#also naming your tatas is a thing right?
brsb4hls · 2 months
Btw when I was a teen obssessed with vampires I named my tits Louis and Lestat.
The left one's Louis, since that's the one that hurts when I'm ovulating.
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hellsitegenetics · 8 months
Well since you mention valentine's professions of love, I think it wouldn't be right if I didn't take this chance to extoll the virtues of moths. Firstly, they're adorable. Some of them are really fuzzy and have cute antennae. The rosy maple moth and the common silk moth are both very very cute. Secondly, (as this blog proves again and again) there are SO MANY of them in such a huge variety that you're bound to come across one that tickles your fancy! Take the Atlas Moth for example! It's got a wing span of nearly 25cm! That's like the size of a small bird! (You have no idea how much I want to pet a large moth species. Not the caterpillars though. Never touch random caterpillars. In fact, some moth caterpillars have hairs and stuff that you definitely do not want to touch due to them being poisonous.) Thirdly, moths are culturally and historically important! Silk has been a major industry for centuries upon centuries. The techniques of silk production and the actual moths themselves are the subject of myths in various cultures. They were once so jealously and secretively guarded that there are legends of how they came to be spread to different parts of Asia. I cannot stress how big of a deal silk was throughout the history of the world and how the trade of silk influenced international relations for hundreds, if not thousands of years. Oh and the thing is, common silk moths aren't the only silk-producing moth! There are several moths in the Saturniidae family that make cocoons of silk which are also used in modern, commercial silk production -- some of which don't result in the death of the chrysalid.
Look, I know whatever string of nucleotides this ramble produces will not end up matching the genetic sequence of a moth, because that's just how these things work but... I hope that people will look upon all the moths that do show up going forth with a fond and grateful eye because moths are truly magnificent creatures. Happy Valentine's Day!
String identified:
c t at' , t t 't gt 't ta t cac t t t t t. t, t' aa. t a a a a ct ata. T a t a t c t a t ct. c, (a t g aga a aga) t a A t c a g at tat ' t c ac tat tc ac! Ta t Ata t a! t' gt a g a a 25c! Tat' t a a ! ( a a c at t t a ag t c. t t cata tg. tc a cata. act, t cata a a a t tat t t at t tc t t g .) T, t a cta a tca tat! a a a t ct ct. T tc ct a t acta t t a t ct t a ct. T c a a ct ga tat t a g t ca t a t t at Aa. cat t g a a a tgt t t t a t ta c tata at , t ta a. a t tg , c t a't t -cg t! T a a t t ata a tat a cc c a a , cca ct -- c 't t t at t ca.
, at tg ct t a c t atcg t gtc c a t, ca tat' t t tg t… tat a t t tat gg t t a a gat ca t a t agct cat. a at' a!
Closest match: Parapoynx stratiotata genome assembly, chromosome: 8 Common name: Ringed China-mark
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taruusmoon · 11 months
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OC: Juliana Choi
Summary: After ending her secret relationship with Taeyoung, Juliana attends the Giselle ballet in which her ex stars, without knowing that it is possibly the last time she will see her.
Warning: angst, bad English, exes to…
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Juliana Velez grew up as a child who lost everything. At the young age of five, her father died, and the following year, her mother remarried a man who took them to live on the other side of the world, far from home. She lost her home, her family, and her last name when her mother's new husband legally adopted her at the age of six, becoming Juliana Choi. There was nothing that really belonged to her, not even her life or her decisions. She grew up studying what her mother wanted, what she commanded, and what she thought was best.
Juliana was barely six years old when her mother decided that she would take ballet lessons. Even though the girl had no interest in dancing, Victoria insisted. Much to her dismay, Juliana traded her afternoons of writing with Professor Park for long, boring ballet classes.
The first day at the ballet academy was chaotic; her teacher was quite old and strict and did not hesitate to whipped her students legs with a ruler that she always carried in her hands. She hated it. Juliana was always sure that she detested ballet; however, when four years later an eight-year-old girl with beautiful eyes appeared in her classes, she began to like it a little.
Kim Taeyoung was a child prodigy in ballet; every time teacher Jung asked her a question or addressed her, the girl raised her head proudly and obeyed her orders. Juliana loved it because she had never met before someone as disciplined and consistent as she was in writing. The girl showed an innate talent for ballet, and in a short time she became the favorite of Mrs. Jung and also of the parents, including Juliana's. At every recital, the girl would get at least one solo, and every time she went on stage, Juliana felt that she hated to dance ballet but loved to watch Taeyoung dance, even though she didn't say so.
But they were not close at first, and it was not until Juliana turned fifteen that things changed, and the two teenagers became inseparable after playing the black swan and the white swan in a play that made them quite popular among the students of the National Ballet Academy. However, their separation was imminent when, two years later, Victoria finally made the decision that Juliana should start focusing on her real studies as heiress to half of her husband's emporium. They remained friends, though the closest of friends.
But one night, on Juliana's twenty-first birthday, things changed.
“Is it weird that I feel like kissing you right now? ” Taeyoung's voice came out in a whisper and was barely understandable to Juliana. The two of them are on Jul's bed, quite dizzy because, in the middle of the party that Juliana's mother organized, they sneaked into the wine room of the older girl's stepfather. “I don't think I should have drunk so much wine.”
“I don't think it's weird because I want to do it  too." Juliana took a long breath because, finally, after many years, she could finally express what she felt. “But I don't know if it's the right thing to do, Tata. I don't even think it was right to let you drink alcohol without being of legal age to do it in the first place.”
“Is there ever a time when you stop thinking about doing the right thing?” Tatter reached out and grabbed Juliana's hand and pulled it to her chest, where the girl could feel Taeyoung's heart beating excitedly. “Sometimes you should follow what your heart is trying to explain to you.”
“And what is yours trying to explain?”
“That I like you," the words came out of Taeyoung's mouth without shyness, and Juliana felt her heart start to beat much faster than before. “Bada said that if your heart beats fast when you are with someone, then it means something.”
“So you think you like me because Bada said so? ”She tried to question the girl. “Your heart beats fast every time you dance.”
“And I love to dance. Then that only confirms my theory.”
Juliana sketched a soft smile, not knowing exactly what she should do next. Taeyoung stared at her with a peculiar gleam in her eyes, still holding Juls' hand against her chest, while thinking that it's time for the older one to take the next step because she already did enough that night. For a long time, they have carried that rare relationship between friends and something more, where there were more than friendly frictions, furtive glances that meant something more, and hidden feelings.
“I hate you, Tata" Juliana said softly, leaning back on her elbow quickly and then pressing her lips against Taeyoung's without hesitation.
At first, neither of them moved; both were anxious and a little shy. Although it wasn't the first kiss for either of them, it was the first time they felt so many emotions with a simple kiss. Taeyoung parted her lips and was the first to move her mouth, catching Juliana's lower lip, who is still a little uncomfortable, not knowing what to do. Juliana's hand on Taeyoung's chest is no longer just there; it is now squeezing her pajama shirt tightly. In an attempt to tell her that everything was okay, Taeyoung gently stroked her knuckles. Then Juliana managed to let go, and the kiss became mutual, soft, and intoxicating.
They both know they have a lot to lose because Juliana has a life grounded in her family's customs and her mother already has her life planned, and Taeyoung doesn't even appear as a friend. But still, once they let the feelings come out, they decided that it might be worth a try and that they were going to enjoy it for as long as it lasted.
“Tell me you're not going to forget this tomorrow when we wake up." Taeyoung mumbled against Juliana's mouth “I don't want to forget it.”
“I won't, Tata.”
˗ ˏ ˋ ♡ ˎˊ ˗
Three years later, Taeyoung and Juliana are in the same place, but the situation is totally different. They are not on the older girl's bed sharing their first kiss and with emotions running high; instead, Juliana is standing in front of the window of her room with her arms crossed and her chin trembling from the tears she is trying to hold back. Taeyoung is sitting in the middle of the bed, confused by Juliana's elusive attitude towards her since a week ago.
“Why did you call me so suddenly?” Taeyoung asked after a long silence that made her very nervous. “My practice for Giselle starts in two hours, and the academy is not close…”
“There's something we should talk about, Tatter" Juliana interrupted ignoring the fact that Taeyoung tensed up when she heard her say the nickname she never used with her unless a fight was about to break out.
“You never call me Tatter” the girl stood up and walked slowly towards Juliana. “You can tell me whatever you want, Juls. I don't know what happened these days, but it doesn't matter. If there's something that's bothering you, then we can talk about it, and we'll work it out.”
Taeyoung's words hit deep inside Juliana; unintentionally, her eyes started to fill up with tears that she tried to hold back but couldn't. She wished they could actually talk and solve what was bothering her, but it was impossible because that discomfort had a name, and that was Victoria Choi. Her mother. The person who had discovered them a week ago among the rose bushes in the garden while they were sharing a moment alone had nothing wrong with it, but in the woman's eyes, it had been enough to understand the unlabeled relationship her daughter had with her best friend.
That same night, Victoria decided to confront her eldest daughter about the affair, and even if Juliana tried to deny it at first, she ended up confessing everything to her mother, with the slightest hope that she would understand. But it was quite the opposite, because the woman simply warned her that she would end Taeyoung's career if she did not stay away. And even though her mother didn't have a single piece in her favor to ruin Taeyoung, Eunwon, her stepfather, did.
“Juls…” she tried to speak again, but Juliana turned away with a wet face before she could say anything. “Why are you crying?”
“My mother knows, Tata” she finally muttered with a frown and shining eyes. ”It's over, Taeyoung, I'm sorry.”
“What do you mean it's over?” Tatter felt her hands shaking, and her heart began to pound harder against her chest. “Did you talk to her? You have to explain to her; maybe if I talk to her, then she'll understand" she mumbled, waving his hands under Juliana's bright gaze.
“There's nothing you can tell her to change her mind" Juliana denied, lifting her shoulders. “I've tried everything, and there's nothing we can do.”
“No, there must be something Juliana" she insisted. "This is yours and mine; no one can decide about our feelings or even less about the relationship we have." Suddenly, Taeyoung's eyes started to fill with tears too, but she struggled to hold them back as she tried to find a solution. "Juliana, why don't you say anything? Don't you want to do anything about this?”
“I don't know Taeyoung.”
“What do you mean you don't know?” Taeyoung became desperate when she sees the calm in Juliana's eyes, the girl doesn't answer her question, and then fury invades her body. “Are you telling me that you're going to let your mother define the future of our relationship?” She mutters in disbelief and turns around to turn her back to Juliana in an attempt to prevent her from seeing how disappointed she is.
“It's my mother Taeyoung" Juliana's voice sounds so calm that Tatter's skin crawls. But in reality in her heart she always knew that her relationship with Juliana was not going to last, because at any moment her mother would tell her what to do and Juliana would follow her without hesitation. “You think it's easy Tata, but it's not just my mom, what will we do when everyone ends up realizing it? Your career would be over along with my family, and I can't ruin us for this.”
“So that's it? You're so afraid of facing your family and the world that you find it easier to throw away everything we are” Taeyoung says with a lump in her throat. “We could leave here, get away from what your mother expects you to be, and I could make my career somewhere else. We can rewrite our history, but you're such a coward, you won't do it. You prefer to lose me”
“I’d lose you either way Tata. Everything you say feels impossible.”
Taeyoung bites his tongue and clenches her jaw as hard as she can. She wants to keep talking, to repeat again to Juliana that other people and her family don't matter, but she knows that for the girl, there is no one more important than her mother. Even though the woman won't even appreciate her. Without saying anything, Tatter closes her eyes, taking a long breath. Juliana knows that this is the end of everything, even though she doesn't want to admit it.
“Do you even care about this, Juliana?” The question takes the girl by surprise, and then she hesitates. “Because I'm sure that if you cared, you would try to find a way to solve this. But then you come and talk to me about my career and what people will think when they find out. Shouldn't you have thought about that three years ago? But of course, it's because you never thought this was serious, you knew from the beginning that as soon as your family found out, you were just going to leave me with some stupid excuse. I was such an idiot to think that Juliana Choi with her perfect life, was going to ruin her future for me.”
“It's not like that, Taeyoung, I really tried to fix it, but it's not that simple” Juliana tries to say, but Tatter's hurt look leaves her speechless. She remains silent for a few seconds, not knowing what to say, while tears begin to fall down her cheeks. “We can be friends; after all, before this, we were friends for a long time. I don't want us to stop talking; you are an important part of my life Taeyoung and you know it," she said as she tried to get closer, but Taeyoung denied taking a step back.
“I just don't want to be your friend; I'm sorry, Juliana” she whispered with a shrug, and with nothing more to say, she turned to grab her backpack.
If Juliana had been braver, she would have had stopped Taeyoung when she left her room; she would have told her that she didn't want to be her friend either, but “what if” doesn't exist, and she knows it. With an intense pain in her chest, she lay down on her bed, her hand on her neck, clenching the necklace Taeyoung had given her for her birthday. After a few minutes, Eunbyul walked through the door without knocking, encountering a scene she had expected.
“You look terrible, sis" she said in a soft voice, and then Juliana let out all the sobs she had been holding back.
And so the following week passed. Juliana stayed in her room every day alone with Eunbyul by her side, attending the university in the mornings and coming to her room every noon. She felt nothing; it was as if her body was anesthetized, but every night she cried because her mother again ruined something she wanted, and she had done nothing to stop it. Every day she tried to call Taeyoung but the girl never answered her calls or her texts; it was as if she had disappeared from the face of the earth.
