#also mulder is demisexual
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ayphyx · 1 year ago
Listen. I love romantic MSR as much as the next person, but has anyone considered queerplatonic msr????
Queerplatonic msr. Reblog if you agree.
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tangents-within-tangents · 4 months ago
Aspec ✨Icons✨ part 2: Dana Scully (X-files)
(Missed ace week bc I overcomplicated things and it took me a hot sec to finish the sticker but whatever lol)
Listen, Special Agent Dana Catherine Scully is an icon as she is! She's badass, our Women in Stem queen, canonically immortal, and she is totally demi!
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Mulder and Scully, the ultimate will-they-won't-they, right? Is it just coworkers respecting boundaries? Friends to lovers? The slowest of slow burns? Idk man listen to this speech:
Scully: Well it seems to me, that the best relationships, the ones that last, are frequently the ones that are rooted in friendship. You know, one day you look at the person and you see something more than you did the night before. Like a switch has been flicked somewhere. And the person who was just a friend is suddenly the only person you can ever imagine yourself with.
Come on, tell me that isn't the most demi thing you've ever heard!
I've seen fans read this as her just realizing or admitting that she has always loved Mulder but that's literally not what she says! And this is in 6.08, so after 6 years of working with Agent Foxy SMulder over here! And then they still don't even kiss until 7.04 and the first time it is implied they had sex is in 7.17 (which can I just say? is also followed directly by a scene of Mulder being heartbroken that Scully isn't interested in his crop circle slideshow, not exactly the peak of their relationship).
(As a demiromantic myself, also relate to this sentiment of "the best relationships." Like yeah we all have our preferences but I've always had this feeling of like a 'I actually understand real love better bc it's not sexual for me' type of a thing, which might be self-aggrandizing, but it's also the complete opposite of the allonormative 'sex is the ultimate goal of a relationship and the deepest act of love' bs)
A few episodes before (6.04) we also have this iconic moment:
Mulder: Hey Scully? Scully: Yes? Mulder: …I love you Scully: Oh brother *sigh*
Another main thing I think of is in season one when we have this whole 'you have to have a life outside of work and obviously that means dating' thing
But then the arc of the episode is that actually that ideal is clearly not her thing
She goes on the date (pretty sure the only one we ever see in the series?) and is bored and uncomfortable and happily leaves to go hunt the Jersey Devil with her loser coworker instead
Also fun fact I learned when researching all this, there was originally a boyfriend character for Scully in the pilot (added by the executives) who was completely cut. And when you look at how the creator talks about it, I think it's clear this ^ episode was a direct response to that
Chris Carter: There was some pressure early on in the development of the show to establish that the characters had personal lives outside of the FBI, and we wanted to see who they were dating, and I felt that was all wrong. I felt the stories needed to drive the characters, and their work needed to drive them. That their work was all-consuming and that they had no personal lives, that this was a quest. A romantic quest, in the literary sense.
And that's def reflected in the writing throughout the whole show lol
Mulder: So Scully, what are you doing tonight, any big plans? Scully: Well seeing as how it’s Friday I was thinking I could get some work in on that monograph I’m writing for the penology review.
Just some beautiful career-driven nerds who find fulfillment in life in other ways!
Which as demonstrated in the above clip, clearly applies to Mulder as well
Mulder: whAT'S a GIRL?
(aka one of my favorite lines lol and for the record he was going to meet his informant for alieum info)
Same episode as Scully's epic demi speech also gives us these gems:
Scully: Dating advice? From whom? Mulder: Yours truly. Scully: … Mulder: Hello? Scully you there? Scully: I heard you… Mulder, when was the last time you went on a date? Mulder: I will talk to you later *hangs up* Scully: The blind leading the blind.
Holman: I’ve been envious of men like you my whole life. Based on your physical bearing I assumed you were more experienced. I mean, you spend everyday with Agent Scully! A beautiful, enchanting woman! You mean you two have never uh…?
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(yeah you and every allo fan, buddy)
Mulder: I’m perfectly happy with my friendship with Agent Scully.
So yeah, I'd def say Mulder is somewhere on the aro/ace spectrum too, even if on paper it's in the "obsessed with his work" kinda way. He's a bit more complicated, and I haven't seen the show recently enough to confidently be more specific, but friendly reminder that making dirty jokes and watching porn and such are not mutually exclusive with aspec identities (I'd even argue that it's further evidence for rather than against, since the show does specifically include references to porn activity, and not actual dating subplots or shots of one-night-stands like others shows would, so he's satisfying those things without someone else (we DON'T talk about that one vampire episode! fr so much of that was OOC I almost dropped the show lol)). And he also falls victim to the, ah... 'SA a man but play it for laughs and like it's his own personal failing somehow' trope ("trust me the man knows how to kiss" ma'am he was literally pushing you away -_-), the one in 'Syzygy' is far worse (link if you wanna subject yourself to it) but also so very ace:
Detective White: So what are you doing at my house? Mulder: I was hoping you could help me solve the mystery of the horny beast. *cuts to Mulder talking to an astrologer about satanic symbols*
Mulder: *panics trying to get her to leave* White: *literally shoves him onto the bed and pins him* maybe we can solve the mystery of the horny beast! Mulder: Maybe we should just watch some television (:
(poor guy just wanted to netflix and chill lit.)
And kinda random but one of my favorite things about Mulder and Scully's relationship is that Mulder so clearly appreciates her intelligence and who she is. Like these moments when he jokingly and respectfully flirts with her come at such specific moments, best demonstrated by this crack edit lol:
(credit to the creator, I just needed the specific clip)
Ignoring Bambi and Sheriff Hartwell la la la la! Except also I mean it can easily be aesthetic attraction, it happens, and neither of those actually went anywhere (Mulder literally sleeps on his couch and uses his bed as a storage room, he wasn't bringing anyone home). They both also have weird exes that show up (tho rarely) but demi means they can totally have had connections with others in the past (and since Scully is still so attached to that guy in 'All Things' after all these years I say it checks out).
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(also available in demiro and demiaroace:)
For the record, there are 11 seasons and 2 movies of The X-Files, and while I have watched all of them, that was like 5 years ago (wow I'm old), so I'm not taking responsibility for every single line or scene that ever took place. But the overall vibe is very clear, and random stuff like 'Never Again' or whatever the heck was going on with Fowley (ugggh) are clearly the outliers.
No matter how you frame it, Mulder and Scully's relationship is clearly one based in connection, not attraction. There are actually lines in S1 that indicate both of them see the aesthetic appeal in the other ("I think it's remotely plausible that someone might think you're hot") that prove that's not what it's about for them. It's about mutual respect and admiration. About trust and being there for each other through hardship.
