#also mark is so caring and Petra is just like horrible to him
sincerelyang3l · 26 days
New Alux rising episode, pretty sure Mark and Petra are like super gay.
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mousegard · 2 years
For the character ask game: Dorothea Arnault
ooh, dorothea! i love dorothea but man i have written so little about her...
favorite thing about them
dorothea being a classically trained singer and opera star is my absolute favorite thing about her. mainly because i have an older sister who got her degree in classical singing and is like literally dorothea irl (she works in cybersecurity now and sings on the side, what a career path)
least favorite thing about them
no a-supports with bernie or ingrid :( like i get that ingrid is offput and made uncomfortable by dorothea's reflexive flirtiness and it's a compelling flaw in her characterization that she doesn't know how to "turn it off" sometimes... i just wish that at the very least they'd had an a-support where they could kiss and make up
favorite line
does it count if i just put down "every time she sings something" because man allegra clark just kills it
as much as i'm disappointed that her supports with bernie only go up to b i do love the idea of her and bernie as platonic friends. dorothea being the first commoner friend bernie has made since the yuri incident just feels so sweet... i love how dorothea helps bernie get over that wall and escape her father's control so she can be a bit more adventurous
there are so many dorothea ships that i just love to death that i don't know where to start. dorothea x petra and dorothea x edelgard have a lot of the same appeal. after a life of having to rub elbows with the nobility and hold her nose while she cynically searches for a spouse she can tolerate who will take care of her when her beauty fades, she finds the pinnacle of nobility—literal princesses, later a queen and/or an emperor—and they love her not for her beauty or her voice but for her heart, and she loves them not for their wealth or security but for their hearts... she earned a fairytale ending she didn't think was possible
also! also! i love dorothea x hubert, which really doesn't get enough attention. i got their paired ending on my first playthrough of crimson flower and i love the idea of her and hubert operating a spy ring together out of her opera company. it'll always hold a special place in my heart
i don't think there are any dorothea pairings that i just viscerally shudder at, but there are plenty of possible pairings in canon that just leave me cold. felix x dorothea is just kinda... there? the two characters never really feel like they have any chemistry between them, but they get a paired ending anyway. weird.
random headcanon
i didn't invent this but my headcanon is that dorothea has stretch marks. she was underfed and undernourished on the streets, obviously, but getting scouted would have given her body a sudden influx of nutritious food and caused a growth spurt that definitely would have left its mark on her
another headcanon: if you look closely at her list of liked and disliked foods, she dislikes every fish dish in the monastery. in fact the fish dishes are the only dishes she dislikes. since enbarr is a coastal city, you can infer that fish (most often quite past its recommended sell-by date) comprised a lot of the food dorothea had to choose from as a child on the streets. my headcanon is that she got horribly sick off of bad fish once and was lucky to survive
unpopular opinion
since i'm not clued into the fandom attitudes about dorothea i have to just assume that an "unpopular opinion" would be that every barbed insult dorothea throws at a male character is something they deserved, at the time
yes, even ferdie. her insults help him grow as a person
dorothea did nothing wrong. i'm just assuming that's an unpopular opinion in the fandom because. you know. that's what fandoms are always like
song i associate with them
one of the most famous arias from one of the most famous operas, "vissi d'arte" ("i live for art") from puccini's tosca, is a song i think fits dorothea very well. the eponymous character of floria tosca had to be at least a minor inspiration for dorothea!
tosca is a tragic story about a celebrated singer living in a time of political turmoil and caught between her lover mario cavaradossi, a painter with radical sympathies who has offered shelter to an escaped political prisoner, and baron scarpia, the corrupt chief of police who is determined to both capture the prisoner and seize tosca for himself at any cost... i'm sure a fe3h tosca au would be a pretty natural fit for a fanfic :P
I lived for my art, I lived for love, I never did harm to a living soul! With a secret hand I relieved as many misfortunes as I knew of. Always with true faith my prayer rose to the holy shrines. Always with true faith I gave flowers to the altar. In the hour of grief why, why, o Lord, why do you reward me thus? I gave jewels for the Madonna’s mantle, and I gave my song to the stars, to heaven, which smiled with more beauty. In the hour of grief why, why, o Lord, ah, why do you reward me thus?
favorite picture of them
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i like it when dorothea shoots lightning at people :) tosca would have had a happier ending if tosca could do that
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eagles-translated · 3 years
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Answering questions about Eagles 4x07–4x08 (Part 1) 🌻
Here’s my compiled answers of the questions you guys have sent in about the latest two episodes! I’ve received a few more questions that didn’t fit in this post, so I will answer them in part 2. Hope you enjoy!
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Hi @lovelygirlinbleu, I hope you are doing amazing as well!
These last two episodes were definitely something, and the ending to episode 8 was so bittersweet.
It was heartbreaking to see Felicia crying while looking at Ludde in a sea of happy people. That scene was really well done though so I liked it, but I was totally devastated too!
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I see what you mean—I also thought that the "plan" they all came up with was pretty silly. I was expecting Felicia to at least have some sort of idea on what to do since she was the one who gathered everybody, but she seemed to be just as clueless as everybody else there.
When Klara asked "so we just surprise Jack with a camera and say 'hey, you shot Andreas'?" I thought they would backtrack and come up with something else, but then they actually decided to do it anyway and the whole thing just felt childish. I know Jack is horrible and all, but they took this thing so seriously and to me the scene just felt comedic. And not in a good way.
Don't even get me started on when Ludde started saying "I'm sorry for kissing you" to Felicia in front of everybody. I almost recoiled in second-hand embarrassment from that one.
During the hockey game when they all called out "Kroon"—that was definitely cheesy, but I still liked it and also got goosebumps from that scene lol. But don't get me wrong, it did feel like Elias's eating disorder was swept aside in order for the Eagles team to have their big moment. It felt kind of weird knowing everything that Elias has gone through behind the scenes, and that made it hard to really root for him because I was just begging for Elias to not faint or risk injuring himself.
I really liked the golf scene between Petra and Amie, if I'm honest! To me it's understandable that Amie still isn't 100% sure about having Michael at her graduation. Graduating from high school is a huge milestone and celebration, so even if Michael did help Amie that still doesn't make him a close relative to her. I'd love to see Michael be invited to the graduation, though!
I agree with you on the fact that it felt weird how it only took one small hint from Petra for Amie to decide that she was going to the hockey game. I would've liked to see something similar to how Mats told Elias "You have to follow your instinct. Go with your gut feeling" earlier in the episode.
Some of the writing was questionable and I can understand why you found the episode disjointed. I have such a soft spot for Eagles so there were still lots of moments I enjoyed, but these two episodes definitely weren't as amazing as they could've been.
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You have a very good point. I'm not a huge fan of how Elias has been acting this season—not just towards Amie, but everybody else as well. I keep telling myself that he's so consumed by becoming successful and getting so affected by the eating disorder that he's not acting like himself.
I didn't really like how they made it seem like Amie was the one who did something wrong. I would've liked to see Elias approach Amie instead and be the one to take the first step.
I think that behind his stoic-ish exterior, Elias cares very deeply for Amie. He may not show it in the way we would want him to, but he never stopped loving her even when he was mad at her. He cares about her so much that her "betrayal" (in quotation marks here since Amie did the right thing) hurt Elias deeply, and he covered it up with hostility.
But they're still soulmates, and—as the episode title states—endgame.
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It is interesting!
While it would be a shame for Elias to retire from hockey so young, I think it would be the healthiest thing to do. I like the idea of Elias becoming a coach, but at the same time I'm totally in love with a previous theory I had of Elias studying at a film school in the US.
He's expressed an interest in movies before and it would be such a perfect way for him to accompany Amie to the US. I think the whole hockey environment is just stressful and damaging to his well-being, so I'd like to see Elias pursue something else. Something different than the expectations that were set on him the moment he was born.
You could definitely be right about whatever Elias does next is very likely to still be tied to hockey. That speech demonstrated great leadership skills so it wouldn't be coming out of left field if Elias did become a coach. But I'm still holding on to my whole "Elias studies at a film school in the US and directs Amie's future music videos" dream, no matter how unrealistic it may be. 🥲
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I agree. It feels like the plan they came up with didn't even matter in the end since Jack decided to show up at Felicia's apartment anyway (also, how did he even know where the apartment was and that Felicia would be there at that time?).
The Plan had a lot of small problems so I understand what you mean. Besides the whole Jack drama, I also found myself not even caring about Naima relapsing and ending up at the hospital. We had so few scenes with Naima and she sort of disappeared from the show after Felicia left rehab, so I didn't really care about Naima that much. I really don't care about their love story at all if I'm perfectly honest.
I would love to see the cut scenes/ideas, if there were any for these episodes! Maybe this could be a question for the upcoming podcast Q&A?
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You are definitely right. This storyline should've begun much earlier than it did, and there should've been more scenes of it. Someone mentioned that most of Elias's development was done off-screen rather than on-screen, and that perfectly summed up my biggest problem with how this storyline was handled.
I didn't like the message that was sent out when we saw Elias be rewarded for neglecting his health by refusing to stop playing.
I appreciate the attempt because it's rare to see a male eating disorder storyline on TV, but it definitely could've been done better if it had been developed more. I feel like we never really got into Elias's head properly, so it was hard to understand his thoughts this season.
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Mats and Petra are such a guilty pleasure of mine, so I would love to see this happen. Imagine that after like 25 years, they finally get to spend graduation together even if it's not really how either of them planned it. 🥺
I mean, it would be a little weird for them to get together since their kids are dating each other, but I just want to see Petra be happy. And even if Mats hurt her really badly they still have a very special connection to each other.
For all we know Petra could end up with Michael, but I'm rooting for my man Mats here.
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You're so right. I feel really bad for Ludde and all the shitty cards he's been dealt with. The only thing he has going for him is London, so he's absolutely going there after graduation because I can't imagine Ludde staying in Oskarshamn. But if it's any consolation, he should have a pretty rad graduation speech after everything he's gone through this season.
Now that we're on the subject, I also feel really bad for Sam who got caught in the middle of the whole Andreas drama. Imagine that your significant other gets randomly shot and tells you an obvious lie about how it happened. A month or so later you find out that he has cancer and he still hasn't told his family, so you're carrying around this huge secret that you know will change everything when it comes out. Oh, and then you find out that your partner was the one who bought the gun that shot him and that he used it to threaten someone else.
And still, Sam manages to be such a loving and supportive boyfriend even if Andreas has treated him like garbage. I know this situation is really traumatic for Ludde and his family, but Sam is definitely going to be suffering after this too. We don't know anything about his family or if he has the same support system that Ludde has. I just wish Sam finds some happiness in the last episode. He totally deserves better. Can Sam go to the US too, please? 🥺
I think your predictions about Ludde and Felicia are pretty solid! I'm hoping they'll stay close friends and maybe rekindle their relationship in the future, if we do end up getting a flashforward scene.
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I did enjoy them, but there were glaring problems with the pacing and also the way that some storylines were wrapped up. Lots of things were rushed and some events didn't make a whole lot of sense to me.
I kind of wish that they hadn't packed so much into these two episodes, but I understand that we're nearing the series finale and they probably wanted to go out with a bang.
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scripts4dreamers · 4 years
Being the leader of the Preps would include...
Prompt: “hey if you can could you do some Hcs for being the leader of the prep clique from deadly class? I know it might be hard because they weren't elaborated on enough but considering you read the comics and watched the show and your other clique headcanons were so good i know you'll do a great job 💙”
Being the leader of the prep clique would include:
Being from a well established CIA family. Your family’s been involved in the secret service since before the CIA was even created, and has had at least one member serving as an active agent ever since.
Of course your parents are higher ups, so you’re not exactly regular spies.
Growing up wealthy, switching between your house in the Hamptons, one of your apartments in New York City and your summer house in Los Altos California throughout the year.
Spending lots of time overseas when your parents are meeting with other intelligence agencies or on missions themselves.
Attending a bunch of different private schools when you were young, until your parents decide that it’s not safe for you and then you get tutored with a bunch of other CIA kids.
Being friends with Kendal ever since you were kids, having grown up sharing a tutor and travelling all around the world together.
Training in espionage and intelligence collecting from an early age.
Knowing that you’re going to end up in working for the US government in intelligence one day and being proud and excited to get to serve your country, just like your parents and their parents and their parents and-
Being sent to King’s as a way to network with other future world leaders, but also to show you the people you’ll end up doing reconnaissance on one day, like Viktor and the other KGB kids.
At first it’s really not that different to life back at home, training takes up loads of your time and no one bothers with stuff like algebra or physics.
As time goes on and you get to know the other students, specifically the Final World Order and rats, things start to get a little tougher.
Being a little shocked to find out that not everyone supports the government, or sees working for them as something honorable.
Starting to realise that your life might not be as idyllic as you’d originally thought.
Learning about propaganda and starting to wonder if maybe, just maybe, you’d been conditioned to love something you didn’t fully understand.
Confiding in Kendal about your fears after a lesson on domestic wiretapping.
“Like, okay I know every government surveys their people but...I’ve met J. Edgar Hoover...he was friends with my grandfather…I just can’t believe-”
“I know, Y/N, it’s fucked up.”
Learning about US intervention in other countries, and the actual work that US agents are forced to do on behalf of their country.
Suddenly feeling a little sick.
Phoning your parents every time you learn some new horrible thing, to ask if it’s true and getting into fights over the phone when they tell you it is.
Watching the news as they talk about the crisis in Cambodia, or an African leader getting assassinated and wondering if your parents were involved.
Feeling sick all over again.
Bonding with Kendal over feeling like maybe you aren’t cut out to be the perfect soldier after all, even though your marks are great.
Being the first person Kendal opens up to about being gay.
Assuring him that you still love and support him but, secretly, you’re absolutely terrified.
You couldn’t care less who he sleeps with but, Kendal’s father is the most conservative, homophobic man you’ve ever met. He will kill Kendal if he finds out.
So you agree to help him hide it, and his relationship with Stephen.
Being super close with the other preps, spending hours and hours listening to music and swapping book recommendations.
Spending hours getting ready, because you care how you look and take pride in your sense of style. It may not be leather and spikes, but it’s more than just a sundress too.
Creating a safe space in your crew for Kendal and Stephen, and anyone else on the LGBTQI+ spectrum to feel accepted. Steve and Ken can’t admit they’re together, of course, because it’ll get back to Kendal’s dad, but you’re extremely strict about the language people use.
Anyone in the school caught making homophobic statements or comments has you to deal with.
Having open discussions with your crew about the people you’ve all lost to military service, or just generally in service to a greater cause
Using your money to throw lavish, blow out parties for every little thing and inviting the entire school.
“Friend-aversary”? Party. Got an A on a test? Party. Day after Columbus Day? Party.
Using the parties you throw as a way to let Stephen and Kendal have some time together.
Also using them as a way to make new friends outside of your crew.
Striking up an unlikely friendship with Willie and Petra.
You couldn’t be any more different from Petra at first glance, but she’s funny and nice and you’ve never taken yourself too seriously, so it works.
Bonding with Willie over feeling like you’re not the person your family wants you to be.
“Ain’t nobody in government ever cared about my people, Y/N, that’s just the way it is.”
Learning more about your country, in a way you’d never heard before.
Still finding it in your heart to be patriotic, but now understanding that there’s got to be something more, some better way.
Realising that now you can finally find something that you think is worth dying for and not just accepting what your parents want you to die for.
Helping the LGBTQI+ kids sneak out to pride, telling your parents that you’ll handle recon on the event and then just...forgetting.
Having your own shorthand that only the preps know, so no one can intercept your notes or understand what you’re talking about if you don’t want them too.
Being the most clued up person on campus when it comes to rumors and gossip.
