#also making her and Talon have a close relationship
nmzuka · 7 months
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working on Keena's design and drawing her with Talon
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kryptokent · 5 months
clark kent (smallville) x male reader
before clark meets up with you for a coffee date, his mother makes an unusual discovery in the laundry basket.
warnings/content: lead up to smut but fade to black, established relationship, you know about his powers, bisexual clark :3
word count: 1.7k
also on ao3!
dinosaur boxers
“Hm,” Martha murmurs, rifling through the laundry basket and grabbing at an item. “I’ve never seen these before.”
“What is it, Martha?” Jonathan asks, peering over that morning’s newspaper. 
She turns around and holds up a pair of boxers. “These aren’t yours, are they?”
Jonathan raises an eyebrow at the design. “No. Must be Clark’s.” He shakes his head with a huff of laughter and turns back to the newspaper. “Although I can’t imagine him wearing that.”
“I dunno. I didn’t buy these for him.”
Chuckling to himself, Jonathan folds the paper and places it on the table, standing up to make his way over to her. “Martha, Clark is 18. I’m sure he’s old enough to buy his own underwear by now.”
“Well, yeah, but he…” She starts, trailing off. Instead, she gives him an embarrassed smile. “Yes, I suppose you’re right.”
“When am I ever wrong?” He smirks, pressing a kiss to her forehead. Making his way back to the kitchen table, he grabs his jacket and shrugs it on. “Speaking of Clark, where is that–”
“You were speaking about me?” Clark asks, bounding down the stairs with a grin. “Good things, I hope.”
“We were just talking about this mystery underwear your mom found.”
Clark tilts his head and turns to his mother, the smile slipping off his face immediately at the sight. She waves the boxers, still holding them in front of her chest, and asks, “These yours?”
“Uh, y-yes,” Clark manages to get out through a cough. Martha’s eyebrows knit together and Jonathan turns back to face him with his eyebrows reaching his hairline. Clark clears his throat and smiles again. “Yes. Of course they’re mine, mom, who else’s would they be?”
She takes that as an acceptable answer and shrugs, dropping them back into the basket. “Just didn't think dinosaur-themed boxers were your thing.”
His face heats up. “Trying something new. Anyways, gotta go.” He’s out the door before anyone else can say anything.
Staring at the door in confusion, Jonathan shakes his head. “That was weird, wasn’t it?”
“Definitely. Think he’s hiding something?”
He thinks for a moment. “That he really likes dinosaurs.”
Outside, Clark takes a few deep breaths to calm himself. That was close, he thinks, before shooting off toward the Talon. He comes to a stop at the back alley, glancing around to make sure no one's nearby to notice him, and makes his way to the front of the building. To his surprise, you’re already standing at the corner behind a dumpster and he almost jumps out of his skin.
“Jesus, you scared me!”
“Sorry,” you laugh, waiting for him to catch his breath. “I know you like to come this way.”
“Do you now?” Clark laughs, leaning down to press a chaste kiss to your lips. He pulls away, searches the area, finds no one, and presses his lips back to yours. The height difference makes his chest swell with joy and he pulls you closer, wrapping his arms around your lower back. Between kisses, he mutters, “You'll never guess what my parents found earlier.”
“What’d they find?”
Clark pulls away and leans against the wall with a smug look. “Your boxers.”
“Mhm.” Pushing off the wall, he gently grabs your arm and leads you toward the entrance of the Talon. “You must have left them there last time you were… over. I figure you took mine instead when you rushed out.”
You take a shaky breath. “Do they suspect anything?”
“You mean do they suspect we’re dating? No, doesn’t seem like it.”
“That’s good,” you reply as you take a seat closest to the door. “I guess you still don’t wanna tell anyone?”
Clark gives you an awkward smile as he sits opposite you and leans in close. “I just don’t know how they’ll react,” he says, voice hushed. “I mean, I know they’ll accept me, but…”
“You’re just not ready to announce you have a boyfriend.”
He looks around quickly, worrying that someone would overhear. “Exactly.”
Your hand twitches, and to Clark it looks as if you’re  about to reach for his hand but have second thoughts. He wants to reach out for you in return, hold your hand with no fear, but he stops himself. “That’s okay,” you smile, a small smile at first before it turns into a loving grin that lights him up like the Fourth of July. “I completely understand. As long as you’re happy, yeah?”
“I am happy.” Clark bumps his foot against yours under the table with a sweet smile. “You make me happy.”
Your grin widens “You make me happy too, Clark.”
He smirks and glances around. “Why don’t we get outta here?”
“Thought you wanted coffee.”
He shrugs. “Coffee can wait.” He stands and brushes a hand over your shoulder casually as he passes you, beckoning you to follow him.
“And this can’t?” You laugh, following outside and back down the alley. “What have you got planned?”
“Something fun,” he grins, looking around before taking you into his arms. “May I?”
“You may.”
Clark’s lips find your cheek. “Hold on.” He waits until you’re in his arms before speeding off, running faster than the speed of light. He runs and runs and runs until he makes it back to the farm, entering the barn and slowing down.
“We’re at the barn,” you state.
You smirk at him. “And what do you plan to do here?”
“Well…” he trails off, looking you up and down with his own flustered smile. “Whatever you want. But first, I’ll be back in a minute.”
He speeds off, leaving you standing alone. You shake your head with a laugh at his abrupt exit and make your way upstairs. By the time you’re flopping onto the couch and picking up a book from the table, Clark returns holding two coffees. 
“You couldn’t have gotten them before we left?” You ask, chuckling. 
“I didn’t think.”
“Do you ever?”
Clark rolls his eyes and hands you a cup, gently pushing your legs aside so he can sit next to you. “Yeah, yeah. Whatever, wise guy.” He takes a sip of his coffee and smiles. “I figured we could have our coffee date here. In private. Where no one can see us.”
“That is what private means, Clark.”
He huffs out a laugh. “I can never catch a break with you, can I?”
“Only when I’m dead.”
“Well I hope that’s not soon,” he whispers, leaning in close and looking deep into your eyes. His breath fans your cheek. Leaning closer, he presses a few soft kisses from your lips toward your cheekbone, and he smiles, before pulling back and taking another sip of his drink. “Now I can kiss you whenever I want.”
You giggle at that. “Alright, loverboy. You sure your parents won’t come up here?”
“They’re both out doing their own things. We’re all alone up here.”
“Alone, huh?”
Clark flushes red. “Mhm.”
“Well maybe I can get my boxers back then?”
“Oh…” He glances away. “Yeah, uh, sure. I can go get them for you.”
You roll your eyes in amusement and laugh, leaning forward to press a kiss to his burning cheek. “I mean, Clark, that you'll have to take these ones off first.”
His breath catches in his throat and his wide eyes find yours. “Wh– I– Oh. Oh, heh, yeah. Yeah.”
“You’re so cute,” you laugh, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. “But it looks like you might explode if I say anything else like that. Let’s just enjoy this coffee first.”
He nods eagerly, making you laugh even more. “Sure. Yeah. It’s nice coffee. Really nice.”
You shuffle closer so that you’re curling into him, head on his firm chest. His strong arm instinctively wraps around you, pulling you closer, and he drops a kiss to the top of your head. “I’m glad we’re together, Clark.”
“Me too. If you hadn’t flirted with me on that day we met, I don’t know where I’d be right now.”
“Still chasing after girls that already have boyfriends, I bet. And blissfully unaware you could have been chasing after the boyfriends, too.”
He laughs and you can feel the vibrations of it against your cheek. “I’d have figured it out!” You glance up and raise an eyebrow and he gives you a cheeky smile. “Eventually.”
Pressing your lips to his, you smile. “I’m glad I helped you out.”
“Me too.”
The kiss deepens and you can feel rather than see Clark leaning forward to place his coffee on the table behind you. His hand slides up your arm and takes your cup too, placing it beside his. You chuckle against his lips as he pulls you into his lap. “Thought you were enjoying your coffee.”
“I was,” he shrugs, trailing kisses down to your jaw. “But I’ll definitely enjoy this more.”
You tilt your head to give him more access to your neck. “What happened to my cute flustered farm boy?”
Clark pulls back to smirk and there’s a playful glint in his beautiful blue eyes. “You talk too much,” he says, more of a loving statement than an insult. Pushing you against the soft pillows of the couch, he hovers over you confidently. “I guess I need to shut you up.”
You laugh and tug at the hem of his shirt before lifting it up and over his head. “And you need to give me my boxers back.”
He rolls his eyes “What did I just say, mister?”
“I don’t know,” you shrug, eyes stuck to his toned torso. No matter how many times you’ve seen him shirtless, the beauty of him still amazes you. “Wasn’t listening. Was a bit distracted.”
He chuckles and dips back down to trail kisses from your lips to your neck, sliding his hands under your shirt and over your burning skin. “Guess I gotta help you with that.”
“And my bo–”
“And your boxers, I know, I know.” You share a sweet laugh and he removes your shirt, smiling down at you. “You're so beautiful. So, so beautiful.”
“Says you.”
He gives you his usual boyish grin and gives you a sweet kiss. “I do say so.”
It’s safe to say the coffee grows cold a while before the two of you are done.
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kalevalakryze · 8 months
Yhe'na Det Och'sa
Chapter 1: Viida Ke Aht
Characters: Shin Hati, Ahsoka Tano, Huyang, Background Characters Tags: Alternate Universe: Canon Divergence, Protective Ahsoka Tano, Wet Cat Shin Hati, Professor Huyang, The Force, Lightsabers Notes: Welcome to the beginning! The Shin Tano AU has been rent free in my mind for so long, and we've been putting giant amounts of work into this project. This universe will span about three acts, with act one set for the early years of Shin's training under Ahsoka Tano, all the way to the end of the empire and the first time she meets Sabine Wren. (9BBY-0BBY timelines were changed to get rid of some ick ) Act Two will focus on the relationship between wolfwren and the time before Mandalore's destruction. ( 0BBY-5ABY ) And Act Three will be focused on the Ahsoka series. ( 9-10 ABY ) Other acts will be planned as we see what direction the series will be taking. This AU would be nowhere without Gabi, please make sure you give her all the credit she deserves because without her, we would not have any of the stunning art we have already that's helped inspire this AU! @somewillwin Also big thanks to everyone in the pathfinders discord ( @mandalorianfleshenjoyer , @cmbdragon98 esp for idea bouncing and double checking asdkvn!!!!) Word Count: 4,331 AO3 Link: Here!
