𝚝𝚘 𝚆𝙷𝙰𝚃 𝚊𝚗 𝚒𝚝𝚎𝚖!”
“Um- buy. We want to buy that Ice Ice Badge.”
“𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝙱𝚄𝚈 𝚊𝚗 𝙸𝚌𝚎 𝙸𝚌𝚎 𝙱𝚊𝚍𝚐𝚎? 𝚃𝚘 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚏𝚒𝚛𝚖, 𝚙𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎 𝚛𝚎𝚙𝚎𝚊𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗!”
“Please repeat the- what? Um, we want to buy that Ice Ice Badge?”
“𝚃𝚘 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚏𝚒𝚛𝚖, 𝚙𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎 𝚛𝚎𝚙𝚎𝚊𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗!”
After going on in this manner for an obnoxiously long time (getting into the weeds of the button order system and stupid phone-bot behavior), the party finally manages to purchase the dang thing, which gets them most of the way there. The last element- the music note floating inside- is accomplished by cutting one out of construction paper and having Chevy swallow it. Don’t... don’t ask how that works, digestively speaking.
Point is, they now have their decoy Music Key. Kandace’s shadow, Carbonado, objects to attempting to deceive the headmistress, but Kandace patiently explains that he can’t prove Kammy isn’t being mind-controlled by a space alien, which makes it okay. That’s just logic. That settled, they head to the school to drop off their mole.
On the way to Kammy’s office, the party is accosted by Jr. Troopa, the school valedictorian- who attempts to steal the key for himself. The party opts to deliver a beatdown, but Cozmo gets Worfed and hurts his hand trying to punch through Jr. Troopa’s implausibly sturdy eggshell. It’s up to Kandace and the currently-disguised Chevy to get this joker out of the way- and Kandace has a brainwave.
“Okay, you want it? Catch!”
Kandace throws Chevy at Jr. Troopa, and then mid-throw- after she’s picked up speed- dispels the magic that makes her light enough to carry. Chevy is restored to her full density, rolls an attack, and just absolutely beans the dude with a massive crit that fills up all his Stress boxes immediately. That was... kind of supposed to be a boss fight, holy crap. [pokemon stadium announcer voice] IT’S A ONE-HIT KO!
With the jerk dispatched, the party proceeds to Kammy’s office. Waluigi, looking bitter, shows the party inside.
Inside, the party sees Kamek- the headmaster of the rival school across the street- unconscious and imprisoned in an anti-magic cage. Apparently, while they were shooting a movie, Kammy won the underground school war and took Kamek prisoner. But that’s all perfectly legal and normal- Kammy’s the right hand of the king, she can do what she wants.
The party hands over Kandace, and with the bonuses from their elaborate deception... manage to beat Kammy’s roll to see through their scheme! She’s fooled, and accepts the Chevy-Key. As promised, Kandace is allowed to take three magic items from the Artifact Storage Chamber behind her office. For Cozmo, a combination broom-backpack that functions as a jetpack. For Kandace, a book called Lifehex that lets her nullify her spells’ drawbacks once per session. And for Chevy... well, Chevy can’t talk or indicate what she wants, so Kandace picks out a prize she assumes Chevy would want: a magical pair of stick-on springy boxing glove Arms. With Arms, Chevy can finally do surgery, fulfilling her lifelong dream! Which she couldn’t do before! Is what Kandace assumes.
So Kandace and Cozmo are sent away... and Chevy is carried through a secret door in Kammy’s office, hidden behind a statue. Inside, Kammy and her hench-Waluigi Yzma and Kronk their way down a rollercoaster and into a massive underground chamber, containing a vault labeled “NOT The Actual Artifact Storage Chamber, The One Upstairs Is The Real One.” This vault contains shelves lined with actually powerful magical artifacts- the sort of thing she wouldn’t risk giving out to students as prizes.
Inside is also a table, on which sit three real Music Keys. The pink key from Gourmet Guy, the orange key from Jojora’s temple, and a green key presumably won from Kam Ekademy by Kammy herself. Chevy, ostensibly the fourth key, is placed on the table alongside them.
Kammy then begins a magic ritual with the four keys- but it becomes quickly apparent that Chevy does not hover or glow, like the other Keys do during this ritual. It’s sort of a dead giveaway that she’s a fake.
That said, though, Chevy passes her Careful roll to hold very still and not give away that she is an alive fake, and so she is left on the table as a very angry Kammy Koopa leaves to go discipline a troublesome student of hers.
Chevy is now alone in NOT The Actual Artifact Storage Chamber, The One Upstairs Is The Real One. Unfortunately, her chain was scaled way down so Kammy wouldn’t notice it, and she’s still the size of a cantaloupe, so... she’s sort of stuck. She can’t fly or climb, which means the only way to get up and out is...
oh my god an actual platforming segment in a Mario game, i can’t believe we finally managed it
So Chevy is hopping her way up the spiraling shelves lining the walls of this chamber, knocking dangerous magic artifacts off and onto the floor. She eventually makes it out a hole in the roof of the vault, and begins the arduous climb up the rollercoaster tracks- hanging on by the skin of her teeth. Literally. Or, well, no, not literally; teeth don’t have skin. Whatever. You know what I mean.
Meanwhile, Kandace and Cozmo get a firm knock on the door of Kandace’s dorm room, and wisely opt to flee out the window. They decide to loop around and sneak into Kammy’s office to free Kamek- they use Kandace’s stunt, Cantricked (use her animate broom to distract someone once per session) to send Waluigi (who was guarding the door) on a wild goose chase, while they themselves crash through the window of her office to get in.
So there’s Kamek in a cage. The cage nullifies magic, which is necessary for containing a Magikoopa of Kamek’s abilities. This means Kandace isn’t going to be able to magic up a solution- so it’s up to Cozmo. Kandace orders him to pick the lock.
Cozmo has never picked a lock before and does not know how to do it. He tries anyway, and as you might predict from the fact we recently established about his lockpicking skills, fails.
But all hope is not lost! Kandace has one more ally- her shadow, Carbonado! He hems and haws about the legality of freeing the headmistress’s prisoner- but Kamek is also technically an authority figure in the Kingdom, so he acquiesces and attempts to use his shadowy form to pick the lock from the inside.
Carbonado has never picked a lock before and does not know how to do it. He tries anyway, and as you might predict from the fact we recently established about his lockpicking skills, fails. 
Also he messes up the mechanism so bad that even if they had the key, it wouldn’t work.
Which... is a useful hint, actually. Apparently this lock, though impervious to magic, can still be damaged by mundane means. This is all the encouragement Cozmo needs to start using his head- specifically, his Crystal Skull (Thanks Kandace) aspect, the thing where Kandace transmuted his skull into sapphire as part of a magical experiment. He headbutts the thing so hard it explodes.
They free and revive Kamek, and then... tell him practically everything. Mostly everything. They don’t mention that they still have one Music Key- but they do tell him that they sent Chevy in to scout. And as luck would have it, that’s exactly when Chevy finally makes it up the rollercoaster and knocks on the secret entrance door. They let her out, and she heals up Kamek’s injuries after they return her to normal.
Kamek asks them to help steal the Music Key back from Kammy, which of course they agree to. Kammy’s been acting super shady! And probably mind-controlled! So Chevy leads the party plus Kamek back down the rollercoaster, and into NOT The Actual Artifact Storage Chamber, The One Upstairs Is The Real One.
As soon as they arrive, Kamek begins laughing maniacally. He prepares a big teleport spell, and using it teleports away all of the magical items in the vault including the Music Keys, bwa ha ha! And then he thanks them for their help, because yeah that was pretty much exactly what they said they were going to do, was help rob Kammy. And since they did that exactly as promised, their business is concluded and he teleports away.
So, um. It’s unclear whether it is a good or bad thing that a different arch-Magikoopa assistant to the king is now in control of three out of four Music Keys, but that is now the situation. And at least this one isn’t actively mad at them!
...Unlike the other one, who’s probably going to find out about all this pretty soon and be totally furious at them. Hm. Well.
This seems like an excellent time to go run and hide somewhere, yes? The party heads off to lay low in Duck Hospital, Chevy’s place of work, while they figure out what exactly they’re supposed to do about all this.
Next time: nothing goes horribly wrong at the hospital, probably!
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kesavraj · 4 years
Hyperbolic Stretching Review
Hyperbolic Stretching Review – Is This Four Week Course Worth Buying?
This Hyperbolic Stretching review is a full in-depth analysis of the much-acclaimed program. Haven’t we all enjoyed watching the Elastic girl from The Incredibles or be it Mr. Fantastic from the Fantastic  Four? Well, that’s all fun and fantasy. What about those fitness enthusiasts doing those cool workouts without ripping their muscles? It all comes down to proper pre-workout stretching.
Here is everything you need to know about the four-week hyperbolic stretching course. Especially those who find it too lazy to complete a full round of warm-up exercises would find this program interesting.
Stretching is one of the best-proven ways to increase total muscle flexibility. Hyperbolic Stretching is specifically designed in such a way that it can be effective even for a novice to stretch out fully in no time. Let’s take a look at how valid all these claims are, is it a legit or scam and whether it’s worth buying or not.
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Hyperbolic Stretching Review 2020 – Is This Four Week Course Worth Buying?
Hyperbolic Stretching review revealed that the program has been created using some old techniques that can help in achieving stronger pelvic muscles, improved endurance levels, and better flexibility. The best part is that all of these benefits can be achieved by spending just 8 minutes per day. Hyperbolic Stretching exercises have been devised by Alex Larsson without the need for any warm-up session. In the following sections, we take a look at some other aspects of the Hyperbolic Stretching course and try to understand its efficacy.
For those who hate reading the review completely;
Since we’re getting positive responses from Hyperbolic Stretching users, we would like to recommend this to our readers who wish to have a flexible body. The average duration to get the best result is less than 20 days, but some users reported a slight delay (more than 30 days to get desired results). 
Features of Hyperbolic Stretching
The Hyperbolic Stretching program reviews emphasis on the fact that absolutely anyone can ramp up the muscles by taking the help of this superb four-week course. The website helps you in understanding the usefulness of the program as faster and enhanced flexibility can be built up within a very short time. The Hyperbolic Stretching review helps in providing complete control over the most critical movements of the body.
Muscle elasticity is improved through the exercises that can help in doing all types of exercises and workouts.  The Hyperbolic Stretching guide helps to understand that it can be effective in switching off the muscle reflex so that muscles can relax and provide flexibility. Traditional stretching techniques reduce muscle strength whereas Hyperbolic Stretching targets the area to gain better speed and agility.
Pros and Cons of Hyperbolic Stretching eBook
By going through the Hyperbolic Stretching reviews, one can easily understand that the program can be very useful for all types of people who are looking to gain muscle flexibility. However, like any other program, it also has its own pros and cons that are listed here for an understanding.
The complete hyperbolic stretching course has its roots in some old and successful methods.
The Hyperbolic stretching only takes 8 minutes a day.
Hence, the program can be very much suitable for busy people who may be starved of time.
It has been designed by an expert in the field of fitness and exercise
The Hyperbolic Stretching reviews state that flexibility and masculinity can be tremendously improved by following the easy program.
There is a 60-day money-back guarantee that comes with the program so that customers can always stay assured.,
The program is only available online so that a reliable internet connection will be needed to access the Hyperbolic Stretching videos.
More dedication and patience is needed to achieve the desired results.
