#also kinda related but he IS trans sorry I don't make the rules
hipstercabbage · 7 months
there's an artist out there who draws roach so so so good and it makes me so insane (in a good way). like. THAT is roach. you are correct and everyone else who draws him is good but YOU. I wanna kiss you on the cheek because you made him look Like That!!!! excellent. five stars. A+
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magebunkshelf · 2 months
How did you figure out you were genderfluid I questioning my gender I didn't know if you had any advice on how to figure it out?
I am so sorry for the slow response. I wanted to take a day or two to figure out the best way to answer. I just spent two hours writing out a really long and thorough answer about my experiences and all the advice I could think of and then my page bugged or something while I was typing and I lost it all x.x Its 3am, and this is nowhere near as well written as I was trying :'(
I guess the super short of it, and sorry this is going to be super scatterbrained now:
I never cared how I looked, never felt comfortable in my own skin, and just dressed very messily - overly large t-shirts, hoodies, and never shorts because I never wanted to acknowledge my legs. I started growing out my hair during lockdown. I'd been trying to grow it out for years but it had to be kept short first because of very strict school dress code rules, and second for practical reasons for work. Having long hair, making a change to my appearance like that, caused to me to start to like how I looked and start to care about it more.
One thing that made me introspect on my gender was when I found audio roleplays. I'd discovered I was bi around the same time, and after finding F4M stuff I also gave M4F a go. I'd questioned things before, but finding that 4F audios would often feel fine and not uncomfortable like I was expecting, really got me thinking more about it.
I'd have called myself like a guy, but stronger words like "man" always made me uncomfortable. I think I'm pretty gender neutral most of the time, but there are definitely times where I feel I associate more with one gender or another. I never felt all that "manly" all my life, and people would just sum that up as like "he's just more sensitive," which didn't help. The times your gender more closely matches how you were raised can start to raise those doubts at the back of your mind, like "am I wrong? Am I faking it?" etc, and those really aren't helpful! Those thoughts started going away whenever I didn't feel masc at all, I held on to knowing that feeling and that it changes.
I started to cared about how I looked and try different things based on what I saw people/characters wearing that I wanted to try. I bought myself some skirts & thigh-highs, and also uh chest padding x.x, and honestly I felt great! For the first time in my life, the person in the mirror was someone I cared about. But it was only some of the time, sometimes the thought of wearing those made me uncomfortable, and I'd go back to jeans and feel much better.
I think for myself, my gender orbits around androgynous (maybe leaning slightly towards the fem side). I realise I've always felt very androgynous, but that it does change one way or another every now and then. There are times I definitely feel more boy-ish, and others like;
There was this one time, I'd felt either very neutral or kinda masc for maybe a week. But then I passed the hall mirror and - it felt like my whole body slammed into a wall, just WHAM! Suddenly F mode! It occasionally happens, and sometimes in reverse, or sometimes for feels very neutral, but this one time the feeling was surprisingly strong from the sudden change XD
I think all I can recommend is to ask yourself how you feel about it; gender is different from any person to person, we have labels for some common experiences, but those experiences are still personal, still going to vary, the only person who can make that determination either way is you. And it may change! Some days I wonder seriously if I may be trans, if that would be more who I am, but then other days I distinctly relate more to being a little more masc. So right now I don't feel that that's me, but I do now have an idea of who I think I am, and some changes I want to make to myself and what I wear to reflect that. But also my experience of being pretty neutral most of the time may not match another genderfluid person!
Look at people or characters you see online that you think look or dress in a way you really like, and ask yourself how you'd feel looking like that, or wearing that? I started to ask myself, do I just find that attractive, or is this more like jealousy? XD If you play games with character customisation, what do you find yourself going for? And if you're in the position to try it, is there anything about how you look or dress you'd want to try changing? I think that's how you can really assess it; having facial hair a few years ago made me super uncomfortable and I swore off ever growing it again, but now having shaved arms & legs feels great, it completely clicks for how I feel about myself even when I'm in a more M mode. And even if my F mode clothes don't feel right to wear all the time, the times that they do, that I'm in the right mode for it, feels great, and I'm not sure I would have figured that out without trying it.