Your whole crew taking holidays together, all over the world, because you’ve become so close that saying goodbye over the holidays just hurts too much.
Replacing the blind faith and loyalty that you once had for the secret service and the government with loyalty to the people in your crew and doing everything for them.
Making a pact to do better, to be better than your parents, and to protect one another no matter what happens.
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changingourdestiny · 4 years
Season of the Hunt Part 5: I Promise
While investigating the EDZ, Crow show’s Blaze a hideout of his within the ruins of the dam. There, Crow opens up to Blaze about his feelings towards his past.
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Previous Part: Here
Next Part: Here
“I must say, you and Crow have very similar…er, flying styles.” Glint commented as Blaze and Crow transmatted into the EDZ. “Believe it or not, Rae’s worse!” Blaze laughed, “You’d be surprised how many times Ghost has scolded her for flying too fast!” Blaze glanced around the ruined remains of Trostland, “So where to?” “The Traveller sent us coordinates that seem to lead to the dam.” Crow replied. “Then lets go to the damn dam!” Crow let out a small chuckle at Blaze’s poor attempt at a pun, “That was awful.” “They only get better from here, bud.” “She means worse!” “Firefly!” Crow laughed as Blaze scolded her Ghost, which caught her off guard as she hadn’t ever heard him fully laugh. Not in Crow’s lifetime anyway. She couldn’t help but smile, happy that Crow was seeming to become more comfortable around her. “Anyway, let’s go before the Taken welcoming party show up.” “We’re going into the deep inside, so there should be less activity.” Crow nodded, “Follow me. I know a shortcut.” Crow lead Blaze through a series of old ruined buildings. “Do you come out here often?” Blaze asked. “Not as much since we met, but I used to when on assignment.” Crow replied, “It’s quiet out here. No one to bother me…hmph, or for me to bother.” That’s when Blaze realised it. Crow has bound to have run into other Guardians before being found by Spider. Guardians who weren’t as forgiving or willing to move on as she and her Fireteam were. She couldn’t even begin to imagine what he had gone through since being revived by Glint. “Watch your step.” Blaze was brought out of her thoughts as she and Crow arrived at a large, broken pipe, “It’s through here.” Crow entered the pipe and slid down it into another ruined area of the dam. He turned around to make sure Blaze had made it in. “…whooooooOOOOOOOOHOOOOO- WHOA!” “ARGH!” Blaze came flying out of the pipe and crashed straight into Crow, the two tumbling to the floor. “Ow…sorry…” Blaze groaned, rubbing her head. “Um, Blaze?” “Hm?” That’s when Blaze noticed she was laying on top of Crow. “A-ah! Sorry!” Blaze quickly got off him, her face a dark blue, as she helped him up. “It’s alright.” Crow replied, “Be careful up here, we need to cross on a thin pipe.” “R-right!” Blaze grinned, trying to hide her blush. ‘Blaze, you idiot, you’re supposed to be over this!’ Blaze scolded herself in her head as she followed Crow across the pipe. She brushed it off as seeing things, but she swore she had saw him blush too…
As they made their way further in, Crow suddenly stopped, “Hey, do you mind if we take a detour? I want to show you something.” “Sure!” Blaze replied as Crow led her through a debris filled hallway and into a room that was visible through a fallen-in wall. “Don’t mind the mess. Glint’s a terrible maid.” Crow joked. “What is this place?” Blaze asked, glancing about the objects scattered about the room. “This is just where I come to…get some distance when I need it.” Crow sighed, “Someplace to call my own.” “It’s his Crow’s Nest.” Blaze could hear the smile in Glints voice as he popped out beside Crow. “It absolutely is not.” Crow glared at Glint who went back to hiding in his hood. Blaze looked around the room before her eyes landed on a cluster of wine bottles. “Crow, do we need to have an intervention?” Blaze chuckled. “I didn’t drink that by myself.” Crow rolled his eyes, “In fact I didn’t have any of it. After Glint brought me back to life, I quickly came to realise that Guardians recognised me as whoever I was before.” Crow paused for a moment, “They…weren’t always kind. So I took to wearing a helmet to hide my face. Before Spider.” “Unfortunately, not all Guardians are good people.” Blaze sighed, “There have been Guardians who’ve used their powers for ill or have given into temptation. Some are just straight up cruel.” “Guess I was lucky to get a kind bunch.” Crow smiled. Blaze smiled back before something caught her eye, “Hold up.” She walked over to a blue bowl with golden markings on it, “These are Dawning patterns.” “Oh, right. Glint gave this to me.” “It was a gift.” Glint added, “It was the Dawning. Your first Dawning.” “This year’s Dawning should be starting soon.” Blaze suddenly had an idea, “I should see if Rae can convince Spider to let you come to the Tower for Dawning! You’d love it!” “As much as I appreciate the offer,” Crow sighed, “I fear I might not be welcomed by the Guardians there.” “In the words of a certain kind old lady that comes to visit us, ‘The Dawning is for everyone’. That includes you. And if anyone tries to say otherwise, they’ll have me and my flames to answer to!” Crow seemed surprised at first before giving a small smile, “Thank you.” Blaze grinned back in return before noticing the sheet underneath the bowl. Crow followed her gaze to it, “My first memories are of waking up under this shroud. The first thing that was mine.” He placed a hand on it, “It was comforting somehow. I couldn’t bring myself to throw it away. Someone cared enough to lay me to rest. I meant something to them, whoever they are, and that…means something to me.” Blaze tried not to let Crow the sombre expression that had sneaked onto her face. She remembered how much she had to pester Petra to allow her to hold a proper funeral for Uldren. If it weren’t for Jolyon also proposing it, she probably never would’ve succeeded. Blaze wanted to tell Crow so desperately who she was, but she knew it would only hurt him. Besides, he wasn’t the same person she had fallen for in her past life. It wouldn’t matter. So why? Why did she feel…? “I’m not stupid.” Blaze was brought back again by Crow, “I know…the person I used to be, he did something terrible. I can feel it when people look into my eyes and see him. The way Rae and Adam looked at me when we first met. I don’t ever want to know him. However…” Crow looked to Blaze, “The look you gave me was…different. And I couldn’t figure out how. That was…” Blaze watched as he removed something from under his cloak and hand it to her, “…until Rae told me your name.” Blaze looked down at what Crow had handed to her and let out a small gasp. A silver ring with a fire agate, the words ‘Blaisel Kiria. My phoenix’ engraved on the inside, hanging from a silver chain. “You kept it…” Blaze muttered. “I asked Rae about it. She said it should be up to you if you tell me or not.” Crow continued, “Like I said, I don’t want anything to do with who I used to be. But…I feel like giving this back to you might at least give you respite.” Blaze stared down at the ring, thinking over her choice of words carefully. “I…” she began, “I’m not too good with words. Saying comforting and meaningful stuff is usually Rae’s department. I just add the optimistic side-commentary.” Black chuckled, “But the person you used to be…we were close back then, until…something really bad happened. I know you’re not him. I came to terms with that a long time ago.” Crow gave a nod. “But who you were doesn’t matter.” This caught him by surprise as Blaze continued, “What matters is who you choose to be now. That person died a long time ago. He’s gone. And now you’re here. Only you get a say in who you are now. Not me. Not Spider. Not any Guardian. You.” Blaze smiled, “And I’ll be right here if you need me. I promise.” Crow searched her eyes for any deception or misleading, but all he saw was genuine honesty and kindness – something he had rarely seen in any of the Guardians he met. It was Blaze’s turn to be caught off guard as she was suddenly enveloped in a hug. “…thank you.” Crow’s voice was barely above a whisper – Blaze probably would’ve missed it if she wasn’t paying attention. Blaze smiled and gently hugged him back, “You’re welcome.”
“Somethings happening.” Glint alerted, “I’m detecting massive gravity distortions in the dam!” “I know. We can see them!” Blaze and Crow watched as large boulders floated about the large room. “Savathûn likes zero-g apparently.” Blaze half-joked. “You think she’s capable of this?” Crow asked. “It’s Hive. I wouldn’t be surprised if they had means to make the entire Last City float. Here I thought doing the impossible was more of a Paralight trope.” “That would explain why you’re so good at taking them down.” “Taken welcoming committee inbound!” Firefly chirped as the tell-tale glow of incoming Taken appeared. “Shall we?” Crow offered his hand. Blaze smirked, taking his hand, “Hell yeah!” The duo jumped down as the Taken appeared, weapons at the ready.
“You could nearly hear what that last Taken was thinking when you threw that grenade! ‘Nooo! Why would Sava-loon send me to such a horrible fate?! Curse you, Blaze and Croooooooooow!’” Blaze yelled dramatically as she reloaded her gun. “You’re so strange.” Crow laughed. “Hey. I’m one of the more normal people in the Tower. You think I’m strange, wait ‘til you meet the grenade-obsessed Titan that is Shaxx!” “I’ll believe it when I see it.” Blaze stuck out her tongue as she holstered Firelight, “So now what?” “As we finished that last Taken, I…felt something.” “Was it actually saying that telepathically to you?” Crow stifled a laugh, “Blaze, I’m serious!” “Sorry, sorry! Go on!” Blae giggled. “It was a yearning. For change…for adventure.” Crow smiled awkwardly, “It feels childish, but it’s like the gun – or maybe the Traveller – wants us to experience triumph.” “It might have something to do with elevated states of emotion.” Glint added, “Like you need to attune your minds to a specific wavelength.” “Like a happy radio?” Firefly asked. “Something like that.” “I think we should try.” Crow asserted before turning to Blaze with a determined expression, “Together?” “Together.” Blaze smiled.
“There’s increased Taken activity here.” Glint alerted as Blaze and Crow traversed the grove once more, this time staying together, “It’s going to be much more dangerous than last time.” “Good thing we’re here to back you up.” Crow added. “Yeah! Savathûn’s got nothing we can’t handle.” Blaze smiled, brimming with confidence, “C’mon. The shard should be right…over…” Blaze’s smile fell as they turned the corner. Where the shard once was, was now a large orb of Taken blight as Taken began to appear. “What have they done?!” Crow exclaimed, “What are they doing?! We have to stop this!” “I’ll take left side, you take right!” Blaze called out as she made a dash for the Taken on the left of the blight while Crow began shooting at the Taken on the right. Blaze sliced through some of the smaller Taken with her dagger before focusing on some of the larger ones with her bow. “Blaze, behind-!” Crow’s voice didn’t reach her on time as Blaze felt a searing pain in her back while being thrusted forward into the rocky wall. A loud snap was heard, but it didn’t come from Blaze. “Oh no, NO!” Blaze exclaimed as she picked up her bow. Or rather what was left of it. It had snapped in half from the force with the fiery feather snapped from the chain holding it to the bow’s frame. She failed to notice the large Taken captain about to fire at her from point blank. “BLAZE!” Blaze felt a wave of heat as the Taken screeched out in pain. She looked up to see it growling at something off to the side. Across the way was Crow surrounded by a fiery golden glow with a furious expression and a flaming handcannon pointed at the Taken captain. Not just any hand cannon, though.
To Be Continued…
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benisasoftboi · 5 years
Unorganised thoughts on Silver Snow:
When I finished Golden Deer, I said that it had felt like a more traditional Fire Emblem story than Blue Lions. Silver Snow is that but even more so (though GD is still the most trad-FE cast, IMO)
Having already played those two routes, it felt very much like a whirlwind tour of them both, plus another battle thrown in at the end - a battle that probably should have been harder, but I (completely accidentally) built the bulkiest Byleth imaginable, especially resistance wise, plus high magic - and so, by pairing high defensive stats with Nosferatu, I tanked every attack that came my way 
Gaming, for me, is just doing whatever the hell I feel like, stumbling into good results, and then pretending that I did it on purpose
I spent the whole battle with the Dragon Tales theme song stuck in my head. Kind of killed the mood
I really enjoyed that after wrapping up both the Edelgard and TWSITD plots, they basically Persona 4 you by trying to convince you that the whole game’s done now and all that’s left is to chat with everyone - though unlike in P4, there’s very obviously something left to do because they give you a whole month of prep time, rather than just one day
I felt the same way about this on Golden Deer - none of the characters are appropriately shocked by Rhea’s highly questionable actions 
Also - she says she’s going to explain the whole truth! And she doesn’t! Only the Byleth creation stuff! The other revelations from Golden Deer are missing! Rhea! Why! Are! You! Like! This!
This is actually a problem I have with this game as a whole - they want to keep certain lore and secrets exclusive to certain routes, but it results in every story feeling in some way incomplete. Like, Fates gets a lot of crap, but at least you did get a full story from your half (third? never played Revelation) a game for the price of a whole one. Blue Lions gets the worst of it, I think 
Plus, when you know some of said secrets, it makes characters who refuse to share them in other routes seem weirdly (and sometimes, contrivedly) cagey about things they really do not need to be cagey about. See: Claude refusing to tell Dimitri and Byleth in Azure Moon that he wants to End Racism, and instead vagueing about ‘achieving his dream’. This is not Edelgard wanting to conquer Fodlan and dismantle the entire social structure, Claude, your ideals really are not so controversial that you need to be this coy. Dimitri and I are cool, we getcha 
My one sentence review of the whole game is basically: Great characters, great world building, great gameplay - but really, really frustrating plot structure
I’m also really upset that Seteth does not have a dragon form
Speaking of Seteth, I married him this time around. I mostly decided to do it for laughs, but while Byleth/Dedue is still my number one Byleth pairing, I came to really, genuinely like them together. Seteth is one of my favs, now more than ever
It helps that romancing Seteth feels a lot less... creepy than romancing most of the students. I like Linhardt, but romancing him felt very weird to me because I couldn’t get over Byleth having first known him as a 16 year old under their care. Dedue, for the record, doesn’t elicit this response  because he doesn’t really feel as much like a student to me? Role-wise he feels a lot closer to the knights, and it’s just that he's been enrolled as a student for convenience’s sake, which makes him and Byleth feel more equal than they do with most of the other kids. Helps that he’s also on the older end
Anyway, Seteth and Byleth would be the nerdiest couple ever, is the impression I got from their ending. The confession scene made me laugh in how ‘oh we’ve got a lot of work to do - btw wanna get married? - sweet, now let’s get back to work’ it was. Mark Whitten is a gem
It’s also the the first time I felt like the game was actually shipping me with a main lord (Seteth taking that role in the absence of the box lords on this route). Haven’t done Crimson Flower yet, so no opinion on the Edelgard/Byleth relationship yet, but regarding Claude and Dimitri my (pretty damn controversial, possibly a bad idea to put out there) opinions on them with Byleth are that
Claude and Byleth are platonic bros, regardless of Byleth’s gender. I just don’t get any feeling of romance from their relationship at all, and so pairing them off feels weird (to me, personally - I don’t hate the ship or anything, though)
Meanwhile Dimitri 100% had a crush on his teacher at school, but after more than five years of enduring trauma after trauma, and then half a year of beginning to heal (whilst fighting a war culminating in the execution of his step-sister), Dimitri is nowhere near ready for a romantic relationship. And when he is, I wouldn’t want him with any of the main cast, Dimitri x Village Girl OTP. I guess if it has to be anyone, I’d be okay with Mercedes, maybe Marianne - hell, maybe even Claude - but really, I just want him to get a fresh start. I think that’s the healthiest option for him, in the end
I do think it’s a pairing that could work in an AU where Dimitri doesn’t have any of the experiences he has in canon, though 
And again, this is just my personal reading
I’ll also admit that I may be influenced by the fact that his two most popular pairings are with Byleth and Dedue, who I greatly prefer with each other. Mostly because I love Dedue with all my soul and his ending with Byleth is by far his happiest, in my eyes at least. It’s the only one where he puts some distance between himself and Dimitri and evens out the power balance in their relationship, which makes me happy because oh boy, the Dimitri/Dedue relationship is super interesting and compelling, but also (again, by my reading) all kinds of unhealthy as it’s presented for most of the game - power balance issues like I say, the fact that they tend to indulge, even encourage, each other’s worst instincts and behaviours, mutual guilt complexes - like I say, it’s fascinating, but damn screwed up. IMO, they’re one of the best examples I’ve seen of how unhealthy relationships aren’t always the result of one bad person, and how two good people can end up being very bad for each other
Though it is, again, a pairing I can see working (and actually being incredibly cute) in an AU where they’ve lived less horrible lives
And it’s not like I don’t want them to be friends, I just want them to also develop healthier boundaries and equal levels of respect
oh my god none of this has anything to do with silver snow what am I doing
But hey, speaking of Dimitri - I flip flopped on whether I thought his death was handled better or worse here than Golden Deer. It was given, I felt, more appropriate gravitas, but again suffered from ‘Dimitri’s dead! No, Dimitri’s alive! Oh wait, now he’s dead again’ in like, three successive scenes. And then you see his... ghost? I guess?
