#also love babies i’m born to be an aunt not a mother tho
ashmp3 · 1 year
i am at my grandparents place and my grandma is talking how when i was a baby we were in that town bc of bombing it was much safer. and how i was skinny bc ofc it was harder to get food but they gave me strawberries bc they picked them and i vomited my soul out. damn….. also i was 5kg when i was 7 months like that’s a tiny baby for sure
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supergeekgirl05 · 2 years
15 questions/15 people
I was tagged by @wikiblair :) thanks b <3
1. Are you named after anyone?
Kinda? Part of my name is my mother’s middle name
2. When was the last time you cried?
Yesterday. My job puts an awful amount of stress on me, homesickness and personal problems. I tend to have breakdowns quite a bit due to that :/ I’m getting better though and starting to warm up to my new life
3. Do you have kids?
Hell no. Nor would I ever want any. I’ll stick with being the cool, gay aunt 😎
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Oh god yeah. All the time. It’s part of my personality. Sarcasm, mom jokes, and flirting. Can’t make me stop
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
I would say personality and whether or not I think we’d get along. Also I tend to notice if they’re an outgoing person or not
6. what’s your eye color?
Green :) If I had to really describe it, it’s like emerald green with even a lil grey in there. Looks kinda like this emoji’s color->🌲
7. scary movie or happy endings?
Scary movie. I have a love hate relationship with happy endings. But I’d also watch either one without complaints
8. any special talents?
Hmm I can crack my neck like the cool dudes do in movies. Idk if that counts as a special talent or not tho
9. where were you born?
I was born in Illinois, USA (nowhere near Chicago, though I’ve been there billions of times)
10. what are your hobbies?
I love interacting with the fandoms I’m a part of. Music, video games, and writing (the basic ones) I also love training dogs (I’m an animal lover)
11. do you have any pets?
I do!! (Bad question to ask cuz I’ll never shut up now) Her name is Stella and she’s a golden retriever! She is almost 4 years old (no way already??? She’s gotta stop growing up 😢) She is the sweetest baby ever and I gave her three middle names ( Patrick George Kevin) and can’t remember why I picked those specific middle names. Everybody loves Stella. And I will send you SO many photos, all you gotta do is ask (I even made an edit of her 💀) Sorry. Proud mom moment 😭
12. what sports do you play/have you played?
I don’t play any currently but my job requires me to be physically fit, so I work out regularly. I used to play soccer (football), basketball, run track, and competitively swim. I ride horseback occasionally (dunno if that counts or not)
13. how tall are you?
I am 165cm/5’5”
14. favorite subject in school?
Psychology. Coolest subject ever. It’s so interesting to learn about the human brain and how we ‘work’
15. dream job?
I’ve always wanted to go to space but I don’t think I’m smart enough to be an astronaut 🥲 I also recently started to consider starting a dog training/caretaking business at my family’s farm back in the States. But that would be a hell of a goal to work towards and I’m stuck at my current job for quite a few years unfortunately
Tagging (definitely not something y’all have to do if you don’t want to): @cove15 @fangirl-over-every-fandom @natblidaclexa
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kirishimaswife2819 · 3 years
Emergency Request: Hi Danielle :/ First, I just want to apologize for sending in an emergency request. I honestly thought that I’d never need to send one in. I know how many requests you already have piling up and now you’re going to have even more with your new prompts. I also know you’re having a hard time finding the motivation to write requests so sorry for giving you more work. I’m honestly just feeling really horrible at the moment. It’s my birthday today and only one of my friends remembered. (Idk maybe I’m just weird about this but receiving that 12am message from friends just makes me so happy and makes me feel important and appreciated) but this year only one of my friends remembered and I’m just feeling really unimportant—if that makes sense. Also my aunt who was like a mother to me passed away last month and it’s on days like these when I really just remember her and miss her so much. I’ve been crying for the past few hours and the tears just WONT STOP. MY GOSH. anyway, I was wondering if you could write something for me with Bakugou regarding this? Comfort and fluff please. It’s okay if you can’t tho! I completely understand, you’re busy and everything. I won’t be mad 🥺💖 I just thought I’d give it a try. As rude and loud Bakugou is, he’s my comfort character so I thought maybe he could help me 💖.
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How They Comfort Their S/o When Their Friends Forget Their Birthday || Bakugou
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Masterlist 1 || Masterlist 2
↠Author’s Note: Don’t apologize, it’s alright! Happy (probably late) birthday!! I’m sorry that happened :( I hope you feel better soon/now! Ty for requesting! I hope these help!! -Danielle <3
↠Characters: Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
↠Summary: Katsuki’s reaction when he walks in on you crying, on your birthday, because your friends forgot
↠Genre: Comfort/fluff
↠Word Count: 900
↠Warnings: Kinda toxic friends, ig?
↠Notes: None
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This man is going to be absolutely pissed that everybody besides him, some of the 1-A students, and like one of your other friends forgot your birthday
Most of the students of the class didn’t know it was your birthday, only a few that paid good attention did and they all wished you a happy birthday and then everybody else did as well, since they heard the others doing it
But you had school that day, so Bakugou couldn’t really take you anywhere special, but he did buy you a gift and take you out for dinner that night
Yet, when you came home, you came to the realization that barely anybody remembered your birthday, including your friends outside of U.A., and you knew that you shouldn’t really care, considering how the members of class 1-A remembered
But it still kind of hurt when you came to realization that only one of your friends remembered
The same friend stopped by early in the morning to give you a gift, since they also had to get to school, but they promised that they’d hang out with you when they got the chance to
It also didn’t help that you had remembered all of your friends birthdays, but they hadn’t remembered yours
For about ten minutes, you sat there, trying to convince yourself that they just had a bad memory, or that they just didn’t look at the date that day, but the more you thought about it, the more convinced you got that they simply didn’t care
For example, if you couldn’t remember a birthday of someone you cared about, then you put it in your phone and put a reminder a few days ahead so you would remember to get them a gift (I do this, it took my friends about ten times of telling me their birthdays before I finally remembered them but even then I don’t pay attention to dates so I put them in my phone)
Anyway, so when Bakugou came into the room to give you a late birthday gift, and you were sobbing while hugging your stuffed animal, at first he was super concerned but after you told him the reason why you were upset he was concerned and absolutely pissed
Like it took every bone in his body for him not to get up to go yell at (and beat up) some dumb ‘extras’ for upsetting you on your birthday
And then when you explained that you were extra upset because of your aunt passing about a month ago, he got even more pissed off at them for forgetting
He still remembered the day that your aunt passed away (and the days that followed), you didn’t want to leave your room and you didn’t want to let anybody in, until finally Bakugou convinced you to let him in so that he could help you, and then he spent the rest of that night comforting you and making sure that you felt better
Anyway, back to the main subject, he literally had to take a minute to step out of your room so he didn’t blow up on you, when he was supposed to be comforting you
He took a few minutes to calm himself, before stepping back into the room and approaching you again
He didn’t say anything and instead pulled you into his arms, letting you sob into his chest until you got it all out, while either gently rubbing your arms, back, or head
Finally, after you cried it all out, he started talking
He hadn’t wanted to talk while you were crying because 1. If you started to say something, he didn’t want to talk over you, and 2. He wanted to give you all the time that you needed to cry, before he gave you his opinion and thoughts on the situation
“Look, babe, they’re just a bunch of dumb, useless extras,” Katsuki started
“Katsuki, don’t talk about them like that, they-”
“Don’t interrupt me, it’s true. Anybody who doesn’t care enough to remember the day that you were born is a useless extra,” Bakugou said, “And don’t you dare go and beat yourself up because they’re a bunch of jerks.”
You didn’t reply, and Katsuki didn’t say anymore and instead a comfortable silence filled the room and you allowed Katsuki to continue holding you
But the silence was broken about ten minutes later, by Katsuki
“I got you a gift,” he said, and you sat up, starting at him, waiting for him to give it to you
He gestured forward, and then you noticed the nearly flat, but tall and wide item that was wrapped in blue paper
You reached forward, and felt the paper, and you could tell that it was obviously a photo frame
After tearing the paper off, you got a good look at the photo, it was actually from the two of you that same day, when you two were eating dessert at the restaurant he took you to
“Thank you,” you said, smiling and setting it on your nightstand, so that you could hang it up tomorrow. Then you threw yourself back into his arms, cuddling into his chest, “Love you, Katsu.”
“Love you too, baby,” he replied, as you started to fall asleep, “Happy birthday.”
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stitch1830 · 3 years
Had a terrible day. Do you have any mama toph hc, when she's a single mother? Maybe when Lin's a newborn, in the first few days after her birth? I can see Toph trying to get back to work despite Katara and the other helpers insisting that she needs to heal for a few months. Do the gaang help Toph with parenthood? Do Toph's parents come to help/visit Toph and baby Lin? If you want to add some Kanto, maybe she found about her pregnancy after his death? This is completely your choice tho
Hi Anon, thank you for the ask, and I'm so sorry to hear you had a bad day. I saw this and tried to get to it as soon as I could. Hopefully some fluffy headcanons can cheer you up a bit. :)
So after Lin is born, I see Toph mainly just holding Lin and getting used to the feeling of having her baby in her arms. Sure, she's held babies before, but Lin is all hers, and she can hold her as long as she'd like. I think that while she knows that being a parent is tough and challenging, when Lin is a newborn, those fears are kind of away from her mind because her friends are there to help and she's just in a period of bliss with her little Linny. She'll spend most of her time sitting with Lin in her arms, listening to the sounds she makes and tracing her little face over and over again. I feel like Toph really enjoyed the quiet moments with Lin.
I agree I think once Toph is at home and settled with Lin, she just starts asking questions to Katara that all revolve around when she can get back to work. She'd been out of commission for so long that now she's itching to go back! Katara is just like, "Toph, you just had a baby like 24 hours ago. You're not going back to work soon." Cue huffs of annoyance and >:( faces from Toph haha!
Everyone in the Gaang is there to support Toph and their new niece for as long as possible, and are around to help as often as they can! Katara, Aang, and Sokka probably provide the most support since they live close to her, so they're over a lot to give Toph a break from watching Lin to rest or to get out of the house for a bit. They love spending time with Toph and Lin and are happy to help when they can. Toph appreciates it too. And as Lin gets older and Toph is more comfortable with her new role as a mama, the Gaang visit less often to give Toph the space she needs, but they're always around still. Just a little bit less! Lin loves her aunts and uncles when they come over, so I can imagine she has a great big smile when she sees them walk through the door.
