#also my gifs aren't working so double sorry
dalliancekay · 7 months
Double Standards
I'm having thoughts.
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You know how women are generally (almost always) held to higher standards than men? This also goes for people who are seen as good vs bad. If an overall good person (or a woman) in public eye does something even a little bit out of line, they get crucified. But if someone who is perceived as something of a bad (boy, it's basically always a man*) does something good, the praises are never ending. I'm afraid this has seeped into the way Aziraphale and Crowley are sometimes perceived. The good one (a literal angel no less) is absolutely forbidden to make mistakes or say anything out of line (I forgive you definitely counts) while the bad one (yes, I mean the demon with the golden heart) is not really blamed for anything, cos he's supposed to be bad, right? Anything good he does or feels is a bonus point.
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That's. That's not how this should work. They are both beautifully flawed, evolving beings, in love with one another trying to keep each other safe in a hostile environment with uncertain rules.
Aziraphale is NOT BEING PURSUED by Crowley and is not being held back by the love of his toxic family (and/or his inner objections to being in love with a demon) he doesn't have the courage to abandon. Aziraphale is not a damsel in distress Crowley is rescuing. I thought Aziraphale admitting that he enjoys being rescued because it makes Crowley happy was proof enough but apparently not.
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Just because they enjoy giving each other the things they didn't get to feel from their homes/jobs - Crowley being needed and Aziraphale being appreciated, doesn't mean they aren't fully functional separate beings.
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Are they better together? YES But there is no one right or wrong here. They've been dealt a really bad hand at cards and they are trying their best. Aziraphale doesn't need to do anything to deserve Crowley (this is an extremely flawed relationship trope). He is already loved, he is already enough. And the SAME is true the other way round. Aziraphale is not holding out to some future Crowley who will be a better version to who he is now (or being an angel again!!) Aziraphale loves him just as he is.
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Their problem is not with each other. It never has been. Their problems all stem from the fact that their existence, although in principle they are immortal, is not really all that secure. Especially not if they want to spend time together. And they do. So their problems pile up. This is their tragedy. And also why their love story is so compelling. Not because one is better or will change or abandon everything to be with their lover. But because they are imperfect in very bad, often scary situations and they are drawn to each other, and care for each other above everything else. That's why Crowley wanted to stay and that's why Aziraphale had to leave.
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*I'm sorry to have used terminology for cis people in my examples, but these are what we generally perceive in public life and media - at least we do for now. I do adore my NB and trans friends - hopefully their representation will brighten the future in these things as discussed above soon.
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lemotmo · 2 months
Ask box opened! I wanted to copy the question because I think it's a good indicator as to a lot of that fandoms thinking but it was way too long. Basically they were asking about chemistry differences between O/L and O/R. And what the show wants being different from what Oliver and Ryan want. Anyway, enjoy!
A. Hello anon, haha I know, we will see how long I last with it open. There were several parts to your question so I will try to hit everything but forgive me if I don't. First of all the show already tried less Buddie and it backfired spectacularly on them. The beginning of season 6 was very minimal for Buddie scenes, by far the fewest they've had. And the audience hated it. Complained loudly and often about it. It's what I mean when I say they are an audience favorite. That's not an exaggeration. The audience complained after every single episode. The ratings went down. They're a real thing. They have many, many fans that are not part of Tumblr/Twitter fandom. Less Buddie is not an option for the show and the show knows that. Tim definitely knows that. It's why he doubled down on them this season. It's why ABC used them as basically the entire marketing campaign for the entire season and every episode. And look at the results. 911 is the network's number one show. 911 is number one in their timeslot against every other network. Those are unarguable facts. Kristen was well aware of all of this as well, btw, but she's an incompetent brat who used separating them as part of her temper tantrum throwing that was season 6 as a whole. And why she absolutely should no longer have a job anywhere near the show. She purposely hurt the show by actively going against what she knew the audience wanted. Knowing it would hurt the show and doing it anyway should have absolutely gotten her fired (sorry for my mini rant, lol, but I hate her).
I don't know anyone who is saying they hate Lou because he doesn't have the same chemistry with Oliver that Ryan does. That's not what people are saying. Chemistry is tricky. It's either there or it's not. Yes, sometimes when it doesn't exist naturally it can be manufactured, but that's difficult to do, and, no offense to you, Lou's not a good enough actor to pull off manufactured chemistry (it's fine he admitted himself action is his preferred thing). And frankly the show isn't invested in Tommy enough to help him learn how to do it. But what's insane is that somewhere along the way anyone pointing out that their chemistry is off a bit somehow meant you all had the right to blame Ryan for that. That Ryan, along with Oliver were somehow sabotaging Lou. Listen when I say, there are several voices, loud voices in your fandom you all have got to stop taking direction from. The nonsense of going from ask box to ask box pointing out that Oliver and Ryan had a falling out at one point was childish. Yes, Ryan said a stupid, hurtful, ignorant thing and was, rightly, called out for it. But he publicly owned the mistake. He worked on himself, got out of a particular relationship, and seems to be a better person for it. That's called human growth. It's what you should want someone to do. He and Oliver made up. They're friends. They don't owe you an apology or explanation for that. Also, sorry to point this out, but Oliver basically has the man tattooed on his body (gunshot arc crawling rescue). They're close. Get over it. Oliver and Lou aren't required to be friends. It's fine. You don't need to belittle other friendships to make you feel better about that.
Asking if Oliver and Ryan have maybe backed the show into a corner they don't appreciate is I think deliberately naive. Yes I think by now it's pretty obvious what direction they think things should be going. And yes, I think their natural chemistry adds to the scenes, but scripts come with stage directions. They're told how close to stand. They're told what the mood of the scene should be. Now I do think Oliver and Ryan probably add their own spin on certain things, but not enough to change whatever the meaning of the scene is intended to be. For instance I think the thumb to the neck with the gentle rub is one hundred percent an Oliver and Ryan addition. It's been in too many scenes now, and no way in hell is a writer like Kristen capable of coming up with a touch like that, and working it into her scripts. So I think that's their thing. But again it doesn't change a scene overall, it's just their addition to the scene. The show knows what it's doing. If the way Oliver and Ryan were acting was not what they wanted they wouldn't use the scene. They would make them redo it in a different way. It's that simple. And the show is definitely not showing signs of doubling down on Tommy. I have no idea where you all are getting this. If the show meant for the audience to root for Tommy as far as Buck goes, they would not have released that deleted scene. That clip did Tommy zero favors. And your fandoms reaction to that clip proves how poorly he came across in it. You all just can't decide who to blame for it. My favorite are the ones blaming Aisha. I mean there's twisting yourself into knots to not acknowledge the writing meant for it to come across as a bad look, and then there's whatever the hell you have to do to arrive at it's Aisha's fault. I'm going to say something and I genuinely don't want it to come across as mean because I never want to purposely hurt anyone's feelings. The reality is if Buddie goes canon 95% of your fandom will become, or revert back to, Buddie shippers. That's the basic truth. The chemistry is there. The history is there. The two actors the show cares about are there. The majority of their audience is there. The hard-line remaining 5% are the hardcore Lou shippers, and, again not to sound mean, the show doesn't care about that 5%. The true numbers size of your fandom, when you take out repeat comments from the same blogs and duplicate accounts from the same people, seems to be in the mid thousands. That is tiny. That's not even enough to move a neilson rating. It just feels bigger on here because you're all on Tumblr, but many of you have admitted that you run multiple accounts so even mid thousands may be too generous a guestimation. And the majority of the fandom would be soft shippers, meaning they'll follow the relationship that is canon. The hard liners are Lou shippers and the show doesn't care about Lou shippers. I'm sorry anon but unless the show does something in CANON to show a shift somewhere Tommy is a plot point. I'm not going to pretend he's anything else.
I have just one thing to add here:
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Thank you for putting this in my ask box Nonny. It's appreciated!
Remember, no hate in comments or reblogs. Let's keep it civil and respectful. Thank you.
If you are interested in more of the anonymous OP’s posts, you can find all of their posts so far under the tag: anonymous blog I love.
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helloalycia · 11 months
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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐒 [𝐎𝐍𝐄] // 𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐚 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐫𝐤
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summary: as tensions rise between your tribe at Black Hat and the Ottos at the ranch, you're certain the killing won't end. Of course, things start to change when the Clarks join the ranch, and one Clark in particular seems to be after the same thing as you: peace.
warning/s: mentions of discrimination, violence, death and injury.
author's note: hey all! so this was a request on here about a month ago and i've been trying very hard to get it written up, but between work and being ill lol, it's been hard. Finally though, it's here! this first chapter is a lil quick-paced to get through the scenes in the show, but it slows down after this and there’s much more alicia x you scenes too. four parts to expect, so stay tuned :)
(also peep the new layout 👀)
two / three / four / masterlist / wattpad
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I was finishing eating lunch when my dad returned from his outing with a small party from our tribe. He didn't look hurt in any way thankfully, but when he spotted me, he dismissed those around him so he could speak to me privately.
"Hey, Y/N," he sighed, pulling me in for a side hug. "How are you?"
I returned the hug, curious to what he wanted to share. "I'm good. What happened? Did you get into another confrontation with the ranchers?"
The ranchers were those inhabiting Broke Jaw Ranch, owned by the Otto family, and whom had problems with us at Black Hat Reservation ever since they stole our land. Prior to the dead rising, my father and ancestors had been trying to win back the land the legal way, but legalities never worked in our favour. Now, no more laws meant resorting to the old fashioned method – violence. And that was exactly what the ranchers practiced, which made me fear every time my father left our home.
"We came across Troy and some others," my dad explained. Troy was one of Jeremiah Otto's sons – the other being Jake – who also headed up the ranch, and he was an absolute dickhead, but a dangerous one. "We warned them to stay away from us."
"You think they'll listen?" I asked.
He tried not to smile as he suddenly threw a bag on the ground from his back, and out tumbled several pairs of boots. Presumably Troy and his party's.
"They should get the hint," he answered. "And if not, they know the helicopter was us. They know what we're capable of."
I sighed inwardly, knowing he was referring to the helicopter our people had shot out of the sky the other night. It wasn't something I was particularly proud of, even if I wasn't directly involved, but it did serve to send a message. I understood why we did it, but sometimes I only wanted peace and not more violence.
"What is it?" he asked, sensing something was wrong.
I looked up at him, expression softening. "Can't we try to negotiate with them? I'm sure if we agreed to speak with Jake–"
"You know what this land means to our people," he said sternly. "The Ottos don't negotiate. Never have. Why would we try to meet them halfway?"
I nodded slowly, having heard this many times before. And to an extent, he was right. The ranchers and the Ottos were all the same, as experience had shown us. They didn't like us one bit, solely because we were different to them.
But if there was a chance at negotiation, Jake would be the one to go to. The most levelheaded of the Ottos, he wanted a peaceful solution, too. But my father didn't trust him, nor see it that way. And maybe I should've started to think like him, too.
"Sorry, I know you're right," I admitted. "I'm just tired of trying to survive, even now. I thought it would be over."
My dad frowned apologetically before pulling me in for a hug. "We're going to get our land back. And they aren't going to hurt us anymore. We've got the upper hand now, Y/N, you just wait."
I nodded, returning his hug, and tried to stop being so soft. His methods weren't always agreeable, but maybe they were necessary to winning this war.
"I'm gonna double check our security on the perimeter," he said once he pulled away. "Take care of yourself."
I offered him a small smile as I watched him walk away, before it faded and I felt shitty all over again. Deciding to get my mind off it, I went to the well to get some water, only for Ofelia to join my side and earn my attention.
"Hey, you look down," she noticed, glancing at me as she filled her bottle up. "What's up?"
Ofelia was one of our newest members of the Black Hat Reservation, someone my father saved from dying out in the desert. As I'd gotten to know her more and more, we became quite good friends and I was grateful to have her around, not really opening up to many people like I did her.
"Just thinking about all this stuff with the ranch," I admitted. "It's tiring is all."
"They should give back what they stole," Ofelia said with a sigh. "They can't get away with it, even now."
"I know," I agreed. "I just– sometimes I feel like the violence is a never ending cycle. They steal from us. We fight them. They fight us. We blow up their helicopter. When does it end?"
"When they surrender," Ofelia said confidently, and I envied it because why couldn't I think that way? Why did I have to be so soft?
I nodded, spacing out a little as I looked back to the well. She squeezed my shoulders slightly, comforting me.
"It won't always be like this," she promised. "We're getting close. They'll give it up eventually. And the cycle will end."
"I hope so," I muttered, before nudging her in the side. "Thanks, Ofelia."
She smiled. "You're welcome."
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Barely a few days later, there was a commotion out front, and by the time I'd left the diner to see what was happening, my father was stood before Jake Otto himself and a stranger he'd brought along with him, probably another rancher. All guns were pointed their way and I grew curious to why Jake had shown up. Did he want to negotiate? Maybe there was a chance after all?
"Take them inside whilst I get cleaned up," my dad ordered, flicking his hand.
Some guards ushered Jake and the girl inside the diner as I exchanged glances with my dad, ignoring the bloody apron he wore, a consequence of him beheading a pig moments before.
"You're hearing him out?" I asked, trying to hide any hopefulness, but he knew me too well.
"Doesn't mean anything," he told me, giving me a knowing look. "But we shall hear what he has to say."
I tried to contain my curiosity and eagerness as I nodded. After waiting for him to clean himself up, we both went to the diner and took a seat at the booth opposite Jake and the mystery girl. It was quiet at first, Jake and my father eyeing each other up. Then his eyes met mine and he nodded slightly in acknowledgement, to which I returned. We'd spoken a few times on occasion, but that was in the old world.
The mystery girl beside him also looked between my father and I, though with a hardened stare as if she'd already made her mind up about us. It could have been laughable considering she didn't know us, but I was too eager to hear what their proposal was to care.
"My father will never abandon the ranch," Jake started calmly, meeting my dad's eyes. "You know that."
