#also merry christmas to all those who celebrate today!
spshipstats · 9 months
Quick question: what are the stats on Tammy Warner x Kenny?
SP Ship Stats: Kenny McCormick x Tammy Warner
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at 124 responses:
44.35% of people ship Kenny x Tammy
55.65% of people don't ship Kenny x Tammy
of those who ship it:
27.27% think it's popular
43.64% think it's uncommon
27.27% think it's a rarepair
1.82% have never heard of it before
Chart with a more specific break down below the cut! Thanks for requesting a ship!
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Can I request something with Daemon and Alicent sister.
She always thought she was second choice to Rhaenyra and tries not to show her sadness but her sons that they have together can see it and ask there father why is there mother second choice. And he finally relises that she feels like second choice.
Happy ending though.
Second Choice || D. Targaryen x Hightower!oc
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GIF by @buffysummers DIVIDERS by @straywords
a/n: I had so much fun writing this, thank you for the request! I added my own little twists to this but it’s still along the lines of your request so I hope you don’t mind! Also this is oc btw, and enjoy!! also this is a long one! ALSO MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE TO THOSE WHO CELEBRATE IT <33 i live in aus so xmas is today!
warning: big age gap, oc starts of as 15 in the beginning and is 18 in the end, otto gaslighting and being manipulative
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“You will marry the Prince” Otto had his back turned to his daughter. Leyla’s eyes widen at her father’s words, she looks to her older sister Alicent who wears a sad expression on her face.
“But father- he’s nearly three times my age! Why must I marry him” She pleads, she had no feelings for Daemon. And the terrible stories she had heard about him made her avoid him even more.
“Because you are my youngest child, I want you to live in royalty. The Prince has his eyes on the Princess but the King would never allow it-“ Leyla scoffed. “So you force me to marry him so that the King would thank you?! Do you love the power you have so much? So much that you would marry me off to that vile man!” She yelled, infuriated at her father.
“Do you have no respect child!” Both Leyla and Alicent flinch at the sound of everything on the table being pushed to the ground. “I am doing you good by marrying you to Daemon. You will have a high spot in court and you will, without a doubt live in luxury. Your children would be of royalty” Otto steps closer to Leyla, taking her face in his hands in a rough manner.
“You will give him children. You will marry him. Do you hear me” He yells the last bit as he shakes her, her jaw clenching as tears form in her eyes. Leyla pushes herself off of him as he leaves the room.
“I am so sorry sister” Alicent quietly says before giving her a sympathetic look and leaving the room. Leyla stood there for god knows how long, her mind clouded with thoughts.
She was only 15, how could her father marry her off to a man nearly three times her age and bear his children? Leyla knew there was nothing that could be done to get out of this so instead, she held a strong front.
She laid motionless on the bed. Her whole body was aching, particularly her womanhood. “You did well, sweet child” Daemon kissed her cheek before he laid beside her. “Did you enjoy the show my lords?” He called out in a humorous manner as they stayed silent, Alicent only coughing before they all left the room.
Embarrassed, Leyla turned on her side, her naked back facing Daemon. She felt so many things at that moment. She did not expect to lose her maidenhood so early and to a man that she did not love.
Daemon turns his head to only see the back of his wife’s head. He too did not love Leyla, his eyes were on someone else. He did not know her very well, only that she was the youngest offspring of that cunt, Otto.
But nonetheless, he refused to treat Leyla in an ill manner. Throughout their very short courtship, he had grown to be protective of her, he didn’t understand why, maybe because it was the fact that he was nearly three times older than the girl.
He nearly choked the old fool who offered his youngest daughter to him. He couldn’t help but scoff and roll his eyes when he heard the offer and her age. Daemon knew that they were doing this so that he couldn’t marry Rhaenyra. Pathetic really, he thought.
Leyla smiled at Daemon as he places his hand atop her swollen belly, caressing it slowly before taking her hand off of his to place a gentle kiss on it. “How is the pregnancy going Lady Leyla?” Viserys looks up from his plate sending her a smile.
She grins back as Daemon and her look at each other before she replies, “Very well your Grace, though she’s been quite active recently, kicking and moving around constantly” Leyla says as they all chuckle. “A true Targaryen she is” Daemon adds with a huge grin.
“She?” Rhaenyra asks as she looks at the two across from her. Leyla awkwardly lookd at her, a tight smile on her lips. It has always been quite awkward around Rhaenyra. Ever since Leyla and Daemon married, there had been an awkward atmosphere around.
“Yes Princess, Daemon is adamant that the babe is a girl” Leyla squeezes his hand as she nods with a smile before looking at Daemon, something only Leyla notices. She watches Daemon from the corner of her eye as he looks at Rhaenyra, a subtle smile on his lips before he looks back down to his plate.
“Princess,” Ser Criston calls out from the door, without uttering another word, Viserys gives Rhaenyra a smile and nods his head as she stands up. “Please excuse me” She says before leaving the room.
“I do hope that you are able to attend the wedding then, hopefully you won’t be in labour” Leyla’s sister looks up to her as she nods, “What wedding?” Daemon questioned, raising an eyebrow at his sister-in-law.
“Rhaenyra’s wedding to Prince Laenor, husband” Leyla placed her hand on top of his to which he shoves it off, “Rhaenyra is marrying and no one has told me?” Daemon says frustratedly, banging the table making everyone jump.
“Well I was going tell you-“ Leyla was interrupted once Daemon sat up from his seat making it fall to the ground. “Daemon-“ Leyla tried but she was turned down, “Don’t.” He glares at her as she looks at him in bewilderment.
Her eyes followed his figure leave the room, the door closing with a loud slam. Leyla sighed in defeat, massaging her forehead with her fingers. “Excuse me your Grace” She apologetically smiles and leaves the room to find her husband.
“Daemon?” Leyla slowly opened the door to their shared bedchambers. She stepped in seeing Daemon sat on a chair infront of the firepit. Her feet move to the chair, her hands placing themselves on his tense shoulders.
“Were you going to tell me or did I have to wait until the day she marries him” He mutters, “I was going to tell you okay? I-It just slipped out of my head” She sighed,!moving infront of him.
Leyla could see his feature’s immediately softening when he looks at her. He looks at her swollen belly before grinning up at her, Daemon takes her hands in his moving her closer to him as he gently leans his head on her belly.
She liked to think that he was over Rhaenyra—even the slightest bit over her—ever since they found out they were expecting a child. And during those months together, Leyla was undeniably falling for Daemon.
“Why do you worry about it so much, my love?” Leyla says in a hushed voice, careful to not anger him, Daemon only ignores her, placing kisses on her covered belly. Leyla sighs in defeat, running her hands through his hair.
3 years later….
“Mumma!” Alyssa, Leyla’s eldest child, ran up to her on the bed, followed by Baelon, the second oldest. She jumped onto the bed making Leyla giggle. “Careful Alyssa” Daemon warned as he lifts Baelon onto the bed.
He places a kiss on Leyla’s forehead before nestling himself beside her who was holding their third child in her arms. “Meet your baby brother” Leyla smiled at her children as they move closer to look at him.
“You are amazing, sweetling” He whispered against her hair, she tiredly smiles before leaning her head on his chest. A knock at the door makes the couple pause.
The handmaiden rushes to the door, the handmaiden curtsying before letting out a quiet “Princess”. Leyla slightly leaned up, wondering why Rhaenyra was here.
“Who is it?” Daemon calls out, his gaze on the child in Leyla’s arms. “Princess Rhaenyra, my Prince” She replied. Leyla felt his body slightly shift. She watched as he gazes at her intensely.
“Uncle, Lady Leyla” Rhaenyra smiled as she steps closer to the family. “Princess” Leyla politely bows her head as Daemon’s eyes still fixate themselves on her. “To what do we owe the pleasure?” Leyla speaks up.
“I just arrived this morning for a visit when I heard you gave birth to your third child, I wanted to know how you were” She smiles as she looks to Daemon, then to her, then to the child in Leyla’s arms.
“That is very kind of you, Princess, isn’t it Husband?” Leyla turns her head to look at Daemon. He still had his eyes on Rhaenyra with a subtle smile. And that was when it hit her, the reality that Daemon still had feelings for Rhaenyra.
1 year later…
Ever since Rhaenyra moved back to the castle, the same tension that Leyla felt nearly 4 years ago was back, more than ever. She couldn’t help but notice the subtle looks they would exchange whenever they were in the same room.
Or how Daemon would never be paying attention to her or their children whenever Rhaenyra was close by. At one point, their youngest son who had just started to walk, Aegon, was one step away from falling down the stairs. That night, the two had a huge argument, the room was left in pieces.
Leyla watched with a sadden gaze as her husband dances with his niece. It was her sister’s name day. She had Aegon on her lap, bouncing him to usher his cries. Alyssa and Baelon to her left playing with their wet nurse.
Daemon was still so sweet and caring to Leyla but she could feel it deep inside. The feeling that she would always be second choice to Rhaenyra. She tried accepting it, she really did, she knew that he married her when he was inlove with another.
But in those 4 years, she liked to think he loved her. She gave him everything, her childhood, her maidenhood, children, her nonstop love and care, but sometimes she felt as if it was going all to waste.
Leyla couldn’t bare watching the two dance knowing that there was—or still is—something between the two. Leyla raised her hand to beckon the wet nurse. “Take Aegon to the children so that they may play together” She smiles to the women. “Of course, my lady”
She stood from her seat walking towards her sister. “I apologise sister, I feel as if I should retire to my bedchambers” She says to her, kissing her cheek as Alicent smiles. “Of course, rest up well” She holds her hand as Leyla nods walking to her three children.
“I am going to go rest my darlings, Alyssa, take care of your brothers for me” Leyla kisses their foreheads as she stands and leaves the bustling room. God was Leyla tired. Mentally and physically drained.
She had no rest. The last 4 years was nothing but Leyla going through another pregnancy. She was only 18 and she already has three children—4 maybe because she hadn’t bled in a month—but nonetheless she loved her children very much.
When she arrived at her bedchambers, she immediately laid herself on the bed. A loud sigh leaves her lips, before she could even close her eyes to get some much needed sleep, a knock erupts from the door.
Groaning, she takes heavy footsteps to the door. Opening it, she was surprised to see her father. “Father-“ “What are you doing here? You should be celebrating with your sister” He utters as he invites himself in.
“I’m not feeling well, I already told his Grace and Alicent” She mutters as Otto turns to her, “Are you expecting again? The handmaidens have told me you haven’t bled this month-“ “Why are you associating yourself with my handmaidens father? Are you that interested in my life” Leyla scoffs.
Otto slightly smiles, “Just making sure my daughter is being a dutiful wife and producing the Prince heirs, that is all” He shrugs. This made Leyla absolutely fume.
Grabbing the closest vase, she throws it on the ground, shards flying everywhere. “Is that what you think I am? A pawn?Someone who can just pop out babies for the Prince!” She yells, “I have wasted my childhood on the birthing bed! Because of you and your stupid arrangement for me to marry Daemon, he doesn’t even love me!”
“Why would you do that to me! I was only 15…” Leyla sobbed, her legs giving up on her as she released all her pent up emotions. What surprised her was the feeling of her father’s arms wrapped around her shaking body. “Silly girl, love doesn’t exist in arranged marriages”
“This was what you were made to do, my dear. Produce heirs, be married off to a noble man, in this case, married to a Prince and producing royalty. You are giving our family, our house, great honour” He says as Leyla listens.
“Get out” She quietly says, “I’m sorry?” Otto says confused, “I said, get out!” Leyla raises her voice as she shrugs his hands off of her. “Get out now!” She screams, her face red from all the crying.
Otto chuckles, “You should be thanking me, my child. I have built this for you, this extravagant life you have and for your children-“ “Get the fuck out of my chambers father” She loudly says, fed up with all his words that tried to give her some sort of comfort and reassurance that this what all she was made to do, produce heirs.
“Darlings, where’s mother?” Daemon had finished dancing with his niece and searched for his wife, but she was nowhere to be found. He sat down on the ground with his three children, something that made the nearby lady and lords gossip.
