#also my mom is not going to be helping with the cat's expenses like. vet stuff and whatnot. so there's an actual thing
wilderat · 2 years
applied for ebt. did not qualify for ebt (:
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xagave · 7 months
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Absolutely, get ready for BABIES. The oldest foster we have right now is Lazarus who we got when he was 3 months old from a hoarding case. He had an extremely bad case of herpes that almost killed him and it turns out he has a really bad immune system so he's always getting sick. He's about 8 months old now and he's sort of a long term foster because he currently has FIP and treatment requires one shot every day for 80 days minimum. The meds are a bit expensive so shameless plug but if anyone wants to help us pay for the meds my wife's ko-fi is here
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Here he is the day we brought Lazarus home ^
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And here he is now! His FIP treatment is going very well so far ^ Our second oldest are Penny and Kazoo. We got Penny when she was 5 weeks old from a guy whose dog brought her home in his mouth (she was fine the dog was gentle.) We got Kazoo when he was 10 days old from some dudes in the next town over who didn't have time to bottlefeed a newborn. Kazoo is 2 weeks older than Penny and they became best friends!!
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10 day old Kazoo and 5 week old Penny ^
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Kazoo and Penny now ^
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Kazoo and Penny at an adoption event ^ We're having a hard time finding them a home because we refuse to split up bonded pairs
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Penny playing in the tub lol ^ Next are a batch of kittens we got from an irresponsible breeder who was fine with letting kittens get sick and starve to death. We originally only got 2 of them when they were 3 days old (breeder let mom cat get sick and die because she didn't want to pay for vet care and tried to pawn the babies off on the other nursing moms and it didn't work out) and they were born premature so they had a lot of health problems. They had rhinovirus and coccidia and the little brown kitten had an umbilical hernia that then became septic and THEN she started getting big pockets of infection in random places like under her chin and in her toes? But we managed to get them healthy and fat and thriving. My wife was able to convince the breeder to give us the remaining kittens 3 days ago and they're half the size of our first two because they've been sick and slowly starving this entire time (they're now 5 weeks old). They're still really sick and have Poop Liquid Until You Die disease so it's not fun on our end but we're working hard on getting them fat and healthy. They don't really have official names but we've been calling them Zoosmell Pooplord, Insufferable Prick, Flighty Broad, Farmstink Butlass, and Huss lol
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The first two nuggets ^
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They were sooooooo small ^
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Finally fat and healthy at 3 weeks old! ^
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The full litter now at 5 and a half weeks old ^
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Comparison pic ^. Right kitten is the nugget we've had since he was 3 days old and left kitten is his brother who the breeder just now let us take. It's hard to tell with the fluff but he's borderline skeletal :( Next is a 3 month old kitten that a foster brought to an adoption event who was very clearly sick. Skinny and lethargic with a bad coccidia infection so we took him home that day 1.5 weeks ago and also sent the foster person home with some medicine to fix the coccidia in their other kittens. We've been calling him Christmas Tree Boy cause he's always got a poofy tail or Poop Boy because he hates sharing litter boxes and keeps pooping in random corners 😒 Didn't take long to get him healthy so this weekend he's getting yeeted into another adoption event and whoever adopts him needs to give special attention to his Litter Box Needs
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^ He's very cute and loves playing with our other fosters but for the love of god we are TIRED of his Poop Surprises Someone who adopted a bonded trio from us a few months ago is returning them to us tomorrow because their fiance is allergic, so as of tomorrow we will have 12 fosters in our house. Sounds like a lot but we've had 30+ foster kittens crammed in here at the same time so it's a breath of fresh air in comparison💀
Edit: Not a foster kitten but honorable mention to my new betta who I named Gemini because You Know Why
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He has a 5 gallon tank all to himself but I don't have a pic of him in it cause he's shy and he hides lol but it's the one behind the cup. Aiming to give him live plants soon
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Long post.
TW: car accident
Hey everyone. I'm not doing great.
I've already been having a hard time with migraines getting absolutely out of hand and interfering with literally everything in my life, but yesterday I had my first car accident. The meme I just posted is relevant. It was my fault but thankfully only me in the vehicle. Other than bruised knees(I'm short so I had the seat pulled up close so I could reach the pedals) and some mild rug burns where the air bag got me on my left hand and my neck (I had instinctively raised my arms to protect my face), I don't think I was injured in any way my chiropractor couldn't fix. Definitely jarred my entire skeleton and dislocated some ribs and messed up my neck but what else is new. I didn't hit my head and nothing hurts in any way I'm not already deeply familiar with. Surprisingly I haven't gotten a migraine yet but I'm fully expecting one soon.
Really good thing I wasn't wearing my sunglasses. I lost the pendent off my necklace though. It must have broken off when the air bag blew and then fallen into the road when I got out of the vehicle.
My vehicle is totaled. Not a great loss since the thing was on its last legs anyway but it sucks not having my own transportation now, even if I could only drive in town and couldn't leave town because it wouldn't make it far on the interstate. It would start shaking like a leaf any time I went over 50 mph and I didn't like that. I'm really sore and tired and shaken up but I'm getting through it.
My husband came immediately when I called him and he talked to the car insurance company and called his boss to take the rest of the day off work so he could be with me.
The people in the other car were mostly okay other than the man having a cut on his forehead and his wife having a scraped knee but both of their babies were completely unharmed, thank goodness. Nobody was mad at me, possibly because I was hysterical panicking inconsolable and kept apologizing and asking if they were okay. They were also on their way to the car dealership to see about getting a new vehicle anyway, so I think they'll be fine.
I made an appointment with my chiropractor this morning and he checked everything and basically said I was in pretty bad shape but not really any worse than usual, which was a great relief but not surprising. He fixed the ribs, my shoulder blades, neck, and hands and gave me some samples of a supplement he said might help the soreness. I'm also taking my painkillers, OTC pain medicine, and applying arnica cream to the bruises.