Without faltering, my dad answered, "Then we'll feed him to the crows like Phil McCarthy." I tried not to cringe as I recalled said rancher being left to be pecked away by crows when he trespassed on our land. "Then Russell Brown and Vernon Trimbol."
Those named were all shared founders of Broke Jaw Ranch, and the number one reason we could never have our land returned to us. My father harboured enough hatred for them for all of us, and I didn't blame him, even if he sometimes let it dictate his actions.
"Russell's dead," Jake informed us. "The adobe burned."
A little pleased, my dad said, "That karma's overdue, but welcomed."
"Vernon Trimbol's dead, too," the mystery girl spoke, eyeing my father curiously.
"I hope it was a long and... painful illness," my dad said without any remorse.
"He died with his family," the girl continued, almost challengingly. "His wife, his daughter. You killed them."
I furrowed my brows, eyes studying the brunette and her absurd accusation. But before I could even think to defend my father, he spoke calmly to Jake.
"Is this girl speaking for you?"
The girl and Jake exchanged glances before Jake ignored my father's question and instead pleaded, "We need the violence to stop."
"Soon will, Jake," my dad answered nonchalantly, before raising three fingers in the air. "Three down, one to go."
"My father never did anything to you or your people–" Jake began, but this seemed to irritate my dad.
"Tell me, junior," he interrupted, "do the lies turn your stomach? Do you taste the bile in the back of your throat?"
"State police investigated this," Jake explained, "they found no correlation between–"
"Stop–" my father banged his hand on the table with frustration, "–talking. You're boring me, like you did in court. Those days are dead."
"I thought we had an understanding, even outside of court," Jake tried again, and I could see why my father was growing more angry, despite holding it in.
"I understood," my father reminded him. "When you came here with your drunk friends, I was to serve them their food with a smile on my face. Tolerate their slurs. Clean up their vomit in the toilet, and thank them for their pocket change tips."
I swallowed hard, the memories of those days returning to mind as he mentioned them. Nobody wanted to see their family belittled, but that's exactly what we had to endure from Jake's family. The peace we wanted was looking farther and farther out of reach.
"The days of the white man's courts are over," my dad told him. "Land grabs, desecrations... over. Now you have our verdict. The first humans' verdict. You must vacate our lands."
It fell quiet as Jake stared at my father, trying to read his expression. Would he finally give in? Could this be it?
"I was hoping for a parley," Jake said instead, and I should have known it was too good to be true. "A chance to negotiate and to avoid more loss."
I glanced at my dad, seeing him stuck in thought as he digested Jake's words. But this was exactly what I was after this whole time and we couldn't just let it slip by.
"Let's do it," I spoke up for the first time, earning everyone's attention.
"No, I'm serious," I cut my dad off as he tried to make me reconsider, no doubt. "A parley is good. It's what we all need. To stop the killing. To stop the cycle."
"Exactly," the mystery girl agreed, and I glanced at her with both gratitude and curiosity.
My dad paused, studying my expression, and I communicated my hope for this all I could with just my eyes. Thankfully, he seemed to understand.
"Maybe you're right," he finally gave in, responding to Jake's offer. "If a parley can spare blood... we can talk about it. After we eat."
Just on cue, Ofelia approached our booth with a tray of freshly prepared food, setting it down before us.
After sharing an awkwardly quiet meal with Jake and his newly introduced rancher friend, Alicia, the latter excused herself to chat with Ofelia outside. I watched them leave, wondering who exactly Alicia was and how she knew Ofelia, but my attention was returned to Jake and my dad as they discussed the terms of the parley.
One of our people were to be exchanged with one of theirs as a hostage – in this case, Jake – to earn each other's trust and respect the temporary ceasefire. I was familiar with this method and even ready to offer myself up, but as soon as I brought it up to my dad once Jake left the room, I was immediately shut down.
"I'm not sending you," he said in that annoyingly calm but stern voice he pulled out on his subordinates. "I've already decided it's Ofelia."
I raised my eyebrows with disbelief. "Dad, c'mon. I'm the right person for this! You know peace is all I've been preaching! I can do this, just let me! Let me be useful!"
"You are useful," he told me. "Here."
"End of discussion!" he silenced me, before closing his eyes with annoyance. "You're not going over there. Ofelia knows what she's doing. She's older."
"So, what? I'm a kid all of a sudden?" I asked rhetorically. "We both know I stopped being a kid a long time ago. Back when–"
"Don't say it," he warned me, and the hurt returned to his eyes momentarily. "Please, Y/N. Just respect my decision."
I clenched my jaw, frowning. I couldn't argue this with him, I knew it. As much as I wanted to, I couldn't hurt him, so I nodded reluctantly and left it at that.
"Good," he said with relief. "C'mon."
We joined the others outside, where Ofelia and Alicia seemed to finish up their conversation. My dad nodded to Ofelia, who approached us, seeming to know what was going to happen. After discussing the parley with her, we waited for Jake to be ready, but he seemed to be bickering quietly with Alicia on the sidelines.
"Do we have a parley or not?" my father asked impatiently, interrupting their fight.
Jake gave Alicia a disapproving stare, but nodded. "It appears we do. Alicia will be staying."
My father nodded and motioned for Jake to follow him for a moment. This was the perfect chance for me to speak to Ofelia.
"You know them?" I asked her quietly, away from prying ears.
"Only Alicia," she answered truthfully. "Remember when I told you about that family who helped me? The Clarks?" I nodded and she continued, "That's Alicia, the daughter."
I was surprised to say the least, glancing over at the brunette in question. "Small world."
"From what you told me about them, about her, it doesn't sound like they're like the Ottos," I said with confusion. "Why is she helping them?"
Ofelia frowned, looking down at her shoes. "We killed Travis, her family. He was in the helicopter when we shot it down."
I sighed, glancing out at the Clark girl who was standing with her arms crossed, looking like she was holding in a restrained anger. It made sense now, why she was so frustrated back there.
"It wasn't right," I said quietly, looking back to Ofelia, "but dad's stubborn. He wasn't trying to hurt anyone but the Ottos."
"Well, Alicia won't let that go," Ofelia said knowingly. "Not right now."
"But she's staying for the parley, so that's gotta be a good thing, right?" I asked somewhat hopefully.
Ofelia nodded. "She's levelheaded. Smart. She wants the same as you, Y/N. Peace. She won't wreck this, if that's what you're worried about."
I hummed in acknowledgment, studying Alicia once more, wondering if she was all of these things Ofelia was saying and more. If this was the same girl who took Ofelia and her family in when they needed help, the same girl who cared for strangers as if they were her own, then maybe all wasn't doomed.
"I have to go," Ofelia suddenly said, eyes glancing behind me at Jake and my father.
I nodded, pulling her in for a quick hug. "Be careful over there. They aren't all like your friend."
Ofelia snickered quietly. "I know." Then she met my eyes one last time, nodding in Alicia's direction. "Look out for her, yeah? She's good."
I nodded, if not for the stranger, then for Ofelia. "I promise."
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Shortly after Ofelia left with Jake and a scout, I found myself washing up some dishes in the diner kitchen as usual. My dad was showing Alicia around the place, but I didn't expect him to turn up in the kitchen with her in tow, leaving her to me.
"Y/N," he called, and I shut off the tap, turning around and surprised to see to them. "Alicia is going to be sticking with you during her time here, helping around as much as she can. Is that alright?"
I raised my eyebrows slightly, glancing at the deadpan expression of the girl in question before meeting my father's eyes questioningly. Why me? There were so many other people he could have left her with. And besides, I thought he didn't trust my instincts when it came to stuff like this.
Obviously, I couldn't argue that with him in front of her, so I simply nodded.
"Sure," I said awkwardly, before meeting the green eyes already fixed on me. "You can help me finish the washing up, I guess."
"Thank you," my dad said gratefully, before leaving the two of us alone.
"Nice to meet you," I greeted her. "I'm Y/N."
"Walker's daughter, right?"
"Yeah," I confirmed, before turning to face the sink as she joined my side. Swallowing uncomfortably, I felt the need to glance at her and say, "I'm sorry. About your– about Travis."
She furrowed her brows. "How do you know that? How– how can you even say that? It was your father's orders that killed him."
She wasn't shouting, but the anger in her voice was still present, only making me feel guilty because she wasn't wrong.
"Ofelia told me," I answered. "And I didn't want that to happen. I told my dad not to shoot the heli down, but his hatred for the Ottos runs deeper than anything else. Even me, sometimes."
She clenched her jaw, looking down at the sink, and I almost regretted bringing it up in the first place.
"What do you want me to do?" she changed the subject.
Knowing I couldn't do much about her dismissiveness, I nodded to the sink. "Start washing, I guess."
Between the two of us, we finished washing all the dishes and pans in no time, an uncomfortable silence filling the air, then I wiped my hands and spoke.
"I'm gonna go pick some vegetables from the field, if you wanna join."
"Do I have a choice?" she asked, neither bitter nor indifferent, but it still rubbed me the wrong way.
"Look, you might not like this, but this exchange is the only way to ensure peace. If this works, maybe things can finally be okay."
She quirked a brow curiously. "And you want that?"
I looked to her with confusion. "Why wouldn't I?" She rose an eyebrow judgementally, so I asked, "Do you?"
Her eyes flickered between mine, giving nothing away. "Of course. I want to be safe. I want to keep my family safe."
"So do I," I said gently.
"Then we're in agreement," she noticed.
I sighed quietly, already leading her out the kitchen. "If only it were that easy."
She mumbled in agreement as she followed me to the vegetable patch, the both of us holding a basket to collect our pickings in. Again, it was quiet between us, something I presumed would remain considering we were still 'enemies', but it didn't last long as she spoke up.
"Will this really work?" she asked from beside me.
I paused, glancing at her as she worked. "Well, if we leave them out any longer, the sun's gonna fry them and then they won't be very edible any–"
"Not this," she stopped me, giving me a disapproving look. "The parley."
"Oh." I cleared my throat, continuing to pick the chillies from the plant. "Hopefully, yeah. If your people treat Ofelia with respect–"
"They aren't my people," she interrupted firmly.
As if she wasn't a mystery already.
"Okay...," I said slowly. "Well, if the ranchers treat Ofelia with respect, a relationship of sorts can form between us and them, opening everything up to negotiation."
"And if they don't?" Alicia asked.
I gave her a questioning look. "Won't they?" When she didn't answer, I grew worried. "Alicia, is Ofelia in danger there?"
"No, no she's not," she assured me when she saw my expression. "Not with Jake. He'll keep her safe."
Feeling warm under the sun, I used my sleeve to wipe at my face and sighed. "Jake is patient, much easier to talk to than his family, but it's not enough."
"Your father isn't very patient," Alicia commented.
I smiled dryly. "My people have been patient for centuries. More than you could know, Alicia."
"I'm not going to pretend to understand what the history of the ranch means to you and your people," she said earnestly, "but I'm hoping we can find a peaceful resolution. That's why I'm here, Y/N."
I nodded, meeting her gaze. For some stupid reason, I wanted to believe her. I think I might have. She seemed different to the others, maybe because of everything Ofelia had told me of her. I wasn't sure, but I truly hoped she wouldn't disappoint.
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Unfortunately for everyone, the parley didn't last long and I still wasn't sure if it was slightly my fault. Maybe if I'd kept a closer eye on Alicia, they wouldn't have smuggled her out of there? Or maybe it was inevitable.
I wasn't sure. All I knew was one second I was telling her to get some water from the well and the next there was the sound of shooting coming from outside, along with a mini ambush of ranchers. By the time I'd grabbed a gun and made it outside, they were already driving away, a glimpse of Alicia in the backseat of their truck. And to make things worse, a few of our people were either injured or shot dead.
It angered me, but mostly I felt disappointment at the fact that we'd come full circle yet again. Alicia had seemed different earlier today, like she actually wanted this to work. So, why had she broken out of here, hurting my people in the process?
My fault for believing her, I suppose.
Of course, this didn't bode well with my dad, and understandably so. However, I certainly didn't expect him to send Ofelia undercover there, under the guise that she'd been thrown out, when in fact she was there solely to poison their militia with anthrax. As soon as she returned, that was when I found out. I worried about what was going on with her, since I didn't even know she'd left, but she was distracted.
"Ofelia, what the hell happened?" I asked worriedly, upon seeing her battered and bruised face. "Where have you been?!"
"The ranch," she answered angrily, though it wasn't directed at me. "I was supposed to make them sick. But he didn't tell me– it was fucking anthrax!"
"What are you talking about?" I said with confusion, trying to meet her flickering gaze. "Why were you at the ranch? What anthrax?"
And that's when she explained the plan, conducted by none other than my father. Except the catch was that it wasn't a little something to just weaken their militia, it was anthrax poisoning to kill as many of them as possible, and Ofelia didn't know until it was too late.
"Alicia didn't want to mess up this parley," she continued to explain. "Her mother used Troy to get her back because she was scared for her. It wasn't her fault. She still wants peace."
At this newfound information, I was surprised and also a little relieved because, stupidly enough, I still believed there was hope.
"And now her brother, Nick, is sick because of the anthrax," Ofelia finished guiltily. "And it's my fault."
I frowned, shaking my head. "It's not. You didn't know. He should've told you."
Not in the mood for my sympathy, Ofelia shrugged me off and walked away to be alone. And I only grew more frustrated at my father, ashamed at his manipulating tactics amongst his own people, all because of a vendetta.
Storming over to him in the greenhouse, I tried to keep myself calm, but it only irked me more when he tried to pretend everything was okay.
"Hey, Y/N, you okay?"
Squeezing my fists together, I stared at him with disbelief. "Seriously? Am I okay?!"
Confused, he blinked. "Is that a no?"
"You lied to Ofelia about the anthrax!"
He sighed, like this was all a mild inconvenience. "I didn't want to. But it needed to be done. Someone had to weaken their militia."
"You don't get it, do you?" I asked with a glare. "This will never end. They killed our people. You poisoned theirs. They'll just keep coming back. It's a never ending cycle!"
