#also kaito or kiiboy or maki or-
iiizuru · 2 years
Making ANOTHER meme
Cant get myself to want to finish the original one lmao
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kreept12 · 4 years
So I saw a The Good Place AU on ao3, rewatched the show and I had so many ideas for a different take on it like seriously !
So here's a bunch of the ideas I had bc I'm losing my mind at this
First of all : Warning, there's gonna be spoilers of season 1 and probably 2 of the show, please go watch it it's so good and funny.
So all the class are residents, except Tsumugi and Kiibo. Kiibo is the equivalent of Janet. Welcome to The Good Place, yaddy yaddy, except there are 3 bad apples : Ryoma, Maki and Kokichi.
 Each one of them are given an identity that isn’t theirs and they’re trying to pull it off, for a while at least. When the day after their arrival chaos happen and they find themselves the only one without the “emergency suit”, Ryoma decide to tell Tsumugi and Kiibo, but Maki and Kokichi saw that he was a fraud too and kept him from giving himself away, because right now Tsumugi and Kiibo don’t know what’s causing all the chaos, but if Ryoma gives himself away, is sent to The Bad Place but chaos is still happening, they will know the other two are here. Ryoma ask them what’s their plan then, which Maki says they try to blend in. Try to BE good people. Kokichi doesn’t believe one bit of this but act like he does to convince Ryoma. And so begin their journey to becoming good people.
(more under the cut cause it’s kinda long)
Here a list of the soulmates btw (not ship, most of them are made for plot purpose)
Suichi Saihara | Kaede Akamatsu
Kaito Momota | Maki Harukawa
Tenko Chabashira | Korekiyo Shinguji
Ryoma Hoshi | Kirumi Tojo
Kokichi Ouma | Gonta Gokuhara
Himiko Yumeno | Miu Iruma
Angie Yonaga |  Rantaro Amami
But it turns out that trying to be a good person isn’t necessary instinctual for them, Ryoma is the one doing well but oh boy the other two are messes. Maki keeps menacing other people and her polite smile is so forced even Gonta knows it’s fake. Kokichi just keeps making pranks on the other residents because there’s no harm in a little prank (he just had problem adjusting to this new group and hates that he likes some of them so he pranks them so they get away from him and he doesn’t have to be vulnerable around them.) 
Ryoma ends up sitting them down after a few days and telling them they need help. So they debate about who would be the best fit. They end up with Korekiyo, mostly because he studies human and they guess moral are part of humen so maybe he knows the best way to be a good person, plus the guy is lonely most of the time, doesn’t gossip and creepily study and takes note of the other residents. 
They ask him and he accepts. He takes it as a new way to study human behaviour in a field he didn’t specialize during his life. (btw, here the characters are aged-up, they’re in their 20s so they can have more Life Knowledge:TM:). They chose to meet up at Korekiyo’s house to study because his soulmate, Tenko, hates his gut and never comes to visit; while the other three have way too caring soulmates that comes to visit them on a daily basis (Kaito being the more insistant, Gonta and Kirumi try to respect their personal boundaries but still, the gang doesn’t want to be interrupted by them, so at Korekiyo’s it is.
A little more about Tenko and Korekiyo. When Tsumugi introduced them to each other, Tenko was out of her mind. First, she’s a lesbian, second, she finds Korekiyo super creepy and has a bad feeling about him, worst than all other degenerate male she ever met (nevermind the fact that she says this every time she meets a new guy). Korekiyo is also unpleased by this arrangement, mainly because she’s a bit much for him. Tsumugi says soulmates aren’t always romantic, they can also take form in a strong companionship. Both are still skeptical when she leaves and basically avoid each other. Korekiyo also asked Tsumugi about other neighboorhood and if visiting is possible, since he would like to see his sister. 
(Little point here, I doubt Korekiyo might be a serial killer here, he might have thought about it but never acted on it. He’s still pretty fucked up by the abuse his sister made him go through, but he also doesn’t recognise it as abuse yet, part of his character arc would be to come to term with that)
So ! The teaching is... Sure going. Korekiyo is good at teaching the theory but oh boy if he doesn’t suck at practice. They’re sure learning, but it’s still a trainwreck and Ryoma is the only reasonnable person in this house. They need a person who is a good person naturally, and wouldn’t go tell Tsumugi their situation...
Yeah they take a look at Gonta and it’s settled. The man is way too nice to everyone and “a true gentleman never tells friends secret to others !”. They thought about Angie for a moment, she seems nice with everyone and alwyas organise parties or artistic activities to unite everyone together, but she’s close friend with Tenko and Himiko so they doubt she would let Korekiyo hang out with her friends. 
Gonta is not the best teacher. He tries his best, but even though he is nice and try his best to help everyone, he is also incredibly naive and can be mislead to do bad things pretty easily, which is what Kokichi proves within the first day his soulmate agrees to help them. They basically have a Insect Meet and Greet. Once Gonta understands he hurt his friends, he’s pretty sad and isolate himself. Ryoma would probably come talk to him. Gonta talks about how he didn’t act like a gentleman and he regrets it, which leads to a conversation about why he wants so badly to be a gentleman and their past life. Ryoma mentions how he didn’t have anything to live for back on earth, no family, no friends, no lovers. Gonta says he’ll make sure he does now, which makes Ryoma laugh. They grow closer after that, Gonta trying to spend more time with him. 
Meanwhile, Kokichi is onto something. Since he arrived here, he felt like something was wrong. Tsumugi keeps saying they have no idea what’s causing all the chaos and there’s no way someone got here by accident ? Three frauds in one go ? That’s not right. So he investigates, everyone. Their past, their actions, their words, he wants to know everything and understand what is really this place. He doesn’t trust anyone. So he used the Insect Meet and Greet to find more info while everyone is busy. That’s when he’ll cross path with Shuichi, because he sneaked into his and Kaede’s house. Shuichi become suspicious of him from there on and they develop a kind of rivalry where Shuichi knows Kokichi is up to something but doesn’t know what, and Kokichi likes to mess with him. He also likes to mess with Kiibo to ask them a myriad of questions about everything and nothing.
Kokichi : Hi Kiiboy !
Kiibo : Not a boy, but hi (bc hell yes nb Kiibo and maybe this whole thing was based of my want to write this dialogue down, but who knows really)
MEANWHILE, Maki ends up hiding with Kaito who has been trying to talk to her for a while and now she can’t leave him because there are insects everywhere outside. They sit there for a while, Kaito trying to start a conversation, but getting frustrated because she doesn’t talk back until they both lash out. Maki insists she doesn’t want to make friends, especially with him and not on the basis of them being soulmates or whatever. She adds that he doesn’t want to be friend with her, trust her. He asks why but she doesn’t answers. So he starts all over again, straighten up and introduce himself again. “Name’s Kaito Momota, Luminary of the Stars and totally not your soulmate.” She sniggers and introduce herself. They chit-chat for a bit and once the insects are gone, they leave. They say goodbye and Maki avoids him a bit less after this. 