I've been so tired and sore and haven't been up to doing much of anything except eating my feelings but I'm making sure my pets get fed and helping my husband get ready for work in the morning. I don't think I'll be able to meal prep anything for him like I normally do and he says it's okay, he's not expecting anything of me if I don't feel up to it and he doesn't mind buying his breakfast and lunch.
I fear the financial repercussions of this, especially since things have already been very tight due to several sudden veterinary expenses. The cat gods looked at us and went "kittens upon you and your household" so in the last 4 weeks there have been 2 vet visits for a tiny baby runt of a kitten my husband found alone and abandoned at his workplace, one for a very pregnant stray kitty that followed a family member home and popped out 7 babies, and one for my dog when she caught a UTI. We think she's over it by now but I'm taking her back to the vet Friday for a recheck. It's been hard with her because she's been refusing to eat her dry food and we've been having to buy wet food as well as chicken breast and white rice and alternating between the wet food and a bland diet when the antibiotics made her tummy upset. I'm really hoping that by Friday I'll be brave enough to drive. The vet isn't far and my mom is going to let me take her old car for whatever I need until we manage to get me another used vehicle.
I know the car insurance is going to go up because of the crash even though now there's one less vehicle on it, and I'm praying to the heavens that I don't have to actually go to a doctor and get checked out because of the crash.
I need to see a doctor anyway about the migraines that are now coming several times a week and affecting me in unsettling ways like impairing my speech, making me nauseous when I use my eyeballs for their intended purpose, and even made me collapse once. But the clinic I usually go to because the price is income based is in the next town and I'd definitely have to have my husband take time off work to take me. I also fear they'll refer me to a neurologist. I'm certain I need to see one but since I don't have health insurance and the process for getting financial assistance at any given specialist office is (probably deliberately) incredibly difficult and tedious and almost not even worth the effort, it just doesn't seem feasible at this time.
I am trying to make things to stock my Etsy shop so I can make some money but at the moment I just don't have the energy for it. But maybe I should try anyway. The simple repetitive action of crocheting while listening to a book or Old Gods Of Appalachia might help me settle down and feel more normal. My hands ache but my compression gloves might help.
Things are just extremely scary and very painful right now. Staying determined is hard but I'm trying. I'm trying so hard.
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AITA for not trying to get my foster cats adopted?
So for some background, I (21 m) have worked at a cat rescue for a while. We’re pretty small and thus Always in need of fosters. I was hesitant to foster for a few practical reasons even though I’ve really missed living with cats, but then we found my two fosters. They were kittens, and really antisocial-so much so that my boss even thought they were feral at first. From the jump I had hope for them, and slowly worked with them at work until they (begrudgingly) let us handle them. Over a month went by and we still hadn’t found a foster for them, so finally i volunteered to take them home and set everything up for them.
Since then, they’ve made a LOT of progress-playing with me, letting me pet them, cuddling in bed with me at night, etc. they’re even getting better with other people, and definitely have a better chance of being able to meet potential adopters and adjust to new people and a new home. Problem is, I’ve gotten pretty attached. Especially because i was going through a REALLY difficult time just after i started fostering them, and taking care of them and helping them grow was one of the only things that kept me going. I’m also worried that after bonding with me they’ll be scared and re-traumatized being suddenly moved into a new home with new people. They feel like children to me.
If I could adopt them right now, I would-but there are 2 material problems. First is that I’m still living at home, and my mom agreed to let me foster but is Vehemently against the idea of me having my own cat. I’m planning to move out this year so this is temporary, but it will be at least 6-8 months until I’m settled in my own place (which I already know I’ll be able to have cats in). Second is that my current job is my only job, and it doesn’t pay enough or give me enough hours that I can cover vet costs on my own. Food and litter and other expenses are fine, but my job covers the vet care as long as I’m fostering and wouldn’t once I adopt. Again, temporary as I’m looking for a second job anyway, but I’m not sure when I’ll actually Have one and don’t want to adopt until I’m certain I can provide for them. It isn’t completely accurate to say I’m not trying at All to get them adopted-I put some great pictures of them on our website and wrote their bios myself, and I post about them on my socials all the time (which fosters are encouraged to do), but I know I could be doing more to promote them. I also selfishly am glad that they have as many issues as they do (being really nervous with new people + they have a Big problem with scent marking in new environments) because I know that when adopters do come to meet them I can bring up these issues and they’ll be less likely to go through with it-I’m not trying to actively dissuade anyone, but I am reluctant to let them go and hoping they’ll stay with me until I can adopt them, which is definitely incentivizing me to do less than I could. I take good care of them but I’m still a little worried that I’m the AH here if my reluctance is playing a part in preventing them from going home with someone who will have more money and more physical space for them right Now and who is already settled and ready to adopt a pet.
What are these acronyms?
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haintxblue · 1 year
help me help my cat
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As you may know I had an expensive unforeseen doctor visit recently involving travel to see a doctor out-of-state that I took a great deal of commissions to cover, meaning that I'm now fully booked up to the end of October. This was the latest in an ongoing series of financial emergencies as I enter my second year of trying and failing to find a full-time job that will pay a living wage, including an unforeseen cross-state move, multiple medical emergencies in myself, my mom, and my cat, and car maintenance issues including me being involved in a minor hit-and-run. I have been doing my best to stay afloat with commissions but am booked to the gills.
If I was now experiencing any emergency that affected only myself I would not be here begging and humbling myself yet again, but this one pertains to my cat. Some of you may know that I have a sixteen year old cat with cancer, who has repeatedly faked me out thinking she was on deaths doorstep. Several months ago I was convinced she was going to need euthanasia, only for a new course of treatment to suddenly right the ship once more in what I can only describe as a minor miracle. Unfortunately she has complicated the situation again, and it appears to be time for me to make a difficult decision.
