#also look at her little teefies
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fiona-fififi · 2 months ago
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New parka.
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carbonateddelusion · 4 months ago
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tasque manager pop....
there is more neck fluff below the outfit!! it's just squished by the top
those are BOOTS not a part of her feet, I just chose to add little toesies because I like how it looks. also they come up to just above the knee
tummy is also there, but restrained by the outfit!
she's lavender colored, with deep purple eyes, lavender accents, and the normal white and black uniform of a tasque manager
teefies are the same color as her eyes!
she's like. 4'8. but that does NOT stop her from whipping you into shape
she loves her work but it stresses her out. off the clock, she's very relaxed, doesn't mind chaos as much, and has a purple tasque of her own as a pet :3
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scrawnytreedemon · 11 months ago
Look, you know I'm always on about Zant chuckability this, Zant blendability that, but you know who I also need to grab by the torso and shake??? Imp Midna. She is just. She is so.
I completely understand why her design might be offputting to some people, but she inspires a stupid amount of cute aggression in me. She's so grabbable, I want to smush her face like a little cat, I want to gently pull her lip back over her little teefies. Would I get immediately bitten and mauled and annihilated for this? Yes of course. Standard cat fare.
(And yes, my pfp is either very ironic or completely in line, depending on your view.)
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calebwittebane · 9 months ago
gaia update!
her next appointment is later today, still monitoring the new tumor before we decide on the next step... sure hope this time chemo ends up being enough, i really dont want her to have to go thru yet another surgery. its a risk every time for an older cat like her. plus its in a difficult spot this time, close to ligaments and stuff. also, and i know its a strange thing to say, in this case her loving me so much actually constitutes something a problem... she fully wakes up the second she hears my voice or smells my presence, when it wouldve been better for her to sleep off the nausea and grogginess for a little longer 😭 but at the same time i dont wanna wait longer to pick her up because i know she'd be very very upset to wake up while i wasn't there. babyyyy
right now shes feeling and looking okay though. she got some anti-inflammatory shots on monday to help with her teefies, cuz her gums had been hurting (probably its cuz her immune system aint doing so hot rn), and it really helped. she ate a LOT yesterday and seemed really content about it. full tummy gaia :) the problem with her and her teeth is that it's kind of a recurring issue, once again probably stemming from her immune system getting kinda overwhelmed, and it makes it hard for her to eat her kibble (even if the bikkies are small, and soaking them isn't an option because she will NOT touch soggy bikkies even if she's very hungry). while id love to just switch her to wet food full time, that makes her poops very soft (very bad news for her and her funny furry pantaloons) and i... dont have the budget for it... i wouldnt give her and amity anything with a vague ingredients list and without stellar reviews, and high quality wet food in the "full meals every day" quantity is just not something i can afford. so she gets a nice spoonful of her favorite wet food (or canned tuna! she loooooves tuna) after taking her meds and thats it. i love that since its a reward for swallowing her pills, and amity gets the wet food too, amity always stands close and bonks gaia beforehand, like she's encouraging her and saying good luck... amity has been very nice to gaia in general lately. i mean she's still a bit of a nuisance to her, just because their personalities clash a little, but shes been trying hard to be very gentle. i loooooove amity's new habit of kissing gaia's paws. it's so sweet and adorable... thats right amity, your big sister is very fancy and chic, with dainty pawsies that need to be kissed!
she's also been very playful, which is good. she's got energy! and a new favorite toy, once again its part of a larger toy amity customized for herself (ripped parts off of) and it's this soft fuzzy orb thing. she's also been a little whiny, but i'm pretty sure that's just her complaining about the heat, it's not uncommon for her in summertime. she feels better when the fan is pointing at her. oh and she hates the lawnmowers outside... i dont wake up from the noises i wake up from her yelling at the noises ajdhfbxkdj. shes so annoyed.
wish it were easier to get a pet groomer appointment in this doggone town. a lion cut would definitely help her cope with the temperatures. plus knowing how funny she looks when her fur is wet id love to see her BALD she would look soooo funny. all the places with good reviews are always fully booked though it seems. swear to god this is all such a scam, Back In My Day if your cat was in surgery you could ask the vet to go ahead and give them a lion cut while they were still under anesthesia lmao. my own clippers just don't work with her fur either, it's too fine and soft. the cons of being a fluffy cloud... a toasted meringue angel... a lovely tiramisu girl... a silly baby s'more... a caramel frappucino princess...
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everybody-loves-purdy · 1 year ago
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FlamePaw and DawnPaw
I had an amazing idea at work to make flame a Tiger clone, but he has a little orange fringe, so that’s his name. ( the panic between tawny and Rowan when he was born )
and DawnPaw. Gay. Her desgine has changed a lot, took me like 5 tries to get a desgine I like.
That’s really cool lore about Flamepaw’s design! Also it’s quite funny they saw the one part of him that wasn’t like his evil grandad and named him after that lol, suits him though!
