#also like. what in the late stage capitalist nightmare hell are those.
scolek · 11 months
rmemeber seeing something. like, you know those little blind bag toys that are tiny little branded items? one time i saw. someone say. yeah lesbians love these.
and i was suddenly struck with how insular a lot of communities are. that yo ucould say that confidently.
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kaija-rayne-author · 1 year
It's so sad. Bioware has been a staple, almost, of RPGs for a long time.
But them laying off so many people (it's 125ish over the past handful of months) really doesn't increase confidence in the company.
Even though DA:DW is in Alpha, it's going to affect how many people buy the game. Because they'll think that many layoffs will affect the quality of the game. Average people have little idea about how games are made. Alpha means it's in primary testing, meaning the game is mostly finished.
Could they have shot themselves in the foot better if they'd tried?
Fans are pissed and swearing they're done with Bioware.
A lot of fans.
And I have a Kassandra like feeling that DA:DW is Bioware's last chance as a company.
So, their behavior toward employees = loss of consumer confidence = fewer people buy Dreadwolf = Bioware sinks and we don't get any more Dragon Age after DA:DW.
Don't execs have business degrees and such?
If so, why is my ridiculous ass better at cause/effect for economics and business than they are? I've never even taken a business class.
What exactly do the execs do to earn those obscene paychecks?
Anyway, I really think it comes down to this; if we want more Dragon Age past Dreadwolf, we'll have to ignore Bioware's behavior and buy the game regardless.
And... I don't know how many people will do that. I don't even want to do that. I've boycotted companies for far less.
Edit Saturday Aug 26, '23
I need to add some thoughts to this.
Unfortunately, negative chatter will likely affect whether they release the game at all. Which sucks for people who do want it. (It's rhetorical, but it’s almost finished, why wouldn't they release it?)
I've read that Andromeda DLCs were canceled because of that. I won't be boycotting. I'm unhappy with bioware, but there's much more to consider.
For me, I've been thinking and reading what those laid off have said. It's them that are most affected, after all. It's not about bioware as much as it's about the people who no longer work there who poured years of time, love, and passion into Dreadwolf.
I don't like bioware, but at the same time, I refuse to shat on the creatives who loved and made Dreadwolf. I know, personally, how much of yourself you pour into a creative work. I'd be heartbroken if people boycotted something I'd worked on and truly loved. Even if I were no longer working at the company. I believe the devs can't even talk about it, unless/until it's released due to NDAs. Can you imagine putting years of your life and creativity into something only to have people boycott it?
And to use your status at the company as the excuse?
Kirby has said she hopes people love it as much as she does. She's one of the most affected and she's still hoping people play and love it.
And to be calmly realistic, Bioware isn't the main source of the issue. EA demanded a layoff of 800 people across all their holdings. Corporate greed. I doubt bioware would've made such awful choices without that pressure.
So even though my kneejerk reaction is to boycott, I'll buy it and play it for the creatives who poured everything into it.
Is it right? Hell no. There's no ethical consumption in a late stage capitalist nightmare world. But I'm also not going to punish the people who loved it enough to make it.
Y'all do you, but I wanted to share my more measured thoughts on the matter.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
TV’s Most Stressful Episodes From Battlestar Galactica to The Handmaid’s Tale
Warning: contains spoilers for Battlestar Galactica, Chernobyl, Line of Duty, Ozark, The Handmaid’s Tale, The Knick, Lovecraft Country and Succession.
Considering that most of us watch TV to relax, it’s remarkable how many shows leave us adrenalin-flooded, with hearts beating like hummingbird wings. It’s TV characters’ fault; those guys never know when to stop. They’re always attempting a hostile takeover of the family firm, escaping a race of murderous cyborgs or trying to dismantle a totalitarian regime. It’s exhilarating but exhausting behaviour. And the better a drama is, the more invested we are in its characters, so the more we care when they put their life on the line. That means more fingernails chewed, more faces clawed in horror, and more nervous foot-tapping while we should, by rights, be melted into our sofas like… all the chocolate melted into my sofa.
Forget slow TV, canal boat travelogues and laundry-folding background series, these are the TV episodes that left us in need of some quiet time in a dark room listening to whale song. Add your own suggestions below.
Succession Season 1, Episode 6 ‘Which Side Are You On? 