Main advantages of Hyperbolic Stretching
Main Advantages of Hyperbolic Stretching Program
Hyperbolic Stretching clearly outwits any other training program that aims to help in stretching because it is a fast, effective, and smart program. If anyone has a doubt on whether Hyperbolic Stretching does it work, it is important to mention here that the program is aimed at providing long-term elasticity to the muscles which can be helpful for many purposes. Along with it, the other advantages of it are mentioned below.
As per Hyperbolic Stretching review Reddit, it can switch off the muscle reflex that can be helpful for muscle relaxation.
Improved flexibility of the body can be effective for all types of exercises and keeping the body fit.
Hyperbolic Stretching review can be useful for three seconds of systolic muscle tissue so that advanced yoga postures can be practiced.
It can help in enhancing the vitality and vigor and provide comprehensive control for complex movements.
Hyperbolic Stretching Creator
Alex Larsson is the creator of the Hyperbolic stretching technique. The stretching hack was designed by him after undergoing a complete neuro-muscular shutdown of the lower back, hips, and thigh muscles. While contemplating on whether does Hyperbolic Stretching work, he decided to try it first on himself and achieved some amazing result so that within four weeks, more flexibility, jumping power, and improved speed was noticeable by following the program. The same has also been mentioned on the official website.
As per Hyperbolic Stretching Reddit reviews, his stiffness of the legs directly influenced the upper body agility and that in turn drained off his energy levels significantly. He also learned that the classical stretching method lowers the power, performance, and muscle strength so that he concentrated on developing the technique. Hyperbolic Stretching reviews suggest that the creator utilized a hidden loophole to devise this program that can boost muscle elasticity instantly and strengthen the pelvic muscle floor.
Why Hyperbolic Stretching is Useful?
By going through the Hyperbolic Stretching free download, anyone can see that it helps in overcoming the muscle reflex so that muscles can perform well. Correct isolation of the pelvic muscles can be achieved by following the program. Hyperbolic Stretching review further illustrates that the non-invasive method can help in cutting downtime that is spent on flexibility by 83 percent and full elasticity can be achieved within 28 days.
The Hyperbolic Stretching results can be enjoyed by beginners as well as advanced practitioners. The simplicity of the program is easy to remember and follow. The little known hack can be helpful in daily life as well as for martial arts training, exercising in the gym or even outdoor without any type of equipment. The most attractive part of the whole program is that it can be done within 8 minutes and without any equipment.
Does Hyperbolic Stretching Really work?
The Hyperbolic Stretching is a working technique for improving muscle flexibility that can be better than any other known method. The Hyperbolic Stretching reviews tell that a lot of people have benefited from it and enjoyed its beneficial results so that presuming it to be a scam is completely unfounded and baseless. The Hyperbolic Stretching videos will make it clear that the program provides amazing and long-lasting results that can completely be seen after four weeks of continuous practice. It is a short stretching routine that provides full-body flexibility within a defined timeline.
Hyperbolic Stretching free download can help to understand the way that it helps in warming up the muscles so that there can be greater elasticity. Moreover, the whole program comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee so that if at all it was a scam then this offer would not have been there in the first place. Hence, having thought of Hyperbolic Stretching pdf free download to be a scam is completely unsubstantiated.
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Hyperbolic Stretching BONUSES
Hyperbolic Stretching review mentions that purchasing the program can be quite beneficial. Apart from the beneficial aspects of ample muscle flexibility, users can get access to three handbooks within the Hyperbolic Stretching price that can help in realizing the strength and endurance to another level. They are as follows.
Mind Power Unleashed – It captures the processes to reprogram one’s mind so that prosperity and success can be achieved by using modern scientific discoveries and ancient secrets. It is one of the Hyperbolic Stretching Bonuses that can be enjoyed by the user.
Full-Body Flexibility – This informative manual apart from the Hyperbolic Stretching eBook contains simple intelligent exercises that can be done during the morning, before or after a training session. Some dynamic warm-up exercises for running, athletics, golf, and tennis are also provided in it.
The 8-minute Workout – It contains a set of routines that can be performed three times a week so that there can be a substantial increase in the strength and stamina. There are eight to ten minutes of short but high-intensity workouts in addition to techniques that can help in designing a customized high-intensity workout as per one’s weight which can be practiced in the home, gym or outdoors
We hope that you found this Hyperbolic Stretching review helpful. This is a proven technique that has been used by a lot of people to improve flexibility, strength, and speed. The program mentioned in it can be easily followed by anybody and as there is no equipment involved in it, the exercises mentioned in it can be done anywhere, anytime. Even though there are several modern techniques to improve your flexibility, the complete hyperbolic stretching course has its roots in some old methods.
It can be a superb way of improving the performance as the program takes only 8 minutes in a day, which means within four weeks, anyone can reach the potential. Hence grabbing a  Hyperbolic Stretching pdf and following it judiciously can lead to a life-changing result. Thus, we strongly recommend this product for our beloved audience as the product has only a positive side and negligible negative part.
Before getting your hands on any online program its important to go through the reviews. We researched through various Hyperbolic Stretching reviews and user experiences so that one can understand how it targets to improve flexibility and elasticity of the body. Moreover, with it got a  60-day money-back guarantee, there is nothing to lose. It can be the perfect way to stay covered and get the best of this program. Do let us know how the program worked for you, you can also contact us for any inquiries related to the program. Good Luck!
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lexiseigneur · 5 years
Chapter nine: He sees you
The Strigoi roamed the camp and the couple spied. Her binoculars were barely good enough to distinguish blurry silhouettes. At this distance, even Quinlan had to squint to make them out. Finally, the moment of truth. Within moments they would know whether the devices could disturb the mental link between the Master and his creatures. Dr. Goodweather and Dutch Velders had worked relentlessly to create the original device and their brilliant idea would not die with them. It had worked on the Master as well, making him weaker which had enabled Quinlan to shove him in the coffin. Just before that nuclear explosion had ruined everything.
Quinlan had placed the devices to include an isolated corner of the farm in the triangle they formed. If Lexi had done her job correctly, once the machines were activated, that area would become a trap for Strigoi. The Dhampir held the remote designed to activate them. Between two barracks, a blob of color was dragging another. It was headed straight for the triangle.
“Between buildings three and four.” Lexi whispered.
They exchanged a look and he pressed the button. As she watched, the pale silhouette of the Strigoi stopped walking. The human it had been dragging did not attempt to run away though it could still move. As the seconds passed, it became obvious that this was not a mere coincidence. Quinlan deactivated the devices and the Strigoi walked on. Their efforts had just rewarded them with a first success.
“It works." She whispered.
The Dhampir nodded. No joy, satisfaction or pleasure on his face, just pure determination. Lexi rubbed her eyes as relief soothed some of the tension in her back. Quinlan retrieved the three transmitters. Without another word, they walked to the truck hidden downwind. The end of their mission was near. And it was good. In fact, it was the best news possible under those circumstances. But that final blow stood like a wall.
That wall was too massive for her to glance to the other side. She fought for her future and that of her species but she could not imagine it. When would she be able to look ahead? As the Master was locked in a coffin? Or as that coffin sunk in the frigid ocean water? Probably never. Lexi was quite convinced that she would die that day. That day, Quinlan would shove the monster into that box alone. The task seemed too huge to be achieved without a sacrifice. Lexi had always been a pessimist but even she surprised herself with those thoughts. The woman very much desired to live. He secured the machines in the trunk and distributed drops of blood to their biological components.
“Just another test, to see how far we can stretch the trap area. Then we can start looking for the Master.” She said as he took a seat.
A tentative grin and his eyes closed.
“Victory is within reach…I can sense it.”
Lexi smiled without meaning it. This place was weighing heavily on her mind and she wanted them to leave and never return. It would take an entire day to go back to the bunker since they could not drive at night. The Strigoi tolerated the orange light but they thrived at night. Better leave it to them. Quinlan started the car and they drove away. The sun had almost disappeared at the horizon when he spoke again.
“You are not usually so taciturn.” He remarked.
It lifted her spirit a little that he thought of her as chatty. She really enjoyed silence but he acted like words cost him their weight in silver. A matter of relativity.
“I’m worried about the size of it all. It’s so much to bear. How have you been doing this for so long?”
Quinlan bit his glove off before tucking it away. The warm fingers found her hand and she kissed them. They smelled of leather.
“I focus on what I can do right now. One small achievable task at a time.”
He glanced at her face.
“At this very moment, I search for a secure location…we need to wait for dawn to continue.”
They stopped a few minutes later in a small, deserted town. Anything so close to a camp would have been cleared almost immediately after the fall. Lexi detested those nights in the homes of strangers she knew were long dead. The only redeemable aspect was the instant Quinlan would hug her tight under the cover of a blanket. Only then could she ignore the unfamiliar surroundings and be at peace.
“Lexi?” He said just after closing his arms around her shoulders.
“You never told me what you did…your work…before the Fall.”
The woman grinned then the longer she thought about it the more amusing it became.
“I studied the reproductive behavior of lizards.”
She peered at his face. A corner of his mouth had lifted and he was frowning.
“What?” He finally said.
Lexi burst out laughing and tried to calm herself but this only resulted in her eyes filling with tears.
“But…the stitches?..All the...”
“I stitched a lot of rats, mice, and even hamsters during my studies.”
Quinlan shook his head. Lexi was ashamed of that fact. Their innocent lives had been wasted away for her to finish a degree she would never use again.
“Why not divulge his information before?”
Lexi grunted as she was sure that her answer would displease him.
“You only asked at the beginning…and I was certain that if you judged me incompetent you would ditch me or even drink me.”
It was his turn to laugh.
“You were mistaken. I had been convinced of your competence and usefulness within hours.”
He kissed her forehead then pulled her chin so their gaze would meet. Mischievous delight transformed his traits.
“I was tempted to drink you regardless… Because of how irritating I found you.”
Before she could retort some insult he kissed her. Then when she attempted to reply, he kissed her again. Then she gave up and melted into his hug. His caresses were pressing and his desire so commanding. She also wanted him desperately but she felt so very exposed.
“Wait…maybe we should not here…it’s not safe.”
 “You are always safe with me.”
The woman relaxed for at that very moment, she did not doubt those words. She unzipped his vest and they enjoyed each other’s embrace.
During the night, Quinlan shook her awake. The reptilian part of her psyche kicked into hyperdrive. Quinlan would never wake her that way unless…
“Cars are coming!” He yelled.
But she was already in her boots and pulling her pants up. She cringed when he scooped her up and ran to the truck. Last time, he had held her so strongly that her skin had bruised. When she finally managed to lock her seatbelt, he started the truck and barreled down the road. Much, much too fast. Their vehicle was practical and not meant for high speeds. It struggled as the engine roared abnormally.
“Deodamnatus!” Snarled the Dhampir.
The cars appeared behind them at the end of a curve. On the now straight country road, they were gaining on them every second. Panic crept inside Lexi. No car lights. Just like Quinlan, they did not need them. Pondering their identities or motives was futile. They were Strigoi and their goal was to kill them. Elegantly simple.
“Lexi! Stay down!”
She made herself as small as possible in her seat. He peered into the review mirror.
“Brace yourself!”
The truck jolted forward violently as the first car rammed them. Quinlan maintained control of the truck and grunted. There was little he could do and his helplessness was driving her insane. He had lied. She was not safe.