“Alyssa?” Daemon questions, taking baby Aegon from the arms of the wet nurse. “Mumma is not feeling well, she’s resting in her room” The little girl responds, her attention still on the toys.
Daemon looks towards their wet nurse who briefly nods in confirmation. He was worried for Leyla, she had been feeling more tired and was quiet in the past few weeks.
He knocks on the door, “Darling, it’s me” He waits for a few minutes before he could hear Leyla’s footsteps approaching. “Are you-“ He cut off mid sentence when he saw her face. Red eyes and wet cheeks.
Daemon furrows his eyebrows before stepping in and wrapping his arms around her shoulders as she sniffles. “What happened? Are you okay?” He says, concern in his voice as he cups his lover’s cheeks in his big hands.
Leyla says nothing, keeping her gaze on the floor before taking his hands off of her face. This made Daemon even more confused, she would usually cave in and tell him what bothered her. “Leyla?” He quietly calls out as she makes her way to the balcony.
Daemon follows her outside where they both lean against the railing in silence, overlooking King’s Landing. “What’s bothering you, my love?” He says softly, his face turned to her as he waits patiently for her response.
“Did you enjoy your dance with Rhaenyra?” She quietly says, catching Daemon off guard with the sudden topic of Rhaenyra. “Yes, I was going to ask to ask you for a dance but-“ Leyla laughs at this.
“I am so stupid,” She groans as Daemon looks at her confused, “I was right all along” A scoff emits from her lips as Daemon takes ahold of her forearm. “Right about what Leyla?”
“Right about the fact that I am and will always be the second choice to Rhaenyra!” She bursts out, “What?” Daemon furrows his eyebrow, confused.
“You still love her don’t you? I can see it! The way you treat me and your own children Daemon! I-I thought that finally after all those years of me giving you my everything, you would love me back” She ranted as Daemon quietly listens.
“Are you done?” He mutters, Leyla looks at him, “What?” “I said, are you done?” Daemon says a bit louder. “Who is married to me, mother to my children, Leyla?” He asks.
She was confused at the sudden questions, “Me?” “Exactly, and who do I love?” Leyla ponders for a minute, “Rhaenyra.” She deadpan says, a small giggle leaving her lips soon after, her anger leaving her slowly.
Daemon chuckles too, turning his body towards her, he pulls her hand before wrapping themselves around his torso. “You, silly. I love you and I love our beautiful children, not Rhaenyra.” He clarifies, looking down at her.
“But-“ “When I look at her, I laugh at myself thinking how much of an idiot I was trying to chase her when I realised the only person I love was right infront of me. Thank you for everything you have given me” He smiles, kissing her forehead as Leyla listens intently.
“Though I would like to choke your cunt of a father for giving you to me at such a young age” Daemon mutters under his breath as Leyla laughs.
“Your are my wife, mother to our children. You will always be my first choice, Leyla.” This brought comfort to her, her lover finally reassuring that she was not second choice, “You will always be the most important person to me” Daemon squeezes Leyla as he brings his face down to hers for a kiss.
Their lips touch and all of Leyla’s pent up emotions and worries left her. She hummed in the kiss, the feeling never boring her. The two pull away when they hear the door suddenly opening.
Alyssa and Baelon came running in searching them before spotting the two on the balcony. “Alyssa, Baelon, come back here!” The poor women ran in out of breath, Aegon in her arms. She finally looks to Leyla and Daemon before curtsying, “My apologies my Prince, my Lady, they insisted on coming to see you” She sheepishly says.
Leyla and Daemon look at each other before letting out giggles. “It is alright, go rest, We’d like to spend time with our children” Leyla smiles at the women as Alyssa and Baelon cling to her dress. She engulfs the two in a hug as Daemon walks to the women to take Aegon.
Aegon cooed once in his father’s arms as Daemon smiles at the boy, “Looks quite like me doesn’t he?” He cheekily says as Aegon gently touches Daemon’s face with his small hands. “You wish, I think he looks awfully quite like me, disregarding the blonde hair” Leyla replies as she starts playing with Alyssa and Baelon.
Soon enough, Daemon sits beside Leyla, Aegon on his feet as he stands in between Daemon’s legs, holding his thigh for support. Leyla watched the scene infront of her, the children happily playing and Daemon infatuated with Aegon who was babbling.
Daemon takes Leyla’s hand bringing it closer to his lips. Placing a soft kiss on it, he speaks, “I love you, so so much” He murmurs against her soft hand as Leyla smiles. She was happy and content with what she had. “Daemon?” Leyla starts, “Hmm?” Daemon hums, busy with peppering your hand with kisses. “I’m pregnant.”
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jayjj7 · 9 months
chapter 24. party!!
prev. next masterlist
a/n : merry christmas to those who celebrate and happy holidays!! (there will be a newjeans danielle smau series coming out as soon as this series ends😚😚)
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the anticipation of the day of the party had arrived. you, hanni, haerin, danielle, minji, and especially hyein thought it would be a good idea to invite yunjin to get ready with you. you agreed but to your luck hanni and haerin would not leave the dorm no matter what type of food, promise, or object you bribed them with.
“haerin please i’ll let you have all the cookies me and yunjin made” you were practically begging on your hands and knees.
“really?” haerin almost sounded convinced as she jumped up and widened her eyes.
“no, bad trade.” hanni just had to step in
minji and danielle were getting ready in their own dorm and agreed to not have hanni and haerin over. all you could do was hope and pray that your friends didn’t act out while yunjin was over.
haerin was asking you for help on an outfit in the mean time, waiting for yunjin to arrive.
“the blue one? or the green? i feel like the blue one is too-“
a knock at the door makes you and haerin halt the conversation and turn to the door. she nudges you to answer the door and you feel your phone vibrate in your pocket, yunjin is here.
“hey!” yunjin smiles and hugs you after you open the door. haerin and hanni stand there awkwardly, holding outfits in their hands, not knowing how to introduce themselves.
once the hug breaks you shoot her a smile before turning to your friends standing very…interestingly to say the least.
“yunjin this is hanni and haerin, guys this is yunjin” you scrunch your face facing your friends as you couldn’t bare the awkwardness.
“nice to meet you guys” yunjin waves and moves a strand of hair out of her face.
your two friends wave and mumble a response but are cut off by you.
“okay we’ll be in my room let us know when you guys are ready” you call out rather quickly and pull yunjin by her wrist into your room before hanni and haerin are don’t saying hello.
“what’s the rush?” yunjin laughs as soon as you close the door behind you.
“never mind that, can i see what you’re gonna wear?” you shake your head. confused yunjin laughs again and reaches into a bag she brought over, carrying her clothes and makeup.
“look at this! isn’t it so cute?” yunjin pulls out a small green top and green shorts, both sparkly and eye catching.
“that is so cute oh my god!” you walk up to her and touch the material. imagining her in them makes your heart flutter but also makes you feel nervous knowing other people will see her wearing it. you swat away those thoughts when yunjin asks you a question:
“can i see what you’re gonna wear?” her sweet voice has you melting and you lean back and smile at her.
“yes let me go change!” you walk into the bathroom and put on the outfit you bought a while ago but never seemed to find an occasion to wear it, except for today. after a couple minutes you walk back into your room.
“what do you think? is it too much?” you rest your hands at your hips.
“uhh no no it looks great!” yunjin stutters, the redness on her face and nervousness is unlike her.
“are you sure?” unsure by yunjins tone of voice, you make your way to your mirror and look at yourself adjusting your outfit. you hear yunjin get off of your bed and make her way behind you.
“y/n, you look stunning…really” she assured in a serious tone. you can feel your face get hot, yunjin looks at you through the mirror as she fixes the strap of your top, fixing it’s sloppy placement.
“you look really pretty” yunjin admits as you turn around to face her, only a couple inches away from each other. she looks so pretty up close, the way her eyes look into yours then to your lips.
“you think so?”
“of course i do”
the intimate moment you two shared was cut short due to hanni’s loud laugh protruding from the other room. you clear your throat, being brought back to reality as you break eye contact with yunjin and change the subject.
“let’s do our makeup yeah?”
as yunjin grabs her bag, you both make your way to the shared bathroom and you sit on the sink. yunjin was pretty tall, taller than you, so sitting on the sink gave you a new perspective of being way taller than her. you did your makeup sitting on the sink while sharing the big mirror.
“how many people do you think will be there?” yunjins asks as she applies foundation on her face.
“i don’t know, full house maybe?” you swing your legs as you so your makeup, every once in a while you switching your attention to yunjin.
you two make conversation ranging from what to expect at the party, how much will you guys be drinking, to old memories. as yunjin laughs she smudges her lipstick, too distracted by putting her makeup away.
“wait you smudged it” you interrupt yunjins story and tilt her head towards you and rub off the smudged lipstick before applying it for her.
while holding her face you can feel her face heat up. as her eyes stare at you, you lose your train of thought and smudge the lipstick again.
this was too much for yunjin, the tension in the room was so thick she couldn’t bare it any longer. so, she decided to take her chances and risked it all.
“shit hold on-“ as you were about to grab a makeup wipe yunjin interrupts you by gently tilting your face towards hers, pulling you in for a kiss.
her lips on yours feels just right. the way they hug against yours, yunjins hand on the side of your face, your hand which was originally reaching for a makeup wipe, was now traveling to her sides. this is what you have been waiting for, the kiss is gentle and sweet, it was perfect but before you could continue, the bathroom door opens.
“shit sorry!-“ hanni gasps and panics then runs back to haerin in the other room.
you and yunjin share a panicked, awkward look before you get off the bathroom sink.
“i’ll uh…wait outside” you avoid eye contact and walk out the bathroom.
“oh um yeah i wont take…long” yunjin stutters shutting her eyes in embarrassment.
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taglist : [ @1luvkarina @thefckghost @everydayiloveyves @may-madness @modanisgf @mushroom-main ] (taglist is open!!)
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Hello! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
I’m back. I’ll be on and off today just because it is Christmas and I will be doing festivities with my family but just want to be like hi!
I have an announcement one that makes me sad since most of the anon asks I get are from kind people but the odd anon hate has pushed me over the edge.
Anon will be turned off indefinitely.
I no longer wish to have people come in and berate me on my own blog for updates or to make rude comments and attacks. I came here for a safe place to share my work with others and I continue to do so, which means that I won’t tolerate people coming into my inbox to be mean for no reason.
I feel bad for the anons who have spoke to me and have been nothing but kind. (🐍 anon I hope you have a wonderful day today and happy holidays if you celebrate, please don’t be a stranger.)
I was close to leaving. I want to be as transparent as possible but this break I really debated on whether or not to abandon this blog. It has brought me no happiness for a while and while that is because of my own pressures it’s also because of the anon hate I have received across many months. But now I’m willing to try to bring it back after turning off anon.
To those who have sent me anon hate, please know that you do not have to follow me. I promise you that it won’t hurt my feelings if you do and if you dislike me as much as you do, then please don’t make yourself miserable by continuing to follow me.
I will post whatever I want on here. and I do apologize if a lot of it is complaining, but I often find myself frustrated with my hobby so it’s bound to happen, so if you don’t like it please just unfollow me.
To the anons who have sent me hate, I hope you have a good day, happy holidays if you celebrate, and that you find a blog or place on the internet that brings you more enjoyment than I have.
And to everyone else, thanks for sticking around. I appreciate you all and I love you all.
Writing will resume eventually.
Have a good day!!
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mvshr00m-1 · 9 months
Would love to wish y'all a merry Christmas! (To those who celebrate ofc)
And a happy new year too!
And as a little thank you for all your support i spent most of today trying to finished a silly art piece for y'all :3
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You guys are seriously amazing and mean the world to me, every single follower, and every person who I catch reappearing in my notes are amazing and I'm very thankful to every like and reblog I'm given <3
If it wasn't for y'all I would never be here drawing what I draw, and improving my art every day. And without y'all I wouldn't even have my own silly ask blog!
