#also just like gender neutral language but doesn’t care at the same time
not-rome · 1 year
i love nonbinary merlin and think he needs more attention
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writerblue275 · 7 months
Heartsteel love language headcanon (Giving and Receiving)
Inspiration: I was thinking about this because we were discussing the idea in the book club I’m a part of. So I thought about me and that led me to think about what Heartsteel’s love languages would be!
Champions: Heartsteel
Genre: Headcanon
Gender: Gender Neutral Reader!
TW: None!
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Giving: Words of Affirmation
Now some of you might be giving me side-eye, but hear me out. This is both verbal and non-verbal.
We know he canonically can speak, just not loudly and he doesn’t talk super often. Now I still believe he’d primarily communicate in a way that’s non-verbal, such as sign language, in order to not overwork his vocal cords.
Because of this, anytime Aphelios speaks, you want to fucking listen to him. When he says something, you know it’s something important. He doesn’t waste his voice on just anything. It’s too precious for that.
But lucky you, he never finds talking to you a waste. He loves using what voice he does have to give you all the lovely affirmations/compliments you could ever ask for. He will make sure his love for you is known.
And he doesn’t have to use his voice either. You will absolutely get random texts throughout the day, or find sweet little notes in your pocket/bag. Any card you receive as part of a gift or something just has such sweet words written in it. I can also see Phel leaving notes on your mirror (either in dry erase or on a post-it) to make you smile.
The biggest hype man when you meet your goals/achieve something you’ve been working hard towards. And he’s genuinely excited about it too. He’s really so happy for and proud of you and he makes sure you’re aware of that. Phel always just wants to make you smile and let you know, despite his busy and bizzare schedule, he loves you very much and you’re extremely important to him.
Receiving: Quality time
Aphelios loves when you and him have some alone time together. In the hustle and bustle of being a member of an extremely popular group, his mind can get really chaotic. But then he sees you and it’s like a switch gets flipped.
You calm him down like no one else can. You don’t even have to do or say anything specifically. Phel is a big fan of companionable silence (big same, my guy) and of “being alone together” with you (if that makes sense.) Though of course he is also a big fan of you cuddling him and chatting about whatever.
Sometimes you’ll bring work over to his studio and work on that while he’s writing/recording his compositions. You always make sure to bring snacks/meals and caffeine for him and he always stops to enjoy the food with you and listen as you talk about your day. You’re one of the few people who can easily pull him away from work no matter what.
When both of you get back to work, you may barely say a word to each other, but it doesn’t matter at all.
He’s more productive when you’re with him in his studio and he also takes better care of himself. You’ve received texts from Alune and calls from Yone asking you to just move into his studio permanently. (Of course they’re joking, but they do love the positive influence you have on Aphelios, his music, and his well-being.)
He just loves being in your presence, knowing you could be anywhere in the world if you wanted to be, but here you are, with him, loving him. It makes his heart really happy and light.
Giving: Physical Touch
I feel this is one of the more obvious ones, but Heartsteel Ezreal just gives off the vibes of someone who is very physically affectionate.
That’s not a bad thing. He’s just absolutely the type to come up behind you and give you a hug and nuzzle your neck. This won’t be any surprise though. His love of physical affection is demonstrated early on in your relationship through linked pinkies or a hand always on you in some way.
Dare I say, clingy (in a good way though). He just loves touching you. Doesn’t matter if he’s working, he can get creative. Like he’s absolutely flashed in front of you during a concert to give you a wink and get a high-five. Ezreal loves how pink your cheeks get and how wide you smile at him. (Ideally he’d love to give you more attention but he knows Alune and Yone would kill him if he got too extra.)
You’ve received post-show texts from Kayn that say something along the lines of: “For fuck’s sake, (Y/N), can you please get back here already so your puppy can finally give you the “proper amount of attention” he’s spent the past 15 minutes rambling about? I’m about to tape his mouth shut so I don’t vomit.” (He’s 95% joking. All of Heartsteel loves how happy you make Ezreal, but they can only handle so much post-show adrenaline-filled gushing.)
Him having that physical connection with you is his primary way of letting you know he’s there for you and that you’re important to him. When you’re with him, the two of you are always touching some way some how. As I said, some of his favs are linked hands/fingers. He also loves having his arm(s) around you or his head on your shoulder/lap.
It really doesn’t matter though. All that matters is that he feels you next to him.
Receiving: Words of Affirmation
I feel like Ez is the type of guy who definitely wants to hear you say you love him as often as possible. He will never get tired of hearing you say those words to him.
I do think some of this stems from his past. Having spent time in the public eye for such a long time, and unfortunately being heavily critiqued after he failed to follow up his first solo hit with success, that’s made him doubt himself and his abilities at times.
Imposter syndrome can really be a bitch (I know it well). Unfortunately, it’s made moments in his life difficult, especially since this original scrutiny happened when he was younger, during a critical developmental period for someone growing up. (Ezreal is only in his like early-early mid twenties, y’all. Shit happening during/before that can really leave an impact.)
Hearing you say how proud you are of him, or even if you just compliment him on something small (like the watch he chose to wear for the day or how good his hair looks), well that means everything to him.
You love how his face lights up whenever you compliment him or tell him something sweet. His adorable crooked smile is like concentrated sunshine.
One of your favorite things to do is leave sticky notes on his mirror that just say sweet things like “I love you, Ez!” Or “Looking good, handsome!” He always makes sure to take a selfie with each post it note when you do because he loves seeing them as much as you love putting them up there. It’s your favorite part of the day, getting your daily selfie from him with your note in it.
One time Alune told you the story of how Ezreal turned into a fountain of tears and wouldn’t stop talking about how much he loved you when you had flowers and a really sappy note (detailing how much you love him, how proud you are of him, how you’ve always believed in him/his talent, and thanking him for allowing you the honor to be by his side and support him through this amazing journey) delivered to him before Heartsteel’s first concert. He has the original card framed and he takes a copy of the note with him when he goes on trips. He reads your words before every single performance as part of his pre-show ritual.
Giving: Physical Touch (TBH I feel like touch is just very slightly over words of affirmation for Kayn. At least for giving.)
You know what, I think Kayn is similar to Ez a little bit. Just another member who I can see being physically affectionate with his partner.
HOWEVER, I think how Kayn expresses his physical affection is different than Ezreal. Unlike Ezreal who I see as being very overt with physical affection, I see Kayn as someone who is just slightly more low-key.
Now that’s not to say he’s not going to express that in public. He absolutely will. But with Kayn I see more: hand in your back pocket while you’re in line, hand on your thigh if he drives (he’s figured out that’s the only way you’ll tolerate his driving), arm sliding around your waist whenever he steps next to you, hand slowly slipping into yours.
The sort of touches that leave you blushing and biting your lip. The ones that leave you a little breathless. (Not saying Ez can’t do those. I fully believe he can. But there’s just really something about Kayn’s punk/bad boy energy that has me like…😳 and 😏 at the same time.)
He’s a BIG fan of kissing. Like you cannot convince me otherwise. Like yeah his hands can do some of the talking, but kissing you is his favorite way to show he loves you.
(Lord help me I could do a whole headcanon for Kayn kisses alone, I feel like. I have THOUGHTS.) Anytime you want a kiss, you get a kiss, no questions asked. And the way he kisses you indicates a lot for how he’s feeling.
Sleepy Kayn? Forehead, nose, cheek kisses (shhhhhhh he has a soft side. Don’t tell anyone). Needy Kayn? He’s either kissing you completely breathless or he’s leaving hickeys somewhere on you. Otherwise, even if he’s just walking past you to get to another room, he will always stop to give you a kiss hello. And even those sweet quick kisses hello leave you feeling just LOVELY.
Receiving: Words of Affirmation (again I was between this and physical touch, but unlike giving where physical touch wins, I think receiving, words of affirmation win.)
Again, similar to Ez, I think a lot of this stems from his pre-Heartsteel past. Kayn got kicked out of his old band and got a not-great reputation in the media. Like there’s no denying that sucks and that sort of criticism can really fuck with a person’s mind.
So when you compliment him, you say you’re really proud of him, or when you tell him how great he was after a show, he eats that shit up with a SPOON.
And Kayn might try to play it off as not a big deal, but every time you tell him you love him, you can’t help but notice how happy and content he looks. As if all is right with the world. (Listen this might be a tad cheesy but let this rockstar get some genuine fucking love and praise here please.)
I’ve mentioned before in my pet names headcanon (HERE) that I think some pet names really mean something to Kayn. Like when he calls you sexy (ex: “Hey, sexy, how was work?”) it’s his way of affirming to you that he finds you sexy. Same if he calls you beautiful or hottie or whatever.
So when YOU call HIM those sorts of pet names, it means something to him. He takes it as affirmation you still find him to be sexy/handsome/etc… Also let’s be real, the man put in work to get the body he has. You can feed his ego a bit on this.
Another one who secretly keeps any cards or notes you give him. If he’s ever feeling bad about himself or really nervous and he can’t talk to you, he’ll start reading through his stash and it always helps. Knowing you love him and believe in him really shoves the demons away.
Though let’s be real here, nothing compares to hearing you say sweet things to him in person (or over the phone).
(The number of times I changed my mind on his love languages omfg. We’ll talk a little more about receiving first in this one)
Giving and receiving: Words of affirmation
A lot of this has to do with K’Sante’s pre-Heartsteel backstory, as well as his base-lore character. (I know this is for HS K’Sante, but they kept some traits from his base character [The Pride of Nazumah] that I think really feed into this.)
K’Sante is a very proud man. He’s a very ambitious man. It doesn’t matter whether that pertains to music, to fashion, to design, to fitness, etc. whatever he’s doing, he puts his all into it.
And when you put your all into something, naturally there’s some desire for someone to acknowledge the effort you put in, as well as appreciate the result of all that effort. And while he gets that from the fans, the media, other places, none of that approval means more to him than your approval.
He feels your love whenever you tell him how handsome he looks in the new design he brought to life or text him about a photo in the media and compliment him. Whenever you’re the first one to notice when he’s changed his hair. Whenever you cheer him on as he’s doing reps. Whenever you comment on how amazing his part of their new song is.
Hearing/reading (for texts) your pride in, support for, and love for him allows him to stay ambitious and to keep driving for more and he’s so grateful for you. He definitely realizes outside of HS, you are what helps keep things steady.
And while you are super proud of him, he’s ALSO super proud of you and he’s definitely not afraid to let you know that.
I feel like it’s very difficult to have low self-esteem regarding your looks when you’re with him. K’Sante will compliment you out the wazoo. When you look fine he’s making sure you know you look fine (which to him is always). I also feel like he’d use you as a muse for his designs, which is like a massive compliment.
And if you’re nervous about something, K’Sante is such an excellent hype man. He’s reminding you why you are so amazing and that your personal strengths are perfect to get you through whatever is being thrown at you.
Along the same vein, I feel like K’Sante would be the best person to go to for advice. He seems extremely thoughtful with what he says and I feel like he knows exactly what to say to make you feel better about things. (I mean shit we know other members already go to him for advice, he’d absolutely give you, his partner, advice as well.)
And when you achieve something? He is celebrating as much as if he accomplished it himself. He’s very proud of you. “What did I tell you, baby! I knew you could do it!”
Definitely brags about you and your achievements, at least to Heartsteel. He’s just so fucking proud of you and he can’t keep that to himself! That’s a disservice to you! I feel like he’d at least ask and make sure he could tell other people about your achievement though.
(Hehehe this makes me imagine: You know he’s been bragging about you again because you receive random texts from the other members congratulating you on something you’ve recently accomplished.)
This big guy is just a man who really enjoys telling you he loves you (as well as what he loves about you) and loves to hear you say it back (as well as what you love about him).
Giving and receiving: Acts of Service
A lot of this stems from being raised by a single mother after his father just up and left (shoutout to the single parents out there. Y’all are incredible). Sett would do anything to try and make Ma’s life easier. We know he’s the best cook of the group and I bet he learned how to cook pretty early on.
I imagine Sett also quickly learned sewing and other household tasks for the same reason. It just hurt him to see his mother so damn tired and stressed after working multiple jobs to try and make ends meet. He wanted to do what he could to help. That desire to make things easier for the people he loves hasn’t gone away as he’s grown up. If anything, it’s gotten stronger. (God damn Ma raised him so well 😭.) He shows this type of love in many different forms, starting with simple ways. He’ll always open the door/car door for you. He’ll walk on the side closer to the street. Always offers an arm to you when going down stairs. He’s happy to carry any bags for you.
Of course Sett just as easily does more in-depth acts of service. Mending clothes you love that you thought couldn’t be fixed. (God I love Sett loving to sew.) Happily teaching you to sew when you ask him. Cooking dinner whenever he can (he loves trying out new things, but even more so, he loves showing you the meals of his childhood). Ma always cooks with lots of love and that’s a quality she passed down to her son. He also loves spoiling you through his actions (think surprise bubble baths/face masks/massages/etc.) just because he wants to and he thinks you deserve to be spoiled.
Sett would literally run through a brick wall if it would make your life easier in the short and long run. You make him so happy. He loves you so much and making sure you’re happy and well taken care of is the least he can do, in his mind.
On the receiving end of things, anything you do for him, whether small or big, Sett appreciates more than you know. Whether it’s bandaging his knuckles after a particularly intense bout with a punching bag or making sure his keys and water bottle are in their proper spot by the door so he doesn’t forget them, these seemingly small things mean the world to him.
And when you do “bigger things” like fix his sewing machine that he hasn’t had time to take to the repairman, or reseason his cast-iron cookware? You’ve got Sett ready to propose on the god damn spot. You organized his spare fabric swatches by color and it was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen (besides you). He would not stop thanking you for the rest of the week.
When you make dinner and prep a plate for him to heat up once he gets home really late from a long day? It doesn’t matter if he’s the better cook, to him, this is the best meal he’s ever tasted. And when you stay awake late and help him into a warm bath/shower? It’s adorable to see your massive and jacked boyfriend turn into putty under your gentle ministrations. He especially loves when you wash his hair and play with his ears.