While she is technically in hospice care, she has an ear infection, and I have a choice before me: I feel I must try to treat this and see if she bounces back, because her only notable bad symptoms are pain and a sudden loss of balance and our initial "wait it out and treat the symptoms" approach that her vet suggested given her precarious situation did not yield the results we'd hoped. She needs actual treatment of the ear infection, but there's also a chance that even with it, this is the end of the line for her, as the balance issues may be neurological instead.
The cost to have her seen by a vet will be substantial, as she must receive home visits. She has to be sedated at the vets office otherwise and her frail health precludes her from being sedated at the moment. I am looking at probably around 300 dollars for an in-house visit to reassess her ears and have them re-treated.
If the ear infection treatment does not restore her balance, then we will be looking at an at-home euthanasia cost of almost 600.00 for the cheapest, no-memorial option. I am very prepared for the idea that I will need to cover both of these expenses within the week, and this is my current bank balance:
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Yes, that's the negatives.
My mother has also had several emergencies and cannot help.
I have exhausted all my savings after this year of unexpected expenses and cannot in good conscience take more commissions. I already owe backlog of one commission type (chibi sketches) from months ago during the last crisis which I'm slowly working through and have regular commissions completely full. I have no esks or stygians left to sell except for founder and socket, which I am considering.
I will be selling a special semi-gacha but otherwise I have no recourse available to me but to humbly, once again, ask for donations.
I have nothing to offer in exchange this time but my gratitude for your patience and generosity.
If you'd like to help me with the cost of caring for my cat, my PayP.l for personal donations is [email protected] and my V.nmo is $rejamrejam
I am sorry I keep asking. I wouldn't if it was for me, but it's not for me, it's for my cat.
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strawb3rrymoo · 1 year
this is genuinely my biggest success when it comes to manifesting and i'm so so happy and proud because i struggled a lot with believing in myself and trusting the universe but this time i did it and it worked!!!!
to elaborate, last week my cat got sick, she had bad diarrhea for 3 days in a row, she wasn't eating and it was obvious that she was in pain. she wasn't even eating her favorite treats which had never happened before and this was the first time she had diarrhea in her whole life so i knew it was serious and despite a few things that i had tried to help, nothing worked. i also had a feeling that she's had a toothache for a while now. unfortunately, my mom lost her job a month ago (she's got a new job now) so she was refusing to go to the vet because it would be too expensive. i was really really scared and worried that i might lose my cat considering that she's already 11 years old. she's my best friend ,and now that i've recently moved to another country, also my only friend at the moment.
however, one morning i reminded myself that i am a goddess and whatever i say, goes. so when i say that she's not sick, then she's not sick. when i say she's the healthiest and happiest cat in the world, then that's the only truth. so i affirmed all day long that she's the healthiest and happiest cat in the world, i listened to a subliminal for pet health and not even a day later she was absolutely fine again!!! she's completely changed, she's not having diarrhea or stomach pain anymore, she eats really well and she's never been as active, playful and cuddly as she is now!!! we even went on a little walk together today. usually she gets really stressed outside but this time she enjoyed it a lot and she wasn't stressed out at all. she genuinely seems like the healthiest and happiest cat in the world and i'm so happy 🥰
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limeade-l3sbian · 8 months
Dunno if it’s okay to sad rant here?
I have two cats, and while getting two wasn’t part of my initial plan, at the time when they were kittens, they were the last of their litter and separating felt wrong to me. I was also in a vastly different financial situation back then so it was not an issue at all. Even though getting two cats weren’t the plan, I can easily say they are both my most consistent boosts of happiness. I love them with all my heart. They have vastly different personalities and quirks and yet they are also both exceedingly funny and charming. Unfortunately one of the sisters have a poorer health than the other. Nothing fatal, thankfully. She simply needs foods and necessities that are more than twice as expensive as the other, to help her with this. With that it’s perfectly manageable and nothing that could endanger her.
My issues comes with my financial situation. It has changed drastically due to a lot of outside forces. And now i’m severely struggling with even just meeting the bills just for living where i am. What was previously more expensive for one cat is now an intense stress factor. I obviously can’t just stop giving her the things she needs. But I also can’t see a future with the way things are going.
So I’ve made the, to many probably, brutal decision to part ways with her. Within the next month or so Im gonna have to find her a new home, a place where I know for sure all her meets can be met without her new owner getting grey hairs over it. Obviously till then i’m still gonna live even more sparingly to meet them too for her. But I feel like such a sack of shit. I love her with all my heart and now I can’t even be her mom anymore. And she’s probably the one that’s most attached to my hip, so my heart is breaking even more both for her and myself. I fear she will have a horribly tough time adjusting to someone else and getting properly attached. She’s a lot more reserved towards strangers than her sister. I just want her to be happy. And I know in the long run I can’t fulfill that anymore, because eventually they will get old and will need much more frequent vet visits besides the yearly check up vaccine and tooth rinse. What if she develops more health issues, ones that are life or death situations? Then it won’t matter that I love her as much as I do, that won’t pay the vet bills. I stress constantly over this thought.
While I can intellectualize my decision to re-home her, I really do feel like I’m committing an immense betrayal.
First, I'm so sorry, anon. Growing up, I had to give up two different pets after we were too poor to take care of them. I know how painful it can be to become so close to a pet just to have to give them up.
But for your guilt, I think you should feel nothing close to a betrayal. The most compassionate thing you can do as an owner is realize when your situation cannot give them the life they need and make that hard decision. Does it hurt like hell? Does it feel like you are ruining their lives? Does it feel like you will never get over it? Oh god, yes. That's the worst part about a hard moment.
But ultimately, the long term of your decision will bear more fruits than keeping her and feeling shame when you cannot feed her or tend to her medical issues. You can absolutely feel sad and bad and everything in between. But just know that being able to realize what is best for something under your care is far stronger than it might feel in the moment. <3
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The Valley Vet
Azriel x Veterinarian!Reader 
Modern AU Fic
Part 2
Summary: A slow burn romance. The reader just moved to town and is starting a new job at a new veterinary clinic. Her little sister said there is a man there she’s going to love. Will that be the case?
