#also lunar's staff was put away
ayyy-imma-ninja · 11 months
*gasp* Moon!
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a little midnight snack
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eclipsedcrystalstar · 6 months
To say it had been a bad day would be an understatement. Within the first hour a new kid was crying, calling Solar a monster. He had tried his best to deescalate and show he wasn’t dangerous, but most of the kids stayed around Lunar the entire day. Solar did all of the set up work for activities, retrieving the supplies for coloring and getting some candy for the kids. However he didn’t get the chance to give any candy to them, Lunar took the candy and gave it out herself, telling Solar the kids would feel safer if she was the one giving it to them. The day sucked for Solar, but it wasn’t anything out of the ordinary for him, at least not yet.
Solar finished cleaning the daycare, a job he was always assigned to by Lunar. They were meant to do it together, but Lunar insisted that since she was the one who actually took care of the kids, he should do the cleaning.
He went back up to the room, using the wire and landing on the castle platform. He stayed as quiet as possible, as Lunar was sure to also be resting after working all day. He was wrong, as she was still awake, sitting on the large cot and going through drawings. Solar avoided eye contact and went through to the smaller room. He sat in his corner, on the mess of pillows and blankets that acted as his bed. At first Lunar seemed to not acknowledge he was there, but after a few moments she also entered the smaller room.
“What was that today?” Solar looked up when he heard the harsh voice of his sister. He looked into her eyes that he had seen so full of care in the daycare, now sharp and threatening.
“I didn’t mean to scare him, he just saw me!” Solar looked away, trying to calm his shaking. This is his sister, he shouldn’t be so scared. His eyes shifted to the other corner of the room, glancing over some drawings from kids that Lunar had mockingly put up while he was cleaning.
“You never mean it, and yet-“ Before she finished what she was saying Solar felt a tight grip on his arm. He worried for a moment if the grip on its own would shatter his weaker casing, but no cracks formed. “-you still do it.”
“I can’t really control what kids are scared of” He felt the grip get tighter and could hear a few cracks forming. Despite being shorter, Lunar towered over him since he was sitting down. He kept looking away from her, not wanting to see her furious face.
“You don’t even try. All you do is make things WORSE!” Solar didn’t register for a second what had happened. He could feel oil dripping down his face. His vision blurred a bit in his left eye. An error message showed up, but he was too dazed to read it.
Lunar gave a harsh kick to his chest before walking out. Solar shakily brought a hand up to his chest first, feeling the hole that had formed from the kick. Not too bad, he had scrap to fix that. As he was checking his chest he couldn’t ignore the stream of oil dripping from his face. He traced along the sharp cut, following it from the base of his left eye up to his top ray.
Panicking, Solar picked up one of the blankets and did his best to wipe the oil off. Though he couldn’t truly check if he got it all off, as it blended in with his face too much. He grabbed a small mirror, but took a minute to have the will to look into it.
He stared in shock for a few seconds. That was his face? He gently traced the glowing red line, still in disbelief the damage was that bad. He was still bleeding, as he was unfortunately reminded by oil dripping onto his left eye. He pressed the blanket to his face and put the mirror to the side. He debated trying to run to parts and service, but Lunar would likely stop him.
Solar dug through a large cardboard box, tucked away in a corner beneath others. He pulled out very small pieces of staff bot casing, and was about to try and repair his face. He stopped himself before he activated his fire shooters.
“My face is covered in oil, I’d just burn my face off” Solar muttered to himself, and instead tried wedging the pieces into the edges of the injury to stop the bleeding. It didn’t fully work, but it had reduced it. The bright glow still was present. He slowly realized this couldn’t be fixed, not by him, it would be too dangerous for his methods. The staff would have to fix it. Yet they hadn’t fixed anything on him in months because they found it a waste.
There was something he could fix, at least. He took larger pieces of scrap and welded them onto his chest with his fire, fixing the hole. He did the same to the cracks on his arm, but with a lot less material. Solar decided against repainting the newly welded parts yet, he could do that in the morning.
Solar curled up on his blankets and pillows, burying his face in the one he used to clean his face up. He had a horrible feeling things would only get worse in the morning. He stayed up for hours, yet finally drifted off.
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tobiasdrake · 9 months
~I'm mis~behav~ing! To the volcano I was expressly told not to visit.
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There's a strange crystal jutting out of this mountain. I'm sure it's not important.
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So this is Torment Peak. Bit of a misnomer since we are at the base of the mountain but okay. We've got a mysterious door that only Solstice Warriors can open.
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Pardon, that not even Solstice Warriors can open. My mistake.
Don't really see what the big deal is if everything's locked down. Doesn't really warrant a "STAY AWAY FROM THE DANGER ZONE" command.
Unless he thinks I'm a determined little shit who will keep banging her head against a brick wall until it caves in. Which. Fair.
In any case, I guess we should go check out the Sacred Grove now.
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Also, there's a giant tower in the ocean with a crystal. Bet you money that crystal, like, beams light onto the prism and then Something Something.
That is a very large mechanism and I want to see it active. For shits and giggles.
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I am ready, at long last to make paths through water. This has to be what my prophecy was about. I'm pretty sure we fulfilled Garl's back at Malkomud and Zale's dragging his feet on accepting lunar supremacy but this has to be my moment. Let's go!
Right after story time.
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Is this about the Botanical Horror? I was wondering what the hell that was.
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Sounds like Death needs to lower her fucking standards. She has reaped the lives of every living thing that has ever been on this planet and not one of them, not one was ever good enough for her?
Staring at the magnificent beauty of nature like, "EHHHH, 6 out of 10." Needing scientists to fabricate a shape that's impossible to occur in nature before you'll deign to call it pretty is the very epitome of unrealistic beauty standards.
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Hold up, why is Death's magic wicked? It's a natural part of the life cycle.
Maybe this was all in good fun. I mean, the botanist was trying to prank Death. Maybe Death pranked back.
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Oh goddammit, is this the Celestial Willow again? Does every part of this world have telepathic compulsion flora!?
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That has to be a trap. I don't buy that Death would have woven an enchantment that bestows immortality to others.
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Yep, that's a trap alright. So instead of counter-pranking the botanist, Death counter-pranked everyone.
Botanist: Let's do an immortality experiment. I'm gonna make a flower so pretty that even Death will refuse to claim its life. Death: Funny. I'll raise you the Instant Regret Rose! You guys want immortality so bad, huh? How much are you willing to utterly destroy yourselves to get it? Let's find out! It's like a contest except that the only way to win is to make peace with mortality and stop trying to cheat me.
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But unfortunately, there are others. Some people would take the existence of such a thing as a self-imposed challenge. Not even for the immortality. Once you've put a pain flower out into the world, there are people, especially men in their late teens or early twenties, who are going to make it a contest of pride to see who can hold the pain flower the longest.
Just. Because.
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I. Kinda. Want it.
Not for myself. Of course not. But it's an eldritch flower that causes irreversible lasting harm to anything that touches it. If there was a way to weaponize that....
Like, I wouldn't dare wrap any part of my staff in it. Do you know how often you touch yourself with any given part of a bo staff? Both on purpose and by accident? There is no safe location anywhere on this thing for something so vicious as the Instant Regret Rose.
But if we could make. Like. A jabby stick or a club or something with the rose on the end? We could really fuck some people up with that.
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See? It was a prank. One that I'm sure must have been absolutely hilarious from her perspective.
"Wicked magic." That's fucking rude, Teaks.
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catcake24 · 1 year
I have a Sun and Moon show AU, and since I likely won’t do much with it, I’m gonna copy my notes on it here in case other people like it :) (might make some art for it later idk)
I’ve had this bouncing around in my head and I need to write it down, pls bear with me
The base idea is that Lord Eclipse, an alternate version of the Eclipse who Won but never met our Moon, is extremely bored with his world and decides to spice it up. He lets go and revives many of his enemies, including Monty, and revives both Moon and Lunar. He also makes himself the Lord Supreme, basically a god king with divine right to rule, and lives in a giant palace with a full staff and Sun as his faithful advisor and attendant, placing himself as the god king of a whole new earth instead of just a city.
Eclipse - He has the typical backstory as any Eclipse, but since Moon never visited he just kept going on with what he was doing and got bored no matter what he did. He tortured Sun over and over, he subjected his enemies to humiliation, he could control everything exactly as he wanted, but he wasn’t happy. He eventually secludes himself in a giant castle, his city expanded much more than it was before for the sake of self sustaining, and rots away and watches old entertainment from the world before. One day, he becomes inspired by watching some old period dramas to completely remake the world and become a god king - hoping people coming to overthrow him and some controlled chaos would bring him entertainment.
Over the years he also grew more fond of Sun than he would like to admit, so he decided to trust Sun as his right hand in this new world.
He revived Moon for the challenge, throwing him into the world with almost no memory for Monty to find and help him. Now Moon is a freedom fighter, working with almost every character we know and more to overthrow Eclipse, but has no memory of Sun. This leaves almost a gaping hole inside him, one which Eclipse relishes in.
He also Revived Lunar because…. He missed him. In his own twisted way he liked Lunar but also doesn’t know how to express it now so he makes Sun Lunar’s caretaker and tutor as Lunar is now the prince of this world. He has unlimited games and many lavish things, but also has to attend lessons from Sun and go out on occasion with Eclipse for royal stuff.
Sun - His memory was wiped over and over again as Eclipse toyed with him and tortured him over the years, however what he remembers now is actually close to some version of the truth.
When Eclipse first took over, he dumped Sun in his city and left him to try and survive and ruined his life whenever possible. Sun came to believe he had a curse, eventually causing him to lash out with his magic and destroy a whole block. He is horrified, breaking down in sobs, when Eclipse appears out of the smoke to take advantage of this situation.
“Are you Lord Eclipse?! I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to-“
“If you didn’t mean to, it wouldn’t have happened.” “But, it can be fixed.” Using the star, Eclipse restores the area and everyone in it. Sun is amazed.
“I can help you, come with me and I’ll make sure you don’t hurt anyone again.” Eclipse says, and Sun agrees. It’s why he put up with so much bullshit, abuse, and torture from Eclipse, along with him being ultra powerful.
Now sun remembers this, with new stitched together memories of previous versions where he gained control over his powers, came to like Eclipse as he secluded himself away from the world, and now he is the trusted advisor of Eclipse’s who takes care of the “newly created” Prince Lunar. Sun doesn’t understand why Eclipse remade the world again, expanding it much more, but he doesn’t question his Lord.
Lunar - He has little to no memory of before. Maybe nightmares or vague impressions, but nothing more. He also has much more power now, not quite at the level of Sun but strong enough to not be easily killed by anyone except Eclipse. He is very much how he was like before, only with a lot more affection for Sun as basically his one friend. He is the prince of this world, theoretically meant to succeed Eclipse (but that’s never happening) and usually only sees Eclipse during public events where he has to be present.
Moon - He has some vague memories, but doesn’t remember Sun or any specifics enough for it to matter. He’s basically this universe’s New Moon, as Eclipse didn’t want to bring back a threat as big as Killcode or for any more unexpected siblings to start running around. He was found by Monty and his ragtag group of freedom fighters, and quickly becomes an agent of this rebel group. He eventually poses and disguises himself as a servant inside the giant palace right under Eclipse’s nose.
Eclipse - Currently he is just very tired and jaded, but with all the work of being god king he has something to do at least. He’s also very patient with people around him, as now he has kind of grown past his childish revenge tendencies after years and years of indulgence. He’s not a good person, but he’s less openly awful when he can to keep everything moving.
He is often busy, meaning Lunar and Sun usually spend time together and only occasionally does Lunar see Eclipse. However he is always happy to see him, and Eclipse does his best to restrain himself - he even gives Lunar candy when he’s “good” (or what Eclipse deems good.)
Sun - He’s extremely loyal to Eclipse, and sees Lunar as his own kid in many ways. He doesn’t know why, but he’s just so happy to care for someone and help teach him that he’s much more cheerful recently.
He doesn’t like any rebels though, seeing them as scum and wanting to ruin his generous Lord’s perfect world.
He’s also very skilled at ice magic, and can freeze everyone in a whole ballroom if he wanted to. He’s basically Elsa in terms of what his ice magic can do, and it’s his specialty even though he does use other forms of magic less often. He is still training and learning, but is a diligent practicer. (Subconsciously, he thinks that he needs to be ready for something. That he promised someone important he would help them, even with his difficulties with magic. He doesn’t remember who, It was someone important though.)
Lunar - Same lunar as always, very cheerful, sassy, and immature. He is very curious about the world as a whole and can’t shake an aching feeling deep in his chest, but not sure why. He is very close with Sun, seeing him as his older brother and even a parental figure in some ways, and Sun is basically his one friend in the palace aside from the employees.