And Dawnpaw looks great, glad to see the teefies are genetic
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starstruck-critter · 2 years ago
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markings sheet for the girl ever, and some info sketches
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134340am · 3 years ago
hello i’m at the vet’s and they say there’s something wrong w my bun’s toof and she might have a bad skin infection too… 😭
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mymainwastoocluttered · 3 years ago
Eel Toofies (Jade)
Jade gotta have them too, right? The cute sharp toofies?
NOTE: I only write for female reader.
— ( ` ω ´ )
Jade is not self-conscious, but he is self-aware
Not like ~that~
He's just very aware of how he presents himself and how people see him
So of course he catches on very quickly that hi teeth, and consequently his brother's, tend to unsettle people, which is no good
Well, it's very good, because fear is a very amusing emotion to watch, but it's a hassle when he's trying to work, or to just have an efficient conversation
So he learns to hide his teeth, speak with his lips almost closed, smile with his mouth closed, so on
He still proudly flashes his pearly whites whenever he feels like, enjoying the looks on people's face that he is in fact still an eel and should not be seen as less dangerous than his impulsive brother
(in fact, and he will humble brag about it, Jade feels that a wolf in sheep's clothing is way more threatening than a rabid dog)
Enters you.
Fearless? Reckless? Stupid nonetheless.
You just got curious. You've seen Jade around many times, seen his smiles and heard his pleasant voice. But you never got to see his chompers, which you thought was unfair because Floyd had a lovely bunch of them and you wanna see Jade's now
So you just.... Do that.
(RIP, my dudette)
Jade is less guarded around you. He finds you amusing, and your particular talent for finding trouble, or being found by it, is hilarious.
You're also pretty inoffensive, a weak little human with no magic. So long as he catches you without your pesky friends (or worse, the powerful people like Leona who you managed to charm into being your protector), you are not a threat
Or so he thought as he bent down to place the drink you asked on the table, smiling pleasantly as always, only for you to surprise him once more by grabbing his face and forcing his mouth open
Jade froze, a million thoughts running in his mind as he processed what just happened. You, the harmless human girl, just used a flick unguarded moment of his to grab his face and open his mouth so you could look at his teeth
Before he could think about his next step, which probably involved bitting off your fingers, you let go of him and relaxed against the comfortable couch
"You do have cute little teefies! They're so white and shiny and sharp!"
Congratulations, you managed to break Jade fucking Leech.
— ( ` ω ´ )
After that day, Jade became a little more cautious around (Y/N)'s hands, and scolded her for a good minute about doing that in public, which—and he should've seen that one, honestly—was promptly answered with an inquiry if she could do it in private then.
The agreeing answer surprised even him when it came.
But he is not going to complain when he can just give her a smile, a big open mouthed smile, and receive a beaming grin in exchange—and the look of pure terror from her pesky friends. So amusing.
And he definitely won't complain as he lounges on the couch in Azul's office during his break, head on her lap as she coos over his appearance: his cheeks, his hair, his eyes and, of course, his "cute little teefies".
"Your teefies are so nice today, Jade!"
"Of course, I take great pride in my hygiene."
"You're just one hell of an eel~" (Y/N) giggles, a thumb gently rubbing his chin as her hand rests on his cheek.
That earns her another toothy grin, and following her streak, Jade is absolutely surprised with how sincere it is
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feralghxuls · 2 years ago
could you tell us abt those teeth thing headcanons you mentioned in the tags? i am v interested
i am SO glad you asked i love this concept very much
it's based on the way that people who work with big cats will often work with them until the animals allow them to touch their teeth, which is mainly so that they are able to do periodic examinations and so they won't flip out if they need dental work or something like that, but it's also a huge show of trust between animal and handler
for simplicity's sake, i'll go through the ghouls with the idea that it's copia or terzo doing this, with some extras for those who have notably different responses to other ghouls doing this rather than their papa
headcanons about ghouls getting their teefies examined under the cut!