At the end of the day, maybe you are fluid, maybe you're not, and either way is totally fine! It's an ongoing process of figuring out who you are, don't rush it! And maybe however you land you might not want to put a label on it, that's also fine too! I have my own little genderfluid flag attached to my monitor & a few other things, and these are all there because it helped me early on in discovering these things about myself. It can feel weird and strange in asking these things, but after I found a label I felt applied to me, I liked having the flag there as a reminder to myself: this is okay. This is normal. There are other people like me. I've always felt different, that there was something else up, but my whole life it was just dismissed as, I guess I'm just weird. But now I have a name for it, I have a better understanding for what's going on in my head, and I have a flag to remind me it's okay to be the way I am. But you dont need to find a label, that's also up to you!
Be yourself. Be awesome.
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azureintrigue · 9 months
Ok now do MK1 KUNG LAO YOU WERENT FINISHED WITH ME YET! I feel like..there’s this one thingy I’ll tell you in thingy but I think you would understand it
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Sexuality Headcanon: I HC him as also Bi, but he strongly prefers men, to the point where he probably thought he was gay for a long time. Bro didn't have a gay awakening, he had a Bi one. (Like me fr.) Gender Headcanon: CIS!! But he still uses He/They and sometimes even She. I think he finds pronouns to be a silly thing, but he's content with what he has. He wouldn't be offended if someone calls him pretty, or beautiful or typically 'feminine' compliments. He's cis here in my head, because Liu Kang wanted his bff to be able to be happy and not have to experience the crippling dysphoria he watched him struggle with. He's got a funny thing with gender, definitely sees himself as a man, but doesn't mind if other people see him differently. That strong kinda self-confidence that just genuinely makes him happy in his body regardless of what other people think. A ship I have with said character: I LIKE HANLAO HELP ME. I also Love Railao. Anything where he can be happy but also has that nice bit of angst in it... A BROTP I have with said character: OKAY HEAR ME OUT. LET ME COOK. KUNG LAO AND TOMAS. THEIR INTERACTIONS ARE SO BROCODED I LOVE THEM AAAUUGGGGHH melts away into a pile of sand. A NOTP I have with said character: Exploding the pancakes of people who ship him with Liu Kang /J /J /J I am joking i promise. I just personally don't like the ship. A random headcanon: Half-Filipino on his dads side, but never knew either of his parents. From the Cagayan De Oro area, he can speak Mandarin, Bisayan, and Standard Tagalog. This is part was inspired by the fact he just seems like a Chismoso and also by the fact in Mortal Kombat: Conquest, his actor was Paolo Montalban, a filipino man.
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General Opinion over said character: AAAAUUGGH I WANT TO PICK HIM UP AND SHAKE HIM LIKE A SNOWGLOBE PLEASEEE UGHHH I LOVE HIM. I don't relate to him as much as MK11 Lao but LORD IS HE PRETTY AND LORD AM I A FAN. He's absolutely my favorite in MK1, followed by Quan Chi, and Rain. Honestly, I welcome all gender hcs for this goober. Trans, genderfluid, agender, bigender. I can see all of them fitting. Also Homophobia and transphobia don't exist in the MK1 universe Liu Kang eradicated it sorry I don't make the rules.
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basuralindo · 9 months
M, S, and U for the ask game?
Hi! I'm writing this with a migraine so sorry if it's not super coherent, I tried lol
M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend.
