#also jimbert please
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as an avid fanfiction reader but also someone who cannot write for the life of me (believe me, i’d do it myself if i could),can we please please please please please write more led zeppelin fanfiction i am actually begging.
i am slowly going insane without it.
i’ve consumed all that we have.
i will give you everything i possess.
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lemongrablothbrok · 1 year ago
Hey. Hey fam. You guys. You'll never guess who these two remind me of.
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leveebreak-s · 3 months ago
if you know me in real life KEEP SCROLLING i'm so serious. look me in the eyes. please ignore this one. if you read this and i find out i'll probably block you i'm sorry (that includes you nemo)
jimbert nonsense under the cut. zeppelin mutuals if you have thoughts please share them, especially @incredifishface and @tangerina24 i'd be very happy to hear from you.
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Tea For One becomes so loaded when read through a Jimbert lens. I'm not saying the song IS a jimbert song, only that it COULD be, and that reading it that way is compelling and at times confounding
first of all, genius says the song is about robert missing his family while he's on tour, which seems valid on paper, but given the context in which it was written doesn't seem like the most logical interpretation to me. presence as an album was written when robert was recovering from his accident, wheelchair bound, and unsure if he would ever be able to tour again. there was very much an atmosphere hanging over the band and robert especially that this album might be their swan song. he was staring down the barrel of an end to life on the road, life in the band, life with jimmy. it's a very melancholy song and i would describe the tone as...defeated?
Like, given that the man is newly homebound, I think it's safe to say that what is making him feel "this way" is not the carnival of life on the road but the isolation and loneliness brought on by pain and temporary disability.
Sittin' lookin' at the clock
Time moves so slow
I've been watchin' for the hands to move
Until I just can't look no more
How come twenty four hours
Baby sometimes seems to slip into days?
A minute seems like a lifetime
Baby when I feel this way
I guess this is the part of the song that leads people to the conclusion that the song is about missing his wife and children while on tour, but "now I can't get back again" ? Again, on this album he's confronted with the idea that he might never tour again. He's very much about to get back again.
There was a time that I stood tall
In the eyes of other men
But by my own choice I left you woman
And now I can't get back again
I have more thoughts on this but for the purposes of this post i digress. This song could be about Maureen. I'm not trying to prove that it is about Jimmy, I'm just trying to prove that reading it that way is interesting.
the idea that their glory days are coming to an end are all over this album. hell, the first song is called achilles' last stand. and that song is definitely about robert and jimmy, as fishie and leds have already so eloquently proven. the end of the dream. time to ramble on. by my own choice i left you. "and now i can't get back again" does indicate that robert has some pretty mixed feelings about the possibility that this is the end. on the one hand, he's ready to assert himself independently, break free from their covenant, prove himself beyond the band. on the other hand, having his autonomy in the matter ripped away from him is not what he wanted. and i'm not just talking about the injury keeping him from life on the road, but from his partnership with jimmy which is, in jimmy's eyes, inseparable from their working together.
this is my favourite part of the whole song and also the one i find the most confounding. BY THE BY the chord progression is the same as on "since i've been loving you," which according to jimmy was done on purpose, as an exercise to see how different of a song they could make with the same chords and many years of songwriting behind them.
To sing a song for you
I recall you used to say
Oh baby this one's for we two
Which in the end is you anyway
is it: i recall you used to say "oh baby this one's for we two" which in the end is you anyway? or is it: i recall you used to say "oh baby this one's for we two anyway which in the end is you anyway?" this stanza really invokes jimbert for me. I am thinking about the dynamic between the two of them in the beginning. jimmy as a sage who plucked robert from relative security, found him, saw him, made him who he was at this time. robert as an acolyte but also as a young god in his own right, once a student and still a devotee but now an intellectual equal.
"this one's for we two, which in the end is you anyway."
in the end, "we" are something that you created. you birthed this, turned our lead into gold, created me in your image, and you will be the one to tend to it for all time. maybe "we" weren't even real to begin with. maybe "we" were only ever a product of your vision for world domination and eternal life. if THAT's not about the end of jimbert (the first season anyway) i don't know what is.
idk if anyone will bother to read all of this but please know that i wrote it in like 10 minutes off the cuff so if it's a bit incoherent i apologize i just have a LOT of feelings about this song. if i got anything wrong please let me know or *hope beyond hope* if anyone wants me to say MORE about it let me know because i could go into a LOT more depth
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firethatgrewsolow · 3 years ago
do u have any recommendations for robert fics that are recent? i have been having trouble finding new content. love ur righting btw.
Hey there! Thanks for the kind words on the writing!! 💕 As far as recs go, I’m not the greatest resource. 😔 I’m gone so much now that I can’t keep up. And I fear listing specific names bc I know I’ll leave someone out, and I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings. From what I’ve seen, most of the newer stuff is Jimmy or Jimbert. Do a search on my blog as I’ve answered this question in the past. Also, if anyone wants to help me out, please, please do!! I’d be so grateful. 😘
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noisy-kitten · 5 years ago
1,3,15,18, for the fanfic asks pleeeease. Pretty please.