"And I'll keep it going if it means getting justice for our people!" he finally snapped. "If it means protecting our home, taking back our land, then yes, I will keep going!"
I unclenched my jaw, exhausted already. "Wow. I hate to say it, dad, but maybe this just isn't worth it anymore. Maybe the ranch isn't worth it."
He frowned with frustration, about to retaliate and berate me no doubt, but our argument was conveniently interrupted by the sound of shouting in the distance. The two of us ran out to see what the commotion was, only to see some of our tipis on fire, along with ranchers driving around and shooting around.
"Defence, now!" my father ordered, and I immediately ran to grab the nearest gun before taking cover.
It wouldn't have made a difference though, as soon enough, a pickup truck belonging to the ranchers began to drive away with our reliquary in tow, one that contained many of our ancestor's belongings in one place. The only rancher who knew of its existence was Alicia, considering my father had shown it to her when she was here. Which only meant one thing.
She'd told them to steal it.
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As predicted, this war was a constant back and forth and my dad was only seeking revenge, as usual. Once the ranchers had stolen our reliquary, they used it to try and negotiate peace with my father. But he was so angry that he declined and threatened them, giving them until nightfall to vacate the ranch. Instead, Alicia's mother, Madison Clark, did one even better. She offered us up Jeremiah Otto's head.
And that was how we negotiated a peace deal, where we could finally move back onto our own land, though sharing it with the ranchers.
It wasn't ideal, but if it meant no more bloodshed, and also no more Jeremiah, then my father was more than happy to accept. So, a handful of us began moving in.
Most of the ranchers seemed to accept it, but I couldn't personally be sure. I tried not to focus on that though, nor the clear divide between our people. Instead, I did what I did best. Gardening.
I was taking stock in the vegetable patches to see what was growing and what else could be planted when I heard someone approaching behind me. To my surprise, it was Alicia.
"Hey," she greeted softly.
I nodded awkwardly before returning my attention to the clipboard in hand. We hadn't properly spoken since the parley was broken, so I wasn't so sure where we stood with one another.
"So, it worked," she tried to make conversation, referring to the peace deal.
"Barely," I mumbled.
It went quiet, and if it weren't for the fact that her footsteps weren't heard, I could have believed she'd left.
"I didn't know they were going to come for me," she suddenly said, a hint of guilt in her voice. "My mother was worried."
I shrugged halfheartedly, but she felt the need to justify it, as if she cared what I thought.
"I didn't want more people to die."
Finally, I lifted my eyes to meet hers. "Nobody ever does. But when it's my people, it's just collateral, right?"
Her lips curved into a slight frown as she shook her head, and I really wanted to believe her. Desperately. Because she seemed genuine, and if she was, then this wouldn't be for nothing.
"Jeremiah is gone now," she reminded me. "This can be a fresh start."
I pressed my lips together, lowering my clipboard. "I know that. You know that. But what about the ranchers? His followers?"
"Most of them only want peace," she tried to reassure me. "They'll follow anyone who gives them a sense of safety."
I suppressed the urge to scoff. "I hope so."
"The only way to show them that is to be unified," she added.
I quirked a brow. "And how do you suppose we do that?"
She tilted her head slightly. "Work with me, not against me. Side by side. If our people see us working together, maybe they'll realise it's not a bad thing."
I exhaled quietly, impressed at her thinking. "That's a good idea." She nodded gratefully, and I continued, "But why? Why would you care? And why us?"
She ran a hand through her hair as she explained patiently, "I've already told you that I only want to keep my family safe, same as you. So, why not work together in that? You're the daughter of the leader of those the ranchers are learning to trust. They see you working with us, they'll ease up. I just know it."
It made sense what she was saying, and she'd never done anything to give me reason to distrust her. Best case scenario, we could truly establish peace. Worst case scenario, we didn't become friends. I couldn't see much to lose, so I gave in with a nod.
"Okay. I guess you're right, Alicia."
She began to smile, both hopeful and relieved. "Great. Maybe we can start with me giving you a rundown on what we're growing?"
I sighed, returning her smile, and it felt good to have a reason to smile again. "I– yeah. That would be super helpful actually."
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cyberstrm · 2 years
keigo takami x gn!reader
cws: none, just a classic one bed two people scenario and a whole lotta fluff
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"honestly, i don't know if this conference is worth it, i'm exhausted." you groaned, leaning on the hotel desk counter.
"it'll be over before ya know it." hawks mused bracingly. he dinged the bell on the counter and the clerk looked up. "hi, we should have two rooms under the name 'hawks' and 'y/n'?"
the clerk smiled nervously. "we have one room booked under hawks, and the booking says two people would be sleeping in that room?"
you sighed. "i don't know why we trusted the agency to book the hotel room." you turned to the clerk. "are there any other rooms available?"
"no, i'm sorry." she grimaced.
"it's fine, we're fine sharing, aren't we, y/n?" hawks grinned, taking the room key. you rolled your eyes, but didn't reply. you hoisted your bag onto your shoulder and followed him down the hotel hall.
you and hawks had been invited to a hero conference and decided to go together. you were close and had worked together before, so you appreciated his company. he was kind, and funny, and extremely helpful. and also incredibly attractive.
the hotel room was cosy, with a double bed in the middle. you set your bags down and flopped onto the cushy white sheets. the small clock on the nightstand read 11pm.
"sleepyhead." hawks smirked. "want me to tuck you in?"
"shut up." you breathed. "we should sleep...we have to be up at six..."
"yeeeeaaah." he gave a big stretch. "i'm gonna get changed, turn around."
ten minutes later, you were both laying in bed staring at the ceiling. it was a bit awkward, neither of you felt that you felt like you could get properly comfortable. you shifted a bit, and then that shifting turned into wriggling around.
"can't sleep, huh?" hawks asked into the darkness.
"no. can't get comfy." you grumbled, still wriggling. you were getting frustrated. "god, i just want to sleep!"
"hey, hey." hawks said with an uncharacteristically soft voice. "lie still."
you sighed, and lay still.
"good. now....can i do something kinda weird?"
he shifted and you felt him turn to face you, and suddenly, his arms were wrapping around you, pulling you close into his chest. you felt yourself freeze, but then the warmth and comfort of his embrace flooded you, and you let your thoughts go and nuzzled into him.
"god, i've been waiting for ages for an excuse to have you in my arms."
you felt your face warm. did he really just say that? did he mean that? why were you so happy? why were you suddenly feeling a boatload of emotions for this blonde moron?
"do you...mean that?"
he squeezed you gently. "of course i do, idiot. i've....i just never...."
"we can take things slow, hawks. it's okay." you whispered, squeezing him back. everything felt upside down, but also incredible. it was like something had become clear in your mind. hawks was silent for a moment.
"keigo. that's my real name." he sounded scared, like a frightened child, as if the name was some sort of dirty word.
"i like it." you smiled into him. "keigo."
he chuckled. "it sounds nicer when you say it."
"keigo..." you said relished the sound on your tongue. "can i kiss you, keigo?"
he breathed a smile and pulled away slightly to see your face.
"yes, y/n. you may."
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ae-azile · 5 months
Kind of have a Chan/Big one-shot in my head that I am thinking about writing but have no time for. I'm going to bullet point it here to have on hand for later.
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Big still takes the bullets for Porsche. When Kinn arrives, he initially thinks he is dead. Tawan still presses the button and kills himself. However, the bombs Tawan placed end up being duds and the effort was for nothing.
Once they realize the place isn't about to blow up, they go back inside to get Big's body. He turns out to be unconscious but alive. They rush him to the infirmary and he miraculously pulls through, but is going to be there for a while.
Despite the Drama™️ going on, Kinn, Porsche, and his fellow guards visit him. Kinn is very thankful and sorry, Porsche is thankful as well but feels like Big should value himself more highly and tells him as much, and the rest are trying to be present.
Even Tankhun visits him. He usually talks about how he should put demands on Korn to change up the decor of his room. But occasionally, he tearfully thanks Big for saving Porsche. There is also one time that he tells Big he deserves a better ending than the one he tried to give himself. That he may not have leading man energy, but he could totally be half of a secondary couple in a K-Drama if he just found the right person.
"And sometimes the secondary couple is more interesting anyway!"
But out of everyone, Chan visits the most frequently and has been putting the most work in when it comes to Big's care.
The thing is, Big notices two guards aren't around: Pete and Ken. The guards tell him Pete is visiting his grandmother, and they sound believable enough when they say that, even though it seems like strange timing. But they won't meet his eyes when he asks about Ken, and their stories never line up.
Chan eventually tells him. While the truth paints Ken as a traitor and there is no getting around that, Chan tries his best to empathize with Ken by telling Big that Ken was likely approached by Gun with an incentive to be a double agent. If he would have refused, it would have cost him his life a lot earlier on. He says it to let Big know it's okay to mourn Ken. Ken was still his roommate and his friend, regardless of what he did.
They become closer after that night, and Chan talks to Big in a way that is less gruff and more gentle. Big finds comfort in him, and has prior to this. Chan was the one who made sure Big took an extended break after his father died. He drove an hour each way to check on him at his mother's house back when that happened. So Big has felt comfortable coming to Chan in his moments of worry or doubt, and he has always viewed Chan with respect and affection while the other guards tended to be more intimidated by him. But something feels different now.
He doesn't know who to talk about it with though. Ken is dead, and he probably would have teased him and said he had a crush on their boss.
Does he?
Chan is at least ten years older than him. He probably shouldn't have a crush on him. He's also actively taking care of Big, and Big has a long recovery in front of him. He's setting himself up for unrequited love. Again.
Speaking of, Kinn is continuing to visit. He does so frequently, and Big can see that he's wracked with gullt. Big still feels his heart beat a little faster whenever he walks into a room, but that is starting to feel different too. Kinn almost feels like a friend now. That's probably inappropriate as well, but on a lesser level.
So he holds it in. He plans on doing so forever until he wakes up gasping from a nightmare. Chan had fallen asleep in the chair, but wakes up when Big does. Instead of telling him it's just a dream, he scoots closer to comfort him, strokes his hair, and holds his hand until he falls back asleep.
Big ends up telling Pol, of all people. It just slips out. Pol doesn't seem like the right person to tell, but not the wrong person either. He manages to strongly empathize with and defend Tankhun, while most of the guards tend to steer clear of him, so maybe he will understand this insanity.
Pol is actually nice to talk to. While he doesn't completely understand a potential crush on Chan because Chan is intimidating, he gets having a crush on someone a good bit older. He thinks he might be into a bartender friend of Porsche's, and she has several years on him.
The conversation doesn't give Big any answers, but it does make him feel a little better. He's able to be around Chan and not feel like freaking out.
That is, until Korn "dies" and the attack approaches. Chan has Big moved to a more secure location a day prior. Big wants to stay, Chan won't let him. Big only feels okay about leaving when Chan says he will command from the armory while Arm sends out remote attacks, that he won't be a frontline guard.
Chan lied.
Does he die? Does he miraculously live like Big manages to in this canon divergent fic or like Vegas does in canon? Depends on how much I want to torture Big, I suppose...
Jk, I want them as infirmary roomies falling in love, all while Pol wheels in to visit while he heals from his less serious injury. I also want Chan to be finished with Korn altogether after everything he pulled.
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average-kitty · 1 year
Hello, I have a request but it might be a for a long story. 😅
The idea is simple. The making tho... might be hard. The idea is to write a story with a JO character where reader is crushing on the JO Character and try to date them. The thing is, it have to be FELT like reader is trying when it is one sided. So no "love at first sight" no "I had feeling for you too." Reader need to work. To flirt. And it's not easy. It have to be a slow burn of some sort. Reader and JOC don't hang out as friends. They aren't close at first. They barely know each other. Reader is crushing but reader doesn't KNOW their crush as a person. And the more they learn, the more they fall. But if they do nothing except learning... they will fall alone. The purpose is to make US "FEEL" what a crush feels like. And the feeling of not doing what works, to be clueless, powerless in front of our crush, not knowing how to get them, be with them. Like, when we reed we wonder if they will be together at the end or not. Like, she smile, she laugh, she make reader feel like they are doing something right but still no dates, still no flirting back, still no dates ... nothing. Until, idk. I didn't think about what's next. ... Basically a slow burn with angst I think.
ask and you shall receive! Chose to do a Tara x R this time cause I haven’t wrote on her before ^^)
warning: none
Summary: Love sick R
word count: idk 😭
A/N: kinda struggled with this one but was a lot of fun to work with! (I’m splitting this up into multiple parts because I can) also I’m sorry for my crappy writing this time, again I struggled with this one
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It was just like any other day, walking into your Film Study class, sitting down at a desk as you sighed softly. The days had felt more and more repetitive as they passed, but you had one small thing to somewhat look forward to- one particular girl in your class. You weren’t exactly sure when she started to catch your eye but you had gotten interested in talking to her even for a moment, she was more of the quiet type, kept to herself, did what she was supposed to then did whatever else she wanted afterwards, meanwhile you were always goofing off or trying to get someone else to laugh. You liked being around other people like you, bubbly and loud- but something about her just drew you in.
Just as if some sort of saint heard your meek prayers, Tara, walked in- she was short, shorter then you so possibly around 5’1-5’2? She had Brunette hair that seemed to have a mind of its own when she didn’t brush it out, and her eyes- those dark brown eyes… maybe that’s what caught your attention when you first saw her, the innocence behind them, something about them just made it hard not to stare. She took her seat about 2 tables away from you, somewhat at an angle to where you could see the side of her face though she could see your whole face. You had to keep yourself from looking at her too much, albeit not that she would even notice, but you had to be respectful about it. As the legislature wrapped up you can to pack up your things as quietly as possible, you had somewhat learned her routine of how she did her work- Study while listening to the professor talk, work on some other classes work and the work for that class as well, then once she was done she would just pull out her phone and scroll through whatever app she was on that day- and as soon as class ended she was out the door everyday, you could never catch her in the hallways but you didn’t have the heart to go up and legitimately ask her if she wanted to talk.
