#also lemme just update you all on my thread:
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arolesbianism · 7 months
So I may or may not have spent a good chunk of my day trying to learn how to look into onis code and while I may not have yet succeeded I will likely keep fucking around with shit tomorrow and if I manage to succeed it'll spell great doom for my sanity as oni becomes the interest I've officially poured the most effort into analyzing
#rat rambles#oni posting#for now I must sleep but hopefully tomorrow Ill figure out how to decompile files#the real question is going to be if Ill be able to do this on my shitty ass laptop or if Ill need to figure smth else out#I just want to be able to view stuff so ideally it won't make my laptop chug too bad but rly Im more worried abt space#I might have to try to do some cleanup and delete some shit maybe Ill go scan through the shit that came pre installed#and hey maybe if I can get this to work I can go mega hacker mode and tweak some stuff for funsies#probably wont since I don't wanna break my game and I dont trust myself but yknow#itd probably help if I actually retained any information from the Two programing classes I took when I was younger but alas#one of them was even specifically a video game programming class and lemme tell you I remember absolutely nothing#also from what little I was able to view without fancy applications I have no new info but I can finally fully put jean in the we 100% know#their last name zone cause while we definitely already 100% did Technically we only got jea- for first name confirmation#but theyre referred to as jean in a note in a bio bot story traits file ty whoever added the notes there#god I hope theres other notes in the files I want to read those so bad#btw this was all spurred by that one nails log that disappeared cause I have found a file that looks like it but I cant fully view it#and I desperately need to view it I need to view it#also if I can look in the code then in theory itll make copying down all the lore logs easier#also the datamining thread of the forums hasnt been particularly active so who knows maybe I can become a proper dataminer#(<- will not do that probably unless it turns out to be easier than I thought)#but admittedly I am interested in hunting for potential future update content even if I probably won't hunt too hard for it#again Im mostly just hunting for lore#hey maybe if Im lucky Ill find some genuinely new and usable information in that department#maybe the secrets of b363 and dr. holland lie in the files ooooo (they probably dont)#man it'd be nice if I had a proper pc itd make my life so much easier and my desk feel less enpty lol#in a world where I get to play videogames at a higher framerate than 10fps#I mean we do have some older computers laying around the house although theyre probably also crusty pieces of shit#idk maybe I can see if I can salvage one itd be nice to have a proper computer to fuck about with#Im sure my mom wouldn't mind as long as its one that hasnt been touched in years#which tbf I dont know how many options thatd leave me but we at least have one computer that could theoretically be usable#albiet its definitely packed with viruses from me and my siblings being dumb kids
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alexandraisyes · 2 months
part of me wants to join the main tsams server if only to see your many threads and rambles about character analysis
the server also scares me, and sounds overwhelming
so i don’t join lol
shame on missing out on your musings tho- cuz i think they’re pretty neat
You could always join my personal FNAF/TSAMS/DCA server! I have a channel (I need to update it badly but I’ll do that soon now that it’s on my mind) where I repost my analyses and conversations from TSBS server for some of my friends who also aren’t in the server. I’ll probably catch it up to date later this week (not rn I’m so sleepy). I used to update my yapping from the thread on Tumblr too and maybe I should start doing that again.
We have a really cool, really chill community with people who enjoy all different sides of the fandom, and some who are just there for the DCA/FNAF and not TSAMS at all! It’s prioritized as a FNAF server, but DCA is a subset of that, and TSAMS is an even smaller subset of THAT. And most of us are there for the silly YouTube jesters anyways.
I know the link is in my pinned but you can have it here too.
And ough lemme just add the “update the peepaw channel with peepaw content” on my todo list for this week
Also also! People are always welcome to send me asks about the lore and my thoughts here too! Just know that I am chronically unwell (tm) and tend to take 1-2 week breaks from the lore at a time so I’m not always fully caught up! Also I made a joke earlier about “I’m not TSAMS confessions blog” however- that random ass confession I got about ruin and foxy was hilarious (and I support that anon with my SOUL) so if you have show “confessions” pls pls pls I could use some joy.
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demigod-of-the-agni · 2 months
NOTE: this is an old draft that does not reflect my current ideas but I liked the thoughts behind it so I'm posting it anyway. You can find my new updated thoughts here.
If Pavitr had to have a job/role from the FFXIV universe, he'd be a dark knight.
Like yes he's going to be a part of the emo edgelord gang and wield a big, grim-looking sword. He's going to be dressed in black, pointy armour and everything, be all moody and foreboding and lonely and covered in blood and absolutely livid and drenched in gore and viscera and the miasma of suffering. He's dressed in the skin of a killer.
Agni, that doesn't sound like it'd fit Pavitr. He's a kind guy so he'd probably be a healer!! He's cracking jokes!! He's so friendly!! He's lovely and he gets along with everyone!! Why would he be a dark knight?
In the context of what ATSV has built up regarding the Spider Society/mentors, as well as drawing upon how Indian culture approaches mental health, I genuinely think the dark knight job matches Pavitr to a tee. Lemme break it down for you [break dances].
The dark knight job is... if "with great power, there must also come great responsibility" delighted to get its hands bloody. It's a tank job, meaning at its very core its about protecting the party no matter the costs, and "no matter the costs" is pretty big for the dark knight specifically, because it means you have to dig deep for the darkness that lies within every heart and soul.
And like all Spider-Men, Pavitr is riddled with darkness — drowning in guilt, his regrets (losing Bhim Uncle, a father figure, a mentor), and after what went down in ATSV, with the collider and Mumbattan falling apart? Suddenly there's a lot of fear thrown into the mix, if whether he'll be able to do his job of protecting. If he's even good at it; after all, he was too busy having fun and being carefree to handle the Spot. He was called in as backup, he was called in to provide support, he was called in to help others but he failed.
He is the blade of virtue and righteousness. He is to sever the threads of evil, to cut wrongdoers down before they even have a chance to strike.
And one night, there's a little blood on his hands. Just a little, not enough to soak his entire fist, but it's enough to stain the ground an ugly red.
And at first Pavitr is horrified — Spider-Man was never supposed to go this far. He was not supposed to kill. Spider-Man never kills. (But he's the blade of virtue and righteousness. Blades are very good at killing.)
Conflicting emotions keep him from really finding help — Spider Society, and its twisted perception of mentors? Miguel's strict code and Peter B.'s nonchalance don't make good foundations for seeking help. And while Jessica is by far the most suitable adult there to actually provide support, Pavitr never gives her the chance, because Indian boys don't have problems. Their issues are theirs to handle on their own, because they're men, they're independent, and any showcase of vulnerability is a sign of weakness. It means you are crippled and you are worthless and you are undeserving of others.
And so Pavitr is left to stew in his own madness. He doesn't divulge any of his miseries, his sorrows, his fears, he doesn't say anything to the bruises on his fists or the metallic pang of steel that follows him everywhere. He hides it with a smile, of course, because Indian boys look nicer when they smile, are pleasant and approachable and are a sign that they have been raised right. Pavitr's a nice boy, the aunties say amongst themselves. He'll grow up a right young man and help the world in many ways.