“Do not let them see you! Where is your hood?”
It was in her backpack, in the trunk. To reach it she would have to become visible to the Strigoi. She was struggling for breath.
“If they see you, HE will see you.”
Time slowed and their eyes met. She nodded. His face hardened and he twisted the wheel. The truck flew out of the road and into a dry open field. Before it even stopped completely, Quinlan was gone. She jumped violently when the fire of automatic weapons sliced through the night. The Dhampir was shooting at the pursuing cars. Sudden brightness stabbed her eyes. They had switched on their brights at the incoming Dhampir. They were blinding him. She used the mirrors to observe. He managed to destroy three of the lights but then was swarmed by Strigoi. Lexi trusted him with all her heart but she was not stupid. She prepared her own gun, checking the magazine and removing the safety.
Quinlan had run out of bullets and was fighting with his sword alone. Limbs were flying in his wake. Another vehicle arrived as the Dhampir faced the last two creatures. It was a truck, larger than theirs and resembling a delivery vehicle. A silhouette jumped from the driver’s seat and rushed to the back. The double doors burst open. Then all went so very fast. One of the two Strigoi still standing was fleeing away from Quinlan. Toward the truck. Toward Lexi. She was ready to aim. Quinlan looked at the runner a second too long and was rewarded by a stinger bite. With a growl, he sliced at the offender. The warrior went into a desperate pursuit of the straggler. Because of that, he did not face or prepare for the passenger of the delivery vehicle. This one ran on all fours like a dog. It made noises which were disturbing even by Strigoi standard. As Quinlan killed the deserter, the monster pounced and drove long claws across his midsection.
The Dhampir crumbled to the ground.
 He could not die. He could not leave her alone on this wretched planet.
Lexi put everything into the dark room. Nothing was left but her gun and that single target. It was on top of the Dhampir. The creature held the sword between them, preventing Quinlan from swinging it. Lexi opened the car door. It was pushing the blade down and down. She fell to a knee on the cold dirt. The metal was inching closer to the delicate swirls. With both hands on her weapon, she aimed and pulled the trigger. Its head exploded and white pearls shone momentarily in the beam light. Lexi scrambled to her feet and ran as fast as the uneven terrain allowed. Quinlan was trying to get up but fell back down to his knees. One hand held the sword and the other his torn side. She was close enough to see blood pouring from his mouth. He looked at the approaching Strigoi, the driver, then at her. His expression switched from pain to utter horror.
“BORN!” Yelled the creature.
Lexi felt sick. The voice, the burning red eyes and the eerie confidence of the thing. All was so disgustingly wrong. She shot but it kept moving in and out of the light. Her hands were shaking from the adrenaline. “If they see you, HE will see you.” As the glowing red eyes danced, fixated on her, she was certain that this was the Master and that he would one day kill her.
“I can smell that one all over you.” The red-eyed parasite screeched.
Quinlan roared and stood.
“Will you ever learn, my so…”
The blade ran through the Strigoi’s skull and the eyes turned dark again. Quinlan, driven by his momentum, crashed into the rocky earth. The weapon left his hands. That door in her mind was still locked. Instead of running to him, she went to the truck and drove it as close to his struggling figure as she could. Lexi used a sweater from the back seat to pack his wound then secured it with his belt and hers. There was no point looking at it now. They had to leave. His body was heavy but he was still conscious and helping somewhat. She almost drove away but then went back for the sword that she tossed unceremoniously on the back seat.
The truck rejoined the road with the skittering of rocks hitting its metal underside. Darkness was no longer a luxury they could afford. She flipped the high beams on. At that speed, they could be back at the compound in a few hours. But that was a pipe dream. Their only hope to avoid pursuit was the noon light. The real light,  not that cursed ochre glow. Then they would be able to find safety. Those Strigoi could only have come from the human farm. Fly-over country was deserted and she did not know of any other such Strigoi holds around. With all this in mind, she picked a direction and accelerated well beyond her comfort speed. One task at a time.
Throughout the rest of the night and the orange morning, Quinlan came in and out of consciousness. Injuries such as these had seldom occurred in his two thousand years of combat. The wool coat, his denim pants, and the car seat were all soaked in blood. Without medical care, without feeding, he would die. But that could not happen. Because that vermin had seen Lexi. He now had her scent and her likeness. The Master knew she had been with Quinlan that night. Driven by that thought, he willed himself to blurt out a single word.
Her jaw was so tense. The small body was a ball of tightly wound muscles. Lexi glanced at him extremely briefly. Then he almost lost consciousness again when his body shifted due to a sharp turn. They parked in a dark place. It was a wooden carport. The pine beams ran above the windshield. Lexi opened a cooler and took out several bags of blood. With a small blade, she pierced the first one and forced the liquid down his throat. It helped but it was not enough. She repeated the process two more times. The wound was too deep. It still gaped and Quinlan felt how his entrails were only held in place by fabric and belts. He wished he did not know…That she was not a medical doctor. Her lips pressed against his brow for the shortest of moments and their flight resumed.
Painful light was reaching him even through closed eyelids. He moaned but could not turn away to escape it.
Her hands were on his cheeks. Slap! He opened his eyes at the shock of her assault. The frail arms were prying him off the seat. The Dhampir pushed the fuzziness away and forced his legs to walk. They were in a parking lot and the sunlight was only casting short shadows. It was intense and burning him. But then darkness again, another car seat. This one stank of plastic and…nothing. Just plastic. He could only smell and feel his inside move as the car sped away. He drifted again.
The angry light had faded then completely disappeared. She was grabbing him again and he leaned onto her, ashamed of his own weakness. The thin legs were buckling, but still carrying him. When the elevator reached the bottom, he passed out.
Lexi was quite certain that Quinlan had died when the elevator stopped and his weight crushed her completely. Her right knee hit the metal floor. She screamed with the effort it took to lift him off of her. Then she pulled him onto the concrete. He still breathed.
She ran to sickbay and took only three items. Saline, gauze and a medical staple gun. The woman hesitated before unfastening the belt. Nothing you can do can make it worse. He is dying. Inaction or mistake: he died. The result would be the same. It was a relief that his blood was white. The darker organs appeared clearer than they would have with red blood. She doused them with saline, clearing away the silvery liquid.
Was that his liver? It did not matter. There was a cut there and it was the worse bleeder. She forced the outer edges together. The organs were tough, much tougher than the fragile mammals and reptiles she was accustomed to. She stapled it shut until it stopped bleeding, dousing more saline often to get a clearer view.
There were other organs cut but to a much lesser extent. Those would heal on their own. She hoped at least. Lexi started on the internal bag housing his entrails. That tissue was familiar. For years she had sliced through smaller versions of it and sutured them back up. It closed easily. At least the cut had had clean edges. Only little tissue would be lost. Then the muscles were also familiar. There she would have preferred working with two additional hands.
How long was this taking? Lexi poured more saline on the muscles and peered anxiously. It was a mess but it held and did not bleed. She sighed and allowed herself a moment to press an ear against his chest. The beat was weak but steady. Halfway through the skin stapling, the gun ran out. She screamed in frustration and stormed back to the sick bay where she prepared needle and silk thread. Her fingers were crippled by fatigue as she worked.
The skin could not stretch further. There was an open gap the size of her palm. No matter, that had been a very possible conclusion from the start. The tissues had swollen from the abuse. All she could do was pour saline on gauze and pack the wound with it.
Considering his healing speed it would not take long for the swelling to go down.  Lexi lied on the concrete, took his hand between hers and waited. His Dhampir metabolism was insanely fast. She wondered if his cells contained mutated mitochondria to fuel that wonderful healing ability.
A thought struck her. She chuckled. At that very moment, Lexi was certain that she knew how Quinlan had been born Dhampir. She looked at his face and smiled. Maybe they could confirm it once he was better.
It hurt when the small woman peeled the wet compress off. As she stitched the wound, instinctive snarls tore his throat. Fortunately, per her usual, she was efficient and quick. The pain was subsiding and some strength was returning to his damaged shell. Quinlan opened his eyes and stared into the familiar pattern of concrete and steel. The control room had never seemed so inviting, so home-like.
“Lexi…” He whispered.
There she was, ignoring him while she finished her mending. Her main weapon had always been her mind and that calm within. Quinlan knew that without it, he would be dead, rotting in that field. His heart rate picked up. He was so very proud that this was his woman, his Lexi. She was so very precious and had to be safe. The Dhampir whimpered, not from the pain of his flesh but because of what he needed to do. He reached for her knee and she startled in surprise.
“Don’t move too much just yet.” She scolded him but smiled. “I’m going to bring you some food.”
Quinlan smirked at the word. When had blood turned into food in her mind? The tip tap of her footsteps resonated and he counted the seconds. It took her fifteen to reach the kitchen. Forty to warm the frozen bag just enough for its contents to liquefy. Another fifteen seconds to come back. He gulped the cold blood with desperation. The effect was immediate; he was healing. Still useless in a potential fight but strong enough to do what needed to be done.
“How do you feel?” She asked, leaning above him.
It took him a moment to answer as he was committing her face to memory. The jaw had relaxed and the corners of her full lips lifted.
“More blood, please, but first…”
It was much to ask, his tongue was still coated in coppery taste. He expected her to shy away from him because of this.
“A kiss?”
Her expression was so very tender at that moment. Now this, was the image he wanted seared into his brain until his death. The woman caressed his weary face and pressed her lips against his. When their skin separated, he wanted to scream for more but let her go. As the woman turned her back and headed away, he sprang to his feet. Sickbay was bright and ordered. The speed he usually enjoyed was not back yet. But he was still inhumanely fast as he opened the fridge and read the different labels. The general anesthetic was right there on the top shelf. Clearly labeled as such and with instructions in Lexi’s handwriting. He filled a syringe and double checked the concentration to make sure it would not harm her. Footsteps were coming out of the kitchen. In a few seconds, she would have a full view of the floor leading to the elevator. He was standing a few steps behind her when she stopped and stared at the wet spot. Saline and white blood but no body.
“Quinlan?” She called.
That voice. So smooth. Like velvet around his tired soul. Now all he needed to do...
She swirled around as he reached her. No! He did not want to see her face as he did this. The hazel eyes widened when the needle sank into her neck. That surprise turned to anger. Instantly, she was fighting him. Each punch was desperate, just like that regretted day in the gym. No. Please, don't look at me like this. The small woman screamed in anguish.
The drug was working but not quickly enough because he wanted to spare her the burn of a brutal injection. The betrayal on her face vanished but her eyes remained fixated on his. The calmness rose from within. Not because of me. Please. Her hand clawed cruelly at this wound. He deserved that. The pain was intense, almost blinding. It emptied the air from his lungs and forced him to push the plunger completely down. She yelped at the burn. Lexi managed a single word before her eyes rolled back and she fainted.
Yes, he was a liar. He had lied when he had sworn to never touch her like this again. He had lied when whispering that she was safe with him before taking her. And he had lied to himself when he had accepted that imprisonment was sufficient for the Master. Quinlan had wanted so badly for this to be the solution because it meant that he could live on, with her. When she had presented an alternative, without even meaning to, he had said nothing because its significance had not yet struck him.
The memories of the most powerful explosion he had ever heard had been brought forward by his guilt. That summer of 1883, the Krakatoa had almost deafened him. Modern atomic weapons paled in comparison to what nature had already created. Soon, just like the Ancients, the Master would burn.