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aether is a very good boy, his ears go down a little when copia approaches him with the intent of touching his teeth, but he opens right up when asked and will hold still for as long as he needs to. but he will be whining softly in the back of his throat the whole time, and when he's done he looks a little bit like he's going to cry. it's very stressful for him but he Will Do It when asked
cirrus does not like it AT ALL. copia was shocked when he asked her to open up for him the first time and she pinned her ears and growled at him. he tried to be placating, explaining that it's necessary, but she wasn't having it. they had to call in backup (mountain) to hold her still and even then she was still shrieking and squalling like she's being killed. copia had to learn how to be very quick about it, and the second cirrus gets to have her teeth back she shakes it off and acts like nothing happened at all (only cumulus and mountain have any chance at touching her teeth without it being a full-on fight for their lives)
cumulus is very cooperative! she kinda really loves it actually, she already has her mouth wide open and teeth bared for examining before copia even gets close enough to touch, all ^.^ cause she knows she's got good teeth and that the others aren't quite as willing. and also, she'll never admit it but she likes the attention and the praise when copia says her teeth are surprisingly much sharper than they look (he definitely nicked his fingers the first time and she kissed it better)
dew is...temperamental, to no one's surprise. when copia approaches to examine his teeth, the phrase "if looks could kill" still doesn't scratch the surface of the death glare dew gives him. he scowls and growls and resists when copia slips his thumb into the side of his mouth, but he's surprisingly patient once he's in there. dew won't allow it forever, so copia has to be pretty quick about it or he definitely will lose fingers. there's also plenty of times when dew straight up refuses, and they have to call in aether or rain to pry his mouth open and hold him still
with terzo he was a little more willing, partly because terzo spent the whole time telling him how pretty and sharp his teeth are & he took pride in that. it took several months before he allowed terzo to touch his teeth though, and even longer with copia
mountain keeps up a low, terrifying growl the entire time copia approaches, ears pinned and everything, but the second copia starts to reach for his mouth he opens it himself rather than having to be made to open up. he still keeps up that growl but surprisingly, he's willing to hold still for as long as copia wants to poke around in there (after copia figured that part out, there was one time he spent quite a while, absolutely fascinated by how sharp mountain's molars are and his sets of long double canines)
rain doesn't like this at all. he will cooperate, because he respects and trusts copia, and he won't growl or anything but his mouth does start to slowly close down the longer copia takes, a subtle threat to hurry the fuck up or lose a finger. there's been a few close calls where copia wasn't paying enough attention (too focused on all the little razor sharp needle teeth between rain's canines and how it kinda looks like he's got two rows...) and had to jerk his hand back at the last second. as soon as copia's done, rain skitters off to go recover from the whole ordeal. swiss has special teeth touching privileges though, and rain accepts this from him with great affection.
swiss is surprisingly squirmy about it. he wants to be good, he really does, but there's just something about the feeling of fingers on his teeth that he really can't stand. especially when copia rubs across his molars, he's accidentally bitten down on him before (not enough to draw blood, and he apologized abundantly after, but. oops. copia is more gentle in the future). he definitely clings to copia's arm while his hand is in his mouth, and his tail is a damn weapon to anyone within range. copia wishes he could spend more time looking at swiss's teeth though, because he, like mountain, also has double canines, the outside ones not quite as long as mountain's but just as sharp. when he is done, he steps back and licks over his teeth & lips like a dog who's just been given a spoonful of peanut butter (which copia privately thinks its fricken adorable)
stratus likes to snap her teeth as copia approaches, but she's also grinning like a little imp. she thinks it's funny how he flinches a little and pretends like he doesn't, but when it comes down to it she opens wide and even pulls her tongue out of the way for him. but it's a bit of a trap; she won't fully chomp down on him, but she does gnaw on his hand while he's trying to feel around in her mouth. mostly she doesn't draw blood, but she does have lots of sharp little teeth like a kitten, so it happens on accident. don't worry though, she always licks it better (no matter how many times copia gently tries to explain to her that the healing properties of ghoul saliva doesn't really work on humans)
alpha will absolutely refuse to let terzo anywhere near his mouth, except to bite him. (that's his story, anyway. they'll take it to their graves but he does let terzo check his teeth as long as there's absolutely no chance anyone else is anywhere nearby). he puts up a good fight with secondo but eventually relents, because secondo doesn't hesitate to get mean as fuck about it. and he doesn't get a choice with primo. with primo, he hardly gets the chance to think about it, the old man is extremely spry and very good at lulling alpha into the false complacency with conversation, and then he springs it on alpha and the whole thing is over before he even processes what happened.
(and just for shits and giggles, and because i have been talking about them lately: he growls and glares the whole time when swiss pries his mouth open, putting up a good front. but he always lets swiss poke around in his mouth for as long as he wants and he always opens up on the first ask. (this wasn't true the first time, or several times after that; he put up a good fight but swiss eventually won, because he always does))
omega is a good boy for terzo and only terzo. even then he still resists a little, tipping his head up out of reach until terzo reaches up to slip his thumb into the corner of his mouth, and once he gets his mouth open, he's very good and patient, doesn't even whine like aether. with secondo, he definitely resists a bit more, tossing his head around even as he verbally agrees to open up, he won't at first. again though, good boy once his mouth is open. primo asks him once, and barely gives him the chance to answer before he does the same thing he does to alpha, quick as a damn snake and it's over before he knows it. though sometimes primo will spend a while exploring inside his mouth, he mostly is just very deft and professional about it.
ifrit is the goodest boy. he loves having his teeth examined and likes to follow terzo's fingers around in his mouth with his tongue, fascinated to feel what terzo is feeling. he always asks if he passed after, and terzo smiles at him and says his teeth are in excellent form as always. sometimes he tracks down his bestie swisstopher and just goes :V at him until swiss pokes around in his mouth and ifrit purrs at him the whole time. he loves it.
