#also look out for something else jam and i are doing soon
rindomness · 2 years
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this fucking fictional minecraft family has my adhd in an iron grip and it’s about to get worse
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 2 months
can you PLEASEEEE do something with the idea of reader stealing/wearing katsukis clothes?? you’re the only one who i think will fully do this idea justice xx
pure fluff, reader is a thief, reader likes the way katsuki smells, roughhousing lol kinda ?? katsuki sorta tackles you, katsuki is a meanie, tickling, no pronouns mentioned in this one I don’t think ! lemme know if i missed sum else !!
a/n : hey so this has been sittin in my drafts for literal decades omg IM SO SORRY🙁🙁🙁🙁ALSO BTW TYSM FOR THINKIN I COULD DO UR ASK JUSTICE I WAS SO FLATTERED WHEN I READ THIS I WAS GIGGLING N SHIT🤭🤭i was always so excited for this ask but I literally never got around to doing it after my break n stuff, im slowly (and that’s suuuuper slowly im so sorry yall i suck) getting to all of your asks one at a time and im so grateful yall r still givin me the time of day honestly , so please be patient with me🤧💗💗💍 ! But anway enough dumping ! Anon if you’re still sticking around, i truly hope u enjoy this ! And ofc all of yall too ! much luv xxx!!
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"you fuckin' thief.."
shit. you thought he'd be gone for longer.
lately, you’d been routinely sneaking into katsuki’s dorm room and nabbing some of his clothes. sweaters, hoodies, t-shirts : as long as they were in your reach, you’d grab them.
it's not your fault, really ! katsuki's clothes are so cosy and warm and they smell just like him. plus, they're perfect to snuggle in when he's busy, how could you not borrow them for a little while ?!
..except you can admit that you’ve been stalling..and a lot of his clothes were still in your room, but you still planned on giving them back..soon !
and you can’t even pretend, because you’re wearing on of his hoodies that had been missing for a good week now.
"katsuki, baby." you slowly lean away from his clothes drawer, your hand ready to snag a black hoodie of his slowly trailing towards the floor "i can explain."
"all my damn sweaters, my fuckin' hoodies. they all just vanished without a trace.." he starts, slowly stalking over to you. you squeak, slowing getting on your knees to prepare yourself should you have to break his ankles and sprint out of the room. he's fuming, eyebrows twitching "thought i was goin' crazy.."
"and all this time.."
"suki.." you try, voice wobbly as your knees shake with each step closer he gets.
"it's been fucking YOU ?!"
and he pounces.
with a squeal, you scramble and dash away just as he leaps for you and narrowly misses, he's got you cornered as you're on opossite sides of his bed while you beg for mercy and he keeps yelling at you to 'come here'. in a panick you grab one of his pillows and fling it at him.
it feels like the pillow slides down his face in slow motion to reveal a look so vile a demon appearing in front of you right now would scare you less
“you’re. so. dead.”
there’s really nowhere else for you to go. you’re truly cornered, you might as well just be buried right now. you think about the leftovers waiting for you in the fridge and how sero still hadn’t returned the manga he’d leant from you, but you’ve lived a pretty good life.
before your body can decide to move, katsuki leaps over to you tackling you and having you land straight onto his bed with a loud shriek.
frantically, you wave your hands around “wait, wait pleasepleasepleasepleasepleas-” but your begs of mercy are cut off when katsuki jams a finger into your side, causing you to yelp. he hovers over you with a mean smirk. and you know what’s coming.
you don’t even get to finish before he jams his hands into your sides and mercilessly tickles you.
from an outsiders point of view? this is harmless. but your boyfriend is mean and the biggest asshole in the world because he knows all of your weak spots and the places he knows will have you shaking and gasping for breath. it felt like actually torture, really.
“thought you could get away with it, huh ?” he sneers, leaning down a bit more so he’s eye level with you “thought you could keep taking my shit and i’d just neeever find out, hm ? yeah ?”
“b-but i—ah ! didn’t—!” you gasp and squeal, choking on the sentences you can’t manage to push out of your throat as your eyes squeeze closed. you don’t have to see his face to know he’s enjoying this.
“you’re a fuckin’ thief.” he spits, backing up from you so you don’t headbutt him square in the nose from your thrashing. you’re response is nothing but a harsh gasp and he smirks wider.
you think he’s finally, finally taken pity on you when his fingers slow to a stop, but he glares down at you, hands still on either sides of you “say it.”
you can’t even catch your breath before he hurriedly pressed closer to your sides to scare you, you shriek “stop ! m’sorry !”
“not what i wanted you to say, try again.”
“you’re—” you take a breath “sucha”
his fingers graze your shirt and his eyes are wide, daring you to finish your sentence, you bring your hands up to try to hide his field of vision.
“OKAY ! okay, okay…” you slowly lower your hands away, finally dropping them at your sides with a sigh “m’ a thief…” you mumble in defeat, embarrassment creeping up on you not only from the fact that you got caught but that the blond above you clearly enjoyed your torture if the evil snickers you heard we’re any sign of that.
he hums in satisfaction “mhm, no good fuckin’ thief. should lock you up and throw away the key on your ass.” you hate how handsome he looks when he’s playful like this with you. your sides still hurt and your voice is croaky from how out of breath you were and for a moment you seriously thought you saw the pearly gates.
you pout, and all it does is make him smile wider.
your boyfriend is mean. and the biggest asshole in the entire fucking world.
“s’not my fault..your clothes are comfy.” you mumble, crossing your arms over your chest. “and they smell good.”
he scoffs, leaning down closer towards you “that’s cus i fuckin’ wash them. and i haven’t been able to lately cus someone’s been stealing my entire closet.”
“i didn’t !”
“was boutta make me walk around naked, ya moron. all my clothes are gone.” you roll your eyes, he never lacked in the dramatics department.
“you’re such a drama queen.” you whine, sinking into his comforter. he ignores you and he presses your cheeks together with one hand, chuckling at your smooched cheeks and furrowed brows.
“stop stealing my stuff.” he announces slowly. he’s clear, no way you could’ve misunderstood him anyway. he sighs and presses a quick peck to your lips still pressed together
“if you want one of my sweaters r’something, jus’ come ask me. can give you one..or whatever.” he finishes, voice slightly muffled in embarrassment as he shoves his mouth against yours again and again making wet kissing sounds and you manage a giggle. he rolls his eyes, but a smile slowly crawls up his face anyway as he releases your cheeks. you let out a happy sigh, opening and closing your mouth to get rid of the slight soreness.
“take this shit off though.” he tugs at the hoodie you’re wearing “stinks. need to put it in the wash.”
“no it doesn’t !” you protest, pressing the color against your nose in an attempt to keep it close to you “it smells like you!” you pout. he doesn’t respond for a bit, opting to squint at you while the tips of his ears turned pink. and in a second his snatched the bottom of it and ripped it off of you, ripping a pathetic scream from you.
he examined his hoodie with an unreadable expression before his eyes land back on you for a second, then he slowly starts folding up his sweater “you trynna say i stink ?” he says lowly.
“no. i wouldn’t wear your clothes if they were nasty” you scrunch up your nose “you can take back the sweater in my room, though. the smell is starting to wear off.”
“gee, thanks for offering to give me my sweater back. weirdo” he glares, spitting his words out sarcastically and you giggle at his extra emphasis on his ownership of the hoodie which earns you a huff.
“ i’m grabbing all the shit you took from me, and they stay with me.” he starts warningly “but you can keep this, i guess..” he adds, patting on his now folded hoodie ready for a cleaning. you smile happily, running your socked feet into his blankets.
“ oh, but don’t forget to wear it first after you washed it, want it to smell like you. otherwise there’s no point.”
“you really are a fucking weirdo.” he spits, but the way his cheeks burn bright red say he’s not truly mad about it. you laugh, and katsuki grumbles. “hope you learned your lesson, freak.” he taunts. you hum in fake thought, then release a sigh.
“yeah, i guess i did.” you concede, and he nods proudly.
and sure, yeah, you’re boyfriend’s a big meanie. but you do a great job at riling him up.
“for now.”
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notmyneighbor · 6 months
Let Me In ~ Doppelgänger Francis Mosses/The Milkman x Female Reader
Chapter 7
Word Count ~ 3.9k
Rating ~ Explicit
CW ~ minor mention of blood and gore, sexual content
Also available on AO3
taglist @luthien-elvenia-asher @fishfetus @gaudesstuff @nekee-lilac02 @msdevil333 @rrnrjn @maskedpacific
Fanart used with permission @kaworinx on Instagram and TikTok
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You are walking the yard surrounding your home in early August.
Francis Mosses’ doppelgänger is beside you, his fingers laced with yours as the pair of you leisurely stroll. You love mornings like this. Lazy weekends when you shut the rest of the world out. There is just this, this safe haven you’ve created, away from the city where the invaders seek to gain entry and conquer, where the humans continue to try to see past the lies standing right before them, the deceivers and pretenders like the one whose hand you’re clutching now so tenderly. Except he isn’t like the others; nothing like any of them. He is yours, and you are his. There is nothing else like this phenomenon, what you have with him.
The blackberry bushes lining the picket fence are heavy with fruit, the plump, deep black specimens dull skinned, ripe and ready to be plucked.
“So many of them,” the copycat murmurs, halting beside you as your pace slows and pauses, contemplating the sight of those heavily laden shrubs.
You nod. “My grandparents used to make jam from them. I can remember spreading it on pancakes on Sunday mornings.”
“Do you still recall how to make the jam?”
“Yes. It’s not difficult. Just a bit time consuming. A lot of prep work.”
“We have the whole day. Want to try?”
“Really? You want to?”
“It sounds pleasant.” He tugs you gently towards him. “Everything with you is.” His lips meet yours, warm as the summer sun heating you through the button front dress you’re wearing.
“We need something to gather them in.”
“Will this do?” He reaches for the fabric of your dress about halfway down the skirt portion, lifting the loose material until it forms a kind of scooped makeshift basket.
“That’s what my grandmother did with her apron. Yes, this will do.” You reach for the handfuls he’s gathered, keeping the improvised bowl in place. “Only pick the ones that are black. No purple or red, they’re not ripe. Nothing shiny. Only the dull ones. They should come off fairly easily. If you have to pull too much, they’re not ready.”
The imposter milkman follows your directions and the dip in the fabric you’re clutching is soon full. It is a little awkward walking up the porch steps, balancing the unfamiliar weight at your front. There are stains on his fingers, on your dress as you dump the gathered berries into the colander he grabs from the cupboard for you, followed by a mixing bowl, anything he can find to relieve you of your burden. Overzealous in the picking, perhaps, but you don’t mind. The excessive berries would just have gone to waste otherwise, more than even your wildlife neighbors could indulge in.
“You should get used to having extra weight around your middle,” he murmurs against your ear. Still persisting in the notion of having a baby with you. The previous month had ended with your menses. You’ve no idea if it’s even possible to create a new life with the doppelgänger. You’re still conflicted about it. Afraid for its life, for yours and Francis’. But you can imagine the face. As a toddler. Convinced somehow it would be a boy. Identical in every way to his father. A father as devoted to him as he is to you. The child clinging to your side, standing in those same fields near the house in summer, looking at the world around him with those dark eyes that are unshadowed, not yet tired like his parent’s. Soft brown hair. Human, because you won’t let yourself imagine anything else; refuse to concede that it would be part doppel as well. “I can’t wait,” he says, his arms enfolding you from behind, your hands settling on his, the quartet all resting over your abdomen.
You smile, leaning your weight against his chest for a few moments before reaching for the faucet. It was time to rinse the harvest, removing the stray leaf or stem here and there. You fill a pan with water to boil to sterilize the lids of the mason jars. There are a set of them under the sink. The glass portion needs to be similarly treated. It will be hot in the kitchen with the stovetop working so hard. You lean and lift the window behind the sink a little higher, hoping for any sign of a breeze.
“Go pick out a record to play.” A new tradition. You let your lover choose the music, discovering what he likes best. Perhaps some of Francis’ favorites. Some for the invader alone. You cherish both selections equally.
The man and the doppel themselves; that is something your conscience has struggled with for many weeks now. You think you will always love Francis. But you love the new creature inhabiting his form, too. More and more with each passing day.
The music begins and you smile to yourself. Al Bowlly. Something from two decades ago, but a timeless classic. One of the records your mother had left behind when she’d moved to the city, inherited from your grandparents. You were long overdue for a visit to your mother and father. You’d received a letter not that long ago. Still safe. It was a worry that gnawed at you. One of the reasons you’d joined the DDD in the first place. Wanting to protect your family, the people you love.
The very thought of you and I forget to do
The little ordinary things that everyone ought to do
You spread a tea towel on the counter. The jars will air dry there after you’ve finished preparing them.
I'm living in a kind of daydream and I'm happy as a king
And foolish though it may seem, why to me that's everything
“How am I meant to not want to dance with you when this is playing?” Your partner’s lips graze the nape of your neck softly, his hands on your waist.
The mere idea of you, the longing here for you
You'll never know how slow the moments go till I'm near to you
You smile again. A gesture that comes so easily when the imposter is around you. “After. You wanted to make jam, remember?”
“I want to make a lot of things,” he murmurs beside your cheek, his nose nudging aside a stray piece of hair that’s come free from where you’d pinned it up, mouth now on the patch of skin he’s cleared.
“Francis!” You giggle, playfully squirming in his arms. You aren’t really trying to get away. “I need your help. Use those muscles of yours and pulverize the berries. The potato masher is in the second drawer there.”
I see your face in every flower, your eyes in stars above
It's just the thought of you, the very thought of you, my love
He rolls up his sleeves, beginning to crush the fruit while you gather the measuring cups and sugar.
“I know it’s equal parts berries and sugar. Three minutes to boil? And then another three after the sugar’s been added. Oh, I need the whisk, too. And one of the larger spoons to stir. Yes, that one, thank you.” Francis’ copy hands you the culinary tools you’re searching for, retrieved from the same drawer the masher had been in.
Speaking of which, he’s done a great job with the blackberries, making short work of them. For a brief second your mind teases an imagining of something far less pleasant being ground down like that, pulped human flesh, the gore that is left behind when a doppel feasts on a human. Your grip on the spoon tightens until it’s white knuckled and you force yourself to relax. You’re with him, the one that you love, that adores you. Your home. With the beautiful crooned words of longing issuing from the turntable in the background. Those horrors do not exist here. “Those look perfect. I think that’s maybe around six cups’ worth. But we’ll measure.”
Your estimate of the mixture volume proves fairly accurate. You begin stirring the berries in the stainless steel cook pot, watching the seeded dark red mixture begin to bubble, keeping an eye on the clock on the wall. The doppel is at the sink, already washing the used bowls and tools.
It’s time to add the sugar. You stir it in, once again timing your task, finally deeming the developing jam ready to be removed from the heat of the burner, switching the knob for the pilot light off as you move the pot to an unused burner.
You can feel the perspiration beading on your forehead as you whisk the heated fledgling fruit spread. Nearly there. Your strokes with the thin wired tool were releasing the natural pectin in the berries now. After that it was just a matter of filling and sealing the jars.
“What’s next? What can I do to help?” The doppelgänger asks, resting a hand on your lower back, where the heat lingers, making the dress cling damply to your skin.
“I think this is actually just about ready to start pouring.”
He turns over the mason jars that had been resting upside down over the tea towel to air dry, lining them up on the counter. You transfer small batches of the jam to a batter bowl, making it easier to fill each jar without spilling. A lot of dishes being used for this. Funny how you didn’t remember that part from childhood. Just the fun of making it with your grandmother.
The replicant screws the last of the lids on. The jam looks so inviting. You can’t wait to spread it on some toast with some butter after it’s had a day or two to set. Maybe just one day. You were really craving it now.
“It’s hot,” the imposter says, dragging a hand across his forehead. “I’m ready to head back into the tub after that.”
You like the idea of that yourself. “You should.”
“Coming with me?”
“I was hoping for an invitation.”
He kisses you and you taste the salt of his perspiration. “You look a little flushed. We definitely need to go cool down. And then heat up again.”
“Francis, you’re impossible. Go get the water running. I’ll finish cleaning up here.”
“It’ll be faster with both of us working together.”
You won’t argue with that, allowing him to assist you. Munching on some leftover blackberries as you work side by side. The last of the dishes done. Everything put away. Shutting off the record player on your way to the stairs. His hands work on the buttons of your dress after you’ve turned on the faucet to fill the tub. You loosen his belt. Shove the hem of his undershirt upward after he’s removed the outer layer. He reaches between his shoulders and pulls it free. You kiss the dip between his pectoral muscles lightly covered with dark hair. Suddenly finding yourself hungry for him.
“Should we wait on the bath for after?” he suggests.
“Yes. Definitely.” You switch the faucet off hurriedly, turning your attention back to him. He’s already entering the bedroom. The temperature in this room is hotter than it had been in the kitchen. No fresh breeze coming in through either of the windows. Just that stifling humidity. It needed to rain.
Undergarments removed. He kisses your bare shoulder, humming the song that had been playing the previous evening, when he’d met you at your front door, the start of your weekend together.
Blue Moon, you saw me standing alone
Without a dream in my heart
Without a love of my own
You sit down on the edge of the bed. A hand rests on your thigh as he kneels down. Fingers stained from some of the berry juice, garnet and magenta smudges along cuticles and nail beds. Your hand sinks into the hair you’d trimmed recently, finding it’s already growing long again. You bend to kiss his mouth and he tastes like the fruit, like summer itself, warm and fresh and sweet.
He leans to kiss the breasts that will one day bear the nutrition to feed your child, if it was ever meant to be, sucking gently, each nipple responding to that sensation, rising and hardening, the melody of that love song still emerging all the while.
Blue Moon, you knew just what I was there for
You heard me saying a prayer for
Someone I really could care for
Then he is between your thighs, every kiss still languid, drowsy, a leisurely summer afternoon gifted in each touch of his lips on your skin. Caressing your legs, the limbs that part to receive him. Gentle kisses on those nether lips, still humming, sending little vibrations into your body.