He could not stay alive while he knew of her. The Master had lapdogs who would remain thinking and plotting even after his control was cut off. They would search for their master and that risk was unacceptable.
The small body was limp in his shaking arms. He sat on the floor, cradling her. So fragile and so precious. For the first time in nearly two centuries, Quinlan wept. He kissed her and her skin soon glistened with his tears. Desperate, he caressed her face, her dark hair, her thin hands. It did not alleviate his torment. His sobs turned to roars as he rocked, holding her against his heart.
“I love you so very much.” He whispered into her ear.
But time was limited. So he made himself get up and tuck her in his bed. Then as quickly as allowed by his weakened state, he gathered all that he needed. The clothes that smelled of her strongest, he sealed into airtight bags. The small coffin, the hard drive and the schematics he shoved into the metal trunk. Another cooler of blood was also packed. His sword was missing but that would be a problem for his future self. Before leaving, he wiped away his blood. The reminder that she had just healed him.
All three devices were secured in the large trunk where he deposited his meager possessions. Of course, she had had her priorities in order. As he drove away a metallic clang caught his attention. The bone-hilted sword had dropped from the back seat to the carpeted floor. Despite the pressure of that night, she had saved something dear to him. Guilt was suffocating.
He drove until he could find more fuel then until the farthest town he could reach. There he stashed the car in an underground parking lot. A shirt she had slept in went inside his pocket. The Dhampir walked the streets to find Strigoi to kill. He would see. He would smell her on him again. Because Quinlan would allow it and that would lead the beast away from her. He would make the Master chase him to hell. At the gates of death, Quinlan would drag that cursed creature through with him.
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feifheadcanons · 6 years
Character #1!
Well, since you asked, please enjoy! I made this a few years ago, it’s got a blend of Awakening and Fates’ playstyles and lines, with personal skills and castle things to do, but also barracks and what have you. Thanks for requesting it @everhateyourname​!
Background: Jamison is a Valmese assassin and a friend of Keadi’s. At a young age, they discovered Jamison had a hidden talent: engineering. Since his involvement in ending the last war, he has retired and become a blacksmith of sorts. He’s recently come out of retirement in order to aid in Keadi and help end another war. The one with the quickest reflexes. Born August 20th.
Upon recruitment:
Keadi: Alright. Here we go.
*knocks on door*
Keadi: And duck….now! *arrow flies through the door* Keadi: Wow, you’ve gotten even faster. Took some of my hair off with that.
Jamison: Yeah, I’ve been hard at work.
Keadi: Tinkering in the lab, I’m guessing? Jamison: I prefer “engineering”.
Keadi: What’s the difference?
Jamison: You can’t achieve this by “tinkering”.
Keadi:...A dot on my head?
Jamison: Added some mirrors and controlled flame to my arrows. Marks my target pretty damn well.
Keadi:....I mean, that’s great and all but..you never really miss anyway.
Jamison: Easier to hit vitals this way.
Keadi: *ahem* Yes, well, I suppose you know why I’m here.
Jamison: Someone you need killed?
Keadi: No, I-
Jamison: Maimed?
Keadi: Not quite, just-
Jamison: Roughed up? Keadi: NO!
Jamison: ...You’re not giving me much to work with, you know.
Keadi: The Risen-
Jamison: -have Risen?
Keadi: Precisely.
Jamison: Let me get this straight: You want me to drop everything just so I can help you slay the undead?
Keadi: Well, I was hopi-
Jamison: Where do I sign?
Personal Skill: Handiwork:
Using a weapon that is personally forged yields +2 speed and +10 crit on attack.
Personal Weapon: Jamison’s Ballista A powerful bow that hits from two to four spaces away, doing increased damage for every space he is away from his target.
Class: Sniper
Can reclass into:
Swordmaster Mechanist
Master Ninja
Upon switching classes:
“This..this I can work with.”
Upon Leveling Up!
0-1 stat goes up: “...I need more training...”
0-1 stat goes up, almost all stats capped: “I’m reaching my peak!”
2-3 stats go up: “I’m marching towards greatness.”
4-5 stats go up: “All my PT has paid off!”
6-7 stats go up: “One man army, coming through!”
Event Tiles
“Risen are vile monsters...but they do make for good targets.” (exp)
“Who’s leaving things around the barracks?!” (item)
“Never underestimate the difference a sharpened weapon makes.”(weapon exp)
Asking: Allies
“What do you do when you’re not training?”(free time)
“You look happy. Build something new today?” (happy)
“As comrades, it’s beneficial to work together from time to time.” (team up)
“What motivates you to do better?” (dreams)
Answering: Allies
“What do you mean ‘free time’? I’m training, of course.’ (free time)
“I made some tweaks to this weapon. Care to have a look?” (happy)
“Of course. I’d love to aid a fellow comrade-in-arms.” (team up)
“What motivates me is just being better!” (dreams)
Asking: Spouse:
“*ahem* I love you.” (love) “”Is there anything I can get for you? All you need do is ask.” (gift) “If I may, you look lovely today.” (compliment)
“Stay on your guard. There are enough casualties in war as it is.” (promise)
Answering: Spouse:
“Oh. Well, I love you too. Thank you very much.”  (love)
“What a lovely gift! Think of all of the practical uses for it!” (gift)
“I didn’t do anything differently, but I appreciate it.” (compliment)
“You won’t get rid of me that easily. I’m staying alive, no worries.” (promise)
“Why do people act like push-ups are hard? I just did a hundred without even breaking a sweat.” (misc)
“My aim is true today. I could snipe a person from a mile off! In fact, I think I see (insert randomized teammate) over there..!” (surge)
When aiding another in battle:
“Trust me..” “We’re in this together..”
“Are you ready?”
“Stick close.”
When protecting a teammate:
“Keep an eye out!”
“Look alive if you want to stay that way!”
“Not today!”
When attacking with a teammate!
“Here’s backup!”
“Reinforcements have arrived!”
“The cavalry is here!!”
“Let’s go!”
When you defeat a foe: “Too easy.”
“Not bad, I suppose.”
“Who’s next?!”
When a teammate defeats your foe:
“Well fought.”
“Onto the next one, eh?”
“I could’ve stayed home.”
Critical Hit:
“Consider yourself dishonorably discharged!”
“You disgrace your uniform!”
“You’ve earned a warrior’s death.”
Defeat Line: “Argh! Man….down…”
Retreat Quote: “I need to...go to the infirmary. This foe proved too much for me...this time.”
Death Quote:
“Damn. Dammit...all. Don’t mourn for me, just….. don’t let it be in vain.”
Running the staff store:
“Anything else you need?”
“Come back soon!”
Running the lottery corner:
“I don’t care for luck. It distracts from the skill. But you’re free to try.”
When receiving a bad prize:
“How unfortunate.”
When receiving a decent prize:
“Not bad.”
When receiving a great prize:
“Good job, Soldier. Congratulations.”
When running the mess hall.
“Mess hall duty. Nice.”
When making a normal meal:
“Slop is ready. Come and get it.”
When making a great meal: “This is culinary perfection. You’re welcome.”
When making a terrible meal:
“Don’t complain. During the war, I had to eat bugs..”
When eating a normal meal:
“Adequate nourishment. Thank you.”
When eating a great meal:
“Wow. This is exceptional!”
When eating a terrible meal: “Do you...have some bugs instead?””
When running the accessory store:
“I don’t get the hype. All I care about is how well they blend in with their surroundings.”
When running the weapons store:
“Finally, something more in my element.”
When running the smithy:
“Here to name your weapon? I don’t blame you.”
General Store Line:
“Welcome to the barracks, soldier.”
When in the hot spring:
“Can you believe they wouldn’t let me bring my bow in here? Unbelievable.”
When on ore duty:
“Manual labor? Now THAT I can do. Take this.”
When on milk duty:
“Rations are ready.”
When selected:
“Iron sharpens iron, as they say. A chance to fight will only make me stronger.”
When partnering:
“I’m ready! Let’s show them our army’s strength!!”
When winning:
“Mission complete.”
When losing:
“Tch. Gotta try harder next time.”
“Apparently, camo isn’t “proper dinner attire.” Suggestions?”
Receiving a good accessory:
“I look as sharp as my knife. Thanks, comrade.”
Receiving a bad accessory:
“Uh….perhaps this was meant for someone else?”
When receiving a birthday gift.
“Well, thank you for remembering. I almost forgot myself.”
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momorabu · 6 years
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Viidog Code Event Story - ホーリーナリト . ギフト /Holy Night . Gift
Finally, yet another super overdue translation of Viidog Code~ This was supposed to be translated how many months ago? But somehow it got dragged until now to be completed ><” (I actually finished most of it last week but left just a tiny part to be done today ^^;) At this rate, I might as well finished it by Christmas but that’s another two months~
As always, the summary of the story can be found below. Translation may not be 100% accurate due to my poor Japanese skills~
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Chapter 1: 無人島上陸 / Alighting on the Deserted Island
The story started with “me” and Kaname getting ready to go on a shopping trip together, to which Kaname commented that he was honoured to have the chance to head out with “me”. He assured “me” that if there are any suspicious people who had appeared before us, he would definitely protect “me” from them. 
When we’re out on the shopping streets, Kaname noticed that “I” was surprised by the Christmas decorations on the streets and realised that this was “my” first time celebrating Christmas here in this city. He was curious to know whether “I” had believed in Santa Claus and mentioned that he had already known that it was his parents who had left Christmas presents by his bedside ever since he was young. He started talking about a special job - Santa Candidate, which even though Kaname doesn’t know much about it, he knew that in order to become a Santa Claus, one would need to take on tests and obtain a license just like how one becomes a detective. The tests were known to be very difficult, and even being selected to become a Santa Candidate was already very honorable for those applicants. Also, the tests would be held in this city and thus at this time of the year, there would be lots of Santa Claus on the streets.
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Suddenly, a woman appeared before us, asking us where was the police station. Kaname answered the woman that the nearest police station was 10 minutes away from them and asked her whether she had encountered any trouble, since we’re detectives and could lend her a hand if there’s a dangerous situation.
The woman led us to the park, explaining that there’s a man nearby who seems to be scaring kids over there. The man indeed looked quite scary, which the woman described him to be like an “oni” (Japanese Demon). (It sounds kind of mean to describe someone’s face like that, I feel bad for the man already ><”)
Kaname decided to approach the man, which the man had noticed and thought Kaname was here to question him about his job. He was wearing a Santa Claus outfit and we get to know that his name was Sanda Kuro, a Santa Candidate as shown from the name card he had given to us. Sanda said that he was being taught to be bright and cheerful and to also dote on the kids as a Santa Candidate, but the kids had run away from him when he tried to talk to them and guessed that it’s because of his face that they’re scared of him. (That’s sad D:)
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Kaname assured Sanda that he had knew that he meant no harm to others when he first met him, and encouraged him to be more confident in himself since he had managed to get through the trials so far to become a Santa Candidate. But, Sanda revealed that he had already failed the tests to become an actual Santa Claus for four years in a row, and if he failed again this year, he would be stripped of his right to take the tests from then on. Even though it was hard for Sanda, he didn’t want to give up, as much as he had no idea how he could pass these tests to become an actual Santa Claus. 