Bail had reached out with a request for aid, noting a tentative ally in the inner city of Ibaar. Ahsoka hadn’t known all the allies a senator could make, but if Padmé’s arsenal of folks who owed her was anything to go by, then Bail must have a whole library full of names of people who owed him. 
The streets ran rampant with poverty and starvation, just like any other world the Empire had locked its early talons into.  Vendors of various kinds set up in any available surface, patrolled heavily by Imperial units every thirty minutes with shift rotations every five hours.
It was during this fifth hour that Fulcrum stepped into the streets, hood drawn close over her head, route back to the landing pad memorized, with a dock worker nicely paid off to pass her forged documentation through the Imperial database. ‘Ahsoka Tano’ may have died with her men, but ‘Ashla Tsu’ was just a contract mechanic no one would look twice at. 
As she swept through the stalls lining the streets, hood drawn far over her eyes, allowing the Force to guide her between moving bodies, she felt something. A tingle- small, something barely noticeable, had it come before the Dark Times. Piercing blue eyes raised as her feet slowed; She hadn’t felt a pull so… innocent since The Clone Wars, since she was asked to help guide the children in their créche. 
There was a child, sensitive to the force, and foolishly, with no thought of the dangers, reaching out against her presence. Fulcrum was filled with dread at the thought; of the notion that another child could be taken for its sensitivity, and turned into the boy she had killed on Raada. 
She scanned the surroundings of the street quickly, allowing the force to guide her feet as she moved with a renewed vigor; she would have to be late meeting with the contact, and couldn't take a risk in losing another… 
Clearing her head, Ahsoka caught sight of a lanky figure draped in dirty green fabric, ducking into an alley that backtracked her entire route, too close to the Imperial offices for comfort. “Come on, kid,” The Togruta hissed to herself, turning her head and stepping behind the thick canvases used to block sunlight from the nearest stall. 
Ahsoka wasn’t as small as she used to be, her montrals set her in the taller end, almost reaching the two meter mark. Clearing the tight spaces the child had was difficult, and she found herself having to backtrack more just to keep on course. 
“Stop that kid!” A human vendor shouted, trying to fight his way around the booth as small hands darted from tattered fabric to swipe something from his table. 
Ahsoka pursued quickly, now able to move faster as the streets parted for the ‘hero’ that would help the vendor. It didn’t take long for her to catch up now, as folks ducked out of her way; even the emerging Imperial patrol left her to her devices, not worried about petty theft or some kid getting ‘what was coming to them’. 
“Stop!” Ahsoka poured suggestion into the force from a limitless reserve, brushing out against the panicked presence she felt thrumming all around her. The worn soles of the child's shoes skidded in the dust as she ground to a halt. The panic that met her in silvery blue eyes was enough to make her stop. Clutched in bony, shaking hands, Ahsoka found the crumbling contents, snagged from the vendor's trash pile; food that couldn’t have been safe for even the most resilient species, if the growth on the side was anything to go by, it certainly wasn’t fit for a human.
The child’s chest was heaving, muscles in their arms twitching as they tried to think of a way out. “Here!” Their voice was high and raspy, cracking like the dried skin on their lips as she thrusted her hands out towards Ahsoka, giving her a smell of the unpleasant odor from the mystery meal. “Please let me go,” Their eyes were watering as their weight shifted; Ahsoka did have her cornered, but folks were starting to close in; 
“Don’t eat that, it’s trash,” Ahsoka shook her head with a frown, lekku twitching as she heard feet approaching them. “Let… Let me take you to get something real, alright? Please?” She hadn’t reached out in the force like this since she lost her Master, promising her intentions and holding out the hope that the child would understand, that she wouldn’t hurt her, but they needed to move. 
The kid still didn’t budge, which, as much as she hated the reality, was smart; she was a stranger, after all. “Can I tell you a big secret?” Ahsoka knelt slowly to the ground, to be closer to the lanky child’s height. Uncertain eyes watched her the entire time, dirty fingers  still sinking into the repulsive mystery meat as if Ahsoka was trying to trick them away from what looked to be their first meal in days. 
Ahsoka could feel trepidation as it rolled down pale skin, wiry muscles tensing to run as the stranger reached into her cloak.  The lightsaber was pulled from the hidden pocket of her cloak, still knobby with scrap pieces sticking out, she needed to remember to cut them down… one day, if she had time. “Do you know what this is?” She kept her voice low as she cradled the weapon close between them, squaring her shoulders on the off chance she misjudged the sounds of troopers and citizens behind them.
The child’s head shook quickly, diminishing some of Ahsoka’s hope for making this quick. “You’re like me, and well; people like us; we carry these around to protect people who can’t do it themselves, there aren’t as many of us as there used to be, which is why I want to help you. Search your feelings, you can feel the world around you, right?”
“Mhmm…” Dirty, choppy brown hair fell into an angular face as she peered at the saber in her hands. 
“How many are coming?”
“Four troopers and seven people, they’re mad…” 
Ahsoka smiled as she shifted her weight against the ground. “Very good,” The child’s weight shifted, eyes widening at the minimal praise; The Togruta tried not to think about how much of herself could be reflected in those eyes. “If you put that down, take this, and follow me, I’ll get you a warm meal… I can help you. I want to help you.” 
The child’s eyes jumped distrustfully between the shouldn’t-be-called-food in her hands and the silver metal in Ahsoka’s palm. The food dropped to the ground in a way that made Ahsoka gag, but hey.. At least the kid had the decency to wipe her fingers off on her shirt before snatching the saber from her hand. “Hide it well.” She urged as the child tucked the saber close to her chest. “And don’t touch that button, I’ll show you why, later, I promise,” 
“Follow my lead, alright? Trust in the force,” 
Confusion laced her eyes before Ahsoka’s hand was wrapping around a thin wrist and pulling her close, careful not to move too fast or to jar the child and knock the shoto loose from wherever the child hid it. “What did I tell you about taking things that aren’t yours?” She scolded gently, allowing the girl to tuck into her side.
The young Force Sensitive played along nicely, forcing her features into something akin to shame and embarrassment. “Not to.” They grumbled, barely loud enough for the approaching shopkeepers to hear as they formed a tight semicircle around the two. 
Ahsoka turned towards their audience, facial markings furrowed in mock disappointment as she searched for the shopkeeper. “Now, what do you say?” She guided, gently squeezing her emaciated shoulder until their head rose from staring at a hole in her boots. There was a moment of terse silence as silvery eyes turned to glare at the shopkeeper they’d ‘stolen’ from. “Shin,” She called, words forming on her lips without any thought.
The now-appointed Shin’s eyes jumped up to stare at her with wide eyes and parted lips. Ahsoka cleared her throat and nodded towards the human. “Apologize.”
“I’m sorry,” Their voice was hoarse, raspy and grating now that she was speaking louder than a whisper. The poor thing was definitely going to need water, sooner than later, if the way their skin clung to bone was any indication.
“We’re sorry,” Ahsoka added, allowing Shin to tuck herself into her poncho as shame burned at their cheeks, hands tucking back into their cloak to hold onto the saber they’d been handed. 
“She’s lucky it was just trash, this time.” The vendor growled, sneering at the child and crossing his arms over his chest. “Woulda had you strung up before the sun went down, again.” 
Shin pressed closer into her side, Ahsoka could feel the way they shook against her, fear, and the growing knowledge of Kyber inside the saber no doubt reaching out to her dangerously. “I can promise it won’t happen ever again, sir. Please, if you’ll forgive us this last time?”
Murky green eyes danced between the two women, and the plastoid armored stormtroopers all around them; their fingers hadn’t gone to their blasters yet, but Ahsoka had felt the squad leader unhook a set of binders from his belt. “Hrrng. Fine. But if she comes back and does it again, I’ll make sure whatever the courts decide next sticks.” 
Ahsoka’s montrals twitched with the sharp inhale and the quiet sound that they tried to hide. Wrapping the corner of her poncho around the small child, Ahsoka nodded curtly. “Thank you for your mercy.” She did her best to appeal to whatever sense of masculinity he wanted, just trying to get Shin away from them as fast as possible. The crowd parted for the woman and her embarrassed child, not a soul stepped forward to inquire about her intentions, though several did remark about the odor from the lump of meat that now sat in the dirt. 
Once they were clear of the crowd, Ahsoka allowed her hand to drop from their shoulder; their conflicting feelings were tangible in the force, but there was no time, not when their stomach rumbled, and the chrono on her wrist was ticking dangerously close to ‘too late to reasonably reach out’. 
The Cantina she’d swept Shin into was small, one she’d scoped out the entire morning thus far; one way in, with several ways out through access tunnels running beneath the foundation, butler doors built into walls and floors that made for easy restocking for the staff, and an easy escape into the basement and beyond for a Rebel. Her contact would be inside, no doubt enjoying a meal or a drink of their own. She just needed to order and pay, and get Shin set up somewhere she would be able to keep an eye on them.
“Hey,” She whispered as the child crowded into her again at the intensity of the crowd, leading the girl over to a smaller booth. It certainly was no place for a child, but she was running out of options, and way out of her element here. “Get whatever you want,” The child’s mouth parted; Ahsoka knew what was going to come out of her mouth before her vocal chords even rumbled. “Not alcohol,” She settled into the seat across from Shin, allowing her eyes to sift through the muggy atmosphere around them to find her contact.
There were voices close by, but tuned to the back of her mind as a member of the considerably small waitstaff approached. Shin stumbled over the words as she ordered, but thankfully, they’d found at least one person on this blasted planet with the manners to not be mean to a child. “I’ll take the same,” With no idea of what Shin ordered, but too entrenched in her work to tear away to look over anything.
There, back booth, a too-clean glass held in dainty fingers, golden rings circling each digit, with his sleeves pulled sloppily over his hands to cover the expensive jewelry. A newbie, which in many cases, was dangerous. She’d have to play this one carefully. 
“Who are you?” Shin asked at last, hands wrapped around blue tinted glass of water, sipping slowly at it as she looked at her strange savior, trying to read what they could see, and to decipher whatever the Force was showing them, if the hesitantly probing presence was anything to go by. 