mist is okay with it, you have to catch her in the right mood (which terzo has terrible luck with). he learned quickly that if she's not having it, it's best to give up and try again later because he's liable to lose half his fingers and his bassist if he pushes it. if she is in a cooperative mood though, she's still not exactly nice about it. she gives him a nasty side-eye the whole time and barely opens her mouth wide enough for him to get a couple fingers in there. however, she almost always will let omega into her mouth, so terzo mostly just lets him handle that. they have a weird relationship, built on high levels of mutual respect while also keeping each other in check & being unafraid to call each other on their shit.
chAir is an absolute monster if anyone but ifrit tries to open his mouth, and even then he Grumbles and growls about how ridiculous and demeaning this is. ifrit just shrugs and keeps at it, says it's important and has to be done, a ghoul's teeth are vital organs. to which chAir scoffs and mutters something about doubting whether or not ifrit would even know if anything is amiss if he thinks teeth are organs. (ifrit and chAir also have a strange relationship, in which ifrit adores chAir and chAir is a grumpy old man who begrudgingly accepts ifrit's affections)
terzo tries to insist that his human dentist knows what they're doing, but omega insists he hush and let him look. he is fascinated by terzo's blunt molars and his tiny, cute little canines, and spends quite some time running his fingertips over the smooth edges of his teeth until terzo's jaw aches.
copia thinks it's very sweet of his ghouls to try to check his teeth, but he also has a dentist and can they please do this one at a time and not four of them at once. mountain wants to know how his eensy flat molars chew anything at all, stratus says that he ought to sharpen his teeth more often and is puzzled when copia explains that it doesn't work like that. swiss spends a while prodding at the sharpest edges he can find and laments that he can't get any of them to prick his fingertips, and how it must be difficult for copia to live like this, unable to bite his partners effectively. dew thinks copia is doing this for attention (he also wants to poke around in copia's mouth, but he'll never admit it).
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idance2silence · 3 years ago
This is an opportunity to info dump! 🥳
Xiao and Hu Tao relationship dynamic ideas for Genshin Impact (platonic)
I'm writing a fic, either their first meeting or them just vibing I don't know yet. But I'll take thoughts on their relationships or ideas you wanna see on Ao3!
I just think their dynamic is sweet!
I'm including my current thoughts under the readmore. I didn't include anything with spoilers so it's safe. I'm caught up with the quests so send me anything I'm cool 💕
He entered one of her dreams and they went on a whirlwind adventure
Hu Tao shows him the crystalflies and they make hair clips that Xiao becomes obsessed with
She jokes about death and funerals and this humor rings close to a war vet so they make a lot of jokes together. Former general alatus has a support team
She's childish and lively even though she has seen dark stuff. Admirable.
Hu tao isn't afraid to toddle right over to him and poke him on the cheek but she's so professional towards him and addresses him properly. This confuses him and she just giggles and he cant help but smirk because she's bizarre but so kind
She brings out his inner child
They play in the mud. I just feel like Xiao enjoys it and Hu Tao would 100% roll with it
Hu tau makes ghosts jokes. Xiao knows a lot of ghosts. It works.
They've encountered people claiming all kinds of stuff about spirits and they've had to deal with the idiots together
Hu tau isn't afraid to hug goodbye. Xiao doesn't let a lot of people that close but he is terrible at saying no to the child
Xiao had forgotten that a 20 year old is not a child. He needs to interact with more people. Hu Tao is unbothered because it's fun to be doted on and the ancient little man is so strange and sad she can't help but make him part of her odd little family.
Hu tau sends him mail. She wants to know how he wants his funeral because he is always working. He finds it endearing. It's the only mail he gets
She sings her little hillichurl song and Xiao is amused by music bc that's his calm button
Hu tao admires him like a child meeting a story book hero and its not feared reverence but childish curiosity and awe. But unlike actual children she behaves like a grown up and is respectful . Mostly .
She has her hat and he has his mask and she likes to pretend it's their superhero masks like comic books. He doesn't understand this at all. She finds it hilarious. Her laughter is contagious
She sends him her poetry. He is an appreciative audience. Like a grumpy old man with a soft spot for his grandchild
Hu tao asks Xiao for relationship advice and he has no clue why but she loves his bs answers. He thinks she's dumb until she escalates the joke. He is so confused but is enjoying partaking in fun
She loves star gazing with him because he knows constellations.
Sometimes he helps her gather wood for coffins. Pole arm buddies
She calls his fangs little teefies and no one else has the audacity. He's amused greatly.
She gives him an excuse to chase after cool birds and he appreciates that she let's him hide his childishness behind her
Healing their inner child together.
They climb tall things together. And look down. Xiao loves forcing her to a hight that freaks her out and teleports her down. He likes being the strong protector and Hu Tao loves the adventure without being afraid
She delivers things to ganyu anonymously for him. Can't look too much like he cares
She finds him soft animals to pet
She brings him cool skulls. Cleaned. Ofc.
She plays pranks and tries to scare him. He thinks her attempts are funny. It's also how she knows something is seriously wrong bc when he gets spooked he needs help
They both value history. Xiao knows the sad dark reality, Hu Tao is fascinated by odd things, like old technology and means of living. They discuss anyway
She gives him space when he feels a lot of carma but doesn't actually run away. Just so he isn't worried.