Okay I'm gonna assume this is for twst since, yeah. So, I think Lilia would be the most fun and low drama to hang with
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged)
Ooh, this one's a challenge, partially because I have a headache and don't completely understand it -the wording is kinda weird. Uhhh the first one that comes to mind is that I'm choosing to believe that all the overblotters are actually related to the great seven. Like, it's already confirmed for Malleus and Idia, and they described the beastmen as having specific animal dna yeah? So if Leona has lion dna and is from the royal family of the savannah where the king of beasts ruled, that could imply a blood relation to Scar. Kalim said he has relatives in the royal family, which implies he could be a distant descendant himself, and the Vipers have been serving his family time out of mind, so it's not a long shot that they could be the same family Jafar was from. Azul's species and appearance is really unusual among mermen, and also exactly like the sea witch, and he comes from a line of mages including a grandma who was described as having a similar role in their town to Ursula. So like, why not? I have no direct linkup to make with Riddle and Vil, but it's not unusual for royal families to have a bunch of offshoots well into the modern era, so it's definitely plausible. 乁⁠(⁠ ⁠•⁠_⁠•⁠ ⁠)⁠ㄏ
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
Oof it's so hard to pick just one character from each story, but let's see. I'm watching castlevania at the moment, and there's so many good characters, but it's season 3 and Isaac is really stealing the show, so, Isaac. I really love the growth throughout this season, the way he grows, and the reason for changing. I'm enamored by the idea of him setting out for revenge with enough hate to condemn all humankind, and being met with little acts of human kindness along the way until he's inspired to look at himself as something worth valuing who deserves to want things, and by the time he reaches his target, he's run out of hate and replaced it with a will to live. Not to mention his personality, which is hard to break down into highlights, he's just a good and interesting character, I adore him. Crowley from good omens, moreso the book than the show. When I first read it back when I was like, 10 or so? I think? It was one of my first encounters with a character who was slated to be the badguy categorically, would always be perceived as the badguy because of what he is, and isn't trying to fight it, but is just a compassionate person anyway. It meant the world to me at the time and is still really important, he was a childhood hero to me and supportive fixation. Aaand kinda obscure pull but Miles from the Miles Vorkosigan saga by Lois McMaster Bujold. I haven't read since I was a kid, but I remember him being a fun complex action adventure gremlin, and the series itself was really engaging with a lot of social concepts that I hadn't been exposed to before in stories, including the first time I'd ever heard about a trans man! And Miles himself was a protagonist dedicated to defending the marginalized, rather than the trope of hero who vanquishes the strange and scary. I had a massive crush on him for a while there.
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vibbycore · 2 months
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hello tumblr fucks (affectionate). this was a long time coming for me but I finally made a personal blog (woo fucking hoo!!)
now, you may be asking "who the fuck are you LMAO????" well, I'm the host of the system that runs the @zootzbootz blog. which is basically our collective dumping ground. but since most of our stuff there is posted as a collective- I wanted to make my own space!
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what's my name?
vian. I also answer to flash or vibby!
my gender?
I'm a somewhat xenogender flavoured trans guy
my orientation?
panrose! (pansexual panromantic)
my age?
not sharing that lol. all that's relevant is both the body and myself are legal. (aka, an adult)
the fuck does vibbycore mean?
nothing it just sounds funky/pos
how are you a plurallet AND a DID system?
I (as an individual alter) am plurallet - due to bpd related reasons - and I exist within a larger system.
. . . . . . . . .
cool facts about me !!!!
- my favourite aesthetics are frutiger aero, old webcore, y2k, vacation dadcore, and uhh those funky carpets at roller skating rinks if that even counts
- I'm traitblur! 😈😈
- I am parethnic!! (u can ask for specifics if u want)
- I am not The Original™ of our system
- my blog title (strictlyplatonic) is taken from the name of a trz album
- I AM the hottest man alive. sorry. cope. lol.
- I fucking LOVE the real zebos they r my favourite band and nobody likes their music more than me and if you say you do sorry you don't. pls understand. I don't make the rules.
- unironic rapsittie street kids fan (it's fucking FUNNY!!!!!!!!!)
- I have an unexplainable connection to flip phones
- I aspire to have "cool uncle who's cool because he is cringe but free" vibes- and hope every day that I am living up to that aspiration.
- I am a hashtag fictive
- I'm audhd
- I am cluster b (hpd/npd/bpd)
- despite the fact our body is only fluent in english- it isn't my first nor only language. and though I can only speak it (english) due to bodily limitations- and I'm usually pretty fluent this occasionally can cause troubles for me, please understand!