You were a wuss, you couldn’t even go up and ask the girl what are name was… you were sure it was Tara but you wanted to double check just in case- class continued on as the professor rambled on about how the Music in movies was a important part of the creation of the film, which honestly peaked your interest for a little bit before it fell back on Tara. You didn’t even know what you liked about her- you two had never even talked before, she didn’t even know you existed is what it felt like. The end of class came sooner than expected as you perked up to the sound of the dismissal bell, grabbing your bag and began walking to the door- noticing Tara’s close proximity to you… You slightly inched closer, causing Tara to glance over at you with some confusion in her eyes, though she looked away rather quickly- uninterested. You kept telling yourself it was just because she didn’t know you, you weren’t scaring her off just by trying to get a bit closer- plus there was only one way out of the large classroom, one small door. You continued walking before you accidentally bumped your shoulder into hers, your fingers gently caressing hers- you jumped back in a instant “Sorry sorry sorry!-“ you squeaked in a bit of desperation to make sure she wasn’t mad.
Tara gave a small shrug and a half hearted chuckle, shaking her head “no” slowly “Its okay don’t worry.” Your heart almost stopped at the sight of her small reassuring smile, you knew she was just trying to make you feel better but it felt so personal for her to smile at you like that…“o-oh alright-“ you reply sheepishly with a soft grin, before Tara turned away and walked off leaving you to standing still in the crowded hallway as people dodged past you, you know it’s not going to go far at all, she’s obviously not into you… but you can’t help but want more from her, wanting to know more, it felt like a need more than a want. You needed to get to know her, she was just so interesting to you, you don’t even know what you find so attractive or eye catching about her at this point- you just want to be near her, to get to know her better, to know her personally, to make her laugh, cry, smile, anything…
you sure were gonna try, but who knows what you were getting yourself into…
I’m gonna go into more detail next time, a little drained from writing right now but once I’m feeling better to write I’ll start the next part of this ^^
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pedros-husband · 1 year
Rows and rings
agent whiskey x male reader (SFW)
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a/n: just wanted to say that i appreciate all of the reblogs and love i've received, also i am new to tumblr so I haven't quite figured out all the different things and ways to interact, so please be patient with me, thank you <3.
Summary: you had supposed to been on a date, this was the third time he didn’t show, and your pissed, rightly so, but for reasons a little deeper than face-value. Or at least the ring in your pocket says so.
prompt: 'do you ever mean the things you say?'
This fic is ftm trans inclusive (no Amab language used)
it had started out as a small argument. you had been mad because jack forgot another date you'd planned. third time this week, actually.
His excuse was that he'd been busy with a mission, not having enough time to be worrying over 'stupid things', in his own words. but you weren't mad he'd forgotten, you were long past the point of being mad over things like that, no. you were mad because he had promised you not to forget or cancel. and you were a man of your word, whiskey knew that. he also knew how much you valued honesty and not doubling back on plans once they've been made.
when you first started dating you made it clear to whiskey that if he promised something he had to stick to his word, mostly because you had trust issues from past relationships but you'd never indulged in telling jack the details-it was never necessary, he always stuck to his word.
And to a degree you understood that jack's job was demanding and took priority over lots of things, and sometimes things happened out of the blue, but this wasn't like that. You had made sure to inform ginger and Tequila that Whiskey would be off duty for this night, just a few hours, it was no big deal. at least it was supposed to be no big deal.
Even though you were pissed that he technically lied that actually surprisingly wasn't your main source of anger. you'd been planning to propose to jack for a while, knowing he's too busy to even think about doing it after 4 years of patiently waiting you'd taken the matter into your own hands. both of you knew you were made for each other. jack reminded you constantly that you were the only man for him and he’d never even look at another man or woman the way he looks at you, and you believed him. which was why it was so infuriating that his behaviour was causing this tension in your relationship over the past week.
with the gradual build up of anger after each forgotten date your anger finally boiled over tonight. he was sat in the living room spread out on the couch, 6 hours late. you burst into the room and slammed the door shut, teeth gritted and eyes narrowed.
'jack daniels, you give me one good reason not to leave your ass right this damn second.'
he looked up from his position on the couch, groaning and rolling his eyes. 'look sugar, I'm sorry i really am but can we not argue right now, it's pretty damn late and this cowboy needs his beauty sleep' his accent is thicker from exhaustion as he stands up and moves to push past you, but you hold your ground and put a hand on his shoulder.
'no way jack, you promised me. you said that this time you were going to make time for me, it was planned out!' there were tears pricking in your eyes- this week had been so stressful with the build up of anxiety over the proposal and the repeated dissapointment of him forgetting each time.
'darlin', i said, not.tonight. and besides, it's a one time thing, i haven't lied to ya before, no biggie.'
'jack, it's not a one time thing, this is the third time this week! i understand work is important but i'm your boyfriend and i deserve your attention too sometimes! i mean: do you ever mean the things you say? c'mon, we're not kids jack.'
'your being a jerk. i am a man of my words, don't you ever, even insinuate that i'm not. i am loyal to my country and to my work, i can't help that you aren't always first.' jack practically spits in your face, gruffly shoving you backwards so he can move past you, but instead of heading to the bedroom he heads to the door. in a dazed panic you yell, tears starting to roll down your cheeks, ' i was going to propose!'
'you... you what?' he turns to face you, eyebrows furrowed in confusion and disbelief, hand paused on the doorknob.
you take a deep breath, wipe your tears away and continue 'i was going to propose to you. originally on Monday, then Wednesday, then Friday, then...tonight... look jack... i know your busy and i know i may be being a little overbearing right now, iIve just been so stressed this past week and you know i haven't been getting as much sleep an-' as you talk he strides over to you, and cuts you off by pulling you into a deep kiss, hands gripping your waist tightly.
the kiss isn't slow and passionate, it rarely ever is with jack. but it isn't filled with lust like usual, it's more, tender and, apologetic. he glides his hand up your back and lets it rest on the nape of your neck. you kiss back eagerly, hands finding their way into his shortt brown hair, before one falls back down to the pocket of your jeans and you break away.
'i-i'm sorry sugar... i ain't good with apologies an all that, but i really am. i shoulda' gone on the date the first time, shoulda given you more attention. i want you and only you, but i haven't been acting like i do, so im sorry.' jack whisper averting his gaze, as he drops his hands and puts them in his pockets sheepishly.
you sigh and pull out a small box, getting down on one kneee. 'i know this isn't as romantic as the fancy date i planned, and its abit more tear-filled and chaotic, but i love you no matter how stupid you are, no matter how many dates you miss. Jack Daniels i knew from the moment i met you that you were the man for me, and i would be so happy if you would marry me. so, will you?' you look up at him with hopeful eyes, opening the little black box to reveal a small golden band.
jack smiles and pulls you up nodding his head and kissing you on the lips over and over, in between each one whispering, 'yes, yes a hundred times yes'
after he finally calms down and you put the ring on his finger, you lead him to your room and slowly change into your pj's, a comfortable silence hangs in the air, but your both smiling like idiots the whole time.
you get into bed and he immediately pulls you into his chest, holding you tight and burying his face into your hair, fiddling with the new ring on his finger.
'i love you, sugar... and i cant wait to be your husband.' he whispers into your hair, closing his eyes as he inhales the scent of your sweet smelling shampoo.
'i love you too jack, and i can't wait to be your husband too.' you mumble, eyes heavy as you slowly drift off to sleep in the comforting embrace of your fiance.
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ryangosking · 2 years
Best Feature
Summary: Steve Harrington x female reader, fluff, pining. Just a lil' thing I wrote when I was feeling soft.
Warnings: None!
Set around season 3, but before Steve and Robin are friends. May be a part 2, I had to stop myself writing car sex.
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"I can't look anymore." Robin says, peeking through her fingers. "It's getting embarrassing now."
"I'd say it's been embarrassing for some time actually. Poor Steve." You murmur, spooning ice cream into your mouth.
Having finished your shift at the pretzel stand, you had gone to Scoops Ahoy to keep Robin company on her break. And to get a free sample of course. Currently you were sitting at a table in the corner watching Steve Harrington crash and burn with yet another group of girls.
"I don't know what's going on." He sighs, pacing. "Those girls would have eaten out of my hand in high school."
"You lost your touch Harrington." Robin smirks.
"No, you know what it is? This stupid hat, it's blowing my best feature." Steve huffs. He removes the offending item and chucks it behind the counter, running a hand through his hair.
You love Robin, and you love hanging out with her - she's like the cool little sister you always wanted. But you also love taking in the Scoops Ahoy scenery, more specifically Steve in his sailor uniform. It was getting a little infuriating though, how he's constantly hitting on uninterested girls when you're RIGHT THERE.
"Hey, if you stick around Steve'll give you a ride home." Robin says, making your stomach dip. "Won't you, Romeo?"
"Yeah sure whatever." He sighs, squinting at his reflection in the glass counter.
You sit in the backseat, listening to Steve and Robin bickering. It's like being in the car with your parents 10 years ago.
"I'm sick of your children coming in for free samples." Robin was saying.
"Your friends get them too. Not to mention free transport." Steve counters, glancing at you in the rear view mirror. "No offence."
"None taken." You murmur, turning your face towards the breeze coming in through the window. The car smells of ice cream and pretzels, unsurprisingly.
"That's different, she actually works in the mall and is actually my friend." Robin says, folding her arms.
"Well Henderson's my friend." Steve shrugs.
"It's so sad you admit to that."
"Oh look, we're here." Steve announces, braking suddenly. He clumsily leans over Robin and opens her door. "Bye."
"Wow. Thanks for the ride Steve, so gracious." Robin gives him a mock salute before turning to you. "Good luck!"
"Can you get in front?" Steve asks, watching as Robin goes into her house. "I feel like your chauffeur or something."
"You know the way, right?" You ask, shifting in your seat and squinting at the road.
"Yes, I just double back passed the mall again." He sighs.
"It's fine, Robin volunteered my services after all. I don't know how you stand her, by the way, let alone be her friend." Steve huffs.
"Robin's cool, if you get to know her." You say diplomatically. You don't want to get in the middle of their bickering.
"Yeah, right."
"You know, we only tease you because we like you." You say softly, looking over at him.
Steve glances at you and clears his throat. "Whatever." He murmurs, a flush creeping up his neck.
He's still in his Scoops Ahoy uniform, dishevelled but as cute as ever, especially now he's embarrassed. You sit on your hands to keep from reaching over and touching his hot skin.
"I'm sorry about all the free samples by the way, I just can't get enough USS Butterscotch." You chuckle, trying to break the tension.
It earns you a smile. "It's OK, you're not the worst offender, that goes to Sinclair's little sister. I don't really care, the manager's an idiot anyway."
"Aren't they all? My manager at the pretzel stand is such a jobsworth, he probably dreams about pretzels." You sigh.
"Is this it?" Steve asks, almost reluctantly, looking up at the passing houses.
"Yeah, just a bit further, on the left." You reply, shifting forward in your seat.
Steve pulls over and you turn and smile at him. "Thanks Steve."
"No problem."
Impulsively, you pause reaching for the door and swallow. "Um...can I say something?"
"Does it involve calling me a doofus?"
"No. Well, yeah. Kind of." You stutter.
Steve rolls his eyes. "Go on."
"You're wrong, about your best feature." You say softly.
He snorts, expecting a punchline. "I am?"
"Yeah, it's not your hair. Although, it is lovely." You add quickly.
"OK, so? Enlighten me."
"It's your eyes." You tell him, biting your lip. "They're beautiful."
"Oh." He croaks, surprised.
"They're full of warmth and kindness and you just....get lost in them." You can't seem to stop now. "I mean a girl could get lost in them. A girl you like. Or likes you. I just thought you should know."
"Yeah, I got it." Steve says, with a small smile. "Thanks."
"And thanks again for the ride." You murmur, your face burning.
"Hey, are you working again tomorrow? At the mall?" He asks, lightly.
"Yeah, why?"
"Want a ride? I mean I'll be picking Robin up until her bike is fixed so I may as well..." He trails off, widening those gorgeous eyes.
"That'd be great." You nod. "Thanks Steve."
He smiles. "Night."
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unholy-screeching9 · 1 year
Hi!! First, I want to say that I love your writing style. So much detail! I also LOVE your art!!! Absolutely amazing.
I have a request! I’d like to see King Dice x reader, their first meeting. Game and show, or whichever you prefer! I’m not picky! I’d love to see how the two first met and how or when they fell for each other 🥰
You have free creative liberty with this!!
Feel free to message me if you need any ideas!
Thank you so much, sweetheart! Your kindness means the world to me. A lot of time and effort is put into my work, so I'm very glad it brings you joy. So sorry for the long wait! As always, if these aren't up to your tastes, let me know. I'll revamp them for you.
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King Dice x Reader - "First Meeting"
King Dice x Reader - "First Meeting" (GAME)
King Dice loves to work in the casino. He has to, otherwise, his life would be absolutely miserable. His deal with the Devil really left him with no other choice.
There’s nothing more satisfying to him than watching those who are stupid enough to walk inside the building lose everything they had worked for. He relishes in the tears of the foolish. 
He also basks in the attention he gets from the ladies, the gentlemen and everyone in between. No matter who has fallen in love with Dice’s looks, the man accepts it wholeheartedly. Enjoys it, even. Multiple times, he’s found himself sitting in the head chair of the Grand Hazard table, with one person on each arm, two behind him with their hands on his shoulders, and even the occasional one sitting in his lap.
There is rarely ever a dull moment in the Devil’s casino. There’s always something to keep Dice entertained, whether it’s a tussle between the drunkards, a particularly exciting derby, or even some new drink concoctions the Tipsy Troop came up with. There’s always something.
Except… those things start to bore Dice. 
Sure, they’re enough to grab the manager’s attention, but the time span that these things keep his attention has slowly been dwindling. 
As invigorating as the job is, the routine has started to become too predictable. Get up. Go to work. Fawn over the attention. Sign soul contracts. Go home. It’s like clockwork. Every single day. 