She only saw her again when Taeyoung's face appeared on the banners advertising the Giselle ballet to be performed at the National Theater of Korea. A show her stepfather insisted on attending as a birthday present for Victoria who, even if she hated Juliana's relationship with Taeyoung, still considered the ballerina one of her favorites.
When the night of the show finally arrived, Juliana managed to sneak into the show's dressing room after convincing her old dance teacher, Ms. Jung. Luckily for her the place was a bit empty since most of the dancers were near the stage, except for Taeyoung whom Juliana knew liked to stay alone until the last minute before performing.
“Do you need help with that?” she said as she opened the door and watched Taeyoung try to put Giselle's headdress in her hair.
“What are you doing here?” The girl asked with a frown as she saw Juliana through the dressing table mirror. “I thought you didn't want to see me anymore.”
“I never said I didn't want to see you” she replied taking the headdress from Tatter's hands to place it in the tight bun she was wearing. “Unlike you, who haven't answered any of my calls or messages”
“Bold of you to asume that I wanted to talk to you after everything that happened." Taeyoung stood up and walked to the back to start stretching a bit since Juliana's appearance made her tense up a bit. “I think you said enough that night, Juliana.”
“I think there are still things we can talk about.”
“No Juliana” she spat a little rudely. "There's nothing to talk about anymore, but I'll give you some advice you didn't ask for; I don't think this is the way you should live your life, so take charge of it before you regret it. But I am not the one to decide how you should live. Goodbye Juliana.”
Without another word, Taeyoung walked past Juliana and out of the dressing room, leaving her alone. The former dancer felt as if the girl's words were a farewell and inevitably felt afraid of losing her, even though in reality she didn't even have her anymore. She took a long breath, smoothed the skirt of the long red dress her mother had recommended her to wear, and then left the place with a firm step. She made it as far as the balcony when Giselle's first act began.
“Where were you?” Eunbyul asked her in a whisper to avoid getting dirty looks from her parents. “Bada and Lusher are downstairs with Jessica, they asked me how you were”
“I'll look for them later to say hello” she answered, ignoring the question. Eunbyul understood instantly and decided not to insist any more.
The Giselle ballet was a tragic love story, and it was also Juliana's favorite work. It was the one leading role she always wished to have when she was still dancing, but she never got it because Taeyoung always beat her. But that didn't make her feel bad because, as much as she wanted to be the lead, she also enjoyed seeing the girl as Giselle. Taeyoung had beautiful eyes that managed to express all the pain of a broken heart, like Giselle.
When the second act started, Juliana sat upright on her chair, expectantly watching the Wilis dance which was her favorite part. Minah one of Taeyoung's close friends was in charge of playing Myrtha the ruthless leader of the spirits of the maidens abandoned by their lovers. She couldn't take her eyes off Taeyoung at all times, who danced with energy, giving her the air of youth that Giselle had.
“Taeyoung really has a bright future as a dancer" Juliana heard her mother say as she stood up to applaud when the play finally ended.
Everyone who attended the play stood up and applauded loudly when the dancers came out to bow their thanks. Juliana could not feel anything but proud of Taeyoung who had given an amazing lead role to everyone there. As the curtain closed, people slowly began to file out. Juliana sat back down on her chair as her stepfather was talking to an associate of his company. She didn't know how long she stayed there, but all the time she kept her eyes on the stage in an attempt to relive Taeyoung's performance. Deep down she felt that it was the last time she would see her. 
“Your phone is ringing Juliana," her mother's gruff voice interrupted her, making her quickly pull out her phone from the handbag she was carrying. She had five messages from Bada Lee; Taeyoung's best friend.
Tatter was offered a place at the Royal Opera House in London.      
I didn't want to get involved, but this is your last chance.     
Juliana answer the phone   
Her flight leaves at 9:30 pm   
The messages came one after the other twenty minutes ago. Without another second's thought, she stood up, walked past her stepfather and the man she was talking to, and ran down the stairs to the balcony as fast as she could, ignoring the voice of Eunbyul and her mother calling her name. There were still a lot of people among the aisles of the theater, She stopped for a moment among the people to grab the skirt of the long dress and pull it up to her legs so she could run with a little more ease, although the heels she was wearing made it a little difficult for her still.
Once she reached the outside of the venue, she felt anxious as there were a lot of people outside the theater. She tried to locate Taeyoung among the many women walking back and forth; even though the girl had long red hair it seemed impossible to find her. Se walked back and forth in circles hoping to see her but she couldn't find her, possibly Taeyoung had already left home.
”Juls!” she heard at the bottom of the stairs and when she turned her gaze she found Bada calling out to her with an effusive hand.
“Where is Taeyoung?” she asked as soon as she arrived with Bada, Lusher and Jessica.
“She's gone, she took a cab home about ten minutes ago to pick up her bags” Lusher took her hand and pulled her along the sidewalk. ”That's our cab, you take it and leave right now. But don't screw it up Juliana because this is really the only chance you have”
Not knowing what to say, Juliana just nodded and got into the cab. Lusher closed the door to indicate the direction to the driver, who started as soon as he sensed the importance of the matter. During the whole trip, Juliana's chest was rising and falling rapidly. She felt anxious to finally arrive at Taeyoung's apartment, but she felt the minutes passing too slowly. Every now and then, the driver would look at her and repeat that they would be at their destination soon and not to worry since there was not much traffic on the streets. He managed to calm her down a bit and used the remaining fifteen minutes of the trip to think about everything he had to say to Taeyoung. She wanted to apologize for putting her mother's wishes above what they had, to tell her that she loved her, and that she was sorry she hadn't tried a little harder to save their relationship. 
Once she was clear on what she wanted to say, she tried to calm down, but the driver's voice telling her that they had arrived at their destination made her nervous again. She paid the man, and without waiting for the change, she got out of the cab and rushed to the apartment building where Taeyoung lived. When she entered, the doorman greeted her as usual and let her in without asking her any questions. Juliana had spent so many days in the apartment that the apartment workers and Taeyoung's neighbors already knew her.
She entered the elevator with shaky legs and gasping for breath as she prayed that Taeyoung was still in the apartment. Once she reached floor three, she stepped out into the hallway and walked as fast as she could, her eyes on the floor, as it was very difficult for her to walk fast. Taeyoung's apartment was just around the corner, and when she finally stood in front of the door, she stood there, her heart pounding anxiously. She put in the code, and seconds later, the lock opened. She grabbed the knob, turning it to open the door.
“Taeyoung” she shouted in the darkness of the room, but no one answered. "Kim Taeyoung!” she shouted again, her voice shaking, but again there was only silence.
She ran to the main room of the apartment, and when she entered, she found nothing. The white sheets were perfectly laid out on the bed; on the dresser, there was no trace of Taeyoung's personal belongings, and when she opened the closet door, she found only the hangers. It was too late; Taeyoung was gone, and she could do nothing to stop her.
Her legs faltered and she slowly fell to her knees, she brought her hand to her chest as she felt an intense pain spread from her throat. At first it was only tears but soon her body shook from the uncontrolled sobs coming from her throat. She laid her head on the bed mattress and berated herself countless times for doing things wrong. She didn't know how long she lay there, but she was so deep in thought that she didn't hear when the door opened. But suddenly, a girl's arms wrapped around her body. 
 “It’s gonna be okay Juls" Lusher's voice came out in a soft tone lulling her into her arms.
“It hurts Lush"
“I know”
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strangesthirdeye · 10 months
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Chapter 7: New face
Unspoken Love Masterlist /Chapter: 8
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"It's already 2 weeks you've been here, now you're learning some complicated spells. I can't believe it"Dhani murmured with her head placed on the table and looked to the side to see you who was sitting on her bed reading a book of spells with reading glasses.
"Well, what can I say that I'm a fast learner" you smiled quickly at Dhani and looked at your book again.
"Fast learner, eh" Dhani yawned then straighten her body to crack her spine and groan in relief. "You know, this kind of evening is the best time to take a nap"
"well, for you it is but not for me, Dhani. I need to learn more. Things are getting more interesting" you told Dhani. Your eyes are still closed.
"yeah yeah, Doctor like you really thirst for knowledge." Dhani leaned back in the chair. "how's your leg?"
You looked at Dhani for a moment. "good.. yeah. It doesn't hurt as much as before and I don't really need to use walking stick anymore. Migraine? Still have." you answered while rolling your legs left and right.
Dhani nodded. "That's good" Dhani yawned for the second time. "Oh god, I'm so sleepy"
"then go to sleep" you replied looking back at the book.
Dhani groaned lowly. "i can't. John needs me"
"for what?" You furrowed your eyebrows at Dhani.
"some relics hunting he said. Probably there are bandits who smuggle relics" Dhani murmured.
"relics?" Now it's getting more interesting.
Dhani sighs. "it's weapons that contain magic, some very powerful, some are only middle level of powerful and some are used for daily life like protection or immunity. Also some are millions of years old, some are thousands of years old but still in good condition. You can have relics if the relics are ready to choose you to be its master."
"do you have any relics?" you questioned
"yeah, The Wren and The Nightingale are my relics" Dhani took out her relics from the sheath on her waist and showed them to you.
"they're called the Songbirds. they're twins"
The two daggers in Dhani's hand are very sharp and deadly with its handle having a diamond in the center of the two daggers. Silver and shiny, maybe Dhani really takes care of her daggers so well. With those two daggers that have their own names The Wren and The Nightingale in addition to their own different abilities make these relics even more interesting.
"That looks stunning" you complimented.
"i know right! they have their own abilities. You see, This two daggers connection is like Thor's hammer. They always know where the other are. It's like twins instinct, you know. They always stitch with each other." Dhani exclaimed excitedly then put the two daggers in the sheath around her waist and gently patted the sheath.
"when can i get my relics?" You questioned.
"Like I said, when the relics feel like you are ready to be their owner. Think about it like the magic wand in Harry Potter. The wand chooses it master" Dhani explained then got up from where she was sitting and stretched her body. "aight! I should probably go now, it's not good to be late, anyway. So, don't forget to return the book you read to the library.. if you don't, Wong will be mad at me because I should have returned that book today..Tata" Dhani pointed her index finger to the book you are holding then waved her hand towards you and left her own room where you are right now.
You just nodded in understanding and continued reading the spell book calmly. But then, before you could turn to the next page, the sound of knocking on the door started to be heard outside Dhani's room. You raised your head from between the books and looked weirdly towards the door of the room.
"Uh, That was a pretty quick mission that Dhani went on" you said under your breath and just sat down.
But the sound of knocking is still heard making you sigh quickly and put the book on the table then get up and walk towards the door of the room. The door of the room was opened by you and there stood a middle-aged man with a rather thick-built body and a stoic face and short black hair looking at you in front of the door of Dhani's room with both hands on his hips. Looking at the way he wears the dark brown tunic, he must be one of the Masters here. You gulped looking at the Chinese man.
"Hi?" You greeted the Chinese man. You don't know if he's good at speaking English or not so the word 'hi' means the same, right?
"new face? Finally i see your face around here." said the man with a gruff voice.
"yes.. And you are?"
"Wong" the man simply said.
"Wong.. Ok.. um you-"
"I am one of the library custodians here and my job now is to collect back the book that Dhani borrowed for 3 days. Now where is Dhani?" Wong explained.
"she's just gone out to do a relics hunting mission," you answered.
Wong raised one eyebrow. "again?"
"I don't know how many times she did that mission but that's what she said." you raised both hands as if you were surrounded.
"Never mind that, I need to collect the book that Dhani borrowed before the Ancient One checks around the library later" Wong massaged the bridge of his nose.
"oh, yeah.. the book.. right." you turned around but before that you looked at Wong with a glance. "wait here" and you went to the table where you put the spell book.
A few seconds later, you handed the spell book to Wong. "here"
Wong took the book and held it by his side before nodding his head towards you as a sign of thanks and walking away. But then you decided to follow Wong to the library too.
Wong just ignored your appearance next to him and carried on walking to the library for the next duty.
To get rid of the awkwardness, you try to open a conversation with Wong. But your chance to start a conversation was interrupted by Wong.
"How long have you been here?" Wong asked. His eyes are not looking at you.
"I've only been here for 2 weeks" you answered and tried to keep up with Wong's steps.
"2 weeks and you already read a complicated spell book" Wong acknowledged you with an impressive tone of voice.
"well, I quite like the teaching method here so it's quite easy to keep up" you exclaimed.
"Great, you like our teaching method, but sometimes there are methods that you can't follow yet," Wong responded and opened the library door.
The two of you stepped into the library. Cozy and quiet is what you feel after stepping into the Kamar Taj library. Everything is arranged nicely and neatly. The bookshelves are organized by category while there are several books on chains in some sections, perhaps the most complicated spell books or just the books are banned. Perhaps it was a restricted area and only Masters could be there and take the book.
Wong then turned on the light in a section of books that were chained and then pulled the grill to hook the book to its original place and pushed the grill back to its original place.
You raised one eyebrow. "What area is this? Why are the books here chained?"
"The Ancient One's private collection." Wong answered and walked to the other grill to make sure the books there were tightly chained. "Books here are chained because they are not to be taken at will" Wong added
"So only masters can take it? Does that mean the book I read is forbidden?" you worriedly said.