Ask blog here
(which I will be answering whatever asks pop up eventually dw, just a littttttle caught up with irl stuff)
Here's also it coloured in my usual colour pallet/style for the 'twins across time' au!
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If I'm gonna be honest for a first proper attempt at April, Mikey, and raph- I think they turned out quite alright :0
(this does not mean they will be apart of the main ask blog cast though, they may make some visual appearances and keep appearing in the answers. But they won't be answering any themselves)
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jeankluv · 9 months
Snow on the beach || Trafalgar Law x fem!reader
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Words: 3.5k
Warnings: angst, blood, deathly disease (amber lead), law’s past, doffy (again)
Notes: the warning are all for the flashback, the flashback is in iliac form. Enjoy this new chapter and Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates it, if you don’t please have a nice evening and take care of yourself ❤️
Previous chapter || Materialist || Next chapter
Chapter X: 7 days for the trip
The snow fell for days after Law left. You had been happy to see snow for the first time but you had also been extremely sad for not being able to share those moments with Law. It had been over two weeks since Law had left and you hadn't heard from him, Corazon had told you that he was fine and very busy, that's why he hadn't called. You had given him Nami's house phone to give it to Law so you could talk, but during that time the phone never rang.
Now you were in the living room coach reading while having music in the background. Nami had gone out a few minutes ago to run some errands and you had decided to take advantage of that time to read the book she had lent you. You couldn't stop thinking about how lucky you had been to have met the people you had met. You had arrived in that town almost two months ago and everyone had welcomed you with open arms. You wish you could talk to your 16-year-old self and tell her that everything would be okay, that you would find that group of people who would make you feel cared for and loved.
You began to turn the pages, as the minutes passed. Half an hour had passed when a knock on the apartment door brought you out of your reading.
You put the book aside and got up from the couch. You walked to the door and opened it to see Robin, smiling at you.
“Robin!” You smiled widely.
Despite having been with her for a short time, how little you had known her and what others had told you about her, you felt that you could be yourself with her.
“Hello y/n!” She hugged you. “How have you been?”
“Good, please come in.” You stepped aside and let her in. “I thought you weren’t coming until two days.”
“I was able to leave earlier, I had some early classes so there was no problem.” She gave you a sweet smile.
“Oh.” You nodded, she was so elegant and also intelligent.
“Tell me, how is it to live with Nami?”
“It’s really fun.” You said walking towards the kitchen. “I can’t compare her with anyone, this is my first time living with someone else but I’m really having so much.”
“I’m happy to hear that.” She said while grabbing the cup you gave her. “Thank you. Are you excited for the trip?”
“Yep.” You said making a noise in the p. “It would be fun.”
“Is Law coming?” Your heart stopped pumping for a second. Was he? You didn’t think he would, you wished but the chances were really small, hell, he might not even come for Christmas.
“I… I don’t know.” You let out with a sigh.
“You haven’t been able to talk with him?” You shook your head. “Mhm… and Corazon he…?”
“He doesn’t know anything, although I’m eating with him today, so I will try to get some info.”
“That’s good. I hope he comes.” She smiles. “Your whole face lights up when you talk about him.”
“That’s not…” You tried to explain yourself.
“Y/n even Luffy has noticed it.” She winked at you and walked to the living room, leaving you with a red face in the kitchen.
You sighed, you needed to control yourself from turning red or else everyone would notice how into Law you were. You hung out with Robin until it was time for you to meet Corazon for lunch. You said goodbye to Robin and took the bus towards his house and to which for a time where yours was too.
The trip was shorter than you remember and you realized you were already getting out of the bus. You smiled when you saw. Corazon outside of his house playing with Bepo, when he saw you he waved and you did the same. Bepo started running towards you, moving his tail and happily licking your palm.
“Hello Bepo.” You smiled, petting him. “Good boy.” You praised him.”
You walked with him to where Corazon was and he gave you a hug.
“I’m so glad you came. I missed you so much.” He said while still hugging.
“I missed you too. It’s weird not being here.” You sadly smile. “But living with Nami is nice.”
“That’s good…” He looked at you. “Sadly now I need to deal with Mrs.Smith’s grandson.” He sighed.
“The grandson?” You tilted your head.
“Yeah, he came here and is staying for I don’t know how long. But he is…” He sighed again. “Complicated.
“Oh… I thought Mrs. Smith didn’t have a family.”
“She has.”
“So…” You started to think, this was the reason why Mrs. Smith told you to leave?
“Mhm?” You came back to reality. “Oh nothing, don’t worry.” You smiled. “Why don’t we go inside and start preparing everything to eat?”
“Yes.” He grabbed your shoulders.
You followed Corazon right to the kitchen, you smiled when you saw that it was a mess. Law was right when he mentioned that he was a disaster in the kitchen and honestly you were no better. You just hoped you didn’t burn the house down during the day. With Corazon, you prepared a simple plate of pasta, fortunately no one was harmed and nothing was burned.
You sat in front of him and finally let out the question you were dying to ask since you stepped out of that bus earlier.
“Do you know anything about Law?” You said poking a macaroni off your plate.
He shook his head. “He hasn’t called, I’m sure he is busy. Don’t worry.”
You bite your inner cheek, you knew Corazon didn’t know the truth and you had the need to tell him. He was his son, he needed to know, but you also thought it wasn’t your place to tell him. But Law could be in danger and he could do something, right?
“Y/n stop thinking so much.” He spoke. “He will be okay.”
“But he…” You stopped talking and looked down to your palms, what could you do?
“I know…” He let out and you looked at him back. “I know the truth and I know he will be alright.”
“You know?” He nodded.
“Yeah, I found out days after Law left.” He sighed. “Found some notes and old bills, I called him after that and he told me everything. He assured me everything was okay and that there was nothing to worry about.” He touched his forehead. “But honestly it makes me so sad that he has been enduring all this on his own. He was just a kid when everything in his life went down and I thought that us moving here was going to give him the peace and calm he deserved.” You saw how he started to get teary. “But I was wrong and my poor boy was still suffering.”
You tried to find the right words but your heart was aching for the thought of Law.
“Did Law tell you I am not his real dad?” You opened your eyes.
“Wait… I thought.”
Corazon shook his head and smiled “I meant Law when he was 10. At the time I was working undercover on my brother's organization.”
Corazon entered the room in silence, his brother was in front and the rest of the family members, like Doflamingo liked to call them were sat around a large table. Corazon walked a few steps when he fell to the ground. He slipped with something or maybe he was just being clumsy as usual. He heard the laughter of the kids, Baby5 and Buffalo.
It was then when he noticed the presence of another kid. He was skinny, really pale and with big big dark circles under his eyes. The kid rolled his eyes when he saw him.
Corazon stood up and sat next to his brother, listening to him talk about how they were going to pass the drugs to a new contact they had in the south. But he couldn’t concentrate, his thoughts were on that kid, why did he end up here? Kids shouldn’t be part of this world.
He learned that the name was Law, Trafalgar Law and was 10 years old.
The days started to pass and he noticed the white spots on the boys body, he quickly figured out what it was. Amber Lead diseas, he heard about it but thought everyone that had it was already dead. His heart attached with the thought of that poor kid losing his family to that deadly illness.
He tried for weeks to make the kid leave, by treating him badly, pushing him away or anything. But he stood there, he seemed not to care at all.
It wasn’t until he heard the kid talking with his brother that the body had lost all hopes and all meaning of life.
“I want to destroy the whole world before dying.” A shiver ran through his body when the 10-year-old boy said those words.
And it hit him, if he didn’t help him, he would become like his brother. Someone full of hate and anger in his heart. He started searching for information about the illness, looking for doctors and leaving his main mission to the side. He knew Sengoku was going to reprimand him but he didn’t care. He needed to help that kid and not let him fall like his brother did.
It had been three months since Corazon met Law when this one stabbed him on the back. But it didn’t hurt. It was not comparable to the pain that poor child was suffering.
Corazon kept researching, while keeping a low profile and continuing his mission. It wasn’t until he heard Law’s full name that he knew the mission needed to be left aside and get that kid to safety as soon as he could.
Trafalgar D. Water Law. The D. That letter his brother despised so much.
He took Law out of there and once they were far away from the other two kids, he talked to him.
Law was left speechless, that man could talk? Doflamingo said he couldn’t, not after the trauma he suffered.
“You have been lying.” He said.
Corazon sighed. “That doesn’t matter. What matters is that you leave my brother’s side or he will kill you once he finds out about the D in your name.” Law raised an eyebrow.
“I don’t care.” Law said, not showing a sign of emotion. “I will be dead before I turn 13.”
Corazon bite his inner cheek. There was a possibility of saving him, but that meant leaving the mission aside and probably losing everything he earned during his time in the academy.
But he couldn’t care less. He needed to save Law from his cracked date and from becoming a monster like his brother. He knew there was good on that kid and he was not going to give up on it.
“You are coming with me.” Law was small and very light, so it wasn’t difficult for Corazon to carry him and start walking away from that “family”.
“Wait, what?!” Law shouted and started to move, trying to break free. “Where are we going?”
“I think there might be a cure for your illness and I’m going to save you.”
The journey began but Corazon did not expect to encounter obstacles so soon. The doctor he was looking for apparently no longer worked at that hospital, but he was now at another one. When he tried to get the doctors there to see Law, they simply screamed in terror. Causing Law to run away from the apology. Corazon felt his body burn with fury when he saw that poor Law had walked out of there like that.
The days turned into weeks, in each hospital always the same reaction, no one wanted to treat him. Weeks turned into months and Law started to get worse, his skin was even paler and he had lost a lot of weight.
“We will be staying here for a couple of days.” Corazon whispered while he was carrying Law, who was almost asleep. “See if your fever lowers a little bit.” And he put him on the bed.
“I will die soon.” Law whispered.
Law fell asleep minutes after that and Corazon drowned his sorrows in the cheap alcohol of that motel while he looked at the moon and cried because he couldn't do anything for that child.
“Law…” He touched his cheek. “You’re still a rude little boy. And hearing you say “I will die soon” is…” He took a deep breath, trying not to cry so much. “… heartbreaking.” He let out, whipping away the tears that were rolling down his face. “You… stabbed me that day… but it didn’t hurt at all. I know you were the one that was in pain.” Corazon couldn’t stop crying at that moment and walked away, not knowing that Law heard everything and also started crying.
Corazon was woken up by Law’s voice calling.
“Cora-San.” The young kid said. “We should go and eat some breakfast.”
Corazon scratched his eyes, had he heard correctly? “Did you just… call me Cora-San?” Law shrugged and Corazon smiled as she picked him up and laughed.
“Put me down!” Law shouted. “Or I will call you Corazon once again.”
“Alright, alright.” He said laughing. “You feeling better?” He touched his forehead slightly to make sure the fever was over.
Law nodded and they both went to the hotel cafeteria for breakfast. While Law finished breakfast, Corazon made a couple of calls. He knew that Law didn't have long left, but he believed that the information he had obtained this time was correct and would lead them to that doctor.
They traveled hundreds of thousands of kilometers until they finally reached a village in the mountains, where there were barely a hundred inhabitants. The surprise came when Corazon found out that that famous doctor lived even more isolated, in the forest to be more exact, and that most people considered him crazy.
Corazon put those ideas out of his head and with Law in tow he left for that place that the villagers had indicated him. The journey was hard, due to the thick snow that made him sink under his feet and the cold that hammered his bones. Law was fast asleep on his back, his fever had returned and he barely had any strength.
But finally, as the last ray of day faded, they reached the little cabin. Corazon staggered and knocked lightly on the door, barely having any strength left to stand. He heard some murmurings inside and when they opened the door, he could see the figure of a man with a big hat.
Before fading right there, Corazon said. “Please help him…” And everything went dark.
When Corazon came back, he could feel heat and the smell of food. He opened his eyes to see an older woman sitting reading a book. She looked at him and put the book next to her.
“If you are going to stand up, do it calmly. I don’t want to carry your two meters tall body again.” Corazon did as she told him. “I’m Kureha.” She said crossing her legs.