It’s not to say that Dice is getting tired of his job. Oh, no. Not even close. The man just wishes that things could be a little more exciting sometimes. The shifts are long and tiring, it’d be nice to see at least a little change, to make the day pass by faster. 
Eventually, though, Dice gets his wish. 
The day you started showing up. 
Oh, hell, you are captivating. Your confidence as you strut through the double doors, catching every eye as you mosey your way down to the bar. The clacking of your shoes against the marble floor. The way you shoot a warning glare at anyone who tries to make a move on you. Good heavens, you’re a feisty one. 
Dice likes that. A lot. 
His legs sneakily carry him over to the edge of the bar, where he eavesdrops on your conversation with Ginette as she takes your order. 
You order a glass of the Old Fashioned, on the rocks. A strong, yet simple drink that hits all the right notes. 
What an excellent choice. Dice didn’t take you for someone who liked the liquors. He was expecting a classic red wine, or even a martini. 
How… unpredictable you are. Just what Dice needed, to bring back the spunk and glitz the casino had lost. 
You take your drink, and you brush past the manager, not even noticing him as you make your way past the slot machines. Past the derby area. It seems you have your heart set on something that requires more than just luck. 
You take your seat at the Poker table, sipping at your cocktail with the dealer casually sliding you a hand of cards. 
You’re after what skill can bring. You’re one of the intelligent ones. 
You certainly know the way right to King Dice’s heart. And now, he’s just GOTTA  have you.  
He watches you. Intently. From a distance, at first. He doesn’t want to scare you away from intimidation, but in all honesty, the looks you cast his way tell him that scaring you should be the least of his worries. 
Those looks also let him know that you know he has his eyes on you. You know you’ve fallen into his spotlight. But unlike the others, you aren’t pulled towards him like a moth to a flame. No… you have other things on your mind. 
Like the poker game in front of you. You’re so concentrated and determined; you know damn well what you’re doing. Dice can see it in your eyes, from his position at the bar. 
You’ve got a good poker face, but those beautiful eyes of yours are very telling. You think you’re about to win big. And goodness, when you glance up from your hand and cast him a suspicious look from your seat? 
He’s gotta get your name. He needs to know just who you are. To let you slip between his fingers would be the biggest mistake of his life.  
While you’re focused on your cards, Dice slowly makes his way over to your table, momentarily looking over the other players. ‘Watching for cheating,’ so to speak. Then, he steps behind you, smirking delightedly as he gets a peek at your hand. 
Looks like you’ve got yourself a straight. Not a terrible hand, but there certainly are better hands out there. But it doesn’t look like you’re making any moves for replacement cards. And, your bet seems to be rather high. 
Dice wonders if you’ve got little faith in your fellow players, or if you’ve just never played the game before. Maybe if he offers a bit of advice, he’ll be able to make you melt, just as he had with all the others who played hard to get. 
“You sure you wanna keep these cards, dear?” The die whispers sweetly, fondly. “It looks like you’ve got a rather low hand, with a high bet.” 
To Dice’s surprise, you let out a soft chuckle, leaning over and whispering right back, “thank you for your input, sir. But I’m quite alright. It seems that you may need to look into buying some glasses, though…” 
Ohhh, ouch. What a blow to Dice’s ego. He can’t believe you had the gall to speak to him in such a manner, all for trying to give you a little tip. While he’d usually go after those who speak like that, he just loves your attitude. It drives him nuts. 
He’s gotta see where this goes. What exactly drove you to refuse his advice? What kind of tricks do you have up your sleeve? 
The dealer calls for the players’ hands. You confidently set your cards down, the other players groaning softly in defeat, as the winnings are pushed towards you. Confused, Dice takes another glance at your cards, and his stomach does a somersault at the sight. 
A straight flush. All spades.
How could he have missed that?! 
Dice looks over at you, and is met with your confident eyes staring right back at him. Aw, hell, you’ve got him hooked. 
“Spades and clubs do look rather similar, don’t they?” You smirk, amusedly patting his shoulder. “I don’t blame you. It took me a little while to get used to the symbols when I first started out.” 
The manager is at a loss for words. He knows damn well the difference between a club and a spade, he’s worked these casino floors for over half his life. But how could you be so condescending, and yet… so oddly kind at the same time? And how in hell are you so good with your wit? 
He needs to introduce himself, before he loses his composure. 
“That was a very swell game indeed, my eyes must have missed the symbols… I don’t believe I’ve introduced myself yet. I’m—”
“Oh there’s no need for that, sir. I know exactly who you are.” You smile, calmly. Coolheaded. “The legendary King Dice of the Devil’s Casino. Anyone in the Isles who doesn’t know who you are would be a fool.” 
With his heart skipping several beats, the King quickly forms a smooth reply. 
“Well, since you seem to know so much about me, what about telling me about yourself? How about putting a personality to that pretty face of yours, doll?” 
You smirk, shaking your head and finishing off your liquor. Standing, you grab your winnings and hand him your empty glass, straightening up Dice’s bow tie for him. 
“Now, why would I talk about myself with a stranger, Dice? You of all people know the dangers of slipping out too much information.” 
“Aw, you’re hurting my heart, sugar. Not even your name? Something so simple?” 
“Hm… Alright, King of Hearts. The name’s (y/n). Don’t use it too much now, or you might just grow tired of me.” 
And with that, you’re gone, leaving Dice speechless, longing for more. Just how he had left so many others before. 
Good god. Now he understands what he’s put them through. It hurts. It hurts so damn good. There’s no way he could ever be tired of you, especially with a name like that. He needs to see you again. As much as possible.
He can’t wait for your return. And thankfully, he doesn’t need to wait for long. 
You come back again, the next day. And the day after that. And soon enough, you’ve become a regular, slipping into the mundane routine Dice had gotten so bored of. 
Except… you take away the normalcy. Every day you come by, the routine is just slightly different. 
Sure, you walk in, ignore the peepers, grab your usual cocktail and make your way to the poker table. One game. You win, every time. And then, you leave. It’s like clockwork. 
Except… the conversations you have with Dice. Those are slightly different. Every time. 
He tries to learn more about you. You shut him down, with a slight tease. You laugh as he fails to form a coherent reply. You leave, with Dice watching you. But every time you talk, you humor him just a little more. Driving him closer to what he wants.  
The more you come by, the more crazy he gets about you. He switches his tasks around on the schedules, making sure he is always available at the poker table and the bar. Just so he has an excuse to see more of you. To learn more about you.
Dammit, all you’ve given him is your name. That, along with the small details he’s picked up just from watching you, is not very much to work with. He needs more. 
He needs to take you out of this suffocating atmosphere. To bring you somewhere nice and quiet, where you can get to know each other outside of your casino affiliations. 
A date. He needs to take you on a date. 
He tries to be straight forward, at first. The next time you come by, during your usual conversation, he asks you to indulge in his fantasies, just for one night. 
“One date, darlin’. A night away from this casino’s chaos and craziness. Let me find out more about what makes those gears in your head turn.” 
“What a direct approach, King. But I’m sorry, I’m afraid you’re going to have to do better than that. There’s just not a reason for me to accept your offer.” 
Your voice is smooth, confident, with a hint of teasing. But there is something that Dice catches—something you had hoped he wouldn’t. Longing. 
The man is so. Damn. Close. He just needs to figure out a way to tip you over the edge.  
You take his hand, guiding it towards your empty glass so he can take it back to the bar for cleaning. 
Even with the gloves Dice is wearing, he can feel just how soft your skin is. It’s warm. Comforting. Addicting. Good gracious, you’re driving him insane. 
He watches you leave with a spring in your step, his eyes trailing down to the casino’s glossy marble flooring. After some deep thought, the man gets an idea. And for him, it’s brilliant. 
If he’s going to grab your attention for good, he needs to catch you off guard. Like a game of cat and mouse. 
You’ve always been great on your feet—you haven’t missed a step once in the time you’ve come to the casino. Dice wonders… What if you weren’t so good one night? What if something were to cause a simple slip, and who would catch you if something like that were to happen? 
Well, there’s an easy answer to each of those questions. 
When Dice orders for Wheezy and Chips to grease certain spots on the floor during cleanup, well, the two underlings know better than to question their boss. Still, it is rather peculiar how Dice only wants part of the floor to be greased. 
But there’s a method to the King’s madness. A method that only he can really understand. And you know what? That’s alright. 
The next day, before his shift, Dice sands the bottoms of his shoes. It breaks his heart a little, these shoes are expensive, but it has to be done. How is he supposed to be your knight if he slips right along with you?
To make a damn good impression, he pulls out the finest suit he has; one he saves only for special occasions. To him, this is certainly important enough. His choice of clothing, paired with the finest cologne he has is perfect for this night. Everything is in its rightful place. 
Now, all he needs is you. 
And when you arrive, it’s the most beautiful hee ever seen you. 
You’ve got such a fantastic choice in fashion, he wonders if that’s part of your line of work. The way your hair is done is just that much more striking, and that award winning smile to top it all off? 
Goodness, Dice better not mess this up. 
You immediately notice the slipperiness of the floor as you walk over to the bar, thinking nothing of it. You’ve walked in worse things before, and you haven’t tripped. Surely, you think, you can handle some tile that’s been cleaned a little extra. 
You grab your drink of choice, and carefully make your way to your favorite table, sitting in your usual spot. Your favorite dealer looks especially handsome today, you think to yourself as your eyes linger over Dice’s looming form for longer than they should. 
The man simply chuckles warmly in response, shuffling his deck with the occasional card trick thrown in before passing out the hands. 
You call, raising the open bet with that familiar confident gleam in your eye. The one that Dice had fallen in love with all those days ago. None of the other players have that confidence. 
Looks like your skill and luck take you far, yet again. 
Your royal flush steals the show, and you’ve gotta say, that’s probably your biggest win yet. You watch in satisfaction as the chips are slid towards you, finishing off your glass and setting it off to the side. 
Well, that’s the game of the night. You stand, acknowledging Dice as you trade in your heaping pile of small chips for a few large ones, for you to keep in your pocket. The man seems more assured than usual today. 
You cast him a wink before stepping away from the table, walking off with your winning chips in your pocket. Unfortunately, it seems that you’ve forgotten all about the greased floor. 
Before you know it, your foot slips from under you, and you start to fall, bracing yourself for a harsh contact with the unforgiving tile. 
That contact never comes. 
Instead, something else catches you nearly halfway. Something soft, silky, and smelling of Caron Poivre. Oh. Oh. 
That something is King Dice himself, grinning warmly down at you, his arm behind your back, and his free hand sweetly cupping your face. 
Now, it’s his turn to tease you, after all this time. It’s his turn to catch your aching heart, as you had done to him that first day you arrived. 
“Goodness, sweetheart. I know I’ve been trying to grab your attention for a while now, but I never figured I’d have to physically sweep you off your feet. Don’t tell me you’ve lost your touch after all this time, because of one measly drink…” 
For once, you’re frozen. You’ve got no retort, no comeback. Nothing to say. You just… stare. You take the time to look into his eyes, and inwardly scold yourself for avoiding them all this time. They really are a pretty sight for sore eyes. 
Those pupils of his are expanded so much you’re surprised you can still see a bit of those famous bright green irises. And they are just sparkling with want. Infatuation. 
You can’t look for long. Otherwise, you just might never be able to stop. Finally, you try to form some type of response, so he doesn’t have to stand there and hold you inches from the ground forever. 
“I… well, I just…” 
“What’s the matter, dear? Cat got your tongue?” 
Dammit, he’s gotten good at this. He looks at you so expectantly, waiting for a response, but with that strikingly handsome face? You’ve lost the words you had been trying desperately to gather up. 
He’s got you, after all this time telling yourself you wouldn’t fall for his trap. He’s got you good. 
“I… t-thank you, King…” 
He chuckles warmly, sending a few butterflies right into your stomach. 
“Don’t mention it, baby. I’d never blame you for slipping on these floors—the grease is always hard to walk over. It’s caught me a few times before, even.” 
Slowly, he helps you stand on your feet once again, and you brush yourself off, not making any move to leave. Not anymore. You’ve gotten so hooked, your caution has been thrown out the window. 
“I guess I owe you a drink, for saving my life like that.” 
Dice laughs. And fuck, it’s beautiful. It’s loud, deep, and so so powerful. It takes everything in you not to lock your lips onto his right there. Fuck. 
He’s hooked you tighter than anyone else he’s ever had. 
“Don’t you worry your pretty little head about all that. It’s on me, doll. But only on one condition.” 
“And what would that be, King?” 
“You let me take you out to The Ritz for dinner.”  
Damn him. Damn that no-good, rotten, sleazy casino manager, always making deals. Tempting deals that are hard to say no to. 
Aw, hell. What’s the point in life if you don’t take any risks once in a while? 
“Alright, lover boy. I’ll indulge you with that date. Now come on, an Old Fashioned seems to be calling my name over at the bar.” 
That deal turned out to be the best decision of your life. 
King Dice x Reader - "First Meeting" (SHOW)
If there’s anything a master of ceremonies like King Dice loves most, it’s attention. Power. Influence. Money. Especially money. What else is supposed to pay for his high maintenance lifestyle? The term “money doesn’t buy happiness” is utter bullshit to the star. 
And boy, does Dice get what he wants. All the time. The spoiled Devil’s lackey NEVER hears the word no. It’s really not in his vocabulary. If the King says jump, the servants say “how high, sir?” If he says bow, his fans are on their knees. Some even kneel down before he can finish the word. 
A beautiful penthouse separated from the rest of the “common folk” of Inkwell. The top show on the radio, that plays for hours, every single day the channels run. An adoring and loyal audience, who would do absolutely anything he would ask of them. 
The finest clothes money can buy. Five star meals from only the most expensive and high end restaurants. Endless jewels and other expensive trinkets to keep the showman happy. A simple card butler at every door, and several laying out his carpet. His own limo, and driver. Staff that take care of the home duties while he relaxes. 
Really, how could you get any more fulfilled than that? 
Well, King Dice could certainly tell you how.