And then there suddenly appeared before me
The only one my arms will ever hold
I heard somebody whisper, "Please adore me"
And when I looked, the moon had turned to gold
His tongue strokes your clit and you lean back slightly, hands sinking into the mattress, arms braced to either side. His hands curl around your thighs and he sups at your sex, the pace still unhurried, easing you along into pleasure. Delving into your entrance, rolling the taste of you on his tongue before sweeping through the petals back to your bud, massaging it from side to side, up and down, pausing every now and again to plant a kiss on your mound or thigh, suckling the bundle of nerve endings and then dipping back into your canal in short, gentle little thrusts, the tune nearing its end, reaching the final verses, but yours have just started, that thrumming he sends through you, deep inside, an echoing response in your core.
Blue Moon, now I'm no longer alone
Without a dream in my heart
Without a love of my own
You let your weight rest on one hand so you can touch his hair again, meet the gaze of those dark eyes watching you, those depthless pools of desire you get lost in, drowning, a tide that washes you away into your release against his mouth.
You're sweating profusely now, damp inside and out as you scoot yourself back to the center of the bed, making room for your companion to join you.
There is always the little surprised sounding moan when he first enters you, as if he’s forgotten that feeling, rediscovering it each time his cock pierces your pussy. His hips roll against you in slow, lazy thrusts. He combs your damp hair back from your face, hair that has completely fallen loose, natural. He kisses your forehead and cheeks and lips, your jaw and throat and ear lobes.
“I love you,” he breathes against your neck. His voice sounds raw, full of emotion.
“I love you, Francis.” You grind up against his damp body.
His face hovers above yours. “Marry me.” You gasp as he grabs one of your thighs and rocks forward, pushing deep inside of you. “Marry me, be my wife. Stay with me always.”
Your heart pounds. To be joined with him like that. The mark on your arm only a faint pink line now. The traces of the bite completely disappeared. He wanted to put a ring on your finger. Everyone would know, then. There would be no concealing it.
“Be the mother of my children. Be mine forever.”
“Yes. Yes, I’ll marry you.”
“I’ll do anything to make you happy.”
“I am happy. Happier than I’ve ever been. I’ve never loved anyone as much as I love you,” you add softly.
A heavy sigh as his body moves against yours, his face tucked into the crook of your neck. “My love, my only, mine.” His pelvis knocks against yours faster now. Your knees tightly embrace his ribs. Every part of skin your lips touch taste of salt. His hair is darker, saturated with sweat, the tendrils clinging damply to his forehead. A drop slides from his nose and pools between your lips. The arms bracing his weight near your face are trembling. So close to the edge of bliss.
“Love,” he gasps.
“Yes,” you answer, and he spills into you, filling your womb with his seed.
You sit inside the bathtub between the doppel’s legs, resting back against his chest.
“Close your eyes,” he instructs, and you obey, hearing something being lifted from that basin of water. The wash cloth, you realize, feeling the cool liquid dripping onto you hair, sliding down over your heated face. Repeating until your hair is thoroughly drenched in the bath water, his fingers slicking back those wet tresses, smoothing over your eyes, your cheeks, curling beneath your chin and lifting your face so that he can kiss you. Your eyes open and you see him smiling. “Better?”
“Good.” A rumble of thunder in the distance. Finally, the rain was coming. “Will we lose the power again, do you think?”
“Maybe. Wouldn’t be so terrible, though, would it? Just being here in the dark together.”
“Not at all. I have fond memories of doing that very thing.” He kisses you again and your stroke the damp cloth over his forearms. “I am going to get you a ring, you know. Propose properly.”
“I know.” You lift his left hand and kiss it. “We should tell my parents. Visit.”
“You want me to meet them?”
“Why not? They’ll be your in laws. The grandparents of your children.”
“Hmmm,” he hums. “We will need someone to watch the little ones. When it’s time to make more…”
“How many are you planning on?”
“I don’t know. There’s no specific number. I just want it. Badly.”
“I know you do. I do, too.”
“You’re still scared.”
“I won’t let anyone harm you. You, or the children. However many there are.”
“I know you’ll be a good father. A good husband.”
His arms tighten around you. “You are my perfect everything.”
You do not lose the power that evening.
There is light for your repast at the kitchen table. Still too soon to indulge in the fruits of your earlier labors—pun intended—and neither of you want to heat up the house again using the stove, so you have a simple meal of bread, cheese, grapes, and iced tea, listening to the storm outside, this one much calmer than the last, starting to write a letter back to your parents, beginning with the exciting news of your engagement.
“Do you think your parents will like me?”
You pop a few grapes into your mouth. “Yes. My mom is very similar in personality to me. My dad maybe a little gruffer, but he’ll soften with time. Especially when he sees how well you treat me. He’d probably like it if you asked his permission first. Just as a courtesy. A formality.”
Francis’ copy slices another piece of cheddar free from the block, taking a bite and chewing thoughtfully. “What are you going to tell them about us, exactly?”
“Just that we met while I was working. You’re a resident in the building. The truth, you know.”
“But that’s not the whole story.”
You set your pen down. “I can’t tell them what you are. You know that.”
“Of course not. I’m just…wondering what to say. Or what not to say. How to behave.”
You lift the writing utensil again but don’t use it, merely holding it between your fingers. “Just be you.”
He looks over the top of his glass as you resume writing, neat cursive script filling the page. “Don’t forget to mention how handsome I am.”
“Hush, you.” You smirk, tossing one of the crumpled rough drafts at him and he easily catches it, returning your smile.
“And that I’m a good dancer.”
“You are a great dancer,” you concede, pausing again to tear off another piece of bread.
“We didn’t get to dance earlier.”
“We sort of did.”
His eyebrows lift. “I’ve corrupted you. That’s the sort of innuendo I’d deliver.”
“Speaking of which. No talking about wanting kids when we visit with my parents, at least not yet. They’re against premarital sex. Society doesn’t favor unwed women and it certainly doesn’t favor women who are unwed and pregnant. It’s because of the war. The need to repopulate, our purpose to create more soldiers.”
“We’re engaged, though.”
“Yes. But still not married.”
“I don’t want our children fighting in a war,” he says solemnly.
“Neither do I.” You pause, hesitating midway through writing again. “We are at war already. They’ll be born into it, just by the very nature of who they are. What they are.” You sigh, setting down the pen. The letter could wait for now. You don’t like the dark look on the features of the replicant sitting across from you.
“Come on. I owe you a dance.” You rise, reaching for the doppel’s hands and he allows himself to be tugged to his feet. “Go choose a record for us, my love.”
You clear the table while he rummages through the sleeved recordings. You leave the letter where it is. You’ll finish it in the morning, drop it off on your way to work Monday. At least there was one more day of this relaxed comfort, before you had to go back to the reality of the DDD.
You join your fiancé in the living room, positioning yourself with your dance partner, smiling as you recognize the song that starts to play.
Heaven, I'm in heaven
And my heart beats so that I can hardly speak
And I seem to find the happiness I seek
When we're out together, dancing cheek to cheek
“Fred Astaire, singing to Ginger Rogers. Another classic. This song was from the musical Top Hat. A big hit on the music charts.”
The doppel is silent, his hand warm against your waist, the other clasping your hand as you step and sway in a small circle.
Heaven, I'm in heaven
And the cares that hung around me through the week
Seem to vanish like a gambler's lucky streak
When we're out together, dancing cheek to cheek
“My mom loves that movie. You’ll curry some favor if you mention it. We’ll have to watch it together. The movie house downtown plays classics on Sunday nights. I’m babbling, aren’t I?” Two more verses of the song have already passed by.
“It’s alright. I don’t mind. We should go. I’ll take you.”
“A real date.”
“Yes, a real date.”
You grin, nuzzling his jaw. “I look forward to it.”
Dance with me. I want my arms about you
The charms about you
Will carry me through to
“I like making you happy.” He draws back to look at your features. “I want your parents to like me. I know it’s important to you. It’s important to me, too.”
“They’ll love you,” you say softly. “How could they possibly not?”
“No.” You release his shoulder, resting a finger against his lips. “You’re mine, and I’m yours, and that’s all that matters. I love you. You, inside of this man.” Your hand cups his cheek. “I’ve been calling you Francis all along. I don’t even know your name.”
“It’s…not something you could ever pronounce. The differences in language…”
“I’ll do my best to learn.”
“Sweetheart. Call me Francis. That’s who I am now. Your Francis. Yours.” He kisses you, and you become lost in the feel of it, in the sound of the needle of the record player tapping restlessly now that the song has finished, in the lullaby of the soft patter of the rain outside.
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quintinh43 · 8 months
Stressed Spelled Backward Is Desserts | Quinn Hughes
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Summary: Quinn comes home to his girlfriend stress baking.
Pairings: Quinn Hughes x fem!reader
Warnings: Food, Flirting, Fluff, use of terms like baby, honey, love.
Notes: Hi guys!! Holy moly, I did not expect my last post to have so many interactions!! I'm glad yall liked it. Anyways, here's another one! If there's anything else yall think should go in warnings, please let me know! Also, I'm thinking of making a part 2 to this one, so if yall are interested, please let me know! I hope yall enjoyyy. Love Soph.
Usually, the sound of the apartment door opening would be enough to draw your attention away from what you were doing and greet Quinn with a kiss at the door. Although with the music in the background, the consistent buzz of the stand mixer and the kitchen fan going, you didn't register it.
The first thing Quinn noticed was the smell. It smelt like sweet heaven. Cookies, maybe..? The second thing he noticed was all the different noises. The kitchen fan, the music, a weird buzzing, and what sounded like you mixing something in a metal bowl.
Quinn toed off his shoes, hung up his keys, and peaked into the kitchen cautiously. You were indeed mixing something in a metal bowl. That's when Quinn noticed the absolute massive amount of cookies spread out on the kitchen island. There must've been at least five different kinds.
He turned off the music, and as soon as he did, you whipped around and crashed into his chest, not expecting him to be so close. He grabbed your arms to stop you from stumbling backward.
"Hi," he smiles fondly, pecking you on the forehead.
"Hello," you grin, bumping your head against his chest in greeting.
"Whats all this?" He asks as you wriggle out of his arms to go back to mixing what Quinn assumes is icing or filling of some kind.
"I was stressed," you shrug, as if that explained it.
Quinn looks at you with a raised brow. He sits on the bar stool, shrugging off his suit jacket, loosening his tie and undoing the top few buttons of his shirt "That doesn't explain why it looks like a bakery threw up in our kitchen." He says, plucking a cookie off the plate.
He bites into it and resists the urge to moan out loud. It was still warm from the oven, and the chocolate was warm and melty. On the second bite, he actually moaned out loud because holy shit, there was caramel in the middle.
"You like it?" You giggle
"Mhmm," Quinn mumbles around a mouthful of cookie. You watch him lick chocolate off his thumb, and he gives you a wink that has you blushing.
"You still never answered my question, Love," Quinn says, eyes roaming to the next cookie he wanted to try.
"You've never heard of stress baking?" You ask, holding out a spoon of what looks like raspberry mush for him to try. He leans over the counter and lets you feed him. He smacks his lips together, making a sour face, and you laugh.
"Never in my life, but I think I like the concept." He says, snatching what looks like a white macadamia nut cookie off a cooling rack. "But still, what are we gonna do with all of these? There's no way we can eat this much cookies between the two of us. There must be at least five dozen!"
"Probably closer to eight dozen," you say sheepishly. As if on cue, the oven timer beeps. You don the oven mitts and pull another tray of cookies out of the oven.
Quinns eyes widen, "That's like...ninety-six cookies"
"One hundred and four actually"
"What? No? Eight by twelve -"
"Thirteen," you interrupt
"Love, a dozen is twelve." Quinn says, watching as you mix the raspberry lemon jam thing into cookie, another batch of cookie dough.
"A bakers dozen is thirteen." Quinn's eyes go wide.
"Damn. I don't know if I should be concerned about what's causing you so much stress or if I should start stressing you out once in a while for the sake of some dessert." He jokes.
"Oh honey, you don't have to stress me out, to bake for you. I will bake you whatever you want whenever you want. All you gotta do is ask." You pause in thought for a moment "and maybe fuck me" you add with a mischievous grin.
Quinn grins leaning over the counter "baby i'll fuck you whenever you want, wherever you want, however you want, all you gotta do is ask."
You roll your eyes at him, unable to keep the smile off your face. "You wanna lick the spoon?" You ask, holding the jam spoon out to him.
"I wanna lick you," he grins, closing his lips over the spoon. A blush instantly rises to your cheeks, and you flick the end of the spoon that hangs out of his mouth. He groans as it clangs against his teeth, dropping it onto the counter as you laugh at him.
"Go change and come help me," you say, leaning over the counter to kiss him. He kisses you back happily "yes chef" he murmers against your lips.
He kisses you one more time before disappearing into the bedroom to change. He comes back out dressed in a black henly and grey sweats, with the sleeves pushed up to his elbows.
If you hadn't just made over one hundred cookies, you'd be having Quinn as your snack because holy shit did he look fine. Damn you were lucky to have him.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" Quinn asks a little self conscious, as he dons the apron you hand him.
"I'm just thinking about how I'm so lucky to have you." You smile, standing on your tip toes to press a kiss to his lips. He wraps an arm around you, not letting you pull away. He tastes like raspberry. 
"I love you Y/n" he murmers against your lips with a grin.
"I love you too," you say, bumping your hip against his, "come on, these cookies aren't gonna shape themselves"
"So bossy." he chuckles, getting to work beside you. He stands close enough so that your hips and arms are brushing against each other as you work.
After a few hours, a flour fight, a couple dozen more cookies, a thorough scrubbing of the kitchen and a shower, you and Quinn lay on the couch with a half eaten plate of cookies infront of you.
"Y/n love, what are we gonna do with a hundred cookies?"
You sigh. That was a problem you'd been trying to solve for the past while. You couldn't very well throw them out. "Could we give them to the team?"
Quinn taps his chin in thought, "I don't want them to know how good of a baker my girl is, or they might try to steal you from me"
"Don't worry, they couldn't take me from you if they tried." You smile, pressing a kiss to chin,"but seriously, can we give them to the team?"
Quinn sighs dramatically. "Yes, I suppose we can. They are gonna have to do extra laps for them, though"
"Yay!" You jump up from the couch, dragging Quinn with you, to help box up all the cookies for him to take to practice later. After boxing up all the cookies and helping Quinn take them to his car, you kiss him goodbye and reluctantly go back to your studying.
As soon as you open your laptop, you sigh, remembering why you decided to bake a hundred cookies instead of work on this stupid shit. You text Quinn to have a good practice, and with that, you get back to work.
Wc: 1.2k
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sugrhigh · 8 months
BOY NEXT DOOR - ( c.s )
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part two
summary- you and your roommates live beside a bunch of senior hockey players, one of them being the infamous team captain chris sturniolo. he’s effortlessly flirty and undeniably attractive, but he’s also a pain in your ass. you find that you have to fight between lust and hatred as you finally get to know the boy next door, whether you want to or not.
warnings- swearing, drinking, no smut (yet 😁)
neighbor/hockey!chris x fem!reader
a/n: WELCOME TO MY FIRST REAL SERIES! i have a lot of ideas for this cuz i love this trope dearly so buckle up! more parts will come soon. also working on a tattooartist!reader x matt series (thank you anons) that will also be out eventually. in the mean time if you have smaller/specific reqs you’d like to see, my inbox is open babies! and if u just wanna say hello or ask a question i’m here xoxo
the music booms over the speakers inside the house next door, just like it always does on the weekends (and occasionally on thursdays too). it always drives you up a wall, but tonight it’s particularly bad.
you sit up slightly in bed, absentmindedly wondering who the fuck is on aux. you’re not sure why the thought crosses your mind, but you know it’s not chris, because these picks are horrendous.
it’s already past two in the morning, not to mention it’s the middle of the week. you haven’t been able to get a wink of rest, even with your headphones blaring at full volume. usually they do the trick, but tonight’s party is relentless, demanding to be heard.
wine wednesday, you think to yourself sourly.
neither of your roommates are home; they’re both off with their significant others, somewhere that’s not here, listening to fuckface and his friends get drunk.
you’re usually pretty passive about the noise, because they provide free alcohol for you guys when you show up and typically give you notice that they’re throwing something.
but tonight it’s just too fucking much. you’re tired, and groggy, and very much so still in your silky pajama bottoms and oversized t-shirt, but you don’t give a shit.
you jam your feet into some sneakers and grab a jacket, clutching it close to your chest as you head down the stairs to the main level of your own house.
you pass the dark living room, shadows leering in the corners as you’re guided only by the light coming from the street lamps outside.
you step onto the porch and the cold smacks you in the face, breath fogging up the air. it’s the middle of january in boston, and the expanse of dead grass between your houses crunches under your feet as you tread toward the front door.
the rest of the street is quiet, aside from the party. but they’re all senior hockey players, and it’s the beginning of their last semester, so what else can you expect?
besides maybe some basic human decency every once in a while. in fact, you’re so frustrated that you’re going in without backup, and without a real plan of any kind.
for some reason, once you get up the three steps to their door, you pause to knock. as if anyone would hear you over the music, or care enough to open the door for someone who’s fucking knocking.
so you twist the handle next, and it’s unlocked. of course.
it opens to a hazey front hallway that you recognize, stairs to the left hand side, blocked off by a young-looking guy you assume is probably a freshman on duty.
the front area is full of people, pressed against the walls, chatting over the music. well, more like yelling over it.
you can smell weed, which confuses you slightly. you know none of them smoke, not during the season at least. they usually don’t let anyone do it inside the house, so it must be an allowance for a girl.
you’re already getting strange looks as you step inside, which is fair. your shorts are hidden by the length of your shirt and jacket, so you’re just legs and shoes. you’ve got no makeup on, and you didn’t check your hair before you came.
but you swallow the lump in your throat, because it doesn’t matter right now anyways.
you shift your way through the crowd, gaze skipping over the people as you finally reach the dark living room. multi-colored strobes flash, lighting up the hoards of tipsy college kids dancing on the soaked wooden floor. furniture is pushed aside to make room, though the championship banner from last year still hangs on the wall.
his eyes find you before yours find him.
he stares at you across the tops of people's heads, standing by one of the couches that’s shoved against the wall. one of his roommates, connor, is leaned back on the cushions, watching the two girls they were talking to pass a joint back and forth.
but he’s no longer focused on anyone else, because he’s spotted you across the room, and he thinks this is the most disheveled he’s ever seen you. your angry eyes lock in on him seconds later, and they narrow instantly.
you beeline toward him, right through a group of people that are half-dancing along to the terrible playlist.
he lifts his eyebrows at your attitude, but not in fear. he’s actually a little impressed. his friends are watching you warily, just as confused as everyone else who saw you walk in.
he can’t help but stare at your legs as you finally reach him, admiring how cute you look in your pajamas, pale pink bottoms peeking out underneath your shirt with every step. he briefly wonders if you’re even wearing a bra.
then you open your mouth, and the fantasy is over.