“Right now, my name is Ashla,” Ahsoka leaned back in her seat, finally getting a good look at the child when she wasn’t in fight or flight mode. “I never got your name,” She smiled sheepishly and leaned forward, offering her unwavering attention. 
“I didn’t..” The child shrunk under her gaze, dirty fingertips picking at the lip of her glass as she tried to form words. “I didn’t have one, until…” Her cheeks darkened and Ahsoka understood. 
“Well. D’you like Shin?”
Their head nodded quickly, grateful for the interference, and the name. Ahsoka reached across the table, settling her elbow against the smooth stone as she extended her hand. “Well then,  it’s nice to meet you, Shin,” 
Her hand was small and cold in Ahsoka’s, the Togruta had to resist the urge to wrap her fingers around theirs to warm it up, not wanting to cross any boundaries that had gone unspoken thus far. 
Ahsoka kept her hand still at the prod of fingertips against the hardened skin on her palms, silvery eyes studied the lines in her hand in fascination as they compared their hand to her much larger one. 
Shin’s study was broken moments later with hot plates being set on the table. Blue noodles piled onto both plates with a suspiciously chunky sauce all over. “It’s cu..” Their brows furrowed as they stumbled on the words. “Cru…” Huffing, Shin leaned back in her seat, determined to get the word right before trying again. A jagged fingernail traced the letters into the stone table, mouthing out the syllables as they went. “Crupa,” 
“Very good,” Ahsoka’s lips twitched at the instant relief on Shin’s face, nodding her head once in acknowledgement, before the girl was awkwardly grabbing the fork and digging in. It certainly wasn’t the worst meal Ahsoka’s ever had, GAR ration bars really were not fit for a carnivore’s consumption, and while she’d long gotten used to the discomfort of food not fit for her species, the poultry managed to offer some true nutritional value. 
“Sometimes, they let me come in and clean up after they close, and Drell gives me some leftovers,” The child spoke through a mouthful of noodles, forcing themselves to slow at the rise of Ahsoka’s facial markings. 
Any other conversation faded into silence under the necessity of food. Ahsoka kept her montrals perked and at the ready, listening in to the senator’s quiet grumblings to gauge his annoyance. When he seemed to be getting ready to leave, Ahsoka rose. “Shin,” She called quietly, as the child fought to gather the last noodle onto her utensil. “You know how I told you people like us help people? I have someone I need to step away and talk to for a moment.”
Silver eyes widened in a way that made Ahsoka’s heart hurt, she could feel the way the child prepared to be cast away again. “Can I count on you to make it to my ship yourself?”
Shin nodded their head quickly as they slid from their seat, hands tucking into the worn brown fabric around their shoulders, reaching for the Shoto to offer back to its rightful owner. “You’ll give it back to me at the ship, yeah?” Ahsoka’s lips pulled into a warm smile as a hesitant hand rested on their shoulder once more. “Remember, don’t take anything that isn’t yours, without permission; And if the droid says anything, tell him you’re waiting on me, and show him the thing I gave you,” 
Ahsoka could feel the sense of responsibility as it ebbed into the small child, gently pushing on their shoulder, towards the door; she’d have to hope that her instructions were clear. She watched the bob of choppy brown hair as the child dodged other patrons, heading for the door under Ahsoka’s watchful gaze. 
At last, she turned her attention to the senator in the booth, brushing her fingers down the wrinkles of her cloak with a soft sigh. “This is where the fun begins…”
Small feet padded up the ramp of the shuttle, nervously twisting the fabric of her cloak up in her fingers. Dock workers stared at her in confusion the whole way up, used to seeing kids like her trying to sneak off world in hopeful cargo ships; It had to work for the others she’d grown up with, they never came back to Ibaar after securing passage for themselves. 
Not only did she have no recollection of being somewhere so clean, it was giant, like it had been built specifically for beings as big or bigger than Ashla. Or… Shin glanced down at her shoes as she came to a stop at the top of the ramp - mauve she was just small. 
There was a rustling in a closed off room to the side, Shin watched the durasteel door carefully, tucking her hands back into her cover to wrap around the metal cylinder she’d been trusted with; Ashla told her someone would be here, a droid? She didn’t know any binary, but she’d promised the droid would understand if she showed it the item. 
There was something special about it, and the way it thrummed where she gripped it in both hands, as if there was something reaching out to her, like Ashla had. Something… that understood? There were intricacies she didn’t know how to explain, couldn’t even begin to imagine the complexity of the kyber inside, or the journey it had been on to heal from the abuse it had suffered at the hands of someone… Dark. 
“Who’s there?” A robotic voice called out, freezing every spindly muscle in the child’s frame as heavy metal feet thudded against the cold floor. The door slid open with a hiss; dull silver eyes met glowing yellow, both being's heads cocking to the side. “You’re not supposed to be in here,” 
Fear ignited in her veins like a fire, thin fingers curled around the cold metal in her hands, thrusting it in front of herself as a beam of white sprung forth the moment her finger ghosted over the button. The droid moved as if startled, springing back as Shin gripped the hilt with both hands, arms already shaking with the exertion on underdeveloped muscle to keep the blade from dropping; she didn’t know what this thing was, but she could smell the ozone burning around the bright light, and feel the heat where it scorched the air around her. 
“You are going to hurt yourself!” He scolded, vocal chips screeching as he attempted to step around the blade, growing frustrated as the child turned to keep him in front of her. “Or me!” 
Huyang was at a loss in terms of what to do about the situation. A local kid stumbles onto his ship with one of Ahsoka’s lightsaber, and then threatens him with it! A Jedi would never-
“Tighten your stance,” He instructed sharply, there was no use in letting the kid lob off an arm while they waited for Ahsoka to return, hopefully soon. “Don’t lock your knees, but you can’t just hold it like some kind of a toy. The lightsaber is the lifeline of a Jedi, for thousands of generations before you.”
Shin followed his instruction, finding the saber easier to keep up when she wasn’t too lose in some areas and unmoving in others. Their brows furrowed as they watched the strange droid. “Who are you?” They rasped, nostrils flaring as the droid stepped closer. 
“Lightsaber architect and designer of the Jedi order. I contain a record of every lightsaber ever made, and the Jedi who fashioned them.” He explained quickly. 
“Ashla made this herself?”
“Ash-” Huyang paused; if he could get a headache, he knew he would have one by now. “Yes, she did. Where is Lady Tano at now?” 
“What’s a Jedi?” Shin butted in, nose scrunching in telltale avoidance; they had no idea where Ashla went, and that was worrying, what if she was secretly Empire or a pirate, or;
The droid sombered, his demeanor changing in a split second. “There was a time, not so long ago, when all knew of the Jedi. They were keepers of the peace for the citizens of the republic,” 
Shin’s arms lowered, the white of the blade disengaging back into the clunky hilt as she listened. “What’s a republic?” 
The servos in his neck whirred and clicked as his head snapped up to stare at her in disbelief. “Take a seat, youngling, we have much to discuss,” 
Ahsoka stepped back onto the shuttle with a sigh, shedding her cloak the moment the ramp was closed. Huyang was sitting at the table, holo novels projecting above them as he read aloud. 
Shin was sitting on their knees, elbows braced on the table as she stared up at slow-moving projections, stories of the Jedi that Ahsoka had even learned once, so many years ago. 
“The Unifying Force is a vast cosmic power. You may not sense it yet, but with patience and insight, you will. The Force is the stars and galaxies, the rippling surface of space and time. It is the whisper in the night that tells you your destiny… Make no mistake, young Shin; The Force does have a Will, and it is the will of the force that you are here today,” He explained to the attentive child, looking almost warmly at the youngling as they soaked up his stories. 
The Togruta settled her shoulder against a wall, watching the way silver-blue eyes danced across the different lines of the hologram committing the lines of the ancient Jedi crest to memory. Ahsoka allowed her mind to push out then, reaching into the howling of the force that was Shin’s unique presence, something playful and teasing, met with a familiarity that had the child spinning in their seat and poking their head up and over the top. “Ahsoka!”
The woman’s facial marking rose in Huyang’s direction as she pushed off the wall and stepped closer. “Try as you might, Lady Tano, you cannot hide from who you are, especially if you intend to take this youngling on as your Padawan,” He explained himself as he rose from his seat to greet her. 
Seeming to sense her indecisiveness, the droid cut her off. “Apprentice, then. I often forget that you do not identify as a Jedi, despite your numerous accomplishments,”
Rolling her eyes at him, Ahsoka spotted her shoto on the table, using the force to call it back into her hand and watching as Shin’s eyes went wide at such a display. “Thank you for keeping this safe for me, Shin,” Their head nodded quickly as they rose from their bench.
“Did you get what you came for?” The youngling asked as her old boots hit the ground, following Ahsoka as she led the way to the cockpit, with Huyang following behind.
Patting the pouch hidden under her cloak, the older woman nodded. “And then some,” 
Settling down into the pilots seat with Huyang perching in his own seat beside her, Shin stayed awkwardly between them. “That’s right,,, you’re too small right now,” She thought out loud, bringing her first to her chin in a way reminiscent of her Grand Master Obi-Wan as she thought of the best way to get through orbital turbulence without jostling the small and brittle human around too much. 
It took some work, and much less than standard modifications that would have made Echo have an aneurysm, Shin was soon buckled just behind Huyang, bundled in seatbelts, with their feet dangling off the floor comedically. 
“Have you ever been to space before, Young Shin?” Huyang questioned as the pair went through their checklist. 
“I do suggest holding on, I am aware of who trained Lady Tano to fly, it is quite wild.”
“You’re being dramatic again, Huyang,” Ahsoka shook her head as she powered up the engines and engaged the thrusters. “Next stop, Alderaan,” 
As their ship sprung into the sky, Shin stared out of the viewport, watching the world and the life they’d known begin to slowly slink away into nothingness before focusing on the fast approach of space. Their small form strained against the safety belts where they leaned forward against them, taking in the moons and the stars in absolute awe, blind to the woman at the controls, purposely going slow to give the youngling the time they needed to observe as she prepped the hyperdrive. 