I imagine that Lao and Poppy visit Toph and Lin early on (with Toph's permission, of course), and they just fall in love with Lin. Perhaps as a baby, Lin looked just like baby Toph and their hearts are just bursting with joy. I don't know if Lao and Poppy would be great at helping Toph with some of the parenting stuff (they probably had nannies mainly take care of Toph?), but they love holding her and carrying her around to see new things around the house.
And with Kantoph, this scenario isn't as fluffy, but I can't deny a few kantoph HC's haha!
So I think Toph would be a little horrified at the thought that she's pregnant after Kanto died. Like, she lost the love of her life, and now she is going to have his baby? It's a lot to handle, and I feel like she wouldn't be sure if she could handle it. But with the help of the Gaang, she's able to manage this big change. Their baby is this glimmer of hope for her to make sure Kanto's life isn't completely gone in the world, and she just knows on some level that this baby will remind her of him so much, and that thought scares her and comforts her.
That's all I have for now! Thank you again for the ask, Anon. I hope your days get better soon, and if you're looking for more fluff and ATLA headcanons, my asks are always open. I've also got a lot of asks to catch up on, so hopefully I'll bring more headcanons to you today :)
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aelin-world-walker · 4 years
Some headcanons I have post-ACOSF
(don’t ask where this comes from i’m just aching because i finished rereading acosf and thinking headcanons is my coping mechanism)
(i wrote “some” in the title but they are like a million????)
(like now this is a master list of headcanons i have...)
*Probably I’ll edit it pretty often because headcanons come whenever they like.
*i’ll probably add feysand headcanons in the future but not now because there’re A LOT out here but know I have some like feysand beign parents is too cute to ignore.
*sorry if there are some spelling errors, English is not my first language.
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The cabin headcanons
(yes the cabin has its own subtitle)
Cassian takes Nesta to the cabin after their mating bond ceremony and then happens chapter 55 but Nesta adapted. There’s no soup but a biscuit.
When Nyx is a little older he starts participating in the snowball fight. Rhys, Cassian and Az let him win.
In one of her visits, Feyre paints her sisters and Nyx’s eyes beside the IC ones, because they are now part of the Court of Dreams (this one made me cry a little honestly)
Whenever one of the IC’s couples wants to take a break they go to the cabin. Sometimes Az goes too to play chaperone. Spoiler: it doesn’t work (especially NOT with Nessian) (this one made me laugh)
Nesta likes the cabin’s vibes to read, so she goes often. Sometimes Cassian joins her but he bores to death so he wouldn’t let her read (if you get what i mean)
I can imagine the IC visiting it, long nights bonding in front of a fire and playing board games. Rhys, Nesta and Azriel are so competitive that stay awake til one of them wins. (actually Rhys and Azriel competitive spirit over board games is canon) (i just imagine Nesta playing the courtier to win) (then she loses and is cranky for a day). Meanwhile, Mor and Cassian drink themselves silly, and Feyre and Elain play with Nyx. Amren just purrs sitting in Varian’s lap. (Amren as the house cat)
The girls decide to do their own snowball fight honestly i don’t know why this is not canon yet. One year they decide to do girls vs. boys. The girls win and the boys don’t want to play against them again.
Nyx and his cousins learning to fly in a summer vacation there. (yeah because nessian’s children are happening in the future and they are in some of my headcanons sorry)
Nesta, Gwyn and Emerie go there sometimes (not so often because they prefer staying with the House please never forget they are all friends) and go hiking.
When Nyx and Nessian’s children are older and misbehave their parents send them to the cabin. Then whoever of them didn’t got to be grounded slips alcohol to the ones inside. (Actually i can see them doing this??? Rhys and Mor did the same. Also I can see Nyx and his cousins having a relationship similar to Rhys and Mor’s and Aelin and Aedion’s)
Inner Circle couples and the sauna. Not gonna say anything else, but just know it’s hella weird there’re no scenes in there...
The House of Wind headcanons
(big house deserved its own headcanons)
Nesta installs a dance studio in there and whenever she can she goes and dance for hours.
Nesta, Gwyn, Emerie and the House start a monthly sleep-over in the private library. The House always conjures the miniature pegasus without being asked.
Can we talk about the fact that in the future the House of Wind will have a nursery???? because i have to talk about it. don’t know if i’ll be able to do so without crying but just- nessian’s babies nation
When Nessian’s children are born the House would conjure anything just to please them and will protect them at all costs. The House as a babysitter and mother-hen.
The House starts talking to Cassian and recommends him smut books. He reads them and find them pretty interesting. He also recommends the House books but as they are of warfare the House finds them boring.
When Cassian and Nesta fight the House would be angry with Cassian for some days and would serve his food cold.
The House of Wind is Nyx’s favorite place in the city. Cassian and Nesta even give him a room when he is older. He loves it for the same reason Rhys did: flying. He also likes asking the House ridiculous things -the House loves his petitions-
Azriel keeps his room of course, but playing the chaperone is useless now (it always was)
Mor befriends the house and together they plan jokes to Cassian.
Feyre loves going to the House because it reminds her that her sister is happy and will never be alone.
Nessian headcanons
(of course there are nessian’s headcanons)
While sleeping, Cassian is very restless while Nesta sleeps in a ball, but they make it work. Also, Cassian takes all the blankets so Nesta ends up beside him and his wings.
The two of them loves sleeping in. Cassian would never admit it because he would never hear the end of it from the ic. (i know he said in acomaf that daylight is precious but now that he has found his mate he has change a liiitle his opinion about that. like now wake up beside his love is more precious than anything!!!!!)
I think it’s not fair we didn’t got a smut scene in the bathtub.
And in Windhaven.
Aaaaand in the cabin.
When Nesta has a nightmare, Cassian would hug her and comfort her while remind her it was a dream, and now she got out, and is loved and cherished by a lot of people.
Nesta loves that Cassian strokes her head, more when her hair is down. (i really like that nesta prefers updo hairstyles tho)
Nesta sitting on Cassian’s lap. That’s all I need for a next book. (i also need more domestic scenes between them like the one in Winter Solstice when Nesta hangs their coats) (also i need to read nessian from another pov i want to know how they look like from outside their pov)
Nessian dancing into the darkest hours, losing themselves into the music and their embrace. (i need a slow dancing fanfic thx)
Nesta is still a little uncomfortable to venture into Velaris so she asks Cassian to fly her over the city whenever she needs to go out and doesnt want to tangle in the multitude.
Cassian reading an Illyrian report while Nesta reads a romance book. Domestic mates part one hundred.
Nesta loves flying (WHY THIS IS NOT CANON SARAH) (like i would have been awesome to read nesta liking flying after that scene with rhys in acowar)
I love that is canon they like chocolate cake idk just wanted to say that.
Nesta headcanons
(my daughter deserves them)
Every Starfall, Nesta would take the stairs down and up just to remind herself the way up is long but by the end she would find happiness.
She is really protective over the House. She wouldn’t let anyone spill anything or mess around.
She starts taking dancing lessons again, even though she doesn’t need them. It’s her favorite part of the week. I can imagine Gwyn joining her. Emerie prefers watching them and smirk while drinking tea.
She visits her father’s tomb more than her sisters, and tells him every aspect of her life because she didn’t do it when he was alive.
She doesn’t like the Court of Nightmares, but the Winter Solstice ball in there is one of her favorites events of the year.
She goes back to being a courtier/emmisary for the Night Court and loves tormenting the people she has to deal with. (just imagine Nesta in Vallahan, they would sign the treaty in a second)
She continues working in the Library because she is still healing and the Library is such a big part of that. She continues fighting with Merrill too (gwyn is please of that)
Also she starts practicing with Amren to use her powers, even if there is not a lot to master (tho i think she is still very powerful but let’s wait for the next book to confirm this)
ALSO Nesta as a mother: she gives her children a lot of love because she remembers how it is to have a cold mother and doesn’t want to repeat the story.
Nessian’s children headcanon
(tho i imagine they have at least a daughter so she is gonna appear a lot in my hc sorry)
I can imagine them having an unexpected pregnancy idk why they would be very happy tho (like chaolene’s) (not so soon after acosf, they would enjoy some free-of-babies-years)
Now I want a fanfic about nessian finding out they are pregnant please writers do it
Tho I can imagine its during training.
Nessian’s baby would sleep between them. Cassian loves that and even though Nesta says the contrary, privately she loves it too.
Nesta teaching their daughter to dance, while Cassian teaches her to fly. Together, they teach her to fight. Their daughter wants to be a Valkyrie like her mom and aunts.
Also Nesta reading her daughter to bed and then getting asleep. Cassian would find the two of them sleeping and would cover them with a quilt.
Their daughter loves to hear the stories about Nessian’s Blood Rites, and would ask everyone about them.
Their daughter is their number 1 fan im crying in softness
She also wants to hear the stories of her uncles and aunts even though some are sad, because she knows they are happy and together now.
I can see Nessian wanting another baby tbh but let’s stop in one until Sarah shows us the contrary.
But just imagine Nessian’s children + Nyx playing hide-and-seek on the House of the Wind and the House helping them hide.
Nessian’s daugther loves hearing Gwyn sing, and is particularly obsessed with Emerie because she sees herself in Emerie (like they are both Illyrians i’m crying nessian’s daughter doesnt understand why her aunt can’t fly).
She has spring allergies too.
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phoebehalliwell · 3 years
I wonder how Chris’ relationship with his fam would shift if he (and Bianca obvi because in the good charmed in my head she’d not dead 😂) stayed in the past? Like he’s “born” in the new timeline but it’s not him (plot twist it’s Mel and now this Chris is the youngest!). Like he’s a Halliwell but he’s not, he didn’t get to live up to that legacy. Not to mention he’s almost as old as his parents (sorta) and everyone is so different from what he knew?