Warnings: None for now. 
Word Count: 1,144
Notes: This is a fic that is close to my heart for many reasons. I am hoping it will be a slow burn series. 
You grabbed the last box from your car to take into your new apartment. The heat in this town was sweltering and oppressive, making your skin feel singed. Blowing hair out of your eyes, you closed the trunk and went into the cool of the AC. The place was small, but cute with high ceilings, new carpet, and new appliances. The living room and kitchen were in one open space with the bar separating the two and one bedroom off to the side. It felt a bit dark with only one large window in the living room and one in the bedroom, but that was nothing cute lighting couldn’t fix. With a deep breath, you plopped onto the couch. Freyja, your large black brindle dog, hopped onto it next to you with a sigh. 
“I know girl. It’s quite a change.” You had only moved down to this town because your mom had convinced you it was wonderful. She tempted you with the beach, sea turtles, and good Mexican food, but you couldn’t help but miss Austin, Texas. It just was getting too crowded and too expensive and your schedule was so hectic it was hard to ever come down to visit. So here you were in a small obscure town in south Texas, right next to Mexico and the Gulf. It would be nice to be close to your parents and younger sister and brother. If you were honest, it was really just for your siblings. Your parents were too chaotic and hopefully you could watch out for them a lot easier being close by. Your phone dinged, rousing you from your thoughts. It was from Holly, your new manager. 
“Hello Y/N, would you like to swing by this afternoon? That way we can get you into the system and ready for tomorrow. Once you get here, come in through the side door and my office is right to the left. Ready to get you on board.”
This would be your second vet clinic after graduating vet school. You hadn’t really been sad to leave the first one in Austin. It was small, stuffy, and cramped. The head veterinarian had also been a bit of a bitch, though you loved all of the technicians and they had become your friends. The pay here wasn’t going to be much better, but they saw all animal types, not just dogs and cats. Your true passion in veterinary medicine was large animals like cattle and horses. Your sister, Annie, had actually been the one to hook you up with the job. The owner of the clinic, Dr. Gary Montague, had just fired a doctor and needed a new one pretty badly. Perfect timing. Annie thought Dr. Gary was pretty great. There was one other doctor too, Dr. Azriel Gonzalez. Annie swore up and down you’d like him. Just your type, dark hair, hazel eyes, and he liked to sing. She said his only downfall was that he was a drinker. You weren’t interested. Your last relationship had ended poorly; he was precious in every way but his alcoholism had gotten to be too much so you ended things. You did not want a repeat of that. All you had to do was resist his charms. How hard could it be?
“Great. I will be there in 15.” You sent the reply to Holly and grabbed your keys to head back into the sweltering August heat. 
15 minutes later you pulled into the parking lot of your new job, Valley Vet Clinic. It was a large cream colored tin building with green trim and a gravel parking lot. Next door on the same lot was a similar building that housed a feed store. You parked and got out of the car, thankful beyond words for tee shirts and jean shorts in this heat. You walked to the side door Holly had indicated and into the cool air.
It had blue walls with gray tin trimming the lower half. It smelled faintly of cleaner and various animals smells. You went right, into the office which was piled with clutter of various papers, vials, and tools. You knocked lightly on the door.
“Holly?” A curvy woman turned in her office chair. She had olive skin and dark hair in a pony tail.
“Dr. Y/N Hi! Give me just a minute to finish up this test form. If you want to go out back, Dr. Gary should be out there and he can introduce you to everyone.”
“Yeah sure sounds good.” You smiled.
“Just go down to the right and then a left to the back treatment area. He’s out there with some horses.”
You walked out back where she had directed. There was a tall roof over a large concrete area with some kennels and two horse stocks. Dr. Gary, a thicker set bald man was floating a horse’s teeth while another man held its head. He had an electric grinder to file down sharp points in the horse’s teeth. You waited until Dr. Gary was finished and turned the tool off, it was way too loud to have said much before hand. You cleared your throat and walked over.
“Dr. Gary?” His eyes lit with surprise.
“Dr. Y/n hello! So glad you’re here. Are you ready to work?” He wiped his hands off on a rag and set the tool into a bucket of water.
“Yes sir. Although I didn’t come dressed today, Holly asked me to come to get my pin for the computers and fill out my paperwork.” You chuckled. Hoping he wasn’t going to make you take patients in shorts and a tee, but if he was insistent you probably would so as not to make a bad impression. “I will be ready bright and early tomorrow though.”
“Good, good. Dr. Y/n, have you met Dr. Azriel?”
Your breath caught. Your sisters description had not done him justice. He wore jeans and a simple black T shirt that stretched across his chest and around his arms that read “The Valley Vet” on the left side. His dark hazel eyes appraised you and he gave a slight smirk, still holding on to the horses halter.
“Well, I’ll leave y’all to get acquainted. I’m going to go check on rooms. Azriel, you got this covered?” He nodded and with that Dr. Gary walked back inside.
You moved to pet the sorrel horse on the muzzle. It was still groggy from the sedative. Azriel stepped back and crossed his arms.
“So you’re Y/n. Your sister told me about you. She said I was either going to love you or hate you.” His voice was deep and cool.
You have a snort. “Well I guess we will just have to see now, won’t we.”
“I guess we shall.” And with that he gathered the bucket of water, syringes, and tooth drill and walked inside.
