#also major karma for the rest :)
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animentality · 1 year
Dude I'm so confused
Why are the redditors refugees here-
Whats up with the tag 196
The Reddit refugees are here because several subreddits have gone private in protest of reddit's new policy of charging third party developers for access to its API.
Hence the term reddit blackout.
196 specifically was a very queer friendly subreddit that had one rule: that you post before you leave. 196 is trending because those Redditors have come here and they're basically sharing their memery here instead as they protest reddit's greed.
As for why we're welcoming them when Twitter refugees were seen with a little more irritation, well.
Think of the culture similarities.
Tumblr and reddit have far more in common than Tumblr and Twitter.
Twitter is about clout and manipulating algorithms and discourse in 280 characters or less. It's about bad takes that reach the right people and it forces you to see things you don't want to see and it's crawling with the worst people imaginable and you're forced to see them, all the time. They also brought bad tagging and 2016 Tumblr discourse with them, because Twitter culture really involves starting fights for clout and braindead opinions that no one really wants to come back to Tumblr culture.
There was a time when Tumblr did the same thing, but worse, with more words...but nowadays, it's really calmed down.
The worst people...went to Twitter after the porn ban. Ironically, it made the site less toxic and hostile.
But then they came back.
And it was like...hm. no thanks. Stay back where you came from.
But Tumblr and Reddit have much more in common.
Both have a more streamlined way of customizing your online feed. You can choose what subreddits you see on your home screen, just like Tumblr only shows you the content of your followers, on your dashboard, and in chronological order rather than what's trending. You can join a very specific weird niche group of freaks with a shared obsession, and not care about the rest of the site at all. You also don't have a character limit on either site, which lets you ramble more and share weird detailed stories.
Reddit might have karma, but like Tumblr, the majority of people are lurkers and not posters. It also allows you to downvote bad opinions, and moderators who have to adhere to certain guidelines of behavior, which means a lot of banning disruptive people.
Granted, sometimes their mods are power hungry, but. You know.
It does more to control its users than Tumblr do, and that's a good thing in terms of keeping toxicity and illegal shit off its subs.
Reddit also has a way more leftwing attitude than you would think.
It has a reputation for being full of incels but I honestly think that's outdated.
It's cleaned up its act quite a bit since the old days.
I see way more vile shit from Twitter and TikTok. Like seriously.
Twitter is crawling with conservative bots and propaganda machines and just outright inflammatory lies. TikTok literally has the worst comment sections I've ever seen, like edgy teenagers cracking racist and misogynistic humor and acting like it makes them different and special. Its algorithm also spoon feeds you garbage and is designed to be as addicting as possible.
At least reddit's culture, while chauvinistic and regressive in certain subcultures, is mostly on the tech positive, atheist libertarian side.
It can be a little pretentious and caustic about certain subjects, and a little full of itself. Some reddits are also very male leaning and disregard female concerns in favor of moaning about how men have it worse than anyone else on earth.
But for the most part?
I welcome them here, because if they left reddit in protest, then we always support protests. But 196 specifically is also a queer subreddit, and we support that even more.
Plus they're funny as fuck.
What's not to like, really?
You should welcome them with open arms too.
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grunckle · 7 months
My view on the cycle.
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Cycles are probably the most mysterious part of Rain World lore, and a common consensus I see on them is things involving multiple, branching timelines. However recently I've heard a theory that I believe fits in much better with the narrative and lore.
The main base of the theory is the karma flower dialogue from Moon,
"This is a hallucinogenic plant. They used to call it a 'Wheel Flower'. It became the symbol for enlightenment as it momentarily enables a creature to let go of its carnal self, and to contact the selves of other planes - dreams, memories, imagined worlds."
The theory summarized is that when we sleep, we can have possibly countless dreams of death. These are our, "cycles" in game. But eventually we wake up into a true reality, which is revealed to us when we progress and rest again. In this way the player and all other creatures act as a sort of seer to other terrifyingly realistic subconscious probabilities, (dreams and imagined worlds) until actually experiencing one true reality. If death is your reality, then you simply reincarnate, which is what happens in hunter's campaign via cancer death.
Karma fits into this by being the one thing that "remembers" these dreams. Even if your death wasn't real, your karma is still affected by it and is tied to you in reality.
I prefer this theory to the timeline theories because of the aforementioned karma flower dialogue, but also because timeline theories have a whole lot of complications when it comes to how ancients tracked time and objectivity. I just believe this theory is a good bit simpler and fits better into what we're already told.
But of course it poses one problem, with this theory it implies that all the slugcats we play as (except Hunter as I mentioned) would have never actually "died" in real life. But, if you've ever played Dark Souls and heard of hollowing then you might know what I'm getting at. By giving up, you do die. And the vast, vast majority of Rain World players give up. Very few make it to the end, the ones that did are skilled enough to have never died outside of these subconscious worlds.
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hana-no-seiiki · 1 year
I saw that you need ideas, so how about a yandere from the Neons? I mean, I would like to see more content from them since they represent the elements in Honkai star rail, by the way, sorry if you don't understand, my English is bad... I leave you a little drawing of a masculine makima (it has nothing to do with it, but as a gift ) xd Also, I don't know if I'm the only one, but Nanook makes me handsome >///<
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(Sorry, I had already finished it but the work was stained hahaha and I did it again)
Yus the Aeons are so cool looking!! You really feel like they’re actual gods of the universe, especially since you don’t see them first hand (at least for now). Also Masculine Makima reminds me of Karma Akabane lol. I’ll draw it in my style, and add it here as an extra for you ♥️
Hb we mash those two topics up together actually?
warnings: mild yandere themes. mild spoilers for csm. major canon divergence. reader takes the shape of a masc/amab character but it isnt their original form.
status: unedited. updated art.
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You have no memory of your conception, only that you started existing for what felt like an eternity.
You represented fear and despair, but unlike IX whose mere presence drove humanity into insanity, or the rest of your fellow aeon’s godlike status amongst the world,
you walked around as a normal, ordinary human being.
As normal as an Aeon can get anyways.
In your current lifetime, you took the shape of Himeko’s “brother”, planting fake memories into her mind and being the one that urged her to travel the stars. While she was the navigator, you took the role of conductor before creating Pompom to supplant you.
Welt always knew you weren’t just a regular person. Your eyes always felt distant, so far off that not even a century’s worth of trail blazing would allow him to come close. As such he mostly kept cordial relations with you.
The youngsters of the bunch on the other hand, never seemed to realize the sheer magnanimity of the danger you held and always hung around you.
Particularly that Caelus. The newest addition to the crew. The stellaron within him always pulsed in some sort of giddiness and excitement whenever you were around. The boy couldn’t help but be a nervous wreck when he was around you. Stuttering and stumbling was a common occurrence whenever you so decide as to just breathe at his direction.
You knew what those Stellarons are, their nature, their purpose, the way they were created. In fact if you wanted to, you could have taken the Astral Express straight to the source of it all, your partner: Nanook.
However that would have ruined the fun of it all. So you chose to let them have their little adventures before the final confrontation.
Also because you signed a contract to not meddle with Nanook’s business in exchange for your freedom. But that was another story to tell.
“Why . . . why do you continue this farce? This utterly worthless play?”
IX’s voice rang within your ears and no one else’s. You were the only being it ever gave the time of day to. You imagine it to be the reason why insanity slowly built itself within the recesses of your head.
“You may see the entire universe as worthless . . . but I,” You breath hitched. You looked around your room. Time was frozen. Everything turned grey. You weren’t afraid of the others in the express hearing you, just that the following words you were about to spout out felt like bile on your mouth. “I suppose I’m still a bit like them in a way. I wish to see the world without its evils.”
“And destroying them. That is my first step.” You summon an orb of golden light. Stellarons. The creation of the very thing that made you loath all evil. Including yourself. You will eradicate these and then Nanook yourself. One day.
“Is that why you send those hunters out?”
“Perhaps.” The orb within your hands get covered in chains, quickly getting crushed within the metal like substance as it soon disappeared.
“Do as you wish. Just do not bother me like that imbecile.”
“I promise. I will be much worse than Yaoshi.”
IX remained silent for several seconds, no doubt regretting its decision of associating with you before adding, “. . . And do not die.”
“That one I cannot guarantee.”
Your room’s color returns, time continues. Signaling the end of two Aeons’ encounter.
Nanook, the Aeon that threatened to eradicate all that you love. All so they could have your soul once more. Within your gilded cage. Within your original body that lied dormant.
The Destruction will no longer be a path. That is a guarantee you write upon the stars when your Trail Blazing lifetime eventually comes to a close.
The stage is set, your actors ready.
All you needed was the cue.
Your gloved hand arose, pointing towards the express’s windows in the shape of a gun.
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matrixriot · 25 days
hey. are you alive?
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your heavy eyes stared up at the ceiling of your dorm room. there you lay in bed and it was too hot and too cold. half of your body was absolutely surrounded in your pillows and blankets, while the other half was sweating.
you undoubtedly had a cold.
you also had a major test that you spent all night studying for.
karma, i guess?
so there you were, laying flat, while trying to use your phone to call one of your classmates. you just needed at least one of them to answer so they could let mr. aizawa know you weren't going to make it to the exam.
'god, why today of all days' you thought.
scrolling through your contacts, you eventually landed on kirishima's. no way your own boyfriend wouldn't answer your call.
but you also knew he was probably doing some early morning training. so you decided to leave him a couple of texts.
you: kiri im sick :(
you: can you tell aizawa so he doesnt try to kill me when i show up again
you: whenever i show up again
you: if i show up again D:
you turned off your phone and rolled onto your side. a couple minutes later, you heard a buzz from your phone, but you couldn't muster the energy to roll over again to check who it was.
a couple more minutes later, you heard a gentle knock on your door. you couldn't even bring yourself to get up, so you groaned loudly in reply, hoping whoever it was would try coming in.
you hear the doorknob twisting and the door softly creaking open. you hear some shuffling footsteps and the sound of a plastic bag in someone's hands.
"hi." the mystery person says.
you could recognize that voice anywhere.
"...i am here to be your nurse."
'god, he's such a derp' you thought before bringing your torso up from your bed to see,
"KIRI!" you exclaim.
"hi baby." he says, smiling brightly at you. he points at the plastic bag in his hands.
"i brought you some medicine and porridge." kirishima sets it down at a table before going towards your bed.
"oh, don't touch me, i'm all sick, haha." you say, putting your hands up, waving them defensively.
kirishima gently grabs your wrists, "it's okay."
he puts your wrist down before going to the plastic bag to get something. you flop back down onto your mattress and exhale deeply.
a couple minutes go by, kirishima is still fumbling around in the plastic bag, and you're still lying down in silence.
"hey. are you alive? you haven't said a peep!" kirishima teases, before walking back around to your bed. he was holding a damp cloth. he brought one of his hands to your back, helping you up. his hand rests on your back as he hands you the cloth. you bring it up to your forehead.
"wait. is it too hot or too cold, or should i-" kirishima panics.
"it's perfect." you respond, a soft smile on your face. a blush creeps up onto kirishima's face before he quickly turns around.
you noticed the awkwardness in his voice and your eyes scanned the room in a somewhat confusion.
you chuckle to yourself before bringing the washcloth down, somewhat in shame.