Dimitri really seems to get the short end of the stick on routes outside his own. Claude’s non-Deer roles were, in both cases I’ve played, much stronger and more fitting, and Edelgard is Edelgard
Maybe he’ll be good in Crimson Flower. Please. I miss Dimitri mattering. He’s probably my favourite of the three
There’s a point - obviously I don’t fully know Edelgard yet, but from what I got from the White Clouds section, above anything else she strikes me as an incredibly realistic depiction of a slightly edgy, extremely idealistic, but also highly naive and short-sighted teenager
Her whole goal, it seems, is meritocracy. She hates the crest system and the nobility, and she wants to create a system of equal opportunity. I can get behind that, but I really hope she’s prepared to accept the fact that true equal opportunity is basically impossible without recreating The Giver, as inequality is always more complex than one single factor being to blame for everything. Has Edelgard considered other limitations that make true meritocracy difficult to achieve? Has she been working on, say, a comprehensive benefits system? Or is she more of a libertarian type, and so primarily all about negative freedom and removing direct oppression? I hope Crimson Flower goes into detail on this, I’d be genuinely interested to know
I also find it interesting that she gets very angry about the fact that people hurt her and her family as a means to their own ends, so she decides that her own ends are to eliminate the system that lead to that happening - and she doesn’t care who she has to hurt in the process
This isn’t a CinemaSins *ding* plot hole observation, I genuinely think it’s interesting, and not actually that unrealistic
I also suppose her goal is no less naive than End All Racism By Being Nice To People, but Claude isn’t killing and persecuting people in attempt to achieve that, so it invites less scrutiny
I do wonder if I would have felt more strongly positively about her if she’d been my first playthrough. I do believe she’s a person that sincerely means well, and she’s certainly sympathetic, but - hmm. I’ll make my mind up when I finish CF
Anyway, paired endings. A few that I got include Raphael and Bernadetta (by far my favourite Bernie ending so far, seriously, what is that Caspar ending), Shamir and Leonie, which was cute and goofy (as Leonie’s endings tend to be, I notice, I do like that girl), Felix and Dorothea (not my favourite for either, but cute), Sylvain and Mercedes (the same but even cuter), Cyril and Petra (which felt wrong, partly because I love Cysithea a hell of a lot, and also because despite knowing there’s only about a year between them, Petra looks so much older pre-time skip), Ferdie and Marianne (super wholesome and sweet), and Linhardt and Caspar (my boyyyyssss that I refuse to ever separate again)
Not sure what I’m going to aim for on CF aside from keeping those boys together and also Ferdie/Hubert, as I’ve Heard Things
Flayn and Manuela have an A support so I figured they had a paired ending and it turns out they do not, which means Manuela was alone forever and Flayn ran away because apparently she hated having Byleth for a step mother I guess, rude
My Byleth (Myleth?) was prepared to be the best step mother in the history of the world, so offended
I realised ‘Javelins of Light’ is one of my absolute favourite tracks in the whole game. Mostly because it sounds like something out of Danganronpa, which made me nostalgic
I also like ‘Guardian of Starlight’ for somehow managing to sound like a Danganronpa/PMD: Explorers crossover track
I love how out of nowhere the Immaculate One fight is. It really does just feel like they needed something to distinguish the route from Verdant Wind outside of Claude not being around, so they just had a map that was less cool in every way except for the dragon
Is there an explanation for why Nemesis doesn’t show up on this route?
Also - I didn’t mention this in Golden Deer thoughts but I also found that final battle way, way easier than it was probably meant to be because I’d made everyone into a flier and so the floor damage hazard was meaningless
Which I totally did on purpose and not so I could make a stupid joke post about my all-wyvern team 
Anyway, in conclusion, Silver Snow was a good route, I enjoyed it more than I thought I would (I’d kind of thought it was just going to be GD without Claude, which isn’t... totally wrong, but it’s got some other stuff going on too), I liked Seteth getting to have a bigger role, I thought it had the best final boss (if not the best final boss map), and I liked that I got some more Dragon Lore (never a bad thing)
please don’t yell at me for my controversial shipping opinions 
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🏰⚔️ - DMODT 15 start
Dressed and sitting next to Zeke for breakfast, Zeke seemed to be in a particularly good mood. Erwin hadn't said much as they'd walked, only enough to ensure he'd used a command to silence Eren. He could almost see the cogs working in Erwin's mind, but being kept out the loop was annoying. Erwin had asked Eren to appear in the courtyard as Zeke was preparing to leave, but wouldn't explain his reasoning. Levi left wondering if that was so he wouldn't accidentally let something slip during the last meal he'd be spending with Zeke. Not that he would. If they could dine in silence, that would be heaven. He couldn't wait for the man to leave. When Levi had come into the dining room, he'd once again been set up by the prince, as while Zeke was on his right, Petra was on his left. Where Erwin would usually sit. Each time their arms would brush, Petra would blush, while Levi wanted to slap her away. He didn't like having the woman forced upon him, or the comments made by Zeke on "how good they looked together". Petra was unnaturally giggly and giddy, thanking him as her scent turned happy. Nope. No. None of that shit at his breakfast table. They didn't. He couldn't see it all. Frankly, he was also insulted that the man didn't think he could chose someone appropriate to marry, on his own. He wasn't looking to marry anyone. Nor did he know if he really believed in marriage, or a love so deeply for someone, that you wanted them in your life forever. Outside of "family love" that he had for Isabel and Farlan, of course. He doubly wasn't looking to wed when a meeting with Draecia was soon to take place. Draecia knew he personally respected their culture and cultural ways, but they may direct their anger towards the kingdom... and they'd never survive that. Draecia may even expect a wedding to one of their court members, in order to gain access to all their dragon related items, which they would happily hand over anyway... with absolutely no marriage required. Stabbing at his soft boiled egg moodily, Levi was not in the mood for this shit at all. He wanted Zeke gone. He wanted to know what was on Erwin's mind, and he wanted to know Eren wasn't in any danger thanks to man. * Leaving Levi's quarters, Eren had sought out Armin. He was nervous over whatever Erwin had planned, but the previous night and morning had felt incredible. He knew what Levi and he had between the sheets ended there. He knew they'd never be anything more. Buuuuuut... it was liberating to know that Levi felt free enough to give himself over to the pleasure that their sex brought. The feel of the alpha's knot, the moans and pants, and the sweet kisses. It all made him feel like he could be just as honest back. Eren had meant his words when he'd told Levi he was grateful it'd been him that mounted him, even when Levi had used his command on him, he'd been careful to make sure it wasn't a discomfort. Not like Erwin's stupid command, that had been forced on him from nowhere. Finding Armin eating breakfast in the kitchen, Eren was more than happy to join him. He was absolutely starving. Magic may have healed all his wounds, but sex had left him famished, as had not eating the previous night as Levi had told him to "Why are you in such a good mood?" Humming, Eren poked at his apple cake. He didn't intend to share his secret, so the command wasn't forcing him into submission "It's just a good morning. I was thinking of taking a walk into the city. Can you come with me?" Armin rolled his eyes at him, sighing deeply as he did "Eren, you know I have classes. And Mikasa is looking for you" "That doesn't sound good" "She missed you last night at the Ball, then there was talk of Hanji and Moblit escorting you somewhere. She's worried" "She doesn't need to be. I'm fine" "Can you tell me what happened?" "It was just a little run in with a few alphas. You know what it was like. Alcohol was everywhere" Armin dropped his fork "They didn't... you know?" "No! No... nothing like that. No, they just don't like omegas that much" "So you're alright?" "I'm fine, Armin. I've got my magic, remember" "And how is that working out for you?" "Awesome. I've been practicing" "Can you show me?" "Don't even think about it. Eren, there will be no magic in the kitchen" Nicollo's words brought a smile to Eren's lips "Are you sure? I've gotten better" "I'm certain. Now both of you need to hurry up. The dishes from upstairs will be brought down soon, and I would like actually have some space to place them down" "You have the whole kitchen" Armin jabbed him in the ribs with elbow, Eren's magic healing the site before he could actually feel any pain "Eren, don't be rude" "Nicollo appreciates my humour" "I'm pretty sure he doesn't" "Armin's right" Eren pouted "Nicollo, I thought we bonded over those potatoes" "You butchered those potatoes. Now. Hurry up" Armin walked Eren out to meet Mikasa near the blacksmith of the castle. His adopted sister as looking fierce as she watched her horse being shod. Tapping her on the shoulder, he jumped back as she growled. Raising his hands in surrender, he wondered if he had to report his own sister to Levi "You idiot! Where were you?! Do you know how worried I was?" Throwing her arms around him, Mikasa growled again as she pushed him away. Her hands digging into his shoulders "Who the fuck scented you?!" "Calm down. It wasn't like that" "Bullshit. I can't take my eyes off you for a second without you getting into trouble. Here, hold still" Using her left wrist, she aggressively tried to scent mark him, which thankfully his magic rejected. Sparks forcing her to step back. His omega rejecting the angry scent, and forcing him to remember being bashed "I'm sorry, Mikasa. I'm fine, really. There was a small incident with the Marley alphas. When I was talking with Levi, Prince Erwin was there. He let me curl into his furs until I'd calmed down" "Who was it? I'll kill them. I'll kill anyone who hurts you" He didn't want to kill people, or for people to die because of him. Internally he winced as he tried to keep his voice even. Mikasa wouldn't appreciate the fact that Levi had sexed him better "It was just a brush in. I'm fine. I'm not hurt at all" "Eren..." "Seriously, I'm fine. I come all this way to make sure you're not worried, and you're getting angry over nothing. It's all taken care of. Which reminds me. I hear Jean has a thing for you" "I don't care, if he does or doesn't. We're talking about you. Mum asked me to watch over you" "I'm an adult, Mikasa. I'm 17, and..." "You spent 5 years in a sanctuary. You don't know how the real world works" "I'm pretty sure I have a good idea of what's happening by now. Just because you're a soldier, don't hold me to your standards" "I've seen things you couldn't imagine" "And so have I!" Eren's magic gathered around him. His eyes cold as he threw his hands up in annoyance "You're not mum. Mum and dad are gone. I have my own life, and I have my own magic now" "You can't even stop alphas from annoying you. You have no idea how many have their eyes on you" "And I don't want any of them. I don't have time for an alpha. I want to study magic" "Eren... all I want is you to be safe. I'm worried you're not taking the proper precautions..." Now what the hell was she going on about? He was lost "What proper precautions?" "They say mage masters..." "Ew. No. I'm not having the sex talk with you" "You have to be careful! What happens if you fall pregnant?! Will they take responsibility? Are they... respectful towards you? You don't feel obligated do you?" "Oh my god. You didn't just go there. I take my herbs. I'm not about to fall pregnant to the first alpha that... I'm not talking about this" Mikasa's eyes filled with tears. She really wasn't happy that he was having sex. Her scent was screaming at him that no one but her should touch him "Eren. You don't have to sleep with them. You can say no" "I know that. Look. I don't want this coming between us, but your horse's new shoe is on. Are you going out today?" "Escorting the royal party back to the port" He didn't envy her, and he didn't want anything happening to her "Oh... be careful...." "Eren, I can take care of myself" So it was fine for her to say that? She wasn't that much older than him... "Just be careful. You are my sister, I don't want anything happening to you" Mikasa wiped her eyes and nodded "I will be safe. There are more of us, than of them. And I'll take them all down, if I have to" He didn't doubt that... Mikasa was stronger than everyone else he knew, except for Levi. Standing by Mikasa's horse, Marley's soldiers were all jovial as they spilled from the castle. Their horses organised by the groomsmen of the castle. Keeping hidden, he waited until he caught snippets of Zeke's voice. Stepping around the horrible animal, Eren tried to be as casual as possible as Zeke caught sight of him. Beside the alpha, Yelena leaned in to whisper something. Zeke not looking pleased at all. He didn't know what Erwin had hoped to accomplish, but seeing Zeke's displeasure made him feel great "Eren. Prince Zeke didn't..." "He didn't do anything. I think he's mad that he lost at the tournament. I need to go. But be on your guard" "You too. I know Jean can be overwhelming, but you can rely on him"
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levierenlove · 7 years
The Thing He Hides V2
Bae said I should post all my works for y’all to read. I don’t really know if they’re worth reading, but maybe someone out there will enjoy this story. 
Summary:  This was a prompt from kinkmemes. Levi has wings and they are super sensitive to the touch. My take on what happens when Eren discoveres Levi's secret.
Author’s note: For those of you who liked the original version, apologies. The last couple of months I'd been thinking about rewriting it, and then this idea came to me. I personally feel that it is better written and gives a more in depth look to Levi's feelings. The other version, while good, just wasn't what I wanted it to be. So I hope y'all enjoy this version of it.For those of you who do prefer my original version, you can find it here: http://raevenwing.tumblr.com/post/55555026883/the-thing-he-hides
For as long as there had been Titans, the Survey Corps had existed to fight them. Captains rose and fell like the tides, prey for the Titans they fought against. Just because they had reached a higher military rank didn’t make them invincible. Just harder to kill. But they were still human. So time progressed, with the humans steadily losing… until the one born to be a Captain arrived…
Eren Yeager, resident Titan shifter of the Survey Corps, watched through narrowed eyes as his Captain walked away from everyone yet again, disappearing to who knew where. This happened several times a day. Someone as observant as Eren was with Levi would notice how uncomfortable the Captain was right before vanishing. He would often bite his lip, shifting from foot to foot. It confused Eren that the normally stoic Captain would do such things. And he was annoyed too.
It was obvious, also from watching, that everyone in Levi’s squad knew what was going on. Even Erwin and Hange apparently knew. Sometimes, although rarely, one of them would accompany Levi on his disappearances. Frankly, it miffed Eren. After all, he was part of this squad now too. Shouldn’t he be aware of any secrets they had?
“Why does Heichou keep vanishing?” He finally asked one day. “Where does he go?”
Erwin, the Commander, looked at Eren, his eyes cold. “Where Levi goes is none of your business. You need only to go on fighting Titans, and to obey any orders Levi gives you.”
Eren grit his teeth against a retort. Was the secret really that bad? He already knew, through Petra, that Levi had been a thug before joining the Survey Corps. Was it possible the Captain was going off and doing something illegal? No, not Levi, Eren decided. The Captain was too honorable for that. He valued life, although he often pretended otherwise. It had to be something else. Still, Eren felt sour about being left out. As a result, he sought out the company of Armin and Mikasa. At least they knew him and didn’t often keep secrets from him. …………………………… Levi groaned as the last strap fell away. Finally he could spread the wings he always had to hide. As his back muscles moved the wings he craned his head to look at them. One black, one white, both large and feathered. It was ironic that wings were the symbol of the Survey Corps. Wings that looked just like his…
“The straps are starting to cause permanent damage.”