Along the same vein, he loves when you come greet him after a bout of boxing with his little medical bag. You always look him over carefully, running a quick concussion check, cleaning anything that needs to be cleaned, and wrapping anything that needs to be wrapped. He’s so appreciative he doesn’t even flinch when you’re cleaning out a cut with antiseptic.
You really know how to love him so well and he’s ready to receive ALL OF IT and love you back the same way.
Giving and receiving: Acts of service
Yone is another member who I think both gives and receives love the same way and that is through acts of service.
Whenever you bring him a meal or coffee, or just drag him away from his monitors for a brain break, that’s when he feels your love the most. When you bring food he appreciates anything you bring him, but the stuff he finds the most delicious are the things you make yourself. It doesn’t matter if you’re not the best chef.
Something that’s small but he really really loves is when you brush out and braid/play with his hair. Besides a hair stylist, you’re the only one he lets touch his hair.
He knows it’s not easy to love him considering his profession, so the fact you take the time and do these things for him? You take the time to make his life easier? Well it makes him melt tbh. (You are one of the very few lucky souls who gets to see soft Yone. You lucky fucking duck.)
His schedule is wacky, he’s often stressed due to deadlines, and his celebrity status makes date nights or just walking around in public a difficult adventure sometimes.
And because Yone knows being in a relationship with someone of his profession and status is difficult, he really tries to make it up to you and return your acts of service with his own, just to show you you’re always on his mind and that he really he loves you too, even if he can’t always be there to show you.
For example Yone always keeps things neat and tidy (a dream really) and he knows you well enough (I mean duh) that he knows where everything of yours goes, so you’re never shocked when you find your shared bedroom and bathroom perfectly clean and all your things exactly in their spots. You only wonder when he had the time?? (He just chuckles when you ask him.)
Whenever he’s not stuck at work, he’s incredibly sweet and helpful, doing all sorts of little things that just make day-to-day life so much easier.
You wake up after Yone and like coffee? Every morning he makes sure the maker is programmed to have a cup ready for you when you wake up. You cooked? Great! He’s got dishes no problem. You decide to clean a room? He’s either helping you do it or hey, pick any other room for him and he’ll clean that one.
And this doesn’t just stop at like day-to-day living things. If you come home stressed, before you know it you’re sitting in front of him, fresh out a steaming bubble bath, while he massages your shoulders/back and listens to you ramble about what has you so tense. His definition of acts of service definitely include things that spoil you.
Why do I feel like he makes a surprisingly good breakfast? I think he’d enjoy making a whole breakfast in bed meal for you, especially on a birthday or anniversary, but also sometimes just because he wants to surprise you.
Yone’s definitely a gentleman whose actions speak far louder than any words he could ever say.
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depressopax · 8 months
Dale Cooper NSFW headcanons
Twin Peaks fandom
Pairing: Dale Cooper x gender neutral reader Genre: Smut, headcanons Warning(s): Sexual content! Reader is gender neutral Words: 1.1K Summary: Being in a relationship with Dale Cooper would include... English is not my main language, if I make any spelling mistakes please let me know so I can improve my writing! <3 SFW version WIP Full masterlist
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Dale sure has had sex before, but still he’s pretty awkward when it comes to that part of your relationship. 
Especially the first time
He was a nervous mess, and in combination with his arousal, his flushed face and how eager he was, it wasn’t really awkward, instead you found it cute.
He is more submissive by nature, but still likes being on top, since it gives him a slight feeling of control.
…He does love it when you guide him, telling him what pace to go in, and have you decide positions.
He prefers to have you on your back, so he can hover over you and see your sweet face as he pounds into you
He does prefer being on top of you, but also loves it when he can lay back down and have you take care of him.
Seeing you on top of him is like a wet dream to him. He has a weakness for “being taken care of” by you.
He’s loud in bed. He’s a bit ashamed of it, since he’s usually calm, but when he sleeps with you, he can’t, nor wants to control the sounds he makes. 
You love it, though. Since Dale is very calm it’s hot to see him lose it.
…Especially when he whimpers for you.
Overstimulate or edge him, and you’ll even hear him beg for you to stop or continue, cry and whimper. 
Dale’s sexdrive is not that high, but if you have a high libido, he doesn’t really complain.
He prefers long, slow and passionate love-making sessions.
That’s why he’s not a fan of quickies.
He wants to really take his time with you and have time for foreplay and aftercare
But if you insist - or if he’s really horny - he’s down for a quickie. 
His favorite place besides the bed is probably the shower.
That way, he can have sex with you in the morning, clean up and then get ready for work. 
You’re often left with hickeys after sex. Dale is not the possessive/jealous boyfriend (at least not showing signs to be), but he enjoys leaving love marks on your beautiful skin, as to show everyone that tries flirting with you that you’re in a relationship.
He is not that kinky and prefers “vanilla sex”. 
…He’s not the one to admit it, but the thought of light bondage is hot. He would love for you to tie him in bed using one of his ties. 
Maybe even blindfold him, too…
But a big NO is anything that could hurt you. It’s a turn-off
If he’s in the mood, he also spices it up with roleplays.
He’s not good at dirty talking in bed, but if you were to sext each other or talk on the phone… Damn.
Especially if you’ve been apart for too long.
He just misses you, …and your body.
He gets off to the thought of you touching yourself to his words, and hearing your sweet moans over the phone
He does have a praising kink. He likes being praised by you, especially.
Though he doesn’t show it, he’s pretty insecure - especially in bed.
So just praise him and let him know how attractive you find him 
He does the same for you, too.
He’s not shy to tell you how good it feels to be inside of you, how good you look, and how “DAMN good” you taste.
He prefers giving oral.
Once again, he’s a service top.
He loves to have you lying down on bed, moaning his name whilst you tell him what to do.
When you receive oral from him, he usually takes the opportunity to tease you, even edge or overstimulate you, as revenge for how you treat him in bed.
He can AND will spend hours between your legs.
And boyyy he knows how to use his tongue.
Of course, he loves receiving too.
He tells you “He thinks better” when you suck his dick. 
Of course, this only sounds like a lame excuse to get oral from you - but you’re more than happy to oblige.
He is the guy to just lean back with a smile whilst enjoying your lips working on his length.
Especially after a long day at work, or when he’s exhausted. 
He’s not the person to ask you right out for heads, but instead will hint until you understand what he wants, and drops to your knees for him.
He’s not very demanding when it comes to receiving, he just appreciates the fact that you want to please him.
Dale lets you do your thing while he relaxes and looks down at you with a proud smile
…But, if you do gag a bit - he’ll legit go feral.
Dale is very slow and passionate when you have sex
Also, he definitely refers to it as “making love” lol
Because that’s what it’ll feel like.
His goal during sex is to make you feel good. 
He does care about his own pleasure, of course, but he gets off to watching you receive pleasure.
He is extra proud of his hands, knowing how good he can make you feel with them. 
He doesn’t like making a mess, so when he cums, he prefers to do so in a condom.
…Or inside you, if you insist. 
But he doesn’t mind if you make a mess. 
Sure it’s annoying to “clean up”, but at the same time he likes knowing he’s the one to make you cum like that, and THAT MUCH.
Aftercare with Dale >>>>>>>
He’s always a loving boyfriend, but especially after sex.
He’ll make sure to clean you up and get you comfortable
Will ask you if you’re alright and tell you how well you did for him.
He will run you a hot bath if you need it, while he either cleans the mess the two of you made, or even joins you, if you insist.
He massages your back and plants soft kisses all over you.
But he also wants the same treatment if you’ve been rough or dominant with him.
Man is needy af after sex, in the sweetest way possible.
Just praise him by telling him he did well and that you love him etc (or why not call him good boy?) and he’ll melt and feel so appreciated.
Dale prefers to make love to you at night, since he likes to fall asleep afterwards with you in his arms.
Currently having a Dale Cooper brainrot I NEED this man in my life ong Also dying for some Dale content. PLEASE FEED ME 🙏 GOING FERAL FOR THE GIF
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outivv · 2 years
Can we get some separate headcanons of Xiao and wanderer with a Timid but kind reader?
Reader is extremely quite at first but show lots of act of service (like when they were injured, reader is the first one to try to help n stuff), and because of how timid and weak the reader look people always take advantage of themm( ̄∇ ̄+)
It's alright if ya don't want to,have a nice dayy!^^
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Synopsis: timid/ quiet reader who’s love language is acts of service!!
Warnings: not proofread
Characters: xiao, wanderer, and dehya
Pronouns for reader: gender neutral/ not mentioned
A/n: hello hello!! Thank you for requesting!! I hope you don’t mind me adding dehya, I just reallllly wanted to write for her :’). Anyways!! Hope you enjoy, and have a great rest of your day!!
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— Xiao —
I think your more timid, and quiet personality mixes with xiao’s really well. I don’t know why but it’s givingggg power couple.
Anyways, I feel like xiao is pretty oblivious to your acts of service, he appreciates them but he doesn’t know why you’re doing them you know? Like when you help him with his wounds, or make him food, or do literally anything for him, he doesn’t understand… why.
You hum happily as you tend to xiaos clothes, mending them, and sewing back the tears in his clothes. Xiao watches from afar, seeing you so happy just… doing something for him. He doesn’t get it. Why are you being so nice to him? You even lent him some spare clothes you had, the thought of wearing clothes that are originally yours makes his cheeks flush. “Here you go!! All better now.” You say handing him his clothes and returning his thoughts to normal. Your sweet smile, and the way his clothes are gently folded- it’s all too much.
“Why do you do things for me?” He asks rather bluntly. Your smile drops, “what do you mean?” He glares, not out of malice, but out of frustration. He feels his question is rather silly to be honest, “I mean you help me when I’m wounded, you fix my clothes, you tidy my room at wangshu inn, and I don’t have to ask for any of it. Why do you do it?” Your blank face turns to one of pure adoration, and almost… pity, “because I care about you. Taking care of things, and people- it’s how I show love.” Your response isn’t what he expected, he honestly expected you were doing it an an exchange for your guaranteed protection. But in reality it was just as simple as… you loved him. He took his nicely folded clothes and disappeared, his heart racing, and face flushed. He hoped you didn’t notice before he left. 
I think after that encounter he gets much more flustered, and aware of your acts of service. He definitely appreciates it, and voices that appreciation in various ways. By checking in on you, idly hanging around you more, developing a crush on you you know. Simple things like that :)
He really hates that people take advantage of you, but he’s also very concerned that he’s doing the same… unintentionally JEGJEG. He’s like “that jerk just took advantage of [name] and I know it. Oh my god am I being a hypocrite right now? Am I doing the same as that jerk? Oh…” he’s very self conscious and worried that he’s taking advantage of you without realizing it. He’s not. You know he’s not.
— Wanderer —
Respectfully. He probably has told you to have a spine because of how often people take advantage of you. He’s harsh with his words, but they hold a strange sense of genuine concern, and care in them. He sees how these people hurt you, and he doesn’t want that of course, but he’ll express it in a way that comes off as much harsher than intended.
“I just don’t understand.” You say wiping your tears and sniffling. Wanderer sighs, and moves your hand from your face to wipe your tears himself, “I do. It’s because you don’t know how to tell others to do it themselves.” His usual glare is focused, worry pooling in his eyes, though he hides it very well. His heart may break a thousand times from seeing you cry, but you’ll never know that.
You look up at him, your tear filled eyes, and red face drenched in sorrow, and confusion as to why people are continuously walking all over you, how they have the audacity to do so. “I just… I wanna help people, I want to show them that I care.” You sob harder, your words broken up by hiccups. Wander thinks back to all the times you help him and his gaze softens, “people who have the sheer nerve to take advantage of you, don’t deserve your kindness. You need to actually have a backbone, and ignore them.” His words sting a bit, but you know he’s right. You wrap your arms about him to hug him, a sign of thanks for his advice.
He appreciates your help, and everything you do for him, but he’s the type to be like “no it’s fine I can do it myself” and be all stubborn even if… he can’t do it himself KEVEKEG. It’s rather annoying to be honest, you wanna showcase your feelings for him, and you can only do that in a simple way, and he won’t let you because of his own pride!!
He does let you do some things for him though. Mostly just things he doesn’t necessarily know how to do, like I feel like he isn’t superb at writing. Not that he’s bad at it per say, but he just isn’t great at it. So when you write him things, or write for him, he’s very appreciative. :)
— Dehya —
Strong independent woman!! Who will crumble by the fact that you so kindly do things for her, and enjoy doing them, and ahh. Dehya is a big acts of service person, it’s one of her main love languages too, so if you’re trying to tell her you love her (in a platonic/romantic way) then she absolutely loves it.
Dehya returns to your camp to notice food freshly made, clothes folded, and tents and beds made. “[name] did you really do all this while I was gone?” Dehya asks astonished. You turn around from folding another pair of clothes “hm? Oh yes!! I wanted to get some stuff done so we could enjoy ourselves. We’ve been traveling for a while, and while you were gone completing a commission, I just thought I’d be helpful…” a smile grows on dehya’s face at your words, her heart swells with all the love in the world for you.
I feel like dehya would try to do the same for you in a way. I don’t know how to explain but you both do things for each other, and it’s just a never ending cycle of basically saying “I LOVE YOU” “I LOVE YOU MORE” “NO I LOVE YOU MORE” “NO THATS IMPOSSIBLE I LOVE YOU THE MOST” “NO I-“ you get what I’m saying.
No one dares to take advantage of you, especially by the mere mention of dehya’s name :), so thankfully, you don’t have to worry about that.
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mystery-star · 1 year
What would it be like to be spock,s mate/ other half ?
This goes for a Non-Vulcan, gender-neutral reader 
Words: 841 
Warnings: none 
First off, Spock would cherish and love you very much – in his own way. 
So at fist it would take you some time to being able to read him and find out what his love language and way of showing his caring for you is. 