Kaname introduced himself while handling over his name card, and informed Sanda that he would help him together with “me”, hoping Sanda would continue to work hard to achieve his dream. He invited Sanda to head back to the detective agency with us to talk more about the Santa Claus examinations, since we do not know much about how these would be carried out.
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Chapter 2: 無人島上陸 / Alighting on the Deserted Island
We head back to the agency together and informed the rest of Class 3 about this situation. Rudo was alright with us taking on this request, and commented on the Santa Claus were actually part of the Charity group, where these Santa Claus with the official licenses were allowed to give out gifts to children during Christmas, especially those who were unable to celebrate Christmas with their family. These Santa Claus would be considered the “real” Santa Claus and thus lots of people had wanted to be one. Due to overwhelming applicants, the tests were very difficult so as to limit the number of people who had passed the tests every year. In order to be eligible for the tests in the first place, one would need to do lots of research and understand the entire layout of the city and its history. There would also be tests that test on one’s physical ability and strength.
With the paperwork completed and Kaname officially taking on this request, he assured Sando that we’ll be aiding him on his tests as backup and starting tomorrow, we’ll be helping Sando with his physical training as well as increasing his knowledge for the tests. Other than “me” who would be accompanying Kaname, he would also look for other members of the agency who could give us a hand in training. 
Just then, Chiharu passed by, and upon hearing this interesting request, he decided to join in and give us a hand too. He didn’t seem to realise that Sando was wearing a Santa Claus outfit, and remarked that he looks like a red and white demon, and that made Kaname wondered perhaps Chiharu did not know about Santa Claus at all. 
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Izana and Ran soon joined and wanted to help us too, though Izana’s interest lies more in finding out why the charity group could afford to spend so much money in buying presents each year, aiming to know how did they accumulate so much money. That made Ran mad as he felt that Izana had made the charity group sounds like an evil corporation instead. However, he was also interested in this charity group, as it was very mysterious and one could not obtain information about it easily due to how secured they were in leaking any information about it.
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Knowing that we planned to help Sanda with his physical training tomorrow, Ran suggested on getting Rudo to help since Rudo was the one who planned Class 3′s training menu and could create one suitable for Sanda. Kaname decided to approach Rudo about this matter and would contact the others again if he requires their help later on.
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Chapter 3: 無人島上陸 / Alighting on the Deserted Island
When Kaname enquired Rudo about the training menu, he suggested that he could have Sando go a run in the park, and later on do some weight training by using the iron bars over there as well. "I” was supposed to help by enquiring the others to help plan the other curriculum for Sando, but “I” still came over to Kaname in the morning and greet him, and had also prepared bento, drinks and even a first-aid box for them to be used in the training later on. 
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Rudo and Kaname head to the park after that, and realised that Sando had already started on his training. They watched him jog around the park, and realised that he seems to be quite slow in jogging. Sando apologised when they commented on that, and revealed that it had been like this ever since from the past, that he soon ran out of energy when running. Since running speed was very important in the test, Kaname thought that it’s best they come up with a solution to improve Sando’s running speed. 
Sando remembered that in his earlier tests a few years ago, he had to escape from a reindeer that had gone out of control within the limited time and to find a bomb that was hidden within the presents within the allocated time as well. There was also a quest that required him to find the highest building in the streets and to put a present at its roof. 
Since there isn’t much days before the actual tests, Rudo felt that there would be a limit on how much Sando can improve on his physical training within these few days, so he decided to teach him some tips on how to improve his running speed. The tips worked well, as Sando’s running time had gradually improved over time, which made Kaname smiled as this meant that Sando’s success rate in passing the tests had increased. They decided to get Sando to different kind of training to build up the confidence in him, and even the bento “I” had prepared for Sando was also very nutritious and suitable him when he was training~ ^^
The next day, Sando visited Kaname at the detective agency, and informed him about the test’s information that had been revealed earlier on. Turned out that Sando would need to protect the presents from the bandits, which would be acted by the invigilators. Sando was worried since he’s not good at physical combat, and felt that he won’t be able to pass the test.
Thus, Kaname gotten Toki to assist them in physical combat training, where Toki would have to act as the bandit. He requested Toki to go easy on Sanda, as he doesn’t have any experience in fighting at all. Kaname advised Sanda to observe carefully at his opponent, and assured him that this won’t be something that’s too difficult. He continued on that Sando could attack the opponent’s weak point when the opponent rushed towards him, and then escape when the opponent was caught off guard. Sanda ended up with some injuries from this training, and thus Kaname requested “me” to help him with the first aid.
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Chapter 4: 無人島上陸 / Alighting on the Deserted Island
After that, it was Izana’s turn to help Sanda with his training, as he was excited about it since it meant that he had gotten the chance to get to reveal the truth about the Santa Organisation (known as the charity group which organised the Santa Claus to give out presents every year). However, Hijiri had tagged along as well, bringing along information of the various popular spots of the city with him. Izana had felt that Hijiri was being a disturbance to him, and asked him to head back to take the afternoon nap which he had always enjoyed. 
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(”Going along with you, it would seems like we’re moving at a snail’s pace. Please don’t be a hindrance and pull me back”. - Izana really seems to dislike moving along with Hijiri =w=“)
Chihiro had tagged along as well, and upon seeing Izana’s and Hijiri’s interactions, he remarked that they were getting along well as childhood friends. (Really? o.O) Izana dissed Chihiro that he could not understand how he could see that they had a great relationship with each other from their conversation just now. Izana was also surprised that “I” was here to help out too, since “I” was considered the person who knew the city the least among everyone at the detective agency (I know TWT), and Chihiro helped “me” to explain that “I” was here to make sure things go smoothly along since it was the first time Sando was meeting the three of them. 
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When they finally met Sando at the hotel room where he was staying at, Hijiri noticed that he seems to have muscle aches all over him and wondered if he was alright. It seems like the physical training by Class 3 and the combat training by Toki had taken a toll on poor Sando. Chihiro offered to buy some phlox powder for him later on, as there was a store he had came across that sells medicine that’s really effective for Kenrouzoku.
Izana was determined to help Sando since if Sando wasn’t being selected for as a Santa Claus, Izana would lose the chance to grab more information about the Santa Claus Organization. Thus, this was the start of the lesson to learn about the various popular spots of this city. As they were teaching Sando, Hijiri remarked about a place that he usually went the “kids”, and Sando mistaken that he already has children when he’s still very young ^^; 
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Izana offered to teach Sando more information about the city, but knowing these information would land his life into danger, as Izana would require him to become a spy when he managed to become a Santa and able to get into the Santa Organization. (Welp... Please stop Izana from getting people to do dangerous things ><”)
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Chapter 5: 無人島上陸 / Alighting on the Deserted Island
A few days later, Kaname was spotted waiting outside the detective agency, and he blushed when “I” caught him standing there, explaining that he was worried about Sanda, and was waiting for him to arrive with the news of his test results. “I” asked him whether he would like to enter the building and have some tea, but Kaname told “me” that just seeing “my” face was already the best medicine for him to get back in spirits. 
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Even though Kaname felt embarrassed that he was caught being worried, he revealed that he can’t helped but to get worried about Sando after knowing that there were Kenrouzuku who had participated in the tests too. He turned to “me” and asked “me” whether “I’ve” asked Sando before why he had wanted to become a Santa Claus, and revealed to “me” that actually, Sando had received presents from the Santa Organization when he was young, and he was surprised that the Santa had given him something that he had really want at that time when he had not talked about his wish to anyone else. However, he returned the gift to the Santa Claus, and wished to have his mother’s illness to be treated instead, and like a miracle, his mother actually recovered after that. It sounds magical, but Sando felt that perhaps it was just by coincidence at that time, and had laughed when talking about his past.
Kaname revealed that he had wanted to become a detective that could protect others. “I” asked him whether he had a Santa license, in which Kaname replied that it was difficult for him since one would need to reach a certain age in order to become a Santa Candidate (maybe towards middle-age?). Just then, Sando called Kaname but quickly hanged up later on. Kaname guessed that perhaps Sando was at the park, but from his voice, Sando sounds deflated...
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We head towards the park to look for Sando. When we found him, he said in a sad tone that unfortunately, he was not selected. However, he suddenly got a phone call that informed him that he was being selected as one of the people being selected had dropped out due to injuries! (Congratulations~!)
Therefore, Sando could proceed to the next round of examinations, where he would need to research where the people on the list given to him were staying and to choose the presents suitable for them to give as a gift to them. The people who had received the presents were given marks based on how satisfied they were, and if Sando reached the passing marks, he would be able to obtain the license! Thus, other than looking for the residence of the people on the list, it was very important to find out what kind of gifts the people would like to receive. However, there were alot of people to be gifted and would be difficult to clear this round of examination.
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Chapter 6: 無人島上陸 / Alighting on the Deserted Island
After a few days, Rudo, Toki, and Chihiro had gathered to decide on the route which Sando should follow when he gives out the gifts on his examination day. Rudo remarked that it was surprising to know that Toki had known the area of the shopping streets very well (even though it was no surprise that Chihiro was an expert ^^;). Toki explained that due to his brother being bad at directions, Toki had looked for him multiple times until he had known the area very well, as much as he hates to. 
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However, looking at the map of the residences of the people that Sando had to deliver the gifts to, Chihiro realised that they were all over the city. The number of people to be gifted was even up to a hundred, and thus if they could not plan a good route for Sando to follow, he would not be able to finish delivering all the gifts in time.
Toki thought that Sando should be familiarised with the streets by now since he had already failed the tests for four years in a row, but Rudo reminded him that this was still the fifth time Sando had come to this city, and there were alot of small streets and underground paths in this city which he might know about and thus the streets would be confusing for him to navigate. Also, there were many places in this city which isn’t safe, even though there isn’t much they could do about the safety in this city that much.
The group decided to mark out different paths that Sando could take in different colours so that he would know which he should follow during the exam. 
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When they entered the dark alley, Toki told them that there was a man following them just now, but had now left them for now. He guessed that perhaps the man was another detective being recruited by other Santa candidate. They went out to the main streets again, and Toki voiced out that he would introduce some underground paths that were easy to notice to Sando in case he got lost in the midst of delivery.
Just then, Chihiro noticed that there were some cute rabbit plushies at a toy shop and started playing with them. Rudo could only look on with envy as deep down in his heart, he actually wanted to touch them too. (Aww~ Rudo is cute this way~ >////<)
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Chapter 7: 無人島上陸 / Alighting on the Deserted Island
Next up was Kaname and Izana to help Sando to research on what kind of gifts the people on his list would like to receive, and that is done by tailing after them =w=“ They were tailing a child and noticed that he/she had slowed down whenever they went past the toy shop. Izana called Ran (who was already in the shop I supposed?) and asked him which product in the toy shop was the child looking at. Ran replied that the child was looking at a vegetable ranger changing set and was also looking at the same item at another shop too earlier, which made him determined that this was probably the item that the child would really want to have.
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As Ran stepped out of the store, he remarked that though initially he thought that it would be hard to research on such a huge list of people to find out what they like, since they’re mostly children, it was actually pretty easy to observe and notice what they like or want. He also added that it seems like they’re Santa’s elves, who aid Santa Claus to find out what little children want for their Christmas presents if they had behaved well that year. But Izana simply smirked and remarked that not all elves would always be on the side of Santa Claus’ all the time as there are elves who likes to prank on others, hinting that he may not be on Sando’s side to help him once he had gotten any clues on the Santa Claus organization. Even as much as Ran doesn’t agreed with Izana’s views, Izana knew that Ran won’t be able to stop him =w=“ 
Izana had heard that at times even adults receive presents from the Santa Claus Organization, and was determined to see this in front of his very own eyes. Since even adults were on the list of people to be gifted, Ran was surprised to know that maybe he would be gifted too. Izana teased him that he may not be on the list, to which Ran rebutted that his name may be on lists of other Santa Claus candidates or perhaps the actual Santa clauses with licenses would make an appearance with the presents on the actual day instead.