Like I can see Piper offering to let him stay at the manor but Chris declines. So when he gets his own place she insists on coming over and cooking him home cooked meals (they bond over it) and he gets back some of that childhood he never had. Plus Bianca getting to learn how to have a proper family and being adopted into the Haliwells as Piper slowly breaks down her walls with her sheer force of will (and food) 😂
Idk Bianca was such a waisted character and you have made me fall in love with her character again! !! 💖💖
i feel like as far as his relationship to his technical siblings i think chris would basically be an uncle like he and bianca would be like uncle chris & aunt bianca to the next gen but at the same time i think he'd still call piper "mom" and anyone who hears it would just go hey um what oh wait hmm oh hmmm because like. idk about about y'all but To Me that situation really reads like teen pregnancy (even tho there's less than a ten year age delta between him n piper i think if you're not close enough to know exactly what happened you're not close enough to know Both of their ages and do the math). i also think the name chris would now be off the table for the next gen (and i think it would be wonderful if mellie was born next!! bonus if she had a feature like blonde hair or brown eyes something that really screams This Isn't Chris) so we get melinda penelope and then a third kid which will just like. Also be a daughter bc i can. and you know what the daughter can be names patricia christina just as like a lil shout hey hey thanks 4 saving the world.
in regards to Specifically legacy / relationship to the halliwells, i think chris would continue to go by perry and only occasionally call on the halliwell name when it would like. have a really big impact to do so. i also think chris is more likely to live with victor than he is to live in the manor because like quite frankly. i mean a) the manor's crowded a lot's going on there b) constant demon attacks but c) i don't think chris coming from the dark timeline has ever felt wanted by the manor i mean obviously it's a seat of power there's the nexus and it has to choose u right that's kinda how it works right so i think evil wyatt really wanted the manor as his bc that really cements his place and i really thing chris tried to hold onto it like whatever it takes like not let the house fall to dark magic but i think he failed so. i think he's not like. a huge fan of the manor. or he thinks the manor isn't a huge fan of him. and then i don't think he and bianca would live in the same place off the bat but i think once them become Officially engaged again they probably move in together (okay you know what could actually make a quirky sitcom? chris and bianca living in the giant montana manor with richard. actually i would love to see that. besties. i love richard.)
and then bianca. 💞💕 my love. for starters, i think the girls would be just straight up fascinated with her because they have so few other witch friends (friends being used loosely here) like really the only other witch they know is like richard who like. i say this with love in my heart. is like a fuck up that's a big part of his character is that he's a fuck up. as opposed to bianca who really is like a master. i think paige would really be interested from bianca from like a craft perspective, i think phoebe, esp after having lost her powers, would be interested from a combat perspective, and i think piper would be really interesting in a "tell me about your mother" sense. i don't think bianca'd be able to touch the book of shadows at first. mainly bc i want the drama and the big emotional moment when she finally can, but i'm justifying his by her being a neutral figure so theoretically she can but like the book can smell all the blood on her hands so to speak it knows how many lives she has willing taken and is protecting itself accordingly. and then for what it's worth i think bianca really reminds piper of prue because like. she is so hard on herself. she has to be the best. and when it comes to chris, like she sees how protective she is of him and like how she'll totally go behind his back if that means saving him it's just her fierce loyalty coupled with like. no self-forgiveness. piper's really seen it before. oh hell u know what. chris and bianca live in suburbia with derek and they help raise the manticore baby. anyways. i really just want a scene where chris is doing something he's really tightly would he's like arguing with phoebe and paige he's like you know what fuck this where's piper maybe Someone Here will be able to see reason and phoebe's like bet she's gonna side w me but u can try she's in the kitchen and chris goes in the kitchen and bianca's helping piper cook and it almost just stops him in his tracks because it's like. they won you know? they actually did it? they got what they were fighting for. and now here they are and piper's in the kitchen teaching bianca family recipes and it's just like wow. : ). and then phoebe rolls up and chris is like right okay here's [situation] and piper's like i agree with chris and phoebe's like what the fuck and bianca goes mm no i actually think phoebe's right and chris is like hey what the fuck???
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adellovesrowan · 3 years
RSA- I don’t know when Finn became a werewolf (maybe he was born as one, is that a thing in this world?). I’m picturing him as a tiny blonde werewolf cub though he ends up being Mina’s height. Wait how tall is Cherry bc rip to her if she has to deal with two of her friends being taller than her. Off topic but Adel with short hair is so cute!!
hmm im not sure unless his parents are both werewolves ?? idk either tbh DJSKSHD ohhh blond baby ww🥺 HDHDJDJD idk ab cherrys exact height but i dont think shes like TALL tall or too short either. maybe 5’5” by fifth year. and OHHHH THANK YOU SM ,,,, she feels comfortable w short hair god bless
RSA- some details about school dances and such(also wait did I already cover this): Penny leads the decorating committee, Mina wore the same dress to every event until her friends took her with them to go dress shopping (plus she outgrew the dress at that point), JT and Merula were tasked with finding out what music to play at one of the parties and then never again bc they couldn’t decide on anything, they ended up calling Flitwick for suggestions.
penny DEF leads the committee !! OHH PLS the friends going shopping with mina🥺 DHDHDHDH god bless flitwick for helping them
RSA- I mentioned the hufflepuff girls all cut their hair short at some point in their lives and consider: Beatrice shaving her head, probably in her seventh year. I don’t know if she keeps it short or grows it out as an adult. Also maybe she travels with Alanza. I wonder how she would feel about her since Alanza has a similar personality to Penny except she worries less. Also maybe their traveling is how Khanna academy becomes known across the world, or at least one reason.
I LIVE FOR BEA SHAVING HER HEAD YESSSS !! she keeps it shaved HDHDJSJ GOD BLESS I LOVE IT. ohhhh ur right ab alanza being a lot like penny tho ,, and YEA i can agree !!
RSA- I mentioned a film club and consider: Corey Hayden as like the club teacher. I haven’t reached year 7 yet so idk if he would be the type to do that or not. But from what I’ve seen he seems like it (he’s genderfluid too. He/She and possibly They pronouns). Also Cherry being interested in baking is so cute 🥺 What does she like to bake? I’m sure her friends help out but I’m not sure which ones. Mina grows different plant ingredients for her to use. What quidditch role would Cherry play?
SCREAMS YESSSS i haven't reached year 7 either lmao i just know that yess corey enby also good character ( SHE HE THEY PRONOUNS FOR COREY THO ,,,, YES ,,,,, ) and thank u !!! 🥺 she loves to bake anything but she bakes cakes more often !! sheet cake, cupcake, brownies, etc. ohhhh god bless mina and friends !!! imagine the chaos in the kitchen LMAOO. and im thinking she plays chaser or seeker like her mother did !! in my hc rowan later also played as seeker for ravenclaw for a year or two bc yes HDHDKD
RSA- Mina is the only child between her bio parents though her other parents might have kids as well so it’s kinda funny to picture Cherry talking with her about how they’re both only children only for Mina to be like “No, I have siblings”. Or the siblings who are old enough to go the school asking about Mina and her friends wondering why this random kid who’s not in their grade is asking about the somewhat introverted plant girl. I haven’t figured out if Finn is an only child or not.
HDHDHDHD OHH THATS SO COOL LMAO minas friends are jus confused HDJDJD. i think i like finn being either !
RSA- Penny’s family when she’s a teacher . Penny seems like the type to have kids, I think she’d name one of them after Bea or something similar to her name. Beatrice herself is probably the ‘cool aunt’. The kid (she/they pronouns) is a squib which reminds me that I should look more into what Khanna academy is like for non-magical students. I think she’s between Cherry and Mina’s age, similar to Finn, their birthdays were in spring 2003. Now we just need a winter birthday kid.
yes penny would have kids i believe so too !! COOL AUNT BEA !! omggg a squib kid character🥺 HDJDJDJD winter bday kid now pls😩
RSA- headcanons about their parents’ pregnancies and Cherry and Mina’s early childhood. Rowan would be the type to read to Cherry while she was pregnant and after Cherry was born. Her parents give her old stuff from when she was a baby after Rowan and Adel tell them that they’re looking for baby stuff. Mina was tiny when she was little ( don’t worry, she was always okay) and bc of that, JT thought she’d be short. Also baby Mina and the family cats 🥺/ Cherry and Fuzzclaw.
OHHH U ARE RIGHTT rowan would definitely read to cherry a lot !!!!! OMG LITTLE BABY MINA PLEASEEE😭🥺 and THATS SO CUTE ohh the babies and cats🥺 hdhdhdhdh fuzzclaw and cherry would have a love hate kind of relationship tho. baby cherry always loves to cuddle and play with fuzzclaw but the cat is very hostile and scratches her a lot so rowan has to keep her away from the cat LMAOOO. on the other hand tho shes good friends with rowan jr. aka adels pet crup !! rowan jr is very friendly and affectionate with baby cherry🥺
RSA- Cherry and Mina knew each other since they were little but they didn’t fully become friends until they both went to the school bc before that they didn’t live nearby so they only saw each other at get togethers like reunions or weddings. Mina was excited to hear that they would be roommates since she’d at least share a dorm with someone she knew ( I still have to figure out who the rest of the roommates are but I like to think that they’re all friends :))
OHHHH PLS dhdhdh them being a bit shy when they first met at someones wedding or smth and their parents are like go on dont be shyy. and YESSS PLS ofcourse theyre all frens !!!