Shooting Hange an irritated look, Levi closed his wings with a muted snap. “I never use them, so it doesn’t matter. I’ve told you more than once that we should just cut them off.”
“But Levi, they’re beautiful! And so rare! You could be the only human to have wings!” As Levi’s scowl deepened, her expression grew serious. “We don’t know how your nerves and blood vessels are connected to them. The wrong cut could end your career, possibly even your life.”
“I know that, you’ve told me before. The damn things are just so annoying.” Walking to the window, he peered out. He could see a couple of new recruits relaxing in the courtyard. One of them looked like it might be Eren.
“He wants to know.”
Levi whirled, wings flaring. “No!” Panic edged his voice as his control cracked.
The look Hange gave him was almost pitying. “Levi, he knows what it’s like to be shunned, to be called a monster. Do you really think he’d judge you?”
“No. I will not tell him. Too many people know already.” He closed his eyes against the sudden sick feeling. He cared about Eren way more than he should, more than a Captain should to his subordinate. He didn’t ever want to see disgust in those beautiful bright eyes. …………………………………. Levi grimaced, shifting to try and alleviate the pain of the straps. He hadn’t yet had time or opportunity to remove them today. There had been endless meetings, as well as training the new recruits, all to prepare them for the next expedition outside the walls.
Thinking he was alone, Levi groaned, leaning against the castle wall.
The Captain whirled, eyes wide. He masked his expression carefully when he saw that it was Eren. “Brats are supposed to be resting right now.”
He felt the edge of panic when Eren stepped closer, practically pinning him against the wall. “What’s wrong?” The brunet asked, concern in his voice.
“Nothing’s wrong, Eren. Now if you’ll excuse me...”
Fingers caressed his chin. When had Eren moved his hand from the wall? Levi glared up into Eren’s beautiful eyes. He was frozen by shock as gentle lips met his own.
The feel of Levi’s lips against his own was exquisite. The shorter male’s mouth was surprisingly warm and soft. Eren wanted to press further into the kiss, but found himself roughly shoved backward. He caught sight of Levi’s face and forgot to breath. The Captain had a fierce blush across his cheek, and a hand up to his mouth, almost as if he couldn’t believe that had just happened. Before the male fled, Eren could have sworn he saw panic in those steely eyes. …………………….. He didn’t try anything again, didn’t even have the opportunity. They’d gone out beyond the walls, and everything had gone so horribly wrong. Since the deaths of his squad, Levi had shut himself in his office, admitting no one. Eren knew the Captain had been injured while rescuing him, and he really wanted to check on him. And to apologize. But Levi had given specific instructions that no one was to bother him.
The shifter fidgeted, pacing Hange’s workroom. Even the scientist was unusually subdued, watching him. “You wish to know what he is hiding?” She finally asked.
Eren paused, looking at her with surprise in his eyes. He hadn’t even been thinking about that. “I… just want to help. And to apologize. I know he is blaming himself. But it isn’t his fault. It’s my...” He sighed. “But yes, I want to know that too.”
Hange ran a hand through her hair. “Levi doesn’t blame you, Eren. It isn’t your fault, even though you feel it is. As for the secret, he has his reasons for keeping you in the dark. I don’t agree with them, but I do respect them. Still, as much as he won’t admit it, he needs help. And I believe you can help him.” She handed him a small key. “This will get you into his office. Don’t be surprised if he immediately kicks you out.”
Eren took the key. “Thank you, Hange.”
Standing in front of the closed office door, Eren hesitated. It was true that Levi would probably be pissed at seeing Eren. After all, he was disobeying a direct order. Not to mention he could still remember the panic in Levi’s eyes… The shifter shook his head. No, he was doing this. He couldn’t let Levi blame himself for this.
Carefully he unlocked the door and slid it open, slipping inside. Closing it quietly behind him, he turned, and his mouth fell open in shock.
Levi sat in his chair at the desk, head pillowed on his arms. Papers were scattered across the desk as well as the floor. Faint tear trails marked a face that, even in sleep, didn’t relax. Straps, shirt, and cravat had been removed, giving Eren quite the opportunity to look at Levi’s pale, scarred skin. But that wasn’t why he stared.
Feathered wings rose from Levis back, one black, one white. Large and beautiful, they bore the marks of straps across feathers and muscle. No wonder Levi sometimes looked like he was in pain; strapping them down must hurt.
Eren felt no fear, no hate as he looked at those wings. Only wonder and a desire to touch. Were they as soft as they looked? He stepped closer, hand reaching out, before he was aware he’d done so.
The feathers felt like velvet under his fingers, softer than he’d imagined possible. He ghosted his fingers along a deep strap mark, frowning when he discovered a few droplets of blood. Levi was really hurting himself.
Levi shivered, shifting restlessly in his sleep. When he quieted again, Eren slid his fingers deeper into the feathers, caressing gently. His fingertips found the bone, skin, and muscle under the protective feather covering.
The Captain moaned, swaying as he sat up, eyes not yet open. “I don’t care how good it feels, Erwin.” He mumbled sleepily. “Sex won’t help, and I’m not interested in you like that.” Yawning, he blinked open his eyes, focusing blearily on Eren. Seconds passed.
Eren saw the exact moment Levi woke up enough to realize it was him. Panic filled those grey eyes and also… terror? He only really had a second to look before feathers whirled and Levi tore past him.
“Wai- Heichou wait!” But the Captain was gone. Eren scrambled after him, trying to figure out what had just happened. Why had Levi been so scared? Just because Eren found out? That didn’t make any sense!
The shifter slammed into a hard body, nearly falling backward. Strong arms gripped his shoulders. “What are you doing here?” Erwin demanded.
“Let me go!” Eren screeched, struggling. “I have to get to him!” ……………………….. Levi panted, hands on the edge of the wall. His breath came in painful gasps. Eren had found out. Eren would hate him. It was all over. The Captain had fled to the roof to hide, but footsteps persisted on the stairs. Someone was coming after him. He had no choice. Spreading his bi-colored wings, he jumped. He flapped furiously, trying to gain altitude.
The problem was, Levi had never flown. Pain seared through his back as muscles seized up. He tilted, falling headfirst from the sky.
By luck, he landed in the lake. It gave him a moment to think. Feathers weighted him down, keeping him from surfacing. But maybe it was better this way. He’d never have to see Eren look at him in disgust. Eren, whom he loved. Exhaling, Levi closed his eyes.
There was a sound like an explosion, and something large suddenly plunged into the lake. Levi found himself trapped by large hands as he hacked and coughed, water streaming from his mouth, nose, and eyes. His wings, sodden with water, hung limply from his back. His eyes met Eren’s Titan ones. “N no!” He stuttered, still coughing up water. “L let me go!”
Eren growled at him. The audacity of it surprised Levi so much that he just simply stared back. Large fingers curled around him, caging him. The Titan brought those hands against his chest, cradling Levi.
The sound of horses made the Titan turn. He watched Erwin dismount, with Hange close behind. The scientist seemed thrilled to see him in his Titan form. “Very good, Eren.” The Commander commented quietly. “You can let him go now.”
Eren shook his his, growling again as he looked at the lake.
“Don’t be ridiculous. Levi wouldn’t do something so stupid. Let him go!”
The Titan narrowed his eyes. The softest of touches against his fingers made him uncurl them slightly. Levi was wrapping his arms around Eren’s giant fingers, shivering hard. Eren’s Titan features were not capable of frowning, but he was mentally doing it. Levi needed the warmth of Eren’s Titan body right now. And he needed to get him away from the lake. Clutching Levi once more against his warm chest, the Titan turned heel and ran. He could hear Erwin calling after him, but he ignored it. Levi was more important.
Eren stopped at an area that was still near the castle, but secluded enough for a serious talk. But once there, Eren hesitated. He needed to leave his Titan form in order to converse, but he was afraid Levi would run off again.
“You can change.” The Captain’s tired, dull voice came from within the cage of giant fingers. “I won’t do anything stupid.”
“Eren made a soft sound in his throat, gently setting the male down on the ground. Levi sat still, wings limp, as Eren forced himself free of the Titan body. Connective tissue still lined his face as he made his way to Levi. “What the hell were you thinking Heichou??!” Oh yes, he was pissed.
Levi winced from the tone. He had his knees pulled up against his chest and his arms around them, face hidden in his arms. “I didn’t want you to hate me.” His voice was muffled, but Eren still heard him.
Whatever Eren was expecting, it wasn’t that. “Hate you? Why would I-” He cut off as Levi lifted his head enough that Eren could see his beautiful grey eyes. There was so much misery in them.
Eren knelt down carefully. “Heichou… No, Levi… haven’t you realized yet? I don’t hate you. I love you.”
That made the Captain stare, his mouth slack in surprise. “But… I’m hideous! I have wings-”
“And your wings are beautiful.” Eren commented, cutting Levi off. “As is the rest of you.” He moved a little closer. “Levi, I love you. You having wings doesn’t change that. I’m the monster here, not you.”
“I don’t think of you as a monster, Eren.” Levi retorted.
“And I don’t think of you as one either.” He reached a hand out. Levi flinched, but Eren persisted until his fingers brushed against Levi’s black wing. He could feel light trembling as he threaded his fingers through the drying feathers.
Levi blushed, looking away. “Th… that...” He swallowed, trying again. “That feels good.”
Eren smiled, maneuvering until he could touch both wings. “How did you get wings?”
The Captain sighed, looking at his hands. “I was born with them. Erwin says they’re a sign that I was born to be a Captain. Hange enjoys touching and running experiments on them. I just wants to cut them off.”
“No!” The exclamation was vehement and suddenly there were arms tight around him.
“E- Eren??”
“Please Heichou, don’t cut them off! They are a part of you. You need to stop hurting yourself!”
Completely flummoxed, Levi just sat there. His feathers were nearly dry, his body warm from Eren’s body heat. “I can’t even fly.” He finally mumbled.
“That’s okay, I can’t either.”
Levi blinked… and then huffed a laugh. He fluffed his feathers and carefully turned until he could face Eren. “Very well, I’ll try it your way. But I’m keeping them bound. I don’t want anyone else freaking out.”
Eren frowned, but it made sense, as much as he hated it. “I can massage them for you at the end of each day?”
“See that you do.” Something sparkled in his eyes, and emotion that he hadn’t allowed to show before. “Now kiss me, Eren.”
Happiness bloomed across the shifter’s face as he leaned in to do just that.
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changingourdestiny · 5 years
Forsaken Part 5: The Line Between Light & Dark
It's the final fight: the reunited Fireteam Paralight, with Rae in her mysterious golden light form, vs the Voice of Riven. Will our heroes finally be able to avenge Cayde once and for all?
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Previous Part: Here
Finale: Here
As Blaze and Adam ran around distracting the Voice of Riven by yelling and making noise, a bright plume of golden Light caught all of their attention. To Blaze and Adam, it was very familiar. “Go get ‘em, Rae-Rae.” Blaze grinned. The light scattered to reveal Rae floating in the air, the familiar golden and white wings emanating from her back, the markings on her arm now gold, and golden eyes with white pupils. But it was different this time. Her eyes seemed to be glowing brighter than before, the scar over her left eye had turned gold was glowing with the same golden light, there were now horns of gold and white light sprouting from her head with beautiful white markings along them, and her wings had similar markings on them too. Rae stared at the Voice of Riven with the familiar glare of intense determination, but there was something else mixed in this time. A look of confidence and hope. Rae held out her hand as a large falchion appeared in it. A golden hilt with plum markings on it, a plum handle with a depiction of a gold dragon curled around it, a gold top with a plum gemstone, and a beautiful silver blade with the Warlock symbol on it in gold. The blade itself gave off a golden glow. Adam turned to Blaze, “Keep it distracted! We need to help Rae get a clear shot of its mouth!” “You got it!” Blaze nodded, summoning a ball of her hellfire in each hand and waving them around like flares, “Hey, ugly!! I’m over here, ya nasty!!” While Blaze distracted the Chimera with fire, Adam ran the opposite direction and began clanging the flat side of his sword against his metal arm, making as much noise as possible to try and confuse it. Rae clutched her new weapon tightly with both hands as she flew straight at the Voice of Riven, dodging its tentacles as she sliced at its armour, trying to weaken it before landing the final blow. The Chimera was quickly becoming more and more agitated as its attacks became more aggressive, trying desperately to swat away or grab the annoying Warlock flying around it while also trying to blast away the two distractions running around it. “Rae, it’s now or never!!” Adam called out. “Show that monster why you don’t mess with our team!” Blaze added with a smirk. Rae flew in front of the Voice of Riven, staring it right in the mouth with her sword pointed directly at its centre, “Here goes nothing!” A golden sigil appeared in front of the sword’s tip as felt the surge of both arcane energy and Light rush through her, ready to burst. “Lux Aeterna!!!” A large blast of golden light shot from the sigil and blasted into the Chimera’s mouth and right out the other side. Cracks of golden light slowly began appearing across the Voice of Riven before exploding in a burst of radiant golden light. The three Guardians shielded themselves from the brightness before it eventually dissipated, leaving no trace of the Chimera. The Voice of Riven was destroyed. “Is...is it dead?” Adam asked. “Yeah…yeah, I-I think we killed it!” Blaze grinned. Rae gently landed on the ground as her wings, horns and the falchion disappeared, and her eyes and markings reverted to normal, when something on the ground caught her eye. It looked like a gun. Curious, Rae walked over to it, Ghost appearing beside her, before her eyes widened in recognition. The Ace of Spades. Cayde’s most treasured handcannon. Rae gently picked it up and inspected it. It was damaged, but she was sure it was nothing Banshee couldn’t fix. Her attention was drawn to the other side of the room where she saw Uldren Sov struggling to crawl away. She glanced at Blaze with an ‘Are you sure?’ expression. Blaze, despite seeming saddened by the situation, gave Rae a silent nod. Rae walked over to where the struggling prince was and aimed the Ace of Spades at him, a look of pure anger in her eyes. Uldren gave  a weak chuckle as he turned onto his back to face the Warlock, “Congratulations. You have my undivided attention. Now where's my sister?” “She's not here, Uldren…” Everyone’s attention was drawn to Petra, who had entered the room with her own gun pointed at Uldren, “And if she was…this would be a whole lot easier.” “So, this is to be a reckoning.” Uldren sighed. “Wait. Not like this.” Ghost interrupted, “Look at him — he's finished. Even with everything he's done, we can't just-” “You have no idea what he's done!” Petra yelled, placing both hands on her gun, “If Cayde was here, I know what he would do, Rae. Do you?” “Yes. What would the notorious Cayde-6 do?” Uldren asked, glancing towards Rae, “You have his gun. Seems you get the last word. Everything I did, I did for her.” Uldren then looked over at Blaze, who tensed up at seeing Uldren turn his attention to her. Everything was playing out just like in her vision, only this time there wasn’t any waking up in a cold sweat. This was happening right here in front of her. Adam, seeing Blaze tense up, placed a hand on her shoulder in an effort to comfort her as Uldren spoke, “And what about her? Does she get a say in this?” Adam went to argue but Blaze put a hand in front of him as she took  a deep breath and stared Uldren right in the eye, “The Uldren I knew all that time ago was a person who would do anything to protect his people. To protect his friends. Sure, he could be smug and arrogant sometimes, but he was always loyal and protected those he cared about no matter what. That Uldren…” Blaze’s eyes narrowed as she swallowed the lump in her throat, “The Uldren I loved…is not the Uldren I’m looking at now. You are selfish, delusional, and overall just horrible. You’re not Uldren. Not the Uldren I knew.” Uldren seemed surprised at first before an almost saddened look appeared on his face. He then chuckled as he looked back to Rae, “Funny. The line between Light and Dark is so very thin. Do you know which side you're on?” Rae lowered the gun in hesitation as thoughts began to race through her head. Ever since she landed on the Tangled Shore, the only thought on her mind was revenge. The only emotion she felt on the battlefield and fighting the Barons was rage. Was she really no better than them? …but then a memory from almost four years ago replays in her head. “Tell me…why do you fight? Why have you risked so much to be here?” “I…I want to protect everyone. I don’t care about what happens to me. I just want to keep the people I care about safe.” Even if her emotions and reasoning changed while in battle, one thing always stayed the same: her desire to protect those she cared about. She remembered how all the rage and hatred in her subsided when she saw Blaze stand before her, tired and dishevelled. She remembered the reason she was fighting down here was for Cayde. The reason she fought the Black Garden, Crota, Skolas, Oryx, SIVA, Ghaul, Xol, and every single enemy she had ever encountered was to protect those she loved and cared about. As long as she was able to do that…it didn’t matter to her what side she was on. With her newly regained confidence, she once again raised the Ace of Spades at Uldren with an affirming nod. Uldren slowly closed his eyes, accepting his fate.