  -->     Part 2.     <--
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supermaks · 2 months
F1isms aside how are you doing? sounds like it’s been a rough half year, hope you’re hanging in there
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🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀 tysm for asking🩷
I mean our fund raiser nearly hit its goal but tbh like it’s so crazy to me that so many people already wanna help us so like even irl I have family and friends who I thought wud come thru and didn’t. Like my aunt literally just called us this week offering COTA tickets and I was like . Can’t u just help pay a few medical bills. Can’t u send my mom some rent money because yk shes about to lose the house and she can’t get a job and we’re gonna be homeless lmfao. And my aunt was actually super offended that I was offended lmfao and now I feel like I shud have told her yes and then made another giveaway for those fucking tickets because fuck her. but whtvr. I think for some reason I just didn’t expect to feel so alone. Yk other people struggling wid their own shit but like. Me and Mrs kat have my mom, who’s can barely afford to feed us and keep us off the streets. Mrs kat parents came out all the way from Marseille to have Xmas wid us and it was nice ((I thought)) and now they refuse her calls and say they will send HER money but only her, under the condition that she dumps me because I’m holding her back wid all my baggage and my chronic pain and fucked up shoulder and addiction. And I’m black so I’m not right for her anyway 😐 I served these people food in my moms house lmfao.
Mrs kat got dreams of her own here tho she wants to finish her studies and pay off student loans like .. and she wants to be wid me. So her parents like cut her off completely and they stopped sending money a long time ago.
This shit is really fucked up and complex Im just trying to tell u , yeah. It’s been fucking rough. 😣😣😣 I do have a ‘job’ now which is something, I do errands for this like INSANE woman who’s prolly gonna get me arrested but she’s paying me weekly and that’s all that matters. My mom says I need to find something wid a contract immediately and that’s why I need the fundraiser money so we don’t completely become homeless while I search for safer options. I also need to go back to rehab and physio asap because I feel like I’m losing my mind and my benefits only afford medical physio from a shitty fucking clinic like once a month and it’s always full. I’m in pain all the time rn. I got duped into this extremely expensive surgery I’m STILL paying for and now it’s like they don’t care that I still need physio to actually getter better.
My cats are ok 🥹 Chica rejected some medicine for some stomach issues she had and had to back to the vet ((more bills 😭)) and it was scary but she’s back super stable and almost 100%. Calypso is SUPER pregnant, due prolly next month and we want her to have the babes wid us because it’s her first litter and she’s an anxious diva but that’s sm WORK and we’re kinda like NOW??? Ok. But she seems safer wid us, comfortable, and gonna be a real good momma. Chica has been incredible wid her too. They really be taking care of each other.
So yh if u still got some spare change u wanna throw our way my p.aypals is: [email protected] . U will also register for my bdays ((august 5th)) first anual ‘supermaks gives back’ where I pick a few of u thru p.aypal to send back my much beloved max merch as a thank u . I know this is dumb but idk what else to do. Idk how that’s gonna work either but I’m excited we’ll figure it out. Y’all been here for me twice now . Makes me wanna cry when I think of it too much.
I appreciate all yalls help wid all my heart. Just knowing there’s strangers out there who still want to c us fight to c another day and do better, bro that’s more meaningful to me than words can say.
I am hanging in there. Thanks to u
God bless u 🤍
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robynmarkius · 1 year
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Hello, Tumblr.
I lost my mother this morning. (9/4/23) It happened very quickly and I could not pack up and get out there in time to see her first. I am heading out there to deal with everything in person.
She had very little money to cover her bills. We have very little money to pay for what I'm going to need to pay for.
We just lost our cat a month and a half ago and have already spent what little we had to spare on the Emergency Vet bill and pet cremation expense.
My husband/life partner set up a GoFundMe for his friends to be able help us however they could. I would like to share it here as well, as this is my home. This is my community.
In the past, I have passed along and signal boosted GoFundMes and such. You don't have to give anything. I'm a stranger on the internet, we don't know one another. We're just sharing the same space. ♡
You may also just send wishes and thoughts after you see this, that is okay and welcome as well. I am not expecting anything from anyone, but I don't think it hurts anything or anyone to at least ask. This is just a lot, very fast, and it's better, in my opinion, to put the request out there and it not go anywhere than to not ask for help when I know it will be needed. It's really hard to ask for help.
There are alternatives, if you're not sure about GFM and still wish to do something. I have a teespring store you can buy something from. You may also donate directly to my Ko-Fi, or PayPal, or leave a tip here on Tumblr.
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Link List:
•GoFundMe Link: https://gofund.me/aef7ffa4
•Teespring Store: https://store.sailorshadow.net
•Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/sailorshadow
•Direct Donation Link: https://paypal.me/RobynMarkius
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You can buy something as small as a Pride Cats or Chibi-Angel sticker from the store, send a small tip here, or donate via Ko-Fi or PayPal. The dollars and cents will all go towards the same things.
•Travel Expenses to get out there and back
•Funeral/Memorial expenses
•The incoming hospital bill
•Veterinary care and transport of Mom's 2 cats that we will be adopting
•Food and fuel for all the running around while out there.