Maybe that first phase can be frustrating because it feels like he’s still rather distant. Tho he’d actually need some time to get used to the whole situation and know how to deal with it. 
But once you figured him out, so much he did earlier in the relationship would make sense. And of course anything else he does in the future. 
It would take him some time too to get to know and fully trust you before he will tell you about what he thinks (and feels if he does have a feeling for once) 
He will almost never say ‘I love you’ but use other words like ‘I cherish you’ or ‘You mean very much to me’ or ‘I must admit that I am feeling a sense of happiness I cannot and do not wish to suppress if I think about you having decided to be my mate’. 
Which, if you consider him being Vulcan, is something very sweet to say. 
He will always remember anything you told him and not forget any birthdays, anniversaries etc. and will also be able to gift you something that you maybe just mentioned in passing. 
He’s not the most touchy person – especially in the beginning – and will not often initiate physical contact with you. Or at least ask first like if you’d like a hug when you’re not feeling well. 
Which doesn’t mean he doesn’t like physical contact – it's just something he’s not used to and after a while he will even enjoy it when you just hug him. (But of course you respect his boundaries if he sets any and will also try to hold back some touches so you’re not constantly touching him) 
If you don’t work on the same ship as he does, your relationship often becomes long-distance, consisting mainly of regular calls. 
Which also means that moments he’s back with you are something to be cherished and enjoyed, making you try to spend as much time together as you can. 
He’d make it clear that he also has a responsibility to the crew and the ship. Meaning his work usually comes first. 
Then again, if he feels like your life is in danger he might even make a rash and not so logical decision sometimes.  
Your little quirks would amuse him to no end and he’d find them super cute but he’d never admit it. 
But if you mention them being silly, he will correct you, saying they’re a part of you and that he loves you as a person and you wouldn’t be you without your quirks, meaning he doesn’t want you without them. 
You totally could have long talks with him and sometimes the biggest challenge is that they don’t turn into a monologue of him where he’s talking and talking about a topic. (eg something scientific or one of their adventures they’ve been on) 
Of course you would introduce your families to each other and Amanda loves you from second one, treating you like a second child 
Sarek is of course more reserved about it all and he might seem scary at the beginning but with time you learn to read him too and that he means very well and is fond of you as well. 
Spock would teach you a lot about Vulcan and it’s culture while you try to show him things from your world and make him more open to them. And it’s much fun to see him try and struggle with some things (take Inline skating as a basic example) 
Jealousy would totally not be a thing. Because you know that if someone flirts with him it would be illogical if he paid attention to it (and might not even notice what they’re doing). And he trusts you too and knows that there is nothing he has to worry about if people try to flirt with you.  
However, there sometimes is the thought within him that he fears you could leave him for ‘someone better’, who is from your own race and would be able to show their love for you more openly. 
Meaning that then it’s up to you to comfort and reassure him that he’s the only person in the whole galaxy you want. 
It gets better once you get married because of the mating bond that would be done then.  
The wedding would be mixed, part Vulcan, part from your world. And it most likely would come to be when he’s experiencing Pon-Farr. 
But he has informed you about it and even proposed so he’d know that if it happens to him you will be willing to take him as your husband (or wouldn’t feel forced to just do it to save his life) and that it isn’t all totally surprising to you. 
Thank you so much for your ask and sorry this took a while.  (also I really hope I got it right and this was about what you wanted xD)
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midnightsunnyday · 2 months
With Good Intentions (Chapter Three) ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
(Chapter One) (Chapter Two) Masterlist A03
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➥pairings: MC & Everyone, MC/Everyone ➥content warnings: Not Beta Read, We Cook Our Stories Like Solomon, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Fluff, Some Humor, Explicit Language, Not Canon Compliant, Though Sometimes It Is, Fighting, Family Drama, Family Bonding, Emotional Manipulation, Reader-Insert, Gender-Neutral Pronouns, Lesson 016 Spoilers, Post Lesson 016, Other Additional Tags To Be Added. ➥summary: after the events of chapter 16, MC learns three important lessons: one, that Diavolo is an asshole. Two, as it turns out, being immortal doesn't make you smarter, wiser, or mature, it just gives you a thousand more chances to be a fuck up and not learn and damn thing from it. And three, that there are no therapists in hell. Though they could really all use one. Or in which MC suffers an existential breakdown and Diavolo and the brothers learn that maybe throwing a party wasn't the best response to someone dying. ➥A/N: hello everyone, it's good to see you again. I hope everyone is doing well and whether you're a return reader or just getting started, thank you for your interest in my story. Work has been kicking my ass, but still we persevere! Anyway, until next time, take care and enjoy this very long chapter.
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He could tell his brothers grew tired of it. That whenever the topic of their sister was brought up, Belphegor always felt an underlining exasperation, as if they’d all been over the subject for some time and were only waiting for him to do the same, as if she were nothing more than a ghost who’d overstayed her welcome in the rebuilding of their lives.
Or maybe they were just tired of him. Tired of his whining about her. Tired of his disgust for Diavolo’s ideals. Tired of his hatred of all things human. He barely smiled, barely ate, and slept for most of the day. He wasn’t the “sweet, innocent Belphie” they knew and loved. The one who found wonder in everything around him and whose laugh, though rare now, lit entire rooms. No, something within Belphegor was broken and they’d have to accept that it would never be whole again. Not without Lilith.
But who said death was pleasant? That it was something one should simply get over? Loss never leaves one gentle. It doesn’t decide to remove itself after a month, a year, or centuries after. It stays with you, becoming part of you. Some days it gives you the illusion of respite and on those days you go through life barely noticing the quiet, emptiness of it all.
Yet on other days, it breaks you, leaves you shaking and crying, wishing for your thoughts to cease so you can finally be “normal” again. Grief, also like loss, never comes when the moment is decent, does not give you warning. Grief strikes when it chooses to, replaying the moment of your loss ad nauseam, until the whole of you becomes nothing but a shell of memories, wading away to the tides of time.
Most days Belphegor remembered Lilith. Sometimes it seemed he was the only one who did. He remembered her in lunchrooms when the desserts were particularly sweet. He remembered her in corridors, the kind they’d both raced down as fast as they could. He remembered her in dreams, luring him into the forests they used to play in, with trees as high as the sky and where the wind swept through and made waves of shimmering sunshine. In the distance would be Lilith, the years waning upon her memory, yet she waved as she always did, an insult to every petal, every ray of sun. He would run to her, feel the tears wetting his cheeks, his tongue tripping over her name over and over again: Lilith. Lilith. I’m here. Please.
He remembered blood. Too much of it. The kind that no matter how much you scrubbed yourself raw, the stench would remain clung to you like death. The fall was not a pleasant one; they did not streak across the skies like beautiful jewels, they were burning, dying. The landing nearly killed them, sent the earth running each and which way in disgust of them.
How through it all even the Father, no matter how hard they prayed, was always silent. Maybe he too, saw what was to become of them, and closed his heart and ears to it. It was easier, at least for Belphegor, to believe that he’d simply abandoned them, rather than knowingly allow the pain that would scar them for centuries to come.
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The Celestial Realm had no seasons, but on days when the light was mild and winds smooth for flight, Belphegor and Lilith would sneak amongst the forests, finding shelter under the tall, dense trees. For Raphael, who’d come to search for them in time, the siblings were abandoning their duties, but for Belphegor and Lilith, it was simply a break, albeit a long one.
“Oh, Belphie, he’s simply divine."
Divine. An odd choice of words for a mortal, yet Lilith thought otherwise, not that Belphegor knew enough to object. After all, he’d just learned of the man’s existence a few moons ago, and what he knew was only through her words of him. He wasn’t rich by any means. His family tended animals and sold what they could in the town market. There was a time when the family lived well, but some of the animals were stricken with disease or killed by wolves, and they suffered greatly for it. Even so, this man had “a spirit worth more than all the wealth in the world,” she exclaimed. That despite his awful predicament, he made a way for his family, taking on various forms of labor to keep them fed.
"He's very skilled with his hands." Lilith winked, to which Belphegor pretended to gag. Relations between humans and angels were not unheard of, but ones with the image of his sister he'd rather scrub from memory.
In any case, this man could "literally do anything" and Belphegor sat in awe of this. If all this were true, then Lilith found someone beyond any human he could think of.
Belphegor watched as she twirled about, nearly skipping in her joy, her long hair unfretted and chasing the wind. She was led by a tune only she could hear, her dress gathering at the thick of her sun-kissed legs.
“He’s so polite, a true gentleman,” said Lilith. “He picks me flowers, opens doors, and by Father is he handsome.” She sighed lovingly and clasped her hands against her flushing cheeks. “He could give Lucifer a run for his money, you know?
Belphegor snorted. "A man as beautiful as Lucifer is surely a sight to behold."
"It's true, you know," she said, ignoring his skepticism. "That and he’s strong. Can tend a whole field before sundown without breaking a sweat. Why, I saw him raise two goats on each shoulder and…”
Belphegor rolled his eyes. Though he had no reason to doubt her, his sister found ways to bolster the human past the point of believability, at times. Extravagant. Amazing. Beguiling. Was it even possible that so many adjectives could describe one person? Yet Lilith went on, singing the praises of this fabled man she’d found such importance in.
“He’s just so…so…you understand, don’t you Belphie? How interesting and unique they can be?”
He did. Belphegor loved humans. He found them special, more than most creatures. It was their mundane everyday ways. It was the way they sought purpose from them. It was how they loved and celebrated and burned away life until none was left. Compared to angels, who were created and bound to fates unchanging, mortals were born with the blessing of choice, and it fascinated Belphegor what they did with it. So he watched and soon enough, went to gather in their joy. However, it wasn’t long until his curiosity prompted Lilith’s own, and the young angel began to visit the human realm of her own volition.
While Belphegor didn't fully understand his sister’s ways, he couldn’t help but be drawn into her joy. She’d been struck by Cupid’s arrow, trapped in an endless spring. It’d been beautiful to witness, and while such things didn’t strike him as important before, Belphegor couldn’t help but think of his love, whenever or wherever that might be.
“Belphie, are you even listening to me?”
“Hmm?” He said, led from his thoughts. “What was that?”
“I said Lucifer plans to meet him.”
Belphegor shrugged. “Well, so much for that.”
“I’m serious, Belphie!” She stamped her foot, pouting. “You know how big brother is.”
“Maybe he’ll like him,” Belphegor assured, swallowing his lie. Lucifer wasn’t the best at being impartial, especially when it came to Lilith. She was the youngest, barely new to the world, and he’d sooner have her wrapped up and tucked away than allow any harm to come to her. This man she’d found, without his or any of her sibling's knowledge, was an anomaly, a blind spot in Lucifer’s ever-watchful eye.
“Honestly, he’s always so worried. I told him there was no need, but he insisted.” Lilith’s face fell, eyes widening to some unfounded fate. “What if he doesn’t like him? What if he forbids me from seeing him? Tries to lock me away, key and all? Then what am I to do? I’d have to change my name, hide amongst the humans. We’d be outlaws. Fugitives!"
“Lilly!” Belphegor laughed. She always had a flare for the dramatics. “It’s ok. Lucifer is strict, but I’m sure he’ll come to see him as you do.”
“Do you really think so?”
“I’m sure of it…probably.”
“Oh, you!” she swatted at the air between them. “But you know, maybe you’re right. After all, Lucifer would never do anything to upset me, considering I’m his favorite and all,” she said in a snobbish tone. Lucifer spoiled her. They all spoiled her, really, and it seemed to be rubbing off.
But there was one question Belphegor failed to ask. The most important of them all. “Does he have a name?”
Lilith smiled. “Of course he does, silly. H̵̸̷̶̸̨̡̘̯͇̾̀͋̓̍i̶̴̷̶̷̥̠̬̖͖̋͐̄̎͆s̵̶̷̵̵̢͈̟͕̝̊̌̅̾͒ ̷̵̶̸̵̱͕̦͕͕͑̓̀̍͠n̴̸̸̴̶͈͍͍̯̳̎͛͂̄̏à̵̷̷̷̴͚̟͈̲̃̑̍̾͜m̷̵̵̶̷͉̗̜̗̻̓̀̽̀͝e̴̶̸̷̵͔̻̜̳̣̽̃̋͑͠ ̴̷̵̶̸̧̰̲͙̺̀̃̐͗͑i̶̷̴̷̴͎̪̳̫̬̔́͐̈́͝ş̵̴̴̶̵̠͕̰͕͗̅̅͋̕…̴̷̸̶̵̯͚̲̯̺͐͌̑̔͠
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“Lucifer! Please, tell them. Tell them they can’t do this!”
Belphegor turned to his brother, who looked as if the world was ending and there was no way to prevent it.
The Father spoke through Michael: Lilith had committed the unpardonable sin, one in which there was no forgiveness. She would be wiped from the face of existence, never to be a part of the cycle of creation again. All this for stealing a fruit, though it was said a simple apple led to Eve’s downfall; what difference would there be for his sister?
Belphegor dug his nails into his palms, neck burning with heat. The Father had refused them council, choosing to lay His judgment through the only other angel he abused more than Lucifer. Did He truly not care for them? Was fighting His battles and upholding His will all they were good for?
“The Father’s word is final,” Michael’s voice was calm, yet short. “Lucifer knows this as well as I do.”
“So you expect us to stand aside and allow our sister to face a fate so cruel?”
“Belphie, please,” Lilith cried, shaking. “It does not matter my end—“
“—But it does matter. You matter.” Belphegor pointed at her with angered assertion. “Not some mortal who was fated to die sooner than you are to blink.”
“Our brother is right, Lilith.” Leviathan shook his head as if trying to unravel what was happening. “Your actions…they make no sense.”
“No,” Lilith spoke, “what makes no sense is a Father who would sit and watch while death and sickness run rampant throughout his creation while having the power to prevent it.”