*B A N G ! ! !*
Rae, Blaze, Adam and Petra walked out of the Watchtower, Rae glancing up at the Lavender sky of the Tangle Shore as she breathed a sigh of relief. “It’s finally over.” Rae heard Blaze mutter from beside her. “Yeah. It’s over.” Rae smiled, hugging the Awoken Hunter as Blaze wiped some tears from her fiery-coloured eyes. “So now what?” Blaze asked Adam, “I mean, you’re probably sticking with Petra, right?”
“Actually…” Petra began, “I saw how Adam worked with you all. You work together really well, even after all this time. So I’ve decided that Adam will be my eyes in the Tower on Earth from now on. Just remember to keep checking in with me in person from time-to-time.” Petra shot what Adam assumed was a wink – he sometimes found it hard to tell because of her eye-patch – which made him blush a bit. “Y-yeah! No problem!” Adam exclaimed, before clearing his throat and recomposed himself, “I mean, thanks Petra. I appreciate this.”
“No problem. If you three ever need me, you know where to find me here.” Petra gave Adam a brief kiss on the cheek before turning to leave, “I’ll go report back to the Spider. See you all soon!”
“See ya, P!” Blaze waved. “Bye, Petra!” Rae smiled, “Thanks for everything!” Rae turned to Adam who was frozen in shock, “Uh, Adam? You okay there, bud?”
“I think he went mute again.” Blaze giggled. Adam broke out of his stupor and placed a hand over where Petra kissed him, a goofy grin appearing on his face. “All this time, and you’re still hopeless as ever.” Blaze shook her head. “Some things never change, eh?” Rae chuckled. “Just let me have this…” Adam sighed as he made his way to where he and Rae kept their ships. “GYAH! I just remembered!” Blaze exclaimed, “I haven’t checked up on my ship! Please tell me no Eliksni have got to it! I’ll catch up with you guys in the skies!!!” Blaze yelled as she took off towards her ship. “Some things don’t change, eh?” Adam chuckled, repeating Rae’s words, “By the way, your form was different from last time.”
“Yeah, it was weird.” Rae noted, looking down at the markings on her arm, “I was able to summon that sword too. But if I can use that power to push back the Darkness, I’m not complaining!”
“What’s that form called, anyway? We’ve known about it for four years now, but you never gave it a name.”
Rae thought for a moment before speaking, “How about…Starlight? Whenever Paragon spoke to me, she would call me ‘starlight’. So I feel like that’s fitting.”
“Sounds good!” Adam grinned, “Now let’s go home. Everyone’s probably worried about us.”
Rae nodded as the two made their way back to their jumpships.
To Be Continued…
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🏰⚔️ DMODT- 15 full......... yeah
Dressed and sitting next to Zeke for breakfast, Zeke seemed to be in a particularly good mood. Erwin hadn't said much as they'd walked, only enough to ensure he'd used a command to silence Eren. He could almost see the cogs working in Erwin's mind, but being kept out the loop was annoying. Erwin had asked Eren to appear in the courtyard as Zeke was preparing to leave, but wouldn't explain his reasoning. Levi left wondering if that was so he wouldn't accidentally let something slip during the last meal he'd be spending with Zeke. Not that he would. If they could dine in silence, that would be heaven. He couldn't wait for the man to leave. When Levi had come into the dining room, he'd once again been set up by the prince, as while Zeke was on his right, Petra was on his left. Where Erwin would usually sit. Each time their arms would brush, Petra would blush, while Levi wanted to slap her away. He didn't like having the woman forced upon him, or the comments made by Zeke on "how good they looked together". Petra was unnaturally giggly and giddy, thanking him as her scent turned happy. Nope. No. None of that shit at his breakfast table. They didn't. He couldn't see it all. Frankly, he was also insulted that the man didn't think he could chose someone appropriate to marry, on his own. He wasn't looking to marry anyone. Nor did he know if he really believed in marriage, or a love so deeply for someone, that you wanted them in your life forever. Outside of "family love" that he had for Isabel and Farlan, of course. He doubly wasn't looking to wed when a meeting with Draecia was soon to take place. Draecia knew he personally respected their culture and cultural ways, but they may direct their anger towards the kingdom... and they'd never survive that. Draecia may even expect a wedding to one of their court members, in order to gain access to all their dragon related items, which they would happily hand over anyway... with absolutely no marriage required. Stabbing at his soft boiled egg moodily, Levi was not in the mood for this shit at all. He wanted Zeke gone. He wanted to know what was on Erwin's mind, and he wanted to know Eren wasn't in any danger thanks to man. * Leaving Levi's quarters, Eren had sought out Armin. He was nervous over whatever Erwin had planned, but the previous night and morning had felt incredible. He knew what Levi and he had between the sheets ended there. He knew they'd never be anything more. Buuuuuut... it was liberating to know that Levi felt free enough to give himself over to the pleasure that their sex brought. The feel of the alpha's knot, the moans and pants, and the sweet kisses. It all made him feel like he could be just as honest back. Eren had meant his words when he'd told Levi he was grateful it'd been him that mounted him, even when Levi had used his command on him, he'd been careful to make sure it wasn't a discomfort. Not like Erwin's stupid command, that had been forced on him from nowhere. Finding Armin eating breakfast in the kitchen, Eren was more than happy to join him. He was absolutely starving. Magic may have healed all his wounds, but sex had left him famished, as had not eating the previous night as Levi had told him to "Why are you in such a good mood?" Humming, Eren poked at his apple cake. He didn't intend to share his secret, so the command wasn't forcing him into submission "It's just a good morning. I was thinking of taking a walk into the city. Can you come with me?" Armin rolled his eyes at him, sighing deeply as he did "Eren, you know I have classes. And Mikasa is looking for you" "That doesn't sound good" "She missed you last night at the Ball, then there was talk of Hanji and Moblit escorting you somewhere. She's worried" "She doesn't need to be. I'm fine" "Can you tell me what happened?" "It was just a little run in with a few alphas. You know what it was like. Alcohol was everywhere" Armin dropped his fork "They didn't... you know?" "No! No... nothing like that. No, they just don't like omegas that much" "So you're alright?" "I'm fine, Armin. I've got my magic, remember" "And how is that working out for you?" "Awesome. I've been practicing" "Can you show me?" "Don't even think about it. Eren, there will be no magic in the kitchen" Nicollo's words brought a smile to Eren's lips "Are you sure? I've gotten better" "I'm certain. Now both of you need to hurry up. The dishes from upstairs will be brought down soon, and I would like actually have some space to place them down" "You have the whole kitchen" Armin jabbed him in the ribs with elbow, Eren's magic healing the site before he could actually feel any pain "Eren, don't be rude" "Nicollo appreciates my humour" "I'm pretty sure he doesn't" "Armin's right" Eren pouted "Nicollo, I thought we bonded over those potatoes" "You butchered those potatoes. Now. Hurry up" Armin walked Eren out to meet Mikasa near the blacksmith of the castle. His adopted sister as looking fierce as she watched her horse being shod. Tapping her on the shoulder, he jumped back as she growled. Raising his hands in surrender, he wondered if he had to report his own sister to Levi "You idiot! Where were you?! Do you know how worried I was?" Throwing her arms around him, Mikasa growled again as she pushed him away. Her hands digging into his shoulders "Who the fuck scented you?!" "Calm down. It wasn't like that" "Bullshit. I can't take my eyes off you for a second without you getting into trouble. Here, hold still" Using her left wrist, she aggressively tried to scent mark him, which thankfully his magic rejected. Sparks forcing her to step back. His omega rejecting the angry scent, and forcing him to remember being bashed "I'm sorry, Mikasa. I'm fine, really. There was a small incident with the Marley alphas. When I was talking with Levi, Prince Erwin was there. He let me curl into his furs until I'd calmed down" "Who was it? I'll kill them. I'll kill anyone who hurts you" He didn't want to kill people, or for people to die because of him. Internally he winced as he tried to keep his voice even. Mikasa wouldn't appreciate the fact that Levi had sexed him better "It was just a brush in. I'm fine. I'm not hurt at all" "Eren..." "Seriously, I'm fine. I come all this way to make sure you're not worried, and you're getting angry over nothing. It's all taken care of. Which reminds me. I hear Jean has a thing for you" "I don't care, if he does or doesn't. We're talking about you. Mum asked me to watch over you" "I'm an adult, Mikasa. I'm 17, and..." "You spent 5 years in a sanctuary. You don't know how the real world works" "I'm pretty sure I have a good idea of what's happening by now. Just because you're a soldier, don't hold me to your standards" "I've seen things you couldn't imagine" "And so have I!" Eren's magic gathered around him. His eyes cold as he threw his hands up in annoyance "You're not mum. Mum and dad are gone. I have my own life, and I have my own magic now" "You can't even stop alphas from annoying you. You have no idea how many have their eyes on you" "And I don't want any of them. I don't have time for an alpha. I want to study magic" "Eren... all I want is you to be safe. I'm worried you're not taking the proper precautions..." Now what the hell was she going on about? He was lost "What proper precautions?" "They say mage masters..." "Ew. No. I'm not having the sex talk with you" "You have to be careful! What happens if you fall pregnant?! Will they take responsibility? Are they... respectful towards you? You don't feel obligated do you?" "Oh my god. You didn't just go there. I take my herbs. I'm not about to fall pregnant to the first alpha that... I'm not talking about this" Mikasa's eyes filled with tears. She really wasn't happy that he was having sex. Her scent was screaming at him that no one but her should touch him "Eren. You don't have to sleep with them. You can say no" "I know that. Look. I don't want this coming between us, but your horse's new shoe is on. Are you going out today?" "Escorting the royal party back to the port" He didn't envy her, and he didn't want anything happening to her "Oh... be careful...." "Eren, I can take care of myself" So it was fine for her to say that? She wasn't that much older than him... "Just be careful. You are my sister, I don't want anything happening to you" Mikasa wiped her eyes and nodded "I will be safe. There are more of us, than of them. And I'll take them all down, if I have to" He didn't doubt that... Mikasa was stronger than everyone else he knew, except for Levi. Standing by Mikasa's horse, Marley's soldiers were all jovial as they spilled from the castle. Their horses organised by the groomsmen of the castle. Keeping hidden, he waited until he caught snippets of Zeke's voice. Stepping around the horrible animal, Eren tried to be as casual as possible as Zeke caught sight of him. Beside the alpha, Yelena leaned in to whisper something. Zeke not looking pleased at all. He didn't know what Erwin had hoped to accomplish, but seeing Zeke's displeasure made him feel great "Eren. Prince Zeke didn't..." "He didn't do anything. I think he's mad that he lost at the tournament. I need to go. But be on your guard" "You too. I know Jean can be overwhelming, but you can rely on him" "He's a jackass" Mikasa stomped on his foot. Her solid boots heavy enough to hurt, even with his own boots on "You shouldn't talk like that" "It doesn't make it any less true" "Eren" "Mikasa, it's fine. Now climb up on that devil beast, and do your job" "It's called a horse" "It's demonic" "Just because you can't..." "That has nothing to do with it. I'll see you when you return" "Stay safe" "You too" Meeting Levi and Erwin at the top of the castle steps, Eren was dying to find out what that had been about. Both men were quiet as they headed to the royal library, rather than to Levi's room where he'd thought they were going. Closing the door behind them, Erwin checked the rows of books as Levi walked to sit at Eren's usual table. For a moment, he wondered if he should have placed away the books he'd been reading, but Levi didn't seem to mind, so hopefully Erwin didn't either. Sitting down, the teen's was a ball of nervous energy "Stop that" "Sorry. I just want to know what's going on... Did you see the look on his face?" "He looked like he'd just torn his arse taking a giant shit" Eren laughed "He really did" Moving to join them, Erwin sat on the opposite side of the table "Thank you, Eren. That was very helpful. It confirmed Zeke had knowledge of what happened last night" Couldn't Erwin have just told them that?! "And it confirms there may have been previous thefts that we aren't aware of. I've been through the display gallery and nothing seems to be gone. Not that we would expect anything on display to be taken" "There's still the storage rooms, as well as the room from last night. And the royal gallery" Sometimes it was like Levi was reading his every thought. And sometimes it was like he was reading Levi's. Levi had wanted to kill Zeke with belladonna, and he'd gone and choked on a stem of it. He could only put it down to their bond as master and mage. It made sense in a way. What better way to make sure you and your "weapon" were actually in synch with each other "Eren. You're the only one we can actually ask to help us, because you will not speak of this. We need to know more about why they chose those two items, and if they were specifically targeting them, or if they happened to just be caught mid theft. Is there some kind of magic you can use on them?" He didn't want to use magic on dragon items. The thought made him uncomfortable. Placing his hand on Eren's leg, Levi squeezed softly, giving him strength "What about Draecia?" "The items will be returned to them. I just want to know if there is anything special about them" "The sword was way too light for its size, and the egg was heavy... I didn't feel any life in the egg. It was definitely fossilised and not hatching any time soon. And I don't know. I don't know, if I want to touch the sword again" Erwin let out a soft growl, Eren rushing to cover himself. He really didn't want to start a fight. They were all feeling the stress "I didn't say I wouldn't. You don't need to be angry. I know what's at stake here" "No. You only think you know. You haven't even been here three months. Don't allow yourself to believe that sleeping with Levi gives you special privileges" Eren felt as if he'd been slapped. He'd forgotten how sharp Erwin's tongue could be. First Erwin had been forced to be nice due to Zeke, now he was forced to be nice because whether the man liked it or not, he was connected to Levi. Erwin had been at the ritual. He could have stopped Levi at any point. But he hadn't and that wasn't Eren's fault "I don't expect special privileges! I've spent days looking through these books, trying to find an answer to save both your arses because he stuck his dick in me. I just wanted to take my vows and learn magic here. I am trying my hardest to figure all of this out, and it was you who asked I play my part. I did and I have. I drugged myself up with herbs so as to not upset Zeke. If I really was a terrible as you thought I was, I could have hidden the items and sold them. Even as decorations, they would have been worth a lot" Laughing, Eren turned to watch Levi. It was so rare to hear such a thing, or to see the man so happy. He knew he shouldn't be feeling butterflies in his stomach, but he couldn't help what Levi did to him. The man was amazing, even if Levi found himself lacking. No one could normally have kept up a charade for so long, or even let themselves be involved in it to begin with. Levi hadn't told him how it'd happened, and probably never would. Eren respected that. It showed the great level of trust between the two alphas, and it wasn't something he wanted to cause friction between "Thanks, brat. I needed that. He's right. He's done everything we have asked of him. Now you're asking for a favour, then insulting him just moments later. Let Eren do his thing. We both don't know magic. Hanji would want to experiment on the egg and the sword, if she knew about them. You could turn to the mages, but we obviously have traitors in our midst" Erwin sighed, interlacing his fingers and placing them behind his head as he leaned back in his chair "As you would say, "this is a fine pile of shit we find ourselves in"" "Because it is. Eren, let us know if you find anything at all. Especially if you find something like an inventory of the castle property" "Wouldn't that be in the king's chambers?" "Why would you say that?" "Because it's got a list of, like, everything in the castle? Wouldn't that be too important to leave laying around?" Levi tilted his head "He's right" "No. It makes more sense for it to be here, with the rest of the royal documents" Eren didn't understand why Erwin