"Not all knowledge in the Kamar Taj is forbidden but for the first question is yes it is indeed for Masters but students can borrow it too only for certain practices and there is a time limit which is why I need to collect the book that Dhani borrowed back. Though she is already on the way to be a master doesn't mean she can take care of the books well" Wong mumbled.
"besides those books are far too advanced for anyone other than the Sorcerer Supreme." Wong added.
You nodded your understanding and looked around the area with wonder. But then what catches your attention is a book that has an iron-like cover and in the center of the book there is a large circle complete with a shining orange crystal.
"that book looks beautiful" you pointed out towards the book by nodding your head towards the book.
Wong looked at you and saw where you nodded. "That's the book of Cagliostro. The study of time. A few months ago one of our ex students Kaecilius stole a ritual from that book after beheading the former library master here. Not only that," Wong walked to the library desk to check some book return forms. "He gathered other students and tempted them with power to follow in his footsteps."
"he stole the ritual for what? Only one page? Why not the whole book?" you frowned in question.
"No more questions. And one more thing, if any of the collection volumes here are lost again, I will look for you until I find it and I know who took it. And you can't imagine how bad the punishment you will get." Wong warned you sharply and looked at you with narrowed eyes.
"but what if I'm like Dhani? You know, if I forget to return it on that day or it's overdue, is there some late fees I have to pay or punishment for returning it late?" you joked trying to light up the tense situation. But then shut up when you saw Wong's serious face.
You then looked down in shame. "I shouldn't have said that" you mumbled quietly then looked at Wong again and nodded as a sign of retreat. "Uh, thank you for lighting up all the awareness in me and giving me a wonderful warning. Hope we can meet again" and you walked away.
2 ꂵꄲꋊ꓄ꁝꇙ ꒒ꋬ꓄ꏂꋪ (2 Months later)
"Try to conjure your own weapon first" Mordo instructed you while pointing the wand of Watoombs at you. Sometimes, Mordo corrects your stands and hands positions to be perfect.
After 2 months of training there, you can finally feel free to walk without any help. You can feel your legs light after some weight is removed. Your migraine seems to be decreasing but still not gone even a little.
Sometimes there are times when you think about many things, the migraine will appear uninvited and sometimes that can cause you to lack focus in certain training. After several mind trainings with Dhani, even though Dhani is sometimes the cause of your migraines, you are able to train your mind to be calm and think broadly without any pressure or any other things that are not relevant in your mind, so your migraines decrease little by little.
Sparks of fire splashed at your fingertips as you braced your hands forward with your eyes focused intently on your fingers while your mind was trying to clear what you were thinking and just focus on conjuring a weapon as instructed by Mordo.
And then after the spark of fire seemed powerful enough to form, you started to pull the orange magic hue like a spring and suddenly Mordo swooped down and hit the wand of watoombs on your half-finished makeshift weapon causing you to lose focus.
Mordo then swung the wand of watoomb again quickly and you managed to reflect it with your half makeshift weapon. Sparks of fire flew into the air as the wand of watoomb made contact with your mystic weapon.
As if Mordo senses an opening around you that you don't defend, Mordo then swipes your leg until you lose your balance and kneel to court training. And then Mordo raised the wand of watoomb above your head and swung it at you. You then reflect with your barely there makeshift weapon. But then your makeshift weapon disappears as soon as you make contact with the wand of watoomb. And there goes Mordo finishing you off.
You pant a few breaths trying to get some oxygen into your body again. You who were lying on the side looked at Mordo's face tiredly.
Mordo lightly chuckled looking at your defeated face and extended his hand towards you. "I see you're getting better lately"
You reached for Mordo's hand and got up with a groan. "still can't fight you"
"Train more persistently and you will be able to achieve what you want" Mordo simply said.
"you've said that many times" you stretched your shoulders a few times trying to get rid of the pain.
"and yet, I can see the results" Mordo reassured you.
"well thanks to you I have a great trainer" you smiled a little before brushing yourself from the dirt on your attire.
"how was your casting spells with the Ancient One? any progress now that she allows you to learn complicated spells?" Mordo glanced at you before placing the wand of watoomb back where it came from.
"still in progress but almost there" you stretch your hands forward and crack your neck slightly to the side. you breathed a sigh of relief.
"You and your strong memories were created specifically for mystic arts. So study hard and train a lot" Mordo admitted then put his hands on his waist.
"Is that a compliment because I don't know how to react" you joked.
Mordo chuckled lightly while shaking his head. "you and your sarcasm." Mordo sighed. "Now I have to go out now to scout around so go training or do something. Dhani will be with you this late afternoon"
"I hope she's not with John again." you muttered quietly.
"Those two I don't know what would happen if they weren't together." Mordo said simply then walked down the corridor to his room.
You hummed. "the two of them really can't go far from each other.. makes you wonder" you paused. "well, i better go.. you can't be late for duty right? bye bye"
Mordo nodded then turned and went to his room to change his attire. You hummed and walked to your room to freshen up.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
꓄꒐ꂵꏂ ꇙꀘ꒐ꉣꇙ (Time skips)
"Did you hear? The Ancient One just kicked someone out of the Kamar Taj.. Don't know why. But it's kinda rare because this is the first time she rejected someone so quickly" Dhani told you while stroking the fur of a black cat in the floor of your room.
"really? They must have pissed off Ancient One, that's why she kicked them out"You replied, eyes not leaving the book in your hand as you tried to make yourself comfortable on your bed to leaned against the headboard.
"It could be. She looks calm but don't trust her calmness. She has a lot of tricks up her sleeve" Dhani cooed at the cat while poking the cat's stomach. The cat then jerked and clawed Dhani's hand gently.
You looked at Dhani with wonder. "You told me that Mordo brought them here. Any chance you saw their faces?"
"why? do you want to change him like in the Wattpad book I read? 'oh, look at me! look at meh. This isn't you!'" Dhani said dramatically as she lifted the cat and pouted towards the cat's face. The cat meowed softly.
"Ehh, not really but what I know is that he's wearing a Balenciaga sweater and his hands are bandaged" Dhani shrugged her shoulders and put the cat on her shoulders like a baby and gently patted the cat's body. The cat nuzzled into her shoulder and purred lowly.
"rich person then. Must have a high ego that's why the Ancient One kicks them out" you shifted your gaze to the spell book again.
"of course" Dhani murmured then fixed her glasses that fell on the bridge of her nose.
The room becomes silent for a moment. Only the sound of bells and the wind could be heard in the late afternoon. The sky is getting browner and becomes a dark orange mixed with gray indicating that the moon will appear soon. A gentle breeze enters your room through the window. The once busy street around Kamar Taj becomes more and more deserted as the night approaches.
Dhani then started standing with the black cat still in her hand. Dhani yawned slightly. "I should go take a shower and feed Moon" Dhani gestured at the cat in her hand. "see you at dinner, Y/n" Dhani waved her hand  and putting on her shoes before walked out of your room.
You nodded without looking at Dhani. Your eyes are still on the page of the book. You only have five pages left and you can return this spell book to the library. Otherwise Wong will demand like a debt collector later. It's been a while since you heard from Stephen. Well, it took a while because you turned off your phone so you didn't really know what was going on out there because you were focused on the Kamar Taj.
So you haven't heard any news from Stephen or from the hospital. You just shrugged it off. After all, Dhani has become a messenger for you because she likes to share something that happens out there. At least you know what's going on in the world now. While Dhani is quite busy with relics hunting and recently with Kaecilius' cases. She actually became more serious and firm with the training you both went through. According to her, your skills should be honed properly because at any time something undesirable will happen. Must be something that Dhani is a bit stressed with what is happening now.
You don't mind at least you can focus on trying to move the remaining sore muscles that are still tense. Migraine should not be mentioned. Well sometimes there are things that cannot be cured. You looked at your walking stick that was leaning against the corner of your room. You are quite satisfied with your progress to go back to walking as usual, but you still feel empty. Like something is a bit wrong. You have recovered, but do you want to go back to work in the hospital again?
As if you were hit by a dilemma, you shook yourself from your empty reverie and looked out the window. The sky is already dark and you can see some stars that are quite faded in the sky starting to appear clearly. While the moon seems in the phase of appearing. Full moon tonight You wonder if werewolves exist. If magic exists, does it mean that mystical animals such as dragons, unicorns or vampires also exist?
Now that's pretty interesting. You sighed lightly and chuckled softly at the thought of such a thing. It is possible that they exist but we ourselves do not see them, that's all.
You then put the spell book on the table next to the bed then got up and walked to a cabinet to prepare your night clothes. It's been a long day so you deserve a hot and relaxing bath. You took out a short-sleeved blue t-shirt and black pajamas from the cabinet and then you put them on the bed.
Your hand then reached for the towel hanging on the hanger. As you were getting ready to undress, you heard a chatter outside your window. Weird, you put your tunic back on and looked out the window curiously.
There Mordo and a man were busy walking in the dim courtyard. Mordo, who was still wearing his duty tunic, seemed to be accompanied by a stranger behind him while explaining certain things. The tall stranger who seemed to be carrying a bag with a sweater that Dhani explained before seemed to nod and look around the place.
Now there you can see from afar that the man's face is full of beard and his hair is unkempt. His face is smeared while his hands are full of bandages just like what Dhani described to you.
So that's the guy that The Ancient One kicked out a while ago? Now he is accepted? weird. It's as if the Ancient one saw something in the man that's why he was accepted again even though he was initially rejected. Mordo seems satisfied so you assume he is the one who confronted the Ancient One. You don't know but you're just guessing.
Not long after, you lost focus on the guest as they both entered a hallway and didn't know where they were going. You just shrugged it off and closed the window of your room and decided to refresh yourself before heading to dinner.
But no matter what you do, you still think about that mysterious man. Something about him just triggered a button in your mind.
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oh-surprise-its-me · 1 year
Could we have an AU where’s Bradley’s papers didn’t get pulled and he goes to the Naval Academy where he meets Jake and Jake takes him home for Christmas to meet his dad and his dads partners? I’m gonna roll with the idea that Goose is alive (cause I love goose too much to kill him) and he and Mav and Carole are gone on some cruise or something so Bradley doesn’t have any family to go home to for Christmas so ofc Jake being the sweet bf he is invites Bradley home to spend it with him and his family. The only problem tho is that Jake hasn’t exactly told Bradley that two of his dads are a couple of the most influential men in the navy. Bradley just knows them as Ron the man who is terrified of cats and Tom who taught Jake how to speak polish as a kid. Jake also hasn’t told his dads that he’s dating Bradley as in Bradley Bradshaw, the son of goose from their top gun class (let’s pretend that Jake also doesn’t realize that his bf is the son of Admiral Bradshaw who was in the same top gun class with his dads). Jake also definitely hasn’t said anything about his dads cause he doesn’t want to be labeled a nepo baby and he wants to prove himself in the academy. Same as Bradley. And we can we have best friend Javy who knows exactly who Bradley is but won’t tell Jake cause he’s just absolutely living for the free entertainment that this is gonna provide on his winter break (Javy is going home with Jake and Bradley cause his parents are also not around for Christmas).
Don’t mind me just dropping things in your ask box with the intention of leaving them here for me to remember in a couple months when I have the free time to write
Omg please join Phanie (Aki) and I in writing them. I’d scream. I’m begging you
Bradley can admit he’s excited to meet Jake’s dads. He knows very little all things considered but knows Jake was always supported in anything he wanted to do.
He sends off a final text to his mom before joining Jake and Javy in the truck. “So? Do I get to see some cows or some shit since we’re in Texas?”
Jake laughs from where he’s driving. “Not a chance cowboy. Pa and Tata said no cows.” Bradley nods he shuffles his feet a little. “But horses right? Always wanted to actually try riding one.”
Jake looks over with a smile. “Yeah baby, horses.”
Javy grins from where he’s sitting in the back texting Bob. Oh he can’t wait for this Christmas.
When they get to the ranch Bradley can only stand there for a second. It’s a big house. Bigger then he expected. Five dogs pour out of the door, Jake and Javy both toss their bags aside to grab them. Jake ends up picking up a little mutt. “Jake is that a coyote?” Jake blinks at Bradley and gives him the ‘I’m adorable and did nothing wrong’ smile. “No..?”
There’s a whistle from the porch. “Baby don’t lie to the poor man. Y’all come on. It’s cold out.” Jake laughs. “Good thing they live in California most of the year. Dad gets cold as hell.”
Bradley nods and grabs Jake’s bag. They make their way to the house, when they step inside Javy takes off deeper into the house like he owns the place. There’s voices in the other room that greet him with joy.
Jake nods for Bradley to follow him. When they enter the kitchen Javy is up on the counter next to the man who came out to get them. “Baby!” Jake is swept into a hug, “oh honey welcome home. And this must be the boyfriend huh?”
Bradley gives the man a little wave. “Hello. I’m Bradley.” The blond clone of Jake smiles and brings him into a hug. “My name is Chris hon.”
Bradley blinks for a second, he knows Jake’s dads names are Tommy and Ron. Doesn’t remember a Chris. “You’re Jake’s father?” The man nods and presses a kiss to Jake’s head on the way by. “Yep! I’m dad. Ron is pa, Tommy is tata which is polish for father.”