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teddybeckham · 3 years
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charles melton, cis male, he/him, silver hey have you seen TEDDY BECKHAM ? HE let me borrow his PAINT BRUSHES . oh, you know them! they’re 27 and they’ve been at Roy G. for THREE YEARS. They are known to be a total SCORPIO. no wonder they’ve picked up the nickname THE BLACK SHEEP ! i’m surprised you haven’t heard them blaring STACY’S MOM BY FOUNTAINS OF WAYNE all night. they remind me of PAINT SPLATTERED JEANS, A LONG TIRED SIGH AND GETTING HIGH AT 3 AM. anyway, let me know if you see them ! (rachell, 23, she/her, mt, n/a).
ok hello omg im rachell and this is my lil shit teddy who just needs love ok? i haven’t gotten to play him in awhile and i’m really excited to play this new kinda version of him here?? this whole thing maybe kind of all over the place cuz we’re kinda figuring it out as we go lol but yes pls love us, this whole post is a lot so i apologize im--
tw cancer, tw death, tw depression, tw alcoholism
teddy was born november 3rd, 1993, as an only child, and though a sweet and happy kid he had always struggled with school, being diagnosed with adhd dislexia at a pretty young age causing him to learn at a different pace than the rest of the kids at his class
tho this was pretty hard on him and caused him to grow frustrated at his assignments more often than not, his mom was always there with the patient and supportive smiles, ready to give a hand wherever she could 
things were ok with his dad for the most part the boy was just easily more attached his mother, it being as clear as day to anyone who knew the beckhams
it threw everyone in the small family for a loop when his mom was diagnosed with breast cancer by the time he was six, soon growing familiar with the visits to the hospital and seeing her in a way he never wished he’d have to
as the years went by and his mom now practically stayed in the hospital, the small boy was completely at a loss on how to cope, one day he had to put together a creative piece for school, and being completely fed up with everything, he just painted out everything he was feeling, not giving a shit on how it looked or what he was supposed to have done instead, completely caught off guard when his teacher absolutely loved it, saying she saw great potential in it and him, it being the first time he had actually felt good about smth in school
his mother passed away by the time he was 10, causing teddy to be a lot more closed off and withdrawn from his peers at school, growing frustrated a lot quicker, with art being the only thing that really kept him going as he even pushed his dad away as well, the pair never having been good at talking about their feelings
the death took a big toll on his dad as well, soon falling into a depression that costed him his job, at times not being fully capable of caring for teddy on his own, bringing in the boy’s aunt to help out when she could as he spiraled into borderline alcoholism....that is, until jasmine’s mother came along, slowly helping him come out of his dark place with each moment they spent together, supporting him through therapy and alcoholics anonymous 
teddy found it difficult to be as happy for him as his aunt was, considering how it felt as if his mom was somehow getting replaced, let alone the seemingly perfect young daughter this new woman in his dad’s life had along with her. his dad never really took his love and passion for art all that seriously to begin with, now he had someone else to compare his son to, despite the age gap between the two and he couldn’t really stand it, causing him to give the new people in their life a difficult time at the beginning of them all getting to know each other that was pretty difficult to shake
by the time jasmine’s and teddy’s parents officially got married, the boy was around a freshman/sophmore in high school, at this point warming up more to his new step mom, able to see what his dad saw in her and over all grateful for all that she’d done for him, tho his new step sibling was still smth to adjust to, teddy being too awkward and feeling too much like he was living in her shadow to open up too much, on top of their differences with her as pretty much the golden child and him still not caring much for school and more throwing himself in his art instead of really socializing or getting to know others
fast forward to now with the 2 siblings having been in florida for 3 years, living together and still struggling to understand each other while also getting on each other’s nerves in between. their family at this point is a real one in teddy’s eyes, despite how much he feels like the black sheep when they facetime. call jas his step sister and he’ll sock you. over all there’s sm love there despite how difficult it can be to admit out loud or in general really
about him
takes meds for his adhd
there is nothing that he loves more or is more passionate about than his art, it’s his escape and his way to let out his emotions he doesn’t know how to communicate otherwise
his and jasmine’s place is filled with wips that he’ll just start cuz he got inspo, was bored, or was stressed out
kind of hard for him to sit still and can be pretty anxious but usually puts up a hard exterior so it’s kinda hard to tell 
he is tired all the time, stays up too late to work on his art and relies on coffee to keep him going, someone stop him
is pretty hard to warm up to i wanna say but he’s such a lil shit and has chaotic dumbass energy but like...lowkey lol, very loyal tho, he kinda keeps others at arms length but will appreciate you sm if you become one of his ppl
can be reckless if he’s comfortable w you and around the right ppl
swears too much
extra awkward once finding out he likes someone, will be gruffer than he means to bc he’s just like ew why?
projects this sort of intimidating, confident kind of aura but is actually v insecure
trust issues *finger guns*
usually has paint stains on his jeans but he couldn’t really care less? and he’d dare someone to say smth to him about it
actual name is theodore but he hates it sm call him that at your own risk
stubborn AF and can be pretty judgmental of ppl who come off as snobby and entitled??? hates those kinds of ppl
is so so protective of jasmine despite usually being a pain to her, that’s his baby SISTER
where does he work? idek man maybe at like a tattoo place or smth, ill figure it out
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cloveroctobers · 4 years
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IG info/bio: @/noahknowspat | 275k followers | “A True Renaissance-Man.” | (currently his page is on private, which he often does several months out of the year
25 (26) years of age
Born & raised in Kandy, Sri Lanka until his mother decided to uproot him & his sibs to the uk leaving his father behind
Both of his parents are from Nuwara Eliya
His parents decided it would be best for just his wife & children to live elsewhere while he continued his work in hotel & tourism
Which to him, is the best job he’s ever had—in a sense it felt like he loved his job a little more than his family but Noah knew that wasn’t completely true
Noah figured there was something secretly going on between his parents, he noticed how they would argue more over the years & how his father was fond of their homeland while his mother was not
She did not have much family left, most either leaving the country or dying from sickness
He’s used to living in a bungalow since that’s what he grew up in
Moved to Romford which didn’t take long for him to get adjusted to, he was quick to adapt to situations since that’s normally expected of him as the eldest...
Lived with an aunt? Who really wasn’t a aunt in a cramped 2 bedroom apartment with a child of her own (who was around Noah’s age and favored Richa Moorjani) for a couple of years
Has two younger sibs: a 17 year old brother, and a 11 year old sister
His mother was m*rdered just before his 18th birthday, therefore he’s grown not to celebrate his birthdays even tho he knows deep down that’s not how his mother would have wanted him to go on
She was wise and often stayed up with the moon having conversations with her eldest—if not with all her children
but as he looked back on their conversations he could tell that his mother knew she wouldn’t be on this earth for long
Which showed him a different way of living
His father hated Romford, didn’t think it was the best/ safest place ( I did some research and mostly saw that this town is kinda rough. Anybody from the uk reading & have experience with the town please confirm? Not attending to offend anyone plus every place has its rough areas) for his family & felt his point was proven once his wife was k*lled
He demanded for his children to come back home but Noah wasn’t having it once he realized his father had changed & became aggressive himself
He hated confrontation but he was of age now so he could do what he wanted but there was no bloody way his sibs were going back with this man
He was not the man they all once knew—shit, his sibs BARELY knew him
So Noah fought a lengthy battle with guardianship over his siblings
It only became easy once money was involved for the man to back off
It was v difficult to manage a household and two children at 18-19 all on his own but he was willing to do it, he felt like it was part of his purpose
Plus his “auntie” & “cousin” came around quite often which helped somewhat & even tho the woman was gritty in how she carried herself, anyone could see she cared for Noah’s mother & her children otherwise she wouldn’t have been around before & after his mother’s death
She became like a second mum but no one would ever replace his mother
It was tough going through his early twenties...he had became a parent figure instead of going to uni to study archaeology
He loved fossils & dinosaurs as a kid 
probably keeps up to date with any articles or shows that share their findings on prehistoric species in water or land (I find that shit so creepy yet interesting until I get too creeped out and leave lmao? especially dealing with the ocean!)
Enjoyed that American show called “siren”
He didn’t enjoy much of what usual twenty-something year olds would, he had to be home to take care of his siblings they became a major part of his life now
He is the type to bottle up his feelings. Ofc he jumped at the chance to raise his sibs without a question after seeing the state of his dad a week after his mum’s funeral but he knew he HAD feelings
He wasn’t a robot just because he tends to be quiet & observant
He had his low days too
But he would hide them in books, that was his safe haven, his escape
He loved working as a librarian even if he got shitted on for it
It never payed much even in his position but it brought him comfort that there were aisles of novels ready to tell him stories & found some relation to his own life
As if that wasn’t enough, he loved going to book shops as well. If he had enough $ leftover he would treat himself in a new book purchase
Will buy a new book even if he has piles of unread ones, which he does have a section of that in his room & in the corner of the living room
Has a kindle since it was the cheapest & can easily slip it into a bag if he can’t decide on what book to bring with him
Has glasses but prefers contacts, ‘i don’t want someone to think I’m that nerdy since I read out in public.’ He often thinks to himself—yet when he’s immerse in those pages the world goes silent around him
Collects vinyl toy figures and keeps them either on his mantle or built in shelves in his room
Loves coconut water & won’t drink any water unless it’s coconut
Got his gorgeous cheekbones from his dad
His father p*ssed during his 23rd year of life due to tsunami hitting the hotel he worked in
He took his sibs to their native land once it was safe and connected with their father’s side, which was bittersweet
I think I get Scorpio energy from noah? Idk but it’s in there somewhere
He likes cutting his food into smaller pieces no matter what it is, it’s just a habit since he did so for his younger sibs
Secretly it’s also easier for him since he feels like the dentist ruined one of his nerves once he got his wisdom teeth out
He hates the dentist
His baby sis is deaf & he absolutely took the time to learn sign language along with his brother
Chose buying her hearing aids over paying a monthly bill when $ got tight
His 17 year old brother now works a job & helps out the best way he can even if it took a bit of persuading from their cousin
They’re all extremely close and are aware what Noah’s done and continues to do for them
Probably enjoys painting even if he’s not the greatest at it, but there’s something about water color that is pleasing to his eyes
He’s had many jobs to keep food on the table and support his family but being a custodian paid him the most yet he couldn’t continue working overtime not when his sibs were as young as they once were. He had to let the job go, the money was great, his co-workers sucked since they never came to work leaving him with OT, but it was also a lot of gross work & the teenage girls were always hitting on him
Prone to taking on more than he can chew whether it’s in relationships or life situations
Has either one or two best friends outside of the villa & they’ve been tight since junior year
They didn’t approve of Noah stepping forward to take care of his sibs, knowing it would be a big responsibility & possibly put his life on hold
But they didn’t understand & came around to once they saw him in action & became supportive/proud
He knows they mean well?
Cannot dance
Owns a couple of blazers that he feels the most comfy in
Loves a good pin-striped dress shirt
Has soft thin wavy hair
Will sport a 5’oclock shadow if he’s stressed out, tired, or wants to show a more “mature” side of himself
Misses his mum’s Lamprais & kottu roti
He’s 5’11
Had 1-2 gfs before the villa & both of them were super lengthy relationships which there’s obviously nothing wrong with
Always trying to make it work even if there are signs of it failing
Is not the dominant one in relationships & usually wants to keep the peace—which falls back on him taking everything on his plate & bottling them up instead of addressing situations from the jump
Is observant but also likes to assume?