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so what is this blog exactly???
probably just my own personal dumping grounds I guess. idk how much I'll even use it but it feels nice to have. if anything though, I kinda wanna at least partially use this blog as a space to talk about my experiences being a syshost who ISN'T the body's "original". as most times when people think of a host of a system they think of the original too. but that isn't always the case- I am quite literally an example of this LMFAO!!!!!
no dni I'll just block freely for whatever reason I want because I hashtag can do whatever the hell I want. 🫶🫶
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dog-teeth · 4 years
ok so it's so I've been through trying to identify as transmasc it really resonated with me but not anymore. nonbinary doesn't feel quite right either and-maybe that sounds silly-but I don't like how agender flag looks qq. it's kinda ugly, although I do ID as agender for now. but nobody will see me as such. the biggest problem is that my native language doesn't have genderless first person so I constantly have to use he/she unless I wanna sound dumb and use a neutral form which doesn't rly exist
firstly lmao i feel u with the flag thing i know its not actually important but i think both the nonbinary flag and the genderqueer flag are BUTT UGLY so i was rly happy when i started IDing as genderfluid that the genderfluid flag looks nice, though i still usually prefer to use the trans flag, and you can too if you want! imo the trans flag is the most perfect flag design like it just rules. anyways im getting off topic.
i would say don’t feel pressured to label yourself! if its causing you discomfort, just remember you don’t have to put words to how you feel, labels are just a tool and if they aren’t helpful to you right now, you don’t have to use them. you can also try out as many labels as you want and experiment as much as you need to. you can use multiple labels at a time, or no labels if you want to. language is just a tool for pointing to feelings, but it never truly encapsulates a feeling or a being.
i also understand the difficulty with language, that really sucks! i’m sorry. when i speak spanish and italian i have to use gendered pronouns and i dislike that. however, some languages are adapting to include gender neutral languages, like some people use ‘elle’ in spanish as opposed to ello/ella, using ‘e’ at the end of words relating to the gender neutral person instead of o/a. and in english, singular they has existed for a long time but in recent times its become much more common! maybe something like that is happening or could happen in your language? but even if not, i know it sucks to be misgendered, but just remember that using gendered language does not have to invalidate your identity, lots of nonbinary people use he/she pronouns in english too. if it makes you dysphoric then thats definitely a problem and i’m very sorry, but maybe it would help to remind yourself that pronouns do not equal gender, and you can be a gender neutral person even without gender neutral language, even if it makes communicating socially more difficult.
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incarnateirony · 5 years
Hey dude! Do you have any recommendations for LGBTQ+ movies in the romance genre that have like a happy ending. I really don't care how old they are. I'm feeling the Gay™ hence I need the Gay™. You feel me?
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First sorry for taking so long, not only did I have to timeline this :) but :) my computer :) froze :) after writing like :) 2 pages :) and I had to do it again :)
So anyway let it be said, the LGBT dialogue is one of osmosis and shared growth and awareness. Some of these films will be very poorly dated, but as you (thankfully) mentioned that them being old wasn’t a *problem*, expect a lot of old stuff. Because one of the most important things to have under your belt when talking about the LGBT media representation battle is the actual journey from A to B – be that incrementalization, subtextual inclusion, text-breeching features, outright evocative and groundbreaking films at the time (which is what MOST of this list will be) and an improvement in our dialogue; let us never forget that while tr*nss*xual is considered a slur and transgender is proper, tr*nss*xual was at one point the politically correct way to speak it – things like that breach in our growing understanding of the spectrum of human sexuality. 
I *WILL* disclaimer these aren’t all romance, so if you explicitly want romance, google them and take a look if it sounds to appeal, but I’m taking this as a general cinema history plug considering what a confused mess fandom conversation about LGBT history in film or modern text as applicable, accepted or not.
Wonder Bar (1936) (I wouldn’t really call this queer cinema, but if you have the time to watch it too, I think it was the first explicit mention of homosexual engagement even if it was fleetingly brief. You might even call it Last Call style. A blink and you’ll miss it plug that was still decades ahead of its time)
Sylvia Scarlet (1936) (Again, I wouldn’t call this queer cinema, but a lot of the community takes it as the first potential trans representation on TV due to the lead literally swapping gender presentation, even if the presentation is… not what we would modernly call representation IMO)
Un Chant d'Amour (1950) (Worth it for the sheer fact that it pissed off fundies so bad they took it all the way to the US supreme court to get it declared obscene.)