The day after the Insect Meet and Greet, Kokichi arrive at Korekiyo’s home earlier than the others. He brags about how much of a shame it is that Gonta won’t work with them anymore, really it’s too bad. Except that when Ryoma arrives with Gonta in toe, his eyes are the size of saucers. In the days following, Kokichi still tries to use Gonta and make the giant hate him, which is slowly irritating Ryoma. He asks him why he keeps trusting Kokichi after everything he’s done, but Gonta says he believes Kokichi can become a good person, it’s actually the point of everything they’re doing. After a while Kokichi expends his pranks to the other frauds and Shuichi. That’s when it clicks for Korekiyo who goes to talk to him in private. He tries to ask him why he’s trying to get everyone who is close to him into hating him. Kokichi denies everything, just says it’s fun. Korekiyo just tells him it’s not doing him any good and they won’t hurt him if he let them get closer. He still prank them all, but it’s less mean. 
There is also a point where the group wonder if Miu isn’t a fraud too because of her loud mouth. She’s super annoyed by the automatic swear words blocker. She’s so loud and don’t get along at all with her soulmate Himiko who finds her exhausting. 
Also at some point, after Korekiyo began to understand that he was abused by his sister, Tsumugi reaches out to him. She give him a letter from his sister. She tells him visiting is not authorised yet, but she managed to negotiate postal communication just for him. He doesn’t take it well. At all. He has a mental breakdown, having flash-back and being terrorised of what to do with this letter. He doesn’t leave his home anymore and doesn’t answer to anybody, the group can’t have class with him. Everyone is getting worried and ends up asking Tenko for helps. They don’t really think he’ll talk to her but they really tried everything else. Himiko slides a word in their favor and Tenko agrees. She goes to the house, knocks and tells him to open. He doesn’t. She stays in front of the door for a while. After a few hours, Korekiyo finally asks what she wants. She says she wants to make sure he’s not dying or something. He says she heard his voice so now she knows he’s not dead, she can leave. But she doesn’t. She asks him to open the door, that it’s typical degenerate male behavior to lock themselves up and not face their emotions. She’s about to say he’s an idiot for making everyone worry like that, but the words die in her throat as the door opens and she sees her soulmate. He’s a mess. He lets her in. He sits down on the floor, she follows. After a few minutes she asks what’s going on. He tells her about how he recently found out what he always believed was false and maybe someone he cares a lot about actually hurt him a lot. He talks about his sister, about what he thought. He says he was wrong but don’t go in the details, he can’t for now. He cries and lose his composure again, which rings a billion alarms and raise his sister voice in his mind. Tenko instinctively reach her hand out and tries to stroke his hairs in a reassuring paterms. After a while, he calms himself and show her the letter, tells her he doesn’t know what to do. She takes it, rise to her feet and help him up. She goes to the chimney, light up a fire and give him back to him. “You don’t have to worry about this if it doesn’t exist anymore”. He let it falls into the flames and they both watch it burns until they are only ashes left. 
Korekiyo still needs some time, but he slowly let the other back. Tenko also go to talk to Tsumugi, telling her to cut the postal communication thing. She seems disapointed but agrees. 
After that they both start to get better. Tenko slowly try to have a better view on guys, she understands maybe not all of them are bad, like all women are perfect. Korekiyo is slowly opening up to others, slowly trying to move on from the abuse. It’s slow, for both of them, Tenko stops calling guys degenerate, but keeps the male, Korekiyo drops the hat, but keep the rest of the uniform. They’re making progress and supporting each other in little ways. 
Maybe the cast of Danganronpa 2 can be the demons (you know bc of Ultimate despair and all, and maybe the survivors of the game can be the demons that would end up agreeing with the humans) but I didn’t thought too much on this.
ANYWAY that’s a few things in my mind. If some of you are interested I’ll probably answer questions about it or post more if I have ideas. Maybe draw, who knows ! Hope some of you liked my ideas
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solletichi · 4 years
okay so i havent tortured kokichi in a long time and i had this WONDERFUL idea where basically kokichi wants to start lying less and stuff to get shuichi to like him more (bc i love oumasai) so he asks miu for help, and miu ends up making him a uniform that tickles him whenever he lies or is a brat or WHATEVER and yeah so enjoy!!!
“This is stupid.”
“Hey! Don’t call my invention stupid! It’s pure genius!”
“You made a shirt that’ll tickle me whenever I lie? What do you think I am, five?”
“Listen up shota!” Miu lifted her goggles up from her face, stepping away from her workbench. “You wanted something that’ll stop you from lying so you can impress Shuichi and this is what I came up with!”
Kokichi glanced down at the shirt he was wearing, which Miu practically shoved him into. Appearance-wise, it looked exactly like his usual shirt, as it was made from one of his spare uniforms. However, lining the inside of the shirt were dozens of feathers and even miniature claws, ready to launch into action at any time. And to make it even worse, it was programmed so that only Miu could take it off of him.
“How does this thing even work?” he asked curiously.
“The shirt is activated by this remote right here, so that the person controller it can remotely tickle you every time you misbehave!” She held up a small, grey remote with a single switch on it. “It’s a homemade masochism machine, gyahaha! It’s perfect for you!” she sneered, cackling.
“Sooo... you’ll just activate this shirt whenever you feel like it?” he questioned. “No offense, but I don’t trust a pea-brained bitchlet like you to control something like this.”
“Well it’s a good thing I’m not gonna be the one controlling it!” she smirked.
“Yeah, yeah... Wait, what?”
Their conversation was interrupted by the sound of someone knocking on the door to Miu’s lab.
“Miu? Kokichi? Are you guys in there?” the voice asked. The door creaked open and in came Kaito, who grinned once he saw the other two. “There you guys are!”
Kokichi whipped his head around and glared at Miu, causing her to smirk even wider. He pulled her to the side, whispering to her.
“You did not rope him into this!”
“Relax! He’s around Poo-ichi all the time, so he’ll be there to stop you from lying in front of him!”
Kokichi sighed, rubbing his temples. Miu’s reasoning did make sense, but having Kaito be the one in control... This was going to be interesting...
“Fine!” Kokichi whispered before turning around to walk back over to Kaito, with Miu following him.
“Thanks for helping us out with this!” Miu cheered, beyond herself with excitement.
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world!” he smirked, looking at Kokichi.
Miu tossed the remote over to Kaito while Kokichi sulked. “Here, catch!”
Kaito caught the remote and held it in his hand, observing it.
“Mind if I test it out?” he positioned his thumb over the switch, preparing to turn it on.
“Go ahead!” Miu leaned back on her desk, preparing herself for the show.