She promises that the funeral parlor will cover a room at the hotel if he needs, but it's not necessary as they wouldn't charge him. Just to ease his anxiety.
Lots of haunted jokes
Xiao learns her little dances but she will never find out
She tells him about curre t books and convinces him to read. He never takes time off so she starts reading to him as he fights. He thinks it's hilarious and adorable of the smol child.
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jungshookz · 6 years ago
omg do you think you could write like a little mother’s day drabble for ceo yoongi or kindergarten tae y/n it’d be so cute🤧
one sickeningly fluffy mother’s day drabble coming ur way!!!!!!! put ur hands in the air if u missed our favourite babie just as much as i did!!!!!
the first thing you feel before you open your eyes is a little pat on your cheek
and for a second you think it’s yoongi and you’re about to swat his hand away
and then you hear a little ‘babwah?’ and you open your eyes immediately
“…how did you get here from your room?” you ask dumbly and hwayoung blinks back at you before shoving her fist into her mouth
you sit up and let out a yawn before reaching over to smooth some of hwayoung’s wiLD bedhead back “where’s your appa, hm?”
“yeah, habba.” you smile fondly before reaching over to grab your reading glasses off the bedside counter
it’s.., eerily quiet this morning
yoongi’s definitely not in the washroom
but from the looks of it, he woke up a while ago
his pyjamas are folded and sitting on the end of bed
where did he go and why did he ploP your child here with you when you were uncoNSCIOUS
and then it hits you
it’s mother’s day!!!!!!!!!
it’s your very fiRST mother’s day!!!!!!!! your very first mother’s day aS A MOTHER!!!!!!!
you turn to look at hwayoung and you narrow your eyes at her “i bet your dad’s making breakfast downstairs” you murmur and reach over to rebuTton the little button on her onesie (her tummy was popPin out) “c’mon, you - mommy needs to pee and i can’t leave you here otherwise you’re going to scoot off and hit your head”
hwayoung babbles gibberish as she looks at herself in the mirror and lets out a squawk when you suddenly bend down to spit the toothpaste out
“fhsorry” you murmur and adjust her on your hip before rinsing your mouth out
over the past couple of months you’ve gotten pretty used to being a mom
you can do pretty much anything with hwayoung attached to your hip
but when you pee you trap her in the shower cubicle so that she can’t crawl away and stick her fingers in the outlets or anything while you’re trapped on the toilet lol
she doesn’t like being trapped in the shower cubicle and will press her face and tiny little hands riGht up against the glass and just licks it while staring right at you
it’s..,. it’s a little weird and sometimes ur bladder stoPs working and is like.,.,., get ur child out of here or i will refuse to relieve myself
you thoroughly enjoy being a mother although breastfeeding was a nightmare and you don’T need to relive the night where Everything Went Wrong
also hwayoung went through this phase where she would start chewing on ur nipple???? which meant a lot of yoongi driving out in the middle of the night to get nipple cream for you from the drug store
the pain was worth it
because at the end of the day you lov ur little babie and you will 110% murder anyone who tries to hurt her
“minty fresh!” you smile widely in the mirror and hwayoung tries to reciprocate your smile but she ends up just opening her mouth really wide “ah, look at that! your little teefies are growing in.” you shoVe your finger into her mouth to keep it open and she starts babbling around your finger
you lean in to smaK a kiss to her cheek before wiping your finger off on the towel and turning to leave the washroom
time to find yoongi!!!!! you want to kiss his cheekies too!!!!!!!
“mr. min… you have a meeting with min hwayoung in.,. the liVING ROOM-“ you jump down from the last step of the stairs and hwayoung caCkles while leaning against you
nobody in the living room
next room
“mr. min… you have a meeting with min hwayoung in… the kiTCHEN” you practically leAP into the kitchen fully expecting to see yoongi standing there flipping pancakes but
also the kitchen is spotless?? the marble countertops are daZZling
this is weird
for valentine’s day he woke you up with breakfast in bed
for your birthday he woke you up with.,., something a little more.,.,explicit than breakfast in bed
and for mother’s day
it looks like you’re getting nothing for mother’s day
“hm.” you purse your lips in thought
where could he be? it’s sunday
maybe he went to the gym??
hwayoung reaches over and plucks at your diamond necklace before pulling it up to her mouth
and then you hear the beep-beep of the front door and-
“you’re supposed to still be asleep!” yoongi whines and kicks the door shut behind him
“i knoW but your daughter practically slapped me in the faCe” your brows knit together when you realise yoongi’s something behind his back “what are you-“
“turn around and close your eyes”
you raise your one free hand in defence before turning around and squeezing your eyes shut
you peel an eye open to see hwayoung looking at yoongi over your shoulder
“if i don’t get to look, yoU don’t get to look” you mutter and reach over to cover her eyes with your hands
“bwAH-“ she squawks and slaps her tiny hands against your fingers
she has been BLINDED
you hear a loT of shuffling and crinkling from behind you
footsteps approaching you
“bAhbwahajhsd-“ hwayoung is suddenly plucked from your arms and you hear yoongi squishing kissies against her cheek and muttering something to her in korean
more crinkling
more shuffling
a claNK and this time a gwah! instead of a bwah
footsteps coming baCk to you
“alright, open your eyes.” you immediately pop them open and your heart goes boom boom when you see yoongi holding a gorgeous bouquet of deep red roses and hwayoung holding one single delilah in her smol fist “happy mother’s day!”