Moon - He is all about Justice and recovering his old memories. He knows Sun was his brother in another world, but doesn’t really like to think about it because of how he sees Sun as Eclipse’s lackey. That is, Until Moon poses as an employee and uses a disguise to hide his notable features. He meets Sun this way, and finds over time that he’s a really nice guy and takes care of all the staff really well. They form a bond during this time, with Moon being an inside agent while hiding it and Sun being the manager and highest authority aside from Eclipse or Lunar in the castle - and they form a strong friendship over time which causes Moon to be really conflicted about overthrowing everything because he knows he’ll have to kill Sun.
Some General Ideas:
- Eclipse, completely by accident, made Sun and Moon enemies with even opposite powers. However he does love the drama when he realizes what he set up, even setting it up so Rebel Moon and Servant Sun meet at certain times when they clash - he is genuinely unaware of moon infiltrating the castle though.
- In this world animatronics/robots are just normal citizens and apart of life here. The ones who were bio-mechanical from the old timeline are still that way, but everyone else is just mechanical.
- Animatronics build their kids in this world, which is a big event for them
- The world’s government is sorted into eight regions, seven ruled over by someone Eclipse selected, with the eighth region being the largest and ruled over by Eclipse himself. Each ruler reports back to Eclipse and rule on his behalf, and have varying opinions on how happy they are about it.
- Each region has their own biome and features, but laws are the same all around.
- There are nobility, however they are elected by popular vote and only live in their estates as long as they are voted in. Eclipse knows the key to keeping power is having the masses be happy, but also he just likes those kinds of dramas and likes to peek in for some entertainment while they all think this is a super serious system.
- All of this ‘government’ is a farce though, as Eclipse is the one in charge and just lets others be in control so he can have time to relax and watch the drama unfolding from all this. He liked dramas about royalty and nobility, so he made it real to get the MAXIMUM drama whenever he can. He doesn’t care about anyone, and if any of them tried to stage a coup he would make them disintegrate right then and there.
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 2 years
Nice Eclipse is probably under a lot of stress, and Lunar seems to be his only friend right now.
Can we get sone angst about him regressing with nobody to help him? Maybe with some fluff later where someone shows up and decides to take care of him while he’s still regressed?
Sirius sets up everything beforehand when he knows he’s going to drop into his regressed headspace. Usually he’ll set up a beanbag in the theater with Disney movies on with drinks and snacks and stuffies and pacis galore and rattle toys because the ✨neurospicy stimmy urge✨ to make noise when he’s small is intense so he must own rattley toys.
If he drops without warning, he gets emotional because he drops down to basically a baby and he doesn’t have his stuff and he can’t find them, so he just cuddles his working project and his trusty wrench (this wrench has received more love than Sirius ever has, I swear)
More often than not, his drops are sudden because of stress and he has a tendency to hide away because he feels he’s being a burden if he shows that he’s regressing. Often, he ends up in the naptime area curled up in a ball, crying.
Technically his Moon knows about it but also doesn’t care because he’s so preoccupied with their Sun and trying to fix him. Sirius has seen Sun a total of once while he’s small, it ended with him crying because he thinks it’s his fault his big brother won’t wake up and he can’t just ask Sunny for cuddles that the sunshine model would absolutely give him.
He hides his little toys and pacis and all his stuff because, last time he left them out, the staff threw them out thinking they were left behind by a kid.
His favorite stuffy is a patched up old yellow bear named Apollo. He patched it up himself and now he can’t regress without it. It’s his favorite comfort item, he sleeps with it because he needs comfort to be able to sleep.
Sirius has only ever lost Apollo once. A staff member had thrown him out. He cried so much that another staff member felt bad and fished the bear from the trash, cleaned him, and put him somewhere Sirius would find him. Sirius cried even more finding Apollo.
He doesn’t know how to age back up besides sleeping because he’s never had anyone to watch him so he also doesn’t fully know what to do when he’s small other than hide and watch movies.
When Lunar finally visits, Sirius immediately regresses after he leaves because, despite Lunar telling him that he would be gone after an hour, he felt abandoned again. This translated to Sirius hiding away in the basement of the theater and crying with Apollo.
When Lunar comes back, he finds Sirius in the theater basement still regressed, he’s been there for the week Lunar’s been gone and he can’t leave because his little brain thought he was abandoned again.
Lunar coerces him up into the theater and into his beanbag, turns on Tinker Bell, and cuddles him to sleep. Sirius clings on immediately, whimpering and grabby hands as he desperately holds onto his new friend because he came back! Lunar came back for him! Someone wanted to be around him!
Lunar lets Sirius fall asleep on him, rubbing his mostly retracted rays to help him sleep. This is now firmly his baby, he refuses to leave without his new child.
Sun is hesitant to accept him, this is an Eclipse after all, but one time there’s big wide baby eyes staring up at him and hands grabbing for uppies because he wants to be held and Sun just immediately caves in.
He hides from Moon when he regresses even after Moon agrees to let him stay with them. Moon only finds out he regresses when he finds Sirius pressing into the wall of the theater during a patrol and he has to coerce him from the little crevice and he carries him around the rest of patrol.
Blood Moon has sniffed him aggressively, they licked his face. Sirius is a wide doe-eyed little kid who immediately licks their face back. Both Blood Moons like this Eclipse, he is safe from the inevitable bloody rampage, this child is too precious to harm and he isn’t scared of them! That’s a plus!
Kill Code took one look at him regressed playing with a rattley toy and noped out. He doesn’t want to hurt a baby and this baby happens to be technically his son so he just can’t do anything to him.
Eclipse babysits him, watching this cute baby alternate self cuddling with his bear, completely transfixed watching Wall-E and chewing on his paci. He can’t help but coo over him, he’s cute and nobody else is here to see it, he can coo over and baby his alternate self all he wants.
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jackobbit · 8 months
How do E.V.I.L and G.O.O.D celebrate Valentine's Day?
Ooo, good question!
For the G.O.O.D. Company, I like to imagine that Sun, Moon, Lunar and Earth put together a Valentine’s Day themed charity event!
Something simple, like buying roses or chocolates or gift baskets and then that money goes towards the G.O.O.D. Company’s budget, and anything extra is donated to local charities!
Sun and Moon would mainly be running the event though, they’d be lucky if Earth even showed up with how busy she is. Lunar would stay inside, but he would at least help with making baskets and stuff prior!
As for the E.V.I.L. Corporation? It’s all internal.
The Boss sends out some generic Valentines Day cards to staff with a little box of candy to go with it. It’s all SUPER tacky but nobody is gonna tell The Boss that lmao
There might also be a *few* decorations set up. Not many though. There’s lots of dangerous gadgets floating around the building, all it takes is one misplaced heart shaped balloon and you’ve got an explosion someone’s gotta clean up!
Eclipse hates it. Imagine walking into your office in the morning and seeing a garish little box of candy and a generic, over the top Valentines Day card sitting on your desk next to your work in progress death ray. He can’t even throw it away because he doesn’t wanna upset The Boss so he has to carry it around in his pocket and gets glitter all over his lab coat from the card
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Dig a Grave to Dig Out a Ghost - Chapter 54
Original Title: 挖坟挖出鬼
Genres: Drama, Horror, Mystery, Supernatural, Yaoi
This translation is the product of my limited knowledge of Chinese characters as I attempt to learn the language. If I have made any egregious mistakes, please let me know.
Chapter Index
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Chapter 54
Lin Yan was still in a daze, with his fingers resting between his eyebrows. What happened just now? It was as if he had fallen into another world just then. His fingers still retained the cold touch of the ghost's skin. How could he be so bold as to leave behind the self-respect that he was dying to maintain? He couldn't help but clench his teeth and move a little further away from Xiao Yu.
The weather wasn't very clear when he went out in the morning. The cool wind suddenly picked up, and the smell of earth rushed toward his face as if it was going to rain. The buildings in the distance were like mirages existing in the void, faintly approaching, chasing him. The "memories" forgotten a hundred years ago were secretly dormant in the cracks of every blue brick in this ancient courtyard, waiting for him to approach.
A lot of people had gathered at the prize draw stand. The host was dressed like a scholar and wore a robe and a square scarf, carefully adjusting the microphone.
There are a few small shops by the roadside. The staff set up stalls at the entrance to sell various folk items, and there was also a place to change clothes. Rows of improved Hanfu and flags were hung on the shelves. Visitors can rent them to take pictures or simply wear them around the garden tour. The ancient meaning was abundant.
Lin Yan walked over to ask the price, and the peddler spoke in his local accent, stretched out two fingers, and said seriously, "Twenty taels of silver for the day!"
Even the young master, who had always prided himself on his composure, didn't hold back his laughter. Lin Yan rummaged through the clothes racks, picked out five outfits that were not too badly butchered by ancient costume dramas, and handed them out one by one: "Wear these for fun. It suits the scene."
The straight train was only worn with a long belt, and half an arm could be added at most. Their jeans will be exposed when they moved too much. The tourists were very happy to dress up and are busy taking pictures. Xiao Yu was fiddling with ghost masks and paper lanterns. Lin Yan was putting on his belt, and the ghost turned his head and said softly: "I remember these. They're for the Lantern Festival."
"Lanterns are lit from the eighth day to the eighteenth day. The first day is for test lanterns. The fourteenth day of the first lunar month is for divine lanterns, which are dedicated to offering sacrifices to ancestors. The fifteenth day is for human lanterns, to eliminate insects and ward off evil spirits. The last day is for ghost lanterns, which are placed on the grave. Wandering souls can use them to get out of the ghost world."
Lin Yan chose a lotus lantern and handed it to Xiao Yu: "Now they all rely on these gimmicks to make money. If they have the chance, they'll throw everything they can out there, calling it the revival of Chinese culture, and it's all a mess in the end."
Teasingly, he took two masks, the blue-faced evil spirit with fangs and an evil ghost, and gave him one: "Here, you look like this."
Yin Zhou squeezed out from the crowd to urge them: "Hurry up, both of you, it's about to start."
The host had adjusted the microphone, joking on stage, and lifted the red curtain with a swipe. The poster showed the prize listing. The runner-up prize was a commemorative coin with a picture of the whole ancient city printed on it. The fourth-level prize was a 50 yuan voucher. The third-level prize was a mobile phone. The second-level prize was a notebook, and the first-level prize was blank. A square box on the table in the center of the stage was wrapped in red silk and satin, deliberately leading tourists to guess what it was.
"Now, please look at the number in the lower right corner of your ticket. Mr. X, an investor in Jinyang Ancient City, will do the draw for us." The host was enthusiastic.
The runner-up and the fourth-level prize were announced in turn. Someone in the crowd shouted, "Yeah, it's me," from time to time. They won their prizes and went to the stage to accept the award with a smile. There were a lot of winners in these two categories, and it took a long time to announce the third-level prize. At that time, Lin Yan was already impatient and pushed Yin Zhou: "Let's go, let's go, there's nothing to see here."
Yin Zhou is confident: "Maybe I'll win something. It'll only take a moment."
"Come on, we've never won anything more expensive than a washbasin since we were young in draws and lottery tickets." Lin Yan muttered.
Soon the third and second-level prizes were over, and the audience focused on the red cloth box. The host made a point of making a story: "This time, we have carefully prepared the first-level prize. It's highly collectible and valuable." As he spoke, he took the note from the investor's hand and read out: "No. 141."
The audience looked down at their tickets. No one came up to claim it. Yin Zhou nudged Lin Yan with his elbow: "Hey, what number are you?"
Lin Yan glanced at it and exclaimed, "It's me!"
"Go quickly, see what it is." Satisfied, Yin Zhou rushed to the stage and waved his hand. While Lin Yan was on stage, he secretly flicked A-Che's forehead, "Alright."
The little fox shook his head: "Look, we foxes have the most powerful spells."
Lin Yan climbed up to the stage, shook hands with the investor first, and then uncovered the red silk under the expectant eyes of the crowd, revealing the exquisite brocade box underneath.
The box was slowly opened. Lin Yan's eyes widened all of a sudden, and he took out. . . a chicken that hadn't shed its feathers completely, its head hanging limply. Its blood hadn't been drained entirely, and some was dripping down its neck.
"A chicken?!" The audience was silent, and then the whispers turned into roars of laughter. The investor and the host blushed, looking for where their real prize went.
When Lin Yan walked off the stage with the chicken in a daze, Yin Zhou was smacking A-Che: "What's the matter with you? What are you doing with a chicken? Where's the original thing!?"
A-Che muttered aggrievedly: "The original thing wasn't good. Lin Yan definitely wouldn't like it, so I changed it!" After staring at the chicken and licking his lips, his eyes glowed, "There's nothing more delicious in this world than chicken. Let's eat this for lunch, okay?"
Yin Zhou was so angry that smoke could've been coming out of his nose. Lin Yan stared suspiciously at the chicken in his hand, then at Yin Zhou and the fox, who was making a fuss, and finally understood what had happened.