Kaito switched the remote on, activating the shirt. Immediately, Kokichi was attacked with tickles from all angles as the shirt worked its magic.
“PFT- AHAHAHAHAHA!” Kokichi doubled over with laughter, clutching his sides. Feathers wiggled under his arms and on his stomach, paying special attention to the area in and around his navel. Meanwhile, tiny claws squeezed at his hips and sides, as well as drumming into his ribs. The sensation was intense and visceral, like electric shocks coursing throughout his entire body.
“Ha! This is amazing!” Kaito spoke over Kokichi’s crazed cackles. “Who knew Kokichi was so ticklish!”
“Hell yes! It works!” Miu shouted triumphantly.
“P-PLEHEAHEAZE!” Kokichi felt his body growing weaker, and he could do little but laugh as his torment continued. “NAHAHAHAHA!”
Reluctantly, Kaito pressed the switch back on the remote, turning the shirt off for now. Kokichi just stood there panting, blinking tears out of his eyes.
“Hah... That was torture...”
“You better not be a brat or I’ll tickle ya for twice as long!” Kaito said confidently, holding the remote up. Kokichi winced.
“Well, off you go!” Miu was surprisingly quick to shove the two of them out of her lab. “Let me know if you need anything!” Shutting the door in their faces, she left Kaito and Kokichi alone to go about the rest of their day.
As soon as they had been shoved out of Miu’s lab, Kokichi immediately tried to make a run for it, but Kaito grabbed him by the arm before he could go anywhere.
“Not so fast!” Kokichi pouted in response. “What do you say we go get lunch? Shuichi and Maki Roll are waiting for me.”
“Oh great, I’d love to spend my afternoon with you and your loser friends.” Kokichi complained. “Sounds exciting.”
Kaito promptly switched the remote on, sending Kokichi into hysterics once more.
“FAHAHACK! OKAYOKAYOKAHAHAY I’M SOHOHOREEE!” Kokichi cried. Heeding his apology, Kaito switched the remote off.
“Any other smart comments you wanna make?” Kaito kept his thumb on the switch as a silent threat. Kokichi shook his head, gathering his composure.
“Good. Now let’s go.”
Kaito and Kokichi made their way to the cafeteria, mostly walking in silence. That was, until they ran into Kiibo.
“Sup, Kiibo?” Kaito greeted.
“Hello. Where are you two going?” Kiibo responded.
“We’re heading to the dining hall to grab some lunch! Wanna come?” Kaito offered.
“I would, but... I don’t have the ability to eat. Professor Idabashi didn’t equip me with that function.” Kiibo said sadly.
Kokichi scoffed, giggling a bit to himself. “Poor Kiiboy! Guess that just proves that...” He cut himself off, noticing the way that Kaito was smirking at him. Kokichi gulped.
“Hm? What was that, Kokichi?” Kiibo asked.
“Yeah, Kokichi...” Kaito teased. “What were you saying?”
Backed into a corner, Kokichi had no choice but to say something next. Given that he couldn’t lie or insult Kiibo, there were little options as to what he could say.
“Uh... I said, why don’t you come with us anyway, Kiibo? We would... love to have you with us...?” Kokichi stammered glancing at Kaito for approval.
Kiibo hesitated with his response, clearly having been expecting a robophobic comment. “I wish I could, but I’m scheduled for maintenance in Miu’s lab. Next time, perhaps.” Kiibo looked towards the small remote that Kaito was still holding. “What is that device that you’re holding?”
“Oh, this? It’s, uh...”
“It’s the detonator for a bomb I hid somewhere in the school! I gave it to Kaito so he could take the blame for the explosion!” Kokichi said excitedly, before realizing that he just doomed himself.
“What?! Now that has to be a lie, Kokichi!” Kiibo pointed accusingly at him.
“W-Wait! That’s not what I meHEHEANT!! EEYAHAHAHAHA!” Kokichi started cackling once more as Kaito flicked the switch on, but fortunately he switched it back off after only a few seconds.
“Um, Kokichi...? What’s so funny?” Kiibo asked, clearly confused.
“N-Nothing! I mean...” Kokichi pondered his options mentally before settling on the safest one. “See ya, Kiiboy!” He bolted off towards the cafeteria, with Kaito soon following after he gave Kiibo a small wave.
Kaito chuckled once he caught up with Kokichi, “Is it really that hard for you to not harass Kiibo?”
“Yes. God I wanted to insult him so bad.” Kokichi confessed, surprisingly honest.
The two of them walked a little more before arriving at the dining hall, where Shuichi and Maki were waiting. Kirumi was also there, serving them food as diligently as always.
Kaito waved to them, “Hey guys! I hope you don’t mind, but I brought Kokichi with me!”
In response to seeing Kokichi, Maki scowled, while Shuichi just laughed a bit nervously. They sat down across from Maki and Shuichi, while Kirumi placed down a plate of mini sandwiches.
“I, uh, didn’t expect you two of all people to be hanging out together...” Shuichi stammered.
“Since when are you two friends?” Maki narrowed her eyes at the two of them.
A mixture of half-assed excuses came from both boys, equally frazzled in their attempts to cover up the truth. At least Kaito hid the remote in his pocket this time, so that it wasn’t visible. At least not to the others.
Kokichi, however, could clearly see the remote, only inches away from his hand. Screw trying to lie less... if he could grab that remote, he could say all the mean things that he wants! He waited until Kaito was adequately distracted, and then...
He carefully plucked the remote out of Kaito’s pocket and closed his fist around it. Kokichi grinned to himself, having successfully completed this operation.
“...What are you smiling about?” Maki directed her question at Kokichi, who in turn smiled even wider.
“Is the killer girl worried about me? How adorable!” Kaito searched his pocket for the remote but it was nowhere to be found. Kokichi smirked. “And here I was, thinking you had no heart!”
Checking his other pocket and doing a quick scan of the area around him, it didn’t take Kaito long to realize that the remote had been stolen.
“Looking for this?” Kokichi held the remote just out of Kaito’s reach, snickering when he tried but failed to grab it.
“Kokichi! Give that back!” The two bickered, ignoring Shuichi and Maki’s confused questions of what it was that Kokichi was holding.
“No can do, spaceman!” Kokichi stood up from the table, closing the remote in his fist again. “See ya!”
Before Kokichi could sprint off, Kaito stood up and grabbed him by the arm, pulling him towards him. Being considerably stronger, Kaito was able to force Kokichi’s hand open and grab the remote, switching it on as soon as possible.
“AH! GAHAHAHAHA NOOO!” Kokichi yelped as the shirt got back to work, tickling him with renewed vigor. “SHIHIHIHIT NAHAHAHAHA!”
“Ha! That’s what you deserve you little shit!” Kaito said proudly, holding the remote up in the air.
