#also natalie with no red dye in her hair too
whywhyok · 1 year
Quick question....
If this is when they found the peacock miraculous
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And this is when Gabriel gave Emilie the miraculous to make a sentimonster for the first time with (happens after they found it)
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Why does Gabriel look so much older in the before??
Lol he looks like at least ten years younger in the bottom one. Are we just gonna say that the glasses age him like crazy? I guess maybe it just be like that sometimes. Here are some other pictures of him from the past.
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Why does his age keep changing, lol.
And here's a picture of Gabriel from when Adrien is a teen.
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I guess he just went gray early so in between dyes he starts to drastically look older. At the beginning of the series he looks blonde too. But then starts to look more gray as time goes on, prob got sick of dyeing it, especially since he's in his house all the time and gotta be akuma ready 🤣.
(some pics of Gabriel with blonde hair and gray eyebrows.)
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alottiegoingon · 3 months
fluff alphabet
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natalie scatorccio x reader
warnings: can be suggestive, characters are aged up, bad relationship with parents, no pronouns for r used, fluff, just my personal headcanons, not proofread.
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—affection (how affectionate is she?)
i really think that nat would be embarrassed to show affection in public or around her friends when you first start dating. with time she’d get used to it. maybe not extremely affectionate but holding hands or doing something simple but intimate like touching shoulders or legs when sitting side by side.
—best friend (what would nat be like as a best friend?)
would 100% invite you to get high with her and her emo friends 💀 nat would be that kind of friend that teases you all the time but is also always there for you. maybe you’d even help her to dye her hair!!!
—cuddle (how does nat like to cuddle?)
again, i don’t think she’s extremely touchy but she loves to have you around. when cuddling, she wouldn’t mind being the big or small spoon but i feel like she loves to be held sometimes.
—domestic (how is she at cooking/cleaning...?)
since nat’s parents are shit, she’d do most of the chores and cooking. nat probably learned how to cook when she was young cause her parents didn’t do that for her and she had to eat! even if her mom did the cooking before or after her dad died, she’d rather do herself and eat earlier so she could hide in her bedroom. :(
—emotions (how does she express her emotions around you?)
not good at expressing emotions. wouldn’t bottle everything up and lash out like shauna (shoutout to my girl) but would have a hard time. probably gets defensive or cries when talking about her parents and hates feeling vulnerable but eventually she’d feel more comfortable.
—family (does she want one?)
now this is a difficult one. i think before meeting you, nat would NOT want to have kids. she’d be too scared to be a bad mom and make her child traumatized like she had been. and it’s a fucked up world. but she met you and eventually may change her mind about it. if she was a mom, she’d do her best to be different from her parents.
—gifts (does nat like spoiling you?)
nat clearly struggles with money but would always find ways (legal or not) to give you something big in special occasions or simple but really sweet gifts casually.
—honesty (does she have any secrets?)
nat’s secrets are probably her relationship with her parents (and her dad’s death) and her living in a trailer. i don’t think she’d keep it as a secret but she doesn’t like telling you about her past boyfriends cause she’s scared you’ll judge her. (that’s for u travis, get ur shit together).
—injury (how would she react if you got hurt?)
nat would be scared to lose you. she'd take care of you and be so careful and gentle but would also lecture you. "i told you it was a stupid idea!"
—jealousy (is she jealous?)
not insanely jealous but definitely jealous. she's the type of person that doesn't mention it but it's clear that she's jealous when she keeps staring at you talking to someone else with sad puppy eyes. if you were dating already, she'd be always close to you and would be the first one to scare the other person away by saying you had a girlfriend.
—kiss (how does she kiss you? how does she like to be kissed?)
something in between being a lil rough or a softie. holds your chin when kissing you 😵‍💫
—love (who said ‘I love you’ first?)
nat was the first one to say it when you were hanging out in her room. maybe she was a bit high when saying that but not enough to not actually mean it. she'd definitely blush at every time you told her you loved her and say something like "love you too, asshole" when you mention her red cheeks.
—memory (what’s her favorite memory of you together?)
all of them. hanging out together, showing you her favorite songs, you letting her do your eyeliner to match hers. even if she had to do something like watching cliche romcoms or movies that were too happy and sweet, she'd secretly enjoy it.
—night (how are nights spent with her?)
before living together, you'd talk in the phone for hours before bed. talking about your day, talking shit about someone you disliked, phone sex, or being quiet and hearing each other's breath.
if you lived together, you'd probably snuggle on the couch with something random on tv just to use as an excuse to get a little too touchy.
—open (when would she start revealing things about herself?)
somethings like the place where she lives and how bad her parents treat her you'd realize by yourself. it probably takes months for her to mention it and you don't force her to do it before.
—pet names (what pet names does she use?)
nat appears to be so tough and scary but she's just a softie. she enjoys when you call her pet names but would be shy to use them with you during the first weeks. she'd stick to usual ones like baby or love.
with fem!reader she'd use princess to tease you at first but it became your favorite.
—quality time (how does she like to spend time with you?)
smoking and drinking or listening to her fav songs together, talking about life or doing mundane things together like studying for a test in the same room with simple touches like feet touching.
—remember (does she remember things about you?)
nat remembers pretty much everything you say to her, especially things that make you sad or happy so she knows what to do/say to comfort you.
—security (how protective is she? how would she like to be protected?)
you're basically the best thing that had ever happened to her, of course she'd be protective. during wilderness time, you were forbidden to follow her to hunt or if you really insisted, she wouldn't lay her eyes off you.
—try (how much effort would she puts into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
buying you things or not, she puts lots of effort into making these dates special. nat shows a lot of love for you by sending you notes during class, waiting for you before and after school/college, walking you home and following you to places you wanna go like movies or shopping.
—understanding (how well does she know you? is she empathetic?)
like i said, nat seems fearless but she's just scared. she has a heart of gold. she knows you very well and comforting and reassuring you comes easily for her. she can be an ass to her friends like a silly cute pookie italian menace but she can be serious when needed. a pretty soul.
—value (how important is the relationship to her?)
so so so so important. it becomes her world and she's very good at showing it.
—wedding (how does she propose?)
tricky question for me. i just know nat would be SO NERVOUS. like shaking, at the verge of tears, sweating, barely even breathing. she tries to make it a surprise but she's so tense and anxious that you have to calm her down and she eventually tells you her plan.
i like to think that you'd both propose to each other. some cute romantic shit like chandler and monica from friends.
—x-ray (is she able to read you?)
she's good at telling how people feel. if you're sad, she knows. if you're anxious, she knows. even if her friends are feeling bad, she knows and helps you and them.
—yearning (how well does she copes when separated from you)
nat goes from 😁😍😊 to 😒😠🤨😑 so quickly. she just can’t wait to be around you asap.
—zen (what makes her feel calm)
spending time with you, and hear me out!!!! playing with your hands or hair, or tracing some lazy patterns on your skin to calm herself. if alone, nat regulates by listening her songs, getting high af, hiding in her bedroom and thinking about happy memories with you.
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basicallyjaywalker · 9 months
For the OC ask game
Jackie Fei: 1, 11, and 19
Hannah Stone: 4, 12, and 24
Roxie Andrews: 8, 20, and 25
TOASTY!!!!! Back again to allow me to lore dump (ty for the ask!!!!)
Jackie Fei:
1: Her voice? Hmm, I don't have a voice claim for her yet but I always imagined it as very clear and firm, like a bell ringing the time. There's something very sure in the way she speaks.
11: Her family life? Hmm, in terms of biological family, her parents are dead. Her relationship with her mother is very loose, built on stories she's told by those who knew her. She knows nothing about her father, since he was someone her mother met long after she lost touch with the other elemental masters.
She was raised by a caretaker named Madame Donadieu who really, really didn't like her. Treated her more like a servant than a child. Jackie doesn't consider her family, but does acknowledge that woman raised her, unfortunately.
Her family as she knows it now is her team and the ninjas. Master Twyla is the closest thing to a mom she's ever had and she considers Misako like a second mom. Kai is very close to an annoying brother. She, Hannah, and Roxie all have a close connection, each due to the similarities they share in their pasts. Traumabonding talks at 3 AM when?
19: Reaction to betrayal? Absolutely crushed, but depending on the severity of the betrayal, ready to cut ties. Worst case scenario, you've also got a pissed off magic-user who it's on sight with.
Jackie stakes a lot in her trust, especially because sometimes she's trusted too easily and it's come back to bite her (Hello, Overlord). Betraying her, getting her or her friends hurt in the process, is an excellent way to make a terrible enemy.
Hannah Stone:
4: Her insecurities? Feeling weak or helpless. When she was still on Chen's Island, she constantly dealt with taunts of her being weak. She was constantly beaten and bruised to train her to take on every other elemental master in the future. As a result, she's very insecure about being vulnerable and it takes a lot of trust from her to see her in any state that's not trying to be "tough."
12: Romantic life? Mwahaha, shipping chart time
Her first girlfriend was Skylor! Though she didn't know that Skylor was Chen's daughter and figured she was the child of another cult member, like Kyle was. Skylor was sometimes sent to check on her and take care of her and they ended up taking a liking to each other. Unfortunately, you shouldn't combine the daughter of a manipulative cult leader who has yet to unlearn her brainwashing and the volatile human weapon he's training, that's not healthy for either of them. They broke things off right before Hannah and Kyle escaped. They're on good terms post-s4, but anything romantic has been tabled.
She and Nataly had something for a little while, but it didn't last. It was way too soon after Hannah left Chen's Island and she still wasn't willing to be emotionally open or available. They're still good friends and close confidants.
Her and Kai... well, they're kind of my end game. They mesh well with each other. Whereas Kai's mellowed out more already, Hannah's still got that hotheadedness. I think he'd provide her with some stability and support she desperately needs. Plus, I love couples who, while they bicker and poke fun at each other, still love each other all the same.
Bonus: Kai helps her cut and dye her hair sometimes. When they'd been dating for a while, she got red streaks and he helped her put them in.
24: What motivates her? Two things:
Self-motivation: spite and malice! Listen, is it super healthy? No. But something that kept her from turning tail and running during the Tournament was going in there and winning the damn thing so she could spit in Clouse's stupid face. Often, that desire to spit in the face of whoever is what drives her to do other things. Bonus if that whoever is a shitty authority!
External motivation: protecting her friends/family. While the opportunity to spit in Chen's stupid face kept her going on the Island, it was her friends who got her there to begin with. They were going to go and she wanted to keep them safe. She knew the Island and Chen better than them, so she swallowed her fear and came with.
Roxie Andrews:
8: What she likes to eat? Anything home-cooked tbh. Homecooked meals for her were a rarity and it shows that you care enough to put time and effort into making something for her, and that means a lot. It can taste terrible even and she'll still love it.
20: Reaction to a mystery love letter? Schoolgirl giggling and daydreaming about who it could be. Flustered and embarrassed but in a good way!!! Absolutely telling all of her friends about it.
25: Why I enjoy her? Roxie is one of my most down-to-earth characters, compared to the others. She's unshakeable. She's caring. She's one of the few who are so genuinely goodhearted and noble that I have trouble imagining her turning evil or hurting people. There's something about her that just makes me want to hold her and give her only good things. I gave her parental issues and a crippling sense of self-doubt instead, but that's neither here nor there.
Also, it's really funny to imagine her dealing with her team. She is the leader because she is the most stable of the six, which isn't saying much. She's got them all on child leashes except for Jackie, who just cannot be the leader because she's too likely to get herself killed. Somebody get this poor girl an aspirin.
Original ask game here!
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heyitssmiller · 4 years
Clandestine: Chapter Four
The espionage boys go to Slytherin. Chaos ensues.
Content Warning: Some violence towards the end.
Clandestine Masterlist
Finn reached over the center console of the car to grab some M&Ms from the bag in Logan’s lap. Logan slapped his hand away playfully, not taking his eyes off the Slytherin police station they were parked down the road from. “Why don’t you eat your own snacks?”
“They’re salty and I wanted something sweet.” Finn said with a shrug, popping one of the candies into his mouth and grinning.
Leo sighed from the backseat, letting his head rest against the window with a thunk. He stared out at the full moon as a lonely cloud passed in front of it, moving fast. It was the most interesting thing he’d seen all night. “Why didn’t y’all tell me stakeouts were so boring? This is horrible.”
“But we’ve learned so much already!”
Finn got an arched blond eyebrow in response. “Have we?”
“We’re downtown, so we’re going to have to be extra careful about being seen. Shift change is at 6 pm, so we need to avoid that time frame as much as we can. There’s fewer people on the night shift, so our best bet is to wait until nighttime.” Logan rattled off, still not looking away from the building. “There’s a side door on the west side of the building, so that’ll be your best bet when you need to break in. I can see at least one security camera there, so Loops is going to need to help you out.”
Finn motioned to Logan dramatically. “That’s how you do it, Peanut Butter. Take notes.”
“I had lots of practice, keeping an eye out while you guys were off being bank robbers.” Logan grumbled good-naturedly, grabbing an M&M for himself.
Finn hummed thoughtfully. “Robbers is a bad way of putting it, don’t you think? You make us sound so evil.” 
“I mean, you’re also technically an arsonist.”
“That was one time. And the other bank heist went off without a hitch.”
“Still doesn’t change the fact that you set a trash can on fire.” Leo piped up, giving Logan a high-five when he held his hand out.
“I knew I liked you for a reason, Nut.”
Leo really tried his best not to read into that statement. He grabbed the small lock in his pocket and fidgeted with the dial to distract himself. He didn’t mean it like Leo thought he did. Like he wanted him to. Besides, that would be so complicated, wouldn’t it? Being a spy was messy in and of itself. Dating two other spies - who were his partners - would be a whole other level of chaos.
But that didn’t make him want it any less.
Which was also ridiculous. He’d known them for, what? Maybe a month? Why did his heart always decide to move at such breakneck speeds? 
“Do you two have to always gang up on me?” Finn asked with a sigh, snapping Leo back out of his thoughts. “What did I ever do to deserve it?”
“Don’t take it personal, O’Hara. You’re just so fun to tease.” Finn threw a barbecue-flavored chip at Logan, causing him to laugh and eat it.
“How long do stakeouts usually last?” Leo asked, desperate to change the subject to something - anything - less hazardous for his heart. 
“Until we have all the information we need.”
“And how do we know when that is?”
Logan shrugged. “Depends on the case. I’d like to stay and see when the next shift change is, just to be safe.”
Leo groaned and settled back in to wait.
“So how are we doing this?” Finn asked the next morning as they all sat around the table in the briefing room, propping his chin in his hand. “Sneak Leo in through an air vent? Although you might be too tall for that, Nut. Blow a hole in the wall and steal the whole safe? Create a story like the bank heists?”