But with every outing as a hero, Pavitr comes back feeling like a fraud. He's a murderer, an unanchored soul who can't keep up with his body, a dulled blade who gifts suffering instead of a quick demise. It's also then, when he's balancing on the knife's edge of darkness, that he finds the dead knight in the shadows of Mumbattan's abandoned foundational infrastructure.
Pavitr has been finding many dead folk recently — which is no surprise, death follows him wherever he goes — but he's surprised to see the knight come back to life, 'claiming his mortal wounds were nothing but a scratch. And the knight, oh, he knows Pavitr is hurting, is aching, is drenched in so much blood that he doesn't even know what to do with himself. And he offers his aid — one bloodied soul to another. I'll help you tame that darkness, the knight promises, I'll offer my blade so that you may become my pupil, a true blade of virtue and righteousness.
Pavitr can't say no to that.
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writerpyre · 9 months
It’s been a LONG time but if you’re inclined to read please have a bonus chapter to an older fic: first time in just over four years that I’ve posted anything for any fandom!
I found it in my files today and being as it’s been so long, I figured why the heck not, as I reckon it’s about time I came back with something. It’s not technically new writing, but I’m pretty gosh darn happy with myself either way. I’m finally at a place in my life where maybe things are going to be ok? I mean, I’m 31.
I’ll see what else the fates bring (my bestie is pretty unwell — not sure what’s with this people closest to me getting horribly sick thing), but I think I’m in a place where if I go back to using my writing to cope I’ll be fine. I can at least hope.
(For those who have by this point probably given up anticipating an update for Fulcrum (or anything related to it) never fear, for that one is next on my agenda! I’m ‘Bound’ and ‘Determined’ to get John through his decade-long predicament. Haha.)
Either way, have a chapter. :)
(For those who are unaware, Kent is my OC, Virgil’s identical twin who died of complications from a heart condition, three days after their birth. Technically part of my AIE “AU”, I originally wasn’t intending to ever post this part, as it’s a practice piece I used to look at who Kent Tracy may have been had he survived past infancy.)
The soft sounds of Virgil’s snores rumble through the room from the top bunk, but Kent lays in the bottom bed, wide awake with his pen in one hand, the flashlight in another; scrawling furiously across the pages of his notebook.
It’s past eleven again, and the fourteen-year-old boy can’t sleep; the insomnia from sleeping all day has kicked in again, and all he can do is while away the hours until his father and older brothers roll out of bed. He doesn’t fear waking up his twin brother; Virgil doesn’t wake up unless someone holds the alarm clock right next to his ear; volume up on full, so it’s highly unlikely that he’s going to be disturbed from the light.
He doesn’t mind overly much though, these quiet hours before the dawn. Being one of six children often means that aside from the two hours of study that their father enforces every day, it’s very rare for any of the Tracy children to have any time to themselves without another sibling interrupting it somehow.
It’s nice to have this time to write, and consider and dream without his two youngest brothers asking ‘What are you doing, KT? Can I see? Lemme look!’ he finds it bliss to not have his father wanting him to help with chores or his grandmother wanting him to watch Alan while she takes Virgil and Gordon out, because their father is busy in the office again.
It’s peaceful, and as much as he likes a bit of chaos and excitement, Kent also likes to have some quiet now and again. He loves the way the moon streams through the curtains in the bedroom, how he can listen to Virgil dreaming and feel his brother’s happiness and quiet soul soar through their twin bond.
He feels the pressures of being the sickly child; the one who everyone has to be careful of and look out for too much, and for Kent, these moments when he doesn’t have them looking over him in concern and hovering when he’s ‘too pale’ or ‘overtired’, it just makes him feel more whole somehow. At fourteen, he just wants them to stop seeing him as the ill one and allow him to grow without them worrying that he’s going to overtax his weakened heart.
In these moments, he can remember his mother, and how like him; she was a writer, although with six children before she died, she never got to achieve her dream of getting a novel published. Sure, she wrote for the local newspaper, along with the kindergarten teaching and the music lessons she taught in order to help their father with the monthly bills, but it’s something that Kent knew she always wanted to do. Now she’s gone, he’s more determined than ever to achieve that dream, and make his mom as proud of him as she was as his other brothers.
That’s not to say that he didn’t think she was, but he just wants to do something that his three older brothers haven’t yet.
Kent loves his family, but he just wants to get out of this little box, pre-packaged, made just for him, the one that labels him as the sickly child, the one who is to be worried over and assisted.
It’s not that his father, Grandpa and Grandma don’t expect him to amount to anything, just that somehow, Kent has this invisible label on him that instantly informs people that he’s ill and that he is given just that little bit more leeway to get to places a little easier. There’s nothing more Kent hates more than to be told that he needs to take it easy, or that he can’t do something, just because he’s sick.
That’s why he uses this time, past the hour he should’ve been in dreamland to work harder on anything he ever has in his life, because he wants to make them proud, to break out of the accidental constraints that his condition has placed upon him. He’ll rise above and beyond those automatic assumptions, and prove to everyone that he can do just as much as his brothers. Even if it takes him a little bit longer, even if he has to work a little bit harder, he will achieve his goals.
As he packs up his book and caps the pen an hour later, still not sleepy but content that he’s worked with what he can for tonight, Kent is determined that he’s going to become a published author before he hits his eighteenth birthday, because he’s a Tracy, and for a Tracy, failure isn’t an option.
He’ll lie awake for the rest of the night, and yes, he’ll be completely exhausted and will spend the day in bed tomorrow, but he’ll keep with him through his grandmother’s fussing and John and Scott’s smothering, the peace and tranquillity that this time has given him.
He’s happy, and he knows that if his mother is watching, she’ll be proud.
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obscurushydrae · 5 months
Rules of Play
Tumblr media
Please at least give it a read! Liking this post also means it’s more likely I will follow back, as I know you have RAU’d.
Updated 08/19/2024
Kar/Karmun/Karthonic either-or. If you'd rather separate mun/muse you can use my middle name, Asher to refer to me.
They/Them is cool.
From New York, so the timezone is EST.
Birthday’s January 1990, so 30+
Spoonie with AuDHD
Artist, and educator, so I can get busy. I commute, so I'm on the train for a few hours a day as well and can be sporadic activity wise.
Personal blog @karthonic.
On mobile most of the time.
I left the Tumblr RPC 4 years ago so forgive me as I catch up with the new etiquette, etc.
Personal blog @karthonic.
Sci-Fi Muse: @stellevatum
ARK AU: @sidisaspecto & @hln-4
Above all else: Be Excellent to each other and party on, dudes!
First and foremost: my activity is sporadic. I refuse to let myself be like I was when I left the RPC in 2019. I may queue a lot of shit. I may go into a black hole for a few weeks or months. I may forget threads or lose them. It doesn't mean I don't care-- I am here to have fun and not get stressed over things.