Succession is a brilliant show populated by the richest and most terrible people you could ever wish to spend time with – hell, the patriarch of the family at the centre of this capitalist nightmare, Logan Roy (Brian Cox) has the catchphrase “Fuck Off!”. But this episode, the sixth of season one, is the most Succession-y episode of the lot, and therefore the most anxiety-making. In this episode Kendall Roy’s push to get the board of Waystar to stage a vote of no confidence to remove his father from office comes to a head. Attempting to sway enough board members without alerting Logan to his plans, he’s on a knife edge from start to excruciating finish. Meanwhile this ep has some of the greatest subplots of all time. Logan goes to visit the actual President of the United States who can’t see him because of a threat to security – Logan is obsessed that he’s been snubbed. Tom decides to take Greg out for a ridiculously decadent evening which involves eating a whole deep-fried rare songbird as part of the tasting menu, while we know that Greg has actually had to eat already in an awkward meal with his austere Grandfather, who’s in town specifically for the vote. Also there is an actual terrorist threat. It all culminates in a horror show of lateness, betrayal, disaster and a lot of ‘fuck offs’. Brilliant, tense telly. We love it. RF
Battlestar Galactica Season 1, Episode 1 ‘33’
While Syfy’s (at the time Sci-Fi Channel) superb reboot of Battlestar Galactica technically began with a two-part miniseries, “33” is the show’s first proper episode and it’s amazing. “33” catches us with Battlestar Galactica and its fleet of the last human beings in the universe being pursued across the reaches of space by Cylons. But the Cylons, ever-proficient machines that they are, have found a fool proof way to track down the fleet wherever they are in the universe…every…33…minutes. This episode is a perfect introduction to the themes of the series and the stresses its characters will endure. It’s hard not to empathize with the terror of the exhausted fleet as they face an existential threat every 33 minutes on the dot. AB
Line of Duty Series 3, Episode 6 ‘Breach’ 
Series three was the crossover point for Line of Duty, when it went from thinking crime fan’s drama to a show watched by everybody and their dog (it’s huge with dogs. They love all those flashing blue lights). The series three finale was the show at its most thrilling, specifically in the 10 minutes that followed the sending of a now-famous text message: “Urgent exit required.” That text was sent by ‘The Caddy’, a corrupt police officer and lifelong organised crime gang member who’d framed one of our heroes for murder. Mid-interrogation, The Caddy realised that he’d been rumbled and so alerted his criminal fraternity. They broke him out of HQ and into one of the most tense street chases on TV, courtesy of director John Strickland. Gunfire, shots taken from moving vehicles, cars spinning, people leaping in front of flying bullets, a woman in her mid-thirties being forced to do cardio… Sunday nights on BBC hadn’t been this stressful since that presenter broke that fifty grand vase on The Antiques Roadshow. The culmination of a multi-series arc, it was heart rate-racing TV – the sort of finale that makes you stand up and jog on the spot until your husband tells you to sit down, you’re scaring him. LM
Kitchen Nightmares Season 6, Episode 2 ‘Amy’s Baking Company’
The formula for Kitchen Nightmares (based on the British series Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares) is a simple one. Renowned chef and restaurateur Gordon Ramsay enters into a failing restaurant, yells at the owners and staff for a little bit, then some lessons are learned and business turns around. To say that the infamous Amy’s Baking Company episode of Kitchen Nightmares doesn’t follow this formula would be putting it lightly. This is a stressful episode of television because our hero Gordon Ramsay comes across two genuine sociopaths. Amy’s Baking Company (or ABC) is an Arizona restaurant owned by husband and wife team Amy and Sami Bouzaglo. When Gordon first enters the premises, everything seems relatively normal. But it’s not long before he discovers that Sami is a former mobster who steals tips from the servers and threatens to fight several customers a night and Amy is a bug-eyed fire demon from hell who sees enemies and conspirators around every corner. While it’s usually cathartic to watch Gordon yell at delusional small business owners, this episode has viewers praying Gordon will escape Arizona with his life intact. AB 
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The Handmaid’s Tale Season 3, Episode 13 ‘Mayday’
You could pick almost any episode of The Handmaid’s Tale as one of TV’s most stressful watching experiences; relaxation is not this show’s vibe. Set in a dystopia where the most dreadful things happen on so regular a basis it’s genuinely a wonder to get between two ad breaks without somebody being de-tongued or stoned to death, it’s a contender for the most stressful drama on TV. The series three finale is a particularly tense watch because the stakes are so high. Heroine June has decided to hit the brutal theocracy of Gilead where it hurts – right in its kids. She’s got the word out among resistance channels that she’s getting the children out. Bring her a child of Gilead (all of whom were either stolen from their birth parents and forcibly adopted by members of the ruling elite, or born as a product of state-sponsored rape that is the Handmaid system) and she’ll put it on a plane to Canada. What makes it particularly stressful is that when the kids start coming, they keep coming, and coming. Far more than June had allowed for. With Gilead’s thug soldiers going house to house down the street and a constant threat that somebody could betray her at any minute, June has to think and act fast. A terrifying night-time escape, a heavily patrolled airfield and 86 children to herd and keep quiet… my blood pressure’s up just remembering. LM