Bradley nods. Suddenly there’s two new men in the kitchen. Jake takes off for them both. “Pa! Tata!” They catch Jake in a hug, “hey chickie.” “Hey kiddo.”
Bradley blinks. He’s seen these men in photos with his dad and Mav.
Holy shit that’s Tom Iceman Kazansky.
“Holy shit Tommy is that Nick Bradshaw?”
Bradley freezes. Jake looks up at his dad in confusion. “Pa?” Tom blinks for s few seconds and then snaps his fingers, “Bradley right? Bradley Bradshaw? Never did get how Nicky got Carole to agree to that.”
Jake smacks Tom’s chest with a laugh. “Tata! You can’t be mean to him already!”
Javy snickers from where he’s sitting. Chris elbows him gently in the side. “You put it all together didn’t you kid?” Javy can only shrug, “needed some kind of drama this year.” Chris snorts and makes Javy try some of the soup he was making.
Bradly points at Ron, “you’re his wingman right? Uh? Slider?” Tom snorts, “nailed it kid. He’s more of a husband then a wingman now though.”
Bradley laughs and stares at Jake who isn’t really looking at him. “You’re a nepo baby aren’t you!?” Jake shakes head but before he can say anything Ron interrupts as he walks by Bradley and goes to the kitchen. “Say’s you Bradley. Your dad is an admiral as well.” Jake pulls himself out of Tom’s arms, “he’s what!” Bradley and Jake stare at each other for a good minute.
Oh Javy can’t believe his sister is missing this year’s entertainment just for a fucking cruise. She’d love this. It’s better then The bachelor.
“You are both nepo babies and I’m going to guess you didn’t share who your fathers were for the same reasons. Now someone besides Javy set the table.”
Jake snaps out of it faster and kisses Bradley on the way by, “not done with this conversation.” Bradley nods. He desperately hopes his phone has enough service to text his dad. He needs to know what to be prepared for.
Brad what do you mean Ice married his RIO?
Dad I swear. And there’s another blond.
Is it Hollywood?
No? Someone named Chris Seresin?? Jake has his last name??
Tell them I say hello and that we’re all catching up next time we’re all in California.
Dad love you but really not helping the freak out I’m having. JAKES DAD IS THE GODDAMN COMPACFLT
That’s a lot of yelling kiddo, but don’t fuck up with Jake Ice could end your career :) I dunno if I could stop him! :) :)
Love you baby! Have fun! Send photos! Your mom says kisses!
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monratarot · 3 months
Hi Moni, hopefully you still have free slot of tarot reading and I fortunately get the chance.
My name is Tata, 02/11/95 Cancer Rising and Moon, Aquarius Sun.
Lately if feel really stuck cuz what I already plans nothing works and bad things happen to me like it want make me to slow down and take a stop time, but even I'm want to take it positive it still make little be demotivated.
I want you to help me to ask by tarot, what aspect of my life that I should focus now (career, relationship or my plan for continue my study), maybe I'm to rush for everything.
Thank you
Hello, dear ! Thank you for your request. I hope that my reading will help you and bring clearance to your situation. 
Feedback is very much appreciated and if you consider tipping me, you can do so on my ☕️ko-fi.
Count of supplementary questions/requests and answers 5/8.
Without wasting any time, let's get into your reading!'•.¸♡ ♡¸.•'
Tarot free readings rule⋆。‧˚ʚ🍓ɞ˚‧。⋆
Tarot payed readings rules 𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒₊˚*ੈ🎀⸝⸝🍓✩‧₊˚
I have a good sign that now you should focus on your mind rather than your heart so I think you have your answer from the beginning but we are going to continue to see if there are other messages for you. Now is a good time for you to focus on work and study my dear. You are dealing with some difficulties with a teacher/boss/mentor but there is growth and expansion ahead so keep doing your work. It is a good time to try and be wise and try to discern what is better for you right now. There are some unseen changes ahead especially if you are going with the spiritual law. Listen to your intuition and don't try anything sneaky because karma can hit you later. Now is a good time for privacy and incubation. Keep all your plans secret and follow your intuition. Also, this is a period when you should have some significant dreams so be on guard when it comes to them, you can get some important messages through them. If you are feeling stuck and you have found the same thing over and over again just let past things go, now is the time to try something new. Success is coming on your road but there needs to be some time to nurture and work for your dreams so you just need to be patient and keep on working for your ideas. Your goals will be reached and you will have a breakthrough. The adrenaline of winning will bring you happiness and will give you the content that you had chosen to focus on in this area of your life. There will be a culmination of your efforts and difficulties will be overcome. A legal matter will go in your favour and you will get your deserved success. Now, when you have achieved your dreams you can share your accomplishments(but not before doing all the work because there can be some people who will have a bad influence on your situation so keep it silent until you win). Good news and celebration is on the way. Now is the time to let yourself shine. There is nothing wrong with guarding your work and ensuring that you get the credit that you deserve. A public victory will take place in your life and the energy will be positive and full of happiness. So my dear, focus right now on your studies and you will get your rewards for being consistent and focused on this area of your life. Angel message: There is no such thing as chance in our incredible Univers. The coincidence and syncrinoticities are carefully orchestrated by your guides and angels - so recognize them as the hand of spirit. Start to expect them and look for them. Be aware that there is a divine reason behind them and consider what the message or lesson is. Synchronicity is also a reminder to you that all things happen in divine timing.
Affirmation: All things happen in perfect timing. I wish you only the best!🍀
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deoidesign · 1 year
okay now i actually am chewing on my phone PLEASE toot your own horn you deserve it. your comics deserve it.
I can Tell you put a lot of thought into That Scene and it really paid off!! That's like a hallmark of your comics, tbh, I noticed it a lot with Millennium that you have a knack for capturing the little domestic things between partners and between friends that really shows through in the facial expressions and really makes the dialogue between characters really feel alive. (re: "WAIT THIS WAS A DATE?" vs "I'm adopting this turtle we just found" "no you're not" "too late his name is Gazpacho") You pay attention to the details and the things people naturally bond over. You don't like, put outright emphasis on them, but there's still a LOT of clear care going into them. It's one of the things that first drew me into Millennium and one of the things I knew I was going to love about TaTA and GOD you did not disappoint.
that means a lot. sometimes I feel silly with how much time and energy I put into the nuances of my scenes, I rewrite and rearrange and edit things a LOT and sometimes I worry it doesn't make any real difference at all... It's funny to put so much effort into making things seem natural, isn't it?
But it feels disrespectful not to! I love my readers too much to not give them the best I can. I want my stories to be as good as they deserve. Nothing is more worth it to me, and sometimes that means toiling over the wording of a single line for an entire day.
Thank you again. Time and Time Again is something that I really think is the best I can do with who I am as a person right now. I think in 10 years I'll be better, but I'm really proud of what I'm doing and I think I always will be (like how I'm still proud of Millennium despite being a better writer now (sorry I've not been working on it... it's hard to have comics as a hobby when they're also my job!))
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The year is coming to its end so it's time for my silly little love letter post 💕 I hope this year has been good for you, or if it wasn't, I'm sending hugs bc same, but hey we made it through! I hope next year brings you kindness, good energy, rest and overall happiness 🥰
Happy New Year lovelies!!
These are not in any order, you're all very important to my tumblr experience <3
♥ @taetaestykookie Marrissa my new bestie to yell about BTS with!!! I love following your bias crisis and making your friends/family members become fans! Even though you live far away and timezones suck I'm so happy to be able to randomly send you stuff in like three different apps all about the same thing... I wish cute Tata/Cooky stuff finds their way to you! Thank you for being my friend, I appreciate you 💝
♥ @washyourdamnhands Kinga, the person who's like a warm comforting hug! Always sending me nice videos and making me smile, I adore you 💕
♥ @asgh0sts Danny, I loooove seeing Exo on my dash and that's because of you, also seeing old Shinee photos makes me cry (but in a good way you know). You also gave me good advice once and I felt so happy!! I've also been thinking about Valentine's Day cards already, and I've been meaning to ask you if you want to receive one from me, so let's say this acts like a question for you and a reminder for me hehe. Thank you for being my friend!! 🧡
♥ @danhalen A person who makes me smile, Reny! The thought of you makes me warm and giggly, I really love to send cards to you (I hope the card that's on its way comes home to you safely!!) and I really appreciate you for being my friend!! 💘
♥ @sepastian-ahoey the Sepe to my Teukka, or should I say a demon for making me get new interests.......... I'm feeling like I'll be following the F1 more next year... We also have a Max document date already planned so I'm waiting for that!!! Thank you for being my friend and tolerating all the rants about kpop that you don't know anything about but still kinda do, I promise to listen to your rants in the future too 💞
♥ @firefighter-diaz oh the broken blorbos.... The reason why I listened to Taylor's new album is this person right here!!!! Also I adore you, sending me postcards from cool places and all 🥺 also helping me with my silly questions and making me feel happier and also making me feel like my jokes are funny! remember hun, coaches don't play!! and!!! I will always listen if you have something on your mind ❣️
♥ @chanstopher Dreamy!! The reason I became even more obsessed with Chris's nose!!! As a nose enthusiast™ this was very nice. I could probably write essays about your talents, but like even if we don't talk much here, I really really really appreciate you. You're so kind and lovely, your art is amazing, you make gifs super fast and they're so pretty every time, and when you show the original coloring vs yours I'm always like h o w. Also I'm still giggling about your kind comment to my Leebit <3333 annnd I love to read your little posts about Chan's room when I can't watch it myself! and I also remember saying I'd show you my paintings but I haven't painted - I drew a horse though - but I'll try to remember it when I paint hehe. I wish all the best for you, may Chris bless us you with cute selfies that show his adorable nose 🥰
♥ @ambivartence Siyuan, the lovely person with who I can have fun ask game answers with! How do I even start. Every time I see your art I smile along the wiggly lines, I try to find little hearts and when I do I feel so warm!! Your art is so warm, I can't explain. Also your Seonghwa and Hongjoong live rent-free in my head, and it's also one reason I should get into Ateez more! You're so kind and lovely and I love to read your tags on posts!! I adore you 💝
♥ next I wanna say thanks to the gc, @fangirlinglikealoon & @heiskasmiro, you make me smile so much you have no idea!! No matter what app we're using to communicate, it always feels so nice to see your names appear in my notifications! I appreciate you so much, just know that 💘💘
annnnd here are some other lovely people that make me smile just by seeing their urls <33
♥ @reedskz ♥ @suklaakuppikakku ♥ @trashkingdom ♥ @joel-farabee ♥ @juhollamago ♥ @diazactually ♥ @yjbg ♥ @finnishhockeyelf ♥ @lily-blue-blue-lily ♥ @bortuzzzzin ♥ @thewestishharpooners ♥ @thosedaysthatwill ♥
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11 "is there anything you've held onto from childhood?" for the ask thing
11. anything from your childhood you’ve held on to? other than trauma ?? GHFDJSKJHF when i was six , i had my tonsils removed . one of the nurses gave me this little dolly that i named tata and although she's seen better days , she's still around , hanging out with the rest of my stuffies !!! i also have a destination imagination t-shirt from when i was ten , and a really pretty music box that my great grandma gave to me before she passed away when i was twelve . i'm sure i have more things that i'm not remembering right now , but my parents were pretty strict about letting me keep "junk"-- even if it had value to me , if they deemed it useless , it would get tossed without my knowledge ;;;;
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kimchokejin · 2 years
this is about me/my blog i guess
howdy! 🤠 thanks for stopping by. this is a bts hate blog. i reblog a lot of gif sets, memes, text posts, etc. and talk too much in the tags. i don’t really make things aside from what’s already here
most of my personal info is already in my description so i’m honestly not sure what to say lol. i have tag game stuff and posts that resonated with me if you’re just trying to get a ~vibe~ but if you want to know more about me for some reason, feel free to message! sometimes i can take a long time to respond but i do like to talk to people! especially about bts or just music in general
believe it or not i am an adult 😬 so just in case i would like to ask that minors don’t follow/interact. sometimes i say things on here that i don’t think i should say in front of minors and i don’t want to put anyone here (including myself) in an uncomfortable position. thank you for understanding!
also just a heads up that i am white if that informs your decision of whether or not or how to interact. if you are white and reading this and have never heard of white supremacy culture (which is so much more prevalent and sinister than i think a lot of us realize), please check out this website (that blew my mind tbh and i’m just not sure how many people have seen this masterpiece?) and let’s talk about it 😊
ummm this was my result for my bts personality quiz that i am still embarrassed about yet still trying to improve. as you can see i project onto taekook a LOT luv u babes <3
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ummmm i also made a bts song ranker
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THAT’S_MY_(a few months ago)_OPINIOOOOOOON.gif
a long, unrequested, incomplete but occasionally updated list of things i will NEVER shut up about:
disaster libra jimin
rm drunk tweets
hobi’s (alleged) joints
tae’s espn
jin’s masochism
expensive girl namjoon interviewing pharrell for rolling stone knowing in the back of his mind that expensive girl exists and will never be deleted from the internet
yoongi being THAT fucking funny and no one noticing
namjoon never having some goddamn peace and quiet…ever.
vmin in the rm studio tour vlive
foreheard jin
feral tae
fluffy blonde jimin (my greatest weakness)
jin’s shoulders
namjoon spoiling everything
hobi’s frog doll with the tiny penis
namjoon. like just look at him i'm sorry
jungkook making fun of rrrrap monsta in the year 2021 namtaekook making fun of jimin's dance move in save me in the year 2022
“let the beat in”
alt boy gen z icon jk
happy yoongi :)
lachimolala/carobonara (still)
tae in the glass case (and namjoon’s face)
tae having “just one bite” (and namjoon’s face)
jimin shy dancing
jin setting off fireworks in the morning
vmin sticker betrayal
rm putting rap monster as his legal name
rm insisting his sweatshirt is on right side out when the pockets were literally inside
rm not knowing they’re live
the spanking game
j-hope’s “keep one rolled” shirt J-HOPE’S CONDOM SHIRT
but also the whole keep one rolled/legalize it/heroin trifecta
when rm asked bts what food they liked in america that they couldn’t get in korea
jinmin fart skit
rm saying wow to yoongi’s butt
bts trying to cheat on taped run episodes
jungkook getting caught taking jimin’s tissue
tae pretending to get drunk off a water bottle?
anpanman 180524 (rip namjoon)
“oh hyuuuuung” *finger guns*
tata mic
“yeah baby i’m nervous!”
namjoon learning and growing over time <3
the lies behind your eyes fake love cover
the bwl dance set to juice by lizzo
this picture of 2seok
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the memetic capabilities of the tragically overlooked bts hybe-sanctioned animated fanfiction universe story app
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8 notes · View notes
tkc-info · 2 years
Tu Reflejo Junto al Mío
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Day 1 - Fair
@wagner-fell @littleturtle95 @chibi-tsukiko
Things started out horribly wrong.