“what time is it, chris?” you snap at him, one hand balled into a fist, the other clutching your phone.
“i don’t know, but i have a feeling you’re going to tell me.” he takes a sip of his drink to try and hide his grin.
it takes a lot of self control to keep yourself from slapping it out of his fucking hand, just because of how smug he looks. you hold up the screen to his face.
two twenty-two in the morning. chris almost laughs.
“the answer is way too fucking late to be having a party on a wednesday.” you reply, bringing the device back down to rest by your thigh.
“why didn’t you come? i missed you.” he pouts.
you glance over at the people on the couch, at the girls who are still making eyes at you as they converse with connor. he’s giving you a weird look too, as if no one could possibly understand why you’re here like this.
“yeah, sure you did,” you turn back to him, “now shut this shit down before i call the cops.”
chris puts his hands up in surrender, though he knows this is an empty threat just as much as you do.
“wow, somebody’s grumpy.”
you roll your eyes, crossing your arms over your chest self-consciously. “i’m serious. tell the puck bunnies to go home for the night or i’ll do it myself.”
he takes a tiny step closer, just a few inches, and yet it still seems suffocating. he looks too good, clad in a simple black tee and jeans, and he’s studying your face with the fire of a thousand suns.
“you don’t have to be jealous because other girls are here. you know you’re my number one.” chris replies easily.
even though his tone remains light, his expression is serious now. it enrages you more, that he thinks he has so much control over you.
“as if i give a fuck. i just want to sleep, so the choice is yours. police,” you wave the hand that holds your phone slightly, “or call it off.”
chris takes another sip of his drink, tipping it back so he can finish the rest of it in one foul swoop. then he nods his head, like he’s admitting defeat.
“fine. i’ll send everyone home.”
you can feel the relief creeping over you, knowing that you don’t have to actually get law enforcement involved. “thank yo—”
“on one condition.” he interrupts, and you furrow your brows.
“no conditions, chris. we’re not bartering right now.”
“come to the game on friday and we can hang out after for a bit. i’ll even give you a practice jersey to wear.” he offers, and the trademark smirk has reappeared on his face.
lights dance across his features, morphing his expression every few seconds. you just stare, because for once, you’re actually not sure what game he’s playing.
“what, can’t get a date without having to resort to blackmail?” you taunt, and he laughs.
“please, i don’t date. and i’d hardly consider this blackmail. just think of it as getting to know your friendly neighbor on a more personal level.”
there’s a humorous glint in his eye, one that’s daring you to say yes. what’s there to be afraid of? all you have to do is watch hockey, eat some popcorn from the concession stand, and deal with his attitude for an hour afterwards.
you’re still not sure what chris is getting out of this, or why he’s insisting that you need to be there, but at this point you don’t care. all you can think about is salvaging the rest of your sleep.
“alright, fine. now you have five minutes to get everyone out, and i better not hear any more shitty remixes for the rest of the week.” you point an accusatory finger at him and he shrugs, though he’s clearly content that you caved in.
“your wish is my command, princess.”
you turn on your heel to head back outside, retracing your steps from earlier as you slip through the mob. you half expect chris to follow, just because he’s annoying, but he doesn’t.
the overhead lights are coming back on now, and you can hear deep voices shouting, combined with collective groans from the crowd as they all realize they’re being kicked out.
luckily you make it out the front door first, and you jog back up the steps to your own place to get out of the cold.
you’ve only been inside for seconds when your phone buzzes in your hand.
see you friday
sweet dreams ;)
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lovebvni · 2 months
'Advice From Your S/O' ( Pick-a-Pile ) (old)
I haven't done a pick-a-pile lately, I had covid then life got in the way, but I'm back with some shifting advice from your s/o! 
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You will be picking a number between 1 and 5
Breathe in....
Breathe out...
Now, what's the number you heard?
[pile 1, 2, 3
4, 5]
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pile 1
Pile 1!
Conformation this pile is for you: Have been having nightmares, waking up in the middle of the night, feeling like things aren't going well for you, 9, 999
Cards: 9 of Swords, Page of Cups, 9 of Pentacles
"I see you've been disappointed with your situation, but you know, things are going to get better. Take a break, look to your material life more than you look to shifting right now. Take a break, stop thinking about shifting. I think you're obsessed." Wow, your partner had NO trouble giving this to you straight up. They are basically trying to say take a break. Think about something else, be creative!
Things I kept seeing/hearing: memer, laughs a lot, is in physical or mental pain, obsession, Addison Rae, overachiever
pile 2
Pile 2!
Conformation this pile is for you: You have a mental illness of some sort, you want to work with a deity, you have a cat (or pet)
Cards: The Devil, 5 of Wands (R), 8 of Cups
You guys may have also been drawn to pile 1
"Hello, my love! I want you to be happy. What's wrong? Do you need to rant? I'm here for you if you do! I love you SO SO SOOO much! I was asked to bring you advice. Positive change is coming. I know, that really isnt advice but you NEED to know that happiness is coming to you, CHANGE is coming to you. You feel suck but, you're actually slowly moving forward! I'll always be by your side to hold your hand, dont worry!"
Things I kept seeing/hearing: The colour purple, 555, blue, deities, 'It's Nerf or Nothing!"
pile 3
Pile 3!
Conformation this pile is for you: You love listening to music, weirdcore, Simp/kin Bakugou, cook, denki kinnie 1, 111, 1111, fighter,  fire sign, childish
Cards: 7  of wands(r), king of wands, Ace of Cups, Ace of Swords
"HII! I'm going to be honest with you, you're not TRYING to do everything you want to! I know you want to do great things but you WONT PUT WORK INTO IT! Can you PLEASE actually try to put work into what you're doing? Put effort into it. You're wasting your potential. Once you do this, something new is coming! I promise, pinky swear!!"
Things I kept seeing/hearing: 111, 1111, January, New Beginnings are coming, JAM SESSION!!, artist, learner
pile 4
Pile 4
Conformation this pile is for you: Shoto Todoroki, Hyper, 555, 1010, overachiever, doing more than needed, hard working, shifting for an escape, falling, box (LMFAO WTF??), spiritual, magic wand, have a snake
Cards: The World, Page of Wands(R), 10 of Swords, 5 of Swords, The Tower, 8 of Wands
"Hello. You are my world, I want you to know that. I am sending lots of love, because I know that there is a lot going on with you. The parental figures in your life do NOT treat you the way they should. I want you to know, I'm sending you signs and messages, I don't know if you're getting them/paying attention to them. I want you to know there are NO rules you have to follow, nothing you do will effect your journey negatively, okay? Every thing is downhill from here, a smooth ride, you are going to shift soon. Don't loose hope."
Things I kept seeing/hearing: Nicki Minaj, Billie Eilish, finally, endings coming, childish, blonde hair, red 3.
pile 5
Pile 5
Conformation this pile is for you: Shinsou, 333, 33, artist, drawing, roblox, Katsuki Bakugou
Cards: The Hanged Man, 3 of Pentacles, 3 of Wands, The Empress (R)
"WITHIN TIME YOU WILL SHIFT! CALM DOWN! Take a break, focus on what you want to do in your cr, do you like someone? Talk to them! Work on your script, do whatever! I love you! No matter what, I'll wait for you! Success is coming, you're almost at the top of this mountain!!"
Things I kept seeing/hearing: 333, Black, blue, sunglasses, cars, friends, online friends.
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redrose10 · 4 months
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Yoongi x Female Reader. Soulmate AU
Summary: There’s no one on this planet you hate more than your coworker/secret crush Min Yoongi. He’s an arrogant, rude, womanizer who gets under your skin every single shift and you can’t wait for your day to be over so you can get away from him. Unfortunately when Jimin, your caseworker from The Ministry of Adoration, shows up offering you both a raspberry jam filled cookie, things take a surprising turn for the worst and you can no longer get away.
Warnings: Swearing, hints of smut (nothing graphic or really detailed), a little angst, Yoongi gets around, small hint to homophobia, mentions a guy not taking no for an answer. Might get updated later
Tag list: @kam9404 @yoongisducky @farfromsugafanfic @welcometomyworld13
Chapter 2- Whiskey and Wedding Cake
Word Count: 4,081
Waking up this morning your body was sore and you had a pounding headache. You rolled out of bed thankful that it was your day off before heading towards the kitchen to make a much needed cup of coffee, but as soon as you got to the door you felt a sharp pain in your chest. Doubling over you were immediately reminded of everything that had happened the night before. Yoongi groaned from the bed feeling the sudden pain too.
“What the hell Y/N? Are you stupid or something?”, he spat as you crawled your way back to him.
“I’m sorry okay. This is all new to me. I just wanted to make some coffee. You don’t always have to be so mean Yoongi.”
He looked at you kneeling on the floor trying to catch your breath and he felt immensely guilty for lashing out like that especially at you.
“I’m sorry. I’m just grumpy in the mornings. Let’s go make some coffee.”, he sighed walking with you to the kitchen.
Once the caffeine hit your lips you started feeling a little better. Surprisingly, but thankfully Yoongi was also a great chef and made a delicious breakfast that you really appreciated so you wouldn’t have to eat yet another bowl of cereal.
You also appreciated how adorable he looked in the morning with ruffled hair and eyes barely open paired with his puffy red cheeks that you just wanted to reach out and pinch before quickly reminding yourself how much you were supposed to hate each other and pushing that thought way to the back of your mind.
“So uh what are we gonna do today?”, you asked between bites of your pancakes.
“Well whatever we do we have to do it together so…”
Almost as if on cue his phone beeped indicating a text and you watched as his mouth turned up into a grin, “Looks like I have plans for this evening with a hot blonde in a baby pink lingerie set.”
“Really? How do you plan on doing that when we can’t be more than five feet from each other?”, you smirked back reveling in the feeling of bliss as you saw his face fall at the realization.
Placing his head on his hand as he leaned on the counter and smiled at you, “Well you know, I am not opposed to some double action.”
“Nope, absolutely not.”, you shook your head.
“Alright fine. Then I’ll just move your bed closer to the door and you can stand on the other side of it and wait. We shouldn’t be long anyways.”
“No Yoongi. I’m not gonna stand on the other side of the door while you hook up with some random chick in MY bed. And being quick isn’t something I’d be proud of by the way. You seriously can’t go three weeks without getting some?”
“No, because unlike you I want to enjoy my life and not sit at home like some loser being a buzzkill for everyone else. Now I see why Jae cheated on you.”
You gasped hearing his words. The beginning of tears were already stinging your eyes as you looked up at him.
During one of your shifts many months ago Yoongi had accidentally walked in on you crying in Mina’s arms about how you had caught your boyfriend Jae cheating on you. It was a really hard time for you as you felt used and hurt by by your ex. You waited for Yoongi to make some sarcastic remark, but he just walked away without saying a word so you had assumed maybe he was actually going to be a decent person and not rub it in, but it seems like he was just waiting for the perfect moment to really make sure it hurt you.
“Fuck Y/N, I’m sorry I shouldn’t have sai…”, he started but you were already half way down the hallway not even caring about the stabbing pain in your chest due to the distance.
Yoongi quickly followed after you both to try and apologize and also stop the pain.
“Y/N, just please let me…”
You spun around so fast taking him off guard and nearly knocking him over, “No Yoongi. I don’t want your half ass apology that you don’t even mean. You knew how traumatizing that whole ordeal with Jae was for me and you just couldn’t wait to throw it in my face.“
“Y/N I am sorry. I was just irritated and I said something I shouldn’t have. I really didn’t mean it.”
“Fuck you Yoongi. Go ahead and call that girl that’s blowing up your phone right now, but you’re not fucking her on my bed so figure something else out.”
You left him speechless and crawled into your bed cocooning yourself in your blankets. He had no choice but to also lie in the bed next to you rethinking his words.
You did your best to contain your sniffles, but he still heard a few of them sneak through and up until that point in his life he thought the chest pains thanks to the stupid raspberry cookies were the worst pain he’d ever felt, but hearing you cry and knowing he was the reason behind those tears quickly overtook that as the most painful thing he had ever experienced.
At some point you must’ve cried yourself to sleep, only realizing it when you were gently woken up by Yoongi in an already dark room.
“Come on Y/N, get up.”, he said softly nudging your shoulder.
“Alright. Just let me get changed.,” you grumbled throwing the blankets off of yourself. If you were gonna have to sit there and listen to him get off with some girl you at least wanted to be dressed comfy.
“You don’t have to change. Let’s just go eat. The foods here.”, he said motioning towards the door.
“What? What happened to your plans with the hot blonde in a whatever you said?”
He nervously scratched at the back of his neck, “I uh I told her I’d have to reschedule. Wasn’t feeling it any more.”
“Don’t worry. I’m sure another one will come along any minute.”, you said walking past him towards the door.
He grabbed all of the food placing it down on the table. It didn’t take long for you to realize he had ordered all of your favorites from your favorite restaurant.
“I heard you talking to Mina one day about how this was your favorite so I ordered it for dinner. I hope this is okay.”
You nodded, “Yeah looks good. Thank you.“
The dinner was ate mainly in silence. That silenced carried over to the couch where you both agreed on watching a movie.
When the end credits started rolling Yoongi finally spoke up, “So Y/N, I am really sorry about what I said earlier. You know the Jae thing. I didn’t mean it. I was just frustrated by everything and it slipped out. I have a tendency to speak before I think when I’m upset. I’m going to try and do better another that.”
“It’s fine. Maybe you were right anyways. Maybe that is why he cheated on me.”, you shrugged not having any more care to give.
Frantically he shook his head, “No that’s not true at all. That guy was an idiot who didn’t deserve you and you can do way better anyways.”
You were slightly taken back and a little embarrassed by his words.
Trying to change the subject you asked, “And what about you? Why don’t you try and find an actual relationship instead of hookups and one night stands?”
“Any time I’ve tried to have a relationship with someone I end up getting hurt so I guess I see it as you can’t get hurt when you’re just expecting sex from someone and nothing else. It’s just easier. I’m tired of having my heart broken like that.”
“I’m sorry.”, you whispered. Seeing him be open like this even if it was just a little made you notice him in a different way.
“It’s fine. Maybe one day I’ll find someone I’m willing to get hurt for and finally settle down.”, he chuckled clearly uncomfortable about all the emotional talk going on.
He laughed to hide his true emotions. If you only knew how badly he wanted you to be that person.
The next couple days working with Yoongi while the two of you couldn’t be far away from each other were some awkward uncomfortable shifts for not only the two of you, but your other coworkers as well. Especially since things were still a little awkward after the whole Jae situation even with Yoongi apologize a hundred times.
“What’s going on with you and Yoongi?”, Mina asked.
“What do you mean?,” you said trying to act dumb.
“Well normally you two don’t speak to each other unless you’re arguing and you’ve both been pretty nice to each other. You’re following each other around like little puppy dogs. Rose showed up for her usual quickie and Yoongi asked her to leave instead of dragging her off to the bathroom. You haven’t told him to fuck off and get lost even once in the last couple days. You’re both just being really weird and I don’t like it.”
You just shrugged your shoulders, “I don’t know. Maybe we’re growing up or something.”
Mina laughed, but agreed to let it go at that for now.
“Do I look okay? Will your parents like it?”, you asked spinning around to show Yoongi the dress you had chosen to wear to his brothers wedding this evening. Even though you were only going as his date because you had no other choice you still wanted to look nice and make a good impression with his family.
Yoongi stared at you stunned.
He’d always thought you were beautiful, even when you were covered in coffee stains and sweat and you had that one strand of hair that would never stay down no matter how much product you used, but seeing you dressed up with your hair lightly curled and a touch of makeup on and the fact that you were his date tonight, even if it was forced, made his brain turn to mush and his heart beat a little faster than he was used to.
He had often imagined what it would be like to take you out on a date. How he’d showed up at your place with a bouquet of flowers and tell you how beautiful you looked before taking your hand and helping you into the passenger seat of his car. Then driving over to some super fancy restaurant where he’ll pay a ridiculous amount of money for a tiny amount of food so you’ll both still be hungry and will end up at a night market trying all of the various street foods. He’d laugh as he watches you try to stop melted cheese from dripping all over you as you take another bite of your corn dog. And then at the end of the walk he’d run his thumb over your bottom lip while really thinking about kissing you before getting too scared and playing it off like he was just wiping away some of the tteokbokki sauce from earlier. And then he’d be kicking himself the rest of the drive home for being a chicken until he walked you up to your door and as you were saying goodbye he’d muster up every ounce of courage he had and lean in and actually kiss you this time feeling his stomach flip when you pulled him in a little closer to you.