Everything he has is fantastic, and he wouldn’t trade any of it away, sure. That’s a given. He does love his extravagant life he’s signed a contract to. However, after so many days, weeks, months, years of doing the same damn thing, over and over again, things start to get pretty old. Pretty fast. 
And sure, the parties, acting/musical gigs, and other various events of celebrities do bring about the variety to spice up the day, but even so, something is still missing. 
Of course, being the fantastic actor Dice is, he’s learned to hide his boredom when on the air, or in front of an audience in general. He’s learned to lie, very easily. Though, that may just be part of his nature. Dice has always been a good liar. 
But god, he needs some change to his luxurious yet excruciatingly boring life. Something to keep his attention.
Thankfully, his prayers start to get answered.
Dice’s audience switches up in terms of people and their seating arrangement, every night. The variety helps bring some newness to his beloved show, when things start to get a little too dry and repetitive. 
However… Recently, there’s been one person who’s started showing up to the show every night. In the same exact seat, without fail. Always the first one to arrive, and the last to leave. 
But although you are there the longest, loyally sitting in your seat with all the others, you aren’t as overly enthusiastic as the rest of his fans. 
No… it’s like you’re watching a movie by yourself. You sit, silently, with a small smile on your face. It’s oddly comforting to the star, seeing you watching him intently. Not making a damn scene, like the other folks who just can’t get enough of him. 
You’re there for the after-show, when Dice is surrounded by his overly excited fans, BEGGING him for autographs and pictures from the press. But you don’t smother him. You simply watch behind the crowd, with that damn smile on your face. 
You’re the final one there, but before he can offer an autograph or even just a chat, you’re walking off. It confuses him. You confuse him so much. 
Why on earth would you stay so long and then just leave, without saying anything? Are you shy? No, you don’t seem like the shy type. Your smile isn’t from being flustered. You smile warmly. Boldly. Like you simply stick around to watch Dice for entertainment, and nothing more. 
The man watches you leave, staying in place until you turn a corner, disappearing into the night. He stands, contemplates for a few moments, before heading inside his waiting limo, his mind still trying to wrap around you. To understand you. 
Night after night. Every single show. You’ve become part of Dice’s daily customs, except he never gets bored. In fact, the more you show up, the more interested he gets. 
The outfits you wear get prettier and prettier to him. That smile of yours starts to make him blush, right there on that stage. You start causing him to fumble a little, each time you catch his glance. Good lord, what are you doing to him?
No, there’s no question. Dice knows exactly what he’s feeling, but he’s too conflicted to admit his feelings. Dammit, he’s in love. 
He’s in love with someone he hasn’t even properly met. 
It’s unfair. It’s so unfair, how you know so much about him, and yet, he knows absolutely nothing about you. And you don’t even give him the chance to learn. You leave before he can say anything. 
After a while, Dice can’t help but follow from a distance. Nothing too crazy, he’s no creep, but he just wants to see just where you end up every evening. The route you turn on doesn’t typically lead to any residences, so you’re not going home. 
Dice discovers that you head to the nearby bar every night. The building is just a few doors down from the studio, really not a far walk at all. It’s where he finds you every night as he rides by slowly. He’s caught bits and pieces of you sitting at a stool by the counter, sipping away at whatever drink you fancy. 
That’s the one thing he’s got on you. You like having a drink after his shows. Nothing super telling, but interesting nonetheless. 
And with interest comes determination. Dice needs to find out more about you. He needs to hear your voice. Get your name. Anything. 
You’re like a parasite that Dice welcomes with open arms. You latch onto his brain, taking complete control over his thoughts. The game show host is more distracted during his performances, only showing emphasis and charisma because he knows you’re there. In fact, he’s more passionate about what he does, as long as it keeps your attention. 
Every laugh he coaxes out of you when he says something witty and funny. Every clap you give him after he finishes with his introduction and his signature exit. Every lingering stare, where you both lock eyes with each other. You’ve got beautiful eyes, shining with wonder and energy. He could get lost in them, if he didn’t have a show to run. 
All of these things drive him to do his job well. As long as he keeps you of all people happy and entertained, well, that’s now enough for him. All he needs now, is who exactly you are.
Another signing session after his show. He runs through each paper quickly, honestly just trying to get everyone out of his hair fast enough to keep you still. His eyes search for you the entire time, barely even paying attention to his audience. He doesn’t care about them. 
Just you. 
They finally start to dissipate, and Dice finally catches your eyes again. Just as you’re starting to leave. Before you can get too far, this time, a gloved hand grabs your wrist. 
You pause, your head turning back to the host who’s staring at you with unusual kindness, it almost breaks you. Almost. 
“I… sweetheart, you’ve always been the last to leave, but you’ve never even said a word. You haven’t asked for a single autograph or photo. So tell me, why? Come now, just tell me a little about yourself.” 
The look he gives you is so entrancing, you’re so close to caving in. You can tell he’s trying so hard, you’ve seen it since the beginning. As soon as he saw you. 
But of course, you’re not stupid. King Dice is a showman at heart, and there’s nothing he loves more than his career. Some random, quiet fan wouldn’t change that at all. 
“Sorry, sir, but I know your type. It’d be dangerous to say too much, and I don’t want to take any chances.” 
You smile, taking his hand tenderly, and giving it a gentle squeeze before removing it from your wrist. 
“But I will say, you’ve got quite the gig going on here. You’ve caught my interest, that’s for sure.” 
And with that, you walk away, just as you have every night. Leaving the star to watch you disappear, wishing he had more. Leaving him with more questions than answers. Leaving him to his thoughts, which are riddled with your face. Your eyes. Your voice. 
It was the first time Dice had heard you speak, and god, the sound is heavenly to him. It’s a shame you left so soon, before he even got the chance to hear more from you. 
To the limo he walks, allowing his driver to take him home. He’s glued to the window, his eyes scanning the bar for your presence as the limo slowly makes its way through the busy streets. And there you are, in your usual seat, swirling a glass of your favorite drink. The view only lasts a few seconds, but those moments are precious. 
What he wouldn’t give to be beside you, sharing a bottle of rosé wine, lamenting to you about just how hard it is to keep up a professional appearance all the time. How he sometimes feels jealous of you, someone normal, someone who never has to pretend. 
Laughing with you. Joking around, and sharing stories from all of Dice’s career adventures. Hearing stories from you, about how you spend your time outside of coming to the show. Slowly scooting closer to one another, glasses in hand, your drinks clinging together in a toast. A toast to normalcy and good fortune. 
A toast to love. 
Hell, if you’d let him, maybe he’d even kiss you. How beautiful would that be, to taste the alcohol on your lips? To share a beloved connection with someone who seems to care about him? 
Dammit, Dice’s feelings have reached a crazy degree. He can’t deny it to himself anymore, he needs you. You’re the piece that he’s been missing in his life. Maybe, with you, he’d finally have that sense of wholeness again. 
The entire drive home, Dice thinks. Thinks of how to sweep you off your feet. How to get you to return his affection. What he can do to make his dreams come to reality. 
A solution is a lot harder than he thought it would be. For the first time in a while, Dice is stumped. 
You never leave his head, even when he falls asleep that night. You haunt his dreams. 
The routine is the same, the next time you show up to his performance. You watch him host with a warm smile on your face. He meets you out front, after the rest of his fans have been taken care of. You move to leave, and he grabs your hand yet again, striking up another conversation. 
“C’mon, doll, don’t leave me hanging like this. I don’t know how much more I can take. You know so much about me already, but what about you? Give me something to work with, here.” 
You laugh softly at his insistence, and Dice isn’t sure he’s heard a more beautiful sound in his life. You’re more intoxicating than even the strongest whiskey he stores in his mini bar.
You take his hand like you had before, but this time, your touch lingers ever so slightly. 
“I’m not sure what a brilliant showman like yourself is doing, trying to learn about someone like me. I’m really not all that special, sir.
Dice shakes his head, gently squeezing your hand, savoring the softness of your skin. The electrifying warmth you send through his hand, up his arm, right into his heart. 
“There’s gotta be more to yourself than you’re letting on, I see it in your eyes. Humor me a little, here. At least put a name to that beautiful face of yours.” 
You smile softly, turning towards him completely. Cocking your head to your side, you look at him in amused confusion, letting him continue holding your hand. 
“It seems like you’ve got your heart caught up in a tussle, King Dice. Alright, I’ll give you my name, if you can answer this for me: why me, out of all these people? You’ve got fans who would bend over backwards to make you their groom, why have your heart out for the quiet observer?” 
“I…you just interest me, is all. You’re different. Much different. You have that aura of mystery surrounding you, and I want to break it away. Now please, darling, your name?” 
You smirk at his answer, kindly rubbing your thumb over his knuckles before letting go of his hand, turning away once again. 
“You’re getting closer, sir. But you’re not quite there yet.” 
With a soft laugh, you walk away. Again. Dammit, you’re making this so difficult, the suspense is driving Dice mad. 
Slowly, hesitantly, he walks to his limo as usual, climbing inside. He stares at the hand you had held, intently, wondering just how he’s supposed to get you to crack. 
The slow approach just isn’t working. Dice needs to be bolder. He needs to catch you when you least expect it… 
He’s never accompanied you to the bar before. He’s always just watched you go, debating on whether or not he should. Well, now, he’s made up his mind. 
This has to work. 
That night was the last show of the week, giving Dice a day off in between. Normally, he finds joy in his time away from everyone else, using up his chance to have some alone time. But now? All it does is fuel his impatience. That day is the longest he’s ever had, with half of it consisting of clock-watching alone. 
Finally, Monday comes. Dice is back in business. And today, he’s going to pull off a trick that will surely catch you. It has to. The showman is on his last leg. 
His staff have never seen him practice so hard during rehearsal. Dice runs through the motions over and over again, even when he’s got the routine nailed down perfectly. 
Makeup is the same way. Applying the eyeshadow and mascara. Removing it when it appears to be too cakey. Applying again, lighter this time, with a little blush for good measure. Better, but barely noticeable. Adding another layer of the purple shadow, along with fresh pigment over his pips. 
With his makeup perfect, his performance perfectly memorized, and his suit straightened, Dice has one of the best show nights he’s had in a long time. His audience notices. His band notices. He’s sure even his boss notices, way down in hell. 
You notice. And that’s what he cares about. He sees it in your eyes. That beautiful glimmer that keeps him motivated. 
And the performance isn’t even Dice’s main trick. This is going perfectly. 
Granted, due to the fantastic night, Dice was kept back just a little longer than he’d like, greeting, signing, and smiling for photos. His cheeks are throbbing by the time he takes care of the last person. 
But this time, you wait. When you would usually be gone by this time, you decided to stay just a little longer. And Dice almost forgets his mission out of surprise. 
“You did great tonight, King.” You smile warmly, grasping his hand in yours. 
You both stand there for a little while, smiling warmly at each other, just silently enjoying the company. And then, like all the other nights, you let him go, and you leave. 
And this time, Dice is okay with that. 
Stepping into the limo, he directs his driver towards a parking spot at your favorite bar’s side door, where he won’t be noticed by the public. The last thing he wants is for the press to butt in on this moment. He needs peace for once. 
Quiet and humble, Dice walks inside the bar, immediately looking at where you usually sit. A lonely stool, in front of the bar counter. Surrounded by empty seats. Perfect. 
You swirl your glass of scotch in your hand, eyeing the drink as you contemplate to yourself. You wonder if you should let go of your danger sense, and take the risk. 
Should you give him your name the next time you see him? Should you let him show you a different side to his charismatic persona? A side that only you would ever get to see? 
“Scotch, hm? An interesting drink of choice, but I think it fits you. You’ve got the strong boldness that comes in the drink.” 
Looks like you’ve got a choice to make. 
You look over to the side, smiling fondly when you see the very same showman you had just walked away from, sitting beside you as the bartender whips up his drink. 
“Well, look what the cat dragged in. I never took you for someone who goes to the bar, King Dice… you seem more of the type to have the servants make your drinks.” 
The man laughs as his martini glass is slid his way, picking it up and carefully swirling its contents. You really do have such a way with words.
“Don’t be fooled, that’s usually how I take my alcohol. But the bar does offer something that I don’t have at home.” 
The man looks back up at you, slowly leaning forward, wanting to get lost in your shining eyes. 
“It gets pretty lonely without someone to share the alcohol with, doll. But here? Well…” 
You ignore the heated feeling in your cheeks, taking a drink from your whiskey, watching him closely. 
“Well what, sir?” 
“Why not try a drink in a place where there’s a little company? Some good-looking company, to boot. You seem to like it here very much—I see you sitting here with a drink in your hand every time my limo passes by the bar.”
It’s your turn to laugh now, as you take another sip of your drink. Alright, he’s got your heart’s attention and you know it. It wouldn’t take much more than a little nudge from him, and your shell would be broken. 
“I don’t know if it’s very safe for me to share a drink with a complete stranger, handsome as he may be.” 
Dice smiles, his hand reaching forward and tilting your chin upwards, like he’s trying to get a better look at you. He also gives you a chance to examine his facial features up close, and boy, he’s even better looking than your view from your seat in his audience. 
“Well then, let’s stop being strangers, shall we? I know I ask you this every night, but this is the last time I’ll try. What’s your name, gorgeous?” 
You chuckle softly to yourself, shaking your head slightly as you tip back, finishing off the last of your scotch, letting an ice cube fall into your mouth. You let it melt on your tongue slightly, swirling it around in your mouth as you contemplate your answer. He has been waiting very patiently for—! 
Every thought in your mind comes to a halt as a soft, sweet pair of lips takes over your own, an arm wrapping around your side to bring you closer. You blink in shock, eyes wide as you stare at the one responsible for the sudden gesture. 
It’s King Dice. And he’s kissing you. 
Slowly, you set down your empty glass, cautiously leaning forward, accepting the affection. You know he had been working hard to earn your love, but if you’re honest with yourself, he has already had it since the beginning. It just took him a while to unlock it. 