Blues and purples mirrored in their eyes as they started their breach of hyperspace, as big as saucers with their mouth agape. There was no doubt in Ahsoka’s mind that they were unable to feel the force, in this moment, she could feel them as they reached out to grasp at the unifying cosmic power around them and felt the way it permeated all things, from the galaxies they passed in a flash of light, to the droid in front of them, and even to the smallest strip of durasteel that flaked from the tail of the ship into the void the further they traveled. 
If there was one reason to be proud of what they were doing, for Huyang and Ahsoka to see the effect even their smallest actions could have, both would bet money that nothing less than the absolute fall of the empire would ever come to top this.
TIMELINE 10 ABY: 9 ABY: Ahsoka Series/Mandalore S3 8 ABY: 7 ABY: 6 ABY: 5 ABY: Mandalore is destroyed, Sabine Wren leaves Ahsoka and Shin Tano 4 ABY: 3 ABY: 2 ABY: 1 ABY: 0 ABY: Battle of Yavin, Ahsoka Tano returns to take Sabine Wren under her wing 1 BBY: Rebels S4 End, Ezra Bridger goes to Peridea 2 BBY: Rebels S3 3 BBY: 4 BBY: Rebels S2, Ahsoka Tano 'dies' (returns to this timeline/Malachor upon 1 BBY revival by Ezra Bridger) 5 BBY: Rebels S1 (Fulcrum works with Ghost crew + reveals only Ahsoka Tano, Shin Hati continues to work intel + on the ground BTS with Ahsoka Tano) 6 BBY: 7 BBY: 8 BBY: 9 BBY: Ahsoka Novel End | Ahsoka Tano finds and takes in 7 year old Shin Hati 10 BBY: Ahsoka Novel Start 11 BBY: 12 BBY: 13 BBY: 14 BBY: 15 BBY: 16 BBY: Shin Hati/Tano is Born 17 BBY: 18 BBY: 19 BBY: Order 66 | Ezra Bridger is Born 20 BBY: 21 BBY: Sabine Wren is born 22 BBY: Clone Wars Starts 36 BBY: Ahsoka Tano Born 41 BBY: Anakin Skywalker Born 57 BBY: Obi-Wan Kenobi Born Togruti Translations Yhe'na Det Och'sa - Survive The Stars Viida Ke Aht - Time To Rest
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talonabraxas · 3 months
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Taurus Talon Abraxas
Unleashing the Power of Taurus’s Spirit Animal: A Guide
The symbolism of the bull as Taurus’s spirit animal extends to themes of fertility, abundance, and sensuality, making it ideal for rituals related to manifestation and prosperity.
To harness the energy of Taurus’s spirit animal, witches can perform rituals involving earth elements, such as grounding spells or working with crystals like emerald and rose quartz.
Rituals involving the bull spirit can enhance one’s ability to set and achieve practical goals, fostering a sense of unwavering determination and resilience.
Incorporating the bull’s energy into your witchcraft practice can also help you connect with the earth’s energies, deepening your spiritual connection with nature and the cycles of life.
Taurus’s spirit animal
Taurus’s spirit animal is the bull. It is a very stable sign-in which stubbornness and a lot of possessiveness are present. The animal moves and thinks slowly, but the moment it learns something it assimilates it in a lasting way.
Taurus hates change and has the gift of knowing how to handle money. They are not deflected by flattery, they insist on logic and do not disperse their interests. They are usually in excellent health. People of this sign have intense physical magnetism towards others.
Its greatest virtue is patience as well as constancy. Someone born in the sign of Taurus is very tenacious in pursuing a goal, despite being strong and rather slow, and when fate is adverse, he knows how to wait with great calmness and start again with great calmness without getting tired and without wasting time in recriminations that, for him, would be useless. Nature passionately expresses itself, more sensually than sentimentally.
They are loyal individuals with some weaknesses: they have a great sense of friendship, they would really do everything for a friend, even help him economically, even if the Taurus possesses great parsimony.
The formation of the individual is influenced by childhood and the family environment, he knows where he wants to go and does not tolerate impositions, moreover, he hates intrigue and shuns gossip. It becomes very dangerous when he realizes that he has been betrayed and exploited. However, the
Taurus does not lack defects: he has a possessive nature, laziness, and a total lack of self-criticism that leads him to a sort of presumption. The Taurus knows how to give warmth and love to those close to him, but he is equally selfish and jealous of the same people.
Those born under this sign should be taught dominating instincts and the control of arrogance. From a very young age, he will be favored in relationships with others, he wants to show himself well and often succeeds, his bonds are constant and lasting, whether they are of love or friendship. Taurus loves the so-called “good life”, so he usually surrounds himself with beauty.
His home is his temple and he loves décor; he creates a great place where he can feel relaxed and pampered. Those born under the sign of Taurus are considered to be practical and simple people, peaceful and open; they love their home, they have a great taste (aesthetic and more), they are attracted by the pleasures of life and material goods.
With strong and constant characters, they are suitable for the arts or cooking, for works in the field of aesthetics, well-being, agriculture, in any case respecting nature and its balance (great ecological sensitivity). The psychology of those born in Taurus is not as simple and serene as it may appear; on the contrary, it is complex and tormented, often involving a relationship of love, which is understood as the possession of the loved one, of deep jealousy.
The female psychology represented by Venus in her dark side is, in fact, also highly seductive and observing, a bewitching and astute manipulator. Being happy for Taurus means possessing, merging, planting roots, and relying on safe nourishment and support.
The symbolism of this spirit animal explained
Due to its virility and the might of its presence, the bull has been a cult icon for many cultures. In many ancient cultures, such as Mesopotamian, Greek, Roman, and Egyptian, it was considered a sacred animal and it was common to offer the blood of this animal as a sacrifice during sacred rites.
In Celtic symbolism, the bull represents physical strength and power. According to the Celtic beliefs, the bull was extremely virile and therefore symbolized fertility and the power of procreation, which in turn meant extending one’s life.
The druids associated the bull with solar energy, and the cow, on the other hand, with earthly energy. For the Celts, the bull was also a symbol of luxury, wealth, and prosperity: after all, it has been a source of benefit and income for these people for centuries.
Also, according to Celtic thought, it was said that the bull possessed a very important characteristic that stands out above all the rest: the fact that this animal is very stubborn and obstinate. It is also a symbol of virility for men and fertility for women.
According to the Celts, this animal would help improve the mental state in relation to sexual strength. Since the bull was a great source of food for the Celts, it is easy to understand why his figure is associated with an age of serenity and abundance.
According to a more modern perspective, the bull has several meanings related to safety and strength. Although the source is unknown, the bull is said to be a positive symbol for investment in business due to the remarkably active lifestyle it leads in its natural habitat.
Some aspects of the symbolism associated with this animal are stability, virility, strength, prosperity, security, fertility, determination, and help.
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ghost-bxrd · 3 months
Hope you’re having a owl-some day!
For your Court of Owls Au, I was wondering at what point does everyone accept Tim as part of the flock?
I saw one post that said Bruce takes him under his wing as soon as he realizes his parents go south for the winter (and fall, and spring, and summer lol) without him
And another that said that Cobb wouldn’t view him as part of the parliament until Jason does
I feel like Cass would probably probably love her little owlet brother pretty quick? He joined the fray before her so she wouldn’t have known a time before so I think she would be less inclined to think of him as a cuckoo. Do you agree?
I’m curious at what point Dick would. Canon Dick was teaching Tim flying patterns pretty soon after he accepted Tim as a mentee but Talon Dick had a stronger connection to Jason so I wonder how that would impact their relationship
I’d love to know what makes Jason accept him as a bird of a feather instead of seeing his presence as fowl play
Also would Cobb immediately accept him after Jason says Tim is a part of his party or would he have to do something that proves his loyalty or be in some sort of danger that makes Cobb begrudgingly view him as part of the family?
I’m also curious, once they do accept him, how protective of Tim are they all? Do they keep him close to the nest or let him fly free with the expectation that he keeps them in the loop?
How would they react to him being in danger after they’ve claimed him as one of their own?
(Sorry for all the bird puns, I made one and then couldn’t help myself and had to make more lol)
Hi! So the Talon!Dick Au (Owl Song) is a different universe than the one where the entire batfam is part of the Court of Owls (Court Family Au).
But to answer your question: Cobb would really only accept Tim after Jason has warmed up to him.
Before that, Cobb would only ever see him as an imposter. A poor substitute for the son ward him and Bruce lost. Him threatening to gut Tim was a very serious threat, and also one Bruce had to put his foot down with and straight up order his (slightly deranged) Talon not to act on.
Tim’s attempt to help stabilize the Court (and Bruce) doesn’t help his case very much, because while it sure improves the over all dire situation Gotham’s found herself in after Jason’s death, Tim unwittingly had to take over a lot of the operations and projects that used to be Jason’s.
Cobb was… very protective of the “little street rat” turned “Heart of the Court”. Having someone else “bully” their way into their lives to insert himself into the achingly vacant place Jason left behind dialed his murderous instincts up to a million.
The only reason Cobb doesn’t ignore the command to not hurt Tim is because he can see that both Bruce and Dick take comfort in his presence. That’s it. The moment he thinks Tim is “obsolete”… well. Timbers should keep himself useful is what I’m saying. There’s a proverbial sword of Damocles hanging over him at every step and turn.
As for Cass, she wouldn’t have very many contact points with Tim. She rarely stays at the manor for long, usually opting to oversee Court operations from the Shadows to make sure there are no unnecessary deaths or civilian casualties happening. When she’s home she usually also stays hidden, choosing to observe the manor’s occupants. And sometimes, when Dick or Bruce look particularly sad, she curls up in the seat next to them and leans her head on their shoulders. That always seems to make them happy.
Once Bruce finds out about Tim’s parents being a no-show most of the time and he moves into the manor… well, I think Cass would be intrigued, but everyone’s body language is sending her a lot of mixed signals in regard to the newcomer’s presence.
Dick doesn’t have an issue with Tim. He’s… less than happy about it at first though. Especially when he thinks Tim really is supposed to be a replacement for Jason. But Bruce clears that one up very quickly.
Regardless, Cobb doesn’t agree (he rarely does)
Jason would eventually, and very grudgingly, realize that Tim is the personification of a sad wet cat and extend an olive branch to him in the form of just— existing with him in the same room without spitting vitriol.