“Kaito...? What is that thing?” Shuichi asked, speaking more than enough for him and Maki, both of them bewildered and confused.
“Oh! This is a remote that Miu made! When you switch it on it tickles the crap outta Kokichi!”
“And you had it because...?”
“Miu wanted me to turn it on every time Kokichi lied or was being annoying...” he glanced at Kokichi, who was clutching at his stomach, doubled over with laughter. Kaito smirked when Kokichi’s knees buckled and he fell to the ground. “I’d say it’s working pretty well.”
“Alright, that’s enough. I guess I should- oof!” As Kaito turned around he bumped into Kirumi, who was carrying a tray of drinks. A few glasses of water spilled onto his arm and on the remote, causing it to short-circuit.
“...Uh oh.”
“My apologies. I will fetch towels for the both of us. Excuse me.”
Kaito wasn’t even thinking about the water that was spilled on him. All he could focus on was...
“BWAHAHAHAHA FUHUHUHUCK EHEEHEEHEE!” Kokichi was kicking and squirming, flailing like a madman on the ground. The others watched in awe, too shocked to figure out what to do. Eventually, the tickling abruptly stopped, leaving Kokichi in a haze of shivers and after giggles.
Panting quite heavily, he stood up on shaky legs, muttering curse words under his breath.
“Gotta... f-find Miu... get me out of this thing...” Kokichi wobbled out of the cafeteria, off to get Miu to help him out of the shirt.
Meanwhile, Kaito, Shuichi and Maki continued their lunch, trying to ignore the spectacle they had just witnessed. Eventually, Kirumi returned with towels, and the trio went on with their day, completely forgetting about the incident.
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lynneshobbydomain · 5 years
39. For Oumasai?
(Hey Anon, I’m assuming 39 for the kissing prompt yes? Lemme know if this wasn’t what you wanted. I have way too many prompt lists in my tumblr for me to keep track of I’m sorry @_@)
Let’s Play Spin the Bottle
Rated T cuz Miu (God she was so hard to write)
Summery: Shuichi is dragged to a party by his friends and Miu decides that they need to have a little more fun. Who would’ve guessed how the night would turn out?
Shuichi never knew how he managed to get talked into these things. Parties always made him feel like he should be plastered against the wall. He loved his friends dearly, but they were a rowdy bunch when they put their heads together. Even the calmer ones like Rantaro and Korekiyo let loose a little. At the moment they were chatting with each other at the snack and punch bowl. He was pretty sure they were standing there as guards more than just as a place to chat. It wasn’t that it got spiked (though that did happen on occasion, Shuichi still had his suspicions on who) but someone managed to switch it out. Sometimes they were lucky and it was flavored water. Sometimes they were unlucky and they had to figure out what they had managed to drink. Watered down ketchup, for example, had happened once. 
“Okay you fucking dweebs, we’re about to get things spicy up in here.” Miu suddenly called out, holding up an empty bottle. Shuichi felt the color drain from his face and he noticed that most of his friends either looked excited by the prospect, or were dreading it. “You fuckers don’t got a choice in it either! Pooichi! You’re in this too!”
“Whatcha going to do with that whore?” Kokichi asked from the couch, looking at the bottle. “Gonna lock us in the closet for being bad?” Shuichi wasn’t sure he could handle seven minutes in heaven. Especially if it was with Kokichi. Forget the crush, Kokichi would make his life a living hell too.
Miu gave Kokichi a look. “What you don’t want to see if anyone’s brave enough to kiss you Cockichi?”
“Awww and I thought we were going to spice it up a little.” Kokichi mocked her. He glanced over at Shuichi and then shrugged. “Probably for the best anyway.”
What was that supposed to mean? Shuichi knew that there was no way he could get out of this as everyone settled into a circle. “How do we determine who goes first?” Korekiyo spoke softly.
“I’ll go!” Kaito reached for the bottle and spun it before anyone could react. He spun the bottle a little too hard as it skidded a little across the floor. Everyone’s breath held as they watched it land on- “Hey! HaruMaki!”
“Do you want to die?” Maki deadpanned, staring at him. 
“Oooh a kiss of death. Do you put poison on your lips?” Kokichi teased and Miu made an obscene noise.
“Oh for fuck’s sake it’s a kiss. It’s not like he’s gonna strip ya.” Miu paused, “Unless you actually wanted to then there’s a closet and we’d time you-”
Maki’s glare was fast and deadly. Shuichi could feel the malice behind it and it wasn’t even aimed at him. Miu made another obscene sound of a moan. Without further ado, Kaito leaned over and kissed Maki on the cheek. Before Miu could open her mouth to say anything, another glare was shot her way and Shuichi never ever wanted to hear that sound again.
“Boooorrrinnnggg.” Kokichi groaned out. 
The game played on for a while. Most kisses were indeed cheek kisses as a lot of his friends weren’t that close to be on the lips, or knew the other’s comfort level to not embarrass each other.  Miu had been bold enough to get into Kiibo’s lap and kiss him as though her life depended on it. Shuichi had to look away from that scene. Rantarou and Korekiyo had also been brave enough to kiss on the lips, though whether that was to show how the game was really played, if they were dating, or if they just didn’t care was up for debate. Kaede and Rantarou had also been the braver ones to kiss squarely on the lips too. Tenko and Himiko had been the most tame with the forehead kisses. 
Kirumi spun the bottle as she had just been kissed by Ryoma and the bottle landed on Shuichi. “I apologize, Saihara-san.” Kirumi gave the shy boy a kind smile. “But in order to make this comfortable for you, do you have a preference on where I may kiss you?”
Thank god for Kirumi. Shuichi’s cheeks blushed a dark red. “Ch-cheek is fine.” He braced himself as Kiriumi went over to him and placed a gentle kiss on his cheek. His neck and his cheeks were a bright cherry red. He could hear a smattering of laughter and Shuichi reached over for the bottle.
Please let it be someone that he could handle.
It landed on Kokichi.
“Oooooooh!” Kokichi grinned brightly. “Look at that Saihara-chan! You get to kiss me!”
Auta had to fucking hate him or Shuichi had managed to piss off a love god of some kind. He didn’t even know what he could say to this. He saw Kaito’s look of pity from the corner of his eye. Kaito didn’t like Kokichi much, but he knew about the crush and he knew that this wasn’t the exact ideal situation, but here he was. 
He went over to Kokichi and was about to just press a kiss to Kokichi’s cheek when Kokichi’s head moved enough so that his lips landed on his.
Shuichi’s eyes widened. He wanted to run away, he wanted to get out of here, he couldn’t believe it. Did Kokichi guess that he was going to kiss on the cheek and moved on purpose? Was this an accident? He was just about to pull away when Kokichi tugged him closer before pulling away.
“Nice kiss Detective.” Kokichi purred. “Maybe next time though you could aim a little better. You almost got my cheek you know~.”