“Hello? Earth to Yoongi. Jeeze I think the lack of action you’ve been getting lately is melting your brain or something.”, you laughed trying to get his attention.
“I’m sorry. What was the question again?”
You rolled your eyes, “Do you like this dress? Or should I go with the green one instead?”
“You look very nice Y/N. My moms favorite color is blue so I know she’ll like this one.”
You smiled before grabbing your purse and walking towards the door with Yoongi close behind.
The wedding venue was located about thirty minutes away giving him plenty of time to try and calm his nerves about this whole night.
“Hey uh I just want to give you a little warning about my family.”, Yoongi said looking over at you from the drivers seat while you were sat in the parking lot.
“Okay? Like warning as in I should fear for my life?”
He chuckled, “No, more like I haven’t brought a girl around since I was in high school so they might be a little aggressive with their questions and stuff and I don’t want you to get overwhelmed.”
“Don’t worry about me. I can handle myself. It’s not the first time I’ve pretended to be someones date.”
You laughed, “Yeah, one of my friends back home was gay and his parents didn’t know that because he knew they wouldn’t approve so he hadn’t told them. But they kept asking when he was going to bring a girl home so I pretended to be his girlfriend for a while to get them off his case.”
“Oh well that was nice of you I guess.”
“Yep I’m always the pretend girlfriend never the actual girlfriend.”
He laughed but after sensing the awkwardness forming you opened your door stepping out of the car, “Come on. Let’s get inside and get this over with.”
Yoongi introduced you to his family one by one and they were all surprisingly pleasant. You had no idea how or why Yoongi ended up being the way that he was judging by how friendly and kind his family had been to you m.
“Oh wow Yoongs, I never thought you’d have it in you to snag a catch like this. She’s way too pretty to be here with you.”, his uncle teased. You awkwardly laughed along pretending to ignore the deep shade of red that Yoongi had turned at his uncle’s remark.
You took a seat next his grandmother as Yoongi stood off to the side just couple feet away from you talking to his father. You took the moment to admire how handsome he looked dressed up in his suit. It was different from the cafe uniform or ripped jeans and t-shirts you usually saw him in. His hair was actually styled and not just combed through with his fingers. He had took the time to accessorize his look adding some earrings and a very expensive looking watch.
“He is a handsome one.”, his grandmother spoke making you jump a little and come out of your daydream. You smiled at her, “Yeah he really is.”
She continued, “I’m glad that he finally found someone like you. Someone to make him smile again. After that girl that works with him at the coffee shop stood him up I didn’t think he’d ever recover. He was just never the same.”
You looked at her with furrowed brows.
What girl? You didn’t remember him ever dating any of the other employees. Maybe she was confused and meant one of the customers you thought. Before you could clarify you felt a hand on your shoulder and looked up to see Yoongi smiling down at you.
“I’m gonna go grab a drink. Want to come with me?”, he asked.
“Do I have a choice?”, you joked making both of you laugh.
He grabbed himself some kind of a whiskey mixed drink and got you the wine you had requested before walking you over to a corner table in the back with fewer people around.
Curious about his drink you reached over and grabbed it with the intention just to smell it. But Yoongi encouraged you to take a sip and try it. He then doubled over in laughter at the look of disgust on your face as the strong liquid hit your tongue.
“How can you drink that?”, you coughed before chasing it down with a couple sips of your wine.
He chuckled, “I don’t know. It’s not for everyone I guess.”
“How’s the night going?”, he asked.
“Not bad. Your family is very welcoming and sweet. Are you sure you weren’t adopted?”
He laughed at your joke before taking another sip of his drink.
“You want to maybe dance later?”, he asked staring at the table too shy to make eye contact with you. He had always had this thing about wanting to slow dance with the woman that he really loved. He knew it was cheesy but he couldn’t help it. It was his thing.
A little shocked you nodded, “Yeah that sounds nice.”
The two of you made a little small talk back and forth. He pointed out certain family members and friends to you while telling stories about them. His aunt shared her top secret chocolate chip cookie recipe with you but after she walked away Yoongi laughed and told you she was a liar and she just used tubes readymade Tollhouse cookie dough. Something about the situation felt really normal. Like you two had been dating for years.
While he was staring off to the side watching his grandpa trying to learn some new trendy dance with the young kids the conversation with his grandma was still fresh in your mind and you really wanted to know what coworker could possibly break the heart of Min Yoongi.
You tapped him on his arm to get his attention.
“Hey I was talking to your grandmother earlier and she said something about you dating one of our-“, you went to ask but were cut off by a man around your age.
“Ahh there he is. I’ve been looking everywhere for you.”, the man said.
Yoongi gave you an apologetic smile before greeting the other man with a hug and introducing him as his cousin Taehyung.
They spoke back and forth for a little until you motioned to Yoongi that you had to use the restroom. He followed after you with Taehyung in tow.
Thankfully the bathroom was fairly small so you were able to have some privacy as Yoongi waited on the other side of the door. Just as you were about to open it you heard Taehyung question why you were there to begin with.
“So where did you find Y/N? She’s not exactly your type.”
“What do you mean by that?”, you heard Yoongi ask.
“I mean don’t get me wrong, Y/N isn’t bad looking or anything and she’s definitely cute but she’s just not the type of girl I usually see you with. You told me you were thinking of asking that girl from the club to be your date tonight. You remember? The one with the long hair, long legs, and giant tits. Now SHE is someone I’d expect to see you here with.”
“I don’t know man. You’re looking too much into it.”, he responded.
Taehyung continued though, “And normally you would’ve already been in a broom closet somewhere here fucking your date senseless by now, but instead you’re sitting at a corner table swapping cookie recipes with Y/N. It just doesn’t seem like you.”
The two men laughed, but you couldn’t help but feel hurt at the comment.
“No it’s not like that. Y/N just isn’t that type of girl.”, Yoongi said.
You scoffed, “And what type of girl does he think I am?”
You’d had enough and swung open the bathroom door letting it slam against the wall before storming past Yoongi and Taehyung leaving them both in shock.
Yoongi quickly raced after you asking what was wrong, but you refused to speak to him afraid you’d loose your cool and you didn’t want to make a scene at his brothers wedding. You took a seat at the same corner table quickly finishing off a piece of wedding cake hoping the sugar would help to heal your wounds, but all it did was make your new headache worse.
Yoongi downed another glass of whiskey hoping it would give him the courage he needed before he cleared his throat, “Um do… do you want to dance?”
You really thought about it. Maybe try to have a little fun and end the night on a good note, but then you spotted a woman sitting a few tables over. Hair down to her hips, toned legs that went on for days, wearing a dress that you wouldn’t even wear to a club let alone a wedding thanks to the amount of skin it showed and then Taehyung’s words came back to you.
“No thanks.”, you said shaking your head.
“Please Y/N.”, he cringed at how desperate he sounded, but he could sense his chance slipping away and at this point he wasn’t above begging.
“No Yoongi. Go ask that woman. She seems more your type.”
Yoongi glanced over in the direction you were pointing.
“Well I can’t because she’s my brothers best man’s wife so that might cause a few problems. And I’m not interested in her. Actually I can’t stand her.”
You scoffed, “According to Taehyung that’s exactly the type of woman you’d be interested in. Maybe you two can go find a broom closet nearby to fuck each other in.”
And then it hit him. You had heard the conversation he had outside the bathroom.
“Y/N please let me explain.”
But you put up your hand to stop him.
“Can we please go home?”, you asked.
He wanted to say no. He didn’t want to leave with you this upset and without having a dance with you, but he also knew you were too hurt right now thanks to him. So he agreed and the two of you said goodbye to only the necessary people like his parents and brother and then went home.
Neither of you spoke the entire ride back or while you both got undressed and finished your nightly routines. He tried dozens of times to say something, but didn’t know the right way to bring it up.
Wordlessly you got in bed and quickly turned over facing the wall. Yoongi laid staring up at the ceiling.
He thought he was dreaming when he kept feeling a buzzing next to him only to realize it was your phone that you had left on the bed in between you both.
The screen lit up with a text from some guy named Han offering to pick you up.
He knew he’d hate himself for doing this, but he had to know who Han was and why he wanted to pick you up.
After making sure you were asleep he unlocked your phone and got to your messages. The exchange he saw made his stomach fall.
Apparently Han was this customer that came to the cafe often. After some thinking Yoongi remembered him coming in a few times. He
was sleazy and gross and would always harass the female employees to the point that Yoongi or Namjoon would have to kick him out. And it irked Yoongi that he was even talking to you.
Judging by the messages he had been asking you out for a while but you kept turning him down. It made his blood boil that this guy didn’t just take no for an answer.
Until this evening when you messaged him at some point after the wedding asking if he wanted to go out for dinner next week. Of course he immediately responded yes and you sent him a heart emoji that made Yoongi’s stomach sour.
He bit his lip until he drew blood as he read through the messages over and over before finally having enough and turning the phone off and placing it on the night table next to you.
Just as he laid back down to try and finally get some sleep his own phone went off signaling a new message.
He picked it up and laughed to himself at the irony. The phone lit up with a message from Jimin,
“Hey there Romeo! How did it go tonight? Did the plan we came up with work on Y/N? Hope I’m not interrupting anything by the way or maybe I do 👀”
Yoongi quickly typed out a reply, “Not exactly. I’ll explain tomorrow.” Then he shut off his phone and tossed it down.
“Because I’m the biggest idiot on the planet.”, he groaned before pulling the blankets up over his head.
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riverwritez · 4 months
movie night (with the boys).
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a/n: hello! I’m river (or Lilly) and I’ve written like one thing on here and plan on writing more so! It’s nice to meet you all and I hope you enjoy this and what’s to come. Also be nice, I’m really rusty with writing.
warnings: fluff, I think that’s all.
edited: a little tiny bit
matt x fem!reader.
With the boys schedule being jam packed with various different meetings, events and video plans- you and Matt rarely found time to be together besides late at night when he came home, and early mornings when you woke up for work. Especially with Nate being in town, alone time was scarce.
But you and Matt finally found a sliver of time that you guys could have a small date at the house. Just a simple movie night with snacks, and neither of you complained, just wanting to be with the other for as long as they could.
“Ok, your pick tonight, what movie are we watching?” Matt asked as he jumped over the back of the couch and settled next to you, arm around your shoulders as you placed your head on his chest.
You tapped your chin as you thought for a moment, smiling as you looked up at the man next to you. “Tangled!”
Matt shook his head as he laughed. You always chose Tangled if the offer was on the table and he never complained, finding a sense of comfort from the movie ever since you two got together.
As Matt turned the movie on, and you both got comfortable with a bowl of popcorn next to Matt and various other snacks and drinks on the table, you both heard the front door swing open.
“No dude, you definitely cheated! I would’ve won both rounds if you didn’t do the stupid granny.” Chris complained as Nate and Nick followed behind him, scoffing and arguing back at the claim.
Matt groaned as he ran a hand down his face, annoyed at the intrusion and the fact that the group obviously didn’t listen to his pleads. “Oh my fucking- Can you guys be quiet or go somewhere else? I specifically told you guys to stay out so we could have a movie night!” Matt exclaimed as the three men stood in the living room, looking at the two of you together.
“Sorry, but we can’t bowl all night, plus Nick was bored so we just got a Uber back here.” Nate explained as he walked behind Matt and looked at the screen. “Ooh! You’re watching-“
“Tangled! Oh my god!” Chris said, rushing over to the other side of the couch, grabbing a blanket and getting comfy, already having his shoes off and eyes glued to the screen. You shook your head as you laughed at him, Nick soon invested as well as he sat down next to you and stole some of your blanket. Nate shook his head as he went to the fridge and got a Pepsi for himself and Chris.
“Ok, nice seeing you guys, now leave. This isn’t “date night plus the guys!”, this is date night with me and my beautiful girlfriend! Now fuck off!” Matt hissed out as Chris nodded along, yet not making eye contact once as for his eyes were still connected to the screen in front of him.
“But you have pizza! And plus i bet y/n doesn’t mind, right?” Nate asked after as he looked at you with wide eyes, full of hesitation and hope, slowly grabbing a piece of pizza from the box on the table.
Laughing at the situation, you shook your head as you leant into Matt’s embrace more. “The more the merrier!”
“Thank god, I’m already comfortable and I forgot how good this movie was.” Nick said as he leaned onto you for support as he grabbed chocolate that was already on the table.
Sighing, Matt buried his face into your neck, whining in annoyance as his brothers and best friend sat in the room, interrupting something he specifically told them not to.
“Love? what’s wrong?” You whispered at him, rubbing the back of his head as he nuzzled deeper into your neck and wrapped you up tighter in his embrace.
“I’m sorry. This isn’t how this was supposed to go. It was supposed to be only us, but these idiots always need to be involved with whatever the others have going on.” Matt whispered to you, placing a gentle kiss on your jaw as you smiled down at him.
“It’s ok baby, I promise. As long as you’re here, I’m good. They’re fun to have around…. when their not being annoying-“
“I heard that!” Chris commented, his eyes never leaving the colorful screen as the animated movie continued.
“She isn’t wrong.” Nick added, offering you a piece of chocolate you politely declined.
Matt sighed once again, and took in the scene. His younger brother on the edge of his seat, intrigued with a movie he’s seen how many times with his best friend next to him. The oldest leaning against you as he snacked on chocolate and made little comments at how hot Flynn was, which made all of you roll your eyes at one point. And finally you, snuggled up under the blanket with him, drowning in his hoodie you had slipped on earlier while he held you tightly.
Sighing, Matt melted into the couch cushions and placed a kiss on your head, accepting what has become of the date he planned.
“I guess this isn’t too bad.”
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fuctacles · 10 months
Henderson's-brother-centered misadventures continue [Part IV]
[Part I] [Part II] [Part III]
Eddie screamed. Then, he screamed some more. Then, he got hit with a teddy bear, which bounced off into the floor, barely disturbing his mane of hair.
“You get a drop of spit on my pillow, and you’re washing all my sheets!”
He groaned, like a wounded animal. If animals could be wounded by their best friend’s disloyalty.
“No, dude! You can scream into your own fucking pillow! We can jam if you need, smoke or steal a beer, hell, I can even listen to you. But don’t just come here to stink my room with-” Gareth made a flapping motion in Eddie’s general direction. “Whatever this is.”
Eddie groaned louder before finally rolling onto his back.
“I fucking hate him.”
“I was hoping you’d choose jamming,” Gareth sighed. He threw his leg over his chair and leaned on the back of it. “You mean Big Bro Henderson?”
“Who else?” Eddie threw his hands up into the ceiling. His friend barely restrained himself from rolling his eyes. “He’s the most annoying person I’ve ever met!”
“Good thing you can’t meet yourself, then.”
Eddie glared at him, but from this angle, it gave him a double chin which severely decreased the look’s efficiency.
“You calling me annoying?”
“I think the word you’re looking for is ‘lively’. Or ‘charismatic’! Or, or, ‘non-conforming’!”
“No, I’m pretty sure ‘annoying’ is the word. Also, ‘dramatic’.”
Eddie glared again, but since his position has not changed so hasn’t its lack of impact.
“How dare you,” he seethed. Gareth completely ignored it.
“So, what did he do this time? Give you more cookies?”
“No!” He had regretted the decision to tell him about it as soon as it left his mouth, but it was out there now. Well, the price of the blackmail material was listening to it first. “He just…” Eddie trailed off, realizing what he was about to say. ‘He let me sit in his lap for the whole length of Karate Kid’ was so much harder to explain than ‘he gave me an extra cookie for my good work.’ He scrambled to find a better approach. 
“So he’s like a therapy dog,” he started, because painting the scene is important.
Wrong approach.
“Okay, so I’ve found out he has some issues, something to do with the Starcourt fire, I think? You know nothing of it, by the way, I probably shouldn't know about it. Henderson, well, the little one, just has a big mouth.”
“And so do you. By telling me,” his friend pointed out.
“Emerson, this isn’t about you,” Eddie scolded him. “So he needs extra physical contact or something. And he might have um…” Wrong turn again. “Engaged me in it?”
“Ok, hold on,” Gareth dropped his forehead on the edge of the chair’s back and rubbed his temples. “What do you mean by that? Because I know it’s not as weird as you make it sound.”
Eddie crossed his arms, which looked extra stupid in his horizontal position. He tapped his socked foot against the mattress.
“We were watching Karate Kid, and the couch wasn’t big enough for four people. Nobody else wanted to sit in his lap and I thought it would be, you know, funny, to offer. And he just said ‘okay’, and did it!” His arms flew up into the air again.
Gareth lifted his head.
“So you sat in his lap.”
“He put me in his lap.”
“Dude, you throw your legs all over me when we watch a movie!”
“Yeah, but that’s different!”
“Because we’re friends! We play together and shit!”
Gareth scrunched his nose because while he knew of the wisdom his friend possessed (very selective and rarely occurring in the daylight), admitting him right was painful because the cockiness he possessed was probably far greater.
“Well, maybe he’s giving you signs he wants to be friends?”
Eddie snorted.
"No way. Not possible. No."
"And why is that?" Gareth raised an eyebrow at the adamant negation.
"I'm his younger brother's friend-"
"Who's his age."
"-And we like different things. I'm a freak, I like metal and D&D!"
"So does Dustin, and they get along well."
"They are brothers!" 
"Well, I actually hate my sister, it’s not a rule."
Eddie groaned.
"I don't know," he ended up saying, just to voice his internal frustration. At least he was facing the ceiling now and not Gareth's pillow.
He hummed, considering his friend, trying to understand his problem, to even locate it.
"Okay, so you don't like that he's nice?"
"... You want him to be mean?"
"... Yes? Maybe?"
Gareth hit his head against the chair. 
"This whole conversation is lost on me."
When he looked up he met Eddie's eyes, a storm brewing behind them.
"I don't want to like him. But he makes it hard not to because he's so nice."
‘He treats me like I'm normal, like his equal’, went unspoken but Gareth could hear it anyway. It was time to end the questions for the day because getting any deeper into his friend's psyche could trap him like quicksand. 