“It’ll have to be a distraction again.” Sirius said, looking to Loops for confirmation. “The longer we can fly under Riddle’s radar, the better. The other four drives are on Riddle, in his office, or with trusted gang members. If he starts getting suspicious now, he’ll go on lockdown and we don’t stand a chance at getting the rest of the drives.”
“He’s right.” Remus agreed. “Plus there’s way too many officers in the precinct at any given time. Since the safe is in the evidence room, we can’t risk anyone coming in there and catching Leo red-handed – they’d shoot you on sight, no questions asked.”
Logan watched the color drain from Leo’s face and turned to send Remus a glare. Of course this job was risky – if you didn’t think so, you were a naïve idiot. Getting caught or shot or killed was just a part of the job and as a spy, you had to learn to live with that. But that didn’t mean you had to scare rookies about it right before a big, high-risk mission.
Remus noticed his glare, but simply ignored it and looked away. “Here’s what I’m thinking. There’s another, smaller gang in Slytherin, right?” At Sirius’ nod, he continued. “If we can place an anonymous tip on their location, that all but guarantees a full holding cell inside the precinct. Plus it gets another gang off the streets, so it’s a win-win. Logan, if you can get yourself arrested for something small – public indecency or drunken disorderly or something – you’ll be put in that holding cell too.”
Logan leaned forwards, excitement coursing through him. “I like where this is going.”
“I don’t.” Finn stated plainly. It was his turn to glare at Loops.
“If you can start a fight in there, you can get a majority of the officers’ attentions. Especially if it’s at night when the staff is smaller and more likely to be tired. Leo can slip in the side door unnoticed, get into the evidence room, grab the flash drive, and get out.” Remus raked a hand through his hair, looking thoughtful. “It’s more complicated than the banks, but it should work just fine.”
“That’s the plan?” Leo asked dubiously. “Try to start a riot in a holding cell, hope that all the officers get distracted, steal the flash drive, and then just wait for Logan to be released in the morning? There’s so many things that could go wrong.”
He was right - there was a lot riding on nothing but chance. Sadly, that was part of the territory of working in espionage; it was one of the only things the James Bond movies got right. You had to take risks in order to get results sometimes. Leo’s job was all about planning and precision. He knew exactly how to execute his mission and there usually weren’t any hiccups as long as he had the right tools with him and enough time. Not much risk-taking involved in cracking safes. So he’d probably never been a part of a plan with so many aspects up in the air.
He’d also never seen Logan in action.
“Never doubt my ability to start a fight.” Logan said with a grin. “Man, I’m so excited to go on a mission where I’m not stuck in the car.”
“I want to go with you.” Finn said firmly, leaving no room for argument. His gaze was fierce and determined and if Logan didn’t know him already, he’d probably be just a little bit scared. It was kind of hot. “I don’t like you being in there by yourself.”
Remus looked at him, clearly surprised. “I thought you didn’t like fights.”
“I don’t. But I’m not leaving my partner in there to fend for himself. Hell no.”
Logan ignored the way his heart sped up and asked, “You don’t want to go with Leo? Be a lookout?”
“Normally I’d say yes, but if someone does end up seeing him, one person raises less suspicion than two.” Finn said with a shrug. “It’ll also be easier to start a fight with two people.”
“If you’re getting arrested in Slytherin, you’ll need disguises.” Remus said, looking the cubs over. “They’ll take mugshots of you at the station. We can’t risk it.”
“Ok, so who do we go to for that?”
“Ooh!” Leo piped up with a happy, unfairly adorable smile. “I actually know this one!”
When they entered the disguise office the following day a woman with long, blonde hair looked up at them from a rapidly moving sewing machine. Finn feared for her fingers as they inched closer to the bobbing needle, but she barely batted an eye as she took her foot off the pedal and smiled in delight when she spotted Leo. “Nutty! How’s it going?”
Leo smiled back and gave her a warm hug. He looked like he gave good hugs, Finn thought. All tall and long-limbed like that. “Hey, Nat. Good to see you.”
“Kasey told me you’re on a mission. Look at you, all official and taking down the Snakes!” She stood on her tiptoes to ruffle his hair. “So grown up!”
“Stop.” Leo laughed, taking a step back and dodging her hand. “Y’all treat me like I’m twelve.” He seemed to remember Logan and Finn were with him and his cheeks turned red as he looked over at them. “Uh, guys this is Natalie. Nat, these are my partners Finn and Logan.”
“Nice to meet you boys.” She said, shaking both their hands. “So you’re here for disguises?”
Finn nodded, then started explaining the premise of their op, watching Natalie a bit nervously as she looked him over thoroughly. It was a bit unnerving, even when he knew it was just to get a good idea of what she needed to do for a disguise. Her gaze was calculating, like she could figure out everything about them with a single look.
Maybe she could.
Finally, she spoke up. “We’ll have to change that hair. How do you feel about wash-out hair dye? Normally I’d just give you a wig, but if you’re getting in a fight it could get pulled off. And you.” She turned to Logan, taking a second to look him over. “I have so many ideas for you. I have a feeling you’re going to love it. Oh, and Nut?”
“I’ve got a cop uniform that should fit you.”
He bit back disappointment. Finn was dyeing his hair, (which was a bit of a tragedy, really – Leo thought his hair was really pretty, especially out in the sun) Logan was doing who knows what, and all Leo got was a uniform? “Oh. Ok.” He looked over at his partners. “I’ll meet you back in the bullpen?”
“Sounds good.” Logan responded. As soon as Leo closed the door behind him, Natalie faced Logan again with a wicked smile.
“How do you feel about tattoos?”
Logan and Finn found Leo having a staring contest with a small, god-awful painted eagle paperweight on Finn’s desk.
“I see you’ve met Brad!” Finn said happily, giving the eagle a pat on the head and startling Leo in the process. He seemed to jump a foot in the air before he realized Finn wasn’t a threat.
“I’m pretty sure it’s haunted.” Leo said, looking away from it slowly. Those beady little eyes seemed like they were staring into his soul and finding it wanting. “I’m from New Orleans, I can tell- holy shit.” He said when he caught sight of his partners.
Finn’s hair was dark brown, his freckles tragically hidden from view. Natalie had also done some makeup magic to accentuate different lines of his face, changing his profile and making him barely recognizable. Logan’s hair was now a dirty blonde. Both of his arms and one collarbone were littered with dark, swooping ink in varying different shapes and patterns. They were both wearing more casual clothes than Leo had ever seen them in, looking soft and comfy instead of like polished, professional spies.
“If I wasn’t expecting it, I’m not sure I could recognize you.” Leo said slowly, trying to get his brain back up and running as he gently grabbed one of Logan’s arms and turned it this way and that, looking at the tattoos in awe. They looked so real.
Logan grinned. “Yeah, Nat’s a pro.” He followed Leo’s gaze down at his fake tattoos wistfully. “Sometimes I wish I wasn’t a spy, just so I could get tattoos.” He couldn’t have anything about him be easy to recognize as a covert operative – it would make him too easy to track down and get compromised. Tattoos unfortunately fell into that category. His eyes landed on the eagle paperweight Leo was staring down earlier. He laughed. “O’Hara, what the fuck is that?”
“It’s Brad! My brother is a spy, too – works out of Tampa. When I joined, we created this competition: whoever brought in the most criminals in a year got to keep Brad on their desk.” Finn preened, looking fondly at the creepy eagle. “Yours truly has the honor this year.”
Leo glared at it mistrustfully. “That thing needs to be burned. Or I could smoke it out with sage for you. I’ve got some from Marie Laveau’s House of Voodoo back home. That’ll get rid of the spirit for sure.”
Finn gasped in horror. “How dare you? Brad is a treasure and deserves to be protected at all costs.”
“I strongly disagree.”
“It is not haunted, it’s a symbol of being a winner-”
“As much as I’m loving this conversation,” Logan interrupted, looking amusedly between his partners. “We should probably get going if we want to get to Slytherin in time. Loops already placed the anonymous tip about the other gang, so we’re all set. Ready?”
“Ready.” Finn echoed, giving Brad one last loving pat for good luck before heading towards the door, Logan by his side. Leo picked up his pace to walk alongside the other two. 
“Please don’t make me sit in the backseat again.”
“But you’re the rookie.”
“I’m also the tallest. You try being stuck with your knees to your chest for a several hour road trip. Not fun.”
Finn laughed as Logan stumbled during their “drunken meandering” in the park near the Slytherin precinct and threw an arm around his shoulder. He spotted a uniformed officer talking on his phone a few yards away, apparently on break. He knew Leo was also out there somewhere, keeping tabs on them and relaying information to Sirius and Loops. Since Finn and Logan were getting arrested, they didn’t want to be caught with mics and earpieces on them. That would really raise suspicions and get their cover blown for sure. So Leo was keeping an eye on them now and Loops would do the same via the security cameras once they were both inside the precinct.
“There’s an officer to our left.” Finn said, leaning close to Logan to murmur into his ear and knocking their heads clumsily together. He could just barely see the curve of Logan’s smile from that vantage point, almost taunting him with how easy it would be to press a kiss there. Just a slight movement of his chin and he could do it. Refraining took all of Finn’s willpower.
He moved away. “Now all we need to do is get his attention and get ourselves arrested.”
Logan leaned in close and eliminated all the space Finn had just put between them, green eyes bright and mischievous and luminous under the artificial light of a nearby streetlamp. “I’ve got an idea.”
Finn simply stared. “Huh?”
“You know how I hate the police?” The brunet-turned-blond asked, grabbing Finn’s hands and walking backwards. Finn followed the siren’s call without hesitation. If he crashed into the rocks and sank because of him – well. Drowning would be worth it.
He had to urge his brain to focus and vaguely remembered that conversation from New Year’s and the rant about abuse of power that came with it. Even drunk off his ass, Logan had made some very good points. “Yeah.” Finn glanced over Logan’s shoulder as they approached the parked police car.
“We’re really going to piss them off today. Go with it.” Were the last words out of Logan’s mouth as he backed himself up against the police car, pulled Finn flush against him, and crashed their lips together. Finn barely missed a beat before he was kissing back, moving a hand up to cradle the back of Logan’s head. On New Year’s – when Finn was convinced Logan was going to kiss him but didn’t – Finn imagined what kissing him would be like. He pictured it soft, tantalizing, and teasing, just like the rest of their night had been. It was somewhat like that, and yet Finn was still off by miles. This kiss was a lot of things – it was warm and feisty and absolutely addictive – but soft didn’t fit the description at all. Logan kissed enthusiastically, if not a little sloppily. Finn couldn’t really tell if that was part of the drunk ruse or not.
Fuck, this was a con. It wasn’t real. This was for the mission, and nothing else.
But then why did it feel so real?
Finn pushed the thoughts away as he angled his head and deepened the kiss, inhaling sharply through his nose as he only then remembered the necessity that was breathing. He might not get this opportunity again, so he was going to use this chance to make Logan weak in the knees. Finn’s brain knew it was a horrible idea, but he wanted Logan to remember this, to think about it before he went to bed that night and wonder what if. If they weren’t spies or partners or on the biggest operation of their entire careers, what if he could have this?
If this was the only time Finn would ever get to kiss Logan, he was also going to make sure he remembered every tiny detail: the way Logan’s breath hitched when he bit down on his bottom lip, the feel of cold hands slipping under his sweatshirt, the rise and fall of his chest against Finn’s.
“Hey now!” A gruff voice shouted, grabbing Finn’s shoulder and pulling the two apart. “Cut it out.”
Finn staggered back – which was not an act. He was just that off balance, mind reeling. The police officer was glaring at him sternly, looking very annoyed. Finn shrugged carelessly, letting his words slur. “I would say sorry, but I mean – come on. Look at him. Can you blame me?”
Leo watched from his vantage point on a nearby park bench, something twisting painfully in his chest.
He could admit he was jealous – that was the easy part. But he wasn’t jealous in a way that made any sense. He was jealous of both of them. He wanted both of them. And yeah, it was a con and they were just making out to get the officers’ attentions, but it sure looked genuine. There were some things you just couldn’t fake.
The way Logan was gazing at Finn was one of them.
Of all people, he had to catch feelings for spies. Not just one spy – two. Two spies who may or may not have feelings for each other.
This is what I get for letting myself speculate, I guess.
“Leo?” Remus’ voice asked through his earpiece. “What’s going on?”
Leo focused back on the mission at hand and forced his voice to stay even. “They’re, uh, making out against a cop car.”
Sirius laughed loudly, while Remus just sighed long-sufferingly. “That’s one way to do it, I guess.”
“They’re egging the cop on, now.” Leo said, watching as Logan’s shoulders tensed and he said something harsh to the cop. “Looks like it won’t be long.”
Sure enough, the cop whipped out his handcuffs and motioned for Leo’s partners to turn around and put their hands behind their backs. They were loaded into the back of the cop car, and Leo allowed his eyes to follow it as it drove off towards the precinct before getting to his feet and walking in the same direction. “They’re on their way. Let me know when all the action starts.”
“Copy that.”
The good thing about being on a mission was that Leo didn’t really have time to internally reflect or try and decipher his feelings. He had a job to do. He couldn’t afford to mess this up because he was too busy stuck in his own head.
He did, however, assume he had enough time to not rush his walk to the precinct. Finn and Logan still needed to be searched, booked, and put in the holding cell before they could even think of starting the riot. So he kept his gait slow and let himself get lost in the sound of the wind sweeping through the trees and the rustle of dead leaves as they danced across the sidewalk.
He shoved a hand in his pocket, finding the old, worn, familiar lock there and fiddled with the dial.
Things in the holding cell were… not exactly going to plan.
First of all, there were about half the number of gang members in the holding cell than they anticipated. This wasn’t great, but it wasn’t the end of the world either. It might be harder to get everyone in the precinct to pay attention, but Finn was still confident in their ability to cause a scene. Then it got stranger.
The gang members were absolutely delightful.
Three were sitting by Logan, sharing stories behind their numerous tattoos and rolling up their sleeves to show off more ink. Four more were in a cuddle puddle in one of the corners of the cell, trying to get some sleep. One was even sitting by Finn, although he had made no attempt to strike up a conversation or anything. Finn was usually pretty comfortable with his height – he was tall, by most people’s standards. But the guy sitting next to him was huge. He was at least three inches taller than Leo, and easily twice as broad. With an unreadable face made of stone, the guy was also practically impossible to get a read on. Finn figured he needed to do something to get the ball rolling. Poor Nutter Butter would be stuck outside all night at this rate.
So he braced himself, turned to the guy next to him, and said, “Hey.”
Not his best conversation starter.
The guy looked at him strangely. Finn decided to keep going. “I’m Finn.”
“How’s your night going, Tanner?”
Tanner seemed to think Finn was certifiably insane. “Well, seeing that I’m currently in jail, not great.”