Tim straight up thinks he’s going to be murdered. Right now. (Because he can totally see Cobb staring at him from the shadows, he’s got a sixth sense for that look by now)
It’s a slow going progress, but over time Jason’s animosity towards Tim morphs into a fierce kind of protectiveness
And Cobb doesn’t like it, not at all. But Jason’s claimed the kid as part of the parliament, so he’s bound to accept him into the flock as well now.
I’m not sure yet whether Cobb ever truly ends up becoming protective and fond of Tim, but there would definitely have to be another catalyst for it.
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multifandomhere1 · 1 year
Hello hello!! I'm sorry if this isn't the place to send requests/or if they're closed; but I was curious if you could do some hcs where zenyatta and ramattra (separate) have an S/O who wears a mask due to scars on their face :0? And how they'd react to one day seeing their S/O's face for the first time (be it on accident or on purpose, it doesn't matter!!)
If you're uncomfy with it I totally understand!! Have a wonderful day/night!!
don't worry about that!
Zenyatta and Ramattra with one another who wears masks to cover their scars
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when zenyatta saw you for the first time he wondered why you wore a mask.
It didn't hurt your friendship though.
but there was one day in particular that you mentioned that you had scars and you hated showing them.
soon he realized that was why you wore masks, but he didn't mention
one day, when you were returning from a mission
you were taking some fresh air in your dorm
zenyatta knocked on the door and entered his room
soon you two were talking, as usual
but you ended up venting to him
talking about her scars and her stories with them.
zenyatta was comforting you, he hated to see you so sad.
then you said it was time for him to finally see your face
he didn't accept it at first, because it's your thing, and if you don't want it, just say so.
but you said you wanted to do this
then he just accepted
when you took off your mask, he was amazed
how did you feel horrible with such a pretty face?
he comforted you and told you you were perfect even with scars
soon after that day you started to stop wearing masks
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he didn't care much for you when you arrived at talon base
but he was intrigued, why did you wear masks?
soon after a while you two started doing missions together, which made you two reluctant to communicate
and what just formed a relationship
ramattra didn't ask too much about your face, he didn't want to make you uncomfortable
in the same case as zenny, you also mentioned that you fought and that's why you got those scars
you felt horrible with them because you remembered what you had done
ramattra always comforted you when you vented to him about it
(he tried)
you were at training camp
they had a mission in a few days so you wanted to be prepared
but something was going to happen soon
while you were training with ramattra
self defense, to be exact
he unintentionally landed the punch on his face.
Didn't harm you, but your mask broke
soon he quickly turns around and apologizes, very sorry
you were paralyzed but then calmed down
and said he could see you without a mask
he stopped a little
and asked if this is what you wanted
you said yes, and he turned around
he was simply amazed
he put his hand on your face and started caressing it, saying that you are perfect.
and ran her fingers through her scars and told her they were perfect too.
you started crying and saying thanks for everything to ramattra
he hugged you and comforted you
soon after that day you stopped wearing masks a bit too.
I enjoyed writing this lol
Luv u! Have a good day/night
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tennessoui · 9 months
I think I really lose braincells each time you post about couples counselling au - because I have never felt a characterization of Obi-Wan and Anakin fit *so much* to my own headcanon that it drives me crazy. The lack of communication? The desperate need to please (Anakin) the delusion of thinking you're giving someone complete access (Obi-Wan) while keeping them out. It is SO perfect, it's literally my favourite obikin fic, I am so invested in this au. The questions you have them answer at the end. When Obi-Wan said he's "happy to make the list as an obligation" because free time means a lot to an enslaved man. Kit. KIT *stick figure gore of me sinking my talons into your shoulders* When Anakin says he has nothing to hide from Obi-Wan but Obi-Wan never asks and he feels like he's getting away with something each time he learns something while Obi-Wan is like. He can ask me anything. KIT *BLOOD IN MY MOUTH*
ahhh thank you so much!!! i really love writing chapters and answering asks about this fic because i'm really attached to these versions of obi-wan and anakin like. their motivations are so interesting to me, especially at this part of the story, in the beginning, when all they are are motivations
anakin absolutely feels this need to please and be loved and the focus of his master's attentions. he also feels helpless in the face of thinking obi-wan will never let him in like that. he also is unhealthily controlling in small ways (checking and rechecking his closed door, for one, trying to have a say in what he eats out of concerns for his health) but he just loves him so much and he really experienced like.d devastation when obi-wan was temporarily dead that i feel like altered his motivations fundamentally, especially because he restarted his heart so.....probably a tiny part of him....illogically feels as if that's his heart now......
and obi-wan absolutely thinks he is so transparent for anakin!! he has let him in!!! more than he's ever let anyone in at all probably, but it's probably not that much. he's so practiced at keeping him out and hiding his real emotions that that's second nature. not to mention he feels betrayed in his own way at anakin marrying padmé --instead of just having an affair with her-- and he's trying to frantically detach himself before anakin leaves the order because he'll be devastated when that happens. not to mention he can also be shit at respecting boundaries (he reads the messages on anakin's phone when he's asleep)
and it's all just so interesting especially because there's so much narrative bias and just narrative inaccuracies where the narrator/POV character completely reads the other's reactions wrong, which makes the little questionnaire at the end have so much more weight because the counselor is 1000% right when she says that that's what's most important--how they feel about each other and their relationship after honest deliberation and reflection
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the-heartlines · 5 months
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sapphic helysmond — woodland witchy vibes feat. manipulative alys and helaemond twins { with a jealous aemma (fem!aemond) } — slightly explicit
Alys Rivers' talons were wrapped tight around the sisters. It had been easy after their mother's tragic, untimely, and unfortunate death. Alicent Hightower was still a young and vivacious vibrant woman and it was a mystery of how she died so suddenly, the breath ripped from her lungs, the life torn from the very beat of her blood-red heart. 
The sisters were distraught afterwards, yet Alys was there the moment they buried Alicent six feet under, taking the twins under her wing, becoming their mother’s replacement. She took the religion their mother instilled in them and replaced it with a religion of her own, teaching them the ways of the witches like her very own mother had taught her. The woods with its eeriness and strangeness became their refuge everyday onward. 
Aemma, the youngest of the two, was very overprotective of her elder twin, and took more time to warm up to Alys. Her lone lilac eye was always watching her closely and how she would interact with her sister, who was always muttering nonsensical riddles. Aem’s slender and slim figure reminded her of skeletal winter trees, her skin even white like freshly fallen snow. She was mere steps behind Alys at all times, haunting her, and it made Alys’ cunt ache each and every time, and she wished the silver haired sister would step closer to her, hear her heart thrum faster than a beating drum, chase her through the forest—hunt her.
And Helaena. Helaena was the link between the two, tethering them to one another. An oddity full of sweet strangeness and charm, also melancholy, a sadness Alys was kin to. And so Alys began to pay closer attention to the younger of the two sisters, taking one step at a time to make Helaena just as much hers as she was her twin’s. For Alys saw the unbridled lust in Aemma’s one eye, the love that spilled from every one of her pores for her older twin. She could even smell how much Aemma ached for her sister and it only made Alys’ obsession with these two grow. And she could use the sister’s love and lust to her advantage, manipulate and mold their loving relationship into one that would benefit her.
So Alys doted on Helaena constantly, finding her unique gifts, rare creatures and insects she could add to her collection. She gifted her old antique spell books that would reveal and give more insight into the prophetic premonitions the young witch had been having her whole life. Alys even picked flowers for her, decorating her hair in them. And Aemma kept her lips sealed tight, into a harsh single line, never taking her eye off them, only clenching her hands into tight fists when Alys would make Helaena laugh, truly laugh. For Alys knew that was always Aemma’s job, to make her sister happy, to utter those little sounds just for her. 
Alys’ clit always throbbed seeing her get so upset, so angry to the point where when Helaena had kissed Alys on the lips in gratitude and innocently, for the first time, that Aemma had stomped off like a petulant little child who had gotten her toy stolen from her, running from them to sulk in her misery. 
Helaena had wanted to chase after her sister, worried about her, but Alys had shushed her lips with another sweet kiss, this time slipping her tongue into her mouth, quieting her woes. And the sweet dreamer had moaned into her mouth as Alys stole her first kiss from the sister, one she knew wasn’t supposed to be hers, but she would continue to take and take from these girls. For Alys wanted to take everything they would offer.
And so she did, finger fucking her on the forest floor, taking each of her large breasts into her mouth and leaving her teeth marks upon them. And then Alys worshiped the silver haired witch’s cunt with her lips and tongue, commanding her to cum all over her. And Helaena came hard and fast, mind spiraling and head spinning, and shouting her twin sister’s name loud enough to break through the canopy of trees, to make the birds scatter. 
When Alys Rivers finished eating the sweet girl’s cunt, with her virgin blood stained upon her fingers, she rose up and spied her. And as Alys licked her lips of her sister’s slick, she eyed Aemma’s fingers moving swiftly beneath her underclothes at her core. And the younger twin’s eye was on Helaena’s sleeping form, not daring to look away from her sister’s nakedness until she was cumming and screaming her name. 
And Alys just smiled wickedly, her powers swirling inside her once again, awakening for the first time in years. For with these two sisters by her side, they were her shield and she was invulnerable and unassailable.
For they were hers as much as she was theirs.
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bonefall · 1 year
So what is Sparkpelt's relationship with Firestar going to be in BB rewrite since she isn't going to be Firestar but female? I'm assuming she's going to be completely different looking from cannon Sparkpelt too.
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[ID: Better Bones AU's version of Sparkpelt. She is an auburn tigerclone with jagged stripes, a cream beard and mane, and raptor claws.]
BB!Sparkpelt is so different it'll make your head spin. GoodBYE Fireclone Sparkpelt, HELLO Tigerclone Sparkpelt
Also I decided that the KEY Tigerkin Family Trait is going to be raptor claws. A large index claw, and pointed talons on the back toe. They also tend to be large, tiger-themed, and have 'beards.' It's sometimes remarked that they bear a similarity to Thunderstar!
BIGGEST CHANGE, which I think is pretty well known by now, is that Sparkpelt is NOT Squirrelflight's child. Her mom was Jessy, from a brief relationship that ended in a brutal cat divorce. Squilf remains infertile, she cannot have children.