“How dare she’s” and “heresies” spiraled into the air, forming a tornado of indignation that grew louder and more violent with the need for retribution. Belphegor sneered at the angels who formed a ring of judgment around his sister. It was hard to believe that at one time any of them could be called his brothers and sisters.
“Enough.” It was Raphael, who, unlike Michael, held little reservations in his approach to an otherwise dire situation. “You stand amongst the divine court. Your blasphemy will not be tolerated.”
“Ah, can it,” yelled out Mammon. Someone gasped from the crowd. “You threaten the life of our sister. You better believe we’re gonna cause more than just a ruckus.”
Belphegor looked to Lilith, his eyes imploring her, though there was no answer she could give that would make any sense to him. “Even if he didn’t die today,” he said, “he would’ve died regardless. What then? Why risk your eternity for something so finite?”
Lilith parted her lips as if to form some half-uttered verb. Then she began again, though her mouth did not quiver. She stilled her face, hardened her lips, and spoke her words simply, “For the life of the one I love, I would do anything.”
Belphegor winced, his sister’s words a slap in the face. He would be angry if only there wasn’t so much to go around. What about their love? As if theirs hadn’t outlived kingdoms for her. What love could a being of such little potential possibly give?
It was Beelzebub’s turn to speak, pain shaking his voice. “But…what about us? How could you be so willing to leave us here to grieve you?”
Lilith was quiet, her face turned to some far, distant place. Belphegor wanted to shake her, to wake her from this eternal dream of love that did nothing but harm her.
“There has to be something we can do,” Asmodeus spoke, looking desperately at Michael. “It can’t end like this.”
“And just what do you plan to do to avoid her judgment?” Raphael’s eyebrow rose with his question. “Are any of you willing to take her place?”
They all looked at each other. Not in fear of Raphael’s words, but because neither of them could see themselves as the Father’s children, the remains of their allegiance shattered and pooled in the pit of their stomachs. In the end, what they gained for their loyalty was death, but they would not go without a fight. Finally, Lucifer stepped forward. It was clear to Belphegor that something inside his brother shattered, too. Not broken, but free.
“If the father’s word is law,” he said, “then maybe such laws should be challenged.”
“Be mindful of your next words, brother.” Michael stood with all the caution of a vigilant lion. “Think of the lives of your siblings. Of what you’re sacrificing.”
Lucifer stood, clearly battling himself. Belphegor only wished to know what his brother and Michael were thinking then. Both were close, so much so that they could be mistaken for twins. Maybe they both wanted to see something in the other that was no longer there. By then, Belphegor and his brothers gathered beside the morning star, unwavering. It was clear where their loyalties lay and always would.
As if in understanding, Michael sighed, and drew his blade as if the entire issue were a mere inconvenience. “Don’t make us do this, Lucifer.” Raphael, however, had already summoned his spears.
“You all still have the chance to repent in front of the Father. This will not go without punishment, however.”
“And Lilith?” Asmodeus said, his voice almost hopeful.
“She will leave this plane in peace.”
The once favored son of morning yanked his blade from his sheath and with it t̸̵̵̵̵͙̼̫̗̥̉́̇̈́̈́h̸̶̸̴̴͚͖̥̗̖̊̾̄̒̕e̶̶̸̸̸̻͈͍̗̱͒̆͊̋̒ ̸̵̶̵̵̜̥̭͎̝̑̓̓̀̾h̷̸̶̴̸͓̠͙̹̤͌̄̈́̂̚ḙ̷̸̷̷̸̢̯͖̄̂͂̾̾͜ȧ̴̶̷̴̷̩̯͓̤͋̄͊̍͜v̶̷̸̶̷̧͙̺͇͔̓̇̽̆̔e̴̴̸̴̶̢̖͍̰̫͊̍̔̉̉ņ̶̶̷̴̵̻̣̹͗͊̉͆̎ͅs̴̵̴̵̴̝̻͚̟̖̆́̇̇͠ ̶̸̵̸̶̨̩̞̗̖͒̊̀́̓c̸̴̶̶̶̬̼͎̱͔̈́̏̑͂̑r̶̷̷̴̵̯͚̫͕̳̓̽͂͐͝ĩ̶̶̸̶̷̺̙̠̰͖̏́͆͘e̸̴̸̵̷̹̰͉̫̠̓͌̆̃͂d̸̴̶̶̵̨̻͉̮͕́̈́̈̽̈́.̷̷̵̸̴͓̱̲̘͖̑̓͒̾̕ ̴̸̸̷̴̙̬͉̱͗̉͂̀͂ͅ
≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫
Not once had Belphegor known the smell of blood until that day. It ranked of rusted metal, and it took all within him not to vomit in the middle of battle. An angel he once played with amongst the lilacs of the Celestial Garden fell limp, a sword thrust through his chest. Mammon had done so without hesitation and proceeded to chop the head of another, his strokes quick like thunder strikes.
A scream, this time from his right. It was Beel caked in a thick carnage of blood and feathers. He’d torn through their attempt at a flank, their weapons barely grazing him as he ripped wings from flesh, bodies spiraling towards the earth.
“Look out!” Asmodeus yelled, his shield snapping against metal. Belphegor leaped to the side, a beam of light zipping downward where his body would’ve been, leaving a hole of ozone in its wake. Belphegor raised his bow in return, his arm unsteady. Shakily, he aimed, barely managing to wound the angel who’d gunned for his head.
The realm was drowned in chaos. A frenzy of limbs and wings dancing to the tune of annihilation. He’d only seen Lucifer once, his body burning white as he bathed the battlefield with righteous fury, sending angel after angel toward their doom. Belphegor had only heard stories of Leviathan’s skills in battle; it was another thing to see him flay a throne alive.
“Lilith,” he heard Mammon cry.
“I’m ok,” she called back. A twang of metal after. “Just focus on yourself.”
So many voices, Belphegor thought. It was hard to keep his bearings. He was nowhere near a child of war. He’d never honed a weapon or raised it against another. His purpose was that of a virtue, to spread the word that with faith and hard work, one would gain ever closer to what was promised. But his life had been so easily tossed aside, his diligence made nothing. And now that one was threatened and the other gone, what then would become of him? Of his brothers? For a moment, he stilled, unable to focus on the battle at hand. It was as if all the air had left him, his breaths jagged and choking.
“Belphie!” Beelzebub’s voice rumbled. Belphegor squinted his eyes toward the sky. It was hard to make them out at first, little glints of sunshine that they were, yet as they drew closer, Belphegor saw the sharpened hatred of a thousand arrows bearing down towards him. He turned.
“Lilith,” Belphegor wailed. She’d been near him, maybe trying to call out to him, for that he’d never know. By then the first arrow struck her wing, then another, piercing through her flesh as her body flailed unnaturally. Beelzebub leaped towards him, tucking him deep into his grasp as they fell downward.
From above them rang a cry so loud that it shattered the noise. Lucifer broke through the sky like a roaring flame, barreling downward towards his sister. It was then Mammon who fell after him, then Leviathan, then finally, Asmodeus. Belphegor’s ears filled with a humming static, the world becoming focused and pin-like. He willed his head to gaze at Lilith. She hurdled downward, specks of ash trailing the air as her wings caught flame. With arm outstretched, he reached for her, ţ̴̶̸̷̶̨̛̠̖̤̈́̔̋̌ḫ̸̷̶̴̵̬͉̞̗͑͋̈́̅͝e̵̶̵̷̷̼̮̝̿̀͑̓͗͜͜ ̶̶̶̶̴͓̘͓͎̼̾̋͒̏͝w̸̸̴̷̵̨͈̼̯̞̉̆͆̒̌ơ̶̵̸̷̶͖̠̬͈̻̈́̓̎̽r̴̸̸̴̵͕̘͚̬̩̾̍̑͒̕l̷̵̷̶̸͕̱̜̯̙̑̈̂̎͠d̵̴̶̶̷̡̰̼͇̊̑́̒̾͜ ̵̸̶̷̸̳͙̭̱̂̍͋̓͘͜f̵̶̶̸̷̙̪̘̟̙̊̽͂̾̕ǎ̵̴̸̴̶̪̰̣̳̫̌̓͛̚d̸̶̸̴̴̻̪̘͇̻̒̅͆̀͛ḯ̷̶̴̴̵͙͇̞̲̜̽̈́͆̔n̶̶̴̵̶͇̲̭̰̻̍̾̑͂͘ǧ̷̶̷̶̶̡̺̪̻̦̃̃͌͝ ̶̵̶̶̴͇̗̠͉̣̍̀̆̂̐
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“Come again?”
“I said have you calmed down yet?”
Calmed down. As if he were a child who’d thrown a tantrum and was placed in time-out.
“What do you mean?” Belphegor gazed at Lucifer through hair-draped eyes, annoyed at being interrupted by what would’ve been a critical moment of his performance. He’d begun talking to himself. Wasn’t sure when it started, yet if only to break the monotony of his current tenure. In his mind, Belphegor was the sole performer on a brightly lit stage. In front of him, his audience, cheering for his one-night, one-man show.
Ladies and Gentlemen, he’d say, on behalf of the entire circus troupe, I welcome you to one of the most astounding shows you will ever see! I promise you, it will be something truly special, like a wonderful, fleeting vision—“
“--Belphie?” Lucifer called to him.
Oh, right. This asshole. “What?”
“What is it with you in needing things repeated?” Lucifer said. “I told you to use your time in here to calm down and rethink what you said earlier.”
Belphegor spat, rolling his eyes to some corner of the room. If one were to ask his brother, locking Belphegor away was done for his protection. That it was love, not pride or sick devotion, which forced his hand that day. If not by Lucifer, then Diavolo, and if the rumors regarding the castle’s torture dungeon were true, therein lied the many ways of subjecting the seventh born to a fate worse than boredom. If anything, he should be grateful that the only current threat to his health was the admitted lack of ventilation and an idle mind.
Yet if one were to ask Belphegor, he would’ve gladly accepted torture just to spite him, the unyielding screams of the forsaken a welcomed company compared to the horrid solitude of being trapped in a fucking attic.
“In that case, I’m going to be stuck in here forever,” Belphegor said. “Because there’s no way I’m ever going to take back what I said. No way am I ever going to change my mind.”
He was adamant then, on his hatred of humans. The day he learned of Lilith’s death, from Diavolo of all people, was the day any ounce of empathy he had died with him. Once again, the prince would prove to be a never-ending red stain on his sister’s life. Even after death, he found ways to dishonor her memory, if not through the subjugation of his brothers, then through the announcement of his shitty exchange program, one that Belphegor vehemently denounced. Yet Lucifer, being the boot licker he was, had other plans. It was hard to tell how many days passed since then, let alone how long Lucifer planned to keep him here.
Lucifer sighed and gazed over at the canopied bed. Belphegor had found a few Christmas ornaments packed amongst the attic’s boxes--a nutcracker, a gingerbread man, and a tiny reindeer--to act as his makeshift audience. In noticing Lucifer’s quizzical look, Belphegor hissed, literally hissed, at him in embarrassment.
“Oh, calm yourself,” Lucifer said, stifling his amusement with a cough, remembering that the moment was supposed to be serious. Hell forbid it was anything less. “Regardless, we’ve gone ahead and chosen the second student from the human world.”
“Really…Well, that’s awful news,” Belphegor said, stomping over to his bed and smothering his audience with gathered sheets, his skin heated.
“This time it’s not a powerful, elite sorcerer like Solomon, but a regular, average human.” “And why are you telling me this? I’m not interested in hearing about any hu…”
Belphegor’s smile was wide. “Actually, wait. Maybe that’s not true. Bring that human to me right away, Lucifer. I’ll tear them to shreds so tiny that there won’t be anything left of the body or soul when I’m done.”
Maybe being tucked away inside that large castle of his made the prince a bit dull-minded. Solomon was deemed one of the most powerful magic users in the world, one who—without even raising a hand—could turn even the strongest demon to ash.
But a regular human with no power and no way to defend themselves? It was as if the universe simply hated this human, one that would surely shit themselves after being summoned out of thin air to a realm, as far as they knew, should not exist and amongst beings that only lived amongst the pages of their various religions and stories. It was a tragedy waiting to happen and one Belphegor, with quivering hands, planned to bring forward.
“If this precious student from the human world were to meet an end like that,” Belphegor went on, “it would bring this little exchange program to a screeching halt, wouldn’t it? And what’s more, there’s no telling what it might do to Diavolo’s reputation.”
Lucifer observed him with a sort of veiled heatedness. It was clear his tantrum held little weight, but would end it if needed.
“Oh, I know. If you refuse to bring that human to me, then I’ll call them here myself,” Belphegor clasped his hands together, pleased with his plan. “I may not be able to get out of here, but I can certainly lure a single human half-wit to me without much trouble.”
“Impossible,” Lucifer spoke in a matter-of-fact tone.
“And why’s that?” Belphegor raised his brow, his unease growing.
“The door to this room can only be seen by demons. It’s invisible to humans. Also, I put a curse on the stairs leading up here so that no demon other than me can climb them. No one will ever find you, and no one will ever know you’re here, be they human, or demon, or any other creature.”
Of course. Leave it to Mr. Kill Joy to take the fun out of homicide.
Belphegor’s face slumped, sucking his teeth. “You’ve taken quite the precautions, haven’t you? I’m touched that you’d go to such lengths for me, your good for nothing brother.” Lucifer was taller, about a few inches so, but Belphegor met his gaze all the same. “What exactly are you so afraid of Lucifer?”
“I’m afraid of losing my brother,” Lucifer said, quickly and without a hint of dishonesty.
“No, I don’t think that’s it,” Belphegor said. He wouldn’t allow it. To feel sympathy for the devil. Not after losing what mattered most, and what may’ve been his only chance to correct it. He needed to be the one hurting in this situation and needed Lucifer to be as one-dimensional as possible. “What scares you is the thought of disappointing Diavolo, isn’t it?”
Lucifer was…silent. For what, Belphegor wasn’t sure. Was the answer truly that complicated? Maybe there wasn’t anything more to his brother. Maybe he had become nothing more than a loyal lap dog.
