#also lmk if i missed any canon nicknames..................
actuallysolace · 3 months
Solangelo Nicknames
NICO 🏴‍☠️:
Death Boy
The Lord of Darkness
Mr. Dark Lord
Signor MythoMagic
Noble McSacrifice
• (My) Grumpy Ball of Darkness
Death Star (Star Wars reference) 
Dark Knight (Batman ref) 
Dark Knight Hero (Genshin ref) 
Batman (You're not gonna BELIEVE this but Batman ref)
Zombie-Boy / Brainless (Do zombies have brains?)
Bug Boy (TASM Spider-Man ref) 
Corpse Breath / Death Breath
Prince of Darkness
Ghost King (Well this is Literally just a title Nico claimed)
Significant Annoyance
Debbie Downer
(My little) Night Light
Demigod Carebear 
My little Carebear
My little sun-therapy globe
(Hellooo) Nurse 
Apollo offspring Number (Insert Number Here) (@apollo cabin in general) 
Sunny Boy
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chaithetics · 1 year
Porcelain and the Shark: Sweet Jonathan
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Pairing: Stewy Hosseini x f (Roy) reader
(reader has anxiety, no use of y/n, physical descriptions or other names but does have the nickname Porcelain/Porce - due to family viewing her that way not because of complexion)
Word count: 4.6K
Prompts: "at the birth of jonathan, and even though she’s been doing therapy after she has him she really just breaks down crying because she loves him sooooo much, already and he’s only been alive for minutes. And it’s kind of her letting go of feeling like it was her fault Caroline didn’t love her. like rationally she knows she couldn’t have done anything wrong that quick but now she kinda understands something was broken in her mother to discard her so quickly. also realizes how Logan must have contributed to that bc Stewy's support was incredibly important to her labourand she knows how logan is. And she quietly loves Jonathan and has Stewy embrace her and thank her for making their family grow." + "If possible, I wanted to know a little more about when Jonathan was born, I imagine that the new parents were so in love with their baby , but how was the reaction of the rest of the family to the new and highly desired baby?"
Chapter/content warning: 18+ MINORS DNI, established relationship, anxious reader, pregnancy, scenes post-childbirth (labour/delivery is not depicted), the feels, canonical Roy chaos and pain (lmk if I've missed any!)
Authors note: Thank you so much to these 2 Nonnies for sending these prompts in! I really appreciate it and adore you both so much! They're both such great prompts, I hope you like this piece, please do let me know! Also, I haven't gone through childbirth or anything like that so I tried to keep everything pretty vague. This hasn't been proofread and post 2K I really started to dislike this and worry that it's not good 😭 Please let me know your thoughts, comments, reblogs and asks are appreciated! I love hearing from you all. Also can you tell I absolutely HATE naming things?!
You were on the floor in the nursery that was almost completely ready, it was just waiting for the future Hosseini to arrive. There was a bookshelf in here that was really just for aesthetics at this stage, you knew it would be impractical because it wasn’t realistic that an infant would be doing a lot of reading, there was also the chance of this being a hazard for the bundle of joy that would soon be the centre of the household. The bookshelf had been bolted into the wall though and the home itself had been ‘baby-proofed’ already. 
But it was still nice you thought to have a bookshelf with all of the adorable children’s books you’d spent hours finding, reading about and then also rambling to Stewy about. You were now looking over the books again, organising them in the important system (one which you would never use for work) but what would be the highest priority to read and your favourites. 
Stewy came into the nursery. He looked around the nursery again for a second, he did it each time he came in. Genuinely amazed at what his life had become over the last few years. You heard his footsteps, you pause mid-book organising to look up at him as he walks over and leans against the changing table, watching you turn your attention back to the shelf, he thinks about it and enjoys that there are great conversations and banter but also places for comfortable silence in your relationship. Something you do as well. He revels in that for a moment before asking. “Do you need a hand?” 
“No, thank you.” Your response is quick, amusingly too quick to him. 
“Are you sure baby?” He drags the syllables out as he smiles at you, finding the quickness of your response equally amusing and intriguing. 
“Yes, honey. I have a system.” You respond and then you turn around and smirk at him seeing his grin widen more. “One that I can’t teach.” 