Instead, they are Mentor and Apprentice. Just as close as a parent and child.
Below the cut: Sparkpelt in,
Bramblestar's Thorns
Squirrelflight's Horror
BB!TBC and ASC setup
Bramblestar's Thorns: The AVoS-era replacement for the loss of Alderheart as a POV in that arc. Sparkpelt gets a POV alongside her brother covering her early life.
Her mother Jessy is a genius inventor. She joined during the SE, ThunderClan's Tempest, along with Fernsong and Stormcloud. Her name was briefly Sweetbright.
She had a massive fight with Brambleclaw shortly after having their children, which escalated and she wasn't willing to stay if he was going to treat her like that.
Alder was taken back to twolegplace. Bramblestar kept Sparkkit.
Spark loves her dad but...
He is an emotionally abusive person. Your relationship with a person like that is always unstable.
"He's not always like this." She wants him to be better, she blames herself for upsetting him, she loves him, he makes her feel like dirt, she doesn't want to be near him, she feels bad enforcing boundaries...
To give Bramblestar credit where it's due, however, he taught her very well about their family legacy. From Tigerstar all the way back to Oakstar, that they have a long line of pride and ambition.
Firestar, in these stories, was presented as someone who saved them from disgrace. By opposing Tigerstar and giving Brambleclaw power, he was a hero to them as well.
She's named after him, too. Firestar was Bramblestar's beloved mentor.
This pressure of legacy was something shared by her childhood best friend, Hollykit, child of Fallenleaf and Cinderheart.
Spark had her issues growing up, and resented Jessy massively for leaving her and taking her brother. When Alder came back because of his visions, she turned a lot of frustration onto him
Him coming back felt like she suddenly couldn't be so angry at Jessy. She had to be nice about the person who ripped her brother away, broke their family, and even turned Alder against her with how he defends her
It's not accurate or justified, but that's how this emotionally repressed teenager expresses complicated emotions.
In a moment of clarity, Bramblestar personally chose Squirrelflight as Sparkpaw's mentor. He knew that she would be the person his daughter needed, someone who would teach her to stand up for herself, and to do the right thing.
...But unfortunately most of the time Bramble does not have that level of insight. He rues this decision constantly, convinced that Squilf is intentionally turning his daughter against him.
Squirrelflight's Horror: The replacement for Squilf's Hope
This book is about Squirrelflight reconsidering her relationship with Bramble, when the Sister Situation happens. Ultimately it ends in Squilf going on trial in StarClan, less because of her 'transgressions' in life and more because of Fire Alone as an ideology being tested.
But this isn't about Squilf this is about Spark.
Similarly to canon, Hollylark suffers a horrible poisoning and passes away as their kittens are born prematurely.
Sparkpelt is shaken badly by this. They were childhood friends, they were expecting a litter, like canon she experiences postpartum depression.
Squilf wins her trial, but desperately decides she needs to get home because her apprentice can't lose a mate and a mentor at the same time.
I don't want to end this SE on the note that Sparkpelt is finally moving on from the death of Hollylark... I don't think she can "get over it" quickly the way canon implies.
In general this part of Spark's life is much more delicate. She needs more time, recovery is slower, there's a lot more pain here. But she is loved and supported through it.
BB!TBC and setup for ASC when it comes
By the time of TBC, she's finally recovering. Her relationship with her kittens has improved.
When the imposter happens, it threatens to destroy everything she had built.
She gets covered in scars from a dog attack, and is eventually exiled.
Finchpaw follows her, making a name for herself as a brave Firekin descendant who opposed a tyrant.
In this arc, a lot of Firekin act as a 'unit,' this family tends to think alike and work closely because of their shared legacy. Squilf, Spark, and Finch are in lockstep as major rebel figures.
Flamepaw is left out of this, because he chose not to follow them.
When Flame eventually rejects his name in ASC, a major contention he has is that "MOM ISN'T EVEN FIREKIN WHY DOES SHE CARE"
The answer is, that rejecting the Firekin side of himself is like killing the part of him that is Hollylark, and rejecting a family she feels accepted into and part of.
THAT SAID; I do not rewrite arcs until they are done. Details of ASC are sparse and only fragments. I need to know its conclusion before working backwards to make that conclusion stronger.
And that's BB!Sparkpelt! Very different from canon, but I love the gal.
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jadetheblueartist · 2 months
I feel so bad :( you said it took you three hours and also I had written a huge response and now it’s gone ;-;
Okay so I’m going to rewrite my response but I’m really sorry if I get things wrong since now I can’t review what you sent ;-;
I LOVE THE IDEA SO MUCH!!!! And I would love to hear more about their training and life on the ship!
I may be obsessing over Talon and Megan a tad bit…
I love all the possibilities of how they passed the time in the car so much. It would be so awkward at the start and I’m all here for it!! I imagine Talon carried most of the conversation from the beginning until after they really got to know each other. I feel like at the start Talon would just awkwardly try to tell her what has happened to the earth while she was gone in hopes of starting some conversation. I’m imagining the parking lot picnic with them just drinking slushees and eating whatever gas station food seemed good (I’m assuming everything is kind of run down?)
Car karaoke. Oh it would be amazing. Talon trying to find songs Megan likes and trying to get her to sing along, windows rolled down, it’d be such a vibe.
With the race scene I can’t stop picturing the scene from princess bride where they both are rolling down the hill XD
Their relationship is so great, two strangers bonding in a long car ride… oh wait they already knew each other? They were already in love from book one? But Megan’s memory was wiped- WAIT NO THEY WERE IN LOVE AND HER MEMORY WAS WIPED!?!? Okay, okay, it’s fine at least they became close again, just a fresh start nothing to worry about… HER MEMORY WAS WIPED A SECOND TIME!?!? TALON THOUGHT SHE WAS DEAD!?!?!? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO (this is so tragic but I love it so much)
Talon nooooo why the tragic backstory ;-; (I love it very much)
Oh and the art? I LOVE IT SO MUCH!! I love Talon’s design!!!!!! The drawing of him saying happy birthday to himself makes me so sad ;-;
Also question time!
Do you have designs for the sci fi ppl? Are they like aliens or just advanced humans chilling in space? Does Talon hide his tattoo? (I love that type of angst so much mhm hidden scars [in this case a tattoo tho]) and you said there was an image limit… could I see those drawing you couldn’t show? Also why is it called Tegan (is it bc Talon + Megan = Tegan…)? That should be all of my questions…
Anyway I absolutely love this story and please feel free to tell me more whenever! (I’d love to hear a lil more about Ivan too)
Again really sorry abt deleting the ask ;-; I hope you have an amazing day though!!
(I feel like I’m forgetting things I wanted to mention but idk)
Oh my I wrote out this whole thing and it deleted it for me hahaha let’s try this again
No worries about deleting the ask it happens hahaha and it doesn’t look like you got anything wrong so yay!
I’m gonna answer this paragraph by paragraph
-IM SO GLAD YOU LIKE IT and I’m pretty sure I have either the original google doc or a “Megan’s POV” doc that I can look into to give you those details :)
-I’m so glad you’re obsessing so we can be in the same boat
-I’ve been mulling over that car scene for years and somehow you managed to squeeze out even more serotonin for me to devour I thank thee. And I think it’s run down ish, like people are still there but WW3 is kind of happening/ just happened soooo you know
-it would be the vibiest ^^
-I’m so glad you said that bc I couldn’t connect the dots as to what that scene reminded me of but yeah that’s amazing
-IKR the mind wiping rocked my world. My friend was at the point where she was writing the post separation explosion and we were on face time and she casually mentioned “oh you know the cars weren’t the first time they met, right?” I went feral trying to get all the info out of her hahaha
-yes his backstory makes me so sad…
-I’m glad you like the design! It was our group’s “hot guy” design hahaha I’ve tried to make it more individualized to him over the years tho, and that happy birthday one gets me every time (especially since that’s probably how he spent most his birthdays…)
Yay Question Time!
-I believe I could at least get the designs for those people sometime soon. They are just random people who decided to work for big bad (aka the voice, bc they only heard his voice through speakers at first). The voice decided he could make some good money abducting children and forcing them to be assassins so he did that. The government doesn’t know about them bc they hide in space. The few organizations trying to take them down are the only ones who really know about it
-talon has a few different tattoos, the one he got initiated with is a tattoo/ permanent burn so it has to stay covered to protect it, the other is just on his neck and he leaves that one in the open (I can point it out in the pics below)
-and yes! Tegan is the ship name for Talon and Megan (it was that or Melon hahaha)
-Ivan didn’t really have much personality in the oh other than he was angry bc the scientist that snuck into the escape ship was dating his crush, I’ve made some personal modifications to him in my head though making him more protective rather than just angry (he’s also Megan’s cousin) and I just remembered I have a drawing of him? So cue the picture section :)
Here’s Ivan, the permanent third wheel (he doesn’t know tho)
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The first ever drawings of Talon and Megan 😬
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Moving on… idk which of these are repeats so lemme know if they are and I could probably substitute them for new pics
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And now the og Megan design vs the much needed redraw
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Ughhhh the one on the left still haunts me…
I was struck by the limit again so I might reblog this with a few more, idk hahaha
But reading through this ask made me so happy you have no idea (insert the “I don’t normally feel things but that one got through” donnie gif)
Thank you so much and I’ll look into the daily life on the ship and the sci fi guy designs :)
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wildissylupus · 8 months
Hi! Can you tell me what else is in the book about Gerard Lacroix?
I would like to thank you for posting spoilers about Declassified! I unfortunately can't afford to buy the book right now so im glad someone is posting about it ♡
It's no problem, my whole account is based around Overwatch lore so it was a guarantee that I would post about this stuff!! I'm just glad people are enjoying my ramblings!
Anyway, there is a lot of information on Geared in this book, there's the stuff I detailed in this post but there is also more.
Such as the slight retcon of Cassidy and Gerard's relationship, in the Retribution comic it always felt to me that Cassidy and Gerard barley interacted before that moment, and the way they all interact in that comic very much gives the vibes of them having never interacted until that moment. However in Declassifed there a several mentions of Reyes, Gerard and Cassidy going on several missions together before the events of Retribution. Which more then likely means Cassidy and Gerard were close.