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(Kaname and Ran were so sweet to tell “me” that a girl so cute and kind-hearted like “me” would definitely get visited by Santa Claus ^^)
Izana was still determined to see Santa Claus no matter what, which made Ran curious about what would he do when Santa Claus came to the detective agency. Izana replied that he would capture him of course, and tried all kind of means to get the insider information about the Santa Claus Organization, and he planned to sell that information away after this incident is over. Ran could only sigh and remarked that even though Izana was a novelist, he doesn’t have one sense of romanticism in him at all =w=“
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Chapter 8: 無人島上陸 / Alighting on the Deserted Island
Later on, Hijiri showed up at the park and told “me” that he had prepared something for Sando to cheer him on. It was a banner which Hijiri said that he would put it up to welcome Sando when he’s reaching us. He thought that he should put the banner down before Sando arrived, but felt that it would be an obstruction to other passerbys in the park. 
Chihiro turned up soon after, and they discussed about Sando was still in the midst of his paper test, but some people passed by us and talked about an alarming incident that had happened. It seems like someone had sent a threatening letter to the venue where Sando was having his test according to people at the Santa Claus Organization, since those people who had passed by us had red badges on that are representations of the organization. Some of the candidates might drop out of the examinations due to this, but this was the last year that Sando was eligible for the examinations, and thus he would continue. Chihiro could only wish that everything would go smoothly for his exams. 
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Suddenly, we received a phone call from Kaname. He informed us that the results for the paper tests were released, and Sando had not just passed the tests, he was even among those who had scored really well for it and thus were given the advantage to start with the delivery of the presents than the others! (Congratulations Sando~!) Kaname was at the examination venue and told us that he had not seen any suspicious people hanging around here, so it seems that nothing threatening had been happening to the candidates so far. 
Now all we have to do was to wait for Sando when he was on his way to deliver the presents to cheer him on, but we get yet another phone call, this time with bad news instead. Rudo called and told us that Sando had disappeared on the way when he was delivering a present to one of the person on the list... Even though we were really worried, Hijiri smiled and assured us that it would be alright, and what we could do was to wait for him here which was the goal of his delivery test.
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Chapter 9: 無人島上陸 / Alighting on the Deserted Island
“I” head towards the large Christmas tree at the train station soon after to look for Kaname. He informed “me” that unfortunately, Sando had yet to appear and it was worrying, since no matter which route Sando had chose to take when delivering his presents, he would pass through here once no matter what if his delivery was proceeding smoothly along. Rudo had already went on a search for Sando by going through the routes where Sando could have went to, but he called a little earlier on and informed Kaname that he had not found Sando yet. 
As much as Kaname wished that it was just them who had lost sight of Sando and actually Sando was still delivering the presents smoothly, he had a feeling that Sando might be caught in some sort of trouble as it was too weird for him not to show up when he had already put in so much efforts in the examinations.
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We got yet another phone call, this time from Izana instead, and he had a really useful lead for us! He told us that the reason why Sando had disappeared, and that was because he was chasing after a snatch thief that he had came across by chance on his way on delivering the presents. Since Sando had requested our help, Izana would lend him a hand as representation of the informant, to make sure Sando would pass the Santa Claus examination in the end. He decided to send where Sando was located now to Kaname, so that we can think of what we could do to help Sando, as too much time had passed that by the time Sando resumed to deliver the rest of the presents, he would go over the time limit as set by the examinations and failed. 
Kaname looked at the location sent by Izana and realised that Sando had ran quite far away from what he had expected, remarking that no wonder Rudo could not find him when he had searched around the area. He asked “me” to take his hand and we ran towards the shopping streets together. In order to make full use of this lead, Kaname vowed to capture this snatch thief.
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Chapter 10: 無人島上陸 / Alighting on the Deserted Island
Chirio and Hijiri had also head towards the shopping streets to help Sando out. Chihiro had not expected Sando would actually went to chase after a snatch thief in the midst of his important exams, which Hijiri added on that though Sando’s face may look abit scary, he was actually a very kind-hearted person. Chihiro dissed that if the Santa Claus examination had a “kind-hearted award”, Sando would be the one that’s should be awarded. (But too bad there’s no such award ^^;) Along the way however, Chihiro suddenly stopped and told Hijiri that he had something to attend to, and asked him to continue his way ahead instead...
In the meanwhile, Kaname and “I” had head towards the alley in the evening. He was glad about something that “I” had told him (which I don’t remember now since the game doesn’t actually show what the heroine said =w=“) even though he knew that this probably wasn’t the time to be happy about such matters. We had followed the information given by Izana and came to the area where Sando should be located, but it was weird since not even Sando was nowhere to be found, Kaname could hardly even smell his scent, wondering whether Sando had already went away from here and his scent might be carried away by the wind.
(Kaname was really sweet as he asked “me” whether “I’m” alright and cautioned “me” to be careful when “I” almost fell.)
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Rudo met up with us and we decided to split ways to search for Sando, with Rudo taking the right route, and Kaname and “me” taking the left route instead. Along the way, we finally came across the snatch thief and Sando! The snatch thief yelled at Kaname to get out of the way, calling him a thin and fragile boy, which apparently pissed Kaname enough to give the snatch thief a judo throw. (Rudo highly praised him for it though XD) We decided to capture the snatch thief and tied him up his hands and legs to stop him from fighting against them. 
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Kaname was surprised that Sando had been fighting with the snatch thief for a long time till now, and Sando explained that he had seen the thief snatching a bag from a grandma, and the thief seems like he was the grandma’s grandson. Sando requested us to send the thief to the police and to return the bag, as he wanted to resume his delivery of the presents. Rudo told us that he would do these instead, urging Kaname and “me” to help Sando.
Hijiri called and informed us the top Santa candidate had already finished with his delivery of the presents and had reached the goal. Sando lost his confidence as he felt that he won’t be able to finish delivering the rest of the presents within the time limit, but Ran and Izana showed up and told him not to give up.
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Chapter 11: 無人島上陸 / Alighting on the Deserted Island
e were surprised by the appearance of Izana and Ran, since Ran had said that he had other work to do on that day and he apologised for lying to us, saying that it was Izana who had told him to keep it a secret that he was here. Ran told Sando that Izana and him were looking for information about the Santa Claus recently, and get to know something alarming. There had been a rumour that it had already been decided who was to pass the examinations every year before the actual examinations, and feeling bothered about this rumour, Izana and Ran had went to contact other Santa Candidates and asked to look at their lists. It was then they realised that one of the candidates’ list had all the people that were related to the chairperson committee of the Santa Claus Organization. Therefore, they deduced someone among the organization had purposely prepared a list different from the other candidates, and let the candidate became the top and the first to reach the goal. The candidate which came out the top of the examinations seems to be the nephew of the people in the chairman committee. D:  (So they’re just only letting those people related to them to be inside the organization? =w=“)
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However, Sando replied that he would rather give up instead after knowing about this, since he had never expected that the organization that had given the license that he had always wanted to get was such a dishonest organization. Seeing that Sando was feeling deflated, Kaname encouraged him, asking him why had he wanted to be Santa Claus and had not given up after all this year. He knew that the hope to be a Santa Claus had yet to go out in Sando’s heart, and told him that a wonderful Santa Claus definitely exists in this world. That encouraged Sando once again as he aimed to deliver all the presents as his role of a Santa Candidate even if he went out of the time limit.
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Suddenly, Toki appeared and told us that we don’t have the time to be chit-chatting as we‘re running out of time, passing over Sando’s sack. Ran thanked him and even wanted to treat him to a meal later on. (I kind of like Ran’s and Toki’s interaction after they’ve always been paired up together in the main story XD Ran even called Toki “Toki-chan”~)
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However, when Sando peeked into the sack, there was no presents in the sack at all! He guessed that he might have dropped them when he was chasing after the snatch thief, and thus Kaname offered to help Sando find the missing presents together with Toki and Hijiri. Suddenly, Chihiro appeared, holding the missing presents~! He had noticed the presents being dropped by the roadside and had picked them up while chasing after us. Hijiri had also picked up some presents up around the area too after Chihiro had contacted him and told him about the presents who had fallen onto the roadside. (Yeah~ That’s lucky for them to have already picked up the presents ^^)
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Chapter 12: 無人島上陸 / Alighting on the Deserted Island
After Sando's examinations, it was soon Christmas! Chihiro remarked that time sure flies fast and asked "me" whether "I" was meeting with Ryohei and the other to help preparing for the Christmas party. Commenting that "I'm" really hardworking, Chihiro revealed that he wanted to give "me" a pat on the head as a praise~ Just then, Kaname turned up and sort of interrupted the moment before Chihiro gave "me" a head pat. (Haha, will Kaname get jealous? XD) He left soon after and left Kaname and "me" to ourselves.
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Kaname remarked that since they had gotten Chihiro and Hijiri to work together with them to help Sando this time, he felt that it was a different experience working with just Class 3. Also, he felt that he still had lots to learn after seeing how Rudo had attended to the various situations. Kaname had felt disappointed that Sando was unable to deliver all of the presents within the time limit thanks to the snatch thief incident, but Ran came to us and said that everything still turned out alright in the end, since Sando was unhurt and even managed to get a Santa license in the end. Kaname knew that Sando was able to get the Santa license because of Izana and Ran helping in the background, and this was considered a special case indeed for the Santa Claus Organization. Ran continued that even though Sando had went out of the time limit slightly for the delivery test, the children were really satisfied with their presents when compared to children who had received their presents from the other candidates. Even though Sando had his own wish, he worked really hard to help others who were troubled instead, and that made him seems just like a Santa Claus in Ran's eyes.
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Izana joined us too and remarked about how disappointed he was to find out the remaining members of the Santa Claus Organization were people who really likes kids and good people, other than the one person who had fiddled with the list of people to be gifted so that his own nephew could come out as the top. He had expected that the organization was one who make themselves look like a charity group and cheated alot of money from the others, or they're an organization which is actually a large-scale criminal group instead, but unfortunately for Izana, the organization was not anything like what he had expected at all ^^; Ran had deduced that the threatening letter was written by Izana, to which Izana replied that he did so to make the examinations more exciting, but Ran lectured him that his letter had made everyone worried, even wondering whether there was going to be an arsonist showing up at the examination venue.
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In the end, Sando had sent presents to us, though technically he could only start deliver presents from next year onwards. The present came with a little card, thanking us for helping him to pass his examinations and supporting him all this while. Ran was glad to receive another gift (since he probably had one from the delivery test I think?), and received something soft and fluffy which Rudo could only looked on with envy XD
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(Kaname looks so cute when he blushed XD)
As everyone got engrossed in opening their presents, Chihiro suddenly remembered that there was "something" they had to do. Kaname opened up a box and gave it to "me", telling "me" that this was a badge that's a representation of the D.O.G detective agency and was a gift from all of them from the detective agency. He told "me" that "I" was now considered a very important member of the detective agency and thus they wished that "I" had the same badge as them as well. 