“Oh?” He questions somewhat teasingly but still intrigued as he raises his eyebrows at you. You hum in response. “What? Dewey? Library of Congress?” Stewy asks with a teasing smile. 
“No. But if I tell you it can’t get out.” You hum and his smile widens as he raises his eyebrows at you, waiting for you to continue. “”hat will be my favourites to read to them.” You confidently answer with your own growing smile. 
“What a scandalous system.” Stewy laughs and nods, not too surprised at the revelation. His eyes scan around and he looks at the changing table and then finds a tub of something there piquing his interest. 
“What’s this again?” He asks holding it out for you as you turn around to look at it. 
“Diaper change cream.” You quickly answer smiling at your husband. “Think baby powder alternative for that area.” 
“Right… And remind me again why we need an alternative to baby powder?” He questions as he studies it. 
“Babies shouldn’t breathe in the powder particles and there are medical concerns and debate over talc.” You and Stewy had both done a lot of research and prep for this but it was stuff like this that you had read more on than him. 
“Talc?” Stewy raises an eyebrow as he looks at the bottle of cream. 
“Some research says it's carcinogenic. Talc’s the big player in baby powder ingredients, the culprit ingredient in those Johnson and Johnson lawsuits.” You finish off, knowing that that will ring a bell for him and it does as he quickly nods. 
“It’s kind of sickening how good I’ll be at diaper changes.” He says in a deadly serious tone, you look over at him and can’t help but laugh. You’re in awe and humoured by the confidence of the handsome, cocky dork you married. 
“Well with that confidence, I’m happy to leave that to you at 3 AM.” You quip back with a smirk, completely abandoning the books as you look at him. 
“Shit at that time of morning, just a Saturday morning before my reformed domesticated ways.” He smirks at you and winks. 
“Sure Stewy, sure. What was it that Roman said about your lifestyle…?” His eyebrows raise as he exhales, shaking his head but your grin just grows.  
“Roman misquoted me-” 
“Uh-huh. Of course, he did, you certainly didn’t happen to make the mistake of not just talking about but talking to my siblings about the-.” You smugly say before he cuts you off. 
“Well even though he’s a loose cannon, you know it means you don’t ever need to worry about Roman’s career prospects. The narc will always have the pathway option of a police informant.” Stewy retorts, somewhat proud of himself for thinking of that on the spot despite the fact he’d thought it about a dozen times since that conversation with Roman and Kendall had gotten back to you. 
“You were down bad, years before becoming a reformed married, soon-to-be family man.” You quickly respond. 
It’s true and you both know it. He was bad for it and you imagine if things hadn’t been so complicated with your family you’d have been married a lot earlier than what had happened in this universe. You wondered what that would’ve been like. 
“What is baby powder meant to do anyways? Is it like powdered baby cologne?” He quickly questions. It might sound like an intentional conversation change to the ears of others but his short attention span prompts it and you know that. 
The question’s been triggered by his attention going back to the cream in his hands, you watch his eyes scan over the label curiously for any and all information. He then looks up from the product and his doe eyes that you’re in love with bore into yours. He looks so handsome like this, the softer night lighting just illuminates it. You’re so in love with him. You smirk to yourself briefly before responding as his smile grows. 
“It’s meant to scare away the boogeyman.” You reply nonchalantly. 
“Babe, your dad doesn’t live here. I think we’re good.” He says it with his eyebrows raised and a signature Stewy Hosseini teasing smile on his face. 
You chuckle at that and roll your eyes as he places the cream down and walks over to kiss you as you then feel a small popping sensation. 
You felt warm, covered in sweat which plastered your hair to your face and neck. You’d had a firm grip on Stewy’s hand for hours now. Stewy was stroking your arm softly with his free hand as he pressed a delicate kiss to the top of your head as you both watched the nurse bring Jonathan over. 
He’d fortunately been declared a healthy baby boy by the doctor and you smiled at that, your hand was still in Stewy’s but your grip relaxed a little as the worry in your body left at that, you’d been somewhat anxious as Jonathan was 2 weeks early but the doctors and nurses had assured you that was normal, you knew it was right but even with therapy, an anxious brain still doesn’t always accept logic. 
