#also kt rush’s actress is in it and i love her
skysister · 1 year
my mother died when i was 16 and barbie (2023) made me cry and grieve for her in a way that has become rarer with time. being a woman is so beautiful and aging is so beautiful and there is a yawning ache inside of me that wants to be able to look at my mother as an old woman and tell her how beautiful she is, and for her to be able to look into my mirror of a face and be happy to see herself
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Finished S3 of House of Anubis:
- The season was not as bad, I think I still prefer S1 & S2, not because the originals are in it (i.e. Nina and Amber) but for me in S3 the pacing lagged a bit, it had a rough beginning (the adjustment period of Nina’s exit) but I enjoyed the Descendents bit and the 5 sinners bit. But at times the pacing lagging in between. Whereas S1 & S2, I didn’t feel that way, I was hooked and binging.
- Walfie are cute, I still prefer Amfie though. I know Willow and Alfie are the healthier couple and will more likely work in the long run, but I find Amber and Alfie more entertaining to watch as a fan. The writers put less effort into Willow and Alfie than they did with Willow/Jerome so that’s a shame. Walfie is that couple that I’d want if this was real life, but Amfie I just find more entertaining.
- This season made me really dislike Peddie. And Patricia deserved better. So I loved Peddie in S2, not as much as Fabina, I think that will always be my #1, but I enjoyed them and got why fans like them. Then in S3, they just ruined them, had them break up for no reason and even when they were together they never felt like a couple. And I hated how Patricia - an original character was relegated to a love interest/damsel in distress for most of the season. Like that was her arc for the season. In S2, Peddie was probably more about Patricia, then in S3 it was all about Eddie. Not Patricia. And I honestly just think they split them up so KT could have most of her scenes with Eddie and Peddie splitting up would explain why Eddie isn’t with Patricia or confiding in her all the time.
- So Fabian becoming a Sinner was pure dumbass Fabian, but Sinner Fabian was great. I think out of all the Sibuna Sinners, Brad and Alex really killed it at being evil whereas with Jade, it didn’t feel as natural. Like Jade has vastly improved her acting since S1 but Sinner!Patricia for me exposed some of her weaknesses. I didn’t feel as if it played to her strengths.
- I think I ship Jeroy? Honestly I will probably ship Jara and Jeroy but boy did they make a mess of it. I think it’s a shame how they ruined Jara so quickly in order for Jeroy and considering how they spent 2 seasons building Jara up, you’d think they wouldn’t split them up until the end of the season or the next if there was one. And it be done without the cheating. As for Jeroy they could have dedicated more time to them. For me that storyline felt a bit quick and would have liked that to take up most the season.
- Mabian? Wtf? I’m not gonna attack folks if they ship it. Because on paper they should work. However, that scene, hinting at them felt forced as fuck. Now there is a scenario where they could work, if there was more of a build. But it just makes no sense. Obviously since everyone lives together, we are told they all are friends and have a friendship with each other - but you need evidence if you are gonna sell characters as a couple or as best friends. Across the 3 seasons Mara and Fabian have shared the least scenes together. You could have at least this season shown more of a friendship together. It’s like how at the beginning of S3 everyone is like Fabian and Eddie are best friends - there was no evidence of that in S2.
- Also I think Mabian are one of those couples that would work (with better writing and not rushed and random), but not for the long term, I think they are too similar. Like I think they’d be that couple that would transition into friends without realising it.
- KT needs to chill out. She literally took everything like a personal attack. Like when Eddie thought she was a Sinner because he saw her be turned and no one knew she had the key. She at times just constantly looked like someone hurt her personally. Comparing her to Nina, since she did come in to fill the Nina hole. — She was definitely a better actress that Nathalia, but to me she wasn’t one of the strongest and had some weak spots. There were times I enjoyed her and times where she just had pure dumbass energy about her.
Can’t think of anything else to add. If anyone wants to discuss, agree or disagree - send an Anon or whatever. I need HoA mutuals.
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cockbiteproductions · 5 years
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Hi, this was the most amazing weekend of my life, so I’m gonna make a continuation of this post. Click on the photos for captions. 
Me screaming about everything is going to be under the cut. And it’s going to be VERY long. I have a lot of words and I’m going to say a fraction of them, but in case you don’t want to read all that (because this post is honestly 99% for me) here’s a TLDR:
I met Jess (@noneeyewithleftyork) for the second time and hung out with her and Kt (@seelieflies) in New York for the first time and saw The Prom, Be More Chill, and Hamilton and cried uncontrollably and went to NY pride and Felt the Gay energy in the air and walked around the city and rode the train and took a million pictures and got blisters on my feet and ate some amazing food and slept a ridiculously small amount and took everything in and did fun things with fun people and had the time of my life and it can literally only go downhill from here!
