#also luke looks weird
6vaguebook · 9 months
After watching this first two episodes of the Percy Jackson Disney+ show, my main takeaway (outside of Percy taking on THREE Ares kids with no training and not even being wet) is that Luke was done so, so well.
The actor EMBODIES him. Even before I saw him acting, one picture was enough to convince me that this man WAS Luke, despite looking nothing like him. His friendship with Percy feels so much stronger. I'm already feeling the devastation from the inevitable betrayal. Just. He's so well done.
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captialluke · 1 year
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Festival Mirage, inspired by Anoxthon :^)
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artemx746 · 9 months
I’ve been on the pjo Reddit a couple of times (a huge mistake) because I need more content about my favourite minor characters and the amount of people who will say ‘May castellan got cursed because she had child’ is honestly shocking.
They’re not even right. In canon the only reason given as to why she was cursed was because Hades cursed the Oracle to never have another curse as long as ‘[his] children remain outcasts and as long as [he] labours under the burden of the prophecy’ (probably not exactly what was said but from what I remember that’s the general message). There isn’t any other reason for it
And for me this is what makes May’s story so much more tragic because she wasn’t at fault, she became a victim of the gods’ selfishness, she was probably the right person at the wrong time and even if you wanna say that she shouldn’t have tried to become the oracle, can you blame her for thinking she should? If I had been having prophetic dreams and then being told that the oracle hasn’t had a host in like 40 years I probably would’ve put 2 and 2 together and tried too.
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daydadahlias · 1 month
i really deeply wish people would stop using social media as a way to fuel their understanding of neurodivergence and how appropriate it is to label someone else as such. projecting autism or any other kind of neurodivergence on random people (or celebrities) is Not okay. you should not be doing it. if you wanna headcanon a fictional character as neurodivergent, by all fucking means!! that's your headcanon!! but you cannot headcanon REAL PEOPLE as being neurodivergent without their consent?? It is entirely inappropriate and undermines their personal identity. you are not allowed to choose it for them.
I appreciate that tiktok/twitter/tumblr/etc have opened up spaces to normalize conversations around neurodivergence bc that is so important but it has also created this sense of entitlement to someone else's identity that should not be normalized. you do Not get to diagnose people. You do not get to use things you learned on tiktok to look at someone and go "oh, yeah, you're autistic," especially if they did not ask for that kind of perception
as someone who is very eccentric irl, I am constantly having people who have just met me call me autistic or tell me I need to get a diagnosis. and the truth of the matter is 1) that is entirely my fucking business and 2) i am just not fucking autistic so by you assuming that, you're devaluing autism to the "quirky" traits you see it described as on social media which just isn't what autism is
people meet a person who diverges from any social norm whatsoever and immediately go "oh this must be a neurodivergent person." but no, that's not how it works; there is just variety to the human experience. just because you have a hyper fixation or deviate from some cultural norms does not mean you are neurodivergent.
stop letting tiktok diagnose you and please stop trying to diagnose others
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wisdommage · 1 year
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Have some Dinluke Keldabe Kisses for the soul
Yes its an acrylic painting, no i dont have much experience with acrylic, yes i had so much fun painting this
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quibbs126 · 2 years
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More sketches from the past two days
So first I just wanted to draw Flora in that outfit she has during the credits of Curious Village, because personally I really like it, and I feel like it makes her look more similar to Luke and Layton’s type of clothing. Not sure if I would have preferred this outfit over the one we got, because I still like that one, but still
Next, I just wanted to draw something funny with Descole. I know DS games should be too modern for this world, but I swear I’ve seen some art where Luke has a DS, and I just think it would be funny if the one thing from modern times this series has is just. The DS. So yeah. For context, the game Descole is supposed to be playing is Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs. In it there’s a character called Leanne, who’s an archaeologist studying the ancient history of Oblivia, but also she’s married to Oblivia’s Area Ranger Rand, and has a daughter named Nema, and they all live happily. I feel like Descole would end up drawing parallels to his own family and get kind of jealous he can’t live that happy life Leanne is
Next, I was looking for some poses to draw in my photos, and I came across the one with three people, and initially I was going to draw it with Des and his old crew, but then I thought the pose would also work with the prequel trio, and I thought maybe I should do that instead. But I still wanted to draw the Des trio, so I just ended up making two different versions, as you can see here. I feel like Luke ended up looking a bit weird here
Oh yeah, and for context as to who the kid in the middle of the Des trio is, that would be Kyle Azan, or as he’s originally known at this time, Gabriel Redwood, who I’m just gonna say was Desmond’s apprentice back in the day, similar to how Luke is to Layton. Gabriel, Desmond and Eileen (along with Raymond) would go around the world in an earlier version of the Bostonius searching for ancient ruins and artifacts, having plenty of adventures along the way. Also for reference, I’m saying that Gabriel is around 12 years younger than Desmond, but they first met when Gabriel was about 9, so it was a pretty sizable age gap
Anyways, so after that I had some free space, so I decided “you know what? I complained about the villains not getting new outfits in the Layton cafe art, why not just try and do it myself?” And so I decided to start with Clive. I based this outfit off of a combination of his normal outfit and Luke’s alternate outfit. Also I lost the hat because from what I can gather, the hat was just part of his “Future Luke” persona, considering once we see him as Clive, he’s no longer wearing the hat, so I ditched it so that he’d stand on his own instead of just being Luke’s counterpart
But yeah
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burstingsunrise · 3 months
what is this fandom’s obsession with critiquing luke’s hair
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quietwingsinthesky · 6 months
id be normal if not for them
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bisexualbuckleyy · 2 years
a list of men that i, a lesbian, am occasionally attracted to:
eddie diaz. not ryan guzman, specifically eddie diaz.