"Okay, okay, the chicken is also very good. Let's find a place to stew it." Lin Yan shoved the featherless chicken to the fox, "There are some variety meats and aged tofu over there. You guys wait and I'll buy some. I'm really hungry."
Several big pots were on the roadside stalls, and the pot lids were lifting with steam. Plastic bowls were filled with local delicacies which were convenient for tourists to satisfy their cravings while walking. Lin Yan ordered four servings and was waiting for the mutton to be cooked when the sky suddenly darkened. A commotion brewed in the crowd and bean-sized raindrops started crackling down. The tourists ran in all directions. People ran in front of it and the rain chased after them. The July day was just like a child's face; it changed at the drop of a hat. Lin Yan used his sleeve to block the rain. When he hurried back, everyone had already disappeared.
The stone brick road was covered with moss making it wet and slippery. The crowd headed towards the ancient city to avoid the rain. Lin Yan followed suit. He took out his phone to make a call but found that there was no signal at all.
The sound of bells in the distance echoed in the misty rain. The rain was very rapid and raging. After a while, his whole body was soaked, and his clothes were dripping wet. Many tourists used masks to block the rain, leaving only a pair of eyes to find their way through the mess. All kinds of ghosts and monsters passed by on the street, including tiger heads, snake demons, white-faced dolls, and earth immortals, all wearing similar straight trains and walking in a hurry so he couldn't recognize anyone.
Where did Yin Zhou and the others go?
As he drew closer to the dim ancient city, Lin Yan walked through the pagoda with five arches and stepped into it. Surrounded by rain and fog, the window papers of each house lit up a pale yellow light, like a city built in the void. He sighed in relief. There was a sudden thunder, and it rumbled above him. Lin Yan suddenly panicked. The fox's spell would be broken by the thunder. Where is the ghost he lost now?
After turning around a corner, then another corner, there was another pagoda in front of him. After stepping on it, he didn't walk very far before he noticed the people on the street gradually thinning out. Occasionally, a few women walked past him as if their feet were bound, staggering, striking lively poses, and holding up oil-paper umbrellas. Under their masks were faces from hundreds of years ago, ghost faces.
A thought came up for no reason, was this city a ghost town?
Paper lanterns lit up for no reason, and the light was dim. A peddler hurriedly closed his stall and carried his stretcher. Seeing Lin Yan stumbling around, he hurriedly greeted him: "Brother, don't wander around. Do you know where this place is?"
Lin Yan pulled him over and asked, "Have you seen four people, oh no, three people? One of them was a seven or eight-year-old boy who was busy taking shelter from the rain just now. We got separated."
"Or do you know where there's a tourist service center that can put out a broadcast?"
The peddler chuckled: "'People'? Who in this city is a 'person'? You must be joking, sit."
Two merchants with horses passed on the side of the road while walking and chatting, and Lin Yan overheard a few sentences: "This year, for some reason, the city was full of noise all day long. Some strange people came in early this morning, disturbing people's peace and quiet."
Lin Yan suddenly froze in place. He had supernatural eyes. He can see ghosts! Immediately closing his eyes, he saw silhouettes of beings walking in front of him. They were all greenish-black, and when they walked around, there was a long trail of green smoke behind them. A hundred years had passed, but this ancient city restored on the original site had never died. It survived in another space and another form and would live forever; the sound of a hunter's hawk, a new customer entering a teashop with a silent lute, a lady going up to the embroidery building and leaving a story of talented men behind.
"I went to the wrong place and came here by mistake. How can I get out?"
The peddler rolled his eyes and left carrying his load. A green-bearded Daoist came to meet him, holding a half-immortal yellow flag. He looked at Lin Yan carefully and said in surprise, "Young master, within seven days you will be part of a bloodbath. Return home quickly, and don’t go any further.”
"Good will be rewarded with good, and evil will be rewarded with evil. It's not that there is no retribution. The time has simply not come. Go away, sir, and put aside all the injustices of your previous life. This is the way to resolve it."
Lin Yan pushed him away, twisted the water from the hem of his garment, and hurriedly looked for the way out. He suddenly came to his senses when he heard about his previous life. Where was Xiao Yu? They were also separated like this before, in the distant time and realm of life and death. They thought they would never see each other again, but unexpectedly he found him after he walked alone on the lonely road to the underworld. . . What was so good about Lin Yan in that life that he was worthy of his undying love?
Who said that love is not the cause and effect of past lives. Whether it was love at first sight, childhood sweethearts, or long-term love, in the vast sea of people, why did he meet that one, why did he choose him?
The moss makes people's feet slippery, and the dark street scene and bleak rain and fog seem to float on the other side of the world. In the 23rd year of Chenghua, the scene at that time chased him, reminding him of his "previous life" he had forgotten in the void*.
*(T/N: 成化, the Chenghua era under the ninth Emperor Chenghua in the Ming Dynasty)
"Lin Yan!" Someone shouted suddenly. Xiao Yu held up a lantern and stood not far from the ancient street.
This scene was very familiar, and he suddenly recalled the day he ran away from home, and he frantically looked for him in front of the door of the strange movie theatre on the North Fourth Ring Road. The ghost stood there in such a panic, waiting for him.
Lin Yan rushed over in a hurry, still in shock: "There's something wrong here. I saw people from ancient times. They talked to me. . ."
Xiao Yu pulled him to the side of the road and said in a deep voice: "You went the wrong way. This ancient city is divided into two worlds, the human and the ghost world. The thunder probably drew the entrance out. Follow me."
     Turning into a spacious courtyard, the first thing he saw when he entered the door was an old screen wall engraved with Zhu Xi's family motto: "It is good to make preparations before it rains; don't wait for thirst before you dig a well.
*(T/N: Song Dynasty scholar who helped influence Neo-Confucianism)
Be frugal in your comforts for yourself; when a guest, do not prolong your stay.
If utensils are of good quality and clean, then pottery is better than gold or jade.
Drink and food should be simple, and well-prepared garden vegetables are better than precious delicacies."
Passing through a courtyard full of weeds, eight carved doors were wide open, showing a screen with gold letters on a black background, and complex golden peonies seemed to be thrown on people's faces. The two of them held hands and crossed the atrium. The four-sided courtyard wall encloses the courtyard like a well. When he looked up, he can see a square piece of sky with fine raindrops floating down. After passing through the paradise world, the sandalwood rafters were covered with murals, which had turned yellow due to day after day of sunlight.
Pushing open a double wooden door to the study, the ghost led them in, as if entering a land without people.
"Be careful of the threshold." Xiao Yu held his hand. Under his feet was an elm wooden threshold, nearly one foot high, which had been kicked and trampled many times, so it was damaged.
"Where are Yin Zhou and the others?" Lin Yan asked.
"They're all in the human world. You're the only one missing. We'll take shelter from the rain first, and then I'll take you out when the sky clears."
Lin Yan nodded, chose a black-painted chair against the wall, and sat down. He vigorously twisted the water from the hems of his clothes, raised his head to look around, and wondered: "Why did you enter a private house? Is the ghost owner of this household not here?"
"They're here." Xiao Yu said. Seeing that Lin Yan still didn't understand, he smiled bitterly, "They just don't remember. Don't worry about it."
The study room was spacious, with two black lacquered chairs placed against the wall at the entrance, a rosewood square table with celadon vases in the middle, and a large case facing the door. At the back was a pair of red sandalwood shelves displaying jade carvings and antiques from the previous dynasty. The four treasures of the writing room were all there. They had not been used for a long time, the ink dry in the ink slab. Rows of bookshelves behind were filled with precious and smoky yellow thread-bound books. The top row was "Four Books of Notes to Sentences," "Collected Commentaries on Elegies of Chu State," and "The Works," written by Zhu Xi, Feudal Ethics And Asceticism. Later, there was "The Analects," "Book of Poetry," and "Mencius."
The two vermilion window lattices of the study room were faded by the sun in the west, and because of the rain, they were dim, with a thin ray of skylight giving off a sense of desolation.
Lin Yan suddenly felt that the room looked familiar, so he walked over to check everything. His fingers ran across the surface of the porcelain, the coloured decorative bowls with blue and white flowers and dotted ink; blue like the sky after rain, pink like a butterfly flying through flowers. Going to the bookshelf again, he moved a few volumes away and found there was another compartment inside. He reached in and took out a volume of "In Search of the Supernatural." He fumbled inside and found a "The Peony Pavilion" volume covered in dust*. It felt like the wind had been knocked out of him. He cried out in panic, "Xiao Yu, I've seen this before!"
*(T/N: In Search of the Supernatural [搜神记] compilation of legends about spirits, ghosts and other supernatural phenomena, written and compiled by Gan Bao in the Jin dynasty; The Peony Pavilion [牡丹亭] play by Tang Xianzu in the Ming Dynasty)
Looking back, he met a pair of burning eyes. The volume fell to the ground, and it turned to one page in particular. Liu Mengmei picked up a portrait of Du Liniang in the garden. Fascinated by the beautiful woman to the point of exhuming her body, Du Liniang came back from the dead in her tomb. An inscription said: "Just as Du Liniang, they can be called lovers. Love does not arise, but love is deep. The living can die, and the dead can live. Those who live but cannot die, and those who die but cannot live are not the result of love."
"I knew you a long time ago. . ." He broke off, raising his arms around Xiao Yu's neck, gazing into his eyes, his throat burning with thirst. A thread of a departed soul faintly attached to the pages of the ancient book penetrated his heart and lungs. Xiao Yu pushed him away and said lightly: "You don't know me. You're Lin Yan. I only want you to be Lin Yan in this life."
"I know who I am." Lin Yan wrapped himself around his body, suddenly breathing heavily, unable to control himself, and faintly uttered a sentence: "Xiao Lang. . ."
The ghost's face was shocked, and he let his kisses fall on his neck and slide to his chest. There was no one around, only two ancient souls, dressed in bright clothes that were evolved into foreign shapes by TV dramas, mingled together in an era of extinction of human desires. Love and hatred were kept secret and turned into a volume of evil books hidden deep in the bookshelf. By concealing it, it became more inflated. Lin Yan suddenly pushed Xiao Yu to the ground as if in revenge and knelt down on him between his legs, hugging him fiercely as though he intended to crush bones.
Before meeting him, the love he encountered was calm and indifferent. He just wanted to find a suitable person to live out his whole life with. When he fell in love with him, his life was full of twists and turns, turbulent waves, and a lot of people might die if they weren't careful.
Who said love has nothing to do with the long-standing sins of previous lives?
It's fine to be sincere for a minute, but why are his eyes always looking at something other than him? Inexplicable hatred and jealousy, hatred right to the bone, is it bad for him? If he wants to love, he will accompany him in love; if he wants to leave, he can't even say a word to keep him. He travelled thousands of miles to find a lover from his previous life and even fulfill the marriage contract together. How could the ghost have put him in a position, treating him like this?
"You want me." He stared at Xiao Yu angrily, "Don't you want to?"
"I can't." Xiao Yu turned his face away.
"You don't dare?"
The ghost was suddenly touched in a sore spot. He ruthlessly yanked open his skirt, took off the straight skirt embroidered with straight lapels. He lifted the hem of Lin Yan's T-shirt and kissed his ab muscles, moving upwards. He sucked hard, and kissed his lips all of a sudden. His lust was like a karmic fire that burned both of them to ashes. Neither of them was rational. They tossed and turned in the room full of thread-bound ancient books. They were too eager, knocking down a wall of books, the pages fluttering down in all directions. There was nowhere to escape.
Their audience was full of the words of the saints, and the onlookers found it unbearable to watch them.
"Does it hurt?" Just an inch deep, seeing Lin Yan biting his lip, Xiao Yu stopped and kissed him gently.
"Do it." Lin Yan wrapped his legs around his waist, sweating from the pain, and hugged him stubbornly, "Harder."
"Are you stupid? Do you want to die?"
"You the one who's fucking stupid. Why do you think about someone who has been dead for so many years?" Lin Yan endured the discomfort of his body being stretched inch by inch and asked him through gritted teeth: "Who am I? Who do you think I am? "
The ghost kissed his forehead, wet with cold sweat: "Lin Yan, my Lin Yan."
The hard object moved up and down in his body. Lin Yan uncontrollably swallowed the groan in his throat with his fist and greedily looked at Xiao Yu's emotional expression. His two long brows knit into a knot every time he sank into his depths, his heavy breathing uncontrollable.
The more pleasure he felt, the more eager and restless he became. He pulled Xiao Yu to make him lie on his body, hungrily thirsting for his saliva. He hooked the soft tongue into his mouth, trying not to make it painful, and untied his hair with one hand, letting it down his bare back, stroking it with the palm of his hand.