Please be safe out there, take care of yourselves, hug all your loved ones, and I'll see you when I can focus and be more active. ♡
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weabooweedwitch · 1 year
Dude... I'm just gonna preface this by saying I have full empathy for the fact that you're struggling and that your mom isnt doing enough and has a lot of issues... but threatening suicide as a means to get what you want and telling someone they would be responsible for your suicide (!) is manipulative and actually crosses the line into emotional abuse. You're in the right in terms of your overall argument but it's totally understandable that your mom wouldn't want to talk to you in that moment if you're calling her a fucking idiot and verbally abusing her. Her responses were appropriate and boundary-setting as she was in the middle of something. I get she's your mom but you're an adult... you can express your frustration to her but you weaponized suicide threats against her and bullied her into action. Action she needed to take but the way you went about it was not ok. If you feel suicidal, go to a hospital and get help. don't use it as a weapon to hurt your mom and 'get payback' for her faults or make her feel guilty enough to do what you want
Asks that have me googling personality disorders because you probably couldn't be telling me this in a nicer way and even the slightest sign of criticism unlocks such a like borderline violent emotional reaction in me that like I basically instantly couldn't care less what you're saying because it's about me and "negative" and "ok if that's how you think fuck you too then" and these knee-jerk emotional responses are literally significantly impacting my life to the point I'm like maybe a month away if even, like probably WITHIN the next month, of just. Absolutely losing my temper on a manager or something and then there's another job I've lost because I physically cannot keep my cool
memory recalls a doc telling me once he thought I had BPD and my immediate reaction to that was getting offended and he's the only doctor I've ever seen that suggested a personality disorder besides a therapist who said I probably have DPD and helped me get on disability because I was so like mentally crazy I couldn't function for a while (and of course the second I get a job they kicked me off my benefits so, yeah, nothing like feeling trapped to stay working so I'm not on the streets). But like whats the point of seeking treatment in a country that doesn't have affordable healthcare. Which is funny because I'm actually on state insurance right now and it expires later this year but even when I have it I'm terrified of using it "because what if something doesn't go through and I still get charged"
But also like. It's pointless. My life is already like this. There's no improving it. There's no magically fixing me or her. My life is constant problems. Like now my cat is refusing to eat his special bladder food because my idiot mother keeps leaving the regular food down in large quantities and now Allister refuses to eat the expensive rx food that literally stops him from forming more urinary stones. All because she wouldn't listen to me literally begging her to watch him when he eats. Like literally, he's hungry right now and refusing to eat it and is looking for the food he's not supposed to eat, like he's literally choosing nothing over his dietery food. What am I supposed to do, let him eat whatever he wants and keep wasting money on preventable vet visits. I literally feel like I have no choice but to put him down the next time he gets a medical crisis because if this isn't curable and we can no longer treat or prevent it, I just don't have the money to go to the vet over and over and over and over. And there's my little best furry friend that I raised from a baby, gone, because I can't do anything
I tell my mom I'm struggling and I get invalidated. I tell my work I'm struggling and get invalidated. I'm just a hateful nasty person now and I'm actively wishing something horrible would happen to me. Maybe these beaus lines in my nails will be a serious illness. Maybe my constant significant digestive issues is some form of cancer. Maybe if I'm lucky when I'm going to work tonight an oncoming car will lose control and slam into mine killing me instantly
It's just. You can't. Fix so many of these things. At least not immediately, not without time. And not without money. And I don't have either. I can't even remember how many hours i slept today and now I'll be heading to work in an hour where I'll be called lazy in a roundabout way and spend my entire shift crying and obsessively worrying about all the bills I have to help pay and maybe try and apply for other jobs
But it's also like. Why. What am I living for besides like. Consuming substances and media. It's not like I can live without working and I'm starting to wonder if I'm just lirerallt too pathetic and wimpy and lacking of work ethic while also being full of trauma to fully support myself. I keep going from taking pride in how hard I'm managing to work and being absolutely devastated because like. I'm turning 27 this year, I didn't start working until 22, and I just have no savings, nothing to show for it, I'm running out of time, I'm getting older, I'm developing complexes over aging as I see the noticeable changes in my skin and hair and how my fucking bones hurt, and it's just like. Why should I even go to work tonight. I'm just kicking the metaphorical depression can down the road.
It's whatever. Have an emotional episode, contemplate dying, have a cry, recover, feel like a freak, hope the next episode drives me so upset I actually do it next time, wash rinse repeat, wanting something to happen but too lazy and scared to do it myself. I tell myself it's good I still have a job because it's literally forcing me to function but like. I'll be real and say if I lose job again, which would is a 50/50 toss up of my fault and them burying me in work, that, I dunno how I'll keep myself together, especially because, like, potentially disordered eating habits aside I've been losing a lot of weight partially because my job keeps me so active and it's been a huge boost to my mental health, so, if I lose that "free gym membership" so to speak, being forced to be active by necessity of my employment, thatll tank my mood again when I start gaining weight back because, I'm literally just maybe a month or so away from being a weight I haven't been in like. 15 years.
Sigh. It's time for me to be getting ready for work and I think I only slept about 4 or 5 hours. Nothing a protein meal replacement shake won't help with. Maybe I'll start drinking coffee to force myself awake so I can keep being a good little employment robot
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gamerphonzy · 2 years
I'd been working on this post asking for thoughts, prayers, long shot mystery cures, what have you, when my cat died on Pi Day and I didn't need it anymore, but also I did need to immediately make a post on Facebook begging for money to cover her funeral expenses. And I just haven't really been on here much since then? So... here's the draft anyway so I'll stop feeling guilty for not posting about it? I don't know. Everything sucks.
One of my cats, Jigsaw, has cancer. Like real bad. We'd been waiting over a month for the biopsy results after I found a mass on her belly. She was doing so good, the sutures were out, she didn't have to wear the Cone of Shame anymore. Then Mom* told me on the way to work on the 9th that she was really struggling to breathe. So we took her in to the vet on the 10th and they went ahead and X-rayed her. Next thing they're telling us "here's where her lungs should be. You can see over here how air shows up as black and her lungs don't do that. And all these wispy bits are tumors." They gave her a shot to help her get through the night. I tried to call in but there wasn't anybody**. The girl working the desk did very graciously offer to come back in after I'd run the audit once I broke down crying telling her about the whole thing though. So I got off a couple hours early and in the morning Mom pretty well had me psyched up to put her down but the vet went ahead and talked us into giving her the longer lasting shot that's supposed to buy us a week or two to say goodbye.
*my apartment is far too bachelorly a place for surgical recovery, so she's been over at my mom's place in her bedroom. I come see her in the morning when I get off my overnight shift and go home to my apartment to sleep when Mom comes home in the afternoon.
**the manager said he would do it, but he hadn't been cleared to come back in to work by corporate since he'd been so sick he had to get wheeled out on a stretcher on the 5th. Having walked into that whole situation and been on hand when his wife called the ambulance, I actually felt bad for him on that.
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well hello.  been a few weeks.
Yesterday was my one year divorce anniversary.  amazing how the year has gone by so quickly.