That had been the point! Shuichi wanted to crawl underneath a piece of furniture and die. He got back to his spot as Kokichi made a happy little humming tune. He spun the bottle and….
Auta really hated Shuichi right now. 
“Awww look at that! I get to return what was so graciously given to me!” Kokichi clapped his hands excitedly.
“We all know you have the biggest boner for Pooichi.” Miu rolled her eyes with a huff. “Stop flinging it around for everyone to see.”
Wait what? Shuichi glanced over at Miu in surprise and Kokichi was giving Miu a look that could burn a building down. “Says the whore who can’t satisfy Kiiboy. You like my dick and you know it.”
“That’s rude!” Kiibo gave Kokichi a look but Miu seemed to enjoy the degrading remark.
Kokichi went over to Shuichi and before Shuichi could react, was kissed hard on the lips. He barely had time to react before Kokichi pulled away and whispered softly. “Now if only we could do this without the game, right my beloved?” 
If that hadn’t been a hint, Shuichi wasn’t sure what was.
After the party, Shuichi managed to grab Kokichi before he sprinted off to the night. He knew that he was probably going to go to D.I.C.E’s hideout and while he had a vague idea of where it was, he didn’t feel like trying to track Kokichi down. “Getting brave on me, Saihara-chan?” Kokichi teased him. “It was just a game you know.” His expression turned serious. “I could’ve been lying.”
So he knew what Shuichi was about to ask. It wasn’t a surprise, but he decided to take his chances anyway. “Would you…” he trailed off. “I don’t think that was a lie.” Kokichi stilled. Since he was still holding onto his wrist, he could feel his heartbeat going quickly. Or was that his heart beat and he was making a mistake in thinking that it was Kokichi’s? “But…”
“Nishishishi.” Kokichi suddenly snickered and yanked his wrist away from Shuichi. “You’ll have to do better than that to get me, darling~” Before Shuichi could stop him, he had already disappeared through the night. Shuichi found himself wishing that the boy had stayed but also found himself watching him leave fondly.
It wouldn’t be Kokichi if he didn’t cause a chase. 
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nebulastarss · 4 years
I already have made a loop au with Kokichi, but what if I make another? Well, you can't stop me because loops are cool and so are ghosts so that's what this is! Ghost Loop!
Now, I've read lots of Loop aus, as previously stated, but I've never read one where the character dies, floats around watching things as a ghost, and only loops once the game ends. So, imma do that. Kokichi again because why tf not.
He dies from the press, opens his eyes and finds himself above it. He knows instantly what happened because he's staring at what's obviously his blood. He feels a bit sick looking at it and feels kinda guilty. He watches as Kaito messes with the crime scene and hides in the Red Exisal. He watches as the rest discover his body and Shuichi argues with Maki that it might not be Kaito. Kokichi watches his trial, kinda disappointed that his plan didn't work but proud of Shuichi anyway.
He watches with utter surprise and fear as Kiibo starts blowing up the damn school, putting everyone in danger, and then fighting Monokuma.
Guess robots might not have dicks, but they do have balls.
He's been following around Shuichi, and discovers his lab with him, despite Shuichi not knowing he's there. He's at the 6th trail, eyes wide and scared as everything is revealed, because he doesn't lie to himself, unless he's trying to get into a role, and no one can see him.
Then he watches and the surviving Trio step foot outside and then everything goes black.
Kokichi opens his eyes to find a locker, that he's touching it and breathing automatically and blinking on reflex and he's so confused that he stays in the locker. Kiibo starts knocking on it and he startles because he just watched Kiiboy self destruct, wtf is happening.
Kokichi pushes the door open and is greeted with a calm and curious smile, and he's so close to freaking out but he's an actor so he holds it in. He knows the mastermind plan won't work, and he knows who it is so he's not nearly as much as a nuisance.
He also knows that they all wanted to participate, so he says "wow, killing everyone right off the bat? That sounds pretty boring, and considering your whole act, I don't think you will."
Then he walks away. Shuichi takes his words to heart and comes to the correct conclusion of none of them being forced, because Kokichi had also said "Hey! With all these memories missing, who knows what else they did! Maybe they changed our whole pasts!" And their pasts mold who they are so they could've made whole new personalities for them without them noticing.
Then he realizes that they could've rewritten the mastermind aswell and everything snowballs from there.
Its not really a "loop" as Kokichi only goes back in time once and only the people designated to murder try to murder, and it's always the same people on the same day. They manage to get out alive due to Kokichi dropping hints to Shuichi and both of them working to save everyone.
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mythgirlimagines · 5 years
Fanfiction Writers Appreciation Day!!!
Here is my rec list, kinda long! There are so many more that didn't fit on here. Don't forget to leave comments or kudos on them (and mine)! (Also I'm not putting the links because that'll get messy, sorry)
"an 'earth's mightiest dexholders' type of thing" by damsevendemigods, the pokespe chatfic we all deserve!
Splash by Royal_Prussian_Fox, a fic that's some Yellow and Gold bonding that we need more of
Pining Through the Internet by @blazewatching , a very good Saiouma piece with notes of Miu and Kokichi (and Tsumugi!) friendship
Purple by @megastarstrike , a wonderful piece in which Kokichi and Kaito are brothers (and Shuichi and Maki are siblings which I LIVE FOR)
Also by them is Sectional Rivalrly, a much-needed Saiouma fic in which Shuichi plays trumpet to Kokichi's violin, HIGHLY recommend
This Groupchat Was A Mistake, Kiiboy (which goes into The Chaos Family) by StarReads, very highly recommended since they are probably the longest and best Danganronpa chatfics I've ever read
Class Akuma Conspiracy by KrazyKyStaHatter is perhaps one of the funniest Miraculous fics I've read, I highly recommend it
An Encore From My Crying Heart by @kirastrations is one of my favorite NDRV3 rewrites and is! So! Good!
a place for love up among the stars by @saiharakaedes is phenomenally written and I cannot recommend it enough!
Kiss and Dash by RicardianScholar Clark-Weasley is a very cute and funny Miraculous fic, the title mostly explains it lol
Literally any fic by @quicksilversquared is phenomenal and worth the read
Never Say Never by @hunterofcomedy is amazing, a rewrite of the first Danganronpa game. Still ongoing, too!
Also by them is The Ultimate Hope which is sidesplittingly funny, I could barely breathe while reading it!
Question 7 and a Half by Starran (I think they have a tumblr but I can't find it??) is legitimately hilarious and contains a lot of popular Pokespe ships
The Ancienverse series by Epicocity is the longest and best Pokemon series from the anime verse. Seriously, it's SO GOOD
Special Randomness by @1358456 is so funny and is one of my favorite Pokespe fics, featuring exactly what the title promises
Any of the fics by @cap9187 are phenomenal and highly recommended!