was getting so defensive "There aren't anything like that here, that I've come across. It's almost all royal history, stupid wars, or family history. If you go together, no ones going to question it" "You've barely scratched the surface here. They're here somewhere" "I don't think so" Erwin shot up. His chair scrapping painfully loudly as he did "They're here somewhere, and you will find them. And you will notify us when you do" Marching off, Erwin left them. Though not said with the usual dominance of an alpha command, Eren felt the force behind his words "His parents are a sore subject. Don't let it get to you" How could he not? He'd just been ordered to check the whole room for something he was sure wasn't there. Nodding, he gathered himself to stand "I'll get started. You should make he's ok" "Eren..." "It's ok. We're all under pressure right now. I'll be fine in here. I'm just a little shaken" He didn't think Levi's command would make him confess that he wasn't ok, like that. He'd thought it would only be in extreme situations... yet, he didn't mind that Levi knew "Alright. Just don't work too hard. I'll be sure not to move the egg or the sword for now" "Ok... I didn't mean to make him mad" "It's not you. It's Zeke. Don't forget, if anything happens, use your magic to protect yourself" Eren nodded quickly, Levi made him feel so much better, and the man hadn't even done anything "I will" * The next few days passed slowly for Levi. Erwin was constantly by his side as they walked the entirety of the top floors of the castle, and caught up on the mountain of paperwork that had accumulated thanks to Prince Pin-dick. He was annoyed with Erwin's behaviour, and tired of being tired. Erwin still refused to enter his parents bedroom, insisting that his father wouldn't have kept important documents within his room. The man's parents had been dead for the last decade, he didn't understand why Erwin has such an aversion to their room. He didn't even have the time to check in with Eren, but it wasn't like Eren had checked in with him either. It was the third night after the morning Erwin had sent the teen on his new mission, when Levi started coughing. He'd been plagued by a headache all day, and burning eyes as if sleep deprived. Sitting in the sun room, it'd started as a niggling in his throat, before turning to a full blown coughing fit, in which he realised he was choking. Retching as his body tried to heave up the object, Levi was less than impressed to find himself in the same position again. He felt stupid, despite having done nothing to warrant such a fit. He wasn't Eren, he didn't choke on thin air. Getting his fingers down deep enough, he was a drooling mess as hacked, finally dislodging the object enough to pull it free. On the other side of his desk, Erwin stood watching everything unwind. Fucking wanker... he could have easily reached over the desk. Flinging the offending object to the floor, he pushed himself back from his desk as he retched, vomiting up spit and a small amount of dinner between his feet. Whatever magic bullshit this was. He was over it. Taking a few very long moments, he regained control of his breathing, hand moving to grip his chest as he sat up, and fixed Erwin with the best glare his watery eyes could manage "Thanks... for... the-help..." "You had it under control. What did you choke on?" Levi waved his hand towards where he'd thrown whatever it was. Shaking his head over it all. Fucking revolting. Though not as revolting as Erwin walking over to retrieve the item "It's the corner from a book" "It felt like the whole fucking book" Slowly his mind put two and two together. There was only one brat in the castle that could have possibly been responsible with that crazy magic of his "I'm going to check on Eren" Erwin scowled at him disapprovingly "You still have work to do" "Then consider this me taking a break. I've been reading this papers all fucking day. Now you tell me a page from a book just tried to kill me. I'm more than done with paper for today" "You can't shirk your responsibilities to check on Eren every five minutes" "I haven't checked in with him, since you sent him to look for castle records" "And yet... He hasn't notified us that he has" "Are you implying he hasn't been searching?" "I didn't say that at all. I'm just saying, you're nearly done with the paperwork, you might as well finish" Fucking hell. He was in no mood for this bullshit "I have a headache and I just about died. I'm done for the night. You can take over. Why you haven't just taken care of it all is beyond me" "Then what do I have you for?" "I ask myself that everyday. Make sure you call a maid to clean this mess up. Fuck... I don't think I'll ever get used to that feeling" "Well then, its a good thing Eren won't be by your side forever" Levi's alpha didn't appreciate the thought being thrust upon them. Eren's life was his choice, and there would come a time for them to part, but Erwin had practically ordered him to sleep with the mage... and now that he was, he had no reason to be shitty about it all. Levi's work performance hadn't slipped since Eren came into their lives, if anything, it'd improved. Especially after sex. But even being around the teen made him feel better... other than this choking shit. That had to stop. Coughing slightly, he pushed his chair further back and rose "I'm going to check on Eren and call it a night. I suggest you figure out what is, and isn't important, amongst this waste of trees" Stopping by his quarters on his way down to the royal library, Levi freshened up. He looked like shit warmed up and walking, which Eren would realise right away. Despite not feeling the omega close, he checked Eren's room to make sure he wasn't there. The bed and space neat and tidy, but his scent was faint as if he hadn't been there at all since the maids had cleaned. With Zeke's absence, he'd told himself that Eren was safe and just as busy as he was, and while Erwin had given him a task, he should still be making time to rest and sleep. Eren having not been in his room left him unsettled and unimpressed. He'd specifically told the omega he needed to take better care of himself, especially given that despite his fiery personality, he had weak lungs. Heading to the library, Levi couldn't see Eren as he opened the doors. Normally the omega used the desk in line with the doors as he studied, but the desks were laden with books. Closing the door behind him, he picked up the scents of distress and exhaustion in the air "Eren?!" Jogging past the first few stacks of books, his steps dropped to a walk as he caught sight of Eren. The teen was sitting against a far rack. A thick pile of books beside the clearly upset boy "Hey, Eren..." Not raising his head, Levi frowned at the teen as he walked over to him, and moved to sit in front of Eren. Pulling the book from Eren's hands, the omega sniffled as he looked up to him. Eren's eyes were bloodshot, his colour an unhealthy grey, and his smell... Levi didn't have the words for how much Eren stank. This wasn't like the omega at all "Eren, what's going on? Here, take a break. When's the last time you ate or slept?" "E-Levi gave me a command..." "Erwin gave you a command?" "T-to do this..." The mage's voice was raspy, Eren coughing weakly. Why would Eren let himself get so run down? "Why didn't you come tell me you weren't feeling well?" "He told me I had to do this..." Breaking off coughing, Levi abandoned the book in his hands to place a palm against Eren's forehead. The teen feeling warm to the touch "He might have asked you to look, but why didn't you take a break? You could have come and found me" "He gave me a command. I haven't found anything" Levi's heart clenched "Eren, have you been here since then? In the library this whole time?" With sad eyes, Eren nodded slowly "Eren, that wasn't a command. Did it really sound and feel like a command to you?" Again, another nod. Eren had been working his arse off until his body had physically given out. The kid had probably felt compelled that he hadn't eaten, drunk or even slept. It probably really did feel like books were going to be the death of him "Shit, brat. No wonder you feel sick... Fucking Fluffybrow arsehole. Yes, this is important, but not if you're going to end up sick like this. Erwin wouldn't want this either. I don't know if I can remove the command, but I can tell you it definitely didn't sound like a command to me. Can you stand?" Shaking his head, Eren broke down coughing "Ok. I've got you, and I'll talk to Erwin. He's had me going through other rooms with him, and working on everything I couldn't while Zeke was here. I'm so sorry I didn't come to check on you" Levi was kicking himself as he lifted into his hold, the omega whimpering softly as he did "I suppose your magic did all it could?" "C-can't heal my lungs" "Your lungs are playing up?" Eren nodded, as he hid his face against Levi's neck "Storm's coming, and this room is so cold" "You couldn't magic up a fire?" "Wasn't game to try... don't feel good" "I know you don't. You don't smell great either. You can take a warm bath in my bathroom, then you're eating and your drinking, and getting some sleep" "Need to keep looking" Stupid shitty Fluffybrow. He didn't know how to comfort Eren, or to make him see it wasn't even a command in the first place... With his bravery, it was easy to forget that he'd grown up without alphas around "You're not breaking the command. You can't keep searching if you're not feeling well" "I'm sorry" Falling asleep in his arms, Eren didn't wake as Levi lowered him down into the bathtub. He didn't like to strip Eren without his permission, but his clothes were fucking pungent. Deciding that making sure Eren was clean was more of a priority than the mages's modesty, Levi carefully stripping Eren down, then starting the bath. Half of him wanted to fetch Erwin and show him what his shitty commands had done, and show him how hard Eren had worked for them, while the other half wanted to keep the mage to himself. He wanted to be the one to clean Eren, and to nurse him back to health. He liked the idea of the omega relying on him alone, more than he could admit out loud, and much more than he should. Eren's magic sparkled around Levi as he got the mage cleaned then out the bathtub. Unlike his fire sparks, this magic felt as if it was trying to thank him for looking after Eren. Not that he was doing any of this for the thanks. He probably wouldn't have made it down to check on Eren, if he hadn't coughed up the paper. Drying Eren down, he tucked the omega up in his bed, not worrying about a nightshirt, as it wasn't as if he hadn't seen Eren naked before. Fetching a cold cloth, laying it across Eren's forehead, was the final touch. Levi nodding to himself as he walked to his door and poked his head out to send a guard for food and water. The storm Eren mentioned hit the following morning. The rain pouring as lightning flashed outside the window. The thunder booming so loud that Levi didn't know how Eren continued to sleep, coughing every so often as he curled or tossed beneath the furs. Blowing Erwin off, Levi chose to spend the morning cleaning his room in an attempt to distract himself from his concern for Eren. If magic couldn't heal his lungs, then Levi would offer the only thing he could. A warm bed, and a safe place to recover. When Erwin came to find him, Levi was forced from Eren's side. He'd wanted to at least stay until Eren had woken, but as always, there was paperwork that couldn't wait... even if they couldn't send any of it out thanks to the storm. Thinking he was free to return to Eren, when he'd finally reached the end of his paperwork, he was disappointed to find himself searching the royal library with Erwin. Erwin insisting on checking the piles of books left on the desks. It wasn't the first time in the alpha's life that he wished he'd remained illiterate and ignorant. A few hours passed, before the door to the library opened. Eren carrying a tray of food and tea as he walked in as if he hadn't been sick. Rising, Levi walked to meet him halfway, taking the tray from the omega as Eren blushed. He was either blushing or feverish, but given his cheeks had seemed to redden when he saw Levi, the alpha felt it was more likely to be a blush "You're supposed to be resting" "I was. I need to keep looking" "No. You're going to sit" "I'm fine" Eren's coughing ruined his words "You're not fine. I thought to call a healer, but if you're magic can't heal you, then I doubt they can" "They can't... Thank you though. And thank you for the use of your bed... but clothes would have been nice" Levi looked Eren up and down. The mage was dressed in a standard pair of white pants and grey tunic. He couldn't remember seeing Eren in pants that weren't black "Are those from my dresser?" "Nope. I borrowed a fur blanket to return to my room. Though why you didn't dump me off there, I don't know" "Because you're sick" "It's fine... I'm only a little nauseous and headachey" Carrying the tray back, Levi placed it down in the gap of books Erwin had made "It's not fine. Erwin, take the stupid command off him" "What command?" "The command you put on him so he'd search every shitty book in this place. He worked himself to the point of collapsing" "I didn't use a command" "You did. He spent three days stuck in this place" He'd explained all this to Erwin, and Erwin had insisted he hadn't used a command, despite what Eren had said. Looking to Eren, he wasn't impressed that the mage was back to trying to help again "Eren, how many commands are you under at the moment?" "Both of yours... so three" Eren's voice was strained as he admitted he was under three. Levi was both confused and furious that there was more than just his forcing the teen to obey "Is one regarding the library?" Nodding, Eren crossed his arms in a self hug. Erwin huffed a sigh "I release you from the command regarding the library. Though it never was a command" Eren took a deep breath, before shaking his head, dismissing his own words before speaking. Levi wanted Erwin to know he'd fucked up "No. What were you going to say?" "That it felt like a command to me. Even if that wasn't the intent" Raising an eyebrow, Erwin seemed to find all of it humorous "If searching the library was a command, you would have known it" That made no sense to Levi. Eren did "know it". Releasing the mage was still standing, he gestured for Eren to sit as he took his own seat "I suppose you haven't eaten?" "I wanted to make sure you both had" "You need to sit and eat, Brat. We talked about you taking better care of your health" "I'm sorry... I didn't intend to cause any inconvenience" "So making Levi nearly choke to death wasn't planned?" Levi glared daggers at Erwin "I... what? How?" "He coughed up a piece of paper. It's the second time you've caused something like that" "I... I'm so sorry. I didn't know. Are you ok now?" "I'm fine. If I hadn't choked on the paper, I wouldn't have known you needed help" Eren moved to look down at his left hand "Stupid magic. It plays up when I'm sick" "Then what was the excuse the first time?" "Erwin, that's enough" "No. I'm interested to know why you first coughed up a dragon scale. Eren wasn't sick when left to return with Moblit" "You coughed up a dragon scale?!" "Relax. I'm fine. The healers made sure" "I... why didn't you tell me it was a scale?" "Because I thought it was a one off. I thought you were angry over the dragon corpse. Since then, we have gotten to know each other better and I know it wasn't malicious" Eren frowned and shook his head "I was hurt and angry that you didn't listen to what I was trying to tell you. But I have no idea why it would be a dragon scale" "It was probably your magic trying to tell me you needed help" "How does that work? I coughed up belladonna?" "While I was thinking about how I should have poisoned Zeke" "It's still weird. I mean, I have a theory, but I never found anything to confirm it" Erwin interjected "You have a theory?" Eren nodded slowly, looking uncomfortable about everything "I think it's our bond. Masters guide mages, and what's a better way of knowing what each other is thinking, than literally "coughing it up". I mean. It's just a theory, and you could ask the other castle mages about it... but it could also be my messed up magic. It's gotten better, but then again, I don't really know. I have nothing to compare it with... and now I'm talking too much" "You're fine. It at least gives us something to consider. Now. I want you to eat and have some tea. It'll help soothe your throat" "I only brought two teacups" "Then use mine. I'm fine for the moment" "I couldn't..." "Eren. I said it's fine. Erwin, stop staring. You're the one who wants to go through every book here" "I've been through the ones on the table..." "Then we'll go through them again. We need answers" Levi had no idea what Erwin's problem was, but he was well and truly sick of his attitude towards Eren. He'd never gone out of his way to harass anyone that Erwin had fucked. He expected more from the man. Placing his hand on Eren's leg, the mage moved to place his hand over it. Seemingly disregarding Erwin's words, and not rising to bite "Alright. With the three of us, we should be able to get through everything much faster" It amazed Levi each time Eren stepped up to be the most mature one in the room. Erwin should know better, yet Eren was the one showing him infinite patience and a wisdom beyond his years. He was proud of the mage, no matter what Erwin said.