The World cup has been INSANE, especially today’s games.  my heart today, o.m.g. LOL
My mom is on a trip with a tour group to Mexico and is having the absolute best time!  my sis and i split the cost of the trip to treat her for her 75th bday.  it was totally affordable that i was worried they were going to be staying in cockroach infested hotels, but it’s absolutely no the case and i’m so relieved.
found out my ex is “in a relationship” with someone from facebook.  i’m intrigued/vaguely nosy curious feeling but at the same time, don’t care about it in a care about him kind of way.  i more was thinking to myself how is it that i can’t even bring myself to think about trying to date and meet people and this mofo is already FB status in a relationship with someone and also on fucking facebook which he didn’t want to use before and didn’t have any social media.  ok whatever.  should i be ready by now?  it just all seems so daunting and like so much effort and really just like gambling... and you hardly ever win big when you gamble.  ugh i dunno.
had a big fight with Leo that exploded into work.  we got through it, but it was a lot of drama and waste of energy.
lastly, i lost my Alley cat on 11/19.  she was 18 years old.  she’d been getting thinner.... she was always a skinnier cat, she was never more than 7ish pounds even when she was younger.  but i brought her in cause she had a cold on 8/27 and she was only 5 pounds.  she got better after her cold but i know she wasn’t eating well still, even with giving her appetite stimulant.  I brought her in to the vet on 11/17 because the night before she was kind of out of it... like wobbly and not aware of where she was.  and she had tried to jump up to her food counter and she fell.  and when she fell she just lay there.  just lay there where she fell, the poor thing.  brings me to tears just remembering...
the vet said there was really nothing more to do for her.  they gave her some fluids and a b12 shot and a steroid shot to see if that could help pep her up.   but really it was just buying me time to realize i had to say goodbye.  i texted the ex to let him know she wasn’t doing well.  he said he’d be in town in dec and if she was still around he’d ask to say good bye.  i said i don’t think she has that long but i’ll let you know.  the vet is closed on fridays so i thought i’d be able to bring her in to our regular vet on Saturday when they opened.  of course they have this whole come sign up to get in to see them type thing so there was no guarantee they could see me right away... anyways that night she slept in the bed (per usual in her older age) and it was the worst sleep of my life.  i could tell she wasn’t doing well, so i had my hand on her nearly the whole time to make sure she was still breathing.  i kept praying to ask God to give me a sign of what i should do. at some point i fell asleep and then i was so scared cause i realized there was something heavy leaning on me (stella) instead of alley and i panicked, but she had just crawled a little ways away but was curled up sleeping.   fell back asleep a little bit but then i heard a thump.  she had fallen off the bed.   i rushed to get up and turn on the light and there she was just laying where fell again :(.   so i picked her up, laid her back on the bed and then got dressed, i felt like that was my sign.  
i brought her to the emergency vet and she passed in my arms at about 440 in the morning.  tbh they had this whole room with couches and kleenex that was dimly lit and a whole system for saying goodbye that it was a way better experience than if i had made it to our regular vet.  (yet super expensive ugh) they let you do all the paperwork and payment stuff while you’re waiting.  they took her in the back and put an iv in.  then they took me to the nice room to explain what would happen next.  they would bring her to me, i could spend as much time with her as i wanted.  then when i was ready i’d push a button and the dr would come.  the doctor was just the kindest angel.  i don’t know how they can take seeing the pain from everyone.  but i guess they know that only that much grief can come from great love.  then when i was ready, she gave the first injection to make her sleepy.  then when i was ready again she gave her the injection that stopped her heart.  she listened for her heart.  then she said i could stay as long as i wanted with her again.  and when i was ready to go i would push this button thing again and someone would come to take her away.  she was in my arms the whole time.  she was ready.
her ashes came back the day before thanksgiving and because it’s an emergency vet, i was able to pick her up on thanksgiving day.  
Roger’s doing really well and i get regular updates or see pics of him posted by his new fam on facebook.
I took my mom to see Pentatonix and Girl Named Tom on 12/1 before her trip.  they were both SO AMAZING.
I didn’t make it into the Chicago Marathon via lottery so I joined a charity team. I just gotta raise 1750 by 10/1/2023.  Oh, and train for a fucking marathon.  good luck to me lol.
there’s a song by Girl Named Tom on their Christmas album, called “one more christmas”  The first line is “these tears are years of memories all at once”   and i think of that every time i cry now.  Alley cat is waiting for me with all my fur babies who have gone on ahead.  I’ll see them again someday.
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haintxblue · 10 months
I'm sorry about how hard everything has been. I can't imagine what you're going through. I can't help much, but would you accept some money to help pay for a private cremation? It really helped me grieve to have that for my cat, and I don't want that option to be taken from you because of the cost. I'm sorry if this is not welcome, of course feel free to delete this if it isn't.
hello, thank you for this!
So I imagine you found my cat updates. I guess I should add a current update to those: Things are still kinda up and down, she was doing better but now it appears her ear infection has drained into a sinus problem :/ but since her overall health is good and she's being managed well on a Lot of Expensive Drugs she's still kicking around and I'm still hoping she manages to stay well enough to just die in her sleep at home.
She's still eating, grooming, using her litter box, using her scratching post, walking around, demanding cuddles, and occasionally even playing (gently and briefly), so I'm not calling it quits yet but I am not optimistic of any long term recovery.
I have euth funds set aside from the fundraiser in case she goes very bad again or things get unstable but for now I do a weekly check in with her new vet and we assess her quality of life/treatment plan for managing symptoms in an attempt to keep her comfortable enough to die at home.
As to the cremation, which I know was the entire ask im so sorry I just wasn't sure what info you had and wanted to get that out there: this is an incredibly kind offer but I sincerely don't want or need a private cremation for her. I have a pretty unorthodox perspective on death and remains in general, human or animal, and while I know it helps the grieving process for others, for me it's really irrelevant. My One True Soul Cat was also sent off for community cremation and I never got her ashes either, and to this day I don't regret that.