"this is humiliating." you say in disappointment. here you were, being a nuisance to your boyfriend, when you knew that there was a still a big exam that he could be preparing for.
kirishima swiftly turned around, bowl of porridge in hand, and walked back up to your side.
"um excuse me." kirishima started "there is nothing humiliating about needing a little help. also, you're sick! it's only the manly thing for me to help my beautiful girlfriend."
he brought a spoonful of porridge up to your mouth, and you, in defeat, opened your mouth. kirishima fed you the porridge until the bowl was empty. he whispered little affirmations like "good job" "there you go" as you ate.
you then asked, "so you're not mad at me?"
kirishima looked at you in confusion.
"mad at you? my girlfriend? mad at my girlfriend for being sick?"
kirishima set the bowl down on your bedside table before sitting down on his knees beside your bed.
"you're sick. that's not your fault. im just here to take care of you. okay?"
you huff. "okay" you gently replied.
kirishima got up, giving you a forehead kiss.
"now, as much as i'd love to be your little nurse all day, i still have a test to take."
you smile up at him.
"mmkay. i'll be waiting for you." you say.
"just rest for me." kirishima says, before walking out your dorm, shutting the door behind him.
your heavy-lidded eyes soon shut, feeling relaxed. you take a nice nap, waiting for your lovely boyfriend to return.
when you wake up, your eyes are met to kirishima, leaning his head on your bed, asleep! he was knelt down by your bedside, arms folded acting like a cushion for his head.
you brush his bright red locks out of his eyes and stare lovingly back.
his eyes flutter open.
"hi again," you say.
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me when sick y/n needs her manly bf to take care of her (>'-'<)
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yanaleese · 7 months
◈ Love Me, Kidnap Me, and Love Me More ◈
Yandere! OC Karma x Calculative! Gender Neutral! MC
Synopsis: You put blood, sweat, and tears into your work. Little did you know, your secret admirer, Marka does it too.
Content warning: Yandere and literally anything that goes with it, violence, hypnosis (not on reader), drugs (implication), and yes there will be a Part 2
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Scores, talents, personas.
THESE are the factors that classify the education system. Although not immaculate, it serves its purpose - to send vulnerable people into the workforce, and devour them whole. Their livelihoods, their time, and the minuscule bits of energy left inside of them.
But there are some who are born with advantages, and some who have to work their ass off for it.
I, unfortunately, have the latter. Things don’t come easy, instant, or perfect. I am actually quite idle, I enjoy the freedom of gaining knowledge and insight. Uniquely, tried and tested knowledge that is critical for survival.
And that, is how I manage my late nights. By listening to “Advice to Survive” with its host, McGregory Callahan.
Back in the 60s, he was a CWO-4 Navy Seal officer, a rank given to an exclusive few. And now that he’s retired, he humbly shares his advice to the community, and showcases guests every now and then to keep the show alive. But majority prefers to listen to his voice, which I strongly agree with.
“And so, ladies and gents…” His voice was smooth and husky. “It’s time to sign off, folks. Stay safe, and always remember…” I chuckled, saying his closing lines with him.
“Live, not die, and try to survive. Thanks everyone.”
As the radio chipped off, the sun poured its rays into my window, as if the heat wasn’t enough. I groaned, my eyes leading me to my collection of “wake-up” capsules. Tempted, and deceived, I slithered my way over to it, dropping another 2 or 3 in my mouth.
I grumbled. Regret seeped into my veins, my body woozy and tense. Once again, I stayed up.
And of course, it happened to be a Monday morning; where I had a morning class. “Well fuck me gently with a chainsaw.” I began stuffing my bag with my utensils, paperwork, snacks. I could never get used to this shit. “I hope nobody pisses me off for the rest of the day.”
“The bell. Ugh, the damn bell. Never have I wanted to smash that thing into pieces.” You could barely make out the crowd, more or less. Not even your best friend’s face.
“Wait. You had a rough night…again?” Heidi glared, her eyes were practically glowing with concern.
“Maaaaaaybe.” You slurred, taking baby steps to your seat. “Good thing my seat mate is a quiet kid.”
Speak of the devil, Marka entered the room, his footfalls silent as he strolled to your direction. His timing was impeccable.
“Good morning, Marka.” You mumbled, your eyes not meeting his. Besides, there were no eyes thanks to his bangs.
“Heh…” In response, Marka gave an exciting grin, happily waving a good morning back to you. How he could be energized on a Monday morning, was a complete mystery to you.
Actually, a lot of him is shrouded in mystery. Or rather, in suspicion.
Other than the weird name, Marka was supposedly from the countryside of Honduras, Tegucigalpa. His parents were also from Honduras, and he worked as a pizza delivery driver, and stayed at a friend’s apartment for shelter, with the purpose of redoing college thrice to get a degree. While some of this is true, some of it didn’t add up.
For example, his idioms. Sometimes he would say “Puchica” , “Chero”, “Chivo” - and when I looked them all up, the common denominator was El Salvador. He said his parents came from Honduras, so how can this be true?
Then him, being the pizza delivery driver. You don’t often order pizza, but you’ve never thought that pizza could smell so shitty. You could remember him rushing to one of your afternoon classes, and instead of smelling like oil and grease, he smelt like weed. What the fuck???
“Hello? [Y/N]?”
Plus, the fact that he is redoing the course a third time. And yet, every single exam he is perfectly scoring an average mark. He also ends before everyone else, as if he has all the time in the world.
That’s not normal.
Though you’ve never confronted Marka about this, you preferred to remain silent. Times are harsh, and you weren’t willing to stretch out a hand when you could barely help yourself.
But there is NO way that you’re befriending someone as suspicious as him.
“[Y/N]!!!” Heidi whisper-shouted, breaking you out of your thoughts.
“[Y/N], please answer-“ Mr. Dimmy paused, clearing his throat. “Actually. On second thought, please see me after class. Thank you.”
You bit my lip, letting it bleed. Fuck. You spaced out again.
“Sir I-“
“No buts, no coconuts.”
While cursing yourself internally, you decided to take out your vent book out of your bag, only to be stopped by Mr. Dimmy once more.
“[Y/N]. Can you please answer the question on the board for me, please?”
Shit, you just opened your bag.
“Give me a moment-“
Clenching your fists, you gave a plastic smile. It was understandable where he was coming from, since he didn’t want his star pupil to daydream for the second time.
“My bad, Sir. Hopefully I’ll get this right.”
As you were busy solving the equation, Marka decided to do you a favor and close up your bag. So by the time you came back, Marka grinned, hoping for a thanks to come out of it. But you decided to ignore the kind gesture, continuing to pay attention to the board. You had enough attention for one day.
If there was one thing you loved, it was clocks. It was nice to know how the time passed, whether it was rapid or abnormally slow. And of course, it was slow.
“[Y/N], this has happened on multiple occasions.” Mr. Dimmy rubbed his temples, exhausted from having the same conversation with you. “We, as staff, made it clear that you can take days off.”
“I’m very sorry Sir, but I can’t do that-“
“[Y/N], enough with the excuses. You are not enough getting enough sleep, and it’s affecting your concentration.”
Scores, talents, personas: nothing on this conversation applied to that. Kindness was a pain in the ass.
“And so, I’m going to ask the dean to personally give you a suspension. A whole week suspension.”
You had to hold your tongue. Why do you have to do triple the work???
“Sir. I’m behind on what I need to cover. I’m begging you, please just let it slide.”
“But [Y/N], you are three weeks ahead. Taking a week off is enough right now. Trust me.”
You glanced at the clock. It was 9:47, the minute hand approximately reaching the next minute.
“If I see you Tuesday afternoon, I will personally escort you outside. That is all.”
Rubbing your eyes, you ran to the top of the stairs, before making yourself out. You couldn’t believe what just happened.
“[Y]-[Y/N]…” It was Heidi.
“Heidi. I’m done for the day, so I’m going home. Text me later if you’re curious.” Your demands were quick and stern.
Poor Heidi snuggled her books, her expression shaping into pity and guilt. If only you could just take a break.
“Giggles, after giggles. These fucking cuches don’t know when to quit it, don’t they?”
“Markaaaa…” She snorted, sounding exactly just like he called her: a pig. “Teach me a little Spanish, no?~ ❤️”
Marka shook his head, his face clearly showing discomfort.
“Come on, we wanna hear it! Maybe we can fuck it up, you know?”
Damn that Rico bastard. He never knew how to read a room.
“I said no.” Marka ran his fingers through his bangs, revealing the swirling darkness within his eyes. “Now learn to be good little shits, I’m in a bad mood.”
Immediately, the entire group stood completely still. Before seconds later, horrifying shrieks escaped people’s lips. Some froze in horror, sweating profusely. Others just ran away from Marka, while some fought with him. Luckily, thanks to his physique he could handle his attackers pretty clearly.
“Ha…shame…” He continued to hit Rico with every punch, starting to see blood oozing out of him. Marka couldn’t help but grin in sadistic glee. “This hypnosis is always pure luck for me.”
Grabbing the leg of one of his classmates. Marka twisted, fractured, and even jumped on her leg, which was perfectly in sync with his words.
“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. FUCK.” Marka cursed out loud, growling in frustration. Every time he thought about you, the feeling wouldn’t go away. “I just wanted to do a good deed. Why. Won’t. They. Love. Me.”
Hearing the classmate’s sharp cry, Marka kicked the person away from him, heading to your locker. It was encased in a shitload of locks, all of them personally made by yourself. You knew how to be efficient and useful.
Too bad Marka knew lockpicking a bit too well. “It’s been a while since my last rejection…so let’s see what’s here now-“
With a clink, he guided his fingers to first few letters he made….only to find them….
He should’ve been used to this by now. The dust, the grime, the dead spiders. After finally getting a fresh new locker, it was understandable that you cleaned up the space.
But you didn’t. You decided to make your old locker your new dumpster bag instead - including his love letters.'
His scarred thumb clutched the pink envelope, or the crushed up ball that it was. He could remember the time he had to go off on business, missing college for an entire week. He had to stay low due to a shot out, which resulted him gaining a major injury in the shoulder and his left hand. He didn’t mind the injuries due to past experiences, but he was…depressed. Marka couldn’t see anyone, neither be online lest he got found out. It was a decision that both he and José made for his safety.
And so, to satiate his loneliness, he wrote to you. Even though his left hand was twitching in pain, he wrote. Even though his brain was telling him to stop because of the pain; he wrote. He wrote because he knew that you gave him the happiness, the hope that he needed for this world. Yes, you were flawed…but with each other, the two of you could heal one another’s scars. Right?
His hands shook in silent rage as dark droplets dropped on to the paper. I’m sure you didn’t know any better, it was simply a misunderstanding. Yes, yes - it was miscommunication.
It was understandable, since he didn’t make it clear. He didn’t flirt with you since it wasn’t your thing. I guess the letters weren’t either.
Maybe he’d have to try something…a bit more drastic.
“I need to know…do they love me…? Do they not? Maybe….”
Clutching the paper in his chest, he started chuckling to himself. No, grinning madly as he stared at the locker in front of him, his face contorted into something twisted and grotesque.
“Maybe it’s time I should pay your house a visit, hmm? ❤️~.”
Cuche = Means pig in Salvadorian slang. ɪғ ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀɴʏ qᴜᴇsᴛɪᴏɴs ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ᴋᴀʀᴍᴀ, ᴊᴏsᴇ́ ᴏʀ ʜᴇɪᴅɪ ғᴇᴇʟ ғʀᴇᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴄʜᴇᴄᴋ ᴍʏ ɪɴʙᴏx.