Their relationship is one with years of emotional intimacy before anything physical. I'd even say they dip into QPR territory for a few seasons
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And the thing is! It's kinda actually canon. It's literally intentional! It may not be direct representation by name, but honestly now I'm pretty convinced that Chris Carter would have loved to have been aware of these terms/concepts! It may be unwitting, but it is pretty deliberate, which is so evident if you listen to how the creators and actors talk about their relationship in the bts featurettes:
Chris: I was adamant from the beginning that Mulder and Scully should not be romantically involved. (s1)
(this poor man fighting the amatonormativity in media since day one!)
Gillian: Their relationship is platonic and there is so much respect and so much trust and they will risk their lives for each other. (s4)
Sheila Larken: It sounds cliché to say that they're best friends. But they're best friends beyond what lovers could ever be.
Chris: Scully loves Mulder, and Mulder loves Scully. It's a wonderful romance, it's just not a sexual romance, it's not a physical romance. It is a caring, tender, respectful relationship. It's an ideal, I would never want to do anything to threaten it, to change it. (s5)
(oh my gosh do you hear this! ^ I'm not making this up, even Scully would believe me!)
Gillian: Those moments where there is that intimacy, where even just the touch of a hand can be the same as, you know, making love in another series.
They were meant to be platonic and then they slowly and naturally developed into something more (hopefully not just bc of outside pressure but we'll get to that), and for that it's not just your everyday slow burn, but a relationship that is so much more.
Even early on they are allowed to be so openly sweet and affectionate with each other and it's just so chill. In general, the show is just written so different. Like in literally the first episode we have this scene where Scully comes to Mulder's hotel room in the middle of the night and takes off her bathrobe in just her underwear (so Mulder can check the marks on her back) and Mulder does not react at all. He (and the cinematography) is 100% respectful and normal about it, and then is just worried about her. Like how many other shows wouldn't dangle that as bait or make some unfunny comments of like 'man can't control himself' or whatever?
They are allowed to genuinely care about each other and be so tender, to be there for each other without any romantic or sexual implications (for a long long canonical time).
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(will never shut up bc this is the sweetest most heart wrenching comfort hug in television history and it's in s2)
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(So many more not pictured bc it's like the whole show and you get the idea) And this is a dynamic that continues into their relationship even when it has become romantic (this is the scene for the cuddle moment above and just ahh). And like check out this screen time ratio:
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And 4 minutes of the kissing video is actually bts or deleted scenes stuff that wasn't in the show (another fun fact, Gillian and David did an unscripted kiss on the lips in 4.17 that the writers intentionally cut to save for the right moment) and the majority of the on screen kisses are just adorable cheek and forehead kisses (my HEART!)
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All this plus the way the show gives these big ol poetic monologues about human nature and the meaning of life (that never have anything to do with sex) all the time. Like in the very least, if you're aspec there's a good chance you'll enjoy watching the show.
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Perfect segue @im-a-goddamn-cat because you know what is so funny about all of this? All this amazing ace love? The allos HATE it! They cannot handle it! They cannot fathom that Mulder and Scully were platonic and nothing more for so long. They see all those amazing platonically intimate moments as proof there must be sex. The word "ship" was literally invented for Mulder and Scully. They were the original (and oh boy turns out shipping was implicitly aphobic from the beginning!). Like it's seemingly so universal, it is everywhere:
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(spoiler alert, none of those are valid, it literally included their first meeting!)
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(like I love you xfiles abridged but...)
Scully's canonical reaction to watching allos' sexualized interpretation of her (horrified):
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(It's okay babe, just NEVER go on ao3!)
It's one thing to ship or want them to be together, but it is always about the sex specifically and it so often dips into this aphobia. I swear people treat it like it's a crime that they didn't have sex for so long (or more often/explicitly). Like why bro? Why is that so important to you? Why does love have to equal sex, huh? Why is this the only possible option?
People literally hate Chris Carter for that amazing quote about their romance not being physical! They say he is delusional or doesn't understand his own characters, or was gaslighting fans, just read this article or these ridiculous comments on this reddit post (like reddit is it's own warning but someone even said he "doesn't know how babies are made") Like I may not agree with all of the man's writing choices, but he deserves better than that! Esp since it is clearly intentional and well thought out. He knew what he was doing, it just didn't fit the allotypical standards.
The world just wants them to have sex so bad and us aces are so content.
🖤💜 Mulder and Scully: baffling and frustrating allos since 1993 💜🖤
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unidentifiedlyingobject · 8 months ago
I absolutely see the autism coded mulder and also my headcanon is they're bi4bi t4t maybe? sorry I have so many vibes from them
also other headcanon they've got to be on the aspectrum SURELY????? I'm thinking scully is demiromantic and demisexual and mulder is biromantic and asexual????? or is that just the musings of a delusional tired person lolll
mulder and scully qpr or romance (bearing in mind that i'm only at the beginning of s6 so no spoilers plss)
OMG THANK YOU!!!! ok so context, I am at the beginning of s7
and I'm going to have to choose qpr because if I think about them being best friends and then them 'getting together' I don't think anything about their dynamic or actions needs to change between those two labels
I've definitely been seeing them in a qpr for like most of the show since s1 so for me that fits better :D
then we've got the whole mulder x krycek or scully x mulder x skinner which I think is too crazy for me to put labels on but I see it!!!!
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hannah-deserved-better · 4 years ago
My favorite fictional people
I don’t know what my favorite fictional people say about me and what I’m attracted to but I love each one of these characters. I relate to all of them on some level, and they are also characters who personalities (I am demisexual and bisexual. Personality is way more attractive than looks, but their looks are definitely a bonus, they are all so beautiful) I would be attracted to. A lot of them remind me of my husband as well which is why he is my soulmate.