Tries to be honest & loyal
Once he’s in a relationship & it’s confirmed from the other, he is completely devoted & smitten
I think quality time is his love language
I also think he tried to play the violin growing up since he found that to be one of the instruments that holds so much passion
Likes period pieces minsus the racism :)
Has read Frankenstein countless of times over Shakespeare, he’s got good work, yeah? but it’s a bit overrated
Keeps in touch with rahim & feels he understands him on a level his mates of years do not
They go holiday together when Noah feels he can afford it, even if rahim says he can pay for it. It’s not a big deal
Yet it is. He feels insecure when someone feels like he can’t do something because of where he’s from & what he does for a living. It showed more in his relationship with hope
Sure she was constantly paying for things but when he silently took the initiative to do so it was automatically assume that he didn’t have it even with his wallet out to pay
There were plenty of flaws in his relationship with hope and it took forever for him to see the toxicity in it even if fans adored them together
I’ve decided that they won’t be endgame. Which breaks everyone’s hearts after he’s the one to surprisingly call it quits after 3 years. He thought it would get better once he realized they way the acted towards each other was not completely heathly but it got worse
So he did what he had to do with what was in the best interest of everyone & hope did not agree
It was heated, it was emotional, and there was a last moment of intimacy to seal the deal of their goodbyes
Then came the drama online, with interviews and people trying to bring Priya into the mix & Hope was always vocal so it became a bigger issue
Noah just wanted to heal on his own but he was never going to engage in the drama. If they were all back in the villa face to face he might have said something but he didn’t need his words twisted so he rose above it and knew the two would eventually along with the fans
To get over the breakup? He hung out a little later with his mates at CLUBS, visited rahim, spent more time with his sibs, read, and...reached out to...BLAKE
After almost two years with whoever (in my case it was henrik) she was freshly single herself & not really looking but knew Noah was trying to get underneath someone. A rebound? Since he couldn’t bring himself to do so with the girls around home
Blake knew what happened with hope. She along with mc & some fans saw it coming. She thought about it, really thought about it but decided that she wouldn’t be Noah’s rebound. She knew Noah just needed time and when he was ready, maybe she’d be around
Celeb crush: Gillian Anderson, Antonia Thomas, Tika Sumpter, Aja-Naomi King, Normani Kordei, & Sophie Turner
Who does Noah listen to? Hozier maybe? KWABS, Grace Carter, Seinabo Sey, Stevie Wonder, Michael Jackson, Half Moon Run, Aisha Badru, Lianne La Havas, Dana Williams, Allan Rayman, Rationale, etc...
Anthem = Sid Sriram, “It isn’t true”
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unusual-ly · 4 years
After Something He Said...
So Alonzo proposed to Zephyr! They’re getting married! No, I won’t be writing a fic or anything about their wedding. Sorry, wedding fics just aren’t my thing...
What happens after they’re married? What happens once Alonzo Morgan becomes Alonzo Styx, and he’s finally an official member of the family he loves so much? Click below to find out ;)
God, I’ve been building this idea up for... almost a year, I think...
(Now, this isn’t really the sort of thing I’m too interested in writing a proper fic about either, but I need to share this, and I’m definitely up for talking about it if anyone wants to. But in terms of fics, I’ll be focusing back on Limelight and the other one-shot collections. I might return to this stage in their lives later on, tho, who knows?)
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- Adoption isn’t really an option for them. There aren’t many cases of kids being given up for adoption on either side of the barrier (most humans would rather pretend everything is fine and perfect rather than face the shame of admitting they don’t want their child, and zombie children who lose their parents are likely to be immediately taken in by other family). Even if there are children to be adopted, they’re more often humans, and Alonzo and Zephyr worry about the ridicule a human child with two zombie dads could face
- But Alonzo especially wants a child. He misses when Lindzey was little and he’d help take care of her. And he wants to prove that he is better than his dad, and that the cycle of abuse doesn’t have to continue. He just doesn’t know how when he and his husband are both cis guys... 
- Zephyr has an idea
- He sits Al down one day to talk. His solution seems pretty obvious: artificial insemination. But Al is a little confused
- First off, because he has no idea what it means. He’s not good with long (English) words. But that’s fine, Zephyr can explain. Second point of confusion: don’t they need a surrogate mother for that? And a zombie surrogate, specifically, which seriously narrows down their choices. How are they supposed to find someone? Especially since when a baby zombie is born, their Z-band is synchronised to their mother’s and they’re supposed to stay close until the bands are disconnected (at either 6 months or a year). Their surrogate would have to be able to live with them for that time
- Zephyr just smiles and reminds him that he has a twin sister. An aromantic twin sister who won’t be worrying about her own relationship or starting her own family. Of course, it’s a lot to ask of her, but it’s definitely the most appealing answer. If Alonzo is the biological father, Zephyr would still be related to the child. Sure, he’d be the biological uncle, but so what? Rizzo is his twin, their DNA is as similar as it could be, so it’s the closest possible thing to him and Al actually having a child together
- Al is starting to like this idea. It would be amazing if he could actually be the biological father to his child. He still double checks with Zephyr that he’s OK not being the bio father - they could always ask Lindzey to be their surrogate. Then again, Lindzey is only halfway through college and he wouldn’t want her to risk her education. Plus, they wouldn’t have the added benefit of twins. No, Zephyr has already thought about this a lot, and this is what he wants
- Now they just need to ask Rizzo and hope she’ll say yes
- They hardly need to ask her. Of course she says yes
- Next step: discussing it with the medics at the containment facility hospital. There’s a whole process to go through but they do go through it. There hasn’t been many cases of artificial insemination in zombies working but they’re all willing to try
- It works! Of course it works I know I’m the Angst Masochist but this is BGZ canon and I wouldn’t do that to them
- Rizzo goes to stay with Zeph and Al a couple of weeks before she’s due to give birth, and she’ll stay until the Z-bands are disconnected. She lives with Zane now. He’ll miss her but he’s also glad to have the place to himself for a little while
- Zephyr has to keep telling himself that this is all so they can have their baby and he must Deal With living with his sister again it’s fine he’ll survive. He is a Mature and Sensible Adult and a Soon-To-Be Dad after all
- Anyway
- The day arrives and the baby is born! A little girl~
- ~*Zephanie Styx*~
- AKA Zephie
- Named after her dad /)^^(\
- I almost added the name Zephanie to my potential BG zombies/families names list back when I started it but something made me want to save it. It was this. I knew I would need that name in the future
- Zephyr cries. She looks so like him. Trademark Styx ~mossy green curls~ and all
- They decide what she’ll call either of her fathers pretty easily. As her bio father, Alonzo goes by the Zombie-tongue, Paka, and Zephyr goes by Dad
- Rizzo feels very strongly about the fact that she is Zephanie’s aunt. Yes, she gave birth to her, and she absolutely adores her, but she’s not her daughter, she’s Zephyr’s
- “I’m her birth mother, but I am not her mom.”
- Alonzo is ecstatic that he once again has someone to sing to sleep at night
- But let’s face it, Zephanie is Daddy’s Little Princess. Zephyr can hardly bear to let her out of his sight. Al is starved for attention
- Her first word is even “daddy”. Surprising for a zombie, seeing as they learn Zombie-tongue first. Alonzo is annoyed. Or he pretends to be
- She grows up to be pretty rough-and-tumble and sporty like her dad, but she also sings like her paka. Of course, Zephyr can sing too, but Alonzo is The Singer(tm) so he’s super proud
- She is Loud(tm)
- Alonzo writes so many songs dedicated to her. One day, when she’s older, she asks him if she can record a song with him. And he wouldn’t dare say no to that
- I just got Father And Daughter by Paul Simon in my head I hadn’t even thought of that before but yea it’s like that
- She also begs Roz to teach her to play drums
- Zach wants to give her dating advice. Her dads Do Not Want Zach to give her dating advice
- Rizzo spoils her. Zane has to stop her from spending all her money. He barely succeeds
- They love Zephie
- I love Zephie
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~ She ~
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Alright everybody, meet my baby girl Elisabetta Hellsing-Maxwell...or Lisa for short. She’s supposed to be around 12 in this pic and yes, her primary weapon is a spiked Hello Kitty baseball bat. (I remembered that one post with the hello kitty bat and I couldn’t resist)
Full Name: Elisabetta Dipali Alessandra Hellsing-Maxwell (Dipali from her maternal grandmother, Alessandra after Anderson.
Nickname: Lisa
Age: 12 (in the pic)
Hair color: Blonde
Eye color: Violet
Skin color: Brown
Personality: Lisa’s actually a really sweet and polite girl and always curious...she’s always getting into new things, usually things she’s not supposed to be getting into (much to her parents’ worry). She tends to be quiet and keep to herself a lot, most take this as a sign of antisocialist behavior but no, she’s just plotting. She’s a planner, she’ll think of three and five plans for things even if they’re impractical in the long run. She has a problem with keeping emotions bottled in until they just erupt, which can get quite ugly and has difficulty asking for help insisting she can handle it herself. Oftentimes she feels torn between her parents...this poor child just needs therapy, somebody please help her.
Bio: So, Lisa’s story...she’s not really supposed to be here, k? Details are covered in the fic (there are only four chapters up so far) but I’ll summarize. Basically Integra and Maxwell got drunk one night and hooked up in a bar. It was supposed to be some one time thing never to be mentioned again, because they LOATHE each other but the sex was bomb as hell so it just kept happening behind their organizations’ backs.
Until one day Integra starts to feel like shit and the doctor is all like “congrats, you’re pregnant” and of course our vampire slaying queen of the universe was like “SHIIIIIITTT! This can’t be happening right now!” but inside her head cuz she doesn’t scream in public. Maxwell finds out (she doesn’t tell him, he just finds out) and he starts freaking out like oh my god oh my god, what do I do, but then his Catholic sensibilities kick in and he goes over to the mansion like “we gotta get married, like right now.” At first Integra’s like “no sodding way” and plans to get an abortion. There is no way that they’re in any position to be parents right now, this is a terrible idea...literally the worst thing that could happen at the worst time, and what would their organizations say?