david castañeda, but only with short hair for some reason. mostly applies to season 1 diego hargreeves but there are multiple exceptions.
omar rudberg. self explanatory.
luke hemmings. don’t know what it is but he’s on the list.
cody christian. i will not explain myself.
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mai-universe · 1 year
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honeyedlashton · 2 years
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prentissluvr · 11 months
oh just 2817 words (give or take after editing) of luke alvez being the perfect, in fact, the only man. coming to you folks live probably tomorrow
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thissmycomingofage · 8 months
....man this finale has so many plot holes
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dbphantom · 1 year
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I figured it out
You haven't done shit
I figured it out
#Ignore the chimney. Please.#Originally was just going to put Lewis's room above the garage but I figured it either has skylights or a seperate attic room so that's#definitely Lawrence and Laura's room [the parents' room]#In my layout for the cartoon I had the kitchen on the other side so the garage door was in the kitchen. I make a lot of reference to this#I am going to go back and fix them I swear... Lol#Also I put Lenny's room on the first floor in the back there bc the garden is basically his#I figure he works with plants he likes that sort of thing#I think Lenny is the black sheep of the family in that he hates going out into the ocean and would rather stay on land#Which you know >w> might come into play later#Luke's room is basically a second guest room since he is a history professor at the college in the next town over#But they still keep it furnished and stuff in case he happens to stop by. Which he never does but still#I know the girls houses don't match the og show's designs (except mostly Rikki's) but like... We have 0 idea what his house looks like#This is the best we got! I'm using it!!#We saw Charlotte's house which is so weird to me. Not because I dislike her. I love Charlotte. But because Lewis has been here since s1#We've seen Zane's and Miriam's houses. But specifically we never see Lewis's. It is weird to me#It's just like Bella. How tf do we see Will's boat shed but not Bella's house????#It just feels off to me. Bella is already an underdeveloped character. Seeing her room even once wouldve really helped establish who she is#Maybe that was the point. They didn't even know who she was meant to be outside the plot :/#Like she could've left some stuff in moving boxes and we could've been like 'she doesn't expect to stay here long no point in unpacking'#She could have photos of all the different places she's been but none of any friends or herself smiling. Just landscapes.#Cutting back to Cleo's room where she has all her photos of her friends framed and stuff#But no! We just see Will's stupid boat shed instead#Smh#Okay I'm sorry I'm not gonna rant abt how they did Bella a huge disservice this time I'm sorry I will NOT#Cruddy rambles
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quibbs126 · 2 years
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So I finally decided to go and draw more of my Layton age swap au, so here you go
The first thing is just what I imagine Triton (Luke) and Locklair’s (Descole) first interaction to be like. Locklair gives a dramatic introduction for himself being all confident, and immediately Triton’s first reaction is “okay who’s child is this”. Locklair isn’t very fond of Triton
Next I drew a scene that’s been in my head for a while that I’m not sure I explained originally? Basically for context it’s been 4-6 years since Hershel was adopted by the Laytons, and for the most part his early childhood memories have been repressed, such as his parents and what happened to them. However, he does still have vague memories of having a brother, but they’re becoming incredibly faded, and were this the canon timeline, within a few years he’d forget them completely. But that hasn’t happened yet, so he still has them. But one big thing is that no matter how hard he tries, he can’t remember his brother’s name. He feels incredibly guilty about this, despite the actual reason being that it’s simply because he and his brother share the same name
Next I drew Emmy in this au, who at some point becomes part of the group, but I’m not sure when. Here she’s a teenager, around the same age as Desmond, though possibly a year or two older. In this continuity she’s still working for Targent, but at the same time she’s not very loyal to the group, other than her Uncle Leon and Aunt Rachel. See, some time after Leon and Rachel were abducted and forced to work for Targent, they had met Emmy, and seeing how she was all alone after her father died, and how she was around the same age as their son Hershel (Desmond) would be, they decided to take her in, basically becoming her surrogate parents. She also knows that they had two sons, Hershel and Theodore, though I haven’t decided whether or not she knows Hershel Layton is Theodore. If she does she’d told her aunt and uncle and is watching out for Hershel for them, and she acts like a big sister to him