“Right… right.” Finn trailed off, cringing internally. He was so off his game tonight. Of course, he knew why, but that didn’t make it any easier to snap out of it. All he could think of was pressing Logan against a cop car and how much he wanted to do it again. But it wasn’t that simple-
“Are you ok?” Finn looked back up at Tanner, who shrugged stiffly. “You seem a little stressed.”
Finn thought about it, then decided fuck it. He’d never see this guy again. And who would Tanner tell? He blurted out, “I kissed my coworker today.”
Tanner blinked, then leaned back against the wall. “Ok.”
“I don’t think he feels the same way.”
He didn’t even bat an eye and the whole being attracted to the same gender thing. His face still revealed nothing. Finn couldn’t decide if that was a good thing or not. “Did he kiss you back?”
“Well, yeah.” Finn said, glancing across the cell at Logan and thinking back on the feeling of those lips pressed against his, the texture of the soft curls beneath his fingertips.
“Then what the fuck is the holdup?”
Finn sighed, looking back at Tanner. “It’s not that simple.”
“Look. He either likes you or he doesn’t. What good does it do you to keep guessing when you could get a definitive answer by just asking him? Everyone seems to forget how simple things are when you break them down into components. It’s just simple communication, dude. That’s it.”
“But-” Finn stopped short, taking a second to think when he was struck with a realization. It wasn’t out of the blue, nor was it completely surprising. It still felt like getting hit by a fucking train, though.
Tanner let him stay silent for a second, then prodded curtly, “But?”
“I… I think I might have feelings for another of my friends, too.” Finn thought of sunny blond hair, kind blue eyes, and a warm, dimpled smile.
“You know polyamorous relationships are a thing, right?” Tanner sat up straighter, looking at Finn eagerly. It was the first emotion Finn had seen on his face, and also strangely endearing. “I have a ton of articles I can send you if you’re interested.”
Finn couldn’t help the smile that crossed his face. “Thanks, man. I think I might have to wait it out, though. We all work together and it would get so complicated so fast. Maybe once we finish the project we’re working on together.”
Tanner followed his eyes across the cell to Logan. Finn hadn’t even realized he was staring at him again. “Is that the one you kissed or the other one?”
Finn arched an eyebrow, which the gang member snorted at. “You aren’t subtle, bud.”
“That’s the one I kissed. Well, he kissed me, if we’re being technical. But I don’t think he meant it. It was kind of a – a dare, I guess you could say.”
Tanner’s face turned stormy. “He did what now?”
Finn frantically started to backtrack. “It’s fine. I mean, I’m not mad or anything-”
Tanner stood up and pointed angrily at Logan. “You!” He bellowed, voice like thunder. “What the fuck is your problem?”
Logan looked from Tanner to Finn, then back to Tanner, brow knitting in confusion. “What?”
“Did no one teach you about consent you little piece of-”
And then Tanner drew back his fist and slammed it into Logan’s cheek in a brutal cross hit. Silence rang through the holding cell as Logan reeled backwards, raising a hand to his cheek, which was already red. When he looked up at Tanner again, his eyes were a combination of furious and excited.
It looked like they were getting their fight now.
Finn managed to get out the words “holy shit” before all hell broke loose.
Logan threw the next punch, aiming for the stomach first and then the temple when Tanner doubled over, knocking the breath out of him. One of the other gang members took offense to that on Tanner’s behalf and went after Logan, who dodged the first swing easily and collided his fist into the guy’s nose.
The three gang members who were talking about tattoos with Logan instantly jumped to back him up, while the four who were sleeping leapt to their feet and tried to make sense of the situation. There was a charged energy in the air, an undercurrent of adrenaline and anger mingling with it.
Finn hated fights. They were messy and ugly and painful. Plus he was a conman – if his face was all beat up and bruised, no one would trust him and he’d never get any of his jobs done. So he tried to avoid them as much as he could, but he didn’t think he was getting out of this one.
Logan turned his fiery gaze on Finn, making him take an aborted step backwards before he realized this was the plan. They were supposed to be starting a fight. Finn wasn’t sure he could fight his partner, though. Especially since he’d kissed the guy just shy of two hours ago. Luckily he didn’t have to think too hard about it, because Tanner was back on his feet and charging at Logan, along with two other gang members.
Logan moved like the ocean when he fought – smooth and fluid, but also unpredictable and dangerous and wild. He also clearly knew exactly what he was doing, how to exact the most damage on his opponents. He used his size to his advantage by punching upwards and using his leg muscles to land harder punches. With shorter limbs like that, his blows were quick, effective, and brutal. Logan also seemed to be a southpaw, delivering brutal body shots directly to the liver.
It was absolutely mesmerizing.
Unfortunately, Finn was too busy watching Logan to notice the guy coming towards him until he was tackled forcibly to the ground. His head smacked the concrete floor painfully, stunning him for a brief second. When the spots disappeared from his field of vision, he looked up at the guy standing over him.
“Fuck you, man.”
“Nut, you’re good to go.” Remus said as he watched cops swarm the holding cell. “I’ll keep an eye out for any stragglers that might catch you.”
“Thanks.” Leo said, and Remus watched the security footage of the side door as Leo crouched by it and began picking the lock. Sirius looked over his shoulder and whistled lowly.
“Damn, Tremblay’s got some moves.”
Remus briefly switched his gaze over to the footage of the holding cell before scanning the hallways for stray officers. “That’s kind of his thing. He gets sent into situations where things are dicey and people need some sense knocked into them.”
“Maybe he should teach O’Hara. He’s already on the ground.”
“What?” Leo asked, sounding concerned as he unlocked the door and slipped inside. “Is he ok?”
Remus watched Finn climb to his feet and face the guy who knocked him down, getting into an admittedly terrible fighting stance. “He’s fine. Head straight down that hallway. The evidence room is the last door on your left.”
“I hate not knowing what’s going on.” Leo muttered, creeping effortlessly down the hall. “Now I understand why Logan hated the bank missions so much.”
Sirius was watching the action in the holding cell eagerly. “I think this mission more than makes up for those. He’s having a blast. Look at him go! He’s a little ball of rage.”
Leo laughed under his breath as he broke into the evidence room seemingly effortlessly. “Ooh, you’d better not let him hear you say that.”
Remus frowned, watching the blond locate the safe and crouch in front of it. Something about him was… off. He’d seemed fine earlier, but now he seemed subdued. His voice was carefully controlled and even, a blank mask on his face.
So the question was: what had happened between 10 am and now that made him feel like he had to distance himself?
The safe opened within a few minutes. Leo switched out the flash drives and pocketed the real one, closing the safe again and rising to his feet. “Headed out now.”
“Coast is clear.” Remus said, looking back at the holding cell. The officers were pulling people apart and seemed to be getting things back under control. “Good timing – looks like the fight is wrapping up. Now all you’ve got to do is pay their bail after a little while and hit the road.”
“Perfect. That’s the easy part.”
Paying bail, it turned out, was not the easy part.
After what felt like the thirtieth time he’d signed a fake name on the forms and having to jump through countless hoops, Leo still had to wait over an hour until Finn and Logan were processed and released. So he sat in one of the uncomfortable chairs in the lobby and waited. And waited. And waited.
When his partners finally walked through the doors, Leo did a double-take. He knew they’d been in a fight, but good lord.
“Y’all look like shit.” He said, taking in Logan’s bruised cheek, the way Finn was cradling his left arm to his chest, and their overall rumpled appearances. He also noticed the way they were steadfastly refusing to look at each other.
Logan snorted. “Thanks, Peanut.”
Leo shrugged, holding his hands up defensively. “I’m just telling the truth here. Don’t kill the messenger.”
“Let’s go home.” Finn said wearily as he led the way outside and towards their car, limping slightly. “I think I might be allergic to this makeup. It’s starting to itch.”
Later that night, when they were all in their separate apartments scattered across the city, all three of them faced a restless night of staring up at their ceilings and wondering, in some variation or another, what if.
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mohini-musing · 3 years
Any fic, anything you want, but bonus points if you include a roadside market’s inflatable steak. 🥩
Coming Home 'verse
marginally compliant with Black Widow movie
She is unbreakable.
That’s the cover she chose long ago. Before she was a widow. Before she was Tasha. Before she was Natalie. Before she was… anything.
The Red Room didn’t break her. It made her.
A monster.
A killer.
A whore.
It made her less than human. And something infinitely more.
She thinks of all these things as she sits on the floor just outside the nursery, a word that surely the child within would argue against. Still, it’s what Laura calls it and so that is what it remains. She listens to Nathaniel’s soft snuffling breaths. Times her own inhalations with his.
The words don’t belong to her world. She will burn herself to ashes to make absolutely certain that they are his world. Their world.
She remembers learning what mothers look like with their children. Remembers watching Clint and discovering that fathers could encourage without demanding perfection. She knows nothing of those things in her own past. Cannot remember being a child. Only a machine. In the academies there was only one way to be loved. Perfection. She was absolutely, utterly devoted to achieving that perfection in long lines and deadly aim alike.
There are footsteps behind her. Laura kneels a few feet away, feet tucked beneath her body and eyes searching over Nat’s face in a way that stops just short of uncomfortable.
“Tell me what happened.”
It’s an invitation to speak, neither question nor demand. Just an opening – one she can choose to step into or away from. That’s Laura’s way. She wants to explain. She wishes she could offer stories of the blue dye that she got all over the bathroom, a shade eerily similar to the one currently adorning Lila’s long braid (and the countertops of the upstairs bath). To tell the story of a little blonde child, of a blue haired older sister, of a backyard playset and fireflies in the trees.
But that story ended in a needle in her neck, blue strands chopped off until nothing remained of the little bit of experimentation she was allowed on what she thinks of only in her most private of moments as that one mission where she was a child. Clint asked her once where she learnt to fly a plane. She told him she doesn’t remember not knowing. It’s easier than explaining that she was coached into her first takeoff by a bleeding woman she called mom while a little child cried out in terror inches behind her and bullets pinged off the glass ahead.
Bile rises at the memory and she chokes it back, sputtering. She doesn’t think about that. Not ever. But she’s here again in this home where mom and dad are real and not just mission directives. Where family actually exists and by some hideous miracle she’s included. Her body lurches forward unbidden and she heaves, stomach long emptied but trying to expel its very lining anyway.
Laura doesn’t wait for her to finish before pulling her into arms, coaxing her shaking limbs against warmth and the scent of something earthy and organic – whatever handmade soap she last picked up at the farm market in town.
“Shhhh, just breathe,” she tells her.
Natasha obeys, breathing slow and deep, eyes drifting closed in a mixture of adrenaline crash and honest fatigue. She startles when her body shifts upward, transferred to arms that carry her like a toddler into the bedroom where a cot awaits her. She has a bedroom. But she also has a space in their room, for the hard nights. There are so many hard nights.
“No,” she whimpers, shaking her head as hard as she dares. Sleep isn’t safe. Sleep brings dreams. Sleep could bring words brought into the open, and tonight she dares not risk telling the one story left to her. Fury knows. Fury knows everything. There’s a folder in her room, slipped beneath the mattress that’s evidence enough of that. Yelena. Still blonde. No longer a child. Abandoned by her when they were children, abandoned once more when she left for SHIELD. When she struck a deal with the devil she trusted more than the one she knew better. For that she will always hate him. She doesn’t refuse Nick often. But that folder – that’s a mission she’s not accepting. It’s also a mission she made damn clear no one else would survive taking. She knows Nick sees her as both a weapon and a bit of a hazard. It’s lucky for her that he knows she means it when she makes promises.
It's just her luck she came home to a bathroom full of blue drips and an excited child who wanted to show off her new look to Auntie Nat. She thanks a wide variety of gods in which she does not believe that Lila bought her lies about a migraine when that excitement set off a panic attack impressive even by Natasha’s standards.
“Tell me what to do?”
“Shoot me up,” she grumbles, tired and wrung out and too fresh from falling to pieces on the hallway floor to care what’s coming out of her mouth.
It’s been a long time since she’s asked him for a drug run. He used to do it, before there was a family, before he was a reasonable adult, before she was the only one who was testing and fucking past limits at every opportunity. She hears their hushed voices, and it’s a shock when the suggestion comes from Laura.
“You know the one. Up by the stockyards, with that stupid inflatable steak in front. There’s always someone around selling what she needs.”
Natasha knows the one as well. It’s something of a running joke. The revolting nine foot tall blow up t-bone, with the handwritten sign for discount beef taped to it with what is clearly repurposed electrical tape. No sane human would ever buy such a thing. But it’s a hell of a landmark none the less.
Laura’s holding her in the big bed when Clint slips a needle into her arm an hour later. The world goes dim around the edges and she drifts, images of fireflies in the treetops dancing behind closed lids.
I sat with my anger long enough that she told me her real name was grief.
~ C.S. Lewis
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What's "how to get to cracker barrel" ?
What's "how to get to cracker barrel" ?
Oh now that, that one isn't Actually a wip. It's a short story I finished ages ago that later ended up being inspiration for one of the plotlines in an anthology style audio drama podcast I want to make some day. There's 4 main characters:
The Mckellen sisters Jamie and Lady who aren't Actually sisters but pass rather well for twins since one of them is actually a changeling, Natalie Anderson, photographer and lady's GF, and Gavin Walker, a mage still haunted by the death of his fiance, Caleb Adams, mostly due to the fact that his fucking ghost won't leave him alone.
Art by @unded-bun (click image for higher quality)
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I'm leaving out a lot of details, but I'd be happy to fill in the gaps if anyone asks.
I'll Also throw the story itself under a read more here, bc I'm still super proud of it even though it's a few years old now.
A small hotel on the outskirts of Savannah, Georgia. There is a Sonic Drive-in across the busy street. Bright neon lights in the window state, “Open 24/7!” A Greyhound bus is idling in the parking lot. A man, Gavin Walker, climbs off and crosses over to the hotel. He walks easily, but not confidently. Approaching the hotel’s entrance, he spots a cat eating from a plastic bowl in front of the door. The feline is small, and feral. He is black, with white paws. He does not pay Gavin any mind as he enters, only continuing to crunch on dry cat food.
There's a desk on the left side of the lobby. The receptionist smiles kindly as he checks in. Her eyes are tired. Gavin gives her a knowing nod, and travels deeper into the building. There is a sign marked, “Out Of Order.” on the elevator. This is a good thing. Gavin takes the stairs, of which there are three flights. This is also a good thing, because three is a good number. He enters the hallway, which is old, and worn. The walls bear chipped yellow paint, and the floor, faded red carpet. Gavin continues down the hall after checking the time on his phone. It is exactly 11:59PM. He turns the device off and begins to count the seconds. At sixty he has stopped in front of the elevator. The fluorescent light above him flickers. The elevator does not have an out of order sign on it. It is the same elevator as before. Gavin enters.
