going-keto-at-18 · 6 years
Dining Hall Food
This is probably going to be the hardest part of eating keto while still living in the dorms. Eating at the dining hall. 
It is so hard to eat there when you smell pizza, pasta, french fries, cookies, and so many more tempting items around me. 
And also, the probability that the curry sauce or honestly any other sauce available has sugar in it is so very high. That means if I don’t want to take that risk, its chicken and salad and burgers without buns for most of my meals. Yay. 
What do I do? Should I take that risk and add the sauce? Should I be that weird kid and bring my own? 
I’ve emailed dining services and will see what I get back from them. 
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going-keto-at-18 · 6 years
Natural Grocers
I am so excited to check this place out some more! 
In my research trying to find places that sold some different items that I need for eating keto at college. Not going to lie, it was expensive, but is eating healthy ever even close to cheap? 
Even though, I was pleasantly surprised to see all that they had available. They were the first place that I found that sold Lily’s Chocolate other than online. It even had Swerve and Wild Friends Peanut Butter! All of these things I have only been able to find online. It makes everything so much easier when I am in a pinch. 
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going-keto-at-18 · 6 years
Lily’s Chocolate.
I’m so glad I got introduced to this brand of chocolate. My first round with keto over summer the main source of chocolate was that trader joes stuff. It's not bad,  but Lily’s chocolate has so many more options. Plus Chocolate Chips! 
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I also love the fact that the pieces are so small. It makes you feel like you are eating more when you actually aren’t. 
Also, Natural Grocers is going to be a lot of help getting stuff for surviving during college. I’ll make a post about Natural Grocers later. 
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going-keto-at-18 · 6 years
It is so true. And it’s so hard to avoid maltitol. It’s in everything. Any well-known candy (ie something from Hershey’s) will have maltitol in it. It sucks, but in the long run, it is worth it. 
Advice for people attempting to start a keto diet?
My advice is going to be the complete opposite of every smug lifestyle dieter out there: use substitutes.
Look up recipes for easily made keto cookies, keto bread (psyllium/almond biscuits or fathead), keto ice cream, low carb tortillas, etc. Take the things you love and find new ways to have them. Eat sugar free jello, drink diet coke, buy a pack of sugar free mints to have one when you need something sweet.
If you have obsessive-compulsive OR attention deficit issues, don’t bother counting your macros and weighing your food or any of that. It’s too much and it will either drive you mad or burn you out if that kind of management isn’t good for you. You can do it just fine by getting “My Fitness Pal” and using it to look up the nutrition info of your food if the label isn’t visible.
Are you eating less than or around 20g/carbs per day? You’re in ketosis, fuck the pee sticks.
Make sure you’re eating enough salt and getting enough electrolytes. A lot of keto food is low in magnesium and salt and you can get what’s called the “keto flu” and muscle cramps. Literally a cup of chicken broth and some electrolyte powders (like Ultima or Nuun) every so often will stop that from happening.
Something being gluten free or sugar free doesn’t always mean it’s keto so don’t assume. Also check sweeteners, maltitol is what demons eat. Erythritol, stevia, monkfruit, and xylitol are probably the best tasting but some people are always going to have different thoughts. No one likes maltitol.
That’s the diarrhea sweetener.
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going-keto-at-18 · 6 years
Ok. So day one of eating keto in college. 
Yesterday I planned out everything I was gonna eat today, made cookies and fat bombs, and went shopping for some necessities. 
Why does staying health have to be so expensive! I spent over 100$ getting food so that I can make stuff and have snacks available for me. 
I also got the keys to the kitchen in my dorm building, and made cookies and fat bombs for a good four hours? Haha oops. Should have been doing homework probably... Oh well!
Then I planned out everything I am going to eat today. That's gonna be fun sticking to that. 
But its gonna be fine. Doing this is going to help my mood, my focus, my acne, and so much more. I'm excited and prepared. 
Any tips for a kid trying to avoid temptation at a place full of temptations?  
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going-keto-at-18 · 6 years
So I am In College.
Its been about 5 weeks now. 
I should probably start this off by saying I lost 40 lbs over the summer by going keto. I felt amazing, and really didnt feel like I was missing out. Even when my family went to Europe for three weeks. 
Since starting college, I have gained back 20 lbs that I lost. I’ve been off Keto, but i think I need to get back on it. Somehow I need to figure out how to eat Keto will only having access to dorm food. 
Thats what I’m changing this blog to, a eating healthy / keto in college. Because I want to feel like I did this summer again. Because I am such a better person when I eat that way.
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going-keto-at-18 · 6 years
Well I Messed Up.
Well, that was fun. 
Saturday I was making KETO friendly cookies with my dad, who is also KETO. I had gotten all the ingredients put together, and put the cookies in the oven. I was so excited. I mean, COOKIES. After putting the cookies into the oven, I turn around and ask, “What did we need the eggs for?” {There was a bowl of eggs sitting on the counter in warm water.} My dad just looks at me. 
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I was devastated. I had just wasted about 30$ worth of ingredients.  And I didn’t even get a cookie. I literally laid down on the floor in defeat. Thankfully my dad came to my rescue with keto friendly brownies. 
Also. WHY DOES EVERYTHING KETO FRIENDLY HAVE TO BE SO DAMN EXPENSIVE. My sister is also going Paleo, so my families grocery bill is through the roof right now. So that's fun. 
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going-keto-at-18 · 6 years
I Guess I Should Tell You A Bit About Myself
I just turned 18. 
I live in Oregon. 
I am finishing up high school and will be going to college in the fall. 
I have been diagnosed with PCOS, and it SUCKS. 
This blog is my journey with PCOS and going Keto while trying to live the same life as always. 
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going-keto-at-18 · 6 years
Why I Am Doing This And Why You Should Care
Honestly, I don’t care if you do, but I want to be able to help people in the same situation I am in. 
I just turned 18, and I have been diagnosed with PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.)  PCOS affects one in every 10 women in the US alone. (Click here for more information ) 
PCOS sucks, and not enough doctors really know how to help us. Their automatic response is to put us on birth control. That's almost ALWAYS no help. In fact, it increases some of the worst side effects of PCOS like weight gain and acne. We deal with that enough, who wants it even worse?!! 
I got lucky. I was able to find this amazing doctor who I believe is really going to be able to help me. One thing she is having me do is the ketogenic diet.
This is my journey. I want to help people going through the same shit I’m going through. This will be my tips, my recipes, and my honest opinion on how it works for me. 
I want to help. And I want your help too. Anyone on the Keto Diet please send me any tips and info you want to give me. 
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