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happykinzz · 9 months
random marble hornets headcanons i need to share
Amy worked at a beauty boutique and specialized specifically in hair and makeup
She was also one of those super nice girls that would always compliment her clients and boost their confidence, :))
I know it's canon that Tim worked construction, but I do think at one point (either pre or post mh), he worked at a Home Depot or Ace Hardware for a long time.
Speaking of canon Tim facts , since he liked photography I think he specifically liked to take photos of sunsets, monuments, and those weird copper statues of children playing that you find on the street.
Brian played baseball in High School and was pretty good at it
He was so good at it he could've gone pro, but didn't cause his heart wasn't really in it (his parents made him do it in the first place)
Since Brian was a psychology major, I think if he ever graduated he would've become a child psychologist or an EMT
I know you need a lot more than a psychology degree to become an EMT but I just think that job just suits him
Brian also hikes a lot, and takes many photos of the plants and critters he finds along the way
He had a blog that documented all his findings, and always mentioned facts he found about the plants and animals he discovered
Whenever Brian and Tim hang out they like to either watch shitty horror flicks or shitty reality TV ( TLC, Maury, Dr Phil, Real Housewives, etc )
They both like to annoy Alex with their shows cause they know Alex thinks they're all stupid and are "mindless programming"
Alex's mom and Amy got along really well
Speaking of Moms
After Tim's mom abandoned him, she went on to become one of those "Lolcows" that constantly go on Instagram Live and argue with the "trolls" that are being mean to her
She's one of those people that believe that essential oils can cure every terminal illness ever and scams a lot of people with Go-Fund Me's and MLM scams she tries to sell
When people find out she basically left her kid to rot in a mental institution for the rest of his life it becomes a big thing and everyone on the internet is talking about her (karmas a bitch)
Nobody is actually able to get in contact with the actual kid though (Tim wants nothing to do with the situation, leave my man ALONE)
Brian had a lot of younger siblings that he always got a bunch of gifts for whenever he came home for holidays
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sgiandubh · 11 months
Reading comprehension
This info is currently making the rounds in the fandom:
The uber-intelligent Mordorian Sopranos are already chanting the end of OL. 'No Season 8, karma is a bitch' and all the rest.
Ahem. Not at all. Quite the contrary. Let's do a very brief overview, ok?
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More than 10% out of a total of 670 employees would roughly mean between a clear minimum of 67 and a possible maximum of 99 ('high in the double digits , but less than 100'). Worldwide - not just the UK.
Considering the fact that we now know that the wide majority of the people involved in the OL production are freelancers, we then restrain the scope of our estimation to those with *** employment contracts in the UK. My best guess? Somewhere between 5 to 10 people tops. This estimate is based on the possibility of the 10% cut being made on an uniform basis, which is unclear: it could be 20% at HQ and 5% elsewhere (Latin America or Canada or other US subsidiaries). I think it's mostly about office staff, not production.
On which planet would 10 people being fired compromise the whole future of a project of OL's amplitude?
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Typical preparatory move for merger/acquisition. If they want to look good in front of a new partner/potential owner, they must be interested to show off their best china & finery: OL. It's common sense, ladies: we don't go on dates in a frumpy tracksuit, do we?
Subscription figures look good-ish enough to me.
But hey, why miss an opportunity to simply bitch, when you have no idea of the things you are talking about and apparently also no reading comprehension skills?
Back in a (short) while.
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medlarmeadows · 5 months
I’m a dance major (and I’m not) 5 6 7 8!
Charlie Slimecicle x fem!reader
Theatre kid au
Synopsis: You and Charlie have been best friends ever since you met in your high school’s theatre club in freshman year. Since then, you were inseparable, even though you were a techie, and he was an actor.
Or, tech week goes really well, with a little luck.
Warning(s): swearing, cuticle picking, slight anxiety, high school theatre tech week.
Word count: 1.5k
A/N: In loving memory of all the high schools that recently finished tech week (I am not American I only saw any of this on TikTok) (Also I assume those TikToks pertain to American high schools? I actually don’t know sorry) (I hope people get the title LOL it's the sound I saw some people used). And thank you to the wonderful @fullofgutsndopamine for beta-ing this for me :)
As a wise man once said, behind every great actor is an exasperated techie.
That wise man was truly wise, because you could find nothing better to encapsulate the current state of your friendship with Charlie.
You were sitting in a pile of wires, trying to hold on to a shred of sanity because who the fuck sorted these wires yesterday, when your goofball of a best friend stumbles into the theatre.
“Y/N!” cries Charlie, practically sprinting towards you with enough energy to power a sun.
“Charlie,” you deadpan, not even looking up from your sorting because whoever coiled these wires needed to be strangled by one –
“Y/N, I’m having a crisis,” he cries again, dramatically flopping at your feet on the carpeted floor of the high school’s auditorium. He reaches for a wire, presumably to start strangling himself, and you snatch it back from him with an annoyed tch.
“So am I,” you deadpan again. “I have no idea who touched these wires last, but they’re tangled as shit and I need to sort them and coil them before rehearsal today.”
In your peripheral vision, you see Charlie freeze in place as a guilty expression takes over his face.
Exasperatedly, you pause your sorting and stare at him.
“Did you coil the wires last?”
Silence, and you see Charlie’s eyes dart between yours and the pile of tangled wires on the floor, then:
You should have let him strangle himself with the wire.
“Charlie, you’re not even a techie!”
“I’m sorry!” He throws his hands in the air. “You guys were so busy after rehearsal, and Nate was shouting, ‘Can somebody help keep the wires!’, and nobody else was free, and the security guard was minutes away from chasing us out, so I volunteered myself.”
You stare at your best friend for a second, absorbing the flurry of words that had just tumbled out of his mouth, before leaning over to flick his forehead.
“Ow!” he complains, holding his forehead.
“Karma’s a bitch,” you say without bite.
“I guess no good deed goes unpunished, huh,” he laments.
“We’re not even doing Wicked, nerd.”
“We should! I would make a great Elphaba.”
Charlie begins to sing the climax of Defying Gravity. You smack his shoulder before he can get too far.
“Shut up, idiot, you’re going to ruin your vocal cords before rehearsals even start.”
“Aw you care,” Charlie coos at you, reaching up to pinch your cheek.
You lean back as you try to bat his hand away, only to tumble over your pile of wires. Your groan is interrupted by a fit of laughter from Charlie.
“Now it’s even more tangled,” you complain.
“Hey, hey.”
You glare at Charlie as he scoots over to you to pull you back to sitting.
“You’re looking a little tied up, want some help?”
“I will strangle you – ”
Your voice cuts off when you catch a glimpse of the clock on the wall of the auditorium. You had fifteen minutes till the rest of your crew would start to stream in for rehearsal. You don’t even realise that you had started picking at your cuticles until gentle hands pry yours apart.
You exchange glances with Charlie, your best friend, your partner-in-crime, your actor to your techie. And you know immediately that he has clocked your anxiety for the impending disaster that would be the rehearsal if you don’t get the wires sorted in time.
“C’mon,” his voice is gentle. “I’ll help you and we’ll sort them a little faster. Just tell me what to do.”
The two of you sort and coil the wires in comfortable silence, shoulders brushing whenever one of you leans to grab a wire that was just a little too far away. With two pairs of hands, the wires are sorted and coiled just in time for the first people to start streaming into the auditorium.
You’re gathering the wires in your arms and about to rush off when Charlie stops you.
“Wait, I have – ” he interrupts himself, shooting you a sheepish, almost embarrassed grin as he rummages through his pockets. You look at him expectantly, but the look melts into one of fondness as he pulls out a small keychain shaped like a tech headset.
“It’s a good luck charm for you,” he says proudly.
Your mouth falls slightly open in shock.
“For tech week?”
“For tech week.”
God, you guys were such theatre kids.
“I didn’t get anything for you,” you say, warmth rising in your neck.
Charlie shrugs as he moves to hand it to you, but when he realises that your arms are too full to take it, he bends and clips the keychain to the belt loop of your jeans.
“I don’t need a keychain when I have you!” he says as he pats your shoulders good-naturedly.
You’re saved from having to give him a proper reaction when somebody yells for Charlie to get backstage to prepare. So, you mouth “Thank you” to Charlie just before the two of you are swept up by the whirlwind of chaos that was tech week rehearsal.
In your three years of friendship with Charlie, the two of you had never really gotten gifts for each other, much less good luck charms. But then again, it was your last tech week of your high school career, so maybe you did need it.
Equipped with a good luck charm from your best friend, you were sure that tech week was going to go just fine.
As it turns out, you really did need the good luck charm.
Over the week, several episodes of misfortune occurred. First, part of the set piece fell apart during a climax scene. Then, two of the leads’ mics stopped working during two separate rehearsals. Subsequently, two ensemble members sprained their ankles tripping over a prop. In a completely unrelated incident (lie), you now had a broken bench that needed to be fixed. Lastly, you got chased out by the security guard before the techies could keep all of the equipment. You returned the next day to find three wires and a wireless mic set missing.
All in all, it was tech week. And somehow, you got out of it alive.
By some miracle, the set pieces and props were easily fixed. The two ensemble members had gotten injured at the beginning of the week, so by the end of it their ankles were much better, and both were ready to perform. Another techie found the missing wires and mic at the beginning of the last day of tech week by sheer luck when she was cleaning out the backstage area.
You suppose you should thank Charlie for the good luck charm.
You didn’t get much time alone with your best friend during tech week, the both of you being too caught up with your various responsibilities as an actor and techie. So, by the end of tech week, it was safe to say you missed your best friend.
“And that’s a wrap for tech week!”
Your director’s words are met with cheers from your whole crew. Tech week was over, nothing burned down, and you were officially less than 24 hours to opening night.
Charlie finds you as you’re packing your bag, his own bag sitting on his shoulders.
“Hey,” he greets.
“Hey,” you return, bumping his shoulder. “I feel like I haven’t seen you in a week.”
He rubs the back of his neck as he replies, “Yeah, it’s been a crazy week, huh?”
You hum in agreement, before unclipping the keychain he gave you and holding it out to him.
“Turns out I really did need the good luck charm. I don’t think I would’ve made it through otherwise, so, thank you. Now’s your turn to have the keychain for opening night.”
He chuckles, reaching forward and taking it from you. Then, he’s grabbing you by the belt loop and pulling you closer, clipping the keychain back onto your belt loop.
“What – Charlie – ”
“I told you, I already have my good luck charm,” he says sincerely, gazing into your eyes.
The two of you are close, standing inside each other’s personal bubble. You’re acutely aware of Charlie’s hand hovering over your hip where he had clipped the keychain. You’re also aware that you’re so close you can see specks of green in his blue eyes.
“Charlie,” you whisper. “What does that mean?”
His smile line crinkles as he says, “How about I tell you after opening night?”
There’s a quiet moment as he studies your face for your reaction.
“Okay,” you reply.
You’re not sure what drives you to do your next action – maybe because you missed your best friend and the stress of tech week and opening night were getting to you – but you’re pulling Charlie in for a hug before you can stop yourself.
“A hug for good luck,” you blurt out.
For an embarrassing second, Charlie doesn’t move. Then he wraps his arms around you and squeezes you.