If you ever want to reach out-- all my blogs and personal are listed above, and my discord is on request to mutuals, even though I'm just as much a cryptid on there as well.
Lurking for a bit before reaching out is fine, but I would like genuinely interested folks. Optional but I have an Interest Tracker for organization purposes.
Communication is key. My muse might be intimidating, but I'm not-- just very busy and on mobile more often than not. Don’t know something, or want me to elaborate: ask! I forgot a reply or not feeling a thing anymore, lemme know. I'm good. I like get to know the people I write with, it makes me plot things better.
This incarnation Kar is for Contemporary Supernatural/Fantasy/Mythology like verses. You can find the Og/Sci-Fi flavored Kar at @stellevatum.
While she's BPRD based,  don’t sweat it if you don’t know the other stuff. If your fandom/verse has a way in, I can finagle her into all sorts of place (she's literally an cosmic horror at heart).
That ‘selective’ part comes into play. I have every right to not follow someone, decline a roleplay, just as you do. Just be polite and respectful.
Crossover/AU/Multiverse/Self Insert friendly. Not your thing, then feel free to not follow.
There will be casual mentions of recreational drug use, more often than not mentions of alcohol than drugs, but will be tagged upon request. Other possible triggers are her fatalistic humor. 
This is not a content resource blog. If you’re here for the pretty pictures, aesthetics, or memes, this is not the blog for you.
Godmoding is discouraged but I’m not going to stop it. I will likely try to out ridiculous you Bugs Bunny style. Even though she can’t die, you’re free to try and kill her, but let me know first (either way she’s gonna be pissed FYI).
Most art is mine but will be credited. If I reblog any art reposted without the original creator’s permission, let me know. I’ll remove it.
Please don’t follow/interact if you’re under 18. If I follow anyone underage, it’s because I wasn’t able to access any about/ooc information, please don’t take it personally if I unfollow!
If I don’t follow you and you follow me, please just hit me up before doing something. Just because I don’t follow means I’m not interested, I just don’t think our characters mesh with the information given. If we chat about it, who knows!
If I follow you or like a post but not follow, it's likely because I want to check out your rules but can't find a mobile friendly/need time to look through things, especially if it's a carrd. If you follow back, I'll message/send passwords as I don't want to overstep.
I don’t usually greet/interact with personal blogs, so side blogs off personals give me a heads up. Otherwise, I might miss you.
I may unfollow or softblock-- but that doesn't mean I am not against second chances. It usually mean either we haven't really done anything and I'm keeping my dash tidy or you never followed back so I'm taking the hint and stepping off, or you were inactive for 6+ month and I assume you abandoned the blog.
If you'd prefer I don't accidentally re-follow, you are free to hardblock. It's a bummer, but we need to what makes each of us comfortable to write. I will only hardblock if it is in your rules or if it was something serious that warrants it.
Compatible Fandoms (ie I am Familiar with): BPRD/Hellboy, Hades, Devil May Cry, Wolfenstein, Gravity Falls, WTNV, Obey Me!, Sandman, Good Omens, Hellsing, Persona, Durarara!!, Castlevania, Blood of Zeus, Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, Basically anything with demons/angels/gods and the like. I will interact with Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss muses, even though personally I don't vibe with Viv.
Kar is an ancient cosmic horror who was supposed to destroy all reality. Raised by mortals, so she thought she was. But she's also got other forms, which folks may see.
As for appearance, unless you’re really looking you might notice the fangs. And for the most part, assume she’s wearing her signature sunglasses covering her eyes since those rarely are taken off in public.
While not usually brought up, but Kar has attempted to end her life and self-harmed. Nowadays it’s usually just masked with fatalistic humor, recreational drug use, and lots of drinking. 
There will be mentions of Nazis particularly of the occult sort, so if that makes you uncomfortable please feel free to step away.
Askbox will only be open for IC interactions, save for when the meme specifies Mun. IMs are for OOC communication. Anon feature is for sideblogs, multimuses to interact ICly with me. Any Anon messages good or bad directed to the Mun (outside of memes) will be ignored. The Anon feature is privilege, I will revoke it for my well-being if need be.
No Magic Anons, please!
There’s no need to wait to send me a meme if you’ve followed me for 5 minutes or 5 months, send the thing.
Reblog Karma is going to be enforced on this blog. That is, if you reblog an ask meme off me, please send me one. Otherwise, reblog the meme from @karref
Jump on any open post, there’s no need to ask permission, they’re there for that reason!
I will be keeping my posts simple! I don't have the time/energy to make formatted posts, and I like to keep things as accessible as possible. I do try to keep track of the heavily plotted stuff, but the casual things might drop off. Feel free to remind me if it's been a bit!
Communicate! If you’re having trouble writing a reply, talk to me! If you don’t like or not feeling a thread, say so and drop the thread. That also doesn’t mean things are done for good. Come to me if you want to skip/do something else.
If you’d rather we move things to discord, just ask! I’ll set up a server just for us!
Shipping is welcomed and willing to discuss the possibility, but I leave the rest to chemistry and just how we as writers write. Kar is into male muses, and will be polite about turning other people down, unless one doesn’t take the hint.
I will only write ships with muns older than 21, but 25+ is preferred.
That being said, I will no longer tolerate stringing me along, or vague replies. Please be clear and direct. If you are interested; say so. If you are not or no longer wanting to go in that direction, tell me. Any vague or non-committal replies will be treated as disinterest and dropped.
This blog is multiship, meaning each relationship is treated as its own separate place in the multiverse unless discussed and agreed upon.
Kar can be polifidelitous. She’s okay with having multiple partners and those partners having partners if your character is cool with it. But she can be selectively monogamous in your little bubble too.
NSFW may be on here, or I might do it over discord. I'm playing it by vibes. As I don't really have any established romantic stuff since rebooting, I can't say with any certainty. Will update when I do know.
Blood, Gore, Body Horror, Drugs, etc, will be tagged with (name); for instance drugs; . Special Tags on request.
Posts will be tagged upon request, just let me know!
If you read and understand this, I would appreciate if you'd leave a like the post, that way I know you have without forcing a password.
But if you'd like to message me, here's a DM icebreaker: What's your favorite extinct animal? (If you're lucky I may have cool fact about it.)
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stellevatum · 5 months
Tumblr media
Please at least give it a read! Liking this post also means it’s more likely I will follow back, as I know you have RAU’d.
Updated 07/19/2024
Kar/Karmun/Karthonic either-or. If you'd rather separate mun/muse you can use my middle name, Asher to refer to me.
They/Them is cool.
From New York, so the timezone is EST.
Birthday’s January 1990, so 30+
Spoonie with AuDHD
Artist, and educator, so I can get busy. I commute, so I'm on the train for a few hours a day as well and can be sporadic activity wise.
Personal blog @karthonic.
On mobile most of the time.
I left the Tumblr RPC 4 years ago so forgive me as I catch up with the new etiquette, etc.
Paranormal/Supernatural AU: @obscurushydrae
ARK AU: @sidisaspecto & @hln-4
Above all else: Be Excellent to each other and party on, dudes!