Just a disclaimer, I’m not an expert fanfic reader. it’s been only a few months since I started reading Led Zeppelin fanfic (Jimbert to be exact), but since @ledbythreads you asked me so nicely I had no other option, I had to do it.😉 Oh and sorry it took me a whole day to answer these.😁
1.What is the strangest fact you’ve learned from reading fic?
Since I haven’t read many fanfics, I think to me the strangest facts that I’ve learned are about Aleister Crowley. Not much though, just a few things about True Will and Thelema which I was completely unaware about. I did search few of these information on google so that pretty much answers the question number 3 too.
3.What is the last thing that a fic made you google when you were reading it?
Besides the information on Aleister Crowley that I had to search on Google, I think the last thing I had to google is the myth about Eros and Psyche, from your “Don’t stop Ever” series. And it is one of the most beautiful myths I’ve ever read, a true love story. So thank you for that.🙏
15.What is your favourite title for a fic you’ve read? (whole fic or chapter)
Eros and Psyche is really beautiful, but I think the one that I love the most is Unsaid 1969, which is from your Led Zeppelin drabbles. This poem speaks to my heart and that’s why I love this title the most.💕
Also from @ithoughtyouweretheroadie fics, there’s a story called “No Matter What” and it’s one of my faves. A sad and emotionally intense Jimbert story at Jimmy’s most vulnerable years of his life. The title of the story says it all.
18.Which scene from your fandom do you read most often in fics?
I haven’t read much Zeppelin fics so I can’t really answer that question, but from what I’ve noticed Bron-Yr-Aur is the place that most Led Zeppelin fics have, especially Jimbert fics, and I can understand why.
I know you probably expected more interesting answers than the ones I gave. Sorry if I disappointed you.😔
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len-zefflin · 6 years ago
anything jimbert really, I'm such a slut for them.
first of all, big mood anon. big mood.
“If you princesses aren't ready in ten minutes I’ll personality drag your asses to the stage,” Peter Grant shouts from behind the door of the dressing room Jimmy and Robert share.
Bonzo and Jonesy are already loitering backstage, anxiously waiting for the show to start while their band mates are still in the midst of dressing and making up.
Robert tries on a couple rings, searching for one that goes with the rest of his get up when he hears a groan of pain from the other side of the room.
“Fucking piece of shit!”
Upon a close inspection he finds Jimmy vigorously rubbing a patch of redden skin on his neck.
“You okay there, Jimmy? Did you burn yourself again?”
“Fuck off, Robert,” is all Jimmy says, so the singer goes back to ravishing his jewelry box.
He manages not to pay the other man any mind until Jimmy lets out another displeased sound, followed by some of the most creative swear words Robert has ever heard.
“Piece of crap!” he screams, throwing the curling iron on the dressing table, hitting the mirror in the process. Luckily, his violent outburst only leaves a dent.
Robert tries so hard not to laugh at Jimmy’s reaction, fully aware that it would only foul his mood even more. He covers his mouth with the back of his palm and smiles for himself.
“It’s fine, it’s fine. Everything is okay. My hair never looked better. I think I can even make the homeless person look work.”
Out of all of them, Jimmy is definitely the most self-critical when it comes to his appearance and takes the most to get ready before a show, which shouldn't be taken lightly considering his band mate is Robert Plant himself. It’s something they got used to the more time they spent touring, and even though the guitarist gets made fun of on a daily basis because of it, Robert understands Jimmy’s need for everything to be perfect. He also knows that if he doesn't do something about it, the show is going to be shit.
“Let me help you, will ya’?” he offers.
Jimmy scoffs at the proposal.
“If you think I’m letting you touch my hair…”
“FIVE MINUTES, LADS!” Peter’s voice echoes from backstage, startling Jimmy.
“Okay, fine, but don’t make me look like you.”
Robert chuckles at that and immediately starts working. He’s both gentle yet swift with his movements, careful not to burn himself or Jimmy. He twirls each strand of hair on the curling iron, holding its end in place for a few seconds, then let’s it go, revealing a beautiful, loose curl.
“How are you so good at this?” Jimmy inquires. “You’re hair is naturally curly.”
Robert is happy to indulge in small talk, pleased that Jimmy no longer seems to be on the verge of a nervous breakdown.
“My mom used to do this fairly often and then my sister kept on asking for me to make her look like mommy every morning.”
“Aww, little Robert curling his little sister’s hair. Must've been quite a sight.”
“I’d be careful with my words having a curling iron so close to my face,” Robert says with no malice in his words.
They both laugh, their eyes meeting in the mirror’s reflection.
“There you go, love,” Robert says, ruffling his hand through Jimmy’s newly formed curls after putting some hairspray in to hold them in place.
“You know what? It doesn't look half bad,” Jimmy declares, thoroughly inspecting his reflection.
Peter Grant knocks on the door once more, shouting obscenities addressed at both of them. When he starts threatening to take away their alcohol privileges for the night, they both know it’s really time to go.
“Give me a kiss, will you?” Jimmy asks, palm on the door handle.
Robert eagerly pulls the other man for a chaste kiss and he’s also the one to end it, because Jimmy goes on and on and while he’d love nothing more than let go, Peter is really going to kill them if they don’t go.