“Is your sister there?” Abuela Matea asked, peeking into the living room Areusa was searching, her wrinkled brow creased with worry.
Areusa put her hands up in a sign of frustration. “La mato, abuela, te juro que me la cargo.”
“Niña, no digas eso,” Abuela Matea entered the room “Ven, vamos a buscar juntas.”
Areusa had to suppress a sigh —her grandmother accepted no forms of negativity— and obliged in searching for Finea, the Carranzas’s youngest, together.
‘Searching together’, though, mostly meant Abuela Matea proposing absurd spots Finea could be in, and Areusa checking those absurd spots.
“She could be under the couch.”
Areusa picked up her skirts, kneeled down, and took a look at the space under the couch. “Nothing,” she hastened to stand back up. There was something embarrassing about being on the floor while a dozen portraits of your ancestors, all magnificent in their own way, stared down at you.
She tried to focus on Abuela Matea instead of the portraits.
Abuela Matea was probably the most elegant 63 year old Areusa had met (not that she’d met many). She had a perfect posture, carried herself with ease, and her voice compelled you to listen. But she only ever spoke about shallow subjects, probably because of the trauma she’d sustained by having her older sisters desert The Kinship to join the Spanish Civil War, thus leaving her with the dual task of cleansing the Carranzas’s name in the eyes of the Saz as well as keeping the dynasty going.
As of present, her ageless beauty was heightened by the blue traje de flamenca she wore for the Feria de Granada. Her very curly brown hair was held up in a simple manner, and had been adorned with a white peineta. Areusa herself was dressed in a similar fashion, but her dress was white and she wore a red rose, not a peineta.
“Bueno, ya aparecerá,” Abuela Matea shrugged her shoulders “You look a mess. Come here.”
“It’s not necessary,” Areusa muttered, heeding her grandmother’s orders.
Abuela Matea flattened her dress and took some dust off the hem. “You’re not on your period, right?” she asked casually.
“That’s good. I remember the Feria de Abril of 1888, when Tatarabuela Gregoria wore a white traje just like yours —well not exactly like yours, you’re showing more skin— and she was on her period. Poor Tata bled through the fabric and ruined a perfectly good dress. I guess she also scandalised Sevilla, by that’s of little importance.”
Areusa hummed but didn’t say anything. She had the distinct impression that Abuela Matea only wanted to comment on the past; she was a historian, and they oftentimes were like that. Besides, Areusa, who was also a historian, had already glimpsed into Tatarabuela Gregoria’s period fiasco before.
“Ah, this is lovely,” Abuela Matea commented. She’d taken Areusa’s red rose and was inspecting it with awe “Where did you buy it?”
“It was a gift from my friend,” Areusa did her best not to blush.
“The one who’s tagging along?”
Areusa nodded.
Last night they’d snuck into a little village that had specialised in rose production. An old man there had mistaken them for a newly-married couple (likely because they didn’t dress like people their age) and proposed he buy a rose for his ‘young bride’. He hadn’t needed much insisting, and by the time they’d returned to Emtikax, Areusa had done so with a red rose bucket in tow. Taking one of them that morning and fitting it on top of her bun, however, had been an unpremeditated decision: she couldn’t wait to see his reaction.
“Well, your friend is very kind,” Abuela Matea said “A gentleman. He reminds me of Justo.”
Justo Robles Infante was Elicia’s best friend, and the embodiment of a Don Juan.
“He’s nothing like Justo,” Areusa said.
“I disagree. All men that treat their best friends with the gentlemanly care as they would their lover are just like Justo.”
That was the thing: he wasn’t Areusa’s friend, he was her boyfriend. Theirs was a forbidden love bound to be kept as their precious, dirty secret.
“We have to find Finea,” Areusa reminded, going back to the original subject to divert from the thorny one at hand “Otherwise we’ll be late, and that’ll make Tata Leonila and Elicia very angry.”
Areusa didn’t want to be in the same house, in the same country even, as an angry Tata Leonila and Elicia. They both loved the Feria de Granada with a senseless passion, and missing it because Finea was lost would be akin to the greatest of offences in their eyes. Where could Finea be, anyways? She’d been at the breakfast table that morning and been reminded of their going to the feria.
“But I’m so sad,” she’d complained.
“Qué sad ni qué sad,” Nise had chastised, inflicting a distinct Spanish accent into the Sazla word “If I have to go, so do you.”
“I don’t want to go,” Finea had carried on.
Nise and Finea had kept on complaining for over fifteen minutes during which Areusa had paid them no attention whatsoever. After all, they were having churros, a more interesting case of study than silly arguments. She’d only raised her eyes from her sandwich once to see Finea storm off towards a part of the Carranzas’s finca no one really treaded into.
Areusa’s eyes widened. “I know where Finea might be,” she breathed “Abuela, stay here.”
Before Abuela Matea could give her an answer, Areusa fled the room.
The Carranzas’s finca was a large country house in Aboveground Granada, and the main scenario for many of Areusa’s fondest memories. By all accounts, each one of its rooms, corridors and nooks radiated warmth and comfort, and yet there was a darker side to the finca few were privy to. At the very back of it —at the very back of a narrow, unwelcoming corridor— there was the beginning of a spiral staircase that descended several meters below ground.
The staircase led to a crypt.
Arms around herself, for the path to the crypt was a cold one, Areusa reached the end of the staircase and found herself in a short, dark tunnel at the other extreme of which was a metal door from the first half of the 20th century. And Finea was seating propped up against it.
“Te mato,” Areusa said “What are you doing here?”
Finea looked up at that. “Leave me alone.”
“No,” Areusa took a deep breath that would hopefully keep her from murdering her sister, and strode to her side “Everyone’s looking for you. Tata’s angry, and Elicia is close to being angry. Elicia. They’re worried and we’re going to miss the feria if you don’t hurry up to get changed.”
Finea harrumphed something unintelligible and crossed her arms at her chest. She glared down at her 1830s dress —an almond-coloured monstrosity, really. “I said I didn’t want to go.”
“And why is that?” Areusa asked, trying to hide her exasperation.
Those were the magic words to unleash a well of her sister’s misfortunes. “I’m not allowed to be on my own at all. I have to be with Tata and la Abuela in the finca suffering through their old friends who’ve been chocheando for two decades telling me how much I’ve grown and how they knew me when I was like this,” Finea spread her hand no more than five centimetres from the cold stone ground “And then they start talking about politics and Felipe González, and then about how ‘los jóvenes de hoy en día’ have had everything handed to them, and that when they were our age they could only ever afford to breakfast, lunch and dinner tortilla de patatas made out of orange peels and teachers at school could blah blah blah. And they expect me to listen and be interested!” she put her hands on her face “Oh, Areusa today I was supposed to get married and instead I have to go to the feria.”
Areusa blinked slowly several times. “Sorry what? You’re going to what?” she deadpanned. This was ridiculous.
Finea glared at her. “Yes. To Felipe Curado —don’t laugh at me!”
Now her laughter Areusa couldn’t help. Felipe Curado was a boy from Mirror Bolivia. He was the only classmate with whom Finea could speak in Spanish, and he was also very, very clearly gay. He followed two of Areusa’s male friends with ridiculous lovey-dovey eyes. That, Areusa could’ve told Finea, but decided against it for the sake of her little sister’s imaginary relationship.
“How are you even going to marry? You’re only twelve,” she said instead, once her laughter had died down to weak chuckles.
“I know we’re only twelve,” Finea pouted “But this will help me prepare for my real wedding: we were going to lock ourselves in the principals’s bedroom and kiss and say our vows of marriage, but we wouldn’t really marry because we would say ‘actually, no’ at the end.”
“You were going to lock yourselves in the principals’s bedroom?!” Areusa was flabbergasted, the sheer audacity “Never mind, stand up,” she tried to think of something that would get Finea outside the crypt; when she did, it was like a bulb lightning up above her head “See, today you won’t be with Tata and la Abuela all the time.”
Finea looked disbelieving. “I won’t?”
“No. I’ll get Justo to get on cacharritos with you.”
Justo was Finea’s deepest infatuation. Had been since as long as Areusa could remember.
Areusa nodded.
Finea scrambled to her feet and even did a little jump. “Let’s go then. Felipe has nothing on Justo. Justo is so, so, so, so, so handsome. He—”
Areusa wished she could share in to her sister’s enthusiasm. She couldn’t appreciate Justo’s best physical traits, as she’d desperately prayed she were able to do before being with him.
“I’m going to find Elicia,” Finea said when they got out of the crypt “I have to be especially pretty for Justo,” and then, she hopped away, her mass of brown curls bouncing off merrily.
Having dealt with Señorita Torbellino’s problem, Areusa collapsed against a wall as soon as Finea was out of sight. Carefully, she passed a hand over her hair, just to make sure neither her braided bun nor red rose had been upset. After that, she regained her composure enough to walk to the nearest floor mirror (under Tatarabuela Aixa’s portrait). The crypt was cleaned only twice a year, and she needed to check if her very white dress had got dirty.
“It’s fine. Thank Roxia,” she muttered.
As she inspected herself, she realised how much she’d love to see him reflected in the mirror, too. She wanted to see the both of them together and see how good of a pair they made. Fuck the people who’d think otherwise merely because they were different.
That thought in mind, she abandoned the mirror. He should be here anytime soon, and, in fact, the moment she turned a left corner to the living room she’d been in with Abuela Matea, the strident ring! of an old-fashioned doorbell reverberated across the finca.
Areusa picked up her skirts and ran.
“Respira, miarma, respira,” Justo said when she got to the foyer. Areusa had been so fast she now found herself heaving for breath. Not that she cared.
He was there, as gorgeous as ever he was and smiling slightly at her. He looked awkward in his traje campero.
Slowly, Areusa took a step forwards, then another and another towards him. When she was close enough, she set her hands on his chest, trying with every fibre of her being not to let on her adoration. “You’re wearing this right,” she said, sliding a finger down his left jacket’s sleeve.
Trajes camperos were like a straight, narrow line. Everything —the jacket, shirt, waistcoat, high-waist trousers— clung perfectly to his majestic body, giving just a tiny hint of how muscular he was beneath the layers. The grey tones of the jacket and pants complimented his tanned skin, and the sombrero cordobés he also wore gave him an air of mystery. Areusa could’ve kissed him then and there.
“I assisted him myself,” Justo piped in, effectively ripping Areusa’s eyes off his lips “He didn’t even know where to begin.”
“I hardly think I should be blamed for that,” he defended himself “I’m not Spanish.”
Justo shrugged. “I only hope you get used to our clothing, because I have a feeling you’ll be wearing them a lot.”
“I will,” he nodded.
He and Areusa shared a knowing glance.
Justo noticed it, but didn’t seem to grasp the meaning behind it —of course he didn’t.
“Is Elicia upstairs?” Justo asked. Already his body was half-turned away from them.
“In her room, probably with Finea.”
“Perfect, then I’ll head there.”
“Bye,” he said.
At the same time, Areusa remembered her promise to Finea and exclaimed, “Wait!” she explained what she needed from him “Justo, an hour or two will be fine. Get on the saltamontes with her, buy her buñuelos or candy floss, teach her a sevillana for all I care.”
Justo shrugged. “Sure. Now I’m leaving.”
Areusa watched him go with a relieved satisfaction; it was good that he adored Finea like a little sister. Justo’s footsteps steadily dissipated into nonexistence, and when she could no longer hear them, she turned to face him. And he instantly kissed her.
The sudden embrace caught her by surprise for a split second, but she quickly kissed him back. Areusa threaded her fingers through his hair —effectively knocking his hat down— and pressed her body against his. By the time he pulled back, they were both breathless in the best possible way.
“I recognise this,” he murmured, tracing the outline of the rose with the tip of a finger.
“Is that why you kissed me?”
“That, and because I simply wanted to.”