“What a good set of lungs he has.” The nurse says with a smile as she places the still crying infant into your slightly shaky arms. 
Your body shakes a little for a couple more seconds, you suppose that it’s a combination of the exhaustion from labour and the nerves of that whole process and now meeting your sweet boy. You feel your nerves stabilise after a few seconds, as you watch him, it must be part of that maternal instinct. He’s pressed into you and he’s so small and delicate in your arms, you can’t help but smile largely as you watch him. 
“Hey, hey, hello sweetie, you’re so perfect.” You coo at him as you smile widely, he then finishes crying and you giggle a little at that. 
“He really is.” Stewy says with a small chuckle as he looks down at the sweet little baby you created together and he then presses a gentle kiss to the top of your forehead. 
Jonathan’s eyes open at the sound of his parents voices above him and he looks up at you. You can’t help but feel stunned and in awe of how your sweet little boy is looking at you with the same big brown eyes as Stewy and he appears to have the same dark locks as his father as well. He looks at you and returns the smile you’re directing at him which makes both yours and Stewy’s hearts explode. The love and awe you’re in over Jonathan is so encompassing, that nothing else matters and nothing could take away or ruin the joy of Jonathan’s existence. 
Jonathan’s large, curious brown eyes flicker around the surroundings and its clear that his gaze is happier when it focuses on you and Stewy, especially when hearing your voices as you gently coo at him. It’s only a couple of minutes of the three of you being in this bubble, pretty oblivious to everything going on outside until Jonathan’s fallen into a peaceful slumber. 
You bring him up slightly to kiss his head softly and quietly chuckle at how peaceful he looks. You’re amazed at him. Stewy wipes his eyes, being equally filled with adoration as he moves his hand from your arm for a moment to perch himself on the side of the bed next to you and press another kiss to your forehead as he stroke’s Jonathan’s little cheek. 
In Jonathan’s slumber his hand raises a little and Stewy moves his hand towards it and Jonathan’s small fingers instinctively wrap around one of Stewy’s fingers. It’s such a beautiful sight and it’s amazing how small Jonathan is and how his hand doesn’t even cover all of just one of Stewy’s fingers. 
It’s a pure domestic sight. 
Love is coursing through each fibre of your being for your husband next to you and your newborn son in your arms. It’s such a sweet moment, the whole experience had been honestly. You tilt your head to look at Stewy for a moment, one hand of his gently placed on your arm and the other still there and while Jonathan has his fingers wrapped around Stewy you know that Stewy’s the one wrapped around his finger already. 
Nobody could understand your parents. You never understood your parents. A confusing phenomenon as you’d gotten older but you really don’t get them right now, in this moment. Jonathan’s only minutes old and you’re so in love, he’s perfect, he’s done nothing wrong and even if he had done something wrong- he’s just a child, deserving of love. 
You and your siblings had always been made to believe that there was something wrong with you, raised to be poisoned instead of loved so that as adults you’d believe dysfunction was where you thrived. Caroline and Logan had set you all up to fail from the start. You’d always felt like that it was your fault that Caroline had never loved you, maybe she did in a twisted, absent way you supposed but she’d never loved you how a mother was supposed to love and protect their child. You wondered how she could feel that way about you and your siblings when you felt nothing but love for your child. How she felt was on her, it had nothing to do with you. You were a child and a child that deserved better. 
Tears start to burn your eyes and you try to blink them away quickly, willing yourself not to cry. This realisation and the tenderness and love that Stewy already had and had no problem showing for the baby you shared was starting to hit pretty hard. You knew he was a better man than your father, you’d promised yourself you would never marry anyone who reminded you of Logan Roy, let alone continue that cycle. But it was such a stark contrast seeing Stewy this way, so in love with Jonathan and so supportive to you compared to how your father had been with you or any of your siblings and the relationship he had with Caroline. 
The tears stream down your cheeks and you begin to cry, it’s all a lot to process and you know the environment, medications and hormones are probably heightening everything. You try to hold back on it but you end up choking on your sobs until it all comes out. You’re still securely holding onto Jonathan as your body shakes with your crying, you can feel the warm tears plastering themselves onto your cheeks like cement. 