But she ultimately changed her mind after seeing how screwed both their reputations would be if this ever got out. Plus in his words “she needs an heir and she’s not getting any younger.” So they try to remain civil for the sake of the children but still can’t stand each other (but they keep having hatesex tho cuz I’m a sadist) and eventually Lisa and her twin brother are born. She’s named after both the Queen of England and the Catholic Saint Elizabeth of Hungary (but the Italian version). Since her parents hardly ever see each other, Lisa spends six months in England and six in Italy usually. Growing up, she and her brother were often kept as innocent from the affairs of Hellsing as their mother could possibly manage it, as she wanted them to have a proper childhood. Lisa often spent her time pursuing her passion, music...writing songs or playing her guitar, when school and parents don’t particularly get in the way. Ultimately, the child wanted control over her own soul and grows weary of her parents’ spiritual conflicts over them.
Integra Hellsing: Lisa thinks her mom’s the greatest thing since sliced bread, and she’s not wrong really. They’re very close and she tries to emulate her a lot, Integra at first didn’t think she’d be a very good parent but she turned out to be a pretty great mom and trains Lisa up to be the boss ass bitch she will one day become while running Hellsing..that is, until EJ became the new heir because Lisa’s choice of religion disqualified her. She makes sure that her kids know they can be anything she wants to be. But she also shelters her and keeps a lot of things from her because Integra wants her daughter to have what she never did, a childhood because she was forced to grow up way too fast. And mama bear WILL destroy you if you fuck up. She’s been through some shit, Lisa is her offspring, Integra is hella protective. Safest child in Britain.
Enrico Maxwell: Lisa loves her dad to bits but is kinda terrified of him because well..:he’s a total raging nutjob.. He takes an active role in their upbringing because he was a bastard, he went through hell because of it and by Jove, his kids were NOT gonna go through that shit. Maxwell tries his best, he really does but he hasn’t lost any of that diehard Catholicism since becoming a dad and he often tries to drill that into Lisa. “But Dad, why can’t I have Protestant friends?” He’s probably one of those strict religious dads who won’t let you wear skirts above knee length and who thinks rap and Instagram are “tools of Satan.” He thinks he’s protecting the kids but he’s kinda fucking them up man. But at the end of the day, he does love her with all of the shriveled remains of his black, cold heart. One bonding ritual they have is him doing her hair, Lisa has his bushier hair. Integra can throw on a suit and be ready and can’t really be bothered with it so either Maxwell or Walter end up doing it. Their relationship has simultaneously become stronger, as Lisa has become a practicing Catholic, and a bit shaky as she can tell that there’s a bit of a rift between her dad and her twin.
Enrico Hellsing-Maxwell: Lisa’s younger twin brother by six minutes, and her ride or die. She’s often protective of him as the “big sister” and can go full mama bear when it comes to him, the two of them are like two halves of a whole basically. They’re inseparable, and often get into trouble together...they’ll form a wall so you can’t get information out of either of them, Rico is one of the few people she loosens up around and he knows things about her that a lot of people don’t, even their parents.
Alucard: Alucard is like half-nanny, half-attack dog. He did NOT like the kid at first because she was a reminder that that Italian slimeball “defiled” his master, but over the years she’s kinda grown on him. They have somewhere between a Seras and Integra relationship, he knows she’ll be his master one day but she’s also still small enough that he can kinda intimidate and flex on her. But he’s hella protective of her, he wouldn’t let anything happen. Lisa refers to him as “her scary vampire brother” and when she was little, she used to mispronounce his name as Ally-card so she still calls him that sometimes (which he hates)
Anderson: He’s basically her surrogate grandparent and she calls him Granddad. He may be a scary, Catholic Paladin but he loves the kiddos...and Lisa is kind of special to him. Maxwell is his son, and because of the way he turned out, Alexander feels like he failed. With Lisa, it’s almost a reminder of what her dad could’ve been, so it’s almost like a do-over he’s determined not to waste with her. He and Integra begrudgingly tolerate each other for her sake.
Seras: Lisa’s big sister. While Alucard is the older sibling that will encourage you to get into all sorts of holy hell, Seras will reign her back a little.
Heinkel and Yumie: Maxwell often makes them babysit Lisa while he’s busy, and they get SO ANNOYED by it. But with him, not with her. Heinkel is that “cool auntie” who will buy her beer and teach you her to shoot guns, Yumie is the kinda neurotic aunt who wants to be by the rules only because she’s terrified of what Maxwell will do if they cross a line.
Walter: Her “other granddad”, she often tells him things that she doesn’t tell anybody else because he’s literally one of the few religiously neutral people in her life.
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ask-zadr · 5 years
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Dib: SO THE BABY REVEAL WITH MY FAMILY IS FINALLY HERE! Zim: i don’t know why it TOOK SO LONG! Dib: eheheh.... yeah..... well - zim, gaz, dad and GIR are going to answer a handful of questions from you guys under the cut! It’s quite a long chat, so everything under the cut!
( special thanks to @ohgod-she-draws for the banner & @cephalonghost for playing zim and membrane! )
Dib: okay everyone! we're going to get right into this. there's a reason zim and i have you gathered.
Gaz: ...this better be important. I was in the middle of my game.
Zim: It is VEEEERRRRYYY Important! Much more important than your lil combat simulations!
Membrane: Son, I really have to get back to the lab within the next hour. Could we maybe—
Dib: dad, DAD trust me. it's important. ok zim.. do you want to say it or do you want me to?
Membrane: What could possibly be—
Membrane: ... Uuuuh...
Gaz: ...wait.... wait what? you have to be kidding me.
Dib: --nope! and.. and dad he means that we're having a baby. zim is pregnant.
Zim: The only “kidding” here is the one that’ll be born from my spooch!
Membrane: I... What...? When did this happen? Is this a natural—He looks as if he’s... Is this why you finally proposed to him...?
Gaz: gross.
Dib: haha... no. we've actually been trying for a baby. buuut... uh. i've had some people send in questions for all of us to answer about zim getting pregnant!
Membrane: Questions? From who? And just how long--
Zim: Two weeks!
Membrane: ... I am very confused right now...
Gaz: dib is doing some dumb blog thing. i don't know.
Dib: ...LET'S GET INTO IT! ahahahah..
Gaz, what are you up to now? What do you do as a career? Have a SO like your brother? Excited to be an aunt?
Gaz: wow, one for me. i work as one of my dad's high security guards and yes, I have a boyfriend. as far as being excited to be an aunt... I guess so. so long as I don't have to clean up after dibs messes.
Membrane: Two weeks... How is that scientifically possible?
Dib: we found out two weeks ago. we've been trying for awhile NEXT QUESTION!
Gir!!! Are you excited about becoming a big brother? / Having a special, little mini-master around? 
Dib: i like to take it as a good sign! gir knew before us.
Zim: Hmph, of COURSE GIR would know sooner than your silly pregnancy stick things. He is FAR superior technology than they are! 
Membrane: Many babies...?
Dib: i think he's talking about zims want for more after this. 
Gaz: you both need to see how you'll be after the first before even considering another. 
Dib: right. uhm. next question.
How are you guys gunna explan the pregnancy science?
Membrane: Yes, I am rather curious about that myself. Research has proven it possible for anyone to carry a child through artificial implantation. And that would explain why it's developing so-- 
Zim: Nonsense! We just did the sex until ZiM's superior body finally accepted the Dib's human-ness. 
Membrane: I...
Dib: i think i know why you're confused. i'm not going to get too into it but uh, zim was technically born female but he's genderfluid. so we had a baby the natural way! 
Gaz: let's not get into what you two had to do to make  a baby... eugh. 
Careful, Dib. If you get a dad bod, you might end up in the same mess your father is in with the fandom.
Dib: i don't understand what this means...
Gaz: oh god....
Zim: Silence, GIR! 
Membrane: I am also very confused by that statement...
Dib: care to tell us the mess you are in, father 
Gaz: dib, shut up.
Membrane: No, really! I don't understand what they're referring to. Do they mean how I was voted "Sexiest Scientist of the Year"? That nonsense?
dib: ok ew... nevermind...
Congrats on the engagement! how exciting! sorry if this has been asked before but have you guys thought about potential baby names?
Dib: thank you! we have several names in mind. zim came up with them -
Zim: YES! I have come up with only the most AMAZING of names for them! Kip, Lika, and Dewi if they are "male" and Zal for any little girl smeetling.
Membrane: You certainly have quite a few picked out.
Zim: Of course. I intend to birth a whole ARMY of smeets! 
Membrane: Oh--Uh...
Dib: --zim is only joking!!! he's just very excited about having kids! 
Gaz: I like the name Dewi the most out of those... they're not too bad.
Wait a darn minute.. So who'e much more older, Dib or Gaz? I'm very confused because keeps playing tricks on me! ( Ť^Ť ) Also can i have a hug from the membrane sibs?
Dib: i'm older. gaz isn't even 21 yet. and of course you can have a hug! 
Gaz: i'll pass.
Do Irkens nest? Is Zim compiling all of the pillows and blankets in the house to prepare for the Smeets?
Zim: Only the most softest and comfortablest pillows and Mattresses! I have constructed the GREATEST nest to ever have nested! Any smeet of mine deserves only THE BEST!
Membrane: What is an "Irken"? And nesting? I've never known expecting human mothers to create-- 
Dib: zim is an alien 
Gaz: just get on with the next QUESTION.
Watch out, either GIR will become hyperprotective of the new sibling or he'll be extremely jealous, and that's not a nice thing to deal with (i've been the jealous toddler)
Dib: GIR is very protective. I have cuts and scratches all over my hand whenever he protects zim's belly. zim just seems to think it's funny. 
Gaz: you just let him maul you? actually... that is pretty funny.
Membrane: Dib, it's rude to call an expecting mother an alien. Though it is good to see that the little robot child has adapted well to all this. Not sure about the biting though... 
Zim: Heheheh~
Dib: .....next.
What if the smeet doesn’t have a binary gender tho?
Dib: we'd... well they're going to get a name either way. it wouldn't change who they are.
Zim: Eh, gender-schmender. 
Membrane: Gender scientifically has nothing to do with the biological sex of the child.
Congrats on becoming a grandfather, Professor Membrane!! Will you be going by "grandpa", "granddad", or "pop pop"?