Star Trek: the next generation, deep space nine, voyager: Captain Picard, Dr. Crusher, Kira, Odo, Jadzia Dax, Captain Janeway, Chakotay
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Supernatural: Castiel and Hannah
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X-files: Mulder and Scully
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Buffy: Willow, buffy, angel
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Rurouni Kenshin: Kenshin, Sanosuke
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Hobbit/Lord of the Rings: Thorin, Fili, Kili, Aragorn, Faramir, Legolas
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The Legends of Drizzt By R. A Salvatore: Drizzt Do’Urden
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agathabridgerton · 4 years ago
Okay, I’ve completed my headcanons for the Spookies:
Scully’s bi
Mulder’s demisexual
William’s actually a closet gay
Like his Uncle Charlie, who lives in Seattle with his husband Marcus and works as an artist
Charlie and Marcus’s adopted kids are Jessica and Lily
Emily’s on the ace spectrum but falls in love very easily
The elder Melissa wasn’t interested in relationships and spends a lot of her time traveling; she also worked as a writer, making articles for magazines and newspapers for travel sections
The younger Melissa – Mulder and Scully’s daughter, who was born in 2003 – is very much a panromantic
The youngest of clan Spooky is Sam, who’s NB
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eurekavalley · 3 years ago
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ofelvie · 5 years ago
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joe keery. cis male. he/him.  /  elvie croft just pulled up blasting spooky boy by danny gonzalez  — that song is so them ! you know, for a twenty - four year old youtuber, i’ve heard they’re really scatterbrained, but that they make up for it by being so loyal. if i had to choose three things to describe them, i’d probably say 80s horror, buckets of halloween candy, and blurry photographs of mysterious figures in the woods. here’s to hoping they don’t cause too much trouble ! ( sam, 23, est, she/her )
hey there demons! *ba dum tss* my name is sam and i’ll be writing elvie, a brilliant harvard law graduate who threw away any shred of credibility he ever had in order to make silly videos on the internet. more info under the cut. feel free to message me if you would like to plot!
i. stats
𝖋𝖚𝖑𝖑 𝖓𝖆𝖒𝖊: elvin tupelo croft
𝖕𝖗𝖊𝖋𝖊𝖗𝖗𝖊𝖉 𝖓𝖆𝖒𝖊𝖘: el, elvie, the ghost guy
𝖍𝖔𝖒𝖊𝖙𝖔𝖜𝖓: salem, massachusetts 
𝖉𝖆𝖙𝖊 𝖔𝖋 𝖇𝖎𝖗𝖙𝖍: october 31, 1995
𝖟𝖔𝖉𝖎𝖆𝖈: scorpio
𝖔𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓: demisexual
𝖔𝖈𝖈𝖚𝖕𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓: lawyer youtuber
𝖕𝖔𝖘. 𝖙𝖗𝖆𝖎𝖙𝖘: loyal, open - minded, exuberant.
𝖓𝖊𝖌. 𝖙𝖗𝖆𝖎𝖙𝖘: scatterbrained, obstreperous, impulsive.
𝖎𝖓𝖘𝖕𝖎𝖗𝖊𝖉 𝖇𝖞: shawn spencer, psych ; fox mulder, the x files ; stiles stilinski, teen wolf.
ii. history
elvin tupelo ���elvie” croft was born in salem, massachusetts ( yes, really ) on halloween day ( yes, really ). an only child, his father is the district attorney for essex county, massachusetts while his mother owns a store in town that sells witchcraft supplies such as crystals, herbs, grimiores, etc. fun fact: she’s the descendant of an accused witch, meaning that elvie is as well.
as it turns out, beneath of the surface of the few tourist attractions that it has to offer, salem has a small town, stuck in the past vibe. it’s the sort of place where everyone knows everyone all their lives because no one ever leaves and no one ever moves in. he grew up in this...eccentric...environment, living in the same house all his life and only ever leaving to visit his grandparents in boston. 
he was five years old when he saw his first horror movie ( an apathetic teenage babysitter let him stay up long past his bedtime to watch nightmare on elm street ) and from that moment on he was HOOKED.
when he started school, two things about him became apparent: 1) he was highly intelligent and 2) he struggled greatly with tasks such as sitting still and staying focused. he was tested, and it turns out that he has a through the roof genius level iq and he also has adhd, which he was put on a few different medications for until something finally seemed to work for him.
he could have been one of those child prodigies who finished high school at the age of ten and then college at the age of fourteen, BUT his parents decided that they didn’t want him to miss out on the experience of going through school with people his own age.
as the smartest kid in class with glasses and braces and an insatiable obsession with all things horror and halloween, he…was picked on. mercilessly.
so, he didn’t really have any friends...............................at all.................................but he didn’t mind. he was perfectly content to go right home after school and spend the rest of the day reading comic books or watching horror movies or researching local urban legends and paranormal stories.
he started his youtube channel when he was a teenager and it was…trash honestly. it was basically buzzfeed unsolved if buzzfeed unsolved consisted of one ( 1 ) dorky teenager yelling at the air in the middle of abandoned house at 3am, but it turned out that people found it entertaining. his first few videos were flops, but he would soon start amassing subscribers in the hundreds, then thousands, then hundreds of thousands.
so, when he got to his senior year of high school, he was a shoe - in to be named class valedictorian ( he was ) and he was even getting ivy league offers. at the same time, his youtube channel was starting to gain momentum. his parents mainly his father were really pushing him to attend college and elvie, genius level iq and all…didn’t want to go. he wanted to focus on his youtube channel, but his dad was absolutely not having it.
he attended harvard for both his pre law and law school studies, breezed through classes, graduated with honors at the top of his class and once he passed the bar exam there were countless job offers waiting for him. elvie ignored them all and moved to los angeles so that he could finally focus on his youtube channel.
it’s been almost two years since he moved and he likes it in california!
iii. extras
his name is elvin but basically no one ever calls him that. his own parents don’t even particularly like the name. long story. most people call him elvie and some who are super close to him just call him el.
while he is the “ryan” aka the believer of his youtube series, he’s definitely NOT a scaredy cat like ryan the poor guy. in fact, all his life there’s been this running joke that HE DOESN’T SEEM TO BE SCARED OF ANYTHING, and who knows? maybe he isn’t.
has the most cartoonishly exaggerated boston accent that one could ever hope to hear, except he doesn’t seem to realize it at all. 
10/31 blaze it he’s a HUGE stoner.
he’s got jokes. stay vigilant.
he’s OBSESSED with all things horror, halloween, and 80s. he makes a lot of film references that are often so obscure that most people don’t even catch them.
he is legally permitted to practice law in the states of massachusetts and california, so basically: he’s a lawyer! however, this is not at all common knowledge because...
most people don’t know how smart he actually is because he intentionally plays dumb and he’s really good at it. being high all the time and his natural chaotic energy is quite helpful in hiding his intelligence. he just doesn’t like to be seen as smart, so the whole once - brilliant law student thing? not common knowledge whatsoever. he tries not to mention the college he attended by name at all, but if he has to then he lies and says that he went to salem state.
and yes, he has SO MUCH chaotic energy. he’s the kind of person who will stick a fork in his microwave just to see what would happen out of sheer boredom. he has two pet mexican redknee tarantulas that probably aren’t even allowed on campus named freddy and jason who he just…fucking loses track of every other day. his favorite drink is literally black coffee mixed together with a can of monster energy and 5 ( f i v e ) teaspoons of sugar. he is c h a o s. he has absolutely NO IMPULSE CONTROL whatsoever. 