The Children’s Hour (1961) (also known as the 1961 lesson to “don’t be a gossipy, outting bitch”)
Victim (1961) (The first english film to use the word “homosexual” and to focus explicitly on gay sexuality. People might look on it disdainfully from modern lenses, but it really helped progress british understanding of homosexuality)
Scorpio Rising (1964) (Lmao this one deadass got taken to court when it pissed people off and California had to rule that it didn’t count as obscene bc it had social value, worth it for the history if nothing else)
Theorem (1968) (Because who doesn’t wanna watch a 60s flick about a bisexual angel, modern issues and associations be damned)
The Killing of Sister George (1968) (by the makers of What Ever Happened To Baby Jane)
Midnight Cowboy (1969) (…have I had sassy contagonists in RP make a Dean joke off of this more than once, maybe)
The Boys in the Band (1970) (This… this… this made a lot of fuss. Just remember leather)
Pink Narcissus (1971) (a labor of love shot on someone’s personal camera)
Death in Venice (1971) (This is basically a T&S prequel but whatever, based on a much older book)
Cabaret (1972) 
Pink Flamingos (1972) (SHIT’S WILD)
The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant (1972) (The title doesn’t lie, be warned)
The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975) [god I hope you’ve at least seen this]
Fox and His Friends (1975) (some really hard lessons that are still viable today, that just because someone acknowledges your sexuality doesn’t mean they give a shit about you as a person, and that some will even abuse the knowledge for gain)
The Terence Davies Trilogy (1983) (REALLY interesting history look it up, it’s sort of one of those “drawn from own experience” story short sets)
The Times of Harvey Milk (1984) (Documentary)
Desert Hearts (1985) (Pretty much the first film to put lesbianism into a good light as a true focus based on a novel from the sixties)
Parting Glances (1986) (the only film its creator got out before his death from the aids epidemic)
Law of Desire (1987) (two men and a trans woman in a love triangle, kinda ahead of its time)
Maurice (1987) (This one’s really interesting, cuz it was based on a book made about 15 years before it, but the book itself had been written half a century earlier and wasn’t published until after the guy died, he just thought it’d never get published Cuz Gay, so basically it’s based on a story written in like, the 20s finally getting screen time. It has a bittersweet but positive-leaning-ish ending without disregarding the cost that can come with it and even addresses class issues at the same time 100% DO RECOMMEND)
Tongues Untied (1989) (a documentary to give voices to LGBT black men) 
Longtime Companion (1990) (This one’s title alone is history, based on a NYT phrasing for how they talked about people’s partners dying, eg longtime companion, during the AIDS epidemic)
Paris Is Burning (1990) (Drag culture and related sexual and gender identity exploration as it intersected with class issues and other privileges explored in a documentary)
The Crying Game (1992)( I should correct this that I guess it’s more, 1992 considered, “SURPRISE, DIL HAS A DILL!” – I guess I really didn’t do that summary justice by modern language and dialogue as much as how people in the 90s were talking about that and that’s a my bad. LIKE. SEE, EVEN I CAN FUCK UP MY LANGUAGE I’M SORRY CAN I BLAME THE STRAIGHTS T_T) #90skidproblems – I guess I should call it a trans film. And this alone tells me I should go watch it again to recode it in my brain modernly rather than like circa de la 2000 understanding.
The Bird Cage (1996) (So you mix drag culture, otherwise heterosexually connected lovebirds, and then realize the girl comes from an alt-rightish house and the guy comes from a Two Dads Home and does cabaret, how to deal with the issues OF this conflict when it’s between you and your happiness, even if the fight isn’t even your own as much as it is that of the person you love. The answer is PROBABLY NOT to dress in drag and pretend to be straight, but what are you going to do? – while played for laughs we’d consider modernly crude, the fact that they even dared to approach this narrative was pretty loud)
The Celluloid Closet (1996) (Ever heard of the Vito Russo test for LGBT representation? This is based on a book by Vito Russo.)