The Tennis Racket: As In Commotion, Not Equipment by @eeveebethfejvu is amazing and is my favorite pokeshipping fic
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Now that you're on the topic, what are your ships from ndrv3?
ooF i was hoping someone would ask me that!! 
my mains are shuichi x kaede, oumasai, rantaro x ouma, and kaito n harumaki!
i can also get behind rantaro x kaede (mostly bc i spent time w/ him as kaede in my first play-through and his blush was so fucking cute) shuichi and kiibo, ouma x kiiboy, himiko and tenko, and the OT3 of kaito, ouma, and shuichi which?? i honestly didnt appreciate until i stumbled across a blog for them lmfao,, the kaede and maki combo is really cute as well! oh also kaede, rantaro, and ouma make a cute ot3, there’s not a ton of basis for that but i saw 1 (one) video for it and i was like lol im down
and then im basically open to a lot of the other combos like gonta and ouma, iruma and kaede, uhh i saw someone who really shipped tsumugi and rantaro and i think that could be cute! basically the only person i dont really ship w/ anyone is korekiyo but i think thats just my bias towards his chara rip ^^;
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c2-1728-works · 7 years
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Hi hi!!!
For my 500th post, I found this pic on twitter and thought it would be nice update for honorifics disclaimer I wrote long time ago. Would be better if you read that one first
Akamatsu Kaede: First pronoun is watashi(私) in kanji, second pronoun is kimi(キミ) in katakana. ‘Surname-くん(kun-in hiragana)’ for boys, ‘Surname-さん(san-in hiragana)’ for girls. Example: Saihara-kun(最原くん), Harukawa-san(春川さん)
Amami Rantarou: First pronoun is ore(俺) in kanji, second pronoun is kimi(キミ) in katakana. ‘Surname-君(kun-in kanji)’ for boys, ‘Surname-さん(san-in hiragana)’ for girls. Example: Saihara-kun(最原君), Akamatsu-san(赤松さん)
Iruma Miu: First pronoun is oresama(オレ様)-ore is written in katakana while sama is kanji, second pronoun is temee(テメー) in katakana. Just calls others with surname, or kinky nicknames(sorta) she made. Example: Saihara(最原), Akamatsu(赤松) or Dasaihara(ダサイ原dasai means ‘out of style’), Bakamatsu(バカ松 baka means, as most of you already know, ‘stupid/idiot’.)
Ouma Kokichi: First pronoun is ore(オレ) in katakana, second pronoun is kimi(キミ) in katakana. ‘Surname-ちゃん(chan)’ for both boys and girls. Example: Saihara-chan(最原-ちゃん), Akamatsu-chan(赤松 -ちゃん). Kiiboy(キー坊) and Gonta(just by his nameゴン太) are exceptions.
K1-B0: First pronoun is boku(ボク) in katakana, second pronoun is kimi(キミ) in katakana. ‘Surname-クン(kun-in katakana)’ for boys, ‘Surname-さん(san-in hiragana)’ for girls. Example: Saihara-kun(最原クン), Akamatsu-san(赤松さん)
Gokuhara Gonta: Speaks in third person(ゴン太Gonta), second pronoun is kimi(君) in kanji. ‘Surname-君(kun-in kanji)’ for boys, ‘Surname-さん(san-in hiragana)’ for girls. Example: Saihara-kun(最原君), Akamatsu-san(赤松さん)
Saihara Shuuichi: First pronoun is boku(僕) in kanji, second pronoun is kimi(キミ) in katakana. ‘Surname-くん(kun-in hiragana)’ for boys, ‘Surname-さん(san-in hiragana)’ for girls. Example: Ouma-kun(王馬くん), Akamatsu-san(赤松さん)
Shirogane Tsumugi: First pronoun is watashi(わたし) in hiragana, second pronoun is anata(あなた) in hiragana. ‘Surname-君(kun-in kanji)’ for boys, ‘Surname-さん(san-in hiragana)’ for girls. Example: Saihara-kun(最原君), Akamatsu-san(赤松さん)
Shinguuji Korekiyo: First pronoun is boku(僕) in kanji, second pronoun is kimi(君) in kanji. ‘Surname-君(kun-in kanji)’ for boys, ‘Surname-さん(san-in hiragana)’ for girls. Example: Saihara-kun(最原君), Akamatsu-san(赤松さん)
Chabashira Tenko: Speaks in third person(転子Tenko), second pronoun is anata(あなた) in hiragana. ‘Surname-さん(san)’ for both boys and girls. Example: Saihara-san(最原さん), Akamatsu-san(赤松さん),
Toujou Kirumi: First pronoun is watashi(私) in kanji, second pronoun is anata(貴方) in kanji. ‘Surname-君(kun-in kanji)’ for boys, ‘Surname-さん(san-in hiragana)’ for girls. Example: Saihara-kun(最原君), Akamatsu-san(赤松さん)
Harukawa Maki: First pronoun is watashi(私) in kanji, second pronoun is anta(あんた) in hiragana. Just calls others with surname. Example: Saihara(最原), Akamatsu(赤松),
Hoshi Ryouma: First pronoun is ore(俺) in kanji, second pronoun is anta(あんた) in hiragana. Just calls others with surname. Example: Saihara(最原), Akamatsu(赤松),
Momota Kaito: First pronoun is ore(オレ) in katakana, second pronoun is temee(テメー) in katakana. Just calls others with surname, but two exceptions for his sidekicks. Example: Shuuichi(終一), Akamatsu(赤松), Harumaki or Maki roll(ハルマキ)
Yumeno Himiko: First pronoun is uchi(ウチ) in katakana, second pronoun is onushi(お主). Just calls others with surname. Example: Saihara(最原), Akamatsu(赤松),
Yonaga Angie: Speaks in third person(アンジーAngie), second pronoun is omae(お前). Just calls others with first name. Example: Shuuichi(終一), Kaede(楓).
Now, allow me for some grammar time-(special thanks to Namuwiki and Tv Trpoes, Wikipedia too)
First Person Pronouns:
Watashi: Variation of watakushi(わたくし). It sounds more casual than watakushi, yet still more polite than rest of the first pronouns. A standard, polite word for “I”, usable by both men and women in formal situations. It’s also fine for women in informal situations; a man who uses it in an informal context may come across as business-like or aloof, sometimes effeminate. In the case of children, watashi is often used by girls, but never by boys,
Uchi: Used in Kansai-ben, Osaka-ben and Kyushu dialect by women. Also used by middle schoolers or genki girls(remember Nozomi Tojo?). In standard Japanese it means ‘we’-for narrations and explanations. In dialogues, dachi(たち, 達) will be used to indicate plural.