Speaking of the Bronev parents, I’m not sure what to do with them. On one hand, I want them to reunite with their children and be happy. Rachel is still alive and while they’re both worse for wear, Leon isn’t exactly loyal to the group yet and hasn’t been corrupted by them, at least not to any significant degree. But in the other hand, I want Hershel to keep living happily with Roland and Lucille, and also for Desmond to be taken in by Flora, who acts as both a mentor and a guardian to him (I’ll elaborate on my next page since I have more ideas for this to draw)
Then finally, I wanted to draw Flora and Desmond, but I didn’t have enough room, so I just drew Flora in her working outfit. She builds robots like Bruno (though maybe not to his level just yet), and so she needs a much more practical outfit when doing so
But anyways, yeah, hope you enjoy, and this time I’ll try to spend more time on it and not leave it waiting in the dust for another several months (though I make no promises I am very haphazard)
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ostensiblyfunctional · 3 months
Okay so I recently reread all the Magus of the Library books I own and something about the Kadoe niggled at the corner of my brain that now permanently and inexplicably owned by Star Wars. Such as the fact that the Kadoe widely use masks, but not all of them, and of the ones that do, the only ones that can see their face are their family or spouse. And also, it is highly inappropriate for others to refer to a Kadoe by their given name. And also, but less relevantly, the Kadoe used to have a prolific empire, and were ostensibly very good at fighting considering that their contribution to the Seminal Scripts is a trio of grimoires that are apparently the most terrifying in all of history, before the empire fell to the Rakta.
Now, I dunno about you, but that sounds like a Star Wars group of people who are sworn to never reveal their face to anyone other than family, who restrict use of their personal name, and who used to have an empire before it fell. And are also really good at fighting.
Also, uh. Well. Haupi and Jedi and systematic massacre of an entire people. Y'know. Some parallels could be drawn there. And also maybe between Sith Lords, the Emissary of Wormwood, and great evils making things worse for everyone everywhere.
All I'm saying is that it wouldn't feel out of place if some Kadoe—maybe a Tass or Sooni or whatever subclassification is listed in the books—who comes from a highly traditional, secretive sect who obscure their names and bodies in addition to their faces, coming across some long-lived yet still childlike remnant of the Haupi, and being tasked with returning this child to whatever of their people is left.
#star wars#magus of the library#din djarin#grogu#din's name can even be converted pretty well to kadoe conventions! at least his first name is the typical 3–4 letters of kadoe first names#(i'm not counting cynthea loh tei because nothing about her is conventional kadoe)#thinking maybe grogu is a spirit? spirit are probably really long-lived so he might be almost a century old but he's still a child#popopo is specified as a valley spirit so spirits are probably born from really long-lasting natural phenomena#so like. child spirit grogu who is probably aligned with water mana to facilitate big hops and healing like theo can do#also like. manipulation of water probably means you can manipulate the water in OTHER people's bodies too#if you've learned enough to do that#so this can let grogu do some mudhorn-adjacent creature lifting too!#meanwhile there's this kadoe guy just going ??? at everything. would he even know any hyron languages??#he might know about spirits considering aya as a child found one just by walking through the woods near her town#but would he know about mana? magi? who the haupi are and why they were massacred? any language other than kadoe and maybe rakta tongues?#and now im thinking on how other haupi/jedi remnants would look#like would they be purely haupi like togid probably is? or would they be a mix like theo is?#luke n leia would definitely be a mix. probably hyron-haupi like theo#i'm tempted to think of ahsoka as a haupi-creyak mix so she could have room to deny her haupi heritage like she does with the jedi#also. highly tempted to make one of the trine as an equivalent to the darksaber. probably the thunder grimoire#din would probably be raised in wilderness as part of a secluded group of kadoe#so there would be enough mana in him for a grimoire to go 'oh i like you' and attach itself to him#especially if there's a sapient synthspirit in it capable of liking him#the fact that it's the thunder of the trine is irrelevant din just wants to be left alone#writing reference#okay enough tags! hopefully this is enough to finally excise this weird as hell idea from my brain
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