he has slight Daddy Issues™. slight. when he was born, his dad was hoping that he would get a star athlete kid who would go on to follow in his footsteps and one day become a successful, respectable lawyer but instead he got…elvie. he’s never outright said that he’s disappointed but he didn’t need to. elvie’s a really difficult person to rattle but every time, without fail, he ends a phone call with his dad and he’s in a bad mood for the rest of the day. 
his car is this PIECE OF JUNK giant turquoise van that he painted to look like the mystery machine. her name is laurie strode.
even though he makes constant pop culture references about horror movies and the 80s, but outside of those areas he’s completely clueless about pop culture. like, he can recite the entire scripts of the shining and empire strikes back and ferris bueller’s day off word for word, but if someone tried to talk to him about the new post malone song or the latest marvel movie he would just stare blankly.
he has a HUGE sweet tooth. his favorite food is halloween candy and his favorite candy is black licorice disgusting i know.
he takes adderall for his adhd and he’s usually good about keeping up with it. started keeping them on his person in college because he realized that his meds were getting stolen and it’s a habit he's held onto that doesn’t really keep his shit from getting stolen.
.he’s good at…A LOT of things because he’s a really fast learner. he can play the guitar, he can draw, he did drama in high school. he just has to watch someone do something once and then he can usually immediately do it himself. this skill doesn’t extend to physical activities such as sports, however. he’s terrible at those.
he’s basically a cartoon character
iv. wanted connections
cousin  ( their grandparents would probably be from boston but otherwise anything really goes for this )
his weed dealer lmao
smoking buddies
people who don’t like him / find him annoying
has stolen his adderall
maybe someone who knows how smart he really is
exes and flings
( these are just ideas and i’m trash at coming up with these, so please don’t feel limited by what’s listed here. )
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sarkastically · 7 years ago
Tagged by @anikofromearth
Rules: Tag ten followers you want to get to know better.
Gender: Girl
Star Sign: Libra
Height: 5 ft 5 or 5 ft 6 ish
Age: 35
Sexuality: ace spectrum/demisexual
House: Slytherin
What image do you have as your wallpaper?: John Constantine from Hellblazer. Specifically a Riley Rossmo cover.
Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?: Maybe. I don’t know if crush is an accurate word. There were a number of teachers who I wanted to be friends with/viewed as parental figures. While I got along with other kids, I never really felt like we were close. Even with people who I viewed as friends. I found the teachers to be far more interesting and wanted to be friends with them and get attention and praise from them. My parents were/are not very forthcoming when it comes to expressing pride or congratulating good work. Teachers typically were. Teachers thought I was clever. My mother never seemed to think I was doing well enough, and my father didn’t seem to be paying attention at all.
Where do you see yourself in ten years?: I hate these kinds of questions. I never have answers for them. I don’t think like that. I can’t tell you what I see myself doing next week much less years in the future because I don’t plan like that and I don’t have ambitions like that. I would like to be content. I would like to still be writing something. I would like to not have lost my friends. (There all sound sad.)
What was your coolest Halloween costume?: I never really dressed up as anything cool. I remember being the Crow one year. I’m not sure anyone but me and my parents knew who I was because it was mostly just black clothes and black make-up.
What was your favorite 90′s show?: This is a very wide range. It’s difficult to say because I liked a lot of stuff. Buffy, The Maxx, Star Trek Voyager, The X-Files.
Last kiss?: Several years ago at this point. The wrong person. The wrong reasons.
Have you ever been stood up?: Yes
Have you ever been to Las Vegas?: No
Favorite pair of shoes?: My galaxy Chucks or my new floral Docs.
Favorite fruit?: Apples or grapes.
Favorite Book?: Also a very wide range. The books I have re-read the most are probably The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien and A Home at the End of the World by Michael Cunningham.
Stupidest thing you’ve ever done?: Letting people walk all over me.
All time favorite tv shows?: X-Files, Buffy, Star Trek Voyager, Runaways, Catfish, a lot of the more recent shows I used to be heavily into I have fallen away from because they have outrun their course.
The last movie you saw in theaters?: Thor Ragnarok (I think)
Relationship status: Single
Favourite colour: I pretty much like all colors except maybe some browns. I know that I cannot wear all colors. I tend toward blue or green or wine colors for my clothes but lately, I’ve just been buying whatever the hell I want.
Top 3 ships:  Baze/Chirrut, Gert/Chase, Mulder/Scully
Lipstick or chapstick: Chapstick when I remember
Last song: Blind Pilot -- Three Rounds and a Sound
Last movie: Whip IT
Not tagging anyone but please feel free to take it if you want to play.
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thatspookyagent · 4 years ago
At the end of the day, Asexuality is little to no sexual attraction and exists on a spectrum with many labels making it up! Demisexual being one of them which means that a bond of some kind is NECCASARY in order to have sexual attraction to said person. This doesn’t eliminate one night stands or hook ups since there’s a number of reasons why Asexuals can choose to have sexual relations with someone. I could go all day explaining since not only am I Asexual myself but I’ve done countless research into the spectrum and these terms! I love Mulder being Asexual cause he’s not the typical Ace character trope of being sexually repulsed or having a sexless life (which nothing is wrong with that just that we are often viewed in those kinds of lens to the point were it’s a whole stereotype for our community.) It’s honestly something that folks who have a close connection to the Asexual label, can really see how he is Asexual regardless of libido, sex drive, or watching porn. Because again, what makes someone Asexual is little to no sexual attraction. (Not saying you or folks not familiar with Asexuality are incapable of seeing it. It just might be harder.) As for M/K I feel like literally almost everyone of their scenes has some type of homoerotic tone to it. It might just be me but looking back at episodes like Tunguska/Terma and especially The Red and The Black since that’s the episode that Krycek kisses Mulder on the cheek haha. That being said I also think that’s why Krycek truly couldn’t shoot Mulder in The Essence, he felt something for him beyond what he was saying with his words. Something he just couldn’t admit to Mulder and especially in front of Skinner- And I see exactly what you mean with Scully, her random hookup episode just doesn’t fit. Same thing with Reyes honestly, and double for when the show tried to push the Doggett x Scully path(I loathe that to death). I feel like as two fans with very different experiences that we are neither truly wrong nor right, because at the end of the day, the media is one thing but the interpretation is another. We both have different connections and backgrounds therefore see things completely different ways! I’m always happy to chat with fellow fans no matter their view points! I always wish to get all kinds of various perspectives and reflect on them! :3   
On tumblr, it appears that there’s more metas and appreciation posts for Scully. There is nothing wrong with that because I love these things as well, but I wish there was more of Mulder as well.