Gerard was the one to present the ideas of using the cover of "vacations" in order to more effectively intervene in different legal and black ops issues that they were not legally allowed to intervene with. The success of these missions were later used as evidence to let Blackwatch go on a looser leash and allowed Blackwatch to expand.
There are also the details that we already know but are explored in more detail, such as Gerard's suspicion of there being moles in the agency started after the Rome base explosion, however his concern needed to be redirected as there were other things that needed his attention. Though that didn't stop him from messing with Talon and well.... we all know the rest.
Gerade was initially hired into administrative and diplomat division, however he was moved to Blackwatch after his extensive intelligence work drew him into Reyes's orbit. This resulted in them campaigning to take down several gangs in the American Southwest, which resulted in the capture and recruitment of Cole Cassidy. This also means that at least he would have been 20 at the time. Making him a minimum of 3 years older then Cassidy and 7 years older then Amelie.
From what the book detailed, he was the only person to officially document his suspicions of how easy it was to save Amelie, everyone else was celebrating her return.
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scarlet--wiccan · 9 months
Who’s in Wanda’s rogues gallery?
She doesn't really have one. That's not, like, a bad thing, though-- Wanda has, historically, been an ensemble character, not a solo hero. She's usually on a big team, and she doesn't really have a home turf that's unique to her, the way that Batman has Gotham. She has enemies, but not many that are specifically Scarlet Witch villains.
The only ones who come to mind are Lore, from the 1995 Scarlet Witch miniseries; the Emerald Warlock from Scarlet Witch (2015); and now, from the 2023 series, Hexfinder. There is also an evil spirit named Samhain who appears in both volumes of Vision & the Scarlet Witch.
Beyond that, her greatest enemy is, of course, Chthon. Modred, Chthon's servant, has schemed against both Wanda and Pietro in the past.
Black Talon, Nekra, and the Grim Reaper were recurring antagonists in Vision & the Scarlet Witch.
Mephisto and Pandemonium destroyed her children in Avengers West Coast.
This was part of a sequence of traumatic events orchestrated by Immortus, who sought to control her Nexus abilities in the Darker Than Scarlet saga.
Morgan Le Fay similarly captured Wanda and took advantage of her powers early in the Busiek run of Avengers.
Magneto and Agatha Harkness are both characters that Wanda has close, but often contentious, relationships with. I wouldn't consider them enemies, but they do end up fighting sometimes, and I think we're probably going to see more of that from Agatha in the future.
Doctor Doom has been both an ally and an enemy to Wanda, but they've had a very oppositional dynamic since Children's Crusade.
That's all I've got off the top of my head. Most of the characters I've listed aren't really linked by any common factors, which is why I don't think of them as a "rogues' gallery." Wanda has never been the type of character who needed one. Now that she has an ongoing solo series with an expanding world and supporting cast, it makes sense that Orlando is trying to establish a roster of villains-- and I hope he does bring back some of those unique SW baddies like Lore and Declan in the future.
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Questwatch really has the brainworms going...
Listen, I know it’s canon-compliant, seeing as Kiriko and Orisa shouldn’t be with Overwatch by this point, but it was cute to hear that Genji had been working on his Role Heroes’ backstory with Emily for weeks. They’re actual friends!
We could already assume Emily was part of the Overwatch family with how close she is to Winston and Mei (They are her siblings-in-law, your honor). There was that Overwatch 1 interaction where Winston invites Mei to hot pot with Lena, Emily, and Athena that was followed by an Overwatch 2 interaction where Winston says he can’t wait for the next hot pot with Mei. Then, there was also the 2018 OWL spray where they’re all watching sports on a couch. Classic Lemon Tea history right there.
What makes me upset is the fact that Emily doesn’t seem to be living at Watchpoint: Gibraltar. London Calling ended with Lena and Winston saying “We did it! We saved London!”, but we know Iggy is in danger in the upcoming co-op mission. That’s the thing that’s always annoyed me with the plot armor our heroes have. You’re telling me that Lena and Emily have been living safely in London for over five years while Talon has Lena on a hit list???
On one hand, a bit of angst where Emily says her goodbyes to Lena would make me cry, in a good way. (Their love will persevere through anything, damn it!) We see how appreciative Emily is of Lena’s vigilantism in London Calling. She would give up having her girlfriend by her side for the betterment of the world. Also, I love the idea of Mei being subjected to Lena being a sobbing mess without her girlfriend in the crew quarters. On the other hand, Emily is not safe in London. Period.
Let me make one thing clear: I do not want Emily as a hero. Ever. Not only do I not want the possibility of Lena and Emily killing each other (it’s heartbreaking enough with Winston), but I think Emily is perfect as a civilian. She reminds Lena what she’s fighting for, but she’s also a great parallel to Jack’s relationship with Vincent. Jack forgot what he was fighting for, putting his duty above all else, and distanced himself from everyone. Emily is the reason why Lena kept up with being a vigilante, the reason why Lena bumped into Iggy, and the reason why Lena and Iggy were able to stop Kace’s uprising.
All of this is to say that I love the idea of Emily being at Watchpoint: Gibraltar with the new blood of Overwatch. It’s as safe as she’ll ever be with Lena as her girlfriend, after all. I want to see her interact with more heroes, and I guess I’m a little disappointed by the heroes playing their Role Heroes campaign. If we could get Kiriko and Orisa, who are not there in canon, why couldn’t we get Jack? Have you SEEN him being an absolute nerd over chess in the Sojourn novel? It would be a great way to show players who don’t view external media that Jack isn’t just a grumpy old man.
Also, can we talk about Adventurer Tracer’s lines? “Was your knight on holiday?” when eliminating Mercy? “Sorry, I’m the knight in this realm!” when eliminating Pharah? HELLO??? I need to see a Lemon Tea and Pharmercy double date this instant. (People can grow apart after five+ years of not seeing each other. Sorry, Gency shippers.)
I haven’t even seen the rest of Questwatch. I’m “only” tier 42 as of writing this, and I haven’t seen anyone post all the chapters in their entirety. Still, I am LIVING for all this Emily content. Now, give her a voice. Give her a 3D model. Let her show up in Story Missions. I am BEGGING.
(I am so normal...)
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somer-writes · 6 months
The Heart of Hyrule Modern AU pt 1
Alright AU dump let's goooo
Let's get some character stuff down for the 3 grown ups (not including Malon)
He's a retired adventurer/hero. He's actually been knighted by the crown but he only agreed as a favor to his old childhood friend, the crown princess Zelda. He's pretty well known as more myth than man for his monster slaying escapades.
Mysterious origins abound. No one except for Malon knows how old Time is and where he's *actually* from. He is in fact from the Kokiri Forest which is a common fairytale. His mother left him there while fleeing the civil war which ended a few years after his birth.
Able to sense magic. Uses it sometimes.
He's married to Malon. When Talon passed, Malon inherited Lon-Lon Ranch. Everything is in her name. He has a coffee mug that says 'Princess' on it as a joke. They also joke he married her for the horses. Lon-Lon Ranch is small, mostly managed by the two of them and Twilight.
Time's pretty reclusive. He doesn't like to go into town. There's rumors about him bc of it, but Malon throws hands for him.
Time and Malon "hired" Twilight as a ranch hand when he showed up on their doorstep with an old ad in the paper from when Talon still ran things. They couldn't just let a kid like him out of their sight and have essentially adopted him.
They also look after the others. Their home is a safe place for the younger ones to go when they need it. Also they pay them to help out with chores (esp during the summer).
Time has issues with chronic pain which is part of why he stopped going on royal errands. His back and knees are pretty rough.
He keeps out hummingbird feeders for both birds and fairies.
Caffeine addict. Always has a cup of coffee within 5 feet of his person. Malon buys his coffee mugs. They are all jokes at his expense.
His favorite food is milk. The colder the better.
Not a strong reader. Malon taught him how to read.
Next oldest. He's 22, just slightly older than Twi.
He's a city boy. He left his family's primary home there to live in their summer house in town. It's a big manor and he lives there alone. He doesn't really like it much but he doesn't know what else to do with himself
Heir to a weapons development company that got its foothold in the war. wealthy upbringing. His dad's been married three times so Wars has a large amount of step and half siblings he's not close to. He himself is an "only" child. He does not get along with his father and doesn't know the rest of his family well.
He was in school for architecture but is taking a break bc it got to be too much for him. He works part time at the city office as a clerk.
Doesn't make friends easily, is used to getting picked on.
Emotionally neglected/abused as a child. Struggles with being too clingy when he makes a genuine bond with someone. Lots of feelings of insufficiency
Prolific dater for a while in high school. Cheated on his partners. Had one extremely toxic ex as a teenager (theres cw worthy stuff here so i wont mention it in this post) and has been put off on ever having any real relationships with anyone ever again.
Touch aversion bc of the aforementioned. Doesn't mind if it's Wind or Twi tho. Slowly warming up to the others.
He struggles to relate or says very ignorant things sometimes just bc of his privileged upbringing but he's doing his best to learn better.
Came up in private school. Had nannies until he was 14. Nowhere's ever really felt like home to him
Writes poetry and paints. Greatly enjoys romcoms.
Next oldest at 21. He's from Ordon which is an occupied territory of Hyrule
High school dropout/teenage runaway. Has his GED.
Orphaned, found by Rusl when Rusl was out on a monster hunt. Raised by Rusl and Uli.
Ran away at 16 after fucking around with dark magic and finding out. Saw Some Shit. Still has nightmares. He's still in contact with Rusl and Uli and they know he's safe but he's doing some "soul searching" and so hasn't gone home.
The dark magic let him go to the spirit realm. He can turn into the wolf as a result (and has to bc he gets grouchy if he's Hylian for too long). Some of his keen hearing/smelling carries over. Can see spirits. Nobody knows yet.
Tried to make a living at first as a freelance monster hunter. Got his ass handed to him a few times. Eventually blew into town as a very hungry/sick 17-yo and wound up at Lon-Lon looking for work
He doesn't feel like he deserves Time and Malon's love but they care for him like he's their own kid. He's always working extra hard to try and make up for it.
Missing his left arm from the shoulder down. Lost it to the monster that attacked his village shortly before Rusl found him.