In this strange ancient city and strange room, he and his past suddenly overlapped, like he had been given a hallucinogenic drug. He didn't know why and he wouldn't ask. The lust was overwhelming, reality and falsehood collided, the ancient and the modern intertwined, and he felt at ease to bear what should belong to him. More debauched than anyone else, more depraved than anyone else, what's not to like? Xiao Yu owes him!
He was leaving and never coming back. What he was looking for was the skeleton of a dead lover. The anger of a thousand suns, unwillingness and jealousy have all turned into a forbidden love, just like the perverted and paranoid love they had when they first met. He bit Xiao Yu's shoulder as if punishing him and twisted his hip slightly: "I want more. It's not enough, not enough. . ."
The violent impact and friction almost made him pass out. His throat was so hoarse that he couldn't scream. He lay on the floor, tilting his head to catch his breath, the yellowed pages brushing his cheeks, the black letters in the vertical layout touching his eyes: "Love does not arise, but love is deep. The living can die, and the dead can live. Those who live but cannot die, and those who die but cannot live are not the result of love."
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astraldynastykrp · 1 year
part one
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The following text is only part one of our revamp event and what the current members are currently witnessing. Stay tuned for Sunday, when our next part will be up!
TW: Hints of alcohol abuse and slight self harm.
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Everything in and around Astral had returned to its natural state. Citizens returned to their occupations and activities, therefore returning to a life that was at least partly normal. However, faith in their King had been severely rattled to the very center for everyone, or at least for the majority of the people. Even those who had honored the King with their adoration were now keeping their mouths shut and only witnessing the unfolding events from a distance. This conduct, however, did not go unnoticed by the King, who watched as those he ruled grew further and more away from him. Everyone within the castle could see how it drove the king or queen nuts, and how his paranoia increased as a result. Conversations among the maids began to circulate, and stories concerning the King gradually began to spread. It was stated that the King was biting his nails so much that they were bleeding, and it was also said that he had become so enraged that nothing that any of his staff did was ever satisfactory to him. He then proceeded to rage and scream at them while he flung his plate at their feet. The staff at the castle had already begun referring to him in derogatory terms such as "maniac" and "psychopathic." As word spread across Astral and even beyond the borders of the Kingdom, more and more individuals began to question the legitimacy of the throne.
"How is it even possible for someone like him to be in charge of a kingdom?" , "He is going completely insane. He has no right to even wear the crown at this point. He is no longer qualified to serve as our King" , " After everything he has done, why does he insist on playing the victim now? What about us?".
The people's voices were getting louder, which was something that nobody really found unexpected anymore. It was very evident that the people no longer desired him to serve as their King, but there was nothing that could be done about it. Not under a system that relies on dictatorship. At the very least, it appeared to be like that for the people, which simply led to even greater irritation on their part.
However, the majority of people were unaware of the fact that individuals were already moving under them. Making preparations in advance for a day that will shortly arrive and bring about a change for good. Since a long time ago, they had become sick of the way the King was leading their home, and now their objective was to put a stop to it. They only ever existed for this one particular reason.
One day, the King learned about the spectacle of the Lunar Eclipse, that occurred only once every hundred years which ever since was celebrated by all around. It was a night of offerings, shrines lit up everywhere and people gifted food to their Gods as thanks. Celebrations were held and whole Astral would be lit by candles and small bonfires.
The King immediately saw that this was his opportunity to finally win back his people and demonstrate to them how magnificent he truly was. He talked to his people while in a state of intoxication, showing them what a mess he had become, and he wanted each and every one of them to take part in his scheme.
"Dear Citizens of Astral, the time that you have been waiting for has finally arrived. You pick up on that? It is time, at long last, to forgive your King, and in light of this realization, I have a proposition for you. One in which I hope each and every one of you will take part. Is that clear? You are cordially invited to the festivities of the Lunar Eclipse, hosted by yours truly, myself, the most powerful King in the history of the universe, the one who designed each and every one of your houses and deserves to be cherished. Once every hundred years, we are granted the opportunity to see this miraculous event. The duration of our night will be exactly 18 hours. Throughout the course of that night, I want all of you..."
The message was cut short, but the harm had already been done. It had already disseminated across the populace of Astral. causing everyone to be stunned by the statements their King had decided to make.
But did the people actually suffer as a result of it? Or a detriment to himself personally?
For others, the arrival of this letter marked the beginning of the transition into a new era, and preparations had already begun…
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In case we got your interest, reservations are definitely open. Acceptances however, happen after the revamp / event.
We hope to see you soon and be ready for what is to come.
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dustedmagazine · 2 years
Bryon Hayes’ 2022: Bleak, Uncertain, Beautiful…
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Ayal Senior
It’s been a tumultuous year. Need I say more? 
The best part of the year for me was the return of live music. With mask on, I ventured out to see a handful of shows, beginning with Phil Elverum’s live rendition of The Microphones in 2020. I was frightened the entire time, as the unmasked throng of concert-goers around me seemed not to care about the on-going pandemic, but I emerged unscathed and with a smile on my face (hidden by my mask). Little did I know that I’d catch COVID a month later following the abolishment of the mask mandate in Ontario’s schools. I’m thankful that, unlike countless others, I survived the ordeal without any long-term health effects.
Another thing that brought me joy this year was the series of collective deep dives executed by the Dusted staff under the Listening Post banner. For me, these exercises in conversational scrutiny led to the rediscovery of artists I enjoy (The Clean, Wire, Tall Dwarfs, Broadcast) and the discovery of those I hadn’t yet investigated (Les Rallizes Dénudés, Masayuki Takayanagi, Wadada Leo Smith). It’s always pleasurable to witness my well-educated peers eloquently discuss the music that they love, and it’s a plus when I’m able to engage in the process with a comment or two of my own. 
If I had to call out a single artist that I feel had a particularly fruitful year in 2022, I’d have to pick Oren Ambarchi. Starting with the 10-year anniversary reissue of his Saggitarian Domain piece, and culminating with Shebang, Ambarchi seemed to be everywhere this year. He, Keiji Haino and Jim O’Rourke released what must be their most eclectic trio record to date, which is also their eleventh thus far. Ghosted, in which he joined up with Fire! Trio’s Johan Berthling and Andreas Werliin might just be my favorite of the bunch. And of course, we mustn’t forget Ambarchi’s Black Truffle label, which put out a number of essential releases this year. 
Last year, I listed a bunch of Canadian records that filled my bucket, but for 2022 I want to focus on one LP that I kept turning to in the latter half of the year: Ayal Senior’s Az Yashir. Senior assembled the record from tunes he worked up with Matthew “Doc” Dunn, and these acoustic 12-string meditations really enswathed my soul with their warmth. Additional embellishments include pedal steel, percussion, and a few electronic adornments, all of which come together to plant these songs in the furrowed fields first harvested by lunar raga enthusiasts MV and EE. This is unsurprising considering the pedigree of all involved.   
And finally, I know that everyone loves a list, so I shall abide. Like last year, this isn’t a “top 10” list exactly, but the following ten records feature some of the music that made this year more than bearable for me: 
Pan*American — The Patience Fader (Kranky)
Winged Wheel — No Island (12XU)
Cate Le Bon — Pompeii (Drag City)
Julia Reidy — World in World (Black Truffle)
Horsegirl — Versions of Modern Performance (Matador)
The Reds, Pinks, and Purples — Summer at Land's End (Slumberland)
Ayal Senior — Az Yashir (Medusa Editions)
Ambarchi/Berthling/Werliin — Ghosted (Drag City)
Pulse Emitter — Dusk (Hausu Mountain)
Family Ravine — Away and Instinct (Round Bale)
Bryon Hayes
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pbandjesse · 2 years
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I am beat. It is only Tuesday. But it was not a bad day at all. I am just really hoping I have a good sleep tonight.
There was a total lunar eclipse last night. So James woke me up at 5am to see it. I was glad they did but I was also very dazed. Firstly when they woke me up it was absolutely freezing in here. The temperature dropped over night from almost 80 to in the 50s. And of course all of our windows were open. I went and changed into a sweatshirt before I joined them in the living room.
The moon was already starting to get covered. I was starving all of a sudden so I went and grabbed peanut butter crackers and milk. And waited for the moon to go away. Last time for three years. It feels almost like a ritual.
I was enjoying waiting with James but also my eye hurt and was watering a lot. I got eye drops but I was just really tired and cold. We stayed there watching until it was completely covered. And then we went back to bed.
I was shivering really bad. James put all 5 of our blankets in me. And the weight put me to sleep really fast.
I woke up for real at 9. And felt better. I liked the two separate sleeps. It made the second sleep feel like a nap and I think that made it easier to me.
And James had gotten me a bagel. I got dressed. I love my new dress. It has pockets. And I felt so cute. And we would chill for a while.
I had some stuff to do. But then Jessica texted and asked if I could come in an hour early to count some supplies. And so I had to get to work on my signs for puhtok tomorrow. And that was just fine. I would do 2 this morning and 2 when I got home.
After I did my first sign me and James walked across the street to the school to vote. There was no line so it wasn't a big deal. There were a lot more questions then I was prepared for but I think I used my best reading comprehension to pick the best answers. the one judge said my sunglasses were cute and I told her her poncho was cute. And I got a voting sticker. Did you even a really vote if you didn't take a picture of your sticker?
We went back home and I would finish my next sign. I then just wanted to chill on my phone and lay with James before I headed to the museum.
And the museum was great. Me and Kristen would spend an hour counting cardboard can lids. We would make stacks of 10 and once all the stacks were done we counted those. Jessica would come check on us at some point. And we all talked about staff and concerns and things going forward. Me and Kristen would gossip and talk about travel. About me and Jamess honeymoon. And her Disney trip. I told her me and Jess are thinking about a 2024 Disney trip and she gave some recommendations. It was really a fun time.
In the end we had 1800 lids. Goodness. It honestly isn't enough but the new order should be here by the new year but we have a lot of kids coming through so it's a thing we have to consider. Do we have enough materials. But we think it's all okay.
We would get ready for our adult tour group. And when they got there a half hour early we would jump right into it.
I loved my small group. They were a sign making company and I had all the young guys and two older guys. They were so silly. I would be friends with them honestly they were so much fun. Though because they wanted to like. Chat. I was stumbling on my words more then normal because I'm not great at making the tour a conversation. Like I kind of can but it's harder when it's a timed thing.
But we had fun. And saw lots of stuff. And then we would go to the cannery.
Leading a small adult hour cannery was interesting. It's mostly just cutting my intro. And I think me and Kristen did a great job. All of them wanted to be printers. Which was pretty funny. But everyone did great and I think they had a lot of fun.
While Kristen did the store I reset everything. And once they were finished the whole thing it was 330. Mike let them know they could explore the museum until 4. And so I made sure everyone knew so they could take pictures like they wanted. A really nice group.
Me and Kristen spent an hour cleaning oysters. Before we headed out. I noticed on the weekly calendar that I was scheduled for Thursday when I shouldn't have been. So I checked in with Mike and let him know. And Jessica would text me and thank me for noticing the mistake. I'm glad I said something so they have time to find someone else!
I was excited to go home. It would take a while because of a pretty bad car accident on my commute home. A car flipped over!! So I was stuck for a bit but soon enough I was home.
James was finishing up thank you cards. And we would make dinner. They made another load of bread. And I would make some soup. They made me a grilled cheese and went to do laundry. I love them so much.
I made myself get up at 630 and go to the studio. I would work on the last two signs. And I listened to the podcast I was on. I enjoyed listening to my story more then expected. I laughed when I talked a lot. Which is something I do when I'm nervous. But I think I did a good job. I'll post the link here after this goes up.
After I finished my signs I would finish my scarf. Which needs to be blocked still but I'm really pleased with it. And then I found a skeen of yarn that's wool and merino and I'm going to try to make some socks. Remember when I did that last year? I'm faster now so I'm excited to see what happens.
I worked on that until 830. And went to lay in bed with James. We were laughing at a videos and weird music videos. And it was great. I love being with James. And Sweetp was here being so cuddly. It's great.
I got a shower and felt pretty good. While I was doing my skincare routine my hands started shaking really hard. James got me cereal and I feel a little better now but I'm also just exhausted.
Tomorrow I have a stressful move between two jobs. I have puhtok from 9 until 2. And then avam from 2 until 5. I think it's 5. It might be 530. I'm mostly nervous about the commute. I am already in touch with the other educator and let her know I might be a few minutes late. But I will do my best to get out of puhtok ASAP. Like I know it will be okay. But I hate being late so it's stressful.
But I am excited for both things. And it will be a fun day.
I hope you all have a great sleep tonight. Take care of each other!! Goodnight!!
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lettersnorth · 2 years
Veterans by now
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Lin rested. Like she told Nyscera she would. A whole evening in which she didn’t do hardly any work at all and fell asleep at a reasonable bell. The next day, she makes her way to the clinic to do the rounds she put off and pokes her head into Cravendy’s partition to see if she’s awake. She does this by very medical, very professional means. “You awake?” Sometimes it doesn’t need to be complicated.