Had 3 WILDLY different experiences seeing these shows since my experience with these shows were all different. The common thread between all of them was that I had a FUCKING BLAST.
The Prom
Saw The Prom on the Saturday matinee of pride weekend and the audience was AMAZING. Everyone in the audience was here and queer and LOVING it.
It was cold as SHIT in the theater and I was freezing my ass off the entire time but it was still so fun. 
I have never seen or heard any music from The Prom and only knew a vague synopsis of it going in (girl wants to bring gf to prom with her, can’t), so my reactions to everything in the show was a lot of genuine first reactions to the material. The Prom was funny as FUCK and the audience was laughing and clapping and cheering along. 
The dance numbers were incredible and I loved the choreography a lot. Caitlin Kinnunen can SING, holy shit. Like absolutely WOW. Just WOW. She was amazing.
I cried at the end of act 1 from how fucking mean spirited those students were and how the meaning of “tonight belongs to us” changed and it was just so brilliant. And the staging of the two proms on the each half of the stage with the different lighting and the two girls back to back was fucking BEAUTIFUL and part of the reason I started crying too. 
I cried also at the end of the show when they kissed because it was so sweet. I cried when Alyssa’s mom told her she just didn’t want her life to be hard. The actress who played Alyssa’s mom did SO well that for a Brief Moment, I felt sympathy for her. It was very brief but it happened. 
Be More Chill
Saw Be More Chill on the Saturday night show and it was so fucking cool. I saw Will Roland with my own two eyes. Like wow. Wow!!! 
The seats in the Lyceum balcony were slanted as FUCK it was almost funny. And because we had been so cold during The Prom, between shows we went and all literally bought jackets/something to wear to keep us warm during BMC but BMC was not more chill. In fact, it was hot as Satan’s anus. We melted to death but we still had fun.
A lot of the time I laughed in BMC was because of how actors delivered certain lines different from how I had heard them in the soundtrack/off broadway boot I’ve seen. Being familiar with the show made this experience really different from The Prom, but also I’ve only know about BMC’s existence for a bit over a month and only really gotten into it in the past few weeks, so the show hasn’t really really sunk in with me yet, which is probably why I had such a muted emotional reaction to it. It was definitely amazing but I didn’t cry nearly as much as I thought I would. 
I also cried during Voices In My Head when they kissed and during the na nas when they do the wave over their head. I just love that one very specific bit of choreo. 
Though the night before I went up to LA, I was in call with @noneeyewithleftyork​ and @seelieflies​ and Jess was talking about places we could visit in NY, and she mentioned the M&M store. I said to myself under my breath “but Eminem is dead!” and laughed because of how dumb the joke was. She wanted to know what I was laughing at and I told her I’d tell her after we saw BMC and so then the entire day when we kept walking past the M&M store, I was hyping up the joke/talking about it. 
By the time the show came around, we had talked about the stupid fucking M&M/Eminem thing like maybe 10 times since I initially made the joke so it was really hyped up. And then the Squip goes “buy that shirt” and Jeremy hold up the shirt and I’m already looking at them for their reactions and they turn to me and I laughed to the point it hurt. It was a lot of “are you kidding me? Is this it??????” looks and it was just the funniest fucking thing to me. 
And then the second Eminem scene happened and I laughed EVEN HARDER than I did before. They were also losing it next to me and turned to look at me and I was nodding and laughing and had tears in my eyes from how hard I was laughing and it was just magical and so incredibly stupid. The “did you kill Eminem” line was particularly funny. 
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@noneeyewithleftyork in the M&M store before we saw the show. 
Cried a little bit during Loser, Geek, Whatever. Because you know. It’s lgw. I’m going to NOT cry, watching wrol sing his heart out on stage. He held that last note for like 7.5 measures and it was impressive as SHIT especially considering he’s been on stage for like an hour and this is the end of a six minute solo number. Fucking incredible. 
Will Roland’s delivery in the first bit of the show is incredible. It’s so LOUD and shouty and awkward. His speech is very halting and rushed. It sounds like Jeremy is taking a leap every time he chooses to say something and he always says it at the very last moment as if he deliberates over it for a long time. And then the transition from his character pre-Squip is incredible. Also he sounds even more nasally in person if that’s possible. I’ll post more about the performance later on my sideblog.