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Kaname complimented that "I" looks really good with the badge on "me" and said that he felt honoured that "I" had the same symbolism on "me" like him. He was glad to celebrate Christmas with "me", saying that this would definitely be a memory that he would not forget.
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And that’s it for this story~! This was quite a cute little story, which main characters were none of our detective crew though ^^; I actually thought this Santa Ojisan was actually quite cool though we never get to know how he looks like XD In this story, we get quite a few chances to get along with Kaname, which I really enjoyed the interactions with him ^^
Next event story would be quite a serious and major one that tied in with the side stories~ I planned to translate side stories after that one before returning to resume with the rest of the event stories~ (But who knows when would I translate them ^^;)
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tastydregs · 3 years
Surprisingly affordable: Xiaomi Cyberdog wants to be your new new best friend!
Maybe the Xiaomi Cyberdog will soon be able to write its very own hands-on, introduction included. Until then, you will have to make do with me: I had the opportunity to spend an hour with the robot dog from the future and talk to Xiaomi about the vision behind the Cyberdog. Read and see more in our first hands-on.
Xiaomi Cyberdog: Design and operation
If you've used a browser and surfed the Internet in the last five years, you'll probably recognize the Xiaomi Cyberdog. It resembles the four-legged Spot from Boston Dynamics on the outside, but it is considerably cheaper. While Boston Dynamics is currently charging $74,500 for the Spot, while Xiaomi is selling the Cyberdog for a mere $1,500 (relatively pocket change), albeit currently only to developers and engineers. They are supposed to develop new concepts and uses for the open-source robot. The first batch of the Cyberdog is already sold out.
Ready to jump: The Cyberdog can even perform a backflip - but the feature was deactivated for safety reasons during the test. / © NextPit
The operating weight of the Xiaomi dog stands at 14 kilograms. Made from plastic, the casing feels solidly crafted and of high quality. In any case, when the robot dog rolled across the floor, I wasn't afraid of needing a broom and dustpan right away. The casing should definitely be solid - with a theoretical top speed of around 11.5 kilometers per hour.
The Xiaomi Cyberdog is primarily operated via the corresponding smartphone app. You can navigate the robot freely through the room via a virtual double control pad and use it as a mobile surveillance camera, for example. You can also define paths that the Cyberdog always follows and thus patrols certain areas. Last but not least, there is a "Follow" mode. Here, the robot attaches itself to the heels of a certain person.
What a good dog! The Cyberdog has a touchpad on its head. / © NextPit
In addition, the robot has a touchpad on its head, which is primarily used to check the battery status. The Cyberdog lasts up to 160 minutes on one charge, depending on usage. Charging via the USB-C port takes up to four hours. Speaking of ports: You can attach additional accessories to the robot via the two USB-C ports and the HDMI port. I am curious when the first cyberdogs with advertising displays will parade themselves through a shopping mall.
Xiaomi Cyberdog: Hardware and practical impressions
 I feel that Xiaomi achieved an impressively low price for the Cyberdog using off-the-shelf components. Intel's Realsense D455 module with a pair of depth cameras and an RGB sensor is in the head. There are also six microphones in the plastic housing. Xiaomi is the one that manufactures the servo motors in the legs itself.
Standard technology is also used under the hood, namely Nvidia's Jetson Xavier NX. The "world's smallest supercomputer", as Nvidia calls it, relies on a powerful GPU with 384 Cuda and 48 Tensor cores, which is important for fast evaluation of images and navigation, for example. There is also a hexa-core CPU with six Carmel cores and two dedicated AI cores.
The various ports are hidden on the back, including USB-C ports for charging and connecting peripherals as well as an HDMI output. By the way, the battery is replaceable, but can also be charged when it is in the robot. / © NextPit
Ubuntu, a Linux distribution, is used as the operating system of choice. As mentioned at the beginning, Xiaomi initially targets developers with the Cyberdog to open up other possible fields of application. In the "lifestyle" sector, the manufacturer sees the robot as a guaranteed house-trained toy or as a supplement to the smarthome. In China, Xiaomi's own voice assistant Xiao AI runs on the Cyberdog.
Of course, commercial applications are also conceivable, for example as a mobile advertising platform, an electronic waiter or free-moving surveillance camera. The Cyberdog could also perform a good job when it comes to disaster control, for example, scouting out areas that are too dangerous for humans. The same applies to possible military deployment scenarios.
Unfortunately, Xiaomi Germany could not tell us what kind of cameras lie underneath the Intel Realsense module. / © NextPit
After my brief encounter with the Cyberdog, I'm torn. The robot dog is absolutely fascinating, and I would actually prefer to have one right away. But just because of its fluid movements, there is also something unsettling about the machine, and it hits me full on with the Uncanny Valley feeling. As Stuart Kauffmann wrote about AI: "There is no one at home there" - as alive as the dog seems. Ultimately, the cyberdog will always do the owner's bidding, no matter the intention behind it.
Early Verdict
What did I take away from my encounter with the Cyberdog? The fact that this four-legged robot and possibly soon also two-legged robots will mingle among us is closer than we might think. The technology is ready, and manufacturers such as Nvidia and Intel can supply all the necessary components en masse. What's missing now is the one "killer application" that will hoist the robots onto the mass market. Xiaomi is working on it.
Quo vadis, cyberdog? / © NextPit
0 notes
hilltopsunset · 3 years
Parkour Janitors: Dustforce Review
For the past few years, I’ve been listening to a variety of video game music mixes on YouTube when focusing on work or other creative endeavors. Some time last year, I had my usual jams on when suddenly I heard a tune that I REALLY liked, but had no idea what it was from. When I glanced at the screen and saw the charming artwork of janitors posted up, lookin’ about ready to drop a hot new album, the first thought I had was, “…how the heck does this awesome music tie into these goofy janitor folk?”
That’s how I learned about the existence of Dustforce.
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This happened right around the time I was also preparing to begin my streaming career, so I figured it was the perfect opportunity to jump into a new game. Right away I was drawn in by the clean visuals and the art style, the core mechanics of parkour-hopping off and up walls, the concept of cleaning rather than killing, and the melodious, ambient tunes gracing my eardrums. When I first conquered the tutorial levels, I felt well-equipped to handle whatever was ahead of me…and boy was I wrong.
In retrospect, I really feel like the tutorials ill-prepare players for the complex combo-driven controls needed to perform many of the game’s more nuanced, hidden mechanics, which are necessary when attempting to achieve an SS score for the more difficult levels.
Speaking of the SS score, I did appreciate the unique scoring system; each level contains a series of severe slaloms, pillars, tricky jumps, and loopty-loops players must navigate—as well as perilous pits, spikes, and attackers one must avoid—on their way to the finish line. There are two factors the game considers when calculating your rating at the end of a course, and neither has anything to do with how quickly you get through the level…technically. Instead, your score is based on two factors: 1. how much of the garbage you clean from the level, and 2. whether or not you were able to maintain your “combo” the entire time—combo is built by cleaning trash, and lost if you fall into a pit, touch spikes, take a hit, or dawdle too long between garbage cleanings. So while you do want to move efficiently through the level, and plan out your path to ensure you have enough time to get to the next heap of debris before the combo is lost, you could theoretically take 20 minutes or 2 minutes to finish a course and get an SS both times. There are 5 possible scores for both junk cleaned and combo maintained: D, C, B, A, or S, where D is a very poor performance and S is a perfect demonstration. Since there are two scores calculated at the end of each course, a perfect run is typically referred to simply as an SS.
One of the first aspects of Dustforce that struck me as surprising was that there is no story involved at all. The dramatic introduction shown when opening the game, pitting janitors against junkies, really had me under the impression that some tomfoolery was afoot and the bad guys were making a mess of things, and it was up to the Dustforce to stop them. This, however, did not appear to be the case—or if it was, it was never explained, described, or demonstrated in any way throughout the entirety of the game. In fact, not one of those “bad guy” characters appears a single time. There are occasionally “trash monsters” that you need to give a good bopping to in order to rid them of their leaf-coat or gunk-shell to pacify them, but the specific characters shown in the opening never make an appearance. Which kinda made me sad, to be honest. It would have been neat to see SOME sort of story, even if only told visually.
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When it comes to the playable characters, though, you have four options: Dust Guy, Dust Girl, Dust Kid, and Dustworth. When I first started playing, I assumed the differences between the character were strictly aesthetic, because there is no indication anywhere that they are any different at all. This is deceit—they are VASTLY different in how they play. Without getting into the details, basically: Dust Guy and Dust Girl are similar (the “neutral” characters); Dust Kid has shorter jumps and has a shorter reach with her double-duster swipes, but can air-jump twice instead of just a single time; Dustworth jumps RIDICULOUSLY high and has the longest reach with his vacuum blast, but doesn’t move as quickly as the others. In the early parts of the game, I favored Dust Kid when I learned she could air-jump twice, and she was my comfort-character for most of the game. But when I started getting serious about SSing all the courses, I readjusted to the mop-wielding Dust Girl, because I liked her aesthetic more, and I liked the feel of her movement and developed a strong intuitive sense of it after a while.
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The game’s progression works pretty well. When you first start the game, you start in a sort of hub world full of mostly locked doors, and to open them you must complete other levels to obtain the necessary keys: better score means more keys. There are 4 tiers demonstrated by the color of the lock: there’s open, Bronze, Silver, and then Gold, and each tier holds greater challenges than the previous one. The jumps in difficulty were usually tough but fair, with a few exceptions where some silver doors felt like gold ones. I could feel myself getting better at the game as I played, which was great. More often than I not, I felt like failures were my own fault rather than the game being unfair, and that I just needed to improve my skills rather than overcome a design flaw. After some time spent playing the more difficult courses and practicing the mechanics, it was super gratifying going back to older levels and easily SSing them.
I learned after my playthrough that when the game was first released, the open-tier doors didn’t exist—it started with the bronze tier levels, but players were having such a tough time getting into the game, the devs ultimately developed more beginner-friendly courses to help ease players into the game a bit better. I definitely agree with this move—even some of the open doors were tough for me when I was first getting started. But I do think some of this could have been remedied by better explaining how the game works in the tutorials. I forgot to mention that they do not explicitly tell you even how the grading system works; I learned what a combo was only because of stream viewers who knew better than I.
I definitely ran into my fair share of issues when it came to the mechanics of the game; fortunately for me, I streamed the entire playthrough, so I was almost never on my own. I was blessed with several appearances by veteran Dustforce players stopping by and providing their expertise, helping me better understand how the game works and how to better utilize the controller to make my characters do the things I wanted them to do.
One of my biggest pain points was ceiling-sliding/running. This is a mechanic where, if you get enough speed, you’re supposed to be able to run along the ceiling for an impressive distance. For the longest time, I had so much trouble with this. I think it was partially because, in Dustforce, the “up” key on the directional pad is technically used more like a button key than it is a direction key—what I mean by this is that the up button acts as more of an “initiation” key that causes your character to essentially enter a new mode of movement—either running up a wall, or running along a ceiling—that sort of magnetized you to the nearest wall or ceiling. So while using “up” to run up a wall was fairly intuitive for me, because pressing it causes the character to move the direction I was pressing, I was having tremendous trouble going from “attach to ceiling with up button” to “run along the ceiling with left or right button” and often found myself just sticking to the ceiling and not going anywhere. It was very frustrating, and while I knew it was possible to do, I had no idea where to even start correcting the way I was pressing the buttons.