First and foremost: my activity is sporadic. I refuse to let myself be like I was when I left the RPC in 2019. I may queue a lot of shit. I may go into a black hole for a few weeks or months. I may forget threads or lose them. It doesn't mean I don't care-- I am here to have fun and not get stressed over things.
If you ever want to reach out-- all my blogs and personal are listed above, and my discord is on request to mutuals, even though I'm just as much a cryptid on there as well.
This sounds redundant to post this but: If you have no intention of RPing with me don’t follow. Lurking for a bit before reaching out is fine, but I would like genuinely interested folks. Optional, but I've made an interest checker to help organize things.
Communication is key. My muse might be intimidating, but I'm not-- just very busy and on mobile more often than not. Don’t know something, or want me to elaborate: ask! I forgot a reply or not feeling a thing anymore, lemme know. I'm good. I like get to know the people I write with, it makes me plot things better.
This incarnation Kar is for SCIENCE FICTION/SPACE OPERA like verse. Her Contemporary/Urban Fantasy/Paranormal/Supernatural self can be found at @obscurushydrae
While she's Star Wars Based,  don’t sweat it if you don’t know the other stuff. If your fandom/verse has a way in, I can finagle her into all sorts of place (she's literally an cosmic horror at heart).
That ‘selective’ part comes into play. I have every right to not follow someone, decline a roleplay, just as you do. Just be polite and respectful.
OC/Crossover/AU/Multiverse/Self Insert friendly. Not your thing, then feel free to not follow.
There will be casual mentions of recreational drug use, more often than not mentions of alcohol than drugs, but will be tagged upon request. Other possible triggers are her fatalistic humor. 
This is not a content resource blog. If you’re here for the pretty pictures, aesthetics, or memes, this is not the blog for you.
Godmoding is discouraged but I’m not going to stop it. I will likely try to out ridiculous you Bugs Bunny style. Even though she can’t die, you’re free to try and kill her, but let me know first (either way she’s gonna be pissed FYI).
Most art is mine but will be credited. If I reblog any art reposted without the original creator’s permission, let me know. I’ll remove it.
Please don’t follow/interact if you’re under 18. If I follow anyone underage, it’s because I wasn’t able to access any about/ooc information, please don’t take it personally if I unfollow!
If I don’t follow you and you follow me, please just hit me up before doing something. Just because I don’t follow means I’m not interested, I just don’t think our characters mesh with the information given. If we chat about it, who knows!
If I follow you or like a post but not follow, it's likely because I want to check out your rules but can't find a mobile friendly/need time to look through things, especially if it's a carrd. If you follow back, I'll message/send passwords as I don't want to overstep.
I don’t usually greet/interact with personal blogs, so side blogs off personals give me a heads up. Otherwise, I might miss you.
I may unfollow or softblock-- but that doesn't mean I am not against second chances. It usually mean either we haven't really done anything and I'm keeping my dash tidy or you never followed back so I'm taking the hint and stepping off, or you were inactive for 6+ month and I assume you abandoned the blog.
If you'd prefer I don't accidentally re-follow, you are free to hardblock. It's a bummer, but we need to what makes each of us comfortable to write. I will only hardblock if it is in your rules or if it was something serious that warrants it.
Compatible Fandoms (ie I am Familiar with): Star Wars, Mass Effect, Borderlands, Alien/Predator, Dune, The Outer Worlds, Subnautica, No Man's Sky, Galaktikon, RaM, H2G2, and more!
Kar for the most part, is literally the Force. In a body. Raised by mortals, so she thought she was. And spent most of her life just vaguely gesturing and just going with "humanoid." Force sensitive characters might be able to sense her, but she can mask it.
As for appearance, unless you’re really looking you might notice the fangs. And for the most part, assume she’s wearing her signature sunglasses covering her eyes since those rarely are taken off in public.
While not usually brought up, but Kar has attempted to end her life and self-harmed. Nowadays it’s usually just masked with fatalistic humor, recreational drug use, and lots of drinking. 
Askbox will only be open for IC interactions, save for when the meme specifies Mun. IMs are for OOC communication. Anon feature is for sideblogs, multimuses to interact ICly with me. Any Anon messages good or bad directed to the Mun (outside of memes) will be ignored. The Anon feature is privilege, I will revoke it for my well-being if need be.
No Magic Anons, please!
There’s no need to wait to send me a meme if you’ve followed me for 5 minutes or 5 months, send the thing.
Reblog Karma is going to be enforced on this blog. That is, if you reblog an ask meme off me, please send me one. Otherwise, reblog the meme from @karref
Jump on any open post, there’s no need to ask permission, they’re there for that reason!
I will be keeping my posts simple! I don't have the time/energy to make formatted posts, and I like to keep things as accessible as possible. I do try to keep track of the heavily plotted stuff, but the casual things might drop off. Feel free to remind me if it's been a bit!
Communicate! If you’re having trouble writing a reply, talk to me! If you don’t like or not feeling a thread, say so and drop the thread. That also doesn’t mean things are done for good. Come to me if you want to skip/do something else.
If you’d rather we move things to discord, just ask! I’ll set up a server just for us!
Shipping is welcomed and willing to discuss the possibility, but I leave the rest to chemistry and just how we as writers write. Kar is into male muses, and will be polite about turning other people down, unless one doesn’t take the hint.
I will only write ships with muns older than 21, but 25+ is preferred.
That being said, I will no longer tolerate stringing me along, or vague replies. Please be clear and direct. If you are interested; say so. If you are not or no longer wanting to go in that direction, tell me. Any vague or non-committal replies will be treated as disinterest and dropped.
This blog is multiship, meaning each relationship is treated as its own separate place in the multiverse unless discussed and agreed upon.
Kar can be polifidelitous. She’s okay with having multiple partners and those partners having partners if your character is cool with it. But she can be selectively monogamous in your little bubble too.
NSFW may be on here, or I might do it over discord. I'm playing it by vibes. As I don't really have any established romantic stuff since rebooting, I can't say with any certainty. Will update when I do know.
Blood, Gore, Body Horror, Drugs, etc, will be tagged with (name); for instance drugs; . Special Tags on request.
Posts will be tagged upon request, just let me know!
If you read and understand this, I would appreciate if you'd leave a like the post, that way I know you have without forcing a password.
But if you'd like to message me, here's a DM icebreaker: What's your favorite extinct animal? (If you're lucky I may have cool fact about it.)
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red-man-of-mustache · 6 months
Rules and other relevant information(Mobile view)
Rule 1. I'm not at all selective with who I'll role-play with. I'd prefer mutuals, naturally, but I think if we're interacting with one another that'll come with time so I won't harp on it. I don't care about your writing length but just know sometimes I can get carried away with mine so be warned. I also don't mind doubles! Mario and Mario, Mario and Dr Mario, Shadow Mario, whatever variation is welcome. I don't do exclusivity with muses either(unless discussed). Also, I don't mind role-playing with anons either. Basically, my blog is a free-for-all. Random anons, random asks for the hell of it, go for it.