“Hey, hey baby. What’s wrong?” Stewy asks as he wraps his arms around you, pressing you against him while making sure you and Jonathan are both secure and physically comfortable. His voice is gentle but laced with concern and you can feel that in his comforting body.
“He’s just so perfect-” You say in between sobs, trying to regulate your breathing but it’s not doing much. “I just love him so much already and- and well, I just don’t get it. How a mother couldn’t…” You say as you continue to cry. 
Stewy knows exactly what you mean, ever since he first befriended Kendall Roy he’s known that there was something extremely wrong with Logan Roy and Caroline Collingwood. He knew you weren’t like them and he was glad that you were able to accept that your childhood and those relationships weren’t your fault. For your love of your son to prove that. 
He continued to hold you while you cried, placing gentle kisses all over your head and whispering to you. “I love you so much, you’re already an incredible mom. You are good. You didn’t deserve any of that. Him and I both love you so much already.” He lifts one hand up to stroke your cheek as he looks down at Jonathan who is still sleeping then looks back into your eyes. “He was so happy when he saw your face and heard your voice.” He laughs a little at that with a sweet, soft expression on his face. You nod a little, biting your lip as a small laugh comes out as your tears slow down. 
“I love you.” You say to Stewy softly as your breathing evens out a bit more now. 
“I love you more.” Stewy says softly, he presses a gentle kiss to your lips. “Thank you. You’ve made our family grow, literally. You’re perfect, and he’s perfect just like you.” Stewy says pressing a kiss to your forehead. You’ve stopped crying now and you lean a little more into Stewy as you both watch Jonathan sleep until a nurse eventually puts him into the nearby cot, insisting that you and Stewy both need your sleep. 
“Hey, hey baby…” Connor says softly as he walks in to your room with a gentle smile. He has a small gift bag of something in one of his hands and a large bouquet of flowers in the other. 
“Hey. I hope it’s not too early, I just needed to see how you were ASAP.” He says and chuckles anxiously a little. You can’t help but smile in return at him, it was early but you couldn’t be upset about it Connor was easy to be around and a gift of a sibling. But you knew that if it was a regular hospital he would’ve been escorted away for it not being visiting hours yet. 
“It’s fine… I’m glad you’re here Con.” You say tiredly, his smile grows a little at that and his shoulders relax. You’d never been to him but he had been worried about intruding, he’d spent his whole life feeling like an intrusion to a private conversation at a party that he wasn’t invited to but everybody else was. 
“How are you doing?” He asks. 
“I’m okay… tired.” You respond with a smile and a small tired laugh looking over briefly at your husband who is still somewhat peacefully sleeping. As peacefully as you can in a hospital with a literal newborn. 
“Yeah, I can only imagine…” Connor says as he comes over. “Wow, so that’s the little fella?” 
You nod with a large smile as you look over at Jonathan sleeping. Connor’s face lightens up even more as he looks at Jonathan. He quietly coos at the little boy and that melts your heart a bit more. Connor had always been more of a father to you than Logan had ever been. It made sense that he’d be the first of your family to visit, unsurprisingly but unknown to you Connor had essentially been camping out to visit as soon as Stewy had texted him that your water had broken. 
“Do you want to hold him?” You asked. Connor looked over at you somewhat surprised. 
“Are you sure?” You chuckled a little at that. 
“Of course. You had plenty of experience with all of us. An experienced natural.” He smiled at that and carefully lifted Jonathan up into his arms, supporting his small body as he swayed a little with him. 
“He’s adorable.” Connor said softly, he was speaking to you but his gaze was focused on Jonathan. He was absolutely smitten by his nephew and he knew he’d spend the rest of his life doting on the little boy. “Still Jonathan?” He asked. 
“Yeah, we decided to stick with it. He’s barely a day old but I think it suits.” You answer with a content hum. Connor nods at that smiling widely. 
It’s not long after that that another visitor waltzs in, lacking any sense of noise control and quickly waking up Stewy from his slumber next to you. 
“What up motherfuckers! I hear the newest edition has arrived?” Roman says with a smirk as he comes into the room. Connor shushes him, and Stewy’s eyes open and he shoots Roman a glare. 