Happy Together (1997) (Ain’t this shit an ironic name; a mutual narrative, via chinese flick, of hong kong ceding to china and an irrevocably tangled MLM pairing as a giant mirrored metaphor)
Boys Don’t Cry (1999) (one of the most groundbreaking films about trans identity at the time)
Stranger Inside (2001) (As easy as it is to recoil to the idea of “black gays in jail”, the film makers actually went and consulted prisoners and put a great deal of focus into intersectional african american issues that really weren’t around even in straight films at the time)
Transamerica (2005) (While it made a bit of a fuss for not casting an actual trans actor, it was one of the first times a big budget studio really tried to tackle it which really pushed us forward)
Call Me by Your Name (2017) (since I’ve apparently leaned really heavy old cinema throw in a modern one lmaooooo)
Also honorable The Kids Are All Right (2010) mention for the sake of the fucking title alone. 
And to any incarnation of “On the Road” by Kerouac, which
Was originally a book
Released a sanitized de-gayed edition because of the times
Later released the full homo manuscript
had a few film adaptations
Was one of Kripke’s founding inspirations for Supernatural once he left behind “Some reporter guy chases stories” and took the formula of Sal and Dean (and tbh later, Carlo) in a beat generation vibe gone modern as we know it today.
Reading both versions of this can actually help some folks currently understand that when you get confused over some shit (WHY IS CARLO SO UPSET? WHY IS HE ACTING LIKE AN UPSET GIRLFRIEND??? WHY IS HE SO JEALOUS AND SAD WHEN DEAN IS AROUND GIRLS???? WE JUST DONT KNOWWWWWWWWWWWWW) it’s because some big money asshat bleached the content, and sometimes, it takes a while for the full script to come out and again, surprise, it’s been GAY, they just didn’t want to OFFEND anybody. *jazz hands*
Now if you wanna go WAY WAY BACK, during 191X years, a bunch of gender role flicks came out like Charley’s Aunt, Mabel’s Blunder and the Florida Enchantment.
Also where is @thecoffeebrain-blog to yell about the necessity of watching Oz, for the next few hours? But no, seriously, just look into the entire LGBT *HISTORY* of Oz.
Beyond that though I’m gonna stop here cuz hi that’s a lot. I really don’t know how much counts as “happy ending” but if I had to give an LGBT cinema rec list, that’s it as a sum. I don’t really have like, a big portfolio of UWU HAPPY ENDING GAYS because 1. there aren’t a lot of those but 2. to me, it’s not about the ending, it’s about the journey. Be that in flick or through culture and history itself.
If you want more happy ending stuff, you definitely have to look at 2010+, but it’s not like we’re in a rich and fertile landscape yet so honestly just googling that would probably serve you better since I don’t explicitly explore romance genre or happy endings to really have a collection. LGBT life is hard and film often reflects that if we’re making genuine statements about it and really representing it, and we’re just now getting to a point of reliably having the chance at a happy ending. That or maybe someone can add like “Explicit happy endings” lists after this that has more experience in that subgenre.
Also, I can’t emphasize ENOUGH to remember what was progressive then is not what is progressive now, and frankly, what some people think is progressive now they’ll probably look back on what they said and feel really fuckin’ embarrassed. See: “It’s not text because by alt right homophobic dialogue, M/M sex isn’t gay if you do the secret handshake” MGTOW kinda crazy ass dialogue or parallel narratives they inspire that encourage self-closeting and denial based on the pure idea that being gay makes you somehow lesser, so It’s Not That. Like. I am. 99% sure. At least half of the people talking in this fandom. Are going to regret that the internet is forever. And maybe hope hosting servers end in the inevitable nuclear war that will annihilate this planet.
Also, edit: Speaking of mistaken dialogues and words aging poorly, I’d like to apologize from the poor description I rendered “The Crying Game” with, but that really goes to show how deep-seated the issue is we can so casually fuck up identifying a trans narrative as SURPRISE DICK IS GAY when we were all absorbing the content like 20+ years ago and HOW HARD it can be to de-code yourself from that kind of programming because here I am, writing a giant assed rep post and fucking it up because my brain hadn’t soaked that movie since Y2K. Guess what, time for me to go watch the Crying Game again.
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