Rule 2. Personal blogs are welcome here. I'll be reluctant to follow them though as I like to keep my dash a certain way. Should you rp from a side-blog then you know what to do: lemme know.
Rule 3. This blog is multi-ship and multi-verse(ew dirty word). The main verse of course has continuity between threads so keep that in mind if you see Mario mention or otherwise reference your muse and events that happened surrounding their interaction. Verse exclusive interactions will be tagged properly. Posts without a verse tag are to be assumed main verse.
Rule 4. This is a personal mish-mash of everything Mario: the games(mainline and spinoffs), comics(Super Mario adventures primarily, Super Mario-kun is lightly followed) and the cartoons. The recent Super Mario bros movie is an origin story and I'm not sure if I'll make a verse for it yet as Mario is fresh to the kingdom and hasn't been on any adventures yet. I have headcanons that I toss into my interpretation of Mario and I'll be getting a headcanon tag going soon along with updating these rules with said tag for ease of access. I say all that to say that if I do something that you may consider off-color for Mario let me know! I take criticism. Love it actually.
Rule 5. I will reiterate: there is no set way to begin interaction. Toss me a random ask, random starters are also accepted, and my starter calls are always open(might make a perma one, who knows). My messages are open for plotting purposes or general shenanigans. Discord available upon request and I also rp there as well.
Rule 6. I will not be writing any smut. It makes me uncomfortable to try and think of Mario in that light. Sorry. No italian sausage.
Rule 7. Relationships aren't just romance. If you see potential for an ongoing friendship, maybe frienemies, partners in some grand project, let's get to working those deets out.
Rule 8. I personally don't consider much "read-more" worthy but triggers will be tagged. They won't be in the same style as my other tags, simply "tw:wires" or something.
Rule 9. Almost forgot! No god-modding.
Rule 10. If I'm taking a bit to reply and you see me replying to others then gimme a poke. Message me, tag me again, I don't mind. Most likely I forgot or real life got in the way and flipped my perception upside down. Happens more then you'd expect, trust me. Also, I reserve the right to drop a thread for any reason. I'll of course let you know should that happens. I used to be real bad about that kinda thing. This goes double for messages by the way!
This blog is quite the casual place to be( of course that's just my opinion) despite the graphics and whatnot. I'm here to have fun and indulge an old hobby of mine. If you read this far: there's no password. Just like the post so I know you read it. Catch ya on the flipside.
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arcplaysgames · 2 years
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"Queer teen who lost his father at a young age and struggles with being a masculine person on his own terms while also contending with the parts of him that don't feel manly" is a specific portrait and I think Kanji is a good rendition of it. Growing up with a narrow definition of strength and then breaking your back to try and force yourself to fit inside it has done its damage to more people than just Kanji.
He's gonna grow up to be such a good dude, like for real. Also, I never would have guessed this going in, but he's one of my favorite renditions of The Emperor. The willingness to protect those around him, the desire to be a visible member of his community, and the want to teach those around him his hard-won lessons. Kanji is a great Emperor.
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Rise and Yosuke are both have the same fucking issue in that when they're good, they're great, but they also are the characters that piss me off the most. "Creepy," fuck off Rise.
But Kanji shows up to hang out and talk about his decision to be the punk guy who sews things and beats up gangs and tries to help local kids. It's ALL GOOD. It's all him!
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Kanji Tatsumi, I adore you. You're the best character in this game by a fucking mile.
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LOOK AT HIM!!!!!! LOOK! LOOK AT THIS GUY! THIS IS THE BEST GUY! Kanji is genuinely the person in both P3 and P4 I would most want to be friends with IRL.
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Yukiko's arc has also come to a good conclusion. WEIRDLY she reminds me of Porrim Maryam and Kanaya Maryam from Whomstve. They were also people who were opt-ed into certain responsibilities because of how they were born and chafed against their duties until they went through a period of really contending with the question of "do I want to do this" divorced from the societal expectation that they would do that.
Yukiko's got a similar thing, which is probably why I think of her as a Space aspect person. She put everything in order to leave Inaba and strike out, and in doing so and seeing how.... not easy it was but how possible it was, it allowed her to become comfortable with staying. Which is an interesting arc I find relatable.
She's by far my favorite girl, I would be friends with her. Also she likes horror movies. Yukiko's awesome.
Let's swap to the fucking baffling confusing SLink of The Jester.
So the recurring thread in Adachi's SLink is that he's super fucking bitchy and annoyed at this lil old lady who has decided to take care of him because he shares a name with her son. She makes him food and asks after him and is always happy to see him.
It's not mutual.
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Adachi prepares to hide form her again but it turns out her ACTUAL son is visiting and she's thrilled to have him around again.
I asked him if it made him sad at all, not talking to her, and check this the fuck out.
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SO. Jester. Obviously its in conversation with the Fool, they both occupy the Zeroth position in the Majors.
While the Fool's entire point is that they are traveling and meeting/experiencing each stage of the Majors, from Magician all the way to World, the Jester seems like an inverted Fool in Persona 4.
Adachi has people around him who show concern, who try to care about him, and he both is passively unaware and is actively discouraging it. If the Fool went through the journey of the Majors and learned literally nothing, that'd be Adachi. And that's the way he wants it, because it's easier. Yeah it's lonely, but also... connections take effort. They require you to give a shit.
This is apparently my last SLink with Adachi outside, like, scheduled updates to it from the game plot, and lemme tell you:
I don't trust this fucking guy at all. The Ryoji Vibes are going off like a geiger counter. Between the fucking weird shit with his fake-drunkenness with Dojima and this thing here, the way he will exert effort only to avoid exerting more effort, I am fucking really unsettled by him.
And there have been these little moments, enough that they pile up slowly over time, where his line reads are just.... off. He's off. I used to think there was NOTHING behind that vacant expression, and now I realize yo he's voiced by Johnny Yong Bosch. Those moments are not accidental.
Is he the killer? I don't know. But he's not a good guy, and the fact that he's so conflicted about the closing of the murder cases is just adding to the sus vibes.
Like.... he straight up couldn't have kidnapped Rise, he was busy with us........ what if every kidnapping/murder was someone different...?
GAH I DUNNO. I gotta think. BUT!!!! If I'm right about something happening to Nanako later as an extension of Dojima being targeted, Adachi is a PRIME suspect.
I don't KNOW!!!!! Ugh. I'll get there.
I've got even more SLink summarizing to do, but this post is long enough.
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apocalypta-secundus · 9 months
Uh So about 2024
I'm still low activity. I pop up on here from time to time. I haven't been posting memes as much because my sheer number of drafts are, uh.
So if anyone wants to drop threads, lemme know. I try to be active but real life (taking care of an elderly family member is still a full time thing for me), drawing, games, etc. still take priority.
Discord's been where I've been lately and basically how I've been doing any most RPing.
I might also be dropping verses entirely or making them wholly unavailable on my carrd except for those who have ships with those verses/characters. (or just 100% switching this blog to Bleach only, and you all have to deal with it. I've been on the fence, and I might jump the damn fence.)