Belphegor pounded his foot against the attic’s ancient floorboards, them rattling as if to collapse. “Say something Lucifer,” he yelled. “The old Lucifer wasn’t like this. He wasn’t afraid of what someone else thought of him. He wasn’t pathetic like that.”
“You’re free to think whatever you want, Belphegor. Also…” Lucifer turned towards the attic door, his voice low and solemn, “I’d say you changed as well.”
“Lucifer!” Yet Lucifer would never turn. Never question any part of himself that held weakness.
As the bars to the attic room clanked shut, Belphegor heard his brother’s footsteps trek down the towering staircase and into the house. Once again, he was left alone, spiraling into the silence of the attic.
He wouldn’t mind being tortured at all. Not at the glint of the blade as it sliced his flesh. Not at the blood that pooled from his wounds. Not even as his limbs were torn from his body or flayed alive. The rush of pain and paranoia would keep him, startlingly, sound. At least then he could see what harmed him. Give it a name, his fury. Tell himself that logically, it was ok to cry, scream, and lash about as he was now, smashing mirrors and ripping pillows to shreds.
But in this attic, this fucking horrible attic, there was no one to blame, and it left Belphegor with only his thoughts, screaming over and over: It’s your fault. It’s always been
your fault
It’s always been
≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫
Not my fault. It’s not my fault!
It was a lie, of course. Your death was in motion the moment you appeared in front of him, doe-eyed and disturbingly lax for someone in your position. For all Lucifer’s scheming, he’d forgotten one fine detail: that idleness didn’t weaken sloth, but enabled it.
But it is, Belphie. It's what you did.
He didn't think you were dumb enough to believe his story. A human "just like you" who'd been captured and trapped by Lucifer, yet you proved otherwise. Even when his true identity was revealed, you continued to help him as if the threat hadn't shown itself. Things were moving about too easily; the universe truly did hate you.
No that's not...I did it for you. For us.
Admittedly, he'd wrestled in the corners of his mind about it. Argued until there was nothing left to argue. A part of him had grown to like you, strange, dull-headed thing that you were, but if he weren't to kill you, what then? Would he live his life, seeing you coddle up to his brothers? Eat from their plates and take part in their celebrations? Would you somehow charm Diavolo and have the rest of your ilk invade here? Hell forbid the fools began to fall in love with you, then he’d have to bear witness to some half-assed love story, and that he couldn't live with. So he stilled it down. Beat back the part of him that doubted his conviction. This was for Lilith, always for Lilith, and nothing more.
Oh Belphie, you knew I never wanted this. This was always about you. This was your revenge.
How he killed you was deliberate, too. Strangulation was one of the more intimate forms of death one could give. To do so was to be conscious of your victim’s suffering and to take pleasure in it, having the power of life and death weighted within one’s grip. Humans were fragile. Anything more than disembowelment would be too quick and he needed you to feel it. To know how little your life meant as he wrung every inch of it from you.
Please, I'm sorry. I didn’t know. Didn’t know what they were to you.
He admits enjoying it, laughing as the confusion mangled your face. It didn’t take much to knock you on your back, even less to pin you down. You were so weak. How you managed to survive this long was merely incompetence on his brother’s part. They were fools, too cowardly to do what needed to be done. But not him. He’d end your life and soon any hope of continuing this miserable sham of a program.
It’s not about what they were to me, Belphie. You took a life. And you can never take that back.
You withered and flailed beneath him, trying to lift yourself to no avail. A numbing high swept over Belphegor as he took it all in. The beating of your heart, the sound of wheezing lungs, the sweat that drenched your brow, the bright red of your blood. All the colors and sounds bled into a final point until he was overcome with it, twisting, clenching, enamored in the hues of your dying face. Your eyes bulged and the quakes of your death throes rumbled the floorboards. You clung to him, nails scraping the skin of his wrists. When that didn’t work, you clawed for his eyes. The desperation. The fury. He could laugh, so he does, slamming your head into the floor when you attempt to swipe at his face. Your head bounces forward, then goes limp, throat giving way to a sick crunch. He squeezes tighter, breaking through bone, through artery.
Finally, you stilled and so does he.
He assumed your death would be less monotonous, the fires of euphoria dwindling into barely an ember. A cold realization sweeps over him, sending his body to chill and his empathy to reanimate. No, he won't allow weakness. Not a moment for remorse or sorrow. He shakes them from his mind, putting it up to shock and nothing more.
He gazed at his hands, flexing them, feeling like an outsider in his own body. He sits in silence. The attic does not answer with its usual hum of wood. The house does not creak. Instead, it engulfs him in a sea of quiet, and for a moment he wades in it. Hearing his heart, his breathing, the tiny hiss of air that escapes you. For some reason, he cannot will himself to look at you longer. Your face is uncannily calm, though your neck is twisted into unrecognition, the flesh bruised and mangled.
Now, there was nothing left, but still so much to be done. He wrings you by the collar of your shirt, and it seems an eternity before he reaches the attic door. The attic steps feel smaller and out of focus, the house halls a labyrinth. He’d almost forgotten where the main entrance lay until he heard his brothers, their voices joined in a chorus of "where are they?" and "They should be" and "could be." It's the only time he smiles. Not for his brothers, though it was Beel he missed most, but because he finally, finally would have his audience.
Slowly, as he reaches the landing of the stairway, a thought inches forward. Yet this one he couldn’t shake away. Over and over it repeats itself, almost pleading:
Oh, Belphie.
J̸̸̷̷̴͔̪̗̱̊͑͋̈̚͜ J̸̗͑u̸̼̎s̴̬̔t̴̗͌ ̵̅͜w̵̪͘h̸̥̀a̶̮̓t̵͕̅ ̷̱͊h̸̼͝a̴̛̪v̶͕͆e̷̫̍ ̵̩̈́y̶̲͝o̶̫̕u̷̞̍ ̷͉͌d̵̦̐ọ̸́n̸̪̽e̷̫̓?̸̡́
≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫
Belphegor lurched forward, sweat chilling him to the bone. His dreams were becoming too vivid for his liking. In the corner of his eye sat a large figure, blanketed in the cover of darkness. He blinked. Was he still dreaming?
“What...I...Beel?” He spoke, gasping for breath. How long had he been sitting there?
“It's ok,” Beelzebub said. He sat on the edge of Belphegor’s bed, stroking his shoulder as if to still the chills away. “You had a bad dream.”
“It wasn’t a dream,” Belphegor choked, words rushing from his mouth,” I did it I did all of it I killed Lilith and then I killed them and I…I…“
“Just breathe, Belphie.” But there was nothing Beelzebub could say or do, only wait until the torturous spell was over.
Belphegor placed his hand to his chest, heart beating as if it were going to burst from him and go running off into the world.
In and out. In and out. It didn't help his breathing much, but it made him focus on something other than the panic. Everything felt so heavy like the sky had fallen upon his shoulders.
"It's all...my fault," Belphegor heaved, “my fault.”
In a way, he should be grateful. Lilith lived a long, happy life and that’s all he could ask for. Still, it all felt like a dream and in that moment, he’d forgotten where he was. That the Devildom, despite its idiosyncrasies, was a punishment. That they were damned and whatever fate held for them was often cruel and rarely giving. He knew they were uncomfortable at the party, could feel their quickened breaths rising in an off-tune chorus of sheltered panic. He should’ve helped them, walked them through their spell. Instead, he froze, feeling the judgment heavy in the room, the waves of anger and disappointment hitting him in a heated haze. He watched you run away and with it, his redemption.
“That’s not true, Belphie. Don't blame yourself. If anything...” Beelzebub paused, and Belphegor listened between breaths for the words that never came.
He was about to blame himself again, he thought, yet he could not will himself to assure him otherwise, his breaths still too quick and sharp. Instead, Belphegor buried himself into his twin. If he could not use words, he’d use his actions. Surely Beel, who wrapped his brother in a tight hug, would understand him. Beelzebub, after all, was but a wall to Belphegor’s emotions. Allowing his tears and agony to fall upon him, but never breaking himself. Instead, Beelzebub sat in silence, and together, they rocked each other through the darkness, waiting on the morning hours to break the curse that was Belphegor’s anguish.
Surely, you’d forgive him, he thought. That night at the party meant nothing. That disgusted look you gave him meant nothing.  
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azullumi · 2 years
hi, one of my favorite posts of yours is the love language post with ayato, thoma, and tighnari! i was wondering if you would be able to write something like it with xiao, kazuha, and cyno? thank you for all your work
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summary — there are many ways to say “i love you” and he has his own ways of saying it.
characters — xiao, kazuha, cyno (w/gender-neutral reader)
tags — fluff, different love languages; headcanons
word count — 1171
a/n — i'm glad to know that you liked that one! i honestly forgot how i wrote that so the approach for this part can be quite different from the first one, it feels like i could have done better though but anyways here is what you requested, i hope it's to your liking ^^
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“Do you mind if I hold your hand?” — Xiao
There is just something in the way you feel against Xiao’s skin that has him longing and wanting for more. Not far from his thoughts, near his emotions, close to his throbbing heart, the desire lingers at the tips of his fingers, the corners of his mind, and the edges of his imperfections, he always hopes to feel you. Perhaps it was the fact that he feels at ease, relaxed and relieved from troubling thoughts, whenever there is contact between you two. 
At first, when he was still new and unfamiliar to the ways of affection, there is always the want touch you, however, he is way too afraid to ask you at the same time nor he has an easy time being honest so he settles with just the small and fleeting physical contact he makes with you—the accidental brushing of one another’s knuckles and anything.
However, as time passes by and as he grew more and more comfortable, the fear, anxiety, and nervousness— he often feels when he wants to do something but doesn’t know if you also feel the same— has dissipated and he always seeks and chase after for the comfort of your touch whenever possible. Although he finds it himself often asking for permission every time he wishes to hold your hand, hug you, or just anything. Perhaps it was just an act of courtesy or a way for him to know if you’re comfortable with it, either ways you appreciate the thought even though he doesn’t have to do that.
His touch first settles with the linking of one’s pinky to another before crawling and intertwining each finger, filling in the gaps in between like small puzzle pieces meant to fit for each other. He loves holding your hand out of everything because no matter how small the gesture is, it speaks volume of his affection and he feels connected with you. He just feels so close to you and that your hand squeezing his serves as a gentle reminder that you’re by his side.
Rough and calloused hand, experienced in the ways of battle and war, against yours and your hands just know to hold on to his so tenderly and gently while simultaneously setting him free from what binds him.
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“You are not a piece of work, you were never troublesome, my dear.” — Kaedehara Kazuha
Kazuha is known to have a good way with his words, he just knows how to use his gentle and soothing voice accompanied with his reassuring words in comforting you and he does surely know how to make you feel loved and appreciated with just it.
Compliments slip past his lips so smoothly, showering and overwhelming you with affection and care, as if he was only simply asking how your day was. He does admit, seeing you so flustered and shy, not knowing what to respond, whenever he praises you makes his heart do stunts because of how lovely you look with your face warm and your ears red—you don’t know it affects him as much as it affects you too. He laughs and apologizes, telling you that he can’t promise you that he will not do it again especially when you look so adorable every time— and there, he did it again.
He always asks you about your plans for the day and he also never forgets to ask about how it went when the sun has already gone down. He listens actively to each word that you say and remembers the things that you have said a long time ago, often bringing it up in some of your conversations or casually mentioning something that you like.
Words of encouragement and motivation are given whenever he notices how you feel dejected about something. He doesn’t dwell on the type of positivity that is simply toxic and so, he is careful with what he says, making sure that he shows support and that you feel validated. Feeling like giving up? It’s alright, sometimes it’s just necessary and you don’t have to be harsh to yourself just to attain what you want. Remember that he is always there for you no matter what happens.
He recognizes your efforts and acknowledges them, telling you how proud he is of you and how he appreciates everything that you have done for yourself, for him, for the both of you. He makes sure that your hard work doesn’t go unnoticed and values it because he doesn’t want you to feel insignificant nor worthless when your existence is an amazing creation itself, weaved and carefully sculpted by life and blessing the ground that you walk on.
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“It doesn’t matter, I will do it for you.” — Cyno
You serve as the drive and motivation of what Cyno does. He abides by the belief that actions can speak louder than words and he goes through lengths just to show you— it is also his way of proving that he will do anything if it’s for you, from small acts to big ones. 
He wants to lighten your load so he helps you whenever and would even go out of his way just to do so. He even takes on the tasks you don’t want to put up with and when you see a chore that has been put aside by you already done and finished, just expect that it’s him who did that. Well, he wishes to show you that he is someone that you can rely on and so he will always be there whenever you need assistance, whenever you need someone to lean on, whenever you just need someone to be there. This is also just perhaps his means of saying that he loves you and though how overwhelming his actions are sometimes, it’s just his manner of showing affection.
In addition to everything that he does, he also and always follows through everything he says that he is going to do—he isn’t a man of broken promises and lies after all and he doesn’t want to make you feel disappointed over something that he said and he couldn’t keep.
Maybe it’s the fact that he gets to show you that he is always present and there for you or maybe it’s just how he wants seeing you happy whether it’s for the things that he does for you or anything that tugs the corner of your lips into a smile that he adores— in many ways that you show your emotions where only a few are told by your lips, he yearns to see each and every smile of yours, the ones that appear at the lit of your tone, the ones that stains your face unknowingly, and his most loved one, the smile that graces your expression when you see him.
He eases the burden of your responsibility even if it means carrying more with him and he reassures you that it’s fine and it doesn’t matter because if it’s for you, he will do anything.
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ryohell · 1 year
ˏˋ°•⁀➷Douma with demon!reader
  ੈ♡˳ Reader: Gender Neutral
  ੈ♡˳ Warning(s): Fluff also Douma is a bit possessive
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       ❥  There's two likely ways you've two met, when you were human and he turned you into a demon or you both met when you were already a demon. If you were human, he likely got attached and because he knows how fragile human life can be he decided turning you into a demon to spend life eternally with him was the best choice.