He presses the button for the first floor. In the lobby the check in desk is now on the opposite side of the room. The lights are off, the receptionist is gone. It is daytime outside now. The bus is gone and the Sonic is closed. The road is vacant. There is a cat outside. She is white, with black paws. She looks up at Gavin as he approaches. They lock eyes, and he kneels in front of her.
“Hello, cat.” He says.
“Hello, Mage.” Says the cat.
She flicks her tail, “What is it you seek?”
She nods and stands, before making for the road. The Sonic across the street is closed, but it was never empty. A Sonic is not a sit down restaurant. Customers are expected to pull into a parking spot and order over an intercom, and then a waitress delivers their meal directly to their car. Gavin’s pretty sure places like Sonic were more common in the 1950’s, and he knows that drive in diners are a dying breed now a days. The thought gives him a strange sense of nostalgia for something he’d never actually experienced, and he shudders involuntarily.
The cat sits down in the parking spot furthest from the building. She watches as he presses the the button on the intercom, listens, ears swiveling, as they are greeted with static. Looking out of the corner of his eye, Gavin can see something moving within the darkened restaurant. An outline of a figure, only vaguely humanoid. The thing moves like a deranged ape, long, long arms dangling to the floor and dragging it forward. Its back is hunched, legs short and stumpy. Gavin can not see its face, and he does not wish to. The intercom crackles to life.
“WhAt can aH’ do fER ya’lL?” Drawls The Thing in the Sonic. It’s got a southern accent thicker than congeling visera, and the pitch of it’s voice fluctuates wildly. Gavin glances uncertainly at the cat, and she nods.
“I’m looking for Direction.”
“Ahhhhhh……” groans The Thing, “WEll, watch’ Yer goNna wanna dO is hEad doWn the road, bout maybeEEee…..foUr, five miLeS, an’ yer gOnna wanna look fer’ weEl, watch yer gonna wanna fiNd is soMeTHing’ idEaliZed, ya knOw? Like uh, somethin’ kinDa romanticized, an’ a liTtlE faKe in sOme senSe but reAlLy true in anOther, ya follow?”
“Yeah.” said Gavin, even though he did not follow at all.
“Yep,” Continued The Thing, “n’ yer gOnna wanna gEt yourself sOme rasPberRy lemONade when ya get theRe, It’s some gOod shit, lemme tell ya.”
“Alright, I’ll uh, I’ll do that.”
“Good, GoOd, That’s Good. Y'all have a niIiiccceee daaaaaay nooooow.” And then the intercom crackled once more, and returned to spewing static. Gavin released the button and looked around for the cat, hoping, maybe, for some more guidance, but she had long since abandoned him. He started walking down the road, away from the Sonic Drive-In, and The Thing inside, and hopefully towards where he needed to be.
Gavin started to think as he walked, which was not something he liked to do often. He much prefered to act in the moment without much consideration for the consequences of those actions until they themselves became the moment. Gavin did not like to think because he often thought much too deeply, and it sometimes scared him. Gavin thought about a lot of different things in quick succession, he thought about the missing greyhound bus, and The Thing in the Sonic, and wondered if the disappearance of one had to do anything with the appearance of the other. It probably did. He thought about what The Thing had told him to do, and why he was doing it. He thought about why he’d come here in the first place, to this inverted little section of Georgia. And he thought about Liminal Spaces, about busted elevators and darkened hotel hallways and empty stairwells. The air shifted suddenly as a pickup truck speed past him, it had a faded confederate flag on the back window.
Liminal Spaces, simply put, were the areas between one place and another. The small spots in the middle of point A and point B where reality seems to be altered in such a way that the change is almost imperceptible, and yet, it is still enough to leave you feeling so impossibly strange.
Liminal Spaces can also be doorways, if one knows how to properly open them.
Gavin isn’t sure how long he’s been walking down this empty stretch of road, but it’s been long enough that he can no longer see the Sonic Drive-in behind him. It’s not even a dot in the distance now, just gone, as though it were never there to begin with. He keeps going. He walks until his feet hurt, and his legs ache, and keeps going even after that. At some point he sticks his thumb out towards the road, tired enough to risk hitch-hiking, but no cars have gone by since the pickup truck. And at some point he takes a moment to rest. He sits down on the shoulder, and just breathes for a while. And then when he stands again, he sees the Cracker Barrel just down the road. Exhausted as he is, he knows it isn’t possible for him to not have seen it earlier. Gavin decides it’s best not to dwell on that, though, because this is exactly the kind of place where Cracker Barrels can just pop into existence. (Although, as he enters the restaurant, he remains somewhat annoyed that it couldn’t have decided to do it a little sooner.)
The front of the Cracker Barrel is a store selling all manner of things. There's a back corner full of vintage candy, a small section of organic make-ups, and another full of knick-knacks like salt and pepper shakers, and dreamcatchers, as well as the usual crap that tourists like to buy, T-shirts and mugs and what not. Gavin has never actually been in a “regular” Cracker Barrel, so he’s not sure if this is a completely normal thing, but he’s certain that a “regular” Cracker Barrel would not also be selling such wares as bottled crocodile tears and Unicorn meat slim jims. There aren’t a lot of people in the store, and yet Gavin finds it impossible to get a good look at any of them. The people look normal, but they move like extras in the background of a film. The only person in the room with any notable features is the waitress standing by the back. She’s short, and her hair and eyebrows have been dyed a vibrant blue. As Gavin follows her into the seating area he can't help but stare at her hair, and he finds himself thinking that it can’t possibly be dye, it’s too bright, somehow. She smiles at him as he sits, and her teeth are a just little too sharp.
Once he’s seated, she says, “Can I start you off with a drink?” Her voice has a pleasant, lilting tone to it.
Gavin thinks back to The Thing in the Sonic, “A Raspberry Lemonade? If that’s something you have here?”
She nods, and goes off to get him one. Gavin leans back in his chair and takes in his surroundings, trying to relax. The decor in the Cracker Barrel has a sort of vintage, rustic feel to it, there’s things like black and white photos, and old advertisements on the walls. All the furniture looks antique. There are quite a few other customers present. Most of them look like the same nondescript folk from the front, but a few stand out. There’s a woman in the back corner, she’s dressed in black furs and her head is an ember eyed wolf skull. She’s sitting across from a man with the skull of a stag upon his shoulders, the antlers adorned with ivy. There’s something resembling a giant moth sitting two tables away, slowly crunching its way through a Caesar salad. Occasionally, there’s a figure leaning against the kitchen doors, they look as though they’re made up of television static. Gavin’s eyes start to hurt from trying to look at them, so he turns his attention to the menu instead. The waitress returns with his Raspberry Lemonade, and he orders the Country Fried Shrimp.
Gavin takes a sip of his drink and finds that he agrees with the Thing in the sonic. It’s definitely some good shit.
“Funny seeing you around here, Gav.”
Gavin looks up from his drink, almost spills it in surprise.
“Is this seat taken?”
Gavin manages to shake his head.
Caleb Adams pulls out the chair across from him and sits. Gavin stares at him. He’s wearing a T-shirt that reads, “NORMAL HOROSCOPES: Making your day a little more magic whether you like it or not.” Gavin’s not sure if it’s supposed to be advertising for a psychic’s shop or if it’s some strange indie band he’s never heard of. Knowing Caleb, it’s probably the latter.
He finally manages to speak, “You’re dead.”
“Yeah?” Caleb leans an elbow on the table, and props his head up in his hand, his smile never wavers, “And?”
“And- and I don’t know, Fuck, I don’t know.”
The waitress briefly interrupts his existential crisis by depositing his Country Fried Shrimp on the table. Gavin looks down at it and tries to focus on the smell of greasy seafood instead of the dead man sitting across from him.
“You seem confused.” Caleb’s voice sounds uncharacteristically sympathetic.
Gavin nods.
He sighs, frowning “Eat your lunch, and then we’ll talk.”
Gavin eats what he can, but it’s a large portion, and he’s somehow not that hungry. He takes a final bite, and pushes the plate across the table, silently offering Caleb the rest of the shrimp.
The barest hint of a smile returns to his face, “Thanks, but no.” And then he’s frowning again, “Why’re you here, Gav?”
“I just went where I was told to-”
He shakes his head, “No. I don’t mean the friggin’ Cracker Barrel, I mean Here.”
And Gavin doesn’t really know what to tell him. That he’s here because he felt lost and desperate? That he didn’t know what to do anymore? That it doesn’t matter anyway because he’s fine, everything's fine and he’s just tired?
But he doesn’t tell Caleb any of that, he just says, “I miss you.” And he can’t keep his voice from cracking.
“I know you do.” Caleb places a hand over his, “But this is damn near one of the dumbest things you’ve ever done. You knew this place wouldn’t be safe for you.”
He feels numb, “I didn’t really care.”
“Gavin,” Caleb grips his hand now, “Look at me, please. I mean, really look at me.”
So he does, he looks up at him, and finally, meets his eyes.
They have not changed. Death has not reduced the amount of compassion behind them, nor faded the sea blue color. Gavin stares. Eyes are supposed to be a window into someone's soul, a way to truly see into them, and Gavin just stares because Caleb’s eyes are still capable of conveying so much, and he can feel tears running down his face…..
“It’s time to go home, Gav, okay?” He gestures to the window, and the Greyhound bus has pulled up, “Your ride's here.”
And Gavin knows has to force himself to look away and loosen his grip, and he can’t bring himself to.
“It’s alright.” He says, “It’s going to be alright. I’ll take care of the bill, Please just let go.”
And Gavin finally, Finally manages to tear himself away.
He does not feel anything but relief as he leaves, as he boards the bus and settles into a seat. He leans back, and watches through the window as the world shifts and shimmers and is suddenly dark and starry once more. As the Greyhound pulls out of the Sonic parking lot, Gavin closes his eyes, and slowly falls into the comfort of a deep, dreamless sleep.
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a-k-a-loser · 5 years
1. are you religious?
nope! i was raised catholic tho and i still hold on to some of the weird catholic habits. i’d call myself aesthetically catholic
2. what animal do you think you’re most like?
hmmmmmmmm a cat?? or some weird bird maybe??????
3. how do you take your coffee?
too much sugar and some milk, i also like flavored coffees and cold brew!!
4. how old were you when you had your first kiss?
still haven’t had my first kiss yet actually!
5. museum date or aquarium date?
i work at a museum that has an aquarium, so neither! but aquarium definitely
6. do you have any tattoos or piercings? do you want more?
my ears are pierced and i have one tattoo! i want to get my nose pierced and i commissioned my friend to draw a new tattoo for me a while ago and i haven’t got it yet, i have a short list of some others i want too!!
7. favorite fruits?
raspberries! i’m actually not really a fruit person, i prefer vegetables
8. favorite vegetables?
zucchini!! squash, celery, asparagus, snap peas, it’s a very long list tbh!!
9. i’ll only date you if _____. (fill in the blank)
you’re taller than me lol idk actually??? the bar is so low
10. do you cry a lot?
yes, always, just assume i’m crying right now
11. who are your closest friends?
i don’t have a ton of friends, so i’m pretty close with all the ones i have, because there’s like 4 of them, but i think my closest friend might be my friend mckenzi, i’ve known her since the 4th grade and she’s the best
12. have you ever been a part of a protest or a march?
i haven’t! there aren’t a lot of protests or marches locally, so it’s not really easy for me to attend any, also my parents are p against the idea of protesting and i live with/am financially dependent on them rn sooooooo
13. do you play any video games?
YES!!!!! i am a HUGE dragon age fan, dragon age 2 is my favorite! rn i’m playing a lot of rdr2 and i love it so much!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
14. did you ever have an emo or scene phase?
i wanted to!!! really badly!!!! but my mom would never let me cut or dye my hair, and i didn’t get to wear any of the ~super cool scene/emo clothes~ and i’m a little thankful because no embarrassing scene phase pics but also :(
15. what color is most of your wardrobe?
it’s mostly dark colors, but i think other than black it’s a pretty even split between blue and green right now
16. what do you like to do for fun?
aaaaaaaaaa mostly video games, sometimes drawing, i like to go outside or go to the park on kinda cloudy days, when it’s cool and there are no bugs out!
17. what is your biggest fear?
geese probably, or dying alone, it’s a tossup really
18. name a subject you know a lot about.
i know a lot of useless video game lore stuff!! and some other weird random topics because i go on internet deep dives when i get really curious about stuff
19. favorite fictional characters?
AAAAAAAAAAAAA i have too many tbh, atm arthur morgan owns my ass
20. do you read a lot? what are your favorite books?
i don’t read as much as i used to, so i’m including comics/manga in this, i really like junji ito’s work. i have tomie, gyo, and uzumaki, i also really love les miserables! and i was really into warrior cats as a kid
21. how would you describe your style?
a mess, and not even a hot mess
22. did you have a favorite stuffed animal when you were little? do you still own it?
yes!! i have a stuffed animal of the three headed dog from harry potter (don’t know his name because idgaf about harry potter tbh) and i love him and i still sleep with him in my bed!
23. what’s something most people love that you hate?
ummmmmm idk brussels sprouts i guess????
24. do you think you’re a good singer?
no, horrible, as anyone who has ever ridden in a car with me
25. who do you live with?
my mom, my little brother, and our pets!!
26. favorite desserts?
27. what is the best decision you’ve made in your life so far?
idk, yesterday i ate a bunch of honeysuckles i found in my yard and that was p good
28. favorite makeup brands?
not sure, i use drugstore makeup and i don’t really pay attention to the brand???? just like??? the cheapest matte full coverage makeup available at the store
29. favorite clothing stores/brands?
again not really, most of my favorite clothes come from goodwill, and when i buy clothes not from goodwill i’m looking mostly for stuff that’s comfortable and fits
30. what was your first job?
i still have my first job! i work at a children’s museum, i do kids parties, summer camps, and i tell people not to touch things!
31. do you take a lot of naps?
not really, but when i do sleep i can sleep for like 10+ hours sometimes
32. what is your favorite part about your body?
hmmmmmmmmmmmm??????? like maybe my nose??? or my shoulders?
33. are you more dominant or more submissive?
i stop typing when i see that the person i’m texting is typing, so i’m gonna day submissive
34. are you more outgoing or more shy?
it depends on like my mood and where i am, i can be very outgoing but i’m actually pretty shy in general
35. how tall are you?
5’5” ish
36. what is your body type?
lil chubby i guess
37. favorite flower?
38. favorite planet?
39. what do you want to dress up as for halloween this year?
A WEREWOLF! or my finished taako cosplay!
40. do you prefer to date people the same age as you, younger, or older?
my age or older! anyone who is younger than me is a baby as far as i’m concerned!