So this is kind of a real life update as well as how I'm doing. mentally? not so great physically? eeh everything else: I want to nap.
While writing this, I did change the blog to Bleach only. Oops. Remember that fence...
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oldmandroid · 2 years
Fell off some activity for a day or two—I hurt my neck and it was giving me some powerful headaches! But I’m feeling better now, and even though I’m in the first half of my work week, I’ll try to do some stuff.
LIKE this post if—
We have a thread and I haven’t replied yet
You wanna plot, I can come into your DMs
This lets me know its okay to come into your DMs! And that I need to dig through my notifications for replies I missed!
COMMENT on the post—
If you’re a multi-muse, lemme know who you want me to interact with!
To let me know which Hank you want to interact with: human!Hank or android!Hank
Can also just say “memes” and I’ll look through memes you’ve shared and send one!
If you know the reply I own you can let me know here in the comments.
You can also just crash into my DMs as you please, and I’ll get back to you whenever I check in on my blog!
I’ll hopefully be sitting down at my ✨ newly built computer ✨ to update my pages and/or make them more mobile friendly, type up a pinned post and all that, sometime between today and Sunday, hopefully.
In the meantime—I’m open to AUs of various types, so if we chat to plot, this is the open invitation to talking about AUs! (Imagine mixing up various reverse!aus, that’s always fun!)
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irasciblereed · 2 years
Here’s an interest/plotting/inbox call for Gavin’s blog—
LIKE this post if—
We have a thread and I haven’t replied yet
You wanna plot, I can come into your DMs
This lets me know its okay to come into your DMs! And thatI need to dig through my notifications for replies I missed!
COMMENT on this post—
If you’re a multi-muse blog, lemme know who you want me to interact with!
To let me know if you’re interested in my slowly developing android!Gavin/GV200 AU
Can also just say “memes” and I’ll look through memes you’ve shared and send one!
You can also just crash into my DMs as you please, and I’ll get back to you whenever I check in on my blog!
I’ll hopefully be sitting down at my ✨ newly built computer ✨ to update my pages and/or make them more mobile friendly, type up a pinned post and all that, sometime between today and Sunday, hopefully.
And as with my Hank blog, I’m open to a variety of AUs, so if we chat to plot, this is an open invitation to talk about AUs!
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sidisaspecto · 2 months
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Please give a like to let me know you've taken a gander at my rules.
Updated 07/18/2024
Kar/Karmun/Karthonic either-or. If you'd rather separate mun/muse you can use my middle name, Asher to refer to me.
They/Them is cool.
From New York, so the timezone is EST.
Birthday’s January 1990, so 30+
Spoonie with AuDHD
Artist, and educator, so I can get busy. I commute, so I'm on the train for a few hours a day,
You can reach me on here or on discord. Just ask.
Personal blog @karthonic.
On mobile most of the time.
Also run @stellevatum & @obscurushydrae
Above all else: Be Excellent to each other and party on, dudes!
This incarnation Kar is for ARK: SURVIVAL EVOLVED ONLY. This blog is Private and part of a closed RP group. I will only write with people who have been accepted. If you want to join in, visit @stargazertribe. I will be softblocking followers who have not submitted to the group after a week or so.
Please don’t follow/interact if you’re under 18, or if you've not been approved.
If you want other Sci-Fi stuff, go follow @stellevatum. For Paranormal/Supernatural stuff @obscurushydrae
Communication is key. My muse might be intimidating, but I'm not-- just very busy and on mobile more often than not. Don’t know something, or want me to elaborate: ask! I forgot a reply or not feeling a thing anymore, lemme know. I'm good. I like get to know the people I write with, it makes me plot things better.
There will be casual mentions of recreational drug use, more often than not mentions of alcohol than drugs, but will be tagged upon request. Other possible triggers are her fatalistic humor and self harm.
This is not a content resource blog. If you’re here for the pretty pictures, aesthetics, or memes, this is not the blog for you.
Godmoding is discouraged but I’m not going to stop it. In this universe, respawn is canon.
Most art is mine but will be credited. If I reblog any art reposted without the original creator’s permission, let me know. I’ll remove it.
Much of her bio not public knowledge, your character would not know it unless explicitly told by her, or we have discussed it OOCLY.
Askbox will only be open for IC interactions, save for when the meme specifies Mun. IMs are for OOC communication. Anon feature is for sideblogs, multimuses to interact ICly with me. Any Anon messages good or bad directed to the Mun (outside of memes) will be ignored. The Anon feature is privilege, I will revoke it for my well-being if need be.
No Magic Anons, please!
There’s no need to wait to send me a meme if you’ve followed me for 5 minutes or 5 months, send the thing.
Reblog Karma is going to be enforced on this blog. That is, if you reblog an ask meme off me, please send me one. Otherwise, reblog the meme from @karref
Jump on any open post, there’s no need to ask permission, they’re there for that reason!
I will be keeping my posts simple! I don't have the time/energy to make formatted posts, and I like to keep things as accessible as possible. I do try to keep track of the heavily plotted stuff, but the casual things might drop off. Feel free to remind me if it's been a bit!
Communicate! If you’re having trouble writing a reply, talk to me! If you don’t like or not feeling a thread, say so and drop the thread. That also doesn’t mean things are done for good. Come to me if you want to skip/do something else.
If you’d rather we move things to discord, just ask! I’ll set up a server just for us!
I don't entirely expect to ship Kar in this verse but willing to discuss the possibility. leave the rest to chemistry and just how we as writers write. Kar is into male muses, and will be polite about turning other people down, unless one doesn’t take the hint.
I will only write ships with muns older than 21, but 25+ is preferred.
Blood, Gore, Body Horror, Drugs, etc, will be tagged with (name); for instance drugs; . Special Tags on request.
Posts will be tagged upon request, just let me know!
If you read and understand this, I would appreciate if you'd leave a like the post, that way I know you have without forcing a password.
But if you'd like to message me, here's a DM icebreaker: What's your favorite extinct animal? (If you're lucky I may have cool fact about it.)
0 notes
the-wild-card-hand · 10 months
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//Updates, I'm gonna work on drafts and starters tomorrow for certain threads. If I've not responded odds are I lost the thread and if you wanna do another lemme know and I'll get it made. I'm also gonna put a read more here for the current CoD brain rot cause MWIII and MWZ has a bit of a grip on me right now.
Advanced Warfare is looking to be added into the new timeline and I think its a potential soft reboot for that story much like how Black Ops Cold War was for the Black Ops series meaning we could have some familiar beat-points but certain 'canon events' could be changed, could stay the same, we all know how that ended for Soap and I have my opinions on the story but its not the worst CoD campaign that was put out there. It wasn't the best, but it wasn't the worst either there still was some good takeaways and subtle shit.
Anyways, from my current knowledge I know that Treyarch is on deck next potentially for their newer Black Ops iteration which is rumored to be the Gulf War, which lasted between 1990 to 1991. I think Makarov's backstory is going to help seg-way into the Black Ops story.