“Rosinante.” He said, touching his head. “But everyone knows me as Corazon.”
She nodded. “So the kid wasn’t lying when he said your name was Corazon.” Corazon opened his eyes.
“Law! Where is he?”
“He is alright, he will be alright.” Corazon felt like a weight was lifted from his shoulders. “Hiriluk is taking care of him.”
“Thank god.” He sighed in relief.
“We were surprised when we saw he had the Amber Lead disease, though everyone died from it. At least that’s what the government made us believe.” She took a bottle of wine for the shelf and started drinking it.
“He is the only survivor.”
“Well it’s a good thing you brought him on time.” A man spoke, Corazon looked at him, he guessed he was the man that the lady mentioned. “He will be alright, but you will need to stay here for a bit before leaving.” Corazon nodded. “I want to make sure his liver expels all the lead from him.”
“Sure… How much I need to…” Corazon stood up.
“If you think I’m going to let you pay me something, you are wrong.” He sat beside the lady, who was still drinking. “I’m a doctor, I’m here to help people.” He then looked at Corazon. “I’m also a father and I know what it is to see your kid suffering and to be desperate to help them. So now focus on resting and everything will be better.”
Corazon nodded and walked to the room where Law was asleep. He sat next to him and in silence he watched him peacefully rest. Maybe he was going to be able to have a peaceful life after all.
Five weeks passed since they arrived at the cabin. Law had gained weight and little by little the white spots on his skin had begun to disappear, although he continued to spend his days in bed, mostly reading or playing with Hiriluk's son, named Chopper. He was only four years old but he liked to play doctor with Law and Law would occasionally read him a medical book that Hiriluk had lying around, even though Chopper didn't understand what Law was reading to him. That day Corazon went down to town, he had to do some shopping, Hiriluk was already doing enough for them, other than being the one who went up and down to buy provisions.
Corazon started going through the forest once he bought everything he needed for the house.
“Brother.” He heard.
His blood froze when he heard that voice, how was it possible? It couldn't be that he was here, it couldn't be. He had to keep pretending, keep making him believe he was on his side and keep him away from Law.
“Stop pretending my dear brother.” He spoke again.
Corazon turned around and looked at him, he was there standing,with a gun in his hand. That was his end, his brother knew everything and like he did with his father he was going to kill him, in that place.
“How?” He whispered.
“Nothing escapes from me, my dear brother.” He smirked. “You thought you could fool me? Mhm you were wrong.”
Corazon frowned and gritted his teeth. “Leave and you will never see me again, I won’t even sell your information to anyone. But go away.”
Doflamingo shook his head. “Where is Law?”
“Leave him alone.”
“I need the kid. Now tell me where is he.”
“Leave him. He is far away from here, you can’t catch him anymore.” Corazon shouted. “Now he is free!”
And then Corazon felt it, like the bullet passed through him, first one and then another and another. The snow around him began to turn crimson and his brother's footsteps began to move away, not only from him but also from the cabin where Law was. He smiled because if he died at least he knew Law would be okay, he could have a peaceful life and he could grow up. Everything would be fine.
“Fortunately I was found by Kureha and I survived.” Corazon sighed. “Then we moved here, Kureha worked some years ago at the local hospital and said it was a peaceful place where my brother wouldn’t find us.” He looked at you. “Don’t cry, it’s all in the past.”
You scrunched your nose and took the handkerchief Corazon handed you. “It hurts me to think that you and Law had to go through all that. Law was so little…” You cried again. “I'm so glad you were there for him and… that you survived that.” Corazon smiled at you and shook his head. “But… Law is with him now, what if…”
“Law is intelligent, he knows what to do and I believe in him. He will come back to us.” He gave you a smile with which you could feel immense relief. Corazon trusts Law and you should do the same too.
“Thank you for telling me this.”
“You’re important to Law, you deserve to know.” And you smiled.
After you calmed down a bit and became calmer, you finished eating and helped Corazon pick up and wash everything. By the time you realized it, the sun was already setting.
You went down the stairs from the porch of Corazon's house, you were still thinking about everything the two of you had talked about. Your heart was still agitated by all the new information. You were walking with Corazon heading towards his car, when you heard a door open, you knew that noise, it was the door of the house where you had been staying. You heard Corazon turn and greet the person leaving the house, Mrs. Smith's grandson you assumed.
Your eyes searched for the figure of the person who now occupied the place where you had been staying weeks ago. You felt the food you had just eaten rise to your mouth and the desire to vomit took over you, when you saw the person's face.
Eustass Kidd
Final note: no Law in this chapter but we got Law’s and Corazon’s past, the backstory is similar to the canon story but making a few changes, bc obviously I couldn’t introduce devil fruits in a modern fanfic, so decided to include Hiriluk and Kureha as part of Law’s and Corazon’s backstory. Also a bit of a cliffhanger with that ending. I hope you enjoyed it and please let me know in comments what you thought about it 🫶
Tag list: @smolracoon25 @phsycochan @punem699 @norasincubi @myeahnaise
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A Hell's Kitchen Christmas [Hallmark Trope]
Pairing: Matt Murdock x Reader
Trope de Sept Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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Hallmark Special tv movie trope 1. Busy career woman in big city reluctantly returns to hometown for problem™. Handsome man in town who she initially clashes with wins her over and they fall in love. She stays in hometown. It is also Christmas. "You return to Hell's Kitchen to help your estranged dad in a legal battle over his hardware store. You’re a hot-shot Miami lawyer after all, how hard could it be? Except the charming, handsome local lawyer named Matt Murdock your dad hired to help him keeps getting in your way. And yes, it is Christmas. Because this is a Hallmark Movie."
Warnings: No use of Y/N. No pronouns are used for reader, so any gender applies! Catholic/Religious mass mentioned/attended by reader, reader’s mom is dead, Christmas, Fluff on top of fluff.
WC: 1500
*I never give permission for my fics, manips, or any other original creation I post on this site to be copied, posted elsewhere, translated, or fed into any AI program. The only platform I currently post anything on is Tumblr. Thanks!*
The footsteps of parishioners thumped softly against the carpeted aisle of Clinton Church, nearly drowned out by the blaring of the organ as it played them out while they all exited. Christmas Eve Midnight Mass had just ended. Typically always over-crowded with those Sister Maggie called “Christers” (those who only attend church on Christmas and Easter), the many people walked past where Matt sat in a pew towards the back, chatting about what excitement tomorrow brought them (technically today, as it was nearly 1AM on Christmas Morning).
Matt remained in his seat, listening to the crowd depart, until there was just one other person in the chapel with him.
He noticed you as soon as he sat down before the service. Despite the many unfamiliar heartbeats in the crowd tonight, he picked yours out right away. Your citrus-scented perfume confirmed your presence when its pleasant smell reached him. 
You were alone, which Matt found odd. Not joined by your father for the holiday celebrations as he expected you to be.
He heard you finally stand from your spot and walk up to the altar just as the last of the crowd left. The lighter trembled in between your fingers as you picked up a tea light and lit it, placing it amongst the many flaming symbols of other people's prayers.
“Shit God, I know I don’t pray a lot… or at all really.”
Matt listened as you spoke, chuckling to himself. You clearly hadn’t noticed him there.
“Look, it’s just my dad… the hardware store has been his whole life since mom died and please, you just can’t take that away from him. I know me leaving didn’t help, I know. I’m still living with that guilt, believe me.” you continued to pray, sniffling and wiping away a tear from your eye
“But this pro-bono guy he’s got. I don’t think it’s gonna be enough. I guess what I’m asking is please just let him open his heart enough for me to help. Or at least for this Murdock schmuck to get it together enough and actually save my dad’s store. You know, like a nice Christmas miracle? Um… thanks God.”
You crossed yourself and bowed to the altar, turning to leave.
Matt could tell you spotted him from the gasp that left your mouth and the way your heart skipped a beat.
“Matt. Hey. Um… Merry Christmas.” you said, still trying not to cry as you walked over to him
“Hey. Merry Christmas to you too. Where’s your dad?”
“Oh, he had a long day today. You know him, he never stops working. I told him to stay home and rest. Can I walk you home?”
“Oh you don’t have to…”
“Come on Matt, it’s late and it’s Christmas. It’s only a few blocks anyway. Let me walk you home.”
Matt nodded and took your arm as you led him out of the church and into the cold New York night. The snowflakes danced around as the two of you walked, arm in arm. Crunching footsteps made a path through the white-covered sidewalk and left evidence of the route to Matt’s apartment you took. 
“Did you not bring a warmer coat? I can hear you shivering.” Matt exclaimed
“I didn’t. I never come home for Christmas, but with everything going on with my dad, I booked the trip so last minute and a winter coat isn’t exactly something I need in Miami.” you replied, tugging at the sleeves of your thin jacket
“May I?” Matt offered, releasing your arm for a moment to shrug off his wool pea coat.
Gloved hands ghosted your neck as he situated the garment around your shoulders. It was snuggly and warm and reminded you of Matt in a way you couldn’t quite put your finger on. 
“Thank you Matt. Not just for the coat, but for everything. You’re really helping my dad out.” you said, letting him take your arm once more and resuming your journey
“Oh yeah? You sure I’m not just some schmuck he hired?”
“Shit. You heard that? I didn’t mean it.” you shook your head and Matt just chuckled
“You really are a good lawyer.” you continued “Everything you’ve proposed we try and all the research you’ve done… I know I’ve been really hard on you since I got here and I’m sorry. I’m a big deal at my firm in Miami and I’ve worked really hard to get to where I am. And my dad is about to get evicted and he doesn’t even call his own kid to help? I know I’m in corporate finance law and I’m not licensed in New York but still… He didn’t tell me this was happening for months and he hired you and I was hurt.”
“So why’d you come back to New York then? If you think I’m a good enough lawyer to help your dad out that is?” Matt asked
“I didn’t think that at first. Didn’t think a small pro-bono firm could take on the big developer trying to tear down the whole block. But now that I’ve been working with you on this, well I was wrong. And maybe I came back too because I missed him and I missed home.”
The streets of Hell’s Kitchen were practically empty at this hour, families all tucked away in their homes waiting for the excitement of Christmas morning. It was tranquil, seeing the city that never sleeps so quiet and calm. The electric buzz that New York always seems to have was still there, but dimmed. 
“After my mom died, we just grew apart. He threw himself into work and I threw myself into school and my career. I think he was bitter that I moved away, that I didn’t want to take over the store from him.”
“Well you shouldn’t feel bad about going on your own path.” Matt reassured
“Yeah but it was the way I did it. But now that I’ve been back, god it’s like we used to be. Close you know?”
“Yeah I was really close with my dad too. And I’d give anything to have him back. To have what you and your dad have.”
“Shit you’re right. I guess that really puts it in perspective.” you replied
The purple and gold light of the video billboard on Matt’s block reflected off the snowflakes like a disco ball. A festive touch considering what day it was. You stopped your journey just outside his front door, facing him to observe the way he licked his lips as he formulated his next thought.
“I think he just wants what’s best for you.” 
“I know that. It’s a shame it took me this long to figure out what’s actually best for me.” you replied
“Oh yeah? You figured that out just in the 10 days you’ve been home? Wow counselor, research and evidence gathering stage usually takes longer.”
“Very funny Murdock. Yeah actually, I have.” you replied
 “And what did you figure out?”
“Matt, the work that you do, seeing it in action and how it’s helped my dad, it really inspired me.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah. I think I want to shift my legal specialty. Find a firm to work for that takes on clients like yours and actually helps people. And Matt, I don’t know that I would have discovered that if it weren’t for you.”
A wide smile spread across Matt’s face as he lowered and shook his head.
“Well, I might know of just the firm that could use a lawyer as smart as you. You’d have to stay in Hell’s Kitchen though, or at the very least New York…”
“Matt, are you offering me a job?” you asked
“Well I mean you’d have to pass the bar in New York first, but yeah, actually I am.”