“Roman!” You say quietly but pointedly, as Jonathan stirs in Connor’s arms. Connor starts to sway again and coo at Jonathan but Stewy quickly puts his arms out to hold his son. Connor gently places Jonathan in Stewy’s arms and that settles him a little bit.
Roman’s eyes have widened at the scene of seeing his nephew. He quickly walks over closer to the bed to look down at Jonathan as Connor takes a seat. Roman’s expression screws up for a moment and you look up at him confused. 
“Oh shit Porce…” Roman says and your head instantly snaps to look at Jonathan, his colour hasn’t changed, he doesn’t look like he’s in discomfort or anything but Roman’s ominous statement has unnerved you. 
“What is it Rome…?” You ask desperately. 
“When the fuck did you have the affair?” Roman boldly questions. 
“What?!” You question in shock as Stewy tiredly rolls his eyes at Roman’s dramatics. 
“I thought- I thought he was mine?! He looks NOTHING like me! He looks like him!” Roman says as he points at Stewy.
“Oh my God, Rome. Stop!” You say with a sigh not being in the mood for this. 
 “Jesus Christ, yeah, I know of people in the Bible too! But well, I think after a few years I might be able to love him like he’s my own anyway.” Roman says. Stewy’s gaze lands on Roman and Roman giggles a little as Stewy is visibly unimpressed. 
“Didn’t we have the conversation about how problematic and inappropriate that is a multitude of times during the pregnancy Rome?” Stewy asks. 
“Yeah but that was the pregnancy. Porce isn’t pregnant currently.” Roman retorts and you scoff at that. He comes over to give you a somewhat awkward side hug, he treats you like you’re a human made of the porcelain of your infamous moniker as he’s weary of the pain and state your body would be in after labour. He gives your cheek a quick kiss and you squeeze his hand as he steps back.
 Roman’s face softens a little as he looks at Jonathan, he’ll admit that the baby is cutte. He kind of wants to hold him but he’s a bit scared to do that right now with how tiny he looks. Currently Jonathan looks more fragile to him than what you do. 
Roman hadn’t stayed for much longer, hospitals unnerved him a little and that room had quickly felt a bit too claustrophobic for him with the lack of dysfunction. Connor stayed for a while but to give you all a nap and another try at feeding. He promised to stop by again and constantly reiterated that he was just a phone call or text away. 
You were so in love with and in absolute awe of your little boy. It was so encompassing. You were’t even anxious about your father visiting. You hadn’t thought of your father yet but there was nothing that Logan could say or do that would take away or ruin the joy of the existence of Jonathan. 
Kendall had sent a congratulatory text to Stewy, along with that Rava, Sophie and Iverson were looking forward to meeting him and that Rava had already organised flowers and a gift basket which had arrived not much longer after the text had been sent. Kendall hadn’t wanted to bombard you, which was something that Rava had highlighted, you and Stewy both knew that was a sentiment that came more from Rava and the truth was that Kendall rarely made the time of day for his own children, so he wouldn’t do that for your own child. 
You weren’t too bothered by that, you didn’t imagine much could bother you when there was so much joy because of your little family. It was thoughtful of Rava and at least thoughtful in words from Kendall, you knew that Kendall loved you in his own unique way. He just had difficulty functioning outside of being the perfect cog in his father’s machine. 
You were yet to hear anything from Shiv yet, but again, that didn’t completely surprise you. 
“Hey honey, Marcia just texted that they’re coming.” Stewy says breaking you out of your thoughts. You nod and place a kiss to his temple and he yawns as he sits back up, placing his phone back into his pocket as he rubs his face tiredly. You snuggle up into his side, trying to get comfortable as you watch Jonathan sleep in the hospital cot. You still feel tired even after your nap but you can’t help but smile when looking at that small human. 
Stewy kisses the top of your head and then gets up to gently pick Jonathan up from the cot. Stewy’s often gentle with you but it’s so different seeing him that way with a tiny human, the tiny human that’s yours and his. Stewy supports his small body and smiles while looking down at Jonathan, his smile grows as Jonathan still seems at peace while in his father’s literal supportive arms. 
You smile warmly at the sight, feeling warm and cosy inside. You’re in such awe with Jonathan that you don’t even feel anxious about your father coming because frankly there isn’t anything he could say or do to take away from the perfect bundle of joy snuggled into your husbands arms. 