Born before the fall of the Soviet Union, Makarov's father, as described in Vlad's MP bio, was a high-ranking politician. So when the Soviet Union fell in 1991 his father took his own life. Around this time too, we know that Imran Zakhaev was also getting a foothold in the Soviet Union as well, with Kravchenko sort of being his in, so there might be some kind of connection there where the two try to work together to help save and strengthen the Soviet Union leading to the inevitable hunt for Imran Zakhaev who is brought into the Perseus network, we bring in Russell Adler and some of his guys to help hunt for them along with a couple of additional guys, a young John Price and Captain MacMillian leading them to Pripyat to kill Zakhaev just before the fall of the Soviet Union to stop him from an arms trade of recovered Nova Six, of course Zakhaev lives but is wounded and essentially stokes up the fuel and the fire with his son Viktor.
Considering Vlad would still be a teenager around this time, he wouldn't be involved in that particular event since he joins the Russian Army in 1998 right when he turns 18 and he volunteers for General Barkov's unit a year before Barkov performs an unsanctioned attack and occupation of Urzikstan and is there up until the ULF took back their home. Makarov goes back to his superiors to plead to reclaim Urzikstan and is stripped of his honors and rank.
In comes Viktor Zakhaev looking to take Barkov's throne and who is also looking for a little bit of revenge and justice? Makarov. With a little coercion they also get Al-Asad and place him as the new leader of AQ. It plays into the titles of one of the CoD 4 missions 'The Sins of the Father' if they go that route. Might fly over the heads of most but could be a subtle little nod.
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Hello! I'm so grateful for the work you do with the fics! Literally it makes my day better! I was wondering if you have recs for fics longer than 25k words. Thanks :)
I am beyond glad, my friend. I’ve got to be honest, I've done this because I personally can't be arsed to browse A03 manually - and when fics just casually flow over my dashboard, and I can skim through summaries and click and choose what takes my fancy... it's just so handy, isn't it? :)
Now, as for your recs... uhhhh.... from the top of my head – I can’t really think of a lot of canon compliant novel-sized ones you’re looking for, and it would seem that most of the longish ones I liked are - AUs? So if you don't mind those, here are some that I liked more than the others:
The Heart's Epiphany by Cityseeker
An emotionally complex modern, from friends with benefits to lovers to exes and lovers again AU, dealing with… post PTSD and a lot of angst?
House of Bricks by TheHomelyBadger
Action-packed, modern(ish) on-the-run (with lots of twists) AU. Plot driven, quite dynamic, stellar characterisation,
Count the Ways by Sophnyx
Obnoxious-neighbour, enemies to lovers modern AU (that gets progressively emotionally more involving in the second half :)
Sorry for asking but please come and take me home by BluejayBoi
Post-canon (compliant) story about grief, guilt and… love. Some 10k less hefty than what you’re looking for, but totally worth your while. Definitely one of my most fave ones, among these. <3
And, uhh... that’d be all? All the others I liked (and bookmarked, in my own personal fic library ;) are less than 25k. So in the end... here’s also  the obligatory mention of some of the WIPs that I’ve been enjoying as well (updated regularly, so no worries there) that also qualify, length-wise:
The Threads Of Fate Tangle And Twist by Misthios
My absolute fave at the moment, the stunning canon-adjacent (or canon-divergent if you prefer) version of "what-if" they met… in Stillwater, but under drastically different circumstances. Quite dark, violent and... dark. (It's lookin' up, though. ;)
Butterflies (Don't Belong in Zoos) by AmberZ10
A somewhat at times ooc (but the char dev is there, gradually) popstar/fuckboi Vi AU that's... quite fun to read, with its twists, turns and complicated entanglements (quite of bit of angst and smut, mind you) that might at times make you want to break your ebook reader, or laugh out loud. (My guilty pleasure at the mo, yes :)
Aaand that’d be all, from the top of my head? I certainly do hope you haven't already read at least some of them.
Lemme know?
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Thanks for your kind words, and... of course, if you enjoyed any - please do also drop note of appreciation and encouragement to those lovely creative folks out there. 
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drarry fic recs
since i read so much fanfiction, and most of it drarry, i decided to make a rec list specifically for all my favorite drarry fics. because what else are you gonna do when you’re under quarantine? and i’ve got a lot of recs, so get comfortable.
first off, lemme just say that if you haven’t read any Saras_Girl fics, you absolutely should. she’s my favorite fic author of all time, really only ever writes drarry (although a lot of her fics feature background romione), and she’s still an active writer. there’ll be a lot of her stuff on this list, so if you don’t know where to start, just keep reading.
Reparations by Saras_Girl  [87k, E]
Harry is about to discover that the steepest learning curve comes after Healer training, and that second chances can be found in unexpected places.
this is my favorite fic of all time, okay? harry is a healer trainee at st. mungo’s, and all the trainees go through rotations in different departments of the hospital. harry’s first rotation is in the chemical dependency department, where he discovers he’ll be working under none other than our illustrious draco malfoy. this is so well written, and the characterization is so spot on, and it’s the perfect slowburn. i’ve read it so many times. i practically consider it canon at this point. (it’s also part of a series — Foundations!verse — and i love the sequel just as much.)
Talk To Me by Saras_Girl  [15k, T]
When the usual channels of communication are shut down, the most surprising people can find a way in. A strange little love story.
probably my favorite one-shot. it’s an eighth year fic, but honestly, the year isn’t important to the story. harry gets hit more-or-less accidentally by a spell that renders him blind and deaf, and a *mysterious person* comes to his rescue. it’s the absolute sweetest thing i have ever read in my life. without the means to communicate normally, draco writes the words with his finger on the palm of harry’s hand. the characterization, again, is perfect. and harry figuring things out and reconciling apparently conflicting ideas of what he knows of draco left me squealing.
Building It Together by digthewriter  [27k, E]
Forced proximity can only lead to bad things, right? Right.
this is such an original fic, and the concept is so intriguing. grimmauld place is tearing itself apart because harry’s been avoiding the house and its memories, and it finally breaks its magical ties to him. and sirius’ nearest blood relative is none other than draco malfoy. to save the house from itself and restore it to harry, draco has to move in, and with sections of the house disappearing... there’s only one bed. also let me just say that draco’s job is the most original thing i’ve ever seen, and it’s so fascinating and magical, and i love it. this is such a good fic.
Feel You In These Walls by alpha_exodus  [6k, E]
Just this once, Harry thinks. Just this once, they'll kiss, they'll have sex, and then it'll be over. Draco hadn't expected more than that either. But then it happens again, again, and neither of them had anticipated having feelings involved - but then they've never been able to keep anything casual, have they?
i don’t usually read fics that are smut-centric, cause, y’know... asexual. but i really like this one. it’s beautifully written, and the dynamic is just. so great. also, asexual or no, i am not immune to tension. (i’ll take or leave the smut — in fact i’d mostly rather leave it — but unresolved tension? heck yeah.)