"And then I go to apologize and end up talking about BDSM of all things!"
"Nope!" Gareth straightened up and hopped out of his chair. "We're going to the garage, so I can't hear you over the drums."
"What a best friend you are," Eddie grumbled but rolled off the bed regardless. He was secretly glad for an excuse to stop talking about Henderson because he started getting lost in his thoughts and feelings himself.
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The next time he sees Steve, he doesn’t make it any easier. They see each other only in passing, and the older brother doesn’t give him more than a weak smile and a "Hi, Eddie. Dustin's upstairs," before leaving.
Eddie walks up to his friend's room thoroughly confused. 
"What was that about?" he asks instead of a greeting. He never greets his friends properly these days, but there are more important things like ‘hi’s and ‘hello’s.
"What was what about?"
"Steve," Eddie frowns like it explains everything. And apparently, it does.
"I think he's still upset after last time."
Eddie blinks.
"I said I was sorry!"
Dustin rolls his eyes.
"Sorry doesn't solve everything. It's like a," he snaps his fingers looking for a good comparison. "Like one of the spell components. It's not gonna work without all of them."
Guess he is casting Charm Person after all.
"Okay, but like. What are the other components?"
Dustin just shrugs.
"Hell if I know."
Eddie was burdened with the most unhelpful friends. 
"What do you do when you upset him?"
Dustin's first instinct is to protest, probably point out what a great little brother he is, but one stern look from Eddie makes him shut his mouth and reconsider his words.
"Well, if I made him upset, I'd help him with dinner, make him coffee or tea, pick a movie I know he'd like. Help out with chores, mostly. He does too much by himself." The frown on his face is deep like the mystery of Steve's adoption and Eddie mirrors it.
"This sounds all great when you're brothers, but I'm not a Henderson, how am I supposed to pull that off?
"You helped with dinner once, you could do it again," 
Eddie sighs, long and suffering.
"I guess…"
"Great! Steve has left to get groceries and is making dinner later, I'm sure he'll appreciate the help!" He grins, knowing full well he just backed his friend into a corner.
Eddie sputters when he realizes that. 
“What? Today?”
“No better time than the present.” Dustin shrugs smugly, like it was a universal law they can’t help but follow.
Eddie bristles, because, yeah, true, but…
“I'm not mentally prepared," he complains. 
"For what?" Dustin raises his brows in this annoying way of his. "Cooking?"
"You ate my mac and cheese, you understand the severity of the situation!" he yells, accusingly pointing a finger at him.
"Ate is a big word, I spat it out. And calling it mac and cheese is also a big word."
"Exactly!" Usually Eddie didn't like his abilities slandered like that but on the rare occasion when it served his purpose… 
"Steve's first casserole was also inedible," Dustin shrugs and Eddie tries to picture Mr. Perfect Housewife fucking up a dish. "You have about an hour to mentally prepare before he's back though. You can spend it finishing your readings."
Ah, right. The mundane purpose of his visit was schoolwork.
Eddie groans. He can only hope the tragic stories of holocaust victims will set him in the right mind for cooking with Steve.
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They don’t. He's heavily unprepared for the confrontation when they're running down the stairs to help with the bags. 
When Steve's instructing them which things he needs and which can be put away, Dustin elbows his friend in the ribs, hard. He hisses in pain, attracting Steve's attention.
"You staying for dinner?" he asks before Eddie can say anything. 
"Uh, if I can help with it, then yeah," he says, feeling Dustin’s annoying beady eyes on himself.
Steve frowns at him.
"You don't have to do that, I’ve told you before."
"Yeah, but I'm done with my work for today," Eddie adds under the menacing gaze. "And my cooking skills need some guidance. Wayne is too old to stomach my food, he can't risk another food poisoning,” he babbles, earning himself a snort from Steve. 
“Okay, if it's that bad,” he agrees finally,  the smile Eddie has gotten used to once again on his face. "But you'll be under strict supervision."
"Of course!"
"Okay, you already got yourself a kitchen slave, so I can go finish my work," Dustin speaks up before promptly disappearing, only the sound of his rushed retreating steps left.
"Guess we're alone then," Steve comments, giving Eddie an odd look. He thought he was used to those but Steve's were always hard to decipher. Not the exact kind he usually got.
He clears his throat to dislodge the weird feeling clogging it up.
"So, what are we cooking today?"
Steve hums, looking at the ingredients before him.
"You ever cooked soup?"
"Uh, I assume you don't mean the instant kind?"
Steve makes a disgusted face, fake gags for a good measure too.
"Soup it is then. It's getting colder, and I'm sure Wayne would appreciate it," he says, eyeing Eddie questioningly, and this one he deciphers easily.
"My uncle,” he explains. "I live with him."
To his surprise, Steve smiles warmly.
"Wanna make some extra you can heat up for him?"
"That's-" Eddie's taken aback, which doesn't happen to him often. "That would be very nice, thank you."
"It’s nothing. He should know his nephew is spending his time productively."
"I'm always productive," he mutters back a complete lie. But he's been trying, okay?
"I know," Steve says, surprising him again. "Maybe I want to get on your uncle's good side too."
Eddie doesn't ask why. Doesn't want to know. Doesn't speculate. Just leaves it be, bugging him for the time being.
"I was thinking fritters too? Since they're easy to heat up later."
Eddie nods, watching him sort through the vegetables.
"Whatever you say, chef."
Steve instructs him through the soup preparations first, explaining it needs more time to cook. 
“I hope you don’t mind veggie broth. El didn’t like chicken and we kinda got used to it. Also, it’s cheaper,” he says, watching Eddie pour water over the vegetables arranged in the pot. 
He puts the pot on the burner and looks up.
"Who's El?"
"Dustin's friend. She moved to California though," Steve answers with a frown.
"That's a bit of a drive."
"Yeah," Steve scrunches his nose, then looks back into the pot, before reaching for a box of seasoning.
"Ok, now for the fun part."
Eddie has no idea how seasoning a pot of vegetable water can be fun, but he's not about to argue. He follows instructions and marvels at the amount of weird plants that could be added to food. 
"I feel like a witch," he whispers, tossing dried herbs into his cauldron.
Steve chuckles.
"You kinda look like one."
Eddie side-eyes him from his position over the pot.
"I hope that's a compliment."
"Oh, it is," Steve says in a weird voice and Eddie is too afraid to look at him. He flips through the seasoning packets instead, reading unfamiliar names.
"Okay, so this needs a couple of hours to cook, you'll know when it starts getting together from the smell. Then we'll blanche the onions and garlic, add the tomatoes, blend it all, and it's done. Now we can work on the fritters. Have you done them before?"
Eddie thinks about it for a moment.
"I saw my uncle make them."
"Potato ones?"
"Uh, yeah? Are there more options?" he asks, eyebrows drawn together.
"Apparently, yeah,” Steve rolls his eyes. “A fritter is technically anything you can grate, slap together and fry in a pancake-ish shape."
"Huh. I've learned so much today already."
Steve laughs. 
"So, what do you want in the fritters?" he asks and Eddie is ridiculously giddy about having a choice.
"Can we put meat in them?"
"Yeah, I've made them with bacon before."
Eddie's eyes sparkle.
"Potatoes with bacon and cheese?"
"Holy shit,” Steve groans. “Claudia's gonna kill us, but it sounds so good." He ponders on it for a moment. "We could add corn to pretend there are vegetables in them."
"Ketchup is a vegetable," Eddie points out and Steve bristles. 
"We're not eating them with ketchup!" he protests. "But… we could use some of the tomatoes to make a sauce."
Eddie never thought cooking could be this fun.
"You're way more excited than I thought you'd be," Steve observes, grabbing the potatoes to wash.
"I'm a growing boy, of course I'm excited about food. Besides, we're like two alchemists; mixing up stuff to make other stuff."
Steve laughs again.
"Are those the guys who tried turning metals into gold?"
He's tasked with peeling the potatoes while Steve puts bacon in the oven. He’s  never good at it, and he huffs angrily when Steve joins him and gets through three potatoes while he peels one. What's worse, he can see him watching and his fingers twitching.
"Okay, I can see you itching to correct me. Just do it."
"You sure?"
"Yeah man, unless you have some disease I could catch, I'll be fine."
Steve winces and Eddie has a lightning-fast memory of a rumour that gays spread a deadly disease. But Steve isn't gay, probably, and it's just a rumour.
Steve is still haste when he rearranges his fingers on the peeler and takes his hand away like touching him burns.
Eddie frowns. Well, that's not gonna cut it.
"Like this?" he asks, making a motion he knows is wrong.
"No, like-" Steve reaches out and hesitates. 
"I don't have cooties, come on."
Steve presses his lips together and wraps his hand around his. He has to move closer too, crowding Eddie's side. 
"Like this," he says, whispers really, pushing his hand in the right motion.
This suddenly feels more obscene than it is, but Eddie’s half tempted to push it further.
"Your hands are weirdly soft. Do you steal Robin's hand cream?" he asks instead.
Steve huffs at the backhanded compliment and retraces his soft, big hands.
"No, I have my own."
"Hmm." Eddie cocks his head, looking him up and down. "Should have guessed."
"What is that supposed to mean?" Steve asks with a frown, but he can tell the anger is played up. 
"Nothing," Eddie shrugs. "You just look like someone taking care of himself." 
Steve keeps looking at him like he is not sure if he should be offended or not so Eddie helps him out by rolling his eyes. 
“Don't worry, I judge you more for your music than your hygiene.”
“Of course,” Steve huffs. “You wouldn't know much about hygiene anyway, would you?” he teases with a smirk.
Eddie gasps.
“Are you implying trailer trash don't clean themselves?” he asks, eyes wide and offended. 
“What? No!” The smile vanishes instantly from his face. “Of course not!” Steve scrambles to defend himself. But then, he cocks his hip and crosses his arms.
“You know what? No. I stand by it. Your hair needs proper care, not whatever 3 in 1 you treat it with,” he says. 
“5 in 1,” Eddie corrects him smugly. 
“Hair, body, face, beard and ass,” he lists on his fingers, earning himself a look of disgust from Steve. 
“For that alone, you’re washing your hands again.”
Eddie knows he doesn't have to, but complies anyway. Whatever makes the big Henderson happy. And consecutively, the little Henderson. And somehow, Eddie himself.
By the time the sun starts setting, he’s gained some valuable culinary knowledge, including the fact that as a cook, he gets to taste the dishes all the time. His growing boy tummy is satiated with a stolen strip of bacon and one of the test fritters he’s munching on, when they hear the door unlock.
“I’m home!” a woman’s voice calls out. Eddie freezes.
“We’re just finishing dinner!” Steve calls back while the man next to him shrinks on himself, looking up at him and wondering why he isn’t being pushed into a closet like a secret paramour. 
“Your mom is here?!” he seethes through his teeth, eyes jumping from Steve to the door. 
“Well, yeah?” Steve raises an eyebrow. “She lives here?” 
“But why am I here?!”
Was Steve this stupid or did he not grasp the severity of the situation?
“You’re cooking? Staying for dinner? Studying? The fuck do you mean man?” he answers, more or less matching his volume.
“Mothers hate me!” Eddie reminds him helpfully, making Steve only roll his eyes with a huff.
“Claudia likes you.”
“She never saw me,” he reminds him. Because as soon as any of the suburban moms caught a whiff of his metal vest, his dark clothes and long hair, he felt disgusted eyes on his back. 
And when the Satanist drug dealer rumours reach them? Things only get worse. 
“Oh, hi boys!” A tired-looking blond woman enters the kitchen. Her smile doesn’t waver despite Eddie’s presence, meaning she must have seen some shit in her life. “You didn’t tell me we’ll have a guest today.”
Steve steps in before he can put his foot in his mouth, laying his big warm hand on his shoulder. 
“Eddie finished his work early and wanted to help in the kitchen. Hope that’s alright.”
At the mere thought it wouldn’t be, Eddie’s stomach twisted. 
“Of course! The more, the merrier!” Claudia smiled, still seemingly genuine, before stepping closer and extending her hand.
“Nice to finally meet you, Eddie. I’ve heard a lot about you from my boys.”
Steve’s hand is still on him squeezing minutely to remind him to shake Claudia’s hand.
“Likewise.” He smiles to his best ability, unable to remember the last time he was friendly with someone's parents. Except Gareth's, maybe.
“What did boys make?” she asks, sniffing the air and trying to peek over his shoulder.
“Tomato soup, like you asked, and some fritters.”
“With veggies, I hope?” She squints at her oldest (newest?) son.
“There’s corn in them, and we made a tomato sauce.” He smiled brightly and Eddie could tell he was happy to play the good kid role. 
“Good. I’m gonna change and get back to you,” she says before disappearing upstairs, probably to harass the younger Henderson now. 
“Why was she so nice?” Eddie muses, half to Steve, half to himself, half to the universe in general. Wait, that's three halves. Well, he didn’t fail school because of his great math skills.
“She's always nice.” Steve steps away to work on the next batch of fritters.
“Not to me! Mothers hate me! I bet she’s just pretending but as soon as I disappear, you're gonna hear all about it!”
“Hey!” Steve turns back towards him, frowning. And uh-oh, he upset him again. On his reverse-upset mission. “Claudia’s not some uptight bitch like that. She likes all our friends and you're not an exception. Just because you dress differently isn’t gonna ban you from the house or get us in trouble.” He knocks him on the head for good measure. “You’re safe here.”
“Okay,” Eddie simply says, taken aback. Being welcomed somewhere was a feeling he still had to process.
“We're safe here,” was a soft addition he almost missed over his own loud thoughts but made him even more curious about Steve himself. 
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User tags: @i-have-three-feelings @mblogs @awkwardgravity1 @imacowboy3 @just-a-tiny-void @clumsiluni @shotgunhallelujah @halfadoginatank @carlprocastinator1000 @irregular-child
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tobesolonely · 2 years
harry brings y/n home a slice of strawberry shortcake from his boring business dinner, and he misses her a lot whenever she’s not around (bf!harry, 2.5k words)
warnings: smut
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
Harry despises business dinners.
The incessant chatter of his manager and other industry folks was boring- the logistics side of his job always was- and whenever Y/N didn’t accompany him the time seemed to drag by insanely slow. He begged and begged for her to join him (even promised her they could leave the second it got to be too tiresome, he swore it) but he and Y/N both knew that wasn’t true. Harry’s attendance and opinion were much too important, almost non-negotiable, and he’d be among the last people to leave the dinner table. So, she declined (albeit very sweetly) to join him tonight. Harry promised to bring her back a slice of cake for dessert.
“Harry? You paying attention, man?” Jeff looks at Harry expectantly, along with three other bigwig people whose names he had already forgotten. He knew it was rude, but his mind was only half there whenever Y/N wasn’t around.
“What was tha’? Sorry mate,” Harry clears his throat and wraps his ringed hand around his glass, the condensation from his whiskey causing it to nearly escape his grip. He brings it up to his lips to take a small sip. “I’m a bit distracted.”
Jeff mumbles something under his breath about how he didn’t think he’d be so distracted if Y/N had joined them, but Harry chooses to ignore the comment and tune into what was happening so he didn’t embarrass himself in front of the people trying to make business deals with him anymore. He fakes interest like a pro, laughing whenever someone told a joke and good-naturedly throwing in a few of his own. His mother always taught him to be polite and engaged in his company, whether he wanted to be there or not.
When the last of the three important men at the table decide to call it a night Harry too pushed his chair back and stood from his seat at the head of the small rectangular table.
“I think ‘m gonna head home as well,” He slings his coat over his shoulder. “Gotta take Y/N this piece of cake I promised her, and all that.” Harry watches as Jeff stands and shrugs his own coat onto his shoulders.
“Just bring her next time, H,” Jeff shoots down the rest of his drink. “All you think about is her when she’s not around, anyway.”
Harry heats up in embarrassment at his manager’s observation but he knows it can’t be disputed. He sheepishly grins and promises to pay better attention at his next business dinner, but they both know that’s dependent on whether Y/N is at that one too.
His drive home is short and pleasant, filled with thoughts of Y/N and what she’s been doing all night to pass the time. She shared with him what she hoped to accomplish while he was out at dinner, but Harry also knew she had the tendency to scrap all her plans in favor of curling in front of the television to watch Forensic Files re-runs.
Harry jams the key in the door so roughly that for a moment he fears he won’t be able to get it out when it sticks a little bit. Luckily for him, it comes out after a few wiggles, and an embarrassing call to the locksmith is avoided.
”Yeah, hello? Could you come as soon as you can? I’ve gone and jammed my keys in the lock because I was too eager to see my girlfriend…”
“Harry? Is that you?”
Harry smiles to himself. She always asked the same question every time he came home as if it could be anyone else. As if it would be anyone else. “Yes, love,” he responds. “I didn’t forget your cake either. Fancy some?”
Y/N appears moments after his question is asked, eyes slightly drooping from the cat nap he’s sure he’s awoken her from. She’s dressed in his vintage ‘Jamaica’ tee and he’s pretty sure nothing else but a flimsy pair of panties, which makes his cock twitch just the slightest. He ignores it. She wraps her arms around his waist, pressing her chest flat against his in appreciation. He feels her inhale deeply and let out a quiet sigh of pleasure. She missed him just as much as he missed her.
“Thank you! Is this from the place that gives the huge slices?” She’s already unwrapping herself from around him and all but floating to the kitchen, she’s so excited to indulge in her piece of strawberry shortcake. “Share it with me, H? It’s not as good the next day so we need to finish it.”
Even though Harry is too full to take another bite of anything that wasn’t Y/N he immediately agrees, asking if she’d grab him a fork as well. She happily obliges and then leads the way to their comfy L-shaped sofa (which Y/N picked out, swearing it would be perfect for movie nights) snatching the remote off of the coffee table before sitting down.