41. describe the person you’re in love with/have a crush on in great detail.
i’d rather not
42. who is your biggest inspiration?
not really sure??
43. do you have any kinks?
44. do you own any pets?
i have 2 dogs and 2 cats!
45. which celebrity do people say you look the most like?
none of them, this one time a guy who was cutting my hair said that short hair made me look like natalie portman but that is a lie
46. do you like sports?
sorta? i want to get into hockey and i used to play volleyball! when i was kid i liked to go to baseball games
47. have you ever seen a broadway musical?
no :(((((((( but i have seen some local plays!
48. what is your favorite kind of food?
49. would you rather be a fairy or a mermaid?
50. what is your instagram?
51. glossy lips or matte lips?
i don’t wear lipstick, but i like the look of matte lipstick!
52. do you like cherry, grape, blue raspberry, watermelon, or green apple jolly ranchers the best?
green apple!!!!!!!!!!
53. what are your best personality traits?
i can be very patient and i think i’m pretty loyal!
54. what is your ethnicity?
i am very white, but i’m also 1/4 puerto rican
55. what different hair colors have you had?
red, blonde, grey, pink, orange, silver, and right now it’s blue/green on one side!
56. favorite disney princess?
57. favorite album of 2017?
going grey!
58. have you ever had braces?
yes! and then i didn’t wear my retainer and now my teeth are fucked again!!
59. favorite holiday?
60. post a selfie.
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61. are you a good swimmer?
not at all!
62. do you wear jewelry?
sometimes, i don’t really wear earrings or necklaces very often because they make me feel too feminine, but i like rings and bracelets!
63. can you play any instruments?
no :((
64. do you have any siblings?
yes! i have two brothers! i’m the middle child
65. are your grandparents still alive? how old are they?
both of my grandfathers have passed away, but both of my grandmas are alive and in their 80s!
66. who knows the most about you?
uhhhh idk, probably my cousin @olds-paper
67. are you a more quiet person or do you talk a lot?
little of both?? it really depends on who i’m with!
68. what advice would you give to your 13 year old self?
69. how many pillows do you sleep on?
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cromulentbookreview · 6 years
Weaponized Jaws
Or: Seafire by Natalie C. Parker!
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Action on the seas featuring badass female protagonists? Yeah, I’m definitely going to read that. Very little needed in the way of convincing me to read this book.
Seafire had been advertised before as Fury Road meets Wonder Woman meets the ocean, which makes sense. Though with much less Wonder Woman and way more of Kevin Costner's Waterworld.
Alright, children, gather around while I explain to you what Waterworld was.
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Yeah, Waterworld. Not a video game, it was a movie starring Kevin Costner, the world’s only American-accented Robin Hood (hey, I like that movie, Alan Rickman was a treasure and I’ll fight anyone who says otherwise). Waterworld came out in 1995 and was massive flop, now a bit of a cult-classic. I remember 1995, somewhat vaguely. God I’m an Old now, aren’t I?
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I’ll never be as cool as Steve Buscemi, though.
For those of you who enjoy both Fury Road and Waterworld, then you’ll definitely like Seafire. I love anything that takes place on the ocean - a side effect of my strange Dudes on Boats fixation that I’ve mentioned previously (my apologies to For a Muse of Fire, . Sea stories are kind of my thing. So is post-apocalyptic YA fiction. So this book ticked all the “I need entertainment and want to forget the news exists right now” boxes and worked out perfectly.
Caledonia Styx lives in Crapsack Waterworld, a post-apocalyptic flooded version of our world (referenced occasionally as the “old world”, flooded/destroyed as a result of some unknown calamity). Caledonia has the misfortune to live in an area controlled by Aric Athair, a vicious warlord and sir-not-appearing-in-this-book (since Seafire is the first in a planned trilogy, I’m sure we’ll meet him eventually). Anyway, Athair controls his war boys, called Bullets, by drugging them with something called Silt, made from some sort of weird hybrid poppy-flower-thing. Life in Athair’s territory sucks, so Caledonia’s mom, Rhona, and a bunch of other families have gotten together on the Styx family’s ship, the Ghost, to break through Athair’s blockade and head off to freedom elsewhere.
Unfortunately, the night the Ghost intends to escape, Caledonia and her best friend Pisces (they’re really big on the names from Greco Roman mythology in crapsack Waterworld) are sent ashore to gather some last minute supplies. Caledonia comes across a bullet called Lir, who asks for her help. It’s all bullshit, though - the second Caledonia gives away the location of the Ghost, Lir and his fellow bullets attack, slaughtering Caledonia and Pisces’s families and sinking the Ghost.
Pisces didn’t witness Lir’s treachery, though, and Caledonia, feeling responsible for the deaths of all those onboard the Ghost, keeps that bit where she gave away the position of the ship to herself. That makes sense, considering how guilty it feels, but later, as Caledonia refers to Pisces as her “sister”, the fact that she kept this bit of intel under wraps does become a tad annoying. Especially when Caledonia refuses, multiple times, to clarify why it is she does’t trust Bullets. She’s just like “nope, can’t trust Bullets” instead of “no, that one time I trusted a Bullet, he slaughtered our families.”
Four years after the deaths of their families, Caledonia and Pisces have raised and repaired the Ghost, renaming it the Mors Navis.
(Language nerd sidebar: Mors Navis, by the way, is Latin for Death Ship. Thank you Google translate! No thanks to my 10+ years of German education. Why couldn’t I have picked a Latin language? Noo, I had to go with the Germanics. Mors Navis does sound way more menacing than Totenschiff. Eat it, B. Traven).
Over those four years, Caledonia, acting as captain, and Pisces, her first mate, have collected a crew composed entirely of girls and women, all of whom have no love for Aric Athair and his Bullet army. Caledonia and her crew basically go around the Bullet seas, making life hell for Athair’s people. During one such mission, Pisces is wounded and then captured, only to be rescued and returned to the Mors Navis by a Bullet who claims he wants to escape. Caledonia, who has literally zero reasons to trust Bullets, doesn’t trust him. Pisces points out, reasonably, that he saved her life when he could have left her to die. But Caledonia simply repeats her mantra of “no trusting Bullets” while refusing to elaborate.
Until the Bullet lets it slip that Donnally and Ares, Caledonia and Pisces’s brothers, respectively, survived the massacre on board the Ghost and were pressed into Athair’s drug-addled Bullet army. He knows what ship Donnally and Ares are on, and the route it takes to bring in conscripts (read: children stolen from their families, drugged, and forced into Athair’s army, refusal to comply met with extreme violence, in the usual fashion of a murderous tyrant).
Suddenly, Caledonia has reason to question her strict “don’t trust Bullets” policy. But it’s one of those Meek’s Cutoff situations: the Bullet could be a lying sack of shit and leading the Mors Navis into a trap. Or he could be telling the truth, leading Caledonia and Pisces to their long-lost brothers. What to do?
Well, it’d be a pretty short book if they just shot the Bullet, dumped his body in the ocean and moved on, wouldn’t it?
It took me a little longer to read Seafire than I intended - I’m a slow reader anyway, but while I was reading Seafire, I was also binging on Scott Lynch’s Gentleman Bastard series (which are fantastic by the way - highly recommend the audiobooks, Michael Page is an amazing audiobook narrator) so my focus may have been just a wee bit divided. My biggest complaint is now we have yet another seafaring heroine with red hair. How come all the seafaring heroines have to have red hair? Also, it’s funny you should bring up red hair, because in the world of the Gentleman Bastards, bad things happen to girls with red hair. Seriously, how come all the fiery heroine types have to have red hair? I mean, it’s not like I’m jealous or anything. I mean, it’s not like I should have been born with red hair, but no, it ended up a dull, boring blonde, and hair dye is expensive and smells terrible...
I mean.
Seriously, though, red hair is a rare thing - if Caledonia’s father had dark hair and her mother had red hair, the most likely outcome would be a bunch of kids with...dark hair. Though if her father did have a recessive red-hair gene, then it’s entirely possible for him to have produced red-headed children... So I guess it’s possible. 
Not that I’m annoyed that my hair didn’t turn out red. Even though it should have, goddamn it! I know those recessive genes are in there somewhere!
Stupid lousy blonde hair grumble grumble grumble...
Ok, back to Seafire - it is definitely a highly enjoyable book, lots of nonstop action, but not a lot of resolution because it’s the first in an intended series. I highly recommend breezing through the book in one go, rather than endlessly picking it up and then putting it down in order to find out whether or not Locke and Jean finally kiss (they don’t). 
But yes, jealousy over fictional characters’ red hair aside, the only major complaint I have about Seafire rests with a single line. The thing about reading ARCs, which I think I’ve mentioned before but, again, nobody reads these, so I might as well: ARCs are not finished copies. The final copy of Seafire might not even feature this line, so it seems silly to complain about it, but complaining is fun so I’ll do it anyway.
So the secondary-boss villain, Lir, Caledonia’s sworn enemy as he killed her whole goddamn family, is described as having a “long face with a jaw that looked sharp enough to be a weapon of its own.”
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From that line onward I found I was unable to focus on anything except how a man’s jaw could be sharp enough to constitute a weapon. It’s a question that’s been driving me to distraction for weeks now. Is Lir’s jawline sharp enough that it comes to a point, like a knife? What would that look like on a three-dimensional human person? How would one wield their weaponized jaws? Like a battering ram? Or would you just like, wave your head around like a sword? Does this mean his chin comes to a point, too? That one line of the galley proof of Seafire has caused me more consternation than anything else in the book - and this is a book that features lots of violence. Lots and lots of it. And here I am contemplating a man with a weaponized jawbone. 
I mean, of the whole book it’s one line and it doesn’t even matter but...but...gah, I can’t help but picture a guy with knives for a jaw. 
RECOMMENDED FOR: Fans of badass female protagonists kicking ass on the high seas, fans of YA lit who also happen to be fans of Kevin Costner’s Waterworld.
NOT RECOMMENDED FOR: Anyone who takes physical descriptions of fictional far too literally.
RELEASE DATE: August 28, 2018
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castielcoven · 4 years
[ I'm new to Tumblr, give me a break, honestly. Would appreciate some constructive criticism, thanks! Also yes, I'm not the smartest, so *please* no calling me dumb, I already know I am TwT, 3,151 words and weird, old original characters. I doubt anyones gonna read this but if you do good luck 😂]
"Matthew, honey?" Michelle chimed as she heard her front door shut, and in came her son, who was barely smaller than her, he had a very large bruise on the side of his eye.
      "Hey mama…" He mumbled, she sighed sadly and held the boy's hand, pulling him gently to the kitchen and getting an ice pack after he sat down, the all too familiar small hissing sound coming from beside him. Matthew smiled softly as he looked at his adorable de-fanged snake hissing at him gently, wanting attention. He giggled and pet her head gently, she began to slither her way up into Matthew's lap, her forked tongue licking his nose softly. He laughed and kissed Nature's head softly. Michelle smiled.
     "There hasn't been any new updates on the court case." She sighed, pulling out her phone and snapping a photo of his black eye and bruise. "Are there anymore?" She asked, looking at him, Matthew nodded and set Nature on the kitchen table, standing up and pulling his turtle neck off. Michelle cringed and inhaled sharply at her sons bruised and scabbed over torso. "Gods...Baby, I'm so sorry. I ought to have full custody of you by now, but there are these other people trying to fight for you…" She told, shaking and taking the pictures.
      "Really…? Who?" He asked, pulling on his turtle neck again and sitting down. Nature slithered in his lap after waiting patiently while Matthew pulled up his tights to show the bruises on his legs, Michelle sighed sadly and took the pictures.
      "A doctor and cop. I don't know who they are, they're anonymous, and the judge won't even tell me why they're fighting for you. I promise you baby, I'll win this court case. You'll be safe in my arms soon." She shook and sobbed a bit, hugging Matthew who nodded and hugged her back, Nature smushed between them, but the snake wasn't complaining.
      "I hope so…" He shook, clutching her. "I'm gonna go lay down...I-I need a nap…" He shook, biting his lip softly.
      "Alright honey. I'll wake you up for lunch." She told, pressing a gentle kiss to his bruise. Matthew just took Nature, going up to his room, setting her on the bed gently as he went to change into thermals. He shuddered and bit his lip as he looked at himself in his full body mirror. It was their routine for a while. He would come home from a tortuous week of beatings from his father, he would walk half way across town to his mothers since his father refused to drive him, he would strip and she'd take photos for evidence against his father, he'd put his clothes on and take a nap. It was stupid, and tedious, but he couldn't help it. He desperately wanted his schedule to change, wanting SOMETHING, to be different, but so far, nothing was popping up.
     "Hi there, miss! My name is Jacob Otori, I- Oh! Mrs. Anderson, hi!" Jacob laughed, Michelle giggled.
     "Hi there Jacob, odd for you to come to my house, eh?" She giggled. Matthew heard the all too familiar voice of his crush and patted out of his room to listen to the conversation.
     "I didn't know it was your house! It's very nice, ma'am!" He smiled. "I was going around and promoting the fundraiser. I wanna beat last year's goal. We raised just above 300k last time, I'm aiming for 750k this time." He smiled brightly. Michelle looked at him shocked.
      "Wow, you certainly are confident. We are just a small town, Jacob." She sighed with a smile. 
      "It was Natali who set the goal, I really just said I wanna beat how much we raised last year, I didn't really have a say since she's the treasurer." He giggled.
      "I find it amazing. I'm definitely donating this year. Oh! Do you wanna come in? Matthews here for the weekend, he's taking a nap at the moment, but he always wakes up in around an hour. Would you like some tea?" She smiled.
      "Oh, Matthew? Like the one with the wildly dyed hair?...I barely really know him, I didn't know you had a son." He smiled awkwardly. 'I have heard of him, everyone says he's a freak, though...I should give everyone a chance, those are just rumors. And I need a break, talking to people is tiring…'
      "Oh, yes. I sometimes forget he dyes his hair, it obviously doesn't look natural, but he's had it for so long it just looks normal to me." She hummed.
      "I wouldn't want to be a bother…" He smiled again, chuckling awkwardly.
      "I'm gonna tell you the truth because you're such a good guy, Jacob, but Matthew has a hard time making friends since he's so anti-social. I know he doesn't have any friends at school, and I'm just trying to get him at least a caring friend like you. Im aware of all of the rumors about him, and I'll tell you most of them aren't true. There's a lot that's been going on lately, I'm trying to win custody of him from his father, but that isn't going well…" She admitted, looking down. Jacob was a bit shocked, but intrigued. "It's been the same thing over and over every time he comes here, I can tell he's stressed and school isn't helping, nor is my counseling. I just want to make sure he has a friend I know is a good influence on him and is a sweet caring person. Especially one he can tell things that he wont tell me, it is sometimes better to get it out in the open than just keep it bottled up. I know he's not telling me quite a few things, and I just want to make sure he's okay. So please do me a favor and at least attempt to befriend my anti-social son?" She hummed, looking up at Jacob with a slightly pleading look in her eyes. Jacob was very prone to giving in to puppy dog eyes.