Salt on the Western Wind by Saras_Girl  [60k, M]
When the war isn’t quite as over as it first appears, a guilt-ridden Harry is sent to a mysterious safe-house. Among sandwiches, insomnia, and Mills & Boon, he discovers something quite unexpected.
in the face of the dangers of the remaining deatheaters who have not been apprehended, mcgonagall sends harry, ron, and hermione to a safe-house. narcissa malfoy, having saved harry’s life asks one thing of him: to take draco with him into hiding. things take an unexpected turn when draco accidentally fouls up a spell and binds harry’s wrist to his by a silver thread that will only break when the people bonded ‘have reached a point of mutual understanding, confidence, and accord’. it’s so well-written, and i love the setting, and everything a lot. it’s wonderful.
Stealing Sweaters by DorthyAnn  [12k, T]
It's their eighth and final year and over the course of several months, Harry and Draco have managed to become close friends. Their friends are entirely certain that they ought to be much, much more. So they just decide to... help things along.
this is so sweet, so fluffy. i die. harry and draco’s relationship in this is to live for. there’s platonic cuddling and hugging and sweater stealing, and then comes the realization that it’s maybe not as platonic as they thought. the idea behind this one is that harry and draco’s friends think they know what they need, and decide to meddle, and really all they’ve done is mess everything up.
Rainfall by Saras_Girl  [4k, T]
So what if Draco has a rain kink? Everyone likes something weird.
literally the only thing you need to know about this fic is that draco has a rain kink. it’s bloody fantastic. i think you’ll find this is as much about draco as it is about drarry, and if you’re as obsessed with draco as i am, you’re gonna love that. (and by that, i mean draco absolutely soaked and with his face tipped up into the falling rain. it’s a beautiful mental picture.)
On a Clear Day by Saras_Girl  [41k, M]
Draco Malfoy is waiting for his real life to begin, and it appears that he’s not the only one. Coffee, charity, and the wisdom of the elderly.
draco works for a charity, and his boss is very insistent that he get harry potter to attend their next event. except that harry potter doesn’t attend events at all, and he hasn’t responded to any of draco’s owls, and draco’s just about had it. this is a marvelous fic. it deals with draco feeling the pressure of restoring his family’s good name, it deals with harry’s trauma, how his past experiences have affected him after the war, it deals with the relationship between them in a really important way. because it’s a ‘no i actually hate you, you were a bastard’ and there’s no ‘wait, is that sexual tension’ and ‘well, maybe it’s okay because he was a child at the time’. not that those aren’t valid and really good things to read about in fics, but it’s nice to see it from this ‘i’m a mature adult, so i’m not gonna be petty about this, but i do actually hate you’ angle. i like it a lot.
Time and Again by manixzen  [64k, E]               work in progress
Harry's absolutely sure it's Malfoy's fault that they are stuck reliving the same day over and over. Harry is good at his job. He's professional, has an excellent closure rate, and is a well-respected Auror. Malfoy's the unprofessional one with his snark and his judgemental eyebrows and his far too-posh-for-work robes. If Malfoy could have managed to refrain from being a pain in the arse, everything would have been just fine. They wouldn’t have gotten in yet another argument, Harry wouldn’t have been distracted, and Harry certainly wouldn’t have accidentally set off a powerful artifact at their crime scene. And if Malfoy would just get out of his way now, Harry's sure he can quickly fix this so they can get back to their comfortable professional dislike of one another.
so, it is a work in progress, and i know a lot of people don’t like reading those (myself included), but it’s being regularly updated, and there’s only one chapter left. so i’d definitely recommend it! it’s a pretty great fic, and worth a read.
Tea and No Sympathy by who_la_hoop  [70k, E]
It's Potter's fault, of course, that Draco finds himself trapped in the same twenty-four-hour period, repeating itself over and over again. It's been nearly a year since the unpleasant business at Hogwarts, and Draco's getting on with his life quite nicely, thank you, until Harry sodding Potter steps in and ruins it all, just like always. At first, though, the time loop seems liberating. For the first time in his life, he can do anything, say anything, be anything, without consequence. But the more Draco repeats the day, the more he realises the uncomfortable truth: he's falling head over heels for the speccy git. And suddenly, the time loop feels like a trap. For how can he ever get Harry to love him back when time is, quite literally, against him?
just in case one time loop fic isn’t enough for you, why not have two? this one’s also really enjoyable, and i think you should give it a go. if you only have the attention span for a single time loop fic, i would probably suggest Time and Again over this one, but that’s a personal preference. this one has some pretty great moments all its own, and they’re both good reads.
All Life Is Yours to Miss by Saras_Girl  [114k, M]
Professor Malfoy's world is contained, controlled, and as solitary as he can make it, but when an act of petty revenge goes horribly awry, he and his trusty six-legged friend are thrown into Hogwarts life at the deep end and must learn to live, love and let go.
alright, i realize that this is the length of an actual novel, and that i probably should not have read this as many times as i have, but when you find a fic as good as this one, you can’t just ignore it. this fic is beauty itself, it’s the essence of life, it’s mandatory for everything. you want to go to college? they ask about this fic on your application. you want to get married? there are things you need to know beforehand, like ‘stanley the beetle doesn’t like transfigured mint leaves as much as the real ones’. that’s essential. i don’t know if i like this fic so much because of how good it is, or just because of pet beetle owner solidarity.
Good To Me (And I’d Be So Good to You) by AWickedMemory (TeddyLaCroix)  [8k, G]
Everyone returns to Hogwarts after the war, but nothing is quite the same. Harry's groupies are creepier than ever, Ron and Hermione are snogging all over the place, and the once-proud Draco is shuffling around like a kicked puppy. But that's okay: Harry's got a plan.
this fic is pure fluff, and if that’s not your thing i get that, but the premise of this is just so cute. because harry’s got a mental catalog of facts about draco malfoy and a) that’s hilarious and adorable, and b) they’re actually really interesting and insightful for draco’s characterization. also the end reveal is !!!
Thermodynamic Equilibrium by DorthyAnn  [5k, T]
Harry's far too hot. Draco's always cold. And somehow against all odds, together they create a perfect equilibrium.
because this trope never gets old, and this is really nice. there’s so much cuddling, and so many blurred lines between friendship and romance, and i love it. i’m a firm advocate of cuddling in every fanfiction ever. no fic is complete without it.
Helix by Saras_Girl  [92k, E]
Seven months after the end of the war, Harry is feeling lost. Fortunately, he is about to be offered an unexpected and sparkling chance to find himself again.
it’s about snails. in an effort to get harry and draco to get along a little better, mcgonagall assigns them to overseeing the care of some very delicate snails for hagrid. there’s lots of heartfelt conversations, and struggles, and they’re very in love, so that’s nice. there’s also some really well-handled snape content, which i actually appreciate a lot, despite not really liking snape. it sets snape as draco’s godfather (which is a headcanon i love), and there’s a lot of contrast between draco’s relationship with snape and his relationship with his actual father, and i appreciate that a lot.
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