“Tell me about your dinner. It went well?” Y/N stabs her fork into the spongy piece of cake and then brings it up to her mouth, moaning in delight. Harry watches as she closes her eyes, savoring the taste.
“As well as it could’ve gone without you,” Harry responds nonchalantly, stabbing his own fork into the dessert. Instead of bringing it up to his own mouth, he holds it up to hers. “I wish you were there. Always wish you were when you aren’t.”
Y/N looks at Harry owlishly as she opens her mouth for him. After swallowing, she speaks. “I thought we were supposed to be sharing.”
“We are.”
“It doesn’t count as sharing if you’re just feeding me! I’m still the only one eating it, H!”
Harry hears the amusement in her voice, sees the sparkle in her big, beautiful eyes, and knows she isn’t truly upset with him. Still, he relents and takes a piece for himself before trying to give his girlfriend another one.
“And what did you do tonight?” he nudges his nose against her cheek, reveling in the squeal she lets escape her mouth. “Get anything done on that to-do list you were tellin’ me about?”
“I did,” Y/N sets her fork down in the container of cake and rests her hands on Harry’s shoulder, flinging herself over him so she’s comfortably situated in his lap. Once comfortable, she holds her hand out expectantly. Harry chuckles to himself before placing the container of cake back in her grasp. “I caught up on emails and took a bath. Oh, also called your mom and mine - they both say hello…”
Harry smiles at this. “That’s nice, love,” his hands began to roam the expanse of her thighs, nails digging into the plush, exposed skin. “I’m glad you had a good night. Sorry I had to leave you.”
“I forgive you. Its been made even better by this cake - thanks for remembering.”
They sit in silence like that for a while. Harry gives more bites to Y/N than he gives to himself and by the time the dessert is finished, he couldn’t even say he managed to get even a little piece of strawberry for himself.
Y/N leans forward, bum lifting slightly off Harry’s lap to set the empty container on the coffee table. She turns her neck slightly once re-situated on him, and Harry hums at the sweet taste of cream and strawberries on her tongue. She always tasted so good. They fall into a comfortable silence as the tv plays softly in the background while they make out, the narrator of Forensic Files recounting a tale of how just one red fiber led to the killer’s arrest.
“Cozy enough?” Harry’s question breaks the silence.
“Quite,” Y/N squirms slightly. “Your lap is very comfortable.”
“Well, while I do enjoy looking at the back of your head, I’d much rather see your face.”
“I’m watching Forensic Files.”
While Harry can’t see her face, he can hear the joking tone in Y/N’s voice and proceeds with placing his large palms on her hips. He lifts her pliant body slightly off his lap and re-situates her so she’s straddling him instead of facing forward.
“Much better,” he places a kiss to the tip of her nose. “Now I can see your pretty face.”
“Welllll, now I can’t see what we’re watching.”
“I can tell you what happens.”
Y/N lets out a quiet laugh at this, moving her body so she’s no longer straddling him but has all her weight on one thigh. She wiggles ever so slightly and Harry smirks to himself at the motion, knowing she purposely planted herself like this because the pressure felt good against her little clit (which surely had to be swollen by now).
“Something tells me you’re not really gonna pay any attention, H,” she lowers her head into the crook of his neck. “That’s okay with me.”
Harry loosely rests his hands around the curve of her waist. “Been thinkin’ about you all night, my love,” he allows her to capture his lips in a clumsy kiss, teeth clacking together in her haste. “Been thinkin’ about you, and how much I love you- love making you cum.” His girlfriend laughs at that.
“This is our thing,” she tells him breathlessly, lips pressed against his as she ruts against his thigh. “This always ends up happenin’ when we watch true crime…”
Harry wants to tell her that this only happens when he’s with her, never gets this horny watching true crime television with anyone except her! Y/N’s the only person in the world who can make her feel this way.
“This will always be our thing, will it?” Harry tickles her side and swoons at the sound of her high-pitched giggles. “Jus’ us, cake, and movies?”
Y/N presses a kiss to the dimple on the right side of his face. “Always–– it’s my favorite pastime.”
Harry gives his love a toothy grin before he continues to help her get off on his thigh. He begins to feel her wetness through his dressy pants, the only thing separating her cunt from the fabric covering his thigh being her thin, cotton panties. He really just wants to lap at her cunt most of all, just wants to suck on her clit until she's tangling her hands in his curls and begging him not to stop. But she's determined to get off this way - he can see it in the look on her face. Besides, it's quite fun to watch Y/N come undone on her own accord. He loved when she flat-out used him for her own pleasure. He steadies her out when her movements start to become frantic and she's not getting the right amount of pressure she needs on her clit to come.
Her orgasm washes over her very abruptly--Harry thinks it even takes her a little by surprise. “Can’t forget orgasms, can I?” Y/N looks up at Harry with big, fucked out eyes, waiting for him to clarify. “I said I like it when it’s just us, cake, and movies. Forgot to add in how much I like making you cum, too.”
Y/N grows bashful at this and while Harry would usually apologize for being so vulgar, he means it with every fiber of his being. He's never heard prettier sounds, tasted anyone better, fucked anyone tighter. She was perfect and sweet and all his.
Harry’s not done with her though - not even close! They were really only just getting started. He lifts her off his lap and lays her back on the couch, pulling the meager piece of fabric separating him from her wet cunt off her body. He places his palms flat on the surface of her inner thigh and spreads her legs open, dropping to his knees in front of her. Harry immediately attaches his mouth to her cunt, sucking harshly as he makes eye contact with his girlfriend. She looks down at him with that look that Harry’s so fond over and he nearly loses it.
He begins kneading at her plush ass while his face is buried in her mound, taking note of how she trembles when the tip of his nose nudges against her clit. His tongue travels down to her puckered hole before moving back up to her bundle of nerves, over and over until Y/N grabs at his head and just holds him in place, sick of his teasing.
“S’nice, doll? You deserve this, Y/N,” Harry’s mouth is glistening with her arousal as he briefly pauses his movements to speak to her. “Deserve to feel good and let daddy give you orgasms after I left you here alone all night for a boring business dinner. Least I can do, hmm?”
He doesn’t give her a chance to answer before he’s burying his head into her cunt once more, eating her out like a starved man. She hardly has time to warn Harry that her second orgasm is about to wash over her but she doesn’t have to; he could feel the way her muscles contracted against his tongue as he licked her through it, not letting up even when she locked her thighs around his head.
“One more?”
He’s already undoing the buckle to his pants as he asks this, the familiar clanking sound sending shivers down Y/N’s spine. She’s not sure what she did to deserve three orgasms from her boyfriend tonight, but she figures she must’ve been a very, very good girl for him lately.
“Yes, please,” Y/N lifts her shift up so her boobs are on full display for Harry, not missing the way his eyes hungrily take in the sight of her. “Need one more- need your cock so bad-”
“Shhhh…” Harry slides in swiftly as he shushes her, resting his weight atop her so he was more comfortable. “There, there. ‘M gonna give it to you, pretty girl. I always do, yeah?”
Harry watches as her mouth gapes open with every push of himself inside her. He reaches down in between them to swipe his thumb across her clit as he’s thrusting into her to not only double her pleasure but get her there with him because he was already embarrassingly close but he hated finishing before his girl did. He picks up speed, bending her leg and holding it in his right hand as he grips her tits with his left.
“Rub y’clit for me,” he mutters, thrusts growing sloppy. “Go ahead and rub it.”
Y/N immediately complies and is spasming on Harry’s cock no more than 20 short seconds later, followed by his loud moans as he stills inside her. A warm, fuzzy feeling immediately floods Harry and suddenly all is well again. Never mind the fact Y/N wasn't at his silly business dinner tonight because she was here with him now and that was the most important thing, really.
Harry gently slides out of her and reaches for her discarded underwear, ignoring her protests when he uses it to clean up what spilled out of her before tossing it back on the floor. He'll pick it up later.
"Love you, H...I'll go to your next boring dinner. Promise."
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godisshook · 1 year
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Cody is the ultimate fuckboy. He prides himself on never getting attached and only using others for sex. A path of broken people and torn relationships is left wherever he steps foot, and he just doesn't seem to care. He was a horrible boyfriend, but he was my friend regardless. In my defense, we had known each other since grade school, and I can confidently say that this is a recent development. The worst part of it all is nobody else seemed to care (aside from those he hurt of course) about his dating behavior.
I tried to be a balancing force in his life, as much as I could, hoping that I could be a good influence on him, or at least prevent him from doing as much damage as possible. I tried to steer him on the right path, using our friendship to hopefully help him understand, but all my pleas fell on deaf ears. Usually, I was the first to know if Cody had entered a new relationship, but I stopped receiving those all-too-common relationship updates from him for months. Knowing his habit of being a serial dater, it seemed far too suspicious that something hadn't happened in all of this time.
In addition to ensuring Cody doesn't implode by ruining every relationship he had, it was also my plan to make this summer the best of my life, and that meant changing everything. I have only dated one guy, and that resulted in an incredibly underwhelming breakup and an even more underwhelming friendship afterward.
Our gym days had been a sort of ritual between the two of us forever, I always did cardio, while he did weights. We used this time to catch up on each other's days and make plans, all intermixed with some exercise. As one of our many rambling conversations soon circled to the topic of relationships, I used the moment to bring up my grievance with him, in the sternest way I could. Balancing seriousness with a friendly air, I said, "It is wild how you manage to be so bad at keeping a relationship." He replied, "Remind me, you've been with how many people?" With an immediate, "Oh, one!" Keeping up with the banter, I quipped, "But, I mean, at least my one relationship still likes me after." Even as the words left my lips, I knew I had crossed an invisible line. Cody's look at me only proved my thinking, as I glanced over to a blank stare.
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The moment suddenly felt intense. I thought I had hit too deep, even gone too far. I steeled myself and prepared a response, but as I did, I noticed a smile appear on his face, soon replaced by a full-faced chuckle. As the sudden shift in emotion gave me whiplash, I could only manage a light laugh, but I felt his strong hand pat my back, as he said "I mean, if they hate me so much, they should take it up with me, but they all knew what they were getting into." The seriousness of his response was dulled by his kind demeanor, but his words hit hard.
He always had that effect on people, where his words never seemed to match his face. I always thought it was a quirk of his, but at this moment, I became aware of just how effective it could be. His disarming smile made it impossible to hate him for long, and his way with words always got him out of whatever jam he found himself in. As if nothing had happened, he said, "You wanna go on the treadmill?" Whether it was a strategic olive branch, or him just genuinely not caring, I did not care to know, I grabbed my water bottle and followed behind him.
As our workout drew to a close, I sat to cool down, and scrolled through my socials as Cody still migrated around the gym. He would soon place himself right between me, and a mirror on the wall. Looking up from my seat, I said, "Why arent you sitting down?" As if he took offense to the statement, he responded, "I have to admire my hard work first." Knowing that this was the least ridiculous thing he could have said, I replied, "Y'know what, knock yourself out." Before I could even properly go back to scrolling through social media, it became obvious why he chose this position, as he lifted his shirt to admire himself in the mirror, and chose to close the distance between us.
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Cody had always made it obvious he had feelings for me. But due to my general aversion to dating and knowing his dating habits, there was never a chance for anything to happen. Despite all of this, he flirted as if we had never seen each other, which always yielded interesting situations. This felt like a nice shift from things, and I soon reassured myself, thinking that maybe I did actually get through to him, and all of these months were him reflecting on things. While I most definitely was going to exaggerate my role in this process, despite the true cause, it was fun to think about.
There were many days like that afterward, with quips and banter, and our friendship remained strong. He invited me to the park, an event that seemed very date-like, but one that was incredibly pleasant nonetheless. Weeks filled with the usual late-night texts, sudden house walks, and constant snack trips, things felt so familiar, so, safe. I reveled in this moment, as with our return to college, life would get busy, and we would inevitably fall out of touch, meeting in hurried coffee rushes, or quick workout sessions.
For now, there was peace, and I appreciated it whenever I could. After lounging my day about, I received a sudden text from Cody.
"Come to the gym," He texted.
"What do you mean, it's literally closed," I responded.
There was a second of hesitation, but a speech bubble quickly followed with an,
"I know."
It was weird, but he's had stranger ideas, and so I followed along, wanting to see what situation he had conjured up today. I arrived at the gym only ten minutes later, as it was a quick walk from my place. As I approached the door, I noticed it was already ajar, and in the parking lot, a single black car was parked at the far end. "Cody," I thought to myself. I entered, and the few lights that were on illuminated a path to the far back. With a tinge of paranoia overtaking me, I looked around to see if the cameras were on, but to my surprise, they had all been blacked out. When I finally reached the back, Cody was standing there, expectantly.
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In a cool tone, he said, "I've been thinking about what you said a while ago, I do need to get my act together, I wanna do better." A look of surprise came over my face as I replied, "How so, and why does it involve us being here so late?" My question was met with hesitation, a moment of silence, but even that felt like an eternity. Breaking the lull, he responded, "Let me show you." He was serious, there wasn't even a smile to join his words, he wanted me to know he meant what he said.
Things felt different this time, as Cody closed the distance between us, I felt an indescribable heat and urgency emanate from Cody, as if everything in this moment was his world, and was waiting for my word to let loose. I had been able to resist his charms for years, but this moment felt, different. It was as if everything had aligned for this to happen, but it was just right. "I know you can't stand my dating habits, but I did it all to try to replace my desire for you.
My body gave away my feelings in a way words could not, and I leaned onto Cody and laid a kiss on his cheek. I whispered, "I should've done that from the start." The kiss elevated the heat of the moment, and a sharp intensity came over Cody, desire and joy mixing, as he assessed just how he was going to have his way with me.
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Suddenly, I felt my knees hit the ground as his warm hands moved expertly around my chin, bringing my gaze up straight to him. "There's a reason I haven't been seeing anyone because it's always been you." His words lit a dangerous spark, and I could not resist anymore. But just as the moment was set to hit a fever pitch, a noise outside brought us back to reality. As the sounds of footsteps drew close, we rushed out the back door, and ran to the forest behind the gym, an escape route we were used to navigating for years. It was exhilarating, it felt like, in this small rush, we were back to being kids again. As we approached the other side, we watched our breaths for a moment, and after looking around to ensure we hadn't been followed, we walked up onto the sidewalk.
The walk was calm and serene, with few words spoken, but many thoughts still communicated. I felt my cheeks redden, a blush overcoming me. Cody took notice of it, but only his eyes gave away his knowledge of things, as he continued conversating as usual. In a second, as if he finally had his chance, he asked,
"You wanna go back to my place?"
It was obvious what his offer entailed, but there was a curiosity nagging at me, and I just had to resolve it. "What are we?" I asked. It was a brave question, I could have gravely misjudged the moment and ruined the friendship right here, but I felt bold, and it was a time for big steps. The usually calm and hesitant Cody became fiery for the moment, responding, "We're whatever you want us to be." It was clear what he intended with this, but it was my turn to hesitate. With uncertainty meandering throughout me, I replied, "Let's keep things casual for now, then." "Fine by me," he shrugged.
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His arms went over my shoulder, bringing me close to his chest, where I could feel the intensity of his heartbeat. The rest of the walk back was silent. Where once there was small talk and expectant words, it was now a walk of resolution, one of completion. Finally arriving at his, I splayed myself on his bed, and turned on a movie, as he went to the bathroom to take a shower and change. Even though I snuck a peek (of course) things were relatively PG, likely due to me being too exhausted to actually capitalize off of him being in the shower.
I looked around his room, a place I had been to many times, and once I had seen change countless times over the years, as new aesthetics came in, and old looks went out. It was fun to see all of this change, and made me admire just how long our friendship had lasted. Just as I thought that the situation that I now found myself in could put the whole friendship in jeopardy. I had just told him I wanted to "keep things casual." Which I immediately regretted, not knowing what response he even wanted. With my overthinking taking up every moment, I couldn't truly enjoy the fact that my hot friend wanted to date me.
Taking in how I even got to this moment, things seemed so complex. The guy who I had been lecturing for ages on how to be a better boyfriend, somehow wanted to be with me? It seemed like one of those perfect coincidences like the stars aligned in my favor just this once. I was going to take it in stride but still was mired over what he wanted out of all of this. With my thoughts all over the place, it seemed fortuitous that the person to take me out of that lull would be none other than Cody.
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His return from the bathroom resulted in him only in his boxers and a sweater, his bulge already noticeable as he walked out. As he sat down, I resisted the urge to drool on the spot. He sat right next to me and started watching TV. I could not resist the urge, and immediately laid my head on his waist, feeling his bulge just inches from my head. Both of us were making moves, but in a way that allowed us deniability, it seemed that we were each taking my words to heart.
We continued watching, only getting ten more minutes before Cody decided to lift off his sweater, revealing his muscled chest. He knew exactly what he was doing at the moment, and as I had to shift my head to accommodate him taking his sweater off, I was now face to face with his toned body. I had to admit, he knew exactly what times he was hottest, and this was definitely one of them. I was mesmerized by him, and he knew he had me enamored.
I decided to still resist, wanting to beat him at his own game. I sat close to him, resting my head on his shoulders, and laid my hand on his bulge, while watching the movie innocently. It was my bravest moment, but I felt his cock pulse under my hand in response, meaning I had clearly succeeded. Cody kept his cool for now, but his face was going flush, it was clear that his body was going to betray his mind when it came to how he felt, and that was most apparent when it came to his dick.
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His bulge was getting more noticeable, and it was clear that this movie was no longer the focus of the night. I looked over and met with bedroom eyes from Cody. As his bulge grew, I knew what I was being beckoned to do, but I, always the tease, wanted to extend the heat. I laid a kiss on his cheeks, "You seem so excited to watch a movie with me," I quipped. A strained look came over his face as if he was simply waiting for the go-ahead.
I only gave him kisses, but he returned them with a special intensity. Small pecks became deep kisses, and we began feeling each other up and down. The moment could have gone further, the feeling was there, and the moment had aligned. To my surprise, however, Cody would be the one to stop it in its tracks. Separating from the kiss, he said,
"Please, just stay the night."