“aWwWWww yooNGi-“ you coo and move to smoTher your husband in kisses
he laughs lightly and you give him a soft kiss before taking the bouquet from him
there’s a little note in the middle of the bouquet
‘you already know how much i adore you. seeing you as a mother only makes me love you more.’
you press your lips together to contain a squeal
after all this time he never fails to make ur heart skip a beat  
.,.,yoongi’s definitely getting lucky tonight lol
you look up at him with a smile “i love u”
“love u more”
“love u moSt” you grin and lean in to give him another kiss but before ya know it
hwayoung whaCks your arm with her flower because hello??? she also has a flower for u it’s not all about appa
“why, thank you very much, miss min.” you graCiously accept the flower from her and you notice that her flower aLso has a little note that’s tied around the stem
you snort and look over at hwayoung “i love you too.”
“now, c’mon.” yoongi nods towards the kitchen and bounces hwayoung up on his hip “we have a fuLL day ahead of us and i figured the best way to start off mother’s day was with breakfast tacos.”
“and, yes, i know you’re thinking about it. at some point, we will be going for ice cream.”
happy mother’s day inDEED
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namjuicyy · 6 years ago
A Father’s Love - Chapter One
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Masterlist | Requests are open.
Genre: Angst, fluff, smut.
Genre of this part: Fluff, angst.
Word Count: 1.9k.
Summary: Single father, Namjoon, struggles to keep his idol life and his private life separate. When he meets you, everything changes.
Warnings: None.
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New Year's for Koreans was a time for family. It was a time where they would all get together and celebrate a bright new future, filled with wonderfully good luck and great grades for their children. Their children, who under absolutely no circumstances, wished for their photographs to be taken professionally, but were forced to because it's what their parents wanted. And, given that you were one of the best photographers in Seoul, of course it was to you they turned for that extra special something.
It's true, all of your photographs were beautiful. Perfect even. Which is why you'd been backed up, taking New Year's family photographs since October. Your life in the west had meant that for two months solid you'd listen to Christmas music on repeat, and come to loathe the fact that Chris Rea was still driving home for Christmas, and had been since 1988. But your life in the east meant you'd be celebrating New Year before Halloween had even had a look-in. To say Autumn was your busiest time was an understatement. Though, the pay was phenomenal so you found yourself not allowing yourself to complain.
Except for when you had one of those families in. The kind where money wasn't a problem for them and therefore no one appreciated objects as they were completely replaceable. And the fact that that little demon's mother had the audacity to moan when you charged them extra for the backdrop the kid had torn in two drove you up the wall. He, in the space of five minutes, set you back at the very least £50. But, of course, you had to remain level headed and professional despite how that woman grated on your last nerve. Just think of the money. You found yourself repeating that phrase on numerous occasions - when the kids were too loud, or were crying, or just weren't doing as they were told.
It was New Year's Eve, your last full day of work before you took the week off and just lounged in your bedsit for the entirety of the time to just avoid people and recharge your batteries. You were looking forward to vegging out on your bed, watching Netflix and forgetting about all of your problems. And you meant all of them. They were all issues for 2019 to deal with, not for New Year's Day when you were the only sad sack sat at home with two men to keep you company. Your favourite men: Ben and Jerry. Two men who provided you with the most orgasmic sensations without actually touching your hoo-ha.
When ten o'clock struck, you were all but throwing your last customers out, saving your work to your hard drive ready to print them in the New Year. You had just started to dismantle the camera when you heard a knock at the door. "I'm sorry, I'm closing up for the night." You stated. You looked up to see a man, tall, but built well, carrying a small child in his hands. Well, you assumed it was a small child, you couldn't see it properly under the thick parka coat that was covered in a layer of white dusting.
"I know, and I'm really sorry to do this to you, I was just wondering if you could take our pictures? Well, mainly Haneul's." He asked. "I'll pay you double for your time - triple even. It's just my mum's putting a lot of pressure on me this year to get a picture of him... us. I can't say no to her again."
You wanted to say no. Your feet were actually begging you to say no, to tell him to leave and never return. But there was something about him you found it difficult to say no to. The softness in his eyes, his desperate, crooked smile that showed off his dimples as he awkwardly smiled at you in the hopes that you would give him this favour, the sadness in his demeanour. Everything from the snow on their matching coats to the fact that he was protecting his son from the cold with everything he had, just warmed your heart and forced you to take pity on him this cold December night.