  ❥  If you were already a demon when you two met, then you stumbled into his Eternal Paradise Cult looking for a meal, not knowing that place was owned by Upper Moon 2. Words couldn't describe how terrified you were coming into contact with him, but he didn't mind because he knew you couldn't touch a hair on his body, so instead he helped you to the meal he had already prepared for himself. You were grateful for his generosity, and he told you to come back any time.
   ❥ Douma treats you like royalty and makes sure everyone else does too, especially the cult members. If he hears anyone speaking badly about you or to you... huh, for some reason they've disappeared... He doesn't let anyone land a finger on you.   ❥ Even though you most likely can hunt for yourself, he takes a certain time out of his day or, I suppose, most likely night to prepare a feast for you to eat. You'll never have to worry about hunger again with him; he'll always pick the best humans for you.   ❥ One of his love languages is touch; he'd greet you with a hug, a kiss, or both at the same time. He can be quite clingy at times too; if you're away from him for too long, he'll go out himself, trying to find where you went and bring you back. Good luck getting out of his clutches. "You were gone for far too long! I had to make sure you were okay."
  ❥ On certain days of the week, he spoils you for the entire evening, and nobody is permitted to interfere. Douma enjoys hearing about your worries or anything that has recently happened to you; he makes a great listening buddy. However, don't count on him to offer good advice. He enjoys spending a lot of his time cuddling with you. Embracing you gives him an emotion he's never experienced and can't put into words, but it's a comforting feeling considering how cold he can be a lot of the time.   ❥ Douma enjoys giving presents! He pays close attention to what his partners enjoy and will go out of his way to acquire a lot of it, such as a particular flower. He'll now spend the majority of the evening attempting to obtain said flower for you.   ❥ If it's clothing, he enjoys watching you try it on and wants the world to see how stunning you are. He'll either get it for you or he'll make one of his followers acquire it, so if you want anything, just ask. Every time he shows you something he thought you'd like, he looks forward to seeing your face light up; your smile gives him a heartache in a good way.   ❥ Douma doesn't really grasp what love is, but he followed the advice of his followers and read books to better understand how to care for and meet your needs. Every time he's near you, his heart beats faster, and he always wears a smile that everyone thinks is fake on his face. However, he isn't forcing it; it just happens without him knowing.   ❥ He is still unfamiliar with the new emotions he's experiencing, but according to the research he's done, they are brought on by his love for you. You're the reason he feels after all these centuries; he doesn't want to ever let you go."I don't know what's wrong with me, but whenever I'm close to you, my heart starts to feel strange. Oddly enough, I don't dislike the sensation. Is this what others refer to as love?”
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♡ Thanks for reading  ♡  
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hopefuloverfury · 11 months
how do the bachelors cuddle? are they big or little spoons, or both? i'm hungry for some bachelor content and your writing is so good ugh how dare you /j
Awww anon you’re gonna make me blush <33
Bachelorettes are here.
Here’s your bachelor content! No cut this time since it's relatively short. Gender neutral language, suggestive and fluffy, I love them all dearly. Sigh.
Sam is fine with either! If you like being the big spoon, cool! He loves hugs! You wanna be the little spoon? Alright, scooch over so he can get comfortable against your back! This guy is flexible, go-with-the-flow and loves being near you, so he doesn’t have a preference. However he does move around quite a bit in his sleep, and he also runs hot, so don’t expect to go to bed and wake up in the same position—because he will have moved at some point, and probably threw the blankets around a bit. The moment he wakes up, though, he’s glued to you.
Seb is fine with both, but his preference will depend on your height. In his mind, the taller person is usually the big spoon, so if you’re taller, you get to be the big spoon, and if you aren’t, then he has no complaints about latching onto you like a backpack. He moves a bit in his sleep, but only by switching to lying on his back instead of on his side. But, if I’m being 100% honest with myself and you, he actually prefers cuddling with his head resting on your lower stomach and bracketed between your thighs. Top tier cuddling position for him, hands down. Likes how easy it is for him to turn his head and press kisses to your inner thighs.
Alex is the big spoon. No question about it. His favorite place to kiss you is the back of your neck, and being the big spoon allows him to do so easily. Aside from that, he just loves the feeling of you pressed against his chest. The weight of your body pulled against him like that is a huge comfort to him, and it’s the only way he can fall asleep. He doesn’t move at all in his sleep—it’s a little unsettling at first, because he’s a super deep sleeper as well, so at first you thought he died in his sleep lmfao.
Elliott prefers to be the little spoon! He’s similar to Alex in that he finds it easier to fall asleep, but while you’re holding him. Your night routine also has a lot to do with it; he’s got pretty long hair, and before bed you always take care to braid it for him so it’s out of the way and won’t get tangled in his sleep. It also makes it easier for you when you latch onto his back like a koala, pressing your sleepy smile into the space between his shoulder blades. He loves waking up to you pressing kisses against the slope of his back. 
Shane is a little spoon. I don’t care if that’s controversial, the moment you wrap your arms around him and cuddle close against his back, he is gone. The first time you did it he almost started crying because he couldn’t remember a time when anyone had treated him so softly or gently. Your hold on him is always so loving, too, especially when he rests his palms over your hands on his chest and you lace your hands together? Dude, he’s ready to get down on one knee right then and there.
Harvey likes being the big spoon. With how often you go galavanting through the mines without a care in the world for your neck, he’s constantly anxious about your safety, so being the big spoon allows him just a fraction of comfort. It makes him feel like he’s protecting you from the world—like he’s shielding you from negative outside forces, or any creatures that intend to harm you. And you know, maybe he just likes feeling you curled up in his arms, too.
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star-centric · 1 year
Can you do some headcannons on Kunikida from bsd and how he would act in a relationship? Like what type of dates they’d go on, his love language, etc. tysm!
- 🥀
PAIRING: Kunikida x Gender Neutral!Reader
NOTE: I love Kunikida- that is all (and sorry that this came out so late)!
CW: fluff, gender neutral reader
Relationship Headcanons with Kunikida!
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Being in a relationship with Kunikida is more exciting than people think. He’s still as diligent as always, but you get to see a certain softness to him that isn’t shown as much
He still acts the same- but he’s a bit more…delicate now. He catches himself remembering that you’re not just his friend anymore and that you’re something more to him (like he’s been wanting for a while). It’s hard to not notice the tips of his ears growing red when he has his vulnerable moments with you, but it’s welcomed nonetheless
I fully believe he asked you out first- had an entire plan written down in his notebook with no room to error. Even with everything written and perfected to a T, he still stumbled a bit in his confession, light blush across his cheeks but firm in his words. It’s a moment that you keep close to you and bring up whenever you’re alone together (sometimes to tease him- much to his dismay)
If you guys work together, he doesn’t treat you like you’re weak because he knows that you’re not- but don’t be surprised if he’s hovering around you more when you get back from a mission. He’s still professional- just more worried- but he still has faith in you!
If you guys don’t work together, he makes time out of his schedule daily to see you. He makes sure that it falls on your lunch break and it doesn’t get interrupted by anyone (unless it’s a serious mission, but expect him to be a little upset when he confronts the threat)
He always makes sure to walk you to and from work- no exceptions
Kunikida would be the one to usually plan your dates- whether it’s his idea or yours. If there’s something specific that you want to do, you can expect him to get all of the information/details and plan it to where there’s no room for a mistake
(just make sure that you’re not pranking him like Dazai because he will take it literal)
He prefers something calm for your dates- he already gets all of the excitement he needs from the agency, so any chance he can relax and do it with you he’s taking it. He also finds it easier to unwind with you, feeling the stress from the day lift from his shoulders just being with you
Kunikida’s love language is act of service! He goes out of his way to make you’re taken care of. It may seem minor to some and not a big deal, but it’s just one of the many ways to show that he cares about you
He’s not much of a touchy person in the beginning of your relationship, but he starts to show a little more physical affection as it progresses. It starts out small- from pinkies brushing against one another without flinching to small hugs before saying goodnight. He doesn’t do much in front of everyone besides handholding, but he does start to do more behind closed doors and in the privacy of your homes
Kunikida has a whole section in his notebook dedicated to you (including future dates)- your likes, dislikes, anniversaries, etc. You never have to worry about him forgetting something because he already has it written down
It takes a while before Kunikida says “I love you”, but I do believe that he would say it first. He’ll also be the first one to bring up the notion of moving in together under a tactical guise (but really it’s just because he craves you more and the times that he sees you now isn’t enough)
He’s the definition of “you fell first, but he fell harder”
Kunikida feels at peace with you. Even if you didn’t match all of his ideals for his ideal partner (because realistically no one probably would), he’s content with that. You mesh so well with him, and honestly- it’s hard to picture anyone else being his partner but you
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zileans-big-cl0ck · 1 year
Hii, if ya feel up to it could you write some comforting headcanons for Yasuo and Talon? They need some good hugs but honestly what league champion doesn't
(if you feel like writing for others too go for it, I like to read anything you make)
✦–Comforting them headcanons.✦ (SFW)
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✦Hurt/comfort, because they also deserve a hug. A lot of hugs. Every single one of them.
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✧ prompt: ✧ hurt/comfort.
✧ champions: ✧ Talon, the Blade’s Shadow; Yasuo, the Unforgiven; Cassiopeia, the Serpent’s Embrace.
✧ reader: ✧ gender neutral.
✧ author’s note: ✧ oh, dear readers and anons, you don’t even know how appreciated I feel whenever you send me some positive energy or compliments, haha! Every time it’s so adorable, I couldn’t feel any better. Thank you for everythig, especially since english is not my first language, so. I basically have no idea what I am doing. Ah, but apart of this anecdote, the reader is really into self care, but I think it shouldn’t be a problem since we are doing a comforting post.
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✦Talon, the Blade’s Shadow.
He left his blade by the door, because he would never want you to see it in the comforting space of your home, begrimed with blood and disgustingly obscure.
He has lost his prey. His target fleed - he failed; he didn’t manage to complete the only merit of his life that he truly named his own, his passion and devotion, the thing he has been created to do.
If he fails in something so elementary, a thing fankled into his soul and his whole being, an aspect pierced into his heart, then what is his worth?
You spotted his inconvenient posture imidiately, sensing an unnatural twist in his mood, so used to his everyday harshness, enriched by a little bit of sweetness towards only your person. But this time he was different - apathetic with stilted aura of dullness around. Talon let himself tiredly slide on your shared bed, ignoring you just because of the guilt that has been oppressing his heart.
And you, instead of letting him perish alone, you offered him your silent comfort - just yourself by his side. You sat there, your head on his shoulder, gentle touch of your hand on his back, maybe even the tip of your fingers making little circles, massaging.
You asked him what happened, though for the most of the following time you remain quiet, relishing the moment, only you two as the centre of the universe.
But he still felt the enveloping sensation of the failed mission, a feeling he had never experienced before; he has dishonoured his sacred mission. Should he be allowed to feel comforted after a mistake so unforgivable? If he could, he would wear the disgrace as a punishment, visible and vociferous, so everyone would see his shamefull attempts to find comfort in someone else, unworthy of it and pathetic.
Talon was always a mysterious person, but you were like a stronghold for him - it wasn’t a long time until you heard these thoughts of his vocalized out loud, honest and brutal. He murmured them into your ear, while you listened silently, cherishing this sacred moment of his true, intimate self, the person behind the blade.
His thoughts seemed like a form of self-flagellation, noxious and malign. Something pitiful that made your eyes wet, little droplets settling on your eyelashes.
You couldn’t listen to him anymore, saying those denigrating and disgusting statements about himself. All it was untrue, made from the years of abandonment and loneliness, and you were positive to cure it.
But how many times more will you hear him saying that his name doesn’t matter? That as an assasin he is not a human being - he is just a blade that cuts efficiently, deeply and terminally.
“I couldn’t wish for a better person in my life than you, love.” You beggined with you voice brittle, like you were telling him a unconfronted secret. “There is nothing that could make me feel even slightly different. I love you the same amount, as you should love yourself.”
Your words were prosaic, menial. But these were honest promises of adoring him countlessly times, endlessly and for eons, until he comprehends the feelings you wanted him to nurse not only for you, but also himself.
And at some point Talon chuckled, though it wasn’t a sign of joy - it was depressing, unnatural. He tried assuring you that it wasn’t a problem big enough to enwrap you, his beloved one, in - but you could sense his poignant sadness running through his body, just like you could feel his pulsing heart or heavy breath.
You promised him to dedicate to him all of your time, just to assure Talon in his human ability to make mistakes, even so meaningful; to help with his low esteem, even if he firmly disagreed to have anything to do with the mythical term of the mentioned ’low esteem’.
You wrapped your hands around him, tigh and lovely, planning on imprisoning him in a cage made of adoration from someone, who could gave him the comfort he deserved.
Talon left his blade by the door as a symbol of rejection - he rejected the person beyond this place, the one who covered his face with a hood, exchanging him for a more relaxed one, the one made from flesh and honest feelings, the real ones, the right ones, and the absolutely normal ones.
✦Yasuo, the Unforgiven.
As we know, Yasuo escaped Ionia after the unfortunate tragedy that led him despair.
He was lost and longing for a company, though he stated out loud that he didn’t want anyone nerby - he was still too fragile, still in shock of the brutal act he allowed himself to do, bewildered, horrified by himself.
He didn’t want to hurt another human being again. He didn’t want to accompany yet another person, only to betray them nor to give up on them. Another loose would be too painful, too demolishing.
For them, of course. He thought he could handle all of this crushing on his mind.
But Yasuo wouldn’t survive seeing his acquaintance being betrayed by him, once again.
He wasn’t eager to befriend new people here, in Bilgewater; he didn’t seek anyone particular. You found him by yourself, and soon became his only comfort in those times, only way to drift his depressing thoughts away.