Membrane: Ahaha. Well, not quite a grandfather yet...  But, I believe that would essentially be up for the children themselves to choose what they call me. Though I am fairly partial to the classic “grandpa” title. Or “Abuelo”.
Gaz: oh god, dad. you're old! it just really hit me!
Dib: hehehehe. yes he really is!!!!
Membrane: Come now, I'm not THAT old.
Zim: I've seen older.
aAAAA this is all happening so fast for you guys oh my god- is everyone excited or maybe even scared about it? I would be honestly
Gaz: im scared for how they're going to handle the baby. 
Dib: i'm pretty confident! i've been mentally preparing! 
Membrane: It is a rather taxing job. 
Zim: Pssh, as if it would be that hard!
Gaz: this is why i'm concerned.
So what does Dibs family think of the whole "having a smeet" thing
Membrane: Well... I certainly wish I had been told sooner about such a momentous decision.
Gaz: I am just shocked. Neither of them seem like they’d be fit to be parents... but if they’re sure... I’m behind them.
Zim: Hah! That's where your wrong, Dib-sister! There is no one is a BETTER FIT for parenting than the likes of ZiM!
Membrane: My, your little partner is quite enthusiastic about this, isn't he?
Dib: what can I say!? Zim is ready for a family. I am too. a little bit.
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missmadxson · 3 years
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hailee steinfeld, cis female, she/her  hey have you seen MADISON “MADDIE” BAKER ? SHE let me borrow HER GLITTER GLUE GUN. oh, you know them! they’re TWENTY-TWO YEARS OLD and they’ve been at Roy G. for FOUR YEARS. They are known to be a total ARIES. no wonder they’ve picked up the nickname THE ROSE COLORED GLASSES! i’m surprised you haven’t heard them blaring RUN AWAY WITH ME BY CARLY RAE JEPSEN all night. they remind me of FALLING GLITTER,  SINGING ALONG TO KARAOKE AT THE TOP OF YOUR LUNGS & BRIGHT STICKERS . anyway, let me know if you see them ! (rachell, 23, she/her, mt, n/a).
ok wow hello here i am, with absolutely no impulse control to give you all my chaotic good baby who’s kind of a bimbo who just wants to love everyone (gotta balance the kids out, yk?) love us pls
tw: mention of teen pregnancy  tw: mention of abortion
maddie was born march 21st, 1999 as an only child to a single mom that was left to raise her alone when her birth dad decided not to bare the responsibility of having a family at such a young age, also being kicked out by her family for having a baby out of wedlock once she decided that she was going to keep it...her mom was 17 at the time
before she was officially kicked out of the house, madison’s mom got into an argument with her grandma about putting the baby up for adoption, but it went as well as when she had tried to convince her to get an abortion when maddie was announced in the first place
maddie’s mom loved her little girl more than anything else in this world and she was gonna raise it, with or without her family’s support
to this day, maddie and her mom still have a strained relationship to her grandparents and the girl grew up never actually meeting her dad but if you ask her, she has no problem with this at all
tho the happy, bubbly, dramatic little girl didn’t have grandparents or a father figure to help look after her, she had her mom and her aunt who stuck by her mother’s side despite their parents wishes, and her mom’s best friends and even their neighbors that instantly fell in love with the little girl the instant they moved into their new apartment (so like pretty much a mama mia situation lol); her mother and best friends were always there to support madison’s endeavors, letting her dress how she wanted to school, showing up in a too-too and cowboy boots and being the shining star at every school play that there was 
i'll write more on this backstoroy when i think of anything else but god do i love them, and god do they love EACH OTHER. maddie still facetimes with her mom and “aunts” every chance she gets, each one having a reason to be her role models
idk where she lived before lets say cali but basically this lil babe moved out to florida for college, wanting a new adventure to embark on and she has loved it here ever since. she kinda loves the communal way of living?? it kinda just feels like a new little clunk of a found family opportunity like the one she has back home
about her
incredibly friendly and excitable, it doesn’t really matter if you’ve known her all your life, or just met her a second ago, she will just start a conversation out of the blue over the most random thing and could just go on for hours if you don’t stop her sa;dkfjs
the energy of a toddler hopped up on sugar and the attention span of a gold fish. she’s a senior in college and is one of those students that drifts off to her own little world, doodling over her papers yet somehow pulls decent enough grades out of her ass somehow and everyone’s kinda shook af by this, over all she does love to learn and is incredibly curious by the world around her, she just prefers the social aspect of it all, really
stubbornly optimistic and is pretty good at picking herself back up again if something happens to go wrong but that doesn’t mean she won’t be incredibly dramatic about it first and probably a lil petty and childish, has the puppy dog eyes and pout down pat....she can be a LOT, you’ve been warned ;asdkfsdvd
a theater baby through and through, one of her aunts was really into broadway and got her very into it growing up, her performing is over all alright at best but it doesn’t stop her from giving it all she has when given the opportunity (will blast you with showtunes if you give her the aux cord) . she absolutely ADORES art in every single one of it’s forms. you have an open mic night? a show casing? she’s there and she’s baked you brownies and brought you flowers! 
never really grew out of her love for arts and crafts, in fact her glitter glue gun is her most valuable possession and she’s always making something cute as a pick-me-up for one of her friends
 has a crafting channel on youtube with a decent enough amount of followers (think LaurDIY) whom she lovingly calls “glitter heads” and she also does other things on it such as little vlogs here and there, as well as cosplays
also has an etsy shop she sells custom hair accessories and wlw earrings on 
a strong activist for blm, womens right’s lgbtqia+ etc. she always makes sure to keep herself informed in every way she possibly can 
is pan af
expresses herself a lot through her clothes and make up!! doesn’t matter if it doesn’t match, if its bright, a cute pattern, or sparkly, she is making that shit WORK, rainboots, cat ear headbands and overalls are her favorites, loves LOVES glitter and will always try to have it on be it through her eyeshadow or highlight for some examples, it doesn’t matter, she just NEEDS it
the leslie knope of gift giving, she’s so good at it and has a talent for knowing exactly what to get someone, having the most fun picking it out. to her, there’s nothing more exciting than finding the perfect thing that will show her friends how much she loves and appreciates them
the BIGGEST party girl you’ve EVER SEEN. she doesn’t really need alcohol or weed to have a good time, she’s just always ready regardless but that doesn’t mean it isn’t fun, would party every single night if she could, drunkenly singing a karaoke version of god is a woman
drunk girl in the bathroom vibes but like...all the time s;kdfsdaf
happens to flirt a lot, sometimes completely unaware of it, but she can also be pretty bad at it so skdfsdf;sf if anyone ever tries to flirt with HER THO....it’s like her brain short circuits and she’s a babbling MESS, she crushes on ppl way too fast too so...theres that
absolutely tries to play matchmaker if she happens to see someone deeply crushing or two souls just too shy to admit their feelings, she is here to HELP EVERYONE FIND LOVE
can be very comforting and a pretty good listener, she just really wants to be there for others, you know? if they’ll let her
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sketchyracoon · 4 years
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I may have lost any semblance of control on my life i had before. Among Us AU details under the cut.
Many of them have accents. I had the idea that they were from a big like multi-country space project and fell in love with the idea of the American(s) on the ship just startling the others because of things like the lack of bidets in the US.
Red (Elliot) is 38, is a Texan and you can tell he says Ya'll as a descriptor and many of the others are slightly fearful of the way he mashes words together. his whole personality can be summed up with "I'm a cowboy baby" and the fact that he's angy.
If I'm honest he is the only American on board that really startles the other crewmates even the other Americans are like "hey dude chill".
Orange (Herbert) is 27 probably from France (haven't really decided yet) and he was more confident before shock horror bad things happened to the whole crew. (More on that at five). Herbert is also very easily overwhelmed, he tries to pay attention but is often confused.  I’ve also decided to change the egg on his head to be a hat in the future but I decided that after I drew the egg.
Pink (Eun-Jung) is 29, South Korean but he got some schooling in Britain and has probably traveled a lot. He looks soft but he can and will throw a mean punch. He and Herbert have crushes on each other but they kinda put it to the side when shit went down. There have been many times however when Eun-Jung has sat down with Herbert and calmed him down and dried his tears.
Green (Philip) is one of the younger crewmates being 22, he's a very studious lad he loves adventure novels and always wanted to go to space.
Especially after watching shows and reading books about space. He keeps trying to get together group DND nights but it's very hard for him to cater to everyone's interests cause he's the kind of DM that wants everyone to have fun but he also has a lot planned for a session but nothing ever happens because everyone is always goofing off. He still has fun tho and so does everyone else.
White is Angie, If I'm honest I named her that because of the halo she's wearing, and I thought it'd be funny. She is a not so single once single mother who lost her husband when her kid was born. She used to live in England but moved to Ireland for new scenery and for the space project.
She and black (Jolene) met in school and quickly fell in love. They Are Married! And the whole crew hates (loves) how sappy they are. Angie is stubborn and strong but also very kind and level-headed, she's not easily overwhelmed like Herbert is but when she does get overwhelmed, she doesn't crumble like he does. Doesn't mean her wife doesn't comfort her tho.
They both are in their late forties (Angie is 48 and Jolene is 49) and I named Jolene, Jolene because of the song. Jolene is Irish btw idk if I made that clear. And she is the definition of a chaotic lesbian, Angie tries very hard to keep her air of being a distinguished bi but she's also very chaotic at heart. They both are greying hair-wise but Jolene keeps covering it up with dye. Jolene thinks her wife looks very elegant with the white in her curls. Jolene can be summed up with that one Tumblr post story about a girl who told a girl she liked that "her air must be mad crisp" because of her plants.
Cyan (Tea) is Scandinavian and listen this like Eun-Jung's name is where is gets shaky google wise, and if this name isn't really a Scandinavian than I guess it's just an eccentric nickname. (I’m assuming it’s pronounced like the drink but if I’m wrong sorry) She is NERDY AND PROUD, but like not movie nerdy girl I mean genuinely weird nerdy. I guess technically everyone is a little nerdy in this crew but she's a feral kind of scientist. She is technically the captain of the ship because of her science background and her previous work with the Scandinavian branch of the space mission. Her goggles are prescription. She is 36 and has a little crush on the resident father of two purple (Perry).