"Alright." You relented with a sigh. The light that shone on his face when you agreed was enough to make you forget the promise that he made to pay you triple what you would have earned tonight. "If you could take... Haneul?" He nodded. "If you could take Haneul's coat off and put him on that red chair. What backdrop would you like?"
"Whatever you recommend." He replied. You watched him take Haneul's coat off gently, and holding his face in his hands as he softly looked at his son, muttering something as Haneul rubbed his eyes. The amount of love this man was emitting was extraordinary. No father who had ever come into your studio had ever been as loving as this. Usually his head was in his phone, or his mind had been anywhere but where he was needed. But this father seemed to soothe his child easily, and persuade him to get on the chair with no tears, fuss or problems. This was a breath of fresh air for you.
The man came and stood next to you, admiring his son at your angle. Watching you as you moved towards the child and fixed all the aesthetic issues of his crinkled clothes and messy hair.
You moved back to the camera, looking at the current backdrop and liking how it looked. You asked the father's opinion, to which he agreed, and watched as you began taking photos of his unsmiling toddler. You stopped and sighed. "Come on, Haneul. You're the best kid I've had in here today. You're classy, so I don't want to have to resort to cheap tricks and slapstick comedy. So, kid, you're going to give me the happiest smile, yeah?" Haneul nodded. "Good boy. Show me them teefies."
Haneul laughed at your play on the word teeth, which in turn made both you and his dad laugh. "There we go!" You said. "Beautiful." You went a little click-happy with the pictures, but they were coming out so well you couldn't stop yourself.
You could feel his father's eyes flicking between you and his son, looking at the photos you were taking. In the corner of your eye, you could see a bright smile on his face. He seemed almost shocked when you stopped taking photos to look up at him. He was significantly taller than you, and had a beautiful smile. In an odd way, his smile made him look rather expensive. If, of course, smiles could do that. "Okay, Dad. Your turn."
"Unless Haneul has another father."
He laughed. "Where do you want me?" He began to remove his parka.
"If you could sit on that chair too, and put little one on your lap?"
He did as he was told, walking over to his son with his arms outstretched and a smile on his face, enthusiastically praising his son for behaving so well. He picked him up, sat on the chair, and placed a kiss to his son's head. "Remember to smile, baby."
"Yes, Daddy." Haneul replied. He almost snuggled into his father, completely melting your heart in the process. You had never, in all your years of photography, come across a family who actually physically showed just how much they loved each other in a photograph like this. And it was such a breath of fresh air for you. You almost cried.
"Is this okay?" The father asked.
"This is beautiful." You commented, a hand over your heart and a lump in your throat. There was so much love in the room it was kind of overwhelming.
When you'd finished taking the photos, you invited your customer over to your laptop as you always did at the end of the shoot so they could choose the photos they wanted. The three of you huddled around the dining table you purchased for this very reason, and began to flick through them. Haneul was sat on his father's lap, staring at the screen. His father was also staring at the screen, but had more of a look of awe on his face rather than boredom. "These are extraordinary." He commented. "Absolutely beautiful. Thank you so much."
You smiled. "No, thank you. It's been a pleasure photographing you both today."
"How long have you been doing this?"
"Four years."
"Wow. No wonder you're amazing at what you do."
"Thank you, that's very kind of you." You allowed a short silence to fall over the studio before you turned back to talking about business. "So, which ones would you like me to print?"
"All of them?"
"All of them?" You asked him, the surprise evident in your voice which caused him to laugh.
"I have a big family."
"That's going to cost a lot."
"That's fine."
"Okay, well, if you could fill out this form, please. I need your name, address, contact details and payment method."
He nodded and began to fill out the form, setting Haneul down on the floor whilst he did it. Even while he was concentrating, he still somehow managed to keep an eye on Haneul, watching him toddle around the room and look at different bits and pieces, scolding him softly for touching things he ought not to be touching. He looked at you and rolled his eyes, "three-year-olds." He joked.
"He's a good boy. You've done well."
"Than you. He's a terror really, it's all a façade."
"I don't believe that for a second."
He laughed. "That's because he's good at hiding it, aren't you, baby?"
Haneul nodded and flashed you both a cheeky, yet sleepy grin. "At least he's honest." You added. "I bet he behaves for mum though."
The smile that was on his father's face vanished. "His mother is no longer with us."
"Oh." You said quietly. "I'm so sorry. I should have thought."
"No, you're fine. You weren't to know." He handed you his form. "When will they be ready for collection?"
"Well, I have your details so, I could get them printed tonight and bring them to you tomorrow evening?" You don't know why you said that. You hadn't done that for any of your other customers.
"No, it's New Year's. I couldn't ask you to do that."
"Your mum would prefer some prints, would she not?"
"Well, yeah but-"
"Tomorrow evening it is then. Will you be at your home or hers?"
"Mine. It's my turn to host this year."
"Even better. I will see you tomorrow," you peeked at his form, "Namjoon."