And even though it was admirable, your acts of desperate tries, as he considered you as the most valued person in his life, you knew he shouldn’t be feeling so much pain. It could broke even the toughest weilder. His nailed heart pulsing right in his chest was aching and trying to free itself every time Yasuo bestowed you with his deep, sad eyes.
He suffered in silence, though he claimed that you were the only cure for this desease that was gutting his body.
You could name this curse - it was guilt in its purest form. And you were determined to free Yasuo from it.
At some point, he must have opened himself before you, render a vivisection of himself, show you his insides and the putridity that has enveloped his heart and soul. Something you should despise, scream and shout at the sight of, bewildered and cheesed.
But instead of pushing him away as he expected, almost desired, instead of feeling overwhelmed by the emotions he had dropped on your shoulders, you hugged him tightly, the words of comfort pouring from your mouth.
”That wasn’t your fault.” ”You regret this, and you are not the same person you were back then.” ”That was an accident.” ”You are always there for me - let me be here for you now.”
So he declaimed the weight of the world like a poem. About his past and his brother, who has lose to his blade in the accident. You cried with him, mixing your own tears with his own, brushing his problems and concerns off.
You couldn’t even imagine how deeply was he hurt. But humans tend to crawl for the concept of empathetic co-suffering; it makes them feel understood and is crutial when it comes to comforting, therefore it was enough for him: getting the heavy burden off his own mind, sharing it to the world, admitting that he had commited something unforgivable.
You forgave him, though he has never hurted you. But any mercy given from a human being was a relief for Yasuo.
✦Cassiopeia, the Serpent’s Embrace.
Cassiopeia didn’t need your comfort. She despised it. It made her look pathetic and weak, even if she already looked miserable as half a serpent.
But she was a proud woman, a lover of many in her halcyon days of glory. Everyone longed for her and everyone needed her like an antidote for a deadly poison. It was a desire not in a lovely, romantic way, but in a frantic, melodramatic and amusing form of begging for sparing a life.
She manipulated the whole nation of pathetic Noxians into her hands, toyed with them on one of her palms, treating those little figures like ants, just simple pawns on the board that she created from her life. She would be considered infantile if anyone knew what a little mouse wanted to adhere to her, hug her scaled waist and tell her that… she deserved love.
Of course she did! You should have seen her when she was still human, not an abomination, just a twisted figure of her past self.
”No, I am not thinking like this of myself, little mouse. Do not approach me, we can bargain from a distance-”
She would admire your confidency with honesty, if only you weren’t so… clingy. Your hugged her in a devoted way that spoke without words - that you will always follow her as her dearest worshipper, even if she turned into something more fearsome than a half-snake. Even if she turned into a sculpture, you would attend her every day.
Cassiopeia indeed had to admit to herself, in her own convoluted way of a serpent, that your confession made her feel better. Like she had one person that was truly her admirer, not just another human she led on and wrapped around her claw, ready to allure and use. And that her little mouse was kind of adorable; more like a pet, but at least a faithful one.
It was a change of perspectives for her, a phenomenon that made her smile softly, her hand slidding from the top of your head to your back, where she pushed you closer, admiring and loving.
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mattbegins · 5 months
Bobby. Bobby. Robert Nash. Cap, please. I know he wants Eddie to figure this out on his own, but Bobby knows. He knows that the last time Eddie was in a serious relationship with a woman it drove him to panic attacks and he knows him well enough to voice his concern about that happening again. He knows enough to posit to Eddie that maybe he might be having “second thoughts about asking this woman to move in with [him].” Not “Marisol,” this woman. Bobby knows because he explains that commitment isn’t Eddie’s issue- he has shown his ability to commit on numerous occasions, the army, the 118, Christopher, and Shannon. He leans heavily into language with pronouns and gender, using names sparingly, and points out that Shannon was the only exception but Eddie explains that they felt pressured to marry and now we wonder if they ever would have had she not been pregnant or if they were away from the influence of the church. He says a part of him loved being married to her, but that’s not the same as saying he loved being with her outright. Liking someone, caring about someone, even enjoying sex with that person, are all valid but aren’t the same as love and Eddie clearly doesn’t explicitly state that’s something he’s felt toward these women- just the situations. Bobby doesn’t dismiss the fact that Eddie may genuinely like or care about the women he brings into his life because those feelings can be valid, but he gives Eddie space to analyze his own feelings against external pressures and societal expectations, and maybe start asking himself why he can’t commit to relationships with women of his own accord. Bobby knows, and also knows that Eddie is the kind of person to jump on the defense when people question his personal systems of logic regarding his identity and beliefs, so he lays out the neutral facts that he can and hopes Eddie will reach the best conclusion for himself because some patterns need to break.
Bobby knows Eddie’s gay, and he’s waiting for Eddie to catch up.
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depressopax · 8 months
Dale Cooper SFW headcanons
Fandom: Twin Peaks
Pairing: Dale Cooper x gender neutral reader Genre: Fluff, headcanons Warning(s): Cuss words, dirty jokes Words: 900 Summary: Being in a relationship with Dale Cooper would include…  English is not my main language, if I make any spelling mistakes please let me know so I can improve my writing! <3 Avaliable on AO3
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This man… He has so much love to give you, and won’t hesitate to do so.
He sees you as a treasure and knows how to treat you like one.
His job means long days and much time apart from you. To not speak of the dangers that come with being a special agent.
He tries making up for this, though.
At work, he’s serious and focused on his tasks
At home, all his attention is on you.
He spends his free days off work with you, either at home or going outdoors. As long as you’re together, he doesn’t care. 
He might come across as “clingy”, but he just wants your love and company.
His career means late night, so he either comes home to find you already sleeping, or sitting up on the couch watching tv. Either way, he always greets you with the biggest smile.
You try visiting him at the police station, too. Going to him for lunch, surprise visits etc… 
If he has the opportunity, he does the same for you when/if you work.
Dale is not a good chef, but he enjoys cooking for you.
Especially in the mornings.
He often ends up burning the food without realizing it
But he looks so happy when he tells you that he has cooked, and you can’t bring yourself to tell him that he accidentally burned it
He looks so smug whenever you eat his food and tell him you like it
He might be a night owl, but still gets up early in the morning. How he does so is a damn mystery.
Maybe it’s the fact he usually has weird dreams at night that makes him wake up early?
Or is he just always energetic? 
He wakes you up with kisses and the first thing you smell is coffee. 
This man is absolutely head over heels in love with you
He appreciates small gestures from you, he’s not the guy to like big romantic gestures. Like seriously, just make a cup of coffee for this man and he will swoon for you.
Dale’s love language being touch and quality time 
He likes making coffee for you, it’s his ultimate way of saying “I love you” lol
Speaking of saying “Ily”, he was definitely the one to say it first. 
You’d only been dating for a month or less when he realised how much you mean to him, and that he had fallen for you.
He feels very comfortable around you and appreciates the feeling of you jot judging him
That’s why he likes sharing his weird theories with you and rant about different cases he’s working on, wanting your take on it
Whilst other people laugh at his passion for the paranormal, you are supportive, and find it interesting too.
Which makes him very happy, since he finally can share his thoughts without getting judged <3
He also tells you about the weird dreams he has
At first, you were very concerned when Dale started ranting about his dreams of weird creatures and creepy places
…But you grew to like it. Once getting used to his weird dreams, you’re always intrigued to hear another story
If you don’t believe in paranormal stuff/you’re not spiritual - you definitely change your opinions later. He has a way of talking about it that just fascinates you to the point you also believe it.
Which only makes him love you more, if possible.
You and Dale are a pretty calm couple, but your shared love for creepy shit probably leads to Dale taking you on your own little investigations/missions
He wouldn't let you tag along to a real mission, but suggests going to abandoned places for sightseeing.
And who are you to say no to that?
Somehow, it’s almost cozy to walks hand in hand in the creepiest of places, while discussing theories and scaring each other with stories
You also make it a challenge sometimes - who gets scared first?
Spoiler alert! It’s you.
Dale is a special agent, and works with cases like this, after all. 
He’s pretty competitive, believe it or not
Sometimes, he even makes sure to make you frightened 
He likes comforting you and feeling like “the knight on a white horse”
A bit rude, I know, but he can’t help it!
“Fuck sake Dale! You did that on purpose!”“I would never!”“...”“Ok, maybe I did intend to scare you.”“I hate you”“I know you don’t… Don’t be mad at me, my love!”
Don’t worry, he does make it up to you in one way or another ;)
His ideal date would be coffee dates (what a surpriseeee) 
On your first date he took you to Double R Diners, so he could show you how amazing coffee and cherry pies they have.
He also likes taking you out on picnics, sightseeings and being outdoors with you.
But if you prefer calm dates, he doesn’t mind taking you to the cinema, or even just stay at home to watch movies and eating takeaway food
He doesn’t mind PDA - he holds your hand in public, kisses your forehead, wants you close etc…
But he prefers to kiss you when he’s alone with you
If you were to kiss him around people he’d turn into a blushing mess lmao
Dale is the boyfriend who likes staying up with you - having deep late night conversations
The two of you are pretty cheesy - slow dancing under the night sky, stargazing… You name it
Being in a relationship with Dale brings you the passion, love, adventures and amount of weirdness that you need in your life - His goal is to be the best boyfriend ever <3
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SFW headcanons for Simon "Ghost" Riley
This is based on a female reader I wrote in this blurb. Reader is in her mid to late 30's. Ghost is about 29.
Cross posted to my Ao3.
A for Adorable
What small habit/feature/quirk do they find especially endearing about the other?
He thinks it's cute when you chew on your bottom lip when you're concentrating.
He also likes how you call every dog you see a "puppy".
The thing he finds the most endearing is the way you care for the people you work with and your friends by making sure they stay hydrated and eat regularly.
B for Bargain
How will they go about getting their way when they’re disagreeing?
Is a sulker. Will sulk the house down. If the two of you are alone he will pout and give you the silent treatment but, he will eventually agree to disagree and apologise for being childish.
C for Communication
What is their love language?
Acts of service.
Knows how you like your morning hot drink and will always have it made or in the process of being made when you finally crawl out of bed.
Like you, he reminds you to drink plenty of water and eat properly. Likes to eat his meals on base with you if he can. It gives him comfort to know you are eating well.
D for Devoted
How do they show each other they’re serious about the relationship?
Sleeping in the same bed as you with or without his mask. Letting you touch his and explore his face. It's baring his soul to you.
Having a part of his body touching you when you are in public. Fraternization is against the rules in the military but he likes to have a part of his body touching you if you are in public around the base. Be it his knee, thigh or shoulder.
In civilian public he will hold your hand the entire time you two are out unless it's not practical. He'll replace the hand holding with touches to your back or arm.
E for Enchanted
What was the first thing about the other that caught their eye?
How small you were, how you could fit in the smallest places and how fast you moved. He knows it's part of your job to sneak into places and get info or place cameras but he was actually amazed at how proficient you were at these things.
One time in the gym he watched you race someone up the climbing wall and you were at the top when the other was only half way.
F for Flirty
How do/did they flirt with each other?
He uses terrible pickup lines. On purpose of course. He knows you love his shitty jokes and actually googled bad pickup lines.
"Your middle name must be Gillette. Because you're the best a man can get"
"Something must be wrong with my phone…it doesn’t have your number in it"
"Do you work at Subway? ‘Cause you just gave me a foot-long"
"Is your name Earl Grey? Because you look like a hot-tea"
G for Gentle
How do they comfort each other if one has had a bad day?
When he has a bad day he likes to sit on a chair, pull you between his parted legs and wrap his arms around your waist, bury his face in your tummy while you stroke his hair and whisper comforting things to him.
When you're having a bad day he lays on the bed with you and pulls you into his arms so that you can bury your face in his chest. He will pepper your head and forehead with kisses while stroking your back.
H for Hot
What outfit/look is their favorite on the other?
Leggings, fluffy socks and an oversized (hopefully his) tshirt. Just your around the house relaxing wear.
He also loves seeing you in shorts and your cute floral tops in the summer. He was surprised when he first spent time with you outside of work and saw how cute and girly your wardrobe was. On base, even when not actually on duty or going to the pub you wore plain gender neutral clothing.
I for Intimate
What was their first real date like?
The two of you went to a nice pub, got a meal (in the uk and other countries you can get good meals at pubs like steak and stuff) and a few drinks. You talked about random things like other patrons in the pub, how the food was, things about where you both lived. He asked a lot of questions about what serving in the military in your country was like out of sheer curiosity.
Afterwards the two of you walked hand in hand and kept talking about silly small talk things but it wasn't awkward. It was comfortable and you both felt happy.
J for Jealous
Is either of them jealous? How do they show and handle it?
He's not really jealous except for one thing and it's not like you'd think.
He's envious of the friendship you and Price have, how much Price knows about you and things that Price has experienced with you over the years. That Price has seen you at your best and your worst.
He wishes he knew you that well, he wishes he had been there through times when you were injured or sad so he could take care of you.
K for Karma
How do they apologize to each other?
Flowers. It's old fashioned but it suits him to a T. The two of you rarely find yourselves in a situation where either of you have to apologise to each other but when he's in the wrong he will buy you some flowers.
Luckily for him you love flowers.
L for Lust
What feature/habit do they find most enticing about the other?
Your size. You are smaller than him by a whole foot. When he has you in his lap you may get poked in the backside or thigh if you are sitting sideways. He's sorry he cant help it.
Also your boobs. He's a titty man.
M for Memory
What is their favorite memory together?
He thinks it's stupid but his favourite memory is of a time when you were both in danger.
On a mission just the two of you, he got knocked out. When he came too you had literally dragged him to a car, somehow gotten him inside, driven you both somewhere safe and tended to both of your wounds before he woke up.
The inner and physical strength you displayed (not that he was awake to see it) was just so god damned impressive.
N for Normal
What do their typical day together look like? Routines, schedules, habits?