And then I saw the Sunday matinee performance of Hamilton. Holy FUCK, I saw Hamilton. The bottom row of pictures is every time I started crying/felt a fresh wave of tears come. It was 66 times. I had to keep taking off/putting back on my glasses because of my tears. Highlights of times I cried/times I full on sobbed include:
Crying around ~4 times because the guy playing Hamilton was asian (and he was SO insanely good)
Crying at the line “everyone shall sit under their own vine and fig tree” just because I know how much @noneeyewithleftyork loves that line
Before the show started started, I was just staring at my playbill and I started crying very subtly because I didn’t want the people next to me to see that I was crying before it even began.
I cried so hard leading up to/during Wait For It that by the end my arms had gone numb and I was almost hyperventilating. 
Sobbing at the second time the first verse of Hurricane is repeated and the lights go blue/purple and the entire company FREEZES as if they were caught in the eye of a hurricane and it was fucking beautiful.
Full sobbing during best of wives and best of women the MOMENT the violin starts to play because again it was so fucking beautiful and I knew what was about to come.
Full on sobbing during intermission and after the show. 
As soon as lights went down at intermission I was bawling. I talked to the people beside me about how I became good friends with @noneeyewithleftyork and @seelieflies years ago because of Hamilton and now we’re all seeing it together. Then went to talk to Jess and Kt and cried at them for a bit. Pulled myself together for the beginning of act 2. 
Then as soon as the lights went down at the end of the show I started bawling AGAIN and the woman beside me pulled me into a hug as I sobbed.
And then I ran down to tell the conductor (still full on sobbing) and the pit that I love them. Here’s how it went: “hi pit I love you oh my god I love you so much you guys were so good I love you so much.” All while these words were barely comprehensible because I was still crying too hard. I think a pianist waved at me but there were too many tears in my eyes for me to be sure. 
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Those were the crying highlights. Onto other stuff.
The seat I had was fucking INCREDIBLE. Jess and Kt sat together in the 2nd row because Jess won the lottery and I sat in the 9th row because we had to buy a third ticket but the view was still absolutely AMAZING.
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Here’s the view from my seat. I could see the entire stage with minimal movement of my head and it was AMAZING. We had sat super far left in the balcony for The Prom and BMC so sitting in the orchestra was SUCH a cool experience because we could actually see the actors faces instead of just the top of their heads. Jess and Kt sat so close they could SEE the tears on the actors faces. 
Similar to BMC, a lot of the laughs I had in Hamilton were from how certain actors delivered the lines different from the soundtrack I was used to hearing. However, they were different people from the ones on the soundtrack unlike BMC, so it really felt like seeing different takes on a character I had already known. I’ve also been a Hamilton fan for over 3 years now. I was WAY more emotional during this show than the other two for that reason I guess. Hamilton’s been with me for a while. And also the subject matter is just sadder.
The guy playing Burr was so fucking GOOD. Like there were a few times I teared up just because of how fucking incredible his vocals were. The guy playing Hamilton was also so indescribably fantastic.  
We stagedoored after and I showed some of the actors my cry arm and their reactions to it were great. Got my playbill signed by them too!
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Not Broadway Stuff
We didn’t JUST see Broadway shows this weekend, though we did see a show in every possible time slot lol. We did other stuff!
Friday afternoon we went and saw Jess’ cousin’s dance recital which was holy shit. Those kids can DANCE. Like I wasn’t expecting that level of performance from them for some reason and I was blown away. The people behind us were very very very angry that Jess was Loud and being Jess, but then they left so who cares.
Saturday morning we got up super early and took the train into the city. On the train ride there Jess got an email that said she WON THE FUCKING HAMILTON LOTTERY. And we all just sat there in shock. When we got to the city, we just walked around and I took pictures of a bunch of theaters. We passed by the M&M store many times. We basically walked down the same like 5 streets a bunch of times and then we ran around like idiots trying to get tickets to the matinee show of The Prom, which we eventually did. We paid an astronomical amount of money to buy a third ticket for Hamilton. We went to a melt shop and they spelled my name in an incredible way.
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Look at that. “trese-”
Fucking amazing. I had no idea there was a dash in my name but I guess there is now. Or actually, according to a girl we met on the subway, my name is Katrina. We just randomly started talking to some people we met in the subway station and continued talking as we packed like gay sardines into the subway to go to the pride festival. It was an Experience. 
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I also saw this fan at pride and had to take a picture. I don’t take normal tourist pictures according to Jess. Which is true. I just take pictures of dumb shit that makes me laugh. 
And on that lovely note, it’s time to wrap up this post. I’m not kidding when I say this has probably been the best weekend of my life. But also I have memory problems so who knows what other weekends I’ve forgotten. But hey! That’s what this post and photos are for! To remember all this shit. This has been something incredible and I hope I get to go back soon because NY is honestly an amazing city and I love the energy of it so much. 
To steal a line from BMC, everything about this weekend was so wonderful.
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