Areusa laughed. “Vente pa’ ca,” and she pulled him into a kiss again, this time shorter “Today will be great, you’ll see.”
He arched a brow at her. “On our way here, Justo told me to beware of you.”
“Justo’s the biggest scaredy-cat out there. You aren’t.”
“What do you mean?”
Areusa waved him aside. “You should greet the others.”
A silent pleasure of hers was watching him with her family. The Carranzas were intense, and he so clearly wanted all of them to love him.
“And who were you again?” Areusa’s father asked him when they entered the kitchen, where everyone —including Finea, Elicia and Justo— were. Austrecliciano de Rojas Alberti was a robust, short man with a skin complexion prone to tanning and a knack for speaking without preambles.
Abuela Matea jumped in the conversation before he could respond. “He’s Areusa’s friend.”
He smiled and stayed where he was. Inconspicuously, Areusa poked him on the ribs. “Kiss,” she whispered.
“Ah,” his eyes widened “Of course. It’s a pleasure to see you again, Mr. Rojas.”
And he moved to kiss Dad once on each cheek. Then he did the same with Abuela Matea, then her husband, Abuelo Geronimo, and Areusa’s mother, three sisters, and Tatarabuela Leonila. By the time he was done, he looked like he was trying not to look done with Spanish formalities, while Areusa’s family looked either amused or approving.
“I would offer you something to drink,” Mum told him “But it would make us be late to the feria and it’s unfair that you miss up on it.”
“We would have more time if it hadn’t been for someone,” Nise said, glancing pointedly at Finea.
Finea, standing before Elicia and Justo, grew red with fury. “It’s all your—”
“Girls,” Elicia said, in a calm yet no-bullshit tone.
Nise and Finea glared at each other once and shut up.
Elicia smiled. “He could stay the night, right?”
Areusa’s eyes widened like platters. Next to her, his reaction couldn’t have been much different. Did Elicia know what she was saying? No, of course she didn’t. She had a tendency of not clocking in romantic feelings, and, besides, he was an imlium. That was a reason upon another reason to believe he was only a friend.
“That would be perfect!” Abuela Matea clapped her hands together.
“As long as he doesn’t go near the crypt, I don’t have an issue with it,” Tatarabuela Leonila added.
The kitchen was soon filled with the Carranzas’s affirmations. Having him here would be great, he’s such a lovely boy, Abuela Matea thought. He was such a good listener, Mum thought. Parece un buen mozo, Abuelo Geronimo thought. He’ll love the special breakfast we’ll have tomorrow, Dad thought. It was good that he would stay the night, Justo thought, because he was around so often that his visits didn’t garner a special breakfast anymore. The only complaint was voiced by Nise:
“Why can he stay the night but Leora can’t?”
“She isn’t here now,” Finea said.
Nise rolled her eyes. “She could be.”
It all seemed settled, but then he intervened. “Wait,” he put his hands up “I’m not sure if I can accept the offer. Although I really appreciate it, don’t get me wrong.”
Everyone turned to look at him. He glanced at Areusa.
She read his gaze like an open book: he, too, was scared of what could happen. Whenever they wanted to be intimate —or just be together way past their bedtime— they enrolled Parisa to stand guard behind either of their dorm room’s door. Parisa alerted them of any dangers, and now that she wasn’t there, a lot of stuff could go wrong.
“His parents,” Areusa hastened to explain. Her family turned to her with equally blank expressions “They might be upset if he doesn’t show up.”
He nodded.
Thank Roxia, they bought his excuse.
“A night apart won’t hurt anyone,” Tatarabuela Leonila said, waving him aside “It’s good, actually. You need to build up on your independence, and tonight would be a step towards achieving that.”
Abuela Matea nodded. “Anda, stay.”
He was visibly conflicted. Tatarabuela Leonila and Abuela Matea were the oldest Carranzas, they were at the top of the hierarchy of authority of the family he so desperately sought approval from, and they had pretty much given him an order in his eyes. In fact, Tatarabuela Leonila’s stance promised no complacence to a negative response —in the past, he had served as her conduit to reminisce her youth in the Kingdom of Granada, and she was likely to want to bother him with her tales of robbing the Sultan’s harem again.
Areusa came to his rescue. “Why don’t we go to the feria now and let him think about what he wants during it, without you pressuring him like two—” she finished off with a rude word in Andalusi Arabic that had Tatarabuela Leonila snorting. It meant both hag and busybody, and was overall not something Andalusi youths would tell their elders.
“You can swear like a sailor sometimes,” Tatarabuela Leonila said, also in Andalusi Arabic.
Areusa shrugged. “Not my fault an insult describes you so well.”
Her great grandmother arched a brow.
Areusa smiled.
Abuela Matea clapped her hands together. “Let’s stop insulting each other,” she said in Sazla “I apologise if we sounded too pushy. I personally adore you, and wanted to retain you with us just a little while longer. It fills my old heart with joy to see my granddaughter surrounded with such good people.”
He beamed at her. It was adorable, he looked like a little boy who’d been given a toy he’d been begging for for ages. Areusa had the sudden urge to peck him on the cheek, ruffle his hair, and tell him how much she loved him.
“Abuela, you’re not old, come on” Elicia piped it.
“Matea, you’re a silver-haired beauty,” Justo added.
Abuela Matea looked highly satisfied. She shot Elicia and Justo a smitten smile, then walked to him and set a hand on his back. “See, regardless of what happens after we’ve decided it’s time to go back home, I simply know you’ll love the Feria de Granada. My great grandmother thinks Granada is at its most beautiful during Semana Santa, but I think you won’t see my city any prettier than this week.”
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The Feria de Granada (or just about every other feria) was at its liveliest once the sun had set and the moon shone bright in the sky. At this time, the caballistas had mostly dissipated, and the stench of horse shit (oh, how Areusa detested horses who weren’t made of metal and cogs) thankfully cleaned with high-pressure hoses. The casetas —bar-like establishments— were filled with people who either were looking for a good dinner or wanted to get drunk and party hard.
They’d spent a good chunk of the afternoon in a caseta that was a juxtaposition of both types of casetas. The patrons there tended to be on the older side, and wealthy. Tatarabuela Leonila had kept an eye on a couple of them for hours, as if she were an eagle and they her prey. She was pretty much like an Andalusi Robin Hood: wishing some piece of shit would announce itself —usually by condemning Franco or talking about the Civil War in anything but a horrible light— to then slip a couple pesetas from their pockets into hers.
He had been flabbergasted by her actions the first time he’d witnessed them. He’d turned towards Areusa, the question ‘is this real’ shining on his eyes, and when she’d nodded that yes, the first Carranza was close to being a kleptomaniac but he shouldn’t give her away, he’d heaved a surprised breath and obediently gave his full attention back to Elicia and Justo.
As it happened every feria since they turned sixteen, they’d walked into the caseta and sweat-talked the owner into giving them the stage for an indefinite period of time. He played the guitar, and she danced flamenco to his improvised songs. It was standing on that stage that Areusa’s sister shone the most; Elicia lived for dancing, it was obvious. She moved with infinite grace, commanded everyone to look at her and be at awe at her. The red traje she wore equalled her to a flame, it made her a source of light the passion with which she danced only heightened. Elicia was the most beautiful woman in the whole of the feria.
But, eventually, her show drew to an end. Two hours after arriving to the caseta, Finea plopped herself besides Areusa and whined, “La abuela ya ha empezado a hablar con los viejos de la mesa de al lado sobre los jóvenes de hoy en día.”
Abuela Matea had been, true to Finea’s words, leaning over her table to better communicate with the married couple on the table next to hers —the caseta was so loud, Areusa couldn’t listen to their conversation. On Abuela Matea’s right, Tatarabuela Leonila ogled the woman’s pearl necklace. On her left, Abuelo Geronimo had already fallen asleep, and, resting her head on his chest, so had Nise. Both were doppelgängers, so there was a chance (albeit a small one) that their animi were strolling somewhere in the feria.
Finea had stared at Areusa hard, thus prompting her to stand up to whisper into Justo’s ear he’d promised to spend some time with her little sister. Justo had told Elicia, and Elicia had stopped dancing to the disappointment of quite a few of the patrons. However, while still recovering her breath, she’d seen Areusa and her face had brightened up.
“I’ll be back in a moment, but for now, my family is full of talent. My sister is a singer.”
Just like that, Areusa had been dragged up onto the stage. He had been the first her confused eyes locked into; like a compass created to always point north, she was destined to turn to him, no matter how disoriented. He smiled at her, and everything was fine. Her stage-fright disappeared, and before she could be none the wiser, she’d started singing.
For a split second —or perhaps an eternity— the caseta became silent. Areusa wouldn’t be able to remember what song she had sung first, only that it had been succeeded by multiple others, and that, as confidence settled in her belly, she’d begun accompanying her singing with dancing of her own. Soon, she felt herself Lola Flores in El Balcón de la Luna, and when she was done singing A Tu Vera, someone shouted:
“Ay Pena, Penita, Pena!”
“Estoy muerta de amor, muerta de amor,” she began; her eyes on him, always on her heart “No lo sabe mi pulso, ni mi pierna, ni el eco de mi voz, ni mi cintura, ni lo sabe la luna que está interna en el jardín de amor y calentura. Y estoy muerta, señor, como una rosa tierna, como una gacela en la llanura, como un agua redonda en la cisterna o un perro de amarilla dentadura. Muerta de amor, señor, y hoy que es Corpus Cristi, he paseado mi cadáver de amor iluminado, como una espantapájaros siniestro. La gente sin asombro me ha mirado, y ninguno el sombrero se ha quitado para rezarme un triste Padrenuestro.”
Wild applause, but she didn’t register it. He looked solemn, like he didn’t know Spanish, but understood her words for the declaration of love that it was. Right now, he was the only one who saw her, because wasn’t she going to die from love? Wasn’t the fatal assurance of it proof that she was already dead? And wasn’t everyone else oblivious to her fate? Everyone but him, who was terminal with her?
The beginning of the instrumentals of the song reached her as if from afar. She became one with the music, with its message. Lola Flores sung about the miseries of missing a lover who was faraway. And he was with her, but, in the presence of others who corrupted their intimacy, he could only let on a shadow of himself. As could she. She missed their true selves. She was angry that they could only exist stranded in a paradise whose foundations were built on shame and secrecy and guilt. She mourned a life of kisses shared in public and words of affection whose utterance wasn’t frightening. She mourned a life that would never come to be.
Tears streamed down her face before she could realise what was happening. There was nothing that mattered aside from him, her love for him, and her fury. Her fingers closed around the rose with the lyrics, mis rosas de abril, she brought it to her lips and sung: ¡Ay pena, penita, pena, pena!
Pena de mi corazón, her hands went through her head, unknotting her bun and letting her hair cascade down her frame. She let it down wildly, it covered her back, her arms. Que me corre por las venas, pena, she brought her eyes away from him, if only to observe her forearms. She imagined her sin flowing through her veins, red hot like passion, as if it substituted her blood. Con la fuerza de un ciclón, her gaze went back to her fellow sinner.
Es lo mismo que un nublado, tierna y pedernal. Es un potro desbocado, que no sabe adónde va. She looked at him. Es un desierto de arena, pena. Es mi gloria en un penal. At him, always at him.
¡Ay, penal! ¡Ay, penal!
It was torture, keeping her love hidden. Her voice, her movement, her eyes offered testimony of it. But, by Roxia, she’d take that torture willingly, for otherwise she wouldn’t have him at all. Having him was non-negotiable, otherwise her life would be a senseless void, no matter how much their condition infuriated her.
“¡Ay, pena, penita, pena!” Areusa finished off, unloading all her innermost love and pain onto that final verse. The story of her misery.
For the longest moment, silence took possession of the caseta. The rose had come apart with the strength of her dance, and Areusa now stood, heaving, with tear streaks running down her face, in the centre of a circle of petals. The first sound that broke the silence was that of his chair as he stood up from it. Holding her gaze, he walked up to the stage and hugged her in front of everyone.
Areusa’s ear was directly connected to his chest, and she could hear his heart beating a frantic staccato. It was that, that brought her back to reality. The caseta, the stage, the patrons, her family. Carefully, she untangled herself from his embrace. His hands found their way to her shoulders.
“You were,” he whispered in Sazla, his dark eyes shone “You were like an angel. I don’t know what you were singing, but it was an experience only a goddess could enact.”
Areusa almost told him she loved him then and there, but remembered her family at just the right moment. From the corner of her eye, she caught them approaching along with several of the patrons, and had half the mind to get him and herself off the stage before the small platform became too crowded.
Elicia hugged her in a way that made it impossible to breathe. “Justo, Finea and I returned the moment you started singing. Areusa, you’ve honoured Lola better than any other professional performer ever could,” she was crying, Areusa vaguely realised. It made sense, probably, as Lola Flores’s death only a month ago had left her devastated. She’d been Elicia’s idol growing up.
Mum and Dad came next.
“I knew you sang well, but I never knew you sang this good,” Dad said.
“I saw Lola Flores,” Mum said before drawing Areusa for an assault of kisses on the cheek.
Tatarabuela Leonila and Abuela Matea complimented her, as well, and so did Abuelo Geronimo and Justo, who kissed her on the forehead. Finea and Nise showed their surprise at ‘la actuación que se había pegado’. Afterwards, the patrons surrounded Areusa; they told her she should make a career out of singing, they asked her name, they begged her for one more song, though they didn’t know how she could top the last one. Throughout the stress-inducing inquisition, he kept a gentle hand on the small of Areusa’s back —the sea of people all around made his gesture impossible to notice— to show her support. She siphoned strength out of his touch.