Many people make jokes about Mulder’s beliefs, in a loving way of course, or how he does baffling things, but I want to read the thoughtful metas too, you know?
Mulder is a flawed, but fundamentally good person. While writing a fic, I had Scully say something about how her and Mulder were after the truth and someone asked what the truth was. Her response was, paraphrasing, “no matter how big or small, everyone deserves to be heard.”
And something about that resonated with me, especially towards Mulder’s beliefs. The only people who Mulder was skeptical of were serial killers and religious people/extremist. But, Mulder was always on the side of the victim no matter how outrageous the story was. Even if he was duped or misled, he always wanted to get to the bottom of whatever was going on and give that person a sense of closure.
He’s so compassionate and kind and, outside of Scully, doesnt care what others think.
He almost never comprised his morals and the times he considered doing it was almost always due to Scully. Such as when she was returned post abduction and her cancer. He was willing to compromise who he was to get answers for what happened to her as well as save her life.
When Scully offered to lie on his behalf on her deathbed, Mulder refused because he wouldn’t ruin her reputation even in death.
Mulder loves so fiercely, is devoted, and selfless to a fault at times. He humanizes what other demonizes.
I think about the genie and his failed wishes and how he’s not only the only character, but his last wish is the only time I’ve ever heard of anyone wishing for the genie’s freedom. And, even tho his intial wish was somewhat misguided, his heart was in the right place. Almost everyone else made these super selfish wishes and he thought of other people and the world at large and that’s just who Mulder is.
And you think of the traumatic ordeal he witnessed and his fractured, shitty relationship with his parents. Or how people constantly took advtnsge of his vulnerability and eager to please.
I think about the times seeing Samantha was waved in front of him, which was positioned with Scully’s safety and, in both times, he refused to jeopardize Scully’s safety and well-being for his sister who he looked for for decades.
That, as much as he wanted Scully by his side, eventually he realized that his desire to want her there was selfish and he encouraged her to seek opportunities and life outside of the x files.
Like, yes, Mulder could be selfish and an asshole, but there were so many good and endearing qualities about him that he’ll forever be my favorite male character.
Like I love that he has a quip for everything, and then can turn serious when the situation calls for it: usually Scully. Lol
Or, regardless of whatever anyone says about him being “looney”, he’s a damned good agent. Which is why I bust up laughing at Kersh calling him a “lost cause” in Tithonus.
His wonder, his imagination, his enthusiasm for the truth...
And he wasn’t macho either, but he was masculine, which included: men can be nurturing too.
I just love him!
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littlestooge · 8 years ago
Dear author
Hello, Writer!
I am so excited for Chocolate Box! Thank you so very much for writing something for me. I cannot wait to read it!
Yep: happy endings that doin’t fall into syrupy sap, loyalty, domesticity, downtime where the characters just hang out and bond, still waters running deep in terms of emotions (some characters may have trouble expressing emotions but they certainly have them), found families, friendship, emotional bonding, loyalty. If you want to write smut, that’s fine by me! If you don’t, that’s also more than okay. I do prefer sex with an emotional bond present, and that all parties have a good time (winkwink).
Nope: rape/dubious consent, fusions, crossovers, BDSM, scat, sex with people aged under 18, sex with animals, sex with more than two people involved in a single encounter, OT3s, dom/sub, A/B/O-verses or A/B/O dynamics (or similar) in genenral, trans/pansexual/demisexual/asexual headcanons.
Thank you so much for writing for me!
The X-Files
Fox Mulder/Dana Scully; Mulder/Scully & William (their son) My very, very first OTP from when I was just a little girl is Mulder/Scully. I ship them. And I ship them HARD.
Was I utterly thrilled that the shw came back for six new episodes in 2016? Yes! Was I disappointed in episodes 1, 5 and 6? Sure! Was I annoyed that Mulder and Scully had broken up for reasons unknown? Definitely!
But, sadly, I was willing to forgive Chris Carter for writing three terrible episodes (and whoever the hell let him do it!) just for some more time with these two awesome people, and some new information about their feelings about their much longed-for son. And I am looking forward to the new episodes Fox has indicated will land in 2018. Which I very much hope will not suck.
But until then, I would love absolutely anything written about these two crazy kids, at any point of the series (from the Pilot all the way through til now, and anywhere in between). I’d also love to see anything featuring either or both of them and their son. If you’d like to write smut, that’d be great, but I would ask you to remember two things, please: the desperately deep feelings Scully and Mulder have for each other, and the fact that Mulder has an oral fixation...which I’m sure keeps Scully very happy. Ahem.
Star Trek: Voyager
Chakotay/Janeway; Janeway & Q; Janeway & Tuvok; Janeway & Kes; Janeway & Seven of Nine  Chakotay and Janeway are an OTP of mine from way, way back, and few lazy canon additions have annoyed me as much as the tacked-on Seven of Nine/Chakotay ‘romance’ in the finale episode (which I already have plenty of issues with).
I don’t think I’m alone in loving their trapped-on-a-planet-together episode, Resolutions, back in Season 2. I also doubt I’m alone in thinking the likely original intentions of The Powers That Be were to put Janeway and Chakotay together as a couple at some point.
So I’d be down with a fix-it that gets rid of the stupid Chakotay/Seven pairing (Seven is probably best with the Doctor, to be honest), and puts Janeway and Chakotay together. I’d just really like some shipfic of these two, please. Anytime in the series (or after it) is fine. And a fic that ignores the finale is fine. And fic that refers to Resolutions would be awesome. An AU where they’re on New Earth for longer, or an AU where they get together at some point after the episode once they’re back on the ship, or anything along those lines? Awesome!
I also love Janeway’s long, deep friendship with Tuvok, her frindly yet antagonistic friendship with Q, and her affectionate, maternal friendships with Kes (who should have never been written out of the series) and Seven.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Kira/Odo; Kira & Odo I admit that DS9 is not my favourite Trek series. It’s not that I hate it, it’s just that I haven’t made the time to sit down and watch all of it the way I have with most of the other bits of the Trek universe. So I’m nowhere near as familiar with the intricacies of the overarching plots and story arcs.
But one part of DS9 I love is how badass Kira Nerys is. I also really love Odo, and how well his confusion and isolation is represented and acted. But most of all, I love the relationship between Kira and Odo, and how it grows and changes throughout the series. 
I especially like season five’s Children of Time (and not just because I love time travel as a trope, which I totally do). Odo’s love for Kira is shown as being both a strength and a weakness: the Odo who was trapped on the planet after the Defiant crashed has been able to grow and develop as as a person because of his love for Kira, but he is also driven to extreme lengths (which includes sacrificing his own existence) just so that Kira will live. Kira’s reaction to this news is far more realistic than usually allowed on TV: she is conflicted, touched that Odo loves her, but more than anything, horrified by what that love has caused him to do, especially as she had said she was at peace with her supposedly fated death.