The two of you pull away, smiling.
“You’re gonna smash it tomorrow, Charlie.”
“So are you.”
“I think I’d rather not smash anything,” you joke.
Charlie shoves you slightly, and the two of you are chuckling.
The biggest event of your senior year was happening in less than 24 hours. And the two of you were going to get through it by the power of friendship and good luck charms.
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amethystfairy1 · 8 months
Pssst! I just finished reading the Travelling Thieves AU and I'm having Thoughts
I'm curious, is there going to be a combat situation between two of the major characters? (Especially curious to see Scott and Tango fight) (Fire user vs Water user fight) (Also Scott and Jimmy are the only ones who hadn't met nice masters yet, so they're more likely to assume the masters are bad and this might cause misunderstandings between them and other groups?) (And Scott probably doesn't know that water burns nether hybrids?)
Also on an unrelated note, is the noble's son that Gem and Pearl are currently going after the same as the one who burned Tango?
Hello, hello! ✨
Hmmm a major fight you say? Well...checks notes...that's some spoiler territory right there! So for now I'll just say: yes.
Y'know, they say karma comes in strange ways, and sometimes that way is by a nature elf with a ridiculously huge broadsword casually hunting you down and dicing you into several pieces.
Yes. Yes it was. 😆 Rest in pieces, Elias 💀
Thanks for coming by! 💖
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Rose Reads Love In The Big City
Part I
So as I finished reading Part I and went to look at the questions that @bengiyo provided , I felt that I couldn’t really talk about this chapter from any other place than my own experience. I usually have a hard time writing from a non personal view point which is why I don’t write that much on here. But I wanted to be part of this event and it felt disingenuous to not write from a personal place. With that said.
I moved to London when I was 24 with one of my best friends. Let’s call him P. We shared a flat for almost 4 years. And our lives were not that different from Young and Jaehee. The major difference here was that I was single for all that time and didn’t sleep with anyone. I was ace but didn’t call it that at the time.
But I saw a lot of ourselves in this chapter. When we weren’t working and he wasn’t getting laid, we would spend most of our time together. We would talk about the boy du jour, and why I hated him, except when I didn’t and in that case P was the one that didn’t like him. We would visit gay clubs after work and I was drunk by 8pm and by that time, he had a companion for the rest of the night so I would go home. Of course I would wake up at some point when he staggered back home alone or not. If alone we would talk about the night, and if not alone I would save the conversations till morning. Except for the few times when I was actually still awake and would quickly be put in charge of brewing coffee and providing food to soak up all the alcohol.
This went on for almost 4 years. He had some longer relationships, and by that I mean, maybe six months, and I abstained from all that. Although in the beginning P was relentless about my need to meet someone and get laid, eventually he got the message that that wasn’t me.
We also smoked way too much, drank way too much and I had way too much fun with his sex life. I got very familiar with the local clinic where he would get tested and got to laugh about his poor life choices when something didn’t go well.
One of the my clearest memories of that time was one time where he had a boyfriend, going on like 3 months, the one I liked and apparently he didn’t, and he brought another guy home, and after he left, I was being a judgemental bitch just has P gets a message from a former hook up saying he needs to get tested. My immediate reply was – instant karma. Obviously every time I made a joke about him being a slut I could always expect one in return asking when would I join the convent.
All this to say I saw a lot of myself and P in Part I. However, I ended up relating more to Young than to Jaehee which is interesting but makes perfect sense.
So now for the questions. I don’t think I can answer one at a time so I’ll just go through questions 1, 3 and 4 for now.
Well most things stuck out to me just because I could so clearly picture it in my head almost as a memory. The whole dynamic felt very familiar to me. Just like Young and Jaehee, we were each other’s home. The one we always returned too.
I read the fight the same way as the author did in a way. I saw it as a betrayal. But I don’t think it was about outing him, as he himself is not sure about that. It was the first time that Jaehee put someone else before Young. She told the fiancé the truth, because in that moment he was more important than Young. And that was what felt like a betrayal. Because although they shared their bodies with a number of different people, and even momentary feelings, emotionally Young had an expectation that he came first.
And now tying it with the fourth question. Me and P never had any sort of problems regarding optics. Perhaps this is a cultural nuance that I miss.
But as I was reading it, I kept waiting for the break. For when one of them was no longer happy with this arrangement. This is not to say that there needs to be a break. But in my experience, there was a break. First in the form of long distance when I returned home. We would talk everyday and have video chats more than once a week at first. Eventually the distance in geography translated into a distance in the relationship. However whenever he came back home and we were together there was still a semblance of what we shared before.
But eventually the real break came in the form of a new relationship. Eventually he met someone, and now they’ve been together for years and that person and I never really got along. There was no hostility and it’s not that I didn’t like him. We just didn’t mesh.
After they’d been together for a while, he started having a problem with our relationship. Mostly with the fact that I was an influence in his life, and for some reason he thought that meant that his influence was diminished. And apparently I was a bad influence. I will not speak to that because it really doesn’t matter.
So P made a choice. And he chose his boyfriend. I haven’t talked to P in almost two years. Because as much as we wanted to believe that our relationship was important, and bro’s before hoes and all that crap, the reality is that in this amatonormativity we live in, there really isn’t any space for that. Sharing your life with someone that doesn’t involve romance has an expiration date. And more often than not, eventually you will find a “real” partner and that will not leave space for anyone else.
And the thing is normally this would happen just like in the novel. I, the woman, would be the one that would “move on”, perhaps get married and have no space for any other significant relationship in my life.
Because it’s what’s expected. Eventually you will find your “actual” person and be normal. Move in together, get married and whatever you had with someone else was youth inspired and not for the long haul. Because who would be happy with that? I mean, Jaehee certainly didn’t seem like she was ready to get married any time soon, and although I can only guess at some of the pressures she was feeling in the context of her culture, it’s not like that doesn’t translate to my own.
Me and P never had anyone look at us weird because of our closeness. Not my family or his, or any of our friends. The only person that had a problem with that was his last partner. And of course P made the natural choice. Because let’s be real. At the end of the day, who would actually choose a friend over a relationship? I mean, I would but I’m not what anyone would call “normal” and that is just one of the many reasons why.
I don’t know what’s gonna happen with Young and Jaehee. I haven’t read past the first part. I hope they find their way to each other. But that ending – “that Jaehee didn’t live here anymore” hit me like a ton of bricks.
Thanks to @twig-tea for being my editor.
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dailydemonspotlight · 4 months
Preta - Day 48
Race: Haunt
Alignment: Dark-Chaos
June 5th, 2024
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Eastern religions are no stranger to demons, ghosts, and the like, no matter how little we may hear about them overseas- most breakouts from things like Hinduism or Buddhism are the gods and concepts, but unique ideas for monsters also spread like wildfire throughout any belief system. Bad karma reaps worse dividends, after all, and sometimes people need something to point at as an example to not be a bad person in one’s own selfish interest, or even just as a boogeyman to punish naughty children. Today’s demon of the day rests in that first camp, however- the eternally starving specter of a selfish soul, Preta.
Interestingly, Preta, directly translated to ‘hungry ghost,’ is a concept seen throughout multiple religions originating in Southeast Asia. While most famous for appearing in Hinduism, the idea of a Preta can actually be seen in Buddhism, Taoism, and even several folk religions in China as well. This idea has had several different names, but they all fit the general ‘hungry ghost’ idea- words like ပြိတ္တာ, 餓鬼, or เปรต each roughly meaning the same idea, that being of an undead, corrupted spirit tainted by greed in a past life. The reason for this is due to the spread of Buddhism- even as the other religions broke away from Buddhism, they kept the idea of the hungry ghost.
A Preta isn’t exactly as evil as I painted earlier, though- for the most part, it was actually used as a term to notate a person’s with low karma’s soul in-between the realms of life and death, wherein the deceased’s family must go through a series of rituals to help guide their soul into the next life. If a person’s family doesn’t do these things, however, their soul shall be stuck as that of a Preta for all eternity, suffering and starving. The connotation between a Preta and being a corrupted human is down to the fact that, typically, those who would form into Pretas were people who were uncared for by society, and demeaned as evil as a result of that fact. The lack of caring for these people, combined with their already low karma needed to form into a preta, is what causes them to be cursed into this state of half-death.
Once reanimated into a Preta, the soul would be cursed to be forever hungry, typically feeling a hankering for something repugnant or bizarre- things like corpses, feces, mud, and random still-living animals, just to name a few. While a preta, on top of this, the person would have their senses utterly corrupted- a river of water would become a river of pollution, trees would turn into filth, and people themselves would look inhumane, emaciated, or broken apart.
A majority of the time, a Preta is depicted as an emaciated human with a protruding belly and a slender neck, a visual metaphor for their inflicted mindset. A good amount of the time, artwork depicting a Preta displays it in mind-numbing pain, starving and curled up into balls, bawling their eyes out. Some of this artwork also depicts them spewing out flames, connected to a common legend regarding them, that being that any food that enters their mouth would be burned in seconds to cinders, rendering it uneatable. On top of this, their punishment worsens in the form of every temperature being incredibly intense, as the moon barely shining on them in summer feels like the fires of hell while the brightest sun in winter feels like being exposed to liquid nitrogen.
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In most Buddhist traditions, preta are beings to be pitied- as people who weren’t capable of achieving good enough karma to pass on peacefully, and as inherently pathetic and sad creatures, some even leave offerings to help encourage the restless wandering spirits to try for better karma in their next life. In Hindu traditions, however, they are far less sympathetic, even if treated with pity as well.
A variety of rituals are undertaken to guarantee that a person doesn’t become a preta upon passing in Hindu tradition. Over the course of a mourning period, rice balls are granted to a symbolic representation of the passed-on person, typically in the form of a clay mound, each rice ball representing a different aspect of a new person. All the while, during this process, the family both grieves and has to partake in several restrictions to guarantee the person passes on, such as the chief mourner partaking in light fasting, not sleeping in a bed, or cleaning themselves. Avoiding one’s deceased loved one from becoming a preta is a major part of Hindu tradition, even to this day- on the thirteenth day of mourning, a common tradition is to perform a major ceremony titled “Preta Karma,” which outlines everything I’ve said above.
In Buddhism, preta are one of the forms of existence post-reincarnation, encompassing the existence of being a ghost. Their torment has already been explored above, but in short, life sucks as a Preta, and most want to pass on again very soon.
Now, with all of that out of the way, which was a lot, how are Preta depicted in SMT? Their design is perfect, in my opinion- it encompasses most depictions of a preta throughout history, all the while bringing its own spin to the table. It’s an iconic demon design for good reason, being simple and acceptable as an early-game mook, while still fitting the generally accepted idea of what a preta looks like. In the series, they are traditionally very early game demons, mostly appearing in the first few dungeons, if not the very first. This tradition has kept up for almost every game in the series, a surprising first in this series- they’ve appeared in almost every SMT game, and in almost ALL of them, they’re pretty much throwaways.
But, I gotta say, we need to give some props to the little guys. They may be fusion fodder, but they had a special place in my heart, and that’s all you really need at the end of the day. Overall, in spite of how complicated a topic this turned out to be, this multicultural hungry ghost has somehow grown to one of my favorite demons just due to how pathetic it is. I kinda love him.