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🏰⚔️ DMODT- 15 update before bed
Dressed and sitting next to Zeke for breakfast, Zeke seemed to be in a particularly good mood. Erwin hadn't said much as they'd walked, only enough to ensure he'd used a command to silence Eren. He could almost see the cogs working in Erwin's mind, but being kept out the loop was annoying. Erwin had asked Eren to appear in the courtyard as Zeke was preparing to leave, but wouldn't explain his reasoning. Levi left wondering if that was so he wouldn't accidentally let something slip during the last meal he'd be spending with Zeke. Not that he would. If they could dine in silence, that would be heaven. He couldn't wait for the man to leave. When Levi had come into the dining room, he'd once again been set up by the prince, as while Zeke was on his right, Petra was on his left. Where Erwin would usually sit. Each time their arms would brush, Petra would blush, while Levi wanted to slap her away. He didn't like having the woman forced upon him, or the comments made by Zeke on "how good they looked together". Petra was unnaturally giggly and giddy, thanking him as her scent turned happy. Nope. No. None of that shit at his breakfast table. They didn't. He couldn't see it all. Frankly, he was also insulted that the man didn't think he could chose someone appropriate to marry, on his own. He wasn't looking to marry anyone. Nor did he know if he really believed in marriage, or a love so deeply for someone, that you wanted them in your life forever. Outside of "family love" that he had for Isabel and Farlan, of course. He doubly wasn't looking to wed when a meeting with Draecia was soon to take place. Draecia knew he personally respected their culture and cultural ways, but they may direct their anger towards the kingdom... and they'd never survive that. Draecia may even expect a wedding to one of their court members, in order to gain access to all their dragon related items, which they would happily hand over anyway... with absolutely no marriage required. Stabbing at his soft boiled egg moodily, Levi was not in the mood for this shit at all. He wanted Zeke gone. He wanted to know what was on Erwin's mind, and he wanted to know Eren wasn't in any danger thanks to man. * Leaving Levi's quarters, Eren had sought out Armin. He was nervous over whatever Erwin had planned, but the previous night and morning had felt incredible. He knew what Levi and he had between the sheets ended there. He knew they'd never be anything more. Buuuuuut... it was liberating to know that Levi felt free enough to give himself over to the pleasure that their sex brought. The feel of the alpha's knot, the moans and pants, and the sweet kisses. It all made him feel like he could be just as honest back. Eren had meant his words when he'd told Levi he was grateful it'd been him that mounted him, even when Levi had used his command on him, he'd been careful to make sure it wasn't a discomfort. Not like Erwin's stupid command, that had been forced on him from nowhere. Finding Armin eating breakfast in the kitchen, Eren was more than happy to join him. He was absolutely starving. Magic may have healed all his wounds, but sex had left him famished, as had not eating the previous night as Levi had told him to "Why are you in such a good mood?" Humming, Eren poked at his apple cake. He didn't intend to share his secret, so the command wasn't forcing him into submission "It's just a good morning. I was thinking of taking a walk into the city. Can you come with me?" Armin rolled his eyes at him, sighing deeply as he did "Eren, you know I have classes. And Mikasa is looking for you" "That doesn't sound good" "She missed you last night at the Ball, then there was talk of Hanji and Moblit escorting you somewhere. She's worried" "She doesn't need to be. I'm fine" "Can you tell me what happened?" "It was just a little run in with a few alphas. You know what it was like. Alcohol was everywhere" Armin dropped his fork "They didn't... you know?" "No! No... nothing like that. No, they just don't like omegas that much" "So you're alright?" "I'm fine, Armin. I've got my magic, remember" "And how is that working out for you?" "Awesome. I've been practicing" "Can you show me?" "Don't even think about it. Eren, there will be no magic in the kitchen" Nicollo's words brought a smile to Eren's lips "Are you sure? I've gotten better" "I'm certain. Now both of you need to hurry up. The dishes from upstairs will be brought down soon, and I would like actually have some space to place them down" "You have the whole kitchen" Armin jabbed him in the ribs with elbow, Eren's magic healing the site before he could actually feel any pain "Eren, don't be rude" "Nicollo appreciates my humour" "I'm pretty sure he doesn't" "Armin's right" Eren pouted "Nicollo, I thought we bonded over those potatoes" "You butchered those potatoes. Now. Hurry up" Armin walked Eren out to meet Mikasa near the blacksmith of the castle. His adopted sister as looking fierce as she watched her horse being shod. Tapping her on the shoulder, he jumped back as she growled. Raising his hands in surrender, he wondered if he had to report his own sister to Levi "You idiot! Where were you?! Do you know how worried I was?" Throwing her arms around him, Mikasa growled again as she pushed him away. Her hands digging into his shoulders "Who the fuck scented you?!" "Calm down. It wasn't like that" "Bullshit. I can't take my eyes off you for a second without you getting into trouble. Here, hold still" Using her left wrist, she aggressively tried to scent mark him, which thankfully his magic rejected. Sparks forcing her to step back. His omega rejecting the angry scent, and forcing him to remember being bashed "I'm sorry, Mikasa. I'm fine, really. There was a small incident with the Marley alphas. When I was talking with Levi, Prince Erwin was there. He let me curl into his furs until I'd calmed down" "Who was it? I'll kill them. I'll kill anyone who hurts you" He didn't want to kill people, or for people to die because of him. Internally he winced as he tried to keep his voice even. Mikasa wouldn't appreciate the fact that Levi had sexed him better "It was just a brush in. I'm fine. I'm not hurt at all" "Eren..." "Seriously, I'm fine. I come all this way to make sure you're not worried, and you're getting angry over nothing. It's all taken care of. Which reminds me. I hear Jean has a thing for you" "I don't care, if he does or doesn't. We're talking about you. Mum asked me to watch over you" "I'm an adult, Mikasa. I'm 17, and..." "You spent 5 years in a sanctuary. You don't know how the real world works" "I'm pretty sure I have a good idea of what's happening by now. Just because you're a soldier, don't hold me to your standards" "I've seen things you couldn't imagine" "And so have I!" Eren's magic gathered around him. His eyes cold as he threw his hands up in annoyance "You're not mum. Mum and dad are gone. I have my own life, and I have my own magic now" "You can't even stop alphas from annoying you. You have no idea how many have their eyes on you" "And I don't want any of them. I don't have time for an alpha. I want to study magic" "Eren... all I want is you to be safe. I'm worried you're not taking the proper precautions..." Now what the hell was she going on about? He was lost "What proper precautions?" "They say mage masters..." "Ew. No. I'm not having the sex talk with you" "You have to be careful! What happens if you fall pregnant?! Will they take responsibility? Are they... respectful towards you? You don't feel obligated do you?" "Oh my god. You didn't just go there. I take my herbs. I'm not about to fall pregnant to the first alpha that... I'm not talking about this" Mikasa's eyes filled with tears. She really wasn't happy that he was having sex. Her scent was screaming at him that no one but her should touch him "Eren. You don't have to sleep with them. You can say no" "I know that. Look. I don't want this coming between us, but your horse's new shoe is on. Are you going out today?" "Escorting the royal party back to the port" He didn't envy her, and he didn't want anything happening to her "Oh... be careful...." "Eren, I can take care of myself" So it was fine for her to say that? She wasn't that much older than him... "Just be careful. You are my sister, I don't want anything happening to you" Mikasa wiped her eyes and nodded "I will be safe. There are more of us, than of them. And I'll take them all down, if I have to" He didn't doubt that... Mikasa was stronger than everyone else he knew, except for Levi. Standing by Mikasa's horse, Marley's soldiers were all jovial as they spilled from the castle. Their horses organised by the groomsmen of the castle. Keeping hidden, he waited until he caught snippets of Zeke's voice. Stepping around the horrible animal, Eren tried to be as casual as possible as Zeke caught sight of him. Beside the alpha, Yelena leaned in to whisper something. Zeke not looking pleased at all. He didn't know what Erwin had hoped to accomplish, but seeing Zeke's displeasure made him feel great "Eren. Prince Zeke didn't..." "He didn't do anything. I think he's mad that he lost at the tournament. I need to go. But be on your guard" "You too. I know Jean can be overwhelming, but you can rely on him" "He's a jackass" Mikasa stomped on his foot. Her solid boots heavy enough to hurt, even with his own boots on "You shouldn't talk like that" "It doesn't make it any less true" "Eren" "Mikasa, it's fine. Now climb up on that devil beast, and do your job" "It's called a horse" "It's demonic" "Just because you can't..." "That has nothing to do with it. I'll see you when you return" "Stay safe" "You too" Meeting Levi and Erwin at the top of the castle steps, Eren was dying to find out what that had been about. Both men were quiet as they headed to the royal library, rather than to Levi's room where he'd thought they were going. Closing the door behind them, Erwin checked the rows of books as Levi walked to sit at Eren's usual table. For a moment, he wondered if he should have placed away the books he'd been reading, but Levi didn't seem to mind, so hopefully Erwin didn't either. Sitting down, the teen's was a ball of nervous energy "Stop that" "Sorry. I just want to know what's going on... Did you see the look on his face?" "He looked like he'd just torn his arse taking a giant shit" Eren laughed "He really did" Moving to join them, Erwin sat on the opposite side of the table "Thank you, Eren. That was very helpful. It confirmed Zeke had knowledge of what happened last night" Couldn't Erwin have just told them that?! "And it confirms there may have been previous thefts that we aren't aware of. I've been through the display gallery and nothing seems to be gone. Not that we would expect anything on display to be taken" "There's still the storage rooms, as well as the room from last night. And the royal gallery" Sometimes it was like Levi was reading his every thought. And sometimes it was like he was reading Levi's. Levi had wanted to kill Zeke with belladonna, and he'd gone and choked on a stem of it. He could only put it down to their bond as master and mage. It made sense in a way. What better way to make sure you and your "weapon" were actually in synch with each other "Eren. You're the only one we can actually ask to help us, because you will not speak of this. We need to know more about why they chose those two items, and if they were specifically targeting them, or if they happened to just be caught mid theft. Is there some kind of magic you can use on them?" He didn't want to use magic on dragon items. The thought made him uncomfortable. Placing his hand on Eren's leg, Levi squeezed softly, giving him strength "What about Draecia?" "The items will be returned to them. I just want to know if there is anything special about them" "The sword was way too light for its size, and the egg was heavy... I didn't feel any life in the egg. It was definitely fossilised and not hatching any time soon. And I don't know. I don't know, if I want to touch the sword again" Erwin let out a soft growl, Eren rushing to cover himself. He really didn't want to start a fight. They were all feeling the stress "I didn't say I wouldn't. You don't need to be angry. I know what's at stake here" "No. You only think you know. You haven't even been here three months. Don't allow yourself to believe that sleeping with Levi gives you special privileges" Eren felt as if he'd been slapped. He'd forgotten how sharp Erwin's tongue could be. First Erwin had been forced to be nice due to Zeke, now he was forced to be nice because whether the man liked it or not, he was connected to Levi. Erwin had been at the ritual. He could have stopped Levi at any point. But he hadn't and that wasn't Eren's fault "I don't expect special privileges! I've spent days looking through these books, trying to find an answer to save both your arses because he stuck his dick in me. I just wanted to take my vows and learn magic here. I am trying my hardest to figure all of this out, and it was you who asked I play my part. I did and I have. I drugged myself up with herbs so as to not upset Zeke. If I really was a terrible as you thought I was, I could have hidden the items and sold them. Even as decorations, they would have been worth a lot" Laughing, Eren turned to watch Levi. It was so rare to hear such a thing, or to see the man so happy. He knew he shouldn't be feeling butterflies in his stomach, but he couldn't help what Levi did to him. The man was amazing, even if Levi found himself lacking. No one could normally have kept up a charade for so long, or even let themselves be involved in it to begin with. Levi hadn't told him how it'd happened, and probably never would. Eren respected that. It showed the great level of trust between the two alphas, and it wasn't something he wanted to cause friction between "Thanks, brat. I needed that. He's right. He's done everything we have asked of him. Now you're asking for a favour, then insulting him just moments later. Let Eren do his thing. We both don't know magic. Hanji would want to experiment on the egg and the sword, if she knew about them. You could turn to the mages, but we obviously have traitors in our midst" Erwin sighed, interlacing his fingers and placing them behind his head as he leaned back in his chair "As you would say, "this is a fine pile of shit we find ourselves in"" "Because it is. Eren, let us know if you find anything at all. Especially if you find something like an inventory of the castle property" "Wouldn't that be in the king's chambers?" "Why would you say that?" "Because it's got a list of, like, everything in the castle? Wouldn't that be too important to leave laying around?" Levi tilted his head "He's right" "No. It makes more sense for it to be here, with the rest of the royal documents" Eren didn't understand why Erwin was getting so defensive "There aren't anything like that here, that I've come across. It's almost all royal history, stupid wars, or family history. If you go together, no ones going to question it" "You've barely scratched the surface here. They're here somewhere" "I don't think so" Erwin shot up. His chair scrapping painfully loudly as he did "They're here somewhere, and you will find them. And you will notify us when you do" Marching off, Erwin left them. Though not said with the usual dominance of an alpha command, Eren felt the force behind his words "His parents are a sore subject. Don't let it get to you" How could he not? He'd just been ordered to check the whole room for something he was sure wasn't there. Nodding, he gathered himself to stand "I'll get started. You should make he's ok" "Eren..." "It's ok. We're all under pressure right now. I'll be fine in here. I'm just a little shaken" He didn't think Levi's command would make him confess that he wasn't ok, like that. He'd thought it would only be in extreme situations... yet, he didn't mind that Levi knew "Alright. Just don't work too hard. I'll be sure not to move the egg or the sword for now" "Ok... I didn't mean to make him mad" "It's not you. It's Zeke. Don't forget, if anything happens, use your magic to protect yourself" Eren nodded quickly "I will"
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🏰⚔️ DMODT - 15 update