The community, by the way, was incredibly friendly and welcoming. I got the sense that Dustforce players LOVE seeing new people play the game, because everyone who likes Dustforce really loves Dustforce, and wants others to enjoy it and share their excitement for it. Big shoutout to Skyhawk, HolyKau, BrotherMojo, hgtw, and anyone else who stopped by and provided guidance when I was hitting a wall (literally). I really do not believe I could have gotten through without the help.
Once I did start getting comfortable with the game, I started feeling sometimes like I was playing a 2D fighting game rather than a platformer: it really requires very precise and specific button combinations in order to perform a lot of the movements in the game, which made me think of my early days of Killer Instinct for the SNES, trying to input the commands needed for an Ultra Combo. If you know, you know.
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The more I got into the game, the more I noticed little things that started bothering me immensely as I encountered them more and more; one such thing is spikes and hitboxes. There were countless times when my character was visibly nowhere near a spike, but the game registered as being hit. Then there were other times when I was visibly going through spikes, and the game was perfectly happy to let me pass as though my body should not have been torn asunder. It was inconsistent, which, in a game that already demands such delicacy and precision, is not great. It was, in fact, infuriating at times.
Beginner players would benefit from more thorough explanations of the mechanics present in the game, which could be better explained during the tutorial: tell us how the characters differ, explain a little more about how momentum works, give a more detailed account of ceiling-running, provide a description of how the grading system and combos work, and help players out a bit more with understanding how to gain speed from a slope! One thing that helped me the most was seeing what’s possible by watching other players; I found that once I knew what I could and should be doing, it was much easier to have the patience in figuring out how to do it. Heck, maybe even have demos during the game’s tutorial where you see a ghost character do the thing, and then you have to do it. Most of the time, even knowing how to get past a particular section in a course is not enough, because you still have to perform. Having to figure out certain mechanics are even possible just presents an unnecessary hurdle for players when the game is difficult enough, even when you have that knowledge.
But its shortcomings were nowhere near enough to give me an overall bad experience. I genuinely enjoyed my Dustforce playthrough. The art style, the music, the concept, and the execution were all masterfully done, and the community is wholesome and encouraging. It’s a challenging platformer with some brutal gauntlets that will test your gaming prowess and your patience, but only if you’re determined to SS each level. It’s entirely possible to just get through each course to see what the game has to offer, which I highly recommend doing if you have any appreciation for 2D platformers. That was my original plan—to just complete each level regardless of the score—but when I found out that the only way to access the final group of levels was to SS every course in the game…my plans changed. I did not SS the extra levels hidden behind the red doors, but I did complete them all, and I’m happy with that, even if they all have a D rating. I’m proud of SSing all the gold doors, and I even snagged myself a world record! I completed one course in under 1 second. No, that is not a joke.
I’ll end this review by saying: most of the music in this game slaps. Hard. That first song I heard set reasonable expectations for the rest of the OST. There were maybe 1 or 2 tracks I wasn’t super big on, but damn. If you don’t plan on playing the game any time soon, at least go listen to that music, because it’s great.
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noeliaunwin343 · 4 years
Finding Cars For 70% Less Than Market Value
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A good credit history will allow you to sign up the best deals around. This will allow for you to get stated income or no doc loans, recuperate interest rates, higher loan to value deals and so forth. Understanding how credit history works is probably the number one thing achievable do which will your investing career. Mentally and emotionally be prepared. If you haven't lived on your own, enthusiastic about Fiat Long Island scary and make you anxious. Prevent the lines of communication open with good friends. You may consider asking a sibling or friend keep over along with you on a night in your apartment. It will last away the anxiousness most likely feel. What time of the year you go to you will come across car largely depends upon your stipulation. However, most of the time, it is quite possible to put off buying cars for 4-5 months and even a year. There are certain periods like July to October and xmas days, available to get better best buys. 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jam2289 · 5 years
Ideas from the Last Few Months - Part 1 of ?
Ideas for narratives are always coming to me. Stories are the underlying structure of our psychologies and our societies. Sometimes I write these ideas down. Here are a few. (Get ready, it will seem fast and chaotic.)
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I like the idea of human clay. I like the Creed songs about human clay, I like the myth of the golem formed from clay as presented in Terry Pratchett's book series "Discworld", I like the story of Prometheus forming man from clay. I think it could be tied into the Adam, Eve, and Lilith story too. I like when they used the idea in the tv show "Warehouse 13". It just seems like more could be done with it.
I like the idea of the sands of time. What if there was an epic quest or battle for the sands of time, but then the sands of time did nothing? That happens with goals and attainments a lot, they are hard to achieve and then they're a let down once achieved. I had that experience with mountain climbing years ago. Now, I always have some value that I'm pursuing in the future so that the feeling of an existential vacuum never encroaches on my psyche, but it's still an important human experience.
What if you have a failed hero that is resurrected? He seeks to redeem himself, but he fails again. That could be a great tragedy. Then, the failed hero is redeemed and possibly resurrected by a successful hero that his failed struggle inspired. Then it's a powerful story about repeated failure, the value of fighting the good fight even if you lose, and a story of redemption and triumph. It sounds epic.
The ancient Egyptian god Isis as a heroine that saves her husband.
What if dragon flames didn't burn heroes, what if the dragon flames shrunk people? A hero is shrunken and eaten by the dragon. Inside of the dragon's belly he finds a group of other heroes playing a game of cards on a shield. He rallies these failed heroes and leads them to a victory in which they are redeemed and resurrected. That seems like an epic children's story.
What about the heroes encounter with the hero?
The Humpty Dumpty problem. That's a tiny story that can be so powerful. I think I could expand on that in interesting ways.
Many authors like to start a story by drawing the map first. "Treasure Island" by Robert Louis Stevenson famously started that way. What about taking the "Atlas of World History" and using the maps as jumping off points for stories? You can make them set in our world, or completely change things for a fantasy setting.
There are old maps of the earth from the ancient world that are quite different than our modern ones. Those could be great settings for stories. I like the one where there are four rivers that emanate from one point in the south.
Moon cycles are interesting. What about a moon cycle curse connected to a bracelet or something?
I wrote a four word story once. There is an article on my blog about it. I could hold a photo, drawing, or painting contest and include the images in a book along with an essay about how closure works in narratives.
I created what I termed a Killer Pacman a couple of decades ago as a doodle on schoolwork. That creature has now morphed into the Butterfly Monster over the last two years of teaching English online to kids in China. I also created a Butterfly Fairy and an enchanted Butterfly Forest. I was even thinking about doing the pictures myself for some children's books. It would be cool to get a real artist to do the same pictures and juxtapose them with mine in a book.
What if there was a Time Capsule Society that was seeking to send a person into the future, a human time capsule? If you travel the speed of light you don't age, meaning you can essentially travel forward in time. Interesting.
What if we combine the Philip K. Dick story of Autofac with the DARPA Eatr bots? Autofac is an automated factory that doesn't need any humans to run, it does the entire process from finding natural resources to producing things and repairing itself. Eatr bots are military walking drones that are designed to eat biological energy sources to fuel themselves. Essentially, they could shoot and then eat people to keep going. A system like that could actually conquer the world. Classic science fiction dystopia, but better, because we actually have the technology.
A kid in middle school notices that socks are disappearing. It's becoming harder and harder to find a pair that match. Is there a monster behind this Sockpocalypse?
A funny of satire where there is a world of peace and prosperity and our minor problems are their major problems. Utopia World Problems.
Restorative justice is promising. It's about the injuring and injured parties agreeing to restitution through any reasonable means. These are stories of the fall, transformation, and redemption.
Would it be fun to tell the mythical story of dragons creating man from clay and fire? I think it would. Prometheus the dragon? Maybe. What if all of the Greek gods were dragons? And all of the Titans too? What if angels were dragons? Angles as dragons with ancient Titan names and myths? Interesting. I am intrigued by all of that.
Sometimes our motivations are just surface motivations. Sometimes our underlying motivations are hidden even from ourselves. Then, when you achieve what you were aiming at you realize that it wasn't what you really wanted. That theme is explored a bit in the show "Wayne".
Using a third person point of view to introduce another character through some specific incident, and then switching to the close third person point of view for the protagonist from there on is interesting. Ursula K. Le Guin did this in one of the "Earthsea Cycle" books.
Can I integrate the novel and the graphic novel? I saw this partially done by a girl named Lily that is about 10 years old and it was thought provoking.
What if a comet hit earth and created hell? Pushed up Antarctica as the mountain of purgatory with the four rivers of the world flowing from it. This is Dante's version of the world.
I like the idea of blood as ink. Maybe there is magical ink blood that when harvested can be used to make magical books.
In the ancient Greek afterlife the heroes went to Elysium, most people went to the grey fields of Asphodel, some people went to the fields of Punishment, and the worst beings went to the black depths of Tartarus. What if the heroes in Elysium were bored, recruited the wandering masses in Asphodel, freed the prisoners from the fields of Punishment, and attacked Tartarus. Could be epic.
Beowulf is an old and odd story about a Viking fighting a monster. A weird modern take on it is "The 13th Warrior" movie with Antonio Banderas, based on a book by Michael Crichton, "Eaters of the Dead". What if the monsters were actual Eatrs, the robot made by DARPA that can consume bodies to fuel itself on the battlefield?
What would have to happen to you for you to become a bad person? What about the reverse process? These are interesting thought experiments. Psychologist Jordan Peterson talks about how useful these can be. It's also an intriguing idea to explore in literary form.
Many stories have been told about self-fulfilling prophecies, where a prediction makes people act in a way that brings about the prediction. It's still a great idea.
Here's a note I left for myself that I don't fully understand: "once and future king, arthur, Community, my IQ, billionaires rise and fall and rise again". I understand it a bit. It's about the fact that so many stories are about being in a good state, losing that good state, and then the struggle to restore the previous good state. Because I have bones pressing on my brainstem I have experienced that struggle with my IQ, that's why that's in there. The tv show "Community" also follows that structure in a sitcom format. King Arthur is that story. A number of billionaires have lost everything, and then made it back again.
Resentment is the murderer's muse. What if we personify it as something like a muse sitting on the shoulder? Creepy!
What if Obscurity was a demon that followed people around and made sure that they weren't noticed?
In a general sense, everyone is seeking the promised land in life. That can take many forms. Sin is missing the mark. I don't know where I'm going with that, but it might be something.
The philosopher and professor Susan Wolf wrote a book titled "Meaning in Life and Why It Matters". I think she comes to some bad and dangerous conclusions in that book. I would like to write a commentary taking apart each piece of it.
One of my most liked articles and speeches ever is about great first lines in fiction. I thought it was an interesting topic, but people were more interested than I thought they would be. It might be fun to write a book going through a bunch of first lines from books that I like, and don't like, and analyzing them.
Since I write and speak about grief, I could probably explore grief in a narrative structure. That might not be fun to write though, so I might not do that.
What if the mark of Cain was like the lives in a video game, and Cain then was able to have seven lives and die seven times? This is for all of his descendants. There could be some odd adventures and psychologies there.
That's less than half of my most recent ideas. I'll cover more next time.
You can find more of what I'm doing at http://www.JeffreyAlexanderMartin.com
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