#also last note. dont forget that again tiktok is a much different platform with different skill levels and again
shibusawaz · 11 months
am i the only one who finds tiktok hate on tumblr a little like. excessive.
let's be real here. tiktok is, by majority i'd say, teenagers. yes, those teenagers sometimes do and say stupid things. but a lot of you guys here are in your twenties, or older. and like, as a teenager who also does and says stupid things, not cool! it's not cool to be an adult making fun of teenagers doing things you know DAMN WELL you'd be doing too if you were our age.
you guys wanna preach and preach your live and let live lifestyle until oh! people on tiktok do something that copies you, and do it differently. oh no! oh my god! it's the end of the world!!! shut up
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