“I think I want to go breathe some fresh air,” Areusa announced, yelling so as to make her voice heard.
A few people, among which were Elicia and Justo, voiced their complaints, but he promptly began ushering her out of the caseta, elbowing everyone (but her family) in the process. Areusa stole a glance at him, and saw he had on his face of dark forbearance. It made her smile. He looked like he wanted to snap at someone, and the fact that he couldn’t because he didn’t speak Spanish was killing him.
Eventually, they were able to get out of the caseta.
Areusa breathed in, drowned her lungs in fresh air with just the faintest trail of shit and wet pavement. “Finally,” she muttered in Sazla “They were so fucking annoying.”
He seemed surprised by her usage of The Kinship’s tongue. “We aren’t supposed to speak Sazla here,” he noted.
Areusa shrugged. “Music’s so loud no one will hear us,” she gestured around as if to proof her point; the streets were abuzz not only with people, but also with the song Mi Gran Noche, a Spanish classic “Besides, language education is so poor here, I’m pretty sure we’ll be mistaken for your average foreigner.”
That was enough to calm him. “It is rather loud here,” he commented.
She nodded. “Let’s get to the cacharritos section.”
“What are they, anyways?” he asked, when she began leading him to the front of the feria.
They interlaced their hands together. There were lots of people —the gesture wouldn’t be noticed— and Areusa could always use the excuse that she had wanted him close so that he wouldn’t get lost if someone she knew did notice their behaviour was more fitting for a couple, anyways. In the middle of dozens, several hundreds of strangers, she felt safe to express herself just a tad more openly.
“Cacharritos are rides. Like that thing,” she pointed at a metallic stick quite a few meters taller than any other buildings. It spun round and round before their eyes.
“We’re not getting on that, are we?”
Areusa arched a brow at him. “Of course we are. Cacharritos are the best part of ferias.”
“I disagree.”
“Oh, come on. I’ll pay for them.”
He looked like he wanted to protest further, but for some reason didn’t. He schooled his face into a facade of bravery and said, “Okay.”
“You’ll love them, I promise.”
He didn’t love them.
They first got on the saltamontes, a staple in ferias.
“Dos entradas,” she told the man in the cabin while he glared at the ride.
“¿Tu novio?” the man asked, glancing at him.
“No vomitará, ¿no?”
“Qué va,” Areusa handed him the money “Ten.”
The man hummed and gave her two tickets. Areusa went to him and kissed him on the lips, in front of a hag who murmured ‘cuando Franco estaba vivo, los jóvenes sabían comportarse.’ Areusa paid her no heed.
“What was that about?” he asked, though he drew her in for another kiss.
“The man called you my boyfriend,” she explained “It made me happy.”
Someone from The Kinship would never do that. Areusa had always been too afraid about people finding out their relationship, that she’d forgotten how good it could feel to simply have a third party call him hers.
“I am your— oh, Roxia, that thing’s stopped.”
Areusa’s smile widened. She took his hand and pulled him into a seat. A few minutes afterwards, the saltamontes started.
She’d got on the saltamontes on every feria since she was eight. It was, by all accounts, the tamest ride she liked. It consisted on their seats going up and down all the while they also spun in a circle. He hated them.
He gripped Areusa’s hand until her fingers turned white, and when she asked him how he was faring, his voice became very high-pitched as he let out, “How do you think I’m faring?”
“Have you never got on any of these?” she asked in return.
Areusa laughed, and that was that for the reminder of the ride. Afterwards, he said —while wobbling— that it hadn’t been that bad.
“Are you sure?” Areusa asked him.
He nodded effusively. “The ride itself was torture. But seeing you so excited was more than enough payback for weathering the last remnant of the Spanish Inquisition.”
They got on many other cacharritos after that one. Areusa laughed and shouted and had fun, and Mehran looked like he was a breath away from dying. Once, on the Project 1, he even asked Areusa if she knew any prayers, and when she told him she only knew them in 18th century French (Felipe V spent too much time praying), he begged her to recite them so he could then repeat her words.
Despite Areusa’s offer to stop with the rides, he insisted they kept going. The answer to her inquiry of why was always the same: “I love how happy you look,” he said on the line to buy the tickets for the tall cacharrito they’d seen first.
Areusa caressed the back of his hands. “You can always wait for me outside.”
He shook his head. “I won’t get to see you in the heat of the moment, though,” he smiled “Come here.”
And he pulled her closer than they already were. He was leaning against a grille, legs slightly open so that Areusa could stand in at a kissing distance. One of his hands was clasped together with one of hers, while the other hand brushed her hair with a care similar to adoration. The rose she’d been wearing had got too damaged by her dance, and some petals were stuck in her hair. He found one.
“There are really no words to describe you,” he said, inspecting the rose petal in his fingers “I almost couldn’t breathe, looking at you.”
“It was the song,” Areusa suppressed a shiver. He spoke with such feeling.
He took his eyes from the petal to her. “What was it about?”
“An impossible love.”
His lips twisted in pain. “Nothing has happened yet,” he murmured so low Areusa almost couldn’t hear him over the deafening music “Perhaps nothing will ever happen.”
Areusa wanted to believe him.
“Nothing will happen,” he insisted, his tone one of reassurance more than one of certainty “Hiding it is painful, but we’ll keep doing it.”
She couldn’t bring herself to say anything then, so she just kissed him. He returned her kiss, and it wasn’t until it was their turn to pay for the tickets that they broke apart.
“Dos entradas,” she said, taking out a handful of pesetas.
“¿No paga tu novio?” the woman selling the tickets asked.
Areusa tried not to flinch: people calling him her boyfriend wasn’t as pleasing now. “No.”
The woman tsked. “Los hombres, si son hombres de verdad, no dejan que la mujer pague nunca.”
“Pues entonces mi novio no será un hombre y yo seré lesbiana. ¿Cuánto eran las entradas?”
“450 pesetas,” the woman answered with a look of disgust.
Areusa handed the money over. “Aquí tienes.”
“That woman didn’t look the kindest,” he commented as he interlaced their hands.
Areusa snorted. “She’s a bitch.”
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“It’s nothing,” she brushed his concerns aside, then pointed at the cacharrito, which was beginning to slow down so that a new wave of people could get in.
He took a deep breath. “Just please let this be the last one.”
“It is,” she promised.
“Thank Roxia.”
“After all, this can’t be topped.”
He groaned.
He closed his eyes all throughout the ride, promising he was going to throw up every time they did a 360° spin at the highest point the cacharrito would go. When they got back to reality, Areusa got the impression he wanted to kiss the floor. He would have, if it hadn’t been for her family.
“¿Se ha montado borracho?” Abuela Matea asked.
Areusa shook her head. “No lleva eso de los cacharritos muy bien.”
“Ay pobre.”
All of the Carranzas, with the exception of Elicia (plus Justo) were there. That meant it must be one or two in the morning, time to go back to the finca. Tatarabuela Leonila was smiling in a feline-like manner; rings and bracelets Areusa hadn’t seen before shining on her hands. Dad looked slightly tired, as did Nise, Finea, and, especially, Abuelo Geronimo. As a cryogenised doppelgänger, Mum looked perfectly rested, but she nevertheless seemed to want to go back to the family home. Abuela Matea looked just like she had at the start of the feria.
“Are you good?” she asked Justo in sloppy English. She refused to speak Sazla among humans, even if she was horrible at communicating in the alternative. Areusa would be forever grounded if she found out her granddaughter had been speaking in any language other than English.
“I’m fine,” he replied. His English was accented, yet a far cry from Abuela Matea’s.
Abuela Matea smiled. “Good,” she turned to Areusa “Hablar en inglés es una tortura. Va a pasar la noche con nosotras, ¿verdad?”
“Er,” Areusa looked at him “She wants you to stay the night.”
He, who was only now coming off the cacharrito’s high, seemed very confused. “Sorry what?”
“That’s a yes,” Abuela Matea said, leaving the rest of the family to hook an arm through his “We have a very nice room for you. Justo usually uses it, but I think he’s sleeping under a bridge tonight, so you can take it.”
“A bridge?” he asked, utterly bewildered.
“Yes, yes. That’s not important.”
“They’re going to keep partying until who-knows-when,” Areusa explained “And by the time they’re done, they’ll be so drunk they’ll sleep in the streets because no hostel will accept them. But it’s okay, they know how to take care of themselves.
“Ah,” he said in a very neutral tone “So I get Justo’s room, then.”
Areusa looked down; suddenly the discarded serviette by her feet was very interesting. “Yes.”
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He wouldn’t stay in Justo’s room.
Areusa paced her room up and down, traced the silhouette of the ancestors portraits that hung on her walls thrice each, and rearranged her wardrobe for two hours, after which she felt confident that the non-doppelgängers of her family were asleep, and that the doppelgängers were wandering far into the olive trees (that’s all they did at the finca). Then, she changed into a simple nightgown, put on a black manton over her shoulders, and slipped out of her room.
The distance between hers and Justo’s room was short, but still she treaded the way with swift feet —in the event someone resting in any of the rooms between theirs found themselves a light sleeper tonight.
She reached the door and knocked once, lightly.
Immediately, she heard shuffling from the other side, and he opened the door. He hadn’t even changed out of his traje campero. Areusa could see the bed fully untouched behind her.
“Were you waiting for me?” she asked.
“Naturally,” he stepped aside to grant her entrance, but Areusa promptly refused.
“I was thinking of going for a walk?”
He arched a brow but obliged. They made their way down to the ground floor in silence.
“I wasn’t thinking about sex, by the way,” he said after a while, at the foot of the stairs.
She was one step ahead of him, so she for once came up to his height. His brow was creased with an adorable worry that made her chuckle. “I know that,” she whispered; the finca was so quiet it only felt right to speak in hush tones.
He didn’t have the highest sex drive out there, Areusa thought that sometimes he felt self-conscious about it, which was stupid, and making love once a fortnight was enough to satisfy him and her. Normally, when Areusa sneaked into his room, it was to have late-night conversations while cuddling half-naked and kissing. They did lots of kissing.
“You know,” he whispered back, looking into her eyes “If you ever think that your needs aren’t met, you can tell me. I don’t mind being intimate in that way more often.”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” she got on the same step as him, meaning he now towered over her, and hooked her arms around his neck “I firmly believe in quality over quantity. And we’re being intimate right now. Intimacy is more than having your dick in my vagina and fornicating like rabbits.”
He snorted, slightly flustered. “You’re too explicit,” he set his hands on her waist.
Areusa rolled her eyes. “I’m not half as explicit as I could be,” she got on her tiptoes to kiss his nose “Have you seen the Andalusi drawing room?”
“I haven’t.”
“I’ll show it to you,” she stepped aside; not relinquishing his hand, though “Tata had it made in the style of rooms in her youth —it’s all very Andalusi, hence its name. There’s a windowsill we could sit on, it overlooks a particularly nice piece of countryside.”
That was a lie, obviously. All of the countryside that surrounded the finca was boring. To the right: olive trees. To the left: olive trees. Up front: olive trees. At the back: surprisingly enough, more olive trees. There were mountains everywhere. Areusa thought Spain dull, at least when she wasn’t elbow-deep in her glimpsing, yet it was home.
“The Andalusi drawing room sounds nice,” he commented, and that was Elicia’s cue to pull him completely down the stairs.
A sudden thought crossed her mind on the way to the drawing room, though, and she stopped dead in her tracks in front of Tatarabuela Urraca’s portrait. “Wait.”
“Come here,” Areusa spun around and headed off into the opposite direction “I want to do something.”
Her mind went back to that afternoon, right before he had arrived. She remembered herself in front of a mirror, seeing herself reflected on it, and wishing desperately for a second person to stand by her side.
“Stay here,” she said, upon arriving at the right corridor and urging Mehran to get in front of the mirror.
“I don’t understand,” he said.
“You don’t need to,” Areusa went to stand next to him.
Their reflections together were beautiful. She could’ve stayed there for an eternity, analysing every minuscule detail that made everything perfect. His thumb brushed across the back of her hand as if in an afterthought, he was leaning just ever so slightly towards her, his eyes shone with affection when he looked at her reflection, a small mark was beginning to appear on his neck where she’d sucked into before, he was slightly disheveled from all the rides and so impossibly handsome. And Areusa somehow fit with him, with this divine creature she was lucky enough to call hers, even if she was also unfortunate enough not to be allowed to stake her claim publicly. There was nothing more she wanted than to declare her love for him and force everyone to be witness to her declaration.
“Amo ver tu reflejo junto al mío,” she said. She didn’t whisper. She didn’t want to. Whispers were for dirty secrets, and in that fleeting moment of boldness, she didn’t want her love to be dirty nor a secret.
“What does that mean?”
Areusa turned to him, she let the warmth in his eyes to bathe her. “It means I love you.”
He smiled. “Oh, Areusa, I love you, too.”
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ussgallifrey · 2 years
katie, dear. i hope you don’t mind me asking this... where did pita’s callsign come from? this could be me missing the joke, but i’m not from a english speaking country so i definitely didn’t get the point if that’s something other readers were able to understand right away. also, what is jake’s callsign story in this one? i feel like everyone has their own interpretation of where hangman came from and i’d like to know what yours is, if that’s okay?