After about half an hour your father walks in with Marcia by his side as usual, you give them both a small smile as your gaze briefly flickers away from Jonathan in Stewy’s arms. Marcia comes over and quickly asks how you are, giving you a kiss on the cheek and warmly squeezing your hand. 
“So?” Your father quickly asks looking at the infant and Marcia gives him a pointed look. 
“This is Jonathan Hosseini.” Stewy says softly, as he rocks Jonathan gently not looking at either Marcia or Logan. Marcia smiles at that slightly. 
“Can I hold him?” Logan asks quickly. You feel Stewy tense a little at that, such a contrast to the ridiculously relaxed in stressful situations type of person that Stewy normally is. You look up at your father, his expression appears genuine but it takes you aback. You didn’t recall your father actually making an appearance like this to the hospital at Iverson’s birth let alone having an interest in either of his grandchildren from Kendall. 
“Do you want to sit down to do that? You can better support him that way.” You say rather meekly, he rolls his eyes a little at that but complies. Sitting down and Stewy carefully places Jonathan in his arms, staying nearby and Marcia smiles at the scene. 
“He looks a lot like like Stewy.” Logan says while holding the small boy. 
He had his father’s eyes, hair, face shape and nose. The shape of his mouth was the same as yours though, something Stewy had immediately pointed out not long into Jonathan’s existence. It was really the only physical feature of yours that you could see in your son, it genuinely amazed you how Jonathan was barely out of the womb but was already a spitting image of his father. 
“Yeah, we were kind of hoping for that.” You say quietly while looking at your precious bundle of joy. Your father looks up at you with confusion etched onto his face as he looks at you waiting for clarification on why you’d want something he finds to be so dreadful. You clear your throat and continue, trying to suppress a small laugh at the mild disgust on his face.“Roman had been telling people it was his.” 
Your father sighs at that, visibly unimpressed and the mild disgust turns to a glimpse of disappointed horror. It almost hurts to see him looking like that while holding your newborn son but you know that it’s aimed at your non-present brother and not at you. 
“He needs help…” Logan says as he looks down at Jonatah. “Jonathan has your mouth though Porce.” He says and that seems to bring a small smile to his face. “Well he’s blood so that’s good.” You don’t say anything to that, you’re not sure how to respond but it certainly throws you off and Stewy senses that. 
It’s not long before Marcia has a turn holding Jonathan, you feel more comfortable with him in her arms than your fathers. But your father has his gaze locked on Jonathan the whole time and an interest in him that he never seemed to have in you or your siblings which surprises and unnerves you a little. 
You’re not sure how long as time moves so bizarrely in hospital but after at least a few more minutes of this, Marcia places Jonathan into your arms, they decide it’s now best to leave as Jonathan is in need of a feeding. 
“You did good, Porce.” Your father says somewhat softly, maybe the softest you’ve ever heard him speak as he comes over to press a kiss to the top of your head. 
“Thanks dad.” You speak the words hesitantly, unsure of the hidden meaning behind the odd praise from your father. 
“Thank you Porce.” He says and again, the not so hidden meaning in those words unnerves you a bit. 
You watch him as him and Marcia leave. Then your attention swiftly turns back to your sweet little boy. 
“He’s so precious.” You say to Stewy as you hold him. Stewy laughs a little and nods, giving you a sweet kiss on the lips.
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fluffypotatey · 1 year
Silly/Dumb Things that Make Me Irrationally Angry
disclaimer: the key words here are “silly” & “dumb”
The “Narnia Kids are the Founders of Hogwarts” theory
The “it was all a dream” theory
Thinking protagonist = hero
When fandom villainizes a character simply because they’re “in the way of a ship”
Character in relationship starts pursuing a different character (typically the MC) but doesn’t break up with the character they’re currently dating?????
Speed running enemies to lovers trope (that’s a trope for slow burns wtf are you doing put it down!)