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intuitivemoonbaby · 2 years
Important Messages for February 2023
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Hey weirdos :) Welcome or welcome back to another tarot reading. Today I’ll be seeing “what important messages do you need to hear for February 2023” I pulled tarot and oracle cards for this reading.
Remember, to pick the pile you most resonate with. Ground yourself, take a few deep breaths and pick your pile. Trust your intuition! Don’t second guess yourself. Please just take what resonates and leave the rest :) If pile(s) don’t resonate, then this reading may not be for you. Now scroll for your reading.
Tarot/Oracle used: White Numen Tarot Deck & The Rose Oracle Deck
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Pile One
Tarot: You could be holding onto the past. Spirit is asking you to let that go. It’s causing you to feel stuck and it’s not helping you move forward. You could have a choice to make this month, but it seems like you don’t know which one to pick. Trust your intuition. Try sitting in silence or meditating, the answer will come to you. I also see that you’re going through a transformation. Letting go of things that don’t align with you and moving forward on your path.
Oracle: Rose without Throns & Whispers of Mother Earth. Spirit is asking you to enjoy life. Do you feel like you don’t deserve joy? You have a right to be happy! Embrace the present moment. You also have inspiration coming in. Spirit is asking you to unlock your creativity. What does your soul long to create?
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Pile Two
Tarot: You may be planting seeds for a new project or business idea. You’re really ambitious about it. You also could be going through a “tower” moment this month. Something in your life isn’t stable, you may go through sudden change or upheaval; so you can re-build a more stable foundation. You will come out of the this “tower” moment with more excitement, inspiration & new ideas. You have someone coming towards you, but this person is full of shit (liar and/or emotionally manipulative/immature). Keep an eye out.
Oracle: Brothers of the Rose & Held. Spirit is asking you to step into your masculinity. Be protective over yourself and ideas. You could be doing sacred work. Spirit also wants you to know that you have unseen help and support during this time. They want you to know that they have your back and you can trust them. How can you call in more support for your life?
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Pile Three
Tarot: This month, you may have conflicts with someone who is toxic and ego-driven. They could be an air sign (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius). They’re watching you like a hawk. If this person is prevalent in your life, cut them off. Block them especially on social media. Every one of these piles has talked about inspiration in some way and you’re no different. You have major inspiration and fast moving energy coming in this month! You have ideas that you want to plan & move forward on. You may have someone coming in your life, possibly a water sign (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces). This person makes you happy and seems to connect to your inner child. This is good karma coming back to you. They could have money. I heard ♪ ♪ money, money, money, mon-ey, moneeeyyy ♪ ♪
Oracle: The Bloom & The Sacred Waters. Spirt is asking you to celebrate what you’ve created and enjoy what’s next to come. You’re blooming, enjoy the moment! Spirit is also saying to take care of yourself. Don’t burn yourself out! Make sure you’re getting enough sleep and taking care of your body. Prioritize self-care! What’s your body yearning for?
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Thank you everyone! I hoped your reading resonated. Have a great month ☻ Until next time…
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bubblybloob · 2 months
Random brain wave rain world theory. Major spoilers.
So like, the void fluid seems to give you what you most desire, as seen by all the normal endings, as well as Hunter’s, Monk’s, and Artificer’s. Whether or not that it’s even real is also a question, since we know slugpups can’t ascend, yet Arti’s appear in that ending, and NSH is definitely not ascended by the time Hunter ascends.
As far as I can tell, what Saint desires is to ascend every living being, including Iterators.
I think the reason Saint is in a perpetual state of returning to the Rubicon is to specifically ascend all the void worms.
They all rest near the top of the fluid, do you see how far they drag you in the other endings? They don’t seem to have properly ascended like the other creatures, it seems it’s just their job to bring those other creatures to their (most likely fake) peace.
So, in their mission to ascend everything, Saint goes down to ascend the void worms as well, however, the void worms do not like this. Don’t know what does it, maybe it’s the void worms flailing around as they clutch onto their ascending selves, could be the void fluid, or maybe just the massive potential shockwave created by ascending something so… eldritch?? Whatever it is, Saint upsets the balance or someone/thing and gets sent back to low karma and up to the surface in hopes the Saint won’t come back.
But, this is their desire, so Saint does, again and again and again.
It could very well take eons to finish their work given how many void worms there are, but they are determined.
There are other theories I have with some minor details surrounding this. Like maybe the reason Rubicon exists is to specifically prevent Saint from reaching the worms. Maybe, unlike the fake happy endings the void fluid makes, it wasn’t able to give Saint its greatest desire in an illusion, so it was forced to give it the actual ability to ascend? Who knows.
Also, not a believer in the Sliver of Straw making Saint theory, I believe it’s been confirmed wrong? Not entirely sure, don’t quote me on that. Either way, that particular theory wasn’t kept in mind for this. Felt I had to mention that due to the popularity of it.
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skz317cb97 · 2 years
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Hwang Hyunjin x Thick female reader
Word count: 7.1k
Synopsis: You're floating on cloud nine when you find out the sorority that lives to torment you has come under fire by Hyunjin's frat and the school. Of course the sisters blame you. Is what seemed to be a set up on your behalf actually karma and Pi's just desserts or did someone set this wheel in motion for you?
A/N: Wow. You guys this is it. The final part of the thick reader series. There have been times that I have been tired and frustrated and not pleased with my work but there have also been times that I've read paragraphs written out about how one of these stories touched someone, made someone feel seen, understood, that it was a story they could actually immerse themselves in because the main character had similar insecurities. Just, the good way way out weighed the bad is what I'm getting at. Anyway I'll stop rambling. I hope you all enjoy this final part, if you do please like, comment, reblog hit my ask box what ever. I love to hear from you all about these stories especially. As always warnings and smut below the cut!
Warnings: 18+ ONLY MDNI! Cursing and strong language, oral sex (m&f recieving), deep throating, unprotected piv sex (please use condoms), cream pie. I think that covers everything. If I missed something please let me know and I'll add it to the list. It's late I very well may have missed something.
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The day after the party you woke up next to Hyunjin perfectly content. The Pi sisters may have won the majority of the battles during your time in university, but you clearly had won the war. Whether they knew it or not didn’t matter to you. You were happy laying there with Hyunjin and THAT was all that mattered to you. Being happy with in incredibly kind and gorgeous man is the best revenge you could ever hope for. You propped yourself up on an elbow resting your head on your hand and watched him sleep for a minute. He was so insanely beautiful. You started to trace your finger along the bridge of his nose gently. His nose twitched a bit, then he settled, still asleep. Your finger traced along his brow, down his nose again and then softly glided across his lips. He took a sharp breath in and jumped a little when he woke up, then he saw you and smiled with his eyes still half closed pulling you close and wrapping you in his arms again. 
“I could really get used to waking up to that beautiful face. Good morning.” His voice was low and groggy from sleep still. You kissed his pouty lips. 
“Good morning.” You giggled as he started to kiss your cheek and then down your neck and shoulder. You could feel his warm mouth leaving a trail of kisses and you let out a breathy moan when his teeth grazed your soft flesh. You could feel yourself getting more excited with every kiss and nibble. Even after the three times you had fucked the night before you wanted more of Hyunjin and him of you. Alas the whole reason you were even awake at that hour was because you had a class that day. So you had to pump the breaks. 
“Hyunjin mmm Hyun...fuck.” You were having trouble forming words the more you felt his pillowy lips touch you, then his hands started to explore your soft body inching closer and closer to where you wanted him most. 
Hyunjin-ah, I have... I havea classmmm... have... haveta get up.” You could feel his lips form a pout on your neck as his hands ceased their journey. 
“You haaave to?” You laughed as he nuzzled closer locking his arms and legs around you. 
“Unfortunately, it’s a very important class that I need to pass. Most of his testing is based on his lectures so you don’t go you don’t know.” Hyunjin huffed and loosened his grip on you. You kissed his nose. 
“Thank you.” You started to get up and he pulled you down for one last passionate kiss. 
“I’ll head out so you can get ready.” He got up and started getting dressed then walked over to you. He cupped your face and kissed you sweetly. 
“Have a good class today beautiful. Text me later when you’re free?” You nodded smiling like an idiot but no more than Hyunjin was. At least the feeling was mutual. 
“Bye Hyunjin.” He waved goodbye as he walked out of your room towards your front door. You quickly showered and got ready for class. Meanwhile Hyunjin was driving back home to take a shower and fall back into bed still wore out from your marathon the night before. Just when he was about to drift off to sleep Hyunjin’s fraternity brother, Jisung, knocked as he was coming in at the same time. 
“Hwang? Where have you been all night? Have you heard?” Hyunjin looked up at Jisung through his sleepy eyes. 
“I was... with a girl.” Jisung smirked. 
“It’s not like you to hook up. Was it that girl with you at the party last night?” Hyunjin nodded. 
“Yea and it wasn’t just a hook up.” Jisung nodded putting up his hands in defense. 
“Got it got it chill. Any way did you guys leave before the shit hit the fan?” Hyunjin shrugged.  
“We’ll I’m not sure was it before you and I delt with the douche bags or after Pi tried to humiliate my date?” Jisung looked shocked. 
“Pi did what?!” Hyunjin sat up.  
“Yea Riyah and Lynn I’m sure the others were in on it too. They told her my asking her out was just a joke between all of us. Add to that, you remember pool girl I told you about second year?” Jisung nodded. 
“Yea that was y/n. They left her in the pool in the middle of the day.” Jisung ran his hand down his face. 
“Naked.” He finished his sentence, he had remembered, Hyunjin nodded. 
“Well, that’s really it for them then, the last strike.” Hyunjin was confused. 
“What do you mean that’s it for them.” Jisung shrugged. 
“Their sorority has been on probation with the school for allegations of hazing, harassment, and discrimination. They’re coming up for review to decide if they get to remain a sorority and to see if their affiliation with our house will continue or be revoked. You know Delta has a zero-tolerance policy for shit like that. So, with the probation, what happened last night, and what they did to your girl, that’s it.” Hyunjin suddenly realized he might have said too much and tried to back petal a little.  
“I’m telling you right now dude, she won’t make a report or statement about it. She never did her freshman year, and she won’t now. What else did Pi do last night?” Jisung shook his head, Hyunjin could tell he was irritated by the thought alone. 
“We saw a few girls leave upset and crying after being seen with some of the sisters. We asked the sisters what happened, and they said they didn’t know. One of the girls came back for her friend and when Chan saw her, he pulled her aside and asked if she was okay. Turns out the sorority sisters were telling some of the girls that we were throwing a ‘Pig Party’ and that’s why they had been invited. Needless to say, when Chan found out he was furious.” Hyunjin was shocked that they were so brazen to pull shit like that right under their noses. 
“He kicked all the sisters out of the party, made an announcement apologizing for Pi and everyone went back to partying, but I knew it wouldn’t be the last of it. Sure enough posted on the bulletin this morning was notice of Pi’s review, Chan works fast. I don’t think it’s going to matter much if your girl makes a complaint or not. I’m pretty sure Chan’s already made up his mind on our end. Even if the school lets Pi slide their ties to our house are cut.” Hyunjin usually checked the board every time he came home but he hadn’t even looked at it when he came in, he had been so tired. Now he was wide awake trying to figure out how to tell you this was happening. He decided he needed to find you, tell you before you found out any other way. Things could look bad if he wasn’t the one to explain what was going on. 