      "Of course, ma'am. I've actually been trying to figure out a way to approach him, not only because of all of the rumors, but there have been major scenes with him, like passing out in class, his panic attacks...I'm not making fun of him or anything, but a lot of the other kids did...And I just recently realized he was in most of my classes. When I started actually paying attention to him, no one really notices him, and sometimes he'll just leave the room without saying anything. The teachers know it too, they'll either watch him, or ask a student to go check on him." He ranted, looking away awkwardly. "And I've caught him staring at me multiple times, I think that's what made it so hard to approach him. Most of the rumors I've heard about him is that he's gay and has a crush on me. I don't really mind, but everyone makes it seem like such a bad thing." He told, Michelle listened, pulling Jacob into her home, which he obliged too. Matthew was still listening.
      "Matthew isn't very mentally stable. He has insomnia, very bad anxiety, not to mention he was always and is bullied due to looking like and dressing like a girl." She sighed.
      "I don't see a problem with it, really. I don't understand why some kids bully this practically invisible kid because he doesn't like to act his gender. Natali and Tash both act more manly than me and no one bullies them." He chuckled bashfully, Michelle giggled.
      "If only more people had your mindset Jacob, such an uplifting personality. Matthew comes to my office anytime he feels like he's going to have a panic attack. I'm guessing he's noticed your staring lately, because its people looking at him that stresses him out." She smiled.
      "Oh…! I'm very sorry, I didn't realize...I guess it was always weird he just left the room without alarm whenever I stared at him." He mumbled, sighing.
      "I tell the teachers about Matthew, they feel bad for him, so they basically let him do what he wants, as long as he gets his work done. Which he always does." She sighed, glancing up at the stairs and seeing Matthew up there she perked up, giggling a bit. "Matt, it's not nice to eavesdrop." She mentioned, making Matthew jump and Jacob raise an eyebrow before turning around and looking at the boy, who squeaked and ran to his room. Jacob was a bit confused while Michelle giggled. "He eavesdrops a lot. He's quite sneaky. Like you said, he's practically invisible." She smiled.
       "Ah, yeah." He sighed, giggling softly.
       "Oh, and if he does come down, just a warning he had a bad bruise on his eye, he told me it was some bullies at school." She sighed a bit, Jacob immediately felt bad, but he also wondered how bad it was.
      "Ah, I'm sorry ma'am. I let myself think I always catch the bullying at school, but clearly not." He mumbled.
       "It's okay, sweetie, no ones perfect. Thats half of the reason I want Matthew to have friends...You would tell me whats going on, while he doesn't tell me the names of his bullies because he doesn't want to get them in trouble." She sighed, shaking her head softly. "Matt? Are you gonna come down?" She called out, Matthew was shaking a bit, thinking it over. "Come on, honey. Jacobs here, he's a classmate, don't you think you should at least greet him?" She told.
      "Uhmmm...No?" He asked more as a question.
      "Maaaatt." Michelle sighed, Matthew just padded off to his own room. "Sorry...He's not good around people. Especially not any that are his age." She sighed. "I'm going to get a kettle boiling. Feel free to go and talk to Matt." She smiled, standing up and walking to the kitchen. Jacob smiled and nodded, this was his chance to befriend the weird kid. He stood up, beginning to walk upstairs, he got to the door he thought was Matthews, beginning to knock on it. Said boy had creaked his door open to watch him knock on the door.
       "Uhm...Matthew?" He asked out, looking at the door.
       "That's the bathroom." The adorable bluenette mentioned quietly, the redhead flinched and turned around, his face bright red as he looked at the half of Matthews being from behind the door.
       "Right…! I knew that!" He looked away awkwardly, making Matthew giggle. Jacob was a bit astonished he made the unusually quiet boy laugh. He was the first time he had even heard his voice. "Ah, uh- c-can I come in??" He smiled. "You were listening in on our conversation...I don't know for how long but you probably heard I had been looking for a way to approach you, y'know to be your friend." He smiled.
      "I was listening since the beginning. You don't have to be my friend just because my mom asked you too. I'm the weird kid, you don't have to pretend like I'm any normal person." He hummed, looking at the floor.
      "Its not just because of what your mom said! I really had been trying to find a way to talk to you, but anytime I tried, you just ended up walking out of the classroom…" He told.
      "I didn't know why you were staring at me, it was stressing me out." He mumbled, looking away as his face lit up slightly.
      "Understandable, but really, I do wanna be your friend. I guess we should get properly acquainted first." He hummed, clearing his throat and bowing politely. "My name is Jacob Otori, I'm from Japan, I'm 17 and I know both Chinese and Japanese." He smiled, Matthew giggled a bit at the formal introduction. "Now your turn, if you wanna, that is." He smiled patiently.
       "U-uhmm...I-I'm Matthew Anderson, I'm 16, going to be 17 in October...U-uhm...I-I'm from Canada, I can s-speak French, G-Greek and Latin." He explained, shaking and looking away awkwardly, wondering if he sounded like he was bragging.
        "You can speak French and Greek?? Wow! Honestly, Chinese and Japanese are so boring, but you got to have the tongue of a GOD to speak that complicated stuff!" He laughed, smiling. Matthew giggled, which actually turned into a laugh.
       "Well...I-It is hard...B-But I can try to teach you." He mumbled, looking away slightly and shifting around.
       "Really?! You would? Thats awesome!" He smiled brightly, Matthew smiled back awkwardly, but it was a genuine smile.
       "Yeah...Uhm...Y-you can come in, but...uh…" He blushed madly, looking away in a bit of embarrassment.
       "I'm not gonna judge you for anything you say, have, or do. Unless its just that bad, which you don't even look like you're capable of doing." He giggled, Matthew just laughed back awkwardly.
       "O-okay...But it's still kind of embarrassing since I've never had anyone over before. My room's a bit...girly." He told, blushing. And opening his door, dashing back in slightly. Jacob just raised an eyebrow and walked in, finally seeing what Matthew meant. It looked like a room Natali would enjoy. The walls were a milk pink, the ceiling lined with star fairy lights which were illuminating a room. There was also a floor lamp and more than enough pop band posters literally any teenage girl would be obsessed with. He had a full sized bed, which was incredibly messy, but he had a cotton pink and blue blanket with bright white pillows. He had a small TV on a vanity which had makeup and school supplies around it, a few bean bags, and a rug and in the corner, the opposite of his bed, was a huge tank, but Nature was nowhere to be found. He also had a closet in the corner.
       "Woah." He was only able to say. "This looks like a damn sanctuary! If only my room looked like this." He laughed. Matthew blushed.
       "Really? It's so girly, though." He mumbled.
       "So? I like girly things. I would kill for a room like this!" He laughed, Matthew smiled and giggled.
       "Well...uhm, thanks." He giggled, smiling adorably. Jacob just smiled back.
       "What do you wanna do? We could have a sleepover! My parents went out to fly home for their anniversary, so I'm free to do whatever." He hummed.
        "S-sure...I'm sure mom wouldn't mind. And i-its an excuse to stay here instead of going to my fathers." He mumbled.
        "Is it too personal to ask, or can I ask what exactly is bad at your dads? There are rumors around the school that he beats you, but your mom said most of those rumors aren't true." He asked, looking at Matthew who curled up to himself silently. Jacob immediately took that as a yes. He gasped quietly and crawled onto his bed with him, hugging him as gently as he could. "I'm sorry...My dads a cop, you know. We could report him." He told, rubbing his side gently as Matthew leaned into his touch.
        "H-he always wins assault court cases. No one knows how...Its been difficult for mama to get custody of me because there's a third couple trying to get me. She doesn't know them, and I don't know them. They're anonymous…" He told, shaking and snuggling into him.
        "Well my dad would make sure he gets to prison. This isn't just assault, its child abuse, Matt. Child endangerment, and this third party trying to get you? Who knows what's going on, but my parents would help your mother get custody of you." He mumbled, Matthew sniffled a bit.
        "Please don't tell anybody the rumour is true…" He told, his lip quivering.
        "Hey, hey, don't cry. I'm not going to tell anyone. I can't believe someone actually spread around something that personal, and not to mention they make fun of you for it." He sighed, pressing a small kiss to Matthews forehead, making the small Canadian blush madly.
        "Th-thanks…" He mumbled, shaking. "W-wanna watch some TV? We have cable, but we also have hulu and netflix." He giggled quietly. "The desk I have is for natures tank and not the TV, so we have to sit on the beanbags." He smiled, pointing to the two purple beanbags sitting on the fuzzy rug.
        "Ah, so...What is Nature? Like what kind of animal is it? I don't recognize the tank…" He told, following Matthew, watching him plop down on the beanbag, sitting on the other one as he grabbed the remote.
        "Nature's my snake." He told as if it weren't a psychotic thing, Jacob stared at him.
        "That's the last kind of pet I'd expect you to have." He mumbled, Matthew laughed.
        "I have a mouse too, his names Dumpy." He told, pointing to the small cage underneath the vanity that was previously unseen.
        "Dumpy?" Jacob laughed. "What kind of snake do you have? I'm surprised it hasn't eaten the mouse…" He admitted.
        "Natures a domesticated snake. She's an Inland Taipan." He told, Jacob flinched and looked at Matthew dead in the eye.
        "That is literally the most poisonous snakes in the world!" He called out in shock, looking around to find the snake, she wasn't in her tank and that was suddenly stressing him out.
        "She domesticated, don't worry. She doesn't bite, she's actually really sweet, I've had her since I was six." He hummed. "She's 11 years old and I pulled out her fangs when I was little." He told.
       "You're being serious?! You ripped out the most poisonous snake evers fangs?!" He stared at him with a startled expression.
       "I don't really know where Nature is." He told, whistling a few times.
       "Don't call her please-" He begged as a slithering was heard, her head popping out from under the door and slithering in, Matthew smiled as Jacob yelped and fell off of the beanbag.
       "She's fine, really. Nature, show Jacob your teeth." He told the snake who slithered over to him, staying a lengths away, smelling his fear. She opened her mouth and showed her lack of fangs. "You can pet her, really she isn't violent." Matthew giggled and walked over, Nature watching her master. "Nature, love on Jacob." He smiled, petting her head softly as she slithered over to the Japanese American man, looking at him.
      "Why's it staring at me." He asked, staring back at her.
      "Let out your hand." Matthew giggled. "You saw she doesn't have fangs, shes harmless." He giggled. Jacob was still hesitant. "Nature, bite me. Show him you're harmless." He told, holding out his hand, Nature immediately dashed and bit in his hand, pulling away and licking Matthews hand and looking at Jacob, making sure he was looking at the nonexistent bites on her master's hand.
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scandalmania · 7 years
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Find Your Beaty MAGAZINE: an interview with SCANDAL RINA and her hairdress
In the fourth series of news site Natalie and Find Your Beauty MAGAZINE's serialization, we will be delivering a discussion between drummer RINA of all-girl rock band SCANDAL and hair designer Shigeo Obata of ORCHESTRA, the salon that RINA has been going to since her major label debut. We would like you to enjoy this discussion with RINA, who is strongly commited to visuals, and Obata, who continues to make RINA's ideal hairstyles and stoically make new proposals.
Article translated by TGE @ Scandal Heaven. Read more under the cut!
A simple arrangement that shows what the hands are doing
How to make this date hairstyle can be found on YouTube!
──Please tell us the theme of this hair arrangement.
Shigeo Obata: The theme this time is date hair. We thought of a hairstyle that'll make guys think, 「She came on this date with a hairstyle like this; it feels like she's more enthusiastic than usual」. It may look a little too short, but guys are simple, so the more visible and elaborate it is, the happier you'll seem. They'll be happy that you woke up early for them.
RINA: I learned for the first time that it's okay to work this hard when you have a date. When you meet up you'll be happy if he notices that you did your best.
──RINA, does it seem like you'd be able to do this arrangement on your own?
RINA: Yes, it does. Even though it's pretty fancy, I think I could arrange it in about 20 minutes, and I think I could do it if I wake up a little earlier. I was surprised that it'd be this cute just by arranging it roughly and rolling up a scarf.
Obata: To make it easy for the readers to manage it, we did it with bobbypins from a 100 yen shop. They sell cute hair accessories at these shops now, and you can try all kinds of arrangements with them. By the way, can you braid, RINA-chan?
RINA: Yes, I can.
Obata: I thought so. Braiding is surprisingly tough to do. So, to make it easy to do, we made it a style where you twist two strands of hair instead of braiding them.
RINA: Braiding's difficult, but it seems like this would be easy to copy.
What is a sought-after hairdresser?
──When did you two meet each other?
RINA: My friend introduced me to this salon right after SCANDAL had our major label debut, so that was about 7-8 years ago. I've been Obata-san's client ever since then. Since we've been together for so long, Obata-san makes the colors I've imagined just by telling him nuances. Conversely, Obata-san gives me many recommendations. Also, we communicate like this because we've been together for a long time.
Obata: Actors and actresses have more natural hair colors and hairstyles, but musical artists change their hair colors every time they release something. Because damage is attached to coloring, I try to avoid putting a burden on hair as much as possible. Since you have hair all throughout your life, I put importance on thinking about the next hairstyle without adding any damage. As for women, hair is something they'll always have. Although they might several occupations, no matter what their occupation is, every one of them is a woman to begin with.
RINA: Obata-san gives me the colors I want without damaging my hair too much. My color right now, he gave me such a vivid color without bleaching it. I don't think there's another hairdresser that can do things as well as he can.
Obata: For example, there are many hairdressers that can do a color they're told to do. But, there are all kinds of methods to achieve that color, and I think it's important to choose the method that does the least amount of damage. It is very difficult to restore hair that has once been broken down by treatments or chemicals. I think that you need to be conscious of things like that in order to become a sought-after hairdresser..
Lyrics that were born at the salon
──RINA, what's something that you often do when you're at the salon?
RINA: Read magazines, talk to Obata-san......I also write lyrics. There are times words I've thought of while at ORCHESTRA and wrote down in a memo on my phone actually became lyrics. Here, I had put together the lyrics for the final chorus of 「Koisuru Universe」 on our latest single. Obata-san understands that I'm working when I pull out my phone, so he always lets me to work on it leisurely by myself. 
Obata: Since RINA-chan makes time during breaks from work to come in, I always think she might be tired or not feeling well. So, I try to start treatments after asking how she is, or referring to the drink she bought. RINA-chan updates on social media that she goes to ORCHESTRA, so fans have also come in. When fans come in when RINA-chan's here, RINA-chan talks to those fans. I was worried at first when I saw that and thought I was causing trouble, but I understand that she naturally connects with fans and thinks about details like the way she's facing, the sense of distance, and way of speaking. I think that's truly wonderful. 