The Knick Season 2, Episode 10 ‘This Is All We Are’
Thanks to its dim lighting, superb early 20th century set dressing, and gallons and gallons of blood, surgical drama The Knick is always a pretty stressful viewing experience. Its series finale, “This Is All We Are” is particularly intense though. Through 20 episodes, cocaine (and then heroin)-addicted surgeon John Thackery (Clive Owen) has performed countless gory procedures. When his bowels begin to fail (due to the aforementioned) drugs, there is only one person he trusts to perform the corrective surgery on himself: himself. And that’s how viewers are entreated to the sight of our protagonist cutting open his own guts and playing around inside. That, combined with the usual finale stressors, make for one hell of a stressful episode. AB
Lovecraft Country Episode 1, ‘Sundown’
The first episode of this excellent horror drama is also one of the best and the most stressful. Setting out its stall early on, the show follows Atticus (Jonathan Majors), his uncle George (Courtney B. Vance) and friend Leti (Jurnee Smollett) as they travel into the Jim Crow South in 1950s in search of Atticus’ father. Racism is pervasive from the off but the final act of this ep sees the three racing to cross county lines before sunset to avoid the barbaric ‘sundown’ law that prohibits people of color from being out after dark and the racist sheriffs who want to enforce it. It’s a madly stressful car chase against the actual sun and even though the gang just about makes it, the law men pursue them into the woods to lynch them anyway. Fortunately, just in the nick of time a Shoggoth (many eyed, sharp-toothed killing machine) arrives increasing, but levelling out, the peril. It’s a smart, thrilling, break-neck episode that makes it clear that gore and death are definitely on the table and that monsters come in many forms. RF
Chernobyl Episode 5, ‘Vichnaya Pamyat’
Clearly, watching Chernobyl is a stressful experience. Unless the real-life nuclear disaster drama were very badly made, there’s no way it wouldn’t be. Craig Mazin’s five-part HBO series is extremely well made, which makes it extremely stressful and very involving. The first episode, in which Reactor 4 of the Ukrainian nuclear power plant explodes, unfurls like a fast-paced sci-fi thriller. In it, we see the true version of events that will go on, over the course of the next episodes, to be minimised, lied about and suppressed by a Soviet government determined not to let any chinks appear in its flawless façade, whatever the risk to its people. We meet the key players – those who will lie about the explosion, and those who will tell the truth at dire consequences to themselves. It’s in the final episode though, that crushes all the air from your lungs. In it, Jared Harris’ chemist character Valery Legasov lays the blame for truth suppression and the subsequent endangerment of life squarely at the government’s feet. Legasov does the right thing despite knowing it will cost him everything. Watching it feels like witnessing a man get buried alive. LM
Ozark Season 3 Episode 9, ‘Fire Pink’
Heartbreak is stressful, no? The sensation of one’s heart being squeezed hard, steadily, for 62 minutes, until the point that it breaks, is anybody’s definition of stress. That’s exactly what season three Ozark episode ‘Fire Pink’ does, thanks to Tom Pelphrey’s performance as Wendy Byrde’s tragically unstable younger brother Ben. When an All-American family the Byrdes start laundering international drug cartel money in secret, the key word is ‘secret’. Loose lips sink ships, and just when the Byrdes really can’t afford to fuck up, enter: Ben. He doesn’t mean any harm, but off his bipolar meds, he also can’t be trusted to keep quiet. In ‘Fire Pink’ Ben makes one slip-up after another and his every attempt to right those wrongs only digs him and the Byrdes in deeper. As the hour unfurls, we watch Wendy fight inwardly against what she knows to be true: Ben is just too great a liability and something has to be done. It’s a remarkably stressful hour, involving a speed boat escape, a stomach-dropping appearance from the cops, a road trip, a diner and a phone call. And it’ll break your heart. LM
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placetobenation · 4 years
Welcome to the Wednesday Walk Around the Web, where we weave & wind through weblinks weekly. Hopefully you will find the links on offer amusing, interesting, or informative.
This week’s Walk comes with a content warning for murder, white supremacy, abuse, and other miseries that define our moment.
It’s hard to know what to even say and what to even do when the most powerful organized crime syndicate in the US, the cops, start rioting once again in revenge for the mere suggestion that they shouldn’t murder so many black people in cold blood, that a mob with a habit of strangulation should be held to account for its crimes, that buffoons who fall off of their murdermobiles and immediately pepper-spray an empty crosswalk should not have access to lethal weaponry and the tools of chemical warfare, that thugs who openly drive into groups of people should be met with more than utter cowardice on the part of politicians who supposedly have authority over them.