Cravendy is awake! And she has, in fact, already bullied the medical staff to let her out occasionally to presumably get drunk. Cravs does a good job of looking like she’s okay so, even though her bones are mending together like shattered porcelain, strength of personality combined with her officer authority is enough to sneak by.
It’s a different story if Lin is doing her rounds though...but thankfully, Cravs is resting up at the moment. She’d answer back in response. “Aye! Come pull up a chair. Just sittin’ ‘ere doin’ nothin’ for the ‘undredth time, burnin’ the seconds away.”
Aislinn enters the room, her eyes falling on the wide brimmed straw hat Cravendy wore. Given the setting, it’s out of place to say the least but something about it has Aislinn giving a wistful, passing smile. “Resting up is like that. Honestly, you’re lucky after a hit like that a few broken ribs is all you took.” She says with her blend of frank honesty as she takes a seat on the edge of the bed. “I’d ask how you’re feeling but it sounds like you’re just itching to get out of here. Probably a good sign.”
Cravendy snorts lightly with a smile. “I agree. Personally don’t enjoy fistfightin’ above my weight class with a steel giant, but...” She lets out a breath. “Yeah, it’s pretty dumb. Will make a good story, though!”
Cravendy rests a hand over her chest and tugs slightly on her dangling earring. “Crazy as it might be, we’ve ‘ealed through worse. I’m determined to get better fast though, since there’s dark tidings just beyond the ‘orizon. The towers ain’t just ‘ere after all, and there’s one in La Noscea.”
“Stories are something we do have in spades. A bit of a silver lining, I guess.” Aislinn deadpans as she watches Cravendy fidget with her earring. “I’ve heard. Desert’s got a few too. We supposed to go visit them all?”
“All of ‘em are bein’ dealt with one way or another by the Alliance, but whichever ones Heartwood ends up visitin’, I’m not sure,” Cravs responds while twisting the red fabric of the earring around her index. “...Hah. I may’ve made ye mad already by checkin’ myself into the clinic so late, but I also snuck out to visit Kazushige too. Before ye rail on me, let me pass on what I learned.”
“First off, the guy’s bein’ taken care of by Alliance medics. I don’t like ‘ow ‘e’s bein’ treated with ‘em, which is a problem in and of itself, but that’s another issue.” Cravs releases the earring and returns her hand to her lap, feeling listless and fidgety. “Anyway, next up is La Noscea, and after that there could be more. I ‘ave no idea if we’re doin’ somethin’ similar to this time.”
Cravendy looks forward in a daze, focusing on something far away but approaching. “Supposed to be some kind of lunar Leviathan tormentin’ the lands. So.” She blinks, refocusing her gaze on Lin. “I plan on bein’ there, specifically.”
Aislinn listens in the quiet way of hers with those eyes doing their fair share. It’s often what isn’t said that’s just as important. Aislinn has several questions but she starts with the easiest. “Why’s Kazushige being treated by the medics? What’s happened to him and what do you mean how’s he treated?” She asks, feeling a protective surge in her small frame. It wasn’t like she didn’t have her issues with Kazushige, because she did. But he was one of them at the end of the day. If something was amiss, she wanted to know.
Cravendy shrugs, feeling as though her own hands are tied. There wasn’t much she, an ex-pirate working off her own debt of issues, could offer Kazushige except advice. “First off, there’s the whole bomb collar shite, and it ain’t just there to prove some point. ‘e ‘ad a big ‘ead injury when I saw im, too. Think they’re sendin’ ‘im to do the most dangerous jobs, like ‘e’s expendable or...if ‘e dies, then it’s worth it to save Alliance lives.”
“That’s my read anyway. I know ‘e used to be with the Empire, but we all ‘ave ghosts in our past. Who ‘e was, who ‘e is, it doesn't justify...this. But what do I know. I’ve always played fast and loose with the law.”
Aislinn glances away, a tight frown marring her face. “What else are you supposed to do when the law stomps on you like that?” She murmurs. Inhaling a breath, she shakes her head. “Don’t we get any say in how he’s treated? At this rate they’re going to get him killed.”
“Falls on deaf ears,” Cravs mutters bitterly. “...Maybe they’d listen better to ye, though. ‘ard to say. There’s a ‘ost of ‘ard choices to make.”
Cravendy crosses her arms loosely. After a pause, she’d speak quietly, ensuring any others in the clinic wouldn’t be able to overhear. “The world might be in danger or whatever, but if there’s a choice between ‘im and others...then I would choose both or die tryin’. And ‘owever ‘e can find freedom from this situation, that’s where I’ll toss my weight.”
Which includes supporting less than legal cover ups. Cravs doesn’t explicitly say this, but it’s hinted at. Ultimately, it’s up to what Kazushige has up his sleeve though. She sighs, pining for peace again.
Aislinn doesn’t have any more faith than Cravendy does in her ability to make the Alliance listen. “Don’t know why they would but I can go try.” She pauses, listening intently as Cravendy spoke. “Choosing both isn’t a choice at all though, is it?” She replies, her voice equally low. “No one gets to have it all and trying to is how you lose both …but I’m with you on finding a bit of breathing room. The Alliance is getting a little too close for comfort. I’m not liking it. First the Adders, now the Maelstrom,” Aislinn’s gaze flicked away. It was too close for comfort. For a variety of reasons. Seemed like cover-ups and misdirections were the order of the day. “Puts us in some difficult spots.”
Cravendy lifts her chin slightly and presses her lips into a thin smile. Her eyes speak a wary and hardwon determination that looks both fearful and confident, like she’s fully aware of the folly of the path she’s pushed all her chips in. “...That’s what most’ll tell ye. Wish for the world and ye get nothin’. I get it...”
Cravendy: “...but now, I’d rather be a dumbarse and fight for that anyway. No matter ‘ow low the chances.” She laughs. “Was never good at math, anyway. That’s more up yer avenue.”
Cravendy gives Lin a glance, observing her reaction. She had some inkling of the other woman’s past - not all the details, but enough. “Wouldn’t be wild to expect the Immortal Flames. This conflict ‘as the whole world on fire, and so far, it's been bringin’ all kind of stuff to light.”
Aislinn sighs, low. Ever the pragmatist. Cravendy was right. She was always the overly cautious one, weighing the odds and hedging the bets. Then Cravendy went and said the very thing she had been thinking. The Immortal Flames. And maybe the cartel had paid for her bounty to go away, if she wanted to believe Sterling on that. But did she really want her past coming to light and a whole host of other charges besides murder they could haul her in for? She tenses and shifts her attention back to the Seawolf, a shrewd sort of calculation behind her eyes. “Pretty sure we can both agree we don’t need the Flames coming to the party. But I can’t be the first one to tell you our math doesn’t often work out when we bite off more than we can chew.” She rubs a thumb absently against the palm of her other hand, worry creasing between her brows. “This is going to be a mess, anyway you look at it."
Cravendy gently knocks her fist against Lin’s shoulder, hoping to bat her out of the anxiety that’s taken hold. Cravs assumes Lin is always battling against it beneath that facade of calm, and she’s making that assumption right now. Even if she can’t always catch it (because everyone is woefully good at hiding these things), Cravs functions on gut feels nowadays. “‘Ey. If the Flames come, it’ll just be like everytime we deal with ‘em. We’ll all live past this mess.”
Cravendy Hound: “Yeah. But between bitin’ off more than we can chew in the ‘opes of makin’ a difference, and shyin’ away from risk to let someone else make a muck of things...It’s tirin’ as hell, but I don’t mind. Cause at the end of the day, whether it’s us or another, these problems don’t go away.”
Blinking, Aislinn is jolted to one side but the physical contact does what Cravendy intended and it stops the spiral of thoughts. She passes the woman a grateful barely-there smile. She’d only just gotten rid of the Yellowjackets, she doesn’t need to sort out the Flames yet. And hopefully never. “Nymeia willing.” She agrees. Sort of. It’s a non-committal response from a pragmatist. *There’s only did and didn’t happen.* Old advice rumbling in her head. She shakes herself and turns the conversation. “We’ll put a pin in that. But the least I can do is go see what I can do for Kazushige.” She then tilts her head towards the Seawolf. “But tell me why these towers are setting you off? You weren’t right before we hit the one in the Shroud, you’re nervous about the one in La Noscea. You’re off on benders. What’s going on?” She asks, allowing her concern to color her voice. Aislinn could make a guess. She knew what had happened to Cravendy’s crew. But she leaves the question open ended.
Cravendy feels her eyelids get heavy from current exhaustion and what she anticipates, but being tired is better than being overwhelmed with panic. She has a plan and it isn’t running away anymore. Her fears lie at the end of this road, but somehow, that feels better than avoiding it perpetually.
“Always went on benders!” she starts. A chuckle leaves her. “Though yer right, not to this extent I suppose.” Another long pause stretches between them as Cravs feels around for the right way to put things. “Ye know, I never got over it. Tempering. Bein’ tempered. The what-ifs and who might still be alive if I didn’t run from Leviathan all those years ago,” Cravs continues, voice quiet and toneless. “...Primals. They never stopped bein’ at the root of this -- I don’t know! This trash?” She throws up her hands in frustration, then points to her own heart.
Cravendy shakes her head, deep forest curls falling over her eyes. “I see this as a second chance to prove that I’ve grown past this. That this time, I’ll stay, and I’ll make a difference, and I /won’t/ regret anythin’. That I’ll stay with my crew.” She falls back against a pillow braced against the bedframe with a huff. “That’s all it is, Lin. That’s all.”
Aislinn stares down into her lap as she takes that in. There’s something to be said for swearing you’ll get it right this time. And she’s the very last person who can say anything against how Cravendy’s going about it. “Something to be said for proving something like that to yourself.” She lifts her head and meets Cravendy’s exhausted gaze. “Just don’t burn yourself down in the proving.” She says, like she knows something about it. Then she nods and gets to her feet.
Cravendy looks about ready to crash and sleep was always the best medicine. She saw the irony and ignored it. “Until La Noscea just take it easy in the meantime so those ribs aren’t causing you problems by then, alright?”
Cravendy rests her gaze on the area beneath Lin’s eyes and then, after a breath, looks up. “I won’t do anythin’ I don’t ‘ave to. Got plenty I ‘ave planned for after this, so ye don’t ‘ave to worry! I ain’t the same lily-livered person anymore. I’ll...” Cravs looks mostly certain, but there’s a hint of doubt still lingering within her. What if she isn’t enough? What if she’s fooling herself? She won’t know for certain until the pressure is on. “I’ll fight. For myself, and for those I let down. But, Lin.” She exhales deeply and it helps. It leaves her with a fond look on her face as she regards her friend. “Ye’ll be there to support me, right?”
Cravendy laughs mutely to herself and looks up at the ceiling with her eyes closed.
Aislinn deciphers the hesitation that flickers behind Cravendy’s eyes. Because she knows it. Intimately. She leans forward and presses a hand against the Seawolf’s shoulder. “You’ll do what you set out to do. Because you’re right. You’re not the same person you were when you showed up here. You’re more.” She says, her quiet voice even, as if this was simply an immutable matter of fact and she was just the one pointing it out.
It’s Lin’s turn to surprise Cravs with a touch. Her eyes blink open when Lin meets her shoulder, and she reaches up to pat Lin’s hand twice, comforting and being comforted. Cravs grins because she can’t find the words initially. “...Thanks. It’s...thanks to ye,” she admits. “To a lot of others, too, but ye’ve been there all this time.”
Cravendy remembers a time when she was so against saying thanks that she’d literally run than say it. A time when she avoided things she enjoyed because it went against her image. She doesn’t know if she’s ‘grown’ or if she’s shed those inhibitions, but she doesn’t think the wording matters. Another obstacle and another plan to overcome it - that’s what she’ll focus on for now, for Lin. For Wyda.
Most of all, for herself. Slowly but surely, she’s working towards someone she’s happy being.
Aislinn’s lips kick up at one corner as she nods, taking Cravendy’s thanks with a faint color rising across her face. She gently squeezes her shoulder and then lets go and straightens. “Bit of a long way from where this all started ain’t it? Intend to be here with you a while longer too. Figure by now, we can get each other out of just about anything.” She chews her lower lip and then nods again. “Get some rest. We’ll figure a way out of this mess one way or another.”
Cravendy chuckles again. “Why ‘ave we been through so much anyway? Nymeia and Llymlaen tagteamin’ on us, got a bone to pick? Seven hells.” She sinks deeper into the covers with a good-natured, toothy grin. “One mess after another, but we’re veterans in dealin’ with this kinda shite at this point, aye? Enough shite to make me laugh.”
Cravendy: “But one day, we’ll take a day off and let nothin’ ‘appen for once. Just watch the blue sky, an’ all that.”