Ahh, yeah okay. This is gonna be a little long. So, I'll start with Jake first 😁
My personal headcanon is that the dude was/is horrendous when it comes to spelling. Like, your kid brother is going to beat this man in a basic elementary spelling test. It's very much a: "How the hell was I supposed to know that the E comes before the I here?" sort of thing.
Not to mention, he's got large thumbs and had turned autocorrect off on his phone, so his texts were usually only semi-legible 😬
It led his first CO to basically throw his hands up and go: "Why don't your throw a few Ps and Zs in there while you're at it? Might as well play a game of hangman to decode your damn report, Seresin!"
Like, he's definitely gotten better and more mindful (and turned autocorrect back on, thankfully) but the nickname stuck.
Now, when it comes to Pita...
Fun fact: naval aviator callsigns are a hell of a lost less badass than Top Gun makes them out to be. It's usually embarrassing or demeaning nicknames from your first squadron.
There's guys out there with the callsign Piss Jug - I'm sure you can figure out why they got that name. Girls nicknamed TaTa and Juggs, because calling them Tits or Boobies is too inappropriate. K.Y. because your last name is unfortunately Lube.
Like, the squadron will rag on your ass.
And there's a lot of acronyms too. Like ALF (annoying little fuck) or STAC (second time's a charm).
Pita's of the second variety. Her callsign is an acronym. And while it was going to be explained in part 3, I'll just say it now.
Pita stands for Pain in the Ass.
Another fun fact. It's a heavily Male-dominated field that she works in. And I imagine her first squadron really put her through the ringer and didn't find her fresh out of flight school attitude to be all that appreciated at the time.
So, PITA it was 😂
Home for the Holidays
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nfumbewalk · 2 months
Fired up
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A Zarabanda magic pot.
I decided to watch a bit of YouTube and came across a subscription of mine. He's a Palero. In this video, he is talking about women not being able to sacrifice animals, at all. He said in traditions long ago, women were allowed. But things changed - in Palo, women cannot sacrifice. Why? "Because we are the givers of life."' What a pansy ass reason!
It breaks "treaties & rules & taboos." Whatever! Women take their babies lives with abortion! Can we not kill? We have two hands, so, uh...yes! I don't wish to kill an animal for spiritual purposes. I know that the people in the ceremony do prepare & eat the animal unless used for cleansing or negative purposes.
But...fuck. It makes me resist Palo as a path even more. And I do not know why my Tata's didn't inform me. Maybe long ago & I just forgot or placidly accepted it.
Well, hmpf! Rant over! 😅
He had an ok video on coconut divination (chamalongos). Basically how to consecrate them. He was purposefully nebulous to be secretive about it. Lol! I wrote that in a comment. He has a great point about holy water. It's from nature (rain, sea, or river) not a church. I've been witness to the most powerful water available. Rain water collected from the month of May. It's another Palo secret - this one I don't divulge.. Serene Water is something else! You can easily find how to make it, but you need to know the right Orisha to search. His name starts with an "O" so there's a few choices! 😊
And Serene Water is also holy. It's awesome for cleansing & making omiero (sacred herbal liquid). I'm not initiated but I still make it. Mother Yemanja said to me: "Don't be so afraid to make herbal brews, addimú for us, or to just go by your heart & gut. You've been correct almost all the time. Trust yourself. Initiation is for community. Your work affects you personally, and gives us faith in you."
Anyway, with the chamalongos, the Palero was so loose with terms & items used for consecration. He references plants with no specific plants! Lol! The tearing of the herbs, yes - important! Fresh herbs, not dried. The ceremonial burying of the chamalongos, he mostly said in "the woods" but said the graveyard once. Mine were buried in the graveyard for 21 days. That's a very sacred number not only in Palo. Other African paths too.
I'm going to watch more of his videos. I do a lot of research for my book & Muerteria. I can get a good read off of him. He's decent, though I'm very cautious with ALL Paleros.
I have learned my limits with Palo now. I cannot go back to practicing. I've finally seen through the bullshit & don't need it in my life. I have strong necromancy without the rules & taboos of Palo. It's all about community, just like Yoruba. I'm a weird loner. I don't want community. I don't need ppl to tell me what to do.
I've always been on the edge. Outside looking in. Never accepted. I'll keep it that way. This Gen X gal doesn't give a fuck.
Muertos 4 Ever! 💖💀💖
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Tata Car Dealerships in Chennai: Where Your Car Journey Begins
When it comes to purchasing a Tata car in Chennai, the first step is finding the right dealership. Your car-buying journey begins here, and making an informed choice is crucial. In this guide, we will delve into the world of Tata car dealerships in Chennai, offering valuable insights, recommendations, and answers to your burning questions. Whether you're a first-time buyer or a seasoned car owner, this article is your one-stop destination for all things Tata cars in Chennai.
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List of Charity Organizations in India
India is a country with a long history of philanthropy. There are many different charity organizations in India that work to improve the lives of people across the country.
In this blog post, we will take a look at some of the most popular charity organizations in India. We will also discuss some tips for choosing a charity to support.
Sonu Sood Foundation
Sonu Sood Charity Foundation is a non-profit organization that was founded by Bollywood actor Sonu Sood in 2020. The foundation's mission is to help people in need, regardless of their caste, creed, or religion. The foundation has helped to provide food, shelter, medical care, and educational scholarships to millions of people across India.
Sonu Sood is a household name in India for his selfless acts of kindness and his unwavering commitment to helping those in need. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Sonu Sood went above and beyond to help migrant workers who were stranded across the country. He helped them to get home, find food and shelter, and even get medical treatment. He also helped to provide oxygen cylinders to hospitals and other essential supplies to people in need.
Sonu Sood's work with Sonu Sood Foundation has had a profound impact on the lives of millions of people. He is a true hero, and we are grateful for his work.
Other Charity Organizations in India
In addition to Sonu Sood Foundation, there are many other charity organizations in India that are doing important work. Here are a few more examples:
ActionAid India is a non-profit organization that works to fight poverty and injustice. They work in over 25 states in India, and their programs focus on education, health, and livelihood development.
Amrita Foundation is a non-profit organization that works in the areas of education, healthcare, and rural development. They have over 200 schools and hospitals across India, and they also work to provide clean water and sanitation to rural communities.
BIRD Foundation is a non-profit organization that works to improve the lives of people with disabilities. They provide education, healthcare, and vocational training to people with disabilities, and they also work to raise awareness about disability rights.
Child Relief and You (CRY) is a non-profit organization that works to protect the rights of children. They work in over 20 states in India, and their programs focus on education, health, and protection from abuse.
GiveIndia is a non-profit organization that facilitates online giving to Indian charities. They have over 1,000 partner charities, and they have raised over $100 million for charity.
HelpAge India is a non-profit organization that works to improve the lives of older people. They provide social security, healthcare, and economic empowerment programs to older people, and they also work to raise awareness about aging issues.
Smile Foundation is a non-profit organization that works to improve the lives of children from marginalized communities. They provide education, healthcare, and livelihood development programs to children from these communities, and they also work to raise awareness about child rights.
Tata Trusts is a non-profit organization that works in the areas of education, healthcare, rural development, and water and sanitation. They are one of the largest non-profit organizations in India, and they have a wide range of programs that benefit millions of people across the country.
Tips for Choosing a Charity to Support
When choosing a charity to support, there are a few things you should keep in mind:
Consider your interests and values. What are you passionate about? What are your values? Choose a charity that aligns with your interests and values.
Do your research. Before you donate to a charity, take some time to research them. Look at their website, read their financial reports, and see what other people have said about them.
Make sure the charity is legitimate. There are many scams out there, so make sure the charity you are donating to is legitimate. You can check their website for information about their registration status, and you can also check with the Better Business Bureau.
Donate what you can afford. Donating to charity is a great way to help others, but it is important to donate what you can afford. Don't overextend yourself financially, and don't donate if it will put a strain on your budget.
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purplesurveys · 1 year
saw this survey taken by someone else but based on how the credit was formatted, I’m 613% sure this came from me HAHAHA but as what I’ve done 454938793 times, no harm in repeating surveys!
survey by nadine07
First Name: Robyn.
Middle Name: Not sharing.
Last Name: Most definitely not sharing.
Birthdate: April 21st, 25 years ago.
What was the first thing you did after you got up? Realized I slept ahead of Reena (she spent the night) and felt bad. What was the name of your first pet? A goldfish with the ultra original and creative name of Goldy.
Who was your first big crush? I’ll go ahead and name Andi on this one. Pretty sure what I had for her was actually a serious lil crush in grade school and not merely resentment that she was migrating, lol.
Where was the first place you drove after you got your license? I went to Chelsea’s 18th birthday dinner. I remember Aaron asking for a ride at the time and when he was making conversation by asking how long I’ve been driving, I scared him shitless when I told him that was literally my first drive outside the neighborhood lol.
Who was your very first friend? Kaye back in kindergarten.
What was the first thing you ate today? Garlic rice, hotdogs, bacon, and eggs.
What was your first job? My first job is also my current job, but I started out as an associate.
Name something red in the room you are in: Basically all my Tata merch.
Is orange one of your school’s team colors? Idk what a ‘team color’ is but we did have school colors (would they be the same thing?), and maroon is one of the colors of my university.
How many yellow shirts do you own? Offhand, around five or a little more than that.
Name someone you know who drives a green car: I have no clue...everyone I know has a black, white, or gray car.
Is it a blue sky outside right now? Nope, it is currently pitch black. 3:08 AM.
What is the first thing that pops into your head when I say ‘purple’? :) BTS.
Are the walls in the room you’re in white? Yes they are indeed.
Does black make you think of depressing things? Nope.
Jewelry: gold or silver? Silver.
Who is your provider? Doubt you’d have ever heard of it, but it’s a local one called Globe.
How long have you had your current phone? A little over a year ago.
What did your last text say? I don’t know, and I don’t feel like checking.
If you woke up naked next to the last person to call, would it be awkward? Yeah, very.
Was your last missed call male or female? Girl.
Who is your 10th phone contact? Jum. She’s still named under ‘Ate Jum’ which is funny because it tells me I must have added her number when we were relatively new to each other and weren’t friends yet...we eventually became part of the same college friend group and I haven’t addressed her with the honorific in years.
How did you meet them? We actually started out as mere classmates in one of our majors classes, but we ended up being applicant batchmates for what would eventually be our college org so we became a lot closer from there.
Are you related to your 17th phone contact? Not in the slightest.
How long have you known your 1st phone contact? Since late grade school.
When was the last time you saw them? Probably somewhere around campus, 2-3 years ago.
Who is your 4th phone contact? Blanch.
Have you ever kissed that person? Have not.
When was the last time someone drunk dialed/texted/left a voicemail? Couple of weeks ago when Andi drunk messaged me on Facebook. They tend to do that a lot, but I just ignore it unless they seem super distraught/emotional.
What time is it? 3:19 AM.
Are you supposed to be doing something other than this? Well...sleeping. But considering I was knocked out from 2 PM to 8 PM, I don’t feel sleepy at all currently hahaha.
Do you live on your own or with your parents? I continue to live with my parents. Asian culture :)
Are you more of a cat or a dog person? Biiiiiiig dog person.
Are you allergic to anything? Nopes. If for some reason I am, I have not discovered it yet. I’m pretty sure at this point that I don’t have any allergies though.
Does your shirt have anything written on it? Nothing in text, but it does have the 2021 BTS Sowoozoo logo printed on it.
Have you ever tie-dyed something? Once in grade school for a home economics class.
Who can you always count on to cheer you up? For the most part I try not to pass on my negative emotions to other people, but if it can’t be helped then I would go to Angela.
How many places have you been today? Just one; I dropped Reena off at one of the malls connected to a train station so she can commute back home safely.
Are you a forgiving person? No.
When was the last time you felt let down? Earlier this evening when I discovered my mom ate my Army Navy fries. :(
What is the title of the nearest book to you? There is no book anywhere near me.
Are you wearing anything that belongs to someone else? Nah, this whole get-up is mine.
Can you whistle? I can.
Do you look more like your mother or your father? My mom. My dad’s side only manifests in certain angles or expressions I make.
Are you still in high school? Haven’t been in high school in the last seven years.
Are you the oldest, middle, youngest, or an only child? Eldest.
Has anyone ever told you that you talk in your sleep? Nope.
How many people have you kissed this year? Zero.
Is there anyone of the opposite sex you trust fully? Just Hans.
Are you a night owl or an early bird? Night owl. I hate waking up early, especially *having* to wake up early.
Would you rather go to Brazil for the weekend or Finland for a month? I’ll take Finland.
Where did you last go out to eat at? Rue Bourbon. I was too shy to eat anything though...only thing I did there was down two glasses of weng-weng, hah.
When was the last time you let someone borrow something from you? Earlier this week when my sister needed to use my bucket hat to make some measurements for a bucket hat design she herself was planning.
Was your last breakup a bad one? As bad as bad can get.
What was the last song you listened to? Amygdala by Agust D. Easily, EASILY my favorite track off D-Day.
What was the last movie you watched? Not technically a movie, but we watched Road To D-Day the moment it came out last night.
Did your last kiss happen in a public place? I think?
How did you meet the last person to leave you a comment? She’s my grand-aunt.
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