When you guys are staying together off base and off duty you usually go for a run in the morning together, shower together (sometimes theres some heavy petting), have breakfast, do some chores or errands. You usually have lunch together too and go to the gym in the afternoon. Then you come home, cook dinner together and spend the rest of the evening relaxing in each others company.
When on base you usually have your own jobs to do if not on a mission. You usually eat all your meals together if possible. Sometimes you manage to train together or be in the gym at the same time as each other. As fraternization is against the rules in the military you tend to not interact with each other outside of team mate expected things.
O for Obvious
What things do either do in public to show they’re together?
The two of you try really hard not to show anything when working. But 141 knows, they had thought something was going on between the two of you but nothing concrete until one time at the pub, Soap had caught the two of you holding hands under the table and GASPED so loud "I BLOODY KNEW IT".
They all keep your secret because they're your bro's.
Price, your dearest bestie, did give Ghost the "if you do anything to hurt her nobody will find your body" talk
P for Peace
When are they most relaxed together?
Laying in bed cuddling in the morning. He likes watching you wake up and stretch in the morning. You're especially cute when groggy.
Having a sunday roast together is especially relaxing. It's very domestic and something he misses from his childhood. It was one of the few normal things he had in his home life.
Q for Quiet
What can they do together without talking?
Reading, doing paperwork, gardening or yard work. It's easy to find a companionable silence around you. He finds it comforting.
R for Romantic
What kind of gifts do they give each other?
Flowers. Even if you're not mad at him he likes to give you flowers. Even if he picked it from the side of the road or it was hanging over someones fence. He regularly will hand you a flower from somewhere. Your home is full of vases of flowers from him that you have dried out to keep.
Special occasions like birthdays and christmas he gets you jewelry. Nothing excessive, usually something delicate and unassuming.
Did you comment on how you thought some daisy shaped earrings were super cute, he'll find a nice pair and buy it for you for a special occasion.
You give meals and practical gifts.
Your first christmas together you gifted him a really nice power drill set. You had remembered him mentioning his had fucked out. He teared up when he opened it tbh. Nobody in his life, since his mum, had ever paid attention to things he said or got him gifts like this.
He hugged you so tight and smothered you with kisses.
S for Sleep
What position do they sleep in if/when they sleep together?
The two of you usually start with him on his back and you resting your head on his chest. However as the night progresses you end up turning away from each other and sleeping that way.
Sometimes the other wakes up in the middle of the night and decides to spoon the other.
You two always cuddle in the morning though.
T for Thoughtful
What little things do they do for each other?
He's always making you cups of coffee and tea. Will never let you do the dishes.
Sometimes you make scones and little sandwiches and have afternoon tea together. It reminds him of his nan.
You like to take off his boots and socks after a long day and give him a foot rub. He gets achy feet.
U for Unity
What kind of wedding ceremony would/did they have?
Very small. A small chapel in the British countryside with only the people you trust the most. There will be a reception at a fancy pub afterwards where the two of you pay the tab for whatever food and drink thats ordered.
Honeymoon would probably be somewhere where nobody knows any of you, where you're strangers to the world and can be normal every day people.
V for Vibrant
What do they do or say that will make the other one smile without fail?
When you use lame pickuplines on each other. The lamer the better.
W for Whisper
What nicknames or compliments do they use the most?
From him: "Lovie, Sweets, Sweetheart"
From you: "Sugarplum, Baby, my love"
You always tell him how cute he is or how brave, he doesn't get how he could be cute but he likes when you tell him he's cute. A blush will always dust his cheeks
He always tells you how amazing you are. How sweet and lovely you are. How he cant believe he's so lucky to have you.
X for XOXO
What was their first kiss like?
Before you two kissed on the lips he liked to kiss the top of your hand. Still does.
Chaste and shy. You were more nervous than he was. Being you have little experience in romance. He took the lead. It was soft, gentle and perfect.
Y for Yearn
What do they do when they’re away from each other?
He goes over old text messages or looks at photos in his phone.
You hug a pillow when you sleep wishing it was him.
Z for Zoom
What is their favorite picture of each other or them together?
A picture Gaz took of you sitting in his lap at a BBQ at prices. He has his arm around your waist, your leaning back into him and whispering something he cant remember into his ear. He keeps it in a frame on his dressing table.
Yours is a picture of him at the beach in swim trunks, flip flops and a hat. He's lounging under an umbrella on a towel so very relaxed and at peace.
Æ for Æve - Eternity
How do they picture their old age together?
The two of you living in your own home, married, several pets, growing your own food and being happy with hobbies.
Ø for Øde - Desolate
Where do/would they live together?
The two of you have a place in a country village in the UK. When you two retire you move to your home country and have a nice little cottage there.
Å for Åte - Bait
How did they meet/start dating?
Met when Price had you join 141 when he needed someone who specialised getting in and out of places without being noticed. You are very sneaky.
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bloodyselfshipping · 2 years
I love your Hetalia main eight headcanons, how would they be with an British s/o? Cuz I personally believe that with France and America would be funny ^____^
(Hetalia Main 8 x Reader) British S/O!
(Gender Neutral) Headcanons ~ A/N it isnt as funny as you probably expected (i cant help but be sappy) but i hope u like it <3 ALSO two requests already?!?!?! im loisng my mind over here keep em comin
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This is also hysterical to him. Like, he’s always had so many issues with the British and now he’s in LOVE with a British person?! What reality is this?!
Because your native language is English like his, he’ll completely forget that the UK is not like the US.
“What do you mean you’ve never had Snickers salad?! Everyone has!”
“Hold on… what did you just say I need to get?... a “bog roll”? Wh- are you kidding me? You’re making that one up.”
Probably a little bitch about it not going to lie. He respects where you come from, but he’s probably gonna insist on things being more American than British.
Alfred has been to the UK many times, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t gonna be very whiney about it. Except when it comes to your family, who he LOVES. Seriously, he would be so great with your relatives.
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Obviously, as a British person himself, this is not out of the ordinary at all. Most likely his S/O would be British, I can’t see him having much of a thing for foreigners anymore.
But he is very happy that he doesn’t have to simplify how he talks, god forbid learn another language.
He appreciates having a S/O that he doesn’t have to explain anything about his country to. He can go on living his life the same way (which is so frustratingly important to him) and you’ll have no problem.
It’s always comforting to him knowing his S/O lives in his country, it removes so much pressure off his shoulders.
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Oh boy, oh lord, what is Arthur going to say! Having to put all of his constant British-specific insults aside because now his S/O is what he’s always hated!
“Those rostbif l'idiotes, they’re d- oh, my apologies. I- uh… that doesn’t include you, my love.”
He’s definitely gonna insist you learn French. He says it’s because he wants to distance you from Arthur, but really he just thinks your accent is so cute-
Francis knows a lot about British culture, so you probably won’t have to explain anything to him. But he’s definitely gonna try to immerse you in his own culture, no pressure of course.
It’s really a surprise to him how little your nationality bothers him. I guess love can always change a man’s heart <3
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Depending on the time period, Yao’s reaction would vary. Nowadays, he doesn’t really care that much. But if it was any earlier, he would be so ashamed of himself!
He’d try to teach you Mandarin, but that wouldn’t last long. His version of Mandarin is a mess of like 50 dead dialects, and he would get real annoyed when you mess it up, sorry /:
Yao has had to deal with foreigners so much nowadays, he doesn’t care much to learn about your country or teach you about his. He’ll assume you already know about his culture.
He doesn’t like traveling, but he’ll always make an exception for you and your family <3 Just… be aware he’s gonna try to get you to move to China constantly.
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Ivan would quite like this arrangement actually! He’s always had an admiration for the UK, plus now he has something to bother Arthur with-
He wouldn’t care much about the language thing (he might even try stopping you from learning Russian,) but if you make fun of his bad English he would take it so personally ):
He wants you to take him on tours around where you’ve lived in the UK!!! Tell him everything!!! No one usually wants him to visit their country, so he’s very excited to come home with you!
Fully embraces your multi-cultural little family unit!
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Frankly, I don’t think Feliciano would have much of a reaction. Him and Arthur are not close, but he’s never had any real animosity for the country. He loves foreigners, where exactly you’re from doesn’t make much difference!
Loves speaking to you in Italian! He thinks your confused and flushed face is just the cutest.
As much as he likes hearing about your country, he is way more excited to show you the sights and sounds of his own.
Gives you a lot of homemade cultural foods but forgets you’re British and makes them way too … seasoned.
You may be from across the continent, but you’ll always be his persona amata.
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Despite Ludwig’s general annoyance towards British politics, he actually quite likes that his S/O is British! He finds a lot to enjoy about the culture.
Will insist that you teach him about growing up in the UK. He just finds it fascinating!
German and English are relatively similar languages, so he’ll suggest you learn at least a little. But he’s not gonna push you on it, your accent is terrible anyway.
You guys probably live and eat very similarly, since Ludwig has adapted very quickly to globalization. Very convenient for you, very annoying for Gilbert.
Overall, this would be a great relationship. Ludwig would be very casual about you being British (cough cough, Alfred)
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Generally, Kiku finds most Europeans quite annoying to deal with, but he’ll always make an exception for you <3
Considering how Arthur reacted to Japanese, he’s not even gonna try to get you to learn. He’ll teach you if you ask nicely, but only then.
He’s not very into teaching you about Japan, more casually explains cultural things as they come up.
He would love to go back to the UK with you! He’s very touristy, and would love if you are too.
Kiku is always willing to set aside any bias or personal history aside for you <3
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blues824 · 2 years
do you think you can do the obey me bros with an kanao tsuyuri reader?
Platonic (she is 16 canonically, and these demons are over 1000 years old), gender-neutral reader.
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He already knows about your backstory because of your student file and how it basically has everything about you. Kanae seemed like such a good sister, she reminds him of Lilith a bit because of her helpful personality. 
You didn’t speak a lot, which he understood. He was shocked when you uttered your first words to him. You had told him to take a break, and how could he not when you broke your silence just to remind him to leave his work for a few minutes to eat something?
He finds your demon slaying abilities to be above any he has ever seen. You move with swiftness and grace, which is something his brothers most definitely don’t have. The favoritism definitely shows with how he treats you and how he treats the others. He’s basically rewarding your competence.
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Lucifer had told him about your backstory, and he is also hit with the thought that Kanae seemed a lot like Lilith. She would do the coin flip thing a lot when she was in the beginning of the relationship with that human, and he was shocked that you did the same thing.
Big brother Mammon would totally learn sign language just so he would be able to communicate with you. When you spoke for the first time, it was to congratulate him for deciding to break his habit of gambling. That gave him the extra push he needed to hand his credit card to Lucifer willingly.
He has taken you to an empty field so you could train and utilize your demon slaying abilities, and he was so freaking proud. You moved as graceful and delicate as a butterfly, but you were also deadly. It further reminded him of how a butterfly deceives its predators by its wings.
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You reminded him of the character from ‘Help! Rip-off Michael Jackson turned my sister into a demon and now I’m trying to find a cure for her!’ You even had similar backstories. He thought it was adorable how family-oriented you were because of how much you cared for them like they were your brothers.
He would totally download an app that allowed you to communicate non-verbally. When you uttered your first phrase to him since you entered the Devildom, he felt so freaking special. You cheered him on as he finally beat the level in the game he was playing, and he felt so goddamn victorious.
He doesn’t particularly like going outside, but when you used the app to take you to train on an empty field, he could feel Hell’s Navy Captain arising within him. As a general, he couldn’t say no to the request, and he thinks you did better than any soldier he had ever seen.
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Your backstory is considerably worse than any backstory he has ever heard in any of his books, and that is saying a whole freaking lot. He has personally read your student file and notes that your second older sister had taken you under her wing (get it?) and trained you.
He would introduce an activity where you scribble in a few books he gets you and you circle the words that would make up your sentence. When you do say your first words to him, it was when he had gotten you the next book in the series you were enjoying. You had thanked him, and he didn’t make that big of a deal out of it so as to not make you uncomfortable. It is something that he will always remember, though.
He would agree to take you to a field so that you could train, and he has to admit that you moved elegantly. It most definitely showed your years of experience with slaying demons, but he still wanted to reward you by taking you to a cat café afterward.
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He is very sad to hear how hard your life was. You were so adorable, but you had such a harsh beginning. Personally, he would love to kill your old owner even though that was multiple years ago. How dare they hurt you?
I feel like a lot of sign language channels have come across his Devilgram feed, so he knows basic words and phrases so that he can communicate with you. When you speak to him for the first time, it was to say that he looked beautiful. He had never felt happier than he did at that moment.
He would absolutely love to go see you train! He doesn’t want you to get lost since he wants to take you to the mall to get some more cute outfits, after all! He was so in shock when he saw how gracefully you used and maneuvered your blade. After, he just jumped up and clapped for you like a mom at her kid’s soccer game.
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He had to admit that your oldest sister sounded a lot like his younger sister. Perhaps their souls were carved from the same stone. However, you seem to be doing better than he ever would have if his sister were killed by a sadistic demon.
He wishes he could communicate with you, and so he learns how to. He always carries a small notebook with him for you, and he learns sign language. When you speak to him for the first time, he heard you thank him for dinner. Did his food make you break your silence?? Well, now he will cook food for you any time you want.
Beel would take you to his favorite field for privacy. You both would do typical work-outs like push-ups and sit-ups. Then you drew your blade and practiced on a nearby tree. The 6th oldest watched as you utilized your sword gracefully and never even destroyed it. His only thought was I would hate to be that tree.
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He wanted to hate you, but you understood too much of his pain. You had lost your sister as well to a being from a different realm. The means were more brutal in your story, but you understood the pain of losing your beloved sibling.
He uses dreams to communicate. He would use his powers to let you have control in your dream so that you would be able to get your point across. The first time you actually spoke to him was to wake him up, and boy did it.
He doesn’t particularly like going anywhere since he always ends up falling asleep. However, if you ask him, he will go with you to the field you discovered and watch you practice. You practiced your Flower Breathing, and Belphie had to admit that it looked awesome.
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