His tongue slides into your mouth, finding the ice cube you had been sucking on, and swiping it from you so quickly you barely even notice it’s missing by the time he pulls away. 
He smirks down at you, the ice resting against his cheek as he laughs quietly at your speechlessness. 
“Your name, doll. What is it?” 
Completely enraptured, you finally utter out the word that Dice had been dying to hear ever since your first conversation with one another. 
“(Y/n)… my name is (y/n).” 
With a victorious grin and a raise of his glass, Dice happily responds to your lovestruck mumble. 
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, (y/n). It seems now that we are no longer strangers.” 
He taps his fingers on the counter, and the bartender slides you a brand new drink, filled to the brim.
“So, how about that drink, then?” 
You take it slowly, raising it up so it’s just underneath your slightly sore lips. You smile once again, laughing in disbelief, feeling your heart skip a beat. 
“Whatever you say, showman.” 
And from there, it’s history.
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sublimecatgalaxy · 2 years
hey babe may i request a blurb\fic of Rafe x Pogue!reader where theyre secretely fucking and JJ calls her while theyre doing it and rafe tells her to pick it up and doesnt stop hile on the call
LOOOVE. Also some of my tags still aren't working but more worked this time than last time so. Win.
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"What did I say about turning your phone off?" Rafe growls in my ear, hips suddenly stalling against mine as I cling to him, broken sobs leaving me as I wiggle my hips against his, needing him to do anything, something. "Hmm? What did I say?" He leans back from where he was tucked into my shoulder, arms caging me in. His nose brushes against mine, the softness of the gesture being a complete contrast to how he's handled me the last forty minutes.
"To turn it off- you said to turn it off." I gasp, nails digging into his bicep as he hisses, eyes flickering to look down to look at the crescent shaped marks in his tan skin. "I'm sorry, Rafe- please I'll turn it off. Just- fuck- do something-" His fingers wrap firmly around my throat and his hips slowly cant against mine once more, the fullness making my head a lot less noisy as he whispers against my cheek.
"If it rings again, you answer it." He orders and my eyes widen, chin tilting so I can get a better look at him, double checking to see if he's actually serious. "You heard me." He mutters, dragging his lips against the column of my throat and he finally gives in to what I want. His hands wrap around my bruised thighs, tugging me to the end of the bed, his cock hitting the deepest that he ever has. My jaw drops in a silent moan, completely overwhelmed by the new angle but he doesn't give me a chance to adjust but just snaps his hips against mine.
A cute, pink blush crawls all the way down his cheeks to his chest and his parted lips are swollen from me incessantly biting at them for hours on end but some how, the sweat and the exhaustion makes him look even more enticing. We haven't seen each other in weeks because of his family and their lack of awareness when it comes to our secret relationship so tonight has been built up through the phone and over text for days on end.
It's safe to say he's living up to his promises.
Before I can tell him how good it feels, my rington fills the space around us. My eyes widen frantically, hands reaching to grab the loud device but Rafe beats me to it, not bothering to stop his thrusts as he holds the phone out to me. JJ's name is written across the screen and I feel my stomach drop, pitiful, tearful moans escaping me as I shake my head.
"Answer it." He orders once more with a bright smile, satisfaction filling him at the thought of fucking me while on the phone with the man he hates the most. I take a deep breath, trying to compose myself as I press the answer button, holding the phone to my ear.
"Hello?" I stutter, hearing JJ laugh from across the line.
"I have been calling you non-stop dude, where the hell are you?" He asks, music booming from the other line as I try to separate myself from the pleasure wracking through my body, my eyes locking on Rafe's fingers that dance across my swollen clit.
"I've been busy. I'm not feeling too good so I've been holed up in my room all day." I mutter with a quiet sniffle, concealing a loud moan with a cough instead.
"Awe man that sucks. Must because you hang out with all those kook assholes and all their snotty kids." He laughs, coughing immediately after he's done talking, presumably because he's smoking which makes me feel a little less guitly about my current situation.
If anything happens, I'll blame it on his love for marijuana and his lack of attention.
"Yeah definitely." I sigh, reaching out to grab onto Rafe's wrist but he just bats me away, wanting nothing but to bring me as close to the edge as possible. My hips stutter against his and I bite at my lip, hearing JJ hum to the music over the line.
"Well you're lame tonight. Go get some rest or smoke a joint- I don't know. I'm gonna go bother someone else." He huffs with a quiet laugh, ending the call before I can and I immediately toss the phone across the room, the plastic clattering against the wood flooring of Rafe's bedroom.
"I fucking love you." Rafe groans proudly and hoists me into his arms, his biceps curling around my back to hold me tightly to his chest, not giving me an inch of free space to writhe against him as he pounds into me. He doesn't hesitate to press heated kisses to my shoulder as I thank him over and over again, my orgasm trembling through me as he bottoms out.
-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- Taglist: @bubblebuttwade @rafelover2405 @leslienjazzy @sorceresss @grxnde-dwt @alex–awesome–22 @bunnietoof @niyamar1e @serialghost @plantlungs @geniusohn @akaliltimmytim @lilaalouuxx @xshariex @elliotsbeigeguitar @elle4404 @lelieja @srhxpci @joselyn001 @taysirene @spinkspanther @thedivineuphoria @peter-maximoffs @tsukishimawhore @poohkie90 @szlaco @distantsighs @nstyles4299 @wolflover384 @givemefoodandlovesstuff @vane28282 @yeswhatever33 @amirrahfranson @vvaalleennttiinna @f-mu @yaspillz @jeyramarie @skylievin@abbybarnes17 @jointherebellion215 @visiondaddy
@steezysimfinds @its-ya-gay-boi-luigi @crunchytoenailsyum@glizzymcguirex @beth123lg @melovesmut @rafecameronswhore @ariianelle @write-from-the-heart @vampviolets@haylee-e@popehaywardssecretgf @honee-chai-tea @lokiandbuckywife @smoke-and-fire @officiallyunofficialperson@heyaitsklaudia@rosepetalsparks @bluetreecloud20 @scenesofobx @double-shot-of-tequila @1dluver13xx @colbysbrocks @iamasimpingh0e @smoke-and-fire386 @loveshineslikethesky @id-3-kbro @diorsitgirl @errorfound101-allideasburnedout @neverwillknowme18 @ellyskey @taylors-folk @loversjoy @myaloveee @thyris-is @lagataprrr @aaaaslaaaan @minjix @luvrosee @storytellingwitht @savageneversaw @admiringlove @witxhy-lexx @starlightandfairies @witxhy-lexx @hysteriahall @piceous21 @igotmajordaddyissues
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fishsticksloser · 2 years
A hc of reader sister (little sister) who loves using memes sound effects to communicate with the family instead of her talk like " bruh " or " why are you running? ".
And it's fun because it makes everyone laugh.
Meme!Younger Sibling
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RotTMNT & gn!reader
Warnings: swearing, platonic fluff, what you say is in green
A/N: They are meme connoisseurs, Raph doesn't understand, but is supportive. Coloring the words took way longer than I thought... I have a 6 hour car ride to the hospital so ask away!
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You got your taste in memes from your brothers
Leo and Donnie definitely have the most knowledge in memes
"Tight! So let me be, I'm here to give you customer service. and I'll set you free! (right)"
"Reese's Puffs! Reese's Puffs! Reese's Puffs! Reese's Puffs! Eat 'em up! Eat 'em up! Eat 'em up! Eat 'em up!"
It's almost completely random
They've learned not to ask what you're doing...
"Hey, what are you doing Waiting for them to play Gangnam Style..."
Mikey and Leo participate the most
At one point you were really into Bully Maguire memes
Raph was terrified of you
"I'm gonna put some dirt in your eye... W-What!? What did I do?"
Remember that video of the country guy standing on his truck with Nunchaku?
Yeah... That's a you and Mikey staple
"Daisy Dukes, bikinis on top. Sunkissed so hot it'll melt your popsicle!"
You, Leo, and Donnie are the most chaotic about it
Raph and Mikey are a little annoyed by the meme bond you guys have
"I got a plane! I got a plane! I love the fame! I love the fame! You know my name! You know my name!"
Being the 2 youngest, though, you and Mikey have something you will never have with the others
and that's having unlimited meme potential
"It's wizard time, motherfucker! Fire Ball!!"
Raph was very upset about this... ^^^
You are probably the only one allowed to chill in Donnie's lab because of your shared love of certain memes
He vocally stims in his lab and I have a feeling a lot of those are memes
"Wow... Your raps are too wack to handle. Let's do this like we do on the Discovery Channel!"
Leo is the one you go to if you want to recreate some dance you saw on TikTok
And he's very good... It should be a crime
Leo also quotes the Pedro Pascal edit that went around...
"How would you like to ride home on a real cowboy? I got a 6 pack of cold ones all nice and my roomies out all night, so you can scream my name as loud as you need to, sugar."
Is anyone surprised by that though?
"Aren't you excited? You're going to the airport tomorrow! Ehrpohort? I'm not going to the ehrpohort."
Although Raph isn't that knowledgeable in memes, he does know some
"Excuse me, brah. You're excused.... But I'm not your brah..."
Just random things they'd quote:
"I'm almost proud of you... That's the most proud of me you've ever been!"
"Give me back my gamer girl!"
"Material girl!"
"Just got diagnosed with cool guy syndrome... Now I take Adderall!"
"Ugh, you can't sit with us. Actually, Leo, I can't sit anywhere, I have hemorrhoids..."
"Look at all those chickens!"
"Is this an internal dialogue? I can't see the end of the horizon... Hastune Miku!?"
"Its really cute how you're going to defeat me with the power of friendship, but again, I am da Devil... From da Bible..."
"Hey~... What's up... It's me!"
"Whopper. Whopper. Whopper. Whopper. Junior, Double, Triple Whopper. Flame Grilled taste with perfect toppers. I rule- I rule this day!"
"You're an asshole, Leo. You are what you eat, Donnie." I'm so sorry...
"Freddy, you're supposed to be on lock down... VanessaAAAAAA!" When he's been working in the lab too much
"Nah, nah, nah nah. Nah, nah, nah nah, yeah. You're are the music in me! You know the words 'once upon a time' make you listen... There's a reason!"
"Laloyd? That's right! It's me, your son! And it's Lloyd, Dad! No. L-l-o-y-d. I named you. You ruined my life! How can I ruin your life? I wasn't even there!"
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Headcanons of being best friends with Tory Nichols
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•She was Miguel's girlfriend when you met her (as his best friend and almost older/younger sister, he think it was appropriate for you to meet her) she was too different from you, you don't know if because of that, or because she was an overly conscious teenager (unlike of Sam that you hated, maybe because she was too similar to you) you loved her and she loved you
•They became fast friends, spending time together without Miguel being involved.
•You were also Aisha's friend, so the 3 of them became the best friends of all time, it was weird for people not to see them together, they became the best-known trio of school friends (the karate girls and their chick the protected)
•Tory opens your eyes to the evil of the world, how important it was to develop character to survive, and since it's not bad to not always be the best person of the day (a topic that tormented you) you help her survive, you support her with your brother and his mother, looking for a way to have their pockets full at the end of the month, getting to work together (sometimes you give her part of your payment, she doesn't like it very much, but you don't need the money as much as she does), you are her greatest moral compass, she always comes to you for advice, comfort and a good listening ear, she knows that deep down you condemn her bad girl behavior, but also that you have never shown any double standards with her.
•If they aren't hanging out together, they'll be on long phone calls (with or without Aisha) so you were quite surprised one day when you texted her, at the time you knew she had left work and she didn't reply (After a day work, Tory needs to vent, but now the hard thing for her is not to survive the injustices of the world, the hard thing is to breathe in a world which is inhabited by Samantha Larusso
"It's a real pain in the womb, but I think the reason I can't stand her, is because I'm more like her than I'd like, 2 stupid girls who have never worked for what they have, and can't understand the behavior of a certain 'type of people' to whom life has treated them like a bag of garbage, and they do not deserve your attention, only your criticism for their 'troublesome' aura and 'low morality', so pathetic ”and the real Tory nichols was so upset you thought she was going to slap you
"Listen to me carefully, why if I have to repeat this to you again, when I finish speaking you will have a knife buried in your vagina, Larusso would beg to have some of your human decency in her fingernail" you swallowed dryly, she sighed tired and more calm she continued "It's not your fault that life has been fairer to you, in that sense I suppose 'Sweetys princess' isn't either, but the difference between you and her is that you listen to people, you try to understand them, and you're not only concerned about your point of view, you and Aisha are the best people I've met in 17 damn years of life, even my boyfriend doesn't make that list, don't torture yourself, you really are a good person”
"Thank you" was all you could say
Her confrontations with the princess make Tory feel like a mess, and you walk in to comfort her.
"Don't worry Tory, it wasn't your fault, Sam shouldn't have accused you of stealing her mom."
"I understand your anger, but I think that pushing Sam on the track was not the best option, his enmity will last longer, and Miguel can get angry with you"
"He was on my side, he's great"
"He is, but... sorry for saying this, but I think he still hasn't gotten over it" you noticed the pain in her voice when she said
"Someday he's going to have to get her out of her mind, right?"
"You shouldn't be the girl I used to get over her ex-girlfriend" she leaned back on your shoulder.
"I don't think she's going to get any better from the world"
"Believe me, you'll do it, you deserve it" you gave him a small kiss on the head)
Your suspicions were true when you found out about the fight at school the next day, you didn't know whether to thank God for missing, or curse under your breath , you could have stopped Tory
•You visited her while she was in juvie (also Robby, you were so upset that Johnny had almost abandoned him and so frustrated that they wouldn't let you bring her practically anything from the outside world) she appreciated visiting time, you told her a lot of things (minus the fact that Miguel and Sam seemed to have reunited, after the boy woke up, for obvious reasons) you brought him certain things and took care of his family until they released her
•You wanted Tory to have a party in case she came back but Aisha had recently moved away, and your friend is very sad about it, and she wasn't in the mood for noisy and lively moments even with you, but they took her brother to the park and ate liters of ice cream while watching the embarrassing romantic comedies of all time.