That’s not to say that the writers handled this relationship as well as they could have (a mishandling which I’m almost certain had a lot to do with executive meddling, rather than the writers not knowing what they were doing). 
But I’d love to see any fic featuring these guys, during or after the series. Preferably either when they are a couple (perhaps one or both considering the reality of the romantic relationship versus what they thought it would be, especially for Odo), or perhaps just before they take the plunge. When did Kira realise she loved Odo? How did she feel about his feelings for her? 
Star Trek: The Original Series
Kirk/Spock; Kirk/Spock & McCoy Ah, Kirk and Spcok! The granddaddy of slash pairings. Who invented slash, damnit. So I love these two. So, so much. And I ship them HARD. I love these two, and I don’t care when any fic about them is set: before the series, during the series, between the series and the films, during the films, after them. Kirk was likely Spock’ first real, close friend, and definitely helped Spock out of his shell, and helped him with his loneliness. And Spock also became friends with McCoy through Kirk, of course. So the three of them could be awesome together!
Christine Chapel & Nyota Uhura & Janice Rand Some of the original awesome sci-fi ladies! I love these three, and I loved them even more when I found out Majel Barrett (who plays Christine Chapel) was originally meant to play the ship’s first officer. So Gene Roddenberry, for all his faults, was certainly a progressive! So I’d love to see some fic featuring any or all of these ladies being BAMFs, please. As they likely would have been presented all the damn time, had executive meddling not got in the way.
Star Trek: The Next Generation
Picard/Guinan; Picard & Guinan
Why did we never get any real insight into this relationship, goddamn it?! How did these two first meet? (And no, not in Time’s Arrow; how did Picard first meet Guinan?) And why is their relationship “beyond family”? Genfic or shipfic both very much appreciated!
Picard & Tasha Yar; Guinan & Tasha Yar
There are few pointless deaths in canon that shit me more than Tasha Yar’s. I know Denise Crosby wanted to leave the series because she felt the character was being under-utilised. But goddamn it, that should have promoted The Powers That Be to fic the issue, not let her walk away when Tasha was such a fab, kickass BAMF of a female character. Christ! 
I liked the growing relationship between Picard and Tasha: Picard obviously felt very fatherly toward Tasha, which was lovely. And Tasha, who was orphaned at a young age and had to struggle to survive when the colony world she lived on went to shit, obviously held Picard in high regard. So I’d love to hear more about them! I’m more than down for an AU fic where Tasha doesn’t die, too.
And while we only saw Guinan interact with an alternate timeline Tasha in the truly epicYesterday’s Enterprise, it’s still an intriguing realtionship between two awesome women. Would love to see what friendship they could have had had Tasha survived!
Picard & Data; Data & Spot I admit it. I love Data, and the way in which he struggles to understand humans and our emotions. And that shows a lot in his relationships with Picard (who he sacrifices himself for in Nemesis - that’s love!) and Spot, who he clearly loves.
Romy and Michele’s High School Reunion (1997)  
Romy White/Michele Weinberger; Romy White & Michele Weinberger; Romy White & Michele Weinberger and Heather Mooney; Heather Mooney/Sandy Frink Near the beginning of the film, Michele asks Romy if they should “have sex sometime” to check if they’re actually lesbians. Romy says no, but to “ask me again” if they reach 30 and are still single.
What happens when these two awesome ladies get to 30? They’re obviously successful business women (for real!) by the time they’re 30, but they’re still single. Do they decide to check if they’re lesbians after all? What happens?
I also really love Heather and Sandy as characters. What happens to them next? Do they get together? And what LA adventures do Romy, Michele and Heather get up together?
Frozen (2013)  
Anna & Elsa Finally! A wildly popular, money-spinning animated Disney movie featuring a strong female protagonist who doesn’t have even a potential future love interest in the form of some dude hanging around her by the end of the film!
I love the relationship between Anna and Elsa, and the fact that this familial love (and between two women! Who aren’t competing with each other over who is prettier or over some dude or whatever!) was the main love story of the film. And was the love that saved the day.
I understand why some people would like Elsa to be lesbian or bi or ace or whatever in the sequel: there is just so little representation, especially in mainstream media. But simply that she is presented as a female character whose main goal in life isn’t to find someone to shack up with is incredibly refreshing. Which I loved.
(I liked Brave for the same reason: the bond between Merida and her mother. But remember, there were those Scottish lads who were competing for her hand at the start of the film. And Frozen made a hell of a lot more money.)
I’d love to see some more Anna and Elsa bonding, please. I don’t care what they’re doing or talking about. I don’t mind if it’s during the film or after it. As long as it’s not incest (which I admit squicks me), I’m happy! 
The Martian - All Media Types
Mark Watney & Ares III Crew This movie also really surprised me with how awesome it was. I admit I have yet to read the book, although it’s on my list!
I just love the bond between Mark and the crew, and would love to see what happens when he gets back to the ship at the end of the film. How do the crew - another chosen family - help Mark put himself back together?
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (movies)
I need to say, firstly, that I was really surprised by how much I loved this movie. I loved the Harry Potter book series growing up (and still do), but I was always “meh” about the movies. But this movie was great!
Well-rounded, non-stereotypical characters, all of whom are actual adults (read: I am so sick of seeing movies and other media featuring characters who are all 24 and under. I’m in my twenties and I couldn’t care less for these brainless stereotypes! Give us some real, complex people who are all at least a decade out of puberty! Please! Jeez.) and have actual personalities. 
Tina, for one, is neither played by an anorexic 21 year old, nor is she inappropriately attired for either the time period or HER GODDAMN JOB AS AN AUROR. WHICH SHE COULDN’T DO IN HEELS. THAT YOU VERY MUCH, BRYCE DALLKAS HOWARD IN JURASSIC WORLD. FFS. Even Queenie, who is far “girlier” is still wearing clothes and shoes she can comfortably move around in, and both women have actual depth to their characters. Awesome!
Queenie Goldstein & Tina Goldstein
Just like Anna and Elsa above, I adore the sisterly relationship presented between these two. These two appear to have been on their own for a while, so I’d love to see any genfic featuring these two, please. Before the movie, after it, during it. I don’t mind! They’re both such asskicking BAMFs, and I’d love to see more of it.
Queenie Goldstein & Tina Goldstein & Jacob Kowalski & Newt Scamander
Do I love the found family/family of choice trope? Why yes. Yes I do. All four of these characters are interesting separately, and lose none of that depth when they come together as a little tribe, taking on the world together. And I love the bond these grown ups (who have all lived, at least a little bit, and experienced love, loss, and war, and have grown from it) form. And I’d love to see more of it!