You, of course, were in your class listening to the most mind-numbing lecture trying not to think about Hyunjin and his lips and his body and his... You were pulled from your thoughts when one of the doors to the lecture hall opened. In walked two faces that you were not pleased to see. Riyah and Lynn. They made their way up to the professor, sweet expressions plastered on their perfectly contoured and highlighted faces. 
“What can I do for you ladies, you’re interrupting my class.” They both eyed you and then focused back on your teacher. 
“Sorry professor it’s actually an emergency and we need to escort y/n to the dean.” Your guts dropped. What the hell were they up to? The professor looked up at you. 
“Go ahead Ms. y/l/n I’ll send an audio file of today's lecture just this once.” You hesitated. The teacher spoke up again when you didn’t make a move to leave with the girls. 
“Well now, go on don’t leave the man waiting, I’m sure he’s quite busy.” You nodded, finally grabbing your things and bowing as you headed out the door with the other two girls close behind. You didn’t want to cause a scene in class, so you just left with them, but you weren’t an idiot; you weren’t going to just blindly go wherever they wanted you to. The first hall you came across you ducked down trying to get away from the sisters. Unfortunately, you chose one of the dead-end halls that lead back towards the custodian’s office and supply room. The girls followed you down the hall. Both of them approached you and shoved you against the wall. Lynn was in your face almost nose to nose. 
“Listen up bitch, you’re fucking with the wrong house. Do you know who my father is?” You internally rolled your eyes. Of course, you did, everyone did, she made it known on a regular basis. It was also what kept her out of trouble most of the time. Evidently not this time and whatever was going on you were being blamed. 
“You thought you could just tattle to Chan and that we wouldn’t take action? You’re going to retract your allegations or else the things you called torture will look like a cakewalk. Got it!?” Chan? Statement? What were they talking about? The sisters had heard that a girl they had been torturing told Chan about what they had been doing to her, that was why they were booted from the party and up for review. Lynn shoved you against the wall again hard just as Hyunjin was walking past. When he saw you, he stopped. 
“What the fuck is going on here?” The girls instantly turned on their sweet faces feigning innocence, but Hyunjin wasn’t buying it. He was focused on your face which was downcast. Tears were collecting in your eyes threatening to spill over. 
“You...” He was almost at a loss for words he was so furious. 
“This is exactly why you’re coming up for review, shit like this.” Your head popped up when he said that. How did Hyunjin know already? He walked past the two girls and grabbed your hand leading you out of that hall. You walked out of the building and you both got in Hyunjin’s car and headed towards your apartment. When you got home you kicked your shoes off and immediately turned the kettle on for some tea. There was a tense silence hanging in the air. It had been there the whole car ride and the elevator ride up. Finally, you were the one who broke it. 
“You knew about their review?” You looked upset still, Hyunjin wasn’t sure how to respond he did know but only because Jisung had just told him. To you his hesitation spoke volumes. You turned to him. 
“I told you. I told you I didn’t want to retaliate. That I didn’t want to be Edmond in our story.” Hyunjin shook his head. 
“No, I didn’t...” You shook your head. 
“You told Chan, you told Chan and now they think I told him and are gunning for me even harder than before.” Hyunjin tried to get a handle on the situation. 
“The review, I had-” 
“I think you should leave. I... I need time to process things.” He was starting to panic. You misunderstood him completely. 
“Bab-” You put up a hand and he stopped. 
“Please... Hyunjin please.” You were tired and stressed. He didn’t want to add to it. He needed to give you the time you asked for. Hyunjin frowned and nodded. He walked over, kissed your cheek, and saw his way out without another word. It was so hard for you to do. You knew whatever Hyunjin told Chan, it was because he cared but he should have listened to your wishes. Not only that but now the sisters had a legitimate reason to target you. You decided you would go talk to Chan the next day. See if you could get yourself off Pi’s radar once and for all. 
The next day after your classes you went to the Delta house and knocked. When Hyunjin opened the door, his eyes went wide with surprise. 
“y/n! Oh my god I’m so glad you’re...” He reached out to pull you into a hug and you stopped him. You still were upset that he’d told Chan. Seeing the frown on his face you felt conflicted, you were upset but you weren’t trying to hurt him either, so you leaned in and kissed his cheek. 
“I’m here to talk to Chan.” Hyunjin gave you a small smile and nodded. 
“Of course, uh, I’ll let him know you’re here.” Hyunjin called up the stairs for Chan who came running down them not even two minutes later. 
“Oh hi! You’re Hyunjin’s friend that I met at the party the other night, y/n right?” You nodded smiling at the outgoing man. 
“Yes and the party is kind of the reason I’m here.” Chan’s face morphed into worry. 
“Whatever Hyunjin told you Lynn did it wasn’t...what I mean is Pi isn...” You stopped. Chan looked confused and then what you were saying clicked. 
“Oh God did Pi do something to you too?” It was your turn to be confused now. 
“Wha-? I... Didn’t Hyunjin tell you?” Chan shook his head no and you turned to Hyunjin. 
“I was trying to tell you yesterday; I had mentioned what happened to Jisung but they had already made the decision for the review. I told him you wouldn’t want to report anything. He said it wouldn’t matter, with or without your statement the wheels were already in motion, so he and I never told Chan about it.” You felt awful you had jumped to conclusions without even giving Hyunjin a chance to explain. 
“Hyunjin... I’m, I’m so sorry.” He shook his head and hugged you.  
“You have nothing to be sorry for. You told me you needed time and then you heard me out. There’s nothing wrong with that.” You shook your head. 
“I accused you of doing something you didn’t do...” He pressed his plush lips against yours and you blushed profusely since Chan, who was smirking, was still standing right there. 
“There now all is forgiven.” You gave Hyunjin a serious look and he smiled back at you, his dimples popping out and his eyes morphing into little crescents. 
“What? Kisses fix everything. Didn’t your mom ever kiss your boo boos?” You couldn’t help but smile. Chan cleared his throat reminding the two of you that he was still standing there.  
“y/n? Why are you so adamant about not making a statement against Pi?” Chan asked and you explained your Count of Monte Cristo conversation you’d had with Hyunjin. He nodded. 
“I agree completely but let me ask you this, would you feel the same about the situation if it were guys doing these things to someone? What if a girl was sexually harassed? If it’s another girl that makes it okay?” You shook your head. 
“Well, no not in those scenarios of course not.” Chan shrugged his shoulders. 
“What’s different about your scenario aside from the fact that you’re the victim?” You didn’t have a rebuttal and Chan looked at you knowingly. 
“I’m not saying set them up or get even but there’s nothing wrong with telling someone with authority what’s going on when you’re being harassed, I don’t want them to be able to do this to anyone else, do you?” You shook your head. 
“Then please, come to the review hearing tomorrow, stand up to them. That doesn’t make you Edmond in your story, it doesn’t.” You pressed your lips together still apprehensive.  
“I’ll think about it Chan.” He smiled and nodded. 
“That’s all I ask. I’m gonna go finish preparing for tomorrow. See you guys!” You waved goodbye to Chan as he ran back up the stairs. It was only you and Hyunjin left standing there.  
“I’m sorr-” His lips silenced you. He pulled away and pressed his forehead to yours. 
“Please don’t apologize. I understand why you thought what you did, it was why I was walking by when I saw you, Lynn, and Riyah. I knew how it might look, I tried to get to you first, but I guess Pi was faster.” You could hear the regret in his voice. You pressed your lips to his again, tilting your head and opening your mouth, allowing his tongue to tease you. He thread his fingers through your hair and deepened the kiss. He nibbled at your bottom lip and your whole body started to buzz in excitement. Just then three of Hyunjin’s frat brothers, Changbin, Jisung, and Minho, all of whom you met at the party the other night, came walking in. 
“Oh shit. Uh sorry.” Changbin apologized for the group. Your face burned and Hyunjin excused the two of you. 
“No problem guys, we were just about to head out. I’ll see you all later.” Hyunjin playfully slapped a couple of the guys on the back as he passed, then they all gave you a small bow and smiled as you followed. You nodded to them and hurried behind Hyunjin, still embarrassed being caught by them. When you both got outside Hyunjin turned to you. 
“How’d you get here?”  
“I rode the city bus, it’ll come by again her-” Hyunjin scoffed 
“Yea I think not. I’ll take you home.” You smiled. 
“You don’t have to.” He nodded. 
“I know but I want to.” You smirked and cocked your eyebrow at him. 
“I’ve got a lecture to listen to, no... distractions.” Hyunjin laughed and feigned offence. 
“Yahh! What do you... that’s not why I offered thank you very much!” You smiled and kissed him. 
“I know baby.” You turned and walked towards his car. Hyunjin did as he said he would and drove you home opting to kiss you goodbye in the car, at least that’s what he called the twenty-minute make out session you had. When you both were finally able to pry your lips off the other’s, you went inside and Hyunjin left. You had hunkered down at your desk and tried to focus on the lecture your professor had been kind enough to send you a copy of, but you kept thinking about all the things Pi had done to you over the years and the conversation you had with Chan. What he said made sense, it did, but it didn’t mean it was going to be an easy decision for you still. When you looked at the clock again it was passed midnight. So much for no distractions, you told yourself. You turned off your lecture and climbed into bed hoping to get some rest and have a clear mind to make your decision the next day. 
It was the day of the review hearing and sleep had done nothing to help you make your decision. You still weren’t sure what to do. While you had a whole internal debate the upper-class men of Delta house, Chan, Minho, Changbin and Hyunjin all got ready to go to the hearing. Since they were the acting counsel of their house it was mandatory for them to be there because of Delta’s ties to Pi. Chan had a thick file of all the complaints and statements from other girls Pi had tormented all too scared to make a statement in person. Chan hoped you would come; it would be better for them to hear it straight from the source. Things went back and forth for quite a while, each statement Chan read off, Pi would have some excuse for. It was infuriating Chan because it was starting to look like they might just get away with all of it. Then the back set of double doors opened, and you walked in. Everyone’s head turned in your direction, Chan and Hyunjin’s faces lit up and the Pi girls looked angry but worried. As they should have been because you had decided not to let these girls hurt anyone else, you had decided to make a statement. The man sitting in the middle of the head table, who you knew to be the dean of the school addressed you. 
“Young lady are you misplaced?” You shook your head. 
“No sir I’m here to personally give my statement against the sorority Pi.” He pressed his lips together and looked at the Pi girls who no longer looked as confident. The dean motioned for you to step forward. 
“Please proceed Ms.?” You bowed as you stepped forward 
“y/l/n, y/n y/l/n.” He smiled at you. 
“Please proceed Ms. y/l/n.” You thanked him. You had difficulty trying to figure out where to start. You looked over at Hyunjin who smiled brightly at you. 
“My freshman year as rush week approached, I heard about the prestigious Pi. I was new here and wanted to make friends, so I rushed for Pi. Instead of building bonds of sisterhood like I was led to believe would be happening, I was forced to do a multitude of humiliating tasks to even be considered for entry. They did it to all the girls but for some reason they singled me out especially for the worst tasks. I withdrew my application to join after an embarrassing pool incident. Thankfully Mr. Hwang had come along and kindly helped me when I needed it.” The dean looked over at Hyunjin and he nodded confirming your story. You continued. 