“What are you doing tomorrow– or today I guess technically?” you asked
“For Christmas? I don’t really have plans. I used to go to dinner at Foggy’s family, but his parents became snowbirds a few years ago, so now all the Nelsons travel to Florida for the holidays. Why?”
“My dad is cooking a fabulous meal and we’d love to have you join us. To thank you for all you’ve done. For both of us.”
“I don’t want to impose on your first Christmas in years with your dad.” Matt replied
“Oh c’mon Matt, you have to come! You’re practically family at this point; you’re saving my dad’s business, you’re repairing our relationship, you’re offering me a job.”
“Okay, okay. I will come.” he conceded
“Great! We can tell my dad I’m moving back to New York. Together.”
“Does that mean you’re saying yes? To my offer?”
“Yes Matt, I am saying yes. To working for you. And staying in New York.”
Reaching out with a trembling hand in the cold night air, you ran your thumb along his jaw. Matt let out a chuckle as you reveled in the way his stubble felt against your freezing fingers. A sigh escaped you into his plush, soft lips when he finally kissed you, warming you instantly from the chill.
“Merry Christmas, Matt.”
“Merry Christmas, Sweetheart.”
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bajistadiamond · 9 months
Yuu and the Magical Power of Songs
Yuu Singer, 🎶💎Ramshackle💎🎶 (We wish you a Merry Christmas - Phineas and Ferb Version)
I couldn't think of a better idea for this Christmas than to use "We wish you a Merry Christmas" that they used in Phineas and Ferb… Well. I will do the same for this New Year... This story takes place after the OverBlots; After the near destruction of NRC, Malleus and Yuu combined their magic into a time spell that returned them all to the entrance ceremony to start things off without disaster.
The holidays are the funniest and happiest time of the year for many.
When Yuu first arrived at Twisted Wonderland he didn't imagine the seriousness with which they prepared for each celebration… what he discovered in spring and fall.
And that's not to mention the events that occurred randomly.
Anyway, at this moment the 8 dorm leaders were in a meeting.
"So we agree to decorate everything?" Yuu asked those present, who nodded at his words.
Since for some reason the entire student population wanted to celebrate the holidays at NRC, they needed to vote on whether they would decorate just their dormitories or the entire school.
Azul already had many ideas for the most fruitful season for Mostro Lounge.
"I have many selected items to order." Kalim said excitedly as he showed his cell phone to Riddle.
"Send me the links, I have my contacts so shipping will be cheaper hehehe~". Idia said with a giggle, who was present forced by Ortho.
Leona looked at the largest of the Shroud inquisitively, but he did not want to know.
"And who will pay for everything?" Vil asked, adjusting his Santa hat.
Yuu smiled and the others could swear that demon horns appeared on his head. "The director of course."
The others looked at Yuu strangely; Crowley was a cheapskate no matter how much he said otherwise, they highly doubted that he would pay for Christmas decorations.
"The director is so kind that he gave me his credit card." Yuu said taking said card out of his pocket. "Besides, when he realizes it, it will be too late."
Everything was silent for a moment before everyone laughed like "villains."
These holidays would be expensive for Dire Crowley…
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The light music club was preparing to practice; they would have a lot of work performing at Mostro Lounge and the Christmas and New Year party.
"So what should we play today?" Cater asked looking at her cell phone for ideas.
"How about it, all I want for Christmas is you~." Lilia suggested doing a riff.
"It's already widely seen." Kalim commented, much to Carter's surprise.
Kalim had been using a lot of internet tutorials to be more independent, so he also updated himself on trends on the web… Jamil still couldn't decide if Kalim being addicted to MagiCam was good or bad.
"And a classic?" Ortho suggested with a smile. The young man with the shrouds had become a member of the club shortly before the Malleus OverBlot.
At that moment, Yuu entered. "Sorry guys, the decorations arrived and I wasn't going to risk leaving Grim alone with the glass things." He explained, leaving his coat on the coat rack.
"Don't worry Yuu-kun, we're still thinking about what to play." Cater said to the white haired one.
Yuu thought for a moment; He had managed to listen to Ortho's suggestion and thought it was a very good idea.
"And if we sing, we wish you a Merry Christmas?" The others looked at Yuu, it wasn't a bad idea.
"We can use a classic, with a little tweak." Yuu explained to them grabbing a microphone.
"Alright, you're in charge Yuu." Carter said to the aforementioned before turning on a LIVE for everyone to see. Yuu smiled mischievously as Kalim started playing the drums...
We wish you a Merry Christmas ~
We wish you a Merry Christmas ~
The "voice of the gods" was instantly present. Everyone's clothes changed to a unique Santa Claus outfit for each one. For Kalim it was with two shades of red and round gold glasses, for Ortho it was blue with white and a tulle cape with snowflake embroidery, for Carter it was bright green with black and pearls in her hair, for Yuu it was the typical red and white and cool ski goggles.
We wish you a Merry Christmas ~
And a Happy New Year ~
The song was heard throughout the campus; filled everyone with joy. They organized themselves in the patio to decorate. Many were singing or humming with their hands full of golden tinsel.
We wish you the best day ever ~
And hope all your Christmas endeavors ~
At Heartslabyul, Trey watched in barely concealed horror as Riddle pulled out the fruitcake the aforementioned had made. Riddle cut a piece of the cake from him and then looked nervously at the green-haired man. The one with glasses forced a smile before trying the cake… It was because of the magic of friendship and the miracle of Christmas that Trey didn't have stomach pains.
Are super-fun, amazing and clever ~
And that your New Year's rocks too! ~
Many were using their brooms to fly around NRC and decorate it. The white already contrasted the black and gray of the building beautifully, but with the gold and green tinsel it looked much more impressive. Inside the building there were white LED lights as far as the eye could see and pine trees were added in the largest rooms. Meanwhile, in the teachers' lounge, they were enjoying a good eggnog… The principal was just crying in a corner because of the receipt of everything.
Oh, come, tell me what'cha doin' ~
All my relatives just flew in ~
In Pomefiore, Vil was reflecting on his life choices. The salon was in chaos with many enjoying to "let their hair down" and enjoy themselves. Epel led the party wearing an ugly sweater with lights while he sang about his family's traditions.
From Harveston and Shaftlands ~
For the holidays! ~
Neige had been included in the party. It had been a shock to have discovered that he was distantly related to Epel and now the two got along very well. Vil had no problems with this, after meditating and having Yuu with a therapist, he was able to come to terms with himself and accept that he and Neige were unique.
Both Christmas trees and menorahs ~
It can be confusing for us ~
Strangely enough, Epel managed to bring out the most sarcastic and stubborn side of Neige. The two always ended up arguing whether it was about musical tastes, food or clothes. And now they were fighting over which decorations were better. Luckily for Vil, Rook managed to calm things down by saying that both decorations were beautiful together; and he also brought cocoa, which Vil was happy about.
When we break into a chorus ~
Of olé, Olé ~
And oy vey, Oy vey ~
In the NRC cafeteria, many were preparing a magnificent Christmas dinner; Many were grateful that Lilia was busy and not in the kitchen.
Delicious meals I will try~
Groceries A through Z ~
Leona sang before taking a big bite out of a turkey leg. The lion was in a dream when the taster of the dinner was selected, to the jealousy of many. And Leona enjoyed teasing the others with moans of satisfaction at how delicious the food they brought him to try was.
Ruggie, get away from that punch bowl ~
Ruggie pouted as he was caught drinking the fruit punch while pocketing a couple of cookies.
I'm saving that for me ~
Hyena Boy, offended that his lazy friend wouldn't share punch, threw some figgy pudding into the punch bowl.
Sorry, sir ~
Ruggie sang mockingly because he knew that of all the fruits, Leona hated the fig the most. In the yard, Silver was sleeping peacefully among a small mound of snow. No one wanted to bother the boy during his nap, but they couldn't help but decorate him; They put a headband on him with reindeer antlers and shiny spheres in his ears.
We wish you a Silver Christmas ~
We wish you a Silver Christmas ~
Yuu had changed it from "Perry" to Silver as a joke, but when he sang it he realized that the phrase was not so bad, a silver Christmas.
We wish you a Silver Christmas ~
And a (ZZZ~ Silver´s snoring ZZZ~) New year ~
Azul seriously needed a calculator; His had broken strangely shortly after Jade told him she needed to rest. Now, the lens guy was in her office doing the math by hand and with an abacus.
I want a calculator ~
Slash-Earnings-English Translator ~
"At this rate I finish in the new year." Blue thought tiredly as the music from the music club's LIVE was what kept him sane. The boy was also grateful that Yuu's magic decorated his office; he hadn't had much time to do it.
To find a common denominator ~
In all my tongues! ~
Mostro Lounge was enjoying free time with good music. Some were dancing dressed as elves and others were enjoying a good coffee or hot chocolate.
I will give you good hugs ~
To all you shrimps ~
Floyd with a big smile was trying to hug whoever he could, but everyone was avoiding him because of the mistletoe that the boy had hung on his head. Everyone knew how strong the hug and joking kiss they would receive from Floyd would be.
That's how I say "Merry Christmas" ~
I ain't good with words! ~
Floyd was finally able to grab someone to hug him and kiss him on the cheek, poor thing was Jamil. The one from Scarabia walked out calmly, still in shock, to go to the bathroom and wash his face with bleach.
I wish you would let me rule you ~
I'm going to teach you about anime ~
In Idia and Ortho's room, the oldest was dancing around the room while programming the lights, preparing the gifts he had for his brother, and turning on all of his monitors for the special Christmas events in all of his RPG games.
I won't sugarcoat or fool you ~
Your New Year's looks grim! ~
The oldest of the Shroud danced in the comfort of his chair, for him it was very noob to start singing at Christmas. Although he will deny to death that he sang Christmas songs from his favorite anime in the shower.
We wish your every endeavor ~
Makes this the best Christmas ever ~
The music club put the best of their voices into the final part of the song. Carter, Kalim and Ortho could tell that this was the best version of "we wish you a merry Christmas" they had ever heard. LIVE had ranked #1 in trends and throughout Twisted Wonderland they were dancing no matter what.
And we're all so glad that we will never ~
Mention figgy pudding ~
"Pudding?". Many people asked themselves when they heard the lyrics. Although they didn't give it importance; It was the best one of the best Christmas songs. And needless to say, they enjoyed the chorus at the end.
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"Merry Xmas!". Yuu, Carter, Kalim and Ortho exclaimed into the cell phone before the LIVE ended...
Night Raven College had a good day that day and the decorations could be seen from the town on the island. And they were better than the other academy, to the envy of some in the RSA.
... As for Crowley, he stayed in his nest for the rest of the holidays…
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roseofdarknessblog · 9 months
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Christmas baby | Levi Ackerman
You’ve always loved Christmas and everything that came with the holiday season. But for the last couple of years, Christmas has been special thanks to your partner. Since Levi was a Christmas baby, as you loved to call him, the holidays became even more remarkable to you.
Making everything perfect for Levi and his special day was your priority every single year. He didn’t like big noisy celebrations or people making a fuss out of his birthday. So every year, you made sure to spend the 25th of December in a calm and loving atmosphere. Sometimes at home and sometimes away on a little vacation somewhere nice.
„Good morning, sleepy head,“ you said with a huge smile when Levi walked into the kitchen. It was bright and early, the sun was only coming up, making the thick layer of snow outside sparkle in the sunlight. Your whole house was full of warm yellow glow, making everything seem extra cozy. „Breakfast is almost ready.“
Levi shook his head with a sleepy smirk, coming up to you and hugging you around the waist from behind. His lips pressed a warm kiss behind your ear, while you were finishing up with the special breakfast for your most beloved.
„Happy Birthday and also Merry Christmas,“ you said joyfully, looking over your shoulder to meet his lips in another tender kiss. His grip around your waist tightened a little, keeping you close.