I was awoken by the smell of eggs and bacon cooking downstairs, and my nose guided my path to Cody cooking in the kitchen. It was obvious I made the right decision in staying, as Cody was set to dote on me every second he could. Hypnotized by the delicious-smelling food, I could only sit and grab a plate, as Cody said, "Take as much as you want, I made plenty," I confessed, "You are truly my favorite person." "I know," he replied.
I lounged about, enjoying my day by doing absolutely nothing. Even on Cody's bed, I felt a comfort that I hadn't experienced in a long while. Things just felt, right. As Cody ran errands, I watched TV, changing between reality shows and trying to beat commercial breaks. He would return occasionally, and always lay a kiss on my head or, if I had gone into one of my many naps of the day, simply leave a snack for me as he left.
As the lazy day drew to a calm evening, I stood up to go home. I had walked to his with none of my things and had to steal even the clothes I was wearing from his closet. Deciding that I had to go get my things, I stepped out, leaving a note for Cody on his return. Instead of the note greeting him, it would be me, as when I opened the door, none other than Cody was standing right there, having returned. He noticed me holding my stuff and putting things together in a second. Instead of letting his feeling be known through words, he simply dropped everything, and grabbed my waist, laying a deep kiss on my lips. As he drew away from the kiss, he said, "You don't have to go."
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His disarming smile once again clouded everything, as it felt as if I couldn't say no. I said, "But none of my things are here." He immediately replied, "We can get it and you can come back." As I finally put the pieces together, I understood what he was truly asking. He had long wanted us to live together, and this was the moment.
I had lived by myself for years, and there would be worse people to live with, so I finally responded, "Y'know what, I can just use your stuff." Cody broke into a full smile from this, and he closed the door behind him and began kissing me continuously. The only moments we stopped were to come up for air, as we took off each other's clothes then and there, leaving on only the more base layers. I felt his bulge press against his shorts and decided to play with him a bit.
Maintaining the kiss, I brought the distance between us closer, pressing straight into his bulge. As I did, a jolt seemed to go through Cody, as he bucked against it, temporarily breaking the kiss. Grabbing me tighter he said, "You do these crazy things, and don't expect me to respond?" Before I could respond, he had lifted me up on his shoulder and was carrying me to the room. Seeing the kitchen and hallway move around me, without my legs being able to do a thing felt, different, but sexy nonetheless.
Finally reaching our destination, he took care as he entered the doorway, and finally getting inside, rushed to throw me on the bed, to which I exclaimed "Hey!" He quickly replied, "Your whole trip here wasn't allowed to be amazing." I giggled at this, and got up on my knees, beckoning the still-standing Cody over to the bed with a finger. He walked over in a sultry manner, and as the distance between us closed once more, I felt up his body, admiring every bit of muscle as I made my way down.
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I took him by the waistband, and pulled him onto the bed, resting my body right beside him, able to feel every breath hit me, as his heartbeat pounded against his chest. It was a singular second of peace, we both knew where things would go from here, but in this moment, we were just laying by each other, without a care in the world.
The feeling was nice, but I decided it was finally time to take this to the next level. I moved our bodies closer to each other, and took his face into my hands, laying a light kiss on his lips. He took this for exactly what it was and returned the favor. With that, things heated up faster and faster.
After I initiated things, Cody truly let loose, our hands taking off what little clothes remained on the other's body. His dick, as if it was waiting to be released, bounced up from his underwear, and as I noticed, I could only laugh. "You really wanted this, didn't you?" I asked. "More than you could even imagine," he responded. Instead of taking off his underwear immediately, I teased his prominent bulge, guiding my hands up and down, and was met with a deep sigh in response. Taking a hand to his chest, I moved my hands down, taking deliberate slow care to every point on his chest, to which Cody took my arm to guide me further down once more.
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Now noticing the position he had me in, Cody quickly took control, shifting my body under his, and taking my wrists in his hands, a steely stare meeting my eyes. Once again, there was hesitation, as he assessed what to do. Taking advantage of this, I asked with a chuckle, "What? You didn't think you'd get this far?" Instead of a response, however, my words were met with a sudden kiss, his lips pressing into mine, hard. The intensity of the kiss sent a flash throughout me, and his bulge now pressed against my thigh, as if it was waiting for permission to be let out. As a flurry of emotion came over me, I could only muster a single response.
"I'm all yours."
He moved like a man possessed, laying hot kisses throughout my neck, and moved my thigh up, in a moment, he moved down and began eating me out. His tongue worked expertly, and I could only moan in response, pleasure surging throughout me. A fire came over his eyes, as he knew he had me exactly where he wanted me. With a flourish, he took off his underwear, and his cock was finally freed. I gawked at his size, unaware that someone's dick could be that big.
I took the initiative, taking it in my hands and jerking him off. It was now his turn to respond with a low grunt, his deep voice bucking against the pleasure he felt. Taking things into his hands once more, he grabbed the lube from his dresser, and wet his cock. As his tip entered me, I felt a wave of heat overcome me, as my body responded to him entering me.
Soon, he was fully thrusting into me, his cock filling me up entirely. Shocks of pleasure strike through me as he continued fucking me, with me only being able to make small moans, each thrust silencing me again. We fucked for what seemed like hours, trying each and every position. Each time I thought we were done, he would cum again, setting the cycle anew once more. Load after load filled me up, and soon I became numb, after being fucked to my limit. Cody, still full of energy, kept going. I found myself wanting to keep going, for him, and didn't want this moment to end.
I felt as if the world around me was blacking out, with my only focus being Cody's warm face, laying kisses all over me as he continued pounding me. In one final thrust, I was sent to true climax, and everything became hazy. Cody's voice would be the thing to break the fog. I focused on his words with his voice being a familiar sound to my ears.
"I'm addicted to you, did you know that?" He asked.
On the verge of blacking out, I replied,
"I always did."
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eyesofshinigami · 8 months
Eddie and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
Rating: T
CW: None
Tags: Established relationship, Eddie Munson loves Steve Harrington, Steve Harrington loves Eddie Munson, very very mild sexual content (blink and miss it)
Prompt: For @lihhelsing "Love is helping them unwind after a rough day"
WC: 852
Written for @steddielovemonth Day 19
Eddie knew it was going to be a bad day as soon as he woke up. He managed to stub his toe twice on the way to the shower. His waffles got burnt in the toaster and they were out of syrup. He missed the bus by a minute, watching it drive away from the stop just as he ran up to it. It started raining while he was waiting for the next bus, so of course he got drenched.
He hoped that it had ended there, but no. Eddie got to work fifteen minutes late due to a traffic jam, wet and hungry and already done with today. His boss yelled at him and put him on tape-sorting duty, marking down the new shipment of tapes. Of course, halfway through, his pen exploded and covered him and the sheet he was using, so he had to start over.
By the time the end of his shift had rolled around, Eddie was tired, had a headache the size of Montana, and he was ready to throw himself into the void. Mack, the other guy on shift, patted him on the back and all it did was make his skin crawl. 
The journey home wasn’t much better. The bus was late again, and Eddie couldn’t find a seat so he had to stand. The bottom of his sneaker apparently acquired a random hole and he had to walk back to their apartment with wet socks.
Eddie was done. He was so fucking done that all he wanted to do was crawl into the bed and cry until he couldn’t anymore. He also hoped that Steve wasn’t home yet from work; he was scared that something bad would happen, like they would end up arguing or not speaking to each other.
What Eddie didn’t expect was to come home to a house that smelled a little like heaven. It was warm and he called out, “Steve? That you?” 
“Yup! In the kitchen!”
Eddie toed off his shoes and stripped out of his still damp jacket and hung it up on the rack. He still felt really keyed up from the day he had, so he steeled himself against his own feelings and headed into the kitchen. 
Their table was set. A lasagna was cooling in the center, set on a potholder right next to a spray of daisies. Two beers were set beside their plates, still cold enough that condensation was gathering on the glass. 
Steve himself is dressed in comfortable clothes, bent over the oven and pulling out what looked like cheesy garlic bread. Fuck, if it wasn’t all of Eddie’s favorite things wrapped up in one beautiful little scene. “Hey! I must have timed it just right!”
Eddie felt tears starting to gather in his eyes. “How… how did you know?”
Steve set the garlic bread down on the stove and pulled off his oven mitts before he reached up to cup Eddie’s cheek. “I heard you this morning. And then Mack called me before you left, saying you’d had a pretty shit day. So… I got home a little early and wanted to surprise you with something good.”
Okay, yeah, Eddie was absolutely going to cry now. “For me?”
“Of course, baby. After dinner, I figured we could take a bath together and I could wash your hair? Then we could crawl into bed and watch that new Beetlejuice movie? I grabbed it on the way home.”
“Steve… that…” It sounded incredible. It was perfect. So why was Eddie blubbering like he’d just been told his dog died? 
But Steve, wonderful, beautiful Steve, seemed to just understand. “Because you deserve it. You had a bad day, and I just wanted to make it better. You’d do the same for me, have done it in the past. Let me take care of you, okay?” 
What else could Eddie do but nod?
Dinner was delicious, Eddie ate until he couldn’t anymore, realizing he’d forgotten to eat lunch in the midst of the rest of his terrible day. He listened to Steve talk about what he’d done that day, letting his boyfriend’s words wash over him. 
The bath was just as nice. Even if they were two grown men, they managed to squeeze themselves into their tiny tub. It was ridiculous, but it made Eddie laugh and he felt light for the first time since he’d woken up that morning. Steve had washed his hair, took his time rubbing conditioner through Eddie’s curls, and then it ended up with them wrapping hands around each other’s cock and Eddie panting into Steve’s mouth.
Fuck, but he loved this man so much. 
Loose from the bath and from his orgasm, Eddie crawled into bed with Steve and curled up as the movie started.
“Love you, Eds,” Steve murmured, kissing the top of his head. He grabbed the remote from the bedside table to fast forward through the previews.
Ed smiled into Steve’s collarbone. The day might have started pretty fucking awful, but Steve had turned it right around. Now, it felt like the best day ever.
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pageofheartdj · 8 months
All jokes and horny aside(I do love horny and specific position only🙏 and them fighting over everything always ever and ooc fun scenarious) radioapple are so interesting to think about, about their dynamics, and the characters in general. So I will!
As they are in canon now, Lucifer did not care for Alastor plus the general disgust(and guilt) towards sinners. And then the song happened and Alastor became Lucifer's enemy number one xD If Alastor will drop it, Lucifer won't have a reason to hate on him, but initial negative imperssion is still there.
And Alastor, he is a mysterious guy. The abusive dad is still a theory, him being momma boy and therefore connecting with women better doesn't say anything about his dad situation. The Lilith's deal is also just a theory for now. So for me his immediate negative reaction comes from the same place as his annoyance at Carmilla disregarding him. He wants to be on the top, the most unknown, the most powerful one, the most scary one. He loves attention, he loves keeping everyone alert with his antics.
And he loves being in control, his plans going exactly the way he wants them, not that he can't improvise. He immediately tenses when he sees the sign welcoming dad, he knows. The King of Hell has the ultimate power, the ultimate influence, the ultimate importance. Alastor does not mind someone being more than him in something like he is politely neutral with Zestial. But the hotel carries importance for Alastor's plans so he feels threatened. Before with Charlie's daddy issues I guess he did not expect to see him anytime soon. But here he is, threatening to pull Charlie from his influence, from her needing his powers.
But then we see him being completely chill and not antagonistic at all. One of the reasons I think is that he let his stim out, for a reason being restricted in his activities, the deals he can make, the souls he can take, the kills. And because Charlie needed Lucifer to arrange a meeting with Heaven, something that only Lucifer can do. And that's it. So he lets go for a bit.
Who knows what dynamic season 2 will bring, now that Lucifer stays at the hotel and Alastor took a hard blow at his ego and reputation.
In the wiki it is stated Alastor dislikes people who are like him, but likes people who are more like him, but who knows where is this line. He also said to like Willy Wonka character for being an entertainer and a dick. And Lucifer was told to be like that character. For now Lucifer is a depressed sad baby, but we saw how he can be when he is fucking with others. Alastor likes fun, no matter how this fun is done. Potentially he can enjoy Lucifer's presence. Not to mention, he respects power, at least when the whatever deal with Alastor is done, potentially.
Don't know how prevalent this is now, but both seem to enjoy collecting certain things, like ducks and those firby toys. Both were drawn to dance-vibe with each other.
Speaking of, both love music and play instruments, they can totally jam with each other, making their own little concerts.
Lucifer's idea of sinners will be definetely challenged with Alastor. It's one thing to meet a nice sinner and think 'ah they are not like everyone else'. But it's a completely different thing when this sinner is exactly what you hate about them, the maniac who loves violence. And then you have to come to terms that even THEY can become better, can have something to them. Lucifer drowned himself in guilt and shame, it would be nice to get a bit in touch with people in Hell. Because it seems like he stays away from most things sinners bring with themselves.
Alastor was told to like theatres, so it would be nice for them to go together, to try and see something good from humanity even in Hell. Something that can still keep not being corrupted. And humans creativity and artistism can definetely spark more hope back to Lucifer.
And I think Lucifer would appreciate someone who treats him as equal, it doesn't look like he cares much about being a King, so having someone who will not shy away at punching first can be good.
Lucifer's main support of course would be Charlie(and hopefully hotel crew), but having someone who he can rely to get things actually done is pleasant. He is a King of Hell but he doesn't often act like one, he surely will benefit from someone who can act appropriately spooky. (He can get scary, but I think he needs to get MAD mad for this side of him to appear and at that point you better have Charlie around to calm him down)
And they have to keep the beef part of their interactions, it's just fun to have someone you can freely argue with with no hard feelings afterwards, just a battle of words, their interests don't always aligning. And it's fun to mindlessly banter about them. Like their sweet and bitter food preference, or cooking techniques, etc. Small irrelevant things, or maybe even some clash of ideals, but it is oh so fun to let yourself go lose and not hold back.
It would be nice for them to develop mutual respect and learn to care about each other's boundaries, be it the painful personal history, or choices of leading the relationship.
Yes, the aroace situation. Start with simple, I do not believe Lucifer is straight(nor NT xD) and he is perfectly sex-positive(he started with no experience and no shame either xD). He is more on a demi spectrum for me, getting excitedly horny only with close people(one-times can happen, it's a grey(literally) area). And Alastor... he is touch-aversed until you are close, then the touching is required(both gentle and playful and rough, depending if he wants to sooth himself or get energised or let the stim out). The same with the bed situation. He gets attracted long after all the other bonds are formed. He is sex-indifferent, never wanted with anyone so never went there. He is perfectly content with himself. And when it starts, yet again, depending on what it feels like in the moment.(cannibalism was not the only thing he grew to like in Hell(¬‿¬))
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thefallennightmare · 2 months
Just Pretend-Chapter 28 Teaser
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*all pictures found on Pinterest*
We're so close to the finish, guys! I'm scared, sad, happy, and so ready for the smut I have planned. The final three chapters are jam-packed so buckle up and prepare yourselves for a wild ride. Also, I forgot that I made a teaser post MONTHS ago about some future smut I had planned but now I can't find it ☹️
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My knee bounced with agitation as I held a firm grip on my phone. I wasn't angry with Y/N; far from it. I wanted her back home so I could have her bent over my knee, punishing her for all of the texts she sent me.
She'd been out all evening with the girls yet somehow managed to keep me on edge the entire time. I was at therapy when she left for her girls' night out so I wasn't able to see what she was wearing until she sent me a selfie of her in the bathroom mirror at the restaurant they were at. My eyes zoned in on her necklace and bracelet as it sparkled under the low light.
Angel 🪽: What, you don't like my red dress?
Me: You know I'm a sucker for you in red. I want to rip it off of you.
Me: Actually, I want to fuck you with it on.
Y/N kept me waiting for almost two hours for a reply. I did everything I could to keep my mind on something else and not the hard-on in my joggers. I read, cleaned the house, took Kuma for a walk, and was currently sitting on the couch with Jesse and Michael, definitely not paying attention to the movie.
When my phone buzzed, I nearly fell off the couch reaching for it.
"Someone misses Y/N," Jesse teased while ruffling my hair.
I shot him a look: you're the one to talk.
Angel 🪽: Don't make promises you can't keep, mochi.
Raising a brow, I discreetly adjusted my position on the couch so I was laying down, away from the guys.
Me: Are you getting sassy with me, angel? Do I need to keep you in line?
Angel 🪽: What are you going to do to me?
Quickly glancing towards the guys and noticing they couldn't see my phone, I typed out my response.
Me: I'm going to tie your hands behind your back and force you over my knee while I smack your ass with my belt. Then when you're crying out in pain, I'm going to push you to your knees and watch as you take my entire cock in your mouth, choking on it. You're going to get so wet that you're going to leave a puddle on the carpet. If you're still sassy, I'm going to make you lick it up.
Me: Or I'm going to cum all over that pretty face of yours. I haven't decided yet.
My dick was aching for some sort of release and I couldn't help myself from looking at the picture Y/N sent me again. Not even two minutes later, she responded and I nearly dropped the phone on my face.
Angel 🪽: You better go buy some binds then. I'll be home in an hour.
Smacking my thighs, I rose from the couch and bid a goodbye to the guys.
"Where are you headed?" Michael wondered.
Pocketing my keys and placing a hat low on my head, I motioned to the door. "I'm going to run and get some ice cream for Y/N. She should be home soon."
I was definitely not going to buy her some ice cream.
Well, maybe I could buy some and use it in other ways.