“Apparently, they weren’t pleased with my withdrawal, so they started targeting me wherever they saw me, at times seeking me out. They spread rumors about me having diseases, dumped things on me, cut my hair, pushed and tripped me every chance they got and so much more. I wasn’t even safe from them at my dorm and eventually had to move to off campus housing so that I wasn’t tormented constantly.” You started to get a little teary-eyed thinking back and realizing how much you had let them get away with. Chan was right this wasn’t revenge or getting even this was doing the right thing.  
“Sir there are so many things I could stand here and list off that these ladies have done to me over the last three years, but I think you get the jist with the examples I’ve given.” He nodded in agreement. 
“Thank you, Ms. y/l/n please have a seat and we’ll continue.” You went and sat by Hyunjin, he grabbed your hand and kissed the back of it. He was so proud of you for doing what you’d just done. The dean looked over at the Pi girls all of which were fidgeting and nervous. It wasn’t so easy to come up with an excuse when the accuser was right there to refute what they said. 
“Would any of you ladies like to make a statement pertaining to Ms. y/l/n's accusations?” Lynn stood up quickly as if she were going to deny it or make an excuse, but she sat back down just as quickly. The dean nodded. 
“I see. Well then it seems there is no other choice to make. Ladies of the sorority Pi, your house and sorority will be dissolved and any affiliation to the Delta fraternity will be revoked. You ladies have a month to get your affairs in order and find alternative housing.” The girls all looked shocked and angry.  
“That’s not fair!” Lynn’s voice sounded over the mumbling of the others. The dean looked at her. 
“Step forward young lady.” She did so. 
“You had an opportunity to refute her allegations and did not, so that means the things she said, you did in fact do, yes?” Lynn stood there silently which was answer enough. 
“What’s not fair is for a young lady just trying to get an education and make friends to be tormented by the very girls she tried befriending. Now considering you physically assaulted Ms. y/l/n we could also involve the police and have grounds for expulsion, so think the punishment is not only fair but rather lenient. Wouldn’t you say young lady?” Lynn quietly nodded. 
“With that ladies and gentlemen, I do believe we can call this review done. Thank you everyone, you’re dismissed.” You all stood to leave and Hyunjin pulled you into a tight hug. 
“I’m so proud of you.” When he let go you noticed Chan standing there behind you still. You turned to him and smiled. 
“You were right Chan standing up to them doesn’t make me Edmond, thank you for showing me that.” Chan nodded and smiled back. 
“Hey, I just opened the door, you chose to walk through. We were dying until you came in so really, I should be thanking you.” You gave Chan a hug which surprised him but then he hugged you back chuckling. He turned to Hyunjin.  
“You guys coming back to the house with us?” Hyunjin looked at you. It had been a stressful day you were ready to just relax. Hyunjin shook his head. 
“No, I think I’m gonna get her home. I’ll see you guys later though.” Chan gave Hyunjin a high-five pulling him in for a hug, then him, Minho and Changbin all headed out. Hyunjin walked you to his car and opened the door smiling at you as you got in. He slid into the driver’s seat then both of you buckled up and headed towards your apartments. When you got there Hyunjin pulled in and parked. 
“D-do...” Why were you so nervous to ask him to come up? Hyunjin grabbed your hand and took it in both of his. You looked up at him and when he smiled it relaxed you. 
“Do you want to come upstairs?” His smile grew wider, and his dimples made an appearance again. He nodded. 
“I’d love to.” Hyunjin got out, opened your door. He wrapped his arm around your waist as you walked into your apartment building. You were walking up to the elevator when you both saw the sweet old lady that lived up the hall from you standing and waiting. She saw you and Hyunjin approaching and smiled brightly at you. 
“Well, it’s lovely to see the two of you again.” You smiled and Hyunjin bowed. 
“It’s wonderful seeing you again too ma’am” He looked down and noticed some bags around the lady's feet. 
“Are these your groceries? Here let me...” He started to grab the bags and she protested. 
“Oh, now you don’t need to do that.” He shook his head. 
“It’s no trouble we’re going the same direction besides my mom would have my hide if she saw me let a beautiful lady carry her own groceries.” The old lady playfully slapped his arm but allowed him to assist her with the bags. When the doors opened Hyunjin allowed you and the neighbor lady to get on first. You pressed the button to your floor and the doors closed. Hyunjin had insisted on dropping the bags in her kitchen, which he did. While he was setting the bags down the old lady leaned into your ear. 
“Well, I do believe you’ve found yourself a keeper young lady.” You smiled and nodded. 
“I do believe you’re correct ma’am.” You both started laughing as Hyunjin walked back towards the two of you. 
“You two swapping gossip?” He said with a quirked eyebrow. You both continued laughing. You grabbed Hyunjin’s hand and pulled him towards the front door. 
“Something like that. Have a good night, ma’am!” You called back to her as you pulled Hyunjin towards the hall. She waved you off and you closed the door before you and Hyunjin made your way down to your own apartment. You unlocked the door letting Hyunjin in first, you closed it behind you and suddenly Hyunjin felt arms wrapped around his midsection, your face and body pressed against his back. He rested his hands on your clasped hands in front of him. You took a deep breath and hummed a little. 
“How are you so kind and so beautiful. It’s not fair.” You pouted and Hyunjin laughed. 
“Easy, I learned from you.” You laughed now and Hyunjin turned around wrapping his arms around you. 
“Really y/n you’re amazing you know? What you did today, standing up and telling that review panel what happened, preventing it from happening to anyone else. That took guts and I’m so insanely proud of you.” Hyunjin cupped your cheek and kissed you softly. He started to pull away, but you grabbed his face and held it in place as you deepened the kiss. Hyunjin pulled your soft body flush against his and your fingers wove through his hair as the kiss became more desperate by the second. Hyunjin’s lips only parted from yours when they started to trail down your neck. The way his full lips felt against your skin was exquisite. You gasped when he gently raked his teeth across your shoulder. 
“Hyunjin...” You whined. 
“Don’t tease me. Want you.” You claimed his lips again as you started to pull him towards your bedroom while unbuttoning the white shirt he’d worn especially for the review hearing. 
“I won’t tease you baby.” Hyunjin pulled his shirt off then started to pull your dress up over your head, removing it and leaving you standing there in your white lace panties and bra. Hyunjin took in your figure, and you blushed as his eyes roamed your full body. You wanted to cover yourself but then Hyunjin licked his lips biting his bottom one between his teeth. 
“Fuck you really are beautiful you know?” You shied away, and you shook your head no. 
“Well, I'm gonna keep showing you until you do.” Hyunjin led you towards your bed and had you lay back then crawled on top of you placing chaste kisses here and there up your body. He pulled one of the cups of your bra down and took your nipple into his warm mouth, sucking and swirling his tongue around it. He pulled the other cup down and sucked on that nipple as well until it was hard and sensitive to the touch. Hyunjin pulled the straps of your bra down as you pulled your arms out so it was around your midsection and he worked his way down your body. He bit the cute bow on your panties and started to place soft kisses on the insides of your soft thighs each one closer and closer to where you ached for him to be. Hyunjin pulled your panties over your ass and down your legs, tossing them and then slid his tongue through your folds, savoring you before diving in and going at you like a starved man. You grabbed his hair gently. 
“Ffffuck Hy-Hyunjin god that feels so good!” He hummed and doubled his efforts which had your hips canting up forcing Hyunjin to spread his big hand across your tummy. 
“Hold still or I might just have to tie you up baby.” He chuckled but you clenched around nothing at his words. Hyunjin of course noticed. 
“Oh? I’ll file that away for a future conversation for now I’m content to make you cum on my tongue.” Hyunjin started going down on you with fervor again and you did your best to keep your movement down to a minimum, squirming under his lips and tongue. You could feel the crescendo to your orgasm. 
“Baby baby I... I’m gonna cum!” Hyunjin grabbed hold of your thick thighs, pulling you closer as he practically growled with excitement sending you teetering over the edge. His grip on you remained tight as he gave you sweet little kitten licks while you started to return to your body. 
“So good, fuck you taste so good beautiful, think you can give me one more?” He didn’t wait for your answer before he started to gently suck on your clit then softly lick it. He had devoured you the last time, this time he was savoring you. 
“Hyunjin-ahmmm oh my god yes! Fingers please f-fingers.” He hummed and slid two of his fingers inside you, pumping them slowly in and out. He came up for air. 
“Let me take you there, let go for me baby, cum for me.” His fingers still slowly, gently, fucking you deep. He leaned back down and continued to savor every bit of you. Your first orgasm was a buildup this one hit you like a Mack truck. Hyunjin’s arms wrapped around your thighs preventing you from moving too much. You shuddered and your toes curled as he softly made out with your pussy then those sinfully plump lips made their way up your body leaving a fiery trail of goosebumps behind them. 
“Fuck you are so gorgeous.” You laid there speechless, breathless, and flushed. He smiled and kissed your cheeks, once on each side. 
“You still with me.” You giggled and shook your head letting out a big breath. You pulled him down into a passionate kiss as you worked at the button of his pants, reaching in and grabbing his cock. He closed his eyes and bit his lip as you started to gently stroke him in his pants. 
“Who’s teasing now?” You smirked.  
“Well then take them off.” You both laughed. Hyunjin got off you long enough to lose the pants and boxer briefs he’d had on before climbing on top of you again. You licked your palm and grabbed him more firmly this time, stroking him faster. Hyunjin buried his head in the crook of your neck. 
“Feels so good y/n. Your fingers wrapped around my cock feel s-so good.” He kissed you and you hummed then whispered against his kiss swollen lips. 
“I think my mouth would feel even better.” Hyunjin laughed but quickly stopped when you ran the tips of your fingers over his balls. He sucked in a quick breath as you started to fondle him. You whispered again this time against his ear. 
“Lay back for me baby. Let me make you feel good now.” Hyunjin wanted to complain when you took your hand off him, but he knew it would soon be replaced by something that was going to feel a hundred times better than your hand. He rolled off you and sat with his back against the headboard. You crawled up between his legs and his cock got harder the closer you came to wrapping those sweet lips around him. 
“Oh fuck, suck me beautiful, please!” You grabbed him again and started stroking him.  
“You want me to suck on this?” Hyunjin nodded. 
“Yes, please fuck.” You didn’t make him wait any longer. You took him in your mouth and started swirling your tongue around the tip. Hyunjin leaned his head back against the headboard. 
“Yes, god yes.” He gripped your hair keeping it pulled up and away so he could see you taking his cock deeper and deeper. When the tip of his dick hit the back of your throat it made a wet sound and you gagged a little. You stroked his cock as you caught your breath.  
“Does it feel good baby?” Hyunjin nodded aggressively. 
“Fuck yes! Do you think you can deep throat it again baby?” You nodded, smiling a mischievous smile. You took him back into your mouth and immediately took him as far as you could gagging, your spit coating his cock, his hands gripping your hair, his hips wanting to move, wanting to thrust and fuck your throat. You gagged yourself with his dick more as you started to fondle him again and Hyunjin thought he might blow right there. You pulled off him again breathless, stroking him. Hyunjin pulled you up so you were straddling his thighs and started to kiss you, his fingertips tracing every inch of your body. 