Aislinn makes a noise of agreement. "Gotta laugh. Alternative is to just go crazy."
A few more words would be exchanged before they’d part ways. Adversity awaits, but both are well aware, and when you’ve felled ‘gods’ and/or cheated death countless times, anything feels possible. This hope is hard-won and a survivor.
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locria-writes · 2 years
untitled pt. 1/?
*will change title when i finally pick one
general notes -- kind of experimental since i messed around with the chronology of how things are shown, and to be completely honest, i’ve never written something outside of my usual low fantasy/pseudo-historical stuff, so this is a super fun challenge, and a great change of pace. 
this complete story is 18+, contains the usual mature themes (explicit violence, sexual content, lots of bad mental states and mental health crises going on, etc.) will probably add more the further this goes
last edit -- 04/07/22
23 October, 2X63
“Miss, are you really sure you want to get off here?”
“Yes, I’m sure.” Her smile feels strained.
“There’s nothing really out here, you know. Just some rotting buildings and a couple thousand people…”
“I’m perfectly aware, thank you.” She stands, straightening her clothes as she grabs her bag. “Once again, thank you for the ride.”
She doesn’t wait to hear the pilot’s reply as she quickly steps out of the cruiser. Her phone buzzes, an notification about her payment – 3281.25 Concordian denarii, over 650 CD more expensive than it was ten years ago. It isn’t really surprising, considering how Concordia’s economy is in tatters, and while such a paltry amount doesn’t really put much of a dent in her savings, it still leaves a sour taste in her mouth. She taps pay, and after a moment of consideration, adds a 25% tip.
The port is relatively empty, save for a few Lunar and Concordian soldiers scattered about, the odd businessperson here and there, and a handful of workers. Lemures had never been a particularly busy place, even before the Third Liberation War, but it was positively desolate now. In fact, she was even surprised the Lemures colony was still inhabited. If she had been in charge, she would have closed it off years ago and try to sell it to whatever conglomerate wanted it.
She boards a similarly empty and somewhat dilapidated monorail. It looks like it hasn’t been updated since before the Third War – posters calling for the patriotic youth to enlist in the military, scribbles calling the National Unity Alliance liars and warmongers, others calling the Solidarity Party cowardly traitors – there’s a lump forming in her throat, so she quickly busies herself with her phone, trying to ignore everything else.
It takes only ten minutes to arrive at her stop – ten minutes that felt both too long and too short. Again, she picks up her bag and steps off the railcar, an uneasy pressure in her chest as she takes in how empty and lonely everything looks now, all compounded by permanent grey sky that hung over the colony, and the light snow that was permitted to fall.
The Lemures colony was founded sixty-four years ago by her great-grandfather, Seneca Sun, funded by their family business S-V Industries. It’s a company colony, mostly focused on mechatronic production, acting as a hub for mining expeditions, and scientific experiments, built away from major population centres due to the possible dangers. Of course, that didn’t last long as workers of the colony brought their families over, which then led to hospitals, fire stations, police stations, schools, being built, and attracting more people until the two colony cylinders housed over 300 000 people, and left the realm of a private corporate colony to being incorporated into Concordia. Like all the colonies, there are six strips of land total in Lemures, with three used by S-V Industries proper (one on Lemures One, and two on Lemures Two), the other three were residential and commercial zones.
Lemures Prime Heights on Lemures One is the high-end district of the colony, where higher-ups of S-V Industries and the wealthier residents lived. It is also where her family built their main estate, though for most days of the year, it sat empty, save for the service staff who oversaw its upkeep. It was her family’s crown jewel, she had always been told. The Suns were the first and only family to build a colony like this, all others built either by the state, or real estate tycoons, or by joint family ventures.
“Remember, Syma, Caelus is where we live, but Lemures is our home.”
It takes just five minutes to walk to the Sun Estate, and like she expected, it too is dilapidated and falling into disrepair. There are no guards, but the gate still stands tall. Symphora isn’t a sentimental person, nor is she someone driven by positive emotions. She holds neither fond memories nor any sense of nostalgia toward this house, but seeing this once-great mansion now in a semi-ruined state still leaves her eyes hot and throat burning.
Entering the house is easy, even if the electric locks are no longer working, since she has a master key to the place anyway. Without even thinking, her feet take her to her father’s office, almost like something is drawing her there, and guided only by the light of her phone. Like the rest of the house, it’s falling apart, but aside from that, it’s almost like she how she remembers.
Perhaps the closest to what she considers ‘fond memories’ are in this room – sitting on her father’s lap as he drafted new designs, occasionally listening to his lectures on whatever he was reading, as if a toddler could understand concepts like chaos theory; her third summer being spent on the rug, learning to read; curling up by the fireplace during winters and being scolded by her father for sitting too close; spring evenings sprawled on the floor reading encyclopedias while her father went over reports – maybe once upon a time, she thought of them as ‘fond’, but now they just ring as hollow affections.
The desk looks deceptively ordinary, tattered books on aeronautics and yellowed files detailing various diagrams were neatly stacked, photos tastefully arranged to look like the owner loved his daughter (one was from her seventh birthday, another from her first day of primary school, the first day of secondary school, a family portrait taken days before the outbreak of war), and several large computer screens, all in a state of lifelessness and covered in a layer of dust. There is one thing that stands out though, a box the length of her forearm sits in the middle, looking all too clean to have been here for long.
“Crazy old bastard…” She touches the top, a wry smile forming when she realizes it’s S-V Industries’ monogram. “When did you do this?”
It isn’t locked, much to her surprise, and when she shines her phone down at it, she can’t help but laugh – inside is a bottle of cyanide pills and a pistol.
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gardenergulfie · 3 years
Emptober Day 6: Struggle
Rating: G
Word Count: 2639
Relationships: Geminitay & MythicalSausage
Characters: GeminiTay (Video Blogging RPF), MythicalSausage (Video Blogging RPF)
Tags: Mage Sibs, Post Corruption Mythical Sausage, Magic, Jealousy, When you swear off dark magic but also have a really hard time actually swearing off magic, plus one of your closest friends who killed you to save you is a mage, Sausage is not having a good day, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Relapsing, Dark Magic
Sausage remembered nights spent with these very books, trying to learn to cast. There was this one spell about appearance altering that Kid Sausage had always wanted to cast. He found that spellbook quickly, its dark navy cover a familiar sensation in his hands. Now that he had magic he really should try and cast him again, he’d just have to ask Xornoth-
Wait, no. Sausage didn’t do magic anymore. He’d sworn it off after being freed from Xornoth’s control. No matter how tempting it might be he wasn’t going back on his word. No more dark magic from Xornoth.
With no small amount of regret, he put the tome in the “Donate” pile. Some other more magically gifted kid would have a better use for it. Sausage continued to work, trying to keep his mind away from the thoughts of magic and spell casting. It was really hard, being in a tower filled with magic.
Emptober Day 6: Struggle
AO3 Link
Fic below the cut
It was a good day for Sausage. The feeling of heavy exhaustion that weighed on him constantly ever since he’d been revived was mercifully light today. It had been so light that he had felt good enough to visit Gem and help her with rearranging her tower library. She had a lot of books she didn’t ever read anymore so she was cleaning them out and donating them. She’d been a bit hesitant to ask him for help because of how recently he was revived and her worry of him overexerting himself but he’d convincer that he was fine! She’d been visiting him almost every day for the past week and seen his improvement herself. Besides, moving books around couldn’t be that hard. Gem chucked when he said that out-loud and said he would need to reevaluate that once he saw some of her tomes on the theory of magic.
He was at Gem’s tower now. He had ducked into the building right after arriving, not wanting to spend too much time around the outsides or in his own memory. Gem had greeted him cheerfully from where she was levitating books into two piles.
“Sausage! You made it!” She said, ending her spell and walking over to green him properly. She’d stopped infant of I’m, not sure what the right greeting was for a friend-turned-enemy-turned-friend. He solved that problem by giving her a big hug.
“Its good to see you too, Gem! I’m excited to get to work here! It’s been a while since I left Mythland.” He said excitedly. Gem extracted herself from his bone crushing hug.
“I’m really glad you could make it.” She said genuinely. Sausage felt the same hurt he’d get for most conversations with Gem over these past few days since his resurrection. He’d hurt her and yet here she was, having forgiven him and back to being his friend. It was bittersweet.
“Yeah! I’m excited to get to work here. Was getting restless being cooped up in my home. What should I start with?” Sausage asked as a distraction from his own thoughts. Gem tapped her chin, thinking for a bit.
“Well I need to go a reread my Astrology tones to see which ones I need to keep and which ones I can give away. While I do that, can you sort the tomes in the Illusion section via author? I only want to keep the ones by Mia L Kracklewisp. They’re the best Illusionist and honestly I really don’t use Illusion spells a lot so the other ones are just gathering dust.” Gem explained. Sausage nodded.
“Can do! Just watch, I’ll be done in no time.” He promised. Gem started walking over to a table with a large amount of books on it. She turned her head back to call out.
“If you need anything just ask! I’m just over here, turning my brain into jelly as I try and pick which Astrology books I want to keep out of a decades old collection. Why did I buy so many Astrology tomes?” She muttered to herself as she sat down.
Sausage got to work. It was easy finding the Illusion spell section, just follow the smell of citrus. Most illusionists added secret notes between the margins of their spell books in invisible ink and most of that ink was made with a lemon base. Sausage remembered when he was younger, holding pages up to candle light as he deciphered the hidden messages. He’d read most if not all of Gem’s magic related books in his youth. Sausage remembered nights spent with these very books, trying to learn to cast. There was this one spell about appearance altering that Kid Sausage had always wanted to cast. He found that spellbook quickly, its dark navy cover a familiar sensation in his hands. Now that he had magic he really should try and cast him again, he’d just have to ask Xornoth-
Wait, no. Sausage didn’t do magic anymore. He’d sworn it off after being freed from Xornoth’s control. No matter how tempting it might be he wasn’t going back on his word. No more dark magic from Xornoth.
With no small amount of regret, he put the tome in the “Donate” pile. Some other more magically gifted kid would have a better use for it. Sausage continued to work, trying to keep his mind away from the thoughts of magic and spell casting. It was really hard, being in a tower filled with magic.
When he finished sorting, he set the books down on Gem’s table with a heavy thump. Gem looked up from the tome on Advanced Cosmology and Lunar Spell-casting she was skimming through and met Sausage’s eyes.
“That was rather fast.” She said, looking at the pile of Illusion spell books on the table. “I must not have that many Illusion tomes.”
“You actually have a pretty good library of them. Most of them are just written by that one author you like so I left them there.” Sausage didn’t mention the fact that he knew exactly what author she liked and that he admired the spellwork they did. Better not to think about magic right now.
“Huh.” Gem said, peeking over Sausage’s shoulder to see the other, much larger pile of books behind him. “Well you’ve finished that task. It’s getting close to midday and I need to finish skimming this book before lunch. You’re free to do whatever you like until then.” She paused before continuing. “I know we’re having goat meat wraps with a chorus fruit pudding. There’s more than enough for two, if you’d like to stay for that.”
“Oh free food? Yeah I’ll stay.” Sausage responded before his brain could fully catch up. He was given free rein of the library while Gem was busy reading and he was trying not to think about magic. This was a bad combination. Gem went back to her reading and Sausage started walking around. He wasn’t looking at the book titles, merely moving around as to distract himself better. It really wasn’t working. Sausage was seeing books labeled “Conjuring Cakes: a Guide to Summoning Edible Food” and “Moss, Lichens and Molds: the Most Fabulous Herbology spells” and “Boommaking: How to Crush Your Enemies with Explosive Magic” (he was pretty sure that last one was a gift from fWhip). He found himself grabbing interesting tomes as he went, ones that would be useful to Mythland or just plain fun for him. Reading them couldn’t hurt, he’d read most of them before. He just needed something to past the time.
Sausage curled up in an armchair with his pick of tomes on the table beside him. He quickly lost himself in the spellwork, reading about complicated equations and runes. It was all great stuff but very familiar. Sausage remembered spending hours with Gem reading these kinds of books while fWhip was out tinkering. The two of them would curl up together to read these thick tomes after school. They both would dream about magic and what they would do when they could cast.
Of course, only one of them got that ability in the end. Gem had been blessed and Sausage had been left behind, no spark of magic in him at all. While Gem trained under the greatest mages in the world, Sausage was stuck rereading the same books, knowing that he’d never be able to cast these spells. It had made him so angry and bitter then and he could feel those emotions rising up again. It wasn’t fair that Gem got lucky while Sausage didn’t. Sausage deserved that magic just as much as Gem did.
Sausage looked back down at the page he wad reading, the paper showing a spell of levitation, the same spell Gem had been using earlier. Sausage remembered how easy casting had been under Xornoth’s control. Even before he was fully taken over, Sausage had been given a book of dark magic that even someone with no inane magic ability could use. There had been a levitation spell in there too.