RINA: I've been told 「I like RINA-chan」 by fans when my hair's being wrapping up their hair or my eyebrows are being dyed (laughs). I want them to enjoy themselves since we were able to meet each other at that timing while I'm thinking, 「Sorry about my appearance right now」. They look on social media and want the same person to do their hair, and they're using their own money and time to come to the salon. I'm very happy that they want to have the same hairstyle as me, and that they see our live shows and activities. I think it uses the same amount of energy as seeing us and picking up instruments. Our fans are really adorable. They buy the same clothes, do the same hairstyles, do their makeup the same. Although I'm not the one doing anything, it really makes me happy to see students who can't dye their hair request Obata to curl their bangs the same way as mine and happily head home with their bangs curled the same. 
Proposals that consider her on-stage appearance
──In your Music Natalie interview you mentioned that it took a very long time to get the correct purple color.
RINA: That was such a pain (laughs).
Obata: We thought of how to achieve the purple that RINA-chan had imagined, and at first I thought about trying to make the color by mixing it with white, which would make it look soft and pale. But doing that would have given it an incomplete feeling.
RINA: We bleached it twice. Then we put in color twice. 
Obata: It didn't quite turn out the color she was thinking about. To tell you the truth, purple isn't that much in demand in the first place, so we ran out of dye as we were dyeing it over and over again. I searched nearby drug stores to buy some purple (laughs).
RINA: His assistant washed my hair, and when it came time to set it, I was surprised that Obata-san went out to get a lot of coloring agents.
Obata: We finally got the right color around 3 in the morning. RINA-chan said, 「I'm so sorry to keep you this late」, but I was the one who was sorry. RINA-chan has always had a high aesthetic sense and says, 「I'm strongly committed and have many requests」, but we're appreciative of that. It's because we can grow by responding to customers' and RINA-chan's requests. Before RINA-chan changes her hair, she always discusses with me, 「I think I'll go with ___ next time」. In response to that I think about ideas before RINA-chan comes in, and I'm grateful to be able to propose new things. I hope it'll be possible for me to have interactions like that aside from RINA-chan.
RINA: Obata-san comes to see SCANDAL's lives and frequently checks our social media and TV appearances. That's why he gives various opinions such as, 「This kind of red is better when it's hit by the light」.
Obata: I sometimes worry if I'm bothering her (laughs). But, there are reasons to contact her regularly, and RINA-chan is a fan anyway. First, she thinks more about her fans and creating her own visuals rather than her appearance. So, rather than wanting to answer RINA's request, I make sure to work to meet the expectations of SCANDAL fans.
RINA: Obata-san is part of the team that creates RINA of SCANDAL. He doesn't always say yes to my requests, but he does give me different proposals or ideas. It's always interesting going to the salon; I can trust him very much.
You can meet your new self at the salon
──Obata, what part of RINA do you watch at a SCANDAL live? 
Obata: It has to be her hair. Also, I try to watch her gestures. Drummers often shake their heads and touch their hair. So, when that happens, I make sure to watch how her hair moves. There are many times when seeing that gives me new ideas. 
RINA: We made it a bright color with more beige this summer, which made my hair color spring out in the natural light at outdoor festivals. Seeing that, Obata-san suggested, 「It's better to put in highlights so that it looks three-dimensional when it moves」. It definitely was different when we put in highlights. I realized that when I saw the live photos. By putting in highlights, it becomes easier to understand how the bundles of hair are, and it looks really beautiful when the tips of the hair that we keep cutting moves. I'm grateful because there are many things like that that I don't notice. Obata-san is keen and knowledgable like that since he's always worked as a beautician in a salon in the middle of Shibuya. I think he's a very creative hairdresser who really makes sure to "cultivate" styles instead of just letting the client go if it looks good then and now. I want to have Obata-san take care of my hair forever. 
──You were lucky to meet a partner like that at such an early stage. 
RINA: I really think so. I don't think there are many opportunities to have other people to talk about your appearance, unless you have a job where you stand on stage. So, if you have a hairdresser who suggests all sorts of things, you can meet your new self that you, nor people who don't have a job where they stand on stage, know about. The salon is that sort of place. 
An arrangement for 「date hair」! RINA-chan and Obata-san's discussion video is on YouTube!
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shorthaircutsmodels · 4 years
Emma Watson's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts - 15+ - https://shorthaircutsmodels.com/emma-watsons-short-hairstyles-and-haircuts/ - Emma Watson's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts, Since making her debut in the Harry Potter series in 2020 with a series of messy bangs, Watson has experimented with a variety of make-up trends and hairstyles, including vibrant lip colors, various accent levels and a smoky eye. Emma Watson's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts From a stylish pixie cut to the Perks of being a Wallflower to her current go for the look to a tousled French twist paired with a red lip, the young actress always looked chic with envy. Emma Watson's Hairstyles and Haircuts Here's a look at the beauty and the natural beauty of the Monster star on the red carpet over the years. a drastic change was needed and that was the whole crop. Emma Watson's Short Hairstyles Emma Watson's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts, But don't be fooled into believing that Watson's only hair transformation came at the end of the Harry Potter films. In fact since then she has gone through a myriad of different hair lengths and styles. Emma Watson's Short Haircuts Whether it's promoting a new film or the red carpet during awards season, it's often adventurous. From slick back gel styles to messy boho buns, it remains utterly elegant. He has a lot of appearances in his repertoire but we've reduced him to our favourites. Emma Watson's Hairstyles Emma Watson's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts, Have fun with the locks. A sophisticated hairstyle with no bang for your hair. Emma pulls back all her locks and makes some braids that form an updo. Emma Watson's Haircuts Make sure the braids are tight to create the hairstyle. Emma Watson looks very classic in her messy updo. She tucks her long side parting behind her ears and pins a messy updo. The look can bring a more feminine look, so any woman can try textured hair. Emma Watson's Hair Emma Watson's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts, keeps a fun look with super short hair. After living with her long hairdo Emma chops her locks but she wows us with a funny fairy with. What is Emma Watson's real hair color? Short bangs that can still lengthen her face. Hair is best for fine hair. Emma Watson styled her hair short with wispy bang blonde hair. The haircut gives her face a nice shape and goes well with her light make-up. Emma Watson brown hair Emma Watson's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts, has been in the public eye since she was about 10 years old. The Harry Potter star, who played Hermione Granger for a decade in the long-running franchise, cut all her hair into a crop of fairies as filming ended. Emma Watson hair products She continues to push the boundaries of beauty by playing with bold make-up looks and edgy hair while staying all down to earth. If nothing else Emma is an absolute inspiration to girls everywhere, proving that a haircut can change a life. Emma Watson hair colour Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts, We can put it behind us. Because we were so interested in Emma's hair, we had to professionally handle the girl who could have any style. Emma Watson natural hair So we went to hairstylist Isabel Guillen at John Barrett Salon. Read below to find out how Isabel's pixie cuts summer hair and how to take inspiration from Emma's hair evolution to change your own look. Beauty is high. Does Emma Watson have short hair? Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts, some people say cutting Emma's hair off to a fairy is the best move she can do for her career. I agree with you. Isabel Guillen. I agree that sometimes a big change gives rebirth. Does Emma Watson have tattoos? Emma's fairy cut was definitely a rebirth for her. She jumped from Harry Potter to beautiful right-hand woman. How the rest of us can take inspiration from. Emma Watson blonde hair Emma like a fairy haircut and change our style without being too harsh. Inspiration should be about change and what it makes you look and feel more fabulous already. Emma Watson's Short Hair Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts, inspired face shape is the density of hair texture etc. see what's most flattering. Try a soft side-sweep blast not too hard and it makes a statement. With a new film Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. What color is Emma Watson's eyes? Part I and title making pixie cut she got a roll. Check out Emma Watson's hair photos over the years and vote on your favourites. From Hermione's curls to the pixie cut seen around the world, Emma Watson has had some really inspiring red carpet hairstyles over. Emma Watson hair color Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts, Having grown up in the spotlight. Scrutinised from an early age. Emma Watson new haircut Bouncy Hermione had cut from waves and a famous crop of fairies the moment she successfully wrapped the Harry Potter franchise into a series of brief dalliance with elegant up dos and Wavy bob Watson. Emma Watson hair stylist Red carpet hero child star. Chart your hair history here. Watson opted for a loose ponytail to complete her sharp outfit at the first meeting for the G7 advisory committee for equality between women and men in Paris in 2020-2021. Why did Emma Watson cut her hair? Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts, plays Ila in the upcoming film Noah. From the trailer. Emma Watson hair now Emma goes back to old times and no longer wears fashionable clothes. Also she completes her ragged look with a tousled hair but in fact she styles her hair to make it loosely braided. Emma Watson Hairstyles & Make Up However Emma Watson is a giddy when she returns to the real world. Emma Watson's hairstyles over the years have ranged from shoulder length curls to a stunning pixie cut. Does Emma Watson have curly hair? The latest actress was spotted with a slim new look when she posted a photo of herself on Instagram on Friday. Emma Watson hair long The talented star shared photos to tell fans about her latest novel for her book club Our Shared Shelf. In the photo. Emma Watson's Hairstylist on Her Short Hair Emma looked chic with a short wavy fringe. Her Paris-style appearance was a hit with her followers, with one telling her. Emma Watson hair belle I like explosions. Another said This Is Love. I am so sweet that I added the third. the haircut is incredible. Why did Hermione's hair change? She always shines for her looks. Her hairstyle plays an important role for her glamorous look. Let's see how he can shake. Emma Watson new hair Both short and long haircuts. Now check. Emma Watson styles her long hair in a beautiful bun. Best Emma Watson Hair images Her strawberry blonde tresses were very sleek and polished pushed back and twisted into a bun. The bun does not leave. Emma Watson curly hair Any locks for her forehead to open up her face and reveal her natural beauty. When you recreate your hairstyle, the first thing you do is. Emma Watson short hair perks of being a wallflower Your hair is soft and shiny. Among her latest film "bling rings" becoming an instant hit and her August Teen Vogue cover. Emma Watson red hair Emma Watson proves she is a mainstay in pop culture just to watch that girl” too. The actress who captured our hearts as Hermione in. Emma Watson hair 2020 - 2021 Her great Harry Potter more than life curly hair passed on to Hollywood royalty the day she chopped her hair into a fairy cut. Layers tend to bring a lot of freedom and movement to a style like Emma's playful fairy hairdo. These are the haircuts to get bob by 2020. How do I style my hair like Hermione Granger? We cover all kinds of classic short haircuts and deserving quiff haircuts for men with fading haircuts crop. Styling a person's hair can reflect a person's personality and characteristics, making your hair great. Are also not down to keeping. Emma Watson haircut short A trend or style than women and men especially have trouble with hair. Bob may try to change Emma Watson's hairdo for a haircut. Emma Watson hairstyle To achieve this hairstyle, it can be properly combed by applying the hair serum to the hair's financial market or using a round brush. Emma Watson Hair & Haircuts – Bob, Pixie Crop Bob haircut Emma Watson is now the best hairstyle to try. See the latest hair trends to find the hairstyle of. Emma Watson long hair Classic and modern-style cut hair, depending on the type of hair.Here's what 17+ Bob haircut Emma Watson said about haircut bob with the caption. Emma Watson hair short If you have long hair, bring it up a notch. It automatically brings more fullness and a healthier lighter look and feel. Emma Watson haircut It's perfect for you if you're a girl who likes to try the longer version of Emma's a more graduated bob. Emma Watson natural hair color While the actress didn't hate her look before she just wanted a change because she didn't try to dye and cut. Emma Watson new hairstyle My hair like most teenagers did and the 27-year-old Harry Potter star showcased her new look as she graced the Golden Globes red carpet two days later. Emma Watson belle hair tutorial Emma posed for photos with a list of friends. With her during the night and. Susan Sarandon shared a snap of. Emma Watson hair style Her on social media with the likes of Natalie Portman Eva Longoria and America Ferrera. Em ama A U. N. Women's goodwill ambassador has long been. How to get Emma Watson hair Vocal about the Time's up campaign, and like many other celebrities, she returned to the awards show in a. Emma Watson Best Hairstyles Black dress in a show of solidarity against assault. The pleated high neck dress featured a pair of ribbons of leg extensions by women's rights activist. Emma Watson belle hairstyle Ronald van der Kamp chose to wear a floor length skirt with heels and a statement exaggerated shoulder and thigh high splits teamed. Emma Watson's hair evolution Actress Emma Watson basically grew up on the red carpet. Best em Emmama Wat .last Hair 15 galer. click on our mark. Emma Watson hair harry potter In 2022, Watson was rocking this tiered view, which we still love today. She said that while this was the pre-pixie crop. Is Hermione wearing a wig? Her hairstyle was definitely more adult. This is how it is unbelievable. Everything from wet-looking hair to a gold smoky eye is a win on our books. Emma Watson hair color natural The Beehive may be ageing for some but Watson has kept it fresh by keeping loose branches around the face. Smoothing unwanted flyaways is vital to prepare locks by blow drying with no strain. Beautiful hair appreciates all the love and care you can give. Emma Watson's Best Hair Moments Of All Time A more natural feel as a result is always a plus when it comes to knitting. We watched in awe Emma Watson's elegant transformation from a children's movie star to a fiercely intelligent polished young woman. When did Emma Watson get a pixie cut? Take a look at its tried-and-tested beauty over the years... Emma stepped out for the Golden Globes with a new haircut her baby fringe was named one of the biggest hair trends of 2020 - 2021. Emma Watson hair extensions We're big fans of your new look. She defines hair inspo whether it's edgy and stylish or going Classic and sophisticated Emma Watson. Here are seven styles we can't get enough of.
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timaltman · 7 years
rules: once you have been tagged you are supposed to write 92 truths about yourself. at the end, choose however many people you want to tag!
tagged by: @hsinlvegas who has gotten me addicted to pinterest aesthetic boards and i’m mad at her for it but she’s still p rad. 
tagging: whoever wants to do it lmao idk it’s 2:30am here idek whats up or down rn i should probably be asleep but also like.... no.
LAST… [1] drink: water (i’m so exciting /sarcasm) [2] phone call: my mom called me while she was driving home from work  [3] text message: “oh my god no. not the kidz bop. pls no” - to my sister [4] song you listened to: reaching by audiomachine (which is so good pls go listen to it) [5] time you cried: last night thinking about steve irwin and how i owe him my entire life and career bc in 2 weeks i’m starting my first official zookeeping job and he was a huge inspiration for me as a kid 
[6] dated someone twice: no [7] been cheated on: no [8] kissed someone and regretted it: no [9] lost someone special: yes [10] been depressed: ☜(゚ヮ゚☜) all the fuckin time my dudes [11] gotten drunk and thrown up: no but i’ve gotten so anxious i’ve thrown up??