•Miguel was pretty mad at you for continuing to hang out with Tory, but you weren't abandoning the girl.
•you were quite surprised that he was still practicing karate after all that had happened, you thought Kreese was a cynical son of the devil, kyler was not right in the head, and the other students seemed like a horror comedy, but she was firm about it
"Karate is the only thing that motivates me not to give up now, neither this nor Sensei Kreese are to blame for what happened, Miguel and they are going to get what they deserve, everyone who bothers me is going to wish they had been aborted.” His words worried you, but then Robby entered the dojo and you caught a glimpse of peace.
•Sometimes you go to look at the keys, the sensei doesn't bother you, and the cobras have a neutral opinion about you
•You love watching robby try to make progress with tory
"He's fascinated with you, I'm serious Tory, if you don't care, when you least see him coming he'll steal a kiss from you"
"don't talk nonsense , no boy who cares a bit for his cheap ass would even think of trying to steal a kiss from me."
"You haven't seen how he looks at you, not even Mr. Darcy could look at such a passionate look, my holy God, It's sooo comely" your friend laughed a little at your attitude
"It's striking" she answered with a nervous smile, they both noticed it, and she changed the expression on her face to a stoic look that lately you've been seeing frequently "But I think she still doesn't surpass the princess, and sometimes he behaves way too pure to be a cobra definitely wouldn't notice me”
“believe me the girl left her mind a long time ago... and tory we all noticed you”
•You were the happiest person in the world when your friends started dating and when Tory won the championship, you waited for her to come out, you hugged and you rolled her in the air, you walked home in a side hug
"It was obvious that you were going to win, none of those fans had prepared as much as you"
“Thank you for staying until the end”
"Whenever you want... are you alright?"
"Just a little tired, mopping bitches is fun but exhausting. You know what I mean?" you laughed a little
"Yes, I think a little"
"But I do not reject a hamburger combo, you stay to sleep"
"Yes my lady" she gave you a kiss on the cheek, and rested her head on your shoulder
•Winning the championship did not bring any positive change in Tory, what's more, you could say that she made things a bit worse, she had never been so depressed, you didn't know what to do to help her
"Y/N believe me you have already done a lot for me, you are the person who has made me smile the most in life, and that will never change"
•Shortly after you found out about the problem she was having with Cobra Kai, and it all made sense to you.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, I thought you might be hurt"
"Okay Tory, you did what you thought was best for everyone."
"But it wasn't worth it, Silver and Kim continue to rot minds and Larusso ended up demotivating me, I don't know how I could have thought that he would help me, she is still a dancer in his glass box, instead my best friend would surely have encouraged me to leave this stupid plan long before, really sorry”
"Calm down Tory, I'm sure what you did will be worth it... in the meantime let's pawn our dresses and buy cheap land" Your friend smiled excitedly, game night for you
•After Silver fell you had the perfect idea, it was time for Tory to take a break from so much crap, 'Day off for Nichols', it was hard but you managed to convince her, Robby and Mrs. Larusso would take care of her brother and mom
•They started the trip in a car, you drive while your faithful co-pilot marveled looking out the window, it had been a long time since he had taken a trip, and he was definitely enjoying it, they sang the songs you had listed at the top of their lungs: try, Carreles whisper, i will suviver, Billie Jean, among others
•You hadn't told her where they were going so she was really excited, they walked a long time to their destination
"Here it is"
"Wow I don't know what to say, I was hoping for anything but you would buy me a house in Santa Barbara, 5 hours from where I currently live, you want me quite far from you, huh?" she gave you a mischievous look and you rolled your eyes "But hey who would protest in front of a Free house, so thank you" hug you
“Lummox, the gift is not the house, it is who is inside it”
"And who is there?"
"You will tell me" You knocked on the door before Tory's confused look, after several seconds, Aisha opened the door as surprised as the blonde, they both screamed and hugged each other, still with the girl in her arms, she said.
"When you said that they would visit me one day, I did not imagine that they would or that they would come without warning"
"Hey!, best friends never forget, also what is the point of surprises if you know they are going to happen"
"Come here arrogant genius" They pulled your hands, and you joined the now group hug
•They talked non-stop for hours, they had a lot to tell each other, they watched a movie, and they got to know Santa Bárbara, the most impressive thing... they did a lot of shopping, they wouldn't go home empty-handed
•They spent the night at Aisha's house, and after breakfast they began the return trip
"I love you"
"It's mutual, you know, Tory."
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fuwaprince · 9 months
btw not wanting to be around the house when the other ppl are literally walking around with covid is SO fair omg. I hate how much people act like it's gone or just not a big deal, like that is Such a reasonable thing to be bothered by. just, UGH, they suck so hard, I'm sorry you have to deal with them, you deserve better. and like ofc it is gonna get better, it just takes time, it's a slow build, but there's no reason they have to choose to make like climb rougher than it has to be omg. hoping SO hard for those better days get to you SOsoso soon
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It is a slow build but the setbacks won't stop me from keeping on! Just gotta live to see things improve, it'll be okay... I'm hoping 🫂 ALSO THANK YOU FOR FUCKING SAYING THAT I WAS REASONABLE BECAUSE I RLY DO NOT APPRECIATE HOW CASUALLY THEY TREATED HAVING AND SPREADING COVID AROUND LIKE WTFFFFFFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm actually so so lucky that I didn't end up getting it during my finals week considering they didn't tell anybody until days after.... and I'm glad I'm not the only one taking it seriously still .-. like there are people out there wearing masks who aren't even sick just to be preventative... There are people who can't afford masks or tests but hide themselves away anyways until they feel clear of illness, just in case
These sickos get kits and masks provided by work and yet STILL just didn't give a fuck. Just did not fucking care and expected me to still clean their bathroom!!!! I could not get myself to...
Yeah they spontaneously raised my rent by almost double as punishment only two weeks before it was due and that won't ever lower but honestly they were looking for an excuse to price me out of here. I'm just happy to have some help to be able to cover the rest of rent... Shout out to the awesome people who reblogged my post and donated 🙏
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pi-creates · 2 years
Hello, I'm very newbie to model swap and I need some help :C I've been wanting to swap BEN and TRAVIS, could you please help me out? I know that Ben appears in a lot of episodes (not sure which ones), and I also know that Travis barely have archives since he appears very quickly on episode 2, I already learned how to extract the files with the extractor and everything (I have all the files from ep1 and ep2 already extracted), I don't know how to swap the models, which files I should replace etc.
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Well hello, luscassache! I'm sorry to hear about your trouble getting swaps to work, it's fiddly to figure out, especially when you're new to it.
Season 1 is also a bit more tricky to swap around since a lot of the files aren't in the episodes ttarch files, but instead they are in the projectseason ttarch files. And you're also right about Travis being a bit more trouble since he doesn't appear for long in the game and therefore has less files that are made specifically for him.
And without knowing where exactly things have gone wrong for you when trying your swap, it's hard for me to say definitively how to correct it. Off the top of my head, I can only suggest double checking that you have the correct files, you have renamed them properly, and that you have overwritten your archives in your game directory.
However... I do still have archives saved of a lot of my old swaps (not the Travis and Doug one, unfortunately), and I have been experimenting with the Telltale scripting tool to figure out how to form these into mod files. So to cut a long story short, I set up a google drive and made a zip file with the necessary archives pre-built to have Travis replace Ben in season 1 of the Definitive Series (It doesn't make them swap places, there are just two of Travis). You can >>click here<< for the download link.
It does still have some problems with facial animations/lip syncing not always working, and the eyes not moving correctly - but it should be playable from episode 2 onwards. [hopefully... I tested it in episode 2 and it works there]
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There he is - the animations don't line up properly when interacting with other characters, but it's something.
To get the zip file to work in your game, you can load it using the >>Telltale Mod Launcher<<.
Or you can extract the zip archive and place the extracted ".lua" and ".ttarch2" files into the game's "Archives" directory. And to remove the swap, all you have to do is delete all the the files again - they should be easy to identify as they all have "Travis replaces Ben" somewhere in their name.
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toshinoris-spouse · 1 year
[Permanent RP Ad | MHA/BNHA | Soulmate AU | Doubling]
I'm going to put this in a new format, using how I posted RP ads on Reddit as a base. Since this is the only thing on my mind... I figure I'll also post it onto this blog, for anyone who wants to find it! No one probably will, but there's always that hope, huh?
Currently: Not Accepting
Genres: Romance, Adventure, Action, Fantasy Literacy: Proficient/Advanced Lit (anywhere from 6-8 paragraphs per RP reply [per character side], minimum). Preferred Reply Speed: Once a week, up to once a month (feel free to take longer if life's being a pill, but please warn me in advance if you can!). It used to be twice every two days with once a week being the max, but- my own reply speed has fallen. Wouldn't be fair to ask others for quick responses when I can't do the same. POV: 3rd Person, Past Tense Fandom: My Hero Academia/Boku No Hero Academia Alternate Universe?: Yes, Soulmate AU (First Words) Characters: Finley Well (SI), Toshinori Yagi, Your OC, Your OC's Love Interest Pen Name: Writer Platform for RP: Discord
This ad is only for fellow muns who are 18+, though the RP itself need not be rated that highly. I'd just feel better RP'ing with a fellow adult.
Additional info under the cut!
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I figure I got everything specific up there, but there'll be more here, so let's go! I work a very early-morning style job that can get insanely stressful. I'm usually up by anywhere from 4AM to 6AM (work days vs. days off), and my work schedule fluctuates from week to week. I'm in the EST timezone, but I don't mind chatting with mates from other timezones, no matter how extreme the difference.
I have seen up to episode 127 of MHA, so I'm between the Paranormal Liberation Raid and the Dark Deku arc. I can RP as any character up to that point, but any who have major character stories/backstories revealed past that are currently off-limits, since I would have to spoil myself on a lot more than just basic details in order to portray them. Shoto Todoroki is also off-limits, mainly because I have an OTP for him and just don't see him with anyone other than a friend's OC. So aside from those restrictions, you are free to ask me to portray anyone for your OC! I like to dig into characters and ships and develop headcanons as we RP, so be ready for some OOC chatter.
The Soulmate MHA universe itself can be explained via my Reddit account, where I made a single post containing every last bit of info I could recall on its machinations. If you haven't guessed by now, yeah, this will involve plenty of reading. I'm sorry in advance. There is also Finley Well's info doc, which is linked in my blog's pinned post.- But don't feel obligated to read that if you aren't interested in the AU itself, or in the concept of how your ship would also function in this take on MHA.
In simplified terms, Soulmates have Words printed somewhere on their body that are written in their Soulmate's native language and personal handwriting from birth. Not everyone has a Soulmate, and some people have multiple.- When the Words are first said by one's Soulmate, they'll glow- and they'll only stop glowing once the person realizes who their Soulmate is. If your Soulmate dies, then, depending on how strong your will/body is, you can live a month without them... Before you also die. Meeting your Soulmate gives you a stat boost- whether just to your actual stats (strength, speed, etc.) or your Quirk (if you have one).
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If you are interested, I would gently ask that you check my RP doc before reaching out to me. Make sure to contact me and let me know your pen name, any OCs you would like for me to RP against (please include their info/a link to their info if you can), any Canons you want me to portray for said OCs, and any limits in the RP. If your OC n' LI are minors in the eyes of US law (under 18), then I will only allow NSFW to occur on one side of the RP (YagiFin). If you are not interested in NSFW, then the topic will not be touched on at all.
The RP will take place during the events of MHA. The general starting point is always around the entrance exams, sometimes before, sometimes a day or so into school- I'm fine with whatever floats your boat. It'll take a day (possibly more) of plotting before we start the actual RP, and the RP will gradually diverge more and more from the canon material. So... Have fun, and I hope to hear from you!
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fanfictionsharmione · 2 years
Thanks cherry!
truth pills #short fiction #+10
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After the double wedding that took place in Hgwarts, there was a party, to the sound of djay Hunter. Newlyweds Ron and Hermione, Ginny and Harry danced together, swaying their bodies to the electrifying music.
The Weasley brothers took truth medicine. They didn't support the couple Harry and Gena, as they were very jealous, despite liking Potter. Also, one day, drunk, Harry said that he found Hermione attractive. So they came up with the idea of ​​giving him truth pills and they went to him.
-Hello Harry. This is a pill of joy to further improve your marriage. -Fred said, showing a pink pill in his hands-And this is another one, if you want.- he took another pill from his pocket, the same one but in a different color.
"Ah thank you!" Harry stuffed one into his mouth. He knew he could grow a mouse's tail or change into a frog, but he was used to his brothers.
Harry saw a woman in a very strange hat with feathers. The woman danced and moved as if she had parkson.
- You look like a chicken with a seizure. Especially with that hat full of feathers... The woman looked at him irritated and slapped him hard. He didn't believe what he said, he was always kind. The brothers looked at each other again, with a malicious smile, the plan had worked.
-Hermione looks beautiful tonight. You're lucky, Ron. Isn't that right Harry?-The Weasley brothers spoke at the same time, sorry about Harry.
-I am, he knows I am!!-Hermione said, before Harry elaborated a sentence..
-Sorry love. But she is so much better than you!” Harry spoke, as Ron glared at him. "You're kidding, aren't you Harry?" Ginny replied, her voice cracking, her chest tight. The brothers, seeing the situation, immediately regretted what they had done.
-Of course not. I agree, she's much better than you, I'm sorry- Harry didn't believe it or know what he was following, he just pulled Hermione in for a kiss, which he returned. They both heard screams, Ron pulling them, Ginny crying, but nothing mattered.
-I LOVE YOU HERMIONE! MY HOT WITCH!!!!!- Harry screamed, as if it had been stuck in his throat for years.
-I LOVE YOU HARRY, MY HOT WIZARD!!!- And they continued kissing, falling to the ground and kissing some more. They could smell fire, someone had eaten fire, certainly Ginny, but that was fine with them. Screams rising, but it didn't matter. Only they were together.
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