If I had unlimited money I would probably still send her off for community cremation and not want any ashes. I know this might be genuinely upsetting to some so I'm sorry if that's also you but to be honest if I had unlimited money the only thing I'd even maybe consider is getting her skull cleaned and sent back somehow because she has a jaw deformity I'd like to see up close.
This is sort of a family trait. My mom and I both want to donate our bodies to science and neither one of us wants a funeral. Neither of us likes to keep ashes. She didn't even keep her husband's ashes or my brother's.
If I decide I want a memorial of some kind I'll get a tattoo. She has a deformed foot with a very unique footprint so probably that's what i would get.
Sorry I'm rambling so much she's just sleeping next to me right now so I have a lot of complicated emotions :(
tldr thank you for this incredibly kind offer but I don't skip the private cremation because of funds, but because I don't want anything else.
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theninjasanctuary · 2 years
Not too much going on, I guess. My knees feel ok even after I ran out of the prescription pills. Managed to get the GP to extend my prescription for allergy meds until the next spring. Trying to work without much success (at least I've managed to look at my emails and respond). Helped the boyf to wrap things up for the winter at his place in the country. Heard a bit of village gossip that there were more dumped kittens found around the time we found ours (I am sure he was alone by the side of that stretch of the road though).
The kitten is doing well, growing with astonishing speed (he's about 4,5 months old, but already pretty much the same size as my arguably smallish childhood cat was). He's considerably less scratchy these days, thankfully, even though I still end up with a few fresh ones every week when he gets carried away. Also, he likes to play-fight with hands, which is not ideal even though he's toned the bites down. And he's still not great with plants, particularly bigger ones that look climbable, cat grass is obviously no competition there. Other than that, he's sweet, likes company, gets plenty of pets and playtime and comes to me requesting cuddles several times a day. I can't help liking him.
In other news, finally, FINALLY got paid (including for the side job), and sunk over half of it immediately into bills + paying off the credit card I've used for everything while waiting to get paid. I need to watch my spending like a hawk this month to avoid going into red again (I don't like it). I already did good today and didn't use a Momox coupon. The shoes I wanted and didn't get in time haven't been returned/relisted and there's really nothing else I could justify spending on, seeing as I am already fabulously dressed. And I'm hoping there'll be somewhat fewer expenses than in October, because I paid for a vet visit, meds and ultrasound treatments for my annoying health issues, splurged on a few second-hand items, some skincare repurchases, and some bedlinen and towels from a sale... ehh. So I am kind of hoping I could curb spending and stick to reasonable amounts of groceries and basics, but I should also look into getting flight tickets to France, I've yet to place the order to winterize my skincare stash, and mom's birthday is coming up.
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wulffridge · 3 years
Hey there, it's me, ya boi, needing some help.
There's so many please help posts that I see circulating around that I'm sure this will be buried, but I'm going to try anyways. Shits been rough and my family has definitely been going through it, to the point we describe life in 2 ways; the world's 2020, and our own personal 2020.
Back in July, my dad had a massive stroke during what we thought would be a routine surgery. Thankfully, I was working and my brother had just received unemployment back pay, so we could be stable for a couple months while mom visited him in the hospital and routinely had to miss work.
Dads alive, he made it over the hurdles thrown at him at every turn, but he made it, even though now he's making it sound like he wishes he didn't. We're finally seeing some returns from his forced medical retirement, about 6 years before he was set to retire in the first place, and mom's back to work full time as a cancer care nurse. But even with this we're struggling a lot.
All my jobs have been seasonal, the one I was working when he had his stroke has ended, and I've worked another since then, which also ended. Now I'm working at a moving company and while it's a job, it's horribly managed with a rampant alcohol problem. Not to mention grueling labor and long hours with very little safety oversight; I've already been injured with more underlying damage that has been making itself known recently, particularly my shoulder. I'm not staying, and I put in my resignation, and I have found another job. But it hasn't started yet and things are piling as the job which I have another week working at slashed my hours for "not being tough enough to stick around".
I thought I could make the bills until I started my new job but it's not happening. Because during all of this, our family cat went into chemo treatment, which I was helping pay for (1,500 from me, 5k altogether), and as of 2 days ago, he tragically surcame to his illness, passing peacefully in his sleep. I had to leave a job site because I got the call from my brother while I was working.
We loved this cat dearly. He was such a bright light for us during all that was happening in the world and with our dad. A spunky tabby named C.T, which technically stood for Carrot Top, but we all said it was for Cat Trouble. He was more dog then cat and would yell at us for attention and ram his head into dad's beard. Very much living up to that "all orange cats are himbos" meme. He was only 8. I'm still coming to terms with the fact that he's gone. We all thought he'd pull through.
Bills still need to be payed, and rent still needs to be turned in by middle of this month. Not to mention other expenses I've been neglecting in favor of paying for cat treatment and rent.
I'm asking for anyone to donate to my PayPal if they wish to help. And to reblog if they can't. All money is going to bills and paying off the vet, any left over going into gas and paying copays.
TL; DR My dad had a stroke in July and we've been managing to scrape enough together since then, but our family cat needed expensive chemo, but unfortunately died from his illness 2 days ago. I'm needing money to pay vet and medical bills while I'm basically between jobs.
Please reblog if you can. Heres a picture of our sweet Orange.
Tumblr media
All together I'm trying to raise 2,800$. If I somehow get more then that it will go directly to my mom to help take some weight off her shoulders. But literally any amount will help, seeing as how reaching this amount will be nearly impossible.
Cost break down is this:
550 Rent
1000 Vet
200 Car Payments (both car and insurance)
200 Health Insurance
150 Gas (I travel 42 miles each way for work, about 40$ to fill up at current [rising] prices, every 2-3 travel days)
700 Bills, Appointments, Medicines, future 2021 bullshittery
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