“Thanks, love. Let’s go rock.”
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sea-of-years · 8 years ago
Author’s note: it’s my first time posting anything I’ve written - so please please be understanding. English isn’t my first language so I’m deeply sorry if there’s something unnatural or my mistakes make it impossible to enjoy. Peace!
Also I think I should state it here that it’s a beginning of a multi chaptered story I hope I’ll write ;) It’s a totally AU fanfic, with main characters (very-not-)loosely based on two certain rockers - Jimmy Page and Robert Plant (Jimbert) from Led Zeppelin.
Percy was bored. He knew the little town of Ligotte inside out and he couldn’t think of anything to do here. Well, except for maybe a little physical… exercise. But he doubted that a small brothel here offered anything to his liking. You see, Percy had some unusual interests in that matter. Well, for him it was only natural but there were not many Warriors like him.
Ok, he was as gay as they get.
Nonetheless, by late evening he was wandering the narrow streets and found himself at the door of the brothel. It was as if something was pulling him to the small and quite dilapidated house. He thought ‘why not?’ and came inside. He doesn’t even want to think about how the insides of the house looked like - it was certainly only fit for primitive townsmen to come for a cheap fuck. But after a quick word with a keeper he found himself mildly surprised because there was in fact a 'manwhore’ available. He was led further, into a corridor so stinky that it nearly made him turn around and come back to the inn he was staying at. But again, not only was he bored but felt this strange pulling, driving him forward.
The keeper shown him to a small, dimly lit room and told him that his fuck will arrive shortly and that he could do anything he wanted with 'it’. Percy cringed at the wording - he did like fucking a whole lot but he always tried to be gentle or at least humane to his temporary companions which didn’t seem to be a thing here. After a short while, which Percy spent on a bed relaxing, the door opened a crack and a silhouette clad in a dark hooded robe came into the room. Quite surprised by prostitute’s appearance Warrior wanted to ask what’s about the whole hooded business but a soft, quiet voice interrupted him.
- Some customers don’t want to see my face - a figure slumped his shoulders and bowed his head so a few long dark locks fell from under the hood - but of course you can do as you please, Sir. 
Percy was pleasantly surprised and not by his companion’s words but by the choice of words and his accent. He seemed too well spoken for a bitch from a small town and his accent betrayed his foreign roots.
- You’re from the east, aren’t you? - asked Percy
- Yes, Sir. - the figure seemed to straighten up a little as if in surprise, but it was hard to tell as his face was still covered by the hood.
- Oh, me too. I already feel like it’s going to be a pleasant night. - Warrior said with a smile - But is there something wrong with your face?
- Yes, Sir. - a very soft voice answered. When he realized that it wasn’t enough of an answer for Percy he continued - Some customers say I’m possessed, that my eyes haunt them… And I’m a man. Many don’t want to see my face just because it’s easier to pretend I’m a woman.
Percy was dumbfounded. Why rent a man prostitute when you want to have sex with a woman? It must have shown in his eyes because the prostitute continued in a voice even quieter than before.
- I’m the cheapest fuck here, Sir. 
Oh. Little towns and their mentality. In bigger cities men prostitues were cherished and often expensive just because they were harder to get. But Warrior didn’t come here to have long conversations, pleasant or not (and this one was quickly becoming the 'not’ kind)
- Alright, come here… What’s your name?
- Everyone calls me Pagey, Sir.
- Pagey, hmm. Come here then. And I’m Percy, you don’t have to call me sir every time.
Pagey slowly approached the bed on which his customer was relaxing. He stood awkwardly by its side until Warrior took his hand and literally pulled him on top of himself. By then Pagey seemed to follow some algorithm. He opened Percy’s trousers and started licking and sucking on his cock. When it was standing happily against Warrior’s hard abdomen he lifted his own robe and in one swift movement straddled a quite startled Percy and took his whole length in one go. To say that Percy was astonished was an understatement. Nobody has ever taken him whole without preparation before. And without a sound. When he felt Pagey tremble and try to move he’s had enough. He flipped them so he was on top and growled.
- Stop. - he took Pagey’s frail wrists and pinned them above his head with one hand - What are you doing?! - and with that he pulled the hood from other man’s face.
And now he was truly rendered speechless. What he saw first was a mass of dark curls. Then was a pallor of other man’s face. Then chapped pouty lips. And then those eyes. They weren’t haunting. They were holding universes within their depths. They were dark and huge and speckled with gold and deep green.
And filled with an overwhelming fear.
That managed to pull Percy from his reverie. 
Suddenly a memory filled his thoughts. Memory of a prophecy every children is taught in their earliest days, prophecy many Mystics have spent years studying, and finally a memory of his own days in the Academy learning and analysing said prophecy.
Some of its words are forever lost, but what remained sounds like this:
'The sky is filled with good and bad that mortals never know
Their tired eyes on the sunrise, waiting for an eastern glow 
No comfort has the fire at night that lights a face so cold
Magic writ in black eyes filled with green and gold
The Prince of Peace embraced the gloom
And walked the night alone
With flames from the dragon of darkness his sunlight blinds all eyes’
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