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tags: @blueskylinesx @missduffsblog @hayleylatour @sleepyomens @loeytuan98 @artificialbreezy @marvelousmal @bngurngheart @lma1986 @dsireland86 @wild-child-7747 @calleyx13 @illmakeyousaywow @jaded-and-hollow-souls @exitwoundsx @shayzillaaaa @badomensls @princesspeach-00 @shadowseve @collective-heartbreak @klutzy-kay24 @sorrowsofsilence @sweetlittlekitsune @shilohrosechicken @itsafullmoon @toospooktocute @niicoleleigh @thatchickwiththecamera @hoe-for-daddywise @whenthesummerdies @cookiesupplier @concreteemo @thisbicc @sammyjoeee @joe9cool @ozwriterchick @teenblues @malice-ov-mercy @krisslee18 @xxkittenkissesxx @happi-goth @embracethereaper42 @softvgold @cncohshit @heyyoplayer @rain-down-on-me @bloody-delusion-expert @respectfulrebel @reader13000 @koskeepsake @malerieee @cheyyyyr @myownthoughts12 @noahsbong @laurpartyprogram @cloudykoookie @jessiskyee @a1ex-ba1ex @sideeyenoah @emzandthevoid @badomensls @bellaboo967 @waake-mee-up @rxdlstgn @anthemheatwave @lobolocaamo @cncohshit @amelia-acero @karenfranco @collidewiththesavannah @xserenax-13 @bleachampion @thepastelfae @supersquirrel1996 @madomens @themodern-daywednesday @oxythoughtin7715
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cherthegoddess · 8 months
Request for an Evan Buckley imagine: y/n is also a firefighter at the 118, but she gets trapped in a fire while the building is partly collapsing and the 118 has to go in to save her 😎
Burning Love
Evan Buckley x Reader
Warnings: This was written with a black reader in mind but anyone can read it!
Word Count: 1.1k+
Burning Love
“Nothing like a factory fire to start the day,” Y/n said with a grin to Buck. “Yeah as long as you don’t do anything reckless.” Hen laughs loudly at his remark. “That’s funny coming from you Buckaroo.” Y/n shot back sticking out her tongue. Both Y/n and Buck were known to pull the heroics not caring if they got hurt in the end. Y/n more so after her near-death experience during an earthquake. 
The crackles and snaps could be heard as they pulled into the scene. Cap began barking out orders quickly as he assessed the fire. A hand sanitizer factory sparked a fire that was quickly going up in flames. The sprinklers jammed. Workers, along with other stations, are firefighters walking out from the burning building. “Hen! Chimney! Head on over to the workers! See what the other paramedics need help with.  Buck! Y/n! See if there are any more workers inside. Eddie! Let’s try to get this fire tamed! And try to see why these sprinklers aren’t working.” The crew quickly got to work moving into the spaces that they were told by Bobby. Buck and Y/n make their way to the blazing inferno to look at where they could enter. One of Station 124 firefighters walked past with a person coughing on their arm. “There’s a few more people inside!” The firefighter yelled. Y/n and Buck nod, making their way inside gear strapped securely to them. 
The room was covered in flames. There was not much that the fire did not touch. Luckily the hand sanitizer was one of them. “Let’s find these people and get outta here before these flames get worse.” Buck yelled over to Y/n She nodded and started moving, “Is anyone in here?!” They moved further into the building. “Over here! We’re over here!” Behind a couple of boxes lay a man and a woman. The woman was trapped under a pillar, clearly with a broken leg at the least. The chalky flames made their face covered in ash. The man tried his best to pull the pillar up, but he was unsuccessful. “What’s your name?” Y/n called out as both Buck and her ran over. “I’m Max and this is Saddie. Please help us, I’ve been trying to get this beam off of her but I can’t.” They quickly got into action, pushing the beam up not before making sure there wasn’t any other damage. They pulled Saddie’s body out, Buck allowing her to grab his shoulders. “Is there anyone else in this building?” The two shook their heads no. Max could walk so they made their way to the exit. Something caught Y/n’s eye and without Buck noticing she went to go see if there was someone else. Sure enough, there lay a woman trapped in what looked like some sort of machinery. Y/n clicked her walkie, “Guys I’m gonna be out soon. I found one more woman!” There was a pause before a response. “Y/n you were supposed to be evacuated with Buck,” Cap said sternly. “Sorry Cap! I promise I’ll be out soon.” Y/n starts working to feel the woman’s pulse. It was steady even in her unconscious state. She begins pushing the machinery off of the woman, but the woman starts to wake up and in pain. “Ma’am, I promise I’m going to get you out from under there.” The woman groans. Once the pieces were completely off of the woman, Y/n did her best to keep her up and started walking towards the exit. “Okay, Cap I’m on my way out!” She spoke too soon as the fire got stronger and catching some of the hand sanitizers lighting them up as well. “Cap, we may have a problem. The hand sanitizers caught flame and I don’t think we can get outta here. What’s the eta on the sprinklers?” The woman began to cough. “Y/n, I thought I told you not to play hero.” It was Buck this time. He wasn’t his usual goofy self this time either. He was clearly upset and worried about her. “You should know me by now Buck, I don’t listen. That’s beside the point, the sprinklers?” The flames get stronger. “We’re still trying to get them going. In the meantime try to find an alternate way out.” Bobby responds. Y/n looks around, there are just too many flames. The woman’s condition slowly starts to worsen as the smoke gets stronger. 
On the outside, Buck was pacing, waiting for someone to figure out how they could help Y/n. “Bobby, just let me go in! I need to help her.” Bobby looked sternly at Buck. “Buck, I know how you feel about her but I also know her. She’s a fighter.” Buck glares. He’s in love with her, has been for a while and he knew she was the one as soon as she walked into the station. Buck couldn’t lose her without her knowing that. 
Y/n back on the inside started to make a way out after finding a fire extinguisher nearby and putting it to work. The woman is slightly better, walking on her own. “Okay ma’am, I think we made a clear enough path that we can walk through.” The woman limps lightly over grabbing onto Y/n to walk steadily. “We’re getting out of here.”
Buck works with Eddie to fix the sprinklers since at every turn Cap stops him from going in. They just about had it when an explosion rang out. Buck and Eddie rushed over to see if Y/n was there and she wasn’t. Buck starts to tear up, mouth agape. “No, no, no” Eddie brings Buck into a bear hug as he cries. “Wait, Buck, look!” Eddie pulls him to turn around. And there she is, Y/n walking with the woman. And the sprinkler starts finally going off. Hen and Chimney rush to the two to check to see if they are okay. The woman gets taken away by Hen and Chimney. “Thanks, guys,” Y/n said as Hen tapped her on her back. “Glad you’re alive, kid.” Buck watched from a distance, in shock that she was alive. Y/n walks over to Buck with a smile. “I know you said not to do anything reckless, but you know I can’t help it. Besides, you know I always come back-” Her voice was covered with a kiss. His hands went straight for her cheeks. He slightly pulls away to apologize but she pulls him back in deepening it, her gloved hands gripping the ends of his hair. Chim and Hen whoop in the background and Bobby smiles at the scene. When they finally pull apart, they grin at each other. “Took you long enough Buckaroo. Been waiting a whole 6 months for that.” Buck laughs, I promise I’ll make up for all that I missed, but first a date.” Y/n nods and smiles pecking his lips again. “Chim you owe me 30,” Hen says with her hand out.
Soooo I kinda didn't do the last part but we love a woman who can save herself! I hope you like it even with the slight change! But please send more requests!
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notsofunsenpai · 5 months
Small Fight
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"Sampo Koski! How fucking dare you!" You shouted at him,clearly angered by him as tears threatened to spill from your eyes as his eyes widened with realization.
"Baby,Darling!-" the male begins to say,trying to be quick and trying to grab your hand, which you quickly moved it away from him.
You quickly get up from the seat that you were sitting on,walking out of the cafe pissed. You wanted to cry but also frustrated at yourself,sure you haven't been taking care of yourself weight wise but the way your lover said it or how he said it fucking upset you.
'It's fine love,it's not like you're gonna lose weight anytime soon.' Was his words as you were eating some Snapper Jam Appetizer with a side of Cosmic fried rice as you brought up the conversation of wanting to start a diet or wanting to go on mission to get more exercise and to spend time with him.
Ignoring your phone as you felt it going off along with vibrating like crazy from the calls and texts messages that you won't bother to look at. You decided to visit a friend,staying with them for a few days because you didn't want to come face to face with your lover,nor hear his pleads. You needed some space to calm down and collect yourself as you hide out at your friends place. You had turned your phone off because you got tired of hearing it. You had your knees tucked to your chest as your arms wrapped around them,resting your head on your knees,looking out the window,watching people going by. Sometimes you thought in moments like this it was unfair how life goes on without the care in the world,nor does time stop for anything. Closing your eyes for a moment, listening to whatever comes to your ears first,it felt peaceful. Calming your nerves some,as the sound becomes fainter and fainter as you slowly drifted off to sleep.
Sampo fucking curses to himself,"Good one Sampo.." he mutters,he had called your phone about fifty times and had sent you over twenty messages.
Baby? :(
I'm sorry,I apologize from the bottom of my heart for causing you such pain.
Please let's talk this out,I didn't mean it!:(
My cinnamon roll.
I swear that I will be a better person and will never hurt you again from now on.
I need you
Honey Bunny, I'm so sorry if I brought tears to your eyes; it was not my purpose. Please accept my apologies..
Sorry for acting like a fool; that was not my intention. I'm hoping you'll be able to forgive me and allow me to love you once more.
Please,answer me. I wanna make things right!
Please message me as soon as possible.
I love you, baby♡
He frowns as you weren't answering him,he's worried he fucked this up so bad that it can't be fixed,he feels like something in him had died.he ran his fingers through his now unkept hair,pacing back and forth,"Sampo,you idiot..i have to fix this... i NEED to fix this." He grits his teeth,putting his phone back into his pocket as he as he starts walking hoping he'll find you. He already tried going to your place,you weren't there and he knew you loved your home but he checked else where like your favorite restaurant,he went to see Serval because you love to gossip with her. He went to your favorite park because nearby is an ice cream place,they had your favorite flavor there that no one else serves or sells. He asked some people if they had seen you which they all had said no,he was losing his mind. He sits at a nearby bench,staring at the ground as his eyes were dull and lack any life to them,he clearly wasn't happy.
What happens if he never sees you again?
What if you ended up hating him?
What if you decided to leave town without him knowing?
What would he even do?
You were the only thing that brought joy to him,his sunlight and energy source. He hold his hands together in front of him,clenching or trying to hold himself back from any negative thoughts,he knows its not working but he doesn't want to end up burning this whole city down to find you.
Because he will.
He stared at the ground for a long while,he doesn't know how long but when he comes back to reality it was near night time,maybe doing some jobs will get his mind off if things.
He stands up and finds random tasks at hand,nothing too crazy it was just delivering messages and looking for said things. He usually tries to scam - I mean, help them depending on the situation, but he wasn't really feeling like it, so he actually did the small taks. He did about maybe three to six before stopping,going to a small food stand nearby, and getting something to snack from the running from point A to point B.
He ate quietly to himself,as he tried messaging and calling you once more to only get your voice mail,"Great..she turned her phone off." He curses,finishing his food quickly,tossing it away.
"Baby.. please forgive me." He frowns,head hanging as some of his dark blue hair covers his eyes as his quivering lips turn into a scowl. He finally gives up for the night,heading back to his place,turning on the lights as he enters the room,and flopping down onto the couch,staring out into nothingness.
It was gonna be a long night for him,he could already tell.
You woke up,your body cracked as you moved,groaning in the process as you noted you didn't fall asleep on the bed. You got up,nearly falling on your face as your legs give out but managed to not fall somehow,you went to the bed,getting underneath the covers along with noticing or taking note that it was still dark outside,probably about maybe five in the morning. The bed felt empty and unusually cold,probably because you're usually cuddling your lover,enjoying his warmth or either fighting with him over the blankets. You missed him,but you still were pissed at him,you also didn't bother looking at your phone knowing there's a shit ton of messages. You shuffled alittle in the bed to get comfy,resting your eyes once more,as you went back to sleep until like nine or ten in the morning.
Sampo barely slept,if he did it was probably a power nap? He wasn't sure if he slept but around six he finally got up,his body felt heavy,he felt like he was dead,he trudge to his kitchen to get some caffeine in his system along with eating something sugary to help with his energy levels and not want to die. Getting his phone as he ate breakfast, he sent you a good morning text.
He knew his princess wasn't a morning person but he still wanted to send you a text then a voice-mail,saying how much he loved you. He then goes to the bathroom to shower and brush his teeth,drying himself once done and changing into something more comfortable. He didn't wanna go out today but he didn't want to do anything,so he just kinda did alot of cleaning around the house even if he hated it,he just need to distract himself. He swept and vacuum the floors,did the dishes,mopped the floors,dusts around the house,made the bed,did the laundry along with drying and folding the clothes,he organized his bookshelves or whatever needed to be organized. He eventually ran out of things to clean,dust,or organize and immediately went back to his phone to send few more messages to you,hoping at least one text or that you looked at it at least,but all this poor man got was nothing.
He sighs,setting his phone down.
"Y/N..I missed you so much." He frowns grows.
You woked up a few hours later,sitting up and yawning it the process,rubbing the sleepies out of your eyes as the sun hits your face,feeling the warmth on your skin. You stepped out of bed,fixing your hair into a messy bun and going to the bathroom to do your business then went into the kitchen where your best friend had already had breakfast on the table. The two of you ate together,chatting about random things about that one tv show that was airing or about what your plans were today.
"Hey Y/N,I know you're mad at your partner at what he said,I get it I really do.Well Sampo seems like a nice guy,we all know how he is. He tends to talk before thinking sometimes but I generally think he didn't mean to hurt you,he loves you to much to hurt you. Maybe try to give him another chance,after all we aren't perfect and we all gotta fuck up here and there." Your friend said watching you finish your breakfast. You gived it a thought,letting out a sigh you decided to get up and get your phone,turning it on,immediately got blasted with tons of messages. You waited for like three minutes for them to finally stop,you didn't read them but had an idea of what they were about because you already saw few of the messages that popped up,you would rather call him then go through the messages at this minutes. You dialed his number,putting your to your ear,waiting for him to answer.
"Hello! Baby,I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to hurt or say anything mean to you! I wasn't thinking!" You heard him say,he sounded frantic and worried which was unlike his cool and calm personality.
It almost broke your heart to hear him like this,"My little Blueberry,calm down I'm not going anywhere I promise. Let's meet up at our favorite place."
"Okaay,I'll see you there pumkin pie! Be there soon! I love you." You heard him before he quickly hangs up to meet you there.
You get up,fixing your hair to make it look more presentable and put on new comfy clothes that your friend let you wear. You put your shoes on along with grabbing your keys and the things you need,walking out the door to meet up Sampo.
You guys met outside the ice cream place,the one at the park or near the park,Sampo immediately hugs you tightly.
"I'm sorry,so very sorry." He mutters as his grip doesn't let up.
"Sampo,you're suffocating me!" You squeaked,trying to push him away.
"Please let me make it up to you! I'll buy you a million ice creams! I'll spoil you even more than usual!"
"Sampo." You called out to him.
"I'll steal from people for you!"
"Don't do that."
"Okay.. we'll have date nights everynight!" He smiles,whatever his gal wants she gets,he'd make sure he'll follow your request.
You managed to break free from his grip,grabbing his hand and kissing it,making small circles into his palm,"I appreciate the thought but you don't gotta do all of that... I may forgive you to easily and way to quick,it could be the dumbest mistake I can make,but love is all about making mistakes and forgiving right? We are people,we are bound to make mistakes rather its everyday or not we still make them."
The dark blue haired male smiles,bringing you into a kiss,"Let's make all the mistakes then." He kisses you once more as small giggles escape your lips. He deepens the kiss,slipping his tongue into your mouth,exploring every inch of you.
You felt dizzy but in a good way,feeling your knees become jelly, but lucky for you,you had an amazing, strong, and handsome boyfriend to hold you. You felt like time had stopped for just a moment until you heard some random person clearing their throats.
Sampo breaks the kiss with a grin while your face was flustered from the kiss and from the embarrassment,you apologized to the citizen,feeling Sampo taking hold of your hand, whispering into ear,"I know of another way I can make it up to you my queen." Hints of lust was in his voice as your face turn darker in front of the citizen,Sampo quickly drags you to his place.
He wasted no time getting you naked,in between your legs kissing and bitting your inner thigh,"Mhh such beautiful thighs you have baby." He squeezes your chubby thighs,admiring them,loving them. You looked away shyly as he complements you,"Ah,Ah,Ah,look at me, baby." He calls you which you immediately obey.
"That's my gal." He smiles.
He gets close to your pussy,you could feel his warm breath,he gives you a kiss down there before licking all over your pussy. Your hands went to his hair,trying to remain eye contact with him as he eats you out.
You felt weak.
Weak to your knees.
He then went back to placing kisses,sloppy ones,messy ones,long and short ones,and my God the tip of his tongue puts pressure on your sensitive clit,you bite your lip as you rolled your eyes slightly.
"Sam..po.." you moan.
You begin moving your hips,grinding yourself on his tongue.
Sampo gets closer if even possible,his strong hands his on both of your thighs,gripping them like he's never gonna feel them again,sucking and biting your clit till it's swollen. He gently kisses it,loving the noises you made for him as he enters his tongue in you one more and fucks you with his tongue,making out with your walls as the best as he could.
Your eyes rolled back again,your wall clenching around his tongue,grinding faster or as fast as you could,"Sampo.. please..please..." you plead to him,feeling tears in your eyes as your fingers grabbed harder onto his hair which he moan from that. You felt his tongue touch a certain part,a sensitive part,"Ah!" You cried,feeling light headed,you would of fallen by now if Sampo wasn't holding you.
You were close,you could feel your climax coming quickly.
He took his mouth off of you..
You wanted to cry.
Hearing him undoing his belt,"Baby,let's finish this on the bed,I said I'll make it up to you,plan on doing it in different ways. Going to spoil you tonight. " His eyes gleamed in mischief.
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