Sausage wasn’t supposed to cast anymore, he swore off magic, even going so far as to give Gem the Great Staff of Mythland, the one other thing that let Sausage use magic. He was powerless now because he had been corrupted by that power before. He knew he wasn’t supposed to use dark magic anymore but he just felt so angry now. One spell wouldn’t hurt. Just a simple dark magic spell, not even calling on Xornoth, a spell of his own power.
Sausage started mumbling the incantation under his breath. His blood felt warm, uncomfortably so, but the book in his hand began to rise. There was a sound, the sound of someone’s surprised shout, but Sausage hear it fully, too caught up in the magic. He laughed loudly in joy. He’d done it! The powerless Mythlander still could cast magic! He wasn’t even using Xornoth’s power, not really. Even with his blood burning, he still felt too much glee.
“-age! Sausage! SAUSAGE!” He turned around to see Gem, anger at her for interrupting him fading away when he saw her face. She was holding her staff in front of her, magic beginning to swirl around it, and her fave showed only fear. Fear that he’d lost it again, fear that the demon was back, fear that she’d have fight him again.
The force of his guilt hit Sausage in that moment and he dropped the spell. He’d done what he wasn’t supposed to. He’d used magic and scarred the one person who’d forgiven him, the person who killed him to save him. What had he done?
“Gem… I…” Sausage stuttered out, trying to explain himself before stopping. There was nothing he needed to explain, nothing that could excuse his actions. He’d broken his own rule of no magic and it was his own fault.
“I’m going to go outside.” He said, standing up. Gem’s eyes followed him as he walked to the door, only able to shake the fear away and call out after him when he was already outside. Sausage hoped onto the mountain popper and started walking through the snow. He avoided the hatchery, Gem certainly wouldn’t want him anywhere near it after the scene he’d just made. His boots crunched against the icy snow as he just walked. Eventually he grew weary and had to sit down, the exhaustion catching up tp him again. He sat there on a rock for a while, just feeling upset and mad at himself.
“Sausage?” Gem had finally found him, the faun wizard walking up to him. When he turned to face her she stopped, seeing his face. He hadn’t been crying but he was sure that he didn’t look great. The negative effects dark magic have on the body was surely not doing him any favors either. The two of them stood in silence for a bit, neither of them speaking or moving closer or farther away from the other.
“….what was that back there? You were just reading and then suddenly you were casting dark magic. Did the book do something to you? Was Xornoth controlling you again?” Gem asked hesitantly, still nervous to speak. Sausage took a deep breath in. Alright then, he would explain. She deserved an explanation.
“No Gem it won’t either of those things. It was just me.” He started. “I was just caught up in all the magic, all the things you can do that I can’t and I felt angry. I let that anger influence me into make a bad decision. I broke my promise. I said no magic and yet i still cast magic, even worse dark magic.” Sausage hung his head. “Its just so hard when I see you doing it so easily and I know that I can too if I just break my promise and give in.”
Gem listened to his admission, understanding crossing her face. “It must be hard, knowing that you can do it but not letting yourself. How long have you been holding that back? How long have you wanted to cast dark magic after you promised not too?” Gem asked, sitting down next to him. Sausage thought of the weeks since his revival, of the habitual casting of magic and only just managing to stop himself, the constant thoughts that everything would easier if he just let himself do magic, the childhood daydreams of him turning into a mage that he had repressed long ago returning in full force. Honestly it was a miracle that he hadn’t given into his urges before this and also that he’d been able to stop so easily.
“I’ve wanted to do magic forever, my whole life. When I finally could, I used it whenever I could. When I was cured, I promised that I wouldn’t do it anymore. But honestly, I still wanted to do it.” He explained. “There were so many moments where I barely managed to stop myself form using it! It’s been calling to me ever since I tried to give it up. Every day I go without it makes me want it more. And I know it’s bad, I know it has horrible side effects and could put me back under the control of Xornoth but even still I still want to use it!” Sausage’s voice raised as he grew heated about this. Gem listened, always nonjudgmental.
“It isn’t going to be easy to just stop using magic. There’s been stories of mages who start using it and can’t bring themselves to stop, not for long. But there have also been stories of mages who have been ale to give it up, this is something you can do Sausage. This bothers you, not being able to cast magic, and you feel like you can’t fight it. But you can!” Sausage watched as Gem spoke. Normally Gem talking about his struggles with magic and her encouraging him came off as bossy and made him upset, but he wasn’t upset now. It seemed that Gem really wanted to help him. “We can find people to help keep you accountable, stop you from relapsing. We’ll remind you of how well you’re doing and how far you’ve come. We’ll try and figure out other solutions to your problem of wanting to use magic. We don’t have to rely on dark magic and you don’t have to swear off all magic, we can find something that works for you. I couldn’t find a way to help you do magic in the past but I’m stronger now. We can do this. You don’t have to struggle alone.” Gem’s voice was filled with determination and passion. Sausage fully believed that she’d try and help him. He really didn’t deserve this, not after he hurt her so much. Sausage pulled Gem in for another hug, giving her a tight squeeze that he hoped conveyed everything he was feeling that he just couldn’t say. Gem hugged him back.
“This really means a lot, Gem, thank you.” Sausage said honestly as he released Gem from the hug and stood up. He helped the shorter faun to her feet as she spoke.
“Of course! You’re my friend! I was to help you!.” Sausage felt the same bittersweet emotions he kept feeling but this time they leaned more towards sweet. She’s right, he wasn’t alone. Maybe he could fix what he messed up.
“Yeah.” Sausage said. “Now that the emotional talk is over, can we go back and get lunch? You said they were going to have goat meat wraps and I am so hungry for those right now. I might even just grab a wild goat and eat it right now.” Gem laughed at Sausage’s joke and together the two them headed back towards the tower
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starlightrows · 4 years
The Lady of The House
Pairing: Boba Fett x fem reader
Word Count: 1.4k 
Warnings and Tags: swearing, not a lot of Boba reader interaction, mostly reader just asserting her position as queen
Summary: Two guards, my original characters Tems and Rhys, have been tasked with informing crime boss Boba of an intrusion... but there’s one problem. It’s the middle of the night and he’s currently with his wife sleeping.
AN: Happy Monday! This blog is getting a bouns fic today!
“I don’t wanna go in there Rhys...” Tems said shakily. 
“The boss said he had to be informed immediately if someone was caught trying to break in to the palace, if the alarm on his ship ever tripped, or if the Mand’alor hailed him.... and all three happened over the course of 20 minutes. We have to tell him Tems!” Rhys waved off his patrol partners fretting and made for the handle on the large ornate door leading to Boba Fett’s private chambers “he will feed us to the rankor if we don’t go in there” 
“Look, you’ve only worked here for three lunar cycles. You ever wonder why there was a job open?” Tems grabbed his arm, yanking him back. The Rhys narrowed his eyes, and gave a shake of his head. “You’re all happy to point out the rules the boss has about being informed. But what is the other, number one fucking rule he has?” 
The realization struck him and his eyes went wide, he gave a silent “ohhh” 
Boba Fett’s number one rule, mostly for his business partners, but also his staff: Do not disturb the lady of the house. Boba Fett’s wife.
An unassuming woman, she was kind and gentle, slightly out of place among dangerous and somewhat violent bounty hunters and crime families that frequented the upper halls. She spent most of her days working on fixing the lower levels of the run down palace. She kept to herself, with the notable exceptions of her husband and his loyal bodyguard, Fennec Shand. The rule seemed to be, if she spoke to you, answer respectfully and do as she asks. But if you bother her, get in her way, or insult her... there would be hell to pay. 
“W-what happened to the last guy?” Rhys shifted nervously on his feet. He honestly hadn’t considered why there was a position available when he accepted the job. 
“He barred the lady from entering the throne room when the boss had guests. He didn’t know the guests were there by her request, but that doesn’t make him any less dead right now” Tems told him, looking uncomfortable at the memory. 
“Well we just won’t wake up the lady then” Rhys said “we’ll be really quiet. We’ll only wake up the boss, alright?” 
Tems still wasn’t convinced “Do we both have to go in there?” 
“You’re a fuckin’ coward,” Rhys threw up his hands in exasperation “every second we wait to go in there, the more angry he’ll be that we waited. I’m going in there, you can stand out here like a little bitch if you want to,”
Tems was tempted to throw a punch, this guy had no idea just how dangerous Boba Fett really is, or how scary he could be right after waking up. Nonetheless, he followed as his partner made for the door again. 
The heavy door swung open silently, surprising given how massive it was. The room was dark, lit dimly by the silvery light of the moon coming through the small window high up on the wall. Against the far wall, was an enormous bed where both guards could see their employer sleeping soundly with his wife tucked securely to his bare chest. 
Tems wanted to die. Every step he took deeper into these chambers felt like a step closer to a painful demise. While Rhys was excited, he had never seen any of the residential chambers of the palace. And this one was huge. 
Rhys creeped up to Boba’s side of the bed, while Tems stood awkwardly by the entrance to the chambers. As Rhys approached, reaching out to shake the bosses shoulder, Tems seriously considered making a run for it. Rhys made contact, giving the large scarred shoulder a few good shakes. 
“Sir?” Rhys attempted to whisper. Boba made no movement towards wakefulness, he just continued softly snoring. 
Your eyes flew open and a fearful gasp left your body. You backed up, trying to put distance between yourself and the supposed intruder. 
“Oh my god. No no no no. I’m sorry! I’m so sorry ma’am,” Rhys backed away, hands raised. Tems practically blacked out but stayed frozen in place. 
I’m gonna fuckin die, and it’s all that idiots fault  he thought 
Your eyes had adjusted to the darkness, and you recognized the young guard. You drew the covers up to cover yourself, you felt exposed in your thin nightgown. 
“What are you doing here? These are private rooms” you whispered harshly 
“I-I- I have orders,” Rhys stammered, knees knocking together in fear “To-to get the boss if” Rhys lost his voice. He could not seem to get the words to come out of his mouth 
“Get out,” you whisper “Go back out there and do not move. I will be there shortly,” 
Your tone was authoritative and stern, leaving no room for questioning. Rhys practically sprinted out of the room, dragging a paralyzed Tems with him. The door slammed shut behind them, making them both cringe. 
Tems doubled over, placing his hands on his knees and heaving with labored breath. “Oh by the maker... we’re gonna die. We’re gonna fucking die. I’m gonna be sick. We’re gonna die” 
Rhys was pacing back and forth, hands gripping and pulling his own hair. “Shit shit shit shit shit.... you were right. We’re gonna die,” 
The large door swung open once more, and shut again firmly. Both men snapped their heads towards the direction of the sound of the door closing, awaiting the blaster blot that would surely end their lives. But it didn’t not come. Instead, there you stood, in a long robe tired securely about your waist, arms crossed over your chest. 
“Alright, what’s all this about then?” You asked tiredly. Neither man spoke a word, staring blankly at you. You grew annoyed, and tapped your foot impatiently. 
“Oh for heavens sake!” You exclaimed “He sleeps like the dead when he’s had a glass of wine before bed. He won’t be coming out here to throw you in the rankor pit anytime soon, but if one of you doesn’t speak up I most certainly will,” 
“The Mand’alor hailed for the boss,” Tems said quickly. 
“And the alarm on the bosses ship tripped,” Rhys choked out 
“And a scavenger was caught at the southern entrance trying to get in,” Tems added. You blinked at them in surprise. 
“That’s a lot of information to take in,” you said “Okay gentleman, first things first, has the scavenger been dealt with?”  
“Yes,” Rhys piped up
“Yes ma’am,” Tems avoided your gaze, staring meekly at his own two feet. 
“Lovely, and the ship. What tripped the alarm?” You asked, feeling slightly less angry by being awoken. If anything you felt a little bad for these two. 
“We’re not sure ma’am. The guards in the landing bay couldn’t find anything wrong with the ship, and couldn’t find any intruders,” Rhys said, taking Tems’ cue to use a respectful title when speaking to you 
“So then it can wait until morning for a follow up,” you noted “and the Mand’alor? Did he give a particular reason why he was hailing my husband?” 
“No ma’am, but he said it was important,” Tems supplied 
“Hmm, Djarin is a bit of a drama queen. But if he isn’t hailing repeatedly, or flying here himself, then I’m sure it can also wait until morning,” you mused. Rhys and Tems were visibly shaking with anxiety. 
“Well, if that’s all settled then I would love to back to bed. Goodnight gentleman,” you said turning to go. 
“My lady, I’m sorry” Rhys blurted out. You turned back to look at him. 