They’re all great characters, and it’s so nice to see such kind characters find each other, and to be able to help the others. They’re all a bit damaged, after all, but they try their very best to rise above it and live the best lives they can.
Newt Scamander & Newt Scamander's Magical Beasts;  Frank The Thunderbird & Newt Scamander
To say that Newt cares for his animal friends is putting it mildly. Much was made of the fact that Newt is a true Hufflepuff and attempts to settle his battles with his wits and mind rather than his fists, which was just awesome to see in a mainstream film.
Before Newt finds Jacob, Tina and Queenie, his magical beasts are very much his family of choice, and it’s clear they love him. After all, he travels to America purely to free Frank! So any fic featuring them all being awesome together would be great. How did he find Frank? How did he know where Frank originally came from? How did he begin to collect these animals?
Queenie Goldstein/Jacob Kowalski
I truly surprised myself with how much I ship these two. The affection between them felt so deep and real, and they (surprisingly) completely avert the schlubby-guy-and-beautiful-woman-fall-in-love trope. I really did buy it when psychic Queenie told Jacob she was intrigued by who he was as a person, and that she knew he wasn’t just attracted to her because she’s pretty. The friendship between them felt real, and I’d love to see more of it.
I was actually a bit teary when Jacob stepped out into the amnesia rain at the end of the film, and actually smiled when Queenie came into his bakery at the end of the film. This pairing is just begging for reunion fic. Pretty please? Jacob might get his memory back, or he might not. But I’d love to know what happens next!
Jacob Kowalski & Newt Scamander; Jacob Kowalski/Newt Scamander
I just love these guys. I both ship them and like them as BFFs, so would be happy with them being presented as either.  This pairing is just begging for reunion fic. Pretty please? Jacob might get his memory back, or he might not. But I’d love to know what happens next!
Tina Goldstein & Newt Scamander; Tina Goldstein/Newt Scamander
We all already know that, in canon, these two end up married: Luna Lovegood marries their grandson, and they have twin boys. And I have a feeling Luna and her dad would get on gangbusters with Newt and Tina.
I really like how the film ended with these two as friends, rather than with their damn wedding. Tina is a grown ass woman, and she has better things to do than go moping after some English dude with floppy hair. And I love how polite and non-douchebaggy Newt is (both in general, and in the way he doesn’t crack on to Tina like a fucking stalker, whining about how he’s “such a nice guy!”). 
They clearly are good friends before they ever become a couple, so I’d love to see either genfic featuring these two as friends, or shippy fic with them as a couple, or pre-relationship UST fic, please. Or whatever you’d like to write! Maybe a flash forward to what they got up to during WWII? Or either of the wars with Voldemort?
Leta Lestrange & Newt Scamander; Albus Dumbledore & Newt Scamander
I don’t think you need magical powers to know that these two relationships from Newt’s Hogwarts days will play a larger role in future films. So any exploration of these relationships would be wonderful!
Harry Potter (book series)
Dumbledore/Grindelwald I’ve long found this relationship fascinating, and the news (from J.K. Rowling herself!) that Dumbledore was gay and in love with Grindelwald was most intriguing. Did Grindelwald return those feelings? Did he not? Did he never know Albus loved him?
Oh, the possibilities! I am also really pleased that JKR herself is writing the Fantastic Beasts movies (rather than the hodge-podge mess the original movies often were, scripted by other people) because we may finally have some light shed on this relationship, which is obviously so crucial to everything that follows it in the wizarding world. So I’d love to read more about it!
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hannah-deserved-better · 4 years ago
Side blogs and role play
I created a few side blogs because I am thinking about getting back into role playing, but I am not quite ready yet so they aren’t set up. These side blogs will also double as a place for me to enjoy specific fandoms. Everything will probably get reblogged here since this is my main blog, but for specific fandoms, you should follow my side blogs. 
For Supernatural
@hannahhostofheaven and @castherebel have always been my main role play blogs. I haven’t updated them in years and my preferences have changes since then. As far as role play, Cas and Hannah are always autistic characters. Also, they are both bi and poly so Cas is always together with Hannah even if one or the other aren’t part of the story, but they also date other people. Also, all my characters are demisexual so no quick pairings here. 
For X-files
@specialagentdanascully8 Is my new Scully RPG blog. Of course, she can only be paired with Mulder.
For Star Trek TNG, DS9, or Voyager
@majorkiranerys8 My Kira blog and also, my place for all things Deep Space Nine.
@docbeverlycrusher For my Dr. Crusher character or for anything Star Trek TNG
@thecaptainkathrynjaneway For Captain Janeway and all things Voyager
For Rurouni Kenshin
@kenshinhimurathebattosai for my Kenshin RPG and for all things Kenshin
For the legends of Drizzt
@drizztdourdenthedrow For all things Drizzt
For Lord of the Rings or the Hobbit
@filitheheiroferebor For Fili and all things the Hobbit (usually, movie verse)
@faramirrangerofgondor For Faramir or all things Lord of the Rings
For Buffy the Vampire Slayer
@willowrosenberg8 For Willow and for all things Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Note: All my blogs except for Hannah and Castiel are new, and even they need to be updated, so there are definitely rules and restrictions for my role play characters but I haven’t put them up yet so please talk to me about rules before you RP with me, at least until the rules and stuff are up. Note, some of my RPG blogs are OC friendly and some are not, so keep that in mind.
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hannah-deserved-better · 4 years ago
I think it’s time to point out something about fandom culture. It always seems like gender is the most important thing when it comes to to fandom culture. And don’t get me wrong, gender and gender diversity is important, I’m a bisexual and a demisexual person so I get it.
But there are so many identities that need to be seen too. Just because a show may not be gender diverse doesn’t mean that the characters don’t struggle with something. Yeah maybe if everyone is straight but maybe the main character is autistic and that’s their struggle, isn’t their struggle worth being represented? Maybe a character struggles with poverty, I’d love to see some class diversity.
Most of my favorite pairings are m/f and while I see most of them as bisexual, I also like them for reasons not pertaining to their gender or gender orientation. castiel and Hannah for instance. They are a bisexual ship but they are also an autistic couple and that is what’s more important to me, and autistic person. I’m an autistic person and just because I’m a bi woman married to a straight man doesn’t mean my struggle with autism doesn’t deserve to be seen.
Many of my Star Trek pairings are interracial. That’s important to me because I am mixed race and a product of two interracial marriages. It was a struggle for my grandparents and their struggle deserves to be represented (at least in my grandmother’s cases, my grandfather was in fact a racist abuse bastard who hurt my grandma and my mother.)