„Thank you, love. Merry Christmas to you too.“ He rested his head against yours, watching you finish his favorite French toast with pieces of fried bacon. It was a lovely combination, mainly with Levi’s special winter-flavored caramel tea. „Do we have any plans for today?“
„No, not really. Maybe we could go for a walk if the weather stays nice. I love how quiet and peaceful the world outside is during the holiday season.“
„Yeah, that sounds nice. Maybe we can visit my mom, too.“
„I talked to her yesterday, she’s coming over for lunch tomorrow. And she’s expecting us for dinner today.“ You and Kuchel had an amazing relationship. She truly was a saint, who always had so much love for both you and her son. Even her brother Kenny liked catching up with you when he came for a quick visit or if you met at Kuchel’s house.
As you kept talking, both of you sat down at the dining table and enjoyed breakfast together. While you served the food, Levi made tea. Since there was nowhere to hurry, you could truly enjoy each and every moment, cherishing the time spent together on this very special day.
The house was nice and quiet, and all you could hear were the sounds of nature from outside. When you looked out the window, you saw tiny snowflakes drifting around and making the outside scenery even more lovely. It was such a huge contrast to everything you saw around you in the house – the Christmas tree, all the decorations and the fire peacefully burning in the fireplace, making the house warm and cozy.
The day of Levi’s birthday nor Christmas were ever about giving one another a huge amount of gifts. The best thing about the entire holidays were actually the days leading up to them. When you found time to decorate and bake together. Dance around the house to gentle Christmas music and fool around the kitchen, making a huge mess in the process and then cleaning it all up while tasting your sweet creations.
Yes, the actual holidays were beautiful and filled with love and gratitude, but those very last days before them had some unique kind of magic you looked forward to every single year. And Levi too. He adored helping you get everything ready. Despite all the tasks, he found it relaxing and assuring in a way. All the hustle before the holidays made him feel grateful that he had a special someone to share all of this with.
„What?“ Levi asked, when he caught you looking at him with a smile on your lips, while he was still finishing his breakfast. You shook your head and looked into your already empty plate. „No, tell me. What’s the matter?“
„Nothing, I just... I love you.“ He smirked at your shy expression as you said that. Almost as if you were saying it for the very first time. „And I’m so grateful that we can celebrate another holiday together,“ you added, reaching out your hand and stroking his cheek lovingly.
Levi slightly turned his head and pressed a kiss into your palm, leaning into your touch a bit more. The calm and content expression on his beautiful face made you feel all the joy in the entire universe.
„How about showing me just how much you love me?“ he teased and before you knew it, he pulled you over to sit on his lap, his arms wrapping around your waist tightly.
„Don’t you want to unwrap your presents first?“ you asked, playfully running your thumb over his lower lip. With a smirk, Levi’s hands slipped under your shirt and onto your lower back, his touch warm and gentle.
„Hmm, there’s one very special gift I can’t wait to unwrap,“ he mumbled in a low voice, his lips gently brushing against your mouth. One of his hands traveled up your back underneath your shirt, holding you close. His eyes locked with yours, full of love and hunger for your body. „Maybe we could get to it now, so later we can go for that walk you mentioned earlier,“ he continued teasing you, while his other hand slipped out from underneath your shirt and into your hair.
„It’s your special day. So you’re the one to say that we’ll be doing.“
„Trust me, I’ll enjoy this fact very much,“ he whispered into your lips and stood up, lifting you off his lap. With your legs wrapped around his waist, he made his way back to the bedroom, your lips staying pressed together in a passionate kiss for the entire time.
It was his birthday, after all. So it was only fair to grant him every little pleasure his heart desired.
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neyswxrld · 9 months
Bad Batch Family (no pairing(except Phee and Tech))
summary: Omega makes her brothers a present that is full of their favorite memories.
warnings: none, it's just fluff
word count: ~1250
advent calendar masterlist
a/n: this is the twenty fourth fic for my advent calendar! i hope you enjoy! merry christmas to everyone who is celebrating today already!
i also found this lovely piece of art by @blazedeclipse of omega playing with her camera a few weeks ago, and it was so cute and somewhat fitting that i have to show it to everyone!
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It's been a few months since they were finally able to settle down on the quiet and peaceful island. The stress from the war and its aftermath has slowly disappeared. At first, Omega's brothers were a little lost. Nobody knew what to do, now that they finally had time for themselves, without any missions or shady jobs to gain a handful of credits.
It took a while for all of them to gain a foothold and live their new lives. Wrecker managed to help the people where he could and became a valued member of Pabu's society. He also discovered his passion for cooking and was making the best meals for them.
Tech finally had time to reinforce his relationship with Phee and had fun with teaching people different things about everything.
While trying to get accustomed to this new place and people, Hunter slowly but surely let his walls fall and laid down his role as the strong leader. He became the best father figure Omega could have ever imagined.
But Echo and Crosshair didn't manage that well at first. While Echo was restless and antsy, trying to be useful in every way, Crosshair had a very hard time. He was sad, and angry, and at the same time his guilt was eating him up alive.
It took both of them a lot of time to finally adjust to their new lives.
And Omega? She was just happy. She finally had the family she ever wanted. She lived with her brothers in a small house. She could visit her friends whenever she wanted. She simply felt good. She wasn't scared or troubled anymore. Just happy.
Months passed by and she collected countless memories and experiences. Memories, she never wanted to forget.
Because of that, she had begged Tech countless times to make her goggles just like his, so she also could record everything.
The Problem was, that she didn't need any glasses. Her eyes worked perfectly fine. So Tech decided to make a small device that had the same functions as his goggles and gave it to her about a year ago.
Since that moment, she took the small holo-recoder with her everywhere she went.
She took pictures of the sea and the nature, of animals, of her and Lyana, of Wrecker and how he proudly holds up a new meal he made, Tech and Phee laughing, Hunter when he was sleeping on the hammock in the garden, Crosshair scowling at Hunter, Echo smiling shyly and of herself.
With the time, she collected picture over picture. Some of them, she had printed out and put them on her wall.
But she wanted to share those pictures and memories. It just was right on time, when Phee was talking about some festivities called Christmas and about traditions. Watching holo movies, eating cookies, meeting with loved ones, and presents.
She immediately knew what she wanted to give her brothers for this special day.
On the same day, she sat down and decided so make a photo album for them. Over the next few weeks, she planned, printed more pictures, glued them in a small empty book she bought from the market and decorated every page in its own style.
Hunter even got a little worried because she was in her room so much and didn't let anyone of them in. But well, it should be a surprise, right? 
After about three weeks of hard work, she finally finishes the album and proudly holds the thick book to her chest. Christmas was going to be amazing.
When the said holiday finally comes around, she already wakes up with the biggest smile on her lips. For a small second, she is scared that maybe her brothers won't like her present, but as soon as her eyes fly to the finished photo album, all her worries fade away. They will love it as much as she loves it!
The whole day is like Phee described it already. They watch classic Christmas movies in the afternoon and eat some of the baked goods she brought around.
After some time, Wrecker gets up to start cooking. Here and there, one of them helps him and after about two hours they eat dinner.
She's a little bit absent. Her mind is mostly occupied with the photo album. When Hunter notices and asks if she's okay, she just nods, too tense to speak. She doesn't notice how Echo and Hunter exchange a quick, concerned glance, seriously worried by now.
The rest of the meal is relatively quiet and everyone is savoring the unbelievably delicious food on their plate. When all of them are done, they clean up the table and the kitchen together.
When they're finally finished, Omega decides that now is the right time.
"I have something for you," she says, her voice thin and shaky.
Before anyone can say a thing, Omega runs up to her room, grabs the wrapped book and soon after, she is standing next to her brothers again.
"A gift?" Wrecker asks excited when he sees the colorful paper.
All the attention lies on her now. Everyone is watching her as she comes closer and places it on the table.
"Yes, I- I- thought... That maybe you'll like it," she nods, sliding it towards them.
While the others are a little unsure and don't know what to say at first, Wrecker is all excited. He grabs the present and before anyone can protest, he already rips the paper away, gasping as he gets a good look at what's inside.
"A book?" he questions, looking over at her.
"A photo album," she corrects, but nods.
Wrecker's eyes get big.
"I thought... Well, Phee talked about Christmas gifts and I wanted to give you something back because you care for me so much. I care too. And... this is a small thank you for everything you do for me," she says quietly, looking around all of them.
All of them look a bit confused at first, before understanding settles in their eyes. When she finishes, she feels proud of herself and when she interprets Hunter's face right, he is too.
"Come over here," Echo is the first one to break the silence. When she reaches him, he lays his arms around her.
"Thank you so much, Omega. This is very kind of you," he tells her, stroking through her short hair.
All of them say their thanks in their own way. Whether it's a silent nod and a pat on her shoulder by Crosshair, the red glint on Tech's face as she tells him that the pictures are taken with his holo-recorder or Wrecker's bear hug. Hunter is the last one that pulls her close.
"Thank you," he whispers in her hair, before pulling her down on a chair next to him. "Let's give it a look on the inside!"
Said and done.
In the next hour, they're sitting huddled together at the dinner table and look at all the different pictures.
They laugh, and smile and retell different stories they remember when they see pictures.
Phee went to clean the last few dishes as soon as Omega came around with the present. When she finishes, she quietly sits down with them, enjoying their conversations. She keeps in the background, not wanting to disturb their family moment. They still have too less of them, in her opinion, and seeing all of them so happy and careless warms her heart.
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@isthereanechoinhere96 @trixie2023 @freesia-writes
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canirove · 9 months
Broken Hearts Football Club | Chapter 24
Author's note: Chapter 24 of 29... 👀 Also, to those of you who just read this story and don't follow me, happy holidays and merry christmas to those of you who celebrate! 💜
Previous chapter | Next chapter
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"I want to be a cat" Reece said.
"What?" Ben laughed.
"Look at Pepper. He has all the girls' attention!"
"He's cute."
"I am cute too."
"Yeah, but his hair has never been green" June chuckled, walking towards them. "Hi."
"Hi" Ben smiled.
"And... that's my cue to leave" Reece said. "I'm gonna see if I can convince Leah to share her pizza."
"Good luck" June laughed.
After the game they all had gathered at her place, John buying pizza and drinks for everyone to celebrate that "my little sister is finally back and I won't have to see her ugly face all the damn time", which had made everyone laugh. Everyone but June, who simply rolled her eyes.
"You were amazing today."
"I played for 5 minutes. I didn't have time to do anything."
"They were 5 amazing minutes."
"I think you are a bit biased, Chilwell."
"With you? Yeah, I've always been. Though this time it's different."
"How so?" June asked, moving closer.
"All my facts are positive now."
"You have gone so soft, Chilwell" she laughed.
"You make me go soft, Maxwell" he whispered, closing the space between them a bit more.
"You can't kiss me here" June whispered back.
"They won't mind. They all know what is going on between us."
"And what is that, if I may ask?"
"I like you, and you like me."
"I don't like you, Chilwell."
"I'm not lying, I don't like you. But I do…"
"June, I think your cat just farted on me!" Reece said.
"Jesus fucking Christ" she muttered. "And what do you want me to do about it?"
"I don't know. Take him to the bathroom?"
"He can go himself, he's a big boy."
"June, it actually smells really bad" Leah laughed.
"Urgh" she groaned, the moment she and Ben were having gone. 
But maybe it had been for the best, because she had almost told him that she loved him, and she was starting to feel like it would have been a mistake. That wasn't the place nor the moment to do it, and what if he didn't love her back? Mason was convinced he did, but what if he was wrong? What if Ben wasn't ready for that yet? And was she even ready for it? 
"June, are you ok?" Ben asked her, bringing her back to reality.
"Yes, yes, don't worry. I'm gonna go check what's the problem with Pepper."
"Ok" he replied. "But Maxwell" he said, taking her hand on his as she moved, his thumb doing small circles on her skin and sending goosebumps all over her arm. "You owe me a kiss."
"I'll try to remember" she winked before joining the others. 
"I'm so happy for you, June" Vittoria said while hugging her. Or squeezing her. "Happy and proud."
"You made it very clear when I scored" she laughed.
"Just in case you forgot" she smiled. "But it was your first goal since you came back! And on your first game on the starting eleven!"