“For doing your job?” You asked 
“For disturbing you. For breaking the bosses cardinal rule,” he said “I should have listened to my partner. I shouldn’t have gone into your private chambers,” 
“Your job is to follow the orders you have been given. Protect this palace. And report when circumstances deem it necessary, no matter the time of day,” you stated evenly “you’ve done well. And your loyalty will not go unnoticed by my husband,” 
“Please don’t tell him,” Tems said “please don’t tell him it was us,” 
You cocked an eyebrow at him “I won’t if you truly do not want me to, but tell me why,” 
“My lady if the boss knew we came into your chambers, disrupted your sleep...” Tems shook his head “please don’t tell him my lady, I beg you” 
You heart softened, you forget sometimes how truly frightening your husband could be. And these men were genuinely afraid of his wrath. You nod gently. “You have my word,” 
“Gentleman,” you nodded quietly, slipping back through the door. 
The with door now shut, a heavy silence settled over the palace. Tems still felt violently ill, and Rhys was quite sure the boss would kick down the door any second despite the reassurances of his wife. 
“Rhys?” Tems said 
“I fucking hate you,”
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 2 years
Solar and Lunar- fnaf sb ocs (Both oc’s are for fnaf sb in general. But there can be a sun and moon show version.)
Backstory (fnaf sb version)
-got a virus/glitch that management wasn’t sure how to fix, so they stored Solar and Lunar away for a bit.
-the virus/glitch was just making them both a bit buggy. Which wouldn’t normally be dangerous, but since they were tall and worked with kids, they might accidentally hurt someone.
-they were put into an arcade machine. Not only out of curiosity, but also because they weren’t sure what to do.
-Eventually, sun and moon were made as replacements.
-sun and moon were given an arcade machine, but were told not to touch it. Eventually though, curiously got the better of them and they checked it out.
-After discovering Solar, they first thought that he was just part of the game.
-After a month or so, due to Solar figuring out how to communicate, they eventually realize that he isn’t actually part of the game. Moon ends up stealing a few tools during his night shift and opens the back of the machine to get Solar out.
-Once Solar woke up, and checked on Lunar, the staff were confronted. Turns out a bunch of the current staff didn’t even know that Solar was in there. The current staff were able to fix Solar and get rid of the glitch/virus. And after some cleaning and repairs, Solar was able to work alongside sun and moon in the daycare. The more hands there are to work, the easier it is to take care of the kids.
Backstory (sun and moon show version)
-the virus happens, Solar and Lunar get put into an arcade machine, and sun and moon are made as replacements.
-the creator didn’t make Solar and Lunar. They were made by someone else.
-Lunar was the one to discover Solar after they found an old arcade machine that they liked playing.
-They found out Solar was another animatronic after Solar figured out how to communicate. At first, Lunar thought that Solar was an Eclipse backup, so they asked Monty, Sun, and Moon for help.
-After some interrogating, they realized that Solar had no idea who eclipse was.
-they were all surprised when they realized that Solar wasn’t lying, and that Solar’s actual body was in the back of the machine.
-After they took it out and Solar woke up, he panicked and checked on Lunar eclipse.
-As Solar spoke with Lunar eclipse, the others realized that the body would need serious repairs after be neglected for so long. Monty just offered to make them both separate bodies, mentioning that one of the perks would be that the two would be able properly interact afterwards.
-After some thinking and talking, they took up the offer, despite being nervous.
-Fortunately, everything went well. Solar and Lunar eclipse excitedly hugged afterwards. Solar even kissed her cheek.
-that’s when the others realized that the two really liked each other
Character info (applies to both fnaf sb and the sun and moon show)
-is as tall as Killcode
-has four arms
-the sun/day shift of the two.
-enjoys helping sun. He likes being able to do his job again.
-plays with the kids and even colors with them too
-thinks of Sun as a son and will sometimes treat him as such. Sun kinda likes it.
-despite being older, Solar kinda looks up to Sun. He knows that he’s not as soft looking as Sun.
-sounds like eclipse, except his voice is deeper and a little less scratchy sounding. (I think that’s how to describe it? Not sure.)
-considers Eclipse to be more of a last name
-doesn’t think of Lunar eclipse as his sister. The two actually consider themselves to be married.
-is as tall as Killcode
-has four arms
-the moon/night shift of the two
-enjoys helping Moon. She likes being able to do her job again.
-will put the kids down for naps
-will also walk around with Moon as he patrols the pizzaplex.
-thinks of Moon as a son and will sometimes treat him as such. Moon kinda likes it.
-Moon kinda looks up to Lunar eclipse.
-sounds female and identifies as a girl.
-her voice is calm and soft
-considers Eclipse to be more of a last name
-doesn’t think of Solar eclipse as her brother. The two actually consider themselves to be married.
Character info that is exclusive to the sun and moon show
Solar eclipse
-will cuddle Lunar eclipse any time he gets the chance to
-despite not having a proper mouth, that doesn’t stop him from trying to kiss Lunar eclipse. Lunar eclipse appreciates the effort.
-doesn’t like eclipse that much, but does hope that maybe he’ll change.
-doesn’t like bloodmoon that much.
-Will pick up Lunar when they ask.
-has considered proposing to Lunar eclipse to make themselves properly married and official. But after some thinking, he decided to try when things settle down and it’s not just going to add more things to worry about.
Lunar eclipse
-likes to nuzzle Solar
-absolutely gushes over Lunar and will pick them up whenever they ask.
-doesn’t like eclipse that much, but does hope that maybe he’ll change.
-doesn’t like bloodmoon that much.
Aww. We love a good married mom and dad figure. I want to squish Solar.
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mexcraziness-art · 4 years
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Monkie Kid/JTTW OC: Liang Xingti
Okay, so this bio is going to be pretty messy, mostly because I’m really tired these days, but also because I’m still reading Journey to the West, and still waiting on the new seasons of the show. So I can’t go into details too deeply until I find out more, this is more of a general outline of what I have in mind for her so far!
Name: Liang Xingti (亮星体),Tong Bi Yuanhou (通臂猿猴) Nickname: Gab Gender: Female
Liang Xingti, also known as the Long/Magic Armed Gibbon or just „Gab”, much like Wukong, she’s one of the Four Spiritual Monkeys, see the one and only mention in Journey to the West:
„The third kind is the magic−armed gibbon that can catch the sun or moon, shrink mountains, see what is auspicious and what is not, and fool around with heaven and earth.”
History: Xingti was born from a cloud after a full solar-eclipse, as the circumstances of her birth concerned Heaven she was soon taken in by Taibai Jinxing, the Gold Star of Venus, as a discipline. She grew up in the Heavenly Court, and was trained in combat by Erlang Shen. Despite now being a Heavenly Warrior she was mostly running errands for Jinxing and the Jade Emperor. After Wukong showed up in Heaven she was really intrigued by him, as she never met a monkey like her before. She developed a strange mix of appreciation and irritation towards Wukong as time went on, and after he became the Great Sage Equaling Heaven the two of them became semi-friends, usually sparring together. Wukong also showed her a new perspective on life, and she began to internally question her life and role in the heavenly court. When Wukong rebelled against and rampaged through Heaven she tried to fight him as well, and meanwhile normally they were pretty evenly matched, she didn’t stand a chance, as her doubts held her back and Wukong’s rage filled War Form was simply way out of her league at the time. After the Buddha trapped Wukong under the mountain her doubts in Heaven increased, now with added guilt on top. After Heaven banished Sandy, and their treatment of Bai Long Ma, she finally had enough and tried to leave Heaven. She was warned by her master Jinxing that Heaven might take this as an act of rebellion, so she was forced to stay, but she took more and longer trips to Earth. When she heard Wukong was freed she occasionally visited him and his company of their Journey, though his situation left a bad taste in her mouth. After this she spent the next few hundred years doing the same, running errands for Heaven and fighting demons on their orders.
(The following is mostly relevant to the 4+1 Monkeys AU)
In the present day she was sent by Heaven to Earth to find Wukong and get help to investigate and try to capture Macaque for reasons the Jade Emperor didn’t share with her, this lead to her being suspicious about her mission from the start. When she went to Flower Fruit Mountain to get Wukong’s help, she ran into MK, and soon found out that Wukong trains him as his successor, which lead the two of them to having a fight, and Xingti leaving to capture Macaque alone. However she was followed by MK who offered to help her, which she accepted, endangering MK in the process. Of course Wukong showed up last minute and the two of them captured Macaque. Later Xingti revelaed she doesn’t want to turn Macaque over to Heaven until she finds out more about their motivations, so she decided to stay on Flower Fruit Mountain with Macaque as their prisoner until they find out more, which left Wukong less than impressed.
Personality: Having grown up in Heaven, Gab was a model discipline, she never questioned authority, or the orders she was given. She was trained to be level headed and controlled as Heaven was vary of her possible wild nature. After she met Wukong and started to question Heaven she slowly became more rebellious, second guessing her orders and asking too many questions. As she spent more and more time on Earth and away from Heaven, she developed a loud, brash and snarky personality, she has a crude sense of humor, and likes to mess with people for the fun of it. She’s playful but likes to see just how far she was push someone by annoying them before they get pissed off. However also having grown up in Heaven, she grew up pretty isolated, and making meaningful connections is pretty hard for her. She doesn’t handle rejection well, and gets quickly angered when she feels confused or conflicted about something, specially if it’s relationship related. She also uses this to hide her sensitivity, which she views as a weakness. She mostly tries to show the affection and fondness she has for someone by being an absolute pest in their lives, and hope for the best.
Powers and Abilities:
She has all the standard abilities of a Spiritual Monkey and a Heavenly Warrior, including: -Immortality -Super strength and super speed -Chi manipulation -Cloud Generation -Flight
Other Abilities: -36 Heavenly Transformations (much like Wukong, she can’t change her tail) -Cloud Clones -She can use the essence of the Sun and Moon for various spells and magical abilities, she can also cause full lunar and solar ecplises by forcing the sun and the moon to move in place, this gives her a full power boost however this is also one of the things that can kill her. -Size changing of objects: She can change the size of anything to any size at will. -Fortune Sense/Opportunity Sense: She can sense how favorable a situation/decision could be.
Weapon: Her staff, made out of a droplet of Sun and Moon, is her signature weapon. She usually keeps it in her belt on her back, in it’s basic Handle form. She can command it to grow into a staff, which is how she usually uses it in combat. And at it’s strongest, she can summon a Sun and Moon blades on each end, as it’s third form.
Sun Wukong: She has sort of a back-and-forth relationship with Wukong. She loves to annoy and pester him and constantly challenge him to sparring matches, as they’re one of the few people who actually pose a challenge to the other. She likes to get a rise out of him, to knock him down a peg from his high and mightiness. She also loves to constantly remind him of his embarassing events in Heaven. Generally she’s just a little shit towards Wukong, but in a friendly, familiar way. To Wukong she’s more of an unwelcome nuisance that he’d rather avoid, but at the end of the way they both hold a fondness for eachother, just locked away deep, deep down, due to their shared experience with Heaven, and really both of them would rather die than ever admit it out loud.
MK: Much like Wukong, she likes to bully MK in the friendly way. She constantly pesters and makes fun of him, sometimes even „showing him some fighting moves” just so she can knock him around a bit. She sees the potential in him, how powerful he could become, and how he’s better than any of them ever were. However this is also the reason she doen’t go easy on him. Despite all this she has a soft spot for MK, when she’s not messing with him, she’s always telling him cool stories of her and Wukong’s old days, that didn’t make it into the legends. She also always makes sure to tell the embarassing bits about Wukong.
Macaque: Her relationship with Macaque is… complicated and a massive WIP to put it simply, so this one will be super brief.
After they captured him, Xingti basically became his de facto prison warden. She constantly followed him around and just kept an eye on him in general. Because of this she soon became super intrigued by him, not only beause he was the second Spiritual Monkey she ever met, but mostly because she felt as if they were on a common wavelength. After Macaque’s initial escape attempts, and various arguments with Wukong, she set out to try to understand him and his past. As time passed and Macaque actually warmed up to them they grew pretty close. As it turns out they have a similiar sense of humor, and both of their favourite hobbies is making Wukong miserable, she quickly grew a soft spot for Macaque and before she even realised it she had all but developed a crush on him. Macaque had soon noticed the obvious changes in her behaviour, and as he had been faking his redemption this whole time, he decided to take advantage of her feelings for him. He played along and peretended to fancy her as well, they have even developed sort of a romantic relationship, (this whole thing of course didn’t leave Macaque as unaffected as he liked to believe) and things were actually pretty good, until Macaque saw an opportunity to betray them and make it hurt. This of course left Xingti more than emotionally devastated, and she swore to make Macaque pay herself. This is pretty much what I have in mind so far, I'm sure I left out a lot, I'll add them later when I remember them! And hopefully I'll draw a ref of my other OC, Mandy, the 4th Spiritual Monkey soon as well!
Art by @mexcraziness-art
Liang Xingti and 4+1 Monkeys AU belongs to @mexcraziness-art
Monkie Kid belongs to Lego
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