Does not like when people offer their help when it comes to his arm. He will let them know when he needs a hand (kek).
Extremely fond of and good with animals. Also really strong once he got healthy again. Very capable on horseback, adores cats.
When he can't be found at the creek or stables, he can be found sleeping in various places around the farm. Always has cats on/following him.
Reads a lot, draws too. Fishes often. Works on his truck with Malon and Four.
Looks up to Time, best bros forever with Wars, very close with Wild
pescatarian (only fish hes caught tho, never bought)
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randomalistic · 8 months
I watched kung fu panda 1 & 2 back to back and Cried. MY THOUGHTS AND FAVORITE PARTS BELOW!!
‪I fucking love movies that are so confident in themselves and their identities. Kung fu panda was never unsure of itself it just went All in on amazing fight choreography and colors and animation and Awesomeness silliness . AND INCREDIBLE PLATONIC RELATIONSHIPS. ALL THE CHARACTER INTERACTIONS ARE SO BELIEVABLE. No forced heterosexual romance?? (Or ANY romance.) In MY western animated 2008 movie?? What is this????!!!
I fucking love that Tai Lung is hyped up so MUCH to be unstoppable and intimidating throughout this whole movie and yet the final battle with Po is so believable. They didn’t nerf Tai Lung at all to be equal with Po, Po is just so confident of himself and his fighting style is unlike anything Tai has ever encountered. HE HAS NEVER FACED SILLY FIGHTING. That’s his weakness….. He wasn’t silly enough. And throughout the film Po is like. Really doubting who he is and hating on himself but it’s so empowering by the end. He’s just so Him! And IT WORKS!!!!!!!!
Okay ?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There were a lot of really cool shots like this😊😊😊 it’s kind of an anime .
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Tai lung is so awesome and idk he’s hot too what else do I say. Great backstory too. Although I wish he had a little more.. why was he so power hungry? Was he just Like That. Fair. Also They make thr villans kind of objectively hot in this franchise. I wouldn’t PERSONALLY…. But if you said you would… I totally get that….
Tigress is the best character also. She was totally living in tai lung’s shadow I wish she got more validation from shifu it’s so sad. I LOVE HOW WELL THE FLASHBACKS SHOW DONT TELL !!!
OK ACTUALLY MAYBE OOGWAY IS THE BEST CHARACTER. I love how they made him so old and trembly. But so wise and at peace . That’s a silly detail but I liked it ok
Also shifu and po’s dynamic is so fucking good. And very cute! HAVE I SAID GREAT CHARACTER INTERACTIONS. The “you may now eat” dumpling bowl scene is the best scene in the whole movie. It’s so delightful.. probably followed by tai lung’s prison breakout and oogway’s passing.. THE RANGE OF THIS FILM!!!!!!
I love the “you’re a monster and I created you but I loved you” thing going on with shifu and tai lung.. I’m crazy.
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Oops that’s another tai lung gif it was an accident!!! I would pet him and then I would die
I just wish the rest of the 5 got to have some more character development but there’s Five of them and that’s a Lot . The sprinkles we get of their characters is nice though ! I mean Sprinkles. TELL ME MORE ABOHT VIPER PLEASE SHES SUCH A SWEETHEART. WHAT WAS HER CHARACTER GROWTH WITH NOT HAVING FANGS… tell me….. do the others have something about them too…
Anyways super fuckin iconic movie and beautiful
Another thing I liked was when the characters made Animal Noises of their irl counterparts like tai lung making kitty meow (in pain) and shen making peacock calls while fighting. I just love little details like That okay!!!
Me???? Crying at kung fu Panda 2 ? Po finally coming to terms with his past repressed childhood memories and his village being massacred and from that still being able to embrace who he is in the present got to me ok‬!
Shen is so tragic and Delightfully Evil. He’s so unhinged and he has so much inner turmoil that he Never reflects on constructively. And He’s destructive about it! She’s a sadistic War criminal! And a little bit theater kid. very Theatrical. Kind of gay. “Your parents never loved you” PROJECTING MUCH? ?? 💔💔 AND THE WAY HE JUST ACCEPTS HIS DEATH FROM HIS OWN WEAPON AT THE END. He literally just closes his eyes and Takes It at point blank range. He was not ok. He reached a point of no return the moment he tried to kill off the pandas. AND HE WOULD RATHER DIE THAN SHOW WEAKNESS… HES SO FUCKED!!!and My friend used to have a crush on him. Did I mention cool as fuck character design. I love his metal talon things it makes him that much more menacing
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Ok girl your scary
My friend made such a good observation about the inner peace/raindrop motif. The raindrop/drop of water that keeps hitting his head… annoying him… nagging at him… that’s symbolism for his Repressed Memories.. his identity crisis .. the incredible repeating urge to need to know who he is So Bad so much so that he’ll go in DEATHS WAY to know!! 🥴 AND IN THE SCENE WHERE HE RELIVES IT… IT RAINS… AND HES OK WITH IT…. THIS MOVIE IS FUCKING BEAUTOFUL AND I WASNT EXPECTING ANY LESS!!!!!!
ALSO I LOVED THE FOCUS ON TIGRESS / PO INTERACTIONS IT WAS SO CUTE. I’m so happy they’re friends now.. tigress definitely hated him The Most in the first movie . she called him a disgrace to kung fu and everything it stands for To his Face. Ouch ! But they are chill now I think.
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They’re so fucking sad and wet here. I love them…
I’m also glad they toned down the fatphobia in the 2nd movie . In the first film Even though it was usually framed as a hurtful thing towards Po, it was also frequently used as a joke thing at his expense💔kinda mean spirited !! But hes still framed as cool and awesome anyways so. Ur giving Mixed Messages….
There are certain details you might not pick up on if you dont watch these movies back to back also. I like how Mr Ping mentioned he wish he sold tofu in the first movie and then in the second movie he sells both noodles AND tofu now!! It’s just very cute and shows that a lot of care and passion goes into these :)
What a great franchise also. I saw the 2nd movie once on theaters and I only remembered parts of it. I’ve never seen the 3rd movie! And I just might!! DREAMWORKS DOESNT DISAPPOINT!!usually
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bitterrobin · 9 months
Reader Beware....
another Flamebird in Gotham au, notes app substitution on this site!
this time I'll be listing my personal goals for the au and the developing fanfiction. (ignore if you don't want spoilers! /or you just couldn't care less about my DC/Batman thoughts)
create a fic/maybe a series that develops Bette Kane and introduces her to an audience that does not know her
Bette is highly underrated and unused. The potential in her parallel to Dick Grayson and her history with both Kate Kanes is a lot. Now that I've gotten into this fic and my hcs, I will now forever resent Grayson (2014) bc I can see so much there if you just swap Dick for Bette as the insider-spy. (Kathy Kane characterization in that comic notwithstanding).
characterize and humanize Talia al Ghul
I very much prefer a Talia that is complicated and tragic. She deserves her own development arc and she deserves a characterization that won't paint her as a strictly abusive mother. There's so much there, she's an old character and a great one! (Morrison I am closing my hands around your bald head). Yes, she's not a perfect mother. Who is? I prefer a Talia who maybe wasn't there for Damian all of the time, but she tries, goddamnit. Talia has her own heavy trauma and baggage that should be taken into account with the way she raises Damian. She should have way more in common with her son, especially when it comes their relationships with Ras.
actually write Damian Wayne in a published fanfic for once (you do not want to see my many many drafts and wips)
Not as much to add here, other than I don't think my Damian headcanons or characterization is that far removed from canon.
focus on other aspects of Gotham City that aren't tied to Batman/Robin (like Ragman, Wildcat, Mother Panic)
Self-explanatory. Gotham is a huge and diverse city, and having only Batman and vigilantes directly associated with him operate there is super boring.
Integrate Bette Kane and Kathy Kane into the wider Batman/"Batfamily" mythos
Also self-explanatory. It'd be nice. They're the first Batwoman and Bat-girl!
Create future opportunities for smaller, lesser known Batman characters (if this becomes a full series) like Charlie Gage-Radcliffe, the Foxes, Calvin Rose, Onyx Adams)
Please I need to see them in fanfiction form. Charlie is my blorbo who needs more comics, and Calvin is my favorite Talon. Also, he's canonically a former member of Haly's Circus and he wasn't given the immortal juice like the others - it is my hc that he was in the circus around the time that Dick was.
Rectify the deaths or character assassinations that I don't like (Orpheus, Holly Robinson)
Orpheus's death sucks major ass. Bringing him back no matter what, just to satisfy my brain. Holly Robinson deserves to be Catwoman for at least a while longer.
If I'm crazy enough to do it - introduce Christopher Kent in the future to an audience who does not know him.
MY SON. Look, I like Jon. Mildly. He's alright. But Chris is MY defacto Superman child and everyday I mourn what could've been if he wasn't aged up (deja vu) and he was able to exist for just a little while longer so that he could interact with Damian. So, if this au becomes a series, you best believe that I'm including at least a cameo. Jury's out if I fully replace Jon in the au or I make them similarly-aged brothers.
Expand/lengthen comic arcs I like and wanted to see more of (Robin: Son of Batman in general, We Are Robin, Talon, unironically Beast Boy 2000, Streets of Gotham)
Mostly self-explanatory. I just wanted to see more of Damian/Maya. Suren hanging out and going on adventures. We Are Robin needs a longer series, Talon is one of my fav comics, and I genuinely just wanted to see more of Bette in LA in Beast Boy. I also wanted to see Colin and Damian in SoG. (Plus, there was a Ragman backup running there!)
maybe give characters who are considered part of the "Batfamily" but are usually never given their dues - a chance to be main characters (Duke Thomas) (once I actually fully research him)
Yeah. This needs development on my part. I like him a lot, I just want to understand him better and give him some screen time so to speak. If I do get around to a We Are Robin rewrite or just incorporate it somehow into a larger fic.
umm... maybe expand on al Ghul lore perhaps, and develop the League of Assassins into something functional, terrifying, and tangible
Requires further research. But I love @arabian-batboy's take on how the family names (the al Ghuls, the Orghams, the Darga) connect to Behenian stars and the idea that each star could be connected to a hypothetical family and their powers. It's just cool.
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