Perry is a loving dad and all-around kind dude, he fathers the group sometimes intentionally. Often taking control of making food, and sometimes the group meetings, even tho technically he's not in charge. He's an open ear to the entire crew and he loves his two kids so much. He doesn't talk much about how he and his Ex split up but it's clear that he and his kids are happier without her. He Kinda likes Tea back a little but he's so busy being a good dad that he doesn't know that. He's often found baking for everyone and is in fact the culprit behind the extra five pounds everyone gained when joining the ship. Perry is 32. His family is from India and he visited his extended family there a lot but he was born and raised in the UK.
Blue (Liz which is short for Elizabeth) is not the greatest with people, she tries her best but she often comes off weird she's 51, one of her hobbies is learning and practicing different rules to fighting styles. She’s trying to teach herself taekwondo but the lack of instructor and need to use downloaded videos is holding her back. She's got some skill in boxing and ran a self-defense course back on earth. Her entire class was sad to see her go but the respected her decision and on the off days that the ship gets reception to radio back earth or other ships she makes sure to message them back with well wishes.
Yellow (Zack) is a little shit lord, he is the youngest on crew at age 19. He got in through a series of events up to and including the fact that his parents were exasperated by him and that his Aunt Liz (who he calls Aunt Lizzy) telling them that they were short a crewmate. the previous yellow left and they were having trouble getting a fit for the crew's specific needs, everyone else was on different crews and couldn't leave to fill in their gap. They were planning to leave with nine people when Zack reluctantly signed up. He was 18 at the time he first signed up and after a year of training, he was greenlit just in time for the mission.
He doesn't really get along well with anyone but he slowly opens up to the crew overtime. He got labeled as a problem child because of undiagnosed ADHD and focus problems and by the time he was diagnosed it was too late and all of his teachers had basically given up on him.
The entire crew tho is cool with it because many of them are neurodivergent. Liz and Zack are the other Americans of the crew.  But Elliot is the only one who is not bi/multilingual. Unless you count Texas accent as a language which a many of the crew jokingly do. In which case he is fluent.
But then disaster struck, after a few months of bonding and growing close as a found family people started to die. After some trial and error, they found out that Herbert and Zack were behind it. Liz and Eun-Jung being two of the few remaining both reacted differently Eun-Jung was controlled anger barely keeping it together and Liz was deeply disappointed, she wanted better from her nephew.
What was weird tho was after ejecting the pair their display panels confirmed that they were "imposters" and now that they thought about it it was weird that they were all locked to this one specific floor of this ship. but no matter that was a thought for another day. now able to go to the lower floors the remaining crew mates all went to bed.
The next morning however everyone was back and alive not even a scar remaining, even the imposters. returned. After a lot of shouting (mainly from Elliot who was pissed about being stabbed) the crew started to reluctantly trust what Hubert and Zack were saying that they didn't want to hurt or kill any of them but something made them and it was like they were in a haze.
It was only directly after a kill that they could snap out of it and control themselves briefly (kill cooldown) before they lost control again. Since then they've been stuck in this sick loop where they all keep taking turns being stuck as imposter killing each other. At first when it happened again, they thought it was Herbert and Zack again but once it didn't stop anything and the ship told them that they weren’t imposters.
They realized that it was randomized. Overtime they learned the rules. Only Imposters can access vents, the kill count, that they can then follow around and do things as ghosts after thy get murdered, etcetera. But one thing they didn't realize was the punishments.
Overtime as they each tried to break the rules by, revealing themselves as imposter, trying desperately hard to go pacifist, or any number of other things like trying to remove their helmets, or talk on comms before emergencies on meetings they were punished.
Philip is now growing plants off of himself. Eun-Jung has a similar punishment but it's solely cherry blossoms. Herbert is stuck killing everyone by eating them with a giant mouth from his stomach. I don't know Elliot’s punishment yet but the thought to make him Texan squared did cross my mind.
Angie is turning into one of those rad many-eyed angels from Dante's inferno. Jolene is now growing goat horns and her eyes are now goat-like. And Idk what other punishments to give Tea, Perry, Liz, and Zack, I want them to be related to the hats and stuff you can wear in game like some of the others but how to you punish some one using a banana? Or two kids? Or googles? I’ll probably come up with something later especially since they are all mostly hidden by the suits, that means that conceivably their punishments are hidden by the suits.
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puzzlegrl · 4 years
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helloooooooo  !!  i’m  peach  ( she/her, 19 basically 20 tho cause my birthday is next week )  and  i  am  super  excited  to  meet  everyone  +  your  muses  !!  if  you’d  prefer  to  chat  /  plot  on  d!scord ,  mine  is  coochpetals#0085  ♡♡ 
now  ........  i  introduce  to  you :  wynonna  “wyatt”  hawkes  ~
TRIGGER  WARNING  !!   :  mentions  of  murder  &  generally  dark  themes. 
quick  stats .
name :  wynonna anne hawkes .
preferred nickname :  wyatt .
age :  21 years old .
gender + pronouns :  cis female + she/her .
orientation :  bisexual + biromantic .
major + year :  psychology + sophomore.
religion :  atheist .
important backstory points .
born a healthy and happy baby girl on a sunny afternoon in a local hospital  ——  or so that’s what she’s told.
her upbringing was rather nice; two loving & nurturing parents and a protective older brother. everything was smooth af tbh. nothing bad ever really happened.
and then she got the letter  ——  she was 19 when she found a letter addressed to her from her biological aunt that basically spilled all the beans; that she was adopted and that her biological family - parents, siblings, uncle - were all serial killers and the letter ended with saying that they were found dead in their home, which is predicted to be a murder.
despite how much her mother begged her not to go, her curiosity got the better of her  &  she ended up sneaking out one night with her closest friends to visit her biological family’s home.
long story short, it ...... was not good. she should’ve listened to her mother and not went. she left panicked  &  in tears and swore to never go back to that small town again.
fast forward a year; she’s 20 and has absolutely no clue what she wants to do with her life. she ends up deciding to go to college & major in psychology so that she can help others.
other stuff .
alert, artistic, impatient, skeptical, determined.
has always been an outcast and tbh never really had an interest in others?? DFJKGH she just prefers to keep her head low and draw in her sketchbook.
but ofc that changed a bit when she got to yates because she wanted to be... Reborn in a way? and just forget about her past so all throughout her first year, she tried her best to make a good name for herself by socializing more with others.
she’s in kincaid to better suit this new persona; she wanted to make herself out to be a party girl while still fitting into the outcast mold that founded the society.
wanted connections .
the friend who grew apart :  you two used to be the very good friends but .. something changed. your friendship slowly started to fade and now, you two walk past each other with out even acknowledging the other.  (0/2)
the bad influence :  you help wyatt with her new persona by influencing her to be the party girl she makes herself out to be. you two smoke together and take shots through linked arms.  (0/1)
the sexual tension :  you two have an undeniable tension when you’re around each other. most people can sense it; whether or not you both acknowledge it is up for debate. just fuck already tbh.  (0/1)
the friends to lover, aftermath :  needless to say, you two should have just trusted your gut and remained friends. because now, after your romantic relationship crashed and burned, things are just awkward between you two. (0/1)
the best friend :  wyatt can’t imagine her life without you and you truly make life more bearable. you’re her rock. you two know you can depend on the other no matter what happens. (0/2)
also literally anything...... give me everything >:)
aaaaaaaand  yes  !!  i  believe  that  is  all  ~  i......  am  so  sorry  her  backstory  is  so  dark  DFSJGH  i  do  be  trying  to  further  develop  her 👁️
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avijohann · 4 years
IDHTG meta: Johann’s mom
When I started Gravity I had a lot of ideas for Johann’s family. Human and Elf parents? That’s interesting, but I ended up scrapping his dad, tho I don’t remember the reason now.
So, Barbara.
My idea was that Barbara had Johann on her own. That is, she decided to have a kid without a partner, just because she wanted to be a mother more than be a wife. Johann is product of artificial insemination, and he’s a half-elf mostly as a coincidence, since Barbara basically went to the clinic with a “surprise me” attitude. Barbara is very chill.
She did everything good parenting guides say you should do for your kids. She attended parenting classes, listened to classical music, looked into giving birth as naturaly as possible, and Johann was born as healthy a baby can be. When he took an interest in classical music she immediately appointed him for violin lessons, and the rest is history.
Barbara loves Johann more than anything in the world, maybe to a fault, and it really didn’t sink she was spoiling him until that first audition came and Johann took the failure so deeply. But instead of changing her ways, she became even more lenient on him after that, because of how sad he looked. She’s not a neglectful parent, she still cares about Johann and takes an interest on everything Johann does, but this ironically drove Johann to close himself to her even more out of fear of disappointing her further (even if he himself wasn’t aware of this yet). Johann got really good at lying to her during this overprotective period. The Neverwinter trip was the first time he opened to her in years, and also the first time she grounded him.
After Gravity, they grow closer.
Her name is based on female composer Barbara Strozzi, though it also happens to be the name of Bach’s wife, you know, the one who died and drove him to write Chaconne. That was just a coincidence.
The rest of Johann’s family
Johann is the only half-elf in his family. Aunt Francesca married a guy who I never named nor mentioned, who was also an elf, and also a twin, and together they had Fred and Lud. Johann is also the only not-twin in the family, but that has nothing to do with race. Or does it?
Another scrapped idea was to make more explicit Johann’s relationship with his own heritage. Culturally he’s an elf, but he feels a lot of curiosity for his human side, even if he doesn’t really care about who his dad was. He took an interest in music in part because most composers in this universe are human, Bach included, and Johann felt a connection to that side of his lineage in that. Oh hey, THAT’s why I scrapped the dad.
Anyway, I wanted to parallel this with Avi’s own situation. I made it explicit in Gravity that he’s Jewish, but I also headcanon him half-Asian, but I found I don’t know enough about it to write comfortably (I researched SO MUCH for the two lines about kosher ice cream in chapter 3) (thanks again to Ari for the help).
There’s a parallel universe where I had more time to work on those things, where Johann and Avi compare experiences. What does it mean to be of mixed races and cultures? How does it shape their lives, from someone whith both cultures present in his daily life (Avi), to someone who’s only ever had one (Johann). I don’t think I’m the person to write those stories. Not before I work my own mixed heritage problems, at least.
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