Calling Disney’s Beauty & The Beast a story about Stockholm Syndrome 
Calling any diverse media “woke” to undermine it
Misunderstanding how tags work on ao3 (particularly the / and & for pairings)
Misunderstanding the purpose of tags on ao3
Calling Lucy Heartfilia weak 
Forgetting that Dick Grayson was a mathlete
Basing all of Jason Todd’s personality on his anger and ruthlessness 
Misunderstanding Jason Todd’s anger
The DCEU butchering my boy Batsy
The “I was accidentally eavesdropping and left believing they were talking shit about me but turns out I missed the most important bits” trope
Being a military historian who loves the Civil War (I don’t trust you)
Using the word “females” to sound smarter (you just sound dumb also “women” is right there)
Spring Break being colder than usual (IT WAS THE MIDDLE OF MARCH IN TEXAS WHY WAS I SHIVERING)
Calling me by a nickname that I already refused to (you gotta earn that shit)
Ep 2.08 is never really touched on again after it’s “resolved”
vld’s lost potential (while i have made my peace, i will still bare my scars)
text blocks in fics
dialogue with no quotation marks 
“Oh lookie, we got this wonderful fantastical world (that takes some inspiration from history) with it’s own politics and world building BUT we keep the sexism and racial prejudice bc the inspiration we pulled was medieval times :)” <- i will fight you for sport
mistaking rivals to lovers for enemies to lovers (similar flavor just R to L is slightly tamer. can they blend? yes, but they are not the same thing)
the blatant disregard for internet safety on tiktok (why tf would you announce your age, show your face, and air out your dirty laundry to everyone??? where is your caution? this is not vine, lil beans, y’all are stressing me out. did you miss the pbs episode about the dino agents and stranger danger??? or the fever dream computer game our 1st grade class had to play at school???)
if you have the sniffles, for the love of all things holy, please stand up and get a tissue. no one cares if you get up. i honestly prefer hearing you blow out your nose than hearing you suck up snot every 5 minutes.
taking the backstories told by Macaque and Azure about the Monkey King in lmk at face value (biased narratives are a thing! unreliable narrators are a thing! i will give the biggest sigh if Sun Wukong is placed as the sole character at fault in another fic i read with this)
“redemption” arcs
“sympathetic” villains
missing the fucking point about why Batman chooses mercy and rehabilitation over baseless violence (this also coincides with my issue with how some people view Jason as the Punisher 2.0 bc it suffers through the same fucking glorification of justifying apathy of human life and rejection of 2nd chances)
missing the fucking point about what makes Superman super (here’s a hint: it’s not his fucking power)
the fact that i missed most of Vine’s peak bc i wasn’t allowed a phone until middle school
i lost my post canon script of Cinderella in the prince’s POV that i wrote in 6th grade (rip, i should have created a personal gmail so much sooner, i could have saved you T^T)
understanding a motive does not equal justifying or excusing said motive. you just now understand why a person did what they did. maybe you find justification in it, maybe not, but it’s not absolute!
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pariahsparadise · 3 years
time for a barbie-cue
word count: 1k
pairings: fred weasley x gn!reader
author’s note: welcome to my third fic on tumblr! I can’t write good smut, fluff makes me want to poke my eyes out, so you get angst. unedited/not proofread bc i hate reading my own stuff. english isn’t my first language, so bear with me. This is also kinda fast-paced, sorry. lmk if the reader isn't gender neutral at any point.
warnings: non-canon plot (obviously), swearing, reader kinda explodes on fred? Idk i hate it when people make the reader cry because there’s no way that i’d ever let a man see me cry, so you get mean!reader instead.
prompts: “This will be the last time you lie to me”, “You know it’s not like that”. Both are in bold.
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“You need to break up with him.”
You started, nearly dropping your roll on the floor, “What? What are you talking about?”
The tall Quidditch captain stared you down, her black hair bouncing around her face beautifully. “You heard me,” said Angelina Johnson, seemingly unphased by what she was proposing as she snatched an apple from Katie Bell, ignoring the indignant “Hey!” that came from the Chaser. Taking a bite from the fruit, she went on, “You know exactly what he’s doing. He’s missed, what, five dates now?”
You blanched, not quite ready to come into terms with reality yet, “That’s just because he’s been busy with the joke shop, you know how important it is to him-”
“I didn’t know that Chloé went by the name ‘Joke Shop’,” interjected Katie, diving across the table to snatch her apple back from Angelina. The taller girl shot her a glare, easily manoeuvring the fruit out of her reach, and turned back to you with a sigh, “While I hate to admit it, and I definitely would’ve put it in a nicer way, Katie’s right. Fred’s been following that Beauxbatons girl for a month now like a little puppy. You really do deserve better than that.”