“Sit on my cock beautiful, ride me ‘til you cum sweet thing.” You bit your lip and nodded as Hyunjin lined his dick up with your entrance. You slowly slid down, taking him inch by inch, savoring the stretch you felt when Hyunjin was inside you. When your thick ass rested against his thighs you rolled your hips. You don’t know who moaned louder what you do know is it set Hyunjin off. He gripped your hips and made you grind against him. It was messy and raw, his cock stayed buried deep inside you as he pushed and pulled against your full hips making you ride him faster. 
“Oh OHOH my god Hyunjin fuck! S-so d-deep ssso ddeep FUCK!” He worked you against him faster, your clit pressed firmly against his pelvic muscles sending you racing towards your third orgasm of the night. Your muscles all tensed, and you threw your head back as Hyunjin helped work you through your climax. As soon as your breathing evened somewhat, he leaned forward laying you back, your legs were now open and pressed into the mattress. Hyunjin held you down and rolled his hips as fucked you harder. 
“God damn so fucking wet for me beautiful. So wet, feels so good.” You gripped Hyunjin’s hair and pulled him down into a bruising kiss as he continued to fuck you deeper, harder. You gently pulled on his hair pulling his head back enough to speak. 
“Cum for me Hyunjin, fuck wanna feel you... God! Please!” Hyunjin held you close his forehead pressed against yours letting out little pants of breath before moaning as he came inside you. 
“Oh god y/n, baby I’m coming, fuck!” Hyunjin rolled his hips into yours slower and softer as he filled you. He slumped down on top of you as he started to soften inside you. You grunted and nudged him laughing. 
“You’re heavy, come on, ugh, off!” He laughed as you struggled but then climbed off you and rested beside you in the bed, eyes already heavy. You pushed his hair out of his face and kissed his forehead. 
“I’m gonna shower.” He nodded eyes completely closed now. 
“Okay baby. I’ll go next.” You smiled and chuckled to yourself knowing as soon as the door clicked closed, he would be out for the count. You washed up and the hot water felt good on your body. After you were all cleaned up and dry you threw on a night gown and climbed into bed with Hyunjin who, as you suspected, was sleeping deeply. He’d rolled to his back and had one arm draped over his eyes. You curled up close to him and, even asleep, as soon as he felt your body next to him he pulled you in close and spooned you. He took a deep breath of your freshly washed and dried hair and squeezed you a little tighter, your soft body pressed firmly against his and he mumbled something. 
“Hmm? What did you say?” You turned your head a little so you could hear him better. You didn’t think he had woken up. 
“Strawberries,” You laughed he was definitely still asleep. He kept mumbling about strawberries until you turned in his arms and placed a soft kiss to his pouty lips. He smiled softly, took a deep breath and seemed to settle. You nuzzled in close to his chest and closed your eyes, just as content if not more than the last time you had been there. 
You were pacing the living room of you and Hyunjin’s shared apartment. You were back and forth on how you would tell him, or if you should even tell him. Eventually he was gonna figure it out. Still, it would be best to hear it from you rather than just springing things on him. You were nervous. You didn’t think he’d be angry, but you never thought to ask about his opinion on the matter either. When Hyunjin got home you greeted him by the door which was unusual.  
“Hey baby, miss me?” He chuckled and kissed your cheek as you nervously laughed along. 
“I always miss you.” He nodded in agreement. 
“I always miss you too baby.” He softly kissed your lips. 
“Uh Jinnie... I uh... well there’s something I need to talk to you about...” Hyunjin only noticed then that you were antsy and the use of the pet name was usually to soften an incoming blow.  
“Okay baby... iiis everything okay?” You nodded heading into the living room and Hyunjin followed. 
“I think it would be best if you sat down.” That made Hyunjin incredibly nervous. 
“Are you sure everything is okay?” You nodded again. 
“Mmhmm yea.” He scoffed as he sat down. 
“That was not convincing, what’s wrong?” You shook your head as you sat next to him. 
“Really baby it’s not a big deal, I just...” You held his hands and looked at him seriously. 
“Look just... if you decided you don’t want it, that’s okay. We’ll figure it out if that’s what you want.” Hyunjin was so confused, want what?! Were you saying what he thought you were saying?! You stood up again still holding his hands. 
“Close your eyes and hold your hands out here.” You pulled his hands in front of him palms up and he held them there. He looked at you for a minute, nervous and unsure of what was happening, then closed his eyes. You walked away a minute then came back. When you walked up to him, he held his breath. He still had his eyes closed. He was expecting a little piece of plastic telling him he was going to be a dad but suddenly Hyunjin felt fluff in his hands, he opened his eyes and looked down to find a tiny puppy. He let out a huge sigh of relief and put his hand over his heart. 
“Oh thank god!” You scrunched your eyebrows and Hyunjin noticed your confusion. He chuckled a little as he pet and cooed at the puppy. 
“I thought you were about to tell me you were pregnant.” Your scrunched up face turned into a frown. 
“And that would have upset you, if I was pregnant?” You could feel tears pricking your eyes. Hyunjin stood up setting the puppy down on the couch and holding your face in his hands. 
“I would have been surprised, scared, but never upset. I’m happy where we are right now and later when we’re ready I’ll be thrilled to find out you're carrying our baby. For now, how about we raise this puppy you brought home.” You sniffled and laughed wiping the tears from your eyes and shook your head.  
“He doesn’t have a name I thought we could come up with one together.” You both thought and finally a name came to Hyunjin. 
“How about Edmond, we could call him Eddie for short?” You smiled ear to ear. 
@acciocriativity @caroline-ds-world @chansynie @ughbehavior @jquellen27 @hyunelixies @fixation-dump @lachinitaaaaa @rinrinndou @bangchans-angel @laylasbunbunny @owo-manii-uwu @armystay89 @b00dyguts @purplenimsicle
“Edmond it is.”  
Please do not repost or translate any of my works. My blog and stories are NSFW and 18+ ONLY! Minors, ageless, and blank blogs will be blocked!
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owlhead650 · 3 months
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"The Devil of Darchlight Caves"
1012 word essay below discussing Erin as a character in Rejuvenation.
I find it interesting that in v13.5 Erin's first major appearance is in her Darchlight Form, as a devil. This is different to how in V13 her first appearance featured her normal design. It could be that this form, the one said to be 'the true reflection of your soul' is how Jan wants us to see her. Erin declared herself the devil who defies Vitus, a man that sees himself as God. Conventional myth portrays the devil as a prison warden keeping sinners trapped and punished. The devil also normally hates God, despite only punishing people God wants him to. Erin is a much stronger character than the classic devil, rather than punishing those God considers evil or unworthy she accepts them. We see this when she encourages Kanon to embrace his individuality and to reject the idea that he's less than human and only exists to serve. Rather than punishing people Erin liberates them.
This aligns perfectly with how she behaves in Darchlight Caves. The first thing she does is help Florin, Flora and the Interceptor escape confinement witin the glass boxes. During the rest of this sequence of the game we see her wit and cunning as we learn more about Bladestar and decide what to do with this information. I remember in v13 I exposed Flora during that playthrough, but I didn't make the mistake of sharing information with Cassandra because Erin beforehand warns: "Analyse the information, then make a decision. Don't you ever do it the other way around." To my memory that's how it was worded.
Erin's backstory also parralels the devil. She at first obeyed Vitus and basically acted as a spy in the drama between him and Anathea. She was basically parentified and forced to help mediate an unhappy marriage between two adults who weren't mature enough to settle their differences the correct way. Vitus superficially apologised for this and said it was because she was the eldest daughter. This is somewhat similar to how the devil was once a beautiful angel that served God but later wanted to be greater than God and was cast into hell as punishment. Erin eventually reached her breaking point and defied Vitus. She fought him with her archetype powers and was eventually dragged to the basement. Vitus banished her to the unknown dimension and left her there to be forgotten, along with the twins Alice and Allen, which is fundamentally the same as how the devil was banished to hell.
I would also like to comment on how Vitus and Erin fighting with their magic powers until Erin got dragged into the basement is essentially a glorified version of a father beating his daughter, physically disciplining a child and abusing them. When you examine the incident from a grounded domestic angle, that's all it is. Really of all the atrocities Vitus commits as Indriad, his treatment of his children is really the only one I feel personally motivated to make him answer for. I was delighted when I saw his name on M2's (S)hit list.
In future versions of the game I look forward to seeing how she handles the confrontation with Vitus/Indriad, most likely taking place after the Xen raid. Although Erin is resolute and clever, Vitus is still her biological father and the memory of his abuse and power over her isn't so easily forgotten. Defying her creator won't be simple and it will definitely be frightening. The renegade route parralels the paragon route in some ways, like how both routes featured a battle against Talon on top of his tower but in two completely different contexts. I'm excited to see how the confrontation with Vitus plays out on both routes.
I'm expecting Erin to triumph in either scenario, but the overall meaning of the outcome could differ. I wonder if we'll get to see a karma beast design for her like how we saw one with Talon. Talon turned into a Flying/Poison type bird monster, I think it's rather obvious what Erin would turn into. Her personality is subtly befitting of a dark type already, and if we want to take the devil motifs to their logical extreme then she should be a Fire/Dark type that looks like it crawled out of Dante's Inferno. The Infernal Field would be perfect for this battle. It's message is:
"The souls of the damned burn on."
In a worst case scenario like a fight between Erin and the Renegade Interceptor I think this field effect would suit her karma beast transformation. Before Karma turned Talon into a monster we had a trainer battle against him in which he used a Tornados and other strong flying types. I think that Darkrai and the Dimensional Field effect would be powerful buffs that could turn a fight against Erin into an incredible ordeal for the player, even some of her current pokemon like Absol have abilities and moves that the field empowers.
Returning to my more narrative focused predictions, we must consider how Alice being possessed by Vitus will influence events on the Renegade Route. In Paragon her new "Queendom" rose and fell within a day, but that's only because her siblings quickly mobilised to deal with the situation. In the Renegade route we never saw that incident resolved and Melia was swapped with M2, distracting Erin with other challenges. She considers Kanon family and managed to free him, will she achieve the same with her sister Alice? Or will Erin fail to liberate her and instead embrace a darker interpretation of her role as the devil? Erin has a logical mind but her temper can inhibit it. Maybe on the Renegade Route despair at the devolving situation will drive her to fixate on punishing evil rather than helping the innocent.
No matter what she does in either route Erin will always be the cunning, quick witted, candid and beautiful tactician that massively improves Rejuvenation's narrative and cast of characters. If you actually read my whole essay here's some extra pictures as a thank you.
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I wouldn't mind going to hell if she's the one running it.
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I can't be the only one who looked at Flora's sprite in Darchlight Caves and saw her in a Jotaro Kujo outfit. The true reflection of Flora's soul is that she's like a jojo character I guess. Go on, punch Cassandra for ten pages. Scream ora ora.
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Florin is literally such a good boy that his soul is that of an angel. His design was a bit simple but I enjoyed doing the toga he seems to be wearing.
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My personal Interceptor oc Asopo. I want to give him as many variants as Melia has, which will take time but I'll get there. This is his darchlight form. I saw how many Darchlight forms turned people into fantasy creatures/characters from general media. I decided that making Asopo a merman would fit in with the other Darchlight forms while being a nice nod to his backstory. His hair in this form is meant to look like the black void of space with some white stars in it. He has a celtic bracelet on his arm and a badge on the cloth that looks like The Core. I gave him that yellow cloth because I didn't feel like drawing him shirtless with nipples.
I hope you liked this artwork and essay, it's probably my most proud work I've put on Tumblr.
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