Boku: Sounds more casual than watashi, but more polite than ore. Mostly used by man who want to sound casual without coming across as rude or aggressive. Also the default pronoun for young boys. When woman use it, it’s to emphasize the athletic genki girl trope or boyish/ftm crossdresser/androgynous trait. Used in lyrics quite often, since it has less syllables than watashi(bo/ku, wa/ta/shi), That means it can be gender neutral pronoun for lyrics.
Ore: Sounds more casual, almost rude, than boku. Used mainly by young men (from adolescence to around middle age, usually) in casual contexts. Traditionally considered rude to use it with strangers and people above one’s own social standing, but nowadays younger men use it even with strangers in all but formal situations. Typical pronoun for hot-blooded shounen manga protagonists-if you find a woman who uses this by any chance, the possibility is, she is yankee(like Oowada).
Oresama: Extremely narcissistic way to refer oneself. Attaching an honorific that indicates great respect to the most macho of first-person pronouns makes it a highly emphatic, arrogant and presumptuous version of ore. Used either tongue-in-cheek, or by the smuggest of men.
Second Person Pronouns:
Kimi: Default second pronoun in lyrics, same reason with boku(ki/mi, a/na/ta). Used to sound very polite, but informal to subordinates and affectionate in nowadays. Typically used among peers with boku. The kanji(君) is also used to write -kun.
Anata: Tend to be used by woman more than man. Can be default second pronoun for anyone. Might be to most accurate counterpart to English ‘you’, since it does not refer to particular person.
Anta: Variation/contraction of anata. Sounds more rude than anata, since it has a touch of contempt or anger.
Omae: Similar to anta, but used by men more often. Indicates the speaker’s higher status or age, or a very casual realationship among peers. Often associated with ore, just like kimi is to boku.
Onushi: Outdated version of omae. Used by elders or historical figures(ex: samurai, fictional ninja) toward people of equal or lower rank. Literally means ‘master’.
Temee: Really rude one. It’s rarely used unless the speaker is really infuriated.
Third Person Honorifics:
Kun: Used for young men. Commonly used to refer friends and peers.
San: Mister or Miss. Can be used to both man and woman.  
Chan: Mostly used by children and women. Most characters who use this are naive and pure, but also can be sly and black hearted characters-bitch in sheep’s clothing in Tv Tropes term, ‘haraguro’ in Japanese term.
Important notes:
To make first and second pronouns plural(like you->y’all, tu->vous), add ra(ら) or tachi(たち) at the end. Examples: watashitachi(私たち), bokura(僕ら), anatatachi(あなたたち). However, ra is not used for anata.
Using third person usually gives childish, playful, quirky, or narcissistic vibes.
In spectrum of male-female: Oresama-Ore-Boku-Watashi-Uchi. Real life girls barely use Boku and Ore.
Katakana is used for 1)foreign words 2)emphasizing 3)onomatopoeia 4)character verbal tic for chara who’s not familiar with Japanese-such as robot, nonhuman, or foreigner.    
In terms of ‘sound polite’: Kanji>Katakana>Hiragana. Japanese is a language where using a second pronoun can sound almost impolite, so people would refer others with their name(last name, to be specific)
You’ll never guess how much I hate myself
Why did I made myself suffer? Because I found some of the choices of pronouns interesting. For example, Momota and Ouma, two extreme opposites of the game(blind belief and distrust), are the only two who uses ore in katakana. Angie using Omae, not usual first-name basis, can be quite a surprise. And most importantly, original title of chapter 1, Me and my class trial(私と 僕の 学級裁判-Class Trial of me and me). 私(watashi) is Kaede's 1st pronoun, and 僕(boku) is Shuuichi's... you know what that means.
Who cares about stupid grammar anyway-have a great day everyone!
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ao3feed-danganronpa · 6 years
Thottie Protection Squad
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2RrolNW
by pride_month
Kyoko Kirigiri created "Class 78".
Kyoko Kirigiri added 15 people to "Class 78".
Byakuya Togami: Oh god no
Words: , Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc, Dangan Ronpa - All Media Types, New Dangan Ronpa V3: Everyone's New Semester of Killing
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Nō - Character, TOO MANY, not even gunna try
Relationships: Togami Byakuya/Kuwata Leon, Kirigiri Kyoko/Celestia Ludenberg, Ikusaba Mukuro/Maizono Sayaka, Naegi Makoto/Togami Byakuya, Ishimaru Kiyotaka/Oowada Mondo, Hifumi Yamada/Death, Chihiro Fujisaki/Izuru Kamakura, Enoshima Junko/Tsumiki Mikan, Enoshima Junko/Shirogane Tsumugi, Asahina Aoi/Ogami Sakura, Fukawa Touko/Naegi Komaru, Yasuhiro Hagakure/Weed, Nidai Nekomaru/Owari Akane, Nanami Chiaki/Sonia Nevermind, Kuzuryu Fuyuhiko/Pekoyama Peko/Tsumiki Mikan, Souda Kazuichi/Tanaka Gundham, Koizumi Mahiru/Saionji Hiyoko, Hinata Hajime/Komaeda Nagito, Ibuki Mioda/Being Loud, Teruteru Hanamura/Death, Shirogane Tsumugi/Yonaga Angie, Gokuhara Gonta/Hoshi Ryoma, Chabashira Tenko/Yumeno Himiko, Akamatsu Kaede/Harukawa Maki, Kaito Momota/Space, Amami Rantaro/Shinguji Korekiyo, Celestia Ludenburg/Maizono Sayaka(past), Amami Rantaro/Shuichi Saihara(past), Kaito Momota/Ouma Kokichi (past), Amami Rantaro/K1-B0(past), Kaito Momota/Harukawa Maki(past), Iruma Miu/Kokichi Ouma(platonic), Sonia Nevermind/Kazuichi Souda(platonic), Harukawa Maki/Ouma Kokichi(platonic), Ouma Kokichi/Saihara Shuichi, Kazuichi Souda/Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu(past), Kaede Akamatsu/Kirumi Tojo(one sided), Iruma Miu/Kirumi Tojo, Byakuya Togami/Leon Kuwata/Naegi Makoto, Leon Kuwata/Naegi Makoto
Additional Tags: KAEEEEEEEDDDDDDEEEEEEEE, kaito likes SPACE, literally so many poly ships, sonia and souda are mlm and wlw solidarity, its canon, hes gay, dont eat soap, national bully miu day, national bully kokichi day, national bully souda day, ok this is mainly the trigger happy thots, everyones gay, mukuro is big gae, ur mom gae, chatfic, help me, reincarnation au? probably, IM GUNNA SWING FROM THE CHANDELIER, izuru is nonbinary, chihiro is nonbinary, ouma is trans, saihara is trans, amami is trans, ill add more i promise, Hope, komaeda is trash, give kaito a lover 2k19, no sleep, Insomniacs, Disasters, touko is a cryptid, yamada is dead, teruteru is also dead, same with imposter, tsmugi gets around, avacado spirit, chiaki and komaeda are besties, dont @ me, Non Despair, Let them be happy ok, lucky bois, there are some cults in here somewhere, iM aDdIcTeD tO fLeXiNg oN mY oLd hOeS, celestia is a savage, kiiboy is either nonbinary or genderfluid, cant decide, idk - Freeform, THEYRE NOT STRAIGHT, none of them - Freeform, im emersyn and this is the time i found out i have DaNgAnItUs, bella thorne gifs, nagito is a kardashian, ranty is shane dawson, toko is a cryptic pt2, chihiro is a savage, change my mind, peko is mom, fuyuhiko is dad, kiyo is dad, kirumi is mom obvi, tsmugi and ranty and kaede are squad goals, naegi is an egg, naegi is luminary of the stairs, togami has pink hair at some point, its chiakis faultok, naegi likes vaporwave, chihiro might be dating mothman, we don't know, I need to stop with these tags, will i bring in seiko and ruruka? idk maybe, celestia is mom, togami is dad, its canon ok
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2RrolNW
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Uhh I’m done dying so I guess I’m here now Finally doing these mod ratings so here we go. Not doing any fancy font changes and stuff because I’m a lazy gremlin Mod Tenko Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Comment: Tbh probably my favorite mod out of everyone else here. Good frien Mod Kaede: Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Comment: Good frien!! Really nice talking to him Mod Amami: Rating: ⭐⭐⭐ Comment: A lot of fun to talk to!!