"Are you sure? Don't you have family to spend tomorrow with?"
"I'm positive. And no, they're all back home."
"Thank you. Thank you so much." Namjoon started to put Haneul's coat on him. "You have no idea what this means to me."
"Happy New Year, sir."
"Happy New Year."
When he had his own coat on him, he bade you goodnight, got Haneul to wave to you before leaving your studio, grateful for your kindness at such a late time.
As soon as he'd left, you'd got back to work, printing out the prints that Namjoon had paid for. It wasn't until you looked at the cheque he'd left you, you'd realised just how much he'd given you. Seven million won was way more than what you would have regularly charged. You sat back in your chair and sighed, not quite believing what had just transpired.
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danceswithunworldly · 7 years ago
Rate My Jenny
Alright Jenny has gone through a lot of different looks, I will rate each Jenny on a scale of 1 to 10 1 being n o and 10 being most valid. More under the cut, theres lots of pictures its a long post
Original Manga:
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The original babe, Messy hair, bright eyes, has an actual body, probably blonde, needs more representation, cute smile, looks like a friend to me 10/10
Devilman 1972:
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Not the design we are used to but damn is she powerful! Tentacle hair, can hypnotize children, wants to spare children from pollution but has a bad technique of doing so, 6/10 teefy chompers +1 so 7/10
OVA design concept art and full sized Jenny from CB World: (following ova designs)
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Its My Turn to Use the Xbox
SO MUCH HAIR very similar to the original but a much bigger head, sharp teeth, kinda looks like a night/light fury dragon with that closed mouth, wants a turn on the Xbox, let her, she looks like she could make you disappear. 8/10
CB World:
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“Sister Satan I love you”
Very good eye contact sweetie. Pudgy. soft, delightful eyelashes, squishable cheeks, precious little girl must love and protect her and if you dare talk shit about her I will kill you 10/10
Amon Apocalypse:
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no, just.... no. The weird coonskin hat style mullet? uncomfortably muscular legs?? the dishplate eyes!? spider legs for eyelashes? Gloves and socks??? This is cursed, this is not my Jenny, this is an abomination. Get this out of her Jenny deserves better than THIS what the FUCK this is -666/10
009 Jenny:
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she literally had no purpose in this crossover, it was almost like they wanted to make a devilman series after this and it was scrapped because there was a lot of pointless foreshadowing.HOWEVER the purple hair is a nice look, not so fond of the eyecolor it looks more like “caution:radioactive” however this is the only Jenny most like the original manga Jenny and I have to give her a +1 for that, and shes really creepy and cute at the same time. 9/10
Devilman Crybaby:
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M o t h e r
Oh boy a human design! Vapid and doll-like, yet has a soccer mom/milf vibe effortlessly blended into a solution with Secretary Barbie, and reduced into this delightful woman. Oh also nipples, helloooo Totally not a demon how dare you assume, shes trying her best leave her alone
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Demon form is amazing, not entirely like the original but VERY FLUFFY OH MY GOD and the FEET so cute, they curl. A+ smile, awesome fucking party power, probably a metal head when she was younger and would trip out at all the parties and BACK TITTIES 10/10 step on me mommy
Devilman Grimoire:
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Nightmare Creature
Still better than Amon Apocalypse Jenny. This one is a lovechild between Jenny and our favorite Addams Family hand [insert fingering joke here] Hair is wavy yet wild, fidget spinner eyes so you know shes cursed, big smile though, probably would run away if she came after me, I don’t like creepy disembodied hands crawling around. 4/10
Violence Jack:
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“I got drunk and got this weird tattoo, also my licence has been suspended would you believe that?”
“Technically” human most likely a blonde, cute face, weird... (tattoo? birth mark? im guessing here, body paint? its not her face thats for sure, but i cant read spanish or japanese) Loves her jeep, I’m so glad she has found her perfect car because oh my god look shes having so much fun. Squishy thighs, This is the metal head we warned you about. The only time nagai has ever drawn tits that showed some sign of gravity’s existence. 8/10 
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Super Mecha Transformer Jenny
oh, okay then, carry on ma’am you look busy
5/10 Not my jenny but thats a fuckin cool design okay?
Gekiman Devilman:
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hot.... uuhhh anyway Super Fluffy Jenny redrawn in Nagai’s improved style, very soft, wife, great smile, shes just overall amazing 10/10
Devilman Saga:
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Marry Me
Sweet Jesus I have no complaints, Look at her shes so cute, shes got a leather-fishnet top but she has a cute fuckin bow on the back and a super comfortable skirt, nobody said shes a style guru, shes a fucking disaster and I love her. Shes doing so good. Shes so cute, big beautiful Jenny eyes, soft fluffy yet still messy hair? big eyelashes, did i say shes cute? mysterious, delightful. No demon design yet but i assume it will be a lot like Gekiman’s overall 10/10 even without that design. Personal score: 9999/10
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uhhhhhhh fuckin..... still better than Amon Apocalypse i give this a 420/666
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