Likewise, it’s hard to know what to even say when the president has protestors tear-gassed so he can stage a Christofascist photo op.
So what can one say? The most important voices to listen to on the white supremacy baked into the United States (et alia) and seeping out of every crack in its national edifice are the voices of those in the communities that are targeted. Historian Keisha N. Blain sketches the context of the current uprisings. Historian Carol Anderson does something similar highlighting the complicity & active participation of cops & government in Jim Crow-era lynchings, in parallel to the ropeless lynchings we see today. Some time ago, Samuel Sinyangwe described his data-driven analysis of what does (demilitarization, investing in more appropriate first responders) and does not (body cams, skin-deep training sessions) work to curb the brutality of law enforcement, with much more detail here.
And what can one do? You can go protest, of course — in full consideration of limited precautionary measures for protesting during the pandemic (as well as methods of treating and cleaning up after tear gas assaults) and if you’re not immunocompromised or otherwise particularly vulnerable to COVID-19. You can give to bail funds if able. You can film the thugs when you see them prowling the streets.
Not all methods of fighting back can be as large-scale as seizing a police precinct. Acts of solidarity can come from near or far, like bus drivers in Minneapolis who refused to collaborate with the cops to abduct protestors en masse, or even K-pop fans who flooded the Dallas cops’ video-snitching app with videos of their favorite artists.
Facebook, for its part, amplifies fascist propaganda and pretends that some of its employees have a conscience about it while simultaneously suspending someone who does valuable work with historical photos for…posting the photos.
One last note on Minneapolis: Feeling that the Minnesota governor’s response lacks a certain element of total acquiescence, Minneapolis cops’ union president Bob Kroll has been conspiring with the state’s senate majority leader to stage a coup and seize control of the state’s National Guard from the governor.
RIP Tony McDade, a black trans person murdered by cops. Due to this and the ongoing pandemic concerns, the LGBTQIAP+ community has decided to skip Pride Month and proceed directly to Wrath Month.
This Week in History: On June 1st 1927, Fred Trump was arrested at a KKK rally.
The US Supreme Court rejected a California church’s attempt to spread COVID-19 in the most efficient way it can via business-as-usual services. Barely, in a 5-4 decision, sparking a blistering dissent from Justice Blackout O’Rapist.
Perhaps it doesn’t speak to the better angels of our nature to think about a group of people in terms of their worst members, but I can’t help but gawk in the manner of a zoo-going child at evangelical Christians like this man who spent ten years stewing about one of his daughter’s exes, then wrote him a letter strewn with scriptural demands for restitution via Dorian Grayification, as an alternative to literal slavery. This touches on so, so many things: the desperate yearning to limit and control women’s sexuality that the concept of virginity derives from; the vicious possessiveness people feel over their children; the emotional fragility and inability to express oneself in any way other than ludicrous anger that lies at the heart of mainstream masculinity; the cultlike echo chamber that surrounds these people to the extent that they start claiming to have literally seen a literal hell; the misuse of and entitlement to Jewish scripture by Christian conservatives…there’s an entire sociology curriculum here, plus some theology studies on the side.
We’ll now turn to matters other than the gaping maw of despair actively swallowing us whole. This Week in Actual Possible Consumer Products: The Testicuzzi is a tiny contoured hot tub intended to simmer a person’s balls. According to the official website it started as a riff between friends, who shortly launched R&D on it through the power of excess expendable income and/or venture capitalist investment — truly a vivid demonstration of late-capitalist decadence.
So, how’s at-home schooling going for everyone toward the end of the school year? Not so great, it seems, for students whose AP exams weren’t accepted because the submission systems can’t open their photos.
Deepfakes don’t need to be dystopian nightmares — they can also bring us Notorious B.I.G.’s rendition of Modern Major General.
This Week in Things I Learned About Computer History: Task Manager, one of the most valuable and most useful additions to Windows, was a side project one programmer tinkered on on his own time. This was also the same person who wrote Space Cadet Pinball, so he performed two great services to computing culture.
I’m sure emergency room workers can develop a sort of gallows humor about the more absurd parts of their jobs, such as one ER that maintains a display of fishing lures extracted from patients.
“It was all a dream!” is a popular oh-so-edgy fan theory about movies & TV shows, often a crude way of jamming a childhood favorite into a blinkered view of adult seriousness. Folks really need to cool it.
(Banner photo credit)
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