Mod Saihara: Rating: ⭐⭐⭐ Comment: Don’t talk to them much, but I appreciate the answers they give Mod Angie: Rating: ⭐⭐⭐ Comment: Concern™ but also a fun person to talk to Mod Kaito: Rating: ⭐⭐ Comment: Man we’re still corn bros in my heart, I’m sorry for wasting milk Mod Maki: Rating: ⭐⭐ Comment: Don’t have much to say about you, but you’re pretty chill Mod Kiiboy: Rating: ⭐ Comment: why the fuck wasn’t I here when we were discussing the color of your cum Mod Himiko: Rating: ⭐ Comment: I’m not writing you a piss fic
Mod Gonta: Rating: Zero stars Comment: Answer your fucking asks you cuck -💜🎭Mod Ouma🎭💜
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c2-1728-works · 7 years
To fanfic writers out there; notes on our children’s pronoun and honorific
I’m sorry, but misuse of honorifics @ Ao3 somehow bugs me more than I though so I had to jump back to ndrv3 JP Wikipedia page and write this
Akamatsu Kaede: Uses ‘私(watashi-in kanji)’. ‘surname-くん(kun-in hiragana)’ for boys, ‘surname-さん(san-in hiragana)’ for girls 
Amami Rantarou: Uses ‘俺(ore-in kanji)’, ‘surname-君(kun-in kanji)’ for boys, ‘surname-さん(san)’ for girls
Iruma Miu: Uses ‘オレ様(oresama)’, just calls others with surname or kinky nickname(sorta)
Ouma Kokichi: Uses ‘オレ(ore-in katakana)’, ‘surname-ちゃん(chan)’ for both boys and girls. Kiiboy(I think that is nice translation of キー坊) and Gonta(just by his name) are exception.
K1-B0: Uses ‘ボク(boku-in katakana)’, ‘surname-クン(kun-in katakana)’ for boys, ‘surname-さん(san)’ for girls
Gokuhara Gonta: Uses third person(ゴン太,  Gonta), ‘surname-君(kun-in kanji)’ for boys, ‘surname-さん(san)’ for girls
Saihara Shuuichi: Uses ‘僕(boku-in kanji)’, ‘surname-くん(kun-in hiragana)’ for boys, ‘surname-さん(san-in hiragana)’ for girls
Shirogane Tsumugi: Uses ‘わたし(watashi-in hiragana)’, ‘surname-君(kun-in kanji)’ for boys, ‘surname-さん(san)’ for girls
Shinguuji Korekiyo: Uses ‘僕(boku-in kanji)’, ‘surname-君(kun-in kanji)’ for boys, ‘surname-さん(san)’ for girls
Chabashira Tenko: Uses third person(転子, Tenko), ‘surname-さん(san)’ for both boys and girls.
Toujou Kirumi: Uses ‘私(watashi-in kanji)’, ‘surname-君(kun-in kanji)’ for boys, ‘surname-さん(san)’ for girls
Harukawa Maki: Uses ‘私(watashi-in kanji)’,  just calls others with surname, even Gonta and Angie
Hoshi Ryouma: Uses ‘俺(ore-in kanji)’, just calls others with surname
Momota Kaito: Uses ‘オレ(ore-in katakana)’, just calls others with surname-but his assistants are exception!(終一Shuuichi&ハルマキHarumaki)
Yumeno Himiko: Uses ‘ウチ(uchi-in katakana)’, just calls others with surname  
Yonaga Angie: Uses third person(アンジー, Angie),  just calls others with first name
More detailed grammatical explanations with helps from TvTropes-
Boku(僕, ボク): "I, a non-threatening man." Used by men who want to sound casual without coming across as rude or aggressive. Also the default pronoun for young boys.
Ore(俺, オレ): "I, a tough young person". It is used mainly by young men (from adolescence to around middle age, usually) in casual contexts. Traditionally considered rude to use it with strangers and people above one's own social standing, but nowadays younger men use it even with strangers in all but formal situations   
Oresama(俺様, オレ様): "My magnificent self," perhaps, or "my most serene highness." Attaching an honorific that indicates great respect to the most macho of first-person pronouns makes it a highly emphatic, arrogant and presumptuous version of ore. Used either tongue-in-cheek, or by the smuggest of men.
Uchi(家, ウチ): "I" or "my own". Used in Kansai-ben (including Osaka-ben) and Kyushu dialect by women. Also used by middle schoolers or genki girls(remember Nozomi Tojo?). In standard Japanese it means ‘we’.
Watashi(私, わたし) A standard, polite word for "I", usable by both men and women in formal situations. It's also fine for women in informal situations; a man who uses it in an informal context may come across as business-like or aloof, sometimes effeminate. In the case of children, watashi is often used by girls, but never by boys,
Using third person usually gives childish, playful, quirky, or narcissistic vibes. But in Angie’s case, I think it gives some foreigner feels.
In spectrum of male-female: Oresama-Ore-Boku-Watashi-Uchi. Real life girls barely use Boku and Ore. 
Katakana is used for 1)foreign words 2)emphasizing 3)onomatopoeia 4)character verbal tic for chara who’s not familiar with Japanese-such as robot, nonhuman, foreigner.    
In terms of ‘sound polite’: Kanji>Katakana>Hiragana.
I hope this helps!
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