So yeah most of my pairings are m/f. I didn’t plan for it do be that way but these particular pairings all represent me in some way so I was immediately drawn to them. Kira/Odo, Janeway/Chakotay, Picard/Crusher, Kenshin/Kaoru, Mulder/Scully, Castiel/Hannah, Willow/Tara, Buffy/Angel, those are my OTPs. I’d say with the exception of Willow and Tara from Buffy, they are all m/f and many are bisexual and polysexual, at least in my mind. They are all my OTPs anyway. I have plenty of side ships that aren’t m/f. But the point is that gender and gender orientation isn’t the only identity that needs representation. There is something about each of these pairings that I relate too, and most of them, it’s because at least one person in the pairing has the autism archetype. Kira and Odo are my interracial couple, a changeling who is an outcast because of who he is, and a Bajoran. Janeway and Chakotay are interracial too and I relate because I’m part Native American.
As a writer I want to write about my struggles, and my struggles are mostly about autism, being mixed race, and about poverty so that’s what I want to be seen way more than my bisexuality. It’s not my job to tell your story it’s my job to tell my story and my story is just as valid. Don’t condemn me (or for not having any pairings that don’t represent you cuz when it comes to my ships it’s kinda all about me) for not representing you because that’s your job not mine. You write your own story.
Btw most if not all the characters in my original novel series are bisexual.
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hannah-deserved-better · 6 years ago
Don’t make me choose
I feel like fan fiction and fandoms kinda ignore that part and force bisexuals to choose to be either gay or straight.
Personally, almost all my ships are het and m/f and a good portion more of them are f/f. Why? Because that’s what I am into. I am a bisexual woman who is attracted to both men and women who happens to be married to a straight man, so I tend to be attracted to ships that I personally relate too.
I am also finding that I tend to develop an interest in just as many female characters as male characters in my shows and I tend to ship my favorite girls with my favorite boys. Castiel and Hannah are my number one ongoing OTP because I have the biggest crush on Hannah and on Erica Carroll who plays her. I freaking worship her. I know she isn’t a popular character, but you can probably blame my autism for me falling for the unpopular ones, its an ongoing issue I have.
But then, after Hannah, who is my favorite character in Supernatural, my second favorite character is Castiel so its no wonder that I ship them so much.
But this has been a common characteristic in my life. My first fandom was Star Trek Deep Space Nine and my OTP from there was Kira and Odo. And I also loved Voyager and my OTP was Janeway and Chakotay. In TNG, I shipped Picard and Dr. Crusher. In Buffy my OTP is Willow and Tara. And of course in X-files, it’s Mulder and Scully. Its usually just one OTP per fandom and it always involves at least one woman. There are a few m/m ships I have but they are definitely not OTPs and there aren’t very many. That may because I am a huge fan of platonic bromances so I do tend to kinda ‘friendzone’ potential m/m ships too quickly.
This isn’t something I do consciously, its just what I am into. I am also demisexual which is why I tend to favor relationships that grow out of friendship and the emotional bond is there.
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masterthespianduchovny · 4 years ago
See, I either believe he’s demisexual or sees sex as a distraction and satisfies his urges with porn. I feel they Mulder questions procreation due to his line of work. And I spend many a fanfic wondering about his views on fatherhood for this reason: his line of work is literally like the most dangerous line of work to be in as in the x files.
If they don’t kill his family, they could torture/test on them, or simply threaten them.
There is also the fact that Mulder really isn’t a casual sex kinda person. But, due to his unusual beliefs, how many women would be willing to indulge that and not make him feel bad about himself (probably more than Mulder realize. Lol).
I think this feeds into Mulder’s intensity. You don’t have to share his beliefs, but you do have to be respectful. Mulder has a handful of friends by choice. Mulder is loyal to former partner, whether they be romantic or professional, to almost a fault.
I think he does few genuine sexual interest as well as romantic, but he’s picky and it can’t be just any ole body.
On tumblr, it appears that there’s more metas and appreciation posts for Scully. There is nothing wrong with that because I love these things as well, but I wish there was more of Mulder as well.
Many people make jokes about Mulder’s beliefs, in a loving way of course, or how he does baffling things, but I want to read the thoughtful metas too, you know?
Mulder is a flawed, but fundamentally good person. While writing a fic, I had Scully say something about how her and Mulder were after the truth and someone asked what the truth was. Her response was, paraphrasing, “no matter how big or small, everyone deserves to be heard.”
And something about that resonated with me, especially towards Mulder’s beliefs. The only people who Mulder was skeptical of were serial killers and religious people/extremist. But, Mulder was always on the side of the victim no matter how outrageous the story was. Even if he was duped or misled, he always wanted to get to the bottom of whatever was going on and give that person a sense of closure.
He’s so compassionate and kind and, outside of Scully, doesnt care what others think.
He almost never comprised his morals and the times he considered doing it was almost always due to Scully. Such as when she was returned post abduction and her cancer. He was willing to compromise who he was to get answers for what happened to her as well as save her life.
When Scully offered to lie on his behalf on her deathbed, Mulder refused because he wouldn’t ruin her reputation even in death.
Mulder loves so fiercely, is devoted, and selfless to a fault at times. He humanizes what other demonizes.
I think about the genie and his failed wishes and how he’s not only the only character, but his last wish is the only time I’ve ever heard of anyone wishing for the genie’s freedom. And, even tho his intial wish was somewhat misguided, his heart was in the right place. Almost everyone else made these super selfish wishes and he thought of other people and the world at large and that’s just who Mulder is.
And you think of the traumatic ordeal he witnessed and his fractured, shitty relationship with his parents. Or how people constantly took advtnsge of his vulnerability and eager to please.
I think about the times seeing Samantha was waved in front of him, which was positioned with Scully’s safety and, in both times, he refused to jeopardize Scully’s safety and well-being for his sister who he looked for for decades.
That, as much as he wanted Scully by his side, eventually he realized that his desire to want her there was selfish and he encouraged her to seek opportunities and life outside of the x files.
Like, yes, Mulder could be selfish and an asshole, but there were so many good and endearing qualities about him that he’ll forever be my favorite male character.
Like I love that he has a quip for everything, and then can turn serious when the situation calls for it: usually Scully. Lol
Or, regardless of whatever anyone says about him being “looney”, he’s a damned good agent. Which is why I bust up laughing at Kersh calling him a “lost cause” in Tithonus.
His wonder, his imagination, his enthusiasm for the truth...
And he wasn’t macho either, but he was masculine, which included: men can be nurturing too.
I just love him!
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