"It's been a night to remember, hasn't it? I just wish it had been home. And that Lauren had been with us too."
"Yeah… Let's hope she can recover for the next game" Vittoria said. "Anyway, do you want me to drive you home?"
"No, there is no need. Ben said he would pick me up."
"Did he?"
"Vittoria, put that eyebrow down."
"Why?" she laughed.
"Because he is only driving me home because John is on a date, nothing else."
"Oh, so you are gonna be home alone?"
"I… that's him"June said when a car stopped next to them. "Goodnight, Vittoria."
"Goodnight, my girl. Enjoy" she winked.
"Why is Vittoria smiling like that?" Ben asked when June got into his car.
"Nothing, ignore her" she replied. "Hello, by the way."
"Hello, Maxwell" he smiled. "Congratulations on tonight's win."
"Thank you. But just on the win?"
"Did anything else happen?" Ben teased her.
"You are such an idiot."
"I'm very proud of you, June" he said, caressing her cheek. "That was a fantastic goal."
"Thank you" she smiled. "But I kind of miss your stupid facts."
"You don't like soft Chilly?" he asked, arching an eyebrow.
"Ok, then. Here is a fact: You could have scored more goals. You played for 75 minutes, Maxwell. You missed too many chances and should have ended the game with at least another goal."
"That's more like it" she smiled before moving forward and kissing him.
"You also ended the game too tired. Your fitness is really bad" he smirked.
"I just came back from a serious injury, Chilwell" she said against his lips.
"Not enough" he whispered before they started kissing again, only being interrupted when June yawned.
"See? Too tired" Ben laughed. "Let's get you home."
"But wait, before I forget. I got you something."
"To celebrate how bad I was today?"
"Exactly" he chuckled, opening the car's glove box.
"Ben!" June laughed.
"We must keep our traditions" he smiled.
"Do you keep a huge box of kinder eggs at your house or something?"
"Maybe. But it is very well hidden, so don't try to look for it."
"Ok" she laughed again. "Thank you very much, Ben. I love it."
"And I… fuck!" he jumped when someone honked behind them.
"That's Vittoria" June said, rolling her eyes.
"Perfect timing" Ben murmured. "Anyway, let's get you home" he said before starting  the car. 
Though maybe Vittoria's interruption hadn't been that bad, because he had almost told June that he loved her. And that may have not been the right moment to say it. Or the best place. And the least thing he wanted was for her to freak out. Again.
He was sure of his feelings for her, and according to Mason, she felt the same for him. But what if they weren't on the same page just yet? What if Mason was wrong and she didn't love him the way he did? What if…
"Chilwell!" June said, snapping her fingers in front of him.
"Where were you?" she laughed. 
"I… nevermind."
"I guess you didn't hear my question."
"I did not, no. Sorry" he apologized.
"I was asking you if I can put this here."
"What is that?" Ben asked, looking at what June was holding.
"Some kind of ornament. I think. It was the egg's surprise."
"Can I put it here on the rearview mirror? That way you will always remember me" she smiled.
"Of course you can" Ben smiled back.
"Gre…at" June yawned.
"And let's get you home before you fall asleep" he chuckled, this time finally managing to leave the carpark. 
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elvisabutler · 2 years
give you my heart
summary: christmastime at graceland is hectic. you and elvis enjoy some quality time alone with each other by the fire after everything is said and done. some important conversations happen. fandom: elvis presley | elvis ( 2022 ) rating: t to be on the safe side, i used the word cocked. pairing: elvis presley ( big daddy variation ) x female reader word count: 1846 warnings: elvis as santa. reader as mrs. claus. talk about elvis's health. basically the reader kind of taking the place of ginger alden if you're curious the time frame my mind went to. talk about marriage. brief mention of elvis's mother. potentially excessive talking to a baby belly. author’s note: merry christmas to those who celebrate and happy holidays to those who don't and happy sunday to those who neither of those apply to. also happy hanukkah. anyway! so this is the tame piece i mentioned last night. special thanks to my lovely ladies of graceland for convincing me to write both pieces. the beginning few paragraphs are the same as the first dirtier fic so no you're not imagining that. you know the drill, imagine austin or real elvis, i'm not picky because i know who i imagined. might maybe have one more christmas-y/holiday themed fic up my sleeve but that's likely for right after the holidays. and yes i am posting this at 6am, i don't understand why my brain wouldn't let me go back to sleep either. also if you want a tag for my later fics, or any of my fics in general just give me a heads up, i'm actually gonna try and start using one.
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Christmastime at Graceland is always a bit of a packed house and one that is a- in your own opinion, bit of organized chaos. Between Priscilla bringing Lisa Marie, between every member of the Memphis Mafia- former and current- bringing their basic families and Elvis's own family it was a bit much to handle. Not for the first time you are so deliriously thankful for your fiance still having a relatively cordial at least nowadays relationship with Priscilla. You're pretty sure you would have been lost for the first two Christmases you had hosted and even for this one had you not had her to fall back on.
You're able to handle it though, flitting through rooms like a hummingbird, the swell of your stomach rounding out the red dress lined with white fur causing you to bump once or twice into the children running around and twice into Santa himself, causing him to run his hand across it, murmuring apologies to you and to your little one who gives him an answering kick that has him grinning even more than he already was under his fake beard. Your pregnancy, while giving you more energy than you thought was possible, sometimes also drains you more than you'd like during social engagements. Elvis warns all the adults ahead of time, tells them that things might be cut short if you're looking like you need to relax. You manage to make it a respectable three hours, even if by the end you find yourself sitting on one of the couches, rubbing at your belly enough that despite you moving to stand up shakily in your heels he's showing everyone out in record time.
Lisa and Priscilla are sound asleep upstairs as you find yourself curled up under a blanket on the rug in front of the fireplace with Elvis behind you supporting your back. One of his hands is rubbing small circles against your skin, watching as your child occasionally reacts with a kick that has him huffing a laugh against your neck and has you rolling your eyes. This is all you've really wanted today, for honestly the entire week as preparation for this soiree truly went into overdrive. Elvis might be taking a break from touring and from everything else to focus on his health a little and to focus on you and the child growing in you but he's a bit of a workhorse who doesn't know proper sleeping hours even on his best behavior. You're used to it and it makes times like this, makes these simple moments special.
You're both tired from today's festivities, him from running around after the kids and passing out gifts and you from just entertaining. Any other night after being as pulled apart from one another as you had been lately would have ended in some form of sex but it feels almost like too much effort for the pair of you. The baby within you keeps rolling about, the excitement from today and from Elvis's touch proving to be a combination to drive you a bit batty. Elvis wants to stay behind you, wants to be the rock you lean against but at the same time, he can't help the overwhelming urge he has to talk to your stomach, to kiss at it and marvel at how his girl, his future wife is growing another little one for him, an active little boy he hopes but he's alright giving his lil Yisa a little sister. He doesn't fight the urge after a while, after the fourth kick from your child has you huffing a little out your nose. With an agility you forget he has off stage he moves his body almost like a predator and you find his mouth placing a soft kiss to your belly as he speaks.
"Now ya listen here, it ain't nice to make mama hurt like that. Know ya jealous ya ain't out here enjoyin' the season but next year, lil one. Gonna be in our arms or running around the room. Or maybe you'll be in our arms when we get married. Have ourselves a Christmas wedding." He looks up at you, looking younger than his years. "'Less ya wanna be my wife sooner than that. Ya already got the ring and my big baby."
Your hand moves to his head, thankful he had taken the Santa hat off ages ago and you allow yourself to run your fingers through his hair. It’s a little sweaty still, but you figure it’s from the heat and the former hat. Elvis’s eyes flutter shut a little at the motion, the action being something comforting no matter who’s doing it. A smile plays on your lips before you shrug. “Your very big baby, wondering how much bigger I’m going to get- if I didn’t know any better I’d say there were two in there.” You pause and motion to the belly his head’s now resting on. “I’m not fitting into any wedding dress, sweetheart. Can’t have a wedding till this is all gone.”
Elvis laughs a little and rubs at your belly again, marveling at the kick he receives back, this time down toward the bottom of your stomach instead of toward the top. Maybe there was something to be said about your joke about there being two in there. He shakes his head before he speaks. “We can, ya just don’t wanna have everyone lookin’ at ya and realizin’ I’ve already got ya full of me ‘fore were married. ‘Sides, there’s always a courthouse one. Can do that for now, no fuss ‘n later on we can have the big ceremony with everyone.”
It’s not a bad thought, you think, allowing both of you the privacy of being married before everyone else knows, a truly rare thing that you figure would only serve to help your relationship rather than hinder it. Still, you’re wondering where all this is coming from, Elvis had been content to put a ring on you right before you found out you were pregnant and you had told him you wanted to have a Christmas wedding- a fact that had delighted him to no end at the time- but you hadn’t realized just how big you’d be around Christmas thus forcing you to put aside your plans.Your teeth worry at your lower lip before you say anything. “Just me dressed up in something nice, you dressed up in something nice and we just march down to the courthouse and say our I dos? No fuss.”
“Aw hell-” He starts, rubbing at his neck as he places another kiss to your stomach, murmuring something else before moving to sit up even as you want him to stay in your lap, just allowing you to stroke his hair. This had to mean business if he was turning down the chance to get it. “Look I know my mama's looking down on me right now and reminding me not to mess the one up. Already cocked it up a little giving you the little one early. Figure she'll come haunt me if I don't do what ya want me t'do. And I know you wanted a Christmas themed weddin’ but darlin’ I want ya to be my Mrs. Claus already. Want that ring on your finger to be our wedding ring. I’m bein’ impatient but hell- I don’t even want them questionin’ when you’re pushin’ out our baby whose it is. Just-” He pauses, and moves to cup your cheek, an action that causes you to nuzzle into his hand. “I wanna be able t’call ya my wife already. Wanna be your husband already.”
Not for the first time lately or even today you find your chest tightening at the love you feel for the man in front of you. He’s not perfect- God, don’t you know it and there’s a part of you in the back of your mind that’s prepared to eventually join Priscilla in being his ex-wife once you get married but it’s times like these, these simple times where he bares his soul to you that you’re reminded of why he’s the man you fell in love with.You bring your hand to rest over his and pull him into a soft kiss. “You’re that impatient, huh, big boy? You promise we wouldn’t make a fuss? That I can still have my wedding next year with you and I bouncing the baby between us during the ceremony?” 
He nods solemnly. “If that’s what my baby wants, if that’s what my wife wants, already told ya, mama’ll come haunt me if I don’t do what ya want. I’ll make it so we’re in and out and I’ll get Joe or one of the boys to take some pictures and that’ll be it. No fuss, no fans, nothing but you, me and the- well the little one inside ya but that can’t be helped.”
You giggle softly, running your free hand across your stomach as if to comfort the baby and to just help ground yourself to think.It’s a perfect plan, you think, and you’ve got just the outfit that could work. “They’re probably open on the 27th, you know. If you’re real serious about making me your wife as quick as you can.”
The grin that forms on Elvis’s face makes him look like a giddy school boy or like every silly picture of him just doing this full face grin that to this day amuses you to no end. You had said the right thing by agreeing and his excitement feels a little contagious as he nods his head. “I was serious as anythin’, darlin’. Gonna- Gotta make the plans tomorrow mornin’ when everyone’s awake and gotta tell ‘Cilla she can’t leave just yet- gotta have Lisa and her, just to witness. Oh- This might be the best Christmas present you’ve given me. Don’t think ya ever gonna top this one.” He bends down and places another kiss to your stomach. “Your mama is perfect ya know that, so lucky t’have her as ya mama.”
You shake your head, marveling a bit at the joy and the silliness in the air before you grab at Elvis’s face and place another kiss to his lips. “They got a real silly daddy but I’m marrying him early as a late Christmas gift so guess I‘m just as silly. Can we take this upstairs, jolly ole Saint Elvis?”