Dressed and sitting next to Zeke for breakfast, Zeke seemed to be in a particularly good mood. Erwin hadn't said much as they'd walked, only enough to ensure he'd used a command to silence Eren. He could almost see the cogs working in Erwin's mind, but being kept out the loop was annoying. Erwin had asked Eren to appear in the courtyard as Zeke was preparing to leave, but wouldn't explain his reasoning. Levi left wondering if that was so he wouldn't accidentally let something slip during the last meal he'd be spending with Zeke. Not that he would. If they could dine in silence, that would be heaven. He couldn't wait for the man to leave. When Levi had come into the dining room, he'd once again been set up by the prince, as while Zeke was on his right, Petra was on his left. Where Erwin would usually sit. Each time their arms would brush, Petra would blush, while Levi wanted to slap her away. He didn't like having the woman forced upon him, or the comments made by Zeke on "how good they looked together". Petra was unnaturally giggly and giddy, thanking him as her scent turned happy. Nope. No. None of that shit at his breakfast table. They didn't. He couldn't see it all. Frankly, he was also insulted that the man didn't think he could chose someone appropriate to marry, on his own. He wasn't looking to marry anyone. Nor did he know if he really believed in marriage, or a love so deeply for someone, that you wanted them in your life forever. Outside of "family love" that he had for Isabel and Farlan, of course. He doubly wasn't looking to wed when a meeting with Draecia was soon to take place. Draecia knew he personally respected their culture and cultural ways, but they may direct their anger towards the kingdom... and they'd never survive that. Draecia may even expect a wedding to one of their court members, in order to gain access to all their dragon related items, which they would happily hand over anyway... with absolutely no marriage required. Stabbing at his soft boiled egg moodily, Levi was not in the mood for this shit at all. He wanted Zeke gone. He wanted to know what was on Erwin's mind, and he wanted to know Eren wasn't in any danger thanks to man. * Leaving Levi's quarters, Eren had sought out Armin. He was nervous over whatever Erwin had planned, but the previous night and morning had felt incredible. He knew what Levi and he had between the sheets ended there. He knew they'd never be anything more. Buuuuuut... it was liberating to know that Levi felt free enough to give himself over to the pleasure that their sex brought. The feel of the alpha's knot, the moans and pants, and the sweet kisses. It all made him feel like he could be just as honest back. Eren had meant his words when he'd told Levi he was grateful it'd been him that mounted him, even when Levi had used his command on him, he'd been careful to make sure it wasn't a discomfort. Not like Erwin's stupid command, that had been forced on him from nowhere. Finding Armin eating breakfast in the kitchen, Eren was more than happy to join him. He was absolutely starving. Magic may have healed all his wounds, but sex had left him famished, as had not eating the previous night as Levi had told him to "Why are you in such a good mood?" Humming, Eren poked at his apple cake. He didn't intend to share his secret, so the command wasn't forcing him into submission "It's just a good morning. I was thinking of taking a walk into the city. Can you come with me?" Armin rolled his eyes at him, sighing deeply as he did "Eren, you know I have classes. And Mikasa is looking for you" "That doesn't sound good" "She missed you last night at the Ball, then there was talk of Hanji and Moblit escorting you somewhere. She's worried" "She doesn't need to be. I'm fine" "Can you tell me what happened?" "It was just a little run in with a few alphas. You know what it was like. Alcohol was everywhere" Armin dropped his fork "They didn't... you know?" "No! No... nothing like that. No, they just don't like omegas that much" "So you're alright?" "I'm fine, Armin. I've got my magic, remember" "And how is that working out for you?" "Awesome. I've been practicing" "Can you show me?" "Don't even think about it. Eren, there will be no magic in the kitchen" Nicollo's words brought a smile to Eren's lips "Are you sure? I've gotten better" "I'm certain. Now both of you need to hurry up. The dishes from upstairs will be brought down soon, and I would like actually have some space to place them down" "You have the whole kitchen" Armin jabbed him in the ribs with elbow, Eren's magic healing the site before he could actually feel any pain "Eren, don't be rude" "Nicollo appreciates my humour" "I'm pretty sure he doesn't" "Armin's right" Eren pouted "Nicollo, I thought we bonded over those potatoes" "You butchered those potatoes. Now. Hurry up" Armin walked Eren out to meet Mikasa near the blacksmith of the castle. His adopted sister as looking fierce as she watched her horse being shod. Tapping her on the shoulder, he jumped back as she growled. Raising his hands in surrender, he wondered if he had to report his own sister to Levi "You idiot! Where were you?! Do you know how worried I was?" Throwing her arms around him, Mikasa growled again as she pushed him away. Her hands digging into his shoulders "Who the fuck scented you?!" "Calm down. It wasn't like that" "Bullshit. I can't take my eyes off you for a second without you getting into trouble. Here, hold still" Using her left wrist, she aggressively tried to scent mark him, which thankfully his magic rejected. Sparks forcing her to step back. His omega rejecting the angry scent, and forcing him to remember being bashed "I'm sorry, Mikasa. I'm fine, really. There was a small incident with the Marley alphas. When I was talking with Levi, Prince Erwin was there. He let me curl into his furs until I'd calmed down" "Who was it? I'll kill them. I'll kill anyone who hurts you" He didn't want to kill people, or for people to die because of him. Internally he winced as he tried to keep his voice even. Mikasa wouldn't appreciate the fact that Levi had sexed him better "It was just a brush in. I'm fine. I'm not hurt at all" "Eren..." "Seriously, I'm fine. I come all this way to make sure you're not worried, and you're getting angry over nothing. It's all taken care of. Which reminds me. I hear Jean has a thing for you" "I don't care, if he does or doesn't. We're talking about you. Mum asked me to watch over you" "I'm an adult, Mikasa. I'm 17, and..." "You spent 5 years in a sanctuary. You don't know how the real world works" "I'm pretty sure I have a good idea of what's happening by now. Just because you're a soldier, don't hold me to your standards" "I've seen things you couldn't imagine" "And so have I!" Eren's magic gathered around him. His eyes cold as he threw his hands up in annoyance "You're not mum. Mum and dad are gone. I have my own life, and I have my own magic now" "You can't even stop alphas from annoying you. You have no idea how many have their eyes on you" "And I don't want any of them. I don't have time for an alpha. I want to study magic" "Eren... all I want is you to be safe. I'm worried you're not taking the proper precautions..." Now what the hell was she going on about? He was lost "What proper precautions?" "They say mage masters..." "Ew. No. I'm not having the sex talk with you" "You have to be careful! What happens if you fall pregnant?! Will they take responsibility? Are they... respectful towards you? You don't feel obligated do you?" "Oh my god. You didn't just go there. I take my herbs. I'm not about to fall pregnant to the first alpha that... I'm not talking about this" Mikasa's eyes filled with tears. She really wasn't happy that he was having sex. Her scent was screaming at him that no one but her should touch him "Eren. You don't have to sleep with them. You can say no" "I know that. Look. I don't want this coming between us, but your horse's new shoe is on. Are you going out today?" "Escorting the royal party back to the port" He didn't envy her, and he didn't want anything happening to her "Oh... be careful...." "Eren, I can take care of myself" So it was fine for her to say that? She wasn't that much older than him... "Just be careful. You are my sister, I don't want anything happening to you" Mikasa wiped her eyes and nodded "I will be safe. There are more of us, than of them. And I'll take them all down, if I have to" He didn't doubt that... Mikasa was stronger than everyone else he knew, except for Levi. Standing by Mikasa's horse, Marley's soldiers were all jovial as they spilled from the castle. Their horses organised by the groomsmen of the castle. Keeping hidden, he waited until he caught snippets of Zeke's voice. Stepping around the horrible animal, Eren tried to be as casual as possible as Zeke caught sight of him. Beside the alpha, Yelena leaned in to whisper something. Zeke not looking pleased at all. He didn't know what Erwin had hoped to accomplish, but seeing Zeke's displeasure made him feel great "Eren. Prince Zeke didn't..." "He didn't do anything. I think he's mad that he lost at the tournament. I need to go. But be on your guard" "You too. I know Jean can be overwhelming, but you can rely on him" "He's a jackass" Mikasa stomped on his foot. Her solid boots heavy enough to hurt, even with his own boots on "You shouldn't talk like that" "It doesn't make it any less true" "Eren" "Mikasa, it's fine. Now climb up on that devil beast, and do your job" "It's called a horse" "It's demonic" "Just because you can't..." "That has nothing to do with it. I'll see you when you return" "Stay safe" "You too" Meeting Levi and Erwin at the top of the castle steps, Eren was dying to find out what that had been about. Both men were quiet as they headed to the royal library, rather than to Levi's room where he'd thought they were going. Closing the door behind them, Erwin checked the rows of books as Levi walked to sit at Eren's usual table. For a moment, he wondered if he should have placed away the books he'd been reading, but Levi didn't seem to mind, so hopefully Erwin didn't either. Sitting down, the teen's was a ball of nervous energy "Stop that" "Sorry. I just want to know what's going on... Did you see the look on his face?" "He looked like he'd just torn his arse taking a giant shit" Eren laughed "He really did" Moving to join them, Erwin sat on the opposite side of the table "Thank you, Eren. That was very helpful. It confirmed Zeke had knowledge of what happened last night" Couldn't Erwin have just told them that?! "And it confirms there may have been previous thefts that we aren't aware of. I've been through the display gallery and nothing seems to be gone. Not that we would expect anything on display to be taken" "There's still the storage rooms, as well as the room from last night. And the royal gallery" Sometimes it was like Levi was reading his every thought. And sometimes it was like he was reading Levi's. Levi had wanted to kill Zeke with belladonna, and he'd gone and choked on a stem of it. He could only put it down to their bond as master and mage. It made sense in a way. What better way to make sure you and your "weapon" were actually in synch with each other "Eren. You're the only one we can actually ask to help us, because you will not speak of this. We need to know more about why they chose those two items, and if they were specifically targeting them, or if they happened to just be caught mid theft. Is there some kind of magic you can use on them?" He didn't want to use magic on dragon items. The thought made him uncomfortable. Placing his hand on Eren's leg, Levi squeezed softly, giving him strength "What about Draecia?" "The items will be returned to them. I just want to know if there is anything special about them" "The sword was way too light for its size, and the egg was heavy... I didn't feel any life in the egg. It was definitely fossilised and not hatching any time soon. And I don't know. I don't know, if I want to touch the sword again" Erwin let out a soft growl, Eren rushing to cover himself. He really didn't want to start a fight. They were all feeling the stress "I didn't say I wouldn't. You don't need to be angry. I know what's at stake here" "No. You only think you know. You haven't even been here three months. Don't allow yourself to believe that sleeping with Levi gives you special privileges" Eren felt as if he'd been slapped. He'd forgotten how sharp Erwin's tongue could be. First Erwin had been forced to be nice due to Zeke, now he was forced to be nice because whether the man liked it or not, he was connected to Levi. Erwin had been at the ritual. He could have stopped Levi at any point. But he hadn't and that wasn't Eren's fault "I don't expect special privileges! I've spent days looking through these books, trying to find an answer to save both your arses because he stuck his dick in me. I just wanted to take my vows and learn magic here. I am trying my hardest to figure all of this out, and it was you who asked I play my part. I did and I have. I drugged myself up with herbs so as to not upset Zeke. If I really was a terrible as you thought I was, I could have hidden the items and sold them. Even as decorations, they would have been worth a lot" Laughing, Eren turned to watch Levi. It was so rare to hear such a thing, or to see the man so happy. He knew he shouldn't be feeling butterflies in his stomach, but he couldn't help what Levi did to him. The man was amazing, even if Levi found himself lacking. No one could normally have kept up a charade for so long, or even let themselves be involved in it to begin with. Levi hadn't told him how it'd happened, and probably never would. Eren respected that. It showed the great level of trust between the two alphas, and it wasn't something he wanted to cause friction between "Thanks, brat. I needed that. He's right. He's done everything we have asked of him. Now you're asking for a favour, then insulting him just moments later. Let Eren do his thing. We both don't know magic. Hanji would want to experiment on the egg and the sword, if she knew about them. You could turn to the mages, but we obviously have traitors in our midst" Erwin sighed, interlacing his fingers and placing them behind his head as he leaned back in his chair "As you would say, "this is a fine pile of shit we find ourselves in"" "Because it is. Eren, let us know if you find anything at all. Especially if you find something like an inventory of the castle property" "Wouldn't that be in the king's chambers?" "Why would you say that?" "Because it's got a list of, like, everything in the castle? Wouldn't that be too important to leave laying around?" Levi tilted his head "He's right" "No. It makes more sense for it to be here, with the rest of the royal documents" Eren didn't understand why Erwin was getting so defensive "There aren't anything like that here, that I've come across. It's almost all royal history, stupid wars, or family history. If you go together, no ones going to question it" "You've barely scratched the surface here. They're here somewhere" "I don't think so" Erwin shot up. His chair scrapping painfully loudly as he did "They're here somewhere, and you will find them. And you will notify us when you do" Marching off, Erwin left them. Though not said with the usual dominance of an alpha command, Eren felt the force behind his words "His parents are a sore subject. Don't let it get to you" How could he not? He'd just been ordered to check the whole room for something he was sure wasn't there. Nodding, he gathered himself to stand "I'll get started. You should make he's ok" "Eren..." "It's ok. We're all under pressure right now. I'll be fine in here. I'm just a little shaken" He didn't think Levi's command would make him confess that he wasn't ok, like that. He'd thought it would only be in extreme situations... yet, he didn't mind that Levi knew "Alright. Just don't work too hard. I'll be sure not to move the egg or the sword for now" "Ok... I didn't mean to make him mad" "It's not you. It's Zeke. Don't forget, if anything happens, use your magic to protect yourself" Eren nodded quickly, Levi made him feel so much better, and the man hadn't even done anything "I will" * The next few days passed slowly for Levi. Erwin was constantly by his side as they walked the entirety of the top floors of the castle, and caught up on the mountain of paperwork that had accumulated thanks to Prince Pin-dick. He was annoyed with Erwin's behaviour, and tired of being tired. Erwin still refused to enter his parents bedroom, insisting that his father wouldn't have kept important documents within his room. The man's parents had been dead for the last decade, he didn't understand why Erwin has such an aversion to their room. He didn't even have the time to check in with Eren, but it wasn't like Eren had checked in with him either. It was the third night after the morning Erwin had sent the teen on his new mission, when Levi started coughing. He'd been plagued by a headache all day, and burning eyes as if sleep deprived. Sitting in the sun room, it'd started as a niggling in his throat, before turning to a full blown coughing fit, in which he realised he was choking. Retching as his body tried to heave up the object, Levi was less than impressed to find himself in the same position again. He felt stupid, despite having done nothing to warrant such a fit. He wasn't Eren, he didn't choke on thin air. Getting his fingers down deep enough, he was a drooling mess as hacked, finally dislodging the object enough to pull it free. On the other side of his desk, Erwin stood watching everything unwind. Fucking wanker... he could have easily reached over the desk. Flinging the offending object to the floor, he pushed himself back from his desk as he retched, vomiting up spit and a small amount of dinner between his feet. Whatever magic bullshit this was. He was over it. Taking a few very long moments, he regained control of his breathing, hand moving to grip his chest as he sat up, and fixed Erwin with the best glare his watery eyes could manage "Thanks... for... the-help..." "You had it under control. What did you choke on?" Levi waved his hand towards where he'd thrown whatever it was. Shaking his head over it all. Fucking revolting. Though not as revolting as Erwin walking over to retrieve the item "It's the corner from a book" "It felt like the whole fucking book" Slowly his mind put two and two together. There was only one brat in the castle that could have possibly been responsible with that crazy magic of his "I'm going to check on Eren" Erwin scowled at him disapprovingly "You still have work to do" "Then consider this me taking a break. I've been reading this papers all fucking day. Now you tell me a page from a book just tried to kill me. I'm more than done with paper for today" "You can't shirk your responsibilities to check on Eren every five minutes" "I haven't checked in with him, since you sent him to look for castle records" "And yet... He hasn't notified us that he has" "Are you implying he hasn't been searching?" "I didn't say that at all. I'm just saying, you're nearly done with the paperwork, you might as well finish" Fucking hell. He was in no mood for this bullshit "I have a headache and I just about died. I'm done for the night. You can take over. Why you haven't just taken care of it all is beyond me" "Then what do I have you for?" "I ask myself that everyday. Make sure you call a maid to clean this mess up. Fuck... I don't think I'll ever get used to that feeling" "Well then, its a good thing Eren won't be by your side forever" Levi's alpha didn't appreciate the thought being thrust upon them. Eren's life was his choice, and there would come a time for them to part, but Erwin had practically ordered him to sleep with the mage... and now that he was, he had no reason to be shitty about it all. Levi's work performance hadn't slipped since Eren came into their lives, if anything, it'd improved. Especially after sex. But even being around the teen made him feel better... other than this choking shit. That had to stop. Coughing slightly, he pushed his chair further back and rose "I'm going to check on Eren and call it a night. I suggest you figure out what is, and isn't important, amongst this waste of trees" Stopping by his quarters on his way down to the royal library, Levi freshened up. He looked like shit warmed up and walking, which Eren would realise right away. Despite not feeling the omega close, he checked Eren's room to make sure he wasn't there. The bed and space neat and tidy, but his scent was faint as if he hadn't been there at all since the maids had cleaned. With Zeke's absence, he'd told himself that Eren was safe and just as busy as he was, and while Erwin had given him a task, he should still be making time to rest and sleep. Eren having not been in his room left him unsettled and unimpressed. He'd specifically told the omega he needed to take better care of himself, especially given that despite his fiery personality, he had weak lungs.
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