You shook your head, her words already churning into white noise in your head. “Sorry, but Fred would never cheat on me. And screw you for even insinuating that, I thought you wanted the best for me!” you said, your anger blurring your touch with reality.
“I do! It’s why I’m saying this-”
“You’re just trying to get in between my relationship! I knew you’d never gotten over your little crush on Fred. Piss off, Angelina,” you snarled, pushing yourself up from the table, striding out of the hall swiftly.
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Later that evening, you stood outside the Gryffindor entrance, waiting for Fred to show up. The sympathetic glances from the Fat Lady did nothing to help your sour mood, and you found yourself resisting the urge to claw the painting to shreds when she started singing a mournful song about her past lovers.
She had just begun a particularly depressing verse when you heard a familiar laugh from around the corner. Recognising it as your boyfriend’s, you started towards the source of the sound, determined to salvage your relationship. You stopped the second you rounded the corner, freezing up at the sight of your boyfriend’s arm loosely strewn around the blonde girl’s shoulder.
His head was thrown back in a genuine laugh, brightening up the dim corridor as it bounced around the hall, his eyes shining brighter than the stars. You couldn’t remember the last time you had made him laugh like that, and the sick feeling that had been building up over the last weeks hit you with full intensity.
Chloe was the one who saw you first, her eyes immediately widening in- guilt? Fear? Pity? You couldn’t tell, you couldn’t breathe. You watched as she slipped out of Fred’s hold, and it was only then that he saw you. His hands, which were reaching out for Chloe, immediately dropped to his sides, and he looked at you uneasily.
“Hi,” he said, obviously unsure of himself. When did we get this awkward?, you thought, swallowing hard before you said back, “Hello, Fred.”
The absence of his usual nickname made him visibly wince, and his eyes fluttered to Chloe’s for help. An irrational feeling of anger stabbed through you, and you turned to Chloe, pleased to find that your voice sounded harsher than you had intended for it too. “I’m sorry, could you leave us for a second? I think my boyfriend finds your presence distracting.”
Noting the pair's gobsmacked expressions with some satisfaction, you gave the blonde a fake smile as you twiddled your fingers at her, making sure that she was out of earshot before turning back to Fred.
“The fuck was that for?” he blurted, cheeks going redder than his hair, “You had no right- you know it’s not like that with the two of us-”
“Actually, you have no fucking right to be mad at me right now! And lately, it seems like I don’t know anything about you Fred, considering you’ve been at her heels for the last month!” you practically spat, feeling all of the rage that you had bottled up for the past weeks pour out of you in one fiery meltdown.
“You’ve stood me up five times in a row, ditching me every single time to hang out with Barbie here, it’s like you don’t even care about me anymore!” you continued, hands coming up to rake through your hair.
“What was I supposed to do? You’re a total bitch to her, there’s no way I could hang out with both of you together!” he said frustratedly, pacing up and down the corridor.
You nearly screamed, was he really comparing his girlfriend to a girl that he had known for less than a month? “Who cares if you couldn’t hang out with us together? I’m not even talking about that! You haven’t been putting any effort into this relationship recently, it feels like I’m trying to date a wall sometimes. Although a fucking layer of bricks might make a better boyfriend than you, at least I’d be able to depend on it!”
“Chloe might make a better girlfriend than you, at least she isn’t such a bitch all the time!” exclaimed Fred. When his words finally caught up to his brain, he immediately turned to look at you. He saw your face buried in your hands and felt a brief stab of regret, his mouth falling open in an apology, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that.”
You lifted your head after what seemed like ages to him, and he was taken aback when a steel gaze, hard as stone emerged, contrary to the tear-streaked face he had imagined. “Actually, you did,” you said coolly, your voice sending a shock of fear through his body- was there a part of you that had always been this frightening?- “This will be the last time you lie to me, Weasley. We’re done. I wish you a great fucking life,” you said, turning on your heels and striding away, leaving Fred staring at you, open-mouthed, not knowing what to do.
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part 2 is up now!
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