Once again, Elvis stands up quicker than you forget he can sometimes and pulls you up and close to him as he peppers your face with kisses. “Of course, gotta make sure my wife is comfortable. What kind of husband would I be if I didn’t? Can’t get started off on the wrong foot. Come on, let’s get to bed.” He pauses and takes a moment to look you up and down. “Love ya.” 
You shake your head and laugh at the way he looks at you. “Love you too, you impatient man.”
taglist: @ab4eva, @aconflagrationofmyown, @butlersxbirdy, @eliseinmemphis, @blurredcolour
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sxilor-1010 · 9 months
Yule Log
Words: 1074
Getting caught up in work, it’s easy to forget to have time for yourself, especially during the holidays. She’s heard a lot of concerns and reminders from her coworkers, and all of them went by her head saying she’s “relaxed a bit.”
It was her day off, and she had been fighting off the urge to work through celebrating Christmas. Or, in her case, Yule. Now, she wouldn’t say she was a witch. She liked magic, but magic in a world full of technology isn’t known too much.
Why do magic when you have many robots already doing stuff for you? Well for starters, they don’t know how to make a proper Yule log. Which is exactly what Emilyn is doing to celebrate her day off.
Sure she had to go some shopping for some of the things needed, but a little shopping never hurt her. Her table was dawned in bright red plaid, courtesy of Djenne and its amazing fabrics, with a fresh wooden log and other things.
Emilyn hummed to herself, holding a knife as she approached the table. With the log in her hands, she began to carefully carve holes big enough for the candles to fit. The wood emanated a nice scent, and she couldn’t help but close her eyes to admire it all. Her mouth moved on its own, just mumbling a song she remembered hearing while scrolling through YouTube earlier.
“God rest ye merry, pagan folk,
Let nothing you dismay.
Remember that the Sun returns
Upon this Solstice day.
The growing dark is ending now
And Spring is on its way.
Oh, tidings of comfort and joy,
Comfort and joy!
Oh, tidings of comfort and joy…”
Before Emilyn could continue singing, the distant noises of an aerial jet had caught the wind in her ears. Her hands stopped carving and she opened her eyes, looking towards a nearby window to see a familiar face smirk at her. “I didn’t think you’d stop by today, Starscream.” Emilyn approached the window, opening it to look at his face.
“My plans haven’t been the greatest this year, and I’m tired. What better way to relax than to accompany my little moon~?” He said slyly, Emilyn blushing just a bit as he moved a digit to caress her cheek. “You’re lucky I’m in a good mood to handle your flirts. Might as well come in.” Starscream smirked, drawing back his digit and walking to her door. Emilyn closed her window and opened the door, the Decepticon now mass displaced.
It wouldn’t be long before Starscream took notice of Emilyn’s little project, and he walked over with curiosity. “What are you making here?” Emilyn turned, smiling just a little bit before taking a seat back down. “It’s a yule log, just something to celebrate for this year…” Her words slightly drifted when turning to face Starscream, confusion glinted slightly in his crimson optics. “Oh, right… You’re probably not aware of Yule or Christmas, huh?”
“No, I’m not. Perhaps you can give me some insight later…” The Decepticon spoke, grabbing a chair of his own to sit next to Emilyn. She chuckled, keeping that as a mental note in the back of her mind. “Alright well, you can watch what I’m doing if you want. Up to you.” With that, Emilyn got back to carving, and Starscream watched intently, curiosity soon drifting towards the other items around her. There were a few candles, greenery branches of pine and cedar, not to mention dried fruits and pinecones.
“Quite the inventory of primitive materials, but what does one do with all of this?” Starscream spoke, plucking a pine branch in between his fingers to get a feel. Emilyn turned towards him, grabbing that branch and placing it back into the nearby pile. “You decorate this log, and supposedly it brings good luck and warmth to those who light the candles. It also wards off bad energy from harming you.” Ah, superstitious stuff. He should’ve guessed. “Peh, superstitious and magical nonsense. Humans are weird.”
That was enough to have Emilyn frown at Starscream, who laughed and smirked. “Well, not nonsense to you, my dear.” She rolled her eyes, grabbing the nearby hot glue gun and the pine branch he was fiddling with earlier. “Does magic not exist as a concept to you guys?” She turned to face Starscream, who placed a couple of digits on his chin in thought. “Not as much as you’d like to think. It exists in concept, but it was never said to be shown.” Huh, so it did exist in some way at least.
“That makes sense, given you and the Autobots are from a planet of metal, right?” Starscream nodded, albeit frowned a bit at the mention of the Autobots. “Magic can’t exist in a place that has metal, or iron. One of the two.” Emilyn spoke, Starscream watching carefully with curious optics as she glued the various nature pieces she had gathered onto the log. “I like to believe that even within today’s times, there’s still magic in this world. Hell, there might be pixies and fairies dancing outside my house right now and I wouldn’t even know it.”
Starscream looked in quiet awe seeing the once naked log now adorned in pine branches and dried fruits, not to mention the interesting scent it gave off. It surely was something magical, but it felt like something was also missing. Luckily, Emilyn was just about to get to that when grabbing ahold of the long candles. “Alright, I’m gonna need your help on this one. You’re gonna hold these perfectly still while I add glue onto the bottom.” The Decepticon looked in confusion but grabbed one of the candles nonetheless. It felt waxy amongst his digits, but it was a nice shade of red. He watched as Emilyn took the glue gun, adding a nice warm dollop to the bottom.
“What do you do once you’re done with this… ‘yule log’?” He asked curiously, Emilyn moving the glue gun away to glue the sides of the holes she carved out earlier. “Well, you just kinda leave it somewhere nice to burn until the end of Christmas. There’s not much else to it.” He nods, Emilyn taking the candle and placing it on the far right. “Only two more and then we’re done.”
“Maybe after we’re finished, I can explain Yule to you.” Hearing that, Starscream smirked lightly and chuckled.
He’d appreciate that very much.
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23rd Day of Christmas
An Impromptu Mishap
Summary/Prompt: Part 3 to A Sweet Mishap.
Pairing - Jensen Ackles x Reader 
A/N: Merry Christmas Eve to those who -like me- are in countries where you’re celebrating today! This part’s not overly Christmassy, but I just wanted to write another part in this world. Will hopefully continue and expand on this series more in the new year. 
Christmas Masterlist | Masterlist
You and Jensen continue texting whenever you can around your busy schedules. You consider more than a few times over the weekend to throw caution to the wind and meet up with him in his hotel room or invite him to your apartment. But in the end, you stay strong, stick to your convictions, and text instead. You haven’t yet gotten the courage to call, but even if you had, he’s been pretty busy and the texts have been sporadic with replies coming in hours apart. He did say he had to work, so you figure he’s busy with auditions or meetings. 
One thing you did do is Google his name to find out what he’s starred in. His biggest project appears to be a horror show called “Supernatural”. You consider watching it just to see, but you don’t want to get a false idea of who he is, so you decide to stay blissfully ignorant and try to get to know him for who he is as a person instead. 
It’s almost dark when you finally strip off your apron and hang it on the hook in the staff room. You collect your phone and jacket from your locker and return to the dining area to leave. You check your notifications as you walk, not paying any attention to your surroundings as you’re a little disappointed at the lack of messages from Jensen. As you walk you run into something solid–or perhaps I should say, someone. 
You look up to apologise but you lose all words when you see who it is. You just smile in shock. Even with his cap and dark sunglasses, you committed his frame to memory.
“You really gotta stop running into me like this,” the man says with a laugh.
“Can I buy you a drink to make up for it?”
“As I recall that didn’t end well. Regardless, I can’t stay long, I do have a flight to catch. I just really wanted to see you again before I left.”
“You sure you can’t stay?”
“I’m sure. Someday. Let’s just promise to stay in touch.”
“I promise. At least just let me make you something for the road.”
“You look like you’ve already finished for the day. Go rest. You look exhausted. We’ll talk later.”
“Alright. Have a safe flight.”
He hugs you briefly and then disappears out onto the street and into a dark car. You smile at the whirlwind visit and then go back to your apartment. You throw a microwave dinner in to cook while you shower and change into your PJs. You’re not sure how long his flight will be but by the time you’re sitting on the couch with your dinner in your lap over an hour has passed since you saw him leave. Not knowing when he’ll see the message, you send a text anyway.
It was great to run into you again *literally*... I am sorry about that, I need to watch where I’m going Have a nice flight home or wherever you’re goingText me when you get there 
Not expecting a response until later, you put your phone to sleep and flick through the TV channels. To your surprise, Supernatural is airing. You have no idea what episode or season it is, or what they’re up to, but when Jensen’s face appears on the screen you’re unable to bring yourself to change the channel. Despite your desire to stay ignorant, you just can’t look away. You’re slightly unsettled when his character, who you’ve gathered is called Dean, slices off someone or something’s head. But even he makes that attractive. Every expression on his face has you even more engrossed. He tells the story so well even though you don’t really know what the full story is. His taller brother in the show is also incredibly attractive. The longer you watch, the more you find yourself not caring about the plot and just enjoying the eye candy instead. Part of you feels a little guilty for looking and thinking about Jensen like that when he seems like such a nice, genuine guy in real life. And he genuinely seems interested in pursuing a friendship — or hopefully more — with you in the future. 
Once the episode ends you force yourself to switch off the TV, clean up and go to bed; you have an early shift tomorrow. As you lay in bed, the images of Dean – or Jensen – flow through your head. Unable to sleep you decide to text him again.
I guess you’re still on your flight
Just wanted to let you know I saw you on TV tonight
Your show Supernatural was on when I was flicking through the channels
Can’t say as I picked up on a lot of the plot but I can see why the paparazzi follow you
Anyway, I’ll stop bombarding you now
Good night
You force yourself to switch your phone onto sleep mode and plug it in to charge. You lay in bed and let yourself relive your impromptu meeting until you finally fall asleep.
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hollowedkingdoms · 9 months
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
Good morning and Merry Christmas to all those who celebrate it! I hope that not just today, but all of your holiday season is jolly and bright. I also have a present for all of you today!
I have been working with a lovely artist named Timepool to help create these Hollow Knight Themed 5e Character sheets for you to enjoy using at your own games! There is a purely printable version and a fillable PDF version for whatever playstyle you enjoy the most.
You can find these character sheets on our Hollowed Kingdoms Discord Server:
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ssolessurvivor · 10 months
Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate!
(for those of you curious my husband is doing well in recovery from surgery, he can't wait to have the bestest comfort food <3)
I won't be here much today as we're going over to the parent's place to celebrate, but!
If you have a ship with Logan, this is what a Finnegan Thanksgiving would look like between our muses!
-It's always held at Logan's cabin, as his grandparents were always the ones who had holiday gatherings there before they passed.
-His mom comes over early with the turkey and they get it prepped together as a sort of mother/son quiet time before the day starts.
-Tegan brings a lot of baked goods over once she closes the cafe at noon from working in the morning.
-Logan makes his 'famous' mashed potatoes. (While Logan is cooking, sneaky Melanie and Tegan hang mistletoe all around the cabin).
-Melanie brings over various side dishes, like veggies, cranberry jelly, homemade rolls, and also her homemade stuffing.
-While Logan is cooking, Melanie usually has a project she's working on in the living room while her and their mom and dad chat, Tegan will come in and help get all the sides heated up with Logan and they have their own time together in that way preparing food.
-They usually end up watching A Christmas Story after they eat, it's sort of a tradition they have to wind down. They always have a fire going in the hearth all day, it never goes out until evening when Logan is alone.
-Leftovers are packed away and separated equally to each family member.
-It's just a merry gathering of a small family full of love and so much to be thankful for. Sometimes his niece and nephew come over once their own celebrations are over to get some pumpkin pie for dessert and watch the movie with their favorite uncle and co.
Have a happy day everyone and be safe <3
@walkitoffrogers @redhead-reporter @goldenboybarracuda @princedickhead @shieldagentnatasharomanoff @amarvelousmencgerie @adversitybloomed @vvolfstare @smertzimy @incissam @vuulpecula @wallcrawlparker @respondedinkind @sxrgeantbarnes
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