LIST 3 FAVOURITE COLOURS: [12] teal [13] pale yellow [14] silver
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU… [15] made new friends: yes! [16] fallen out of love: no [17] laughed until you cried: yes [18] found out someone was talking about you: yeah i mean i’m sure there are like three people who bitch about me all the time lmao [19] met someone who changed you: yes~ (in a good way)  [20] found out who your true friends are: (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ -bitter fucking laughter-  [21] kissed someone on your facebook list: ye - my wonderful girlfriend~
GENERAL… [22] how many of your tumblr friends do you know in real life: i mean, i’ve met a lot of them after becoming friends on tumblr, but then i have some old high school friends and some internship friends on here, too.... so like 10 or so? probably a few more than that. [23] do you have any pets: my asshole cat, robin: the cat wonder, lives with me in my apartment. at home i have a beagle/terrier mutt named copper and a gray tabby named dusty. i’m hoping to maybe get a ball python this summer but i’m not sure yet! [24] do you want to change your name: yeah, i’ve considered it b/c trans but i’m not entirely sure what i want yet.... [25] what did you do for your last birthday: wielded a chainsaw, ate shitty walmart cake and watched step brothers with some classmates in a remote cabin in southern illinois? not my first choice but not terrible, all things considered. didn’t lose any limbs that day so i can’t complain. [26] what time did you wake up: robin woke me up at like, 5:30am to get fed, but then i went back to sleep again until 7:30, text billy to have a good day at work, and then i went back to sleep again until 9:45 b/c i didn’t have my 9am class today hell yeah [27] what were you doing at midnight last night: uh, pinterest-ing for my character aesthetic boards.... >_> [28] name something you cannot wait for: graduating college and being the fuck done with schoooooool. also mother fuckin wonDER WOMAN. [29] when was the last time you saw your mother: april 23rd [30] what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: how far away all the ppl i care about are :(((( [31] what are you listening to right now: more audiomachine but i was watching friends in the background earlier [32] have you ever talked to a person named tom: ye my old neighbor was named tom he was real nice [33] something that is getting on your nerves: not in the angry way but in the anxious way- i have to give a presentation on my research project to the college board in like... 6 hours. [35] elementary: yes? [36] high school: done [37] college: sO CLOSE TO DONE I LITERALLY HAVE TWO CLASSES LEFT [38] hair color: brown.... it used to have a white patch and be fun, but i dyed it for superboy and now i’m battling with myself debating if i should dye it back bc “””professional””” for jobs but that’s so boring i want to look like shiro again :((( [39] long or short hair: short god please short, regardless of what gender i present, short is so much nicer since my hair is so thiiiiick [40] do you have a crush on someone: ye my a m a z i n g girlfriend uwu  [41] what do you like about yourself?: noncommittal shrug emoji? i like my eye color i think that’s pretty radical since it’s like a gray-teal color. i guess i’m a pretty good resource for random ass animal facts too [42] piercings: mmmm i mean, i don’t care for them or about them that much? [43] blood type: literally no idea which is probably bad [44] nickname: sunshine, sam, sammy, teddy, timmy, timtam, dad [45] relationship status: -heart eyes emojis @ billy- [46] zodiac sign: aries i think? idk all i care is my celtic zodiac is a fox, so [47] pronouns: he/him [48] fav tv show: f ri ck en brooklyn 99 [49] tattoos: not yet, but after i get top surgery and no longer run the disk of mutilating or stretching it, i wanna get tim’s robin symbol on my chest [50] right or left handed: left!
FIRST… [51] surgery: wisdom teeth were my first surgery, i think? [52] piercing: got my earlobes pierced when i was like, 12? idk i don’t wear them anymore so they’ve all but closed up [53] best friend: this girl on the playground in preschool named asya but after her was this girl named natalie that i was friends with from kindergarten all through junior high. she just got married like, a month ago and i feel old [54] sport: like to actually continue with was soccer - i started at 6 i think [55] vacation: that i remember? disney world b/c my dad had drill down in florida so my parents dragged my sister and i with bc we didn’t have to pay for the hotel lol [56] pair of trainers: wut
RIGHT NOW… [57] eating: nothin [58] drinking: water [59] i’m about to: sleep maybe, hopefully?  [60] listening to: still audiomachine since they just asked this question like 10 questions ago..... [61] waiting for: my anxiety to calm tf down so i can go to sleep [62] want: foooood. i ate dinner really early (5pm) and now it’s 10 hours later so i want food again. [63] get married: -super noncommittal and also confused, disgruntled noises- ?? [64] career: dream career is a zookeeper, honestly. it’s what i’m doing, i’ve worked really hard to get to the place where i am, and i’m happy with it
WHICH IS BETTER… [65] hugs or kisses: hugs [66] lips or eyes: eyes [67] shorter or taller: no preference [68] older or younger: usually i get along better with ppl older than me- all my closest friends are older by 2 years or more except like..... amy [69] romantic or spontaneous: anxiety and spontaneity don’t mix lmao [70] nice arms or nice stomach: either or both or neither is fine idrc [71] sensitive or loud: sensitive [72] hook up or relationship: relationship [73] troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant only bc troublemaker makes me anxious lmao
HAVE YOU EVER… [74] kissed a stranger? nope [75] drank hard liquor? ye i’ve had like. one whole vodka and lemonade in my entire life because i am a raging party animal /sarcasm [76] lost glasses/contact lenses? i lose my contacts in my eyeball sometimes [77] turned someone down? ye kinda. my ~best friends~ have this bad habit of ~falling in love with me~ and then getting pissed when i don’t return the feeling and treating me like crap :))))  [78] sex on first date? nope [79] broken someone’s heart? sure maybe idk. not on purpose. [80] had your own heart broken? no [81] been arrested? nope [82] cried when someone died? i’m a monster and have no feelings so no, not really. i usually go into emotional shock and stop processing everything [83] fallen for a friend: kind of
DO YOU BELIEVE IN… [84] yourself? noooope [85] miracles? listen on friday i catered an event and the idiot who packed it up for us on their shift the day before forgot to put matches in the gathering. and the truck drivers loaded it onto the truck before i could check that everything was there. so we got to the location and couldn’t light the sternos for the hot food but somehow we found a box of matches in the kitchenette we were serving out of so yes i believe in miracles [86] love at first sight? maybe? idk not really i really don’t understand how anyone could love someone without knowing a bunch about them first [87] santa claus? billY AND I SAW SANTA ON OUR WAY UP TO C2E2 ON SUNDAY OKAY HIS CAR WAS RED AND SAID “MY OTHER RIDE IS A SLEIGH” AND HIS LICENSE PLATE SAID KRINGLE AND HE HAD A BIG WHITE BEARD IT WAS AMAZING OKAY. [88] kiss on the first date? maybe for ppl who aren’t like. super anxious about everything all the time [89] angels? no
OTHER… [90] current best friend’s name: marble, emma [91] eye color: teal-gray, which sounds pretentious and White Person af but like..... that’s the best way to describe them [92] favorite movie: i don’t knowwww that’s a hard one ;_; 
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viscountessevie · 8 years
The Selection Characters As Food
So Rosie @not-your-dear​ and I were having an Xmas call and we realised a lot of people in the series are obsessed with a certain food (America and her strawberry tarts, Kile and butter, and Henri with korvapuusti). So we decided to give them all something to be obsessed about. But it turned into them as a type of food but most of them are both the food and what they would be obsessed with. We took 'You are what you eat' to a whole new level with these characters. Enjoy reading this as much as we enjoyed coming up with them! [Note: Most of the explanations are provided by Rosie hence why she uses my name, I’m not crazy to refer to myself in third person]
1st Generation (The Selection, The Elite, The One):
America - Strawberry Tarts Cannon duh
Maxon - Milk Chocolate Sweet and matches his eyes
Marlee - Sugar Cookies She's tasty but she crumbles lol
Carter - Rocky Road Ice Cream Comfort food, reliable, steady, tasty af
Celeste - Red Velvet Cupcake Like the dress she tried to steal, sharp, could kill a man because so rich
Elise - Shark Fin Soup Chinese dish for wealthy people, cool, could kill another man bc also sharp (lots of dead bodies)
Natalie - Potato Self explanatory, the obvious best but is ignored, comes in all kinds of greatness
Kriss - Red Wine Ruins her birthday dress + classy af
Amberly - Mocha & Tiramisu Worked on coffee plantation, loves chocolate, nice complement to drink, she’s a classy drunk unlike Abby
Clarkson -  Strawberry Cheesecake Likes strawberry tarts but isn't classy enough for them so he's a cheesecake, nobody really likes strawberry cheesecake
Abby - Champagne filled Bon-Bons Read Laws of Inheritance by hushedhands duh
Porter - Oysters This just works, he’s fancy but disgusting
Aspen - Oreo Mcflurry Always getting in the middle of shit, yummy but not better than chocolate
Lucy- Sunflower Seeds She’s like a sunshine sunflower but also slightly salty
Mary - S'mores Gurl can party, and she is a great mix of everything amazing in life
Anne- Bran Muffin w/ Choco Chips She makes you need to poop, but also them choco chips add a little spice to life
Daphne - Caviar French, too rich for you, don't even look at me unless you can afford a diamond ring
Gavril - Confetti Cake with Sprinkles on Top Is fun and lowkey bisexual, always knows how to have a good time
Sylvia - Lobster Fancy and put together, gets red and snappy when people aren't elegant
2nd Generation (The Heir & The Crown):
Eadlyn - Prune Purple like her dresses, kinda makes people wanna poop, lowkey bland but also adds an element of surprise to your bathroom routine
Ahren - Mac & Cheese French but tries too hard to be, like Thomas Jefferson, blonde like his hair
Kaden - Carrots Sky wanted him to be red haired (She will literally fight you on Kaden's genetics) like carrots, is healthy because he's smart and knows its good for him, a fun veggie
Osten - Cheese Puffs Mischievous, unhealthy, fun, would see at parties, causes trouble, orange like his hair
Camille - Macaroon Colorful, French, draws people in, pretty, sweet
Josie - Pancakes Sky says ew, can have lots of toppings but tastes better simpler, nice complement to carrots
Kile - Popcorn With a Shit Ton of Butter Slippery af, have you read The Heir?, loves butter and is butter, you are what you eat
Fox - Lollipops Sweet, tasty, always red  (Sky says you always wanna suck it omg)
Hale - Kale It rhymes duh, Kale takes care of people, Hale takes care of peeps
Ean - Cream of Mushroom Classy, doesn't taste excellent, lowkey gay
Henri - Korvapuusti/Cinnamon Rolls Do you even need to ask?
Eikko - English Tea Comforting drink, nice, hot af, just rlly good
Gunner - Fruit loops Fruity, fun for everyone
Marid - Green food dye Tasteless and bland but pretty looking (Rosie's perfect tagline)
August - Caramel Like his hair, charming and makes you feel gooey inside.
Georgia - Peach Sweet, Famous Georgia Peaches, yummy, sometimes has a tangy taste.
Brice - Dark chocolate Like her bro but stronger and tougher, tastes delicate but puts up with a lot of shit.
Sir Coddly - Cod Fish Do we need to even explain; pun master
Burke Renn - Aspargus  The guy punched someone over this veggie, if that’s not dedication I don’t know what it is.
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webmuch · 7 years
20 Best Short Haircuts For Women To Try Now
It’s getting hot and if you’ve been thinking about going short with your hair then now is the perfect time to kill some of the heat. I personally love long hair and wouldn’t dare to touch it or let anyone ever do anything with it, it’s just one of those things with me. Since I love long hair so much I have to give it to the women who chop it off and I find them very brave. There is literally no going back once you commit to chopping them off and you might feel there are limited ways to style them once you do. This is what we are here for, to give you all the inspiration you need on short haircuts for women. Get inspired by these 20 celebrities and use it as your hair guide for some time till you get the hang of it.
Recently people have been discussing how women with short hair really shows a lot of confidence, because sadly some people still believe that femininity is connected with women having long hair. This really is not the case at all and these women are proof of this, they can look sexy, smart, sophisticated and cute, these short haircuts for women might just inspire you to take the plunge. If your looking for new short haircuts or ways of styling the short hair you already have, scroll through the images below to find some of the best looks you should follow this year.
(Also check out other hair and makeup trends to follow in 2017) 
20 Best Short Haircuts For Women To Try Now
Elegant Asymmetrical Cut
Zoe Saldana rocking this cut with red lips.
Bob with bangs
We love bobs and especially Taylor Swifts’s that has these bangs!
Visible Roots
Sarah Paulson embraces her blunt cut and waves with a dual-tone color beautifully.
Flapper Curls
A style that still looks glamorous today, as shown by star Ruth Negga.
Dip-Dye Highlights
The highlights right at the ends of the strands add just the right amount of color to the hair – Rose Byrne.
Pixie Cut
A strong and bold look by Natalie Portman.
The French Pixie
Miley Cyrus is never afraid to try new looks and she owned this french pixie cut perfectly.
Old Hollywood Look
Curl the ends of your hair to create an uneven texture and just like Marion Cotillard you can get a sophisticated old Hollywood look.
Edgy Pixie cut
Lili Collins pixie cut gives off a very innocent yet naught vibe to her look.
Mid-Length Bob
For those who like to stay with a certain classic look and not experiment too much then get inspired by Kylie Jenner’s bob cut.
Slicked Back Look
The straight slicked back look has been a favourite amongst many celebrities lately, and we love the short hair version of it on Kristen Stewart.
Short Round Curls
Kiersey Clemons and with her short round curls looks magical!
Pastel Colors
One of the benefits of short haircuts for women is that soft colors and pastels look better on them rather than long hair. Katy Perry looks refreshing with this look and it certainly doesn’t look odd.
corkscrew curls
If you have curly hair like Julia Garner then enhance them even more with a diffuser when you are drying them to add some volume to the ends of your hair.
Fake Half-Updo
If you have short hair and still want it to look like you have done a half-updo hairstyle then tuck your hair behind your ears just like Kate Mara.
Messy Ringlets
Rock this messy curls look like Jessica Chastain if you have short hair to really stand out.
Puffy Curls
Janelle Monae’s puffy curls really add a lot of texture and character to her entire look.
One Length Bob
A simple all around same length bob can never go wrong and we love it on Jaime King.
Goldilocks length
Not too long and not too short, one of the perfect short haircuts for women where you can not go wrong. We love Emma Stone’s hair color!
Hair Jewels
Add some accessories to your hair like Alexa Chung and make use of your short length in the best way possible.
The post 20 Best Short Haircuts For Women To Try Now appeared first on Posherry.
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